AEG - Secrets - [PDF Document] (2024)

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AEG - Secrets - [PDF Document] (2)

There is always more to discover.

0 2004 Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc. All rights reserved.

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WRITING Sean Bosker, Noah Dudley, Richard Farrese, Andrew Getting, Andrew Hudson, Jeff Ibach, Laura Scott, Doug Sun, Rob Vaux


COVER DESIGN Steve Hough and Mark Jelfo



PLAYTESTING AND ADVICE Sean Holland, Mike Leader, Kevin Millard


DEDICATION To the late Douglas Adams, who always knew where his towel was.

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Introduction ......................... Chapter I: The Lore of Fanil ibn Kardun .................... 7

Racial Secrets ..................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Bleeding Orc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 End em i c s ........... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

The Secret of Dwarf Children . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 The Noblings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 The Orc-Elf War . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Class Secrets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Barbarian of the Frozen Wastelands .............................. 18 Bard of the Black Crow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Clerics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Seasonal Druid ................................................. 25 Fighter Feats ................................................... 27 Mercenary Ranger Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . New Ranger Feat ....................... Monk Schools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

Sorcerer and Wizard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 New Feats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

The Secrets of Life and Death ...................................... 46

The Secret of Lichdom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Ascension to Godhood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Reincarnation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Resurrection ................................................... 53

Chapter 2: The Cryptic Studies of Alexander Draus Rho ......... 5 5 Fey Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

Fey Magic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 New Fey Ability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Fey Feats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Glamer and the Fey .......................

Ley Lines ................................... Creating a Ley Line ................................ MovingaLeyLine ............................ Associated Domain Benefits and Side-effects

Past Lives .................. ............................ 73 Past Life Feats .................................................. 73

Ancient Magic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Artifacts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 True Names, Cursed Items and Unlocking Magical Items . . . . . . . . . . 81 New Spells ..................................... . . . . . 83 Overextending Casting and Magical Mutations . . . . . . . . . 86

.......... 89 The Nine Dragons of Hell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Chapter 4: Veritas Majere ................................ 93 TheTruth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Soldier ofTruth .............................. Soldier ofTruth Feats .........................

The High Aethyrs ............................. The Keepers of the Box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100

Chapter 7: The Wisdom of Jiao Wu Shen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 Deciphering ..................................................... 103 New Uses for Old Skills .......................................... 105 The Order of the Serpent ......................................... 105

Serpentwarriors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106

Chapter 5: The Order of the Seven Headed Dragon ............ 109 Brother Gerin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109

Advanced Alchemy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 Unstable Potions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Abomination Potions ............................. Sentinel Order of the Protectorate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Chapter 6: The Testament of Kynvok the Hermit . . . . The Secret Cellat of the Winter WolfTavern ........................ 119

The Finest Wine Never Tasted ..................... Slavers in the Cult of Deccan .........................

The Temple of Deccan and its Slave Pit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125

The Senator's Double Life ........................................ 127 Senator Gerontus' Villa ........................................ 127 First Floor .................................................... 127 Second Floor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130

Mishj Tabala, the Fountain of Eternal Life. ......................... 131 Kynvoks Poisoned Spring ...................................... 132

Rebellion in the Temple of Akolon ................................ 134 First Floor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 Second Floor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138

Chapter 8: The Mad Ravings of Gilibran the Old . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141 The Point of allThis .............................................. 141

Chaplain 11 . . . . . . . . 144 New Granted Powers for Existing Domains

Appendix: More Secrets ................................ 149

And Their Keepers ........................... Player Handouts . . . . . . . . . 153

Handout 1: Magical Lore Mystery . .

Handout 3: Mysterious Device ................................. 156 Handout 4: Dire Prophecy ..................................... 157 Handout 5: Mysterious Map ................................... 158 Handout 6: Blank Scroll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159

OGL ............................................... 160

Chaplain I ............................................... ...............................

. . . . . . . . . . . 148

Secrets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

..................... .............. 154

Handout 2: Forbidden Lore Mystery

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s My Lord,

If this letter reaches you, it means I have failed. The forces of our Adversary have tracked me too closely, and I have been unable to elude them. They have found me before I was able to obtain all of the manuscripts you tasked me to uncover. I pray that I may die with enough honor to atone for my shortcoming.

with this note, you will find what number of the twelve hidden texts I secured before my doom befell me. The servant who carries them knows nothing of their content, though his fate is, of course, subject to your whim. A brief summation of each follows.

As Brother Gerin promised, the Order of the Seven Headed Dragon maintained copies of his journals which he had hidden amongst their stacks. Like him, I needed to infiltrate their brotherhood in order to gain access. I t took six months offaithful service before I finally learned the location of the key to their library. Brother Gerin’s instructions proved most useful in escap- ing the monasteyl before my “brothers” noticed the absence. The journals will provide mystic knowledge the likes of which your mighty kingdom has never seen.

The works of Gilibran the Old and Fazzil ibn Kardun thank- fully lay in the same man’s hands ... may his soul rot in Perdition! we negotiated a fair price for the pages, but he duped my companion and gave us false manuscripts in exchange for our hard-won gold. Long did we pursue the treacherous snake - through fire and mist, and the War of Maker’s Hand itself until we finally uncovered him in the midst of a caravan of pilgrims. The last of his blood stained their holy relics black. Sadly, he did not have the texts with him, but by the time our ministra- tions concluded, he was most eager to share their locale with us. I uncovered them in a forgotten grave, dug on the roadside by theirformer owner. I t was a miracle that looters did not uncover them first.

As you feared, the Veritas Majere had been found by the Adversary before I could claim it. His minions took it by ship to Woeweather Isle, where they hoped to spirit it directly into his hands. I intercepted the vessel with a crew of pirates and send them to the bottom, claiming the book as my sole share of the booty. Countless other treasures went down with the ship, and I had hoped that the Adversary would count his precious text among their number. Sadly, his thirst for knowledge did not die as easily as his servants.

Some five copies of Kynvok’s Testament still exist, scattered throughout the libraries of the civilized world. I purchased this one at auction, outbidding a most determined trio from the Bervedane Wizard’s Guild. Thankfully, they harbored no grudges after I told them what I knew of the remaining four copies. Hopefully, they will give the Adversary some vexation should he try to claim one for himself.

There is no know translation of The Wisdom of Jiao Wu Shen; the text itself lay in a forgotten corner of an old man’s curio shop; I obtained it for the price of a loaf of bread. Less easily obtained was the stone which holds the translation. Border goblins had sacked the city which held i t and razed the ambassador’s home to the gvound. I awived far too late; the ruins stretched out before me for miles, taunting me to find a needle in the heart of a still- smoldering haystack. At first, the goblins returned to trouble me during my search, but they soon left me in peace. After all, who but a madman would brave so much for a worthless piece of stone? The translation is included in this bundle along with with Jiao’s original text.

Alexander Draus Rho’s work proved perhaps the most dificult to trace. Ifeared the Witchfinders would have burned his text by now, but Rho’s fnends among the fey ensured that his knowledge outlived those cursed theocrats. Their price for its location was high - I undertook deeds which would trouble even your worldly brow. But I also saw much of the Fey and their power, and I know now why Rho’s words are so precious. May you use them more wisely than he did, my Lord.

Such was my quest, sought across the corners of this world for these fifteen years. would that I could complete the task you set for me. Alas, my Lord, the Adversary has finally deduced my identity. His servants stalk me from the shadows, smelling my blood with every step. I fear I shall never leave this lonely tower alive. . . but I have ensured that the b i t s of my labor will reach your waiting hands. Forgive me, My Lord, that I must leave your sewice so soon. A more worthy sewant, perhaps, willfinish what I have begun.

The enemy approaches. The hour grows short. My life and soul to you, My Lord. May my death be their equal in devotion.

Your Most Loyal Sewant, Thraxxes Sunchaser

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OICF FROM ABOVE You hold what we consider a unique and groundbreaking tome. While the d20 environment has seen a glut of material in the last four years, 99% of it follows “the new classes, new feats, new spells, new magic items paradigm.” And while this book may look no different at first, we hope its format provides you with something you’ve never seen before.

First off, the chapters are purposely mis-matched and puzzling. This was done with style in mind and if you find it confusing, we apologize now. The sage who put together this tome was not the most adept nor intelligent of lore- masters. His cryptic and scattered notes are designed to enhance game play, storytelling, and epic adventuring. It was our intention from the beginning to take advantage of an often overlooked tool - numerous writers on one book. For once, if the book feels disjointed, it was intentional.

Our scholar-to-be is just a convenient scapegoat. In fact, if he’d realized what he’d had, this material would have remained hidden and lost. After all, the secret of true elves should never be revealed and any man foolish enough to utter a single word about the Fist of Fury monk fighting style, is asking for death.

Each page of this tome is a secret for your campaign world. Each page provides secrets to races, classes, magic, and so on that can only be woven into a game world care- fully. A DM who casually introduces the Barbarians of the Frozen Wastelands from page 18 without first making the PCs fight one, is giving away these treasures.

This book cements years, decades, and even centuries of untold secrets; secrets that left unchecked have the potential to topple kings, ravage entire species, reshape history, or possibly unravel the universe.

But doesn’t that sound like every d20 book? In order for this book to succeed, you must deal out the

ingredients in meager portions. The secrets in this book are not fact until the DM makes them so. They are not canon until the surprise villain at the end of an epic unleashes powerful fey magic upon the unsuspecting heroes. The secrets in this book are not true until a monk completes his training in a secret underground monastery after years of meditation and practice and only if he can pull the proverbial pebble from his master’s palm. They are not and can not be mysteries without an air of suspense.

If you haven’t noticed already one chapter is missing, another is misplaced, and each is attributed to a sage or man of wisdom rather than a topic or area of expertise. Instead, we’ve given each chapter its own voice. Each sage has a unique way of revealing secrets - real or otherwise

- to the reader. Each chapter opens in a fictitious voice either educated, misguided, enraged, or insane. Whose voice you believe is ultimately up to you.

Each chapter includes style and substance, form and function. This book is a gateway to campaign potential and plot twists that DMs can use in new or ongoing campaigns without skipping a beat.

From imaginary new places to lost barbarian tribes; from godless worlds to impossible magic, Secrets is like no other book from AEG. Although not unbalancing, the new races, classes, feats, spells, weapons, domains, and magical orders break the conventional stereotypes and put a new spin on how we game. It would be easy to hold your hand and tell you exactly how to use this book; but in reality we suspect you’ll come up with something we hadn’t thought of.

We realize this book may just be another wolf in sheep’s clothing, but we hope you enjoy reading it as much as we enjoyed making it.

Good gaming.

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TABLE 1-1: WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHEN ld20 Trigger

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RACIAL SFCRFTS I have studied much of the world. I know less than I should, yet still a great deal more than you, dear reader. If youi-e reading this, chances are, I have passed on. But my wisdom is yours should you desire to open your mind and embrace the truth.

And would that I should still breathe, then you are holding books that do not belong to you and may the heavens protect you from my wrath should I find you in custody of my personal possessions.

BLEEDING ORC Among the many humanoid races, none are more of a nuisance than the orcs. Unfortunately, Ifear we have not yet seen the last of them, for these savages are not only ruthless aggressors who carelessly invade our lands, but they breed like maggots.

who among us have not faced an orc in battle? I have never met an adventurer who didn’t, and most travelers eventually encounter such a fiend. Everywhere I went during my long years of travel, I heard the tales of bloodthirsty orc raids against vil- lages, towns, and cities. I learned of remorseless destruction and of merciless murders committed by the savage tribes of the orcish people. And like many would-be heroes, I too, saw such things. Though I hilled many of them - more, in fact, than I care to recall - I fear my contribution to rid the world of these pests is but a meaningless drop of water in this vast problematic ocean.

But I digress, for the true purpose of this journal is about to unfold.

One fact few people are aware of, concerns the existence of a special breed among the orcs - one said to be much more lethal than its mundane kin. Although I have never encountered such

‘5 I ,

believing in the existence ofthis rare creature. My research led me to the discovery of two mentions of this breed in ancient tomes I found buned at the Impenal Library; volumes that substanti- ated and supported the rurnoy of these malevolent beasts. Born among typical orcs, these strange specimens are considered blessed by the gods by their people, but at the same time are seen as a nuisance the tnbe would do best to avoid. One orc out of a IOO,OOO is born thus. Many of them are abandoned by their mothers and don’t survive past infancy, but some are nurtured by their tnbe and mature into respected wamors. What follows is the result of my research on the breed the old texts referred too as “bleeding orcs”.

Personality: Uncouth, unpredictable, and untrust- worthy - even by orcish standards - the bleeding orcs are ferocious, intense, and reckless in every way imagin- able. They are more astute and ambitious than lesser orcs, but their cruel and explosive nature turns them into lon- ers. Many bleeding orcs are abandoned by their mothers at birth, and those who survive are either cared for by other humanoids that were foolish enough to nourish them or taken in by a band of bleeding orcs living in exile. Most of the abandoned ones develop a passionate hatred for their people. Those who were fortunate enough to remain with their tribe, however, are feared and mistrust- ed by their peers, but usually earn enough respect to become productive members of society.

People who meet them and survive believe that the bleeding orcs fear nothing and welcome death, for it is said their bodies are so weak that they suffer incessantly.

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Physical Description: Typical bleeding orcs stand between 6 to 7 tall, weighing anywhere between 100 to 160 pounds. Males are somewhat heavier than females, but the size difference between the sexes is minimal. Bleeding orcs are thin, and most other orcs would perhaps find them emaciated or even of elf-like build. Unlike most of their kin, bleeding orcs appear frail and unhealthy Mostly, this is due to their weird red hued skin, which is marked with countless sores, blisters, and lesions. The flesh of these fiends is so raw it bleeds constantly - hence their name.These ailments are terribly painful to them, but they learn to cope with their sufferings.

Bleeding orcs achieve adulthood quickly, usually at around age ten, and their lifespan is extremely limited. Those few specimens reaching 60 years old are consid- ered venerable elders and are highly respected by their peers. Because they are born with the bloodlust of their people and welcome death, most die in brutal combat before reaching age 20.

Relations: Bleeding orcs are angry and hate everyone, even the gods. Those who live among other orcs remain with them out of necessity rather than loyalty, while those who were abandoned take a particular joy in slaughtering the orcs that left them to die.

Alignment Bleeding orcs have no respect for law or tradition, nor do they care about ethics. They do not believe in any code of behavior save what is necessary for them to survive amidst the harsh and unforgiving world they were born into. Sages believe the bleeding orcs are incapable of developing a conscience. These creatures tend to be chaotic and evil.

Bleeding Orc Lands: Bleeding orcs have no lands of their own. Many live among typical orcish tribes and share their territories. Those abandoned few sometimes regroup, preferring to live in distant hills where they make their homes in hidden natural grottos, forming communities of their own.

Religion: Bleeding orcs do not worship anyone. In fact, most hate the gods who let them incarnate in weak bodies and blame them for their woes.

Language: Orc. Adventurers: Bleeding orcs are ferociously uncouth

but cunningly determined. The rare individuals among them who became adventurers made their mark upon the world. After all, bards still sing the tale of Bleeding Bheerg, whom many sages believe to be the first bleeding orc in recorded history.

Bleeding Orc Racial Traits +2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, -2 Constitution, -4 Charisma: Bleeding orcs are not as powerful as the majority of their kin, but they are still stronger than most humans. Lithe and smart, these specimens are cursed with extremely precarious health.

They are hideous, angry louts. It is nearly impossible for them to learn civilized etiquette and manners. Medium-size: As medium-size creatures, bleeding orcs have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size. Bleeding orc base speed is 30 ft. +2 racial bonus on Will saves and +4 racial bonus against enchantment and charm spells and effects: Bleeding orcs are strong willed and difficult to beguile. +4 racial bonus to all check and saves to resist pain or intimidation. Bleeding orcs live with chronic pain, and are accustomed to the numbness that replaces any remote chance of sensitivity. Hideousness: Bleeding orcs are so grotesque most peo- ple recoil from them. No initial reaction toward a bleed- ing orc can ever be better than neutral, no matter what the conditions. Distracting Banter: Bleeding orcs use their appalling appearance to their advantage. When engaged in combat, they can, as a free action, utter raspy moans to whisper insults at their opponents. All foes within 30 ft. suffer a -4 penalty to their Concentration checks. Spell-Like Abilities: l/day - daze. A bleeding orc with an Intelligence score of 12 or higher gains the follow- ing spell-like abilities: l/day - cause feau, daze monster, hideous laughter, and rage. Caster level 1st. the save DCs are Intelligence based. Darkvision: Like most of their kind, bleeding orcs can see in the dark up to 60 ft. Darkvision is black and white only, but it is otherwise like normal sight, and bleeding orcs can function just fine with no light at all. Light Sensitivity: Bleeding orcs are dazzled in bright sunlight or within the radius of a daylight spell. Orcblood: For all special abilities and effects related to race, a bleeding orc is considered an orc. Automatic Languages: Common and Orc. Bonus Languages: Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Giant, Gnoll, Goblin, and Infernal. Favored Class: Wizard. A multiclass bleeding orc’s wizard class does not count when determining whether he suffers an XP penalty (see PHB). Though they seldom have the chance to learn and practice this craft, the true nature of the bleeding orc lies within the magical arts. If your campaign includes rules for a shaman class, replace wizard with shaman. Level Equivalent: Class level +l.

ENDEMICS Endemic is the name given to a creature hailing from deep in the jungles of the Southern Lands. Long have these eerie human look-dikes been restricted to a secluded environment, but they found a way to leave their ancestral pYison. And now they walk among us.

For thousands of years now, the endemics inhabit our land, consume ourfood, and take advantage of our wealth. For count-

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less generations they mingle with mankind unnoticed, occasion- ally mixing their blood with ours but most often breeding among themselves to ensure the punty of their race. None of them has thus far learned that I discovered their secret, and what 1 am wnting now may very well be my last entry -for my life will undoubtedly be in gwat danger once they know But someone has to warn the world. Someone needs to prevent the fall of mankind.

The endemics are malevolent beings who betrayed and slaughtered their creator. According to their sacred texts - which I was able to translate into the Common tongue - this betrayal brought them the enmity of the other deities, which put a curse upon them. I am uncertain of the true nature of this divine curse, but the endemic homeland fell fiom the “rhythm” of the real world, as if a pocket universe impns- oned them. The endemics were forever forbidden to leave their home and their existence soon passed from memory.

Confined to their pocket universe for centunes, the endemics devoted themselves to the study ofthe mag- ical arts, pooling their resources in hope offinding a way to break out of their impnsanment. They eventually did and returned to our planet. Though the gods who had onginally cursed them died or forgot about them, part of their curse still weighs heavily on the endemics: For it has now become almost impossible for them t o produce children.

our world, and the endemics have wovked long and hard to pass themselves off as hu infiltrate our societies. Though they do look like us, they are much more devious and vile. Since they rarely produce offspnng, their ambttion i s to gradually take over the world by posing as humans.

The endemics’ infiltration into human societies is so subtle that none know oftheir existence. Today, many endemics hold positions of powev, and many a kingdom’s ruler i s such a being standing in for a human.

Physical Description: Physically, endemics are identi- cal to humans. Their height and weight have human pro- portions, and the color of their eyes, hair, and skin are within the range of those associated with humankind. Like humans, endemics have hairy bodies and the males grow facial hair. Unlike them, however, endemics do not sleep. Instead, they enter a comatose-like state from which they shut out the world. They are extremely hard to rouse when they are in this state, but two hours a night is enough to replenish them. This trance is close to a sleep state and the casual observer would assume the endemic is asleep.


\ * *

Many long years have passed since their return to

Personality: Endemics are intelligent, determined, and patient. They believe they are superior to humans in all aspects, save for the fact that it has become extremely difficult for them to reproduce. They are fundamentally cruel, haughty, and proud, but have a firm grasp on manipulation. Since most are blessed with great beauty as well as a strong sense of self-preservation and a keen understanding of human behavior, they appear highly charismatic.

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Since their return to our world, the endemics have had great difficulty reproducing. Though some have spawned with humans, true endemic children are rare. When born, an endemic develops as fast as a human child, but these beings live much longer lives than the humans they resemble. For an endemic, maturity is reached at twenty, but old age does not catch up with him before he turns four hundred. Some endemics live to be seven hundred years old.

A child born of an endemic and a human has no out- standing powers and is in every way identical to humans. The endemic parent usually rejects such an offspring, but some endemics use these lowly children in their scheme of world domination, never revealing their true heritage. Relations: Endemics are usually born and raised among humans, but their endemic parents supervise their progress and teach them to keep their inhuman abilities in check. An endemic quickly learns to be deceitful; an art the endemic culture has perfecte they are proud and strongly believe i endemics do not make friends easily - anyway. Though they often act as thou ly and loyal companions - to blend - endemics rarely develop str outside of their race.

Though they look exactly like act like them, endemics have th spot others of their kind. Endemics are most at other members of their deceitful race, and bec recognize each other so readi strong bonds among themselves.

it is usually after the individual has not only shown he shares the same basic philosophies (such as similar align- ment) as the endemic, but also because he has proven his worth to him. Endemic respect power, and so they are more inclined to bond with strong or powerful people.

Alignment: Endemics are fundamentally evil, but they adhere to a strict code of conduct. They harbor great respect for laws, lineage, and traditions - for those are the only remnants of their once great civilization. Though they do not all agree with each other and are far from living in harmony, no endemic has ever killed another. For most of them, this is a matter of personal honor, but they are also motivated by their need for survival.

Endemic Lands: The endemics no longer have territo- ries of their own. This was before they murdered their cre- ator and turned their backs upon the gods, before the great curse befell them, and before their terrible exile. Today, they are forced to live among humankind, but they hope to rectify the situation. Because they pose as humans and live long lives, endemics have worked their way into positions of power, often becoming part of the ruling body of entire nations. Some conceal their long lives by

If an endemic truly befriends a member of anot

periodically assuming the identity of their human-born child. They do so by murdering their child or grandchild, usually when approaching adulthood by simulating their own death. At first, they use their ability to alter their face, but gradually return to their true form.

Religion: Endemics have forsaken their gods. Since they were cursed and exiled by them, they have trouble putting their faith in any deity.

Language: Endemic. Though all endemic speak the Common tongue, they do have their own language. Combining a vast array of clicking sounds and subtle breath intakes, Endemic is strange and incomprehensible to the other races. The endemics are fanatically devoted to keep their tongue - like their existence - a secret.

Adventurers: If endemic children are inconceivable, the existence of endemic adventurers is even more spo- radic. Mostly, the members of this race who choose the adventuring professions have dissimilar ideas and views than the rest of their peers.

ence +2 Charisma, -2 Strength: Endemics appealing, and adept at manipula-

ey consider physical labor beneath of exercise makes them weaker

than most humanoids. Medium-size: As medium-size creatures, endemics have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size. Endemic base speed is 30.

detectable Alignment: Endemics have a supernatur- aura that prevents anyone from discovering their gnment, as if they were permanently imbued with e spell undetectable abgnrnent.

Mod* Features: Endemics are able to mold their faces and alter their eye, hair, or skin color. This supernatural ability allows them to change their appearance, but only slightly. An endemic may, for instance, grow his hair several inches, turn it gray, or make it curly. He may also alter the pigmentation of his eyes and darken or whiten his skin. Additionally, he may alter his facial features, but he may not take on an entirely new face. Thanks to this ability, many endemics have lived among humans for generations, passing themselves off as their children or grandchildren. This ability is usable once per day and remains in effect for 24 hours. An endemic may choose to discard the alteration to his face, skin, eyes, and hair at anytime before the end of the duration. Endemic effectively gain a +6 racial bonus to Disguise checks. This does not stack with bonus from magical disguises such as disguise selfor alter self. Resistance: Endemics have acid resistance 5 , cold resis- tance 5, and electrical resistance 5. This is due to the manipulation of the great magical spells that allowed them to escape imprisonment long ago.

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+2 racial bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate checks when dealing with humans. Endemics know how to manipulate the emotions of others, and have a great sense of the humanity mystique. Elves and dwarves are another matter, however. +2 racial bonus on Sense Motive and Spot checks. Living a lie makes the endemics paranoid and more intuitive of their surroundings. Natural Spellcasting Ability: Endemics are naturally adept at weaving arcane spells. For the purpose of determining bonus spells and the DCs of his spells, an endemic arcane spellcaster adds +2 to his primary spell casting ability. Low-Light Vision: An endemic can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight. He retains the ability to distinguish Personality: Like their fathers, color and detail under such half-dwarves tend to be suspi- conditions. cious of strangers, but their Automatic Languages: human side makes them more Common and Endemic. open to laughter, jest, and Bonus Languages: Any. relaxation. Once they get to Favored Class: Wizard. A multi- know a person, they can be class endemic’s wizard class quite generous and friendly, so does not count when deter- for the most part they make mining whether he suf- fers an XP penalty (see Physical Description: PHB). Thousands of Half-dwarves stand only 4 to years spent weaving 4% taU, but they are not as stout as magical energies made their dwarven fathers. Though they are them expert mages. powerfully b d t given their height, Level Equivalent: they are slunmer and more agde than Class level +I. dwarves. They resemble humans and,

hke them, come in a range of hair and s h color. Male halfdwarves tend to be broad-

er than femalesThey also grow healthy beards and their skin is covered with a thick layer ofbcdy hair.

Relations: Most half-dwarves live in human lands and blend smoothly with this race. In fact, most of them deny their true identities and pass themselves off as pure

humans. Half-dwarves have no particular love or hatred of other folks, but they do tend

to be curious about the dwarven heritage, which was refused them. Given the chance, most would proba- bly embrace dwarven cultures. However, since the dwarves consider them pariahs - and generally even go as far as denying their existence; or at the very least the dwarven blood flowing in their veins - no half-dwarf in history ever had the chance to learn more about its dwarven ancestry.

Alignment: Half-dwarves enjoy order and most value the law, cherishing and respecting it above all things. Like humans, they neither favor good nor evil.

According to them, mating is Impossible. And all dwawes I talked to sneered at me when I asked what they thought.

what truly amazed me was the fact that even the most intel- ligent and educated among them - like Justicar Kurdun of the Ironfist Clan - refused to accept that coupling between a dwarf and a female from another humanoid race was not unheard of. ~n fact, many songs have been wvltten about the beautiful Dawa, a human female, who won the heart of the dwawen champion Turdin. But there is more to the story than just afairy tale.

Although the dwawes seem unable to produce offspnng with most other races, human females can bear their children.

Half-dwarves are a rantv, but they do exist. elieve me, I’ve meet a few.

friends easily.

HALF-DWARF Rare are the occasions when a dwarf and a member of another race mate. To most dwawes, the idea of an intimate union with a human or an e is ludicrous and repulsive. The concept even is taboo in most dwawen societies. I recently put my hands on a complex dwar- ven article of law, wvltten some two thousand years ago. The arti- cle stipulated that if a dwarf mates with a human, he must be charged with criminal intent. If proved guilty, he may be ban- ished from his clan and never allowed to return to his people. Additionally, ~f a child was spawned from this ungodly union, the infant must be killed.

From what I learned from Kurdun Ironfist, the renown dwar- uen justicar, this particular law was abolished hundreds of years ago, but its effect on dwawen soctety remains nevertheless still important to this day. Rare are the dwawes willing to discuss the possibilities of such a bond with a member from another race. Though fiendship is possible between a dwarf and a person belonging to another humanoid stock, most dwawes entertain the possibility of true bonds with a non-dwawen kin unlikely.

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Half-Dwarf Lands: There are too few half-dwarves for them to have lands of their own. The majority lives among humans and share their territories.

Religion: Half-dwarves have no preferred religion. Like humans, they worship an amalgam of gods, but do find lawful churches more appealing to their orderly nature. metal and stone craft.

Language: Common. Half-dwarves have no language of their own; they learn their mothers’ tongue.

Adventurers: Many half-dwarf adventurers are moti- vated by their curious and acquisitive nature. Though they love to find and accumulate wealth - especially in the form of gems and precious metals - they also love to spend it.

+2 racial bonus on Bluff checks. Although most half- dwarves rarely lie, they are especially adept a t hiding their identity, passing themselves off as short humans most of the time. This helped develop their wit. +I racial bonus on Craft checks related to stone or metal. Like their fathers, half-dwarves are skilled with

Dwarfblood For all special abilities and effects related to race, a half-dwarf is considered a dwarf. Automatic Languages: Common and Dwarf. Bonus Languages: Any (with the exception of secret languages). Like humans, half-dwarves meet all sorts of people and live in all manner of lands. Favored Class: Fighter. A multiclass half-dwarf‘s fighter class does not count when determining whether he suf- fers an XP penalty (see PHB). Like their dwarven fathers, half-dwarves make competent warriors and learn the craft of warfare more easily than most other races.

Half-Dwarf Racial Traits +2 Strength, -2 Charisma: Half-dwarves are strong and fast, but they are also gruff and uneasy around strangers. ivalent for half-dwarf. Medium-size: As medium-size crea have no special bonuses or penalties Half-dwarf base speed is 30 ft. Darkvision: Half-dwarves can see Darkvision is black and whit like normal sight, and half-d fine with no light at all.

a +I racial bonus on Search checks to notice u stonework, such as sliding walls, stonework traps construction (even when built to match the 01 stone surfaces, shaky stone ceilings, and t Something which isn’t stone but that is dis stone also counts as unusual stonework. A half-dwarf who merely comes within 10 ft. of unusual stonework can make a Search check as if he were actively search- ing, and a half-dwarf can use the Search skill to find stonework traps as a rogue can. Although not formally trained, the dwarven blood running in the half- dwarves’ veins make them especially competent with any sort of stonework. Stability: A half-dwarf gains a +2 bonus on ability checks made to resist being bull rushed or tripped when standing on the ground (but not when climbing, flying, riding, or otherwise not standing firmly on the ground). +I racial bonus on saving throws against poison. Like dwarves, half-dwarves are hardy and able to resist toxins. +I racial bonus on saving throws against spells and spell-like effects. Half-dwarves are slightly more resilient to magic than their human parents. +2 racial bonus on Appraise checks. The greedy nature of half-dwarves make them especially good at evaluat- ing treasures.

a creature I mistook for a god. I know better ounter these formidable beings are left

hat struck me once long ago. These not only made from flesh and blood,

but they are humanoids like most of us. There i s a distinction, wever: They are ageless. These tall and splendid beings call themselves pure elves, they are indeed born of elvenkin. Immortal and godlike in earance, these extremely rare specimens are representative of t the first elves were like, millennia ago. Although my exper- in elven history i s limited, I uncoveved the secret of this race

long ago - ever since I had met one of their kind, I wanted to learn more about them.

The birth of an elf is somewhat of a ravlty compared to that of a human being. The birth of a pure elf i s so unusual that it i s an event celebrated by all elves. And the event i s planned long before the actual birth, for prophets can predict the occasion years in advance. It is said that one elf out of half a million i s a pure elf, but there are probably slightly more than that -for I have had the occasion to meet two ofthese wondevful beings in my lifetime.

Personality: Pure elves are stern yet gentle. They lack the sense of humor and joie de vivre so many of their kind are known for; a trait making them appear haughty or beyond the trivialities of a simple humanoid life. In truth, most are kind and generous beings who would give up their immortal life to save another. Because they are blessed with great charm and an innate ability to weave fascinating magic, most people are attracted to them. Pure elves, however, prefer to keep their distances, if only to spare them grief in the future.

Limited Stonecunning: This ability grants a h

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Although most people familiar with Elven would recog- Physical Description: The pure elves are tall, ranging from 7 to 8% in height. Like elves, they are slender and agile. Because of their hollow bones, pure elves rarely weigh over 175 lbs. Although they do not seem emaciated, they are obviously lean, with elongated rather than bulky muscles. Their unearthly grace is legendary

The most unusual trait of a pure elf are his hollow eyes. All pure elves are born with deep-set colorless white eyes, which makes them not only stand out but also look eerily different. They have pale skin and splendid dark hair, which they prefer to wear long and tidy. Like mundane elves, they have no facial or body hair. The face of a pure elf is smooth and youthful, and most are handsome beyond belief.

The beauty of a pure elf is eternal, for the members of this breed do not age. They attain maturity at the age of 110 years and never die of natural causes. Because they are ageless, many believe pure elves are immortal. In truth, pure elves can be killed, just as any other creature. The death of a pure elf, however, is celebrated.

Relations: Pure elves h e s connecting with people. A young others more willingly than on time. Because they are kind an friends or loved ones wither with old age and die is unbear- able to pure elves. So most of them learn the hard way not to get emotionally attached to mortals though inevitably some do. And once a solid bond is formed between a pure elf and another, it lasts for close to an eternity.

Alignment: Pure elves are connected to nature and t cycle of life. Unlike most elves, who tend to enjoy free- dom above all else, the pure elves' connection with nature makes them tend towards equanimity. Most pure elves do not enjoy chaos, though they appreciate the gentler aspects of it, such as art. Pure elves tend to recoil from offi- cial codes of law or behaviors, and most of them refuse to adhere to humanoid-based authorities since they see them as imperfect and easily corruptible. The only code they readily follow is their own personal honor, in which peaceful relationships and kindness are highly regarded. Pure elves are kind, gentle, and sensitive creatures.

Pure elf Lands: Pure elves possess no territory of their own. They live among the elves as full-fledged members of their societies. Because of their mythical birthright, most pure elves hold positions of leadership among elves. Religion: Due to their bond with nature and their unbe- lievably long lives, pure elves tend to pay tribute to nature deities. They rarely worship gods who are chaotic or too rigid, and never pay any homage to gods who recently claimed their godhood.

Language: Elven. All pure elves speak the language of their people. However, there is an old form of Elven called High Elven, which many pure elves speak.

nize many of the intonations of High Elven, the language is too different for them to make any sense of. High Elven is a closely guarded secret mastered only by ancient pure elf sages.

Adventurers: Most pure elves who are seduced by the adventuring life have the potential to become heroes. Since they rarely crave the approbation or friendship of others, they adventure more out of a need to understand the world around them than out of a will to seek out wealth or glory. Many pure elf adventurers seek to protect and nurture the environment, and their adventure often bring them the enmity of those who would want to harm nature.

Pure Elf Racial Traits +2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom, +6 Charisma, -2 Constitution: Although lithe, wise, and undeniably charming, pure elves are considerably less hardy than humans.

edium-size creatures, pure elves ses or penalties due to their size.

sleep effects. Like elves, pure elves do not sleep. To recuperate, they must meditate for four hours each night. 4 racial saving throw bonus on Will saves. Pure elves

are resolute and their will is extremely tough to break. Spell Resistance equal to 11 + Wisdom bonus (if any) + class levels. Pure elves are magical beings and have the xtraordinary ability to counter magical effects thrown

Weapon Proficiency: Llke elves, pure elves receive the Martial Weapon Proficiency feats for the longbow (including composite longbow), longsword, rapier, and shortbow (including composite shortbow) as bonus feats. Pure elves follow the age-long martial traditions of the elves they live with. +4 racial bonus on Listen, Search, and Spot checks. A pure elf who merely passes within 5 of a secret or con- cealed door is entitled a Search check to notice it as if he were actively looking for it. +4 racial bonus on Diplomacy and Sense Motive checks. Pure elves are keen observers of humanoid behaviors. Spell-Like Abilities: l/day - detect magic, read magic, obscunng mist. A pure elf with Charisma score of a t least 12 also has the following spell-like abilities: l/day - detect thoughts, see invisibihtv, whispenng winds. A pure elf with a Charisma score of 16 or higher may also use the following: l/week - geas/quest and mass suggestion. Caster level loth + pure elf's Charisma modifier + spell level.

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Low-Light Vision: A pure elf can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. He retains the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions. Darkvision: In addition to having low-light vision, a pure elf can see up to 60 ft. in the dark. Darkvision is black and white only, but it is otherwise like normal sight, and a pure elf can function just fine with no light at all. Elfblood: For all special abilities and effects related to race, a pure elf is considered an elf. Automatic Languages: Common and Elf. Bonus Languages: Draconic, Gnoll, Gnome, Goblin, Orc, and Sylvan. Pure elves may also choose High Elven as a bonus language. High Elven is a secret tongue, like the special language of druids, and the pure elves guard its secret closely. Favored Class: Druid. A multiclass pure el€'s druid class does not count when determining whether he suffers an XP penalty (see PHB). His intimate connection with nature makes the pure elf especially well suited for the druid class.

fine statues cawed from all sorts of stones and metals to rtchly decorated and elaborately designed rooms and comdors. He made me visit vast mines and grand forges where vartous arti- sans fashioned wondrous arms and armors. He introduced me to the men of his clan, to the members of the royal council, and to the kang under the mountain. In essence, he revealed to me what most people already know about the dwawes.

Level Equivalent: Class level +3.

THE SECRET OF DWARF CHILDREN Tales from the dwawen halls abound. Dwawes are proud of their traditions, their culture, and their heroes. Many songs and poems have been wntten to honor the memory of their most notable achievements, of their glonous battles, and of their great- est monarchs. Countless of their artisans have become renowned jewelers and metal smiths. Scores of heroic adventurers who made their unique mark upon the world have hailed from their great sub-mountain fortresses. But what do we truly know about dwawes?

The answer is: Very little. For one thing, although most dwawes like to boast the accomplishments of their kind, their clan, and dwawen law, very few of them speak openly about their every day lzves or their family ties. Many of us great thinkers believe the dwawes are strange xenophobic beings which we know next to nothing about. And we are nght.

Have you ever heard a dwavf speak about his mother? Have you ever known a dwawen child? Have you ever met a female dwarf? o f course you have not, because dwawes have no moth- ers, no sisters, no wives. And they have no childhood - at least not in the sense most humanoid races see it.

tunity to visit one of the most reputed ancestral halls deep inside dwawen temtory. The under- ground complex fascinated me, and the dwarf who had invited me - a loyal traveling companion with whom I had shared many adventures - was a gracious host. Dunng my visit, my companion showed me wonders beyond belief, from

Some twenty years ago, I had the unfortunate oppor-

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Had my visit ended there, I would have returned home none the wiser. i probably would not have asked about the role of the women tn their society or where they hid all their children and females when visitors like myself were around. i probably would never have dared to inquire about such things, for fear of insult- ing my host and his king. Unfovtunately for the dwawes - but fortunately for me -, there was trouble stimng in the underworld. At the time ofmy vtstt, a large host of deep dwawes, goblins, and other loathsome creatures stormed the dwawen city of K U Y ’ D U ~ ~ , which i was visiting. By attacking the under- ground city of Kar’Dunl, the evil forces broke a treaty that had existed for decades between the dwawen citizens and their neigh- bors, so the dwawes failed to antictpate the attack and were caught off guard.

The siege of Kar’Dunl is now a famous event; one which will be known by all students of history for generations to come. Most people understand that the forces of the enemy outnumbered the dwavf army three to one, that the ctty was besteged for a month and a halt and that the dwawesfin conquerors by the sheer force of determinat not realtze is that i - Fazzil ibn Kardun Righteous Star Magi and the Twelve Stones there, stuck inside the fortified ctty But my stay was most revealing, for ofwitnessingfirst hand the dwawe ered one of thew most important secrets.

One day dunng the great siege I was forced into t i soon found myself in a posttion where I was unable to and the brave butfoolish dwawen wamors who had led me this sttuatton were losing ground -fast. Thetr comma stopped shouting orders and stared at me for long sec eyes were so intense i still remember the inner conflict burning within them, even years after the event. He then made what i suspect was the most important decision of his life. He opened a hidden panel in the wall behind us and ordered us to fall back tnside the narrow comdor behind tt. The wamors then sealed off the wall again, successfully blocking our attackers on the other side. The commander then they led his men and me through a maze of natural grottos, where i uncovered the best-kept secret in dwawen htstory.

Ourpath opened into a wide natural chamber where hundred - if not thousands - of boulders sprouted from the rocky ground. A closer look made me realize all these rocks werefomzed in the shape of a dwavf curled in a fetal position. The dwawes urged me onward, but I found myself enthralled and unable to move. All I could do was gaze at the mawelous stones lying tn the great chamber. There, before me, was the answer to all the questions i did not dare ask the dwawes directly.

There are no dwawen females. There are no dwawen chil- dren. The dwawes were not born like most other humanoids; they were hewn out of the rock!

I stayed for several minutes in this cave, obsewtng the vanous boulders in the form of filly-grown dwawes. i contemplated how each and every one of them was different from the next.


i was amazed how precisely sculpted the stones were - and how much they seemed real. These were obviously not tnanimate statues, but living beings in the development stage of their existence. These were dwawes watting to be born.

When we returned to safety, the dwawen council of Kar’Dunl had many meetings to discuss what to do with me. My compan- ion - the adventurer who had invited me to the great dwawen ctty tn the first place - spoke in my defense, even though this might have cost him exile. The king and his councilors finally decided there was not much they could do. They could not erase the memory of what i had wttnessed, nor could they deny the secret I had uncovered. So they summoned me to a meeting and spoke truthfully

What I learned from them was that dwawes were spawned from sheer rock. For decades, the rocks from which they emerge gradually shape themselves into the form the dwawes will take when they reach the proper age. when the time comes, dwavf younglings break the stony shell impnsoning thew bodies and emerge from their cocoons asfull-grown men -flesh and blood

o look exactly like their stone cocoons. Though they they appear as any other adult dwa$;

ating is that the dwawes have no control the development of their kin. in fact, the

are born can appear anywhere in the underground maze-like grottos. This, they say, is the manner in which the gods made things; thus is how the All-Father created

In their society, a special clencal order is in charge of seeking t these birth-rocks and bnngtng them t o a safe place where ey can insure their protection. The members ofthis secretive yet

important order are called Seekers. From what I can gathev, the Seekers are responsible for the suwival of the race, and thus are undoubtedly the most important members of dwawen soctety.

when I left Kar’Dunl, the royal counctl made me promise never to speak a word about what i had seen and understood. Out ofrespectfor the dwawes and the loyal companion who had invited me to the dwawen underground city, my lips have always been sealed.

are even born with beards.

THE NOBLINGS The elves are a truly fascinating people. They live longer lives than most other humanoid races, they have been around for mil- lennia uncounted, and their culture is one ofthe richest and most diverse ever to grace the planet. Among the many elves I encoun- tered, some were fnendly beings who enjoyed the company ofoth- ers and some were haughty creatures who believed they were superior to most; some were cheeyful individuals whose passion for the art, nature, or even laughter was beyond anything imag- inable, yet there were those who were stern and detached, whose passions and emotions they kept bottled up inside them.

There are several eluen subcultures, many which have their own ancient and glorious histories. Like humans, elves come in many varieties. Individual elf characters are as distinct as

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human beings. Their tastes, talents, and personalities range from a mynad as diverse as any other race. Amidst this plethora are many different groups shanng similar ideas or philosophies. Some have earned my full support and greatest respect, but oth- ers I have come to loath.

One such group calls itself the Noblings. A secretive sect regrouping elves from all over the globe, this order has been around for innumerable generations. Its members are known as the Nobhngs, and their goal is to reclaim what they believe i s nghtfully theirs: The world.

I crossed path several times with members of this fanatical order in the course of my numerous adventures. And each time I was appalled by their audacity, by their lack of scruples, and by their homble cruelty. Dunng my adventunng career, I probably learned more about the Nobhgs than any other group. Although I nsk beanng their enmity by wnting these lines, I share with you now the secrets of this ghastly order.

The Noblings believe the elves once ruled the world. Though other races gradually came into existence, they believe elves were the first humanoids created by the gods. In ancient times, they say, elves were the dominant species and gove - a fact which may very well be t r u e , as el more elaborate and ancient than m supenor to other beings and sho birthnght, which is the entire pla

Although Noblings despise all n loath humans and half-elves. Their hatred of humans Es based on the fact that they reproduce quickly and have evolved atively short time, into the dominant race of the world that the majonty of human society care so little about ronment imtates most elves, but what truly un Nobhgs is that human civilization is constantly evo after year, humankind becomes stronger and more numerous. Month after month, human begins claim more temtories, destroyingforests and stepping all over what was once considered elven lands. Day after day, they are pushing back the elves fur- ther away

What insults the Nobhng even more i s that many humans breed with elves. The prodigy of these unions are especially despised, for they remind the Noblings that their blood - elven blood - can be easily diluted. Not only do humans take over ancestral groves and claim lands which once belonged t o elves, but they pollute a bloodline already on the decline. For a Nobling, a half-elfdesewes nothing more than death. And so do most humans.

Suvpnsingly, the Noblings do not harbor senous resentment towards the o m . In their version of histoq the elves and orcs once lived in harmony. One of the most ancient races after the elves, the orcs learned a lot from the elven masters they once sewed. Though things have changed and the orcs are now a great menace to the elves, the Noblings view them as a potential ally in their war against mankind. Though most orcs loathe elves, they also scorn humans. And the Noblings hope they can use this hatred to turn the orcs into allies in their fight against mankind.

Other races are not as much the target ofthe Noblings’ antipa- thy as humans and half-elves, but they do believe these other “lowly” beings are as much as a nuisance as the humans. Though they do not actively seek the destruction of the dwawes, the gnolls, and other important humanoid species as they do with humankind, the Noblings believe that one day these races will either kneel before them or fall.

The ultimate goal of the Noblings i s to eradicate humans and their descendants - such as half- elves and half-dwawes -for the world. Once they have accomplished this goal, they can con- centrate on the other races and ensure they take their nghtful place as sewants of the elves.

The Noblmgs realize their task is great, but they believe the elven god of holy war and retnbution appointed it to them. In fact, many who led the Noblings are either clencs or fervently devoted followers of this deity, but not all of them follow the teachings of this elven god. When they are summoned to the secret meetings oftheir order, Noblings wear the fine silken blood silken red robes to signal they are followers of the god of retnbu-

eetings take place at different times and never twice place. When awayfrom each other, the Noblings use

well organized and dificult to pinpoint, ells work independently from one

1 ofmembers know the existence, loca- r cells; and even then their knowledge

two. A score of the ruling individu- the eder, has access to pnvileged part of the Noblings and where to ers are part of the elven nobility

er stumble upon a group of elves dressed in blood-coloved ur existence i s forfeit - unless you are an e& but even

then your life might be at nsk; for the Noblings do not tolerate dissention among their brothers, and anyone who oppose them i s

their enemy. Though I am not at liberty to divulge any names here, let me

mentton that once I discovered this group and its agenda, I took it upon myself to inform the highest elven authonties, hoping they would put a stop to the Nobhngs ghastly menace. The authonties in question informed me that the Noblings were part of the darkest penod of elven his toq that no such order existed today, and that they were positive no elven cult was actively prepanng to destroy of mankind. They nevertheless assured me they would look into the matter. To my knowledge, nothing has yet been done.

THE ORC-ELF WAR There is so much animosity between the elves and the orcs that the question of the age-old hatred between the two races requires an answer. Why do elves despise orcs so much? why do most of their rangers specialize in seeking out and killing o m ? why do orcs especially relish destroying elven settlements? why are the orcish tvibes of the northland so eager to conquer elven tewito- vies? Though there are many theovies on the subject, these two

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races have been enemiesforso long that the real answer is known only by a select few.

I am not an expert on elven history, but I am a scholar who enjoys solving enigmas. My research on the subject of the rela- tions between elves and orcs led me to the discovery ofa little- known volume titled “The Story of Varnamen of the Woodland and ErkMardakai True Heart:’ which relate the story ofa sim- ple elven woodsman who fell in love with the daughter of the orc king.

The tale of Varnamen and Erk’Mardakai was once legendary and predates elven written history. The stom however, was ruled as ungodly by the elven monarchs of old and the ancient volume in which it appeared was banned, its copies burnt or otherwise destroyed. A weakened oral tradition prevented stories from being passed on from generation to generation thus, the legend which once inspired peat love and romance was forgotten. The orcs, for their part, deemed the story unfit for their children and soon the name of Varnamen disappeaved from their oral history. Today, very few orcs even remember the name Erk’Mavdakai, and most of those who do remain unaware that the daughter of one of the most revered orcish kings fell in love with a lowly elfwoodsman.

“The Story of Vamamen of the Woodland and ErkMardakai True Head” reveals that in the old days, elves and o m lived peacefully together. Though the orcs were less evolved than their elven neighbors, the two races found common gvound in their fight against the countless mythical beasts haunting these ancient times. Moreovev, the elves provided the more primitive orcs with great knowledge, revealing great technological discov-

eries as well as sharing their history and traditions. Though the o m perhaps never truly appreciated elven laws, they did approve of their art, their crafts, their potent magic, and their solid steel. On the other hand, the OYCS were excellent manual laborers and often traded foodstuf and raw materials, such as quam’ed stones and iron, with the elves, who benefitedfrom such an agreement.

The ptivileged relations between the two races were solidified when the significance of other humanoid races rose. When such races stormed elven fortresses or delved too deeply into orc fands, the two races joined forces to drive back the amies of the would- be conquerors. The text is also filled with details on how the orcs and the elves appreciated their neighbors’ culture and, to some extent, even each other’s company. But what about the central story featured in the old tome? The tale of Vamamen and Erk’Mardakai?

According to the legend, Varnamen was a poor elf who earned a living foraging for food and hunting for pelts. One day, while he was exploring in a wood at the edge of orcish territory he stumbled upon the retinue ofprincess Erk’Mardakai, daughter of the great orc king Mardak. The princess had never met an elf outside of her father’s court and she was curious as to what a commoner such as Vamamen was thinking, about what was troubling the common elvenfolks. She invited the woodsman for dinner and the two shared many tales of their respective peoples. The evening dragged on, and Erk grew gradually more fascinat- ed with the cunning elf. she asked him to remain with her ret- inue while she journeyed through elven lands. Varnamen accepted her invitation.

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A war that still rages on today, though none really understand what precipitated the aggression. Yet there is hope, for the book tells of the broken circlet Varnamen had given to ErkMardakai. According to the legend, if the two pieces of this artifact are found and brought back together, there willfinally be peace between the two races. Whether this is true or not, however, I know not.

As the days wore on, the bonds offvlendship between the pnncess and the commoner solidified. Though it did not take longfor the two to fall in love, Varnamen knew that Erk’s station would not permit her to many a commoner. when her retinue amved at their destination, at the elven capital, Varnamen bid herfarewell and took his leave. He traveled back to the woods and,for several weeks, tned in vain to forget his infatuation with the orcish pnncess.

Fate, however, would have it otherwise. On her way back to her homeland, Pvlncess Erk’Mardakai and her retinue journeyed close to where Varnamen lived. Once he was made aware oftheir passage, the woodsman followed the retinue to make sure the woman he loved reached her home safely. He avoided any con- tact, however, for fear the pnncess would be forced to reject his ever-blossoming love.

One night, Varnamen awoke to the cnes ofan angry chimera. The three-headed monsters of the time were not the mere lowly beasts we now consider them, but truly magnificent creatures able to hold their ground against any dragon. The woodsman quickly realized the chimera was atta ers, so he charged to the rescue. After most of the pnncess’ guards were creature. I t was then that Erk rev Varnamen knelt and askedfor her h her side again, and the pnncess

with the surviving member Varnamen journeyed to the orcish pledge to an elven commoner tra kingdom. I t also angered her fat daughter’s hand to Varnamen. A king ordered his elite guards to escort Varname dom. As soon as the guards liberated him, the w promise to his love and, stealthily, returned to her. He helped Erk escape her father’s fortress and they returned to his home, deep in the elven woods, where they were mamed.

King Mardak wasfunous,for he loved his daughter and could not bare her betrayal. He pursued her and caught up wzth the two at Varnamen’s humble cottage. Erk confronted her father, but the old king did not heed her pleas. He was blinded by his rage and unable to see the love shared by the couple. Varnamen then told Mardak he would never leave his daughter’s side. This enraged the king even more. Mardak charged Varnamen, but his daughter docked in front of her lover just at the king’s axe fell down. Mardak slaughtered his own flesh and blood, and in the process severed the circlet she wore upon her head in two. Varnamen then attacked the king and killed him, but Mardak’s men avenged hts death. Varnamen did not live to mourn the loss of his new wife.

News of King Mardaks murderous rage reached to the four corners ofthe world. The elves were outraged at the king’s action, and especially offended because his men had killed an elf. The OYCS, on the other hand, argued that an elf had murdered their king.

war broke out.

CLASS SFCRFTS Paieous and I were enjoying a discussion of late. Well, I think I’m using the word enjoyflippantly, as I mean her no disrespect, but that woman’s head is ofa bad sort. She honestly tned t o tell me that water and air were ofthe same ilk. I cannot understand her at times, but I can only imagine how difficult it is for her small mind to understand me. I shall remain patient with he5 and guide her mind back to the real worldly.

Now. Where was I in my studies? Editor’s Note: In order to conserve space, the original

lasses were NOT reprinted. It is highly t you keep both this book and your

dbook open when referring to these classes.

THE FROZEN WASTELANDS The bawen wilderness of the far north i s home to but a few species. Among those unfortunate few are the rugged human

rbanans of the frozen wastelands. Living in the midst of the wen glacial plains, these tnbal people are reclusive to the point xenophobia. Despite their cruel and uncouth nature, I must mit I have grown to respect their abilities. Even I would not

encounter one of these brutes in battle. people are aware of the existence of the small clan of

human barbanans thnving amidst the frozen wastelands of the northern steppes. In my youth, I had the unfortunate expenence of meeting these savages when they stormed OUY campsite. I was lucky enough to suwive the encounter, but my traveling com- panions did not fare as well. Years later, as I was searchingfor a great artifact believed to be buned in the far north I met one of these brutes. The meeting was a peaceful one, for the man was cunous - if notfeavful- ofmy magic, and I learned then that the people who live in the northern wastes were a smarter and wiser lot than I onginally imagined.

Following our long exchange, I hired the bavbanan as a guide, and with his help we were eventually able to uncover the item I was searchingfor. My time with him showed me there was more to these people than met the eye. For one thing, the barbanans of the frozen wastelands are as cunning as the white foxes found in the northland. They learned how to navigate the land, they developed methods to suruive the harshest of environments, and - most of all - they have a fighting style that would shame most disciplined wamors.

In the northland kingdoms, the fierceness of these disquieting savages is legendary

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Class Features All of the following are class features of the barbarian of the frozen wastelands.

Northland Life (Ex): Due to the extreme nature of his native environment, the barbarian of the frozen waste- lands is a tough survivor capable of thriving amidst the harshest of climates. At 1st level, he gains a +4 insight bonus to all Survival skill checks made in any cold environment.

At 5th level, the barbarian of the frozen wastelands’ familiarity with his native land is so attuned that he gains a +2 insight bonus to all Hide, Listen, and Move Silently checks made in cold terrain.

By the time he reaches loth level, the barbarian learns how to move swiftly through his homeland while track- ing. He can move at his normal speed while following tracks in any cold environment without taking the nor- mal -5 penalty. Furthermore, he only takes a -IO penalty (instead of the normal -20) when moving at up to twice his normal speed while tracking in such terrain.

Northland Rage (Ex): Like most barbarians, the sav- ages from the north can fly into a fit of rage a number of times per day. Their frenzy, however, is quieter and more controlled. Indeed, the men from the far north also learned to keep their voice and emotions in check during their outbursts.

While raging, a barbarian of the frozen wastelands gains extraordinary physical power and strength of will. In a rage, the barbarian gains a temporary +4 enhance- ment bonus to Strength as well as a +4 morale bonus to all Will saving throws. In addition, they do not suffer an AC penalty while enraged.

Additionally, the northland rage produces a fear effect. Any foe with fewer Hit Dice than the barbarian within 30 ft. of him must succeed at a Will save (DC 15 + barbarian’s

level) or become shaken for ld4 rounds. Those who have witnessed this rage before gain a +2 bonus to their Willpower saving throw. An opponent who successfully saves against the fear effect of the northland rage cannot be affected by the same barbarian’s rage for a period of 24 hours.

A fit of rage lasts for 4 rounds plus the character’s Constitution modifier. A barbarian may prematurely end his rage. At the end of the rage, he loses the rage modifiers and becomes fatigued (-2 penalty to Strength, -2 penalty to Dexterity, unable to charge or run) for the duration of the current encounter.

A barbarian can fly into a fit of rage only once per encounter. At 1st level, he can use his rage once per day. At 4th level and every four levels thereafter, he can use it one additional time per day (up to a maximum of six times per day at 20th level). Entering a rage is a free action, but the barbarian must do so on his own initiative action.

Resist Cold (Ex): At 3rd level, the barbarian of the frozen wastelands become so accustomed to the harsh ele- ments of his native homeland that he gains the extraordi- nary ability to shrug off some of the damage he receives from cold energy. Effectively, the barbarian gains energy resistance 3 against cold, meaning each time he is sub- jected to cold damage, whether from natural or magical source, this damage is reduced by 3 points before being applied to his hit points. The value of the cold resistance increases by 3 every three levels thereafter (6 points at 6th level, 9 points a t 9th, and so on).

Greater Northland Rage (Ex): At 13th level, a barbar- ian of the frozen wastelands’ rage bonus to Strength, as well as his morale bonus on Will saves, increases to +6.

Northland Stride (Ex): Starting at 15th level, a barbar- ian of the frozen wastelands may move through any sort of snowy and icy terrain at his normal speed and without

TABLE 1-1: THE BARBARIAN OF THE FROZEN WASTELANDS Level Base Attack Bonus Fort Save RefSave Will Save Special

4th +4 +4 +1 +1 Northland r a m 2/dav - D - -, --, - . _ _ 5th +5 +4 +1 +1 Improved uncanny dodge, northland life (stealth) 6th +6/+1 +5 +2 +2 Resist cold 6

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taking any damage or suffering any other impairment. However, enchanted or magically manipulated frost, ice, and snow restricting movement affect him normally.

Mighty Northland Rage (Ex): At 19th level, a barbar- ian’s bonuses to Strength during his rage, as well as his morale bonus on Will saves, increase to +8.

Improved Northland Stride (Ex): When he attains 20th level, the frozen waste barbarian can move upon any snowy or icy surface unhindered, regardless of whether it is natural or not.

BARD OF THE BLACK CROW Most people enjoy bards. why wouldn’t they? They are cham- ing, fun loving, and possess every sort of interesting infomation you can think of. Some are highly educated and, among their kind, even considered respected scholars. Others are wondevful pevfomzers who delight in entertaining crowds. Many, however, are charlatans and swindlers, so I would never turn my back on one of these smiling troubadours. There is, however, more to this profession than the average adventuring musician or poet.

I heard of a small cabal known as the Society of the Black crow, which specializes in the art ofdread rather than in chams and enchantments. Although I never met a character belonging to the Black crow Society, tules of their fylghtful deeds abound. These eerie bards are also believed to delve in the dark necro- mantic arts, and many say their hearts are of the purest of evil. Whether these stories are true or not, I could not confim, but their existence is documented.

TABLE 1-2: THE BARD OF THE BLACK CROW Base Attack Fort Ref Will

Class Features All of the following are class features of the bard of the Black Crow.

Demoralize (Su): A bard of the Black Crow with 3 or more ranks in a Perform skill can use songs or poetics to demoralize his enemies, insti lhg them with doubt and weakening their combat abilities. To be affected, a target must be able to hear the bard sing. The effect lasts for as long as the enemy hears the bard sing and for 5 rounds thereafter. While using demoralize, all foes within hearing range must succeed at a Will saving throw (DC 15 +bards level) or be affected by this ability. An affected creature receives a -1 morale penalty to attack rolls and armor class. At 8th level and every six bard of the Black Crow levels thereafter, this penalty increases by 1 (-2 at sth, -3 at 14th, and -4 at 20th). Demoralize is a mind-affecting ability

Induce Fear (Sp): A bard of the Black Crow with 3 or more ranks in a Perform skill can use his music or poetics to cause one or more creatures to become fearful of him. Each creature affected by this ability must be within 90 ft., able to see and hear the bard, and able to pay attention to him. The bard must also be able to see the creature. The distraction of nearby combat or other dangers prevents the ability from working. For every three levels a bard of the Black Crow attains beyond lst, he can target one addi- tional creature with a single use of this ability (two at 4th level, three at 7th, and so on).

To use this ability, the bard makes a Perform check. His check result is the DC for each creature’s Will save against the effect. If a creature’s saving throw succeeds, the bard cannot attempt to instill fear in that creature again for a

Spells per Day Level Bonus Save Save Save SDecial 0 1st 2nd ‘ 3rd 4;h 5th 6th 1 st +O +O +2 +2 Bardic music, 2 - - - - - -

bardic knowledge, countersong, demoralize -1, induce fear

3 0 _ _ _ _ - 2nd +1 +O +3 +3 _ _ 3rd +2 +1 +3 +3 Instill Doubt 3 1 - - - - - , ., ,

3 3 1 - - - - 5th +3 +1 +4 +4 6th +4 +2 +5 +5 Confusion 3 3 2 - - - -

20th +15/+10/+5 +6 +12 +12 Demoralize-4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

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period of 24 hours. If its saving throw fails, the creature stops moving and stares at the object of his fear, taking no other action (other than perhaps moving away from the bard) for as long as the bard continues to play and con- centrates (up to a maximum of 1 round per bard of the Black Crow level).

While the fear of the bard remains in effect, a creature does anything in its power to remain at least 30 ft. away from him. Furthermore, while concentrating its attention upon the bard of the Black Crow, the target takes a -4 penalty on skill checks made as reactions, such as Listen and Spot checks. Any potential threat, such as an ally of the bard approaching the fearful creature, requires a new saving throw against a DC equal to a new Perform check result. Any obvious threats (such as someone drawing a weapon, casting a spell, or aiming a ranged weapon at the target) automatically breaks the effect. Induce fear is an enchantment (compulsion), mind-affecting ability.

Instill Doubt (Su): A bard of the Black Crow of 3rd level or higher and with 6 or more ranks in a Perform skill can use his music or poetics to hinder t single creature. The target affected b within 30 ft. and able to hear his v bard of the Black Crow must b When this ability is used, the t doubt himself and suffers a -1 ing throws. Instill doubt is a m

Confusion (Sp): A bard of t or higher with 9 ranks in a Perform skill can instill confu- sion (as per the spell of the same name) in a creature already induced with fear (see tnduce fear above). Usi ability does not break the bard of the Black Crow’s con- centration on the induce fear effect, nor does it allow the target a second saving throw against it. Throwing confusion into a foe’s mind doesn’t count against a bard of the Black

TABLE 1-3: BARD OF THE BLACK CROW SPELLS KNOWN Level 0 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th

2nd 5 2 1 - -

4th 6 3 2 1 - - _ -

6th 6 4 3 - - - - ..

7th 6 4 4 21 - - - 8th 6 4 4 3 - - - 9th 6 4 4 3 - - - 10th 6 4 4 4 21 - 11th 6 4 4 4 3 - - 12th 6 4 4 4 3 - - 13th 6 4 4 4 4 21 - 14th 6 4 4 4 4 3 - 15th 6 4 4 4 4 3 - 16th 6 5 4 4 4 4 21 17th 6 5 5 4 4 4 3 18th 6 5 5 5 4 4 3 19th 6 5 5 5 5 4 4 20th 6 5 5 5 5 5 4


Crow’s daily limit on bardic music performances. A Will saving throw (DC IO + %bards level +bards Cha modifi- er) negates the effect. This ability affects only a single creature (but see mass confusion, below). confusion is an enchantment (compulsion), mind-affecting ability.

Spook (Su): A bard of the Black Crow of 9th level or higher with 12 or more ranks in a Perform skill can use music or poetics to spook a single enemy, thus impairing his combat capability. For every three levels a bard attains beyond 9th, he can target one additional creature with a single use of this ability (two at 12th level, three at Isth, and four at 18th). To spook, a bard must sing and an enemy must be able to hear his song. The effect lasts for as long as the target hears the bard sing and for 5 rounds thereafter. A spooked creature must attempt a Will save (DC 15 + bards level) or suffer a -2 morale penalty to attack rolls and damage, a -2 morale penalty to armor class, as well as a -4 morale penalty on all Will saves. Additionally, the spooked creature loses all temporary hit points he currently has, if any. Spook is a mind-affecting ability.

ak of Fear (Sp): A bard of the Black Crow of 12th her with 15 or more ranks in a Perform skill

tter a dreadful croak, which creates the fear spell upon a single creature.

The targeted creature is allowed a Will save to avoid the worst of the effect, but a successful save still results in the target being shaken for one round. The DC of the Will

ing throw is equal to a Perform check result from the bard of the Black Crow. Using this ability requires a stan- dard action, and it functions on a single target within 90

of the bard. Inspire Guile (Su): A bard of the Black Crow of 15th

level or higher with 18 or more ranks in a Perform skill can use music or poetics to inspire tremendous cunning and deceitfulness in himself or a single willing ally with- in 30 ft. For every three bard levels the character attains beyond lsth, he can inspire guile in one additional crea- ture. To inspire guile, a bard of the Black Crow must sing and his target must be able to hear his song for a full round. A creature inspired by this ability gains a +4 enhancement bonus his to Intelligence and Charisma scores. In addition to the normal benefit granted by these enhanced ability scores, the inspired creature gains an additional +2 insight bonus to Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, and Sense Motive checks. The effect lasts for as long as the ally hears the bard sing and for up to 5 rounds thereafter. Inspire guile is a mind-affecting ability.

Mass Confusion (Sp): This ability functions like con- fusion, above, except that a bard of 18th level or higher with 21 or more ranks in a Perform skill can target the confusion effect simultaneously with any number of crea- tures already under the influence of his induce fear abili- ty (see induce fear on previous page). Mass confusion is an enchantment (compulsion), mind-affecting ability.

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A cleric of at least 5th level can perform an act of faith. Once per day, he may choose to forgo his highest level domain spell in order to carry out an action that not only

proves his devotion to a particular deity and its ethos, but that also truly displays the potency of the divine power granted him by his god. At loth level and

every five levels thereafter (15th and 20th level), the cleric gains access to more impressive acts of faiths. Although he may be able to choose from two, three, or even four different acts of faith after loth level, the cleric may still use only one each day.

Acts of faith vary according to the cleric’s alignment.

