(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY · 2013. 5. 3. · 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (2024)

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (1)

Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary [Front Cover] Vol. 5. Samuel J. Reader’s DIARY Most of 1860. All of 1861, 1862, 1863, and part of 1864. [Inside front cover] [Inside Front Cover – Newspaper Articles] [Title Page] Samuel J. Reader Indianola Samuel J. Reader. Indianola, Shawnee County, State of Kansas Samuel J. Reader Private Journal, and Day Book VOL. 5. [Blank Page] [Genealogy] Samuel J. Reader Genealogy de [Short hand] 25 Jan. 1860 [French Starts] Mlor pere Francis Reader etais ne a Coventry daus

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (2)

l’Agnlotere l’an AD 179 lemois de Quano il ect cings ans il venne a l’Etauts UJnis d’ Amerique du Soro. Et s’etablir dans le stat Oc Penn. Avee son pere sa mere et ses grails at soenr. Le nom de son pere etais William G G Le nom de sa mere duvant marriage etais Mary (Marie) White. Le enfant le plus age etaris momme William Betsy le second, James le traisence puis Harriet puis Charles puis Martha puis Henry puis Mary puis Frances puis Edwin le dermir. Mon pere spouse ma metele 25 December l’an le dimauch Jan 1832. “Potre humble serviteior etais ne le 25 Jan. lan 1836 le your de Lrindi Na mere se mourut 19 Mai lan 1836 cheyson pere dans le conitte du Washington l’stat de Penn. Na soeius et moi-misgre etaes ne dans Greenfield Comte Washington etat penso Mon pera epense une autre femine nomime Ellen Smith le auois Jan. en lau 1842 il ent trois enfauts le premere Francis le second Martha White le troisence Mary Ellen bella mere se mourut Mon pere epouse une autre femuil eucore nouime Ueodanse Jackson sine veuve; Pan des enfants Elle se mourst [Genealogy] [French Continues] Le nom de ma mere etais Catherine James Elle etait ni 3 Nlars en l’an 1804. Daus Penn Son pere nomme William etais un soldat du Malice en le guerre du Revolution il se mowit Le 15 Mai lau 1855 Sa epouse a nomme Elizabeth Gallagher elle simiourat 10 Mai lan

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (3)

1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends]

Copied from the Long Journal 1859. Samuel A. Reader Born Jan. 25. 1836 (La) Eliza Cole Born Apr 23, 1808 (E.) Eliza M. Reader Born Dec 15, 1833 Wm James Born Jan 22 1764. (S.) Samuel James Born Jan. 18, 1806 (MJ) Maria James Born. 1817. (C.) Joseph M. Cole Born. Apr 19, 1806. (Dill.) Adelia B. Cole Born. July 11 1827. (F.) Frances E. Cole Born July 3, 1845. (B.) Eugene M. Cole Born July 28, 1851. (Pere.) Frances Reader Born Sep. 23, 1798. (Mere.) Catherine Reader Born March 4, 1804. (L.) Lewis James Born Sept. 1798.

((June, 9, 1910 – 4 ½ p.m.)) [Self-portrait] Samuel J. Reader, 26 ys. Old. AGED 26 YEARS AND 29 DAYS. Drawn Feb. 23, 1862 Indianola, Kansas

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (4)

By Samuel J. Reader Sketched from a mirror. ((On the 26th day of March, 1862 Mrs. O.J. Antell inspected this portrait & said it was correct, Nov. 18 1911.)) Like a daguerreotype, it is “wrong side to.” “AND IF I HAD BUT MY YOUTH AGAIN _____” ((Well what would I do? Oct. 15, 1911.)) Apr. 1, 1862. Valney Brown & Sam Bonem said this looks natural & next day Will McNown recognized it as my portrait)) ((People now see a resemblance 1911.)) Apr. 20, 1862, Rob’t McNown said this picture is good and “looks natural.” May 4, 1862, Dr. C. says “my picture looks well.” May 31, 1862 Miss Josephine Reglan recognized it. [My Claim] “My Claim,” bought of the United States (as agent of the Deleware Indians,) on the [XX] day of July AD 1857 for the sum of Two dollars and a half per acre. It is the South East quarter of Section Eleven Township. Eleven Range Fifteen East in Calhoun then Jackson then Shawnee County and Territory, then State of Kansas. [See Original Diary to see a drawing of Claim Map.] Drawn February 18th AD 1862 x [Page 1] January 25, AD 1860 Samuel J Readers Private Journal AND A KIND OF AUTOBIOGRAPHY Indianola Jackson County Kansas Territory Indianola Jackson Co. Indianola Jackson Co Kansas. [Two lines of shorthand]

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (5)

Year of THE GREAT DROUTH. 1860. BIRTHDAY 24TH Wed 25. My 24th birthday, I got up [French Begins] th” duvant le poirst du jour. Pbscir. O; se,ot a Neger. J’ai un kirk a la dos, La Dr lave’ avec cauphor, E wind ) 30. B [English Begins] explained the word tabb. Take [French Begins] un full des trous & [Short Hand] [English Starts] I read and wrote, Hull brought [Drs] meat. P.M. I put fire and smoke under [Drs] meat. Snow all day & ) 30. N wind at night and colder. I wrote genealogy. Thurs 26, ) 18. Cloudy but cleared off. I shaved wagon tongue &c. Wood got an ox bow of [XXX] PM ) 26. Plummer subpoenaed me for Juror. I to Clinton House. Clinton has sued Stewards. To get them out of his house. His counsel, Jack Thompson and Cutts of Topeka. Stewards, Old Kuykendall, A tangled case. Gave it in favor of defendant. McN got an oxbow, and large oxyoke staple of use Augell drawing Drs logs close to mill. I home late. A little moon. [French Begins] Mon soulier neuf an droit est trop court. Le gaucho [English Begins] fits well. Bowker was Squire. [Page 2] January 27, 1860. Frid 27. ) 12. Clear [French Begins] Nous levors duvant le leve du soliel [English Begins] as usual, I took about 2/3 bu. corn on Fox to Peters. Got [XXXX] and tongs at shop, and a SE Post Majors has sold out to Fairchild. I saw him, the Store was bolted. Home. Tried to unscrew bolt in wagon tongue. Fail’d Rod turned. I took tongs home and [XXX] 2/3 bu. more corn and got another chair. Home. With [foot worse], I cleaned some of stable in PM 26degrees. Sat. 28, ) 18. I put red oxen on wagon; to shop Jim Steward cut off burr and put another 10 [cents]. Got some hickory wood and other chair. F Sold eggs. PM Blondel here with papers for me to look at deeds &c. I to [XX] field the ice broke. I cleaned very little stable. 38 degrees Thawing, warmer. Sund ) 29. Clear ) 29. Blondel got oxen and wagon to draw 2 loads of wood. I read Davis Vol 1 Great Harmonia. W.N.W. Cool. ) 28. Clear. [Kits] foot better. I solved several questions in crops multiplication It is easy. Position double & single, is bothersome. PM I took papers to E. Young Fuller came in for Dr. He is at Silver Lake Home late warm.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (6)

Mond 30. ) 28. Clear, sharp & cold. S.W. I at wagon tongue all day. Milue here. Left papers, I paid him $2.05. Kit better. Saw Mosleys calf. [Short Hand] P.M. I took Wagon tongue to shop. I to Dr. Pucket shipped Clinton for dogging his hogs. Jack Thompson putting up an office. I got soap and milk at E. 34 degrees. Read Rescue of [Tula] & the discovery of a great humbug? medicine. [Page 3] January 31 AD. 1860 Tues 31. ) 22. Cloudy, few drops of Snow Hard N wind very cold. We have to keep log heaps and suffer from cold at that. I read Davis, Yonkers (an spectacle), [French Begins] La fait une [English Begins] Awful cold, Windy, 25. The highest. PM Cleared I read &c. January goes out like a lion. [Drawing called “A FANCY SKETCH”, March 30th 1860 – See Original Diary] Samuel J. Reader Indianola Kansas May 13 A.D., or Mch. 30, 1860.x [Page 4] February 1st AD 1860 Samuel J Readers Private Journal AND AUTOBIOGRAPHY, Indianola Kansas Territory, Jackson County as: 10 degrees below zero Wed 1. Clear, awful frosty. SW. I to shop Tongue & 4 washers done $1.50, Fixing bolt & burr 10 Cents. Old man mending tug hook, clevis, frying pan and making a clevis pin 50 cts. Corn $1.50. Paid Jim Steward 60 cts La’s money. I to store; got 40 cts prepaid letter envelopes for self. Paid E. Postage for Magazine 25 cts. I to Dr. Clinton & Puckets trial came off. P. fined $3. And costs. Jack Thompson Clintons lawyer. Jim T. son [XXX] said he never heard so fine a speech. Button Puckets, counsel. Mrs. Clinton waited on porch to catch him and give him [XXX] , but she froze out & Button escaped by flight. Wolf came in at Dr; Oxen are in Wallace field. I there Saw old woman & Jim I got oxen; drove them to Drs field Then to town, put a letter in office to Treasurer. 2 Stamps to La I got wagon tongue home. Clear SW PM ) 25. I put on wagon tongue. I made a calf house between Stock and Stable. Thurs 2. ) 13. Wood H. got the “pot,” (kettle.) I ground colchisel and cut head off a neck yoke bolt and turned under side up. I fixed place to get in crib warm.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (7)

PM. ) 36. B and I took two chickens to E. I to store; got 1 pt. Linseed oil 25, and borrowed a brush of Alley Home. Painted nearly both hind wheels and tongue. Clear S.ish; pleasant. Observation day Fair and clear. 2 winters in [XXXX]. [Page 5] Frid 3. ) 10. Clear I wrote a note to S. about not receiving that draft. [French] Je alle’ a la ville. Put my letter dans office. Achete’ 1 pt. Huile linseed 20 cts. [English] Dr. performed a surgical operation on Mooly cow; One of her teats frozen or spoiled & says [XXX] are outlawed in 3 years. Little Yonker [French] n’est pas peur de weor’ [English] at present. [French] Il nx’offre le main. Il parle “Burn, burn” et moujtre le doigt a le poel. [English] B and I brought cow & calf home. She is poor, I at wagon; finished wheels, tongue, and [XXXX] at 12 PM Dr. here B. and I to Bellingres; got his oxen, and wagon. Joe with us to Joe Pappans; got 3 sticks of timber that Pete and Hall were making warm Joe took team home [XXXX]. Sat 4. Clouds, ) 34. Raw air. I shelled 1 ½ bu. corn; took it to Ogre mill. I to store, got Post, Saw Button. I at Dr. Kaw Indians have the small pox. They all feel not well. Snow is going off fast. Cloudy, warm, 47 degrees. Saw Jake Johnson. He looks “very mean and shabby,” as Milene says, Home. PM G. and F to town with eggs. Got wash board &c. An Indian here. Sold a raw hide rope for 2/3 bu. corn, Cleared some of stable and hung up our Beef and 2 hams. Cloudy; feels like spring. Pappan drew rest of Drs. Cottonwood timbers, 5, All done. The frame of Jack Thompsons office is up. Read the Post of Jan. 28, 1860. Began “to rain”. Sund 5th ) 33. Cloudy, Rain last night, but not much. Snow almost gone. [French]: combat des chien]. This morning Buck replied the [French]: “sault” il had recu dui ohatet se jote dans le troy. Elle sauté de Son lots glistening and fairly flying with ilan pour lui prerdre. Je pousse le grand caisse dessous l’autre, and took off two of the rouetts. Il pousse des aboys; loud and etouridie. (Difficult pour le comprenhre. July 25 1908.)] [Page 6] Reading The Great Harmonia, Called a dangerous book. February 6, 1860. I read Davis about Light, air, dress, food, &c. Mediums for health etc. PM ) 35 degrees. I to Dr. E. not well, I to my woods. Wallace have been cutting fire wood there, I home, then to Dr. Field. Saw all cattle, Cold cleared No Freezing. Mond 6 ) 18 degrees Clear S, pleasant. I to my woods by Wallaces line, cut my wood; put up a notice. I to E. She is well. I got papers. Saw Wolf He said Wood He cut over line. “Gods! Woods!! A little Woods !!!” [French] Hier; Godokates thought would die le soir pafse; were all balloting, Elle est une Vache (petite). Je vois Davison, He [Short Hand] plow. (He wants his plow.)

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (8)

PM, Clear, warm ) 36 degrees N.W. B and I to woods, Set up notices, I got meal at Ogee. Saw Mrs. Miles, Mr. M. not at home, Shiftless; worthless Eli Miles! Cant fix plow for some time yet An almost total eclipse of the moon at about 8 in evening. Tuesd 7. ) 22 degrees, Clean, warm, I got John horse Drew 4 loads of wood, B with me. One load was Poles, Warm. PM ) 41 degrees Hull took team; drew posts and lumber from mill, I with him. Got plow from Miles, I then with team to Hardings. Bl. There He helped me roll logs close to mill. The Buffalo heifer is running loose. It scared Fox. Home Clear, warm, Pete here at night. Wed. 8. ) 33 degrees Clear, Warm. I [heaved] out a plow beam of green wood. Hull got team. I to town. No letter I saw Princess Monica “She is ugly as Sin.” (C. said she was pretty) Saw Barnard. Home, Some headache; a cold. PM ) 50 degrees Clear S [La&F.] Washed this morning. I hunted at Dr. field and ours for a seasoned stick for a plow beam. Failed am tired and discouraged, about the old plow. Not my trade. [Page 7] February 9 AD 1860 Thurs. T ) 38 Degrees Cold N. wind, clear. Hull here. He to field. Let oxen out. They came home. Froncey boy brought a load of rails Bl. had sent. PM I made the piece of wood back of mould, board of plow, and put it on; also the rungs. ) 16 Degrees. I have a cold; Feel all twisted out of Sorts. Frid. 10 ) 10 Degrees Clear SE. Not so cold I turned oxen out for water. I to store, Got Post but no letters, Clouded, SW. I to my woods, but a log for plow beam, I home, PM ) 36 Degrees – I to Bellmon Their little boy was scalded with hot coffee [XXX]. I made a brake to make ox bows[.] Barnard came. Stayed till 7 or 8 o’clock[.] He took Life of John Brown with him. We read stories &c. (Dr’s site for house.) Sat 11. ) 21 Degrees Clear, N, pleasant. I and Dr. looked out a site for their new house. I have a cold yet. I took red oxen; went to my woods; got load of parts timber & Saw Fleisher; he will fix plow. I unloaded. I took plow to Flacher, B with me, Oxen kind of stalled on creek bank[.] Mrs F – demands [XXXX] . Went to Hardings; No lumber, One log on carriage, Home at 1 PM. ) 38 Degrees. Warm clear, I corked well bucket[.] Miss [Stump] & Nan. Wallace here for water. I finished oxbow brake, and bent two. Hull digging Dr. cellar. I went to see cattle. Pleasant. Sund 12. ) 35 Degrees, Clear, warm. La not well. Dr. brought Leon Crapaud ici. & veuse, after a while no more of Princess Monica. Dr. to see Miss Hindman. Un bon dine PM. ) 61 Degrees, Clear, warm[.] I read &c, leisurely Miss. Stamp car l’eau, F.B. and I to Dr’s field, Let oxen in. Mond 13. ) 34 Degrees, Cloudy Levous plus tard La washed I hung up rest of meat. N cool.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (9)

[Page 8] February 14. AD, 1860 PM. ) 36 Degrees. I put boards on NE end of house, Nell Steward here. Got cold N. wind Nells pieds vont assea grand que le mien (This must have been a gross exaggeration. I wear No. 11 shoes. June 9, 1908. Sure it was Mch 1909.) Tuesd 14. ) 24 Degrees, Clouded; Commenced N. snowing, at 9 or 10. I to Egot Ladys Book for March. Snowing hard. Bollote at Dr. Mrs. Katie Wilson (Her husband, “Old Wilson”, was shot last Summer at Bellmores.) stopped here on her way to Blondel’s. PM ) 32 Degrees. Stopped snowing. It is 3 or 4 in. deep; No wind. I nailed and [pinned] a crosspiece on crib to keep it from coming apart. (Bursting with corn) Young Darling to be married tonight in nation. (Pottawatomie.) Wed 15. ) 26 Degrees. Cloudy but cleared No. Hull here. A Theatre show in town last night. The Dutchman qui demurere chiz Rose le fongerou, venss a le Dr. hier pour le 3 or 4 fois, to get his thumb lanced, mais il etait peur, it dit a Haull “I’m [XXX] darn fool.” Enfinle Dr. coupe sa thumb a l’instant, et le Dutchman jumped and [XXX] around the room like a loon. Les yeux de Hull changed a rouge et il rit. Clear N. I shelled corn, La made a [Shorthand] PM 33 Degrees highest, but thawing very fast, N. I shelled corn. La on Fox to Bellmores; Boy better; One of their sows got bit and ran mad; They killed and burned her[.] In evening I took oiled paper. Took a Sketch of John Brown and painted a picture of him that looks well La Dit il etac’s le diet of wheat we had aujourd here. Thurs 16. ) 23 Degrees. Cloudy. Cleared I to my town woods; but for posts, Dr. was here. He admired le tablace of John Brown. PM ) 42 Degrees. [XXX] law has passed legislature. B took eggs to town. Calico; café; I to woods. Made a new [mall]. Split 19 fine posts. B with me. Snow most all gone. [Page 9] February 17. AD 1860 Frid 17 ) 35 degrees. Began to rain in night and continues. I wrote &c. No cattle here nor horses except Kit. I made a picture of Brown for Dr. & painted other things. Hull here during a slack in rain. I helped him grind a new spade of Dr’s. PM I to town with eggs for E. It rained again Slacked some. I on [XXX] to E got B. and a Post. Gave E. Brown portrait. Home. Sat 18 ) 22 degrees Clear N. cool[.] I to woods made 18. I at E got Day Book Proslavery paper. And milk Dr. says Bellmore boy will die. Home.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (10)

PM I have headache An Indian & squaw here sold a twisted lariat for 1 bu. corn. ) 35 degrees Clear, pleasant. I to woods. Split 24 posts. 45 in all. B & F to me on [XXX]. I not well. Home early, battle up. Bls. Pigs here “a pesterin.” ((“An expression of mother Eli Miles. [Shorthand. 10.09.)): Un des les cochons est de bull, ((“A [blondel] word.)), and I afraid he “fall down” [tear down] the fence and get in our pen and our [XXXX] will “borut” [bite] it. Clear pleasant. Sund 19. ) 23 degrees. Clear S. Some headache yet. I on [Fox] to Flachers. Plow not done yet. He will take 12 bu. corn to mend it. I to [He] = & mill. Logs are sawed, but lumber is rotten. Dry rot. Augell cheated me in them. I home. Wrote Dr. PM ) 45 degrees. I to [X] Home, Warm, Jack Thompsons house most done. Mond 20. ) 33 degrees Clear warm, I greased wagon and put on the new washers. I to Dr; got John. Drew my lumber 2 loads. Harding gave me both large logs for the long one. It suits me. PM 48 degrees SW, warm. I drew in 7 loads of corn fodder, put it in stock yard. Cattle all came up but oxen. La washed today. A feline ruffian has been coasting around for several nights, fighting desperate [Shorthand] Cat and frightening little [“Fur”] Fingers. [Page 10] February 21. 1860. Tues 21. ) 45 degrees. Up before day. Cloudy Rained some. Slacked, I took team; drew in 4 loads of fodder, All done. I to woods; got up 1 load of posts. Cloudy. Two men went by here ce uratin, to quarry rock for Dr. They wanted crow bar. PM between 50 & 60 degrees. I got another load posts. We put all cattle in field. I moved Drs house logs. Hull will nearly finish cellar today. I shaved plow handles. Cloudy. Some sprinkle, Warm. I to town, Got a letter to me from S. and a Draft of $200, It was not good, Protested. We owe Milue $216.15 cts. Dr. likes my picture of Brown. I put [Fox] in stable with [XXX] and locked them in, first [Shorthand]. Wed 22. ) 40 degrees. I was up early, La not well, I got ready; went to Milne. He in woods off 1 ½ m. We to his house. He took draft. I gave him a note, $16.65 [French] Il ure donne du vin. [Teetotaler?] Je Vois Mme. Loran, [Old Mrs. Laurent is still living. July 26 1908.] Elle est pale, malsain. Sprinkly; turned to snow. I to Flacher, plow done [XXXX]. I to Dr. Snow. I home at 12 ½ PM. I wrote to S. Cold, ) 28 degrees. N. Snows & melts. I to [X] Dr to sue Cummins, Mond next. I to store. Capt Alley alone. I asked about buying my lots back from Town. He will let me examine books. [French] Il dit, C. me dois carle Day Book en l’an 1857 et postage. Snowy. Old Blanchard has left his [lit] [et] board, and is lying around lose. I kept [Fox] with [Kit] locked up got a S.E. Post, 18 ult. I showed F. how to do a sum in Reduction. Read stories in paper. Thurs 23. ) 15 degrees. N clear, cold. Hull came; We tried to put up Drs cabin. Too cold, I put handles on toe nail plow. Fixed ox bows &c. PM Clear. Snow about all gone. ) 38 degrees I

