Easy, Old-Fashioned Apple Pie Recipe (2024)

Why It Works

  • Maceration reduces the fruit's volume, meaning more raw fruit can fit into the pie.
  • The liquid left over is dissolved sugar, not water, so it doesn't require reduction.
  • Tapioca starch forms a light, clear gel that's never cloudy, slimy, or gloppy.
  • Subtle use of varied spices creates depth of flavor in the pie.
  • Baking to an internal temperature of 195°F (91°C) keeps the filling thick, not watery.

I believe in having recipes for every occasion, especially when that means multiple options for putting dessert on the table. Different techniques lend themselves to different circ*mstances; what makes sense for a lazy Saturday afternoon won't cut it on a harried weeknight. So, while Serious Eats already boasts two of Kenji's recipes for apple pie (classicandgooey), I'd like to make the case for adding a third.

Easy, Old-Fashioned Apple Pie Recipe (1)

A Hands-Off Apple Pie

For me, apple pie is almost always the finishing touch at a family gathering or holiday dinner, which means there's usually a lot going on in the kitchen already. For that reason, I'm all about a hands-off approach, with a pie that doesn't require much fuss or special equipment, and plenty of leeway when it comes to timing—the more I can knock out in advance, the better.

Of course, convenience isn't everything. I also want a pie that's warmly spiced, with the flavor of apples front and center. I want a pie that's thick and easy to slice, with loads of tender apples, plenty of saucy filling, and a flaky crust that's crisp and brown, even on the bottom.

It's a tall order, but one I figured out for my cookbook,BraveTart: Iconic American Desserts.

Macerating (Not Baking) the Apples

Apple pie became a national symbol long before the era of food processors and sous vide, so I wanted my book to include a recipe that was as straightforward as possible. While it's often said that using a variety of apples can create depth of flavor, this can also introduce unnecessary variables into the equation, with some types breaking down more quickly to flood the pie with juice. When you stick with one type of apple, the pie's consistency stays the same from batch to batch; depth is created through a blend of brown sugar and spices that highlights the apples rather than overwhelming them.

Easy, Old-Fashioned Apple Pie Recipe (2)

For this purpose, I'm a big fan of tart baking apples, like Granny Smiths. They're high in pectin and hold their shape nicely in the oven, which keeps the filling thick, and they're tart enough to offset the sweetness of embellishments, like a scoop of ice cream or a dollop ofchantilly.

I peel, quarter, and core the apples, then cut each into wedges about half an inch thick at their widest point. Cutting significantly larger or smaller pieces will change the overall surface area of the fruit, which can affect how quickly the apples break down to release their juice. This can in turn impact the consistency of the filling, so it's worth taking the time to make the pieces as uniform as possible.

From there, I macerate the sliced apples with brown sugar and spices in a gallon-sized zip-top bag. Not only does this minimize cleanup down the road, it limits the fruit's exposure to air, meaning less oxidation, and it lets me toss everything together without making a mess. (A five-quart-capacity bowl will do the same thing, but that will also increase the fruit's exposure to air.)

Macerating helps break down the fruit's structure, leading to a massive reduction in volume without any cooking. It requires at least three hours of downtime, which leaves plenty of opportunity to make, roll, shape, and relax mybuttery, flaky pie crust, per the directions for a double-crusted pie.

Butter, Flaky Pie Crust

That particular recipe is fairly essential for success here, as its high butter content helps the dough resist absorbing moisture from the juicy apple filling. In turn, that allows the bottom crust to bake up flaky and crisp—no need to take any special precautions. As a bonus, the buttery dough also lends a pleasant richness to the otherwise lean fruit filling, so you won't have to add pats of butter later on.

Both the fruit and the prepared pie dough can be refrigerated overnight, so the maceration stage represents a nice place to pause if you want to get a jump on the recipe before the big occasion, whether that's a holiday or just dinner with the fam. The fruit will be ready when it's lost about a third of its original volume, and about a cup of "juice" has pooled up in the bag—scare quotes because it's not really juice.