’ Chaotic Evil A chaotic evil cleric of 5th level or higher can animate dead, per the spell, as an act of faith.

A loth level, the chaotic evil cleric gains the ability to summon any chaotic evil crea- ture as the summon monster spell equal to the

level of his highest domain spell. At 12th level, he could summon a babau demon since he

could trade his highest domain spell level for a summon monster VI spell. At 17th level, he could

use this ability to summon a hezrou demon, per the summon monster IX spell by foregoing his 9th level

domain spell. At 15th level, the chaotic evil cleric can tap into the life

essence of living beings within 30 ft. of him. When this act of faith is triggered, all living creatures within the area of effect must succeed at a Will save (DC 10 + cleric’s level + cleric’s Wisdom modifier) or take ld4 points of damage for every two cleric levels. The cleric gains the total amount of damage delivered as temporary hit points,

CLERICS Every relipon has its own beltefs, its ntuals, and its history. Every faith has t ts mythos, tts intnnstc secrets, and its endemic clergy. There are countless cults. Some are major reltgtons play- tng an active and concrete role tn shaptng of the world’s history, while others are small cults standing tn the shadow waiting to take thew place in the sun. Among the vanous enttttes worshtped by mortals are those who bestow their most devoted followers with uniquely interesting divine powers. Although I am certain there are many god-given abilities I am unaware of-for there are so many different churches on the planet - I have never- theless come across a few which truly intrigued - or even impressed - me.

Acts of Faith Some truly devoted men and women of the cloth have the abili- ty to channel the power granted to them by their god, creating inimitable supernatural effects. Although most clerics never in their lifetimes figure out how to manipulate such potent energies, the secret of molding the power granted to them by their deity is known by a select few. I once went on a grund adventure with a man known simply as Felan. A kindly man, Fehn - a priest dedicated to the god of light - displayed abilities I never expect- ed from a cleric. Evidently, there is more to these blind followers of the faith than meet the eye.

which dissipate at a rate of 1 per minute. To use this abili- ty, the cleric must spend SO XP per living creature within the area of effect.

A 20th level chaotic evil cleric may instantly slay any living creature with a successful melee touch attack. The deadly effect of this act of faith remains active for up to a number of rounds equal to 1 plus the cleric’s Wisdom modifier or as soon as it is discharged, whichever comes first. If the cleric is unable to hit a foe with a successful touch attack by the end of this time period, his act of faith is lost for the day. A living creature hit by this deadly attack dies immediately, with no saving throw allowed. The cleric must spend 100 XPs for each Hit Die of the creature he kills in this manner.

Chaotic Good At 5th level, the chaotic good cleric gains the ability to walk on thin air, as per the air walk spell, but with the exception that the ability functions only on himself.

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At loth level, the chaotic good cleric gains the ability to summon any chaotic good creature as the summon monster spell equal to the level of his highest domain spell. At 11th level, he could summon a celestial dire lion since he could trade his highest domain spell level for a summon monster VI spell. At 16th level, he could use this ability to sum- mon a lillend or Id3 djinni, per the summon monster VIII spell by foregoing his 8th level domain spell.

When he attains 15th level, the chaotic good cleric can cause greater harm to undead creatures around him. The use of this ability functions as per a turn undead attempt, except that the cleric affects twice as many undead as he would normally. Additionally, all undead creatures affect- ed by his turn suffer 1 hit point of damage per cleric level. The use of this ability costs the cleric 50 XPs for every undead he affects in addition to those he would have nor- mally turned.

The 20th level chaotic good cleric can attempt to kill any non-good creature with a successful melee touch attack. When this act of faith is triggered] it remains in effect for a number of rounds equal to I plus the cleric’s Wisdom modifier, or as soon as it is discharged] er comes first. If the cleric is unable to hit a foe with a suc- cessful touch attack by the end of this time period, his act of faith is lost for the day. When this deadly ability is dis- charged by the cleric’s touch attack, the target instantly disintegrates into dust, regardless of whether it is living or undead. No saving throw is allowed. The cleric must spend 100 XPs per Hit Die of the creature slain in th’ manner.

Chaotic Neutral Beginning at 5th level, the chaotic neutral cleric can slow those around him, as per the spell of the same name.

At loth level, the chaotic neutral cleric gains the ability to summon any chaotic or neutral creature as the summon monster spell equal to the level of his highest domain spell. At 12th level, he could summon a chaos beast since he could trade his highest domain spell level for a summon monster VI spell. At 13th level, he could use this ability to summon a ld4+1 medium elementals, per the summon monster VII spell by foregoing his 7th level domain spell.

As an act of faith, the chaotic neutral cleric may gain tremendous resilience. In effect, his body gains a Hardness equaling half his caster level + his Wisdom modifier for a period of up to 1 hour per level. This ability requires the cleric to spend 50 XPs for every hour he keeps this act of faith in effect.

A 20th level chaotic neutral cleric can manipulate prob- abilities and, as an act of faith, he can change the result of any one roll of the die. Whenever the cleric misses an action due to a die roll (such as a failed attack roll, saving throw, or skill check), he can declare the action a success just as if he had taken 20, and thus ignoring the actual die

result. The use of this act of faith is a free action. He must spend 50 XP for every point separating his actual roll of the dice and 20; thus changing the result of a 5, which could be a failed save for instance] would cost the cleric 750 XPs.

Lawful Evil Beginning at 5th level, a lawful evil cleric may trigger a fear effect once per day. This ability functions as per the spell of the same name a t a caster level equal to the cleric’s level.

At loth level, the lawful evil cleric gains the ability to summon any lawful evil creature as the summon monster spell equal to the level of his highest domain spell. At 12th level, he could summon a chain devil since he could trade his highest domain spell level for a summon monster VI spell.

At 15th level, the lawful evil cleric can boost the effec- tiveness of undead under his control. This act of faith allows him to instill a +2 divine bonus to the attack and damage rolls of a number of undead. To determine the amount of undead affect, the cleric must attempt to com-

r of undead that would normal- n is the amount of undead ben- h. The use of this ability costs

the cleric 50 XPs per undead affected and lasts for a num- ber of minutes equal to his cleric level.

At 20th level, the lawful evil cleric can permanently estroy the spirit of a dead creature, thus preventing it

being raised. The use of this ability requires the enditure of 100 XPs per Hit Dice of the creature affect-

ed. It takes a full round action for the cleric to perma- nently destroy the essence of a victim, and such a target must already be dead when he initiates this act of faith. The creature returns in the form of an undead creature based on the manner in which he died (madness creates an allip, hopelessness creates a ghost, fire creates a skele- ton, and so on).

lawful Good At 5th level, a lawful good cleric may walk upon water, as per the water walk spell with the difference that this abil- ity functions only for himself and lasts for a number of hours equal to his cleric level.

At loth level, the lawful good cleric gains the ability to summon any lawful good creature as the summon monster spell equal to the level of his highest domain spell. At loth level, he could summon a celestial black bear since he could trade his highest domain spell level for a summon monster v spell.

At 15th level, the lawful good cleric’s act of faith allows him to cure an undead creature from its abominable state. To determine the highest level of undead the cleric can cure, he must attempt to turn undead. The maximum Hit

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Dice he would normally affect with his turning attempt is the amount he can instantly cure.This is not considered the use of a Turning check, but is considered the use of a domain spell. The use of this ability costs the cleric SO XPs per HD cured. Once cured, the body is turned to dust, the creature’s soul is returned to the realm of the death, and any benign effects that were a result of the undeads presence are removed (haunted house becomes livable, etc.,).

At 20th level, the lawful good cleric can raise the dead regardless of the manner in which they were killed, or how long ago. The use of this ability requires the expendi- ture of 100 XPs per Hit Die of the creature brought back to life. If a lawful evil cleric has used his 20th level act of faith to destroy the creature, the expenditure is 250 XP per Hit Die.

Lawful Neutral As an act of faith, the lawful neutral cleric of 5th level or higher can discern lies, as

A loth level, the lawful to summon any lawful or neutral crea monster spell equal to the level of his hi At 12th level, he could summon trade his highest domain spell lev VI spell.

The 15th level lawful neutr tive energy more efficiently When this act of all cure spells cast thereafter restore twice as m points as usual. This ability remains in effect for hour for every four cleric leve spell boosted by this act of faith, the cleric must s XPs in addition to the regula

temporary hit points equal to twice his Wisdom modifier for every cleric level he has (thus a 20th level cleric with a Wisdom modifier of +4 would gain 160 temporary hit points) for as long as he does not attack or use harmful spells against anyone. The use of this act of faith costs 200 XPs for every point of Wisdom the cleric has.

At 20th level, the neutral c

Neutral Good The 5th level neutral good cleric can produce mass quan- tities of food and water. This act of faith functions exactly as per the create food and water spell.

At loth level, the neutral good cleric gains the ability to summon any neutral good creature as the summon monster spell equal to the level of his highest domain spell. At 11th level, he could summon a celestial orca whale (so long as he was in an aquatic or watery environment) since he could trade his highest domain spell level for a summon monster VI spell.

At 15th level, the neutral good cleric can remove the ail- ments of any or all creatures within 30 ft. of him. This act of faith functions as per the combined effects of a remove

blindness/deafness, remove curse, remove disease, remove fear, and remove paralysis spell and can affect a maximum of one creature per cleric level, all of which must be within 30 ft. of the cleric. The cleric must spend 50 XPs for each benefactor of this ability.

When he reaches 20th level, the neutral good cleric can free any creature from an imprisonment spell, as per the freedom spell. Alternately, he may imprison any evil crea- ture as though using the imprisonment spell. The use of this act of faith requires the expenditure of 100 XPs for every Hit Dice of the freed or imprisoned creature.

Neutral Evil The neutral evil cleric can, as an act of faith, create deeper darkness, as per the spell of the same name except that the cleric can see normally within this divine darkness.

A loth level, the neutral evil cleric gains the ability to summon any neutral evil creature as the summon monster

the level of his highest domain spell. At 14th d summon a huge fiendish monstrous scor-

e could trade his highest domain spell level

ric of 15th level or higher can instill him. Allies affected by this e bonus to Strength and

ion as well as a +2 morale bonus on Will saving penalty to AC. Up to one

et per cleric level can be affected by this act of faith, the cleric must spend SO XPs for each enraged ally

ic gains the ability to slay y creature with 100 or fewer hit points. The creature tar-

geted by the cleric is not allowed a saving throw to resist this effect, but it must be able to hear the cleric’s voice and be within 90 ft. of him. The neutral evil cleric must spend 100 XPs for each Hit Dice of the creature slain with this act of faith.

’True’ Neutral At 5th level, the true neutral cleric’s act of faith allows him to cause blindness/deafness or remove blindness/deaf- ness, per the spell.

At loth level, the neutral cleric gains the ability to sum- mon any chaotic neutral, lawful neutral, neutral good, or neutral evil creature as the summon monster spell equal to the level of his highest domain spell. At 18th level, he could summon a leonal guardinal since he could trade his highest domain spell level for a summon monster IX spell.

The true neutral cleric of a t least 15th level can turn a group of creatures invisible, as though casting the mass invisibility spell. Additionally, for as long as this effect remains active, all invisible allies gain the benefit of both a mage armor and a shield effects, as per the spells. The cleric must spend 50 XPs per creature affected by this act of faith.

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SEASONAL DRUID Druids are often regarded as the defenders of the wild, as the guardians of the fvagzle balance between the natural order and the civilized world. In some societies, druids are revered or ele- vated to the ranks of leaders of their church or state. In other regions, they are considered panahs who oppose technological growth and, to some extent, the development of mankind. Inevitably, their ability to change their shape and assume the form ofanimals or beasts stnkesfear into the hearts ofmost who would oppose them. The mapnty of druids are indeed able to alter their form, but there exist a secret cabal whose member

speaalize in the seasonal cycle and do not possess the ability to shape change.

Although still closely tted to wild animals, druids who specialize in the study and

control of the seasons are more interested in the flora than the fauna. One ofthese seasonal druids once told me the cycle of the seasons i s a constant even the gods

could not hope to alter. This wise old man believed that the most important task he could endeavor was to ensure the planet continued to thnve dunng all the various times of years - even under the harshest conditions. Myfnend, as I came to call him, was a winter druid fYom this secretive cabal. His power was greatest in the winter, but waned dunng the summer months.

He revealed to me some of the most important secrets of hts

Class Features llowing are class features of the seasonal

Nature Sense (Ex): A seasonal druid gains a +2 insight bonus on Knowledge (nature) and Survival checks. During his preferred season, this bonus is

augmented to +4. During his off season, however, it is reduced to +o. For example, an autumn druid would gain a +4 bonus to his Knowledge (nature) and Survival checks during the autumn, but this bonus would be reduced to +2 during the summer and winter months, and to +O dur- ing the spring.

Preferred Season: There are four types of seasonal druids, and each type has a season of preference. During their season of choice, seasonal druids gain extra benefits to their spellcasting or other abilities. However, they might not be as well equipped during their ‘bff season”. The four seasons are autumn, spring, summer, and winter. Summer and winter are opposed to one another, as are autumn and spring. In other words, a winter druid is at his best in winter and at its worse during the summer months, and vice versa.

The four types of seasonal druids, each of them part of the same cabal and as essential as their counterparts, are: the autumn druid, the spring druid, the summer druid, and the winter druid.

~ ~ x c ”

A true neutral cleric of 20th can imbue an object or location (up to a lo-ft. cubeflevel) with either antipathy or sympathy (cleric’s choice) as per the spell of the same name. The chosen effect remains active for up to one week per cleric level, but the cleric must spend 100 XPs for the first week plus SO XPs for each additional week he wants the power of this act of faith to remain in effect.

ALTERNATE RULE FOR TURNING All attempts to turn undead deal damage instead of

turning. Each undead that would have been turned by the cleric, instead suffer an amount of damage equal to the maximum level of undead affected by the turning. Thus, if a cleric’s turning check determines he can turn undead of up to 5 Hit Dice with this attempt, the undead facing him suffers s hit points of damage instead. Turning dam- age is still rolled to see how many undead are affected by the cleric’s faith.

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Druids of autumn are called wind bringers or breath shapers, and they specialize in manipulating air currents and electrical energies. Their favorite elemental is made of air and they have an in depth understanding of elec- tricity. A wind bringer’s off season is spring, and it is dur- ing this time his powers are at their weakest.

Druids of spring are called renewers or rebirth druids, and their area of expertise is the element of water. They have a superior understanding of water elementals and the energy of acid, which is in great part comprised of water. The off season of a renewer is autumn.

Druids of summer are$called growth druids or, more rarely, fire masters. They are experts a t shaping the ener- gies associated with the element of fire. A growth druid is weakest during the winter, which is his off season.

Druids of winter are called white druids or masters of the dead season, and they command cold elements and energies. During the summer, a master of the dead sea- son’s powers are diminished.

Seasonal Spellcasting (Su): The seasonal druid‘s pow- ers are enhanced during the three months making up his season of choice. Starting at 2nd level, all spells he casts during his preferred season are at a +2 caster level. Although this does not change the number of spells per day the druid can cast, it affects any numerical modifiers associated with these spells (such as range, number of tar- gets, duration, the DC of the saving throw required, dam- age die, etc).

TABLE 1-4: THE SEASONAL DRUID Base Attack Fort Ref Will


In campaigns where there are two seasons (summer and winter for instance) that are 6 months each or more, the druid cast spells as a +I caster level.

Seasonal Stride (Ex): Also at 2nd level, a seasonal druid may move through any sort of undergrowth (such as natural thorns, briars, overgrown areas, and similar ter- rain) at his normal speed and without taking damage or suffering any other impairment all year round except dur- ing his off season. When in his season of choice, in addi- tion of being able to move through such terrain normally, he may add 10 ft. to his base overland movement. It is important to note that thorns, briars, and overgrown areas that have been magically manipulated to impede motion still affect him.

A summer druid, for instance would gain the benefit of this ability during the spring, summer, and autumn (nine months per year) and gain an additional +IO ft. to his over- land movement speed during the three months of sum- mer. However, he would lose the seasonal stride ability during the winter, when the summer druid’s connection with nature is at its weakest.

Energy Resistance (Ex): Starting at 4th level, a sea- sonal druid gains the extraordinary ability to resist one specific type of energy. Since each season has a specific type of energy associated with it (see preferred season, above), a seasonal druids energy resistance varies according to the type of druid he is: autumn druids are able to resist electricity, spring druids are well equipped to resist acid,

SDells Der Day . . Level Bonus Save Save Save Special 0 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th ‘6th 7th 8th 9th

8th +6/+1 +6 +2 +6 Energy resistance 10 6 4 3 3 2 - - - - -

_ _ -

20th +15/+10/+5 +12 +6 +12 Energyresistance (immunity), 6 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 energy storm

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summer druids gain fire resistance, and winter druids are well adapted to cold. In effect, the seasonal druid gains either electricity resistance 5, acid resistance 5 , fire resis- tance 5, or cold resistance 5.

At 8th level and every four levels thereafter, the season- a1 druids resistance augments by 5 (10 at 8th level, 15 at 12th, 20 at 16th). When the druid reaches 20th level, he becomes totally immune to all forms of attacks from this specific type of energy and ignores all damage received from such energy sources.

Summon Elemental (Su): Once per day, a seasonal druid of 5th level or above can summon a small elemental of the type he is most familiar with. The elemental acts as his servant for a number of hours equal to one-fifth the druids level plus his Charisma modifier (one hour mini- mum). At 7th, 9th, I l th , 13th, and 15th level, the elemen- tal serving the druid becomes gradually more powerful, as shown in Table 1-4: The Seasonal Druid. When the sea-

bonus to both his Strength and Constitution scores. At 18th level, these bonuses are doubled. He loses this bene- fit as soon as his preferred season ends.

Endure Elements (Su): At loth level, the seasonal druid gains the benefit of a permanent endure element spell. This supernatural ability is always in effect.

Summon Elemental Swarm (Su): This ability, gained at 17th level, improves the seasonal druids ability to sum- mon elemental servants. He may now summon a whole elemental swam, as per the spell of the same name. The druids summoning, however, is still restricted to the type of elemental determined by his season of choice (air, water, fire, or frost).

Energy Storm (Sp): Once per day, the 20th level sea- sonal druid can create a major energy storm. This spell- like ability functions as per the fire storm spell, but the type of damage delivered varies according to the druids preferred season. An autumn druid creates an electncal stown that deals electricity damage; a spring druid fash-

ich delivers acid damage; a summer storm, which works as per the spell; ummons a winter storm dealing cold

this ability, while the spring water elementals. The summer elementals and the winter druid frost elementah*.

" A frost elemental is an extremely rare type of tal. Made out of pure cold energy, frost elemental the same basic statistics as the fire elementals w exception that they deal cold damage rather th damage. Additionally, they possess the frostbite ex nary ability, which functions as the fire element ability, but the victim suffers from cold rather than fire damage. A victim who takes the time to care for the frost- bite can follow the same rules detailed under the burn ability of the fire elemental, but instead of attempting to put out the flames he tries to diminish the effect of the frost upon his skin.

Seasonal Fortitude (Su): From 6th level and higher, the seasonal druid becomes even more intimately linked with his preferred season. He now knows how to tap into the mystical energies of his season of choice and gains extra temporary hit points during this time of year. These extra hit points are lost first and regenerate at a rate 1 per hour. At 6th level, the seasonal druid gains 10 extra temporary hit points. At 12th and 18th level, he gains the benefit of an addition IO temporary hit points for the duration of the three months that make up his preferred season.

Seasonal Vigor (Su): At 9th level, the seasonal druids relationship with his season of choice becomes more inti- mate and his ability to draw upon its energies improves. At 9th level, during the three months comprising his pre- ferred season, the seasonal druids gains a +2 enhancement

In my educated opinion, fighters are an unfortunate necessity ~n Y day and age - especially for the notonous or the nch.

ng the dreg of the warnor classes are those rare individuals have mastered the art of combat, knowing the difference the haft and blade of their weapon. w urbane. those exceptional few who have mastered their art of cut-

tingfiberfvom muscle, I tip my hat.

Damage Reduction [Fighter] You have the ability to shrug off some of the damage you receive with each blow.

Prerequisites: Con 13, Diehard, fighter level 6th. Benefit: Each time you receive a wound from a weapon

or natural attack, you reduce the amount by 1. Effectively, you gain damage reduction I/--.

Special: In addition to the normal feat slot, a fighter must spend 250 XP and 2 weeks in meditation in order to learn this feat. A fighter who spends 500 XP and 4 weeks in meditation may forgo the fighter level prerequisite.

Defensive Stance [Fighter] When engaged in melee combat, you can take a special stance in order to improve your defenses.

Prerequisites: Str 13, Dex 13, Combat Expertise. Benefit: In melee combat, you may adopt a special

defensive stance allowing you to add half your Strength or Dexterity bonus, round down, to your AC (minimum of 1). Your Strength and Dexterity modifier for your own

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melee attacks, however, is then reduced by half (and by one quarter for your off-hand weapon).

Special: YOU may only use defensive stance while fighting defensively. In addition to the normal feat slot, a fighter must spend 250 XPs and 2 weeks in training in order to learn this feat. A fighter who spends 500 XP and 4 weeks in training, does not suffer the Strength and Dexterity penalty to melee attacks.

Greater Damage Reduction [Fighter] YOU are able to shrug off more damage easily.

Prerequisites: Con 17, Damage Reduction, Diehard, Improved Damage Reduction, fighter level 12th.

Benefit: Your damage reduction against weapons and natural attacks is now 3/-.

Special: In addition to the normal feat slot, a fighter must spend 250 XP and 2 weeks in meditation in order to learn this feat. A fighter who spends 500 XP and 4 weeks in meditation may forgo the fighter level prerequisite. A

fighter who spends 1,000 XP and 4 weeks in medita- tion may forgo the Constitution score prerequisite.

A fighter who spends 1,500 XP and 6 weeks in meditation may forgo the fighter level and

Distracting Stance [Fighter]

e- When you fight in melee, your quick movement and unpredictable feints distract your opponents.

Improved Feint

ened squares receive a -4 penalty to their Concentration checks as well as a -2 penalty to their Will saves when You are now an expert a t dealing stun- you use this fighting stance i ning strikes and may temporarily

Special: You may only use defensiv stance while fighting defensively. Prerequisites: Str 17, fighter level In addition to the normal feat slot, 12th, Improved Stunning Strike, a fighter must spend 200 XPs and 2 weeks in training in Benefit: When you successfully order to learn this feat. A fighter a Stunning Strike, in addition who spends 400 XP and 4 weeks to being stunned for ld3+1 round, your in training increases the penalty victim must succeed at a Fortitude save for Concentration checks to -8. (DC equal to the damage dealt) or lose

one temporary point of Constitution. Special: In addition to the nor-

mal feat slot, a fighter must spend You are now extremely 500 XPs and 3 weeks in training adept at delivering crip- in order to learn this feat.

A fighter who spends 1,000 XP and 6 weeks in training increases the DC of the Fortitude saving throw by

pling strikes that you deal greater damage when using such a maneuver in combat.

his Strength bonus. A fighter Strike, Improved Maiming Strike, Weapon J." . wlfo,spends 1,500 XP and 8 weeks

m traming increases the temporary Constitution damage of a successful

Specialization (any), fighter level 16th. Benefit: You no longer suffer any penalty to

your attack rolls when attempting a maiming stunning strike to ld3. A fighter who strike and you can add half of your Strength bonus (if spends 3,500 XP and 12 weeks in training, increases any), round down, to the damage you deal to an ability the DC of the Fortitude saving throw by his Strength bonus score with such an attack. Also, if you deliver a critical hit and increases the temporary Constitution damage of a suc- with a maiming strike, it deals ld8+1 points of temporary cessful stunning stnke to ld3. ability score damage.

Special: In addition to the normal feat slot, a fighter must spend 1000 XPs and 4 weeks in training in order to learn this feat. A fighter who spends 1,500 XP and 8 weeks in training, may increase the effective range of this feat to 120 ft. A fighter who spends 4,000 XP and 20 weeks in training, increases his critical hit damage with a maiming strike to ld8+3.

Prerequisites: Int 13, Combat Expertise,

Benefit: All opponents Constitution score prerequisites.

Greater Stunning Strike [Fighter]

reduce your victim's health.

I Power Attack, Stunning Strike.

Greater Maiming Strike [Fighter]

Prerequisites: Dex 17, I



Improved Damage Reduction [Fighter] You can ignore a greater amount of damage from each blow you receive.

Prerequisites: Con 15, Damage Reduction, Diehard, fighter level 9th.

Benefit: Your damage reduction improves to 2/- against weapons and natural attacks.

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Special: In addition to the normal feat slot, a fighter must spend 250 XP and 2 weeks in meditation in order to learn this feat. A fighter who spends 500 XP and 4 weeks in meditation may forgo the fighter level prerequisite. A fighter who spends 1,000 XP and 4 weeks in meditation may forgo the Constitution score prerequisite.

Improved Defensive Stance [Fighter] Your ability to fight defensively improves and you are even more adept at using your superior strength to defend yourself more properly.

Prerequisites: Dex 13, Str 13, Combat Expertise, Defensive Stance.

Benefit: In melee combat, you may adopt a special defensive stance allowing you to add your Strength or Dexterity bonus to your AC. Your Strength and Dexterity modifier for your own melee attacks, however, is then reduced by half (and by one quarter for your off-hand weapon).

while fighting defensively. In addition slot, a fighter must spend 250 in order to learn this feat. A fighte and 4 weeks in training, does Dexterity penalty to melee attac

Special: YOU may only use i

Improved Maiming Strike [Fighter] Your ability to cripple your foes increases.

Weapon Specialization (any), fighter level 12th.

rolls is reduced to -2, but you can still only attempt a maiming strike once per round and only with a weapon in which you are specialized. Furthermore, the damage you deliver with any type of maiming strike (Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution) improves to ld3 for simple weapons and ld4 for martial and exotic weapons. Finally, critical hits delivered with a maiming strike deal ld6+1 points of damage.

Special: In addition to the normal feat slot, a fighter must spend 750 XPs and 4 weeks in training in order to learn this feat. A fighter who spends 1,000 XP and 6 weeks in training, may increase the effective range of this feat to 90 ft. A fighter who spends 2,500 XP and 14 weeks in training, only suffers a -1 penalty to his attack roll when performing a maiming strike.

Prerequisites: Dex 15, Int 13, Maiming S

Benefit: Your penalty to your maiming strlke

Improved Stunning Strike [Fighter] You can now stun a foe for a longer period of time.

fighter level 8th.

Strike, your victim is now stunned for ld3+1 rounds.

Prerequisites: Str 15, Power Attack, Stunning Strike,

Benefit: When you successfully deliver a Stunning

Special: In addition to the normal feat slot, a fighter

must spend 250 XPs and 2 weeks in training in order to learn this feat. A fighter who spends 500 XP and 4 weeks in training, increases the duration of the stun to ld4+1 rounds.

Maiming Strike [Fighter] You have the ability to strike an opponent’s ability scores, rather than deal normal damage.

Prerequisites: Dex 13, Int 13, Weapon Specialization (any), fighter level 8th.

Benefit: When you select this feat, choose an ability score: Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution. When using a weapon with which you are specialized, whether in melee combat or using it at a range of no more than 30 ft., you can attempt a maiming strike that delivers Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution damage. As a full round action, you can declare a maiming strike. You suffer a -4 penalty to your attack roll and deal 1d2 temporary ability score damage with a simple weapon or ld3 temporary ability score damage with a martial or exotic weapon in lieu of

point damage. Increase the damage by 1 if you o-handed weapon. This damage cannot be

y other means. If you score a critical hit strike, this target suffers ld4+1 damage

Normal: You cannot normally deal damage to an

Special: You can take this feat multiple times. Each

instead, regardless of the type of weapon you use.

ability score.

me, you must choose which ability score your maiming ke will affect: Strength, Dexterity, or constitution. ce you have taken this feat for each ability, you can no

longer take this feat. In addition to the normal feat slot, a fighter must spend

500 XPs and 4 weeks in training in order to learn this feat. A fighter who spends 750 XP and 6 weeks in training, may increase the effective range of this feat to 60 ft. A fighter who spends 1,000 XP and 6 weeks in training, only suffers a -3 penalty to his attack roll when performing a maiming strike.

Multiple Stunning Strike [Fighter] You may now attempt to stun your foes more frequently, and more than once in any given round.

Prerequisites: Dex 13, Str 13, Power Attack, Stunning Strike, fighter level 9th.

Benefit: You may attempt a stunning attack once per day for every three levels you have attained, and no more than once per round.

Special: In addition to the normal feat slot, a fighter must spend 500 XPs and 3 weeks in training in order to learn this feat. A fighter who spends 1,500 XP and 8 weeks in training, may attempt a stunning attack once per day for every two levels, and still no more than once per round.

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Benefit: Your damage reduction improves to 5/- against weapons and natural attacks.

Special: In addition to the normal feat slot, a fighter must spend 250 XP and 2 weeks in meditation in order to learn this feat. A fighter who spends 500 XP and 4 weeks in meditation may forgo the fighter level prerequisite. A fighter who spends 1,000 XP and 4 weeks in meditation may forgo the Constitution score prerequisite. A fighter who spends 1,500 XP and 6 weeks in meditation may forgo the fighter level and Constitution score prerequi- sites. A fighter who spends an additional 1,000 XP and 4 weeks in meditation may increase the damage reduction to 8/-.

Stunning Strike [Fighter] When you deal damage with a weapon you are proficient with, you can attempt to stun your victim.

Prerequisites: Str 13, Power Attack, fighter level 6th. Benefit: You must declare that you are using this feat

before you make your attack roll (thus, a failed attack roll ruins the attempt). Stunning Strike forces a foe damaged by your attack made with a weapon with which you are proficient to make a Fortitude saving throw (DC 10 + )i your fighter level +your Str modifier), in addition to deal- ing damage normally A defender who fails this saving throw is stunned for 1 round (until just before your next action). A stunned character can't act, loses any Dexterity bonus to AC, and suffers a -2 penalty to AC.

You may attempt a stunning attack once per day for every four levels you have attained, and no more than once per round. Constructs, incorporeal creatures, oozes, plants, undead, and creatures immune to critical hits can- not be stunned.

Special: In addition to the normal must spend 250 XPs and 2 weeks in t learn this feat. A fighter who sp in training, increases the DC of t throw by 2.

Superior Maiming Strike [Fight You may now cause permanent maiming strike attacks.

Maiming Strike, Improved Maiming Strike, Weapon Specialization (any), fighter level 20th.

(if positive) to the ability score damage you deal with a maiming strike. Additionally, when you score a critical hit with a maiming strike, your target may be crippled for life. Every day, when he would normally regain I point of lost ability score, your victim must succeed a t a Fortitude save (DC IO + half your fighter level + your Strength mod- ifier) or lose the point from the ability score permanently

Special: In addition to the normal feat slot, a fighter must spend 1,500 XPs and 6 weeks in training in order to learn this feat. A fighter who spends 2,500 XP and 12 weeks in training, may increase the DC of the Fortitude saving throw by twice his Strength modifier. A fighter who spends 4,000 XP and 20 weeks in training, automati- cally deals at least one point of permanent ability score damage.

Prerequisites: Dex 19, Int 15, Maiming Strike,

Benefit: You may now add all your Strength

Superior Damage Reduction [Fighter] You are so tough that you ignore a good portion of the damage dealt to you.

Prerequisites: Con 19, Damage Reduction, Diehard, Greater Damage Reduction, Improved Damage Reduction, fighter level 16th.

MERCENARY RANGER OPTIONS Among the various professions in the world, that of the meuce- navy has always been a mystery to me. Not only do 1 fail to understand why a person would willingly nsk his life to sewe a country, a lord, or a cause, but to do it exclusively for money is beyond my comprehension. For most mercenanes, loyalty to a great master, a powevful detty, or even a noble cause 1s not enough

are they much concerned with their own why would they trade gold for their soul? t men and women who become mercenar-

ies are either extremely bored or totally insane. There are exceptions, of course, and the mercenary ranger is

one of them. Among all the people I have met dunng my long rs of travel, those who called themselves mercenary rangers

among the most versatile, unpredictable, and resourceful. ~n ct, no two such individuals share the same abilities, which -

e at least - is in itselfremarkable.

Note: The following options are designed to be used with the mercenary ranger class, as presented in AEG's Mercenanes. The first 10 options for this class were printed in that book. These new ranger options are intended to suppkment them. Refer to Mercenanes for more details on the mercenary ranger class.

Class Features All of the following are class features of the mercenary ranger.

Ranger Option: A mercenary ranger can select one Ranger Option a t 2nd level, another at 5th level, and every 3 levels thereafter. (8th, I l th , 14th, etc.). The options are listed below and unless otherwise stated, the same option may be chosen more than once.

Option 11: The mercenary ranger may move through any sort of undergrowth (such as natural thorns, briars, overgrown areas, and similar terrain) at his normal speed and without taking damage or suffering any other impair- ment. However, thorns, briars, and overgrown areas that are enchanted or magically manipulated to impede motion still affect him.

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Option 12: From this point forward, the mercenary’s HD improves to d12.

Option 13: The mercenary ranger can now move at his normal speed while following tracks without taking the normal -5 penalty. He takes only a -10 penalty (instead of the normal -20) when moving at up to twice normal speed while tracking.

@tion 14: If the mercenary ranger already has the Alertness or Light Sleeper feat, he can take the new feat, Extremely Light Sleeper (see below).

Option 15: The mercenary ranger is good at setting ambushes. In such situations, the mercenary ranger and his allies receive a +2 competence bonus when determin- ing awareness to see if the enemy perceives them.

option 16: The mercenary ranger is such an expert that, once per day, he can choose a specific creature that is within one of his favored enemy category to become his quarry. To do so, he must study the target for a period of at least IO minutes minus his Intelligence bonus (if any). Once this is done, the mercenary ranger gains a +2 bonus to his Favored Enemy score against this particular mon- ster for a number of hours equal to I + his Intelligence. bonus (if any).

Option 17: Once per day, the mercenary ranger can choose to speak with animals. This ability functions as the spell of the same name cast by a cleric of a level equal to his mercenary ranger level.

Option 18: The mercenary ranger can function normally without food and water for a period of I day for every two mercenary ranger levels. As long as he gets proper nour- ishment for a 48-hour period in between uses, the merce- nary ranger can use this ability as often as he likes.

Option 19: The mercenary ranger can survive damage that might kill less hardy men. Massive damage for you is considered SO + your Constitution score.

Option 20: The ranger is an opportunist. Once per round, he can make an attack of opportunity against an opponent who has just been struck for damage in melee by another character. This attack counts as the mercenary ranger’s attack of opportunity for that round. Even a mer- cenary ranger with the Combat Reflexes feat can’t use the opportunist ability more than once per round.


Extremely Light Sleeper [Ranger] When resting, you remain fully aware of your surround- ing and can react quickly to potential danger.

Prerequisite: Light Sleeper. Benefit: You gain a +S insight bonus to Listen checks

while sleeping to determine if a noise has roused you. Normal: Sleeping characters suffer a -10 circ*mstance

penalty to Listen checks. Special: This feat is especially designed for guerrillas,

hunters, mercenary rangers, scouts, and similar character classes.

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venerable human male who had reach what can only be called enlightenment, explained to me that the monks studpng in his abbey followed an ancient method called the School of the Jaded

Stone. According to my gracious host, the Jaded Stone way was one offour different philosophies that were thou-

sands of years old. These schools, as they have come to be known, specialize in different techniques to sharpen the wit, discipline the body, and align the soul. According to Abbott Sargal,

although each of these schools adopted a different philosophy, and thus their students were wholly different from one

another, they all seek the same thing: intellec- tual, physical, and spintual punty. The four schools are proud of their ancient

traditions. They exist in remote areas, far away from the ciuilized world, in order to allow their

students to practice their ngorous techniques and learn the basics of their complex philosophies. The four schools are: The Breath of Wind, whose members are as fast as their namesake;

the Fist of Fu’ury, which encourages its monks to tap into the pnmeval essence at the core oftheir beings; the

Jaded Stone, which believe punty can only be achieved through peace of mind; and the Sacred

Chameleon, which teaches its students to hide their bodies, minds, and souls.



MONK SCHOOLS Monks come in many different varieties. Some are dedicated to a single deity, some refuse to follow a particular faith. Some devote their lives to hone their bodies while others aspive to become spiritually enlightened. Most of those who join monasteries seek to align their mind, body, and spirit in the hopes of reaching a better understanding of humanoid kind as well as further their awareness of the wovld around them. To the layman, this kind of life-long ambition - which, for the greatest monks, often turns into unfathomable quest - is unthinkable, perhaps even ridiculous.

Although I understand the need to further one’s knowledge - perhaps better than anyone - I find myself unable to make sense of the drive that pushes the elite of the monastic orders to seek this sort of enlightenment. Perhaps I am too much of an intellectual to comprehend why someone would push his body to such rigorous exercises; perhaps I am too set in my ways to under- stand the need to seek the peace of mind so many among them seek. Whatever their motivations, the monks who finally reach what many call “enlightenment” are truly admivable.

Among the various monastic orders in existence today, some have tmly set themselves apart. I once had the privilege of visit- ing a secluded monastery in the far east - this place had a library so extensive it would make most imperial librarians salivate. During my stay at the monastery, Abbot Savgal, a

THE BREATH OF WIND SCHOOL MONK The Breath of Wind School teaches that life is ephemeral, that the body is a weak shell through which one has a lim- ited amount of time in which to express himself. Because of the fragility of the body and the limited life span grant- ed to human beings, the monks who follow the ways of the Breath of Wind believe that in order to compensate for a short life, one must move quickly and act without hesitation. Because of this, the monks from this ancient school developed unique techniques allowing them to focus their minds to sharpen their wit, enhance their speed, and improve their prowess in unarmed combat.

Class Features All of the following are class features of the Breath of Wind School monk.

AC Bonus (Ex): All monks are highly trained at dodg- ing blows, but those who follow the path of the Breath of Wind are especially good at it. The monks of this school add their Wisdom bonus (if any) to their AC while unar- mored and unencumbered. Furthermore, their superior speed allows them to gain a +I bonus to AC at 3rd level. This bonus increases by +I for every three monk levels thereafter, as indicated in Table 1-5: The Breath of Wind School Monk.

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Fast movement (Ex): The monks who study the ways of the Breath of Wind are faster than any of their coun- terparts. Beginning at 1st level, they gain an enhancement bonus to their speed while unarmored. This bonus increases as the monk acquires experience, as indicated in the table above. A monk in armor (even light armor) or carrying a medium or heavy load loses this extra speed.

Uncanny Dodge (Ex): At 4th level, the monk of the Breath of Wind school gains the extraordinary ability retain his Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) even if he is caught flat-footed or struck by an invisible attacker. He loses this bonus if immobilized, however.

Lightning Reflexes: The Breath of Wind monk gains the benefit of the Lightning Reflex feat for free when he attains 5th level.

Whispering Wind (Sp): At 7th level, the monk of the Breath of Wind school learns how to communicate by shaping the air around him. He gains the ability to send messages as per the whispeving wind spell cast by a sorcer- er of a caster level equal to his monk level. He can use this spell-like ability once per day at 7th level, and one addi- tional time every four levels thereafter (twice at 11th


level, three times a t Isth, and four times every day at 19th level).

Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex): From 8th level and onwards, a monk who follows the way of the Breath of Wind can no longer be flanked; he is able to react to oppo- nents on opposite sides of him as easily as if reacting to a single foe. This defense denies an attacker the sneak attack ability by flanking him, unless he has a t least four more character levels than the monk.

Superior Flurry (Ex): A monk of the Breath of Wind is so fast that he gains the greater flurry ability (from the PHB) at 7th level, allowing him to take one extra attack at his highest attack bonus. At 13th level and again at 20th, he gains one such extra attack, as indicated in the table above.

Wind Walk (Sp): At 19th level, the Breath of Wind School monk learns how to alter the substance of his body into a cloud-like vapor (as the gaseousfom spell) and move swiftly through the air. This ability functions as the wind walk spell cast by a druid of a level equal to his monk level. A Breath of Wind monk may use this spell-like ability once per day.

Flurrv o f Blows Unarmed AC Unarmored Level Bonus Save Save Save Special Attaik Bonus Damage* Bonus Speed Bonus 1st +o +O to +O Fast movement, -21-2 1 d6 +O + lo f t

fury of blow, unarmed strike

4th +3 l d8 +1 +20 ft. slow fall 20 ft., Uncanny dodge

8th +6/+1 +2 +2 +2 Improved +5/+5/+5/+0 ldlO +2 +40 ft. uncanny dodge, slow fail 40 K

9th +6/+1 +3 +3 +3 lmprovedevasion +6/+6/-6/+1 ld lO +2 +50 ft. 10th +7/+2 +3 +3 +3 Ki strike (lawful), +7/+7/+7/+2

&w fs l l 50 ft ld lO +3 +soft.

- . - . . . - . - - . . . 11th 4 / + 3 +3 +3 + 3 Whispering wind 2/day +8/+8/+8/+3 ldlO +3 +60 ft.

slow fall 60 ft. 12th +9/+4 +4 +4 +4 AbundantsteD. +9/+9/+9/+4 2d6 +3 +60 ft.

16th +12/+7/+2 +5 +5 +5 Ki strike (adamantine), +12/+12/+12/+7/+2 2d8 +5 +80 ft. slow fall 80 ft.

20th +15/+10/+5 +6 +6 +6 Superiorflurry, +15/+15/+15/+15/+15/+10+/+5 2d8 +6 +loo ft. perfect self, Slow fall any distance

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THE CHARRED CHAMELEON SCHOOL M O N K The ways of the Charred Chameleon School are strange and the order accepts an even more limited amount of candidates than the other ancient traditions presented here.The monks from this school specialize in stealth and infiltration. Additionally, their training in the harsh desert climate has made many among them able to cope with extremely hot temperatures. Some are even known to walk bare footed across the fiery ashes of fires, totally uninjured. It is even believed their master once crossed a lake of molten lava.

Class Features All of the following are class features of the Charred Chameleon School monk.

Endure Heat (Su): The monks of the Charred Chameleon learn to live comfortably in temperatures as hot as 140 degrees Fahrenheit without having to make Fortitude saves (as described in the DMG). This ability does not protect the monk from damage taken from fire or heated objects (such as firebrands or weapons affected by a heat metal spell).

Improved Stealth (Ex): At 2nd level, the monk of the Charred Chameleon improves his ability to move stealth- ily. He gains an insight bonus equal to his Wisdom bonus



(if any) to the skills Hide and Move Silently. Additionally, he gains an additional +2 insight bonus to these skills at 4th level and every four levels thereafter (+4 at 8th, +6 at 12th, +8 at 16th, and + 10 at 20th).

Trap Sense (Ex): Starting at 3rd level, a student of the ways of the Charred Chameleon gains a +I bonus on Reflex saves made to avoid traps and a +1 dodge bonus to AC against attacks made by traps. These bonuses rise by +1 every three monk levels thereafter (+2 at 6th level, +3 at 9th, and so on).

Resist Fire (Su): Beginning at 4th level, the monk of the Charred Chameleon School is able to focus his mind to allow his flesh to touch flames uninjured. He gains energy resistance 4 against fire, so each time he is sub- jected to fire damage, this damage it reduced by 4 points before being applied to his hit points. At 8th level and again at 12th level, the energy resistance against fire is enhanced by another +4 (8 points at 8th level and 12 points at 12th).

Unarmed Sneak Attack (Ex): A 5th level monk of the Charred Chameleon who catches an opponent unable to defend himself properly from his attack can use his unarmed strike to hit vital parts of his opponents body to deliver more damage. This ability function as the Rogue’s sneak attack, except it can only be used with an unarmed

Flurry o f Blows Unarmed AC Unarmored

2nd +1 +3 +3 +O Evasion, improved stealth -1 1-1 1 d6 +O +o ft. (Wisdom bonus)

4th +3 +4 +4 +1 Improved stealth (+2), +1 /+1 1 d8 +O +10 ft.

8th +6/+1 +6 +6 +2 Improved stealth (+4), +5/+5/+0 ld lO +1 +20 ft.

9th +6/+1 +6 +6 +3 Trapsensec3, +6/+6/+1 ldlO +1 +30 ft. unarmed sneak attack +2d6

10th +7/+2 +7 +7 +3 Ki strike (lawful) +7/+7/+2 ld lO +2 +30 ft.

12th +9/+4 +8 +8 +4 Improved stealth (+6), +9/+9/+9/+4 2d6 +2 +40 ft. Resist fire 12, Trap sense +4

16th +12/+7/+2 +10 +10 +5 Improved stealth (+8), +12/+12/+12/+7/+2 2d8 +3 +50 ft. Protection from fire

17th +12/+7/+2 +10 +10 +5 Timeless body, +12/+12/+12/+7/+2 2d8 +3 +so ft. tongue of the sun and moon, unarmed sneak attack +4d6

18th t13/+8/+3 t11 +11 +6 Trap sense +6 +13/t13/+13/t8/+3 2d8 7 3 t60 ft. 19th +14/+9/+4 +11 +11 +6 Empty body +14/+14/+14/+9/+4 2d8 +3 +60 ft. 20th +15/+10/+5 +12 +12 +6 Improved stealth (+lo), +15/+15/+15/+10+/5 2d10 +4 +60 ft

Perfect sel f

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strike. At 5th level, the extra damage delivered is equal to ld6, but the ability increases by 1d6 every four levels thereafter (+2d6 at 9th level, +3d6 at l3th, and +4d6 at 17th).

Hide in Plain Sight (Su): When he attains 14th level, a monk of the Charred Chameleon can use the Hide skill even while being observed. As long as he is within 10 ft. of any sort of shadow, the monk can hide himself from view in the open without anything to actually hide behind. However, he cannot hide in his own shadow.

Protection from Fire (Su): This supernatural ability, gained at 16th level, may be used once per day and func- tions as per the spell protection from energy cast by a cleric of the same level of the monk. The protection, however, is limited to a single type of energy (fire) and affects only the monk.

THE FIST OF FURY SCHOOL MONK The students of the Fist of Fury School channel the nega- tive energy of their souls into powerful fits of fury that improve their abilities in combat. This unique strange and chaotic-like technique makes the Fist of Fury adept a rar- ity, and most monastic orders view the rage engendered by way of the fist - as it is sometimes called - as a dis- grace. For most monks, the teachings of the Fist of Fury School goes against everything they stand for, yet the fol- lowers of its way are as lawful and orderly as any monk I ever met. Somehow, the monk of the Fist manages to keep his rage in check.


Class Features All of the following are class features of the First of Fury School monk.

Expurgation (Su): The 1st level initiate of the First of Fury School learns how to focus all his negative emotions into a powerful blast of sonic energy. Once per day, the character can release this eerie energy from his body by uttering a loud and disturbing cry, thus releasing all which his gloomy, corrupt, and foul from his soul, mind, and body. The process of expurgating his dark emotions and tainted vitality can harm living beings around him. In order to complete the process, the monk must shout for one full round. The action of expurgating his emotions does not provoke an attack of opportunity, but if the monk is distracted during the round he must succeed at a Concentration check in order for this ability function; a distracted monk failing his Concentration check loses his expurgation ability for the day.

The monk loses his Dex bonus to AC while expurgation is active.

All living beings within 30 ft. of the monk and able to hear him -including his allies - must succeed at a Will saving throw (DC 10 + monks level + monk's Wisdom modifier) or take 2 points of negative energy damage for every monk level the character has. A victim who suc- ceeds at this save still takes half of the damage. Any crea- ture that has already saved against the monks expurgation ability receives a +4 bonus to his Will save.

Flurry of Blows Unarmed AC Unarmored Level Bonus Save Save Save Special Attack Bonus Damage* Bonus Speed Bonus

20th +15/+10/+5 +12 +12 +6 Perfect self, slow fall any distance +15/+15/+15/+10+/5 2d10 +4 +60 ft.

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Controlled Frenzy (Ex): Through the constant and rigorous exorcising of his inner demons, the monk who follows the ways of the Fist of Fury learns how to channel all his negative energy into a controlled fit of rage. Beginning at 2nd level, he gains the ability to enter a fren- zied-like state, thus improving his combat capabilities.

A Fist of Furry monk can fly into a fit of restrained fren- zy a certain number of times per day. In a frenzy, a monk temporarily gains a +2 bonus to Strength, a +2 morale bonus on will saves, and one temporary hit point for every monk level he has. While in a frenzied state, a Fist of Fury disciple cannot use any Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence-based skills (except for Balance, Escape Artist, Intimidate, and Ride), the Concentration skill, or any abilities requiring patience or concentration (such as expurgation). He cannot cast spells or activate magic items that require a command word, a spell trigger (such as a wand), or spell completion (such as a scroll) to func- tion. He can use any feat he has except Combat Expertise, item creation feats, and metamagic feats.

A controlled frenzy lasts for a n to 4 + the character’s Constitution end his controlled frenzy at any t frenzy, he loses the modifiers to Strength and Will saves as well as any remaining temporary hit points and becomes fatigued (-2 penalty to Strength, -2 penalty to Dexterity, can’t charge or run) for the duration of the current encounter (unless he is a 15th level Fist of monk, at which point this limitation no longer appli see below).

only once per encounter. At 2nd level he can use his con- trolled frenzy ability once per day. At 5th level and every four levels thereafter, he can use it one additional time per day (to a maximum of five times per day at 17th level). Entering a controlled frenzy takes no time itself, but a monk can do it only during his action, not in response to someone else’s action.

Iron Will: A 3rd level monk of the Fist receives the Iron Will feat for free.

Focused Expurgation (Su): At 7th level, the Fist of Furry disciple may choose to concentrate the potent ener- gy released by his expurgation ability to specific targets within 30 ft. of him. Instead of releasing an expurgating cry affecting all living beings around him, the monk can control the outburst of his dark energies upon up to 1 tar- get for every three monk levels plus his Wisdom modifi- er (if positive). Like expurgation, this ability takes a full round to complete and, if distracted, the monk must suc- ceed at a Concentration check or lose the expurgating ability for the day. Focused expurgation count towards the monks daily limit of the expurgation ability use (once from 1st to 13th level and twice from 14th level and onward).

A monk of the Fist of Fury school can become

Greater Controlled Frenzy (Ex): At 9th level, a monk of the Fist’s bonus to Strength and his morale bonus on Will saves increase to +4. Temporary hit points gained are now two for every Fist of Fury monk level of the character.

Stunning Expurgation (Su): When he attains loth level, the monk becomes so adept at channeling his dark thoughts and emotions that in addition to dealing nega- tive energy damage, he may also stun the victims of his expurgation outcry. Each time a living creature takes dam- age from the monks purgation ability, it must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 15 +the monks Charisma modifier) or be stunned for a number of rounds equal to 1 + plus the monks Charisma bonus (if any). Stunning expurgation automatically takes effect whenever the monk releases the potent energies through his expurgation ability.

Greater Expurgation (Su): At 14th level, the monk can use expurgation twice every day and the range of the ability doubles; he may now affect all living beings within 60 ft. of him.

Additionally, the monk may now cause more harm to a chooses. When using focused expur- rry monk may concentrate all the vile

gle living creature. The negative ener- he victim doubles (four points of dam- . A target that saves against this abili-

ty still takes two points of damage per monk level. This pernatural ability is usable once or twice per day and unt towards the monks two uses of his expurgation ility for the day. Tireless Controlled Frenzy (Ex): From 15th level and

nwards, a monk no longer becomes fatigued at the end of his controlled frenzy.

Mighty Controlled Frenzy (Ex): At 17th level, a monks morale bonus on his Strength score and will saves during his frenzy increase to +6. Furthermore, for the duration of his controlled frenzy, he now gains three tem- porary hit points for every monk of the Fist of Furry level he has attained.

Lethal Expurgation (Su): When he reaches 19th level, the monk of the Fist of Furry School has become a master of the art of expurgating his negative energies. When focusing his expurgation outburst against a single living being, he may now opt to attempt to slay it. Instead of tak- ing negative energy damage, the selected target must suc- ceed at a Fortitude saving throw (DC 20 + the monks Wisdom modifier) or die. If the saving throw is success- ful, the target is no longer in danger from that particular lethal expurgation attack, but it may still be affected by another one at a later time. This supernatural ability is usable once every 24 hours and count towards the monks two uses per day of the expurgation ability.

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THE JADED STONE SCHOOL MONK It is said that the Jaded Stone School exists since the beginning of time, but 1 doubt this is true. The school, however, seems to have been around for hundred, per- haps even thousands of years. Its philosophy is simple: To be as calm and relaxed as a stone, preferably one which has seen so many winters that is has become obviously jaded. I personally never understood the ways of the Jaded School monks, but those who follow this path become almost as resilient as their namesake.

Class Features All of the following are class features of the Jaded Stone School monk.

Fist of Stone (Ex): The follower of the ways of the Jaded Stone quickly learns how to harness the potent energies flowing in his body and can harden certain parts of his flesh. Although the 1st level initiate’s control over this power is limited, a monk of the Jaded Stone School gradually gains more discipline over his entire body, which eventually becomes a weapon as hard and lethal as adamantine.

At 1st level, the Jaded Stone monk can harden his fists, feet, knees, elbows, and other specific parts of his anatomy, which effectively become as hard as stone. When used in combat, these parts deliver extra damage. Initially, the monk gains a +I circ*mstance bonus to damage (as indi- cated in the “Unarmored Damage” column of Table 1-8: The Jaded Stone School Monk). At 4th level and every four levels thereafter, this circ*mstance bonus increases by 1 (t2 at 4th level, +3 at 8th, +4 at 12th~ and so on).


Body of Stone (Su): When he reaches 2nd level, the apprentice of the Jaded Stone School’s ability to harden his flesh improves. Although he cannot actually turn his flesh into stone, his skin becomes hard and able to resist blows, cuts, stabs, and slashes. Effectively, the monk gains a hard- ness of 1. If, in any given day, this ability absorbs more damage than a number equal to IO multiplied by the Jaded Stone monk level, the monk loses the benefit gained by this ability until he has had a chance to rest for 8 straight hours.

Spells and magic items, such as shatter, reduce the hard- ness by 1 until the monk has had time to rest.

At 7th, 12th~ and 16th level, the Hardness of the monk‘s stone-like flesh improves by 1, as shown onTable 1-8:The Jaded Stone School Monk.

Toughness (Ex): Also at second level, the Jaded Stone monks gains Toughness as a bonus feat. He gains this feat again at 6th level and every four levels thereafter (loth, 14th, and 18th level).

Fast Movement (Ex): A monk who studies the ways of the Jaded Stone is not as fast as monks from most other orders, but he still gains an enhancement bonus to his speed as shown on Table 1-8: The Jaded Stone School Monk. A monk in armor or carrying a medium or heavy load loses this extra speed.

Improved Still Mind (Ex): At 8th level, the monk of the Jaded Stone School becomes even more adept at resist- ing spells and spell-like effects from the Enchantment school, gaining an additional +2 bonus to any saving throws made to resist such spells and effects (thus raising his save bonus from the still mind ability to +4).

Flurry o f Blows Unarmed AC Unarmored Level Bonus Save Save Save Special Attack Bonus Damage* Bonus Speed Bonus

2nd +1 +3 +3 +O Body o f stone (hardness l ) , -1 /-1 ld6+1 +O +o ft.

4th +3 +4 +4 +1 Ki strike (magic) +1/+1 ld8+2 +O +o ft.

20th +15/+10/+5 +12 +12 +6 Perfectself +15/+15/+15/+10+/5 2dl0+6 +4 +30 ft.

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Improved Body of Stone (Su): By the time he reaches 9th level, the monk’s control over his flesh is so great that he may no longer be affected by sneak attacks. Although he may still be caught flat-footed, the monks flesh is so hard that his vital organs are much tougher to damage.

Greater Still Mind (Ex): At 13th level, the Jaded Stone School monks ability to resist spells and spell-like effects from the Enchantment school becomes even more attuned. He now gains a +6 bonus to saving throws to resist Enchantment spells and spell-like effects.

Greater Body of Stone (Su): When he attains 14th level, the monk of the Jaded Stone School no longer suf- fers the effect of critical hits. Critical hits deal normal damage to him.

True Body of Stone (Su): Once per day, the 19th level may raise the Hardness of his body of stone, effectively increasing the Hardness of his body to 8. When triggered, this supernatural ability lasts for I hour plus one hour per point of Constitution modifier (if positive) the monk has.

PALADINS Most paladins are described as pure-headed, merciful, and gen- erous men and women who chose to devote their lives to the pur- suit of truth and justice. These holy warriors often uphold the law and dedicate their adventuring career to oppose evil, and thus are highly respected in good-aligned societies. Blessed by the will of their god, these self-righteous fighting-machines are u symbol ofgoodness and honov, but they are not alone.

TABLE 1-9: THE EVIL PALADIN Base Attack Fort Ref Will

Level Bonus Save Save Save

2nd +2 +3 +o +n ~

3 rd +3 +3 +1 +1


Most other lawful churches have their own version - and indeed their own vision - of the perfect blessed warrior. These paragons of virtue are also preoccupied with upholding the law and maintaining order. Like their most common counterpart, they too obey a strict and outdated code of conduct, but to some of them “honor” is a relative t e r n .

Although most people native t o this kingdom would not rec- ognize the authority of these other kinds of paladins, most other lawful societies would. And they would indeed do best to respect these men and women,for they are as ambitious and stubbornly dedicated as the good paladins that are so common in these parts.

THE EVIL PALADIN Evil paladins, often called dark paladins, are common- place in lawful evil societies. Completely dedicated to uphold the law - their lawful evil law - and oppose good, these champions of evil are proud, haughty, and cruel. Although many of them view themselves and the other men and women from their orders as the natural leaders of their respective countries, most dark paladins are extremely loyal to their superiors, whether they be church officials or the monarchy of their kingdom. Because dark paladins play an important role in their soci- eties, most are selected among the ruling classes; thus many among them are of noble blood.

Spells per Day - . . Special 1st 2nd 3rd. 4th

Dark blessing, touch ofevil - - - -

10th +10/+5 +7 +3 +3 Bestow curse 2/week, 1 1 - -

14th +14/+9/+4 +9 e 4 +4 2 1 1 -

15th +15j+lO/+5 +9 +5 +5 Bestow curse 3/week, 2 1 1 0 contagion 4/week, smite good 4/day

16th +16/+11/+6/+1 +10 +5 +5 2 2 1 1

Bestow curse 4/week. 3 3 3 3 20th +20/+15 /+10/+5 +12 +6 +6 , . smite good 5iday

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W Class Features All of the following are class features of the evil paladin.

Aura of Evil (Ex): The power of a dark paladin’s aura of evil (see the detect evil spell) is equal to his paladin level.

Detect Good (Sp): An evil paladin can use detect good at will. This ability functions as the spell of the same name.

Smite Good (Su): Once per day, a dark paladin may attempt to smite good with one normal melee attack. He adds his Charisma bonus (if any) to his attack roll and deals 1 extra point of damage per paladin level. If the dark paladin accidentally smites a creature that is not good, the smite has no effect, but the ability is still used up for that day. At 5th level, and at every five levels thereafter, the dark paladin may smite good one additional time per day, as indicated on Table 1-9: The Evil Paladin, to a maximum of five times per day a t 20th level.

Dark Blessing (Su): At 2nd level, an evil paladin gains a profane bonus equal to his Charisma bonus (if any) on all saving throws.

Touch of Evil (Su): Also at 2nd level, the dark paladin with a Charisma score of 12 or higher can cause wounds by touch. Each day he can cause a total number of hit points of damage equal to his paladin level x his Charisma bonus. A dark paladin may choose to divide the damage dealt by his supernatural touch among multiple recipi- ents, and he doesn’t have to use it all at once. Using touch of evil requires a successful melee touch attack and does- n’t provoke an attack of opportunity. The evil paladin decides how many of his daily allotment of points to use as damage after successfully touching a living creature.

Alternatively, an evil paladin can use any or all of his allotment of points from his touch of evil supernatural ability to cure himself or undead.

Aura of Despair (Su): Beginning at 3rd level, the dark paladin radiates a malign aura that causes enemies within IO ft. of him to take a -2 morale penalty on all saving throws. This ability functions while the evil paladin is conscious, but not if he is unconscious or dead.

Resist Toxins (Su): The 3rd level evil paladin receives further blessings from his god. He gains a +4 divine bonus to all saving throws made to resist poisons and other tox- ins, such as the ill effects caused by drinking too much potent wine or other intoxicating substances.

Command Undead (Su): At 4th level, the evil paladin gains the supernatural ability to command and rebuke undead. He may use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + his Charisma modifier. The dark paladin turns undead as a cleric of three levels lower would.

Bestow Curse (Sp): When attaining 5th level, an evil paladin can produce a bestow curse effect, as per the spell of the same name. This ability is usable once per week at 5th level, and one additional time per week for every five lev- els gained thereafter (twice per week at loth level, three times at lsth, and four times at 20th).

Contagion (Sp): At 6th level, a dark paladin can pro- duce a contagion effect, as the spell, once per week. He can use this ability one additional time per week for every three levels gained thereafter (twice per week a t 9th level, three times at 12th, and so forth).

Code of Conduct: A dark paladin must be of lawful evil alignment and loses all class abilities if he ever will- ingly commits an act of goodwill.

Additionally, a dark paladin’s code requires that he respect legitimate authority and the age-old traditions of his religious order. The dark paladin acts with honor: He does not lie, never breaks the law, and always keeps his promises. He is not bound to help those in need, but occa- sionally does so if it serves his purpose (provided those he helps do not stray from the rules set by an authority rec- ognized by the dark paladin). A dark paladin punishes those who harm or threaten his companions, his religion, or his superiors. And he does so without pity, mercy, or remorse.

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Unholy Sword Evocation [Evil] Level: EPal4 Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 standard action Range: Touch Target: Melee weapon touched Duration: 1 round/level Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No

Associates: While he may adventure with characters of any neutral or evil alignment, a dark paladin will never knowingly associate with good characters, nor will he continue an association with someone who consistently offends his moral code. A dark paladin may accept only henchmen, followers, or cohorts who are lawful evil.

The Evil Paladin’s Spell List Dark paladins choose their spells from the following list:

1st Level - bane, cause fear, command, compt weapon”, cure light wounds, curse water, detect poison, detect undead, doom, endure elements, hide from undead, inflict light wounds, magic weapon, protectton fYom chaoslgood, read mafic.

2nd Level - bear’s endurance, bull’s strength, darkness, death knell, delay poison, eagle’s splendor, owl’s wisdom, resist energy, undetectable alignment.

3rd Level - blindness/deafness, contaeon, cure moderate wounds, deeper darkness, discern lies, dispel magic, qeater magic weapon, inflict moderate wounds, magic circle against chaos, magic circle against good, protection fYom el

4th Level - cure seylous wounds, deat dzspel good, divine powev, freedom of movement wounds, poison, unholy sword’*7.

Corrupt Weapon Transmutation [Evil] Level: EPal 1 Components: V; S Casting Time: 1 standard action Range: Touch Target: Weapon touched Duration: 1 min./level Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No

This transmutation makes a weapon strike true against good foes. The weapon is treated as having a +I enhance- ment bonus for the purpose of bypassing the damage reduction of good creatures or striking good incorporeal creatures (though the spell doesn’t grant an actual enhancement bonus). The weapon also becomes evil, which means it can bypass the damage reduction of cer- tain creatures. (This effect overrides and suppresses any other alignment the weapon might have.) Individual arrows or bolts can be transmuted, but affected projectile weapons (such as bows) do not confer the benefit to the projectiles they shoot. In addition, all critical hit rolls against good foes are

automatically successful, so every threat is a critical hit. This last effect does not apply to any weapon that already has a magical effect related to critical hits, such as a keen weapon or a vorpal sword.

This spell allows you to channel holy power into your sword, or any other melee weapon you choose. The weapon acts as a +5 unholy weapon (+s enhancement bonus on attack and damage rolls, extra 2d6 damage against good opponents). It also emits a magic circle against good effect (as the spell). If the magic circle ends, the sword creates a new one on your turn as a free action. The spell is auto-

nd after the weapon leaves your annot have more than one unholy sword at a

11 is cast on a magic weapon, the powers of the the weapon normally has, ren-

cement bonus and powers of the the duration of the spell. This

spell is not cumulative with compt weapon or any other spell that might modify the weapon in any way.

E NEUTRAL PALADIN utral paladins are a rarity in most realms, and many

their existence. Unlike the good paladin, who is ed with opposing evil, and the dark paladin, whose

main concern is to destroy all that is good, the neutral pal- adin seeks only true justice. To him, law and order are the most important tenets of society, and he commits himself entirely to maintaining the peace and justice that can only be obtained through the rigorous exercise of the law.

A neutral paladin is a seeker of truth and justice. He is not blinded by the moral or ethical quandaries of the good paladin. He is not absorbed in the grand ambitions of his church or king, like most dark paladins, nor does he seek to further his personal wealth, glory, or power. Because of this, the neutral paladin is often referred to as a “true pal- adin” and most lawful societies would do well to have them act as judge or jury.

Class Features All of the following are class features of the neutral pal- adin.

Aura of Law (Ex): The power of a true paladin’s aura of law (see the detect law spell) is equal to his paladin level.

Detect Chaos (Sp): At will, a neutral paladin can use detect chaos, as the spell of the same name.

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Smite Chaos (Su): Once per day, a neutral paladin may attempt to smite chaos with one normal melee attack. He adds his Charisma bonus (if any) to his attack roll and deals 1 extra point of damage per paladin level. If the paladin accidentally smites a creature that is not chaotic, the smite has no effect, but the ability is still used up for that day At 5th level, and at every five levels thereafter, the true paladin may smite chaos one additional time per day, as indicated on Table 1-10: The Neutral Paladin, to a maximum of five times per day at 20th level.

Divine Blessing (Su): At 2nd level, the neutral paladin gains a divine bonus on all saving throws equal to his Charisma bonus (if any).

Lay on Hands (Su): Beginning at 2nd level, a neutral paladin with a Charisma score of 12 or higher can heal wounds (his own or those of others) by touch. Each day he can heal a total number of hit points of damage equal to his paladin level x his Charisma bonus. A paladin may choose to divide his healing among multiple recipients, and he doesn’t have to use it all at once. Using lay on hands is a standard action.

