Boobie Boost Lactation Cookie {& Recipe} - Homespun Aesthetic (2024)

/ Breastfeeding / Boobie Boost Lactation Cookie {& Recipe}

by greengrizls 51 Comments

Making a lactation cookie of my own has been on my to do list for a while now. But, with buying a house and moving and now catching back up with our stores, I finally had to make time to get these cookies made. You see, I woke up the other morning at around 3 am with a stabbing toothache. It prompted me to make a dental appointment only to learn I need to have my wisdom teeth taken out. I knew it would happen sooner or later as it does with most people but this really isn’t the greatest timing. I haven’t pumped a single ounce ahead of time and since I’ll be sedated during the surgery, I have to pump enough milk ahead of time for someone else to feed Kaliah for the 12 hour or so period of time that the sedative is in my system. With a trip to the west coast planned for the first weekend in August, this has to happen quick so I can heal to some degree and not be totally miserable on our trip (or worse, loopy from medication). In an effort to boost my supply a little quicker so I can get my dental work done sooner, I whipped up this yummy lactation cookie recipe.

I came up with this recipe after looking around at the on the internet and not really finding one that I felt would suit my specific lactation cookie preferences. I’m a cookie snob, it’s true. 😉 I used some of the general ratios as an idea and kinda went for a cookie that was packed full of beneficial ingredients aside from boosting milk supply so that they could be a quick energy booster for anyone. Plus, you don’t have to feel guilty snacking on a few either. 😉

Boobie Boost Lactation Cookie {& Recipe} - Homespun Aesthetic (1)


    • 2 tablespoons flax seed
    • 4 tablespoons water
    • 1/2 cup butter
    • 1/3 cup molasses (Can substitute coconut oil or butter)
    • 1 1/2 cup raw sugar (Can substitute)
    • 2 eggs
    • 2 cups whole wheat flour (Can substitute all-purpose or alternative flours)
    • 1 teaspoon baking soda
    • 1/2 teaspoon salt
    • 12 fenugreek tablets
    • 3 cups steel cut oats (NOT instant oats!)
    • 1/2 cup pumpkin seeds
    • 3/4 cups dark chocolate chips


  • Preheat oven to 350.
  • Combine the flax seed and water in a small bowl and set aside for 3-5 minutes.
  • Cream butter, sugar and molasses together.
  • Add eggs one at a time and mix well.
  • Mix in flax seed.
  • In separate bowl, sift together flour, salt and baking soda. Open 12 fenugreek capsules into the mixture and sift together.
  • Add dry mix to the wet sugar mixture. Mix .
  • Add in oats and mix.
  • Add in chocolate chips and pumpkin seeds.
  • Bonus Options::If you want a cookie that will do double duty to boost your milk supply, add in 3 Tablespoons of Brewer’s Yeast.
  • Bake for 10 minutes and let cool on a wire rack.

So what about these helps your milk supply?

Oats are great for replacing iron that nursing mothers lose. They’re also kinda filling and act as a comfort food which helps you relax. Relaxing is key to breastfeeding in general, especially if you are stressing about your supply. Flax seed has all kinds of healthy omega 3 fatty acids and the pumpkin seeds, well, they’re just plain tasty. Fenugreek has long been known to aid in lactation and since I had some sitting around, I chose to use that supplement as my main galactagogue. You can also choose to either substitute for Brewer’s Yeast or if you’re brave, you can use both. I say brave because you may just wake up soaked in the middle of the night. Don’t say I didn’t warn you. 😉

What’s the verdict?

Well, after eating these the first night I made them, I woke up with completely full feeling. I nursed my hungry baby on both sides and still pumped 8 ounces! If you try out our recipe, please let us know how they work out for you!


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Reader Interactions


  1. Boobie Boost Lactation Cookie {& Recipe} - Homespun Aesthetic (3)Becky says

    Thanks for sharing the recipe and best of luck with the surgery!