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (11)

put tongue in horse rake &c. Fixed things generally &c. We are admitted in Shawnee Co. to the parallel above us. Shawnee County. [Page 11] February 24. 1860 Frid 24. ) 25 degrees Clear. N coolish. W Delaware Indian here a while. Wood Hindman [driving] rock for Dr. Hull came here. We put up Drs cabin a few rounds. We quit; Too cold. Bellmores boy died at 9 A.M., [X] there. I put 12 bu corn in wagon PM. I got John; took 2 sacks of corn to mill. I took corn to Flachers; got plow and breaking plow at McNown’s. I home, painted plow. Clear, We here in night for oxen. Sat. 25. Up very early. ) 31 degrees. A few clouds; but cleared, W breeze. I started for Lecompton at day break, got there at 11o’clock. Treasurer, Auditor & all gone to Lawrence, and no money in treasury anyhow. Warrants sell at 50 cents on the dollar. [Carriage] 20 cts. Horse feed 10, but did not pay for want of change. I home at dusk. McKnown brought oxen home. He had them today drawing logs. [French] Milne ne lui donne’ du soupe’ griand il travelle la’. Clear, pleasant. All to bed early. Sund. 26. ) 34 degrees. Clear, S, warm. I to mill; got 1 sack of meal. Saw Miles. Mary sa fille here awhile. Dr. brought the little one here. His lawsuit demain. 64 degrees at 11 AM. PM 68 degrees, highest yet. [E.] here I was asleep. Downie here for Dr. E, La, and I are thinking about giving up the idea of going to Ill. now, [French] Nous n’avons que six chandles. Pas du light le soir; le priemier fois. I feel worn out. (Je rase mon moustache First I e fois de Wilsons murder when I sat on Coroners Jury.) Mond 27, ) 36 degrees Clear, No wind S. Angell here to sell lumber in the log for corn (Get out with your rotten lumber!) failed. To E she chilling. Hull a chill also. He got oxen to snake up sills. Drs trial put off. A Toll to be put on bridge. March 1 1860. Saw Davison. Home. I began to lay upper floor. [F.] to E’ PM ) ) 62 degrees I laid most of upper floor. [Bl.] here to give logs of Blanchard for corn. (Hope not!) [Page 12] (Leap Year.) February 28, AD 1860. Tuesday 28 ) 38 degrees Cloudy N. Angell to dig Drs well for mooly cow & calf and 4 dollars store pay. He and his man, Hogeboom, began. I laid floor awhile, put 16 bu. corn in wagon. Hull brought John. We took corn to Bl. Katy Wilson (Widow of murdered Wilson.) there. I home; cloudy, ) 42 degrees PM. Hull drew 2 loads of lumber. I with him; got our meal. The mill stopped, all the hands are to Delaware Reserve for claims. Dr’s trial came off. He got judgment for $1. & clear of costs. Dr his own lawyer. Cummins had old [Kuykendall.] Hull a

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (12)

chill. I took team; drew 2 more loads of lumber for Dr. All but 1/3 load. Cleared off. N cool. That [E.s] She quite well; pas lumiere. Dr. sued Garland Cummins for medical services, got $1. Wednesday ) 29. Leap Year 1860. 28 degrees, Clear. No wind; pleasant, warm. I finished upper floor, and fixed up lounge; painted our plow & c. Old Blanchard got oxen; drew Drs two long sills; Bill Davison here for oxen. PM. ) 52 degrees; Clear. Toll on bridge tomorrow. 5 men working at Drs house site today and 6 & 2 yoke of oxen in AM. A.D. Stephens (Col. Whipple mon capitaine of 1856) and Hazlitt to be hung 16 of March next. [Page 13] March First AD 1860. Indianola Shawnee County Kansas Territory. Samuel J. Readers Private Journal & Day Book. Thurs 1. ) 35 degrees; I to woods; made 24 posts. Home. Clear, warm S. Eliza Milne here, Miss Loran, Fanny Laurent, at Bl. She to be married to Bollote in a few weeks. A Great Secret, of course. PM 65 degrees or more. B and J to woods. I made 6 posts, Gave out. To Es, Mrs. Sardeau there, animated parley that she did not carry on very well. The little one got out of doors and ran off and Alley called out (Gave Warning). I got an auger of Bollotes at Dr. Home and put a handle in it The frogs croak; I bored 3 posts, It’s a 2 ¼ in. auger. Angell got saddle de side. [F] read…Kastler here to see about steers. WILEY WILLIAMS. Frid 2 ) 36 degrees. Clouds S windy. I bored and burnt ends of posts. Dr. here. Wiley Williams was caught at ferry by two sheriffs and lodged at Clintons; He asked Dr. to bail him, Il repoudit: “Ouf! I have no property, and I don’t think my wife will bail you.” Five men working at Drs, yet; Two Irishmen and Hull at posts that Frankey brings with two teams and Angell and man digging well; They were 26 feet, hier. 64 degrees at 11. Warm, PM. I bored a few posts 30 in all. Just before dinner an Italian, [THE COUNT HANDORGANI?], came in yard with a hand organ and played “Poor dog Tray & other airs. F. scared out of her dinner. Very Windy Leonard here for Angell. F to town; got a post I at E. Dr. hurry, yet. Joe Copp a new papoose. I home, La out and found Briggs with a “hoffle” calf; We all shouted, Clouds, windy ) 68 degrees. [Page 14] March 3 1860 Sat 3. ) 36 degrees about. I to woods; Bared about 50 posts N. cooler. Home Lots of Kaws going by. PM ) 53 degrees. I to town Indians a War dance & begging. I at Dr. He has sprained

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (13)

his ankle over a boot that Whiskey lee threw in his way. I bored, 33 posts. Indians drunk. A new Day Book &c. Sund 4. Above ) 32 degrees I drew a John Brown for E. Milne, &c. PM Read. We went to Dr’s cellar, well &c. McNown here awhile. The grass begins to start. Mond 5. About ) 40 degrees. Kit the colic very bad. Mr. C. always cured horse colic with dose of whisky & tobacco? I to Dr. He told me to not give her anything, but to get her up and drive her around. I did so, and cured her. I to woods. Burned all the ends of the posts but 5 or 6 and bored 7. SW Clear, very warm. Bollote at Dr’s. PM ) 73 degrees, Very warm, clear. E and little One here. I don’t feel well. I laid around. They say Gov. Robinson is a “Rask” Drs ankle better. He to Downies; his wife most dead. Blue Ventre Augell wanted to take corn and give old Stewards blacksmithing for pay, but the old fellow is going away in a few days, & don’t know what to think of going to Ill. [French] Nous se coucheres a la bonne heuro Je vois a he nog. Age [XXXX] en extasies de temps. Tuesd. 6. ) 60 degrees. Very warm. SW Clouding. I to woods, made 20 posts of an oak top I left when Enoch Stephens helped me make rails; knotty but splits well. Warm, very. PM ) 74 degrees NW Clear. I made 6 posts and bored 26 B with me a big prairie fire S of Wallaces. Home, Marple drawing logs for Dr. off Town Les Enfasota un fowl. La headache, I tell B. stories of Aladdin, continued. Full moon. [Page 15] March 7, 1860. Wed 7. ) 30 degrees. Some ice, but little wind. Warren, Pete and Flacher at Drs farm, B and I to woods, I split out 21 posts. Old Steward moving, Home, Leonard got plow. I found a flower, hier; White petals & yellow in Centre. PM 68 Degrees. Clear, warm. B and I to woods, I bored 21 posts and cut off a saw log 13 ft. &c. Home. Bollote hates Half Breeds, [Noneek], also. Kits back joint swelled a great deal. Thurs. 8. ) 40 degrees. Cloudy E. then N windy. I to woods Split and bored 16 posts. An Indian got fire in woods over creek on town and me. I put out part of it, I at E. got corn cutter. Plummer is crazy. I home, F to Milnes, Wood [XX] got horse rake. PM 53 degrees. No windy, clear. Elsie, the Kaw left two pair of buffalo moccasins here yesterday. He came today & I gave him 1 barrel of corn for them. I put a long handle in corn knife, but a large patch of stalks between where I cut up fodder. Ran home. Mrs. Milnes, [French} les enfants et Morlle. Loron an extasie’ environ le peintre de John Brown. The young girls mente? Et les Nuilles. “Stawmps est mi vol, dit Eliza Milne. Clear &c. Wood got little harrow. Frid 9. ) 30 degrees Cool, clear. I to woods, Made 4 posts, then on other side. The fire has started up again last night and ruin my timber. I home at 10. A new Post. Old Earl dead. A letter from Marshall Gettings. Les mots sout clipped Old Downie here looking for the colts. He thinks the Indians have killed his sow. PM. About 50 degrees. I to Dr. got John E will go to Ill.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (14)

I [guess]. I took Davisons Plow home. I then drew 2 loads of posts from woods 48 and 1 load from house (18) on line clear. [Page 16] March 10 1860. LO THE POOR INDIAN. Sat 10.) 24 degrees. Clear. A ruffian drunk Indian here last night, Sans Leggins Moccasins, blanket or shirt. He wanted to stay, but I drove him off. He went away shivering and singing “o-hi!” No wind. I to woods; drew out 3 loads of posts. Jim Wallace wants Drs field. I thought it was on fire, but Hull was burning grass. La washed the house walls &c. A new Day Book. Angell wants [corn] for work. (He wanted to work me. July 31, 1908.) PM. ) 60 No wind. I drew 2 more loads of posts; All done got a load of wood. Don’t feel well. Colic &c. L turned the 2 hogs in field. Pete and Flacher at Drs farm. Pete here Old Guy Kendall leaves for Mo. tomorrow. He says Milnes office expired before he married Frank F. He to Bl. To see Murlle. Loren. Dr says E must go to Ill. He has over $30. I don’t feel well [shorthand]. X (X Paid in rotten promises and rotten logs. Angells account.) Sund 11: ) 35 Clear. Bloods [XXXX]. I feel wrong, sickish. I wrote to Marsh. Gettings and made him a portrait of John Brown. PM ) 72 SW Very warm. I feel like a chill. La & B to Dr. F. to my claim. I wrote a note to S= *Angell came. Got nearly 20 bu. corn. (How foolish is one.) He has the rualanx dents. La home Bollote has been accepted (Il dit: “sacre nom de Dien, st cing cent diables!”) We let sows out of field. I feel very bad. To bed before dark. (Angell was a rascal, pure and simple. June 9. 1908) Mond 12. ) 32 Clear N Windy, cold and raw. My Brown pictures are better every new one I make. F took my letter to Town. I cut stalks awhile. I quit. Too weak. Dr here for wedges. E to go to Ill. in 2 weeks with Jim Marple. PM ) 44 Cold N windy. I broke cutter; Made a new handle. Wedged upper floor tight. Dr here for cattle. A man living in [XXXX] house here to rent my field. 5 men at work for Dr. Felt sick all day. La got 23 eggs. 20 new chickens; The first. Davisons got oxen awhile to draw tills. [Page 17] March 13 1860. Tuesd 13. ) 16 Cool, Clear, S. I cut stalks, feel weak. PM ) sun 50 Clear, pleasant. Mrs. Augell here; (younger.) Leonard wanted Jack Curtis; [XXXX]. I cut stalks and finished all but orchard; 2 days work. The man here to rent my field again. An Indian found our colts. 4 home Warrants out for Mc.N – And for Bill Thompson for stabbing and shooting. Cailloiz saw Bill scooting for life, up his way. Miss Lorons (Laurent’s) wedding dress has arrived! Yes indeed! Wed 14. ) 30 Ice, Clear, Smoky. I fixed horse rake. To Dr. Got John Angell has not fixed Drs well right. Too small and too shallow &c. Henry Davison here to engage oxen to draw a log.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (15)

Downie brought saddle horse, I raked stalks. Kits foot no better, S. Clear, warm ) 68 La cleaned yard Ce Matin. PM I raked stalks finished middle of afternoon. Took John Home. La was at McNown’s, Mrs, Fletcher there. I got a S.E. Post. We all at field. Burnt most of stalks and grass around trees. So smoky we can’t see big hills S.E. of this place, over the river. Thurs 15. ) 28 Cold, smoky. I to woods Cut for posts. Home early. Hull using team. Smokier than hier. La don’t feel well I am about well now. ) over 60. PM I burnt all the stalks and trash. Feel sore and weak. No wind. Three Indian brothers here. Left ponies, bow & arrows &c. CAPT. WHIPPLE TO BE HUNG TODAY (“Captain, my captain!”) Drs. House raised. Frid 16 )34 Clear, very smoky. No wind day of my old commander Col. Whipple (A.D. Stephens.) Aaron Dwight Stevens, Peter F. Flacher, Hull, Dr. Blanchard, [XXX] K. Jim Thompson, and I, at Dr house put up his frame. 18 ft by 24 ft. Smoky, warm. S. )72 [Page 18] March 17 1860. PM warm. I made a [leach] and worked at my plow carriage. To home with Lady Book for Apr. La shelled corn. She got a pair of moccasins for over ½ bu. corn. Dr. says he will (can?) prove Bollote insane, to clear him from his marriage engagement, to such a young girl. Age’ fou. Sat 17. ) 40 Smokier yet. Can’t see woods towards Cohees. I made plow carriage. Took 1 sk. Corn to mill. Awful hard S wind. I at E, got big [auger]. E sickish I guess. I home, PM. ) 70. Clear, Smoky. Awful windy S. I made 3 garden beds in field; good way from house. I opened hole, Took out potatoes 4 ½ bu. [Nieshaunacks] and 6 bus [merinos]. I to mill, got meal. To home, Auin aux jache. Sund 18. N, windy, clear, no smoke ) below 32. I read. I made a portrait of John Brown to put in B frame. The old one looks like a “fried martyr. ) 60. PM. N, cool McNown here. He don’t like Milne, and Mrs. Milne ne lui parle depuis trois semaine. Bill Thompson has run off with the widow Dannewoods pony. Mc.N. dit Partr coueme [shorthand] epouse. Like [shorthand] avec L. Thompson. They (T’s) have left the Sardeau house for fear of Indians, because they beat and robbed some of them. A tough set. Mond 19. Clear N, cool. Some frost. I to woods; Cut 20 forked sticks and a post cut. Henry Davison got oxen to draw logs closer to sawmill. Home, La to town, Pucket will take corn for nails good idea. (Not so very good, Aug. 1, 08) PM. I cut stalks in orchard. B and La to town. Got our hogs up ) 59. I mended the rake, Raked up stalks and burned some.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (16)

[Page 19] March 20 1860. Tues 20 ) 26. Clear N. I enjoyed eneriron la dejuise’. I to woods. Made 22 forked posts 3 ft long and cut off a 2 ½ ft oak post cut, Hull with team. Majors new store goods coming. PM Clear )52. I cut all the rest of the stalks in garden and raked them up. I made two more garden beds. Wood [XX] – got 2 ½ doz. eggs 25 cts. Dick Young burned up Geo. Young’s meal 250 bu corn, and fence, yesterday. We first heard it was McN – that did it. Mrs Clinton was enfaule [adopted] vache. Leonard brought plow home Je reugle da frt La lui sketched. Saw old meon ce matir. Wed 21. )35 Light clouds, E.A. letter from gravestone man. The [XXXX], only worth 50 cts per 100. [Shorthand] says [Shorthand] encore I will get un baton et ejurogug conquer or die. I to woods split and charred 23 posts. S, quite windy and smoky again. I at E. She not well. PM ) 65. Warm. I to woods. Split and burnt 25 posts. 48 out of the two 2 ½ ft. cuts on Majors town part. Split 2 more out of a limb. 50 in all. Home early. Hull with team all day. [I] ran home with a post. Read at night. Madame’s Jennie Hiller jalous environ Mrs. Clinton. Thurs 22. ) 52. Very warm. Smoky; No wind, I put red oxen on wagon. Drew 2 loads of posts 49, and a load of wood and forked posts. Home PM ) 70. Smoky, but got N wind and cleared. Mrs. Fielding here. I to posts, Bored 24. Cool N. Home, Tinkered around. To home. E wants a power of Attorney. Dr Here. Angell has given up the job of well. He had it walled within 7 ft. He gets but 4 dollars store pay. He refused to take store out again. I don’t feel exactly right well. Briggs cow gives only about 1 pt. [Page 20] March 23 1860. Frid 23, ) 39. Clouds N Cool. No smoke. I to woods. Split a few sticks for post supports and cut out a road in Town part of Majors. I at E. got 4” dogty pes of pere frereet soeurs. Borrowed 10 cts of E. Got 12 sheets of foolscap of Geo. Young N, cool. Home PM clouds )53. I wrote a Power of Attorney for E. I shaved off some ends of house logs at NW corner. Many are rotten! Fixed a lock on my black trunk (The Benj. Winchester trunk.) (Ben Winchester was a noted Morman, 1836 &c.) A new moon. Sat 24 ) over 32. Clouds all day N, Cool. I at Dr. Signed and delivered my Power of Attorney. Old Briggs cow here last night. Has a calf, somewhere. I paid E the 10 cts. I to wood Cut poles &c. Home ) 48 N, cool. Old Briggs cow here, I milked her. B. out and followed her to creek. PM. B and I on Fox, Crossed at old ford. Wallaces saw cow going over hills; followed her NW of Buttons. Found the fore half of her calf. The rest eaten by wolves. Dr came too. We all to

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (17)

town. Lots of ladies there. Button has a large frame up. I found a heap of rails (30) in brush S. of my field. I home. A new Day Book; One last week lost. I fixed trunk straps &c. I washed myself off in tub. Thomas Jefferson here last night, drunk. Got ½ bu. corn in his blanket. Dr. Gives Augell a heifer, to [XXX] him off for well. Blondel & Miss Loron went by to Bls. Youngest name is Timoleon. Sun 25. Clear, cold N ) 27. Ice. I read, wrote &c. PM La to E. I made a likeness of B. Wrote private instructions for E. La home, All well. Dr here in buggy; got trunk and my notes. Cold N. Mond 26. ) 24 Cold N. Ice, Clear. Up early. F and B to town. I put boards on N.W. corner of cabin, for the logs are [Page 21] Election. March 27. 1860. Eliza for Ill. Many of them rotten. Hull got red oxen and wagon. F.B. Dr and [XXX} here. Dr. left him. E started for Ill. with Jim Marple (A Goose) at 8. Cold. B got blue cotton for pants for me. Cold. PM. ) 42. Cold N. I to town. Voted “through” Republican ticket viz. (I never do that now. Aug. 2,’08.) For Commissioners Wm. E Bowker, Geo W Spencer, John M Haywood. For Assessor Silas L. Hunter, For Trustee Justin Brockway; For Justices of the Peace, Lorenzo Dow, E.D. Rose, For Constables: A.S. Gale, Roswell Rose. For overseer of Highways --- On Dem Ticket Old Davison for assessor (Was elected.) Lamb Const. Jewell, Justice of the Peace Jack Fieros here, and about 75 or 80 votes cast; Saw everybody. Davison mad at Dr. Tim Downie told me Wood H. will break up housekeeping, and go to Pikes Peak. Has drawn his rails away and sold his mare. Bollote down, all ready to get married. Dr. is opposed. He here to see youngone. Lady cow not up I to Bl. Field. “No find [XXX].” F dorire sur lounge. Cool. Tuesd 27 ) 14. Clear frosty. Potatoes safe. I on Fox around by Bellmores [Shorthand]. I up as far as Pott. Reserve. House mal a la tete Davison got 24 votes Jewel 7 or 9 Leon Tim don’t cry. ) 50 W – PM. I on bed slept. Fox out and found old cow with a “hoffle” calf like Barcus la tareau du docteur. They were by Blanchards. I not well. Headache. Sun 1 ½ high. I saw a smoke at my field. I there 5 or 6 panels of straight fence on fire; B. with me, I with old pail threw water on fence, Bill Davison came. We back fired by warm fence on SE part of field, on inside Saved it. Not wind much, SW. We worked till dark. [XXX] home, I burnt all grass in field. Have lost 30 or 40 rails. Home long after dark. Moonlight, I feel very bad. To bed. No wood, La not well. ) 50 or 60 today. Everything dry as powder. Belle and her colt got out and ran away. I ran a splinter under my right thumbnail. (All kinds of evil?) [Page 22]