Alternatively, a true paladin can use any or all of this healing power to deal damage to undead creatures. Using lay on hands in this fashion requires a successful melee touch attack and doesn’t provoke an attack of opportunity. The paladin decides how many of his daily allotment of points to use as damage after successfully touching an undead creature.

Aura of Authority (Ex): Beginning at 3rd level, the neutral paladin gains an addition +2 divine bonus to all

TABLE 1-10 THE NEUTRAL PALADIN Base Attack Fort Ref Will

Charisma-based skill checks made to convince or influ- ence NPC characters. Furthermore, when determining the initial attitude of all lawful NPCs towards him, the true paladin adds +4 to his Diplomacy check.

Divine Courage (Ex): Ako at 3rd level, a neutral paladin is immune to fear (magical or otherwise). Additionally, the true paladin gains a +4 divine bonus to all saving throws made to resist the special abilities of undead and chaotic outsides.

Turn Outsiders (Su): When a true paladin reaches 4th level, he gains the supernatural ability to turn chaotic, evil, or good outsiders. Turn outsiders functions as the cleric’s ability to turn undead, with the difference that the neutral paladin can only affect outsiders that are at least partially chaotic, evil, or good. Unlike clerics, good pal- adins, and dark paladins, the neutral paladin is unable to affect undead; but he has the power to turn outsiders (with the exception of lawful neutral or true neutral out- siders). A true paladin may use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + his Charisma modifier. He turns chaotic, evil, or good outsiders as a cleric of three levels lower would turn undead.

Remove Paralysis (Sp): The 5th level true paladin can produce a remove paralysis effect, which works as the spell of the same name. Initially, he can only use this ability once every week. At 8th level, he can use remove paralysis one additional time per week, and then one additional time per week for every three levels gained thereafter (three times per week at I l th , four times at 14th, and so forth).

Spells per Day- Level Bonus Save Save Save Special 1st 2nd 3rd 4th

4th +4 +4 +l +1 Turn outsiders . - . - . - -

5th +5 +4 +1 +1 Smite chaos 2/day, remove paralysis 1 /week

6th +6/+1 +5 +2 +2 Remove curse 1 /week

8th +8/+3 +6 +2 +2 Remove paralysis Z/week 1 o - -

20th +20/+15/+10/+5 +12 +6 +6 Remove paralysis 6/week, 3 3 3 3 smite chaos S/day

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Remove Curse (Sp): At 6th level, a true paladin can produce a remove curse effect, as the spell of the same, up to once every week. He can use this ability one additional time per week for every three levels after 6th (twice per week at 9th, three times at 12th, and so forth).

Code of Conduct: A true paladin must be of lawful neutral alignment and loses all class abilities if he ever willingly acts in an unlawful manner.

Additionally, a neutral paladin’s code requires that he respect legitimate authority, act with honor (doesn’t lie, doesn’t cheat, doesn’t use poison, and so forth), help those in need (provided they do not serve an unlawful cause or master), and punish those who disrespect the law or threaten societal order.

Associates: While he may adventure with characters of any alignment, a true pala associate with characters that commit unlawful acts, nor will he continue an association with someone who consistently offends her code of behavior. A true paladin may accept only henchmen, followers, or cohorts who are lawful neutra

Duration: 1 min./level Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No

This transmutation makes a weapon strike true against chaotic foes. The weapon is treated as having a +I enhancement bonus for the purpose of bypassing the damage reduction of chaotic creatures or striking chaotic incorporeal creatures (though the spell doesn’t grant an actual enhancement bonus). The weapon also becomes

lawful, which means it can bypass the damage reduction of certain creatures. (This effect overrides and suppresses any other alignment the weapon might have.) Individual arrows or bolts can be transmuted, but affected projec- tile weapons (such as bows) do not confer the benefit to the projectiles they shoot.

In addition, all critical hit rolls against chaotic foes are automatically

successful, so every threat is a critical hit. This last effect does

not apply to any weapon that already has a magical effect related

to critical hits, such as a keen weapon or a vorpal sword

The Neutral Paladin’s Spell List

True paladins choose their spells from the following list:

1st Level - bless, command, cure light wounds, detect poison, detect undead, divine favor, endure elements, hide from undead, just weapon”, lesser restoration, magic weapon, protectton from chaos/evil/good, read magic, remove fear, shield offatth.

eagle’s splendor, owl’s wisdom, shield other, sanctuary, undetectable align- ment, zone of truth.

cem lies, dispel magic, grear magic weapon, magic circle against chaos, magic circle against evil, magic circle against good, magic vestment, protection from elements, remove blindness/deafness, remove disease.

4th Level - break enchantment, cure senous wounds, deathward, dispel chaos, divine power, mark of justice, nghteous sword’:’,.’, restoration, sending.

Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 standard action

Duration: 1 round/level Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No

2nd Level - bull’s strength, delay poison,

This spell allows you to channel holy power into your sword, or any other melee weapon you choose. The

weapon acts as a +S axiomatic weapon (+5 enhancement bonus on attack and damage rolls, extra 2d6 damage against chaotic opponents). It also emits a magic circle against chaos effect (as the spell). If the magic circle ends, the sword creates a new one on your turn as a free action. The spell is automatically canceled 1 round after the weapon leaves your hand. You cannot have more than one righteous sword at a time.

If this spell is cast on a magic weapon, the powers of the spell supersede any that the weapon normally has, ren- dering the normal enhancement bonus and powers of the weapon inoperative for the duration of the spell. This spell is not cumulative with just weapon or any other spell that might modify the weapon in any way.

3rd Level - cure moderate wounds, dis-

Just Weapon Transmutation [Law] Level: NPal1 Components: V, S CastingTime: 1 standard action Range: Touch Target: Weapon touched

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ROGUE OF THE WHISPERING BLADES The whispering Blades of Atvilik. The name means nothing to most people, except perhaps the vague notion that Atvilik is aplace -a city, in fact- deep in the southern lands. To the inhabitants of Atvilik - and indeed to those who live nearby or trade with the remote city - the Whispering Blades are legendary. In fact, the mder of the Whispering Blades is so secretive that most believe its existence is indeed only a myth. I know better.

Truth be told, one of their members almost stole my last breath. His unscrupulous - and I dare say unprovoked - attack failed, but had it not been for my own cleverness and uig- ilance the murderer would undoubtedly have succeeded. Like most who call themselves rogues, this man had an infuriating nonchalance about him, but one look in his devilish eyes told me his carefree attitude was only afapde. The man was not a sim- ple thiei nor was this attempt at taking a life his first. There was cunning in his probing eyes, and there was method to his lethal combat style.

I dare say my meeting with a member of the Order of Whispering Blades left u sour taste in my mouth. And euen though I am a capable magic user and a fierce opponent in bat- tle, I do not look forward to the day when I will have to confront one of their kind again. But this day is bound to come sooner or later, for it is said that the Whispering Blades always avenge their fallen brothers.

Alignment: Any Hit Die: d6.

Class Skil ls The rogue of the Whispering Blades’ class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con) Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Disable Device (Int), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Forgery (Int), Gather Information (Cha), Heal (Wis), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str),


Knowledge (local) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (De.), Open Lock (Dex), Profession (Wis), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (De.), Spot (Wis), Tumble (Dex), Use Magic Device (Cha), and Use Rope (Dex).

Skill Points a t 1st Level: (8 + Int modifier) x4. Skill Points a t Each Additional Level: 8 + Int modifier.

Class Features All of the following are class features of the rogue of the Whispering Blades.

Crippling Attack (Ex): If a rogue of the Order of the Whispering Blades catches an opponent when he is unable to defend himself effectively from his attack, he can strike a vital spot in his anatomy, thus delivering a crippling strike.

Any time his target would be denied a Dexterity bonus to AC (whether the target actually has a Dexterity bonus or not), or when the rogue of the Whispering Blades flanks his target, he deals extra damage to his victim’s Strength score in addition to the damage he would nor- mally deal. This extra ability damage, dealt to the Strength score of the victim, is temporary and is I point at 1st level, increasing every two levels thereafter.

This damage cannot be modified by Strength or magic. Should the rogue score a critical hit with a crippling attack, this extra ability damage is not multiplied.

Ranged attacks can count as crippling attacks only if the target is within 30 ft. However, the Whispering Blade rogue cannot use a weapon that deals lethal damage to deal nonlethal damage in a crippling attack, not even with the usual -4 penalty.

A rogue of the Whispering Blades can attack only living creatures with discernible anatomies when using a crip- pling attack - undead, constructs, oozes, plants, and

Level Base Attack Bonus Fort Save RefSave Will Save Special

4th +3 +1 +4 +1 Uncannv dodpe 5th +3 +1 +4 +1 Crippling attagk +ld3

8th +6/+1 +2 +6 +2 Improved uncanny dodge

14th +10/+5 +4 +9 +4 Rogue option

16th +12/+7/+2 +5 +10 +5 Rogue option

20th +15/+10/+5 +6 +12 +6 Rogue option

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incorporeal creatures lack vital areas to attack. Any crea- ture that is immune to critical hits is not vulnerable to crippling attacks. The rogue must be able to see the target well enough to pick out a vital spot and must be able to reach such a spot. A rogue of the Whispering Blades can- not attempt a crippling attack while striking a creature with concealment or striking the limbs of a creature whose vitals are beyond reach.

If the character also has the sneak attack ability (in addition to the crippling attack), the additional damage from both attacks stack.

Conceal Blade (Ex): Early in his training, the rogue of the Whispering Blade learns how to conceal small weapons upon his body. At 2nd level, he receives a +S competence bonus to any Hide check made to conceal a small or tiny weapon upon his person. At 7th level, this bonus increases to +IO.

Quick Draw (Ex): At 6th level, the rogue of the Whispering Blades gains the Quick Draw feat for free, but only in regards to Small or T

Rogue Option: A rogue Whispering Blades can select one rog level, and every two levels there ed below and unless othenvis may be chosen more than once.

Option 1: Bonus Feat: The Blades are adept melee combatants and their trained in a variety of fight choose one feat from the list below. He may option more than once, however, each time select a new feat from the list.

The rogue of the Whisperi the following list of bonus feats: Acrobatics, Agile, Alertness, Blind-Fight, Combat Casting (provided the character can cast spells; see rogue options, below), Combat Expertise (Improved Disarm, Improved Feint, Improved Trip, Whirlwind Attack), Combat Reflexes, Deft Hands, Dodge (Mobility, Spring Attack), Improved Critical, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Stealthy, Toughness, Two-Weapon Fighting (Two-Weapon Defense, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Greater Two- Weapon Fighting), Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (Greater Weapon Focus).

Option 2: Ahernate Cnppling Attack (Dextenty) (Ex): When delivering a successful crippling attack, the rogue of the Whispering Blades may now choose to deal Dexterity damage instead of Strength damage.

Option 3: Alternate Cnppling Attack (Constitution) (Ex): When delivering a successful crippling attack, the rogue of the Whispering Blades may now choose to deal Constitution damage instead of Strength damage.


Option 4: Improved Cnppling Attack (Ex): An opponent damaged by one of the rogue’s crippling attacks takes an additional +2 points of Strength damage. If the rogue of the Whispering Blades also has one (or both) of the Alternate Crippling Attack options, this extra damage can be dealt to either Dexterity or Constitution.

Option 5: Slippery Mind (Ex): This ability represents the rogue of the Whispering Blades’ ability to wriggle free from magical effects that would otherwise control or compel him. If a rogue with slippery mind is affected by an enchantment spell or effect and fails his saving throw, he can attempt it again 1 round later at the same DC. He gets only this one extra chance to succeed on his saving throw.

Option 6 Hide in Plain Sight (Ex): A rogue of the Whispering Blades must have at least 12 ranks in the Hide skill before he can take this ability Hide in plain sight allows him to use the Hide skill even while being observed, as long as he is within 10 ft. of any sort of shadow.

Improved Evasion (Ex): This ability works like cept that while the rogue of the Whispering

no damage on a successful Reflex saving ttacks that would normally deal half dam-

nly half damage on a failed save amage). A helpless rogue of the

Whispering Blades does not gain the benefit of improved

tion 8: Spell-like Ability (Sp): A rogue of the spering Blades must have an Intelligence score of at 12 in order to select this option. When choosing this n, he must select one of the following spell-like abil-

ity: Blur, cat’s gace, darkness, detect thoughts,false life, fog cloud, fox’s cunning, or spider climb. Every time he chooses this option, a rogue of the Whispering Blades must select a new spell-like ability The selected spell-like ability can be used once a day and function as the spell of the same name as cast by a wizard of half the rogue of the Whispering Blades level.

Fatal Crippling Attack (Ex): When he attains 19th level, the rogue of the Whispering Blades’ crippling attack becomes even more lethal. In addition to the normal abil- ity damage dealt to the victim and the regular weapon damage, whenever the target of the rogue’s crippling attack suffers a critical hit, must also succeed at a Fortitude saving throw (DC 20 + the rogue’s Intelligence modifier) or die.

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SORCERER AND WIZARD I have always felt that the elmentalists - those arcane spell. casters who choose to specialize in a single element - were too focused, that their spell progression was too rigid, and that inevitably they had a disadvantage over other magic users. what I had not realized was that the spells of their chosen element are more varied than I had originally believed.

Note: The following rules are ment to be used with the elementalist class presented in AEG's Magic sourcebook. In addition to the elemental spells an elementalist can prepare over and above his normal allotment of spells per day, as presented in Magic, the elementalist may now also choose spells from the following lists (in addition to the original elementalist spell lists presented in Magic):

Elementalist Options Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Air Elemental Spell Feather fall Gust of wind wind wall Call lightning storm Cloudkill Acid fog Wind walk Greater shout Stom of vengeance

Earth Elemental Spell Endure elements Bear's endurance Meld into stone Stone shape Transmute rock to mudltransmute mud to rock Move earth Phase door Earthquake Elemental swarm (earth elementals only)

Fire Elemental Spell Produce flames Pyrotec hnics Flame awow Fire shield Fire seeds Flame strike Sunbeam Sun burst Meteor swarm

Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Water Elemental Spell Endure elements chill metal water walk wall of ice Blight Acid fog Monster summoning VI1 (huge water elemental) Polar ray Icicle swarm"

" Icicle swarm functions like the meteor swarm spell with the exception that it deals cold damage rather than fire damage. The ice spheres also leave a bluish trail of extreme cold behind them while traveling to their desti- nation.


ehension [General] the intricacies behind a specific type of

entalist 4th Benefit: You gain a +2 caster level bonus on all the

you cast from your elemental mastery spell list.

miliarity [General] arity with the elementals allows you to

ve your resistance against a specific element. requisite: Ability to cast at least one 3rd level

Benefit: When taking this feat, choose one elemental type (earth, water, fire, or air). You gain a +4 competence bonus to all saving throws and checks made against crea- tures from this elemental type.

Special: You may take this feat multiple times (up to 4), but each time you must choose a different type of ele- mental.

Improved Elemental Knowledge [General] Your familiarity with one type of elemental is enhanced.

Prerequisite: Spell-craft 4 ranks, Elemental Knowledge

Benefit: You gain an extra +1 competence bonus to attacks and damage against creatures of the elemental type with which you already have taken the Elemental Knowledge feat.

Special: You may take this feat multiple times (up to 4), but each time you must choose a different type of ele- mental.

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Lest you be a peer of mine (and who is, really?), I recom- mend that you close this book and move on. For there is nothing for your meager intellect to deduce here. Turn back these pages and return this book where you found it. For the truths written here are not for you..

You have been warned.

I M M 0 RTALITY hmortality. For millennia uncounted, evolved humanoids dreamed of cheating the inevitable. Some of these beings tried to deviate from their fate in order to enjoy the rest of their lives for all eternity. Over the centuries, many intelligent creatures aspired to become immortal, but very few were able to reach their goal. Unlike the gods - whom many among us believe are the creators of the universe - most of us have a limited amount of time on this plane. And for most of us, our miserable existence will terminate when our last breath escapes our mortal shell.

the physical body with the spintual entity we call the soul. Many among them dedicated their lives to comprehend

the symbiotic connection between the body, the mind, and the sptnt. Very few were able to understand the

intncate links between these distinct aspects of our beings, but centunes ago an old human male nevertheless

figured out a way to cheat death. His story is a long and complex one, for he existedfor many ltfe

times. Although this is not the place to describe the intncate details of the long journey that was his life, a few things never-

His name was Argos of Varnasia. He hailed from the city after which he took his name, but the legendary metropolis on the western coast sank into oblivion

long before Argos met with his own death. In his youth, Argos was an impulsive and bloodthirsty man. Following the first raid on Varnasia by the invading

northern barbarian tnbes - in which his entire family was brutally murdered - Argos pined the legton of the

Empire he was a citizen of. His hatred of the northern barbanans who had killed his loved ones was the fuel

that dictated his every action, and Argos quickly became one of the most dedicated soldiers ever to grace the ranks of

the prestigious tmpenal army. At the age of thirty-three, he was gtven the title of general. Afew years later, as the northern

theless need to be mentioned.

Hopeless romantics still cling to the idea that one gains immortality through fame and fortune. Some believe the leg- endary heroes of the past Age are immortalized in the folktales and songs recounted by bards and troubadours. Some assume the architects who built the great monuments thousands of years hence still live through their art. Others even say the scribes, philosophers, and sages who put their thoughts to paper gain a sort of immortality. Although it is true the work and deeds of great men inevitably outlive them, those who believe the only way to gain immortally is through our actions, legacies, and the vestiges we leave behind, are contemptible fools.

The simple truth is there are many ways of gaining immor- tality. The question is how does one wants to become immortal? To some, immortality gained through undeath is not truly immortality. Since these foul beings continue to exist only through unlife - these dreadful entities do not draw breath - I tend to agree with this assessment. ~n my opinion, the only immortal state that truly matters is the one in which blood still pumps through one’s veins, in which one continues to feel the air filling in his lungs. Any other state is not really immortality.

The real challenge, then, is to figure out how to render the physical body immortal. And then make sure the mind and soul remain healthy and well within the bounds of this corporeal

Over the years, elves, dwawes, and other races tried to uncover the intricate secvets of immortality, but despite their best efforts these already long-lived beings have

failed in their pursuit. Since the birth of mankind, countless sages delved into the study of the ties binding


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tnbes became even more reckless in their raids, Argos was given the task of putting an end to this menace - once and for all. In the years thatfollowed, General Argos led a senes ofwars against the northern tnbes. After years of watfare, the barbanans, unable to cope with the supenor might and tactics of Argos’ legions, capitulated. But Agos, who was by then called “Bloodaxe,” rejected the barbanans’ surrender.

Legends say Argos’ hatred of the northern tnbesmen was so intense that he wished for nothing less than the complete eradi- cation of their kind. Whether this is true or not, suwiving his- toncal records from this ancient era show that Argos did indeed continue to fight against the people of the Frozen Steppes long after thetr leaders capitulated. Some histonans maintain that Argos fought until the barbanans were on the bnnk of extinc- tion, others claim the General became mad with hatred and pushed his men too far. Whether these assessments are true or not, Argos did eventually stop. And were it not for his change of heart, the descendants of the barbanan people of the frozen northland would not be pestenng o

As it were, Argos Bloodaxe had wrote that after afierce battle on the northern s sistence made him pursue the fatigued troops into an ambush at hills. There, his legionnaires were d been heavily wounded dunng the e to escape impnsonment.

through the icy plains of the far n suwive in the harsh environment, but his body eventual cumbed to the many wounds he Argos found himself in a cave ne were bound and the cleaned carcass ofan elk lay near. There were no traces of anyone, but Argos was grateful for his good fortunes. None know what happened to Argos after that, but he spent many months in this cave.

when he returned home, two years after the fateful battle, Argos Bloodaxe was a changed man. Now convinced the gods would make him pay for his cnmes against the barbanan tnbes of the north, Argos became a fewent defender of peace. He used his reputation to oppose the senate and expose the genocide they supported.

Unlike what most histonans believe, however, Argos’ goal was far from noble. His new ambition was dnven by a dreadful fear of the wrath the gods had in store for him rather than by good will towards his former enemies. But dread zs a powerful stzmu- lant, and Argos dtd more than establish a long lasting peace between his people and the tnbes ofthe north: He learned how to cheat death.

Though none knows how he learned the technique he brought back with him from his lonely journey in the northland, Argos nevertheless learned to control his breathing and, through ngor- ous and ceaseless exercises, he became ageless.

Alone and on the bnnk of death, the warlord

Today, the art of controlling one’s intake and release of air - a technique discovered orpevfected by Argos himself- is known by a select few. These men and women are part of a special covenant and call themselves the Argosian Monks.

In essence, the Argosians believe aging i s caused because the breath of the gods that animates the clay of our flesh leaks out with every breath we expire and every word we speak. The fol- lowers of Argos have learned breathing procedures and sit in silence, consewing this divine breath and speaking only when absolutely necessary.

They live for millennia.

I M M 0 RTALITY TH RO U G H U N D EATH Death. For many of us, it is the end of everything - or at least the end of everything we know. For some, however, death is only the beginning.

Varna of the Lake, who was once my mentor in the Order of the Righteous Star Magi - many decades before she earned the

e that life was naught more than a . There was truth to what my once 11 those years ago. In fact, there are

of becoming an undead that a handful of sages living being to a creature ofthe night

olution of humanoid kind. These fool- believe that t o become an undead is

something everyone secretly desires. But to retain one’s mind nscending into such a state is somewhat ofa challenge.

mer mentor was one of the few to accomplish this. at I have come to realize in the course of my long career is

most those who transcend into the undeath state lose their ds entirely, becoming little more than slaves to the whims of

their soulless bodies. These creatures have no will oftheir own, no brains with which they can process lopcal thoughts, and no per- sonality. They are, in fact, mindless and soulless beings. The greatness of what Varna accomplished was not to become an undead, but rather to retain her mind and soul while her corpo- real body was transformed.

I cannot, in good conscience, praise the actions of my former colleague, but I cannot dismiss them either - because what she accomplished, however disturbing, was nevertheless beyond any- thing any of us great thinkers believed possible. Varna may have been seduced by the dreadful power and evil knowledge she acquired in the course of her prestigious career, she may have sunk into a dark pit from which she would never again climb out, she may even have had dealings with the most loathsome of the gods, but in the end she succeeded - she became immortal.

Though I would greatly discourage anyone from attempting this disquieting of ntual, I learned Varna’s greatest secret: If an undead creature is suffused with positive energy at the moment of its creation, of a quantity just barely enough to cause it harm, it will retain the ongtnal, unsullied mind it had in life.

And thus is how some great individuals - however perverse - become immortal.

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Immortal Coils When using a create undead spell, or other magic of 6th level or above allowing the creation of an undead, a char- acter can instill positive energy that will allow the newly conceived creature to retain its original mind by binding its soul to its revitalized corpse. A single point of positive energy must be imparted to the new undead, and this must be done no later than 1 round following the crea- ture’s creation. Using a spell as simple as a cure minor wounds is ideal for this ritual, which lasts no longer than the casting time of the original spell used to create the undead plus one round (in which one point of positive energy must be transferred to the creature).

Although the process is relatively quick and simple, it is far from perfect and the newly created undead creature suffused with the positive energy must succeed at a Will save (DC 20) in order for this process to work. If the save is successful, the creature’s soul remains bound to its body and the mutated being retains its mind, which remains undamaged; or, in other words, exactly as it was in life. If the new undead fails its saving t tive energy was not successful remains unbound. The unde creature of the night - just as impart it with positive energy

It is possible to use a spell of undead creature, such as a ra making the new undead retain its unsu becomes much more comple ture’s Will save is augmented low level spells, and the chan are thus lessened. Add 5 to the DC of the undead’s Will saving throw for each level below 6th of the spell used to created it. For instance, a raise dead spell, which is a 3rd level spell (three levels under 6th) requires the undead to make a Will save at a DC of 35 (20 + 5 per level below 6th) in order for it to retain its mind and soul.

Regardless of which spell is used in the creation of the undead or its level, the brain of the original creature must be intact in order for this process to work. The ancient remains of a dead human which have turned into a flesh- less skeleton cannot be turned into an intelligent undead; the creature’s mind is already long gone.

THE SECRET OF LICHDOM People often ask me what is the most powerful creature I encoun- tered during my long years of adventures. Though I faced many appalling beasts and deadly aberrations in my time, none distraught me more than one truly sickening undead: The lich.

Most people shudder at the mere mention of this loathsome creature, but veryfew were fortunate enough to cross paths with a lich and live to boast about it. Though many commoners heard tales about the darkest being of the night, the information they share is usually based on a bard’s tale or a children’s ballad. The

common man knows the lich is homble, he realizes it i s undead, he believes it lacks the morals most mortal creatures possess, but he does not truly understand just how ignoble this creature truly is.

The simple fact i s that a lich i s repulsively, undeniably, and unbelievably evil. I t is a perverted soul trapped in a disgustingly revolting body, which i s literally rotting from the inside out. Moreover, this type of undead is sinfully conniving, viciously witty, and unbelievably perverted. what i s even more fvlghten- ing i s that a lich has at its disposal more power than even a man like me might dream possible. And more often than not, it wields magic which could put to shame even the most potent wizards in our realms.

My encounter with Kama the lich was an unpleasant event to say the least. In life, Kama was known as the Devilish, for he was a brutal sorcerer who showed no mercy, pity, or remorse. He was a cunning man who influenced the greatest monarchs of his time and folklore holds that he was responsible for the death of countless thousands. His passing onto the unlife state - some two thousand years ago - i s now the stuff of legend, but I never dreamt the countless myths surrounding this ambitious and

magtc user were true - that i s , until I came face to face

ation of this magtcal creature, for I dare turers to their deaths - and I know if

as name an approximate geogvaphical locale, some buffoons will take it upon themselves to seek Kama out, regard- less ofthe fact that their lives would undoubtedly be forfeit ifthey do. I will not repeat all the secrets Kama himself explained to me, for I refuse to propagate evil and I cannot in good conscience take the chance that these secretsfall into the wrong hands. There is one fundamental pnnciple, however, which I must shave with you. Fzrst, however, let me tell you a bit more about my unfoytu- nate encounter.

I t was in the last days of my illustnous career, when I was still part of one of the greatest adventunng bands ever to pace the world. I t was also in the dead of winter, when the land and the people lay still, dormant, and waiting. My companions and I were eager for action, as 1s often the wont of young men and women in the pnme oftheir lives. We were impatient and jaded, eagerfor adventure and glory. we did not know quite what to do with ourselves, but we had discovered an ancient map in one of our previous endeavors, one leading to an old wizard’s tower deep in the wilderness. We knew next to nothing about the place, save for its approximate location and the fact that it was said to have been the property ofa magician once. Withoutfurther ado, we set outfor this place of sowow and death -for sowow and death we found there.

Finding the tower had been easy, our map was precise and the landscape had not changed much durtng the long years since i t had been drawn. Figunng a way inside the place, however, was a challenge. With the help of Felan, one of my trusted compan- ions and a devotedfollower ofthe god of light, I was able to break the enchantment sealing the tower off.. . and so we proceeded i n s i de.

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We explored many rooms and chambers before we unwitting- ly stumbled into Karna’s private abode. The great lich of legend confronted us, and in the blink of an eye all my companions were either slain or incapacitated. I alone remained standing, facing the howov, which still sat in its throne. But Karna decided to spare my life - not because he deemed it worthwhile or because he took pity on me, but rather because he had not met anyone in centuries and was craving infomation.

Karna stripped me of all the things I needed to cast my spells and incarcerated me. The months that followed were undeniably the worst of my life, for Karna the lich enjoyed torturing defense- less victims in his undeath state as much as he had in life. My intimate knowledge of the world’s history allowed me to feed the vicious fiend with bits and pieces of infomation he so obviously craved. Had I not been a student of the past, I would probably have joined my companions in death (though I later learned Felan also suwived the lichs initial onslaught). Fortunately for me, Karna was also a creature that enjoyed sharing its ideas, its thoughts, and the knowledge it had accumulated over the long centuries of his existence. SO even though I divulged some histor- ical and cultural facts to my enemy, I did learn peat secrets in return.

I will spare you the details of my escape from Karna’s towev, but I will say this: to this day, I remain skeptical whether my ruse against Karna worked or if the lich actually allowed me to escape. Whatever the answer, I barely managed to hold on to the

shred of life left in me. And I later vowed never to reveal the loca- tion of the lichs keep to anyone - for fear I would lead the unfortunate soul to his doom.

One thing I learned from the lich Karna, however, I reveal to you now.

I t is a disturbingfact that the soul ofa lich is a twisted and evil thing, but what is even more disquieting is what this wretched soul must do before it can aspire to gain immortality through lichdom. According to Kama the Devilish, in order to become a lich, one must brutally murder his family Though he did not reveal to me the intricate secrets of how to turn one’s living body into the immortal shell through which a lich can exist, Karna explained that to complete the transition into lichdom, one must kill his parents, sibling, spouse, and children. And the murders must be made in cold blood, using the same ritualistic blade. Onlywhen this is done can the lichs transfornation be complete.

Kama himself did just that, not because he was driven mad with jealousy or rage - as most ancient tales say about him - but because he was obsessed with gaining immortality through lichdom. Karna was a vile being in life, a remorseless murdevev, and he proved this when he slaughtered his kin. This terrible act of evil allowed Karna to complete the ritual which turned him into the dreaded creature he became, it finalized his long and hazardous transition from Iife to unlife, it made him become a lich. But there is more to the story than what he revealed to me.

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Dunng my stay, I noticed strange things about Karna. On one hand he was a genius with boundless and invaluable knowledge at his disposable; on the other he was acting very eenly, almost as if he had lost his mind. In my wisdom, I began to study the lich’s weird behaviors and, after months of observation, I finally understood his nervous quirks, angry snarls, and the strange comments he occasionally shouted. I realized Karna was not alone. I began to suspect no lich truly ever is. In fact, Karna - as I think all liches - was haunted be the ghosts of the people who had been his family.

Though I only saw these spints a few times, I quickly under- stood they meant me no ham, that they could not care less about the living, and that they were quite benevolent - at least towards me. For Karna, however, it was another matter. The ghosts kept hovenng about hirn, whispenng things I could not comprehend. Sometimes, their spints took fom, but most often I could not see them. I could hear their quiet voices, however, even when they did not make themselves known to me. And it was obvious Karna could see them.

Though they did not seem able to cause t these ghosts were certainly vexatious to Karna insulted the Itch, they toyed with it responded in kind, throwing insu quiet. Sometimes, the lich had wh After heanng a couple of these une this seemed almost mundane t o - it became clear to me that the spints had once been his fami- ly; the family he had murdered to become a lich.

If the pnce of immortality through lichdom is to be by the ghosts of your family, r would be happy to live o lifetime.

ASCENSION TO GODHOOD I once had an interesting debate with one of my compatnots in the Order of the Righteous Star Magi. Our discussion concerned the many aspects godhood, more specifically the birth or creation of a deity. My confrere maintained that the gods were beyond our understanding, that their creation was too cryptic, and their exis- tence too suwounded in myth for us to make any sense of. He insisted their power was far too potent for any mortal man to comprehend, that the gods existed on an entirely different level, and that their influence on humanoid kind was so intncate we could not even begin to fathom its intncacies. Considenng the countless religrons and individuals who have tned to appreciate the nature of the gods over the last Ages, I would tend to agree with his assessment.

What my esteemed collaborator failed to mention, however, was that some mortals had indeed unraveled the secrets of god- hood. In fact - and that was the whole point behind my argu- ment -, some of the most powerfttl gods to watch over us at this very moment were indeed born mortal. Ifthese men and women, however few, figured out a way to gain ascension into godhood, then suvely some other mortal humanoids had’uncovered many of the gods’ most closely guarded secrets.

our debate soon focused on one ofthe mostfundamental ques- tions: how were the gods created. There are, of course, many answers to this questions; most of which found solely in myth and legend. Because most religions are biased and too involved in the mythology survounding the deity they worship, one cannot base his research exclusively on the sacred texts. Such an analysis would indeed be futile.

My colleague and I concluded that the gods came into being through many different means, that we were not learned or wise enough to determine how one simple being can eventually become a god, let alone analyze whether the myth behind the cre- ation or ascension of each deitywere true orfalse. And thus ended our discussion.

What 1 had not realized at the time was that this simple exchange with my compatriot would inspire him to seek out answers to some of the things we had discussed. In the following years, I learned he became a dedicated scholar of the gods’ pan- theon, of the history of both dead and active religions, and of the countless myths concerning the creation of the universe, of the

en are familiar with at least some of his work, under the name of Archelius of

pressive contnbutions to date remain, of ncipals of Creation,” “The Naked

Sacred Pantheon ofModern Days.” These tomes explore the vast away of subjects we once had brushed, years before. And Archelius - as I will call him -

mains an undisputed expert on the subject of godhood. Archelius lived a long and productive life, and his solid reputa-

on as one ofthe most respected scholars of our time was undoubt- ly well desewed. Throughout his illustnous career, Archelius

arbored a tremendous respectfor ltfe and a great reverence for the gods. I t is unfortunate he suffered so tembly at the end.

I t is in large part because of him that I am writing these lines. For some reason unknown to me, Archelius requested my presence and beckoned me to him just a few days before the dreadful dis- ease he had contractedfinally killed him. I t was on his deathbed that he revealed to me the great secret he did not dare put into wnting. Perhaps it was because of the discussion that inspired hirn so many years before, the debate that might have tnspired his long career, that he chose to share this secret with me; perhaps it was because of my prestige; perhaps it was for both of these reasons or something entirely different. But whatever motivated him t o reveal his thoughts to me, I am grateful. For Archelius’ knowledge confirmed a great many of my own theones.

Through my own research, I had found clues to one of the things Archelius and I had once discussed, notably the mystenes suwounding the creation myths of several gods. In many sacred texts, it is said that some ofthe best-known deities were once mor- tal beings, that they had been great heroes or villains of their respective time, and that they somehow ascended into a state of godliness. As can be expected, these sacred texts do not reveal how a simple mortal creature could aspire to immortality by becom- ing a god.

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There are, however, several documents which bnefly hint at the answer to this question. Through many long years of research, r compiled the wisdom of many sages each ofwhich had their own thoughts and ideas on the subject. After several years of reading, I discarded many portions of this matenal as either ndcculously absurd or blatantly plagiarized. r had come up to a preliminary conclusion when Archilius summoned me to his deathbed. What I learned from the venerated sage was that he had amved as the same conclusion as r had.

Let me explain. There i s a limited amount of divine energy at any one given time. The gods must share this almighty force among themselves, but the potency of all the deities together is always equal to this amount of energy. In order to gain more powev, a god must acquire a greater portion of this ambrosial essence. To do so, the deity must either steal this energy directly from another god or gather more devotees..

The latter i s perhaps the most obvious, but the former i s nev- ertheless the most important. When a god enlarges his flock of worshipers, his influence over the world i s enhanced - as we mortals have often witnessed - but his unearthly power in the higher planes i s also augmented. other, they do so to acquire more of which they draw their power. The whether it takes thefom ofa battle intngue, or of a divine epic battle, u glonous force upon which his oppo

It i s my understanding, this motion, senselessly flowing from one god to the next. Th powevfttl gods control greater portz whose religion or worship are on t

become a god, but I am getting th ltmited, i t i s only natural to assume that to become a god, one must find a way to acquire some of this potent stuff As you can imagine, one does not find bawls of this divine energy at the general store. In fact, no mortal can even hope to perceive this ambrosial substance, let alone capture it. But there is nevertheless a way for a mortal being to become a god.

This revelation, howevev, does not explain how o

Simply put: To become a god, one must kill a god. Once this i s accomplished, the sanctified essence which gave

the murdered god its divinity is transferred to its murderer. This i s how some of the old gods penshed and disappeared from mem- 0% this is how the heroes of old became immortals, and this i s

how many legendary mortals of mythology claimed their god- hood.

REINCARNATION There are many theories regarding reincarnation. In fact, there are so many ways to analyze how reincarnation actually works that i t i s hard to make sense of it all. The simplest way to define the process of reincarnation, as most savants see it, is saying it is the rebirth ofthe soul in another body.

Some belzeve the current mamage of our mind, body, and soul i s but one of the vanous possible aspects we can take. Theonsts hold that our soul i s eternal and our current self i s simply one of the many incarnations we might embody over the course of sev- eral lifetimes. These sages maintain that our spint - or soul, if you will - is immortal, that it has no physical form of its own but exists in an incorporeal state, and that it holds all of our dreams, our dnve, and our ambitions. According to many experts, the soul i s basically the essence of our beings. It i s the spark igniting the flames of our life, the fuel dnving our every action and reaction, and the spznt shaping and defining our character. This incorporeal entity, which i s at the very core of our being, howevev, cannot suwive without the body. The soul alone i s not only intangble and seemingly unreal (at least to us), but also impotent and unable to express its true self by itself.

In order for this intangible soul to achieve its full potential - and indeed in order for it to take concrete form - it must merge into a physical shell. Once the soul i s attached to a corporeal

the body withers and dies. So the true anoid kind - and the reason why we are not

i s intnnsically linked with the limits of the physi- dy. While the soul is immortal and hysical shell after we die, our physical

t of time in this world. And thus the rs seek out a way to cheat death. nd every living creature is part of the

great energy that feeds the higher powers. Though I already established that this divine energy bestows the deities their god- hood, it i s important to understand we all share a small portion of this great ambrosial essence. This is why the more of us there

to worship a particular deity, the more this deity's power and ortance expands.

None truly knows how long it takes the essence of our soul to find another suitable body in which it can reincarnate, thus becoming a wholly different being. Many, however, maintain it takes only an infinitely short instant because the dnving forces behind the universe have already determined where and when each of our souls would reincarnate. I do not believe this non- sense, for I do not think the gods or any other higher power pre- determines our path. The Fates are wise, but even they cannot foresee everything. My own theory i s that the soul is strong enough to find its own path, and thus I believe we are responsi- ble for each of the incarnations in which we are born.

The embodiment of the soul and its mamage with a single physical shell i s done sometime after the conception and before the birth ofthe new entity - which can be a short time after the soul is released from the previous body at the time of zts death, or some time later. If the soul i s not immediately reincarnated into a new physical entity, it remains in limbo until it does. But there is one aspect I haven't yet discussed. I have talked about the immortal soul and the mortal body, but what about the mind?

Many wise men suggest that the mind is the result ofthe mar- nage ofthe physical shell and the spintual soul. mthout both of these aspects each humanoid - and indeed every animal and

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other living thing - would have no functional brains. But the mind is more than simply that. The soul, as I have established, represents our essence, the expression of our true self, or the core of our being. The body is, more simply, the physical shell within which our soul can grow and experience life. Our mind, which is dependent on both soul and body, is the link between the two. Through it, we experience physical and emotional pain and joy, we express our thoughts and feelings, and we accumulate knowl- edge and wisdom. When we die and our soul is reincarnated, we lose all memory of those experiences. with death of the body comes the death of the mind. But our soul somehow grows throughout this process, it remembers, even if it is unconsciously.

This is what reincarnation is all about. And the wisest men and women who walk among us have

often lived many lifetimes. Though they might not realize or acknowledge it, their soul is old, having accumulated countless lifetimes of wisdom. The most enlightened beings are those whose soul has been reincarnated many times over.

There are those, however, who would rebuke these theories. Among them are the druids of the Order of the sullied Hand, who believe the goal of reincarnation is not to experience many lifetimes and become wiser or more enlightened, but rather to uncover the ultimate expression of our soul.

Though I do not entirely trust the druids of the sullied Hand, I cannot dismiss their theories as pure gibberish either. For not only have they been around for years uncounted but there might be truth in their eerie philosophy. These strange druids are also fewent believers of the reincarnation process. Although they might not reveal their true allegiance to their secretive Order, most openly preach their belief in reincarnation and often edu- cated the ignorant masses on the subject. I even found proof that many great warriors of old believed so strongly in the reincarna- tion theories of the Order of the Sullied Hand they became total- ly fearless in battle. These warriors welcomed death with open arms, for they trusted they would be reincarnated into a life bet- ter suited for them.

The Order of the sullied Hand was founded thousands of years ago, but the events surrounding its early beginning have been lost for generations. None truly knows who founded the order, but the druids who belong to it still remember why. And their impressive theory of veincarnation is at the center of their beliefs.

~n recent years, the Order has been strongly active in rural areas and the wilderness, but veryfew among us know ofits exis- tence. This is mainly because the druids of the Sullied Hand work in secret and seldom reveal their allegiance to the Order. But their obsession with the reincarnation process sometimes give them away.

Strong believers of reincarnation, these secretive druids hold that our soul is intrinsically linked with a totem animal. They believe the totem animal of each individual varies depending on the true nature of his spirit, but that every one of us is nevevthe- less bound to such a force. For the druids of the sullied Hand, the essence of the totem animal is the drivingforce behind our soul;

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it is the true expression of our being; it i s what we should aspire to become.

The life long goal of any member of the Sullied Hand i s to align his soul with his totem animal. At the time of his death, the druids ofthe Order hope t o reincarnate into such entities,for they trust that people who reincarnate into their totem animal are happier and better adjusted to life.

If their ambition were simply to achieve a happier state of being, I would leave it at that. But these druids are much more devious. They believe all the woes tn the world come from a com- mon source. They feel people whose souls are trapped into the wrong corporealfonn cause all the wars and plagues and deaths. Simply put, they think everyone should pursue their goal, which i s to align their spint with their totem animal, and eventually be reborn as this animal.

Unfortunately, the druids of the sullied Hand also maintain that most people are not intelligent or wise enough to understand they suffer because their soul is trapped inside a body that should not have been theirs in the first place. Moreovev, they pretend - like many other defenders of the wilderness - that most humanoids are destroying nature and that the fers because ofthem. In their minds, if more nated in the form of their totem animal, 1 betterfor them but the planet would also h ly heal itself.

In a strange way, the druids of the Sulli ny. They hope to restore the fragile balance between nature and humanoid kind. They wish all the people in the world coul happily through their vlghtful incarnation in the fom of totem animal. Though their goal might seem noble, the druid the Sullied Hand are far from altruistic. In fact, most mem belonging to this strange Order are fanatically vile and - I dare say - depravedly insane.

The simple fact is that the ultimate goal ofthis secretive sect i s

to murder everyone in the world and reincarnate them all in a mass ntual, which would bind their souls to their nghtful totem animal. Though I doubt the Order of the Sullied Hand is pre- pared for such a dreadful task, I fear the day when their leaders take it upon themselves to slaughter the masses.

Thus far, the activities ofthe Order have been subtle and con- ducted with the utmost secrecy. However, I know for a fact that many druids of the sullied Hand are responsible for countless cold-blooded murders. I have even witnessed one myself. What truly troubled me about the incident was that the evil druid believed he was doing his victim a favor. He was so dnven by his twisted belief that he even pevforrned a strange and loathsome ntual after assassinating his target. The ntual, I later learned, was to help guide the soul of the deceased towards its totem ani- mal. In other words, the druid hopped his victim would reincar- nate into the tvue expression of its being, and live a happy life.

I do not approve of the Order of the Sullied Hand’s actions. I do not believe the members of the sect - or anyone else for that mattev - have the nght to murder tnnocents. I do not trust them, nor do I wish to meet another one of their disquietingly

fanatical kind ever again. But I do trust their theory on a totem animal which is intrinsically linked with the soul might hold some truth - or at least a partial truth. For who among us truly knows why our spirit passes fYom one life to the next? who among us can say what the ultimate purpose of our soul is? Perhaps the druids of the sullied Hand have a point. Perhaps we should do well to discover our own totem animal.

RES U RR ECTI 0 N I should not be writing this. I should lay down my quill and stop now, before it i s too late. All the fibers of my being tell me not to continue with this idiotic endeavor. My mind, guided by any sense of reason left in me, screams in silence, beggtng me to stop. But I cannot put down the quill, I cannot throw away the parch- ment, and I cannot keep this secret t o myself. yet I am haunted by a great sense of personal doom, for once I reveal what I have learned my life will undoubtedly be at nsk.

What I am about to disclose concerns us all, and I fear what the members ofthe Society ofthe Silent Reckoning will do to me

learned of their extstence. They will ssins after me - and to be pevfectly ight do to me;for these are a strange But this is too tmpodant to keep hid- . Besides, I am an old man at the end

of his road. so what do I have to lose but a few years? Several years ago, I discovered an ancient volume wntten in a

language I had never before encountered. The thick tome was with nawow bones, its finely chiseled spine cawed out

he femur of what appeared to be a small demonic creature. ome’s bulky cover was made out of strange and lustrous

ck leather, and I dare not guess the type offiend this leathery skin onginated from. The pages of the volume were made of cracked burgundy leather as thin as papev, the golden hiero- glyphic markings upon them barely visible. I t took me a long while to decipher its cryptic language, for even my spells proved to be of little help in this endeavor. But I have broken its secrets. Now I understand. And thus I must reveal to others what was wntten therein.. .

Though I have no time to translate the entire manuscnpt here, in these simple pages, I will nevertheless unveil its most enigmatic secret.

The manuscnpt I found was titled “The Essence of Being.” It descnbed in intncate details how the soul of every sentient life form remains attached to its body, even after death. It explained that the connection between the immortal spint and its last physical incarnation was so strong that the act ofresurrecting the dead individual was an almost tnvial matter; at least to the many head pnests and high ranking clencs of many religions.

According to the ancient text, the connection between the essence of our being and its physical incarnation is so powevJul some people can be resurrected many years after they have died. Most pnests who study such things would agree, but they would also say the soul in question must be willing to return to the body; and this is not always the case. Sometimes, a soul i s

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“trapped” in another life, its essence already deeply connected to a new incarnation. Sometimes, the soul, although free of any restnction, i s unwilling to come back to its onginal form - either because it wants to move forward and start anew within a freshly spawned form or because it would prefer to linger on in limbo for a while longer. The experts are unsure about the rea- sons behind a soul’s refusal to return to its last known incarna- tion, but many believe the spnts which cannot be resuwected have had a hard time tn life and, once they die, are unwilling to continue with it. But the ancient text “The Essence of Being” states otherwise.

Based on the golden hieroglyphs I decrypted, there are many ways to force a soul to return. with the help of potent divine magic, the head pnests of many cults were able to resuwect sever- al of their most ardent followers. In some cases, peat heroes and monarchs have been brought back to life in the hope they would once again be able to save the people from a tervlble doom or rein- state the glory of a Golden Age long past.

Throughout histovy, there hav where influential people - such were resuwected. In most inst continued with his life until more. In other cases, the perso than once. Some people have e cheat an early death but also to p ingfor many more years than

human monarch responsible for a vast empire which do the northern hemisphere of our planet in the past Age. modern histonans know very little concerning this p time, the book explained - in geat many details - the times of Kravus. My own analysis of the dark tome confirmed it might indeed come fiom this mystical penod of history, so I for one believe the information disclosed within its thick pages might be accurate; at least as far as any chronicle can be.

King Kravus was a powetful man. He lived in hard times and in one ofthe most brutal parts ofthe world, where great roaming tnbes ruled. According to the story, he was the first king to unit the savages of the northern continent under a single vule. with the help of an unnamed deity, Kravus even brought civiltzation to an uncivilized people. But he accomplished all of this with the force of his mighty hosts and the cruelty of his calculating mind. He was able to rule over the largest kingdom manhind had euer seen, but he did so by slaughtenng all those who would oppose him.

When the great monarch passed away, his descendents quick- ly lost control of the many diferent ethnics cornpnsing the vast kingdom their father had built. Soon, all Kravus had gained by spilling the blood of his enemies crumbled into dust.

Miraculously, the King vetumed fYom the grave - resuwect- ed by the pnests of an unholy order seeking the restoration of the peat kingdom he hadforged. But Kravus’ return was not entire- ly welcome, for he had been a merciless ruler. To reclaim his

The dark volume I read revealed the story of King Kravus a

throne, he had his sons and gandsons assassinated. He also murdered all the nobles and church officials who had opposed his return. It took him a few years, but Kravus took over the reigns of the kingdom he had built once again. And he reinstated order and forced unity in its lands.

Kravus’ second d e , howevev, was even crueler than his first. He became obsessed with seeking out and killing all who would oppose him. He ordered the destruction of abundant forests where he believed his enemies were hiding. He decreed war against peo- ple who had already pledged loyalty to him. He caused the geno- cide of countless cultures.

Dunng this dark penod, the book claims, Kravus was able to prolong his life through the divine mapc of the evil pnests who had remained loyal to him. The king died many times - of some diseases he contracted, of accidental deaths, and following a number of successful assassination attempts - but the unholy pnests kept bnnging him back to life. Again and again they res- uwected the only man who was pewerted enough to keep control over the unbelievably vast kingdom.

he Society of the Silent Reckoning was ood assassins, the Society eventually murdered end to his tyrannical rule, which had lasted

d years. Since then, the Society ofthe Silent at kings and other rulers cannot become

Though very few people know of their existence, the members this secret cabal are an essential part of the world; for no one nts to see another ruler like Kravus. The members of the

Society have concocted an elixir that, when ingested, gradually rs the connection between the spirit and the body. They poi- the food and dnnk of the most powetful monarchs in the Id to ensure they are not brought back to life over and over

immortal by resurrecting themselves again and again.

again. And, though I now fear for my life, I applaud them.

The Lazarus The elixir of the Society of the Silent Reckoning is color- less, odorless, and tasteless. None knows how it is con- cocted save for the most important members of the cabal. Once drunk, the effect of this potent mixture stays inside the body forever.The substance is not considered a poison nor a disease, and even the greatest clerics are unable to detect it in the body Every time this substance is ingest- ed, there is a cumulative 1% chance any attempt at resur- rection fails; so the more one drinks the elixir, the less chances he has at returning from the dead. Additionally, if a soul is resurrected into a body containing this elixir, there is an additional 10% chance that the next resurrec- tion attempt will fail.

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Yuur >u>piLiuri> yruvcu irue giver1 even crie uurw giirripx i n i u r in

actions since last we saw him. Sometimes his activities were so thovough that I had no choice but to cast about blindlyfor his trail, while other times I was so close to him that I found myself hesitating rather than pevfoming my duties as I should have.

In the end, howevev, all my efovts were virtually for naught. Rho is gone, almost certainly forever, and little indeed survived in his wake. What follows are excerpts lifted piecemeal from his surviving journals, what little of them did suwive. As per your instructions, I excised no text. These few passages are literally all that remains of Draus Rho’s records after he took leave. He evident- ly took to burning his journals upon discovering that I was follow- ing him, though in some cases the papers must have smoldered for over a week before I recovered them. Nomally, I would discount such drama as a sign ofaforgery, to distract me from my true hunt, but I find the circ*mstances compel me to make an exception.

My official recommendation is that we continue hunting. Draus may be mad, or simply gone astray as we hoped, but in any event his rarefied knowledge and abilities are too great to leave any doubt as to his present condition or whereabouts. Unoficially, I want nothingfuvther to do with the man. Try as I might to deny his poisonous thoughts, I find myself agreeing with some of his conclusions, and sympathizing with still more. I cannot counte- nance the thought of trodding Baus’ path anyfuvthev, so I must plead release from this duty. I can only hope that Draus’ words tempt me less if1 have less reason to dwell upon them.

This day in your sewice, -Alliau Hol

an absolute, a means and an end in one. Deceit weighs upon sou1s, and I’ve not met a liar yet who could truly divide realityfrom their own warped imaginings. Every undiscovered lie leads us into darkness and ruin, whereas the truth cannot help but benefit all.

The second rule is that of synchronicity, the tiny reverberations of tvuth in the world. Few lie out of habit, after all, so their fic- tions betray their secret motives, in turn leading towards their reasons for the lies in the first place; lies are, I suppose, a suicidal in that respect. Another way to notice this is by simply learning and paying attention. When we, as children, learned a new word, we suddenly heard it spoken constantly. Did we merely notice an existing trend, a coincidental series ofevents, or did our knowledge somehow call to others? The question borders on hubris, even solipsism, but we first knew a truth, and knowing it, we could not help but see it everywhere.

I am a yet young, for an elf. My masters flatter me by saying that I am the youngest archmage our people have ever known, but I know this is not entirely true. I know that my place was at White Rive? to cut offthe orcish reinforcements. I know, too, that the plan required the sactifice of an elven city and its people to make the ruse appear genuine. I cannot fault my masters for choosing my citv, either. If I was willing to sacrifice anyone, I should not have wanted to pass that pain on..

Today, I am six score years old. My peers praise me as a hero, the priests honor my name, and children on the streetsfight over the right to be me as they reenact my battles. My research has already produced over a dozen new spells, and new techniquesfor old ones. The kingdom is saved, and the orcs are in retreat.

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In the quiet hours of night and solitude, I would trade it all, The homes mystenously absent fYom their foundations, stone just to touch herface once again. roads reduced to rubble, and entire herds of cattle slaughtered and

My master has.. . asked, I suppose, that I take a sabbatical let left to rot on hill and dale. The trees are ashen, and the waters while I mourn. He is cowect. I have lost much, and my partici- black -foul with pitch. As a precaution, I cast my divinations pation is no longer necessavy. I t would hurt morale if the others about the ruinous honzonfor signs ofa black dragon, but I found knew how I gneved so, and should the orcs return, Ifear I might myself oddly thankful that it was truly the orcs who had been lose myself tn my gnef. Grandmaster Rourke has thankfully responsible for these atrocities. I was dismayed, though not sur- provided a small cover story for me by granting me my leave of pnsed, that I could find no other living and aware creatures to absence in the form of an investigation I once asked him for. the east of Icewood, and Little Hade’s wings flutter accelerated my pace. happily as she thinks about ’3 Fortunately Hade slept visiting her cousins, but I through the wastes, and can feel her sympathies -9* did not see what had for me lying just beneath become of her childhood her cheer. More than any home. she must know how West of Icewood told deeply this all has me a different stovy as affected me. my horse leapt over the

broken bndge. I t could personal effects and not possibly have hap- pretended to listen to pened thus, but on one Haelk’s playful chit- side of the creek was ter- teving, I found my nble and complete devas- thoughts dnfting back tation. On the opposite to the o m . shores, lush forest and ver-

The orcs. I have never dant fields. Even the road truly understood why we became little more than an have fought so against one overgrown pathway. The creek had another. we live in the forests, marked the bovder between fey lands and they in the hills. we eat little and mortal kingdom, between where the meat, and they eat little else. Both dvyads and nymphs leant us their aid and our religions tell of our gods wamng where they refused t o let us bolster their against theirs, and even the legends of defenses. Though the human knights and outside races agree. There is no motive conscripts did their best to halt the in these stones, though, no ongin to the st orcs’ advances, several reliable allegory. That the orcs hunt us is no sur- reports placed a mapr battle to the pnse, as they hunt everyone. That we who west of Icewood. Even yet, it stood pristine are at peace with even the dwarves, that we before me. Whatever the orcs had come for, either hunt the o m , too, is somehow troubling. I t is they had not found it, or the fey had recovered it quickly one thing to fight for our own defense, but OUT human allies against the orcs were cowect in their esti- another to attempt to eradicate an entire people, even if they are mation of the fey The fey though eager to aid even their distant our sworn enemies. Some fringe scholars warn that the orcs are cousins dunng the war, dtspatched only one of their number to cormpt cousins, but so are the drow, who have still less in com- speak with me. I met her on the glade outside of the Autumn, mon with the orcs than do we. just as the last of the sun’s bnlliant hues had faded into night.

I will have time enough in the journey to dwell upon such She cloaked herselfin the finest white silks, and moved with an thoughts. I close this book now, to finish bundling. In three days’ internal grace beyond nature’s bounds. The fey chose to impress time, I will open it again, and record my ftrst expenences with their greatness upon me with a nymph, but while I had met the fey. none of her kind before, I had heard tales enough to know that

something was amiss. As enticing, beguiling, perfect as her shape was, I intuitively knew that to gaze upon her too long would be to forget my honored mourning. The notion did more than protect me from the nymphs powers.

However strange it still seems, I felt only hatred for this gentle creature.

As I packed away my

9: 9; 9;

The road between Shademarch and the Autumn Glens held some of the fiercest fighting against the orcish invaders. Everything that stood east of Icewood Creek is now gone.

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Any ill will was iwational, however, and I had far greater concerns than avenging my gnef on the innocent. I swallowed my ire as she approached me. The nymph introduced herself as Sellyah, a young nymph as curious about my people as I was concerning hers. She apologized for the delay in our meeting, for the pnor refusals to allow me to come to Autumn Glen, but she claimed her kind had concerns about arcanists such as myself. Where thefeyfind comfort in their ties t o nature, and can at least understand (if not always use) the god-given abilities of clencs and paladins, arcane magtc 1s almost as alien to the fey as the fey are to us.

My cunosity aroused, I decided to delay my initial senes of questions, instead taking the opportunity to tell her more about my magic ask her more about her own. The process was difficult, akin to a deaf man descnbing color to a blind man, so different are our perspectives. I first reminded her that bards themselves aye arcanists, and that tales of thew dalliances with nymphs and dyads are only slightly less famous than bardic epics. Chuckling heartily, Sellyah agreed, but noted that the bards’ love of beauty i s one shared by all fey, marking bards as exceptional ~n many ways (I chose not to ask what she meant). sellyah told me that her powers denve from her ties to nature, specifically from the veryglade upon which we then stood. Whenever she needed sup- port, she claimed, she simply drew upon her love for that place, and from that she could heal any wound, OY stand against any foe she had yet faced. I suggested that many sorcerers would their own abilities were similar, though the sorcerers’ sou power was their own will, rather than s

Sellyahfrowned slightly at the sugges further. We quietly adjourned for the ni where I could bed down for the night m

Sleepless and by starlight, I now pen these words in m y p r - nal. In retrospect, I think my initial conclusion was rash and with little basis. The links between sorcerers and fey are shallow, as both can cast spells without preparation. Sorcerers often have blood ties to ancient creatures, most notably dragons. In contrast, I have never heard of a nymph producing offspnng outside ofthe apocryphal tales in lusty bard-songs. The fey often resemble elves, particularly elven women, but these are mere physical simtlan- ties, no true sign of blood. I had been considenng that this was possibly a choice to appeal to the elves, as we often live near the fey lands, when a stray thought crossed my mind: many gods choose to appear as the same race as theirfollowers.

The notion makes a certain amount of sense, albeit without adequate research at hand to do more than simply make an edu- cated guess. The fey have links to some aspect of nature, without which they pensh, and by stnking at one, the otherfalters. Their power flows directly from this t i e , and the locations home to the greater fey are pnstine, the kind that marks many of the gods’ favored sites. As nature i s not tmly intelligent in and ofitself, the fey themselves might intuitively access its blessings, but never meditate upon the symmetvy of being sewant, protector, and avenger of nature. For all their supernatural beauty, I cannot recall of any accounts of it from a perspective that does not hold

elven women to be the height of loveliness, as even orcs often grudgingly admit; perhaps if I could speak to a lizardfolk druid on the subject, I might find a detailed description of the emerald scales of a nymph.

Perhaps the fey are, in their own way, avatars of nature, much as the more traditional deities might have lesser aspects which they reveal or unleash upon the mortal realms.

FEY MAGIC Though creatures of inherent magic, fey are not true sorcerers, as they (and their magic) are part of nature, not masters of it. Like sorcerers, fey intuitively wield magic, requiring no formal training, nor even an outside guide like a spellbook or scrolls, although a fey usually wields druidic magic rather than arcane. Even though the basic limits of fey magic is like that of druids, however, the fey do not truly worship nature, being both already a part of nature, and too selfish on average.This is not out of a lack

duly compassionate when not of their being. As part of the very

y serve and exemplify, their greatest

f nature, it is extraordinarily the fey off from nature, the out outright killing them.

would bar creatures from using their ities would have a similar

effect on the fey, but these are temporary measures at best. There are two known ways to disrupt the connection between fey and nature: manipulating the fey’s protec- torate, and forcing the fey themselves to abandon the link. Both methods are dangerous, but each reaps its own reward.

The Fey Protectorate The fey are so strongly tied to nature that a blow to one harms the other. While this is the most infamous dryad trait, it extends to all other creatures of the fey type. Each fey has a portion of nature they guard over, commensu- rate with the fey’s size and ability. A pixie might watch over a single flower or acorn, while a nymph reigns over a lake or meadow. Whatever the size of the protectorate, it represents the fey’s link to nature, and is normally a pris- tine example of nature’s capacity for beauty and perfec- tion. The protectorate’s appearance not only shows how strong the fey’s bond with nature is, it also reflects the fey’s emotions. If a fey grows angry (see Forces of Nature, below), its meadow may rustle with harsh storm winds, or its flower suddenly sprout wicked thorns.

Though the fey can leave their protectorates for extend- ed trips with little fear of injury or death, it is uncomfort- able for them to do so for long. So long as a fey is within line of sight with its protectorate, the fey suffers no penal- ty. It may remain apart from its protectorate for a number

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of days equal to its hit dice, during which time it likewise suffers no ill effects, though it is none the happier for it. Each day following, however, the fey suffers a point of temporary ability damage to both Constitution and Wisdom, and may not heal this damage until the fey touches protectorate again. Being within eye contact prevents further damage and resets the number of days the fey can remain apart from the protectorate without harm, but does not allow healing or restore ability scores. If this reduces a fey’s ability score below the minimum required to cast a spell, the fey may only use it as a spell- like ability by becoming enraged (again, see Forces of Nature, below). If either a fey’s ability scores reach o in this man- ner, the fey dies a painful death, and may not be raised by magic short of a miracle or wish spell.

Another way to manipulate a fey’s ties to nature is by deliberately damaging the protectorate directly. Poisoning plants, damming rivers, or judicious use of some spells such as blight or desecrate, similarly weaken the fey. Any effect which inflicts hits to a fey’s protectorate affects the fey as well, regardless of distance or even the fey’s normal immunities or chances to resist via spell resistance or saving throws. For effects which deal no nor- mal damage, such as a drought or earthquake destroying part of the protectorate, the fey instead suffers ability loss as though the fey had withdrawn from the protect for a number of days depending on the severity damage done to the protectorate (as DM deems ate; a hairline crack on an acorn protect rainless summer might be equivalent worth of withdrawal, whereas a cracked shell or dammed waters might be as many as six days). While the fey does not suffer beyond this initial effect, neither can it heal from this damage unless and until the protectorate does. Outright destruction of the protectorate does not neces- sarily kill the fey directly (though the fey takes damage as outlined here), but since the fey can no longer make con- tact with the protectorate, death from withdrawal quickly follows. Following the destruction of its protectorate, a fey invariably becomes enraged.

Intentionally disrupting a fey’s power in these manners is not without benefit. As angrily as any fey reacts to such cruelty, a fey’s will to continue living overcomes the desire to brutally end the life of a malevolent mortal. Though compassionate to a fault, fey understand that they live far longer than any of the common races, and while they may feel guilty serving a tyrant for a few years, it does not compare with their capacity to do good after their tor- mentor has rotted away in his grave. In truth, however, the fey are far more likely to come to the decision out of fear of dying than any plan for their own redemption. Villains guarantee the fey’s servitude by exposing the fey to their protectorate just often enough to keep them useful. Additionally, while directly touching a damaged

protectorate, a creature may make a demand of the fey once per day, as though he were a sorcerer of 18th level.

Of course, should the fey return to full power, or the protectorate suffers further destruction, little could persuade them not to bring nature’s wrath to bear upon their enemies.

Any attempt to provoke antipathy between a fey and its protectorate automatically fails. A fey may commune with nature as a free action as a spell-like ability (as though cast by a druid of a level equal to the fey’s hit dice), but only to determine the status of the protectorate.

Abandoning the Protectorate Though a more famous method, convincing a fey to aban- don their ties to nature is more difficult by far than manip- ulating a protectorate. Bards often sing ballads of fey who turn their backs on immortality for love, but the tales rarely turn out well for the fey or the lover. More rarely, a fey devotes itself so firmly to a particular cause that it aban-

to safely devote itself to the new en becoming a paladin in the process. atures of passion, it takes an overwhelm-

emotions to so sway them, as abandon- e severs the fey from its soul. While the

rs withdrawal from the protectorate, fey use any of its spells, spell-like or super-

ell as racial bonuses or penalties to ability scores or skill checks. Further, ifthe fey was already suffering from withdrawal, or the protectorate had already suffered damage, a fey that abandons the protectorate can never heal any of the ability damage lost.

A fey who does abandon its protectorate becomes a mortal (shifting its type to “humanoid of the appropriate sub-type), an elf (if of Medium-size or larger) or a halfling (if Small or smaller), gaining the associated racial features over the next Id4 weeks. In addition, while the former fey may have abandoned the protectorate out of the noblest of ideals, other fey never entirely trust it again. Ex-fey suf- fer a -2 racial penalty on all Charisma-based checks with fey (other than Intimidate checks, which are made with- out any additional bonus or penalty), and ex-fey may not take creatures of the fey type as cohorts, followers, famil- iars, or companions. The ex-fey may not be raised by any means short of a miracle or wish spell. The ex-fey retains any extraordinary abilities it had as a fey, including a mod- ified use of the Forces of Nature extraordinary ability (see below), but loses all other abilities associated with their former type of fey. The ex-fey also chooses the higher cause for which it abandoned the protectorate - staying with a lover, serving a worthy mortal, or destroying a par- ticularly foul enemy.

Abandoned protectorates, if still undamaged, produce a new fey of the same kind as the ex-fey in the next Idlo years. Strangely, this new fey has some of the memories of

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the ex-fey, and may even appear identical, though the new fey’s name is usually different. The new fey instinctively refers to the ex-fey as its parent, and the ex-fey does not suffer any racial penalty to Charisma checks with this new fey. The two may not get along, however, especially if the ex-fey’s new calling brings the new fey into conflict.


Forces of Nature All fey creatures gain this ability in addition to those in the Monster Manual.”