  2. Boobie Boost Lactation Cookie {& Recipe} - Homespun Aesthetic (4)Christina Ventura-DiPersia says

    Awesome recipe – I can’t wait to try it. I BF my 7 week old baby and I’m going to start pumping soon so it’s good to know how to boost my supply the tasty way 🙂


  3. Boobie Boost Lactation Cookie {& Recipe} - Homespun Aesthetic (5)Deanna says

    These look great! Do you think these could be made ahead of time and then frozen until needed? I am unfamiliar with the properties of fenugreek and brewer’s yeast. Thank you! Your family is adorable and I admire bloggers 🙂


  4. Boobie Boost Lactation Cookie {& Recipe} - Homespun Aesthetic (6)Jodi says

    Great recipe! I don’t have tablets but do have ground fenugreek, roughly how much would you say that is in tsp? Is the fenugreek noticeable in taste? I’m not a fan of the stuff but do think it works wonders 🙂


    • Boobie Boost Lactation Cookie {& Recipe} - Homespun Aesthetic (7)GreenGrizls says

      I would estimate between 3-4 Tablespoons. You could also use Brewer’s Yeast which is a common ingredient in lactation cookies and the recommended amount of that is also 3-4 Tablespoons. =)


  5. Boobie Boost Lactation Cookie {& Recipe} - Homespun Aesthetic (8)Adrienne says

    These are delicious!! Where do you buy your fenugreek tablets?


  6. Boobie Boost Lactation Cookie {& Recipe} - Homespun Aesthetic (12)cat says

    This looks awesome! I hope this helps many people!


  7. Boobie Boost Lactation Cookie {& Recipe} - Homespun Aesthetic (13)Suzi Satterfield says

    I’m not lactating, nor do I plan to be ever again… but some of those cookies are still yummy sounding!


    • Boobie Boost Lactation Cookie {& Recipe} - Homespun Aesthetic (14)GreenGrizls says

      That’s what I love so much about them. Take out the Fenugreek and they’re still an energy-packed snack I don’t have to feel guilty about.


  8. Boobie Boost Lactation Cookie {& Recipe} - Homespun Aesthetic (15)Jill S says

    I’m interested in these but hate real oats. lol. bummer for me!


  9. Boobie Boost Lactation Cookie {& Recipe} - Homespun Aesthetic (16)Laura P says

    Impressive! These look delicious and it’s awesome that you included a bit about how they worked. I always wonder if lactation cookies really work, so it’s good to hear that you had success!


  10. Boobie Boost Lactation Cookie {& Recipe} - Homespun Aesthetic (17)Jutta P. says

    This looks great! I plan to make a batch of these to take to a newly nursing mother to aid with healthy milk production. I will probably leave out the fenugreek and use only half of the brewer’s yeast unless she has problems with supply. I also will make some for myself as my little man (7.5 months) has started frantically nursing again. It could be teething, but I don’t ever feel full, even going 6+ hours overnight. So, I’m wondering if it could be low supply or a growth spurt. Either way, these cookies would help!


  11. Boobie Boost Lactation Cookie {& Recipe} - Homespun Aesthetic (19)Robyn says

    Yum! I make a similar cookie but with bananas. I don’t love the texture of flax seed, so I grind them up into a powder. This way I can add it to everything! Thanks for the recipe!


  12. Boobie Boost Lactation Cookie {& Recipe} - Homespun Aesthetic (20)Sheena Reynolds says

    I must make these!!! Great recipe. (:


  13. Boobie Boost Lactation Cookie {& Recipe} - Homespun Aesthetic (21)Jennifer H says

    These sound wonderful. It’s inspiring me to take some Brewer’s Yeast tablets right now. I hope your wisdom teeth surgery went well!


  14. Boobie Boost Lactation Cookie {& Recipe} - Homespun Aesthetic (22)nancy says

    Thanks for sharing the recipe! It sounds delicious and not too complicated. I’ll add making these to my “nesting” list 😉


  15. Boobie Boost Lactation Cookie {& Recipe} - Homespun Aesthetic (23)sasha perry says

    thanks for sharing i hope they will work for me much better to just make them rather than buy a big order from a company im really not sure of!