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (18)

March 28 1860. Wed 28. Some ice. I am not well. Puckets got red oxen to go to river (and nearly killed them.) I to my field; All Safe yet Saw where Indians have camped in woods. Home Jim Wallace moving into Wood [N] ‘s house. Blanchard to get 5 bu. corn on, Bl. And 5 on Dr. accounts. Dr. paid me bientot. PM La in bed. ) 60 N.W. clear and dry as gun powder. I am sore and weak, with headache. Blanchard got 6 bu. Dr. account. 5 Bl a/c., NW Haze and two sundogs around the sun; A rain sign. Old Lady cow gives ½ wooden pail of milk. Pete putting up Drs rafters. Warm. My thumb very sore. B to town, to office. No paper, I poultice my thumb. Thursd 29 )26 Clear SW. I fixed up the stall for La to milk cows in. SW windy, warm. I at N end of house. Sided it up with boards set on end. PM ) 70 Clear, windy. Hull got Fox & wagon. [XXX] dit que paid wife etais iure le jour anon fence was burnt [shorthand] environ le col du [shorthand] Il bin dit Puckachee ou je vous [shorthand] parle tres conume il fant. Fx Hull peuse [shorthand] champs. A white wild goose with black tail, lit down before the front gate I co*cked shot gun, and it went off of itself. Dr. here, got splinter out of my thumb. I feel better. B to town, No paper. Le enfant ne bellows pas. Frid 30 ) 50 W. No wind much. Some clouds. B and I to my field. I hoed grass away from my fence, pulled the rails out that I found the other day. There were 44 and 3 stakes. I nailed up paling slats that were burnt off. I found a tobacco pipe that set the fire. It is Mrs Paul [XXX] I guess. I scraped grass away from log where Indians make [Page 23] March 31 1860. their fires. SW, windy. We home. Young one don’t cry. PM Very warm ) 83 !!! I made a place to feed little chicks and to keep old hens out, 30 or more. I fixed well bucket & made wooden shovels to put in horse rake to lay off corn ground. I to town; No Post. Got a child’s paper. Mrs. Milne had the “Court of Death”, Old Bollote only $50, to build his house and get married with. I drew a picture in this book, at night. The first one, Page 3. Sprinkle. Sat 31. )57. Clouds. Gatin battaile loin des beaucoup der aus. Elle etais le France! Mr. T. Bonaparte; Here is Prussia, Mr. P. Blucher; The England Mr. M. Wellington; Teinpthay Belgium; R. Russia Mr. B. Alexander; Battarle champs stois Waterloo; Viola! France pitched into Prussia and trounced that power Russia interfered and that colossal power of the North was attacked by Bonaparte. England came forward in arms. Bona made a fine charge on Prussia & Russia combined trampling Belgium under foot and giving him an awful scare. Blucher gave way. Alexander stood firm. The Duke of Wellington advanced in solid column. Great now was the tuneicult, fracas shouting brawl cheerings and yells were mixed in general confusion, with the commanding and lion like tone of the Duke coming forward to the scratch. At length Bona

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (19)

was forced to give way and was sent into exile. The wounds were looked after and the dust allowed to settle. I fixed E. end of my crib. I to W. line. Bored 22 posts. Saw Jim Wallace (Il vu le battaile.) Clouds, Thunder ) 68 N.W. wind. PM got very smoky and N windy. I took sack of corn to mill. No grind. Home. Kit colic. I drove her around B to town. No Post but got Day book, and a letter to E from Father. Stephens & Hazlitt hung. Last of Capt. Whipple (E. Whipple ?) [Page 24] April 1 All Fools Day 1860 Indianola Shawnee Co. Kansas Territory Samuel J Readers Private Journal. Sund 1. Cold N ) 28 Clear/ Kit well. I read. McN. here. PM )50 Clear N. I wrote to mon pere, the first time for several years. Dr. and Peter here awhile. McN left. He don’t like [XXXX]. I fooled La, F, B and Leon. I pretended there was something in the hen house, and they all ran out to see. Mond. 2 ) 40 Clear S. I took E’s oxen, Drew 2 loads of wood and one of post stakes. Red oxen [XXXX] Droops eye very sore, and long like a skeleton. (Pucket can have them no more) La to Geo Youngs store. They will take 100 bu. corn at crib for 25 cts. La got 3 yds. cassinette 90 cts yard; for 4 yds 50 cts yd. Pucket got nails. Very windy. La has done finely ??? PM. Droop looks used up. Mrs Jim Wallace here awhile. Elle dit Le petit docteur [shorthand] uioi wierne, I to prairie. Bored 8 posts & fit stakes to about 50 posts. B took my letter to office and got 2 posts in one envelope. With new story “The Quaker Partisans,” “The Earls daughters,” are fine. Tuesd 3. ) 40 or 50. Droop better La sick all day; Headache, Dick & John Young, and Ola here. Got 2 loads of corn. I feel sick. Angell here for pony. Downie lost his big horse last Sund. I read. La no better. PM. Young got 2 more loads. He says Wood H did not (front teeth were gone) suit Kate. Davis elated, he says. Dr here with oranges. I took plow share to shop and revolver to Rose’s. He [Page 25] April 4 A.D. 1860. will fix it. A halfbreed team ran away. An awful storm of dust and very little sprinkle. SW. Home. Dr left. It threatened rain but failed “Droop,” well. Plum trees in blossom.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (20)

Wed 4. ) 40 Clear N.W. [shorthand] – I let it in pen. Dick Y & Ola here. Got two loads. Shelled the sugar barrel full of ears. Took it to T. H. weighed 93 lbs. 72 brrls. 119 bu. Pucket has the nails. I home. Miss Angell passed on horseback. I put a new handle in hammer. PM B and I to woods. I cut 50 to 100 sticks for posts. “Ruff Ape” up a tree. We to my field. Burned a strip S of it. N.W. breeze. Davison came; thought I was on fire again. Jim W a new log house (Old logs,) near T. Site. I home, Dr [Jenner] lost 1000 rails today. Fox the distemper. Thurs 5. )30 Clear No wind nor rain. My crib don’t look so woebegone as it did, full of corn. (O, my! my!). I took small oxen got up 2 loads of sticks and wood. B with me and got lost in woods. I had to go to Dr. to get end board & rod. PM. S Windy. I took 15 bu. corn to Pucket: )82 Wm. McNown told me their place is in danger of fire. I there helped watch it. Hull came. He knocked Hardings buffalo in the head with spade. I home. Oxen put off. I had to draw wagon home by hand. I back to McN. We cut down 3 dry trees. Full moon The bridge is free. B and I home late. Frid 6. ) 60 Smoky, & windy warm. Hull here I with him. Looked at buffaloes. Peter came. Helped me load up 18 bu. corn for him, and unload it. I back. Put another load on. Ate dinner. PM. ) 92. Hottest yet. I took load down. Gave Peter 7 and Pucket 11, all but 1/3. I got keg of nails and plow shares 60 cts. Hull took team. I weighed nails with spring balance. [Page 26] April 7 1860. 103 lbs. I put a short handle in axe. I to line. Put in 50 or more sticks. Hot S. Smokey. I have on my [shorthand] [XXX]. La got cloth with [eggs] 45 cts. Harding saw Hull. He said he would not have lost it (buffalo) for $50. I want rain. Too dry. (Better hold your corn, then. June 10 1908) Sat 7. ) 40 or 50 Clear NW. I shelled corn. Yoked small oxen. Drew 2 loads of nails to line [shorthand] put in again. [XXX} I took sack of corn to mill. I to Geo Young Store. Got sk flour $4.50. A plow file 75 cts Ink for self 10 cts. I home. Warm, (Poor INK…08). PM ) 85. I to Jim Wallaces. I sharpened cutter. Put new handle in axe. I with team to mill, got grist. Took rocking chair to Peters. N. Warm. A man here. Got 1 bu corn of La. 25 cts. Catalog wanted 5 or 6 bu but I no sell anymore. Dr. here trouble that E not home. A man got 1 bu of La 25 cts. Mush first time. DONT SELL CORN NOW. Sund 8, ) 58. North. Clouds. [Tinedeon] sick last night and babbeled. Awful dry time. Je rase’ tout mon barb but un patch desous rua menton, hier. NE Cloudy hazy. I read. Feel sore &c. PM )72. B and I to claim. All right. We home. Jim Thompson and a [XXX] Meadows got wagon to go to Mission. (Non. M.E. Nado). Dr. here. No E. yet. Mond 9 ) 52. Thundered. Sprinkle last evening. Clear N. I rigged up plow. Dr here. Paid me $1.50 for Blanchard. A man here for corn. Failed (GOOD!!) warm La owes Dr. $2.62 ½ . I put

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new bows in yoke. The fellow that worked for Elmore here to hire. Fail. He came in played on my fiddle pretty well. PM ) 75. Hull brought wedges home. Peter F Knocked an Indian down, and Geo. Young tried to whip Penfield, Fairchild’s clerk, but he ran away. B and I to N. Line. I nailed up 12 panels. Leonard came by. He says Jim [Page 27] April 10 A.D. 1860. Wallace whipt Ed Wolf Hier N.W. Home. La to store. Got B a hat .25, Sugar $1, Cups & saucers $1, Two bowls 90 cts. Tues 10. ) 42. Clouds. N Cool. I took wedges to Majors town site part. Saw brother of fellow that will take my field. He will take it if other goes to P. Peak. I cut and split 17 oak posts. Very tough. Indians camped in my timber. My pistol not done. I home. Cy Kestler here about steers. He says Jim W. knocked Wolf down and stamped on him & put him under Dr’s hands, because he courted old woman [XXX]. He left. Clouds N. cool. P.M. I with auger Bored the posts Home. I put a shelf above middle door in kitchen to put dainties out of way. A sprinkle towards night. A letter from E to Dr. She to be home tomorrow, All right. Young Biggs not up. Wed 11. ) 27. Frost. Ice. I am afraid of the plums. Clear. [B] at [F] skirmishing. Corn retails at 40 cts in town. I to N. fence. Hull got Fox and wagon all day to draw shingles. He got my Post hier. B brought it to me. I put up 24 panels 2 rails high. PM Read Earls Daughters & Eliza Milue Ellen Steward & others here for F. to go to a party. She went. Got a letter to La from Treasurer. She will get money by fall. I got Day Book March 10 that Dr. lost of Puckets. I hewed rails &c. Mrs Angell here. She took all my Posts away. La got steers up [shorthand]. Read stories. Thurs 12 ) 40 or 50 N Clear. La very sick – headache &c. Kistlers came. Took steers off. Estes went well. Pott contrary. End of his tail pulled off. Warm. My head heavy. ) 77. I looked at Dr. field. Home, La better. I mended B. & my shoes. PM. I to Dr, got John, Geo. Y. had to catch him for us. I plowed among the trees in orchard, and drew 2 loads of rails on N. line. [Page 28] April 13 Friday A.D. 1860. (Is it an unlucky day? June 10, 1908) Hull took John. He a chill. B to town. Got Day Book. I read story. La better. Clear, warm. Frid. 13. ) 32 Clear, cool. Mrs. Jim Wallace here. She told of the [fuss] last Sund. Wolf was to marry Mrs. W. soon. She goes to Buttons every day to see him. I to line, put up 21 panels, Over 75 yards. Home. Une poule et biscuit car dine.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (22)

PM ) 85 Clear S.W. Warm. Thomas Jefferson here awhile. Il parle langlais tres bien. I planted 2 rows of Meshaunocks ½ bu. Saw M. Cailloiz. He wants to sell Wood H’s note. Mrs Bl. fell from a carriage and bruised herself badly. La SB. anshroufmaye’ (Battery d’ Ocoody Dun.) Je eonquerent. I shelled a sack of corn. Took it to Ogee mill. Broke. Brought it back. Je dormi sur lounge. Very warm. Sat 14 ) 40 Clear, cool NE. I to Rose shop. Got my revolver. Its mended well, 75 cts. I to woods. Made 50 sticks to town. Was appointed Judge of election but declined. I home. Shot pistol twice. PM. Coolish ) 70. I on Fox. Took corn to Hardings. I to Kestler, Not there, I met him. Steer is ugly. I to town. Voted viz: trustee, Cyrus Packard, Justices E D Rose & Morgan. Cont’ Brown & Jim Hunter. Overseer Walker. Saw the folks. [E] come! Kates [dog] type L-s & Maria’s and my deeds. He gives land back and [E] a note $6.00 at 10 percent. No money there & stores empty. Dr got young one. I home. No rain yet. Played to bed early &c. All fine. Sund 15 ) 50 or 60. Clear SE Warm. I tried to copy Kate James. Dr brought E. B has stuck a rusty needle in my arm. It is sore. He is a real ape, & told news enough to fill a two bushel basket, of La Harpe and friends. The farm is [Page 29] April 16 AD 1860. rented but we get the rents. [Shorthand] Lewis is getting along well. The friends are all Spiritualists, and Sophia, L. Maria and [&] are writing and seeing mediums. Sure it is very strange: I was kind of scared at it. I want to jump right into it! Mary Stearns was assistant teacher but ruled so hard, she was discharged. Stephen S. got crazy over politics and was sent to asylum. Kate James is a fine lady [Shorthand] un beaucoup. Her King is the sharper, and writes for the papers. Dill (Adelia B. Cole) lectures in Court House. Dr Butler is a medium. E. saw Marsh G. but he did not speak to her. My picture of John Brown has gone the rounds. Old man (Gittings) spoke to S about it. So also has the picture comique. I drew of Drs wedding. E saw it at Lewis’. Harrison [Souls] married to Adalade Sanford. Frank Leavitt and Harriet (They are together yet, all right. June 10 1908.) were going to part &c. PM Warm ) 84. Clouds. We talked. Dr. came, E home. Miss Angel and Penfield, Clerk, went by in buggy. My arm sore. All of us are to quit coffee tomorrow. Mond. 16 ) about 60. I think it rained some last night. I to Dr. Got John. I home. Plowed N of house and in orchard. SW then W, then N. windy )72. Cleared, cooler. Catalong and Hull putting up Drs W. fence. PM. I finished orchard. Took John home. E gave la a roll of calico for La and $10. $306 coming to her from Ill. (Never arrived.) Home. Lady cow’s milk not good now. La set out her 23 shrubs. E brought her. (Hoodoo number.) Tuesd 17. ) 38 Clouds. I to woods. Split 9 posts and some short pieces to drive in ground. Home early. Saw Bl. On mare. Wants oxen Mond. PM. La to Jim Wallaces. Then she and F. to town. I with Fox. Marked out for corn and potatoes. Turned him out. Planted some corn. La & F home with Ladys Book Mag. Got cups changed and some things as follows: 10 yds,

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[Page 30] April 18 1860 Lawn (Taken back) $2, 2 yds gingham 60, Cotton cloth 30 Thimble 5 $2.95. Cool NE Miss Augell catting and searing about. Wed 18 ) 40 or 50 Cool clear E. I planted all orchard, part squaw and part Indian corn and 25 hills watermelons. Hull got Fox and wagon to draw rails Done de bonne heare des seufs et bis [Shorthand]. PM ) 74 Some haze and E wind. A rain sign. F and I etB ne bufons pas ducafe. Betudie un lecon anjourd hui’. S.E. Cloudy. I planted 1 bu potatoes. La to town. Took the Lawn back. She at Dr. Brought 3 ears of six weeks early corn. I planted two ears. I took back of fiddle off in AM. I shelled a bu of corn. B to town. Got Post. I read it. 4 men going to P. Peak, Camped at wood pile. Thursd 19. ) about 40 A light shower; Slacked, Ground wet about ½ in deep. Men paid me 25 [cents] for hay. I shelled corn, about 2 bus. Made a bed for cabbage, B got the seed & tea with eggs. I cut 3 in off the tail of blue coat of [Shorthand]. SE. wind. Clouds. F commenced cyphering. I showed her. PM. Cloudy ) 70. La making my blue satinette pantaloons. I to fence. Put up 10 panel. Very hard S wind. Cleared. Home F got “Brothers Vengeance” Only one more paper of it. F read it. Clear. The landscape looks beautiful & like a paradise. C’s birthday. 54 yrs old if alive. Frid 20. ) 48 Clear SW. I to Dr. Got John. Took 2 sks corn 1 buckwheat 1 of corn for Dr to Hardings Mill got our meal. But little toll taken. Home. I to woods; drew 2 loads of posts and short sticks. PM. Warm ) 82, Clear. I plowed a patch for sweet corn; then took breaking plow, struck out a land [Page 31] [Top of page on original diary shows a drawing of Col. John Ritchie shooting U.S. Marshal Arins saying “I’ll pop you in the neck, where the blood will come quickest; Stand back!”] April 21 AD 1860. 33 yds wide where I will put s fence. Hard work. F to Bl, She & Miss Laurent to town. Very warm. B and I to my claim. I drew 3 small loads of rails where fire burnt fence and at creek bank, Saw Brown. He don’t think he can work my field. His brother & Wood [H] started for P. Peak hier at noon, owing Steward $7. I got my trunk and our keg of Dr. Home. Took John home. Davisons grocery frame all up. A cloud with thunder and lightning rising from the SE Good sign. Warm, very. To bed early. La milked Kaw cow. [Ritchie killed Arms and Old [XXX] Davidson Fled Like the Winds, Fearing a Like Fate. Funny Man. June 22, 1912.]