Forces of Nature (ex): When a fey’s protectorate is destroyed or threatened, the fey becomes a mad, vicious instrument of nature’s ugliest vengeance. The fey enters a state of continuous rage (as a barbarian of a level equal to the fey’s HD). However, unllke a barbarian, the duration of the rage is not contingent upon his Constitution score. Instead, every minute the fey continues to rage, he suffers one point of temporary ability score damage to every abil- ity.

In addition, while enraged, the fey gains the following abilities:

unarmed attacks deal lethal damage and provoke no

At will - control plants and dominate animals. 3/day creepzng doom and summon nature’s ally III.

Creatures dominated or summoned g fear.

attacks of opportunity.

FEY FEATS The following are optional feats showing close ties to the fey. Bloodgifts represent ancestral or racial ties to a higher power. Characters may begin play with only one 1st level bloodgift, but may gain others later on, so long as the pre- requisites are met.

In addition to any other prerequisites, all fey feats require the following:

Prerequisite: Race (elf, half-elf, or halfling; half elves usually have one human parent and one fey).

Fey Blood [Bloodgift] You have fey blood running in your veins.

Prerequisites: Cha 17+, spellcaster level Benefit: When determining bonus spells by spell

level and maximum spell level known, you may use your highest ability score in place of the appropriate one. In addition, the saving throw DC for all your spells is increased by 1.

Special: This feat can only be chosen at 1st level. A character can never have more than one 1st level bloodgift.

Fey Child [Bloodgift] You are the parent/guardian of a true fey child, either bio- logical or adopted.

Prerequisites: Two or more feats with Fey Blood as a prerequisite, or Former Fey.

Benefits: Fey blood runs true in one of your children, and while the fey do expect you to protect that child, the fey tolerate you on the childs behalf. Your child is an NPC creature of the fey type, of a kind determined by the DM (or, if you have the Former Fey feat, the same kind of fey as you once were). The fey begins play with 1 HD, gaining an additional HD every time you gain a level. While the child does not accompany you on adventures (it suffers any penalties for leaving its protectorate as normal), it freely offers its assistance when possible. In addition, while acting in your child’s name, you suffer no racial penalties to Charisma-based checks when dealing with the fey. And should harm ever befall your child, you gain 2d4 fey allies for 2 weeks, willing to aid you in your quest for revenge on the person responsible.

Upon maturity (when the child has the listed number kind), you no longer gain allies if the d you once again suffer (any) racial ma-based checks in dealings with fey. n a +3 competence bonus to all such

Special: If your child dies, you lose all benefits of this feat. If you are responsible for the childs death, you there- after suffer a -4 incompetence penalty to all Charisma- based checks with the fey, including Intimidate checks. Some fey may even hunt you.

gnition for your success as a parent.

Fey Heritage [Bloodgift] You have devoted much time and energy to studying the powers of your fey blood, and the heritage that has so strongly marked you.

Prerequisites: Fey Blood, any non-lawful alignment. Benefit: You have awakened some of the dormant

potential of your blood, gaining druid as a favored class in addition to your normal favored class. You also gain a +3 racial modifier to all Charisma-based checks when deal- ing with fey. Additionally, if your type ever changes due to a class feature, you may choose to make your new type fey, rather than the normal change associated with the class, though you cannot change again afterwards.

Unfortunately, tapping your potential has exposed you to many fey weaknesses. Any cold iron weapon striking you has its critical threat range and critical multiplier each increased by I, and cold iron weapons bypass any of your inherent damage resistance.

Former Fey [Bloodgift] You were once fey, but abandoned your true nature in exchange for something greater still.

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Prerequisites: Race (elf, half-elf, or halfling; half elves usually have one human parent and one fey).

Benefit: In exchange for your life as a fey, you have devoted yourselfbody and soul to something or someone else. Choose something to represent a higher calling, something that cannot be achieved as a fey and requires either continual work to maintain (such as true love) or represents a goal that can only be achieved through decades of effort, if ever (such as toppling the government of a particularly vile nation). All attempts to control or deceive you to work against this higher calling automati- cally fail, as your devotion is pure and unwavering. If, however, you receive true testimony or evidence that you have been betrayed in the process of your higher calling, you may tap into the forces of nature extraordinary ability, seeking to destroy those who betrayed you. You also gain one of the following classes as a favored class: bard, pal- adin, or ranger.

You also suffer a -2 racial penalty on all Charisma-based checks with fey (other than Intimidate checks, which are made without any additional bonus or penalty), may not take creatures of the fey type as cohorts, followers, famil- iars, or companions, and may not be raised by any means short of a miracle or wish spell.

Special: This feat can only be chosen at 1st level. A character can never have more than one 1st leve gift. At the DMs discretion, fey P quest feat, with the racial prerequis the higher goal worth sacrificing t ex-fey loses all racial modifiers forces of nature, and becomes an elf er) or a halfling (if Small or smaller).

You may not take any feats which draw upon fey ances- try or allies, and lose any benefits of such a feat you already have. The sole exception to this is the Fey Child feat.

GLAMER AND THE FEY Though their primary roles are as servants and guardians of nature, the fey draw upon an additional, minor well- spring of power: their roles as teachers and tricksters. While the intelligent races are so removed from nature that they are but distant and frequently unwelcome rela- tives, the link remains, especially in barbaric tribes or rural settlements. Countless folk tales tell of fey assuming the forms of missing children or inhuman beauties, to test the worth of mortals; almost invariably, the mortals prove wanting, and the fey either embarrass them or exact harsh vengeance. These stories have proven so popular and so humorous or frightening that even non-bards frequently recite them, and the widespread assumptions about the fey influence nature to grant the fey the following minor boons.

When in the presence of an active glamer spell cast by a character of fewer levels than the fey's hit dice, the fey instinctively knows the spell's effects, and is personally immune to them. The fey may then choose to strip away the spell's power by severing its tenuous power over reali- ty, performing opposing Will checks with the spell's cast- er (if the caster receives any bonus to the DC of Illusion or glamer spells other than those granted by high levels or ability modifiers, his check gains a competence bonus equal to the DC bonus). If the fey is successful, the spell's effects immediately end. If the fey is unsuccessful, how- ever, the fey loses the battle of wills, and immediately falls under the spell's sway (any spell resistance does not take effect, and the fey is considered to roll a natural 1 for any Will saves from the glamer spell). This takes a standard action regardless of results, and cannot attempt to disrupt a glamer spell's effects if the casting level is higher than the fey's HD.

such, however, it may actually lend cts. By taking a full round action,

r the spell's effects, making the glamer as in nature. The spell no longer

any; should the spell affect an area or er than Self, the Will save becomes a

, and becomes a Transmutation n Illusion spell (losing or gaining bonus-

propriate, i.e. a caster with the Spell Focus (Transmutation) feat would gain a bonus to the DC of the spell, but would lose any benefit of the Spell Focus (Illusion) feat as well). Furthermore, certain spells which mask someone's appearance take real effect. For instance, a spell that would normally disguise someone as a bear instead physically turns them into a bear, as through the use of a polymorph spell. Finally, all other effects of the spell remain unaltered, and the spellcaster may choose not to accept a fey's blessing in this manner. Fey may not use this on their own spells or abilities, nor may they use it on illusions inherent in a magical item (e.g. glamered armors, potions of invisibility, or staves of illusion) or used in tandem with a permanency spell or other effect which pro- longs the spell's duration (such as the Extend Spell meta- magic feat), as the ability to modify the spell is of tempo- rary use.

I found that I could not sleep this morning, attempts at conversation had provoked Sellyah too

My barest much, and

she was not only unwilling to tell me why, she apparently had objections to my presence in the first place. She was a messenger uncomfovtable with both the message and the person to whom she would deliver it. She sewed otherfey in some capacity, but she was alone as my liaison.

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In contrast, as much as I miss myfamily, I know that others suffered more for the war, and did so while offenng more direct aid to the fey. Before the war, countless others had implored the fey to share secrets. Even yet, the fey chose only me.

A just war waged by just men for just reasons would not hes- itate to share those secrets with their soldiers. The true motives behind a vlghteous war would spur the nghteous on to victovy. That our gods do not do this means that something in this is wrong. I cannot doubt the gods’ reasons for keeping this mystevy, but neither can it continue. I have the tools at my disposal, the clanty ofpuyose, and no nght not to use them both to the best of my ability.

Something is amiss.

Today, I spoke with sellyah about why the orcs attacked the I must end this war for the sake of both races. fey, and why the fey refused outside help. Infunatmgly, she dodged the question by asking me a question in return. Worse, I had no answer to her question.

I depart tonight to uncouer my mysterious enemyi plans and methods, and to end the new threat behind the old

Even now, I cannot think of sellyah without drowning in a sea of rage

“Why do you think the orcs came here?” While I have never doubted this method of

teaching, it has always aggravated me. I have no patience for such matters when innocents live or fall between precious seconds. I curtly answered that I did not know, and she quickly gave up the truth: Ley lines are rivers or arteries there was a ley ltne passing of natural spiritual energy, virtual- through the protected lands of ly overflowing with magical ener- the fey. Upon reflection, this was all gies. Though most clearly visible the answer I needed, both in why the fey to the naked eye in the light of a requested my presence here and in my ques- full moon, they appear as noth- tions about the orcish peoples. still, Sellyah ing more than extended, hazy refused to comment fuvthev, insisting that I moon beams without the aid of should instead track down the villainous magic or supernatural sight. hand behind the orcish atrocities. while I Even this, however, shows only knew why I was here, I was no closer to a ley line, a faint afterimage, discovenng the orcs’ motivations. aurora borealis on the

so, as my master would say, if1 do ground. Only by gazing upon ley not know the truth, I must look at lines with ethereal sight, or within what I do know more objectively. the ethereal plane itself, can anyone The orcs war against us truly see ley lines in their full glory. A because their gods demand stream of light cascades ever forward, that they conquer all. We war catching spirits and unintelligent crea- against them, apparently tures in its undertow. Their width and because our gods war against maximum length is as described in Powers theirs. In both cases, however, the true motive is missing. Though orcs are simple as a species, the rare exceptions have not disputed the need for these wars. ~n our case, the hatred is almost a mad instinct, like a whipped dog turning on anyone who comes near. Again, it is no surpnse that the orcish gods would not explain themselves to their followers, as the orcs are often as foolish as their gods are evil. That our gods are silent, then, is the clue, and it is a troubling one at that. If our cause is just, then our gods could share the details unless somehow not allowed, but who among the vlghteous would prevent revealing damning evi- dence? who among the vile could prevent our gods fiom uncov- enng the beacon of truth, but would allow the war to continue at all? The answer, in both cases, is simple.


of Ley Lines, below.

CREATING A LEY L INE Ley lines form when an immense number of

creatures travel in the same direction, all of them of the same mind set. Truly mindless and unnatural creatures (such as lesser undead and most constructs) cannot form ley lines in their travels, and remains a difficult task for even intelligent creatures. By their nature, few intelligent creatures take journeys without hidden fears or desires, tainting an otherwise stable ley line’s formation and ren- dering it useless.There are rare exceptions, of course, such as singularly holy pilgrimages, but an overwhelming number of people must make the trip, with a similarly overwhelmingly high percentage of them with a single thought or desire resonating through all (at least a thou- No one.

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sand people making the trip a year, and 90% or more of them truly believing in the exact same cause for the jour- ney). The complicated minds of the intelligent races make such ley lines rare but supremely sacred to those who reg- ularly travel the ley line’s length. Instead, most ley lines form as animals travel to watering holes, during seasonal migrations, or along coastal or sea currents.

Unfortunately, ley lines also need maintenance. So long as travelers continue these lanes and mindsets, the ley line remains active (though it may fluctuate depend- ing on the number of people or animals supporting it; see Powers of Ley Lines, below). If abandoned, the ley line dries up; if tainted by other mindsets, it may either weaken or even change the nature of the ley line. Changing the domain of, destroying, or moving a ley line disrupts all life forms in the area; animals lose their way, plants grow more slowly, and any benefits or side-effects of the ley lines’ powers disappear.

MOVING A LEY LINE Though rare, it is not unknown for a ley line to move. If a landslide covered a well-traveled mountain pass, for instance, but an alternate route was nearby and still reli- able, the ley line would shift positions to accommodate the new path and abandon the old one. In extreme an entire length of a ley line m (Le. a plague hits a region, and the local c antines the area), but the journey itselfc a ley line miles from its former pa ning and end point of a ley line r any crossroads, see Crossroads, below), and travelers still keep up with the journey itself, the ley line weakens only slightly. It otherwise flows with the same essences. If a ley line’s path is entirely blocked, and there is no alternate path to continue , the ley line slowly dies (consult the chart below, tn the Powers of Ley Lines section). If the ley line meets a crossroads, its weakness does not affect the other ley line(s), but if a ley line is one of only two at a crossroads, the crossroads is effectively destroyed.

Natural changes, however, are less catastrophic than magical ones.

A rare spell, let the road rise, forcibly moves the ley line’s dimensions to those that better suit the caster. Though the beginning and end of the ley line do not change, nor do any crossroads, the ley line reorients itself to the cast- er’s will, and may change domains because of the spell’s power. Though the travelers along the path do not change noticeably, any new domain to the ley line subtly affects them due to the domain’s side effects (see Powers of Ley Lines, below). What may once have been a ley line leading animals to good hunting grounds (Animal domain) may warp into a hellish landscape of mad beasts (Destruction

domain). Additionally, any cleric with access to the ley line’s original domain, as well as any druids, view the use of such a spell as an unholy affront, and are likely to seek out and attack the spellcaster during the casting.

Let the Road Rise Conjuration (Teleportation) Level: Sor/Wiz 8 Range: o ft. Components: V, S, M, XP Casting Time: 1 day/ley line’s strength Target A ley line of a power level less than or equal to half

your casting level Duration: 1 year/caster level Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: Special

This spell extends a ley line to the your location, as much as 5 miles per your caster level, minus a number of miles

ley line’s strength. At the spell’s completion, hifts to accommodate the caster’s location,

a river or tethering a rope in place. s; people or animals already on the ley themselves inexplicably lost and dis- ne has shifted around them, as though arks are somehow out of place. From

here on, those who travel the ley line intuitively know that the new path is the correct one, but are slightly dis- turbed by the changes. In fact, this is an effect of stretch- ing the ley line’s power beyond its original boundaries, and the ley line weakens one level. For the purposes of this spell only, ley lines are considered to have spell resis- tance equal to triple their strength.

You must have some clear idea of the location, layout, and energies of the ley line to use this spell. You may not simply cast this spell, and have the nearest ley line move as you wish. Nor can you cast this spell if geography or distance physically separates the ley line from your loca- tion (Le. the ley line journeys through a mountain range to a distant city, and the ending points are either outside your range, or blocked off by sheer rock walls). Similarly, if you cast this spell and the new path would extend the ley line beyond its normal path distance (see Powevs ojLey Lines), the spell instantly fails. You may not move a ley line’s end points, nor may you move a ley line where it meets a crossroads. If the spell’s duration lapses, the ley line snaps back into its former place (or as close as possi- ble), and regains its former associated domain.

It is possible to create a crossroads through multiple uses of this spell, twisting two ley lines to meet at a loca- tion of your choosing. If you create a crossroads, the dura- tion of this spell becomes indefinite, so long as the two ley lines retain enough strength to meet at the crossroads. Unfortunately, an artificial crossroads is even more unsta-

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ble than an artificial ley line movement, and doubles the chances of random summonings.

If a ley line is of sufficient level of strength after you move it, you may choose to override its associated domain. You may not change a ley line’s associated domain into its opposite (as listed in Table 2-1, below), change an alignment to oppose your own alignment, or to give it one of the following domains: Chaos (moving a ley line is a lawful act, forcing your will onto the ley line), Good (the choice to move a ley line is an inherently self- ish decision, as it disrupts the lives of countless others), Healing (disrupting the ley line’s natural flow damages the environment), Plant (the Plant domain is not available as an associated domain for ley lines), or Sun (the Sun domain is not available as an associated domain for ley lines). To give an elemental domain to a ley line, the loca- tion where you cast this spell must have a high concen- tration of the element (e.g. a windy monastery for Air, a mountain range or cave for Earth, a volcanic rift for Fire, a pure lake or mighty river for Water). Domains without opposites may change normally.

This spell is so rare that it is unavailable through any means other than research or role-play (though a party member can still teach it to another). Instead, you must make a Knowledge (arcane) check at DC 35 to discover this spell and release what it is you possess. If you have IO or more ranks in Spellcraft you gain a + the check.

The material component for this sp exceptional strength, valued at 5,000 to cast this spell.


Domain Opposite Domain

Death Sun

Earth Air

Healing Destruction Knowledge Trickery Law Chaos Luck None Magic None

Strength None

Crossroads Many races place a religious or superstitious power on crossroads, whether a crossroad is as simple as a tributary stream meeting a raging river, or even cobblestone streets meeting in a city. Arcane sages and clerics of the Travel domain understand the roots of these beliefs, as where ley lines cross, their powers combine, enhancing both the ley lines’ effective levels in the area, and combining their benefits and side-effects.

More interestingly, crossroads act as anchors for ley lines. Though a ley line may move generally, due to the effects outlined above, a crossroad prevents the ley line from completely changing its dimensions. While the ley line may distort horribly from movement, it must still meet the crossroads.

Rarely, two opposed ley lines cross, usually at the point of legendary battles or in disputed lands. In such a case, the crossroads, however powerful it may be, is largely

erful forces on both sides s an important front for an extended war

de neither side can afford to lose ground to ading to stalemates as long as the her can they let up in the conflict.

to those who travel the ley lines, to end this particular conflict line. In any case, the chances

s at a crossroads is doubled (or tripled, if the crossroads was created through the use of a let the road m e spell).

Clerics, particularly those of the Travel domain, keep a steady eye on crossroads. Like artifacts, crossroads are powerful and dangerous tools. Even discounting the ran- dom summonings, powerful crossroads can directly link to another plane, establishing a periodic or even a perma- nent gateway to that world. Regardless of whether a cler- ic views the crossroads as a holy site or a profane and heretical threat, the powers involved are too great to go unchecked. Arcanists might try to tap into the crossroads’ power, enemies might receive messages from their gods or stage raids through the gate, and the clerics’ own gods may send aid or invoke divine quests through the cross- roads.

Powers of Ley lines The mindsets held during the creation of a ley line influ- ence the scope of the ley line’s power. Though rarely cre- ated by intelligent races, ley lines of exceptional strength align with the ideals that spawned them, providing bene- fits to those who can tap into these ideals, usually spell- casters.

To those who can use the ley lines, however, great power is available. Tapping into a ley line increases a spell’s strength, particularly if the spell keys into the ley line’s associated domain. With sufficient power to a ley

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line, a spellcaster of any real talent i s a l l but invincible. To gain access t o such power as associated ley l ines offer, creatures must remain o n the ley l i ne a number of con- t inuous days equal t o the ley line’s strength, after w h i c h the creatures are attuned for a number o f days equal t o their Wisdom modif ier. Though the greatest ley l ines also pose the greatest risks in exploitation, few doubt that the r i sks are wor th it. Table 2-2 outlines the common limits of ley lines.

Arcane Ley Lines [General] You can attune your arcane energies to ley lines.

Prerequisites: Wisdom 13, abil ity t o cast arcane spells. Benefit: You can attune to ley lines, a l lowing you to

draw upon their power in conjunct ion with your arcane spells. Depending o n the distance y o u are f r o m the ley line, i t can take as l i t t le as 1 round o r as l ong as an hour to attune to it.

Normal: Characters cannot attune to ley lines without know ing exactly where they are.

TABLE 2-2: LEY LINE LIMITS Ley Line Dimensions Random Summoning Strength:t (length/width)$t* Support Needed/Year-i- Chance (by year) Example Ley Line 1 ‘A o f a mile/lO ft. 100 creature/year 0.1% A small path leading to favored

wintering grounds for animals. 2 ‘A of a mi le/ l5 ft. 150 creatures/year 0.5% A popular watering hole for


unknown to the intelligent races. 3 1 mile/20 ft. 200 creatures/year 1% A desert oasis, untouched and

4 2 miles/20 ft. 250 creatures/year 2% A secret pathway leading to a sacred site for conducting rites o f passage.

8 miles/30 ft 350 creatures/year 5% A long journey to a sacred meditation lodge, a retirement site wherein those who are so old or sick as to be a

450 creatures/year disciplined army o f conquerors or Drotectors.

128 miles/50 ft. 550 creatures/year 25% A pilgrimage sacred to a highly lawful society.

* in addition to other effects.

*Q Crossroads do not have an effective length, but rather a radius o f effect. To determine this radius, add the widths o f each o f the weakest and strongest ley line in the crossroads. All those standing within this many feet o f the actual point where the crossroads link, gain the benefits and suffer the penalties for all involved ley lines, whether standing directly in a ley line or not. Ley lines can be shorter than the allotted distance, but not longer.

7 If the ley line receives a category less, the following year lowers the ley line’s strength to that level. If a ley line’s strength is reduced to 0 (fewer travelers are necessary to sustain it), or has its maximum length reduced below the actual length o f the ley line, the ley line i s destroyed. If a ley line receives a number o f devoted travelers every year equal to a higher strength ley line, after a hundred years, it increases i ts level t o equal the new amount. No more than 10% o f these travelers may deviate from the ley line’s required mindset.

Crossroads may not be directly destroyed in this manner, though the destruction o f ley lines reduces its power.

8 Ley lines o f 6 or higher strength have an associated domain (see below). Crossroads do not have associated domains of their own, but rather share all domains associated with each o f the crossroads’ ley lines.

$ Ley lines have a maximum strength o f 10. To determine the strength o f a crossroads, add together the strengths o f the lowest and highest strength ley lines. Likewise, add together the percentage chance o f summonings. If a crossroads has 100% or greater chance o f an annual summoning, there is a permanent gateway to one or more planes at the crossroads, and outsiders from that plane cross over as often or rarely as the DM sees fit.

In addition, ley lines with a strength o f 10 have enough concentrated energies of their domain that deities that share or oppose this domain view the area as a potential power base on the material realm, and are ever watchful over these areas. In emergency situations, these powers may intervene, either personally or indirectly (dispatching a select group o f followers, or using their divine abilities to protect the gods’ interests).

While standing within a ley line, characters add the ley line’s strength to their casting level when casting spells,

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Divine Ley Lines [General] You can attune your divine energies to ley lines.

Prerequisites: Wisdom 13, ability to cast divine spells. Benefit: You can attune to ley lines, allowing you to

draw upon their power. Depending on the distance you are from the closest ley line, it can take as little as I round or as long as an hour to attune to it. You can utilize these ley lines in conjunction with your divine spells.

Normal: Characters cannot attune to ley lines without knowing exactly where they are.


Powerful ley lines are concentrated zones of power, easily accessed by those already attuned to the ley lines’ domains. These ley lines are extraordinarily rare; perhaps five exist for any single domain, and often fewer (if any exist at all). With the exception of Animal and some Travel domains ley lines, all of these ley lines arise from the travels of intelligent races, rather than animals. As sources of magical energies, however, ley lines and cross- roads are also contentious grounds during wars. With sev- eral powerful spellcasters in attendance, a ley line is all but impervious to outright attacks, while subterfuge is only marginally more successful a strategy. Worse still, any emotionally-charged battles at ley lines run the risk of damaging the ley line’s ties to its associated domain, as enemy forces still count as part of traveling the ley line.

The following list contains the d ments for creation, benefits and side of the types of monsters that are most readily summoned along it or from a random summoning result. In addition, remember that all ley lines and crossroads add their strength to a spellcaster’s casting level while the spellcast- er casts a spell from within a ley line. Summons on these ley lines, including those creatures randomly summoned by gates, obey the rules outlined below.

Air Air is only rarely an associated domain, requiring an iso- lated mountain peak with high winds, arcane manipula- tions, or even a natural, airborne ley line. Often over- looked, however, are natural wind tunnels in under- ground caves or in windy deserts or badlands. The key is less a large, free source of air, but a constant, strong wind suggesting the element almost comes alive. Though bird migrations and other, more intelligent creatures most often create these ley lines, children sometimes do so as well, transforming a simple hilltop good for kiting into a true ley line. Unfortunately, air ley lines are easily dis- turbed, and few survive for long.

Spellcasting Benefits: Any spellcaster casting an available Air Domain spell or a spell with the [Electricity] descriptor may attempt to cast the spell without losing a spell slot for the day. To do this, the ley line’s strength must be at least double the spell’s level, and the spell- caster must succeed on a Spellcraft check (DC = 5 x the spell’s level). only one spell slot per day per level may be saved in this manner. Other Benefits: Those running with the wind a t their backs have their movement speed doubled (after all other effects). Similarly, those firing ranged weapons with the wind behind them double their range incre- ments. Summontngs: Summoned creatures are either flying creatures native to the region, or creatures of the Air sub-type, but otherwise obey all summoning rules. Side-Efects: The magical winds lead to unstable footing. While moving (including in melee combat), creatures on the ground or jumping must make a Balance check

the ley line’s strength) or fall prone instead. y eliminate this chance by taking slow,

but in so doing lose any Dex and o AC and Initiative. Additionally, 11 have their movement increased as e their maneuverability due to the creatures have their maneuverabili- category. Clumsy fliers may not fly,

and any attempts to do so result in the creature flailing about helplessly before falling and suffering damage (equal to that of a fall of the ley line’s strength x IO ft., or the creature’s flight speed, whichever is less). Creatures of the Air sub-type are immune to the loss of maneuverability. Using ranged weapons becomes more difficult, causing a -2 circ*mstance penalty to attacks, doubled to -4 if attacking directly into the wind. Finally, grenade weapons are unreliable, suffering a -4 circ*mstance penalty to hitting the target correctly.

Animal Animal ley lines are small and at a distance from civilized areas, created by animals’ natural movement patterns. Few survive the touch of intelligent races, but particularly spiritual tribes of barbarians (primarily those with a high number of druids present) walk the ley lines less as greedy poachers or sportsmen, but as almost natural predators. While the animals still create and maintain these lines, it is the barbarian tribes who elevate the ley line to higher levels of strength. Animals instinctively know and follow these ley lines, even if not they are not native to the area, and high level Animal ley lines (strength of 8 or more) have several dire animals as natur- al protectors.

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Spellcasting Benefits: Once per day, summon nature’s ally calls forth double the normal amount. Other Benefits: Any successful attempt at an Animal Empathy check spreads its benefits to all animals along the ley line, so long as they are of the same breed. This does not extend to dire animals or vermin. Additionally, barbarians may rage an additional time per day while on an Animal ley line.

9 Summonings: Summonings call up an animal or dire animal if possible, though summoned animals (espe- cially those near crossroads with alignment domains)

Death Death ley lines are among the most common ley lines, as death itself strikes regularly, through plague, war, accidents, or simply age. The grim tasks of removing the fallen from battlefields, or the honoring of the dead with funerary rites both provoke the exact thoughts necessary for ley lines to form. Even simple legends of haunted forests, told often enough, give rise to death ley lines.

Spellcasting Benefits: Any living creature that dies from a magical effect is reanimated as an undead (skeleton or

may have additional templates. zombie) under the control of its killer. Side-Effects: Animal ley lines are attuned to the Creatures destroyed by massive damage more primitive aspects of intelligent species, may not be animated in this manner, and on full moons, this bestial aspect and the effect ends once the con- comes to the fore. During a night with troller leaves the ley line’s a full moon, all humanoids and giants within a number of Other Benefits: All undead miles equal to the ley line’s on the ley line gain strength gain a lycanthrope I turn resistance, as though template of the DM’s bolstered by an evil cleric of choosing. This afflicted a level and Charisma equal lycanthropy lasts ld4 to the ley line’s strength +4. days after the full Summonings: All summon- moon, but bite attacks ing effects summon undead, from these lycanthropes do ifpossible and within the spell’s

Side-Effects: All regeneration not inflict lycanthropy. The lycanthropy wears off ld4 days after the full moon, and effects are negated, and attempts has no lingering effects. to raise any recently dead creature

fails while the corpse is on the ley line. Creatures who die on the ley

line are animated as undead, as per the spell animate dead cast by a

sorcerer with a casting level of the ley line’s strength

Chaos Chaos ley lines are virtually unheard of, as the creation of ley lines require a focused mind. The few known are the creations of the willfully chaotic, often lunatic or nomads with no set travel pattern. Even more strangely, they appear and disappear of their own accord, and none are entirely sure Invariably the regular routes of pillaging barbarian tribes whether any chaos ley line has ever been and similar marauders, destruction ley lines arise wherev- destroyed, or it has simply entered a dormant state.

Spellcasting Benefits: The first spell of the day cast spon- taneously is cast as though with the Maximize Spell metamagic feat. Other Benefits: All creatures on the ley line may act freely, as though subject to a fieedom of movement spell. Summonings: Any spell or effect summoning a creature summons a monster of the DMs choosing instead, so long as it is of the same CR. Side-Effects: Any Concentration check or Will save that succeeds by a greater margin than the ley line’s strength makes the ley line disappear for a duration of the DMs choosing.

er havoc is not merely an accident, but a way of life. These ley lines bear obvious traces of their passage, as the lines’ ruinous path leaves nothing standing. Trees break, the ground splits, and cities fall to rubble, all due to the power of the ley lines.

Spellcasting Benefits: The first spell of the day that inflicts damage, is considered to have been cast as though with the Maximize Spell metamagic feat. Other Benefits: All weapons have their critical threat multiplier increased by one. All attempts to sunder an item automatically inflict the maximum possible damage.

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Summonings: Summoned creatures may be of any type, but do not follow the commands of their summoner. Instead, they attack with a berserk rage (as though they were barbarians of a level equal to their hit dice), strik- ing out at anyone or anything nearby. Side-Effects: All attempts to heal hits automatically heal the minimum possible amount. Additionally, a destruc- tion ley line automatically destroys any items that remain on it a number of continuous days greater than the items’ hardness.

Earth Earth ley lines are unique in that they exist for centuries without being discovered. Though dwarven tunnels and goblinoid mines may team with ley lines, or swaying rope bridges on the surface promote the fear of the ground far below, those who travel the ley lines rarely even consider the power that flows everywhere. This may even account for otherwise inexplicable drow attacks, as that race is more familiar with magic than most other races near these ley lines.

Spellcasting Benefits: Any spellcaster casting an available Earth Domain spell or a spell with the [Acid] descriptor may attempt to cast the spell without losing a spell slot for the day. To do this, the ley line’s strength must be a least double the spell’s level, and the spellcaste succeed on a Spellcraft check (DC = level). Only one spell slot per day saved in this manner.

resulting in rich veins of rare minerals and gems. An Earth ley line generates such precious materials when- ever a random summoning takes place, producing raw ore or uncut stones equal to the line’s strength times 1,000 in gp. Further, in order to cast an earthquake spell, spellcasters must be at least a level higher than the ley lines’ strength. Summomngs: Summoned creatures are either tunneling creatures native to the region, or creatures of the Earth sub-type, but otherwise obey all summoning rules. Side-Effects: Unfortunately, the ley lines’ power comes with a price, as the lines themselves stabilize the sur- rounding earth. Whenever an Earth ley line is moved, destroyed, or reduced in power, it results in an earth- quake (along the line’s entire length, but otherwise as per the spell of the same name, cast by a sorcerer of a level equal to the ley line’s previous strength).

Othev Benefits: Earth ley lines

Evi 1 Evil ley lines are the easiest to predict forming as they do around the greatest villains and following the cruelest acts in history. The war torn battlefields of orcish hordes, the smoldering remains of a cult’s foul lair, the loose cadre

of wizard towers dedicated to plumbing the ether for forbidden secrets: all these and more give rise to the dark energies of an Evil ley line.

Spellcasting Benefits: By sacrificing a victim (performing a coup de grace on a helpless, living creature) as a spell is completed, the spellcaster may add the creature’s Challenge Rating to the caster’s casting level. Doing so consumes the soul of the victim, who may not be raised by any means short of a miracle or wish spell. Othev Benefits: Evil ley lines favor treacherous actions. Whenever a creature makes a melee or ranged strike while his opponent is flat-footed or otherwise inca- pable of self-defense, the strike automatically threatens a critical hit. Sumrnonings: Summonings apparently work fine, but creatures of the [Evil] sub-type are more common than normal, and willfully reinterpret any orders so as to do the most excessive damage possible. Side-Effects: Paladins and clerics with access to the Good domain may not cast spells without making a Spellcraft

he ley line’s strength level) each time st a spell. Additionally, those who vio-

conduct by committing an evil act a lesser geas before they may achieve

per the spells of the same names). Evil hing as well, and rarely pass up the

opportunity for a qualified paladin to convert to a black- guard.

Fire Fire-associated ley lines are terribly dangerous, unstable even compared to Chaos lines. Open flames become roar- ing bonfires, and Fire lines may literally burn themselves out if their power goes unchecked. These ley lines twist their way through the charred remains of massive fires, becoming paths of relative safety through sweltering deserts, or down trails of lava. Unlike other ley lines, the Fire lines need no one to actually travel the path, but instead to fear and respect it as any other fire.

Spellcasting Benefits: Any spellcaster casting an available Fire Domain spell or a spell with the [Fire] or [Flame] descriptors may attempt to cast the spell without losing a spell slot for the day. To do this, the ley line’s strength must be at least double the spell’s level, and the spell- caster must succeed on a spellcraft check (DC = 5 x the spell’s level). only one spell slot per day per level may be saved in this manner. If cast at a target in the ley line, however, this may cause roaring flames (see side-effects, below). Other Benefits: Flames and heat from a Fire ley line are powerful forces indeed, and any weapon forged in this heat gains the flaming enchantment. Unfortunately,

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this may not be turned off, and requires the utmost care in use. While within (5 x the ley line’s strength in feet), the ley line’s heat prevents any damage from extreme cold. Surnmonings: Summoned creatures are normally crea- tures of the Fire sub-type, but otherwise obey all sum- moning rules. guard. Side-Effects: The most unstable element by far, unchecked flames consume themselves, even along the Fire ley lines. If an open flame ignites or spreads to a Fire line, the whole line is aflame in magical fire in a number of hours equal to the ley line’s strength. Afterwards, the line loses one level of strength an hour until it no longer has the Fire domain. During this burning period, the fires deal id12 damage per strength level. Additionally, walking directly on a ley line, even an unlit one, is like walking in extreme heat (see page 303 of the DMG).

they attempt to cast a spell. Additionally, those who vio- late their codes of conduct by committing an evil act must also perform a lesser gem before they may achieve atonement (as per the spells of the same names). Evil deities may be watching as well, and rarely pass up the opportunity for a qualified paladin to convert to a black-

Healing Healing ley lines are usually short paths or hidden retreats, empowered not by action but pure belief. Hot springs, paths between sacred sweat lodges and nearby tundra, and holy forests full of medicinal herbs all may provide homes to Healing ley lines. These lines exist inde- pendently of alignment, however, and extravagant vam- pires indulge in sacrificial rivers of blood to similar effect.

Spellcastmg Benefits: Whenever a spell heals a creature outside of combat, the caster casts the spell as though he had used the Maximize spell metamagic feat.

ling lands are literal life savers. While line, creatures gain a sacred bonus line’s strength on all stabilization

ndomly summoned creatures are usual- ounded, seeking the ley lines’ recu- other summons occur as normal.

Side-Effects: While the ley lines’ benefits are indis- putable, and comfortable even when not wounded, lux- uriating in these locations too long is a selfish and chaotic act. Further, attempting to profit from the ley

Good In stark relief from Evil ley lines, Good lines form not through violent crusades or even necessarily an arduous journey to overthrow a terrible villain (though the best- known are). While evil thrives o ery, good comes from self-sacrifice and the desire to others. For every ley line born lead an army of light to overth still more come from less bombastic tales o ers offering shelter to strangers in win neighbors visiting whenever a these ley lines’ origins are less selves last as long as such simple heroism feeds the magic.

Spellcasting Benefits: It is easy to miss the benefits of Good-aligned ley lines, and no less so for spellcasters. Once per day, a spellcaster may cast a spell as though with the Quicken Spell metamagic feat, but only when benefiting a friend or innocent in dire need, and never to deal direct damage to a creature. Other Benefits: Good-aligned ley lines reward heroism. Whenever a creature takes an action to aid another by granting an ally an AC bonus (see PHB, l S 4 ) , the creature grants his companion a +4 AC bonus instead of the nor- mal +2 bonus. Surnrnonings: As befits the line’s tendencies, summons usually result in creatures of the [Good] sub-type, though in most instances this is a subtle distinction, invisible to the naked eye. Good creatures summoned in this manner rebel if ordered to perform evil actions, and chaotic good creatures may subtly twist any com- mands to work against evil summoners. Side-Effects: Paladins and clerics with access to the Evil domain may not cast spells without making a Spellcraft check (DC 15 + the ley line’s strength level) each time

lines’ curative powers risks weakening the ley line, as exploiting the Healing lines’ gifts for money is counter to the natural and freely-granted benefits of these lines.

Knowledge Knowledge ley lines are unique to intelligent races, creat- ed as often by a mass of students seeking out a famed uni- versity or library as through ritual training grounds of barbarian tribes. These ley lines grant subtler benefits than most, relying not on direct power or advantage, but rather on the wisdom of the ages and the inventive minds of the youth.

Spellcasting Benefits: Once per day per spellcaster level, a spellcaster may cast a divination or Knowledge domain spell without using a spell slot. Spellcasters may only cast any given spell once per day in this manner. Othev Benefits: Walking the ley lines while meditating on a problem is not simple fidgeting, but invoking the ley lines’ power. By walking a distance along the line (subtract the creature’s Wisdom modifier from the ley line’s strength, and compare the new result to the dis- tance listed on Table 2-2, with the result equaling the distance necessary), the creature may retest a failed

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Knowledge check at the end of the journey. If the ley line is long enough that one or more such treks may be fully made without walking back along the ley line (rounding down on fractions), the creature may contin- ue retests until he succeeds in the check or he reaches the end of the ley line. Surnmonings: Summons are usually of intelligent crea- tures, but otherwise unmodified. Stde-Effects: To those who understand the potential knowledge holds, Knowledge ley lines are invaluable resources. Unlike other ley lines, Knowledge lines are unaffected by conflict, so long as all sides As with Chaos and Trickery domain ley lines, Luck lines seek the lore hidden with are rare and fickle. There is no logical standard for these boundaries (most creatures ley lines’ creation or destruction, and even invoking involved in the attack are either their benefits is a dubious decision at best. mindless or do not have Those who tempt fate receive negative Intelligence modifi- rewards and punishments in equal er and a negative Wisdom measure.. . unless, of course, modifier). they are lucky.

interval to it, the DM checks to see if there is a random summoning this year. If not, the result of the roll minus the percentage chance of the summons is equal to the number of years until the next summoning. Summoned creatures are lawful, and obedient to their summoner to the best of their abilities. Side-Effects: Law ley lines thrive on order, but suffer greatly if disturbed. If moved or weakened, Law ley lines are reduced an additional level of strength.


Law Spellcasting Benefits: Whenever making a roll or check, those on

the ley line may choose to invoke the benefits of the ley line, and reroll, accepting either result. Every creature on the ley line may use this benefit a

umber of times per day equal to the Luck line’s strength plus their Charisma modifier (mini- mum of once per day), but may not use this benefit more than

Law ley lines are only common to fanatically lawful societies, usually lawful neutral or lawful evil ones. The agents of law trod these paths, their goals ever fore- most in their minds. Routes favored by tax collec- tors, police, and other officials are all likely to become Law ley lines, particular- ly if the law bans anyone else from treading these paths. Other Benefits: As above.

Spellcasting Benefits: Any prepared spell

once on the same roll or check.

Sumrnonings: There are no changes to any summonings.

cast on a Law ley line is cast as Side-Effects: Each time after a though with the Maximize creature uses the benefit of a Spell metamagic feat. Luck ley line, the DM may force

that creature to reroll a later sue- oaths spoken along a Law ley line gain the benefit of cessful roll or check. The DM may the ley line’s power, becoming a lesser geas (as per the only force one reroll to a specific roll or check, and only spell of the same name, cast by a wizard of a level equal a number of times up to the number of times the crea- to the line’s strength). This effect only happens for ture used the benefit. The creature’s debt to luck follows sworn oaths or promises, not for any simple statement him, however, and the DM may force this reroll even if or agreement. In addition, those who travel the ley line the creature is no longer on the ley line. may discern truth at will a number of times per day (as per the spell of the same name, a number of times per day equal to the lesser of the creature’s Wisdom modifi- er or the ley line’s strength, and cast as a cleric of the creature’s level). .%unrnonings:There are no truly random summonings at Law ley lines. Instead, the summons occur at fixed intervals. When someone first encounters a Law ley line and assuming the DM does not assign a specific

Other Benefits: All promises or

Magic Magic ley lines present a quandary to researchers. Epic battles between magical forces create some of these ley lines, while others appear apparently without cause or support. Their powers are undoubtedly great, as these are among the purest and greatest sources of magic known, but the mysteries surround them are troubling, even deadly. Though the benefits of Magic ley lines tempt all

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spellcasters who know of them, only the most foolish need that whatever the line guards, remains guarded at all would wield these magicks without first considering costs. Sometimes these are straight lines instead, barring whether the price might ultimately be worth it.. . passage, but they always stand watch over something

valuable. Those who support these lines are almost invari- Spellcasting Beneftts: Spellcasters on a ley line gain a ably guardians patrolling a predetermined route. number of free spell slots per day equal to the ley line’s strength. These spell slots are only useful for reducing Spellcasting Benefits: Spells which bolster AC, hit points, the increased spell slot cost of metamagic feats, and or saving throws grant an additional sacred bonus equal may not reduce a spell’s modified level below the spell‘s to the ley lines’ strength. printed level for the casters’ casting class. Other Benefits: Protection ley lines favor those who do Other Beneftts: None.The magic of a Magic ley line is for not fail or waver in the lines’ sacred missions. So long as spellcasters and spellcasters alone. no one crosses the ley line’s full width, those Summontngs: There are no changes to any summonings. who are attuned and walk the path do Side-Effects: Instead of requiring travelers to sustain not age, require no food, drink, or their power, Magic ley lines demand other, more sleep, and may fight normally esoteric sources of energy, as the DM chooses. until reduced below -11 hit This may be an annual points, at which point they sacrifice of a number of item charges equal Surnrnonings: Summoned to the number of creatures attempting to cross travelers that would the width of the ley line otherwise be neces- hedge themselves out sary, or the number in so doing, banish- of hours per day the spellcasters must remain on the ley li to remain attuned. Protection ley line’s sad*stic DMs may width is ever fully demand still more, crossed, the ley line is such as obedience to permanently and irrev- the ley lines’ creators, ocably destroyed. If its or aiding any crea- guardians have lived tures randomly sum- beyond their natural life spans, or moned along the line’s gone without food or water for so length. long that they should have starved,

the guardians immediately die. Plant

There are no Plant-associated ley lines, as this would require a large number of sentient creatures of the Plant type, all separate but behaving as of one mind. Those who seek out plants instead create Animal lines (if animals), Healing or Protection lines (if seeking to raise buildings or find healing herbs), or War (if intending to harvest the plants for weapons or poi- sons). While it is theoretically possible that such lines may eventually occur, nobody is entirely certain what these ley lines would create. The DM is encouraged to customize such a ley line for his campaign, should he deem it necessary.

Though only the most dedicated scholars study ley lines long enough to categorize the lines, when the less-disciplined students of magic think of ley lines, they usually think of Strength lines. Strength ley lines form quickly, often in the aftermath of a famous hero’s quest or in recognition of some other monumental deed, such as an epic contest of strength and skill. Where other ley lines represent the will and desires of many, Strength ley lines recognize the individual’s own might. Though favored by tyrants and heroes alike for this very reason, Strength ley lines only acknowledge one master over each line at a time. Those who wrest control of these ley lines immediately gain these benefits, but must guard the newfound power jealously

Protection Protection ley lines are normally circular paths, often around a sacred site, city, or artifact. There is no desire for duty or war behind these ley lines, but rather a steadfast

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Spellcasting Benefits: Once per day per ley line level, the master of the ley line may gain the benefits of any one feat. While he must meet all the feat’s requirements, he keeps these benefits for one hour, or until he uses this benefit again, whichever comes first. Any feat simulat- ed in this way is lost if the master of the line loses his attunement to the line. Othev Benefits: As above. Summonings: Summoned creatures are exemplary of their kind, and are usually of a higher level of advance- ment than normal. Side-Effects: Only one person at a time may attune him- selfto a Strength ley line, and only so long as he accepts any challenge to his ability. Should someone else call the master out to a duel, the master must accept, though the master traditionally defines the nature of the contest. For this very reason, few fighters survive challenging a wizards control over a Strength ley line. Should the master of the ley line resort to treachery rather than rely on his own strength (such as by sabo- taging the challenger, or naming conditions to the match that the challenger is incapable of fulfilling), the line abandons him forever.

Sun It is not wholly accurate to claim that there are no Sun le lines, but not even the most insane minds w create another. The one known Sun line is the of the sun through the sky. Though of battles held on this ley line, often world, it is also a blazing inferno, and to tap into its power is to court death. The DM should only allow access to the Sun line as part of an apocalyptic campaign, and even then, the power of the ley line should be as mysterious as it is destructive, and tailored to the DM’s campaign.

Travel Travel ley lines are the most common form of associated lines, born from the simple movements of all creatures. Though comparatively few ley lines ever become an asso- ciated ley line, over half that do run with the energies of this domain. Hardy and useful, these lines last so long as all who walk the lines seek to continue the journeys to the end.

Spellcasting Benefits: Travel lines lend themselves well to creative spekasters. A spellcaster may target a spell without regard for line of sight, so long as both spell- caster and target are on a Travel line and the target is within the spell’s range. Travel ley lines also make per- fect homes for permanent teleportation circles, waiving the experience cost for the creation of such a circle (up to 1 circles per 2 ley line strength levels, rounding down).

Other Benefits: Travel ley lines allow for speedy move- ment. So long as there is no break from travel longer than an hour a day, movement along the ley line is dou- bled. Summonings: Summonings occur as normal, but a ran- dom summoning along a Travel line results in a lost traveler from another plane arriving. The traveler may be seeking shelter from enemies, seeking new worlds to conquer, or have a mind so abstract and alien that its desires are equally incomprehensible. Side-Effects: Travel ley lines benefit all travelers, not just the peaceful ones. Due to the extra speed granted by Travel ley lines, invaders frequently target the lines first, the better to threaten all the lands the lines cross. Clerics that serve the Travel domain guard against such attacks, fearing what might happen if all these lines fall to would-be conquerors.

Trickery Favored by malevolent fey and aberrations, trickery ley

he world, quivering and twisting at s. Like all ley lines, their power aris-

eliefs and movements of the creatures s of the ley, but Trickery lines alone d new, fertile grounds to feed upon.

th is not so much lost as it is deliberate- ly distorted, a Trickery ley line may not only result, but slither to the deception, apparently of its own free will. Trickery ley lines appear as absolutely, perfectly normal extensions of the environment.

Spellcasting Benefits: Treachery is the rule, not the excep- tion, on Trickery lines, and deceitful magic is the stronger for it. Whenever a Trickery domain spell or illusion spell is in effect on a Trickery ley line and someone must make a Will save to avoid the spells’ effects, he must make two consecutive Will saves instead of one. Other Benefits: All Bluff, Disguise, Forgery, Hide, and Move Silently checks gain an enhancement bonus equal to the Trickery ley line’s strength level. Surnrnonings: Summonings on Trickery lines do not work quite as the summoner intended, and while the creatures are otherwise unmodified, all summoned creatures’ types change to aberration. Additionally, the DM may decide that any given Trickery ley line is an extension of one of the Far Realms, distant planes of madness and alien, virtually, incomprehensible denizens. In such circ*mstances, random summonings spew forth these foul creatures, the least of which are any kind of aberration, at their maximum advance- ment.

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Side-Effects: Trickery lines befuddle the senses, confus- Of more immediate concern, whenever a creature slays ing even the most disciplined souls. All Appraise, an opponent witnesses an ally fall in combat, the ley Concentration, Decipher Script, Diplomacy, Gather line further stokes that creature’s bloodlust, as though Information, Knowledge, Listen, Sense Motive, with the lesser confusion spell cast by a bard with a cast- Spellcraft, Spot, and Survival checks made on aTrickery ing level equal to that of the ley line’s level, checking line suffer a competence penalty equal to the ley line’s only to see ifthe subject attacks the nearest creature (all strength level. other results being effectively treated as “act normally”).

War Water Though the power of Magic is more malleable, the wast- ing effects of Death and Destruction more direct, and the madness of Trickery more frightening, War ley lines are perhaps the most deadly of all their ilk. Unlike other ley lines, War lines feed on their own power, inviting conflict after conflict until the ley line overflows its limits, catch- ing all in its wake.

Spellcasting Benefits: Any spell which manipulates emo- tion (anger, fear, rage, etc.,) has its effect increased as though one of the following metamagic feats were imposed: Empowered Spell, Extended Spell, or Maximize Spell. This benefit does not require attune- ment to the ley line. Othev Benefits: While on the ley line, all creatures are enraged, as though under the effects of a continuous mge spell cast by a sorcerer of a le line’s strength. Resisting this effect (DC 10 + ley line strength). Creatu coupe de grace as a move-equivale Summonmgs: All summoned creat seek out combat unless specifically by their summoner. If left to their own devices, sum- moned creatures turn on each other, then themselves. Summoned creatures on a War ley line attack without regard for their own safety, but do not otherwise obey any order which would bring them to harm. Side-Effects: Any prolonged conflict feeds the ley line not annually as is normal for ley lines, but daily. Should

Water-associated lines are usually only the concern of sailors and fishermen, and those who dwell in or near the sea or large rivers or lakes. Though natural migration fuels many Water ley lines, other lines match trade routes and shipping lanes, and even the odd piratical hunting pat- terns, separated by the more common Travel domains by geography and the creatures’ respect for and awe of the seas. These are the waters ale-addled sailors speak of in seedy taverns, home to monstrous and wondrous visions

s: Any spellcaster casting an available ell or a spell with the [Cold] descriptor st the spell without losing a spell slot this, the ley line’s strength must be at spell’s level, and the spellcaster must

llcraft check (DC = 5 x the spell’s ne spell slot per day per level may be

ter ley lines bring with them not only plenty of fish (who are naturally attracted to the waters’ magic), but also other associated blessings. Any creature native to these ley lines has its natural charac- teristics increased several fold. The salmon are tastier, the whales produce more oil, and the oyster beds pro- duce larger, more lustrous pearls. All resources harvest- ed from such creatures’ bodies have their value in gold pieces multiplied by the ley line’s strength level. Sumrnontngs: Summoned creatures are either aquatic

any single combat have the required numbers for the ley line to increase strength, the line’s strength level increases at dusk that night, or dawn the following morning (whichever comes first), and both extending the ley line’s length and forcing new random summon- ing checks with each increase. A War ley line may increase its strength above the normal maximum of IO in this manner, though it automatically returns to 10 if a single day passes without combat. Should a War ley line ever reach above a strength of 20 in this manner, a catastrophic shift occurs, forcing the ley line and all its inhabitants into a conflict-strewn plane of the DM’s choosing (including, but not limited to, other material planes). Some powerful War ley lines may manifest in the DM’s campaign in this manner, forced into the party’s plane of existence by some other planar strife.

creatures native to the region, or creatures of the Water sub-type, but otherwise obey all summoning rules. Side-Effects: Fishers and pirates are not the only crea- tures that gorge themselves on these ley lines’ many blessings. Any native, unintelligent, non-summoned creature is hardier by far for the ley lines’ power, gain- ing a number of hit dice equal to the ley line’s strength (up to the creatures’ maximum advancement, if any). Any intelligent aquatic species does not benefit so directly, but the DM should take into account the stronger warriors needed to subdue such sea-beasts, and the greater treasures that result. Few Water ley lines exist, but none without some merfolk or sahuagin settlement nearby.

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PAST-LIVFS . . .visections are almost chivurgically precise, leaving no

details to imagmation. Contrary to appearances, the fey appar- ently bear no resemblance to the elven race, at least not on the same scale as the 0.. .

Something strange has happened to this place, long before I tread foot upon the abattoir that i s this wizard’s tower. Thank the gods that I decided to leave Haek behind. Though she has borne witness to each of my battles against the orcs, she remains an innocent soul. I do not believe she could have handled the rotting fields of bodies.

Surprisingly, it only took me two days along the ley line to find my enemy’s domicile. As with many would-be conquerors, this villain showed little patience in the face of failure. The land around the tower would be a battlefield, had not the orcs been facing away fYom the tower, cut down where they

The tower itself was desevted, as though none had set

The sword tells me they are not in pain.

.r, 26 2,.

... and elves strttck at the tower today, though I repulsed them all. I must soon take my leave of this place, valuable though it i s . The spell’s text is nearly complete, but the remainder

i s lost in the desert wastes.

stood or attempted to flee. Q Q r,

foot inside its stone walls for centunes. The wards of protection flickered uncertainly at my approach, apparently having long since lost their vitality. A thick layer of dust clung to the walls and floors, but the many artifacts within retained their luster. chief among these was a sword, its blade twisted and hilt so oversized that it took me hours to identify its true nature.

. . .rly caught me this time, a devel- opment that forces extreme measures. In secret, I approached foul cultists, offenng some of my artifacts to them, in return for their aid in hiding my

. . .hieves tore me from the planes, and so I mined

them in return. The lands are as bawen now as my soul.

PAST LIFE FEATS [Hereafter, the There are those who

pumal’s full contents believe that death is not suffer. Whatever ultimate the end. Instead of eter- fate befell Draus, his books all nal damnation or immor- suffered some degree of ruin, tal bliss, our souls return to such as the chawed remains I this plane, to live again the found of this very tome. I report life we failed in before. Those who only what I could plainly see for myseli return, gain some forthcoming knowl- making no guesses as to the missing text. edge, or recall some fact about their past failings that aid -HoI] them in this life. No matter how simple the calling,

those who return are one step closer to their real

Past life feats are a form of bloodgift. PCs may begin play with only one 1st level bloodgift, but may gain others later on, so long as the prerequisites are met. They, how- ever, add a new element to the game and should be taken only with the DMs approval.

. ..evil inside the blade, though the blade itself is of wholly foreign make. I t speaks to me, offenng its infernal insight into my dread quest to unseat the powers behind the orcs. I know not to twst it, just as I somehow know the tower’s very contents upon seeing them.

Somewhere inside me, Ifelt Hade recoil whenever I touched the sword.

Arch-Nemesis [Past Life1 You destiny is not your own. An ancient foe shares in your reincarnation, returning as your foil. He - like you - seeks to fulfill his own destiny at the cost of your own. You two have met many times, in many lives, always one step ahead of the other. Such adversity has taught you much.

$6 $8

Today, Sellyah and Hade . . .

. . .ondrous howors in the basem*nt, somehow still alive. At the sword’s suggestion, I descended.. .

Prerequisites: Wisdom 15, Past Life.

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Benefits: Once per session, when making a saving throw, you may use your highest saving throw bonus rather then the one required.This must be decided before the save is rolled. In addition, you have an enemy of some kind, somewhere. It is unknown when he will return, but he is assumed to be the same level as you, when he does.

Special: Each time, you use this feat’s ability, your arch- nemesis gains 1 hit point permanently. While your des- tinies are fixed, each time you tap into the karma of your past life, your arch-nemesis is doing the same.

DMs not running a cinematic campaign, can instead impose a 100 XP penalty on the PC each time he uses this ability. This represents the character’s unwillingness to learn anything in this life, but rather drawing upon past failures to overcome obstacles.

Avatar [Past Life] All the memories of your past lives come rushing to you without interference.

Prerequisites: Intelligence IS, Wisdom 17, Charisma 14, Inspired Past, Mastery of Mind, Past Life.

Benefits: All skills are considered class skills to you. In addition, you gain an additional 4 skill points every level. Lastly, you can multi-class into any class without suffering an XP penalty.

Barbaric Past [Past Life] The roots of your past extend to a deep ric tribes, clans, and plainsmen.

Prerequisites: Constitution IS, Wisdom any non-lawful alignment.

Benefits: You gain the special ability to rage once per day as a 1st level barbarian.

Special: Should you gain the ability to rage from anoth- er source, you add this level to it to determine any level dependent abilities of raging (times per day, greater rage and so on).

Bardic Lore [Past Life] Your knowledge far exceeds that of scholars, for you lived in ancient times.

Prerequisites: Intelligence IS, Wisdom 15, Past Life. Benefits: You gain the special ability Bardic

Knowledge as a bard equal in level to your own character level.

Special: Should you gain the Bardic Knowledge ability from another source, you add your Wisdom modifier to all Bardic Knowledge checks.

Beast l i n e [Past Life] There is something monstrous in your past. It is unclear what you once were, but it was not humanoid. The mem- ories of this powerful beast have shaped your conscious- ness.

Prerequisites: Strength IS, Constitution 13, Wisdom IS, Past Life.

Benefits: You gain a +3 bonus to all Fortitude saves. However, you suffer a -2 to Willpower saves and are con- sidered to have an Ability score of 2 less when determin- ing bonus spells (determined by your type).

Once per session, you increase your base movement by 10 ft. and gain the Run feat for up to 3 rounds.

Boundaries of the Past [Past Life] You can draw upon memories of past lives, but your mem- ories are often clouded with metaphors, symbolism and surreal dreams that provide no clear answers.

Prerequisites: Wisdom 16, Past Life, any two other Past Life feats.

Benefits: Once per session, you may fall into a medita- tive sleep allowing you to ask a question to be answered by a dream. The exact nature of the dream can be anything

ut it allows you to look into the If the DM wishes, this effect

d as an augury spell, providing unspecific uce answers to questions.

there is has always been a special bond d another ally. While you have never

d spirit, the bond has always been there.

Prerequisites: Wisdom IS, Charisma IS, Past Life. Benefits: Choose another PC, NPC, familiar, or mon-

ster to be your kindred spirit. Once per session, you may exchange a number of hit points from yourselfto the your kindred spirit (or vice versa) up to twice your character level, so long as you have hit points remaining and so long as neither of you exceeds your maximum hit point total. You can even use this ability while unconscious or dying.

Note: Only you can decide to move hit points and how many to move. If your kindred spirit is dying, it is up to you to exchange the hit points.

Special: If the kindred spirit you are tied to ever dies, for any reason, you lose the benefit of this feat and cannot regain it under any circ*mstances short of your death, divine intervention, or a rnivacle, or wish spell.

Delusions o f Grandeur [General] YOU are convinced that you’ve led an interesting life and are destined for greatness. The problem is convincing oth- ers you are what you say you are.

Benefits: You believe the world works on a different level. As a result, you gain a bonus to all saving throws against mind-influencing effects. This bonus is rolled at the beginning of each session on a Id6 and lasts for the entire session.

Special: You may never take any past life feats.

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Destiny Denied [Past Life] Something has gone horribly wrong.. . Whether a pri- mordial foe has won your ancient battle, or an ancient secret or artifact is now forever lost, your future lies before you, now shaped entirely by your own design. You have failed.

Prerequisites: Wisdom 14, Past Life, any other Past Life feat.

Benefits: You no longer gain any benefit from Past Life feats, but you are completely immune to the effects of div- ination spells. Anyone casting such a spell on you instead discovers absolutely nothing - even the gods find your actions incomprehensible - nor can they scry your loca- tion.

Additionally, you know your fate is your own and have no fear of death. You gain a +I competence bonus to all saving throws and a +4 bonus to all Intimidate checks.

Special: If you are a divine spellcaster, you must take up a deity-specified gem and make atonement for your actions, as denying a divinely-inspired destiny is among the worst sins conceivable. Until then, you may not advance in your divine spellcasting class or use its class features. Ignore this if your actions directly involved a change of faith (i.e. a paladin denies his destiny becoming a blackguard).

Your failure has cost many people dearly, as your unful- filled destiny means actions you were to preve come true. The actual game effec at the very least you have made a

feat. You may not gain any other feats requi

Divine Champion [Past Life] You serve a greater cause. You have been marked by your god to take on a holy quest, that you may not even be fully aware of it. As a result, your actions are monitored by something bigger than you.

Prerequisites: Wisdom 16, Past Life, ability to cast divine spells.

Benefits: Once per day, you may commune with your god or commune with nature (if a druid, ranger, or cleric with access to a nature-oriented domain), as per the spell of the same name cast by a cleric or druid of your charac- ter levels. Further, as part of your memories, you gain one of the following classes as a favored class: cleric, druid, paladin, or ranger.

Special: The benefits of this feat are as incorruptible as the power you serve, but are a sign of your master’s affec- tion and respect, not a representation of your own talents. Should you ever deviate from your master’s code of con- duct (as defined by this feat’s associated favored class), you also lose the benefits of this feat (possibly including XP penalties for multiclassing) until you make an atonement.

Dwarf Line [Past Life] There is dwarf blood in your past. It has been centuries, perhaps millennia since you last inhabited the body of a dwarf, but your soul has mingled with this unchanging race at least once.

Prerequisites: Non-dwarf, Constitution 15, Wisdom 16, Past Life.

Benefits: You have the special stonecunning ability as a dwarf. In addition, you gain Craft (stoneworking) as a class skill and gain a +I competence bonus saving throws involving poison or spells. You can speak rudimentary dwarf and gain weapon proficiency with the battleaxe and warhammer.

Elf Line [Past Life] There is elf blood in your past. It has been centuries, per- haps millennia since you last took elf form, but your soul has mingled with this immortal race at least once.

Prerequisites: Non-elf, Wisdom 16, Charisma 15, Past

You only need to sleep 4 hours a night. While like an elf, you only require a few

ht to be considered fully rested. In a half-elf if their age progression is

n-elf characters must sleep 8 hours each

Special: Arcane spellcasters must still rest 8 hours to regain their spells.

Forgotten lore [Past Life] There are secrets that man has lost and aspects to our world that only a few have mastered.

Prerequisites: Intelligence 15, Wisdom 16, Mastery of Mind, Past Life.

Benefits: Choose one skill or two Knowledge skills. You no longer suffer a skill rank maximum for this skill(s). You are allowed to allocate as many point per level as you wish to the development of that skill.

Great Destiny [Past Life] Your soul is eternal and even you cannot stop your des- tiny.

Prerequisites: Constitution 13, Intelligence 13, Wisdom 16, Charisma 15, Past Life.

Benefits: Once per campaign, upon your death, you are restored to full health within 24 hours of your death. The exact time and place is up to the DM, however. And PCs should not count on the DM being merciful about exploiting uses of this feat.

Special: It is important to note, that the soul can live on without the body. DMs are encouraged to find creative ways to keep a dead PC in the game with this feat.

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e Cryptic Studies exander Draus R

Inspired Past [Past Lifel By taping into past experiences you can do things you normally could not. Many of the things you’ve achieved remained with you from life to life. As a result, you can remember how to build a fortress, climb a rope, swim a channel, or train a pack animal.

Prerequisites: Intelligence 15, Wisdom 16, Mastery of Mind, Past Life.

Benefits: Choose six ‘out of class’ skills and keep a separate record of each. You are assumed to have 4 skill points in each. Once per session, you may use one of these skills. Every level, increase two of these skills by one point each.

Mastery of Body [Past Lifel Previous incarnations are as real as your pre- sent self. You recall, if only on a subconscious level, the fighting skills and tricks of your p vious lives and move with grace and expertise, reflecting your innate talents.

Dexterity 13, Wisdom 16, Past Life, base attack bonus +4.

Benefits: You gain proficiency with all martial weapons. If you already have Martial Weapon Proficiency, you gain the benefit of the Exotic Weapon Proficiency feat. If your Dexterity is higher than your Strength, you also gain the Weapon Finesse feat.

Special: If your base attack bonus ever reaches +6, you may take the Weapon Specialization feat as though you were a fighter.

Prerequisites: Strength 13,

Benefits: Craft, Knowledge, and Profession are class skills for you and you gain 6 skill points to distribute into as many Craft and Profession skills as you can afford. In addition, each level you advance, you gain 2 additional skill points to add to these skills. You cannot gain new Craft and Profession skills beyond those chosen at the time of this feat.

Mastery of the Flesh [Past Lifel While your mind and soul may challenge you, testing your free will, your body is your own.

Prerequisites: Strength 13, Dexterity 13, Constitution 13, Wisdom 16, Mastery of Body, Mastery of Mind, Mastery of Soul, Past Life.

Benefits: You may add your Wisdom bonus to your Fortitude saving throw. In addition you regain a number of hit points per day equal to your Wisdom bonus. This is in addition to any natural rest or magical healing you receive.

Mastery of Soul [Past Life] You have lived many lives, knowing and touching many people. You have learned something on each journey and those values have stayed with you.

Prerequisites: Intelligence 13, Wisdom 16, Charisma IS, Past Life.

Benefits: You gain a +I competence bonus to all Intelligence-based, Wisdom-based, and Charisma-based skill checks.

Special: It is important to note, that the soul can live on without the body. DMs are encouraged to find creative ways to keep a dead PC in the game with this feat.

Mastery of Mind [Past Lifel Previous incarnations are as real as your own memories. You can draw upon past experiences to aid you in this life.

Prerequisites: Intelligence 13, Wisdom 16, Past Life, Iron Will.

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Monastic Past [Past Life] You have known the importance of moderation and inner strength, of awareness and selflessness. You have studied the ancient text that

Prerequisites: Dexterity 13, Wisdom 15, Charisma 15, Past Life, any lawful or good alignment.

Benefits: You gain the unarmed strike ability of a monk as well as the special ability hi stvike as a 4th level monk.

Special: You are bound to the same ethos as a monk. Should you ever violate this code, you lose all benefits of this feat until you find your way back on the path of inner being.

Noble Past [Past Life] You walked among kings, rubbing elbows with the elite of society. That grace has remained with you.

Prerequisites: Wisdom IS, Charisma IS, Past Life, any lawful alignment.

Benefits: You gain a bonus to your Charisma-based skill checks equal to twice your Charisma bonus. Further, as part of your memories, you gain one of the following classes a's a favored class: cleric or wizard.

Normal: A character gains a bonus to skill checks equal to the related ability score.

Special: If you gain the Leadership feat, you gain bonus to your Leadership score.