  16. Boobie Boost Lactation Cookie {& Recipe} - Homespun Aesthetic (24)cheyenne keef says

    YUMMY!! I can’t wait to try these!


  17. Boobie Boost Lactation Cookie {& Recipe} - Homespun Aesthetic (25)Laura says

    Yum! I like pumpkin and chocolate. I’ll give these a try.


  18. Boobie Boost Lactation Cookie {& Recipe} - Homespun Aesthetic (26)Megan. E. says

    These look super delicious and really easy (a must for this kitchen challenged mama!)!


  19. Boobie Boost Lactation Cookie {& Recipe} - Homespun Aesthetic (27)Jennifer says

    thank you so much for sharing this! it actually looks really good, ive been wanting to make my own since storebought are wayyy too expensive!


  20. Boobie Boost Lactation Cookie {& Recipe} - Homespun Aesthetic (28)Kelly says

    Think I’d just eat these to eat them!! Sound so yummy!!


  21. Boobie Boost Lactation Cookie {& Recipe} - Homespun Aesthetic (29)Atty says

    What brand of brewers yeast yo u recomend?? Is there a certain one that works better?


  22. Boobie Boost Lactation Cookie {& Recipe} - Homespun Aesthetic (30)Tyesha says

    How many cookies did you eat to get those results?


    • Boobie Boost Lactation Cookie {& Recipe} - Homespun Aesthetic (31)GreenGrizls says

      About three. I’ve made these a couple more times and omitted the Fenugreek for half the batch just so I wasn’t wasting it on my hubby or father in law eating them. It got so late that I made a dozen with the fenugreek and ended up putting the rest of the dough in the fridge. I never even cooked them, I just ate a little spoonful of dough in place of a cookie. 😉


  23. Boobie Boost Lactation Cookie {& Recipe} - Homespun Aesthetic (32)karen says

    Did you supplement with anything else in conjunction with the cookies? I’ve been taking fenugreek for a while and for the past 2 weeks i’ve seen a dip in my production. My baby is also 8 months old and nursing alot less. I hope these cookies work for me, I only wonder if i should continue drinking additional fenugreek capsules. Who knew milk production could be so complicated :-(.

    Thank you for the recipe!!


    • Boobie Boost Lactation Cookie {& Recipe} - Homespun Aesthetic (33)GreenGrizls says

      I didn’t use anything else. I still haven’t used anything else and my baby is almost 8 months. I will admit that I haven’t even needed the cookie for the past few months but I’m thinking of whipping up another batch soon…even if they don’t have Fenugreek in them. 😉


      • Boobie Boost Lactation Cookie {& Recipe} - Homespun Aesthetic (34)karen says

        I woke up this morning feeling full! It’s been awhile since I have felt this way!! I even felt my letdowns today.

        Thanks again!!


  24. Boobie Boost Lactation Cookie {& Recipe} - Homespun Aesthetic (35)Amy says

    When you say flax seed, can you use the flax seed meal?


    • Boobie Boost Lactation Cookie {& Recipe} - Homespun Aesthetic (36)greengrizls says

      I wouldn’t use flax seed meal. It’s too much of a powder and would be more at risk for turning bad if there’s any moisture. I use the flax seed. They’re tiny little brown seeds that you can find at most grocery stores. I like to get mine from the bulk bins. 😉


      • Boobie Boost Lactation Cookie {& Recipe} - Homespun Aesthetic (37)Karis says

        I understand that the body doesn’t digest whole flax seeds – they only act as fiber to push things through your body. You don’t get the nutritional benefit unless it’s ground. I think it’s the same with chia seeds.


        • Boobie Boost Lactation Cookie {& Recipe} - Homespun Aesthetic (38)greengrizls says

          You can either grind them or sub with flax meal. This recipe is super adaptable which is why I love it so much!