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Sat 21. Clear, N,W, Cool ) 50 or more. La quite sick all day. I got Black & Broad plowed in field. They were contrary for a while. B helped me. I plowed 12 or 15 rounds of about 3 acres. Hull and Catalan at Dr. fence. PM. Warmer NW ) 73 Clear. I plowed 12 r. worked after le couche’ du soliel. La better. Dr passed. He said that Davison and U.S. Marshal (Arins.) went to John Ritchie to arrest him for plundering Indianola (in Sept 1856.) Ritchie shot Marshal dead, and old Davison fled, frightened almost to death. He has just arrived from the battle ground. Dr. thinks he will have a job for doctoring him for his scare. Je’alle au lit, a la bonne heure. La fini mon pantaton neuf, du satinette bleu. Kaw cow not up. She a calf, I suppose. Sund 22 ) 40 Clear N. cool. Up very early. La out on Fox and found Kaw and a steer calf near Blanchards. I dug the bottom board of my violin thinner and mended the neck. A sprinkle. [XXX] on Fox to Quarterly Meeting at Harding’s. PM. Cool N. I with over coat on. Read Davis Vol. 2. To Dr. Read O Lovejoys speech at Washington, It is a splendid [Page 32] [Year of the great Drought. Jn 11, 1908] April 23 1860. one. No doughfaceism about him. Davison home, Capt Ritchie cleared. (A little homicide like that was condoned. 1912) Wind changes S. Cloudy Sprinkle. I home. F. back. McNown got religion (!!!) & took the sacrament. Bollote at town. Sprinkle. Mond 23. ) 43. N cloudy, cold, sprinkly. I near B-ls. Got red oxen; plowed 12 rounds. Clouds cold. PM ) 58 Tom Jefferson & beau frère here. Got 14 eggs for 10 [cents] in AM. Hull got team awhile to draw wood, also in AM. I plowed 12 r. Finished the land and plowed 1r on other long land, Pete ran to Bls to put fire out of fence. Miss Lorong helped. A traveler got 1 doz eggs, 10 [cents]. I have a bad cold, headache, earache, sore throat, and sore all over. Turned out, sun over ½ h. high. Took 1 cup café for sickness; the first I have taken since the 16 of this month. (What amazing self-control! June 11, 1908) Tues 24 ) 26. Frost and ice. N clear. I to Dr. Got John. I to Hardings, Got grist. Not tolled much. I home. Took Drs sack of meal to his house and then got a load of wood. Home. I plowed 4 rounds. Clear, cool. I have a bad cold. PM ) 58 N. I plowed 17r. Nell Steward and Puckett’s eufants ici. Got eggs 4 doz. I feel tired, sore and sick [shorthand]. The planet Venus passed close along the edge of the moon. I to bed early. Wed 25. ) 32. Ice thick as window glass. Clear, N. I kept John last night. Mon pere sent us the Sat. morn. Post, a Dem paper. The front of Drs house all sided up. He gave his revolver to Lew Pappan [XXX] for 800 ft. lumber. I hitched up; plowed 10 r’s. PM ) 60 Bl here to see about cattle, plow, &c. I plowed 15 r. Kept John. Jim W. wife got 15 eggs. Has got 5 doz. now. F. to

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town. Got Post. Last of Earls Daughters. Another Dem. Paper to me from pere. I feel bad. Feverish. [Page 33] April the 26th 1860. Thurs 26. ) 32 No ice, clear, Due N. wind. I feel better. J finished other long land 1 ½ r, then struck round remainder N of orchard. Plowed 15 or 16 r. Bl. Got oxen. Began to plow with Bellmores plow. Broke it & turned out. I feel tired. A long pole & flag twisted at Fairchild’s Store. PM ) 62. Clear N warmer. A man belonging to the Manhattan Academy stopped. Got a bowl of bread & milk. I plowed 18 r. Turned out early. Indians here. La got a large iron spoon for 14 eggs. She to Augells. Got a Dem. Paper sent to Augell, with an “Abolition eagle. Pete & Flacher sheeting Dr. House. I took John home, got Day Book, Last of Brothers Vengeance. My head aches. Story ends well. To bed late. Old cat avec [shorthand] daus La’s bed, 3 of them. Elle yelled, “Hee!!” & put them in a box. Frid 27. ) 23 Very cold Hard frost, No wind, I planted sweet corn. Bl here. Got oxen. I fixed horse rake to lay off land. Clear. F on Fox to Milnes, Paid him off $17.65. Got my note & John Browns life and picture, I drew for E Milue. It looks “ornery.” I altered it some. PM. ) 60. I planted squashes. Headaches. I’m not well. McN. here wants corn. He left. I read. Glued part of fiddle. Bl. Brought oxen home. He gave $2. in corn to Bellmore for his plow. Sat 28 ) 37 Clear, S. Prairie chickens at our wood pile. McN. here, got 10 bu. corn of me. I on Fox to Downies, saw a man there. He thinks Butler who lives with Downie will work my field. He is at the Payment at Cross creek. I at Bl. He plowing with his toe nail cast iron plow. Home S. windy. ) 70. PM. Old Mrs Augell here with my Posts. She got the others [shorthand]. I made an [Page 34] [Picture of John Brown drawn by Samuel Reeder – “Old Brown,” “John Brown.” “Osawatomie Brown.” “He’ll trouble them Most, when his Coffin’s nailed Down!”] [Page 35] ox bow. I went to Dr new house. It looks fine. Mrs. A. left. Belle and colt up. Elle over [shorthand]. B put old cat & kittens in smoke house. Sund 29 ) 60. Clouds S, Air still, Cleared off, Wind, Got NW colder. I read, Finished Davis 2d Vol. I glued more of my fiddle. PM. Cool. I to E. a long while [Heuan] has killed Sayers; the prize fighters. Charlestown Cou. Breaking up. E the blues some. Don’t like spiritualism. Fairchild’s came in to Dr. I home. Norris Mc brought our wagon home, Mary with him. La saved Kaws milk. B’s mouth black and sore.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (26)

Mond. 30 )35 Clear. N.W. I to Downies, The man there don’t want my field. I got red oxen. Plowed 20 r. Bl. Got Black & Broad all day. Hull used team awhile. Left John here. B’s mouth sore. PM I took horses. Plowed 24 r. ) 65 NW, Cool. Jim Wallace told me a man living on Davisons place wants my field. I have commenced reading Nelson on Infidelity. [Page 36] May 1 AD 1860. Samuel J. Readers Private Journal. Indianola Shawnee Co. Kansas Territory. Tuesday 1. ) 28, Clear. Still. Up early. I on Fox to Davisons. Saw Mr. Arney. He wants 10 acres. Will see me tomorrow. I home. Dr. here. I furrowed 1/3 of field with horse rake machine. I plowed 6 rds. Bl. got little oxen. Worked 7 h. he said. PM. S, warm. Mrs. Bails who lives in Sardeau house here. I plowed about 30 rounds. Finished. I took John home. Got a Post & Drs rifle. Home. A crow caught a chicken in PM. I shot at it missed. Read story. I had to let cattle out of Drs field by knocking down two rails. Wed 2, Warm. S. windy. Bl. got red oxen all day. I planted & covered 14 half rows N & S. PM ) 89. Miss Lorong here. Told heaps of news of Milnes and their fights. I planted 16 rows, No Arney. B ruecent because Je lui lave vas peeds et alors pulled il vers la port et il play comique. La took quinine, She not well. B sore mouth yet. Thurs 3. ) 64. A light shower last night. I glued last piece of my violin. I planted 16 rows. Cleared S. Hot Old Mrs Wallace says she will marry Wolf or die in the attempt. La thinks She cant go to [Ill] next fall. PM ) 90 Hot S, windy. B & F to town. Clintons man got Fox and wagon to slack [lime] &c. I planted 7 rows. Finished. SW corner W of orchard I mended well bucket. B. to town with eggs. Frank [High] gave him 2 bottles of beer. B & I to creek. Swam. Water cool. [Page 37] May 4 1860. Frid 4. Thunder, Few drops of rain SE Hot. I furrowed [E] rows E & W, N of orchard with big plow. Bl got small yoke of oxen at 10. He has shaved. Cleared Hot. SW Clintons man working for Dr. Hull to river for Clinton Petit docteur [shorthand] cjasse’ Waldon pareque il [shorthand] avec [shorthand]. PM ) 95 Hottest day Windy. I furrowed [55] rows. I took share off of plough. Cloudy some. Sat 5. Thunder and few drops of rain, again. Cleared. S. I planted 24 half rows at NW corner. Bl. got red oxen at [XX] Jim Wallace wanted one yoke to go to Ozawkie. Failed. He says Arney is of no account. Breeze, PM Very hot. ) 99. Hazy some. I am half through “Nelson on Infidelity”. Its reasons are weak & flimsy to me. Bl brought oxen home. B and I to town. I got lead 25 [cents]. Hat 25 [cents]. A double shovel plough $6 ½. B and I to my field. I put up fence

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (27)

where it was burnt, and on creek bank. I to Dr. got Parrets speech sent to C, and a book on Swaims paucia. I played fiddle. Clouds. Lightening. Sund 6. ) 58. Cool clear, N. I read Parrots speech. Somebody has bored down Fairchild’s flag post. I read Nelson on Infidelity. PM Some clouds SE. ) 82. We all went and looked at Dr. house. E side is shingled and all is weather boarded. I read. Took plow share; hammered it out on head of my axe sharp and nice. Dr & little one here. Also McNown. Lots of emigrants to Pikes Peak and California. Mond 7. ) 64 Clouds. No rain. SE. I planted 26 ½ rows. Bl got oxen. [XXX] at [100] [XX]. [Page 38] May 8th 1860 PM. Very windy S. I planted 10 rows. Got a grain of sand or something in my right eye. Had to quit work. ) 72 Cool. Milene was here today hunting his horses. He and the preachers wife quarreled. I killed a young rattle snake infield. Tuesd 8. ) 48. Quite a shower last night. Ground wet about 1 in deep. My eye very bad. Can’t get the dirt out of it. So very cool. La got $1. of me to get B-books. I to bed, Slept. PM. ) 50. I tried to get speck out of my eye with a bristle. Failed. Read a little finished Nelson on Infidelity. Its arguments not strong with me. W. Clouds and dashes of slight showers. I to bed again. Very cold. La at E all day. She home with a Post. Fine Story. Dr. angry at Rev. Barr last Sund: “Ouf, I wanted to tell him, you a great rascal, you don’t know anything about it.” Hull back, chilling every day. Frank High has fought and left Puckets. Wed 9. ) 38 Frost, W. Cool. Clear. My eye better. La washed. I planted 20 rows. Eye hurts me. B & F. to E, B back. Dr. started for Leavenworth ce metin, and Hull also started for Pikes Peak. Dr hired an Irish fellow. He got Fox & John, plowed for Dr. NW windy Clear. Bl got red oxen at 8. PM ) 66. I planted 20 rows. Cool. Eye better. Bl brought oxen home at night. Wind fell. No F. I to bed early. Thurs 10. ) 48 Clear. Still. I to Bl. field, Got 8 oxen. Bl got red ones for 3 or 4 h. & finished. Drs man got Fox. I plowed. Warm. My eye is well. [shorthand] W. PM Clear. SW ) 88 Warm. Peter has Dr House nearly covered. Flacher is at his well &c. I finished plowing at 3. Turned oxen out. Mrs. Wallace here. Grocery man Brown has brought [Page 39] May 11 1860. a wife from Tenn. I planted 6 rows of corn. B and I to creek. Bathed. Water cold. Dr. man brought Swingletree up, I fixed it. We to sleep late. Nous parloji trop.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (28)

Frid 11 ) 60 Clear warm. Sun rose before me; first time for a long time. Jeems W. has lost his oxen since last Sat. Drs man got wrench. He to field. Took share off of the plow (Fronkeys) he uses; took it to Roses. Got it sharpened. I took Fox; furrowed out the ground I plowed hier. He off with Fox. I planted 18 rows of beans 4 of popcorn & 4 long and several short of Indian corn. It finished the field. S. hot ) 96. La unwell [shorthand] trop de eurbeuat [shorthand]. A man that lives in Jewels house works part of Dr field. PM. I planted 6 rows of meshawnock potatoes. I shelled 2 sacks of corn. ) 99 Hot. Fixed plow &c. Sat 12. Up very early, about dawn. I near Blanchard’s. Got red oxen. Took corn to H mill;. Back again. Dr man got Fox to plow. I took plow &c. B and I to my field. I began at N fence on big piece (10 A.) plowed and planted 11 rounds. 4 crows. Ground is mellow and hardly a weed in it. I fed and left oxen. B and I home. F. home. She a letter from Emily James. I fixed tube in other barrel of shot gun. PM ) 95 Clear S Windy. B and I to field. Shot at crow. B home. I plowed 12 rds. I got my double shovel plough at Dr as I came home with wagon, Je porte mes moccasins neuf. Clouded. S windy. E. don’t like the bloody Irishman. Warm. Sund 13 ) 70. Clear S windy warm. F. etudie recon Je hear carbeau. I planted 1 ½ bu. merino potatoes 5 [Page 40] rows E of orchard. All the rest of folks to woods for gooseberries. Dr & his lumber has arrived. ) 90 W windy. A roll pitched. Breezy. Quelgat jete de lean surmoi et wet ines pantaton et Je powss qullgra en le gutu reybeaucorp grtruse I riveant B jewtous. La, h, R, et neoi tour a tour. La et moi saut ure sesnaine de fuh bottled [shorthand] o just exploded. Gateaux du buckwheat. Nous avons un beaucoup du beurre. Jai’ une wriggle neuf. I put paint on my pen to make fine marks on pictures. PM ) 92 Clear W. B and I to creek. I got a timber for him to swim on. I home. He to Dr. F also. I have begun to read Josephus E.T.F. and B here. Dr soon after. He just from Bollotes wedding at Bls. Rose married them. Dr discharged Irishman and hired Logan another fellow. I shelled ½ bu seed corn of La’s. NE Cooler. B a new McGuffeys 3rd Reader. 30 cts. Well bucket fell in well. I went down, got it. Jim W. helped me. Bollote married. Mond 14 ) 34 Very cool, No wind. Clear. I found red oxen near house. I mended my blue shirt. Beaucoup du fromage (Dutch). I to my field with revolver and ½ bu. corn. I plowed & planted 13 rounds. Shot at crows. I watered oxen. Ate dinner in field. Kaw with me. I swam. Cold water. ) 78 I believe F. said. Plenty of water in my springs. PM I plowed 13 rounds. Left oxen in field. Home late. Saw young Charley Vieux by creek, drunk and a black slu*t – watching him. La got mon things at store. $2.70. Dr man is to help me demain. Wind was SWN&E by turns. Tuesd. 15 ) 48. Clear, Cool. I got [E] oxen. Old Davison all dressed up in new stove pipe and gloves. Me Bl. etais ivre. [shorthand] I put breaking plow in wagon. Took oxen to my field. Logan took Fox & John, B and J came. He used breaking plow. It goes well. I plowed 12 rds, Warm,

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[Page 41] May 16, 1860. SE ) 88, PM. I took red oxen. Plowed 12 rds. Logan between 30 & 40 I guess. It clouded and we had a shower. We turned wagon bed upside down one end on hind axle tree. Cleared off. Left all oxen and wagon in field. I home on Fox. A Post came last night, also Ladys book. Mes. Angell here, Left a novel. I read at night. (It is now 3 ½ P.M. June 14 1908 and raining with water 6 ft. over bottom field. No drought this year.) Wed 16. Cool ) 50 Clouds but cleared. I got ready. Took Fox to field. Logan came. I plowed 13 rds [E] oxen. N.E. Coolish. PM, I plowed 11 rds, red oxen. A hog in field. I left oxen. I brought wagon home. Put John in Stable. Saw Dr., Bollote & Fan, sa femme, la’, a table. Logan to help Dr demain. I broke neck off of preserve jar. Bloods at Augells. Got a big Temperance book. Cool. Thurs. 17. ) 50. Cool Clouds Sprinkle. I put Fox out on grass. His good eye is sore. I mended my shoe. Sprinkley. A Pott. Indian here. Sold me a good axe for 15 cts. He had stolen it somewhere I suppose or found it. I to my field. Began to sprinkle again. Two hogs in. I nailed up loose board & paling fence and fixed straight fence. Hid my things. Came home. Logan started for Cal. last night. The Dr has got another man, & Bl. is helping him. I read a little. PM. Clouds most all day, Cool.. B and I to field. Leonard came for oxen to break prairie. I took [E] oxen. Plowed 13 rds. Cool Home. F reading to La in Augels book. NW. Frid 18 ) 40. Cool Clear W. Old Kit looks well. Drs new man Archibald here early for shovel &c. He looks [Page 42] May 19, 1860. prim.* I to field. Ploughed 13 rds. Red oxen, Cool, pleasant, NW & NE, Clear. I cut & ate dinner in field & slept on ground. PM. I plowed 11 long & 2 short rounds with [E] oxen. Fran & B came for gooseberries. Strawberries have been ripe for some time but very scarce. I home. Mrs. J. Wallace here. Belle has a colt & La says she will give him to me. Dr. & Peter F. got 4 wild cat kittens. My legs are tired. The front gate broken. La the headache. I to bed early. Sat 19. ) 38. Clear still cool. La better. I to my field. Ploughed 8 short rounds. Finished the large piece, 10 Acres. I struck out piece N of where my shanty stood. Ploughed 15 rounds. N & South. S. warm. PM. I took [E] oxen; finished little land. (75 yds long.) at 10 rds. Struck out a land from N fence to near S fence, across the way Wilson ploughed last year. I ploughed 13 rounds. Its soddy at S end. B came, I took share off. Brought oxen home early. Dr. here. He wants me

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demain a lui aide pour chasse son tareau. Belle and her colt up. It has a spot in its fore head and on the nose like Kit with 4 white feet. I bathed in creek at noon. Water very cold. Sund 20. Up very early. S. Some clouds warm ) 60. La headache again. Jon Fox to Dr. He, Joe Bellmore & I to Geo. and John Youngs for Barcus. Failed. Home by Davisons. Hot, S Windy. I got Drs two wild cat kittens Home. Old she cat is scared at them. So is Finger. La quite sick in bed. Hot ) 95. Thompson preaches. PM I read Mrs book “Torchlight on Through the Wood” Its humdrum. We fed wild cats. La better. Thunder warm, W. Jim W to river (Mo. R.) *Mr. Archibald Kasson of Bone Playing notoriety. He is still living at Eskridge Kans. June 15 1908. A prominent G.A.R. comrade. [shorthand]! ((Comrade Kasson visited me in the Spring of 1911., Nice time, 1912)) [Page 43] May 21, 1860. Mond 21. Warm. Slight sprinkle last night. I on Fox to H Mill. Got 2 sks meal, Bellmore brought it home for me. Walden & Nan Wallace went by on Chevaux to Hardings. I pounded out plough share. It cracks too much. I cut wood. La and I examine our 3 ½ hams. One is spoiled & worm eaten. Old cat lets the wild cats nurse with her own cats. Only “keeking” now and then; sometimes she licks them, but Finger is as afraid as death of them. Clear NW. Hot. Kestler here. All his oxen and La’s steers lost since Sat. I looked at cornfield. Hardly any is up. PM. ) 90. Mrs. Bails here. B & I to my field with ½ bu. corn & plow share. I put it on and fixed up fence. Swam. Water warmer, now. I at E. I got wedges from wood, and found a picket pin in a gopher hole. Old cat likes & licks wild cats. I mended my shoe. Tuesd 22 ) 48 Clear N. Up early. Dr. has turned his horses out. Brown has torn off the top of his grocery and making it several logs higher. I took Fox. Got all the oxen. Took them in my field. I plowed with reds Bl came. He to our house for chain and 30 ears of corn. He used [E] oxen and breaking plow. I plowed 19 rds. Bl most the same. F & B for berries. They brought us spring water & F. brought our dinner. We ate on hill under a tree. SE. Warm ) 89. PM. I plowed 18 rds. Bl the same. I found a turtle & killed a snake. Cloud in W. Home. Mrs. J Wallace & Angeline Stamford were here. Finger lets the wild cats some to her and licks them. La washed. I cut wood enough for a week yesterday but La has consumed it half up today. I played fiddle. It sounds well to me. Thunder, Clouds and rained a hard W Shower at 10. Windy. La looked in cat box. Finger there with 3 kittens of her own. [Page 44] May 23, AD 1860. Wed 23. ) 60 Clouds, Shower, Cleared. S.A. fine rain. I to field. Bl. came. I took red oxen. Plowed 17 rds. Bl. not so many. Oxen tired & lay down often. We drink creek water. PM ) 93. I plowed 12 common rds & 6 or 8 short ones. We turned out early. I in creek water warm. Home, La gave the damaged ham for 6 or 7 qts of gooseberries to Indians. Jim W. youngone had a fit. No post. Warm. We have 10 cats. I finished novel. Its wishy-washy.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (31)