Paragon of Beasts [Past Lifel Your soul once inhabited the body than yourseK Perhaps your first in the earliest of your kind.

Prerequisites: Constitution IS, Wisdom IS, Survival 4 ranks, Past Life.

Benefits: When dealing with animals, you gain a bonus to your Charisma-based skill checks equal to your Wisdom bonus. Further, as part of your memories, you gain one of the following classes as a favored class: barbar- ian, druid, ranger, or rogue. Lastly, you may add Handle Animal to your list of class skills.

Normal: A character gains a bonus to skill checks equal to the related ability score.

Special: If you gain the Leadership feat, you may choose animals as followers and magical beasts as cohorts.

Past Life [Past Lifel In a previous life, you were a hero of great distinction. Your death was premature, however, denying you your true calling. Perhaps this time, this life, you will take your proper place in history.

Prerequisite: Wisdom 15. Benefits: Choose any two skills. Once per session, you

may use one of these skills untrained. In addition, you gain a temporary +I circ*mstance bonus to any skill of

your choice, chosen at the beginning of every game ses- sion, lasting the entire session.

Lastly, as you regain aspects of your past, you grow stronger and more complete. For each past life feat you take after this one, you permanently gain I hit point.

Special: This feat can only be chosen at 1st level. A character can never have more than one 1st level blood- gift. You may not multiclass, excepting into a prestige class or a favored class.

Perfection of Self [Past Lifel You are as attuned to this form as any other, being able to transcend the limitations of mere flesh.

Prerequisites: Strength 13, Dexterity 15, Intelligence 13, Wisdom 16, Mastery of Body, Mastery of Flesh, Mastery of Mind, Mastery of Soul, Past Life, base attack bonus +6.

Benefits: At the end of each combat round, your Initiative increases by +I. This bonus is in addition to any other bonus gained during combat. You also gain use of the Combat Reflexes feat, doubling your Dexterity modi-

ssess it. You gain the benefit of eva- may ignore the first flank attempt in

Your soul has been touched by a magical source. You have something residing within you that transcends time and space.

Prerequisites: Intelligence 15, Wisdom IS, Charisma 15, Past Life, any lawful or good alignment.

Benefits: Choose any 0-level, 1st-level, or 2nd-level arcane spell. You may cast this spell once per day as a 3rd level sorcerer.

Special: If you have the ability to cast arcane spells from another source, you may use your arcane casting level instead of casting as a 3rd level sorcerer.

The DM has final approval on the spell you choose. It is important to note that choosing damage dealing spells is not always the most unbalancing use of this feat.

Virtuous Past [Past Lifel You once held yourself to a higher standard. To this day you are still answerable to promises made and never bro- ken.. .

Prerequisites: Wisdom IS, Charisma IS, Past Life, any lawful or good alignment.

Benefits: You gain the special ability lay on hands as a 3rd level paladin. In addition, you gain paladin as a favored class.

Special: You are bound to the same ethos as a paladin. Should you ever violate this code, you lose all benefits of this feat until you atone.

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e Cryptic Studies exander Draus Rho

Even the greatest wizards and sorcerers consider them- selves mere students of the craft. Those who have studied magical history know that however great the modern-day arcanists are, they are mere pretenders when compared to their ancient predecessors.

The following are nigh legendary weapons and magic associated with the greatest historical arcanists, and untold thousands have died pursuing these prizes. In the rare event that someone discovers many of the following in one place, as Draus did, it is rarely by accident. These are dangerous magicks all, and introducing them into a campaign could and should easily disrupt the balance of power in the setting. What follows are descriptions of some of the most powerful artifacts, spells, and arcane tricks known, and revealing such power is inviting allies and gods to become envious enemies.

ARTIFACTS Epic Spell Components (Minor Artifacts): Though material components to spells are as commonplace or rare as the spells are weak or strong, replacing the components with similar, inherently magical components results in effects greater still than the normal spells’ uses. These epic components are treasures unto themselves, arduous t find and master but tempting targets for thieves and th casters’ enemies. They are either virtually un less than 20 in existence), or dem quests to retrieve.

Elder Bones: These are the literal ture of the cosmos, something that lived for over a thou- sand years without turning to undeath. Even then, the ancient must die from a cause other than old age, disease, or poison, as such deaths disperse the bones’ power. Most harvested bones come from combats or outright murders, but a rare few noble beasts have sacrificed themselves, that their bones work for a greater purpose.

Elder bones may only come from creatures of the fol- lowing types: aberrations, dragons, elementals (but not the actual monsters, the elementals, who have no bones), fey, giant, humanoid, magical beast, monstrous humanoid, or outsider. Even in these cases, the creatures must have an internal bone structure. For instance, most demons’ bones are perfectly acceptable, but bebeliths and retrievers are not, as these two kinds of demons have exoskeletons instead of true bones. The size of the bones necessary for these effects also vary, according to the size of the slain creature itseE full skeletons ofTiny creatures are the bare minimum, while the limbs of small creatures are necessary for the effects, the large bones (either major arm or leg bones, the spine, or the skull) for Medium-size, and all but the tiniest bones for Large creatures. Huge and Gargantuan creatures are so large that broken halves of

the larger bones may have the normal effect, while Colossal monsters’ thrice-shattered bones or inner ear bones are of sufficient size. These are the only require- ments, though clearly bone harvesters prefer to strip the bones of their meat, tendons, and cartilage rather than attract vermin. A slain corpse produces roughly one usable bone per size category, or twice that if the creature dies violently but suffered no damage of any of the fol- lowing types: acid, bludgeoning, fire, or slashing.

Elder bones hold great power, even without using them as material components in a spell. A hint of the ancient power within the bones still resonates clearly, adding to their carrier a number of years of extended life span equal to the slain creature’s challenge rating, although only in the case of the most powerful elder bones in the carrier’s possession. The bones must remain within five ft. of the carrier at all times, only grant the benefit to the person in that radius who has spent the most time with the bones (choosing randomly in a case of a tie), and dividing the extra years evenly between age categories, each of which

mum and maximum years increased by this number. At the DM’s discretion, this may carry other ben- efits, too, depending on the nature of the bones and their carriers. A sorcerer wielding a dragon bone may become a

iple, while the bones of a great champion ct the carrier from fire and heat.

To use elder bones as spell components, the spellcaster must carve the bone into the appropriate shape (requiring a craft: gem-cutting check, DC depending on the spell’s level and shape’s complexity, generally spell level x the total number of different parts and materials to be used), or else grind it into a powder if that is necessary to the spell. The elder bones may take the place of any material component or focus in this manner, and act as though the spellcaster had used the Extend spell metamagic feat and the Spell Penetration and Greater Spell Penetration feats.

Strong evocation [as per any sub-types of the destroyed creature]; CL 20; Weight: 1-10 lbs. (depending on size cat- egory of destroyed creature).

Fay R e a h Substances: The Far Realms are strange places, home to whole new breeds of hostile abominations, and mad explorers who fell victim to the Realms’ insane allure. The landscapes twist and turn, disorienting so much that any sense of perspective loses meaning; up and down appear interchangeable, like the distorted fever- dreams of artists and illusionists. These strange sub- stances, whether as common as trees or as rare as dia- monds, retain their lunatic nature even in other planes.

Far Realm substances are essentially identical to their material plane counterparts in terms of physical makeup, and may substitute for the normal versions of the sub- stances, producing very nearly the same effects. With the addition of unstable materials from the Far Realms, how- ever, the spell itself changes. The infectious madness

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There are several problems with using the Far Realms’ blessings in such a manner, however. The Far Realms are always hungry for more victims, and whatever the mad- ness inflicted on the spells’ victims, the newly mad crea- tures now offer fealty to the degenerate powers of those planes. Further, the corrupting nature of the Far Realms still threatens the substances’ carriers. Reagent bags are not safe containers for these substances, as the substances twist other components into new Far Realms substances after Id4 days. Worse, anyone who handles these sub- stances extensively (including casting) must themselves try to ward off the Far Realms’ insanity, suffering as though a sorcerer of their level had cast insanity on them, too. Use of a Far Realms substance is considered a chaotic act.

Strong transmutation and enchantment [chaos and mind-affecting]; CL 20; Weight: -. Pevfect Solutions: The high mark of any alchemist’s career

is distilling a substance to its purest essence, whether bod- ily humors or common metals and gemstones. Rarer than rubies, these are valuable beyond compare, and even a perfect, pure crystal of amethyst is priceless. In some cases, particularly liquid or powdered solutions, the result is a powerful poison in its pure state (may be of any type, DC equals the base substance’s gold cost divided by 3 (rounding down), or by 2 if powdered and inhaled or any liquid (rounding down), dealing 3d6 Con damage initial- ly, and inflicting 2d12 hits for secondary damage, even if normally safe to ingest.

taints all aspects of the spell, granting you a +S profane bonus against Spellcraft checks for the spell, and making you five casting lev- els higher for the purposes of a dispel attempt on the spell. Worst of all, how- ever, are the side-effects of the spell.

Anyone targeted by a Far Realm- enhanced spell must fight off the madness of that plane, as though the spellcaster had cast insanity on the tar- get at the same time. Still more terri- ble, the Far Realms eagerly add their power to illusion spells, and any illusion spell that creates an hallucination of an actual creature actually creates that crea- ture instead, as though through the use of a summon monster or summon nature’s ally spell cast at the caster’s level by a sorcerer or druid, as appropriate (the exact vari- ant of either spell is the highest possi- ble version available to a sorcerer or druid of the caster’s level). The attempt is imper- fect, however, creating an abomination variant of the desired creature, with limbs and sensory organs functional but apparently randomly arranged.

More often, however, spellcast- ers hoard these pure distillations for spell

components, replacing the more common version of the spell components (i.e. purified rubies instead of normal ones). Doing so doubles the spell’s effects, including any save DC or nonspecific damage (specific damage, such as the effects of a h a m spell, are unmodified).

Strong transmutation; Alchemy 20+ ranks; Weight: as per original substance.

Far Realms Weapons (Minor Artifacts): Like most of the Far Realms’ unholy contents, Far Realms weapons carry the madness of those planes into the weapons’ very forms and nature. The weapons are only faintly recogniz- able, with their twisted blades and looping handles. A simple halberd, for instance, might appear more as a small wooden shield, the hilt of the weapon coiling about itself, with a blade on one side, but whatever the appearance, it still operates as a halberd would. Though comfortable to the Far Realms’ inhabitants, who wield the weapons nor- mally, characters must have either an exotic weapon pro- ficiency denoted to a Far Realms variant weapon, or else have an improved weapon specialization for the normal version of the weapon. Otherwise, the characters are not proficient with the weapons’ use, even if they can readily identify the weapon’s true nature on sight.

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Whether wielded properly or not, however, the weapons act as though they were masterwork and had the anavchic and vicious enchantments, though the weapons themselves produce these effects naturally, and remain nonmagical. Further, any hits dealt have a chance of infecting their victim with a peculiar Far Realms disease. The disease forces its victim into a constant, paranoid sweat, and possibly a permanently skewed mind. The dis- ease is inflicted through injury or contact, has a DC of 20 and an incubation time of 3d6 days, inflicting Id6 Wisdom damage. Successful saves do not allow the char- acter to recover (only magical healing can save them), and 1 point of Wisdom damage from each failed save is per- manently drained. If reduced below 6 Wisdom in this manner, the victim begins hallucinating, seeing every liv- ing creature as a Far Realms monstrosity. If the character is permanently reduced below 6 Wisdom in this manner, he instead actually becomes a Far Realm creature, his type shifting to Aberration, and his alignment moving to Chaotic Neutral or Chaotic Evil, whichever is closer to their previous alignment. only a mivacle or wish spell cast using a Far Realms substance may revert the new monster to its original form.

Far Realms weapons accept enchantments as though they were normal weapons of their type.

Strong transmutation and enchantment [chaos and mind-affecting]; CL 25; Weight: -.

Teleportation Monoliths (Major Artifact are immense obelisks of pure black marble. St ft. or more, and extending twice that into the ground, the obelisks are rough and unhewn, as though they formed naturally. The sole exception to this appearance is in a series of four concentric dials, each before the other, pointing towards ancient letters or hieroglyphics. Each dial sets one of the monoliths’ coordinates, spanning nations and planes, or else sets the portal’s proximity or duration.

Each dial has at least 2d4 engravings, though some may be decoys or no longer useful. The first, central dial con- trols the monolith, with the basic two modes activating the monolith or shutting it off. Subsequent carvings being fixed timers, allowing the monolith to remain active for seconds, hours, or even years before powering down.The second dial, set behind or around the first, con- trols pre-set destinations, whether it be other monoliths, hidden alcoves in cities, or on entirely foreign planes (at the DMs discretion; one location per rune). The third dial allows fine-tuning of the destination, whether to appear precisely on the preset destination, or anywhere from a few feet away to hundreds of miles above the target. The fourth and final dial controls how much mass or how many people the monolith transports, with the default setting being teleporting only the user. Though the DM should have each setting on each dial work at a fixed

amount, these need not make sense for the younger races (i.e. the third notch on the first dial keeps the monolith active for IO minutes and 12 seconds; while the fourth dial’s sixth setting may only teleport mere ounces; the elder races kept their own measurements and logic). Once activated, a monolith glows with power, blue light searing through its every crack and carving. A shimmer- ing red gateway appears nearby, as large or as small as the obelisks controls specified. Once crossed, the gateway remains open for a duration according to the first dial’s setting, or closes immediately afterward if the dial was not set to an elapsed time. It is possible to change a monolith‘s settings while a portal is still open, though doing so dis- rupts the magic, causing the monolith to explode once the portal closes and dealing 10d6 crushing damage to all creatures in a 20 ft. radius of the monolith (Reflex save DC 25 for half). Changing a configuration midway through a transport has no other effect, and the transport process itself behaves as per its original configuration.

Fortunately for the rest of creation, these monoliths are ut somewhat unreliable. Whatever race

oliths was ancient indeed, and the ng the dials are of no known language, her Script check (DC 20 + double the on the dial) to read. Even then, the

bols either were unfinished or correspond to lost planes or monoliths, teleporting the users a t random to another location (as per results of “OffTarget”, “Similar Area”, or “Mishap” from a teleportation spell) or even anoth- er plane (as determined by the DM). In some cases, the runes are apparently a lure for the unwary, misleading the monoliths’ users to some forgotten plane or dungeon of the monolith makers’ own design. Strangely, the mono- liths themselves can also use the dials, particularly if those nearby resist the desire to use the monoliths’ power. Though such gateways cannot transport someone against their will, or partially teleport objects, the monoliths tend to create these blind gateways as a lure for passersby who are in desperate flight from some pursuer.

In any event, teleportation monoliths, while rare and as valued as they are feared, are not invulnerable. Each monolith has a configuration that destroys it (as though the configuration changed during a transport), shattering the obelisk and scattering its remains across the cosmos. The creators of these monoliths ensured this booby trap’s success matched the race’s own paranoia, and nothing - not even a mtvacle or wish spell - may reintegrate a destroyed monolith. Further, most monoliths are already a known commodity, standing at the crossroads of Travel ley lines.

Strong conjuration [teleportation], CL 25, weight: 2d6 tons.

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e Cryptic Studies Alexander Dram Rho


True names are a popular subject of superstition. In some myths, merely whispering someone’s true name grants you a portion of their power, turning men into gods and vice versa. In others, knowledge of true names is little more than a parlor trick, forcing men to cavort like animals and otherwise make fools of themselves. Most spellcasters have little time for such nonsense. True names are both means and ends, a tool to gain power and the power itself.

Given names are essentially meaningless, bestowed by parents, family, or law, and granting no more power over the named than would calling a cat a shrubbery. Given names are often meaningless (such as the seemingly ran- dom syllables in a gnome’s surname) or honorifics (such as titles of military, royalty, or religion). Often the cor- rupted slurring of ancient and exposed true names, given names are little more than informal recognition.

A true name is another matter entirely. While given names may reflect the named creature’s personality or actions, a creature’s true name defines him. It not only tells of his true nature and belies his strengths and weak- nesses, it also tells of his place in the cosmos at large. Merely uttering a shapeshifter’s true name out loud forces the creature to revert to its natural shape, and using a devil’s true name to summon or hedge it out r magic all the more binding. only the foolish, low of station do not care who most cases, knowledge of a creature o is a harmless affair, and indeed so (most notably peasants of ha stock) make no distinction between given names or true. The bemusing fact that humans and halflings suffer for this arrogance less often than they “should is a source of many an elven or dwarven prejudice.

Worthwhile true names are in short supply. While any dabbler of magic can conjure up a true name of some sort, there is little power to take from knowing and controlling the true nature of a pebble or a single blade of grass. The two primary methods to uncover such arcana are research and magic, and often the reason for many dealings between spies and spellcasters. While arcane magic can unlock a true name’s secrets, or divine magic reveal its pedigree, a talented rogue or bard can discover a true name simply by asking the right questions and paying attention to the answers. Though few official sources record true names, true names are open secrets among closely-knit families and close friends, bonds of trust not to be violated. All intelligent creatures know their own true names, but even the simplest dullard thinks twice before handing it out.

Discovering true names is always a bit of a trick. As mentioned above, the easiest method is research, whether a Knowledge (arcana) check for an object or a Gather

Information check for people. Ironically, the more famous the subject is, the easier it is to find the true name. While few care to know the true name for every peasant or clerk in the kingdom, a king’s true name is a popular subject of gossip, as is the true name of his favored weapon. While he may take steps to correct this problem (usually in the form of banning certain forms of magic and arresting or executing those who inquire too deeply about his person), the point remains that more people are interested. While a simple orphan might have a DC 30 Gather Information check to discover his true name, a noble hero may have a mere 10. Draconian measures and cunning spymasters (Bluff and Gather Information both at IS+ ranks) may double or triple the DC, but the actual threat to investigators is not in failing to discover the name, but drawing attention to themselves in the hunt. If anything stirs up more rumors and attention than a leader’s true name, it is someone else trying to uncover it. Any result other than a natural 20 alerts others to the searchers’ inquiries. Few would risk this discovery for any amount of payment, and those that would know exactly

ertise is, charging thousands of gp

but not without its own perils. , miracle, and legend lore uncover

ce involved is commensurately higher. Whether the caster trucks in arcane or divine magic, he invokes the powers of the planes to answer such questions. While such lore is common to servants of gods of Knowledge or Trickery, it is usually the fey or devils who answer the call. As in all dealings, such creatures demand a price for their knowledge, and are rarely satis- fied with anything less than two true names in return, including the caster’s own. Though it is possible to trick a creature into revealing its own true name in this manner, it is an unforgivable affront to even try, and woe to those who make foolish demands of a devil and expect the devil not to claim its own in return.

True names exert subtle influence over creatures, most often with magic but even without its aid. Spells cast tar- geting a creature may use that creature’s true name as an additional Verbal component (the Still Spell metamagic feat may not be used in conjunction with such spells), adding the caster’s Wisdom modifier to his casting level for the spell. Even outside of magic, those who speak someone’s true name aloud during skill checks may dis- tract the victim slightly, and characters gain an insight bonus equal to their Wisdom modifier on all Bluff, Intimidate, and Sense Motive checks made against some- one whose true name the characters know and speak aloud as part of the skill use. In either case, speaking the victim’s name aloud draws attention, and all who overhear (the DM may demand Listen checks as he deems fit) know the victim’s true name now, too.

ful or otherwise.

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e Cryptic Studies exander Draus Rho

Cursed Items Despite comical tales of foolish wizards miscasting spells or calling up powers that would try even the greatest sor- cerer, most cursed items are far from accidents. Crafting a magical item imparts knowledge of the item’s true name, and no craftsman worth his trademark would miss such shoddy work as an accidentally cursed item. While some cursed items are of accidental make, they are more than likely intentionally cursed for one of two reasons.

First, and most common, the magical item is deliber- ately crippled to force the wielder to either not rely on it, or to foolishly rely on it and suffer the consequences. Intermittently functioning items, items that demand their requirements fulfilled before functioning, and items with drawbacks are all favored for teaching lessons, usual- ly nonlethal ones. They are lessons in humility or self- reliance, rather than true threats to the wielder’s life. The binding magic on such items is no easier or cheaper than on uncursed variants, but the use of a widespread curse helps ward off treachery. If a magic item fails to function within 100 miles of a wizards lair, after all, he can safely arm his agents with little fear that his blessings might turn against him. Another popular twist to this type of cursed item involves minor effects only activated by recit- ing the item’s true name, causing it to glow or hum and acknowledging the speaker as an ally.

even these faint traces of altruism. sions, opposite effects or types, com effects, and specific cursed items designed for no greater purpose th unwary enough to use the items. Most are decoy items placed among true treasure, a better class of trap for a higher quality of thief. In other cases, the creator crafts and gives the cursed item over to someone the creator tempts to use the item. This level of treachery is usually reserved as part of an assassination attempt, as a warning to those who would defy the item’s creator, or both. An especially common trick is to place cursed duplicates near a true treasure, particularly an artifact. While this is open- ly admitting that the duplicates are traps, it also serves the creator well if there is no reliable method to tell the copies from the true (such as through the use of a mapc auva spell), forcing any contest of knowledge or skill into ran- dom chance and luck, with the most infamous examples being halls upon halls of decoys, without the true original anywhere at hand.

The second and more infamous cursed items have

True Names and Unlocking the Power of Magic Items To protect and disguise some powerful magic items from enemies, the items’ creators indulge in a little feint of their own. Using disguising magic such as magic auva, the caster effectively hides the item’s true nature until the wielder fulfills some requirement. Though the most

famous of these items are holy avengevs, which only acti- vate when wielded by paladins, most items empowered in this manner use the item’s true name as a trigger to unlock the item’s true powers. Uttering the true name of a + I longswovd may transform it into a flame tongue or even an artifact, but the DM should make the player characters work for such blessings. Items disguised in such manner should be part of a plot, rather than a randomly-won trea- sure.

In some cases, a similar effect occurs naturally, without necessarily using magic at all. Among many cultures, such as the bloodthirsty Vikings or honorable samurai, the value of an item stems from the item’s legendary wielder more so than any mere enchantments. Pedigree deter- mines power in these settings, and while magical items still exist, the preferred tokens of a great hero or terrible villain bear supernatural abilities earned by the items’ masters. This is especially true of masterwork weapons,

rry the potential for power in their

ongspear may not have any magic as but if it drinks heavily of the heart’s ragons, the spear, like its owner, earns

ociated with such great trials. te a magical item gaining power over

may require players to take the following quest feat:

Unlocked Potential [Quest Feat1 Your journeys have allowed you to unlock the hidden potential of one of your favored items.

Prerequisites: Masterwork, superior, or magical item, character level 9th, must gain no fewer than 3,000 XP through direct use of the item.

Benefits: Your repeated use of one of your items has allowed you to awaken new powers in it. Taking this advantage grants you an enchantment to the item worth less than or equal to your character level when you take this feat x 1,000 gp. Further, as you alone have earned this power, the item gains a curse of either of the intermittent functioning or requirement curses, your choice, though the DM defines the actual way the curse strikes and informs you of it. Alternately, you may make the item’s true name be a requirement for activating the item’s new powers.

Outside of the intermittent functioning’s dependence or the activation requirements, the item functions pre- cisely as it did before you took this feat. If another person fulfills the curse’s restrictions, he too may wield the item at its full power. If your item was unenchanted before pur- chasing this feat, it only becomes magical if its new total cost is above 15,000 gp. Items increased in this manner may not change types (i.e. you may not turn a suit of +I hide armor into a suit of +2 full plate), but upgrading a

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e Cryptic Studies exander Draus R

It is no secret that at one time sorcerers and wizards could tap into magicks more powevftll that what we know today. But those talents are gone, perhaps lost forever. What remains, are scrolls, fiom whose power we cannot draw from and we cannot com- mand.

The DM may wish to impose a 5,000 XP cost to learn a loth level spell as a 9th level spell. A 1,000 XP cost could also be imposed each time one is cast. However, it is encouraged to save these for powerful enemies in high- level campaigns.

Controlling the Source Evocation Level: Wiz IO Components: V, S CastingTime: 1 standard action Range: One creature in a 30-ft. radius Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: Will negates Spell Resistance: No

present enchantment costs only the difference (i.e. upgrading a vlng of jumping to a nng of improved lumping costs 7,500 gp, not the IO,OOO gp listed for normal rings of improved jumping). Such upgrades only apply to increas- ing an item's base enhancement bonus (increasing a +2 weapon to a +3 weapon costs 10,000 gp), or to items that gain greatev, improved, or major versions of a less powerful enchantment, The upgraded benefits replace the lesser ones, so that a suit of armor upgraded from improved cold resistance to gveater cold resistance absorbs the first 30 points of cold damage, instead of the first SO.

For charged items, the benefits are different, and the item gains a number of charges equal to the lowest of your Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma ability scores. At the DMs discretion, powerful items such as nngs ofthree wtsh- es or staves of the magt may have reduced benefits, gaining charges equal to only the lowest ability modifier (mini- mum 1) or even to I.

You may only make the item intelligent if you are an epic level character, and you may not use this feat to

stones or crossbow bolts. Special: At the DMs discretion, characters may pur-

chase this as a bonus or an epic feat. This feat may be taken multiple times, each time adding another (character level x 1,000) gp's worth of enchant- ments to the item. or affecting a different item.

creature casts a spell or uses a spell-like ability, you may cast controlling the source to interfere with it. A dispel check is made (like dispel magtc) and if successful allows you to either absorb or rechannel the spell energy.

Absovb: You absorb the spell's energies into yourself, regaining some of your own spent spell levels, of a total equal to or less than the spell's level or your Intelligence modifier, whichever is lower. Alternately, you may recharge a magic item instead, gaining additional charges equal to the spell levels you would have regained. This does not work on a magic item with no remaining charges.

increase the potency of ammunition such as sling a


Pitting your own power against that of a rival spellcaster, you attempt to overwhelm his magic with your own, rechannelling or absorbing their magic. When another

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Rechannel: You claim the spell as your own, and its effects now change as though you had cast it, including range, saving throws, casting levels, and you must still ful- fill foci, material, or XP components. You must expend a spell slot of the appropriate level or higher, and you may only rechannel a spell if you could cast it normally.

Regardless of the effect, if you are unfamiliar with the spell, you remember it for a number of hours equal to your Wisdom modifier, thereafter forgetting it.

Draining the Source Conjuration (Force) Level: Sor IO Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 1 standard action Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Targets: Up to nine creatures, no two which can be more

than 25 ft. apart Duration: Instantaneous (see text) Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: Yes

Your expertise as a sorcerer now allows you to unleash bolts of pure and unerring magical force. When this spell is cast, you must also sacrifice any daily spell slots. This energy is converted into bolts of magic that automatically hit their target and deal ld6+1 damage per level of the spell used per bolt. The number of bolts created is equal to the level of the spell sacrificed (round up). Such wounds disrupt the target’s life force, dealing 1 point of temporary ability loss to the target’s Constitution (per bolt) in addi- tion to normal damage.

Alternately, you can create a defensive light around yourself. Though you must still sacrifice a spell slot, you gain a deflection bonus to your AC, temporary hit points, and an enhancement bonus to all your saving throws equal to the spent spell slot’s level. In addition, you gain spell resistance IO + the spell slot sacrificed. Every hour afterward, these bonuses reduce by I until they reach zero.

M a t e d Component: A masterwork figurine carved in your own image.

Equal and Opposite Transmutation Level: Dru 10 Components: V, S, DE Casting Time: 1 standard action Range: Self and one creature within a 30-ft. radius Duration: Id lo rounds / level Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: Yes

In dire straits, you may risk your place in nature by force- fully opposing a powerful and deadly enemy Calling upon mother earth to help you preserve balance, you physically transform into a near-perfect duplicate of the creature you oppose. You combine your appearance with that of the opponent (i.e. an half-elven druid may grow). You temporarily replace your own ability scores, saving throws, skills, feats, equipment, hit points (any above your own are considered temporary hit point gains), and racial and class features with those of the opponent. You may not duplicate artifacts in this manner. At the end of the spell’s duration, all effects of the spell also end. If the tar- get creature is still alive, you suffer damage equal to his current hit point total, with no spell resistance allowed.

Forceful Raise Necromancy Level: Clr IO, Sor/Wiz IO Components: V, S, M CastingTime: 1 day Range: Touch Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: Will negates Spell Resistance: No

idden that even the most depraved souls carefully consider its worth, forceful raise surpasses the will of gods and men, raising a creature from the dead, even against that creature’s will. You chant over the crea- ture’s corpse (undead are unaffected; if cast on a slain undead, this spell returns the creature to mortal life), aDd upon completion, the creature returns to life no matter how long he has been dead.

The creature’s hit points may be at 1 hp or full (your choice), but the target only has access to any equipment a t hand. The creature is not inherently under any obligation to follow your commands.

This spell comes with certain dangers. While interfer- ing with life and death is not an inherently evil action, this spell defies the natural order and usurps the will of the gods of death.The gods may send agents after the cast- er or target to ensure the universe lies in balance. Clerics are especially victimized in the afterlife, should they mis- appropriately use this spell.

M a t e d component: An onyx encased in a ruby, a rare find worth IO,OOO gp.

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Heaven’s Hammer Conjuration (Summoning) Level: Clr 10 Components: V, S, DF Casting Time: 2 full-round actions Range: Self Effect: Summons 1 avatar of your deity Duration: 1 round/level Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: None

Your divine master has recognized you as a favored agent, and bestowed this spell upon you. While the god trusts you to use this blessing as you see fit, he also expects it to be used sparingly. You may summon your gods very avatar into your presence. While the avatar is not under your control, it behaves favorably for you, and likely follows your recommended courses of action.

To summon an avatar is no small task, as you are invok- ing a portion of your deity’s power to directly aid you. Your deity’s intervention is not unnoticed, and servants of opposing gods may seek to take advantage of the momen- tarily distracted god. Similarly, if your deity has more important tasks a t hand, you have used this spell too often for the gods taste, or your summons would violate his divine duties, the deity may refuse or delay your request.

plants, baleful polymorph, call lightning, call lightning s t o m , contagion (DMs choice on which disease), contvol weather (destructive effects only), creeping doom, diminish plants (stunt growth option only), earthquake, elemental s w a m (DMs choosing for the plane), entangle, fame fire, fire stom, flame stnke, flaming sphere, fog cloud, giant vemin, gust of wznd, zce stom, insect plague, move eauth, obscttnng mist, plant growth (overgrowth effect only), reverse gravity, rusting grasp, shamble5 sleet s t o m , soften earth and stone, spike growth, s tom of vengeance, summon nature’s ally I-IX, transmute metal to wood, transmute mud to rock, wall offire, wall of stone, wall of thorns, warp wood, whirlwind, and wind wall. Animated or summoned creatures attack the target, but are otherwise not under your control. Otherwise, all spells affect the tar- get alone. If the target is a group of people, each weekly spell affects a number of people equal to your Wisdom modifier, and always negatively Effects of nature’s wrath may damage the surrounding environment, and other druids hold you responsible for such losses.

Nature’s wrath continues while the target survives, es amends for their actions, where-

is spell, but costs 1,000 XP per week

Transmutation Level: Clr 10, Dru 10, Sor/Wiz 10 Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 1 week Range: Self Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless) Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)

Use of a commune spell may determine whether y is available.

Note: The cost to learn this spell i beyond any other costs and usually of some kind in order to prove one

Nature’s Wrath Transmutation Level: Dru 10 Components: V, S, M CastingTime: 1 week Range: Special (see below) Duration: Special (see below) Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: None

It is a foolish thing to anger a powerful druid, and whole cities have learned the folly of provoking nature’s protec- tors. You can turn all of nature against a foe, rendering most of an entire plane a hostile environment. Though potentially more a risk to the environment than the spell’s target, nature’s wrath certainly makes a statement.

Upon the spell’s completion, you choose a target, which may be as small as a single person or creature, or as large as a single large settlement, such as a city (but not a country or species). While the target remains intact, nature itself unleashes wave after wave of destruction. Once a week, the DM chooses a spell from the following list: animate

A true name is a powerful and binding force, absolute as any of man’s laws or divine commandment, but you have discovered a way to manipulate your own true name. This is a tedious and exacting procedure, requiring your full concentration for 16 hours a day. At the culmination of this spell, your true name permanently changes, and you gain any available template of your choice. You may not use this spell if your type has already changed. Further, you lose the benefits of any Bloodgift feats (but not Past Life feat), though your true name has changed enough that your old name is no longer effective against you.

Nothing short of a miracle or wish spell may revert you to your previous form.

Material Component: A bit of flesh, blood, and bone from a creature of the same type as the template’s, along with samples of each from your own body The creature’s sam- ple must be from a creature of a CR equal to your level.

The cost of this spell is 1,000 gp per HD of the “donor” creature.

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Severed From the Planes Abjuration Level: Clr 10, Dru 10 Components: V, S, DF Casting Time: 1 week Range: Touch Target: Creature touched Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: Will negates Spell Resistance: Yes

With the aid of this spell, you can force the truth from anyone, rather than relying on torture or trickery to extract the information you seek. After binding the target and reciting the spell's incantations for 12 hours, you may immediately ask the DM a series of questions about the target equal to your Wisdom modifier times Intelligence modifier (minimum of I).

The DM is obliged to answer them honestly, although confusing questions result in confusing answers. The DM should pay close attention to the questions asked and answered appropriately. No amount of magic can protect

This spell is one of the most frightening ways to cut off an the target and the spell unearths secrets even the target enemy from the source of his power, or a dangerously extreme defense against interplanar interference. M u t e d Components: One candle for each Through this spell, you alienate someone from all planes, question asked. Each candle is made including their home plane. The result is that the victim from the dust of the dead and costs a feels wholly numb, detached from minimum of 100 gp to produce. The target is no longer able to advance in h level class, and effects which hedge out siders affect him as well.

For all the penalties, however, he does cularly arcane magic, gain a few benefits. His true name no longer is a powerful but risky has any effect on him (he is cut off from its proposition in many power), and he may make a Will save to settings. Wielding avoid any mind-affecting or divine magic such fantastic power used against him. Finally, while he is opens spellcasters under this spell's effect, he may mul- up to terrible temp- ticlass without regard for a multi- classing XP penalty (only for the t sometimes neces- second-highest class level), and may multiclass into core classes that he otherwise qualifies for but have multiclassing restrictions, such as the monk and paladin classes. The spell's penalty only affects the highest-level of the target's classes. If the target advances in another class to tie with the highest, both are now the highest, and the target must advance in a third class (suffering multiclassing XP penalties as normal).

This spell is extremely potent, and canceling its effects is a task beyond most spellcasters. Breaking the spell's hold on a character requires a permanent tie to a plane, such as through the personal blessings of a deity or an out- sider familiar.

was unaware he knew.


tion, its severity increasing with the spell's level. To attempt an overextended spell, the

ellcaster must first make a Concentration check (DC equal to the spell's level x 10, minimum of DC 10). If suc-

cessful, the spellcaster succeeds in casting the spell. Regardless of the result, a magical mutation occurs.

Magical mutations may have some small associat- ed benefits, but is primarily a disability (i.e. having a tentacle replacing an arm allows for greater move- ment of the limb, but makes fine control difficult,

banning all spells with somatic components and requir-

Unlocking the Soul's Secrets Divination Level: Clr I O , Dru I O , Sor/Wiz 10 Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 1 2 hours Range: Touch Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: Will negates Spell Resistance: Yes

ing an exotic weapon proficiency (tentacle limb) to wield weapons properly with that limb). Magical mutations are permanent, and may only be removed through a wish or miracle spell. Only one mutation is removed at a time.

At the DMs discretion, creatures wielding spell-like abilities may also extend themselves to get another use out of their ability.

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DIVINE RITUALS Whi le arcane spellcasters draw u p o n their o w n wil l o r esoteric rules o f magic, d iv ine spellcasters derive their abilities f r o m higher powers. Should several devout ser- vants o f the same dei ty (or nature, as the case may be) combine their powers, the power i s potential ly over- whelming.

To h o l d a ritual, the lead div ine spellcaster (usually the spellcaster with the highest casting level o r highest rank in the rel igion) must convene a number o f other div ine spellcasters o f the same class and rel ig ion (for the purpos- es o f a class, prestige classes that continue a div ine spell- caster's casting level also count as the div ine spellcasting class the prestige class elaborates upon), up to a number o f participants equal t o the lead spellcaster's W i s d o m modi-

f ie r ( including the lead spellcaster himself; at least two characters must combine their energies fo r a ritual). This group must prepare their dai ly spells together, sacrificing whole levels o f dai ly spells to gain access t o a single cast- ing o f a higher level spell f o r the lead spellcaster t o pre- pare and lead the group in casting. Each member o f the group loses several o f his daily spells t o this one gain. Each spellcaster in the circle gives up a number of spell slots, as determined by Table 2-4, until enough spell slots have been sacrificed. The spellcasters in the group must sacrifice their highest level slots f irst, on ly then sacrific- ing their second-highest slots, and so on. Further, wh i le the lead caster's base casting level i s unchanged, the num- ber o f participants in the r i tua l adds to his casting level fo r the r i tua l spel l alone.

TABLE 2-3: OVEREXTENDING CASTING AND MAGICAL MUTATIONS Spell Level Ability Score Loss Example Mutations

2 Mild headaches. The character suffers from constant but low-level headaches. While he may function nearly as well as before this mutation, the distraction makes it more difficult t o

5 3 Inflammation o f the brain. While the character does not necessarily have headaches because o f th is swelling, the damage to your mind IS pervasive. While the character has no difficulty concentrating, his memory i s faulty, and he sometimes hears voices prodding him to change

7 4 Disfiguring marks. The character's experiences with magic have literally burned him, leaving horrible scars all over his body. The wounds also itch slightly, more an annoyance than a torment, but this irritation makes the character grumpier. The character suffers from a -3 - . C haris ma penalty. Warped bones. The character's bones visibly bend a little, though not to the extent o f requiring specialized armor, wheel chairs, or crutches. Unfortunately, the bones' new shapes match up poorly with the attached muscles, limiting the character's ability to exert himself. The character suffers a -4 Constitution penalty.

8 4

9 5 Stroke. The character suddenly collapses, and while he awakens when touched by any spell that awakens him, returns his mind to normal, or completely heals him, his mind is no longer as it once was. He is skittish and often confused, eyes darting about constantly. The-character suffers from a -5 Wisdom Penalty. Tentacle limb. One o f the character's arms sheds its skin, revealing a sickly purple tentacle of the same length as the arm. The tentacle is highly flexible, temporarily ignoring the mutation s ability score penalty (i.e. when falling from a ladder, the tentacle can easily wrap around a rung). Otherwise, however, the tentacle lacks the absolute control necessary for many tasks, including combat, magic, and Dexterity-based skills. The character must purchase an exotic weapons proficiency (tentacle arm) feat to wield a weapon or shield in the tentacle, and may not cast spells with a somatic component. The character suffers from a -5 Dexterity penalty.

10 5

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TABLE 2-4 DIVI N E RITUALS Difference Between Spell Level and Participant’s Number of Spell Maximum Casting Level Slots Sacrificed *

2 levels 4

4 levels 16 5 levels** 32

* Spell slots donated to the ritual begin with the character’s highest casting level, continuing each level downward in succession. I f the participant does not have enough spell slots in their highest rank, they begin sacrificing spells a t the next highest rank, with every 2 o f these spells equaling 1 o f their highest rank spells. If necessary, this continues on, with 4 o f the third-highest spell slots equaling 1 o f the highest level spell slots, 8 o f the fourth-highest equaling 1 o f the highest, and so on. Each participant must donate the appropriate spell slots, or their role i n the circle is wasted, and failing participant gains no spells for the day.

For instance, Desmonde is a level 10 druid with a 15 Wisdom, capable o f casting 4 spells o f 5th level, 5 o f 3rd and 4th levels, 6 of 1st level spells, and 8 o f 0 level spells. In order to cast a level 6 spell, he must sacrifice 2 o f his 5th level spell slots. To cast a level 7 spell, he must give up all o f his level 5 spell slots. Spells o f levels 8-10 are completely beyond his ability. Due to his low Wisdom score, Desrnonde may only have one other person participate in the ritual, but Desmonde may cast the resulting spell as though he were 12th level. ** From a difference o f five levels on, the notati largely for reference to NPCs or epic level cha PCs, i f any, have access to such a high numb without extraordinary circ*mstanc Wisdom ability score.

Once prepared, the lead divine spellcaster may cast it at any time, so long as he and all the other participants in the ritual link hands during the casting. The lead spellcaster’s effective casting level is increased by the total number of contributing participants.

My quarry lies in the astral, but the nte which cost me my soul left me beyond that plane’s shores. My journals are lost, stolen by my fiends who now hunt me. They do not know why I have done so much, but I doubt they would feel better knowing that my sacnftces were for their sake. They have even taken to allying with orcs against me.

The sword suggested that it knew a means of entenng the plane anyway, but that I would have to free the devil within first. After bargaining and binding the both ofus t o each other, I complied. The devil’s stature has fallen to a mere imp, and it is bound to answer my questions truthfully. In return, I have made

Now, all I must do is find a bag of holding and use a simple it my familiar.

reduce spell.

The battle was terrific, but I could not slay my foe. Though hardly my equal in sheer powev, the monk somehow knew the planar tides and curvents of his plane, barely allowing me a glimpse of him before bounding off into the shadows once more.

He was, however, somewhat foolish. Through all the fight, he continually led me around a single boulder floating in space. Distracting him with a duplicate of myself, I investigated and found the remainingportion of the spell, inscribed into the living stone.

By the time he realized I had left the plane, the imp and I had long since left the monk and his ill-conceived plans behind.

The imp - I dare not scribe its true name here - was fun- ous in its own tiny way. It had apparently wanted me to use the spell on the orcs. Strange, I had thought the little devil would have figured out that I bore no particular enmity with the o m , but rather that race’s masters. I have some small edge on the imp,

of its ever-so-subtle manipulations. ell how powevftl thts spell I S , I asked 1 might be, on the land and the non-

was not particularly evasive, but still there was an ancient library in the.. . wasteland of buned Y U ~ ~ S and forgot-

e imp has underestnmated me, I have apeed with his suggestion, and pretended to be the fool. 1 “accidentally” left the full spell behind, under powevftl abjurations that . . .to any but those who have sacnficed all to seek the scroll.

In moments, I leave for Hell.

I do not truly understand this place. I see fossils of lost empires and ance-great navies, and a few skittering devils who watch from a distance, but little in the way of actual pain or suffering. Wth the imp’s guidance, finding the libravy was simple, though exhuming it from millennia of hard-packed stone was not.

The tome covered four theories of arcane magic. The first was that arcanism simply tapped a natural energy no more inher- ently dangerous than fire, that precautions could remove most side-effects from a spell, though not the loss of components. It is an old, familiar theouy, one that I did not read into further.

The second theory was more interesting, and one that places Sellyahs fear of arcanism in pevspective. whereas clerics and druids humble themselves before greater mastevs, arcanists seek to master magic itself. To us, the theory says, there is no piety in our magic, only vanity. we have taken the gods’ gifts, and per- verted them against the gods’ wishes. There may be something to this. Rare are wizards who die of old age, and the few magical ways left jagged, unhealing scars on the land.

The third theory was that arcanism comes from Hell itself, each level spawning a different school. The fourth theory -

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truly more of a corollary t o the third - I have real doubts about. There are countless legends of heroic and selfless arcanists, and I doubt the gods would condemn such men merely for the wield- ing of magic as a tool. Furthermore, there are only eight different arcane schools, less than Hell’s sum levels.

curious, 1 asked the imp about which theory was cowect. “who’s to say!” he answered before continuing, “The library i s in Hell for a reason, and Hell is not above treachevy.”

Frowning at the thought, I changed subjects, asking him to provide me with a means to uncovey the true Yeason that we elves and orcs fight.

“That one is simple, milord,” he said, his smile full of needles

THE N I N E DRAGONS OF HELL Nine primordial dragons suffer in Hell for their actions in life. Whether damned by their own intentional malice or the pain of a selfless action twisted horribly against the dragons’ better natures. These dragons dwell in chains, some literally bound to their level of Hell. These are all aged creatures, and despite their torments, they all fear leaving Hell. They wait through agonies uncounted, dreading each new day. They dare not taste the freedom of the planes, for that brief recess only makes it all the worse when the hosts of Hell descend upon the newly-freed dragon, returning it to its former infernal lair. Instead, each seeks to break free of their prisons just long to topple Hell’s government, that the conquering could rule Hell for its own vile whims.

The following are brief biographies o on chained in Hell. For DMs wh nate origin of arcane spells, eac includes which school draws its power from the dragon.

First Level of Hell: Sryless Sryless was once a proud black dragon, before and during the Dragon Wars. After the breaking of the draconic hordes, Sryless took it upon himself to slaughter the humans responsible for uniting the lesser races. His acid breath rained down over many a town and village, before Sryless himself fell to a wise old monk. The monks devo- tion to his cause was legendary, and the monks attack indirectly led to the deaths of many of the other dragons now trapped in Hell.

The barren landscape of the first level of Hell does not suit Sryless well. Even millennia after his death, Sryless remembers the swamps of his previous life. His actual lair is high on a mountaintop, well within sight of a churning river of blood. Sryless has gone mad in his eternal impris- onment, and by being able to see his perfect home when- ever he looks through the cave. He demands his freedom whenever he meets a new face, and attacks when denied. Fortunately, the devils clip his wings every century, and the cold iron chains wrapped about him allow only his head to extend from his cave.

Sryless’ torment gives way to the school of necromancy. In life, he reveled in death, and he is responsible for cre- ating the unnaming spell. He is immune to necromancy school arcane spells, but is otherwise identical to a great wyrm black dragon.

Second Level of Hell: Tyallah Tyallah was one a legendary force for good, an aged drag- on who wielded her powerful magic to trick the forces of evil into wasting their efforts. She was so successful in her manipulations that she carelessly attempted to ensnare a rival dragon, the blue wyrm Ahonis, only for her mark to quickly recognize the pattern behind the schemes. Ahonis played along, but eventually forced a confronta- tion with Tyallah when he unleashed two armies upon an unsuspecting farmland region. Though she succeeded in killing Alxonis, hundreds of innocents perished.

Shamed by her own actions, Tyallah exiled herself to the second layer of Hell, where she resides in a burning

city of iron. Though the heat herself to listen to the cries of the

tempted to leave her self-made form and wanders the streets of

to connive a way to free the other ever regained the courage, how-

meek and remorseful. as the result of her deception, both her

manipulations of others and her own self-delusions, the arcane school of illusionism rises from her like heat mirages from her plane. She is immune to illusion school arcane spells, but is otherwise identical to a great wyrm silver dragon.

Third Level of Hell: Konstantin Curiosity is natural with children, and the copper hatch- ling, Konstantin, was no exception. Though his mother constantly rescued him from true harm, Konstantin finally overreached his luck and her protection by foolishly chal- lenging a devil to a contest ofwits. When he lost, Kostantin plead for his mother’s help, but the devil easily slew her and dragged the screaming child down to Hell.

Now partially submerged in a swamp, withered by winds and acid rain, Konstantin has aged from a mere hatchling to a great wyrm under the constant torments of Hell. Bound as much by his own guilt as the mire and muck that drags him slowly below fetid waters, Konstantin has had nothing but time to reflect upon his actions. He has come to the conclusion that while he is entirely at fault for his mother’s death, but that Hell is a vile place worthy only of absolute destruction. Though too weak to leave the plane himself, it would probably not even occurred to him to do so iffreed. Konstantin’s hatred of devils is so great that only another copper dragon could persuade him to actually plan a method to take Hell.

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Konstantin is one of two dragons trapped in Hell that have not truly died, but Kostantin’s time in Hell has changed him more thoroughly than any other dragon there. As the base elements of the plane have twisted his body, and his guilt warped his mind, so too did he himself spawn transmutation magic. Konstantin is chaotic neutral and has no wings or flight speed due to the acid in the realm, and is immune to transmutation school arcane spells. He is otherwise identical to a great wyrm copper dragon.

Fourth Level of Hell: Mnetisis Mnetesis was a violent, implacable foe in his living days, a feral villain whom slew his every enemy, no matter how minor. Though his dominion grew and grew under his cruel regime, he ruled over little more than hardy goats and sparse patches of plant life, as all other creatures fled his madness. When he grew bored with his prey, Mnetesis brokered a deal with a devil: the devil would grant Mnetesis a new dominion with a neverending source of sport for the dragon, in exchange for the dragon’s soul. The dragon accepted the devil’s offer, and the devil promptly slew Mnetesis, confining the white wyrm’s soul to a level of Hell full of victims such as Mnetesis himself.

Though his new home is a literal mountain of fire, Mnetesis has adapted to it rather well. No longer the callous and bestial dragon he was in life, Mnetesis now runs something of a black market. Though th locked in unbearable heat, Mnetesis may use powers to provide temporary relief. Though he would flee Hell if he had opportunity, he is almost comfortable with his newfound status.

Mnetesis is the lord of evocation, as his pure will drives him in death as much as in life. He has had ample time to reflect on his many mistakes, and is far calmer in spite of the flames constantly licking at his every scale. He plots carefully and meticulously, and of all the dragons in Hell, he is the closest to freedom. Mnetesis is a lawful evil great wyrm white dragon, and is immune to evocation arcane spells.

Fifth Level of Hell: Alxonis Perpetual rival to the silver dragon Tyallah, the blue drag- on Akonis apparently never truly reigned over any nation or people, instead preferring the role of advisor to many monarchs and generals. Between his magic and his wiles, he manipulated each of his “masters” into performing as he wished them to. When Tyallah attempted to counter Alxonis at his own game, he quickly saw through her ruse and turned it against her. In what was to be his greatest triumph, however, Ahonis attempted to manipulate his enemy, too, only to fall when he did not predict Tyallah to personally take to the battlefield. Though Akonis’ forces won the day, the blue dragon fell beneath Tyallah‘s talons.

Awaking in a frozen wasteland, Ahonis was not sur- prised - as a callous manipulator of mortals, he had expected an eternity in Hell. Rather than resist his new lot, he threw himself once more into the familiar role of kingmaker, attempting to play the lords of Hell against each other. Though defeated and punished at every turn, Alxonis knows better than to give up hope. Alone among Hell’s dragon, Akonis may travel to the other levels of the plane at will, and has served under each major power in Hell at least once. He has come close to conquering the plane by proxy, and is ever certain that he will one day succeed.

Akonis is father to the enchantment school of arcane magic, and immune to all its spells. Though he does not enjoy his new existence in Hell, neither does he shy away from it. Among all Hell’s prisoners, he is perhaps the only one to have no real desire to leave. He is a great wyrm blue dragon, and prefers to avoid personal combat.

Sixth Level of Hell: Kyallalor Kyahallor has an unusual distinction in Hell: unlike the other dragons bound here, she has dwelled in Hell since

ccident of her family’s history Among draconic history, Kyahallor was heir to

In the wake of the Dragon Wars, her s had fled to their allies in Hell, only 10 discover

the price for failure. Buried alive in a forgotten city, Kyaualor’s family bred in darkness and near-solitude, until at last Kyallalor freed herself as a bare hatchling. She carefully climbed to the surface of the level, and emerged to find the very allies who had betrayed her kin so long ago. Amused at the child dragon’s tenacity, the devils raised her as one of their own, twisting her every percep- tion to their own ends.

Deceived all her life, Kyallalor has an exceptionally warped view of the cosmos, even for an inhabitant of Hell. She has no true concept of existence outside of Hell, and while she summons other creatures to do her bidding or further her training, her ignorance alone binds her to Hell. She assumes everyone about her to have an ulterior motive for dealing with her, and disbelieves almost every- thing she hears.

Kyallalor is rarely without the company of several dev- ils and summoned creatures, the latter of whom teach her about the other planes, but to no avail. She is paranoid but not insane, distrusting rather than fearing others. She is a great wyrm green dragon, the mother of summoning, and immune to arcane summoning spells and the special abil- ities of summoned creatures.

Seventh Level of Hell: Salinitos Salinitos was once a noble gold wyrm with a lust for knowledge matched only by his hatred of evil. Though a tireless nemesis to all that was corrupt and vile, he was

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ever merciful, unwilling to torture or kill his enemies unless he had no alternative. For a thousand years, all who served him knew peace and enlightenment, and many gold dragons still uphold him as the personification of virtue.

The truth is not so simple. Salinitos was once every bit the noble soul that many

still describe him as, but his constant conflicts with evil disillusioned him. With each fallen ally, his hatred for evil

Eighth Level of Hell: Skall In life, Skall was a true horror to behold, vanquishing whole nations out of a malicious sense of mischief. Crushing would-be allies and enemies alike, skall turned forests into deserts and plains into badlands. His fires coursed over the world, and through it all, he laughed. When the time came for mating, however, Skall found himself alone, having murdered all other red dragons he had come across. In desperation, he hunted down and

grew, eventually emerging as pure fanaticism. Knowing mated with a human woman, a survivor that had hidden all too well what the new weights upon his soul meant, he herself amongst the ashes of her former home. Their child removed himself from the company of friends, before grew to a half-dragon paladin, who in turn slew his father. plotting the absolute destruction of all things evil in the Bartered away by demons to the devils as part of a rare cosmos. In the process, he captured and bound a devil peace pact, Skall found himself in the frigid wastes of the into a dark sword, forcing the prisoner to do his bidding. eighth level of Hell, where the very air tormented him Though the devil could not lie to his master, he did mis- with his every breath. The devils of the world find Skall's lead the dragon at every opportunity, ultimately telling pain highly amusing, but have Salinitos that all the answers the wyrm sought await- learned to appreciate it quietly ed him in Hell. Salinitos took the devil at his word, and entered Hell, only to find its Skall has grown to assembled hosts awaiting him. loathe all other Though the devils slew Salinitos, - life in Hell. the weight of his sins forced him to remain in Hell forever, and the plane it self further corrupted his soul by allowing him to discov- er the means to become a lich.

Salinitos broods beneath countless ruined cities, each piled atop the next. Though now hopelessly lost to cor- ruption, the dragon still seeks to complete his quest of overthrowing villainy in all its forms. Trapped and virtually I

paralyzed beneath uncounted tons of weight, his mind is as quick as ever. He knows the schemes of each of Hell's dragons, and believes that he could force Hell's destruction by freeing each of his imprisoned brethren. Though he still respects heroes, Salinitos is now a lawful evil great wyrm gold dragon with the lich tem- plate. He may not be the subject of any divination school arcane spell, as he is the ultimate source of that school's power.

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Skall is a great wyrm red dragon, and an angry, vindic- tive one at that. Through his endless suffering, he has learned to respect and despise his captors, and all the tricks to avenge himself upon them. Skall is immune to abjuration arcane magic, as he has so mastered the spells of that school that all others draw upon a portion of his own power to cast abjuration spells.

Ninth Level of Hell: The Celebrant The rulers of Hell claim that the Celebrant is a myth, a nonsensical whim conjured up by a fool of a damned soul. To the damned themselves, the Celebrant is a bare wisp of a hope, but any hope at all is something they can embrace. The archfiends have tried every conceivable means to stamp out the rumors of the creature’s existence, but to no avail.

The Celebrant is perhaps the only innocent soul in all of Hell.

None are certain of the Celebrant’s true name, but the rumors of his origins vary little. The Celebrant was one of a host of metallic dragons who once sought to conquer Hell and free its prisoners, long before even the Dragon Wars. A small and fragile brass dragon flew at the side of the commanding gold dragon, but never personally involved himself in any battle. Though mocked by his fel- lows, he flew ever onward, carefully wat sion’s every success and failure. When the wings beat over the lowest level of H dragons saw the futility of their task as and damned stood shoulder-to-shoul and beyond. When the armies met, the tle, as the hordes of Hell brought low dragon after dragon. Watching tearfully as his fellows fell to their murderous foes, or worse, temptation, the brass dragon swooped for- ward, and bade an offer to one of the dreaded warlords of Hell: the dragon’s soul in exchange for the lives of his comrades. The devil greedily accepted, knowing fully well that most of the dragons had compromised their own souls already, and would return in the fullness of time. The devils laughed as the dragons fled, then set about tear- ing down the will of the sacrificial victim.

Instead, the brass dragon never spoke a word, shed a tear, or whimpered a cry. He remained perfectly stoic throughout Hell’s torments, as though the pain could not reach him. As time wore on, the devils tired of the brass dragon, eventually tearing at his wings before throwing him into the deep chasm of the ninth level of Hell, just to rid themselves of his unfaltering presence. Only then did he finally make a sound: an unending, beautiful melody of forgiveness and hope. Though he has fallen for count- less eons, echoes of his voice still reverberate around the ninth layer of Hell.

The Celebrant is a great wyrm brass dragon, currently locked in a deadweight fall of millions of miles into the crevasse, making him virtually unreachable, even by the devils of Hell. With his legendary song, he is the true source of much of bardic magic, and is immune to the effects of spells cast by bards.

I have not much time. The devils pnde themselves on never losing a soul, and the tower will be one of the first places they seek me.

I was a fool, and did as the imp bade me. I fashioned a basin out of a scale of a silver dragon, polished it with a titan’s tears, and filled the bowl to the bnm with planetari blood. The imp then told me to look in the basin, to see the true reason why elves and orcs fought.

Doing so, I saw my own face, and the memones returned. The tower was always mine, made many eluen lifetimes ago tn honor of my fallen love, who had died while cawying an orcish dtsease. Before then, I was a great elven sorcerer, so powerful that the gods themselves conspired to remove me, lest my destiny wash the hea lood. 1 remember fighting the strange astral monk before, though 1 saw him with an orc’s eyes at the time.

who warved in times of peace, and I who an entire race for ancient wrongs even I had untless times, I failed in my destiny every

laughter awoke me fYom my malaise. I dis-

missed him, and returned to the tower through several distract- ing planar shifts. I found the monk wattingfor me, my scroll in his hand. I told him to bum it, and he nodded before leaving me to my doom.

I am prepared. I have all my spells readied, and I reawakened the tower’s many enchantments. I cannot possibly succeed in destroying all the devils, but I will force them to remember me.

Someone i s at the door.. .

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THF TRUTH There is more to this world than you know. Or rather, there is more to you than you know. what I am trying to tell you is that there is what your life appears to be, and then there is the Tvuth. This is all I offer, Truth. If you are unwilling to leave your “life” behind, turn back now; there is nothingfor you here.

There i s only one Truth, and once you know this what it is becomes a matter of logic. The Truth is that everything else is a lie. The world you perceive and the experiences you have are merely what you glean from a semi-symbiotic relationship between your consciousness and the suwival-oriented awareness of an omnidimensional parasitic environment called reality. You see, the universe must be obsewed by a conscious entity to exist - it needs us. However, we do not tvuly need reality, thus we are held back from our true nature and forced to perpetuate the exis- tence of our pvison. o u r “lives” are payment for sewices rendered, a way to keep our minds occupied and interested in this world, rather than transcend it and move on to greaterprospects. This is not really oppression, for it has nothing to do with morality - no, it would be more accurate to say that we are.. . suppressed.

However, once you truly realize this - not just think it but believe it more than you believe in the rest of the world - then you can accept that your prison is only as strong as your mind allows it to be. You see, reality is not a strong enough medium to really contain the full potential of the sentient mind. The so- called rules which bind us are just as much illusions as the rest of the world. That is what I am trying to teach you, that rules and boundaries and limits are merely qualities of a suppressed state ofconsciousness. What I mean is, when you jump offa cliff, you can decide not to fall.

but a snippet of the w Truth. The Truth in its entirety is contained in an ancient text, which only a few (including myself) have read. I can only tell you bits and pieces of it, for the full text cannot be translated effectively. What I can tell you will set you off on your own path ofselfdiscovery, toward your ascension beyond the laws which govern this world. If you can truly convince yourself that you are not bound by gravity or physics or mortality, you can accomplish feats impossible for ordinary mortals. But more than that you can ascend beyond the confines of the universe itselfi becoming like a god - or perhaps even more.

However, this is all I can offer you. You will have to proceed on your journey on your own without the text or training - which I obviously cannot gve until I am freed from this.. . pnson with- in a pnson, a dream within a dream. You see, I thought the knowledge within the text was offered freely. I thought that The Truth was merely a book. But everything comes at a pnce. Before I could ascend fully, I was captured by forces beyond this world. Physically I was invincible, so they attacked my mind, trapping me within my own consciousness, just out of reach of the infinity I had so desperately been trying to reach.

But I am not bitter. Oblivion has gwen me time to study The Truth and think about my mistakes.. . and my enemies. Soon they will learn to fear the name ofxantomos again. Remember, the one force that holds people to reality is their own interest in this world. And once I get free, things will get very interesting indeed. . .

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THE TRUTH A select few come to realize the truth on their own. They become soldiers in a war against the limits of reality and the doubts within themselves. They are the soldiers of truth. They are a hidden breed of wamor, for there are some who fear their ascension or try to stop them from spreading the truth to the people. I myself walked the land as one an age ago, still some- what ignorant until I found the whole Truth. Needless to say, it did not exactly set me fiee.. .

The Truth is a 1,200 page tome bound in what appears to be a semi reflective crystal. This material is not actually crystal, but reality itself folded into a tangible substance. The book itself is indestructible, and anyone trying to harm it must make a Will save (DC 30) or be erased from existence. You cannot destroy something more real than you are.

Comprehending the basics of The Truth requires at least a month of concentrated study, after which the read- er may make a Wisdom check (DC 22). If he There is only one truth: everything else is a lie. A few succeeds, from then on he may use his know this, but those who truly believe it learn to defy Wisdom score in place of his Strength, the rules of reality which bind normal people. Dexterity, and Constitution scores These are the soldiers of truth, powerful (effects which drain one of these martial artists who, through the physical ability scores have no sheer power of their belief, can per- effect on his Wisdom). He also form acts of physical and martial gains soldier of truth as an addition- prowess beyond the scope of other a1 favored class. After the initial mortals. study is successfully complet- Adventures: Soldiers of truth ed, the reader may spend a adventure to detach themselves year and a day studying it fur- from everyday life, where the ther, after which he must daily grind can hinder the soldier’s make another Wisdom check philosophical and mental evolution (DC 24). If he succeeds, he gains into something more than mortal. damage reduction 10/Adamantium (if Many also find that they can carry he already has this from the Beyond their abilities and beliefs to new levels Reality ability of a Soldier of Truth, during times of persistent danger or it becomes IS/-). emotion. They generally care little for

material things, but rather adventure ter succeeds this check or for the experience of it and the chance not, he must make a to spread the seeds of comprehension Will save (DC 30) to others. or be shunted from Characteristics: Soldiers of truth

often fight unarmed, though they may use available melee weapons if the

situation calls for them. Their ability to slow down their per-

this world and physi- cally trapped within his own mind. Only a free- dom spell or similar L:

effect cast on the ception of events makes them tome itself can free the skilled with ranged weapons, espe- trapped reader. After cially repeating crossbows and a t least 1,000 years other fast-firing weapons (they can (to the rest of the adjust their aim quickly and perfectly; world), the character then fire again without pause). As they can make another Will save (DC 30) to escape.This is oth- grow in power and experience, soldiers of truth learn to erwise similar to the impvlsonment spell. The current read- bend reality to their will and can “defy” the boundaries of er trapped by The Truth is a mysterious warrior-philoso- the material world, such as gravity and even death. pher and soldier of truth named Xantomos. He has found However, this is taxing and they can only “defy” reality for a way to effect the material world in a limited fashion - a short period of time. through the dreams of others. He was also the first one to Alignment: The soldier of truth is most often neutral, read the tome in over a millennia, and his time in exile if alignment can even apply to them at all. from reality is almost up. Religion: A soldier of truth regards deities as some-

Caster Level: - (The Truth is beyond magic); Weight: thing of a model of what he hopes to become (or perhaps 50 Ib. just another step on his journey to discover the Truth).


However, whether the charac-

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They are not beings worthy of worship, however. If a sol- dier worships anything, it is his own knowledge that the world around him is a lie.

Background: Soldiers of truth are so rare, there is no set pattern for how one becomes one. Many times, how- ever, a person will embark on the path of Truth after see- ing another soldier in action. He may train with a small group of soldiers for the beginning of his journey, learn- ing a combination of physical combat and philosophy (for learning the why of their abilities is far more important than the how) until they are capable of continuing their training on their own.

Some soldiers begin to realize the Truth on their own, simply through their own philosophical musings or a grow- ing sense that the world they see around them is too flawed to be real. However, very few of these individuals turn their beliefs to the martial pursuits of a soldier of truth.

Races: Members of any race can become a soldier of truth, though humans, with their short lives and restless natures, generally have an easier time accepting that the world they know is nothing more than a dream (older humans and longer lived races often have trouble letting go of the day-to-day world). Also, while not necessarily a matter of race, a group who is being oppressed or suffers daily is more likely to reject reality.

Other Classes: Soldiers of truth get along well with monks (who's combat styles and abilities are similar to their own). They dislike the unwavering philosophical stances of paladins and clerics. They feel indifferent about arcane spellcasters, for they view magic as just another property of reality which they need to escape.


Game Rule Information Soldiers of truth have the following game statistics.

Abilities: Wisdom is the most important ability for the soldier, as he gains more focus points for higher a Wisdom score and several of his abilities depend on Wisdom. Strength and Dexterity are useful in combat.

Alignment: Any. Hit Die: d8.

Class Skills The soldier of truth's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Hide (Dex), Jump (Str), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex), and Use Magic Device (Cha).

Skill Points a t 1st Level: (4 t Int modifier) ~ 4 . skill Points at Each Additional Level: 4 t Int modifier.

Class Features All of the following are class features of the soldier of truth.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Soldiers of truth are proficient with club, crossbow (all), dagger, handaxe, javelin, kama, nunchaku, quarterstaff, sai, shuriken, siang- ham, and sling.

Soldiers are proficient with light armor, but not shields. When wearing medium or heavy armor, using a shield, or carrying a medium or heavy load, a soldier of truth cannot use his class abilities.