Easy, Old-Fashioned Apple Pie Recipe (3)

The liquid you see after macerating the apples is a syrup composed primarily of brown sugar dissolved by a small amount of tart apple juice. (The mixture weighs a little more than the brown sugar added in step one.) This is more or less the same thing that happens with myfresh lemon syrup, in which dry lemon rinds are tossed with seven ounces of sugar to yield a scant eight ounces of syrup after a few hours.

That lack of moisture means there's no need to spend time and energy cooking the liquid down to concentrate the "juices," as the liquid is already quite concentrated in terms of both flavor and water content. Further cooking will only candy the syrup and bring out the funky flavors of caramelized fructose, while the overall water content of the fruit is easily managed through a touch of tapioca starch. Plus, skipping that cooking step means fewer dishes to clean up in the end.

Once the apples have collapsed by a third, I add the tapioca starch, then seal the whole thing back up to toss around until it's well combined. (Waiting to add the tapioca starch prevents it from interfering with maceration.)

Make an effort to nestle the slices together as compactly as you can; it'll take a minute to pile all the apples into a mound, but they'll all fit so long as you've got a standard nine-inch glass pie plate.

Assembling the Pie

Glass is important because it determines the rate at which heat is conducted to the pie. Heavy materials, like thick ceramic or stoneware, will slow that process down, which can produce a dense and greasy crust. Meanwhile, lightweight metal, like aluminum, may speed things up so much that by the time the crust is golden brown, the apples may still be a little crunchy. Glass lands right in the middle, conducting heat at a brisk but not breakneck pace, so that the crust turns out flaky and crisp just as the apples cook through.

To cover the pie, take the prepared top crust out of the fridge. At first, the dough will be cold enough to crack, but it'll become quite pliable after a moment or two at room temperature. So, before slinging it over the pie, wait until it's flexible enough to conform to the mound of fruit. (The exact time you'll need to wait will depend on the temperature of your kitchen, but it shouldn't take more than a minute.) When the dough is pliable but cool, drape it over the fruit, pinch it together with the bottom crust, then trim to a three-quarter-inch border.

Easy, Old-Fashioned Apple Pie Recipe (5)

The easiest option for the border is to tuck this excess dough up under the pie and be done with it (that's what I advise in my book), but if the dough is properly trimmed, you can do an old-school crimp. Just keep those waves relaxed and loose, as a tighter crimp won't hold its shape as well with this style of pie.

Refrigerate the assembled pie at least 30 minutes, which is the perfect amount of time to preheat an oven to 400°F (200°C). Chilling ensures the dough is cold to start, which keeps the crust flaky and light.

Baking the Pie

When it's time to bake, brush the pie with an egg wash, then cut five or six large vents with a sharp knife, using the blade to open each one a little wider—when vents are cut too narrow, entrapped steam can make the top crust a bit mushy.

Bake until the pie reaches an internal temperature of 195°F (91°C), about 75 minutes. This is significantly cooler than the goal temperature for most fruit pie fillings, which are typically brought to a full boil, but it keeps the apples tender rather than mushy and avoids the problem of a watery pie. When brought to a boil, apples break down and release their juices completely, flooding the pie. A slightly-cooler-than-standard target temperature keeps the apples plump and juicy, with enough structure to retain their own water content, so there isn't as much need for starch.

Easy, Old-Fashioned Apple Pie Recipe (6)

I've previously said that pectin isn't a factor inblueberry pie, but that's because blueberries are a low-pectin fruit. Green apples are especially high in pectin, which means that even though this recipe doesn't use nearly as much starch as my other pies, the filling will thicken considerably as it cools.

That only means that it's best served warm—something that's been true of apple pie all along.

Easy, Old-Fashioned Apple Pie Recipe (7)

September 2017

Reprinted from BraveTart: Iconic American Desserts with permission from W. W. Norton.