Thurs 24. ) 64. S. Warm, One of Fingers kittens dead. I to field. Plowed 14 rds. E oxen went slow. Hot S; I bathed. PM. ) 98. Hot. I plowed 9 long 20 short rounds; red oxen. The corn I planted first is coming up finely. I home. No Post. La made preserves. Pleasant evening. Lightening W. 1 hours more work to finish my old ground. Frid 25 Clear, still warm. I took rolling cutter to field. Put it on breaking plow. Took both yoke of oxen. Plowed 7 rounds on piece at SW corner of claim, once broken but tough now. N.ish, but still & warm. I home for dinner. Old Mrs Angell here. Drs. Fifine has a colt. B & I took plow carriage to field. Plowed 10 rounds. Still and hot. I home. Finger seems sick. The wild cats play some. They are tame. Sat. 26 ) 56 Clear still. I feel some sore. I to field. Took both yoke. Broke or plowed 10 rounds. Thunder & sprinkle. PM. NE Cool and pleasant. More thunder and few drops of rain. I plowed 11 rounds. Its not hard on oxen. I home. Drs man got Fox & wagon to draw sand &e. Finger very sick. N cool. ) 72 at sun set. I brought oxen home and turned them out. Leon & Dr. were here. Fran home. Post new story called the Dane & a letter from Leo. He is married. We heard a cannon at Topeka. [Page 45] May 27, 1860. Sund 27. N, cool, Clear. Read wrote &c. Je Rase mon moustache. Finger is better. I drew pictures for Leo. Read. &c. ) over 80 E. PM F to E. I began a letter to S. The wildcats play. Kit’s foot better. Warm. F. home. Bollote & wife are quarreling. They are here. Button found an Indian’s skeleton where Briggs cow had her last calf. He froze to death last winter. I feel tired &c. Mond 28. ) 65. Clouds flying, SE windy. I put a hoop on tub. Put a new bow in yoke for Long horns. La sickish. F to E. La sold 40 cts. of eggs & butter to travelers. I fixed up spade to plant corn. Hoed few hills of potatoes. Had dinner early viz: Une jeune poulet; biscuit et froniage Dutch. PM. I took a nap. Feel weak. I to field. Sharpened breaking plough with [hammer] and axe without taking share off. I planted 8 rows of corn in sod. Cleared out my Springs. Very hard SW wind. I home early. Augell brought two missing papers home. Peter goes to Lecompton demain. F gave him La[‘]s warrant to get it endorsed. Warm windy. F. home. New Post; another new story called Danesbury House. A wishy washy softy soapy story like all of Mrs Woods’s. Up late reading. Tuesd 29. ) about 50. Cloudy all day NW by W. Cold. I on Fox. Got oxen. I to my field. Split land in two. I plowed and planted 15 rounds. Longs neck seems tender. I read paper in field. PM Cloudy NW. windy cold. I worked with coat and over shirt on. Broke & planted 15 rounds. Home ) 60. Cold. Finger’s last kitten died. Sam Woodard broke prairie for Dr today near house.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (32)

[Page 46] May 30 AD 1860. Wed. 30. Clear W. ) 50. Cold. I have got my legs slightly poisoned with poison oak. I to field. Broke and planted 13 rds. B to Dr. Got some early red corn for me. Dr gone in stage to Gremars ce matin. I home for dinner. PM NW Clear, Wind cool. I to field. Broke 15 rds. Four of them finished my first land. I at other one. Saw Miss H. Button. Une robe blanc. The ground not hard. I home. F home. Peter home. Brought Warrant. Its endorsed. Dr’s man used Fox and wagon today. To bed as usual [shorthand]. Before dark wind died away. Thurs 31. ) 41 Cool clear. I on Fox to field. Yoke up. Broke & planted 13 rounds. B & La came to field to get gooseberries. W. rain; drizzly came up. I home. F. etudiet. ) 60. I read &c. PM. Slacked at 3. I to field with B. I spaded in 7 round. Finished. B got more red corn at Dr in AM. I hitched up. Broke 4 rounds. A cloud coming up. I turned out. Came home. Thunder & some sprinkly. Quite a shower after bed time. Last of Spring in the year AD 1860. [Page 47] June 1 1860 S.J. Reader, Indianola Shawnee Co. Kansas Ter.’y. Frid 1. ) 58. S Cloudy Showery a little. A hard S. wind last night. ¼ of La’s N worm fence and half of the new 3 rail fence blown over. Bad idea. I fixed up La’s crib & slacked. PM B and I to claim. Broke and planted 16 rounds. All the long ones done. I home. Clear, Warmer. S. I at Jim W’s. They ran out of house last night. Sat 2. Clear, S. windyish, warm. I on Fox to claim. Yoked up. Broke 3 short rounds and finished. I plowed 4 or 5 farrows on both sides of SE worm fence. Broke axletree of carriage. Mended it. Hot windy. I sharpened plow with hammer. Home. Eliza Milue was here; then to E. to see Fan. Lamb here summoned me for juror on case of Geo. Young & Morgan. PM ) 94 Hot, Clear. I to town. Rose wont let me off. I to field. Unyoked oxen & put a new bolt in plow. I to Jack Thompsons office. Wm. Morgan tried by County for an affray. Has cleared. Hot windy. I home middle of PM. Mille. Milne ici car soupe’. Elle et Mary McN. sont jalous l’une coutra l’ antre de Jack Cohee. I made a rung for plow. Oxen all came home. Thunder but rain passed North, E.E. left. Sund 3. ) 72 S. Windy. Some clouds. Very warm last night. One of the Edwards chaps (Ike.) stabbed a man in Topeka. Je porte mes “husks” neuf et “huffs” Neuf; glazy. Wrote to Son Spirituous manifestations &c. We all to Dr’s House neuf. Peter there. Dr E.S. Leon came. House nearly done carpenters work. Dr to Sardeau. Rest of us home. Lew Bryant buys Dr. House demain $300. We talked of LaHarpe &c. Leonard came. PM. Mr & Mrs McNown came also, Mrs.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (33)

[Page 48] June 4, 1860. J. Wallace. ) 92 Hot W Clear. Old Mrs Angell here awhile. All left after awhile. McKnown has quarreled with Rev. Barr. Parcque il dit que McN etais jalous si’des homines venez. Chezlui Durant son absence. Fox broke loose and ran off. Je joue’ au violon. W. Mond 4. Clear, Still, pleasant. I made La a concern for making cheese. She got a hoop of E, hier. I fixed up tools in Smoke house, and triggers of Drs gun. I to town. Got John. Fox came up. I hitched. To field. Button rode with me. I drew few nails to fence where low. Got yokes, chains, tools and plows. Home. NW Hot clear ) 90. Dr’s meat smells badly. Fat. E. PM. The corn looks well everywhere. B & I to town site over bridge. Got a load of black wood. Turned John out. B and I to N fence. Put up fence. We to creek. I dove. We to Dr new house. Got a bucket to draw mud out of wells. Leonard found 8 wild cats last night. Home. Dr was here. He says Miss Angell was married to old Neely last Thurs. I fastened bolts on shovel plow & fixed rung and bolts of breaking plow. I made 2 hoop poles; N cool. Jim W & wife here for water. He sort of tipsy. No Fan. Tuesd 5. Clear. Up very early. La not well. I took Fox and shovel plow. Began at W side of La field. Plowed10 rows N & W twice to a row. Angell here to sell posts for corn. He will help me tomorrow. La sick abed Headache &c. I got my own dinner. PM S windy some ) 94. I plowed 22 rows or half rows N. of Garden. N & S La better. Dr here E sick. Hard NW wind. B to E; got Post& a Ledger of NY. I read to La. Cooler Clear. [Page 49] June 6 1860 Wed 6. ) 56 Clear Cool NW. Up rather early. Unloaded wood &c. La better. I near Bls got oxen. Augells Charley came. I set him plowing with Fox on long rows. Kasson & Dr. took oxen. Got load of sand. I fixed well things. Drew out all water but 1 foot. Charly turned out at 11. I in well. Took 3 tins, Stoves, camp kettle cover and trash. PM NW Cool ) 82. Charley finished long rows & began E fence. I caught John. I caught John plowed out potatoes S of orchard & rows E of it and most of orchard with big plow. A muscle near shin bone of left leg is sprained and very sore. It’s been so some, for more than a week. Kasson got another load of sand. F home. Thurs 7. ) 52. Some clouds. I am lame. Let Fox out. Dr came, Tried to catch John. Failed and took Fox to Topeka. I read papers. Put teeth in rake. La washed. SE Clear, Warm. PM. I took a nap. My sore ankle has turned red. Bryant paid Dr hier. I cast La’s accounts to this date. Dr here with Fox. He talked a long time about teaching in the South &c. F home with Mercurial Ointment. I put it on my leg. Warm. Miss Brown here to see about a school.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (34)

Frid. 8. Up very late Sun. 1/2 hour high. A wind and little NW shower last night. Corn looks well. My leg lame yet. Kasson got cultivator. He plowing Dr corn with John D here. Told me to put more mercury on my leg. Drs red headed plasterer has left without rhyme or reason. Je peuse Pete est au fond de le. He has most finished lathing below stair. SW Cool I made a double window frame and cut out a [Page 50] June 9th 1860. long window E side of cabin South side of door. I sent B with an order to Majors & Co for 1 doz glass 50 cts tacks 10 c I guess. PM Pleasant. My leg don’t hurt me much. I fixed frame in nice. Put in windows. All done. I to Dr castle. Got sand 1 bucket. Made mortar plastered holes by windows. A lot of squaws with gooseberries La sold them Bare skull, the rooster for 6 or 7 qts. I am glad for I couldn’t eat him. Wild cats bite hard & bring blood. Rambeau to plaster for Dr. Sat 9. A moderate shower last night. Cloudy all day & cool East wind. Bl. came for me to help raise his house. I got out and shelled over 1 bu corn. I to Bl. I at one corner. A whole host 12 or more men. Got done after 12 PM. We all ate dinner at Bl. I got Fox. Home. I with corn to Ogee mill. I to my field. Corn looks well but weedy. I home. Mrs Bails here. I put a new head in well bucket. It don’t leak now; and when you draw up, and hear the water pattering and bucket getting lighter, you don’t have to pull for life, to get a drop or two! Kasson finished Dr corn & brought corn plow home. He is to sleep at Dr new house. He here with 4 little birds for B. I to mill got grist. Cloudy. Sund 10. Clear & coolish. I to meeting at Rochester. Dr. and Leon here. Dr & I to his premises. Home, Thunder & Sprinkle. I home F came. Thompsons pony fighting Kit. I tied it out. PM. SE. I wrote to Leo. Made picture of a squaw, well shaded with a lock of Kit’s tail. Little Shower. B’s birds about all dead. Grass widow. Stanford here to water horse. [Page 51] June 11 1860. Mond 11. SE, Clouds warm ) 65. I took Leo letter to office. The stages don’t stop at town now but at Topeka. Dr here. He got a few potatoes to plant. La and I washed bed clothes, 11 blankets 6 quilts and rinsed them out. Kit lay down like she has colic. I took off her 2 hind shoes. Wild cats play in yard. S flying clouds Pleasant ) 88. Miss Brown began her school. PM. Washed 2 coverlids & finished. I took a nap, then took Fox plowed the remaining 5 or 6 rows in orchard; then 23 rows half-length N of orchard. Then the 18 rows beans 4 of popcorn and 6 potatoes N of orchard. Finished after sunset. B got sugar with eggs. Dr fishing. Wind away, Cleared off. Tuesd 12. ) 60, Clear, Still. I near Bls; got oxen yoked up. Fixed plow. Broke 5 rounds between here & Jim W’s E & W, ¼ mile long. Hot. No wind. Clear. Old Broad is mad.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (35)

PM. ) 94. Hardly a breath of air, Hot. I put red oxen in lead. Broke 6 rounds; easier. Hammered plow out. F. at E today. No Post. Papers wont come regular now. B and I to creek near Puckets. Washed off. I slept on lounge under window. Wed 13. ) 66 Clear, Very warm, Still not a breath of air. I up very early. [shorthand]. We call wild cats Ferocity & Scurfy (Afterwards “Growler.”) They play nicely. Old Steward & wife are living together again. I with Fox and double plow & B to my field. Plowed 6 short and 8 long rows. A hard W shower and sharp thunder. I home on Fox in a hurry. Saved myself. Dinner at 11. Vue Poulet. F to E. PM. Cleared NE Cooler. I took chain to Rose shop. I to field. Plowed 24 rows. Good ½ days work. Corn looks fine. Home early. Clouds. I home. A Post. Steward has lost his glass cane. [Page 52] June 14 1860 Thurs 14. Clear NE Cool Pleasant. B to shop. Got chain & paid 10cts. (My chain. My money. Square.) I on Fox. Got oxen. Broke 5 rounds. Goes easier. PM. ) 84, SE. I hammered plow out fine. Broke 6 rounds till late. La to [James]; then to town. Got at store for me Jeans 3 yds. 30 cts yard 90. For B 33 cts of cloth. They say only $1 left. F brought Lady’s Book. A man named Ferguson bought wedding dress for Miss Augell. Thought he would get her but slipped up on it. I feed oxen lot of corn. Miss Brown has a dozen scholars. June 15. ) 60 Clear, No wind. I got oxen at Augells pasture. Yoked Broke, 5 rounds. Belle & colts up. F at E every day. Red eye Bickel here to buy beef cattle. Its 2 ½ cts at L = h. City. PM. ) 85 SE Clear Warm. I broke 5 r. Dr here. Pete will finish stairs this week. I played flute & violin. Sat 16 ) 65. No wind W cloud and thunder. Up early. I fixed up a nice hog trough. Put pieces on well sweep. Shelled 1 sack of corn. Took it to Ogee. Home. Warm SE. PM. I with Fox to claim. Plowed 24 rows corn. Looks very fine but full of hog weeds (“careless weeds”). I to Ogee Mill. Got meal home. B and I to hole near town. Swam I practiced diving. Home. F home. Pucket sued today by a stranger for pay for a saddle, someone stole out of P’s stable. My leg a little sore again. I put ointment on it. Dr weak & fat. Is full of lumps. Rachel & Jock Jumbo at E. Jock is married et un enfant hint mois. Sunday 17. ) 72 Clouds; thunder. Few drops of rain. Oxen all up, I salted them. La not well. I read Made pictures &c. Slept. Feel very tired. We to Dr. house, It locked. [Page 53] June the 18th 1860. Had to come home. His cellar looks fine. PM. F to Augells with their books. Drs red headed heifer about 16 months old came up with a calf. B to Dr to tell of it. ) 98. No wind, Awful hot, but a N breeze sprang up. Got cooler fast. Clear. Hazy. I mended Fox’s collar. F et Mrs Augell came. Oxen came up.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (36)

Mond 18. ) 52. Still Cool. Rather hazy. Ge reve que je was to espouse’ une veuve du grass, (nation Francais) en le soir. Wlle eu un eufant a deux aus. Mais mon claim took fire et je put off and escaped. I on Fox to claim. Plowed 25 rows. E warm. I ate dinner in field. PM, I plowed 17 rows. Home. Old Steward was here for 60 cts, Augell owes him. Kessler was here. La oxen work well, but Pott has lost an eye. I to bed early, feel tired. Tuesd 19. ) 57. Rather clear, Still. Old Steward here for his pay. I on Fox to Augells. Got 50 cts. I found oxen. Drove them up. After breakfast I to Puckets; paid Steward 60 cts my money for La’s plows. I home. Looks like rain. I broke 5 rounds. Breaks harder but I keep the plow very sharp. I saw Eugene Caye at Bl. ce matin. SE Rather windy Clear, warm ) 88. PM. ) 91. I on Fox to my field. Plowed 7 long rows and 1 extra middle one. Then the 13 short rows N of where shanty stood and 13 of the longer ones N & S. I home. F came, A Post and a letter from S. He has not got my last. Augell here for me to help get up a barbecue on the 4th. He says there is gold in Kansas river. La worried because we can’t make a show on 4th. I Read stories. Warm. The 4th is a swindle. [Page 54] June 20 1860. Wed 20 Longest days, Up early. Hazy warm. Kit a filly colt. La gives it to me “SPIKES”. Its smaller than “STEADY” Belles. I cleaned up. Fox dull. I with Fox to claim. Plowed 33 rows. Had my dinner with me. Wind changes N E S & W tour a tour. My spring water good. I the Post avec moi. PM ) Very hot. I plowed 26 rows. Came home early. Too hot. La not well. She kills a pullet every few days. NE now. (This turned out to be the great year of the DROUTH, June 21 1908.) Thurs 21. Clear warm ) about 60. Up very early. Belle & colts up. La don’t feel well. Kit looks tolerably fat. Fox has too much to do. I staked him out in grass. I looked at extraction of square root. Have learned it all in a short time. Its complex but easy (And its utterly useless to me 6-21-08). I hoed the watermelons in corn and 11 bean rows. They are very weedy. La hoed 2 rows other day but 5 left. Hard work. (There: I’ve caught up. It’s now ¼ to 12 M. June 21, 1908. S. windy. Some clouds. Too wet. Soldier Cr. out of banks 5 times already) PM ) 91. Clear E windy warm. I to my field. Finished. 5 apiece, 8 long & 14 short close to creek. I then on to 10A piece at S side, cut middles of the 6 short and 10 long rows. Also the 12 short rows N of shanty. I cut middles. Its very weedy. Cooler E, windy. My sod corn looks well. Home. Lizzy Davison was here. Jim W tried to trade oxen for a horse. Failed. “Woods! Gods!” makes $1.50 per day at Peak. F Home. Je Joue au flute et violin. Frid 22. Cloudy; breezy. SE. )70. Wild cats have paws as large as Fingers. Ferocity bites and Growler or Scurfy scratches. Drs John here with Kit. He is fat. I with Fox to claim. Struck middles out of 40 rows. I fed & ate there on hill. Slept under a tree. The hills are not so very barren after all. PM Hazy E. not very hot. I plowed 32 middles. I bathed and took Fox in also, at noon. Home.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (37)

[Page 55] June 23 1860 Sat 23 ) 61. Hazy E. Pleasant. Ferocity caught and killed a chicken. Kasson was a Circus rider. Jim W has traded oxen for a pony. I with Fox to claim. Struck middles out of 30 rows in small piece. Got to N barrs. I went all over hills. Clay & sand on them. Some brush about du champs E. et [shorthand] premiere [XXX] I cut out 26. Got all little patches done that’s worthwhile. I then plowed 1 row long piece next N fence. I home with plow middle of PM. [XXXX] was here. Paid La $5.00 for me. We keep Furosity tied up. ) 89. B. Fox & I to creek. Swam. I made Fox swim. Home. Kasson has made door for Dr. Augell. says Neely is worth $2000, instead of $60000. Jewel is of no account, &c. [shorthand]. Sund 24. ) about 60. Hazy S Warm. I cyphered. Kasson brought [XXXX] for F. I cast up La’s accounts with Major Fetadre’. Black glass eyed Indian pony here fighting Kit. I stoned it. Young Mrs Augell here. I to Dr house. He E & Leon La, All came here. Mrs. A. & F to meeting. Warm ) 95. S. F & Mrs A back car diu. PM. Dr. B & I to river near Bellmores, Swam in a good hole. At Bellmores awhile. Saw Mrs. Clarmour Home. Mrs A gone. Dr & E off. S pleasant. Mond 25. ) 60 or 70, Clear Hazy S breeze, up later. [shorthand] I took Fox. Began at S end of La field. Plowed the 17 short half rows and 33 long rows through potatoes and orchard corn. Clouds, W, Cool. Pleasant. La to town. Got B pair of shoes $1.25 and linen for his coat, 60 cts 1 ½ yds. Not $1. Coming. June 26 1860 [Quiet] PM Clear S Very warm. ) 97. Augell got red oxen and wagon to draw poles. Ferocity weighs nearly 3 lbs. Scurfy or Growler not so much. Kittens are 2 lbs. average. Old cat 6 lbs. Finger 5 ½ lbs. Bl here in AM. Got my little shovel plow. He owes me $1.25 cts. I plowed 32 rows. Finished orchard. Dr here, E sick. La there. F and Leon here. We let calves suck all milk. Augell brought oxen and wagon home. Cooler S clear. Tues 26. Clear. Still up late. No La. F ecrit awhile. My left foot quite sore. I run a splinter in it Sat, when I was leading Fox in the creek to bathe him. ) 70. I filed shovel plow. Dr here. A new Mademoiselle, weighs 5 lbs &c. I hoed 2 rows of potatoes and 2 of beans. Finished. Still. Hot and sultry. Foot sore. La home. Nobles girl at Dr. Dr. jenicex & beaufrere here to sell beef. I sat in house. Too hot ) 84 only but no wind. PM B to Dr, got Post. I read it to La. F to Dr. I shelled a little corn. ) 91, Hot, Clear. Dr. here; left John and took Fox. Glass eyed pony here with Kit. I tried to tire un coup de fusil him. Thompson beat his wife other day. Dr Merits of the case: Jim T got drunk and took whisky with him to Miles’s. Got out and came for more but Madame would not give him the key, upon which he took the broom and went at her; tore off her sleeve &c. He told Jim W. that he has often been playing with his wife when little Eddy would ask: “Pa are you agoing to whip ma?” They play the “Tragie,” parts.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (38)

Wed 24. 64. Clear Still. Foot is better. I took John plowed 42 rows. Got 6 r. other side of beans. S. More wind. Dr here. Took Leon home. Mrs. J Wallace here for water. Henrietta

[Page 57]

June 28 1860.