Base Attack Fort Ref Will Flurry of Blows Unarmed Level Bonus Save Save Save AttackBonus Damage* Special

7 Cl +n +? +? -1 1-1 1 d6 F v a w m . - . _ . -_ -. - - . -. . ', '

3 t 2 +1 t 3 +3 +o/to 1 d6 Improved Disarm feat 4 +3 +1 +4 +4 +1 /+l 1 d8 Uncanny Dodge

6 +4 +2 +5 +5 +3/+3 1 d8 Improved Trip feat

10 +J/+2 t 3 +J +J + J/+J/+2 ld lO Defv imoossibilitv I , I ,

11 +8/t3 +3 t7 +J +8/+8/+8/t3 ldlO Unhindered by reality 12 79/74 t 4 t8 +8 -9/t9/+9/14 2d6 lmpossibe speed 13 +9/14 t 4 +8 +8 +9/+9/+9/+4 2d6 Battering punch 14 t l O / - S t 4 79 t 9 1 1 0111 0/110/+5 2d6 Improved Evasion 15 t l l / t 6 /+1 t5 +9 +9 +11/+11/+11/+6/+1 2d6 Defy reality 16 ~12/-7/+2 1 5 710 710 712/712/+12/+7/+2 2d8 Manipulate space 17 +12/+7/+2 +S t10 t10 +12/+12/+12/+7/+2 2d8 See the truth 18 +13/-8/+3 t 6 71 1 t11 1 1 3/t13/+13/+8/+3 2d8 Defy death 19 +14/+9/+4 +6 +11 t11 +14/+14/+14/+9/+4 2d8 Flight 20 +15/-10/15 t 6 112 t12 1 1 ~ /+15 / t15 / t10 /~5 2d10 Beyond reality

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Flurry of Blows (Ex): When unarmored, a soldier of truth may strlke with a flurry of blows at the expense of accuracy. When doing so, he may make one extra attack in a round at his highest base attack bonus, but this attack takes a -2 penalty, as does each other attack made that round. The resulting modified base attack bonuses are shown in the Flurry of Blows Attack Bonus column on Table: The Soldier of Truth. This penalty applies for 1 round, so it also affects attacks of opportunity the monk might make before his next action. When a soldier of truth reaches 5th level, the penalty lessens to -1, and at 9th level it disappears. A soldier must use a full attack action to strike with a flurry of

requires two hands to use, a soldier may still intersperse unarmed strikes with quar- terstaff strikes, assuming that he has enough attacks in his flurry of blows routine to do so.

When a soldier of truth reaches 11th level, his flurry of blows ability improves. In addition to the standard single extra attack he gets from flurry of blows, he gets a second extra attack as his full base attack bonus.

Unarmed Strike: At 1st level, a soldier of truth gains Improved Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat. A soldier of truth's attacks may be with either fist interchangeably or even from elbows, knees, and feet. This means that a sol- dier may even make unarmed strikes with his hands full. There is no such thing as an off-hand attack for a soldier striking unarmed. A soldier may thus apply his full Strength bonus on damage rolls for all his unarmed strikes.

Usually a soldier of truth's unarmed strikes deal lethal damage, but he can choose to deal nonlethal damage instead with no penalty on his attack roll. He has the same choice to deal lethal or nonlethal damage while grap- pling.

A soldier of truth's unarmed strike is treated both as a manufactured weapon and a natural weapon for the pur- pose of spells and effects that enhance or improve either manufactured weapons or natural weapons.

A soldier also deals more damage with his unarmed strikes than a normal person would, as shown on

%% Table 4-1: The Soldier of Truth. The unarmed p

damage on Table 4-1: The Soldier of Truth is blows. for Medium soldiers. A Small soldier deals

less damage than the amount given there truth may attack only with unarmed with his unarmed attacks, while a Large sol- strikes or with special soldier of truth weapons (kama, nunchaku, Focus Points: A soldier of quarterstaff, sai, shuriken, truth has a maximum number and siangham). He may attack of focus points (fp) equal to his with unarmed strikes and special sol- class level plus his Wisdom modifier dier weapons interchangeably as with which to bend the rules of desired. When using weapons as reality. Once used, focus points part of a flurry of blows, a soldier regenerate at a rate of 1 fp per applies his Strength bonus (not Str minute. Unless stated otherwise, bonus XI% or xS) to his damage abilities which cost fp are extraordi- rolls for all successful attacks, nary abilities and can be activated whether he wields a weapon in as a free action. one or both hands. The soldier Focus: A soldier of truth can can't use any weapon other than a focus his mind so as to slow down special soldier of truth weapon as his perception of events, allowing part of a flurry of blows. him more time to react to fast events.

In the case of the quarterstaff, each By spending 1 fp at the beginning of a end counts as a separate weapon for round, the soldier of truth can add his the purpose of using the flurry of blows Wisdom modifier to his AC, attack rolls, ability. Even though the quarterstaff

Evasion (Ex): At 2nd level or higher if a

When using flurry of blows, a soldier of

dier deals more damage.

and Reflex saving throws. -

soldier of truth makes a successful Reflex sav- ing throw against an attack that normally deals

half damage on a successful save, he instead takes no damage. Evasion can be used only if a soldier of

truth is wearing light armor or no armor. A helpless soldier does not gain the benefit of evasion.

Improved Disarm: At 3rd level, the soldier of truth gains the Improved Disarm feat for free. He need not take the Expertise feat, normally a prerequisite, before this.

Uncanny Dodge (Ex): At 4th level, a soldier of truth retains his Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) even if he is caught flat-footed or struck by an invisible attacker. However, he still loses his Dexterity bonus to AC ifimmo- bilized. If a soldier already has uncanny dodge from a different class, he automatically gains improved uncanny dodge (see below) instead.

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Alter Gravity: At 5th level, the soldier of truth is no longer bound by the traditional rules of reality, such as gravity. He may reduce damage from a fall by treating the fall as if it were shorter. This ability costs I fp per IO ft. reduction.

Improved Disarm: At 6th level, the soldier of truth gains the ImprovedTrip feat for free. He need not take the Expertise feat, normally a prerequisite, before this.

Up the Walls: At 7th level the soldier of truth can take part of one of his or her move actions on a wall if the char- acter begins and ends the move on a horizontal surface. The height the soldier can achieve on the wall is limited only by this movement restriction. If the character does not end his or her move on a horizontal surface, he or she falls prone, taking damage as appropriate for his or her height above the floor. Treat the wall as a normal floor for the purposes of measuring movement. Passing the bound- ary between horizontal and vertical is equivalent to 5 ft. of movement along a normal floor. Opponents on the floor still get attacks of opportunity as the character moves up the wall within areas he threatens. This ability costs 4 fp per use.

Impossible Jump: At 8th level the soldier of truth can bend the rules of reality to allow him to make impossibly long jumps. When using this abili mum jump distance is no longer 1 addition, he gains a +IS bonus to fp spent in this manner.

Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex): higher, a soldier of truth can no longe defense denies a rogue the ability to sneak attack the sol- dier of truth by flanking him, unless the attacker has at least four more rogue levels than the target has soldier levels. If a character already has uncanny dodge (see above) from a second class, the character automatically gains improved uncanny dodge instead, and the levels from the classes that grant uncanny dodge stack to determine the minimum level a rogue must be to flank the character.

Defy Impossibility: At loth level the soldier of truth can move faster than is normally possible. Essentially this amounts to being able to move at what is (from his point of view) normal speed while viewing the world from the slowed-down perspective of the Focus ability You may add twice your Wisdom modifier, your AC, Reflex saving throws, and melee attack rolls. This ability costs 2 fp for the first multiplier increase and the cost for each addi- tional multiplier increasing by +I each time (2 for twice your modifier, 5 for triple, 9 for four times your modifier, etc.). This does not stack with the bonuses provided by Focus, though Defy Impossibility affects only melee attack rolls, while Focus also affects ranged attacks.

Unhindered by Reality (Ex): At 11th level a soldier of truth will no longer become fatigued (though he still needs to sleep). In addition, he can go a number of hours

without sleep equal 8 + his Constitution score. If the character does not sleep, he stops regenerating lost focus points.

Impossible Speed: At 12th level a soldier of truth can increase his speed to superhuman levels through the sheer power of his belief. He can increase his base speed for that round by spending 1 fp per IO ft. increase. For every 60 ft. of speed increase, attacks of opportunity are made at a -I circ*mstance penalty due to the sheer rate of speed at which the soldier moves.

Battering Punch: At 13th level the soldier of truth can make a series of super fast unarmed attacks. When using the full attack action, he can gain extra attacks using his highest attack bonus by spending 5 fp per attack up to a maximum of the soldier’s Dexterity bonus (if any).

Improved Evasion (Ex): At 14th level, a soldier of truth‘s evasion ability improves. He still takes no damage on a successful Reflex saving throw against attacks, but henceforth he takes only half damage on a failed save. A helpless soldier does not gain the benefit of improved evasion.

Defy Reality: At 15th level the soldier of truth can accomplish the impossible by simply believing that the basic rules of reality no longer apply to him. By spending

se to make a Will save to avoid effect in place of a failed save or allowed. The DC for this save is iginal failed save, the standard

ell (if the spell does not usually allow a mage taken (rounded down).

age and does not allow a save, should be 20, plus or minus 5 depending on the

situation. If successful, the failed save is treated as a success or the effect or damage is negated.

Manipulate Space: At 16th level the soldier of truth can utilize the spell telekinesis as a standard action by spending 3 fp per round. He may also use this ability to make projectiles simply stop in midair and hang there until he releases them. He cannot use this ability if he does not know the attack is coming and he cannot affect unusually large projectiles, such as a boulder thrown by a giant or a bolt from a ballista. Treat this as having a caster level equal to half the soldier’s class level.

See the Truth: At 17th level the soldier of truth sees the world for what it is, regardless of outward appear- ances. He gains a +5 bonus to Will saves against Illusions and may make a save against them as soon as he enters their presence (rather than only after interacting with them). He may also utilize any one of the following spells for 1 fp per round: detect magtc, detect poison, detect secvet doors, detect animals and plants, detect undead, detect snares and pits, detect scrying, or see invisibility. The caster level for these spells is equal to half his class level.

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Defy Death: At 18th level the soldier of truth tran- scends mortal boundaries such as death. When an attack or effect would normally kill the character, he may choose to spend 15 fp to return to life the next round with Id4 hit points left and his normal Constitution score (if he was killed by having his Constitution score brought to 0).

Flight: At 19th level the soldier of truth gains the abil- ity to fly at will at a speed of 100 ft. with Good maneuver- ability. While flying, he can make a charge action, spend- ing focus points to multiply his speed beyond the normal ~ 2 . This ability costs 4 fp per multiplier increase (4 for ~ 3 , 8 for x4, and so on). While he may use this ability at will, it takes a standard action to begin flying (after which he may use his next move action to fly).

Beyond Reality (Ex): At 20th level the soldier of truth has achieved his full potential and transcended all the limits of reality. His type changes to Outsider, he gains damage reduction lO/Adamantium, and spell resistance of IO + his level. He may raise his spell resistance or dam- age reduction for one round by spending 3 fp per point of damage reduction and 5 fp per point of spell resistance.


Fast Focus [Special]

being hardly of consequence. Traveling to the aethyrs is as simple as letting go of the world around you, through meditation or sheerforce of will (though I’m sure some mage has found a way to do it with magic, at least up to the 4th aethyr). Each aethyr must be attained in succession, and while with each aethyr it becomes easier and easier to let go ofreality, it becomes more and more difficult to return to the “real” world - and when you do, it taxes your body to be re-bound by its rules. I t must also be said that the aethyrs stack, in that a property shed in the fourth aethyr remains shed in the fifth through eighth aethyrs.

When you travel to the aethyr, you can no longer effect the rnatenal world, but the matenal world can still effect you, to the degree that reality exists on each aethyr. The aethyrs are not planes, they are states of mind. So, for example, when you ascend to the first aethyr, you and your matenal body (and whatever you are weanng or carrying) still move around on the matenal world. Howevev, you cannot manipulate objects or affect crea- tures or cast spells which effect the matenal world, but you can pass through matter as detailed below.

For the most part, the aethyrs look like the location to which they correspond on the matenal plane, but they are pale, blurred, and far away. Each succeeding layer gets more and more faded, as the lie unravels. As I said before, each aethyr sheds one prop- erty ofreality. The aethyr and the property each one sheds are as

1. M a t e d densit 1): Objects, structures, and the like lose consistency co to the travelers and objects ascended

follows: You recharge focus points faster t

Prerequisites: Maximum foc Benefit: You regain focus p

Normal: Without this feat, you regain focus

I world. Water stands as thin as air (mean- e and fall nght through it). Solid objects are

us goo and can be passed through depending on sity in the matenal world (objects with hardness over

minute (5 rounds).

rate of 1 per minute (10 rounds).

Increased Focus Points [Special] You have more focus points than normal.

Prerequisites: Maximum focus points,5+. Benefit: You gain one focus point. Special: You may take this feat multiple times. Each

additional time you take it, the number of fp gained from this feat increases by 1 (the second time you take it you get 2 fp, 3 the third time, and so on).

THF HIGH AETHYRS I said before that everything in this reality is a lie. However, what you must understand is that there are ... degrees of untruth. That is, there are people and places that are onlypartly conceived by your obsewations, meaning they have some level of existence on their own. I am speaking of the eight aethyrs. The aethyrs are versions of our own world that become more and more real - or at least less untrue. Each aethyr sheds one prop- erty of this reality, one layer in this coat of lies.

There are actually thirty aethyrs in all. Most, however, are merely permutations of the main eight, with the differences

5 require a strength check equal to S+their hardness). You do not need to breath on this or any other aethyr, and you will not pass through a “solid” object unless you wish to (though you still fall through “liquids”).

2. Light and darkness: There is no night or day, nor light or dark, everything is illuminated equally by a dull gray light coming from the air itself. This light casts no shadows (incurring a -4 penalty to Hide checks) but also makes it difficult to dis- cern color, texture, and detail (-4 to Spot checks).

3. Gravity: There is no gravity from the third aethyr on. Objects thatfall in the matenal world still fall here, but the aethyreal traveler and the items he bnngs with him do not. Creatures and objects with a Wisdom score of at least 5 mayfloat in any direction (albeit at half speed), or use their regular forms of movement normally.

4. Matend density (complete): Even the hardest solids stand as thin as air, allowing you to pass through them at will. Also, you may no longer use your regular forms of movement - you can onlyfloat at half speed.

5. Magic: Spellcasting and magic items do not function here - there is simply no mafic to draw upon. The entire aethyr acts as an antimagic field. A traveler on this aethyr and beyond can neither use nor be affected by mafic. A spell cast at him

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from the material world or a lower aethyr goes off as normal, but simply does not do anything to him, good or bad.

6. Time: Time does not exist; everything is as it was for an individual when he ascended to the sixth aethyv. Travelers do not age, hunger or thirst, tire, or regain hit points from rest. Creatures, objects, and other material things remain frozen in the moment they were when the traveler attained the 6th aethyv. Unlike the others, someone who ascends to this aethyr disappears in the material world (technically, he disappears and reappears in the spot he is when he returns to a lower level, if he returns), for he has actually given up a dimension of his existence. He still has length, width, and breadth, but he no longer has duration.

7 . Structures, objects, and creatures: Trees, buildings, people, and objects do not exist on this aethyr. There is only plain, barren landscape. Everything is sim- ply gone.

8. Reality: The lie is undone. There is nothing but an endless horizon on all sides. The last aethyr is, in many ways, beyond the scope of normal mortal comprehension - or at least perception. But beware, once you give reality up entirely, it is neigh impossible to get it back. Let it be known that this is merely reality without the lie, not the True Beyond.

u e n d the Aethyrs [General] You can focus your mind to unravel the lies of reality, ascending to the high aethyrs.

Prerequisites: Wis 20+, IO ranks in Concentration, must have either IO focus points or have studied The Truth for the minimal amount.

Benefit: You may make a Wisdom check to ascend your mind to the high aethyrs (detailed above). The check requires a full round action and has a base DC of 25 (though you may take 20). The DC to move to a higher aethyr decreas- es by 1 for each level (moving between the first and second aethyr has a DC of 24,23 from sec- ond to third, for example). However, it takes a similar check to move to a lower aethyr, which has a base DC of 13 and increases by 2 for each level (moving back to the material world from the first is 13, moving from second to first is 15, and so on, with the DC to move back from the eighth aethyr at 31). When you do move back to the material world, you take temporary Constitution damage equal to the number of the highest aethyr you attained since you last left the real world.

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BOX SV Fort +8, Ref +8, Will +14; Str 25, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 18, Cha 16.

Once we realize that reality is a thing- to be picked up and set back down at will - rather than an absolute, we can begin to comprehend things that would otherwise be considered paradox- es or inconceivable ramblings. For instance, deep tn the moun- tains, there is a covey ofpowetful hags who keep reality in a box. Literally.

Is it really so hard to believe? After all, your own mind extends infinitely into the Beyond, the All-That-Is, and yet is also con- tained within that shell of reality that you call your body - which is in tvuth just part of the universe you yourself directly conceive through obsewation. This is itself a precedent for the whole of something infinite to be finitely contained within itselfi so why, then, should reality not follow the same d e s ?

The box itself has not unusual powers or properties; the uni- verse contained within it cannot be used or effected, for the most part. It is 12 inches long, 8 inches wide, and 4 inches high and i s ,

needless to say, tightly locked. However, when you do manage to open it (though when I finally found a key that worked, it dis- appeared after I used it), it tears a great rift in the sky vistblefor at least a thousand miles , through which I could see.. . me. I quickly closed the box and the world seemed none the worse for the wear, though ~ ' m not sure it would have been so had I actu- ally reached my hand into the box. I mig had the three witches I had barel come at me again with renewed never seen nor heard of then (or s

After I defeated them again, howevev, t taught me their ways. I studied under them this was when I was onlyfirst be woke up one day laying in a field five hundred miles from their mountain cave.

The Keepers of the box are a covey of three hags that live alone, high in the mountains. They have been there for hundreds of years, protecting the Reality Box and study- ing the nature of reality. While their true appearance is that of other hags of their types, they generally take the forms of beautiful human maidens, dressed in simple, conservative dresses. They are generally amenable to visi- tors, provided they do not attempt to open or damage the Reality Box. They are willing to teach their secrets to any- one who defeats them or shows suitable understanding of the universe.

Sharraka, Annis Sor 6: CR 12; Large Monstrous Humanoid; HD 7d8+6d4+28; 70 hp; Init +I; Spd 40 ft.; AC 20 (-1 size, +1 Dex, + io natural), touch 10, flat-footed 19; Base Atk +lo; Grp +21; Atk Claw +16 melee (ld6+7); Full Atk 2 claws +I6 melee (ld6+7) and bite +I1 melee (ld6+3); SA Improved grab, rake ld6+7, rend 2d6+10, spell-like abilities, spells; SQ Damage reduction 4/blud- geoning, darkvision 60 ft., spell resistance 22; AL Neutral;

Skills and Feats: Bluff +11, Diplomacy +5, Disguise +3 (+5 acting), Hide +5, Intimidate +5, Knowledge (arcana) +13, Listen +13, Spellcraft +IO, Spot +13; Alertness, Blind- Fight, Great Fortitude, Still Spell, Think Outside The Box (see below).

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, an annis must hit a Large or smaller opponent with a claw attack. It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity.

Rake (Ex): Attack bonus +I6 melee, damage ld6+7. An annis can attack a grappled foe with both claws at no penalty.

Rend (Ex): An annis that hits with both claw attacks latches onto the opponent's body and tears the flesh. This attack automatically deals an extra 2d6+10 points of damage.

Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day - disguise self, fog cloud. Caster level 8th.

Sorcerer Spells Known (6/7/6/4; save DC 13 + spell level): o - arcane mark, detect magic, light, mending, opertlclose, prestidigitation, read magic; 1st - identify, message, shocking gasp, silent image; 2nd - detect thoughts, misdivec- tion; 3rd - crack the lid (see below).


or 6: CR 11; Medium Monstrous 4+15; 65 hp; h i t +I; Spd 30 ft.,

22 (+1 Dex, +I1 natural), touch 11, flat- Atk +12; Grp +16; Atk Claw +16 melee

tk 2 claws +16 melee (ld4+4); SA Mimicry, e abilities, spells, weakness; S Q Darkvision 90 ft.,

spell resistance 20; AL Neutral; SV Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +lo; Str 19, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 18, Cha 18.

Skills and Feats: Concentration +lo, Knowledge (Arcana) +lo, Hide +9, Listen +14, Spellcraft + I O , Spot +14, Swim +12; Alertness, Blind-Fight, Combat Casting, Great Fortitude, Still Spell, Think Outside The Box (see below).

Mimicry (Ex): A green hag can imitate the sounds of almost any animal found near its lair.

Skills: A green hag has a +8 racial bonus on any Swim check to perform some special action or avoid a hazard. It can always choose to take 10 on a Swim check, even ifdis- tracted or endangered. It can use the run action while swimming, provided it swims in a straight line.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will - dancing lights, disguise self, ghost sound (DC 12), invisibility, pass without trace, tongues, water breathing. Caster level 9th. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Weakness (Su): A green hag can weaken a foe by mak- ing a special touch attack. The opponent must succeed on a DC 16 Fortitude save or take 2d4 points of Strength damage. The save DC is Charisma-based.

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Sorcerer Spells Known (6/7/6/4; save DC 14 + spell level): 0 - arcane mark, detect magic, light, mending, openlclose, prestidigitation, read rnagtc; 1st - erase, ray of enfeeblement, true strike, unseen sewant; 2nd - alter selfi hideous laughter; 3rd - slam the hinge (see below).

Possessions: None.

Terispa, Sea Hag Sor 6: CR I O ; Medium Monstrous Humanoid (Aquatic); HD 3d8+6d4+18; 45 hp; Init +1; Spd 30 ft., swim 40 ft.; AC 14 (+1 Dex, +3 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 13; Base Atk +6; Grp +IO; Atk Claw + lo melee (ld4+4); Full Atk 2 claws + l o melee (ld4+4); SA Evil eye, horrific appearance, spells; S Q Amphibious, spell resis- tance 17; AL Neutral; SV Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +6; Str 19, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 17.

Skills and Feats: Concentration +lo, Hide +4, Knowledge (arcana) +lo, Listen +6, Spellcraft +lo, Spot +6, Swim +12; Alertness, Silent Spell, Think Outside The Box (see below), Toughness.

Amphibious (Ex): Although sea hags are aquatic, they can survive indefinitely on land.

Evil Eye (Su): Three times per day, a sea hag can cast its dire gaze upon any single creature within 30 ft. The target must succeed on a DC 14 Will save or be dazed for three days, although remove curse or dispel evil can restore san- ity sooner. In addition, an affected creature must succeed on a DC 14 Fortitude save or die from fright. Creatures with immunity to fear effects are not affected by the sea hag’s evil eye. The save DCs are Charisma-based.

Horrific Appearance (Su): The sight of a sea hag is so revolting that anyone (other than another hag) who sets eyes upon one must succeed on a DC 14 Fortitude save or instantly be weakened, taking 2d6 points of Strength damage. This damage cannot reduce a victim’s Strength score below 0, but anyone reduced to Strength o is help- less. Creatures that are affected by this power or that suc- cessfully save against it cannot be affected again by the same hag’s horrific appearance for 24 hours. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Skills: A sea hag has a +8 racial bonus on any Swim check to perform some special action or avoid a hazard. It can always choose to take IO on a Swim check, even ifdis- tracted or endangered. It can use the run action while swimming, provided it swims in a straight line.

Sorcerer Spells Known (6/7/6/4; save DC 13 t spell level): o - arcane mark, detect magic, light, mending, openlclose, prestidigitation, read magic; 1st - charm person, chill touch, mage armor, sleep; 2nd - ghoul touch, scare; 3rd - spin the box (see below).

Possessions: None.

COVEY ABILITIES Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day - animate dead, bestow

curse (DC 18), control weather, dream, forcecage, mind blank, mirage arcana (DC 19), polymovph, veil (DC XI) , vision. Caster level 9th. The save DCs are based on a Charisma score of 18. To use one of these abilities (which require a full-round action), all three hags must be within IO ft. of one another, and all must participate.

Think Outside the Box [General] You have learned the secrets of reality from the Keepers of the Box.

Prerequisites: 8 ranks in Knowledge (arcana), must have studied among the Keepers of the Box.

Benefit: By willfully directing what happens in your life, you may, once per day, treat any die roll as if you had naturally rolled one higher.

Special: This feat may only be learned from the Keepers of the Box.

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NEW SPELLS Spin The Box These three spells are known only to the Keeper’s of the Box. Level: Sor/Wiz 3


Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 standard action Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Target: One creature

Saving Throw: Will negates

Crack the l i d Transmutation Level: Sor/Wiz 3 Components: V Duration: 1 round Casting Time: 1 standard action Range: Personal Spell Resistance: Yes Target: You Duration: See text

This spell utilizes the infinite loop of the reality-box para- dox to give a single melee attack incredible strength. The next melee attack you make, provided it is made before the end of the next round, gains a +5 circ*mstance bonus to the attack roll and does triple damage. only the parts of the attack that would be multiplied by a critical hit are increased. If the attack is a critical hit, instead increase the weapon’s critical hit multiplier by 2.

Should you miss the attack, the weapon used suffers feedback stress causing 3d6 points of damage (hardness protects as usual) or Id6 hp of damage to the caster ifthey were using a natural or unarmed att

This spell subtly alters the paradoxical relationship between reality and the Reality Box to change the direc- tion of gravity with regards to a single creature. A target that fails its save “falls” in the direction chosen by the cast- er.The target falls up to 150 ft. (ifthe duration is somehow increased, such as with the Extend Spell feat, it falls 300 ft. in the second round) until it hits some solid object, taking falling damage as normal, or until its gravity returns to normal one round later (causing the target to fall down- ward again if it had fallen “up,” taking falling damage if appropriate). If the caster directs the gravity toward the ground at an angle, the target must make an appropriate Balance or Climb check or either fall prone or fall (DM’s

has something to hold onto, a creature cau rea can attempt a Reflex save to

spell strikes. Creatures who can fly Slam the Hinge Conjuration (Teleportation) themselves from falling. Level: sor/wiz 5 Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 standard action Area: One IO ft. cube Duration: 1 round/level Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: Yes

You disconnect a small area from the rest of reality, caus- ing anything entering it to instantaneously come out the other side without passing through the area. Anything inside the area when the spell is cast is unaffected and may leave the area normally (though once out it may not come back in). Any creature or object that tries to enter the area simply appears at the far edge as the if the area did not exist, with the edges normally spatially connected. Spells and magical attacks are unaffected.

A dimensional anchor spell will prevent this spell from functioning within its area of effect.

I t is rumored that a greater version ofthis spell exists, but I have been unable to discover it. Perhaps it rests in the memory of the hags? Or is inscribed in one place?

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It i s with an overwhelming se I, Jiao Wu Shen, the humblest this report to you, Oh Master Whose Genius Shines Like the Sun. In taking on the task you so graciously assigned to me I am conscious of my enormous shortcomings in both perception and wisdom, and tremble at the thought that my unworthy scnb- blings may fail to find acceptance in the sight of You To whom All is Clear. And yet, uplifted by the confidence that you have, in your wisdom, chosen to bestow upon my pathetic sel i I make bold to present you with the following report.

As you will no doubt recall, oh Master Whose Memory Fails Never, you had deigned to present me with a number of the scrolls that, in your youth, you had rescued (with the bravery and valor of the Heroes of old) from the heathen temples of the East (may we live to see lichen growing on the tumbled stones oftheir unholy shnnes). I t appears that the barbanans had encoded sev- eral ofthe scrolls in such a way that those bnlliant scholars who had attempted to make sense ofthern (may the Light ofEternity shine upon their souls) were entirely unable to do so. Perhapsfol- lowing the saying"the drunken man stays on the crooked path", you blessed this unworthy student with the opportunity to try his hand at the hopeless task. Inspired by your trust in my humble abilities, I have spent the last sixteen cycles in the study of these scrolls, and believe that I may have begun to understand a bit of their contents.

The scrolls are of three separate types, and indeed from three separate eras. The Hand of the Goddess guided me to study one particular scroll first, and after much study and meditation was able to discover that it was, in fact, a lesson plan used by the hea- then pnests to teach their blaspheming students how to decipher encrypted documents! I have done my best to provide here a poor

Knows No Bounds. with this infomation before me the second and newest scroll revealed its secrets to me like the unfolding petals of a lotus blossom. I have similarly included a summary of this second scroll with this report. The third scroll turned out to be considerably more complex, betng not only much more strongly encoded than the other scrolls, but also being wntten in an ancient tongue no longer spoken in the Lands of Men. with the help of the great linguist Liao su Ping (now sadly lying with his ancestors) I was finally able to provide the very rough translation with which I conclude this report, may it please You on whom The Goddess Smiles.

DFCIPHERING The first difficulty in determining the hidden meaning of a message is to determine if there is a hidden meaning at all. Sometimes what appears to be a completely innocu- ous message is, in fact, a completely innocuous message, and weeks can be spent trying to deduce further meaning where there is none. Sometimes the circ*mstances sur- rounding the acquisition of the message (i.e., found on the person of a known traitor, or discovered in the home of a formerly trusted acolyte) may be the only hint that one is dealing with an encoded document. Other times the nature of the message itself will clearly inform the perceptive reader of its encoded nature. Of this we shall speak more later.

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Most of the encrypted messages we have captured from the Enemy have been in the form of ciphers. Ciphers con- sist of some kind of letter substitution, i.e. replacing all of the “e’s’’ in the original document (called the “plaintext”) with the symbol “y, all of the ‘i3.s” with the symbol “#” and so on. This will produce a message of apparently mean- ingless symbols, called the cryptogram. This is the first weakness of the cipher, that it is usually very easy to rec- ognize. A page covered with groups of meaningless sym- bols, or with “words” made up of combinations of known letters which spell gibberish, will warn the astute observ- er that he is dealing with a cryptogram.

The problem with simple letter substitution is that it makes it easy to surmise the correct identity of many of the letters from context. For example, our language only has two one-letter words, so any letter or symbol standing

More sophisticated cipher users will divide the plain- text into four-or-five letter groupings, to frustrate attempts to divine the identity of the symbols from con- text. This is more difficult to encipher, but it also makes the message more difficult to decipher.

The best way to deal with such a document is by “fre- quency analysis.” In every language certain letters appear more commonly than others. For example, in our language “e” is the most common letter, followed by “t”, “a”, “o”, “i”, “n”, s , r and “h”. By matching the most common letters in the

alphabet in which the original document was written with the symbols (or letters) most commonly found in the enci- phered document, a decipherer can often begin to get a good sense of which symbols stand for which letters. The fault of this system is that it requires that the decipherer know in what language the plaintext was written, and to

<‘ ,, ‘6 ,,

alone has to be an ‘A“, an “I”, or one of the ten digits. If the same symbol is found several times both standing alone and within other groups of symbols, it is even more likely to either an (A‘‘ or an “I”. Similarly, if the message appears

know that language well enough not only to know with what frequency individual letters appear in that language, but to be able to identify words from groups of letters, not all of which may by the correct ones.

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c This section adds two new skills, enciphering and deci- phering. Note that deciphering is very different from the skill Decipher Script, which is used to try to understand the general sense of a message written in an unfamiliar language.

KNOWLEDGE ( ENCIPHERING) ( I N T I This is the skill of enciphering a plaintext message such that the casual reader cannot understand it. A successful Enciphering check will produce a properly enciphered cryptogram

Enciphering is a time-consuming process, the exact amount of time depending on the amount of plaintext to be enciphered and the complexity of the cryptogram. To encipher a full page of plaintext us substitution requires thirty minutes. T halved if the encipherer is very famili and tripled if this is the first time he cipher. This time is doubled if polyalphabe is being used. The encipherer can double to effectively “take lo.” Taking 20 is no Enciphering.

Once the character has spent the time the DM makes a secret r Enciphering skill against a DC of stitution is being used and 15 if polyalphabetic substitu- tion is being used. If the encipherer does not have a co of the cipher and has to do it from memory, add a er of +5 for a simple substitution and +IO for a betic substitution. Success means been successfully translated into a c ure means that the encipherer has ma D20. On a 1-12 the encipherer has made an error that makes the message unreadable by either the intended recipient or anyone who captures the message and attempts to decipher it. On a 13-20 the encipherer has made a mistake that makes it easier for an unintended recipient of the message easier to break the cipher and decipher the cryptogram.

KNOWLEDGE ( DECIPHERING) ( I N T I This is the skill of deciphering a cryptogram so that it can be read by anyone familiar with the language.

Deciphering is even more time-consuming than enci- phering, and can be a great deal more complex. If the deci- pherer has the cipher already, then the base time for deci- phering a cryptogram is thirty minutes, and has a DC of 10, with the following modifiers:

Once the character has spent the appropriate amount of time (it is not possible to take IO or 20 with deciphering) the DM makes a secret roll of the character’s Deciphering skill against the appropriate DC. Success means that the message has been deciphered. Failure means one of two things. If the decipherer has the cipher, he has made an error and produced gibberish. He may try again. If the decipherer does not have the cipher, the cryptogram has proved too complex to decipher and he may not try again until he has a copy of the cipher to work from.

THF ORDER OFTHFSFRPFNT Translator’s Note: This scroll appears to be a fragment of

t was written within the last few r in the Eastern Lands.

d into the night, taking a long detour to er ofA.. . and into the mountains north

for pursuit I wandered for days, until I came etween two cliffs. Looking up, I perceived that s terraced, and pierced with numerous circu- Looking down I saw two strangely dressed

o have suddenly appeared out ofthe ground in aborate helmets in the form ofa snake’s

head and green scale mail fashioned t o resemble a serpent’s scales. Each had a peculiar weapon in each hand. At first i t looked like a simple long dagger with a slashing blade, but as it turned I could see anothev, more pointed stabbing blade protvuding from the other side of their f is t . The weapon consisted of two blades shavlng a common handle, held in the middle.

When I turned to flee from these snake soldiers I discovered that two more had silently appeared behind me. They motioned for me to put my hands up. Unwilling to put myself into the hands of strangers (particularly after the last three months!)

TABLE: 7.1: DECIPHERING MODIFIERS Complication Time Modifier DC Modifier

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I drew my weapon and the wamors closed in, their strange weapons dancing in the sunlight. I put my back to the wall of the canyon and prepared to defend myselfi I thrust at one, but he par- ned my attack with the weapon in his nght hand and slashed at me with the weapon in his left. The cut was light, barely leaving a scrape on my a m , but I immediately began to feel weak. Strangely, the wamors stepped back from the attack, although they kept their guards up. I staggered towards one of them, who easily pamed my wild blow. Then darkness came over me and I fell forward into blackness.

when I awoke I was lylng in a darkened chamber, lit by can- dlelight. A young man in a black robe was standing over me. When he saw that I was awake he wordlessly helped me to my feet and motioned me to follow him. He led me out of the room and through a senes of round, serpentine comdors until he came to a large door, on which he knocked. We then waited. I heard no reply from behind the doors, but apparent1 opened the doors and motioned me to ent door behind me.

The room was large, and softly lit by cand were covered with cawings of intertwined se few pieces of low, brassbound fumitu a blackened pot boiled over a low brazier, through a hole in the ceiling. Seated the room was an ancient m an intncate breastplate cawed in s the wall was a small shnne con blades, all similar to those used b

said in soft whisper “You will shall answer now. Know that Serpent Queen, of whom we a order, our wntten memones the time before this time the Empress Ying wamors to protect the Jade Throne and sewe the Serpent Queen, and we have not wavered in those duties since those ancient days. oft have we been attacked by our enemies, and sometimes by our fnends. We have been deified and vilified and forgotten. Dunng the Reign of the Deodentia we were cast out from the Jade Throne, but the Serpent Queen protected us and led us here, where we have continued to sewe her for centunes.”

The ancient motioned me to be seated before him, an

“We are not a secret order, else breath would not be entering your lungs, but we are little thought of in the courts of man. Since our banishment we sewe only the Queen, and follow only her commands. Come, I will reveal to you the Order of the Serpent, that you may take word back to the high courts and they may know of our might.”

The old man (whose name I discovered was Chui Leung), was true to his word. Over the next few days he showed me the chapels, armories, barracks and above all training halls of this remarkable order, and I was left with a profound respect for the dedication of this ancient order, and for the astounding abilities of the human form when properly trained.

SERPENT WARRIORS The Serpent Warriors are remarkable fighters. They are not monks, although the rigidity of their training and the single-minded purpose they bring to it are greater than that found in any monastery with which I’m familiar. They are not assassins, although their training in stealth and their mastery of poisons would make a Melanari whistle in appreciation. The strange, two-bladed weapon they wield, called a shikari, is very light and keeps both a deadly blade and a sharp point. It looks like a cross etween a double-headed machete and a pick, with a han-

e serpent warriors handle it with it utterly deadly in combat. Warriors follow a strict regimen of

st renew their ranks by recruitment. This carefully, choosing only those men and ve proven themselves to be lawful, quick

so, because of the complexities of kari, all candidates must be able to use equal ease, favoring neither the right nor

didates are monks or fighters, but it is not unknown for an occasional wizard or sorcerer to join the ranks. I would have assumed that clerics of other gods would not be permitted into the Order, but for some reason they are not discouraged, as long as their vows do not prevent them from taking the oath of service to the Serpent Queen. Candidates are taken to a temple in the foothills where they are subjected to many tests of their physical and mental prowess. Those who succeed are


l o th +10 +3 +7 +7 Brew poison +1, form of the serpent, serpent friend 7

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brought to the Order. I am not aware of what happens to those who fail.

When candidates enter the Order they pledge eternal loyalty to the Serpent Queen and to the Order of the Serpent. They also pledge their lives to their brothers and sisters in the Order. The Order has a long tradition of car- ing for its own, and over the door of each barrack is carved the motto “No child of the Serpent Queen is Ever Left Behind.”

New members of the Order are subject to the most rig- orous training regimen I have ever heard of. They are trained in the use of the shikari, in many different combat skills, in stealth, in wilderness skills (particularly in mountaineering, at which they excel), in the lore of the Order, in the brewing of poisons, and in the handling of snakes.

These last two skills require some Serpent Warrior is expected to be able with which the warriors ritually an before combat. The warriors never use than the poisons they personally brew become more experienced the potenc increases. Although they use a wide two most often used in combat are paralysis poison) and Serpent’s Ki

The other amazing thing about their unnatural relationship with deep affinity for the members of the Order, and will never attack them. One of the first things a Serpent Warrior learns is the hissing language of the serpents, and advanced members of the Order can s apparently out of nowhere and get them commands.

The Order would be a fearsome we hands, but currently it is an unused one, thrown in the dustbin of history. The Serpent Warriors are often called upon by their serpentine goddess to go on quests to strange lands to recover mighty objects of power, and on occasion are called upon to defend the Temple from predators, but on the whole they spend their lives train- ing for a call which rarely, if ever, comes.


Staunchly loyal to the precepts of his ancient military order, the Serpent Warrior is a master of both stealth and battlefield combat. Combining the skills of the monk, the assassin and the warrior, the Serpent Warriors are a dead- ly force to be reckoned with.

Hit Dice: d l o

Requirements To qualify to become a serpent warrior, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria:

Race: Human Alignment: Lawful any Base Attack Bonus: +8 Craft (alchemy): 4 ranks Feats: Ambidexterity, Combat Reflexes, Improved

Initiative Special: Survive a variety of mysterious, physical tests,

pay liege to the Serpent Queen and the Order of the Serpent (above all others) and take a vow of chastity.

Class Skills The serpent warrior’s class skills (and the key ability for

h skill) are Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Escape Artist ex), Hide (Dex), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Lore of the

t), Move Silently (Dex), Perform a1 (Wis), and Tumble (Dex). h Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Ning are class features of the serpent war-

1 Armor Proficiency: Serpent warriors ss.

are proricienr with simple and martial weapons, and with light and medium armor. Note that armor check penalties for armor heavier than leather apply to the skills Balance, climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Move Silently, Pick Pocket, and Tumble.

At first level serpent warriors gain the feat Exotic Weapon Proficiency (shikari). (See Table 7.4: New Weapon on the following page for stats)

Poison Initial Damage Secondary Damage

* Paralysis lasts for ld10+2 minutes ** Unconsciousness lasts for l d 3 hours.

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Class Feats (Ex): The Order of the Serpent follows a very strict training regime for its members, and expects them to master certain feats as part of their training. When a serpent warrior gains a feat, he must choose it from the following list, fulfilling all necessary prerequi- sites:

for one or the other of the poisons, up to the maximum of level 5 potency. She also gains immunity to all poisons she knows how to brew.

It costs 100 g p and takes 1 hour per level of potency to brew a single dose of these deadly poisons. A single dose of Serpent’s Gaze 3 costs 300 gp and takes 3 hours to brew. . .


. e . . . . . . .

Deflect arrows Dodge Mobility Spring Attack Expertise Improved Disarm Improved Trip Whirlwind Attack Improved Critical (shikari) Quick Draw Two-Weapon Fighting Weapon Finesse

The materials are mostly found in nature, but the g p cost involves other materials and oils used to boil and extract the herbs. A Knowledge (nature) check (DC 20 + potency level) cuts the gp cost in haE.

See Table 7-3: Serpent Wawlor Poisons for moye infomation. Serpent Tongue (Sp): At 3rd level, the serpent warrior

can use speak with animals (only with snakes) at will. Weapon Parry (Ex): At 3rd level, a serpent warrior can

choose to use his shikari to parry incoming blows from a single opponent, instead of attacking with it. If he does, he gains a +4 shield bonus to his AC, but he cannot make an attack with it in that round. If he is using a shikari in

Weapon Focus (shikari) Weapon Specialization (shlkari)

Only when he has gained each feat at

each hand, he can choose to use them both defensively, giving himselfa +4 shield bonus against one attacker and a +2 shield bonus against another.

Serpent Friend (Su): Seseshaa has granted her serpent warriors the ability to communicate with her children. A nake always recognizes a member of the Order and never

el (and every level thereafter), a ser- summon nature’s ally once per day

that it can only be used to summon he appropriate size. The spell is always 3 levels

serpent warrior. So a seventh level serpent ise summon nature’s ally IV to summon one t medium-size viper, one small viper and

one i iny viper per day. Serpent’s Grace (Ex): The serpents warrior’s move-

ments become extremely fluid and flexible, at 5th he receives a +2 competence bonus on Escape Artist, Hide, Perform (dance) and Tumble checks.

Greater Serpent’s Grace (Ex): At 9th level, the serpent warrior embodies the speed and grace of the snake, the bonuses from Serpent’s Grace are increased to +4 and he receives a +2 competence bonus to Initiative checks.

Form of the Serpent (Su): At loth level, the serpent warrior has the ability to use animal shape (to turn into a huge viper only) as a spell-like ability, once per day.

only the Master of the Serpents may a serpent warrior take 0th list.

Language (Order of the Se serpent warrior learns is the hid pent. It sounds unlike any other decoded without significant training.

Poison Use (Ex): Serpent warriors are use of poison and never risk accidentally p selves when applying poison to their shi they are also immune to the poisons brew, so they never risk poisoning t bled attack.

Bonus Feat: At 2nd and 7th level the serpent warrior has honed his skills to such a degree that he gains a bonus feat from the serpent warrior list.

Brew Poison: Serpent warriors are masters at brewing poisons, and have created a number of poisons found nowhere else in the world. The two most commonly used by the serpent warriors are the Serpent’s Gaze and Serpent’s Kiss poisons. All members of the order are taught to brew these poisons, and as they improve at the skill as potency of their brews increases.

Starting at 2nd level and every other level thereafter, a serpent warrior may choose a poison to learn about. He can add one to the potency level he is capable of brewing


Name cost Dmg (S) Dmg (M) Critical Increment Weight Type

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Young monk, in your eyes I see afamiliar eagerness. Many years ago I, like you, was eager to go beyond the walls of our monastery and sharpen my mind on the whetstone ofthe world. My travels taught me much of the world and its creatures. The wisdom I share with you was paid for with much blood, some of mine and much more of others. I would spare you this toll and render to you what I have learned, so that you might walk lighter on this eavth and find more peace.

The world beyond our gates holds secrets, young adept, and she guavds them fiercely. A mean fact of secrets, is that they burden those who bear them beyond measuye. I have meditated many yeavs upon the rightful time to disclose what I have learned. It is impossible for me to tell if I am unburdening myself of this knowledge for my own reliei or to arm you with necessavy facts. I ~ I have been selfish, I hope that I have chosen my student, my confessor, wisely. Do not abuse what you are about to learn, and should you choose to read on, do so knowing that one does not possess secrets nearly as much as secrets possess he who holds them.

When I first set foot among the undisciplined masses and intermixed races of the East I was appalled. Gluttony and sloth prevailed, fighting men whose only tool was the sword, competed for power with cloistered magicians whose knowledge of the arcane blinded them to the common wisdom of daily life. Naked violence and petty aggression ruled the lives of the pitiful horde that quivered inside city walls. At first, the chaos of the rubble blinded me. But there were some who seemed upavt from the constant quest for worldly comfort, and I sought solace in their temples.

i n e x were ine ciencs. 1 neir spare area was comjomng, rneir allegance to otherworldly powers was, at first, seductive . I was invited to stay in one oftheir temples. Their routine was a respite from the anarchy in the land and I spent longer than I should have studying their ways, their methods, their beliefs. As a hum- ble monk, I made myself useful, just as monk who is new to our monastety would. I swept and cleaned, scrubbed and dusted. My efforts were appreciated and I soon found myself amongfvlends.

As the months passed, I was asked to clean deeper and deeper within their sanctuary. I flattered myself to think that this was because they trusted me, though laziness was more likely the rea- son. Their libraty was unusable disorganized, somethtng our monastery would never permit, I hasten to mention. I set about the task of organizing their scrolls, manuscnpts and tomes. Thick, gvay ropes of cobwebs hung in the corners of the rooms. Shelves bore decades of dust. Had I not the discipline ofa monk, I would certainly have shrank fiom the task. As it was, I welcomed the challenge.

As I cleaned, I became acquainted with the ancient ntes of these clenc’s faith. The texts and creeds were mostly religious in nature. The scrolls bore lists of tedious rules of their ceremonies and dty descnptions of ntuals for evety season and holy day. I diligently cleaned and sorted these instructions for several months. Then, one day, a high clenc of the faith, Algyrus, inter- rupted my work. I was gvateful for the conversation. He was an old man. His red robes matched the gin blossoms on his nose. He took out aflask and offered me a dnnk. Naturally, I declined. He drank without me, and the liquor took him, his tongue loosened.

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He spoke mainly of his career in his faith. Eventually our talk turned to my work. I t seemed a safe opportunity for me t o ask him of Zabulus Annullare I had seen referenced in some of the scrolls.

“Where did you hear this name?” He asked. His tone sudden- ly became very sober.

“I just saw them referenced in the scrolls, your Grace,” I replied. His eyes shifted back and forth.

“Show me:’ he commanded. I stood and walked t o the back of the room to find the scroll. Algyvus mumbled in the words of his faith and I felt the fingers of his deity wrap around my person until I was squeezed as if in a fist. I could not move. I tned t o speak, but was unable. I was frozen by the magic ofthe clenc. His incantations continued, but his words were slurred by the liquor. I looked inward and


names in many tongues, Lothgrund the Lich King, Lucifer, The Prince of Darkness, and Zabulus, every race and every tongue has a mention ofthe supreme devil of all devils, demon of all demons. The Zabulus A n n u h e claim this creature, the Zabulus, is the source of all evil. To end him, would be t o end evil. This is their quest.

Naturally, as a monk of your caliber, you see the danger in this fanatical enterprise. To destroy all evil would upset a balance that could end all life, all existence. These fools, these clerics, have no true understanding of the nature of the world. Should they succeed in their quest, they would bring about the end of us all. Of these Zabulus Annullare little is known and less is spoken aloud. They are banished their own kind, and t o the few who

know of their existence. the truth is closely warded. , ” They have methods of identifving each other.

should you ever find yourselfin conversation with one whom you suspect i s a member, place

your nght hand over your left eye and

“I’ve often thought that if this eye were sinister, it’s removal would bnng me truer vision.”

If youile spoken this challenge to an Zabulus Annuhe, he will reply,

“Not only to you, but to us all.” The Zabulus Annullare are good allies t o have in a time of trouble. They are fiercely loyal to other members of their sect. If you accept

their aid, never forget that their quest i s misguided, and they must be stopped.

~f you find yourself in their midst, pre- tend to be one of their kind, but thwart them at every opportunity This deceit i s

not a transgression of your vows, as it i s

Be warned, should you be detected, you would be captured. Years of hideous ntes would be

pevformed to determine if you are and agent of Zabulus. Once they were finished

with you, your soul would be mined from your flesh and used to sewe the Zabulus Annullare. Similarly, should an orthodox clenc suspect you of being a member of Zabulus Annullare, or even of having knowledge of their existence, you will be killed as a heretic, but not before every technique in their arsenal had been used to wrest your knowledge from your mind.

NOW that I have burdened you with this secret, I shall pass on what I know of the Zabulus Annullare. Their leader, Algyrus, i s

byfar the most powerful. The others are also mightv, and possess some magic unique to their order.

focused my thoughts as we are trained to do. I summoned the will to break the invisible grasp of this man’s god.

Algyrus lunged at me with a dag- ger. I easily ducked his swipe and brought my nght foot against his neck with a crunch. He fell word- lessly to the ground. Blood fell from his ear, I knew he was dead. Shame flooded through me, 1 had ‘r

killed a man who just minutes t3

before I would have called a fnend. 8

My heart raced like an animal’s. I had spent too long with these people, my stillness of mind was lost. I felt a tingle like fire across my skin. The air about me hummed. My heart pounded in my chest until I heard its beatang in my ears like the fluttering of a sparrow’s wings.

Algyrus moved his hand. His lips squirmed like two fat worms on hts ashen face. His hand moved to his neck where I had struck him. The buzz in the air swirled around me, the fire on my skin drained. Has neck crunched and then his eyes opened.

“stop,” he croaked. I backed away. He sat up and took his hand from his neck. He pointed at me.

“stop!“ He shouted. I felt compelled to follow his command, but I could tell that I was in mortal danger. I broke his gaze and ran from him in panic. I t pains me to admit how fearful I was, but you must know the truth. This man meant to kill me, I knew it with all my body and mind. Panicked, I grabbed a fistful of scrolls and fled the temple. It was from these scroll that I learned about in the Zabulus Annullare.

The Zabulus Annullare are a rogue group of heretic clencs. By means I could not fully understand, they have discovered what they believe is the center of all evil. This being i s known by many


in the name of balance.


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Algyrus, Human Clr 14: CR 15; Medium humanoid; HD 14d8+28; hp 95; Init +4; Spd 30 ft.; AC 19, touch 11, flat- footed 16; Base Atk +lo; Grp +IO; Atk +I1 melee (ld4+1, dagger of venom); Full Atk +11/+6 melee (ld4+1, dagger of venom); SA, turn/rebuke undead S Q Darkvision 90 ft., self-resurrection, water breathing; AI. LN, SV Fort +12, Ref +5, Will +16; Str I O , Dex 11, Con 15, Int 16, Wis 20[22], Cha 14.

skills and Feats: Concentration +19, Craft (alchemy) +20, Diplomacy +7, Heal +11, Knowledge (arcana) +8, Knowledge (history) +8, Khowledge (religion) +20, Knowledge (the planes) +14, and Spellcraft +20; Brew Epic Potion, Brew Greater Potion, Brew Potion, Brew Unstable Potion, Improved Initiative, Scribe Scroll.

Clenc Spells Prepared: (6 /7+~/7+1/5+1/5+1/4+1/4+1/2+1; save DC 16 + spell level): 0 - detect magic, guidance (xZ), read magic, resistance, virtue; 1st - bane, command (xz), divine favor, entropic shield, protection from evil", sanctuaty shield of faith; 2nd - aid", hold person (xZ), owl's wisdom, resist ener- gy, silence, sound burst (xz); 3rd - contapon", dispel magtc, invisibility purge, prayer, pvotection from energy, seanng light; 4th - discern lies, freedom of movement, holy smite", restora- tion, sending, spell immunity; 5th - dispel evil"; flame stnke, greater command, summon monster V, true seeing; 6th - blade b u r n e r , greater dispel magic, ham, heal, word of recall; 7th - destruction, disintegrate", resurrection. ': Domain spell.

day, to make a single melee attack attack rolls and a +I4 bonus on da declared before making the attack). Go at +I caster level).

Self-resurrection (Su): Once a day, being slain, Algyrus may choose to sponta

Domains: Destruction (Algyrus has

resurrection on himself. This requires no material compo- nents but does cause him to lose a level.

Possessions: Chain shirt +2, dagger of venom (named "darkbane"), periapt of wisdom +2, ring offone shield, ring of protection +I, cloak of protection +I, three potions of cure serious wounds, potion of heal, holy symbol.

Given time to prepare Algyrus will have a number of specialized potions and scrolls available to counter what dangers he expects to encounter.

Algyrus perfers to play the roll of the befuddled old scholar, until it is time to act. He is ruthless in his pursuit of the Zabulus Annullare's gbals and will not hesitate to kill to protect or advance those goals. But given a choice, Algyrus prefers to manipulate others into fighting his bat- tles for him and he will happily trade on his appearance as a hapless old drunken monk to wheedle aid and help from others. If someone seerix too close to the secrets of the Zabulus Annullare he Wil l try to get an Order of Paladin to investigate them or lose the local tax collectors

on their latest treasure from adventuring. Only in the most dire circ*mstance will Alygyrus intervene directly and if he does, he will carefully prepare, learning every- thing he can about his enemies before striking with the aid of other agents of the Zabulus Annullare.

Algyrus knows that he can survive death, once, but he has no wish to use that ability unless he has no choice. He would rather flee (using word of recall) in almost all situa- tions than call upon his self-resurrection ability, it is not a trick he wishes to have known by others.

Zabulus Annullare Agent, Human Clr 8: CR 8; Medium humanoid; HD 8d8+16; hp 55; Init +5; Spd 30 ft.; AC 19, touch 11, flat-footed 16; Base Atk +6; Grp +7; Atk +8 melee (Ids+& heavy mace) or +7 ranged (1d8/19-20, light crossbow); Full Atk +8/+3 melee (Id8+l, heavy

r +7 ranged (1d8/19-20, light crossbow); SA, turn/rebuke undead; SQ Darkvision 90 ft., self-resurrec-

Will +IO; Str 13, Dex 12,

ncentration +13, Craft (alchemy) +13, nowledge (arcana) +5,

) +5, Knowledge (religion) +13, and Spellcraft +5; Brew

w Potion, Improved Initiative, Scribe

4+1/4+1/2+1; save DC 13 + detect magic, guidance (xz), read magtc, resis-

tance, virtue; 1st - bane, command, divine favor, entropic shield, protection from eviP, shield of faith; 2nd - ai#, hold person, resist energy, silence, sound burst ( ~ 2 ) ; 3rd - conta- gton", dispel magic, prayer, protection from energy, seanng light; 4th - greater magic weapon, holy smite'+, sending. ',' Domain spell.

Domains: Destruction (Zabulus Annullare Agents have the power, once a day, to make a single melee attack with a +4 bonus on attack rolls and a +8 bonus on damage, this must be declared before making the attack). Good (cast good spells at +I caster level).

Possessions: Masterwork buckler, chain shirt +I, mas- terwork heavy mace, cloak of protection +I, three potions of cure senous wounds, scroll of flame stnke, scvoll of vtghteous might, holy symbol.

Given time to prepare, the Agents have a number of specialized potions and scrolls available to counter what dangers they expect to encounter.

If the Zabulus Annullare needs to act, these are what its average agents look like. They always work in pairs or, preferably, trios. Like the Zabulus Annullare itself, they try to keep hidden and will hire people to fight for them whenever possible. only if there is no other choice will they strike directly at their enemies and even then they will have tried to have acquired as much support as possi-

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ble. In a direct confrontation they pull no punches, starting with their flame stake followed by one using his scro might to guard the other two as they con- tinue to cast spells.

tion potions, often giving them to the hired help as ‘potions of com- bat might” with orders not to drink them until they are about to enter combat. Remember for the Zabulus Annullare, the ends do justify the means.

They are not above using abomina-

ADVANCED ALCHEMY Among the scrolls 1 took, 1 learned of a powevftll technique. There is description of a method in which the power of two potions can be combined. The being who ingests the potion is gvanted a hybnd power of the mix- ture. I know little of the arcane machinations which make such a thing possible, but these powers may be a great boost to you in time of need. The dark arts of witch- craft and trickery are beneath the stature ofa monk. That said, once you depart, you will find you must stoop to all manner ofindecen- cies in order to suwive.

In order to create some of the potions on the list, the following feats are necessary.


Brew Epic Potion [Item Creation]

Prerequisites: Int 15+, Brew Greater Potion, Brew Potion, cast- er level 11th.

Benefit: You can create a potion of any 9th-level or lower spell that you know and that targets one or more creatures. Otherwise this feat follows the guidelines of Brew Potion. Brew Potion [Item Creation]

Prerequisite: Caster level 3rd. Benefit: You can create a potion of any 3rd-level or

lower spell that you know and that targets one or more creatures. Brewing a potion takes one day. When you cre- ate a potion, you set the caster level, which must be suffi- cient to cast the spell in question and no higher than your own level. The base price of a potion is its spell level x its caster level x SO gp. To brew a potion, you must spend %5

of this base price in XP and use up raw materials costing one half this base price.

Brew Greater Potion [Item Creation] Prerequisites: Int 13+, Brew Potion, caster level 7th. Benefit: You can create a potion of any 6th-level or

lower spell that you know and that targets one or more creatures. Otherwise this feat follows the guidelines of Brew Potion.

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When you create a potion, you make any choices that you would normally make when casting the spell. Whoever drinks the potion is the target of the spell.

Any potion that stores a spell with a costly material component or an XP cost also carries a commensurate cost. In addition to the costs derived from the base price, you must expend the material component or pay the XP when creating the potion.

Brew Unstable Potion [Item Creation] Prerequisites: Int 17+, Craft (alchemy) 10 ranks, Brew

Epic Potion, Brew Greater Potion, Brew Potion, caster level 9th.

Benefit: You can create a potion of any 9th-level or lower spell, regardless of target. This however, is a very unstable process and most potions made in this manner do not have a long shelf life. In order to create the potion, you must succeed at a Craft (alchemy) check (DC 15 + the total of all spell levels). You may not take 10 or take 20 on this check.

Failure indicates the components are wasted and the potion is inert. However, in some cases the effects are wildly different.

Each potion below explains the effects. Success indicates that the potion is

lasts a number of days equal to 1 + the v (a roll of 4 higher than the DC means t 5 days before becoming inert). potion’s effect however is set (see be

Potion, doubling all gp costs.

check in secret. The effects of a fail the potions. The DM may wish to impose a critical failure if the caster fails his Craft (alchemy) check by more than 10, or if he rolls a natural 1. A critical failure causes the failed check result, plus an effect from the mishap chart (table 5-1).

Otherwise, this feat follows the

Special: The DM always makes the

TABLE 5-1: UNSTABLE POTION MISHAP ld2O Mishap 1 Drinker assumes gdseousform for 2d6 hours. 2 Drinker becomes-confused (as condition) for

4 Drinker becomes dazed (as condition) for 1 d4 hours.

10 Drinker loses all body hair. -2 Charisma until hair r e tu rns

hours. Drinker is rendered mute (per silence) for 2d4 days. Drinker sickened (as condition) for 2d4 hours. Drinker is struck blind for 2d12 hours.


14 15 16 Drinker is struck with a maximized ray of

20 Drinker’s touch becomes the Rust supernatural ability of a Rust Monster for 2d4 days.

Below is a list of unstable potions. Each produces a unique effect. The caster and DM should work out a system for

able potions beyond what is listed the effects of these potions are list- uding effects for making the potion

tton of bear’s endurance, grease, polymorph,

Duration: Permanent. The user grows gills in the neck, making him capable of

Failure: The user grows gills and can breathe underwa- breathing underwater.

ter, but becomes incapable of breathing air.

Angel Wings (DC 2 5 ) Ingredients: potion of change self, feathev fall, fly, poly-

Duration: Permanent. User grows wings and gains the ability to fly at a speed

Failure: The user grows wings, but is unable to fly.


of 30 ft. (good maneuverability).

Beacon (DC 23) Ingredients: potion of arcane mark, locate creature, scving. Duration: Permanent. When this potion is consumed, the drinker’s location is

always known to the creator of the potion.

Cat’s Eyes (DC 2 3 ) Ingredients: potion of arcane eye, cat’s gace, darkvision. Duration: Permanent. User gains darkvision of 90 ft. Failure: User has night blindness and loses his low-

light vision (if applicable).

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Celestial Companion ( DC 2 5 1 Ingredients: potion of arcane mark, remove curse, planar

Duration: Permanent. When given to a familiar, the familiar adopts the

celestial archetype for that animal. Failure: The familiar becomes a vampire and is no

longer your familiar. Follow the rules for losing a familiar.


Clone ( DC 3 2 1 Ingredients: potion of clone, ethereal jaunt, owl’s wisdom. Duration: Permanent. The brewer of this potion is the only person who can

drink it. He must share the dose with one of his clones in order for it to take effect. As a standard action, the user can transfer his mind to that inert clone. The original body falls into an inert state, much like the clone spell. This transfer can take place numerous times, so long as the original body and the clone are alive. If either body dies, the user remains in the other body, suffering Id6 points of temporary Wisdom damage.

Failure: The mind of the brewer becomes trapped in the body of a clone, unable to wake.

Fiendish Companion (DC 2 5 ) Ingredients: potion of arcane

gveater shadow conjuration. Duration: Permanent. When given to a familiar, the

fiendish archetype for that animal. Failure: The familiar becomes

longer your familiar. Follow the rules

Golem (DC 2 8 ) Ingredients: potion of animate dead, arcane mark, bear’s endurance, raise dead, reincarnate, plus one drop of blood. Duration: Permanent. When given to a dead creature, the creature comes back

to life as a golem or homunculus, under the control the person whose blood was used in the creation of this potion. The target gains the Construct trait and loses his Intelligence score. Follow the rules for constructs in the Monster Manual?

Failure: Creature awakens as a golem, attacking the person administering the potion.

Goodwater (DC 3 5 ) Ingredients: potion of commune, heal potion, miracle. Duration: Permanent. User is restored to perfect health. All hit points are

returned, all lost ability score points are restored, and all diseases (magical and mundane), conditions, afflictions, and curses are removed. If given to a dead creature, the creature returns to life in 2d6 rounds, fully healed.

Failure: User dies instantly, per the spell finger of death. There is no saving throw.

Growth (DC 3 0 ) Ingredients: potion of enlarge, polymorph self. Duration: 1 min/level. User (and his all his belongings) becomes 3 size classes

larger. The user cannot become larger than Colossal. Failure: User becomes 3 size classes larger, but his

Dexterity is reduced to 1 and his base attack bonus decreases by 6.

I ron Fist (DC 30 1 Ingredients: potion of dimension door, heat metal, iron

body, and reduce person. Duration: 1 week. Turns the users dominant hand to iron. This allows the

user to store up to IO levels of spells as a nng of spell stonng, major. The metal hand reduces the users Dexterity by 2. In addition, it gives him a +2 bonus to unarmed attacks. The

even after all the stored spells are

d turns to iron permanently with no

I ron Mind (DC 3 4 ) Ingredients: potion ofcvushing despair, eyebite, guards and

Duration: 1 year. User becomes immune to mind-influencing magic. Failure: User suffers a permanent -3 profane penalty

wards, rage.

to all Willpower saving throws.

Lessons from the Grave (DC 2 6 ) Ingredients: potion of animate dead, simulacvum. Duration: Permanent. When this potion is administered to undead with an

Intelligence score below 12, it raises their intelligence by 6. Undead with no Intelligence, gain an Intelligence of IO. Undead with an Intelligence score above 12, gain a +2

to their Intelligence. A user may only benefit from one dose of this potion, ever. A potion is considered adminis- tered if the entire dose is drunk or exposed to the skin (or bones).

Failure: Target’s Intelligence is reduced to 1. Undead without an Intelligence score are disintegrated.

Legendary Heroism ( DC 28 1 Ingredients: potion of bless, contingency, heal. Duration: 1 day. Should the drinker’s hit points ever fall below SO% of

his total, he is immediately healed to full hit points. This effect works once and only on the day the potion is consumed.

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Failure: The drinker’s hit points are reduced by 10, permanently. This damage cannot be restored by anything short of a miracle or wish.

Lithe Speed (DC 2 0 ) Ingredients: potion of cat’s grace, feather fall, jump, ray of

Duration: 1 hour/level. The user’s speed increases by IO ft. In addition, the user

gains a ld6+3 enhancement bonus to Dexterity, but suf- fers ld4 points of temporary Strength damage. When the duration expires, the user’s Dexterity returns to normal, but his Strength returns at one point per day, unless healed.

Failure: User suffers a 166 points of permanent Strength damage. After 1 year, this damage becomes temporary.

enfeeblement, mistance.

Monk Strike ( DC 2 1 1 Ingredients: potion of cut’s giace, power word stun, potion of

Duration: 2d6 rounds. The user gains one level in the monk class, in addition

to the Stunning Fist feat. If the user is already a monk, his level goes up by one for the duration of the potion.

Failure: User is stunned for 3d6 rounds and suffers 2 points of temporary Dexterity damage.


Shadow Walker ( DC 2 4 Ingredients: potion of blink, shadow walk. Duration: 10 minutes/level. User can enter or exit the plane of shadow as a standard

action. While in the plane of shadow, the user moves at 5 times normal speed.

Failure: User gains light sensitivity (as a drow), becomes sensitive to sunlight (suffering ld4t2 damage each hour of exposure), and can be banished or harmed as an outsider. However, the user gains no positive benefit from the outsider trait. This effect lasts for 1 day per level of the caster brewing the potion.

Shrinking (DC 19 1 Ingredients: potion of reduce person, shrink item. Duration: 1 min./level. User (and his all his belongings) becomes 3 size classes

smaller. The user cannot become smaller than Diminutive.