Recipe Details

Easy, Old-Fashioned Apple Pie

Prep60 mins

Cook75 mins

Active60 mins

Resting Time3 hrs

Total5 hrs 15 mins

Serves10to 12 servings

Makes1 pie


For the Filling:

  • 8 ounces light brown sugar (1 cup, packed; 225g)

  • 2 1/2 teaspoons ground cinnamon

  • 3/4 teaspoon (3g) Diamond Crystal kosher salt (see notes); for table salt, use about half as much by volume or the same weight

  • 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger

  • 1/4 teaspoon gratednutmeg

  • 1/4 teaspoon ground cloves

  • 4 1/4 pounds tart apples (about 8 large apples; 1.9kg), such as Granny Smith (see notes)

  • 1 ounce tapioca starch(1/4 cup, spooned; 25g), such as Bob's Red Mill

  • Old-fashioned flaky pie dough, rolled and chilled per directions for a double crust

For the Egg Wash:

  • 1 large egg

  • 1 large egg yolk

  • 1/2 ounce heavy cream(1 tablespoon; 15g)

  • 1/8 teaspoon (0.5g) Diamond Crystal kosher salt; for table salt, use half as much by volume or use the same weight


  1. For the Filling: Combine brown sugar, cinnamon, salt, ginger, nutmeg, and cloves in a gallon-sized zip-top bag (do not add tapioca at this time). Peel, quarter, and core the apples, then slice into 1/2-inch wedges; significant deviation can change the consistency of the filling.

  2. Measure 50 ounces sliced apples (11 rounded cups; 1.45kg) into the bag, seal tightly, and tumble until roughly coated. Macerate at room temperature, flipping the bag occasionally to distribute the syrup, until the apples have lost a third of their volume, at least 3 hours. Apples can be held up to 8 hours in the fridge.

    Easy, Old-Fashioned Apple Pie Recipe (8)

  3. Add tapioca starch to apples, reseal, and toss to combine. Pour apple filling into prepared pie shell, nestling slices into a flattish mound. Stand top crust a few seconds at room temperature until pliable, then drape on top. Pinch to seal both crusts together and trim to 3/4 inch. Tuck dough under itself, so the pie looks something like a bonnet, or crimp into loose waves (the crust will not hold a tightly crimped design). Refrigerate pie until cold and firm, at least 30 minutes or up to 1 hour. Meanwhile, adjust oven rack to lower-middle position and preheat to 400°F (200°C).

    Easy, Old-Fashioned Apple Pie Recipe (9)

  4. For Egg Wash: Whisk egg, yolk, cream, and salt together in a small bowl, then brush over chilled pie. With a sharp knife, cut six 3-inch vents around the top, wiggling blade left and right to open each into a wide vent.

    Easy, Old-Fashioned Apple Pie Recipe (10)

  5. To Bake: Place pie on a parchment-lined aluminum half sheet pan and bake until 195°F (91°C) in the very center, about 75 minutes. This is easiest to monitor with an in-oven digital thermometer, which can be programmed to chime on reaching the target temperature.

    Easy, Old-Fashioned Apple Pie Recipe (11)

  6. To Serve: Cool at least 1 hour at room temperature before serving. Wrapped in foil, leftovers will keep 3 days at room temperature. Warm in a 350°F (180°C) oven to restore the crispy crust and saucy filling.

    Easy, Old-Fashioned Apple Pie Recipe (12)

Special Equipment

Rolling pin, pastry brush, glass pie plate, digital thermometer, half sheet pan


I love apple pie à la mode, so my filling is seasoned rather generously. If you’d prefer it plain or with slices of cheese, reduce the kosher salt to 1/2 teaspoon (2g). This recipe works best with tart green baking apples, such as Granny Smiths. With this technique, other types of apples may break down more rapidly in the oven, or, conversely, not cook through in the allotted time.

Read More

  • Buttery, Flaky Pie Crust
  • Perfect Apple Pie
  • Gooey Apple Pie
  • Pies
  • Thanksgiving Desserts
  • Christmas Desserts
  • Apple
  • Winter Desserts
Easy, Old-Fashioned Apple Pie Recipe (2024)


What must you invent to make an apple pie from scratch? ›

“If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe” Quote from Carl Sagan, American astronomer, cosmologist, astrophysicist, astrobiologist, author, science popularizer, and science communicator in astronomy and other natural sciences.

How to make an apple pie from scratch book summary? ›

"How to Make an Apple Pie from Scratch" by Harry Cliff is a fascinating and engaging book that takes readers on a journey through the history of physics, chemistry, and astronomy, exploring the origins of our universe and the awe-inspiring fact that it exists at all.