    • Boobie Boost Lactation Cookie {& Recipe} - Homespun Aesthetic (39)Nancy Chishala says

      I made these today and they turned out great. I used ground flax seed meal and the texture is amazing. I’m making them for a friend who has a 3 month old and said she isn’t making enough milk now that she’s gone back to work.


  25. Boobie Boost Lactation Cookie {& Recipe} - Homespun Aesthetic (40)anabelle says

    Made these today..yummy I added chocolate syrup and flax seed meal love the texture. .. will post about supply later


  26. Boobie Boost Lactation Cookie {& Recipe} - Homespun Aesthetic (41)Kislush says

    Made these today, but with a ton of substitutions, they are fantastic.
    Replaced molasses with applesauce 1:1, used 1/4 flax seed meal with 4tbsp water, 1c chocolate chip (I’m a chocoholic), and replaced pumpkin seeds with slivered almonds. Made 2 8×8 pans of cookie bars, baked at 350 for 25 minutes. FANTASTIC!


  27. Boobie Boost Lactation Cookie {& Recipe} - Homespun Aesthetic (42)Anisha says

    I baked the cookies as per instructions. They turned out to be delicious buy they are soft like fudge. Is that how they are supposed to be?


    • Boobie Boost Lactation Cookie {& Recipe} - Homespun Aesthetic (43)greengrizls says

      They should be soft cookies, but not soft like fudge. Did you make some of the substitutions in the recipe or something? Hmm…


  28. Boobie Boost Lactation Cookie {& Recipe} - Homespun Aesthetic (44)Lindsay says

    The capsules I have are 750mg each. Would I still use 12 in this recipe? Thanks!


  29. Boobie Boost Lactation Cookie {& Recipe} - Homespun Aesthetic (45)tttttt says

    did you guys cook the oatmeal first?


  30. Boobie Boost Lactation Cookie {& Recipe} - Homespun Aesthetic (46)Cria says

    Just made these and they are the best tasting lactation cookies I’ve ever tasted, both store bought and home made! Substituted stevia for the sugar, used almond flour and walnuts and dark chocolate. Looooooved it, thank you for sharing!!!



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  2. […] you need a quick snack make up a batch of these lactation cookies. You can even replace the wheat flour with a GF substitute with no […]


  3. […] them up. You can take supplements (domperidone and fenugreek for example), power pump, and make lactation cookies. Power pumping is when you pump on each side for 10 minutes on, 10 minutes off until you’ve […]


  4. […] followed the recipe from here, here, and here, and then mixed and matched it to my preference. For the conversion of cups, I usedCafe […]


  5. […] some recipes from some friends of mine by following these links. Sewlicious Lactation Cookiesor Boobie Boost Lactation Cookies or these lactation […]


  6. […] need 20 grams more protein a day then they did before pregnancy to support milk production. 3. Lactation Cookies – Kassandra, from Homespun Aesthetic, shares her favorite cookie recipe to boost milk supply […]


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Boobie Boost Lactation Cookie {& Recipe} - Homespun Aesthetic (2024)


Do lactation cookies actually work? ›

Benefits of Lactation Cookies

Research on herbal galactagogues is unfortunately sparse, but even if the ingredients in the cookies don't necessarily increase milk supply on their own, they do provide some necessary nutrients and calories that breastfeeding mothers need.

How many lactation cookies should I eat per day? ›

You should start with 2 per day and then increase or decrease depending on the results. If you eat too many lactation cookies you may end up with an oversupply, or you may also have some bloating or gassiness which can be a side effect from too much brewers yeast for some mums.

How long does it take for milkmakers lactation cookies to work? ›

Despite reports of lactation cookie benefits, research has revealed mixed results about how well lactation cookies work. Additionally, there's no official information detailing how long the cookies take to work. The suggested timeframe may be as little as a few hours or up to one to two days.