Failure: User is permanently reduced to Tiny.

Strong Spirit ( DC 25 1 Ingredients: potion of contagion, tenser’s transformation. Duration: 1 year. User gains immunity to all diseases (magical and


Failure: User’s Constitution score drops by 2 perma- nently.

The Tempest (DC 22 1 Ingredients: potion of bless, consecrate, protection fiom

Duration: 1 min./level. User gains damage resistance IO for all energy types. In

addition, whenever he is struck by an energy source, he heals 5 points of damage per attack as though a cure spell has been cast.

Failure: User becomes extremely susceptible to energy attacks and suffers an additional 2d6 points of damage per attack.


Youthmaker (DC 2 7 ) Ingredients: potion of polymorph and temporal stasis. Duration: Permanent. User regresses in physical age by 2d6 years. Failure: User becomes physically and mentally an


ABOMINATION POTIONS The following recipes are an offense to all that is right. These potions must never be used, under any circ*mstance. They are mentioned merely to help scholars understand how to undo their effects. Tread lightly into the dark magic that follows.

Blood of the Forest (DC 3 0 ) Ingredients: barkskin, changestaff, goodbewy, polymorph. Duration: Permanent. The user transforms into a 21 Hit Dice treant. Failure: User transforms into a 7 Hit Dice treant.

Chill Breath (DC 24) Ingredients: potion of animate dead, chill touch, gaseous

Duration: Permanent. The user transforms into a 14 Hit Dice spectre. Failure: User transforms into a 7 Hit Dice spectre.


Clearskin (DC 30 1 Ingredients: potion of blur, greater invisibility, polymorph. Duration: Permanent. The user transforms into a 24 Hit Dice invisible stalker. Failure: User transforms into an 8 Hit Dice invisible


Fecundity (DC 3 0 ) Ingredients: potion of polymorph, shambler. Duration: Permanent. The user transforms into a 24 Hit Dice shambling


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Failure: User transforms into an 8 Hit Dice shambling mound.

Liquid Life (DC 26 1 Ingredients: potion of control water, create water, soul jar. Duration: Permanent. The user transforms into a 24 Hit Dice water elemental. Failure: User transforms into a 4 Hit Dice water ele-


Stone Such 4 DC 2 2 1 Ingredients: potion of speak with stone, stone to flesh, stone

Duration: Permanent. The user transforms into a 12 Hit Dice gargoyle. Failure: User transforms into a 4 Hit Dice gargoyle.


Unblinking Eye (DC 3 8 ) Ingredients: potion of arcane eye, confusion, eyebite, maze,

Duration: Permanent. The user transforms into a 33 Hit Dice floating eyestalk

Failure: User transforms into a 6 Hit Dice smaller ver-

ray of enfeeblement, ray of exhaustion, ray of frost, polymorph.

creature that is not part of the SRD.

sion of above-said monster

SENTINEL ORDER OF THE PRO There is but one more secret I hav the people who fight with steel a These wamors lack our agility them are those who match ou selves paladin. They live by a the metal armor they don before battle.

these paladin. They do not bow to wordly pleasures and they understand sacnfice as monks do. Most paladin are bound by honor codes which they seek to enforce with brutal justice. Their evangelism grates, but their eficiency astounds. You needn’t be fearful of crossing them, provided you keep to the path you learned as a monk.

Among these paladin are a society who call themselves the Protectors. As all paladins are zealous in their missions, there are in fact many orders who call themselves Protectors. You will also encounter Guardians, Sentinals, Keepers, Wardens, and even Custodians, although the latter are mostly groundskeepers of holy sites. Among these vanous orders of Protectors there is a spe- cific order. They are known only as the Protectors of Alignment, led by vicyr Steelgleam. Some have heard of them, many have not. YOU will not encounter a paladin not of their order who knows what it i s that they in fact, protect.

There are many legends and explanations to provide cover from their tvue mission. YOU will hear that they are merely enforcers who see that all other orders live t o their credo. This is paytly true, for it i s one of their functions. But the Protectors of

Despite their ironbound ways and vicious w

alignment are more than mere police or bureaucrats. They have one chieffunction, the true purpose of their existence.

The Protectors of Alignment guard a secret nte. The nte is powerful, too poweuful. Some say it should be forgotten and all mention of it expunged. Others claim the ntual should be per- formed, and others believe it should be guarded and never employed. This i s the doctnne that prevails, and the true purpose of the paladins who guard it. The ntual i s meant never to be known by others, save those in the sect, and i s never meant to be performed.

This ntual i s called the novo incantato. The rztual, were it per- formed, would change the alignment ofall within a large radius to be changed to that of the paladin. I t could cause an absolute change in society, ushenng tn an era of cooperation and selfless sewicc on all levels of human existence. The paladin believe such tampenng is too dangerous, that the balance of the world would

set. That i s not the most compelling argument for keeping tual unpracticed, however.

The novo incantato would send a shockwave through the planes, dark forces awakened. Nobody i s sure what the conse-

the real fear i s this: I t i s possible to pewert cantato which would cause the ulignment

be changed to that of he who performs the iden, pupil, for you see the danger tn this

his ntual be known by enemies of the good, ess before its power. The very crusaders

ould become minions in their cause. s its uses and should be performed as

novo incantato before it i s discovered and pewerted. The Protectors of Alignment have kept the secret safe for thousands of years. still, ifa wandenng monk such as I know the truth, then others must as well. If you encounter these paladin, learn what you can. Their caution will be the downfall of us all. Tell no one what I have taught you, and use this knowledge will. I pass the burden of these secrets from my shoulders to yours. Hold steady under the weight, and use this power well. Your journey has begun, young monk.

Vicyr Steelgleam - Provost o f the Protectors of Order Vicyr did not achieve his high rank by brute force and good looks. At first glance, this balding, stoop-shouldered man may be unimpressive. Once his warm gaze lands on a visitor, his tremendous kindness and passion for right- eousness enchants. The powerful and the weak immedi- ately feel at ease with Vicyr. He always has a kind word for a stranger and a diplomatic solution to nearly any conflict.

His self-deprecating humor and gentle smile are his more benign charms. When diplomacy fails, he is equipped with the elaborately decorated and highly pol- ished Plate of the Protector (+2 plate mail), and matching Blade of the Protector (+2 longsword). His armor and weapon are recognizable to any paladin as the ceremonial accoutrements of his office. Despite his equipment, Vicyr would much rather find a peaceful resolution to any dis-

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pute, and as the chief guardian of the novo incantato, he bears the ability to perform a much smaller version of the ritual. By casting convert at will, he is able to change the alignment of an aggressor who fails a will saving throw to Lawful Good.

Provost Vicyr Steelgleam, Human PallO: CR 10; Medium humanoid; HD10d10+20; hp 80; Init +1; Spd 20 ft.; AC 24; touch 11, flat-footed 20; Base Atk +lo; Grp +14; Atk +I3 melee (1d8+6/19-20, +2 longsword); Full Atk +13/+8 melee (ld8+6/19-20, +2 longsword); SA Convert, smite evil 3/day, turn undead lo/day; SQaura of courage, detect evil, divine grace, divine health, empathic link with mount, heavy warhorse mount, lay on hands, remove disease 2/week, share spells with mount; AL LG; SV Fort +13, Ref +8, Will +lo; Str 18, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 15, Wis 16, Cha 18.

skills and feats: Concentration +7, Diplomacy +19, Handle Animal +9, Heal t8, Knowledge (nobility and royalty) +8, Knowledge (religion) +11, Listen +5, Perform (oratory) +5, Profession (provost) +4, Ride +16, Sense Motive +13, Spot +5. Feats: Alertness, Extra Turning, Leadership, Weapon Focus (Longsword), Mounted Combat.

Aura of Good (Ex): The power of

heal a total number of 40 hit points of damage. Vicyr may choose to divide his healing among multiple recipients, and he doesn’t have to use it all at once. Using lay on hands is a standard action. Alternatively, Vicyr can use any or all of this healing power to deal damage to undead crea- tures. Using lay on hands in this way requires a successful melee touch attack and doesn’t provoke an attack of opportunity. Vicyr decides how many of his daily allot- ment of points to use as damage after successfully touch- ing an undead creature.

Aura of Courage (Su): Vicyr is immune to fear (magi- cal or otherwise). Each ally within IO ft. of him gains a +4 morale bonus on saving throws against fear effects.

This ability functions while the paladin is conscious, but not if she is unconscious or dead.

Divine Health (Ex): Vicyr has immunity to all dis- eases, including supernatural and magical diseases.

Convert (Su): Vicyr’s great dedication and resolve allows him to use a turn undead attempt to alter some- one’s alignment to Lawful Good. He resolves this as turn- ing attempt as a loth level cleric. A successful turning attempt changes the target’s alignment one step closer to Lawful Good. If the affected creature has less hit

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dice/level than half of Vicyr’s, it immediately becomes Lawful Good. This effect may be resisted with a Will Save (DC 19), the DC is Charisma based.

Empathic Link (Su): Vicyr can communicate tele- pathically with his mount at a distance of up to 1 mile. Vicyr has the same connection to an item or a place that the mount does.

Heavy Warhorse Mount: Whenever he desires, Vicyr can call upon the services of a special heavy warhorse mount. The creature’s abilities and characteristics are sum- marized below.

Heavy Wavhovse: Large magical beast; HD 8d8+24; hp 63; Init +I: Spd 40 ft.; AC 25, touch 10, flat-footed 24; Base Atk +6; Grp +IS: Atk +11 melee (ld6+5, hoof); Full Atk +11 melee (ld6+5, 2 hooves) and +6 melee (ld4+2, bite); Space/Reach loft/sft. SA -; S Q Low-light vision, scent; SV Fort +9, Ref +7, Will +3; Str 21, Dex 13, Con 17, Int 9, Wis 13, Cha 6.

The mount must be within 5 ft. at the time of casting to receive the benefit. If the spell or effect has a duration other than instantaneous, it stops affecting the mount ifit moves farther than 5 ft. away and will not affect the mount again even if it returns to the paladin before the duration expires. Additionally, the paladin may cast a spell with a target of “You” on her mount (as a touch range spell) instead of on herself. A paladin and his mount can share spells even ifthe spells normally do not affect crea- tures of the mount’s type (magical beast).

Share Saving Throws: For each of its saving throws, the mount uses its own base save bonus or the paladin’s, whichever is higher. The mount applies its own ability modifiers to saves, and it doesn’t share any other bonuses on saves that the master might have.

Improved Speed (Ex): The mount’s speed increases by 10 ft..

Spell Resistance (Ex): A mount’s spell resistance equals its master’s paladin level +5. To affect the mount with a spell, a spellcaster must get a result on a caster level

caster level) that equals or exceeds the

ared (2/1; save DC 13 + spell v, protection fYDm evtl; 2nd- vestst

+2 longswovd, +2 full plate, +I heavy steel lver holy symbol, book of the novo incan-

Skills and Feats: Listen +5, Spot +4; Endurance, Run. Command (Sp): Usable S/day against other equines

Improved Evasion (Ex): When subjected to an attack (Will DC 21 negates).

that normally allows a Reflex sa damage, a mount takes no damage i saving throw and half damage i f th

Share Spells: At the paladin’s optio spell (but not any spell-like ability) he affect her mount. arding for warhorse.

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name i s something of a misnomev, for Kynvok traveled widely throughout the pnme of his life. He sailed across the Great Ocean on a voyage of discovery and lived for a time in many major cities, including the great city-state ofEtana and Nios, an irnpor- tant port and trade hub durtng his lifetime. Late in life, howev- ev, he retired to the hinterlands and lived by himseli wnting an account of his vanous adventures. I t i s dunng this last part of his life that he became known as 'The Hermit,' as word circulated among those who had once known him that he had permanent- ly retired from their company. At last, he died, alone and far removed from the circuits of the busy world he had once known. when some frtends journeyed from Etana to search for him, they stumbled across his hovel deep in the forest. This party found his remains, the manuscnpt of his memoir and some related notes. They brought his wntings back to Etana, where they were even- tually published under the title, The Testament of Kynvok the Hermit.

Durtng his lifetime, Kynvok was known as an intelligent and obsewant man. He was also a sociable man who made fvlends (and kept) frtends easily. But he also had a habit of making up his mind about a matter quickly and decisively, sometimes based on thinnest evidence. Once he came to hold an opinion, it was nigh impossible to shift him away from it. But he rendered his judgments and conclusions so engagingly that his fnends and acquaintances not only learned to overlook it, but to enjoy it for its entertainment value.


Ah, Nios! Fairflower that grows on the shore of the Great Ocean. Many years it has been since I last setfoot in that wondrous city, yet well do I remember the time that I spent there. And although I have withdrawn from the affairs of men happily and of my own free will to come to his place of lonely contemplation, there are moments when I long for the taste of the fine beverages that one could find in Nios, and I would forgo all to return there and comfort my drinker's palate once more.

Nios,for those of you who are t o be pitiedfor never having seen its gloq is a place where many roads - and sea routes - meet, where traders from many lands far wide engage in commerce. Here, one may find goods to enchant and amaze from all over the known world (and perhaps beyond, I daresay!) - including the finest selection of wines that one will everfind. This I can tell you from experience, having sampled much of it myself!

And yet, one of Nios' wonders escaped me, and that I shall always regret. The collection of wines housed at the tavern known as the Winter Wolf must have been the finest in the city, judgtng by the extreme care with which its owner treated it. so great was his caution, in fact, that he refused to admit its very existence -from which I could only deduce that its value was great indeed!

The Winter Wolf was located near the docks - a dreadful, lowly section of the city. But the tavern itself stood out from its surroundings for the cleanliness ofthe place and the obvious care with which it was treated by its management. The owner, whose name was Otis, was a fvlendly enough fellow and gladly allowed

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me to converse with him on the topic of Nios’ fame across the wide world. But when I tried to engage him on the topic of that which lay below his establishment - by which I meant his wine cellar, of course - his face paled and he became quite eva- sive in his manner.

%h! Good sir,” said he, “you don’t want to be going down into my basem*nt. I don’t let anybody go down there, not even my own lads, if they know what’s good for them.”

‘Why not?” I replied. “Surely, I am an honest fellow, not some venomous rogue out to rob you. Come down with me and look over my shoulder, if you wish. I desire only to satisfy a scholar’s curiosity - and perhaps make you a suitable offer on whatever I mayfind.”

At this, he became quite curt. “No sir, 1’11 not allow it. No one goes down into the basem*nt ofthe White Wolf. There is nothing down there that you will want to see.”

No matter how much I endeavored to comfort and cajole him, he would by no means allow me access to his wine cellar. His pal- lor (indicative of great concern) and his steadfast insistence that no one, not even US benign afellow as I, should be allowed in his cellar suggests to me that the value ofthat which had down there must be peat indeed! Alas, that I was never allowed even so much as glimpse of it, much less a taste. No doubt, the secret wine collection of the White Wolf would have made for a rogue’s for- tune, or a gourmet’s delight, depending on what one did with the wines.

THE FINEST WINE NEVER TASTED The city of Nios is indeed famous as the place to go to find fine wines and ales. It is a major port city and the hub of many important trade routes, and its merchants import beverages from every corner of the known world, reselling the best at a hefty profit or keeping it for them- selves.

Contrary to Kynvoks assertion, however, the Winter Wolf tavern has never had a much of a reputation for its wine collection. As far as dingy dockside watering holes go, it’s not a bad place to have a drink. But it’s no more than that.

Otis’ nervousness about the basem*nt of his establish- ment has nothing to do with preventing unauthorized access to his wine cellar. Instead, he thinks he knows that something dark and malevolent dwells beneath the port of Nios, but he lacks the courage to face up to it. Shortly after he took over the Winter Wolf from its previous owner, one of the hired hands went absent from his duties without permission. The lad had a reputation as a shifty type, so Otis immediately suspected that he was up to some kind of mischief. A cursory search of the premises revealed a secret door of which Otis had not known - easily discovered because someone had left it open. It led down a long, dark passage. About a hundred years along, Otis discovered the burned corpse of the missing lad, his

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face frozen in a mask of terror and agony such as he had never seen before and hoped never to see again, the gods be willing. He heard beastly wailing in the distance. He fled back to the tavern basem*nt, closed the door behind him and hid it as best he could.

Such is Otis’ fear that he has never reported this incident to the city authorities. He’s too afraid of what’s actually going on at the other end of that tunnel, and he reasons that if he just closes his eyes to it, it will go away (or at least, it won’t bother him).

In truth, that underground passage extends another 50 yards beyond where Otis found his employee’s body. It ends in a network of three caverns housing a night hag and its evil servants. This outsider has come here from the planes of evil to feast on souls. At night, after the tavern closes, it uses its ethevealness spell-like ability to leave the building undetected and prey on unfortunate passers-by - usually drunken sailors lying around the docks. Such victims don’t generate much fuss when they die mysteriously or disappear, their fates written off to the misadventures that happen in a busy port city

Nios, but the other hired hands know of the fate that befell their unfortunate colleague. he’d been planning for a while to basem*nt, filch what he could and behind that secret door down there. what was coming to him, but they freely than will Otis. They can also direct anyone who is curious to the location of the secret door. Otherwise, it requires a successful DC 13 Search check to find it.

Otis prefers not to speak of the evil lurking b

1. Hell Hounds’ Kennel. The end of the passage opens into a cavern that is also completely dark. Without darkvision or some form of illumination, anyone approaching will see nothing, although if they listen for long enough, they may hear canine growling. The cavern houses a pack of 8 hell hounds.

The hell hounds will use their darkvision to gain an advantage on any intruders, counting on their ability to see without being seen to achieve surprise. Once the sur- prise round has passed, one hell hound will howl contin- uously (using its standard action) to raise the alarm.

Hell Hound: CR 3; Medium monstrous humanoid; HD 4d8+4 (22 hp); h i t +5; Spd 40 ft.; AC 16, touch 11, flat- footed 15; Base Atk +4; Grp +5; Atk +5 melee (Id8+l plus ld6 fire, bite); Full Atk +5 melee (ld8+1 plus Id6 fire, bite); Space/Reach 5 ft./5 ft.; SA Breath weapon, fiery bite; SQDarkvision 60 ft., immunity to fire, scent, vulnerabili- ty to cold; AL LE; SV Fort t5 , Ref +5, Will +4; Str 13, Dex 13, Con 13, Int 6, Wis 10, Cha 6.

skills and Feats: Hide +13, Jump +12, Listen +7, Move Silently +13, Spot +7, Survival +7 (+8 bonus when tracking by scent), Improved Initiative, Run, Track.

Breath Weapon (Su): 10-ft. cone, once every 2d4 rounds, damage 2d6 fire, Reflex DC 13 half. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Fiery Bite (Su): A hell hound deals an extra 1d6 points of fire damage every time it bites an opponent, as if its bite were a flaming weapon.

2. Quasit Lieutenants’ Cavern 3 quasits reside here. They are part of the cult terrorizing the city above, and they follow the cult leader in Location #3. If they hear the hell hounds in Location #I raise the alarm, they will either use their alternate form ability to change into bats or their spell-like ability to become invis- ible. In either case, they will rush to aid the hell hounds and try to attack the intruders by surprise. If they are attacked first, two quasits will try to hold off the attackers while the other changes into a bat and summons the hell

ds, or the night hag in Location #3 if hell hounds

outsider; HD 3d8 (13 hp); Init +7; Spd 15, flat-footed 15; Base Atk

melee (ld3-1 plus poison, claw); Full oison, 2 claws); Space/Reach

son, spell-like abilities; S Q Alternate form, damage reduction 5/cold iron or good, darkvision 60 ft., fast healing 2, immunity to poison, resistance to fire 10; AL CE; SV Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +4; Str 8, Dex 17, Con 10, Int 12, Wis IO, Cha IO.

skills and Feats: Bluff +6, Diplomacy +2, Disguise +O (+2 acting), Hide +17, Intimidate +2, Knowledge (any one) +6, Listen +7, Move Silently +9, Search +6, Spellcraft +6, Spot +6; Improved Initiative, Weapon Finesse.

Poison (Ex): Injury, Fortitude DC 13, initial damage Id4 Dex, secondary damage 2d4 Dex. The save DC is Constitution-based and includes a +2 racial bonus.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will - detect good, detect magic, and invisibility (selfonly); l/day - cause feav (as the spell, except that its area is a 30-ft. radius from the quasit, save DC 11). Caster level 6th.

The save DCs are Charisma-based. Once per week a quasit can use commune. The ability

works as the spell (caster level 12th). Alternate Form (Su): A quasit can assume other forms

at will as a standard action. This ability functions as a poly- movh spell cast on itself (caster level 12th), except that a quasit does not regain hit points for changing form, and any individual quasit can assume only one or two forms no larger than Medium. Common forms include bat, monstrous centipede, toad, and wolf. A quasit in alternate form loses its poison attack.

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3 . Night Hag‘s Lair. The night hag behind all the trouble can be found here a t all times during the day, either feeding on its victims or plotting more evil. At night, it generally roams the city above looking for victims. It will fight ferociously if attacked, but if pressed to its limit, it will use its ethereal- ness spell-like ability to try to escape.

Night hag: CR 9; Medium outsider; HD 8d8+32 (68 hp); Init +1; Spd 20 ft.; AC 22, touch 11, flat-footed 21; Base Atk +8; Grp +12; Atk +12 melee (2d6+6 plus disease, bite); Full Atk +12 melee (2d6+6 plus disease, bite); Space/Reach 5 ft./S ft.; SA Spell-like abilities, dream haunting; SQ Damage reduction lo/cold iron and magic, immunity to fire, cold, charm, sleep, and fear, spell resistance 25; AL NE; SV Fort +12, Ref +9, Will +IO; Str 19, Dex 12, Con 18, Int 11, Wis IS, Cha 12.

skills and Feats: Bluff +1 Diplomacy +5, Disguise +1 (+3 Listen +IS, Ride +12, Sense Motive +13, Spellcraft +11, Spot +IS; Alertness, Combat Casting, Mounted Comb

Disease (Ex): Demon fever - bite, Eo incubation period 1 day, damage Id6 Con. the first, on a failed save, an afflicted creature must imme- diately succeed on another DC 18 Fortitude save or take 1 point of Constitution drain. The sav based.

detect good, detect law, detect magic, magic missile, polymorph (selfonly), ray of enfeeblement (DC 12), sleep (DC 12). Caster level 8th. A night hag can use etherealness a t will (caster level 16th) so long as it possesses its heartstone (see below). The save DCs are Charisma-based.

Dream Haunting (Su): Night hags can visit the dreams of chaotic or evil individuals by using a special periapt known as a heartstone to become ethereal, then hovering over the creature. Once a hag invades someone’s dreams, it rides on the victim’s back until dawn. The sleep- er suffers from tormenting dreams and takes I point of Constitution drain upon awakening. only another ethe- real being can stop these nocturnal intrusions, by con- fronting and defeating the night hag.

Heartstone: All night hags carry a periapt known as a heartstone, which instantly cures any disease contracted by the holder. In addition, a heartstone provides a +2 resis- tance bonus on all saving throws (this bonus is included in the statistics block). A night hag that loses this charm can no longer use etherealness until it can manufacture another (which takes one month). Creatures other than the hag can benefit from the heartstone’s powers, but the periapt shatters after ten uses (any disease cured or saving throw affected counts as a use) and it does not bestow ethe- realness to a bearer that is not a night hag. If sold, an intact heartstone brings 1,800 gp.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will - det

The night hag’s treasure lies in a heap against one wall of the cavern. It consists of 1,100 gp and 7 assorted gems worth 100 gp each. Personal belongings from the night hag’s various victims are mixed in with the valuable items.


The god known as Deccan - he who watches over merchants and travelers, so his adherents call him. But 1 have always thought of him as a god of cruelty and injustice.

When I lived in Nios, the pnests of Deccan sought to establish themselves in the city and lure worshippers awayfrorn the nattve gods who had always looked over its people. The cult of Deccan made a spectacular entrance into the city when it came to set up i t s temple - three pnests dressed in almost regal finery, at the head of a caravan filled with treasures and trade goods. But the

re not borne by beasts of burden. No! Much to in this case were humans, elves and

oxes in their u r n s or sacks slung over the hind them sleds packed with goods. Most women were pressed into this sewice, too.

They all were filthy and ragged, butfrom what remained oftheir Id still tell that they reflected a motley of

eantng that they came from lands far and s treated them cruelly, sweanng at them

and abusing them for no apparent reason, other than maltce. I quickly concluded that they must be slaves, captured from differ- ent corners of the world and forced to sewe this cruel god.

Once the pnests of Deccan took up their new quarters in Nios, I saw no more of these slave bearers, nor of their guards. The tem- ple itself seemed too small for a cult that obviously possessed great wealth and wished to make a deep impression on the people of Nios. What happened to them, then? When I visited the temple, I noticed stairs leadtng down to a basem*nt of some kind, but the pnests forbade me from going there.

I could only conclude, therefore, that these cruel pnests of Deccan kept a slave pit beneath their temple. A slave pit where captives were kept and cruelly treated by the guards (also kept out of sight) and new slaves were broken upon the wheel oftorments unspeakable! The city fathers would not listen to my complaints; they claimed that I gave them no proof that the pnests were breaking any laws. They would do nothing. Ah, that I lacked the courage to infiltrate that temple myself and free those unfortu- nates!

THE TEMPLE OF DECCAN AND ITS SLAVE PIT Oddly enough, the cult of Deccan, the god of trade and travel, did not have a proper temple in Nios until well after the city became a major center of commerce. As Kynvok describes, the priests of Deccan rectified this situation during his residence there. But the Niosians

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regarded Deccan as a foreign deity and viewed his cult with some suspicion. Most of the city’s merchants wor- shipped the goddess of luck and saw no reason to alter their relationship with her priestesses (those heavily engaged in overseas trade were particularly comfortable with the idea that blind luck played a crucial part in their success). When the priests of Deccan made their grand entrance into the city, Kynvok was inclined to think the worst of them.

Kynvok simply assumed that the caravan bearers who accompanied the priests were slaves, based on their pos- ture and appearance. And while it is true that using beasts of burden instead of humanoids to haul cargo would have made more sense, it is also a fact that these ‘slaves’ were, in fact, devotees of Deccan who had volunteered for this journey. The cult of Deccan urges its followers to serve their local temple as a bearer once in their lives as an act of devotion. They accompany priests when they travel on official business, or haul trade goods in caravans that the temples organize for their own profit. These folk were not slaves, but pilgrims of a sort. Their bedraggled appearance can be attributed to the fact that they had been marching for two weeks over rugged country without much of a respite - as well as Kynvoks habit of seeing only that which he expected to see. The same goes for the ill temper of the caravan guards.

The following describes the temple of Deccan in Nios as it was during Kynvok’s residence in the city. Considering the vast wealth at the disposal of the cult of Deccan, the temple was modest in size. Only three priests resided there a t any given time. And while the public areas of the temple were done up in the sort of splendor one found in temples to Deccan in other cities, the private rooms and offices were drab and spare in their furnish- ings. But this was a new branch of the cult, just taking root. Considering the resources that he had immediately at hand, High Priest Ta’leel had no choice but to start small, and to give first priority to dressing up the parts of the temple to which the public had access.

Certainly, there was no slave pit of horrors underneath the temple. If Kynvok never saw any of the caravan bear- ers ever again, it is most likely because they left Nios indi- vidually and in small groups once their journey of devo- tion was done. Not all of them left at the same time; some dawdled in the great city to do some sightseeing. And all of them spruced themselves up shortly after they reached town, so that many of them might be hard to recognize afterward. To Kynvoks eyes, they might well have ‘disap- peared.’ Likewise, the caravan guards returned from whence they had come, as they were not ordered to stay with the temple in Nios.

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1. Lobby. An enormous mural depicting a single scene wraps around all four walls of the lobby It shows a caravan of traders arriving in a village, as grateful residents rush out to meet them and buy the goods that they obviously covet. Obviously, it is an homage to Deccan - and the merchants who worship and support his cult.

2. Shrine. A marble statue depicting Deccan's holy symbol - a pair of hands gripping each other in a handshake - forms the centerpiece of the altar in the center of the room. The stat- ue is inlaid with gold filigree highlighting the creases in the hands and fingers, and the fingernails are made of platinum. The altar is too heavy to remove from the tem- ple, but the gold and silver are them out. It takes an hour Disable Device check (DC 20) to r cious metal from the statue.

3. Administrative Office. There's not much here besides a desk, a ch and a half-full bookshelfholding history and theology on the worship

4. Priests' Apartment. Ulush and Granook, two younger priests of the cult who assist High Priest Ta'leel in running the temple, keep their quarters here. During the day, however, they are most likely found elsewhere in the temple, attending to their duties.

Ulush; Human Clr 5: CR 5; Medium humanoid; HD 5d8+10; hp 36; h i t +o; Spd 20 ft.; AC 20, touch IO, flat-footed 20; Base Atk +3; Grp +6; Atk +5 melee (Ids+l, masterwork morningstar) or +2 ranged (1d8/19-20, light crossbow); Full Atk +5 melee (Ids+l, masterwork morn- ingstar) or +2 ranged (1d8/19-20, light crossbow); SA turn undead 4/day; SQ-; AL N; SV Fort +6; Ref +I; Will +7; Str 13; Dex 9; Con 14; Int 11; Wis 16 Cha 12.

skills and Feats: Concentration +6, Heal +5, Knowledge (religion) +4, Listen +3, Spellcraft +4, Brew Potion, Combat Casting, Scribe Scroll.

Cleric Spells Prepared (5/5/4/3; save DC 13 + spell level): 0

- cure minor wounds, detect magic, guidance, light, read magic; 1st - bless, cure light wounds (2), comprehend languages, entropic shield"; 2nd - aidQ, cure moderate wounds, hold person, zone of truth; 3rd - cure serious wounds, dispel magic, protection from energy'*.

"Domain spell. Domains: Luck (You gain the power of good fortune, which is usable once per day This extraor- dinary ability allows you to reroll one roll that you have

just made before the DM declares whether the roll results in success or failure. You must take the result of the reroll, even if it's worse than the original roll.), Travel (For a total time per day of I round per cleric level you possess, you can act normally regardless of magical effects that impede movement as if you were affected by the spell freedom of movement. This effect occurs automatically as soon as it applies, lasts until it runs out or is no longer needed, and can operate multiple times per day [up to the total daily limit of rounds]. This granted power is a supernatural ability.)

Possessions: full plate armor, blinding heavy steel shield +I, masterwork morningstar, light crossbow, 20 bolts, ivory holy symbol, scroll of cure moderate wounds, scroll of hold per- son, scroll of summon monster 11.

Granook; Human Clr 3: CR 3; Medium humanoid; t +o; Spd 20 ft.; AC 19, touch 10, flat- +2; Grp +3; Atk +4 melee (Id8+l,

gstar) or +O ranged (1d8/19-20, light +4 melee (ld8+1, masterwork morn-

ed (1d8/19-20, light crossbow); ; SQ-; AL N; SV Fort +5; Ref +l;

entration +4, Heal +3, Knowledge kraft +4, Brew Potion,

ve DC 13 + spell level): 0 - cure minor wounds, detect magic, guidance, read mapc; 1st - cure light wounds, comprehend languages, entropic shield", sum- mon monster I; 2nd - aiP, cure moderate wounds, hold person.

;"Domain spell. Domains: Luck (You gain the power of good fortune, which is usable once per day. This extraor- dinary ability allows you to reroll one roll that you have just made before the DM declares whether the roll results in success or failure. You must take the result of the reroll, even if it's worse than the original roll.),Travel (For a total time per day of I round per cleric level you possess, you can act normally regardless of magical effects that impede movement as if you were affected by the spell freedom of movement. This effect occurs automatically as soon as it applies, lasts until it runs out or is no longer needed, and can operate multiple times per day [up to the total daily limit of rounds]. This granted power is a supernatural abil- ity. Add Survival to your list of cleric class skills.).

Possessions: half-plate armor, heavy steel shield, master- work morningstar, light crossbow, 20 bolts, steel holy symbol, scroll of cure light wounds, scroll of hold person.

t 11; Wis 15; Cha 12.

5. Head Priest's Apartment. This sparsely furnished room does not much look llke the apartment of the Head Priest of a temple of a prosperous cult, but this is where Ta'leel rests his head at night. During the day, however, it is much more likely that he

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will be found elsewhere in the temple, probably in the administrative office (Location #3), attending to his duties. 6. Basem*nt.

Ta'leel; Human Clr 10: CR 10; Medium humanoid; HD 10d8+20; hp 68; Init -1; Spd 20 ft.; AC 22, touch 10, flat- footed 22; Base Atk +7; Grp +8; Atk + I O melee (ld8+l, morningstar +I) or +7 ranged (1d8/19-20, light cross- bow); Full Atk +10/+5 melee (Id8+1, morningstar +I) or +7 ranged (1d8/19-20, light crossbow); SA turn undead 4/day; SQ-; AL N; SV Fort +9; Ref +4; Will +11; Str 13; Dex 9; Con 14; Int 12; Wis 19; cha 12.

skills and Feats: Concentration +15, Diplomacy +6, Heal +9, Knowledge (history) +6, Knowledge (religion) +14, Listen +5, Spellcraft +6,

Casting, Scribe Scroll, Weapon Focus (morn- ingstar).

Clenc Spells Prepared (6 /6 /6 /5 /5 /3; save DC 14 + spell level): o - cure minor wounds, detect magic (2), guidance, light, read magic; 1st - command, cure light wounds (2), comprehend languages, entropic shield", shield offaith; 2nd - ai#-, cure moderate wounds, hold person (2), lesser restova- tton, summon monster 11; 3rd - cure senous 1 wounds, dispel magtc, invisibility purge, protection from energf, prayer; 4th - cure cntzcal wound, dimension doo?, dzscern lies, neutralize poison, restoration; 5th - flame stnke, spell resistance, telepoff.

'Domain spell. Domains: Luck (You gain the power of good fortune, which is usable once per day. This extraordinary ability allows you to reroll one roll that you have just made before the DM declares whether the roll results in success or failure. You must take the result of the reroll, even if it's worse than the original roll.), Travel (For a total time per day of 1 round per cleric level you possess, you can act normally regardless of magical effects that impede movement as if you were affected by the spell freedom ofmove- ment. This effect occurs automatically as soon as it applies, lasts until it runs out or is no longer needed, and can operate multiple times per day [up to the total daily limit of rounds]. This granted power is a supernatur- al ability. Add Survival to your list of cleric class skills.).

Possessions: full plate amor +1, heavy steel shield +2, morningstar +I, light crossbow, 20 bolts, silver holy symbol, scroll of cure crttical wounds, scroll of hold person, scroll offlame stnke (loth level).


Anyone bursting into the lower level of the temple expecting to liberate cruelly misused slaves will find.. . a basem*nt. The priests of Deccan store supplies and trade goods here, nothing more and nothing less. Crates, boxes and chests stand in stacks against the walls, although not all of the stacks are tidy. The temple keeps nothing of great value here, although all manner of mundane goods may be found at the DMs discretion

However, any search that involves disturbing the con- tainers lying around in the basem*nt will stir up the pests

Search +2, Spot +5; Brew Potion, Combat 't.'

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and vermin that make their home among the empty and forgotten boxes. Feeling threatened, 5 small monstrous centipedes and 9 small monstrous spiders will swarm the intruders and attack. 20 disease-carrying rats will also scatter; they will not attack the intruders unless attacked first. Determine the location of all of these creatures ran- domly.

Small Monstrous Centipede: CR 5; small vermin; HD 3d8 (2 hp); Init +2; Spd 30 ft., climb 30 ft.; AC 14, touch 13, flat-footed 12; Base Atk +O; Grp -7; Atk +3 melee (ld4-3 plus poison, bite); Full Atk +3 melee (ld4-3 plus poison, bite); Space/Reach 5 ft./S ft.; SA Poison; SQDarkvision 60 ft., vermin traits; AL N; SV Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +O; Str 5 , Dex 15, Con 10, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 2.

Skills and Feats: Climb +io, Hide +14, Spot +4; Weapon Finesse.

Poison (Ex): A monstrous centipede has a poisonous bite. Anyone bitten must make a DC 10 Fortitude save. If he fails, he suffers -id2 Dexterity i ondary damage.

Spot checks, and a +8 racial bonus on Climb a checks. They can use either their Strength or Dexterity modifier for Climb checks, whichever is higher.

Web-spinners often create sheets of sticky webbing from 5 to 60 ft. square, depending on the size of the spider. They usually position these sheets to snare flying crea- tures but can also try to trap prey on the ground. Approaching creatures must succeed on a DC 20 Spot check to notice a web; otherwise they stumble into it and become trapped as though by a successful web attack. Attempts to escape or burst the webbing gain a +S bonus if the trapped creature has something to walk on or grab while pulling free. Each 5-ft. section has 6 hit points, and sheet webs have damage reduction s/-.

A monstrous spider can move across its own web at its climb speed and can pinpoint the location of any creature touching its web.

Tremorsense (Ex): A monstrous spider can detect and pinpoint any creature or object within 60 ft. in contact with the ground, or within any range in contact with the

s spiders have a +4 racial bonus on ks and a +8 racial bonus on Climb spider can always choose to take IO

Skills: Monstrous centipedes have a +4 racial b on Climb checks, even if rushed or threatened. e either their Strength or Dexterity

checks, whichever is higher. "Hunting spiders have a +IO racial bonus on Jump checks

Small Monstrous Spider: CR 5; sma (4 hp); Init +3; Spd 30 ft., climb 20 ft.; A footed 11; Base Atk +o; Grp -6; Atk +4 melee (1d4-2 plus poison, bite); Full Atk +4 melee (1d4-2 plus poison, bite); Space/Reach 5 ft./S ft.; SA Poison, web; SQDarkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft., vermin traits; AL N; SV Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +o; Str 7, Dex 17, Con 10, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 2.

skills and Feats: Climb +11, Hide +11", Jump -P, Spot +4"; Weapon Finesse.

Poison (Ex): A monstrous spider has a poisonous bite. Anyone bitten must make a DC 10 Fortitude save. If he fails, he suffers -1d3 Strength in both initial and sec- ondary damage.

Web (Ex): Small monstrous spiders often wait in their webs or in trees, then lower themselves silently on silk strands and leap onto prey passing beneath. A single strand is strong enough to support the spider and one creature of the same size. Web-spinners can throw a web eight times per day. This is similar to an attack with a net but has a maximum range of 50 ft., with a range increment of 10 ft., and is effective against targets up to medium size. An entangled creature can escape with a successful DC 10 Escape Artist check or burst it with a DC 14 Strength check. The check DCs are Constitution-based, and the Strength check DC includes a +4 racial bonus.

and a +8 racial bonus on Spot checks. Web-spinning spi- ders have a +8 racial bonus on Hide and Move Silently checks when using their webs.

Rat: CR 5; tiny animal; HD 5d8 (1 hp); Init +2; Spd 15 ft, climb 15 ft., swim 15 ft.; AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 12; Base Atk +O; Grp -12; Atk +4 melee (ld3-4 plus disease, bite); Full Atk +4 melee (ld3-4 plus disease, bite); Space/Reach 2 3 ft./O ft.; SA Disease; SQLow-light vision, scent; AL N; SVFort +2, Ref +4, Will +l; Str 2, Dex 15, Con IO, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 2.

skills and Feats: Balance +lo, Climb +12, Hide +14, Move Silently +lo, Swim +lo; Weapon Finesse.

Disease (Ex): The bite of these rats transmits a poten- tially debilitating fever, similar to the filth fever spread by dire rats. Filth fever - bite, Fortitude DC 11, incubation period ld3 days, damage Id3 Dex and Id3 Con. The save DC is Constitution-based.

skills: Rats have a +4 racial bonus on Hide and Move Silently checks, and a +8 racial bonus on Balance, Climb, and Swim checks. A rat can always choose to take 10 on Climb checks, even if rushed or threatened. A rat uses its Dexterity modifier instead of its Strength modifier for Climb and Swim checks. A rat has a +8 racial bonus on any Swim check to perform some special action or avoid a haz- ard. It can always choose to take IO on a Swim check, even if distracted or endangered. It can use the run action while swimming, provided it swims in a straight line.

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When I think of Etana as I knew it, I recall a city of civic virtue such as the world has never seen. The glittering gem of the East it was, a city of alabaster and gold! Its finest sons became victors but not conquerors, leaders and statesmen, not tyrants and despots. And yet, and yet.. . was the virtue of Etana all that it seemed?

I recall the strange case of Germ Gerontus, a Senator of the Etana and by definition a prominent man. He was also widely admired by his countrymen, having sewed with much distinc- tion in their a m y before entenng politics. But I had it on good authonty - an excellentfnend of mine, a pnestess ofthe goddess of law who often walked past the Senator’s villa - that on some nights, an evil emanation could be detected coming from the Gerontus residence. She thought nothingofit,for she had no rea- sonable explanation for it. But at the same time, I collected intel- ligence while fvequenting Etana’s public houses that a cult devot- ed to the propagation of evil had established that their ultimate goal was to gate in demonic beingsfvom other planes and sow chaos and destvuction. I could scarcely credit the notion that a popular and respected Senato involve himself with demon worship and th beloved city! And yet I could denve no other explanation for these two facts existzng in such close conpnctio

SENATOR GERONTUS’ VILLA As Kynvok states, Senator Geron Gerontus is one of Etana’s most respected citizens. He served with distinc- tion in the city-state’s army for 25 years and was elected to its governing body immediately after his retirement. He has a strong public reputation for integrity and loyalty to the government of Etana. This is why it amazed Kynvok to think that Gerontus could be a senior member of a sub- versive demon-worshipping cult in the middle of the greatest, most orderly city-state of the age.

But the truth is both stranger and less sinister than Kynvok imagined. There is indeed an evil artifact in the Gerontus villa - a statuette of succubus summoning that stands amidst a pile of odds and ends in the closet of the Senator’s study. But Gerontus has absolutely no knowl- edge of its function or its evil nature. To him, it is simply a souvenir of his last campaign as a soldier. Because he is not a divine spellcaster, he never bothered to try to detect evil on it. No one in his household can cast divine magic except his wife, a former priestess, but not even she ever saw any reason to suspect that it has a baleful nature.

So how, then to explain the evil presence around the Gerontus residence that Kynvok describes? In this, Kynvok at least has his facts reasonably straight. But once again, the whole story is stranger than he imagines. The evil statue is defective; it sometimes activates sponta-

neously, on its own. The succubus who gates in from the planes of evil appears in the closet, where it may appear and stand upright without causing too much disruption, and where no one sees it. It then uses its geater teleport spell-like ability to leave the building without drawing attention to itself, after which it is free to cause mischief as it pleases for the duration of its summoning.


1. Foyer The front door has a small, but effective spyhole (success- ful DC IS Spot or Search check to notice it from the out- side) that allows someone inside the house to see outside, though not the other way around. Other than that, the front hall to the villa contains nothing unusual or valu- able.

chairs centered around a large coffee is room. This is where the Gerontus fam-

ntertains and spends its leisure time. There is a fire- ce set into the far wall. A fine silk tapestry commemo-

rating Etana’s successful war against the Tarratans-in which Captain Geron Gerontus played a particularly dis-

-hangs on another wall. be found here at most hours of the day,

ut playing the role of aristocratic matron. an initiate in the temple of the goddess of met Gerontus (she left the cult to marry

him), hence her ability to cast divine spells. She remem- bers her old training well enough and carries a holy sym- bol of her goddess with her at all times, but has no other possessions at hand. She knows how to handle a weapon well enough, but does not go about armed.

Valeria Gerontus; Human Aristocrat 6/Ch 1: CR 1; Medium humanoid; HD 7d8+14; hp SO; Init +o; Spd 30 ft.; AC 9, touch 9 , flat-footed 9; Base Atk +4; Grp 41; Atk +4 melee (Id3, unarmed); Full Atk +4 melee (ld3, unarmed); SA turn undead 4/day; SQ-; AL LN; SV Fort +6; Ref +4; Will +9; Str 11; Dex 10; Con 14; Int I O ; Wis 14; Cha 14.

skills and Feats: Appraise +4, Bluff +6, Concentration +4, Diplomacy +6, Gather Information +6, Knowledge (reli- gion) +2, Knowledge (royalty and nobility) +4, Listen +3, Spellcraft +2, Spot +6; Combat Casting, Dodge, Lightning Reflexes, Scribe Scroll, Weapon Focus (heavy mace).

Cleric Spells Prepared (3/3; save DC 13 + spell level): 0 -cure minor wounds, detect magic, read magic; 1st - cure light wounds, comprehend languages, sanctuavy*.

”Domain spell. Domains: Protection (You can generate a protective ward as a supernatural ability. Grant someone you touch a resistance bonus equal to your cleric level on his or her next saving throw. Activating this power is a

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standard action. The protective ward is an abjuration effect with a duration of 1 hour that is usable once per day.), War (Free Martial Weapon Proficiency with deity’s favored weapon [if necessary] and Weapon Focus with the deity’s favored weapon.).

Possessions: steel holy symbol.

The only items of value in this room are the tapestry, which is worth 100 gp for the value of its materials and workmanship alone, and a silver fruit bowl on the coffee table, worth 20 gp. However, bear in mind that Gerontus commissioned the tapestry to celebrate his own deeds, and as such, it is a unique item closely identified with a famous person. On the one hand, this means that unscrupulous collectors might pay considerably more than 100 gp for it, but on the other it also means that it is easily identified as stolen property.

3. Dining Room This room contains a long dini occupied only at meal times and

4. Kitchen This spacious room has a wood at the far end (both of which vent smoke out of the build- ing), and a large table for preparing food Aurelia and her daughter Oona - the maid, respectively - will be found her day, except if Oona has gone out to market. Neither of them goes about their duties armed, but there are plenty of sharp objects handy in the kitchen. If either is attacked here, she will go for a cleaver (treat as a throwing axe for weapon type and damage) or a bread knife (treat as a dag- ger) and defend herself.

Aurelia; Human Expert 5: CR 3; Medium humanoid; HD 5d6+5; hp 25; Init +5; Spd 30 ft.; AC 11, touch 11, flat- footed 10; Base Atk +3; Grp +4; Atk +4 melee (ld6+1, hand axe); Full Atk +4 melee (ld6+1, hand axe); SA -; SQ-; AL LN; SV Fort +2; Ref +2; Will +7; Str 12; Dex 13; Con 13; Int 12; Wis 12; Cha 8.

skills and Feats: Appraise +7, Craft (cooking) +11, Diplomacy +1, Knowledge (local) +7, Knowledge (nature) +7, Listen +7, Profession (cook) +4, Search +7, Sense Motive +7, Spot +7; Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Skill Focus (craft: cooking).

Possessions: None.

Oona; Human Commoner 1: CR 1; Medium humanoid; HD ld4+1; hp 4; Init +1; Spd 30 ft.; AC 11, touch 11, flat- footed 10; Base Atk +o; Grp -1; Atk -1 melee ( I d e l , dag- ger); Full Atk -1 melee (ld4-1, dagger); SA-; SQ-; AL N; SV Fort +l; Ref +l; Will +O; Str 8; Dex 12; Con 12; Int 10; Wis 11; Cha 13.

Skills and Feats: Craft (cooking) +2, Listen +4, Search +I,

Possessions: None. Spot +4; Alertness, Dodge.

In one corner, there is a china cabinet that contains a sil- ver place setting worth 100 gp in total; this is an heirloom of the Gerontus family and each piece bears a ‘G’ as an identlfying mark. There is also a set of fine crystal glass- ware worth 25 gp in total.

Aurelia keeps her and Oona’s treasure in their room, Location #6. They carry nothing of value on them.

5. Valet and Maid’s Room The house servants, a married couple named Flavin and Marshu, reside here. They will be found here most any evening (during the day, they may be most anywhere else in the house, attending to their duties). Like his master, Flavin is an army veteran. In fact, he served as Gerontus’ orderly for IO years and has always been intensely loyal to him. He will fight to the death in defense of the Senator,

and house, and cannot be persuaded to betray to Gerontus that he is be used effectively as

a fact that will surprise her if it

go about armed, but he keeps a master- a present from Gerontus, with words

cribed in the hilt -wrapped in an oilcloth in one corner. He will go for it at the first sign of trouble, and he knows how to use it. If he feels he has time, Flavin will open the trunk where the couple keeps their treasure (see below) and don his old armor.

Flavin; Human Ftr 5: CR 5; Medium humanoid; HD 5d10+15; hp 47; Init+6; Spd 30 ft.; AC 12, touch 12, flat- footed 10; Base Atk +5; Grp +8; Atk +lo (ld8+6/19-20, masterwork longsword); Full Atk + l o (1d8+6/19-20, mas- terwork longsword); SA-; SQ-; AL LG; SV Fort +7; Ref +3; Will +2; Str 16; Dex 15; Con 16; Int 10; Wis 12; Cha 8.

skills and Feats: Climb +5, Handle Animal +3, Jump +5, Ride +6, Spot +3; Cleave, Improved Initiative, Improved Bull Rush, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (longsword), Weapon Specialization (longsword).

Possessions: Ring offorce shield.

Marshu; Human Commoner 4: CR 2; Medium humanoid; HD 4d4+4; hp 14; Init +1; Spd 30 ft.; AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 10; Base Atk +2; Grp +2; Atk +2 melee (ld3, unarmed); Full Atk +2 melee (ld3, unarmed); SA-; SQ-; AL LG; SV Fort +2; Ref +l; Will +l; Str 10; Dex 13; Con 12; Int 10; Wis 11; Cha 11.

skills and Feats: Craft (sewing) +lo, Diplomacy +2, Listen +s, Profession (seamstress) +2, Search +3, Sense

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Motive +2, Spot +5; Alertness, Negotiator, Skill Focus (Craft (sewing)).

Possessions: None.

Flavin and Marshu have a little wealth of their own- 1,000 sp in a trunk under in the corner next to Flavin’s longsword. The trunk also contains Flavin’s armor from his soldiering days: a suit of masterwork half-plate armor and a masterwork large steel shield. It is locked. They keep the key under their mattress (successful DC IS Search check to find it without any prompting). Otherwise, picking the lock requires a successful DC 20 Disable Device check.

6. Scullery Servants’ Room Aurelia and Oona keep their quarters in this modest room. They can be found here at night, after dinner service is over. They keep 250 spin a strongbox under the bed.


7. Master Bedroom Neither Geron or Valeria Gerontus will unless they are asleep. The master bedroom is noteworthy only in that a chest containing th hidden under the bed (the vast m family assets are stored in safe beneath the Senate). The chest is locked, and it requires either the key (both Geron and Valeria keep a copy around their necks at all times) or a successful DC 20 Disable Device check to open it. The chest contains 1,000 g p and 350 sp.

8. Petronus’ Bedroom Gerontus and Valeria’s son Petronus has grown up and does not live here anymore. But he left behind some of his belongings, including one of value. Any reasonably thor- ough search of the room turns up a masterwork longsword, kept under the bed, but not concealed.

9. Adoria’s Bedroom Likewise, Adoria Genrontus has grown and moved out of her parents’ home but left some of her possessions behind. On the dresser is a silver coffer worth 20 gp. It holds a +I ring ofprotection.

10. Gerontus’ Study The walls of this room are lined with bookshelves. Other than that, its most prominent feature is a large oak desk and the ornate leather chair that goes with it. When he is not sleeping or out attending to his official duties, Senator Gerontus may usually be found here, either attending to his work or reading from his library.

Gerontus does not go about his house armed, but he does keep his old army weapons and armor handy in the storage closet, Location #11. If threatened, he will make for the closet and at least grab his axiomatic, giants bane longsword +2 and lion’s shield. If he believes he has time, he will also don his bracers of armor +3. But he will most like- ly leave his half-plate amor +2, as it would take too long to put on.

Geron Gerontus; Human Ftr 10: CR I O ; Medium humanoid; HD 10d10+20; hp 79; Init +6; Spd 30 ft.; AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14; Base Atk +lo; Grp +13; Atk +I6 melee (Id8+7/19-20 plus axiomatic, plus giants bane, giants bane longsword +2); Full Atk+l6/+11 melee (Id8+7/19-20 plus axiomatic, plus giants bane, giants bane longsword +2); SA-; SQ-; AL L G SV Fort +9; Ref +5; Will +6; Str 16; Dex 14; Con 15; Int IO; Wis 12; Cha 13.

skills and Feats: Climb +5, Diplomacy +4, Handle Animal +3, Jump +5, Ride +6, Spot +3, Swim +6; Cleave, Great Cleave, Dodge, Improved Critical (longsword), Improved

Iron Will, Leadership, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (longsword), Weapon Specialization (longsword).

Possessions: lion’s shield, axiomatic pants bane longsword +2, bracers of amor +3, half-plate amor +2.

in the way of treasure in Gerontus’ alue taken from here is easily spotted He keeps a gold medallion given to

him by the army upon his retirement in a box in a desk drawer. It is worth 25 gp based on the value of the gold, but the inscription with his name in it makes it a unique item and therefore somewhat valuable. Likewise, there are 12 tomes on the history of Etana scattered amongst the bookshelves that are worth 100 g p each for their rari- ty, but each is stamped on the inside cover to identify them as his personal property.

Also, confidential papers regarding the governance of Etana may be found on his desk at any given time. The value of these is difficult to assess, but depending on their subject matter, enemies of Etana, opponents of the cur- rent government or even prominent citizens whose affairs- would benefit from advance knowledge of the Senate’s actions might be willing to pay handsomely for them.

11. Storage Closet Gerontus’ study has a large closet, in which he keeps odds and ends from his two careers. He stores his old military arms and armor here: keen, gants bane longswovd +2,flarning greataxe +I, half-plate amor +2, lion’s shield, bracers of a m o v +%Trunks stacked one upon the other take up most of the space, however. Each is filled with souvenirs from his var- ious military campaigns and papers on old Senatorial business.

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But anyone who bothers to detect evil on the closet will find a strong evil presence radiating from one of the chests. This chest contains a marble statuette of a fanged female humanoid with emeralds in the eye sockets. Each emerald is worth 25 gp, and the statuette as a whole is worth 150 gp. But this item’s true value lies in what it does, not what it is. Touching both eyes at the same time summons a succubus from the deepest and darkest plane of evil (see below). Gerontus plundered this statue while on his last military campaign never realizing that this wondrous item was magical, much less an evil thing that summoned demons.

Statuette of Summoning Succubi Activating this item summons a succubus, up to once per day. In all ways using the statuette functions as a summon monster spell, except that the duration of the spell is I minute/user level. Also, note that this particular example of the item has an unfortunate quirk. Because of rough handling that it received both before and after Gerontus took posses- sion of it, it no longer functions reliably When activated, there is a 20% chance that no succubus (or any other being, for that matter) will obey the summons. There is also a 10% chance that the summoned succubus will attack the summoner. At the DMs discretion, this partic- ular statuette may also activate spontaneously. In this case,

a succubus will appear in Gerontus’ closet by itself, then use its greater teleport spell-like ability to leave the villa and hunt prey until it must return to its native plane.

Strong conjuration; CL 14th; Craft Wondrous Item, less- er planar binding, summon monster VII, creator must have the extend spell feat; Price ~0,000 gp; Weight 5 lb.


SO many years since last I sought it, and yet it haunts me still. Last night I dreamt of it again - Mishj Tabula, the legendavy fountain of eternal life, blessed by olos, the sun goddess herself! So many tales that come down to us from the Ancients tell of it; how can it not be real? That no record exists of anyone everfind- ing it means nothing t o me. The Ancients did not lie, and their knowledge ofolos was so much greater than that which we pos- sess in this degraded age.

But why do I speak as if it is lost to me? Of course, Ifound it! Long ago, in the days of my youth, rnyfnend, the great explorer Coronos and I decided that together we would seek Mishj Tabula. At the time, I had taken quite an interest in the venerable old legend, and had read everything I could find about it. I ran- sacked the archives of the Great Library at Nios and the scripto-

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num of the temple of Olos, lookingfor both pnmary sources and relevant commentanes. I do not mind telling you that the sub- ject possessed me. And why would it not? The secret ofeternal life, lost to the ages-yet might it be found once again? who would not think endlessly ofrediscovenng it?

My research rendered up vanous important clues that all pointed t o Mishj Tabala being located not in our own part of the world, but on the continent of Pangas, on the other side of the Great Ocean. And how, you ask, would the Ancients know of it if it lay on a continent whose existence was only recently revealed to us? Bah! Do not dare to question how the Ancients knew what they knew, or what the goddess Olos chose to reveal to them! The Ancients’ knowledge was so much greater than ours. One has only to look at the vast body of tales that they left behind - tales that, they assure us, were all true, and yet no trace of their sub- jects exists today.

I shared my findings with ~oronos, himself a worshipper of 010s. He was also the man who knew more about Pangas than anyone alive, having sailed there himself on several expeditions that had made him famous in Nios. Coronos suggested that the land of Zetha, sparsely populated by humans of a pnmitiv was the best place to search. And so we gathered tton about us, including two pnests of 010s and guards, and set sail from Nios, bound across the amved at the coastal village of Zetha, ion as the capital ofthe people ofthat land. barbanc as they were, treated us as migh vided us with the information that we s inland, to a place called Majita. There, learn more about Mishj Tabala.

So we journeyed inland. It took us several weeks traversing difficult country before we reached Majita, an obscure village on an and plateau where the natives lived in an even more pnmi- ttve state than those we had found in Zetha. But they directed us to the northeast, where, they sazd we would find a spnng hidden in a nng of hills that would greatly affect anyone who drank from it. This matched all that I had learned fvom reading the ancient texts; we knew at last where to find Mishj Tabala.

After three days travel through rough and hilly countvy, we found the place of which they told us. There, at the pass through which we would enter the lzng of hills surrounding the sacred spnng, we found a being much like a gveat bird in form, but obviously not of this plane. This, too, was as the legends told, for they all speak of a celestial being that guards Mishj Tabala and grants access only to the worthy! We made what I believed to be the proper obeisance, bowing low and asking that humble wor- shippers of Olos be allowed access to her blessed spnng (I was not a worshipper of 010s myself, but hoped that it would let that pass). The guardian looked at us for a moment, then turned its head and waved us aside. we had passed the test!

The pass opened onto a vast marsh, the smell ofwhich assault- ed our nostnls. But we knew that this was simply another test that the goddess put forth to separate out the unworthy. we plunged onward, down the path that cut through the marsh. I t

curled around and led to a place at the center of the swamp, where water bubbled to the suvface uncluttered by mud or plant matter. The water had the color of the disk of the sun at sunset, and an unusual smell to it that we couldn’t quite place. But this was supposed to be no ordinary water, after all. We had found it! My companions offered their thanks to their goddess and com- menced to dnnk. I declined; as one who did not worship the sun goddess, I did not feel that I was wovthy. I took my satisfaction instead in the discovery of hidden knowledge.

Alas, the water of Mishj Tabala had not the desired effect. Almost immediately, their bodies began to convulse. Within minutes, they were dead.

I had much time on the long, lonelyjourney back to Zetha to consider what had happened. Had my deductions been wrong? No, I concluded. My research had been so arduous; it could not have led me astray. I could only conclude, with much sadness, that my companions’faith in Olos had been insufficient - even that of my dear bend Coronos, as pious a man as ever lived - for her to reward them with eternal life. How fortunate I was, then, to know my place, and to have refvainedfvom dnnking at

K’S POISONED SPRING ng’ that Kynvok and his compan-

not the Mishj Tabala of legend and d was a bog high up in the hills out- ta badly tainted by the operations of ining colony. These dwarves had perated a large forge for many gen-

erations by the time Kynvoks expedition arrived, and with little care for any toxic byproducts from their activi- ties that might leech into the ground water. The stream that flowed down the opposite slope of the hills into the bog was therefore quite poisonous, and the water that accumulated in the spring was the deadliest of all. Kynvok could not have seen the mine from the path that he took into the ring of hills and so did not know about it, but it is unlikely in any event that he would have connected their presence with the lethality of the spring.

In truth, Kynvok‘s party made the natives of Zetha ner- vous. They had never met foreigners before, and these intense, oddly dressed men from across the Great Ocean alarmed them. Wanting to hustle them along without angering them, the Zethans told them that they knew of Mishj Tabala, but that it lay far inland. They hoped, no doubt that the hinterland of the continent would eventu- ally swallow them up - perhaps the dwarves would deal with them as intruders, or wild beasts would get them, or the orcs and goblinoids that warred with the dwarves would kill them for sport. As far as they were concerned, Mishj Tabala was always ‘over there - ‘ far enough to dis- courage the foreigners from moving on, but definitely not here.

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1. The Keeper of the Pass The ‘guardian spirit’ of which Kynvok writes was and still is an Avoral Guardinal that answers to the name Keronus. Keronus chooses to spend all of his time in the Material Plane, and makes his home in this particular spot. However, he has no inherent connection to this place other than the fact that he long ago took a whim- sical interest in the miners who work nearby. He keeps a solicitous eye on them from a discreet distance and con- siders himself their celestial protector. However, he has no real connection with Olos, and no formal affiliation with the spring. If anyone wants to get past him to visit the spring, he simply shrugs and lets them pass, not caring one way or another. This is essentially what he did with Kynvoks party. Anyone who is Evil in alignment gets a hostile reception, however.

Like all Avorals, Keronus’ align- ment is Neutral Good. This fact caused Kynvok to assume that he was affiliated with Olos, who is also Neutral Good.

Avoral: CR 9; Medium outsider; HD 7d8+35 (66 hp); Init +6; Spd 40 ft., fly 90 ft. (good); AC 24, touch 16, flat-footed 18; Base Atk +9; Grp +9; Atk +13 melee (2d6+12, claw or 2d8+2, wing); Full Atk +I3 melee (2d6+12, 2 claws or 2d8+2, 2 wings); Space/Reach 5 ft./s ft.; SA Spell-like abilities, fear aura; S Q Damage reduction 10/evil or silver, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to electricity and petrification, lay on hands, low-light vision, resistance to cold I O and sonic IO, speak with animals, spell resistance 25, true seeing; AL N G SV Port + I O (+I4 against poison), Ref +11, Will +8; Str 15, Dex 23, Con 20, Int 15, Wis 16, Cha 16.

Diplomacy +7, Disguise +3 (+5 acting), Handle Animal +13, Hide +16, Intimidate +5, Knowledge (any one) +12, Listen +13, Move Silently +16, Ride +8, Sense Motive +13, Spellcraft +12, Spot +21; Empower Spell-Like Ability (magic missile), Flyby Attack, Weapon Finesse.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will - aid, blur (self only), command (DC 14), detect magic, dimension door, dispel magic, gust of wind (DC IS), hold person (DC 16), light, magic ctrcle against evil (selfonly), magic missile, see invisibility; 3/day - lightning bolt (DC 16). Caster level 8th. The save DCs are Charisma-based.



Fear Aura (Su): Once per day an avoral can create an aura of fear in a 20-ft. radius. It is otherwise identical with fear from an 8th-level caster (save DC 17). The save DC is Charisma-based.

Lay on Hands (Su): As the paladin class feature, except skills and Feats: Bluff +13, Concentration +IS, that each day, an avoral can heal an amount of damage

equal to its full normal hit points. Speak with Animals (Su): This ability works like speak

with animals (caster level 8th) but is a free action and does not require sound.

True Seeing (Su): This ability is identical with true seeing (caster level 14th), except that it has personal range and the avoral must concentrate for 1 full round before it takes effect. Thereafter the ability remains in effect as long as the avoral concentrates on it.

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successful DC 15 Fortitude save or else suffer ld4 Con damage in secondary damage. There is no

initial damage.

3. The Spring Here, water from the stream that runs by the offend- ing mine collects in a bubbling pool surrounded by marsh and muck. The water has an unnatural red- dish-yellow color to it and a slightly metallic smell. Anyone who drinks from it, as did the members of

Kynvok's ill-fated expedition, must make a Fortitude save against poison (DC 20). Anyone who fails suf- fers 2d6 Con damage in initial damage. The sec- ondary damage is death.

Kynvok and the devotees of the sun god with whom he traveled would never have thought

of doing so, but the highly toxic water from this spring may be used as a poison. When applied

to drink or food (it must be ingested) it dilutes, but is still quite harmful. Anyone exposed to it in this form must make a DC 15 Fortitude save against poison or suffer its

effects: ld6 Com damage in initial damage, and


3d6 Con damage in secondary damage.

Keronus' treasure consists of 12 fire opals worth 100 gp each and a +I chain shirt hidden behind a rock (successful DC 15 Search test to find the hiding place).

2. The Narrow Path In order to reach the spring, you must use a narrow path that cuts through impassable swamplands. At one point, the path is so narrow that all creatures of medium size or

Cursed be the name of usurpation, and a curse upon trai- tors everywhere and in every age! And let no one say that i,

Kynvok, do not know treachery in the making when i see it. it matters not whether it is a kingdom or a small shopkeeper and his shopboys, those who give orders and those who receive them must all know their places and behave accordingly!

When i lived in the great city of Etana, I frequented the temple of Akolon, the god of magic - not because i worshipped him, but because the priests there were helpful t o me in my own pursuit of the arcane arts. i became so familiar with them that one day, while we were engaged in casual conversation out of _ _

larger that attempt to pass through this chokepoint must make a successful DC 8 Balance check or else fall into the muck. The DC increases by 4 per size level above medium (so that a large-size creature must make a DC 12 Balance check, and so on). Unfortunately for anyone who fails this check, the swamp immediately around this point in the path has the consistency of quicksand, and once you're in it's very difficult to get out. Anyone who falls into the swamp at this point must make a successful DC 8 Swim check or else he begins to drown. And even if you escape death by drowning, the muck here is somewhat toxic and exposure to it could make you sick. Anyone who falls into the swamp but does not die from drowning must make a

earshot of others, some younger priests confessed to me that that they were deeply unhappy with their senior clerics. if they were in charge, they would do things much differently, they declared! Such talk alarmed me - all the more so because I saw such deep anger blazing in their eyes. immediately, i denounced their treachery and pleaded with them in the strongest t e r n s to leave all threats of violent usuvpation as a crime against their god and the laws of the city. The young priests seemed hurt and confused by my words. i do not know if my urgings had any effect on them, for i came to the temple of Akolon no longer.