What are the three best apples for apple pie? ›

The best apples for making apple pie
  • Braeburn. This apple is a descendant of Granny Smith, but slightly sweeter. ...
  • Cortland. ...
  • Crispin (Mutsu). ...
  • Golden Delicious. ...
  • Granny Smith. ...
  • Honeycrisp. ...
  • Jonagold or Jonathan. ...
  • Northern Spy.
Oct 8, 2021

Is it better to cook apple pie filling first? ›

You don't have to pre-cook the filling before spooning it into the pie crust, but it's a quick step I recommend. Just 5 minutes on the stove begins the softening process, and also helps the flavors start to mingle. I've never regretted taking this step, and it's certainly catapulted my apple pies from good to great.

How was the original apple pie made? ›

“In fact, the first recorded recipe for apple pie was written in 1381 in England, and called for figs, raisins, pears, and saffron in addition to apples,” she writes.

What makes a good pie apple? ›

Braeburn Apples

With a pronounced sweet flavor against a tart backdrop, these apples provide extra crispness with minimal graininess, softening in the oven while maintaining enough texture. A Braeburn's flavor sweetens and concentrates during cooking to evoke a hint of spice, which makes it a natural pick for pie.

What is the apple pie rule? ›

Here's a look at one of the most unusual laws on the books in the Badger State. In Wisconsin, it is illegal to serve apple pie in public restaurants without a slice of cheese on top. Yes, you read that right: cheese is required on top of any apple pie that is served in a public restaurant in Wisconsin.

How much does it cost to make an apple pie from scratch? ›

Pie is a time-honored staple of Thanksgiving around the country. U.S. consumers baking a homemade apple pie this year can expect to pay about $8.76 for the ingredients, an increase of about 19.5 percent from 2021. Prices increased for all ingredients.

What is the sweetest apple for pie? ›

Honeycrisp apples are known for their intense sweetness and crisp snap. They're a delicious apple to incorporate into either pie or crisp filling because they pack a bold punch in the flavor department and are neither too wet nor too firm when cooked.

Why is my apple pie watery? ›

One of the chief reasons bakers end up with apple soup under the crust is failure to bake their pie long enough. There's almost no such thing as over-baking an apple pie; I've baked apple pies for 2 hours and longer, and they turn out just fine.

What apples make the sweetest apple pie? ›

Honeycrisp. The Honeycrisp apple is one of the sweeter varieties, so it definitely is not lacking in the flavor department.

Should I Prebake my pie crust for apple pie? ›

If you're making a traditional two-crust apple pie, the crust should not be pre-baked. If the bottom crust is baked, you won't be able to pinch it together with the top crust after adding the filling. Prebaking is only practical for single-crust pies.

What apples should not be used for apple pie? ›

There are a few apples that don't make the cut. While great for snacking, Gala, Fuji and Red Delicious are the most common apples that won't hold up in the oven and will give you a watery-mushy pie, tart or cake.

Should I soften my apples or leave them uncooked for apple pie? ›

Baking the apple slices first. It's the magic key to a crispy base, superior flavour and perfectly-cooked-and-never-mushy filling. It's also how you get a generous amount of pie filling without the dreaded giant empty cavity under the lid.

When you wish to bake an apple pie from scratch you must first invent the universe? ›

Usually, it's a bit of wisdom from an ancient philosopher, or something a bit trite from a self-help book, but on this particular day they had written up the quote from Carl Sagan, 'If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe'.

What materials do you need to make a pie? ›

Essential pie making tools
  1. Digital scale.
  2. Mixing bowls.
  3. Bench scraper.
  4. Pastry blender.
  5. Food processor.
  6. Rolling pin.
  7. Pie and tart pans.
  8. Rimmed baking sheet.
Mar 1, 2022

What does to make a thing as simple as an apple pie you have to create the whole wide world mean? ›

“To make a thing as simple as an apple pie, you have to create the whole wide world.” (Prologue, Page 1) The novel opens with Carl Sagan's comparison of the creation of the universe with making an apple pie from scratch. His words suggest that to make anything, one has to start from nothing.

When Carl Sagan said if you want to make an apple pie from scratch you must first invent the universe? ›

An Excerpt fromThe Sun Is Also a Star. CARL SAGAN SAID that if you want to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe. When he says “from scratch,” he means from nothing. He means from a time before the world even existed.

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