Bouton dit: “Quand je marry, it will be for riches.” Old Neely 4 gold watches. PM Hot ) 90 or more. I struck the middles out of all the rows, I plowed l’avant hier. The orchard is done. La to E & store. Got $1. of loaf sugar. F & Leon to Jeems. W. Clouds. Oxen all up.

Thurs 28. ) 70. Some clouds S. The sun rises just S of Dr new house. Last night I with spy glass read Puckets new sign from here. Its worth $20 to me. I took John plowed out middles of 40 rows and then 18 twice in a row. I feel weak and sickish. PM. A sprinkle. Thunder &c. I plowed 10 r. Quit. Fill too sick. I to town, can find no harrow. Saw Mr & Mrs. Neely. Dr’s house is done. Home Warm.

Frid 29. Quite a shower in night. I feel bad, Head ache &c. Cleared up. We up late. I thinned out popcorn and some of the early corn. It is in tassel. I staked John out. I cyphered in Andlysis & Proportion. Husked corn F & B shelled. Kasson is making a roof for Columb house. Dr here on Fox. Thunder but no rain. Deux poulets cat dine. Cats catch lots of prairie squirrels. PM La to E. I with John. Plowed 43 rows. F & B se Ethdic des lesons. Le faire awec plastering. La cut my hair. Hot but turned N cooler. B played, et jole. I fired rifle at mark. Leon scared. Said: “[XXX], burn!” Miss Brown passed cow hunting while B was yelling beaucoup. I sleep on lounge. I feel better.

Sat 30. ) 70 Clear, Still, warm. I am weak. Up rather late. Just at close du dejuni. B etais a la puito when Kasson came with Fox. I was saying: The poor little [XXX]. He puts

[Page 58]

June 30, 1860.

his great abouchatsegare L’ gemre et yells outraud. Scares him, (etauoi). When streunojus coup: Lasse me faire; & Leon was shouting like mad. B came, said Kasson wanted me. I had on an old shirt; the sleeves and bosom all in tatters, but I managed to find a coat and put it on for fear he would think I had been handled roughly. I staked John out. I plowed 40 rows with Fox. Saw Augell and Charley Hogeboom. They wanted a fife. S, but little wind Hot, hotter, hottest. The ) 104 ½ . Kept so only an hour or so. Wind got W & cooler. I hitched to wagon. Got 2 sacks of corn in. Then looked at ) It was 108!!! Awful heated. SW wind. B & I to Dr. Got 1 ½ sacks of corn in for him. Saw the little one. I to mill. Most out of wood. I to Celebration ground, SE of bridge. I drew 4 loads of lumber for them. A little shower came up. Frank High & Augell busy. I got meal for Dr and for us. Home. Thunder. Dr & Leonard here during another little shower.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (39)

Kasson took Fox off. They put up the liberty pole 100 ft. Cottonwood. It will break soon. Cut down Dec. 11 1860.


Our pet wild cat.

[Samuel Reeder’s drawing of their cat, Ferocity.]

[Page 59]


Le Territore du Kansas. E. U. de le A du N.

July 1, 1860. Kansas Samuel J. Reader’s Journal Shawnee Co. Indianola Sunday 1. Clear ) 75. Waked up with wild & tame cats playing over me. La don’t feel well. SW breezy. At le dejune Ferocity caught a half grown white chicken by the neck. I choked him off and cuffed him till he was crazy. I picket John out. Wrote old long Journal over in good ink, where it was faded. (This is faded too June 23 08.) Warm. F. took Leon to E most all day. Bl. brought single plow home. The flag is on pole. Its 30 ft long. Widow Wallace & Kate Hindman rode by in a carriage. Dr here. He wants to swim again. PM ) 103. SW Windy. I read Josephus & Pocket Esculapius. Hot. We to Dr new house. Its fine. F & Leon home. Pete’s youngone (Will) had an apoplectic fit other day. I not well. I to bed. Peter came. Said a horse in lower end of field. I there put it out and fence up. I shaved by ears & moustache. Mond 2. Very warm night. SW windy, Clear. I took John; finished rows 20 & 2 short ones; then struck middles out of 40 rows. La washed. Heated water out of doors. Kasson has Drs kitchen roof finely. Windy. Horse don’t sweat much. Pleasant to work. ) 103. PM. SW windy. I cut middles of 30 rows. Mrs Jeems W. here. Ella dit que me. [shorthand] Neely baisse les deux hommus at Wallaces guard elle parti. B sold eggs. The Topeka cannon at town. He heard Mrs Wallace is married to Wolf. (Ed. DeWolf.) [Page 60] DROUTH coming, 7, 24, 08. July 3 1860. Tuesd. 3. ) 80, Clear SW windy. I took John Plowed 32 long and 2 short middles. Finished field. Its laid over. Dr. here. I saw Augell. Il did que Miles has taken himself & rifle off parcque Lauib

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (40)

etais chez lui avec safille Marie. La to town. Got 8 dishes at store. Killed 4 hens & made 4 cakes. Mrs Jim W. here says Old Mrs. W is not married. Yet elle peuise que je suis jeune looking to be 24. Flag up for awhile. B and I to my field. Corn is weedy & scorched up. We found no gooseberries. Home. Hot. Windy. ) 103. La & F cooking. F’s birthday 15 ans. PM. Late dinner Hot. I to Dr. field. Plowed out a lot of his corn. SW. windy. His corn looks well. Kasson at Dr kitchen. I home. Chicken livers car soupe’ Il me fait malade, et La A VERY GREAT SWINDLE. [shorthand] Wed 4. FOURTH OF JULY. Clear Still ) 75 warm. Up early. Fired cannon in town 10 or 12 times & played drum & fife. I blew on clarinet & flute. Shot revolver rifle & shot gun. Kasson got John to find cow. Wild cat got hold of another chicken. Old Steward is coming back. Augell B & I to town. I at E. The flag rope cut. I helped carry water. I home. Took John; got Bellmores buggy. I to Augell’s. Got Mrs. Augells provisions, Home. Got ours. B & I home. Put up John. Fastened house. We to E, La & Mrs A. also. E house full of ladies. Henrietta B “balloting because Button left them. All formed in procession. Old Davison Marshal. He wanted Drs Sword & hat, but his wife objected. All on ground. Not seats enough. Eugene Caye avec moi. Button prayed long & loud, then Jack Thompson got up and read his awfully sublime speech of 24 pages. Very tedious. Got done at last. Old Mathews got me to hold the drum while he beat. Dr. saw me and roared again. A fat Rev. spoke a few minutes, then all to tables. I waited till there was room. Got bread, and [Page 61] July 5 1860 meat. Scarce at that. I at Dr. Got Post. Last of “The [Daue].” I home. Leonard here. La Mrs. A.F. & B home. I took buggy home. I read, played flute & fiddle. Mrs A left late. Thunder. Growler killed a chicken. We shut them up. ((It sprinkled today about 9 ½ or 10 o’clock AM.)) A Ball at Puckett’s, “Sarpint” here yet I lost 20 cts out of my pocket. [XXXX] afterwards under lounge. Thurs. 5. Clear SE. I took John plowed Drs corn. Hot ) 98. Mrs. Jeems W. was here. Said Jack in speech, hier, dit: “I had a praying Mother, &c &c, and began to blubber, when mother Button “yapped” right out. I missed it all. I took John to Dr field. Plowed about 45 rows. Very hot. Dr hunting his red cow. Our Briggs gone also. I home ) 98 Still. Hot PM. Mrs Jim W & Foukers here visiting. I to Dr field. Plowed 35 rows. Hot. Still. E. [Z.] Very dusty. Kasson said there were a plenty of hogs at celebration, and knew just how to act it; and he got nothing to eat after working ¾ of a day. Home. Had a fine supper. One of my feet, le gauche, is poisoned. F. found my 20 cts near lounge. I gave it to her. Warm, pleasant &c. F got Briggs. Frid 6 ) 70. Clear, pleasant NE. Pott & Estes the steers came up le soir passé. Kits foot getting better slowly. I took John. I at Dr. field early plowed 40 rows and 3 potatoe rows. Home at 11. Kasson is moving Drs [plunder] with red oxen. F at E. & home. ) 91, E. Pleasant Clear. I looked at melon vines, beans &c. Ground very hot. I helped Kasson unload. I let oxen loose. PM. La to E. Augells man Charley here. He had nothing but meat at 4th. Il dit: “I was at a celebration where there were “Sogers” all around the tables, and you saw no “hoggin” there or they would

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (41)

[Page 62] July 7th AD 1860 get stuck with a “bayonet.” Kit is better. Kasson came. We fixed up a rack. Drew 3 loads of Drs hay out on prairie. I home with Fox. Dr found his red cow & calf. Milne came to Dr. on 4th. Told him he was agoing to sell out his “hoozes” & land and go to England, Et supposed sa femme would be gone when he got home at night. Mrs. Harding’s beaus: “Red-eye” & Sealmouthed” Bickels. Sat. 7. ) 68. Clear SE. Wild cats killing chickens last night. Dr red cow in our yard. Kasson came & milked her. I with Fox to Dr. We drew 1 load. SE windy. We then drew up hen house &c. of plunder 3 loads. Hot. I home ) etais 105. Clear Hot. John Walden here for wagon. Failed PM NW Hot. My poisoned foot sore. I to Dr. We drew 2 more loads of plunder. Finished. Then 3 loads of corn. Bryant don’t want the clapboards taken away. I brought John here. Kasson & I to creek swam. Then to town at dusk. Saw Capt. Alley. Rod Rose has his place in Fairchilds store. Squire R asked me to come down and play on my flute some evening. I helped Dr & Kasson bring up 20 or 30 chickens in a barrel &c. Cool. Sund 8. ) 49, Clear, cool, still. Growler caught a chicken again. We put them in the [XXX]. I took Leon home. Old Mrs. Angell passed by to meeting. She left 5 NY Ledgers & apple dumplings. I read. W, still, warm. PM. Mrs A. here. Dr here. We to Bellinous. Kasson overtook us. Leonard, Blondelle and the rest of us to river. Had a fine swim. Home. McKnown here. I cleaned my flute ce matin & played. I have a colic. (Ah ha! Dumplings!) Mond 9. Cloudy, Rather still. Blondel and I drew 1 1/3 load of corn for Dr. All done. Drew 2 loads of hay. Finished. [Page 63] Dr’s stack. Brought ½ load to our yard. Cleared & SW wind arose, hot as a furnace. ) 107. Nous mangous a la Dr. PM. Bl home. Too hot. He got a pair of Hulls old boots. Le dit a La: “Mr. Same too honte (Bashful?) Eugene, mon nevlea, had to aide him a la table.” (At the 4th?) I drew 100 rails at Dr. To La S liare 2 ¼ loads. S, windy, A sirocco ) 111 in shadiest place. I unharnessed. Took John home. I home. Rested. Fixed flute &c. After le couche du soliel. I took flute, I to J.N. Majors. Rose got his fiddle. We played together pretty well, Old Kentucky Home; Wichens, Frank High, Kasson, Higginbotham, Red Rose, and Penfield sang. Home at 10 or after. N. cool. Tuesd 10. ) 65 Cool, cloudy, N. Up as usual. I fixed up the large plow. Took Fox, drew it to my field. B with me. Wiggletails in my spring. I plowed 17 rows. Corn don’t look so bad, but weedy. I home. Two Kemp girls here. PM ) 91 E Clear. I played flute fiddle. Leonard got oxen to draw in wheat. I to claim, plowed 13 rows. Hot. S. dusty. Home. Miss Brown after her cows. Dr. brought oxen home.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (42)

Wed 11. ) 70, NE, Cooler, Some clouds &c. I took John to claim plowed 18 rows. Sharpened plow with hammer. Saw Davisons going to Buffalo hunt. Home. PM. The people to pray for rain, at Topeka today. I will plow instead. ) over 90, W, warm. I to field, plowed 15 rows. Home. F are at Milne’s. Thurs 12. ) 65. NE Cool; rather clear. I some pain in head. Hurd got my revolver & moulds last night, for Louis Ogee. A large crowd are going. I hitched up. Went to Buttons. He not at home. Went in Je parle avec sa fenume; then took the harrow. Sowed and harrowed [Page 64] OLD HARDY MARRIED. July 13, 1860. In ¾ bu. buckwheat, on ¾ A of ground near S paling fence. My corn don’t look bad. Took harrow home. Button has peaches. Cloudy. SE. I home by bridge. Got ½ load of broken wood off Major. La not well. Cool ) 84 Cloudy. Turned John out. Mrs. “Jeems” W. was here suffering with a pack of news. Elle dit: Button est le seul blanc cheval en le team. Jack had to leave courme Dick Murphy, de Indiana &c. I wrote an order on Thompson: “please give to the bearer 50 cts worth of tea, in payment for the use of my wagon by Mr. Nado, and this shall be your receipt &c. PM. B home. He sold 3 doz eggs, 8 cts per doz, with hard work, and got the tea of Thompson. He said Nado never paid him. Cloudy E. Sprinkley. I fixed a box for wild cats at front gate. Cleaned some melons & 1 potato row. Read &c. F. mounted Kit for first time to hunt cows. Ferocity killed a large pullet. (What amazing patience, with these wild cats! June 26 1908.) Frid 13 (unlucky?). Clouds but cleared. ) 64, SE. I took Fox to field. Plowed 15 rows. Home. Bill Davison was here & assessed La about $900, with $500 exempt. A letter from S. Hay & grain for me at Ill. A Post. Warm, Clear, warm. PM. ) 94. I plowed 11 rows. Finished big piece by skipping 16 long & 6 short rows. I hammered out plow. Run 1 row of short row N of shanty. I home. La was to Jeems W_s, Saw “Gods & Kates!” Mrs J.W. heard my fiddle few nights ago. Hardy, a schoolteacher, married Mrs Wiley Williams today. We keep wild cats in their house. (Gen. Hardy: Says he’s an Indian & Charley Bartle’s uncle! A big yarn. June 26, 1908.) Sat. 14. Thunder; little shower Cloudy NE ) 60. McNown here. Got 10 bu. of corn. He took our wagon and 1 ½ bu. of corn for us to Hardings. He helped me shell it. He is going to complain of Rev. Burr for slander. He left. [Page 65] July 15, 1860. I shelled another sack of corn. PM. I took corn on Fox to Ogees mill. I to see Pucket. He not at home. I home. Quite warm. My poisoned foot sore yet. I took moulds, wiping rod and Post to Dr.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (43)

Got S letter. Home. La out on Fox to hunt grapes. She don’t feel well. I put on another piece of wood on clarinet. A nice job. I cleaned out 2 rows of potatoes. E & W by peach trees. I got meal [shorthand] Elle [shorthand] avec moi. I got up the cows. Sunday 15. Clear. Je leve a le leve du Soliel ce matin Un beouf fus a la fence. Knocking it down et je prit le fusil du deux coups, et lui donne uncoup. Clair, tranquille. F. to meeting on Kit. I polished and fixed up clarinet. McN brought our wagon & meal. The church would not regard his complaint. Rev. Burr wants Milue “churched”. I read all Mrs. Augells papers. PM ) 103 Clear, hot, SE. La to E.F. house. She to E. I wrote to S. told him to use crops to pay taxes &c. Made Emily a picture of Ferocity. Dr here Bl. came also. Wants 2 hours help tomorrow. Corn 35 cts at Topeka. Mond 16. ) 75, Clouds. 4 steers in field but didn’t touch the corn a great deal. Kasson & Dr got Barcus le tareau from Geo Young. Old Contramair was going to kill him for beef. I to Bl new house. Took out 5 or 6 old logs and put in new ones. Augell & Leonard helped. We to Bl. Ate dinner at 10 ½. Catalon there. He has harnesses to sell Dr. Leonard here. Got 1 bu. of buckwheat. He got more of Dr. PM ) 99. E, rather still & warm. Belle came up. We got her in stable. I to Dr. Gave her (E ?) my letter. She liked picture of wild cat. Kasson came with me. He bridled her easy. Put a strap [Page 66] July 17, AD 1860 on her leg; the saddle on & at last rode her. Noble here for colt. Kasson home. I cleaned and hoed the rest of the potatoes N of orchard 5 rows and 2 E of it. Warm; thunder &c. Kasson came. Rode Belle awhile. F took my letter to Clintons and got soda &c. at store paid for it. B and I to creek. Bathed. We home. I bridled Belle and rode her a little way, then let her loose. Charley Jumbo asks $1.50 for corn. Tuesd 17. Clear, Still. ) 70. Heat nearly used me up [shorthand]. I took Fox to field. Plowed small piece from W side to bars. About 50, Very hot, No wind, Hazy smoky. I brought plough home. Dinner early. Leon here. Penfield was here to hire a horse. Charley Kaw here, Got iron kettle. PM S ) 104. Haze & smoke. I hoed out rest of potatoes E of orchard. 3 rows and 4 rows S of it. Finished the 2 rows of popcorn. B to Clintons got Post. Wishy washy stories. Bl here. Got Fox and John to draw his broken down wagon & 20 rails from bridge. He brought them home late. Mrs Jeems & little Brown girl here. I slept on Lounge. At 10 had to get up. Wild cats were loose & had killed a half grown chicken. We were pres de mange tout entire with [shorthand] les mooches. Wed 18 Clear S. I worked at making a porch E of house. Dr here. Wants Kasson to help me. La scalded & white washed house. PM ) 106. B got 3 lbs shingle nails of Penfield. Paid for them. Thunder showers passed on every side of us & wind shifted every way. I got all sheeting on porch but 1 piece. Its 4 ft. wide & 16 ft. long with 4 pillars. Dr gained his [suit] with [c*msuins]. B broke rocker of chair ce matin. Fox is loose. In AM we saw the Sun eclipse through paper & glass. Two spots on sun. (Just retracing 10 to 10 am, June 28 1908, out & saw another eclipse!)