Do lactation cookies make babies gassy? ›

If your baby has a dairy intolerance or dairy allergy, lactation cookies made with dairy products can cause gas or an upset stomach in baby.

Can lactation cookies hurt milk supply? ›

Conclusions: This study found no evidence for the effect of consuming LCs on HMPR, PIM, or breastfeeding self-efficacy in exclusively breastfeeding parents with an overall adequate perceived milk supply.

Can drinking more water increase milk supply? ›

If you haven't gotten enough water in a day, you may not want to overcorrect by guzzling all the water you need at once. Drinking too much water may actually decrease your breast milk production.

When's the best time to eat lactation cookies? ›

When should I start eating lactation snacks while breastfeeding? There is never a wrong time to eat nutritious snacks! If you're solely consuming galactagogues for a milk production boost, then you'd want to begin eating them after baby arrives.

What drinks help breast milk supply? ›

Water. Water is the foundation of all liquid intake and plays a vital role in maintaining overall hydration. Since breast milk is primarily composed of water, ensuring adequate hydration is essential for optimal milk production. Recommendation: Aim to drink at least eight to ten 8-ounce glasses of water per day.

What snacks increase breast milk? ›

Top Sources of Galactagogues

Galactagogues are substances known to boost breast milk production and flow. Examples of foods that contain galactagogues include oats, barley, flaxseed, fenugreek, garlic, ginger, alfalfa, brewer's yeast, and sunflower seeds.

Can I eat lactation cookies every day? ›

How many Lactation Cookies Should I Eat? This is really going to depend on your body and your own personal milk supply. Typically eating 2-3 a day should be enough to notice a boost in your milk supply.

Do breasts need time to refill? ›

Your body makes milk all the time, so your breasts are never “empty”. If the milk is not removed, this process slows down and after a while your breasts make less milk. If you do have a low supply, it is often because your baby isn't taking enough milk, rather than you not being able to make enough milk.

Does fenugreek actually increase milk supply? ›

The practices include use of herbal tea with fenugreek and dates' syrup and many more. Fenugreek is one of the most popular galactogogues commonly used by the lactating mothers. The seeds of fenugreek stimulate hormone precursors leading to enhancement in the milk production.

Can my husband eat lactation cookies? ›

Lactation cookies are like regular cookies, except they contain a host of ingredients meant to increase lactation in nursing mothers. They are very nutritious and have lots of good stuff like vitamins, so men can enjoy them too. As long as they're lactose-intolerant, men should feel comfortable eating these cookies.

Can men lactate? ›

It's also possible for men to lactate. Lactating in a man can be a sign of an underlying medical condition that shouldn't be ignored. Conditions like hormonal imbalance, tumors, or hypothyroidism can cause lactation in men. Other causes of male lactation can include medications, supplements, or nipple stimulation.

What food to avoid when breastfeeding to avoid gassy babies? ›

If you notice that each time you eat something your baby becomes fussy, try avoiding the food for a while and see what happens. Many mothers have reported foods such as kale, spinach, beans, onions, garlic, peppers or spicy foods cause infant gas, while many babies tolerate these foods just fine.

What foods increase milk supply? ›

Focus on making healthy choices to help fuel your milk production. Opt for protein-rich foods, such as lean meat, eggs, dairy, beans, lentils and seafood low in mercury. Choose a variety of whole grains as well as fruits and vegetables.

How can I increase my milk supply fast? ›

Increasing Your Milk Supply
  1. Breastfeed every time your baby is hungry. ...
  2. Make sure your baby is latching well.
  3. Offer both breasts at each feeding. ...
  4. Empty your breasts at each feeding. ...
  5. Avoid bottles and pacifiers in the early weeks. ...
  6. Get plenty of sleep, and eat a healthy diet.
  7. Pump or express your milk. ...
  8. Relax and massage.

Does brewers yeast really increase milk supply? ›

A study published by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development found that women who consumed brewer's yeast had a significant increase in milk production compared to those who didn't.

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Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.