Ah! Treachery! Usurpation! I cannot tolerate the thought of it even now.

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TEMPLE OF AKOLON Kynvoks information is partially correct - there is unrest within the ranks of the priesthood of the god of magic, and the main temple in Etana is split more or less down the line between the senior and junior clerics. This present crop of Apprentice-Initiates do not know their place, and they think they should have greater say in man- aging the temple’s affairs. The officials of the temple keep secret from them all matters under consideration and notify them only after a final decision has been reached. It has ever been thus in the cult of Akolon, in Etana and elsewhere. But none of the Apprentice-Initiates are pleased with this state of affairs, and neither are the Junior Prefects. With Prefect Grant acting as their informal leader and spokesman, the younger priests have grum- bled about gaining a more prominent role in temple gov- ernance. They also want the cult to open up its criteria for ordaining priests, allowing non-humans and females of all races to become clerics of Akolon, provided they swear appropriate loyalty to the will of Akolon.

Most of the senior officers of the temple are troubled by these murmurs. The notion that younger priests would challenge the wisdom of their elders shocks them, as does the prospect of any strong challenge to the cult’s tradi- tional ways. They oppose any change to the practices of their sect because one simply does not abandon the way things have always been done. The Senior Prefects, who see themselves as halfway to becoming senior officials, tend to enforce the party line as an expression of their ambition to rise in the temple hierarchy. In short, they are used to sucking up to the senior priests. But if they saw the senior priests losing in a power struggle to their juniors, they would change sides without any qualms.

But the junior priests have a secret ally in Lestus, the Deacon of the temple and as such, its second-ranking offi- cial. Lestus long ago concluded that the cult of Akolon needed to change its ways or else it would stagnate and lose its popularity. Also, he has never been comfortable with the strictures against ordaining non-humans. His great-grandfather was an elf, and although he is, for all functional purposes, a human, he keeps this detail of his ancestry secret from his colleagues because he is unsure how they would react to it. Lestus therefore has a very personal interest in seeing the cult shed at least some of its restrictive practices. Grant senses that Lestus is sympa- thetic to the junior clerics, but is unsure of how he would react if it came to a showdown.

Such a showdown, however, will be purely political in nature. Contrary to Kynvoks assumption, the junior cler- ics have no intention of launching a violent confrontation with the senior priests. At best, they are desperately trying to summon the courage to make a formal presentation of their views. Any hostility in their private grumbling about temple business (something that they shouldn’t be dis-

cussing with outsiders anyway) is simply blowing off steam, venting frustration over their feeling of powerless- ness within the temple hierarchy. Most of the Apprentice- Initiates do not like the thought of causing trouble in the temple. Their devotion to the worship of Akolon is pure and sincere. They believe just as sincerely, however, that the current practices of the senior priests -both in the Etana temple and elsewhere - does not serve the best interests of the cult.

The following description lists the priests of the temple as they were during Kynvoks residence in Etana. Note that the priests do not carry weapons or wear armor around the temple unless they are expecting trouble. Under normal circ*mstances, they keep such possessions in their apartments. The temple is under the effect of a hullow spell, this also provides the effect of a bless spell on all of the priests and worshippers while inside the temple.


in gold and silver with high- he grand lobby of the temple is ith the glory of Akolon. 8-ft. tall

mythical avatars, Calesh and ance to the shrine. They are also (in accordance with ancient leg-

pearance) and clusters of opals and sapphires worth 2,000 gp each fill the eye sockets.

Off to the left stands a five-sided obelisk carved from black volcanic rock. Each side is inscribed from top to bot- tom with mysterious runes. For the most part, this writing is mere gibberish, meant to impress the credulous with meaningless scribbles in an obscure language. But some of the runes on one side spell out a brief message in Draconic, to the effect that all who visit the temple should revere the deep knowledge of Akolon lest their ignorance destroy them. A successful DC 10 Knowledge (arcane) or Knowledge (religion) check reveals that this is a conven- tional, formulaic greeting from the cult of Akolon and does not bear any particular significance.

2. Shrine This room has an oval shape, and the center of the floor is tiled to form two concentric circles, the outer one tiled gray and the inner one tiled black. In other words, the entire floor represents an enormous eye, the symbol of Akolon. All rituals of the temple take place here. At all other times, however, the shrine is purposefully left unfurnished, for there can be no mote in the Eye of Akolon.

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3. Vestry The priests of the temple keep their lustrous purple and gold ceremonial robes here. They also store their great altar to Akolon here, pulling it into the shrine on a sled when needed. The shrine measures 5 ft. tall and 10 ft. wide. It consists of a statue of an enormous open eye carved from pure white marble set against a mahogany backdrop inlaid with gold beams of light highlighted with platinum. Its market value based on its materials is 8,000 gp, but removing it from the temple would prove a cumbersome task because of its size and weight.

4. Scriptorium As the name indicates, this antechamber houses the tem- ple’s library. Bookshelves filled with tomes and scroll cases line the walls. The vast majority of the writings housed here are records of the temple (including person- al journals of deceased memb tises on the history of arcane However, a glass case in the corn divine spell scrolls. Determi scroll by rolling on Table DUNGEON MASTER’S Guide.” There are 10 medium scrolls and 1 major but it is warded by an I l t glyph, sonic). If it is set off, the leaves the scrolls undamaged. is “Calesh Vurhend.” The names order, but both names must be s they were part of the sam Speaking only one name will produce no result.

If the glyph on the case is set off, everyone in the temple will hear it. All priests present will respond as if an intrud- er has entered their sanctuary.

5. Reading Room This room contains several comfortable chairs arranged haphazardly. In theory, the Reading Room is open to all temple members regardless of rank. But because of its proximity to the High Priest’s private chamber, it is treat- ed in practice as an extension of his apartment. It is not unusual to find High Priest Salastus lounging there, and no one enters without at least his tacit approval. Salastus keeps a wand of magic missile (5th level) with 40 charges left in it concealed in a battered scroll case standing in the corner nearest the door to his chamber.

6. Meeting Room This room contains chairs set around a circular table. The top of the table is inlaid with a 1 inch diameter disk of semi-precious stone, so that it resembles the iris and pupil of the eye on the floor of the shrine. Anyone with ranks in Disable Device and some kind of wedge (like a dagger or a crowbar) may remove it by spending IO minutes at the

task. Anyone doing so, however, must make a Disable Device test (DC 20). If the test is unsuccessful, the disk has been damaged and is worth only 50 gp. If the test is successful, the disk has been removed intact and is worth 200 gp.

7. Head Priest’s Chamber The leader of the temple, Salastus, keep his private cham- bers in this luxuriously appointed room adorned with tapestries depicting Akolon and his avatars Calesh and Vurhend.

Salastus; Human Clr 11/Wiz 5: CR 15; Medium humanoid; HD 11d8+22,5d4+10; hp 97; Init +4; Spd 30 ft.; AC 18, touch 10, flat-footed 18; Base Atk +lo; Grp +11; +I3 melee (ld8+3, mowlingstar +2) or + l o ranged (1d8/19-20, light crossbow); Full Atk +13/+8 melee (ld8+3, mom- ingstar +2) or + lo ranged (ld8/19-20, light crossbow); SA

LN; SV Fort +lo; Ref +4; ; Int 14 Wis 19; Cha 12.

oncentration +8, Decipher Script +6, ea1 +8, Knowledge (arcane) +6, y) +6, Knowledge (religion) +8,

pekraft +6, Search +4, Spot +6; Alertness, at Casting, Craft Wondrous Item,

als, Improved Initiative, Scribe Scroll,

6/5/3/2; save DC 14 + spell level): o - cure minor wounds, detect magic (2), guidance, light, read mapc; 1st - command, cure light wounds (2), comprehend languages, divine favor, Nystul’s mapc aura’>, obscunng mist; 2nd - cure moderate wounds, darkness, detect thought?, hold person (2), lesser restoration; 3rd - blindness/deafness, cure serious wounds, dispel magic* (2), invisibility purge, prayer; 4th - cure cntical wound, imbue with spell abilitf, lesser planar ally, neutralize poison, restoration; 5th - flame stnke, nghteous might, spell resistance’,.; 6th - antimagic field“, blade barner.

“Domain spell. Domains: Knowledge (Add all Knowledge skills to your list of cleric class skills. You cast divination spells at +1 caster level.), Magic (Use scrolls, wands, and other devices with spell completion or spell trigger activation as a wizard of one-half your cleric level [at least 1st level]. For the purpose of using a scroll or other magic device, if you are also a wizard, actual wizard levels and these effective wizard levels stack.).

Wizard Spells Prepared (4/4/3/1 save DC 12 + spell level); o - daze, flare, ghost sound, ray of frost; 1st - color spray, mage amov, magic missile, sleep; 2nd - arcane lock, summon monster 11, web; 3rd -fifiueball.

Spellbook: o - daze, detect magic, flare, ghost sound, message, ray offrost; 1st - color spray, disguzse self, mage amor, magc missile, obscunng mist, sleep; 2nd - arcane lock, darkvision, mirror image, summon monster 11, web; 3rd --fiveball, gaseous fom, hvrmnd’s tiny hut.

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Possessions: robe of the archmagi, morningstar +2, periapt of proof against poison, ring of protection +3, light crossbow, 20 bolts, steel holy symbol, scroll of cure critical wounds, scroll of hold pemn, scroll offlame strike (loth level), scroll of gaseous f O t W .

There are three tapestries in the room, each of which is worth 250 gp. A chest next to the desk holds his personal horde, 2,000 gp and 100 pp. The chest is warded with an 11th level symbol of persuaston spell inscribed on the lid where one would expect to find the lock. Everyone affect- ed by the spell must refrain from opening the chest, and they believe in all sincerity that it will bring calamity to whoever does so. They must make an opposed Charisma check against Salustus (even if he is not present), and if they fail, they must immediately cry out in alarm (in effect, acting as a burglar alarm). The password for cir- cumventing the spell is “Calesh.”The desk is not locked or warded.

8. Storage Room This is the general storage area for the temple. It contains boxes and crates and a lot of dust gathered in the corners. Many of the containers are empty, and most of the rest contain sundries and dry goods - nothing of value. The only items of note here are a box filled with 500 sheets of parchment and another box containing 100 gp worth of fine incense. Finding them among the clutter requires a successful Search test (DC 10) for each.


9. Deacon’s Apartment Lestus, the temple Deacon and as such, Salustus’ second- in-command, resides here.

Lestus; Human Clr I O : CR I O ; Medium humanoid; HD 10d8+20; hp 68; Init +O; Spd 20 ft.; AC 23, touch 11, flat- footed 23; Base Atk +7; Grp +8; Atk + l o melee (ld8+l, morningstar +1) or +8 ranged (1d8/19-20, light crossbow); Full Atk +10/+5 melee (ld8+1, morningstar +1) or +8 ranged (1d8/19-20, light crossbow); SA turn undead 4/day; SQ-; AL CN; SV Fort +9; Ref +4; Will +11; Str 13; Dex 11; Con 14; Int 15; Wis 19; Cha 12.

skills and Feats: Concentration +6, Diplomacy +4, Heal +8, Knowledge (history) +5, Knowledge (religion) +7, Listen +6, Spellcraft +7, Search +4, Spot +6; Brew Potion, Combat Casting, Scribe Scroll, Weapon Focus (morn- ingstar).

Cleric Spells Prepared (6/6/6/5/5/3; save DC 14 + spell level): 0 - cure minor wounds, detect magic (2), guidance, light, read magic; 1st - command, cure light wounds (2), comprehend languages, Nystd’s magic aura”, obscuring mist; 2nd - cure moderate wounds, darkness, detect thoughts“, hold person (2),

lesser restoration; 3rd - blindness/deafness, cure serious wounds, dispel magicg (2), invisibility purge; 4th - cure criti- cal wound, imbue with spell ability?, lesser planar ally, neutral- ize poison, restoration; 5th -flame strike, tighteous might, spell resistance“.

“Domain spell. Domains: Knowledge (Add all Knowledge skills to your list of cleric class skills. You cast divination spells at +1 caster level.), Magic (Use scrolls, wands, and other devices with spell completion or spell trigger activation as a wizard of one-half your cleric level [at least 1st level]. For the purpose of using a scroll or other magic device, if you are also a wizard, actual wizard levels and these effective wizard levels stack.).

Possessions: full plate amor + I , heavy steel shield +2, mom- ingstar +I, light crossbow, 20 bolts, steel holy symbol, scroll of cuw cvitical wounds, scroll of hold person, scroll offlame stvike (loth level).

Lestus keeps 600 g p in a locked chest next to his bed. Picking the lock requires a successful DC 15 Disable Device check.

IO. Secretary’s Apartment Atrion, the temple Secretary and its third ranking official, resides here.

Atrion; Human C h 6: CR 6; Medium humanoid; HD 6d8+12; hp 42; Init +1; Spd 20 ft.; AC 23, touch 11, flat- footed 23; Base Atk +3; Grp +4; Atk +6 melee (Id8+1, mas- terwork morningstar) or +S ranged (ld8/19-20, light crossbow); Full Atk +6 melee (ld8+1, masterwork morn- ingstar) or +S ranged (1d8/19-20, light crossbow); SA turn undead 4/day; SQ-; AL LN; SV Fort +7; Ref +2; Will +8; Str 11; Dex 11; Con 14; Int 12; Wis 16 Cha 12.

Skills and Feats: Concentration +6, Heal +5, Knowledge (religion) +6, Listen +3, Spekraft +6, Brew Potion, Combat Casting, Scribe Scroll, Weapon Focus (morn- ingstar).

Clevlc Spells hepared ( 5 / 5 / 5 / 4 ; save DC 13 + spell level): 0

- cure minor wounds, detect magic, guidance, light, read magtc; 1st - cure light wounds (2), comprehend languages, Nystulk magtc aura”’, obscuvlng mist; 2nd - cure moderate wounds, darkness, detect thoughts“, hold person (2); 3rd - blindness/deafness, cure senous wounds, dispel tnagic”, mvistbil- tty purge.

”‘Domain spell. Domains: Knowledge (Add all Knowledge skills to your list of cleric class skills. You cast divination spells at +1 caster level.), Magic (Use scrolls, wands, and other devices with spell completion or spell trigger activation as a wizard of one-half your cleric level [at least 1st level]. For the purpose of using a scroll or other magic device, if you are also a wizard, actual wizard levels and these effective wizard levels stack.).

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Possessions: full plate armor +1, heavy steel shield +2, master- work morningstar, light crossbow, 20 bolts, steel holy symbol, scroll of cure moderate wounds, scvoll of hold person, scroll of summon monster 11.

Atrion keeps 250 gp in a locked strongbox next to his bed. Picking the lock requires a successful DC 15 Disable Device check.

11. Treasurer's Apartment Rufin, the temple Treasurer and its fourth ranking official, resides here.

Rufin, Human Clr 5: CR 5; Medium humanoid; HD 5d8+10; hp 36; h i t +o; Spd 20 ft.; AC 20, touch 10, flat- footed 20; Base Atk +3; Grp +6; Atk +5 melee (ld8+l, mas- terwork morningstar) or +O ranged (ld8/19-20, light crossbow); Full Atk +5 melee (ld8+l, masterwork morn- ingstar) or +O ranged (1d8/19-20, light crossbow); SA turn undead 4/day; SQ-; AL LN; SV Fort +6; Ref +l; Will +7; Str 13; Dex 9; Con 14; Int 11; Wis 16 Cha 12.

(religion) +4, Listen +3, Spellcra Combat Casting, Scribe Scroll.

- cure minor wounds, detect magic, guid 1st - cure light wounds (2), rompreh aura+, obscuring mzst; 2nd - cure mo detect thoughts", hold person; 3rd - cure senous wounds, dispel magic's-, glyph of warding. ';"Domain spell. Domains: Knowledge (Add all Knowledge skills to your list of cleric class skills. Rufin cast divination spells at +1 caster level.), Magic (Use scrolls, wands, and other devices with spell completion or spell trigger activation as a wizard of one-half your cleric level [at least 1st level]. For the purpose of using a scroll or other magic device, if you are also a wizard, actual wizard levels and these effective wizard levels stack.).

Possessions: full plate armor, blinding heavy steel shield +I, masterwork morningstar, light crossbow, 20 bolts, steel holy symbol, scroll of cure moderate wounds, scroll of hold per- son, scroll of summon monstev II.

skills and Feats: Concentration +6, Heal +5, Kno

Clem Spells Prepared (5/5/4/3; save DC 1

Rufin keeps the contents of the Temple's treasury in his apartment, in a locked and trapped strongbox hidden under a loose floorboard behind his desk. A rug covers that section of the floor (a successful DC 25 Search test is required to detect the ruse). The box is not concealed or trapped by magical means, as that would make it possible to detect by a spell as simple as detect magic. The box is guarded by loth level Blast Glyph (Sonic). Setting off the glyph also acts as a burglar alarm that can easily be heard throughout the building. It contains 1,000 pp, 286 gp, 120 sp and 5 precious gems worth 2,000 gp each.

Rufin has no treasure of his own. One of the perks of his office is that his personal assets are banked with the temple treasury, and he draws his money out of the trea- sury whenever he needs it.

12. Senior Prefects' Apartment Quercis and Nabar are the two Senior Prefects of the Temple. Their job is to supervise the day-to-day activities of the low-ranking members of the temple.

Senior Prefect, Human Clr 3: CR 3; Medium humanoid; HD 3d8+6; hp 23; Init +o; Spd 20 ft.; AC 19, touch 10, flat-footed 19; Base Atk +2; Grp +3; Atk +4 melee ( ld8+l , masterwork morningstar) or +O ranged (ld8/19-20, light crossbow); Full Atk +4 melee (1d8+1, masterwork morningstar) or +O ranged (ld8/19-20, light crossbow); SA turn undead 4/day; S Q -; AL N; SV Fort +5; Ref +l; Will +5; Str 13; Dex 9; Con 14; Int 11; Wis 15;

ncentration +4, Heal +3, Knowledge (religion) +4, Listen +2, Spellcraft +4, Brew Potion, Combat Casting, Scribe Scroll.

Clevic Spells Prepared (4/4/3; save DC 13 + spell level): 0 - cure minor wounds, detect magic; guidance, read mapc; 1st - cure light wounds, comprehend languages, nl's magic aura", summon monster I; 2nd - cure moderate wounds, detect thoughts*, hold person.

"Domain spell. Domains: Knowledge (Add all Knowledge skills to your list of cleric class skills. Prefect cast divination spells a t +1 caster level.), Magic (Use scrolls, wands, and other devices with spell completion or spell trigger activation as a wizard of one-half your cleric level [at least 1st level]. For the purpose of using a scroll or other magic device, if you are also a wizard, actual wizard levels and these effective wizard levels stack.).

Possessions: half-plate armor, heavy steel shield, master- work morningstar, light crossbow, 20 bolts, steel holy symbol, scroll of cure light wounds, scroll of hold person.

Each senior prefect keeps 100 gp in a locked strongbox next to his bed. Picking the lock requires a successful DC 15 Disable Device check.

13. Junior Prefects' Apartment Dascus and Grant are the two Junior Prefects of the Temple. Their job is to assist the Senior Prefects, and assume their duties if they are incapacitated.

Junior Prefect, Human Clr 2: CR 2; Medium humanoid; HD 2d8+4; hp 16; Init -1; Spd 20 ft.; AC 17, touch 9, flat- footed 17; Base Atk +1; Grp +2; Atk +2 melee (Id8+1, morningstar) or -1 ranged (1d8/19-20, light crossbow); Full Atk +2 melee (ld8+l, morningstar) or -1 ranged (ld8/19-20, light crossbow); SA turn undead 4/day; S Q

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-; AL N; SV Fort +5; Ref -1; Will +5; Str 13; Dex 8; skills and Feats: Concentration +4, Knowledge (religion) Con 14; Int 11; Wis 15; Cha 12. +2, Listen +3, Spellcraft +2, Combat Casting, Scribe Scroll.

skills and Feats: Concentration +4, Knowledge (religion) Clem Spells Prepared (3/3; save DC 13 + spell level): 0 -cure +3, Listen +3, Spellcraft +3 , Combat Casting, Scribe Scroll. minor wounds, detect magrc, read magrc; 1st - cure ltght

Clenc Spells Prepared (4/4; save DC 13 + spell level): 0 - cure wounds, comprehend languages, n's magic aura". minor wounds, detect magrc, guidance, read magzc; 1st - cure "Domain spell. Domains: Knowledge (Add all light wounds, comprehend languages, n's magic aura", summon Knowledge skills to your list of cleric class skills. Initiates monster I. cast divination spells at +1 caster level.), Magic (Use

"Domain spell. Domains: Knowledge (Add all scrolls, wands, and other devices with spell completion or Knowledge skills to your list of cleric class skills. Prefect spell trigger activation as a wizard of one-half your cleric cast divination spells at +1 caster level.), Magic (Use level [at least 1st level]. For the purpose of using a scroll or scrolls, wands, and other devices with spell completion or other magic device, if you are also a wizard, actual wizard spell trigger activation as a wizard of one-half your cleric levels and these effective wizard levels stack.). level [at least 1st level]. For the purpose of using a scroll or Possessions: Scale mail, light steel shield, heavy mace, other magic device, if you are also a wizard, actual wizard light crossbow, 20 bolts, steel holy symbol, scroll of cure levels and these effective wizard levels stack.). light wounds.

Possessions: Splint mail, heavy steel shield, morningstar, light crossbow, 20 bolts, steel ho light wounds.

ssions. Their hoards ch, kept in sacks under their beds.

Each junior prefect keeps 800 sp to his bed. Picking the lock requir Disable Device check.

nitiates of theTemple. e as for Wister and

14. Wister and Acalar's Apartment Wister and Alcalar are Apprentice- lowest in the temple hierarchy. They furnished room.

Initiate of Akolon, Human Clr 1: CR 1; Medium humanoid; HD ld8+2; hp 10; Init -1; Spd 20 ft.; AC 14, touch 9, flat-footed 14; Base Atk +o; Grp +1; Atk +1 melee (Id8+l, heavy mace) or -1 ranged (1d8/19-20, light cross- bow); Full Atk +I melee (Id8+l, heavy mace) or -1 ranged (1d8/19-20, light crossbow); SA turn undead 4/day; S Q -; AL N; SV Fort +4; Ref -1; Will +4; Str 13; Dex 8; Con 1% Int 10; Wis IS; Cha 12.

es of the Temple, and also twin brothers. Their statistics and treasure are the same as for Wister and Alcalar, except that they also have mementos of family life - personal letters, and other minor items.

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Winged stallion Inn]

There ain’t no god. There ain’t no heaven and hell. There ain’t no after life. Clencs got us feanng twenty-two hundred different ktnds of hell and pewerting our lives with their tales of suffenng and piety.

Bullocks. Ain’t none of it true. Are you calling me a liar? o h sure, they spread the word, missionanes making sure that

veligton gets to all the comers of the earth. But you and I know better. You and I know-

wh-? Did you hear something? I know I heard something. Anyway. Where was I? oh. Yeah. The clencs. They got themselves a good racket too.

They invent the evils and then mtraculously cure the ills. Isn’t that easy? I tell you. Fancy bit of chicanery if you ask me. And you dtd.

But, that’s not all there t s to these guys. Right. They all know about one another. They have some secret cabal thing going on. Each of‘em knows that if they get exposed, the whole thingcmm- bles.. . nght? So what better way to pevpetuate ‘unhamony’ than by brainwashing afew guys, make ‘em evil pnests, and con- veniently have a hero or two come along and stop their evil ntu- al. Ever nottce they never catch the guy behind the guy?

Think about it. And what the heck are these ntuals about anyway? Its always

some demon they want to bnng to this wovld, but they never need evidence that he exists because someone ‘stops’ them before

they can complete their magic. All in tice of whoever drew the short straw that month.

ofthe god O ~ J U S -

I’m telling ya, ~ ’ m not making this up. And when was the last time one of these do-gooders actually

did some good? Half of them show up in your town and build a church and demand a tithe. The other half go off into the wild and bnng religion to the orcs. Tell me how that makes any sense. what we need is some guy that can cure a back ache, kill off the goblins next doov, and leave me alone to my beer on Sundays tf I want to dnnk.

But, you think these power hungry religzous nuts are going to let some small time apothecary or herbalist into this place? Bah. They just wunt what they want and to hell with the rest of us. I tell you, if the bishop of St. Mercy came walking in here nght now, I’d punch him square in his nose.

Are you calling me a liar? No? Good. Then, buy me another of these and I’ll tell you

about paladins.

Religions have played such an important part of fantasy gaming for so long, it’s hard to conceive of a game world without them. Entire pantheons have been developed and as gaming advances and matures, these pantheons become more and more complex. Keeping track of the gods is almost a full time job. so, why can’t we play in a world without gods? Or, as Gilibran is so eloquently trying to say - what if the clerics are a fraud?

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Anyway. The clichc gets old, fast. And with clerics being the same from religion to religion, with just

a few changes in granted powers here and there (Mechanically, what really is the difference between a

cleric of good and a cleric of evil?), the repetition from adventure to adventure reduces the level of fun you’re having. Drastic measures are in order and no one is going to like what’s coming next.

Get rid of clerics. I can hear the cries already, and

this hasn’t even been printed yet. “But without clerics, there’s no way to get healed after the fight- erharbarian ‘hit point battery’ takes a dive. How do I survive

the rigors of my DM’s PC-killing dungeons without a cleric? How do I heal the sorcerer and rogue when

they get basted by horrzd wilting? How do I turn undead and convince

the peasants that I’m cool?”

1. Play smarter. Don’t let the monsters take your hit point total to 1. [Yeah, nght.]

2. Ask the DM to make combat less deadly. [Almost as likely as #I.]

3. Clerics and paladins really do have magical powers and everything goes back to the way it was. [Bonng.]

4. Make druids the new divine substitute. [perfect for dungeon crawls.]

5. Introduce a new class that can heal, but that doesn’t have a religious bent? [Where do I sign up?]

Now. Take a deep breath and think about what that does your campaign world. The gods don’t really exist, their ‘powers’ are just another kind of sorcery, and all those healing spells you’ve received over the years are just necromantic powers turned to good. Or worse yet - illu- sions.

Now, for the most part, clerics play a vital role in cam- paigns. People get hurt, they go to the cleric and say “heal me” and the game goes on. No lost time, waiting to heal those lost hit points at 1.5 per day. But, ifa cleric was truly serving his god, he’d be out there spreading the word, building churches, and converting people to his order; none of which happens in the typical dungeon-delving economy of scales known as ‘adventuring,’ So, in order to get my wizard healed back up to 5 hit points, I need a cler- ic. But, the god equation gets a little messy. Campaign after campaign after campaign the same 5 gods see play - god of the sun, god of war, god of justice, god storms, and god of war. Wait. That’s 4.

CHAPLAIN I The obvious religious overtones are there with a class like chaplain, but in fantasy games this is generally a less pious field medic. And since the name has some currency, we’re removing the religious overtones and focusing on the “fighting healer” theme that is so much a part of fantasy gaming.

Alignment: Any. Hit Die: ds.

Class Skills The chaplain’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (nature) (Int), Jump (Str), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), and Swim (Str).

Skill Points at 1st Level: (4 + Int modifier) x4. Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 4 + Int modifier.

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Class Features All of the following are class features of the chaplain.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A chaplain is profi- cient with all simple weapons, with light and medium armor, and all shields. In addition, they gain proficiency with any two martial weapons or one exotic weapon. Every time a chaplain would be allowed to choose a feat (i.e. 3rd level, 6th level, etc.,), but not a bonus feat, he also gains proficiency with an additional martial weapon of his choice.

Combat Medic (Ex): At 1st level, a chaplain is a wounded soldier's best friend. He can administer first aid to a dying character as a move-equivalent action. If he spends a full-round action administering first aid, he gains a competence bonus to the check equal to his level.

At 7th level, the chaplain can now administer long term care with greater effect. PCs that rest for a full day under the care of a chaplain gain hit points back at twice the nor- mal rate instead of at 1.5. In addition, the chaplain's com- bat medicine is so refined, he gains a +4 competence bonus to all Heal checks.

Healing Touch (Ex): At 1st level, the chaplain has a healing touch that allows him to heal damage like any of the cure spells. However, unlike the cure spells, this is not a magical effect. The chaplain must spend a full-round action applying bandages, herbs, and medicinal knowl- edge to heal this damage. He can use this ability a number of times per day equal to his chaplain level (maximum IO).

The amount healed is equal to % his chaplain level, plus the roll of a die. At 1st level, he rolls a ld8. At 4th level, he rolls a 2d8. At 8th level, he rolls a 3d8. At 12th level, he rolls a 4d8 and a t 15th level and beyond, he rolls a 5d8. Unlike a cleric, however, he cannot harm undead with this power.

Brew Restoratives (Ex): At 3rd level, the chaplain can now create restorative healing herbs. While they mimic spells, they are non-magical in nature. Any attempt to detect magic or dispel the restoratives is negated.

The chaplains uses the Brew Potion feat to make any of the following potions - aid, cure light wounds, cure minor wounds, delay poison, lesser restoration, remove paralysis, or resistance. He must follow all the rules for Brew Potion, paying the gp and XP cost as normal. In addition, a Craft (alchemy) check is required. The DC for the check is 10 + the spell's level that is being replicated.

At 8th level, the chaplain can now make the following additional potions - cure moderate wounds, cure serious wounds, remove blindnessldeafness, remove curse, remove disease, or restoration".

At 12th level, the chaplain can now make the following additional potions - cure critical wounds", death ward, neutralize poisonse, or poison".

" Normally spells beyond 3rd level cannot be brewed into a potion. However, because of the non-magical nature of the restoratives, the chaplain merely knows the correct alchemical combinations to imbue the proper effect. Bonus Feat (Ex): At 4th level, the chaplain's martial

prowess begins to take shape. He gains a defensive com- bat-oriented feat in addition to the feats he receives at lst, 3rd, and every 3 levels thereafter. The chaplain gains an additional bonus feat at 8th level, and every 4 levels there- after (12th, 16th, and 20th).

The chaplain can choose any feat from the following list so long as the prerequisites are met - Agile, Alertness, Combat Expertise, Deft Hands, Die Hard, Dodge, Endurance, Great Fortitude, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Martial Weapon Proficiency, Mobility, Negotiator, Persuasive, Quick Draw, Run, Self-sufficient, or Toughness.


I "

3 rd +2 +3 +1 +3 Brew restoratives 4th 73 t 4 +1 e4 Bonus feat, healing touch +2d8 5th +3 +4 +1 +4 Restoration ld3 6th 14 +5 +2 +5 Superior health I 7th +5 +5 +2 +5 Combat medic (superior long-term care) 8th -61-1 +6 1 2 +6 Bonus feat, healing touch +3d8 9th +6/t1 +6 +3 +6 Restoration 1 d4+1 10th +? I t2 7 7 t 3 t 7 Last rites 11th +8/+3 +7 +3 +7 Superior health II, healing touch +4d8 12 th -9/+4 -8 +4 18 Bonus feat, restoration (magical) 13th +9/+4 +8 +4 C8 Restoration ld6+2 14th +10/+5 +9 +4 t 9 Last rites 15th +11/+6/+1 t 9 +5 +9 Healing touch +5d8 16th t l 2/+7/+2 -1 0 +5 +10 Bonus feat, superior health I l l , heal 17th +12/+7/+2 t10 +5 +10 Restoration ld8+3 18th 1 1 3/43/73 t 1 1 +6 +11 19th +14/+9/+4 +11 +6 +11 heal (2/day) 20th 715/710/+5 T12 76 11 2 Bonus feat, last rites

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Restoration (Ex): At 5th level, the chaplain gains the ability to undo the ravages of nature. Poison and the like can be cured quickly, should the chaplain administer aid in time. So long as the chaplain touches the victim within a number of rounds equal to his chaplain level (from the time that the effect was suffered), he can, as a standard action, make a Heal check (DC 15) to negate one negative effect on an ally. He can cure non-magical temporary abil- ity score damage (ld3+1 points worth), neutvalize potson, eliminate fatigue, or turn an exhausted condition to a fatigued condition. However, he can only negate one effect a t a time. If there is no time left, he cannot neutral- ize snake bite poison and then restore the lost ability score points. Otherwise, so long as he is touching the ally, he can attempt one effect per round.

At 9th level, and every 4 levels thereafter (13th and 17th), the chaplain’s ability to restore temporary ability score damage increases by on level this increase to ld4+1, at 1 points of ability damage, and at 17th he cu

At 12th level, the chaplains res to magical effects as well as permanent abi age. In addition, he can cure feav effec check (DC equal to the original s ally as a standard action.

Superior Health (Ex): At 6th level immunity to all mundane diseases. At immunity to all supernatural a 16th level, his understanding of disea can help an ally who suffers fro cal disease. So long as the ally was s hours, the chaplain can admin tim a second saving throw if th

ter last rites to a dying or dead creature. The person can- not have been dead more than I hour per chaplain level. With a successful Concentration check (DC 10 + target’s character level or HD), the chaplain may, as a full round action (which draws an attack of opportunity), lead the soul to the land of the dead. This rite is devoid of religious overtones and helps to guide all creatures, no matter of religion. Following last rites, the body cannot be raised by any magical means, nor can it be raised as an undead creature.

At 14th level, the chaplain can now use his last rites power to turn undead, as a cleric. However, the chaplain must make a touch attack to use this ability Therefore, only one undead creature can be affected per round, but the chaplain may use this ability up to 5 times per day, plus his Charisma bonus (if any). Chaplains with a Charisma score below IO, cannot use this ability. In all other ways, he follows the rules for turning undead, replacing his chaplain level for every instance where it reads cleric level.

Last Rites (Ex): At loth level, a

At 20th level, the chaplain can now banish outsiders. Once per day, as a standard action, he may make a touch attack to banish outsiders, per the spell banishment. The chaplain is considered a 13th level cleric for the purposes of casting this spell. The save DC is Wisdom-based.

Heal (Ex): Starting a t 16th level, the chaplain can now administer aid a t such an effect that it duplicates the effect of the spell heal once per day. At 19th level he can do this twice per day. Unllke a cleric, however, he cannot harm undead with this power. Use of this ability is a full- round action and works in all ways like his healing touch.

CHAPLAIN I1 This is a variation on the theme presented above. Instead of healing points immediately like a cleric, the chaplain administers excellent long-term care..

Alignment: Any. Hit Die: d8.

ass skills (and the key ability for each) are centration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy

imal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Knowledge p (Str), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Motive (Wis), and Swim (Str). st Level: (4 + Int modifier) ~ 4 . ach Additional Level: 4 + Int modifier.

s features supplant those from the pre- chaplain. Refer to the advancement ies. (Ex): As a full round action that

provokes an attack of opportunity, the chaplain can make a successful Heal check (DC 15) to heal damage from a fallen comrade. The chaplain must be able to touch the target and the target must remain flat-footed the entire time. The chaplain heals 1 point of damage, Id3 if he has a healer’s kits, and Id4 if he has a masterwork healer’s kit. At 5th level and every five levels thereafter, he increases the emergency aid by +I.

This can done once per day per character and only if the character treated has suffered damage during that day.

Healing Touch (Ex): At 1st level, the chaplain has a unique healing ability. By spending 10 minutes with a fall- en comrade, he regains lost hit points back equal to twice the chaplain’s level. The subject must remain immobile during this time and must be above o hit points or stabi- lized in order receive this care. Every 10 minutes spent with an ally in this manner regains the same number of points. A character may be effected by this ability multi- ples time per day but can never receive more HP back in any 24-hour period than his total HP + his Constitution bonus from this ability.

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For example, a 3rd level chaplain spends 30 minutes with a wounded ally. After 10 minutes, he regains 6 hit points, after another 10 minutes, he regains another 6 hit points, and finally after the 30 minutes is over, he regains another 6 hit points.

There is no limit to the number of times per day, a chap- lain can do this, but he cannot help more than two allies at a time, plus an additional ally for each five levels (3 at sth, 4 at loth, up to 6 at 20th level), all of who must be within IS ft. of one another.

DOMAINS But, just in case Gilibran is wrong, here's some new domains for your clerics.

The most common ability bestowed by the gods to their clerics relate to their capacity to cast divine magic. Most clergymen have access to special or unique spells, which always relate to their deity's sphere of influence. In addition, most priests are granted unique powers by their deities. These exclusive abilities, called grunted powers, are also related to a god's area of expertise.

Charm Domain Granted Powers: You gain the Negotiator feat. Sense Motive is considered a class skill.

Charm Domain Spells I cham person 2 enthrall 3 suggestion 4 cham monster 5 dominate person 6 geaselquest 7 mass suggestion 8 mass cham monster 9 dominate monstev

Cold Domain Granted Powers: You can exist comfortably in any cold environment. This granted power is always in effect and functions as per the spell endure elements but is limited to cold climates (you do not gain the benefit of an endure elements spells in hot environments). In addition, you gain a +I sacred bonus on all saving throws against cold.

Cold Domain Spells 1 chilling hand? 2 chill metal 3 sleet stom 4 wall of ice 5 ice s tom 6 cone of cold 7 control weather 8 freezing cloud"IQ 9 polarrays

Chilling hands is identical to burning hands with the exception that it is a cone of extreme cold bursting out of the caster's hand. This spell deals cold damage rather than fire damage to everyone caught it is path. ** Freezing cloud functions as the incendiary cloud spell but deals cold damage. Instead of a cloud filled with red hot amber, an intense cold of a bluish hue can be seen through the smoke created by the spell.

Despair Domain Granted Powers: You gain a +4 morale bonus on Will saves to resist fear. Furthermore, you cast spells from the Despair Domain at +1 caster level.

TABLE 8-2: THE CHAPLAIN II Level Base Attack Bonus Fort Save Ref Save Will Save Special

2nd t 1 +3 +O + 3 3rd +2 +3 +1 +3 Brew restoratives 4th +3 +4 +1 +4 Bonus feat . . - - . - . . . . .. . . - 5th +3 t 4 +1 +4 Emergency aid, restoration l d 3 6th 14 +5 72 +5 Superior health I 7th +5 +5 +2 +5 8th 76/71 +6 72 76 Bonus feat, healing touch -3d8 9th +6/+1 +6 +3 t 6 Restoration 1 d4+1 10th +7/+2 1 7 7 3 77 Emergency aid, last rites 11th +8/+3 t 7 +3 + J Superior health II 12th +9/74 +8 +4 +8 Bonus feat, restoration (magical) 13th t9/+4 +8 +4 +8 Restoration ld6+2 14th ~ l O / ~ 9 / + 5 +9 +4 +9 Last rites 15th +11/t6/+1 +9 +5 +9 Emergency aid 16th + 1 2 / + 7 / ~ 2 7 1 0 +5 +10 Bonus feat, superior health Ill, heal 17th +12/+7/+2 +10 +5 +10 Restoration 1 d8+3

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Despair Domain Spells 1 causefear 2 scare 3 fear 4 crushing despair 5 nightmare 6 symbol offear 7 eyebite 8 maze 9 trap the soul

Ghost Domain Spells 1 causefear 2 spectral hand 3 blur 4 gaseousfom 5 enervation 6 passwall 7 ethereal jaunt s etherealness 9 wail of the banshee

FATIGUE DOMAIN Hate Domain Granted Powers: You have the ability to make living creatures close to you drowsy. In effect, you gain the spell- like ability to cast lullaby, as a divine spell using your cler- ic level. You may use this ability a number of times per day equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of once each day).

Fatigue Domain Spells 1 sleep 2 ray of enfeeblement 3 deeper slumber 4 ray of exhaustion 5 symbol of sleep 6 waves offatigues 7 waves of exhaustion 8 symbol ofweakness 9 energy drain

Foresight Domain

Granted Powers: You have the ability to trigger rage in others. This ability is similar to a barbarian’s rage, but its powers are much less powerful. Once per day, you may choose any creature within 30 ft. of you and instill him with rage as a standard action. The recipient gains a +2

bonus to both Strength and Constitution, but suffers a -2 to AC and a -4 penalty to Wisdom. It lasts f rounds equal to your Charisma modifier

und) and does not fatigue the recipi- acter that is already raging, such as a effects do not stack; instead, the

abilities is used, however the Wisdom If used on an unwilling target, he is r save (DC 10 + 3 cleric level) to resist.

Granted Powers: You gain a +4 check to avoid being surprised as bonus to your Initiative checks and

Foresight Domain Spells 1 true stnke 9 implosion

2 augctvy 3 arcane sight HOPE DOMAIN 4 divine power 5 commune 6 contingency 7 vision s moment of prescience 9 foresight Hope Domain Spells

7 destruction s symbol ofpam

Granted Powers: You constantly radiate an aura of hope. Each ally with 30 ft. of you gains a morale bonus on all Willpower saving throws equal to the highest level divine spell you can cast.

i bless

3 remove Curse 4 good hope 5 break enchantment 6 heal

8 holy aura 9 miracle

Ghost Domain 2 aid Granted Powers: You gain the spell-like ability to fatigue people you touch. This granted power functions as the touch offatigue spell. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to one for every two cleric levels you have. 7 refuse

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Hypnotism Domain Peace Domain Granted Powers: You gain the spell-like ability to daze Granted Powers: You gain the ability to cast sanctuavy, creatures, as per the spell. You may use this ability a num- as a divine spell, at your cleric level, once per day. In addi- ber of times per day equal to your Charisma modifier tion, you gain a +2 sacred bonus to all Diplomacy checks. (minimum of once every day), as a divine spell, cast at your cleric level. Peace Domain Spells

I shield Hypnotism Domain Spells 2 owl’s wisdom 1 hypnotism 3 dispel magic 2 hypnotic pattern 4 spell immunity 3 s’s snake stgil 5 atonement 4 suggestion 6 force cage 5 rainbow pattern 7 vepulsion 6 muss suggestion 7 symbol ofstunning 9 freedom 8 scintillating pattern 9 power word stun

8 antimagic field

Recklessness Domain Granted Powers: When engaged in melee combat, you

ance. If you do, you take a c and gain a +2 circ*mstance bonus

t fight defensively while ddition, you gain a +2 while in this stance.

Insanity Domain Granted Powers: Once per day, you porarily reduce the Wisdom score of a this, you must succeed at a melee tou your attempt is lost for the day. If the att target takes Id3 points of tempora

Insanity Domain Spells I lesser confusion 2 touch of idiocy 3 hideous laughter 4 song of discord 5 modify memory 6 feeblemind 7 insanity 8 symbol ofinsanity 9 antipathy

Light Do mai n Granted Powers: You gain the spell-like ability to bring light to the darkness. This granted power functions as the dancing lights, flare, or light spell. This granted power is usable a number of times per day equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of once per day), as a divine spell cast at your cleric level.

Light Domain Spells I faerie fire 2 daylight 3 searing light 4 lightning bolt 5 tvue seeing 6 undeath to death 7 sunbeam 8 sunburst 9 miracle

Retribution Domain Granted Powers: You have the ability to focus your vengeance upon a single target. When damaged by an opponent, you gain a +I insight bonus to your melee attacks and damage rolls against this target. You may use this ability a number of times per day equal to your Wisdom modlfier (minimum of once every day). When triggered, this ability lasts for a number of minutes equal to your cleric level.

Retribution Domain Spells I doom 2 bull’s strength 3 prayer 4 divine powev 5 righteous might 6 harm 7 circle of death 8 imprisonment 9 stom of vengeance

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Shadow Domain Granted Powers: You gain the ability to see well in the dark. This power grants you permanent low-light vision, as the racial ability of the same name. If you already have low-light vision, your visual range in low-light conditions is doubled. Additionally, you treat magical darkness you create (when casting darkness or deeper darkness) as if it were natural, so if you have darkvision you can see per- fectly well under such conditions.

Shadow Domain Spells 1 darkvision 2 darkness 3 deeper darkness 4 shadow conjuration 5 shadow evocation 6 shadow walk 7 greater shadow conjuration 8 greater shadow evocation 9 shades

Sound Domain Granted Powers: You gain the spell-l&


Chaos Domain Granted Powers: You gain the supernatural ability to smite lawful creatures. Once per day, you may attempt to smite law with one normal melee attack. You add a +4 insight bonus to your attack roll and deal 1 extra point of damage per cleric level. If you accidentally smite a crea- ture that is not lawful, the smite has no effect, but the ability is still used up for that day.

Evil Domain Granted Powers: You gain the supernatural ability to smite good creatures. Once per day, you may attempt to smite good with one normal melee attack. You add a +4 insight bonus to your attack roll and deal 1 extra point of

cidentally smite a crea- has no effect, but the

You gain the supernatural ability to es. Once per day, you may attempt to per conversation at a distance. This gr

tions as message. This granted power is times per day equal to your Charisma of once per day), cast as a divine spel

Sound Domain Spells 1 ventnloquisrn 2 sound burst 3 sculpt sound 4 shout 5 song of discord 6 zone of silence 7 greater shout 8 power word, stun 9 wail of the banshee

ne normal melee attack. You add a +4 our attack roll and deal 1 extra point of level. If you accidentally smite a crea-

vil, the smite has no effect, but the ability

s: You gain the supernatural ability to aotic creatures. Once per day, you may attempt to

smite chaos with one normal melee attack. You add a +4 insight bonus to your attack roll and deal 1 extra point of damage per cleric level. If you accidentally smite a crea- ture that is not chaotic, the smite has no effect, but the ability is still used up for that day.

Valor Domain Granted Powers: You gain a +2 divine bonus on all Will saving throws as well as a +2 bonus to resist all mind-influ- encing magic effects.

Valor Domain Spells 1 remove fear 2 shield other 3 heroism 4 keen edge 5 lesser globe of invulnerability 6 greater heroism 7 globe of invulnerability 8 holy aura 9 mass heal

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The secrets revealed here can be used to jump-start an adventure, provide a inspiration for a night of gaming which has gone off track, or were simply overheard in a tavern, used for color, never meant to actually find their way into an actual game. Are they true or false? Is some- one planting the secret or is it real uncovered lore we just haven't seen before? Some secrets are small and simple in nature while others are epic quests. Some of the secrets are better left so.. .


2. 3.


5 .





Access to the hidden level of Arnsel's tomb is granted by pressing the release on the crown of Arnsel's stat- ue. The ancient hero Tharos was actually a villain. Ancient rune stones left by surface drow allow one to pass through time. An ancient statue of a naga near the Thatmos Grove hides an entrance to a lost shrine. Answer a riddle in the Kingdom of Fentaugh and the hand of the princess is yours in marriage, if that suits you. Anyone who survives being struck by lightning becomes immune to dragon breath. Ariana the ranger's mother was an elemental sorcerer and her father a necromancer. At the bottom of Dark Lake is a gateway to the under- world. Bethrene of Karamek is being eyed by the god of free- dom as his replacement.

11. The blacksmith's mute son in the town of Norus reports visions of doom.

12. Breaking the sword of the tyrant Zsengaal releases the trapped celestial Celron.

13. The canals of the city of Bendarin are in the shape of a fell rune.

14. Casting power word kill on a vampire returns it to life.

15. Certain guests suffer terrible nightmares after a stay at the Emirikol's Inn and tavern.

16. The chaotic cult of Rengahl has the scrolls to release a dead god.

17. A child in the city of Hellgate has the rare gift of heal- ing any wound by touch.

IS. All children born on the coast are half-fiends. 19. Children blessed by a bard at birth are destined to

have songs written about them. 20. Children who perish near the Vadder Sea are reincar-

nated as fish. 21. The church of the god of rogues is fighting a subtle

war with the church of the assassin gods. 22. The city of Barnacus is overrun by the planetouched. 23. The city of Grendon rests atop a titan. 24. The dark god of murderers, Kelzon, is bound under

the northern mountains. 25. Diamond dust mixed with mirthral produces

weapons that ignore most damage reduction. 26. Dire animals haunt Crestvale, where a meteor recent-

ly fell.

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33. 34.


36. 3 7.

Drinking from the King’s garden well gives the drinker visions, Drinking poison while staring at your reflection in a pool of slaad blood reverses the effects. Elven bards who displease the god of song become harpies. The elven diviner Athanae Moondown has been bestowed gifts of knowledge by an imp. Elven druids of Mirthwood all have Giant Eagle ani- mal companions. The elven oracle of Danivar is now in league with devils. Elven wine is made from distilled moonlight. The elves of Narfell craft bows as strong as any sword for melee. The empire of Acarra once used trapped elementals as slaves. Emperor Stephan is a lich. Every member of the adventuring group “7 Sinners” is a shape changer.





Everyone with blood ties to the former kingdom on Drachus is being assassinated. Everyone’s nightmares come true in the land of the forsaken. Evoke the name “Bahk-shuul” upon your death to be considered for a second chance at life. The eye tyrant Kazbuul knows everyone’s true name.

42. Falling stars of the remnants of a nearby planet that exploded long ago.

43. The Far Coast has fields where entire civilizations of fey dwell.

44. Favored druids can interpret omens by reading the patterns of moonlight on the forest floor under trees.

45. The fighter Dara has a bounty on her head from a far away land.

46. Finding four parts of an ancient riddle can discover a lost treasure resting under a volcano.

47. The fountain in the city of Dougal is said to grant a wish every 100 years.

48. The goddess of nature personally visits the grove of the Tenakus druids every full moon.

49. A gnoll army gathers under the leadership of the werewolf king Talabek.

50. The Great Wall of Kathandalis is made of the bones of their fallen soldiers. . . many still animated.

51. The head of the thief‘s guild in the city of Grasnor is a mind flayer.

52. The hero Pendukas is addicted to alcohol. 53. If you stare too long at a flame or fire you attract the

interest of evil entities. 54. In an ancient elf-orc war, giant stone arches were

gates that could teleport armies. 55. In making parchment from trees of the Darkwood

forest craftsmen sometimes discover runes or spells already on them.

56. In the town of Westcrag everyone worships a differ- ent deity.

57. The infamous lover Awltolikus was actually a dragon assuming human form.

58. The innkeeper Cemet is haunted by the wife he mur- dered.

59. Ioun stones are actually dragoneyes treated with sor- cery.

60. Kobolds are all spawned from a great multi-headed dragon god.

61. The land of Kaloria is so cold everyone who dies there finds their spirit trapped in crystals of ice.

62. The land of Turnbel is training a special force of Eldritch Knights to one day fight the armies of the apocolypse.

63. Loremasters of Kryton possess the knowledge to speak the true language of arcana.

64. Making an arrow tip from the rib bone of a dragon creates a dragonslaying arrow.

65. The mayor of Loftwick is the only man to ever escape from the prison of Abreinth.

66. The mayor of Serdoon ‘honored the woman who spurned him by petrifying her and placing her in his garden.

67. Mirrors crafted with silver frames are gateways for devils.

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73. 74.








82. 83.







90. 91.




Mixing holy water and wine heals wounds from fiends as a potion of cure moderate wounds. Moskos the wizard has perfected a potion to cure lycanthropy. The mysterious assassin “The Cloaker” is actually the illusionist Adorn, casting phantasmal killer. The noble family Khyyrst hires bards to tell false tales of their greatness. On the scalp of the pirateTharus Belgrun is a treasure map leading to Diamond Isle. Rangers of the Vormus Craggs can meld into stone. The dark red fog over the plains of Karlainth corrupts all who touch, turning them to beasts of chaos. Rengarth Abbey teaches monks a mystical style of sorcery and martial arts.

95. Visiting every brothel in the city of Collisaire endears you to the succubus queen Melicious who watches over you.

96. The warlord encampment of Thredon is built on an ancient temple to good powers.

97. Wearing a minotaur’s horn as jewelry allows you to pass safely through their lands.

98. Whistling in the town of Nayt attracts the spirits of the dead.

99. The wind in the Valley of Tennebris carries on it whispers of the dead.

100. A wizard, known only as Zolutar, was buried under his hometown of Lidcott in an unmarked tomb.

The Ruins of Gnar were once a great fortress co manded by a mortal who ascended to Ruland the druid has a pair of dire leo companions. Satyrs brew an alcohol that can mim cal elixir. Scribing arcane spells with the feathe produces empowered versions. Seven elder air elementals await to dispe to those who ascend Mount Hollai. Singing in the caves of chaos produces a ing echo. The skull of a dead hag enhances divinator The small dragon statue in Rorish Valley is reduced, petrified great wyrm. Some orc shamans know a ritual to allow th through their scout’s eyes. . . alive or dead. A special dwarven mineral lost to time is rum0 still have a small deposit in the mountains surr ing the Dyrk Valley. Stirges of Thestle Forest have become so numerous they are developing a hive mind. Tables and chairs in the library of Thanyritis are ani- mated objects that act as guardians. There is a land of animals who have elves, dwarves and humans as their familiars. Three hags from Kaloria weild the spine scepter of Acarra. lost language. Tides are controlled from a kuo-toa city. The town of Bellinger is cursed but none remember how or why or who did it. Two major priesthoods are preparing to wage a holy war on one another. Using a demon’s hand as a spell focus causes the spell to become unholy. Viridian soldiers use drugs to control their emotions in battle.

h. An elven innkeeper from Bethis who has

the imp. Possessor of the secret scrolls of

ir price for transport. f Blackspine Gap. Keeper of the keys to Tralia

eer Subhi. Master of the winds, knows the secrets lemental teleportation. is Gor, the Brave. A paladin from Atwind who

lew a dragon and opened its belly with his +3 holy

Armorer Baldwick. One of IO brothers who are mas- ter craftsmen in different lands.

8. Arnora. Was separated from her twin sister, the princess, at birth to live life as a commoner.

9. Atissi Bensley. Knows where an ancient altar rests behind a waterfall.

IO. Azaria of the elves. Secretly learns all her arcana from a human necromancer.

11. Barrakul of Darton. He owns a sword that speaks a

12. Barrintek Greyfang. Dwarven keeper of the rune-

13. Benny the fence. Was once able to sell off a lich‘s phy-

14. Benwyk Thag. A half-orc mercenary who once tra-

15. Borin Elkhar. Knows of the resting place of the all-

16. Botolf the Pig. Knows the secret entrance to the

stones of Belan.


versed the seelie court.

powerful tarrasque.

thief‘s guild.

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17. Brand the Mace. Know the passwords to over 7 dif- ferent thief's guilds in the kingdom of Nalshena.

18. Bulvora of Norwood. Writing a book collecting vari- ous famous bowmen's hunting lore.

19. Cerdic Staffthrasher. Teaches forbidden martial arts at the Keh id Academy.

20. Cryace the devout. Oversees and helps settle disputes between churches and clerics of opposing faiths.

21. Damiana of the Dead. Holds the secrets of true resur- rection.

22. Dar Ruben. Knows the best ports of call to sell off booty from the ancient empire.

23. Demon Wregansson. Giant of the Tor Mountains, knows the location of the lost, crashed airship Dentarius.

24. Durso Preis. Master merchant who is said to be able to procure anything one could want.

25. Elendaria Denicim. An elf brewer who has mastered the art of elven winemaking.

26. Elroana Sordia Half-Elven. Says her ehen mother was celestial and her human father fiendish.

27. Eneko the Elementalist. Knows of an underwater cave leading to the plane of water.

28. Equalina the cleric. Said to have set foot in every kingdom in the realms.

29. Eria the cleric. A devout worshipper of "death" who knows in advance those who will pass on.

30. Erian Stillthorn. Knows the signal for Borden Cragmantle's troops to attack.

31. Ethilmar Loruen. Knows who has a ring of wishing with I charge remaining.

32. F a d Ibn Khardun. Keeper of the lore on drawing arcane energy from the constellations.

33. Felthara Silverbolt. Knows the secrets to unveiling lycanthropes with a glance.

34. Gaia the anatomist. Studies humanoid bodies to opti- mize her sneak attacks.

35. Galdor Bravearm. Knows of eight dopplegangers operating in Farvus city.

36. Gar Twinblades. A ranger who knows the location of a fountain of immortality.

37. Glardring of Westwood Ravine. Has a collection of white dragon body parts.

38. Gred the sailor. Knows where Captain &dun buried his treasure, but fears the shadowy guardian.

39. Gudrid Peacewalker. Has been an ambassador in most of the free kingdom's courts.

40. Hawred Leok. Farmer, knows how to communicate with the goddess of nature through omens and sacri- fice.

41. Hassan the poor. A beggar from Neth who knows the identity of the grandmaster of the assassin's guild.




45. 46.





Havard Stronglance. Knows of a wooded glade where he gains battle prowess by praying to his honored, fallen brethren. Hedra Benal. Knows the secrets of stealing knowl- edge and skills from the dead. Heshrok the barbarian. Knows the unique tracks of over a hundred fell beasts. Hunis Arkon. A traveler from the worlds past. lalie Roundfoot. Knows the location at sea to an entrance to hell. Jargeth Rommel. Knows the magical properties attributed to gemstones. Jean-Paul of Cassentia. A noble paladin who sings uplifting battle hymns which bring orcs to tears. Jesharin Fell. Studied the possessive abilities of incor- poreal undead. Jhiraagh Zayid. Master of transmutation, can turn lead into gold.

51. Jubil. A dead necromancer whose spirit is bound to a

52. Kaiser Wishnik. Secret owner of a plethora of busi-

53. Kari Hogfoot. Knows the location of an entrance to a

54. Kedrith Wynn of Areron. Secret contact for the infa-

55. Korag Shane. Warlord of Dentara, knows the secret

56. Korian of the Eight Colors. Knows where Tarid the

57. Linlith Aslan. A mistress in the city of Shadow who

58. Lutharian Belandra. Knows a place to craft magic

tome on anatomy hidden in an ancient shrine.

nesses along Darkmantle Street.

drow city.

mous Red Dragon Archers mercenary band.

language of the thulls.

usurper is keeping Princess Dellandra.

studied under a succubus.

items on the astral plane.

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Lyon Elzad. Knows all magic comes from a single god. Maore ofTelgat Keep. Knows the secrets of the bloat- ed, undead lord of Kaloora. Melbalorne the archer. Knows of a grove where the trees make the best arrows and bows. Melkot Rangarus. Prince of Dukas, has blackmail information on all the lords of Tenbul. Mikhail Egoran. Knows how the prince of Treldara knows his brother isn’t going to claim the crown. Na’ila of the desert. Has mind powers and is said to be a descendant of the caliph‘s queen. Naldsul Blackheart. Knows the location of the Crown of Acarra. Nerian Cedartree. Master of ciDhers has invented a

83. Starkad Tralloc. Knows the properties of the moon- stone of Aharr.

84. Stefan the Poisoner. Has lorebooks detailing the weaknesses of over 100 different extradimensional creatures.

85. Summer the elf. Knows of the hidden minotaur pyra- mid.

86. Tallia Markavian. A city rogue said to know how to gain favor of the goddess of luck.

87. Talratha Harkim. Knows the black dragon Venarus personally; she’s his consort when he’s in human guise.

88. Tatya of the eastern desert. She is able to guide any- one across its treacherous dunes for a price.

89. Teth Semal. Former advisor to King Dorn, knows the - code invulnerable to deciphering magic. Nordrath Kayne. Leader of a band of perfor travel from town to town who also wo Obberon Remik. The last surviving group who battled a pit fiend. Olezka the Crafty. Studies the lineages lies in the city of Kellswith, and knows not an heir. Ornaskar the magi. Has learned secrets t and turning back arcane spells. Otiluk Tereth. Knows the best trade rou the Kalafar Mountains.

with him by his god to shield him fro fiends.

knows of the war between Yaun-ti and Orcs to play both sides.

74. Rath MokDhul. Quests for the secret to unite t tribes of Thessia.

75. Rayab Blume. Warchief of Kelgar, k tactics for fighting celestials.

76. Rhalimon of Ilimis. Has explored a cave said to have passages leading to a dark elf city.

77. Rheged Copperblade. Master artisan, can manufac- ture weapons made of unearthly strength and bal- ance. PLAYER HAND-OIJTS

secret catacombs to the castle. an the ranger. Knows the location of the hidden

of the northern slavers. rian. An inkeeper from Brolyn who once

devil with his bare hands. erwielder. Knows the sailing lanes of the

Diamondmark. Knows the dwarf secret of

Runeshadow. Master craftsman of Durendar ow can tunnel to hell. egem. Fought at the Hellgate River battle and

ws where the survivors hold up to this day. en Abolean. A bard who knows the bounties ed on over 500 men’s heads.

rrisair Magehand. Knows where the troll kings of Durak worship their dark god. Valerik Lazhan. Master of lightning, is said to know how to control storms and clouds.

. Yaov Shao. Knows a martial fighting technique to bypass silver invulnerability in creatures.

100.Yeagle Modigson. Knows the location of a pool which can wash away curses.

t clan ships from Vargus.

72. Owen the paladin of justice. He evokes a wo

73. Qadir Mansur. Traveled the Banshee Jun

78. Romoch the Wanderer. Speaks the formian tongue and knows the location of their city.

79. Sevaleyr the free. Once broke the northern slaver’s ring and is today hunted by its remains.

80. Sir Khrysandahl the defender. Paladin who believes of a secret wererat cult infiltrating a city; no one believes him.

81. Snorri the Hare. Knows of a river where a sisterhood of river nymphs dwell.

82. Starkad the Pike. Militarist of Rendia, Knows the weaknesses of the seven lords of Kayne.

The handouts on the following pages are intended to be photocopied and handed to players as plot hooks or mys- teries for them to explore. YOU can slip them into your campaign in many ways. Maybe one of the pages is part of the latest treasure trove your players have discovered, or perhaps an alluring stranger nonchalantly drops one on their table as they are dining in a crowded inn. Why not add your own “scrawl” to further enhance and customize the handouts to fit your campaign world? Whatever you decide to do with the handouts, our hope is that they will add an extra level of depth to your campaign world as your players uncover secrets hidden for untold years.

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HANDOUT I: MAGICAL LORE MYSTERY Permission granted to photocopy for personal use only.

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HANDOUT 2: FORBIDDEN LORE MYSTERY Permission granted to photocopy for personal use only.

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HANDOUT 3: MYSTERIOUS DEVICE Permission granted to photocopy for personal use only.

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homes and temules an homes and temules an I I "

works of men. In the West the Children of Darkness shall raise up the Lord of the Earth, and placate him with many gifts and burials.

Cities will fall and water will burst forth from dams, overwhelming the Children of the West. And the City of 5even Hills and the


And He will do their bidding, and cause the Lands of the West to rumble and shake. Mountains will rise where none lay before. '1

HANDOUT 4: DIRE PROPHECY Permission granted to photocopy for personal use only.

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HANDOUT 6: BLANK SCROLL FOR YOUR OWN SECRETS Permission granted to photocopy for personal use only.

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CFNSE The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc ("Wizards"). All Rights Reserved. 1












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Inability to Comply If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the terms of this License with respect to some or all of the Open Game Content due to statute, Iudi- cia1 order, or governmental regulation then You may not Use any Open Game Material so affected

13. Termination. This License will terminate automatically if You fail to comply with all terms herein and fail to cure such breach within 30 days of becoming aware of the breach All sublicenses shall survive the termination of this License

14. Reformation If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable, such provi- sion shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it enforceable

15. COPYRIGHT NOTICE: Open Game License vl.Oa Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc System Reference Document (draft version) Copyright 1999. 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc. Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on original material by E.Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson

PRODUCT I DFNTITY The following items are hereby designated as Product Identity in accordance with

Section l(e) of the Open Game License, version 1 .Oa: Any and all Alderac Entertainment Group logos, identifying marks and trade dress, including all Alderac Entertainment Group Inc., product and product line names including but not limited to Dungeons, Evil, Dragons, Undead. War, Monster, Gods, Mercenaries, Magic, Good, Toolbox. Feats. Wilds. Relics, Empire. Guilds and Secrets; any elements of game setting, including but not limited to capitalized names. names of artifacts. spell names, characters, countries. creatures, geo- graphic locations, godshstoric events. magic items, organizations, secret societies or leg- ends; any and all stories, storylines. plots, thematic elements, and dialogue, any and all artwork, symbols, designs. depictionsAustrations. maps and cartography, likenesses, poses, logos, symbols or graphic designs. except such elements that already appear in the d2O System Reference Document (e.9. Melf or Mordenkainen) and are already OGC by virtue of appearing there. The above Product Identity is not Open Game Content.

HF OPFN GAMF CONTFNT The following items are hereby designated as Open Game Content in accordance with

Section l(e) of the Open Game License. version 1 .Oa. All other items are designated Product Identity and is 0 and lM 2004 Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc.

In Chapter One, all rules for new races, classes, feats, domains, acts of faith, and magic spells with the exception of name identity as established in Product Identity

In Chapter Two, all feats, magic spells, and all rules for ley lines and divine rituals with the exception of name identity as established in Product Identity

In Chapter Four, all NPCs. magic spells and classes with the exception of name iden- tity as established in Product Identity.

In Chapter Seven, all rules for deciphering. new uses for skills. classes and weapons with the exception of name identity as established in Product Identity

In Chapter Five, all NPCs. and feats with the exception of name identity as established in Product Identity.

In Chapter Six. all NPCs with the exception of name identity as established in Product Identity.

In Chapter Eight, all classes and granted powers for domains with the exception of name identity as established in Product Identity.

In the Appendix, nothing

Use of Spells, Magic Items, and Artifacts as Open Game Content. It is the clear and expressed intent of Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc to add all game mechanics involv- ing spell effects, magic item effects, and artifact effects contained in this volume to the canon of Open Game Content for use pursuant to the Open Game License by future Open Game publishers. Some spell names, magic items and artifacts contain Product Identity, as designated above, and that designation remains.

Legal Stuff Dungeons and Dragons@ and Wizards of the Coast@ are trademarks of Wizards of

the Coast, and are used in accordance with the Open Game and d2O Licenses

'd2O' and the 'd2O System' logo are Trademarks owned by Wizards of the Coast and are used according t o the terms of the d2O System License version 1.0a. A copy of this License can be found at

AEG - Secrets - [PDF Document] (162)

d Karst!& Ironbrow, Kmg

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you'll find the collecte monks, lunatics and see

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AEG - Secrets - [PDF Document] (2024)
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Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

Phone: +6742282696652

Job: Customer Banking Liaison

Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.