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (44)

[Page 67] July 19. 1860 Kasson got team to draw rails. I helped him top off the Drs stack. I home. B to town to tell Thompsons to return the kettle. He got 5 cts of rosin for me Mou argent. A large lot of it daus lump. La [shorthand] Ruff for fighting &c. F. not well. I shingled roof. Used up all shingles. 3 ½ single course. Belle in stable. I haltered her. Hot ) 98 or 100. Mrs J.W. here. She gave La $1. Of coffee for eggs. The stores wont buy them, now, ell edit. Old Ogee Ox, Limpy, who used to break in our field 1 year ago last fall, died near Majors field. PM. Kasson came, Rode Belle all around prairie I got on, but she wouldn’t come back. B and I with Seythe on Colobe claim for grass. Found a little slough grass. Home. La sitting. I gave the two legs to wild cats and they had a grand fight over them. Thunder SW ) 103. I made shingles and put them on. La home with Lady’s Book. F read to us. Thunder Showers. N&S of us. I played flute. F. sang with it at night. F began cyphering today. Frid 20. Clear )73. SW warm. I began at roof duvoit le degune. Made shingles. I to Dr. Got 33 shingles of cotton wood. Kasson drawing rails. Nobles girl who lived at [D] like to have died last night with fever. La washed. Showers going. N&S of us again. ) 108. PM. I copied notes of Ossians Serinade in flute book from F’s Piano music I put it 3 notes higher. I fixed some of porch floor. Finished roof. Very warm. Kasson finished. Sat 21. ) 78, Clear S; very warm. Up early. I at porch floor before sun rise. Dr. got little she kitten, but it came back. [Page 68] July 22 1860. Kasson came. I helped him grind his axe and hatchet S. He helped me grind my scythe and axe. Il dit que Jack Fero is in town. He and Frank High will go to Junction City. I at floor and finished it. B got E music note book. Very warm. SW. I was at Nobles last night. Durilda better. PM. ) 106 NW. I put gable ends and boards on front of porch. Its all done but the banisters. I to Dr for some. Failed. We cleaned up the yard. Horses are all loose. I mended hen house door. F at Augells. Took papers home. Corn looks wilted. F got last vol of Thaddeus of Warsaw for La to read a place that is torn out of ours. A skunk like to have blinded Augell, other night. Porch looks fine (see May 31, 1861). I played, F sang. Sund 22. ) 65. N, quite cool. I copied “Massas in the cold ground” and wrote the words of it & Ossians Serenade under the notes in phonetic short-hand. I am learning niy gauicet for flute. I never played F and C on the 1st octave, and F C D E & F on the 2 right. F & La to meeting. I played &c. Put dinner on. Kasson, Rose, & another fellow came from river. K. had a fish. I tied the wild cats together with a strap, and let them loose. ) 86. Clouds. S.La, & F. home. PM. Clear

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cool E & 2 yonkers here. Brown wont appeal his suit. I glued my fiddle and put a screw in the back, ce matin, Je port mes parote neuf Jeans. A WILD CAT DICKER. Mond 23. ) 64, Clear NW. Up very early, just after dawn. I S.E. of Drs on Colembes claim. Mowed Swamp grass, weeds &c. Cool, E. I home. La has white washed porch. The census man was here. He took age, where we were born, how much produce we raised &c. PM Clear NE. ) 88. I to hay ground. Raked it up in winrows. A show in town. B there. Engaged to. Sell wild cats for $5. I home. Took a last look at them. B off with [Page 69] July 24 1860 them. I to ground. Raked all hay. Cut some more. I home early. B home with cats. The show men wont give more than $3. Pete sold his for that. Ferocity tried to kill Mrs. Clintons prairie dog. Kasson took team to draw buggy hubs to Millers. F was at Jim W-s. Introduced to M. Walrus (John Wanless.) alias “Bare legged Joe”. The buffalo hunters are back. The Pawnees tried to take Jock Vieux gun, and old Davison and kill them for his darkey. Wild cat speculation done for. Bub was to have a pair of cotton pants, F a dress and La a sack of flour out of them. All a failure. Tuesd 24. ) 55, Very cool, No wind. Up later. I to mowing. A showman came for me. I got John & Fox. Took his tiger, bear, snakes, and 3 men to Osawkee at 2 or 3 PM. ) 102, S, warm. One fellow wanted to be a big coumie nior so he could whip his weight in wild cats. Hard work to get a house. I fed. Man paid me $2.50. I took Nebraska note to store. He said it was not good. I returned it and got $2 in silver. I bought 15 cts crackers. Started, sun 2 h’s high. Horses fresh & all right. I at Post Office at Muddy. Got 10 c. candy. Saw C. Morgan. Thought he was Squire Wm. Morgan. Just sun set. I got to Indian creek. After dark, home. 7 h. later, a cloud from SW by W. I put John up. Tried to go and co*ck up hay. Too dark. At midnight Jim W & family came. Its raining. B and I slept in bedroom. Wed 25. ) 74. Dust is well laid. SW Kasson performed night before last in town. Post. Clinton gave it to me hier. I mowed and raked hay. What I cut is spoiled some. Home. PM. ) 94 Clear, warm. Kasson rode [Page 70] July 26, 1860. Belle this A.M. E has got our gray kitten. It stays. I mowed and raked hay. Ogees boy dying. Warm. Thurs 26. Clear. Still warm. La mal au le tete. I got 6 or 7 roasting ears, half filled. I cut up some corn for hogs. Fed wild cats mice. Blanchard & wife at Bls. I feel tired (So I do today, at 2 p.m. July 1, 1908). I got Dr’s post auger, put up 4 posts to build stack between. Put on wagon rack. I

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (46)

to Puckets. He said nothing coming to La. Dr. got $6.50 of it. He only allows me 25 cts. per day for my oxen, and 4 days. I wanted 75 cts. day. He is a great (mean) rascal. I home. Old Steward wants corn. NW Clouds, warm. PM. Kasson came with John. We drew up 2 small loads of hay. All in. Old Steward got 1/3 bu. corn of me, 25 cts. ) over 90. I with team. Got load of wood, Majors town part. I to Renfield. Flour at $4.25, I to Pucket. His $4.50. He threw off 10 cts. I would not take it. I to Renfield. Got sack there. Paid my $5.00 for it. La paid me $2.50 back. She owes me $2.50 (I have a due bill.) I home. Took John home. Kasson, B and I to creek. Swam. Water cold. Home, No wind. Fairchilds has sold to Geo. Young. I got 10 cts. letter paper of Higginbotham. I played flute. Mrs. J.W. came. She did not know what kind of an instrument it was. Wed 27. ) 68. Thunder, W clouds and a light shower. I fixing chairs. Davison came; told me that 16 head of cattle were in my field. He drove them out. B and I there. Staked up the fence where I water team when I work there. I looked at all fence. My sod corn about 1 foot high. Other is mostly tasseled. Buckwheat not up. I home at 11. B swam and got poisoned, [shorthand] et poulet. [Page 71] July 28, 1860. I am glad we have kept the wild cats (no explanation?). PM ) 95. SE, clouds, thunder &c. pleasant. I fixed backs on 3 chairs; all are fixed up but 1. I put a new rocker on big chair that B broke other day. La at E awhile. A man here; got 10 cts skimmed milk. F cyphering et ele lafatre. A hawk lit on fence. I shot him with shot gun at 45 yds. off hand, and gave him to wild cats. I caught Fox, F for cows. [shorthand] stories [shorthand] hoofs et dos Little shower. Saturd 28. ) 75. Cloudy, still. Jim W’s pigs in our yard all the time. I copied notes of America. B F and I ground the Scythe. I put Soles on two of my moccasins. Augell here to get subscribers for newspapers. He said Wolf was in a chain gang at Leavenworth. F on Fox to my field. All right. We got Belle in stable. SW. Hazy. PM. ) 102. Windy, SW. Kasson came. Took Cass, Bells colt & broke her to ride &c. Had hard work; Before he came, I rode Belle around prairie, and turned her out. Mrs J.W. here. Heap of news. Button has seen Mrs Milne so drunk that she could not get in the house & Milne too drunk to get her in. Also Mrs. Miles & Pucket drunk. I mended [shorthand] the harness lines &c. I to bean patch. Shot a prairie hen with left barrel. Kasson tried to play clarinet. B and I slept on porch for part of the night. Very warm. Moonlight. Sund 29. ) 72. Clouds S Still. Tame chickens eating the bean leaves. Wild cats got a mouse from old desperate. We call the kitten Fingerette, or Thumb. Finger takes good care of it. Dr. is at Bollotes. Wild cats a ground squirrel apiece from old cat. I on Fox to my woods. Looked over at field, all right. Home. I shaved tout mon barb. Je [Page 72] July 30 1860.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (47)

look plus jeune. I practiced chromatic scale on flute. F at E. La got a pot full of roasting ears & 1 cucumber. ) about 100, warm still, PM. I read papers, then to E. Read part of Lawyer Jacks speech. Kasson B and I to river by Augells. A nice swim. B got in too deep water (I swam in and got him out.) Home. Kasson shot a prairie chicken in beans, Gave it to wild cats. F. colic. No cows. Mond 30. ) 65. SW, Some clouds, cool. I mowed and raked grass up as soon as cut. Home. They say old Kugkendall is almost dead. A blind prairie chicken came near gate. I took a stick and knocked its head off. La says my neck looks as if the minks or skunks had sucked all the blood out of it (where I shaved.) PM. Clear, cool NE. ) 91. F reading Lena Rivers, Kasson’s book. I out late; mowed and raked. Home. Apres le couche du solel Kasson got shot gun to pepper a hog. Tuesd 31. Clear. No cool. Kasson up unusually early & fired gun. ) 65. I on second bottom near Collombes well. I mowed and raked. The grass is very good. I am afraid Kugkendall will grumble. NE & E. Clear, pleasant. Home. B got blacking & sugar of Pucket for eggs. Frank High was here to shoot prairie hens. (Ce matin a table je dit But must study grammar arithmetic &c. today.) W. gave La information et la lui domie un coup de lasige. K jeli un morceau du conference en le fact et La lui dowie un coup de lavage. Kuele un morcean du conference en le face et La lui donne encore du parles. W. pigs squeal loud and savage.) I read most of Lena Rivers. B got Post. PM. ) 89 then 95. I late; mowed a few minutes when a NW rain came up. I co*cked most of hay. Home. Mrs Jim W & Miss Martha Brown here all night. I played flute for them. [Page 73] August 1 A.D. 1860. Indianola Shawnee County Kansas Territory. Samuel J Reader’s Private Journal Day Book &c. Wed 1. ) 68. The shower was light. The wind was rather strong. Mrs. W & Miss Brown left. The cows were in at my crib. I fix it. I finished reading Lena R – I put up what fence was blown down, then to my claim. All safe. I home. F to town for saleratus. I feel sore. I read paper. We had our first watermelon. Not quite ripe. La stewed the rinds in sugar. Syrup car dine. PM. ) 100. I out mowed & raked. Breezy, S. Home. Dr here. Bailses child dead &c. F rode John for cows. Miss brown here. Rode him little way. She got Kasson’s book. Glass eyed colt is Buttons. Henrietta rides him. I played America, one flat. Warm. We kept John. Thurs 2. ) 80’s, windy. Cant find Fox. I took John home. Smokey like. Head is heavy. I wrote off first table of Multiplication for B. to study. I got a mess of roasting ears. Old man Blanchard is here. Said “Long Horns” has fallen in his well, and is dead! B and I there. He got in night before last, I think. I got a spade of Bellmore to try and cover Lenghty, but he smells too bad. I got wood & trash to burn him. Blanchard & wife sick. We home.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (48)

PM. SW, Clear. ) 108. Windy and hot. I looked up clapboards and measured kitchen &c. I cut a hole in S end of house in loft and put a frame 1 ft. wide & 1 ½ long. [Nan Waller] here with Jim for water. Widow Brown enquired of [Page 74] August 3 1860. me for her cow. B and I to Blanchards to help him burn ox but he said it was too windy. Thunder. W. Cloud. Slight sprinkle. Full moon. I saw a rain bow caused by the moon. The first I ever saw. I keep my mind free from [care]. Played flute. Frid 3. Windy and hot last night but still now. I up early. W clouds. Thunder. Afraid of rain. I to hay at sun rise[co*ck]. Came by Dr’s Blanchard was there for Lawson to help burn ox but failed. Dr. has bought Catalous harness for $8. $5 cash & $3 on account. I home for breakfast. B-d was here mad as a hornet because I had not run to get oxen to draw ox off. Let him whistle. Blondel here. Got Drs fork. Kasson came with John & new harness. Hitched up, drew in the 2 loads of hay. The stack is high. Finished at 10 1.2 K-n took team to draw wood &c. ) 92. Thunder, E. Pretty still. La trying the new flour. Its fine. B-d burning the ox. PM. Warm, Still, Thunder. I copied missionary Hymn & part of Folsom Nancy Wallace ici. Je Joue Bonny Doon Auld Lang Syne & Bonapartes March for her. Kasson back with team. B & I with it to Majors town part. Got 5 13 ft rafters of walnut tree 8 inches through. I then loaded up with some posts. Looked at field. Lots of grapes most ripe. We home. Quite a shower. I took John home. I studied Elements of Music in E-s book & I got Kaw cow. F the rest of cows. Sprinkley . Clouds; thunder &c. Sat 4. ) 70. Cloudy. S. Sprinkley, damp. Fine time for corn. Up rather late. Kasson up before us. I am understanding the transposition to #. # #. &c [shorthand]. I shelled and husked corn. F & La helped. S. cloudy, Sprinkly. I got a small yellow cored watermelon. 2 sacks of corn. PM. Warm. A sprinkle now and then. ) 89. [Page 75] August 5. 1860. Dr’s pony came up. I took 1 sack of corn to mill on her. Louis Ogee is home. Kasson oiled and brought Dr’s harness here. I put them in smoke house. Fox came. I on him to hole in cr. Swam. Then to mill got meal and home. La and I got a mess of roasting ears; She cut the corn off & boiled it. News: Old Mrs Wallace has got Jim’s consent for her to marry Wolfor De Wolf by giving him (Jeems) another acre of ground. I believe the 2d key on my flute is F. Warm. Sund 5. ) 74. Up early. Clouds, Sprinkley. Cleared. I played flute some with [#s & b.s. F to E.] PM S windy, hot. ) 102. B to E. La on Fox around prairie. She the blues some. Wants to sell (NO!) I copied music. Viz: Mt. Vernon, Greenville, Bangor, Zerah, Windham, Bentley & Federal St. B & F home. Dr at Sardeaus. I will make un jouer du flute yet if I try. I slept on floor.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (49)

Mond. 6. ) 81. Very warm. SW Clear. Wild cats got in hen cats got in hen house and killed several large chickens. I peeled other 2 rafters Durant le dyurie (Today I fixed blinds [XXX] bushpart, too. July 5 1908.) F. cyphering in compound subtraction. She on Fox to my field. All right. She saw Mrs. Davison. She told her that Mrs Miles had just crossed, (to steal my corn perhaps.) Jim Wallace to move to his new house today. I hunted up and fashioned 2 posts and a plate for new kitchen. Dr. & “Sarpint” here awhile. La washed in the smoke house. S, windy, Hot. PM. Nobles boy drove Belle and other horses up. ) 103. I copied Harwell and Wait for the wagon. 600 soldiers and 75 mule wagons for New Mexico, camped near Jim Wallaces. We will have green corn & water melons in plenty, soon. [Page 76] August 7th. A.D. 1860. A nice little shower or two came up with hard thunder and some W. wind. F scared. I to camp. They are not burning rails I think. Cooler. Showery. Tuesd 7. Clear Still ) 72. I up before it was light. I saw a wolf among cattle beyond stable. I shot at it. Everything looks fresh and green. The soldiers left early. I made a nice ladder for left. PM. ) 95. Hardly a breath of wind today Hot. I tried to swing ladder up on joists, but La prevented, & S. Leon here. He brought me the Post. F read stories. Augell went by with meal. He will go to Ill. on a tour, in a short time. B and I to creek. It is covered with a scum. We washed. We found a lot of wild cherries. Home. Little Brown girl here. Brought Kassons book. Kasson put in turnips in PM. Wed 8. A black cloud with wind, thunder and a little rain came up from the NW about 3 or 4 AM. F scared. Up late. I drove upper floor tight. Made a board 10 in. by 17 in. to put in upper window and swept it out, to put clothes, trash &c. up there. Warm work. B. to Pucket with eggs. Got fine comb & soda. Leonard here. Got cheesehoop. PM, ( 94. NE. Clear. I to Drs. Mrs. Damewood washing there. Dr and doune cing pommes. Kasson came and helped me top out Stack, Il dit swam.[shorthand] avec Nobles le soir passé [shorthand] from the bank. [shorthand] un grande peur. I helped Kasson grind a new spade of Dr. Leon here. F to my field. All right. B& I put all old books up stairs. Got 2 watermelons. I put some of the chucking in house. I to Puckets. Got $.00 of nails, 8 lbs of 6’s 4 of 80. Paid for them by use of my oxen (Mean scoundrel). Downie was offered $1. per bu. for corn. Its 50 cts at store. Hay $5. per ton. Home. [Page 77] August 9 1860. Thurs. 9. ) 65. Still, clear, cool. I fixed La’s corn so the hens cant waste it. Apres le dejune. I knocked roof off of kitchen and took off E side, Lowered S end 1 ft. Kasson plowing Dr’s old ground.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (50)

P.M. Still, warm. La & B to Augells. F to E. I put up a framed [XXXX], next cabin. Hard work. Grant got steers. La home late with a Magazine and a novel. Blondelle paid her $1.25 for me. We are square now. N.W. cloud and thunder. My back is lame, and I don’t feel well. Fris. 10. ) 65. A little shower le nuit passed. I am rather out of sorts. The Half breeds killed a 3 year old bull other day, and ate him up in 24 hours. Hardin who married Wiley Williams wife (“the [XXXX] widow”) is sick thereof. I put up studs on W side & Read Claude Duval. We had corn in plenty; PM. I worked but little. Cool. ) 77. Kasson finished plowing. Is now drawing stable logs. F & B to McKnowns awhile. La to Jim W’s & saw old Mrs. Brown. Kasson came. We put Belle in with Fox and drove all around the prairie. Mosquitoes at night. Sat 11. ) 48!! Cold. Clear. My back not so lame. Still, I built a foundation of stone on E side of house. F. to my field. 2 rails down but all right. I took a sack of corn to mill. Home. Green corn in plenty. PM ) 92. S clear, warm. F to Browns on a visit. La to E. I partly sided up kitchen. I to creek. Kasson there. We swam, and got cherries. I home. A N. cloud with thunder and little rain. Chase got a drink here. [Page 78] August 12. 1860. DRY. Sund. 12. ) 58. Clear, still. I horsewhipped Wallaces pigs away. They tear the green corn down. Bl. here. I with him to Dr. Took Thaddeus of Warsaw and Vicar of Wakefield there for Kasson. [He] gave me a French piece, on “usury”, for me to translate. Leon feverish. I home. Mrs. Augell and F. to meeting, a pied. I read &c. Have a headache. N. ) 80 or 90. They came back at 1 or 2 PM. I read &c. Mrs A. left. I finished up the pictures I made in Charlotte Temple. Mosquitoes are plenty. Cool. Mrs. Bellmore a fight with Bl. other day. COLD Mond. 13. ) 44. Coldest morning. Some fog. Clear. Still. I made a window frame (double.) and put it up & sided. Kistler here hunting Pott. Steer. Failed. PM. Kasson got Fox to draw logs. B and I to my field. All right. We got a lot of grapes. Home. Dr. here. Left a lot of apples. DeWolf is at Wallaces. Augell was marie’ 14 ans passe’. Ili a trerite et un aus.”Jeeuis” W. eteis marie’ depuis neuf ans et il a vingt six aus I finished side to East. (Mrs. Wallace and Ed. DeWolf married today, July 8, 1903.) Tuesd. 14. ) 65. Cloudy, Sprinkle. I put up rafters. Kasson came with team. We near site of 4th July Celebration. Got a big oak log. Roland drew a dead gray horse to [XXXX] garden. I got corn. Worked at house &c. Kasson came. We to the Cailloiz roof. Could not lift it. I at mill. My sack of meal gone. Home. Clouds. PM ) 85. Eliza Milue and Jane Cohee here. I put some clapboards on. I to town. Got Post. I helped Kasson and Nobles put ½ of the roof on Noble’s trucks. Bollote & femme at Dr. house. Il parle a moi: “Comme savez.” Je respond: “Assiz bien je uous merci, Et Vous?” No cows. [Page 79]

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August 15 1860. Wed 15. ) 70. Up very early. Cloudy. A fellow here. Would not give $1. for 1 bu. corn. I at roof. No Briggs cow. La on Fox to McNown’s. Une eufante neuf la. PM Hazy. ) 96. S. Young Wendel has left Squire Rose’s shop. Mrs Wallace was married Mond. Plenty of green corn. I have no more head ache. I at roof. Got ¾ covered. ) 98. Sun 2 ½ high. I to town. We loaded other side of Dr’s roof. John Ogee helped. Home. F got cows, Fan. Bollote says Balgaty drinks and is filthy. That Jim Thompson beat his wife with broom, and was going to beat Fan, too. Thurs 16. ) 72. Clouds. Still, warm, &c. La sick head ache. She gave a chicken for 10 or 12 apples to an Indian yesterday. I got roof done, only last course. Leon came here alone. Hot. ) 92. No wind. Jim W. here for his horse. It has got hurt under the Jaw. I read. Dr. here for boy. PM. La better. B and I to creek. Swam, got cherries, &c. I finished roof. Fan Bollote here awhile. McNown for Dr. Milne fell from his barn. 14 ft. on a wagon bed. Dr. has taken up 5 hogs. Lew Bryant has given him a mortgage and started for Peak with Bill Davison, hier. B and I moved stove in new kitchen. Frid. 17. ) 70. A sprinkle le soir passé. Up early. No wind. Rather clear. I copied “Hope in the Lord”. I put 2 sash in kitchen window, 1 full of glass. I tacked other glass tighter, in cabin. Bollotes at Dr. yet. Milne 2 ribs broken. Is better. B got Ladys Book. Another sprinkle. PM. Hurd brought my revolver but not the moulds. I fixed up and hung kitchen door &c. Don’t feel very well. A drunken Kaw, with a loaded revolver, here awhile. [Page 80] August 18th 1860. Sat 18. ) 69. A light thunder shower last night. Still cloudy. I shelled a sack of corn. Took it to mill. Ogee (Louis) said my corn is “hooked”. I got pistol moulds. I in my woods. Got in a tree. Looked in my field. All’s right. I to Dr. Got our Saw. DeWolf was there ce matin; also Pucket, ripping and swearing because Dr has advertised his hogs. I home. Nailed boards over open cracks and holes in Kitchen. Heaps o’ green corn. Dr. here. Milne better, No ribs broken. PM. ) 99 SW Hot, Heavy thunder. I copied all of Nelly Bly. Leon here. Blanchard has sold his land to Bellmore for 1 yoke of oxen, $50, and a note for $100. I to mill. Got my grist. Louis didn’t toll it home. No rain. Warm, Cloudy. Young Wendel boy herding stage horses. F got cows. I mended walnut table, Strong. Sund 19. Cloudy all night. Thunder &c. Few drops of rain S.W. Apples are $1. per bu. Plenty of corn at Easton. None at Brownsville. Cloudy, warm ) 70. Je rase tout de mon barb. I feel well en esprit. I copied notes of “I have come from a happy land”, Arabys daughter and “The voice of free grace.” Ferdinand Wendel here awhile, watching stage horses. PM. La et F to Drs. Mrs. Mullygrubs and husband went there too. My wrist very sore where wild cats scratched it 2 weeks ago. Ferdinand here a long while. He is 18, Bill W. is 20. The lattered

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (52)

studied shorthand of old man Morley. S.W. Clouds and thunder. No rain. ) 95. Wood Hindman, “Gods!”, got home last night. All men and women are considered as enemies who don’t call on DeWolf & Lady. Kasson Sat pres du port, et pret lear for les nowvelle. Mond 20. Cloudy. I don’t feel very well about stomach. SE. ) 68. I put a shutter in hole S end of kitchen. Dr. came for me. I helped him & Kasson throw one of the pieces of his roof over. Majors has sued all who owe him. Dr owes him $40. I told [Page 81] August 21, 1860: him to let Majors have one of E’s big oxen instead of his 2 steers. I home. Fastened all the holes and crevices of Kitchen, Its done now. La scalded la maiu [shorthand]. F sick. I got a big watermelon. PM. N.E. ) 90. Clear, breezy. I rode to creek. Looked over at my field. All right. Saw Mrs Button & fille going home, Mrs B was mounted on Glasseye. F sick headache. B and I ground scythe. I mended rake handle. Made a stone wall on S end of kitchen. I fastened up Las crib and fastened [XXXX] and put the shelled corn in a barrel. La got cows. F well (And stopped “whimpering”.8 - 1912) Tuesd. 21. ) 60. Clear. A little fog. Still. I to Dr. Bellmore & Frank Clamour. Bl. and Nobles & Son came. We slid the roof on Dr’s stable in a jiffy. Ferdinand Wendel helped. I to Clintons. Got Post. He is putting up 60 tons of course hay. I home. Read &c. Very hot. ) 95. No wind. La [washed] PM. I over ridge on Colombs. Cut and put up 14 small co*cks. Worked till late. Petes sow, 7 pigs. Wed 22. Clear, still. ) 60. Up early as usual. I mowed & put up hay till 11. Still and h ot. F at E. PM. ) 98. Clear. Frank High here to get me to send for a paper. Failed. La to Milne’s. I found 3 watermelons eaten by wolves! I took 7 to E. Got strychnine Kasson a sore eye. I mowed and co*cked. Wendel helped me. Il parle Dutch. I got up the cows, La home. Milne very pleasant. Dr. brought us ½ bu of apples. He got them of Bickel on a debt. I played. Thurs. 23. Clear, still ) 61. I mowed and raked hay. Still clear. Warm. I home at 10 ½. I in corn field for wolves. Failed. I shot at and wounded a ruffian crow. [Page 90] August 24 1860. [Night before last, I told La to listen and I would play her a tune. I began at “Arabys daughter” but not being used to the flats in the piece, I made a number of mistakes, and then would stop and say: “No,” and begin again. La’s patience at last “caved in”, and she exclaimed, “Sam wanted me to listen to a tune, and then he began; whirr; No! whirr, no! and if that’s all, I don’t want to hear anymore] ) 99 ½. Young Wendel voir mes journals, pictures &c.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (53)

PM. Kasson here. Got an old corn cutter of [XXX] and after a while got the team to draw lumber. I late to mow. Hot. Got cooler. A fire on prairie N. of town. F got cows. I to bed early. Wild cats scratch & bite. (Kill’em! Kill’em! July 9, 1908.) Frid 24. ) 60. Up very early. Kasson and I drew in all my hay at 2 loads. Its very green. Stacked it S of other stack next stable, on top of old hay. Eugenia Cailloy here. PM. Hot. ) 96. Dr. here. A horse tamer in town. $5. For a lesson. Dr. got his meat. F & Eugenia to Puckets. I mended my moccasins, Read &c. Sergeant Lewis C. Wilmarth married to Carrie Whiting 12, ult. Young Culloz to Bl.s. She is 12 years old today. One of the pigs died last night. I poisoned it, and B put it in field. * -- dram le [drawing] grand dur [shorthand]. Hetais pas possible un ou deux aris passé. Quand. B wanted Wendel a parte il place un sand burr daus sa chaise grand il looked at thermometer but il ne parti pas! Sat 25. Up just at dawn. I fixed fence around stack. I to my field. Mowed out fence corners on N side. Hogs have been in my field. I fastened hole. Saw [XXX] I home at 10. Clear. SE. Corn is getting hard. I fixed a corn cutter. “The mud Sucker,” (Genia Caitloiz) here a few minutes. [Page 83] Aug 26 1860. PM. ) 103. Still and hot. Miss Brown & sister came. B and I to my field. A hog in. They come up the bank also. Lots of corn destroyed. I must tire un coup da pistolet at them. We bathed & came home. Les ladies ici, Brs Bl and Mud Sucker * also for a while. Je parle francais avec Me Bl. [shorthand] stared. They looked at my pictures in Charlotte Temple and took the book away; also at long journal ils pense que les tableaux stais beaux. Wendel took ce livre ci, et read page after page, La said, with brows knit trying to make it out. I drank too much water & feel sick. B got John. Miss B with Fan after cows. F took three home on horses. I took John home. Sat a while with E. Je fache parcque E don’t have the Mudsucker there. A beautiful night. To bed late. [shorthand]. Sund. 26. ) 67. Clear, still, warm. Up very early for Sunday. La some headache. I translated a part of L’amprunt [Romance] for Dr. I painted some. 3 or 4 melons destroyed by wolves. La not well at all. PM. ) 109. For awhile; Awful hot. I to E. Dr. is chez Sardeau. [Guffy] envision le Mucsucker. Kasson and I to Augells. Frank there. Augell has not got the painting process yet. We all to river & swam. Water only waist deep in deepest place. Frank and Kasson performed acrobatic feats on a sand bar. Augell looked for gold, Failed! Kasson and I chez moi. I gave him 1 vol of A.J. Davis. F & B got the cows. Wood Hindman here in evening to borrow 1 yoke of oxen to draw house logs. Fine moon. Mond 27. ) 72, Clear. S.W. Rather still. I don’t feel right. I loaded my revolver. Wood H. got 3 oxen to draw Downies house. B and I with hoe, hammer &c. to my claim. 4 or 5 black shoats in “Wooney” dog and I caught one. I tied it up. An awful time? (* Mud – sucker”, is the name of a certain wild duck. July 9 . 1908) [Page 84]

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August 28 1860. B and I home. I got Kit. Hitched her in wagon. She got choked but soon got over it. I took 10 or 12 rails. We to claim. I left rails. Got pig. Came home. Hot W. Clear. PM. ) 99, hot. I put pig in the little pen. I rested awhile, then B and I rode to my claim. I nailed pieces of rails on my fence under bank. B scared a sow out of the brush. She ran under fence and swam the creek. Je tere un coup du pistolet at her; missed, I think. I fixed some of straight fence. A red-dish hog came up under bars. Kaw caught him and I gave the hog a good beating and let it go. We home. Mud Sucker was here. [XXXX] angry. Wood brought oxen home. Offered to pay for them. I got melons. No Lady cow. Pleasant. Tuesd. 28. ) 67. Clear, S. F got Lady. Her hind leg is lame. B and I on Fox to Claim. No hogs. I cut brush away from straight fence. Fixed it up. Home. Mudsucker and Fan to Milnes. PM. ) 90 or 100. La to E. I to claim. B with me. We bathed. I fixed things around. A pig slipped through fence by bars. I stopped some of the holes. Got corn in sack. We home. La for cows. F. & M’s back. F Godeys Books bound. B took E a long watermelon. Dr says I must advertise in 3 days. I feel a bas le bouche (Down in the mouth.) Wed 29. ) 70. Clear, Still. A horse in field. Warm. A bad time. Majors to epouse Henriettie Bouton Kasson etais la, Sunday, mais, il got le millen. Je pense, parcque il parle mal envion lui a E. Pappans got their hay burnt up on Pott. land by having a fire to light their pipes, day before yesterday. B & I on Fox to claim. No hogs. I stopped holes and raked trash from N fence. Saw Davison. He said the pig I have is not his. He told me to kill them, as [XXX] advised l’ antre jour , la shoot them. I hoed trash from straight fence. No wind. Hot. We home at 11. La washing. [Page 85] Aug. 30, 1860. PM. ) 108. Still, hot. Mud Sucker ici, I read Godeys Book [XX] 3, Jack & Neal McDonough, and a printer Gorden, here in a wagon. News and Fun. They brought us the old shovel & tongs. Jack a un barb noir. We shot revolver. B to my field. All right. Fine times. I played a little on flute. [shorthand] Thurs 30. Up early. Clear. Warm. Jack Neal and I to Dr. Fred, Caveroch La from the Peak and [XXXX] Young. We home. Jack got my revolver and left his shot gun. They left at 0. I to Puckets on Fox. Told him of his horses. Saw Button. I to Clintons. Got Post. Mrs C. says Davisons hogs are marked like the one I have got. I to claim. All right. I home. Read. Hot. La not well. I had as many nice mellow McDonovan apples as I could eat!. PM. ) 108. Hot. I read paper. Wind shifted N. and windy. I out along fence, E,N,&W. fixing it up. F. [XXXX] here. The fellows at Hotel want him to treat all the time &c. A small shower came up. We had melons. Apres le couche du soliee while I was driving horses from field. Kaw ran into corn field and attacked a skunk. B watched them till I got the gun and killed it. After a while Kaw began again. We went out. I chased and fired at a skunk but it escaped. I them came back and shot another that was cornered by Kaw. “Chops” took hold of it good. An awful “fugo”. Cool.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (55)

Frid. 31. ) 58, Clear, Cool N. Ogees mower was burnt up, and also Bickels hay by Pappans. I on foot to claim. Hoed trash from SE palings, straight fence and part of N fence. I found some grapes. No hogs. Home late. PM. ) 89. Clear, NE cool. All of Dr’s here. Paid La $10. I fixed rake. Got a lot of melons. I gave E her note for $25.00. I have owed her for so long. Dr owes La $38.05. [Page 86] September 1. AD 1860. Indianola Shawnee Co. Kansas Territory. Sat 1. ) 60. Clouds E. I began at N end of orchard, cut up 6 shocks of corn. La to town. Bought 1 Table cloth $1. 2 Towels 25 cts. 1 pair of souliers car La $1.25 Deux robes car F & La $2. Tallow 27 cts. Muslin 18 yds $2.43, ¾ Lb. stocking yarn 80 cts, $8.00 in all. Elle paye tout en lor. B to my claim. No hogs in but 4 outside. I sent 4 nice melons to Drs. [XXX] S’s la! AM drizzly rain. Another fellow driving stage horses I watching them. PM Rainy. ) 67. I finished translating L’ernpriest Romain (Papal Loan) for Dr. I curtailed it. La fait les chandels. Ate melons. F got cows. Took papers to Mrs Augell and got Ledgers 4 & 1 “fini” papers. Feel fine (so I do tonight, Friday July 10, 1908.) I drew a pattern of handkerchief for Genie Cailloiz. Sund 2. ) 60 or so. Cloudy. I read, drew pictures &c. SE. PM. I to Dr for awhile. Gave him I translated. Henry Davison and Kasson to Topeka. I home. Played flute ”Rot [shorthand” (Miss Nell Steward,) and Miss Elenora Alley here a few minutes. Je etais introduced a lui’. Elle est bien belle.* I read. ) 82, Clouds, Sprinkley, Thunder &c. We saw old Joe Pappan ride to Mrs Clainours, then Bellmore to town and got Squire Rose. A wedding now of old Joe. Louis Vieux to marry a girl 15 years old. We ate melons &c. Mond. 3. Clear S warm. I in field. Got green corn. Its almost too hard. I found 4 large shoats in lower end of field. Kasson aide Me. Augell to drive her calf. Il voir un loup run from our field. A peres jejune’, I on Fox to Thompsons and to Cummins; Hogs are not theirs. I to Wallaces. They are Woods and old woman’s. He helped me get them out and he drove them home. I saw DeWolf. Hogs are in their field too. I to [Page 87] September 4 1860. my field. No hogs. I home. I found 10 cts, a pipe, and tobacco on the road. I to Dr. He not well. I got John Drew 4 or 5 loads of rails and pieces. Chunked up hog holes and made fence higher. S windy, warm. PM. ) 100 Clear, windy, hot. I drew 3 more loads around fence. I have all the rails &c. from prairie line 200 yds W of W fence. I tried to plow on W of field. It went very hard. Dr. took John home. I out with shotgun to melon patch. Saw a ruffian wolf eating them! At 30 yds I

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (56)

up and wounded him in the hip. He switched his tail, and left in a hurry. Au lit a la boune heure. Warm. [Small picture drawn of a wolf eating water melon] Tuesd. 4. ) 78. Very warm, Still, clouds, &c. I to W. fence. Fixed fence up about right. Dogged hogs away. F to my claim. No hogs there. Age Me. Augell ici. Dr pulled a tooth for her. Very hot. B and I to creek. Bathed. Home. Dr gave me a letter from Leo. He wants a picture of Jack & Neal as they come here. PM. ) 104. S, Hot, Clouding. Kasson (not Cassen) got team to draw wood. I cut up 3 ½ shocks of corn. Leon here awhile. No cows. Frank H at Augells. Wed 5. ) 79. A very warm night. Clouds. S. I drove a gang of hogs to town. I finished fence. I cut up corn 3 or 4 [sks.] B. & F. un pardevous a table. B to claim all right. PM. S. N. ) 105. Hot clear. I cut 3 or 4 shocks & finished orchard. Elliot here hunting hogs. Kasson here for trowel. He brought us the Post. Very hot. W. [Small picture drawn of a man stoning hogs away.] Thurs 6. ) 70. NW Still. I stoned hogs away. Kaw dog is gone. I at S end of field. Cut up 10 shocks of corn. SW. Hot. La scalded. Genia P. here awhile. Is idle, and raged. ) 105. [Page 88] September 7, 1860. Green maise car dine. Genia to Dr. PM. Hot. S, windy. ) 106 & 7. I kept in doors till late. Very hot. Dr. here. He don’t feel well. I cut 8 shocks. Worked till late. Mrs Augell here till dark to get sou cheveruse (horses?) parted. No cows. Aurora Borealis pretty bright. Frid. 7. ) 76. No Kaw dog. Cows are up. S clear. Frank H dormi chez Dr. le ruit passé. Dr. 35 years old yesterday. B to Claim. All right. I cut up 9 shocks. Got green corn &c. S. rather windy. PM. Warm. ) 104. Bl etais ici ce matin; Il cherche sa juiment. Il dit: Eugene Caye wants to marry Pappan’s daughter, maiselle wont have him. Very hot. I husked and shelled a sack of corn. La to Mrs. Browns. F. to Dr. I fixed top of little stack. La home. She is to send Frances et “Boot”, to Martha B’s school on Mond. Prochain. Terms: $1. Per mo. F. trouble euviron l’ecoile parcque elle cant read any more tales. “Jeems” W. drunk autre jour and was yelling: “Damn Hell!” et sa mere afraid he would hurt De Wolf, san mari. (I copied the tunes”Trell” and “Song of praise in the night,” just after dinner. I have found out a way of putting a natural piece like Wait for the wagon, Nelly Blu &c, 1 degree higher and playing it in the key of D#; and the half steps come just right on the flute.) Je dorui sur le plaricher. Sat 8. ) 66. N. Cloudy. B sold eggs and I sent 10 cts and got powder Casseu hunting Fox I with gun to claim. All right. I home. Cloudy. I cut up 3 shocks of corn. Fox up. I took corn to Ogees. Got it ground. Home. A lot of Sac Indians here to trade. PM. ) 71. Clear. N. McNown here hunting cattle. He said he put up a rail at NW corner of my field. He thinks somebody put

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it down to let hogs in or out. La to store. Got B a cap. 75 cts. Pete F. heard somebody shoot a dog a few nights ago. I fixed up part of fence of cow yard and around the house. Cool. I got 4 melons. Sent 2 to Dr. F. got trois peaches de lui. [Page 89] September 9 1860. Sund. 9. ) 49. Up late, nearly sun rise. I fixed all of cow yard fence. B to my claim and back. The fence at SW corner down to ground, nearly. I with gun there put up the fence. The SE bars also down. It’s done by an Indian I guess. No hogs or cattle in. I lost my caps. Home Clear, still, warm. La to D. Je tronve’ et fixed up un can des oysters, car un cup. I copied the tunes. Bentley, Antioch, Musir & Burlington. La home. PM. E. &c. Younkers here. Dr. at Topeka. Kasson and Henry to river. I wrote to S. B & F got cows. B sprained Kits foot again, showing off at Bl’s. Bl. the fever. I don’t feel well. Had melons. Mond. 10. ) 43. Clear, Still. Je reve que tout des notres claims were burnt up. A man saw a wolf get one of our chickens. Nous had pumpkin & car dejime. Getting warmer. Dr. came on John; I on Fox & with him to river. Hunted a long time. At last found Tibby and Droop. We put them in our yard at 10. I over to claim. All safe. I to store. Geo Young not in town. I to Dr. Told him. Home. PM. ) 95. Children to Miss Brown’s school today. F. studies Arithmetic, grammar of Clark & Philosophy. B. reads and spells. I cut up 8 or 9 shocks. Miss B with F to Bellmores. Miss Cox took up sch. this afternoon at Sardeau house. (Was this a rival school?) Tuesd. 11. ) 60. Cloudy. N. Sprinkley. La sick. Kasson came got team. I with him; helped him draw 2 loads of fodder. Sprinkley. I home at 11. La better. Dr brought quelques grand pommes. Youngones at home all day. PM. Cleared some, E. I cut up 8 shocks but did not put it up. Dr to Cross creek. Mrs. Augell here in evening. F took her home on Fox. Frank H., Henrietta’s beau. Clear, cool. La well. B to my field in PM. A fire was in Wallace Woods. [Page 90] September 12 1860. Wed 12. ) 49. Cloudy, light shower, SE, Raw wind. Kit is very lame. Youngones to school. F in fractions. I cut and piled 10 shocks. I have got to melon patch; Have left a lot of the sugar cane for last. Geo Young here. He will give Dr $30 for his steers, and the same for my ox. He will take steers and trade them for the ox or I trade with Dr. I saw Dr. He is agreed. Turned Tibby out. SW windy. B not sell. Desperate [shorthand] cate brought a gopher for wild cats, & Finger lots of ground squirrel. La washing. PM Cleared. ) 82. Windy. I cut 12 shocks of corn. La made 8 dumplings. F etais a Jim W.’s et mange sa soupe. Apres, La was after cows. B and I devoured 1 of F’s and cut the other in two, putting ½ away for La. F chez elle and swallowed son ½ dumpling, sans un mot, thinking it was all La left for her. (To be continued demain.) B got Post and a letter from S. He wants to give us his house for the farm. Frank [XX] brought us a muskmelon from Mrs. A. F read story at night (Regina, & a wishy-)

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Thurs 13. ) about 60. A table F trouve that deux dumplings were left for her, et elle fosta le joke sur lui (Another dumpling exhibition). Hard SW wind, Clear, Warm. B to my field. All right. I shocked up all the corn that was cut. R & B to sch. I got a mess of very hard corn. The last I think. Dr. here. He gets $30. for Droop. We think Pucket shot Kaw dog (He is mean enough). ) 93. Windy. PM Clear; very windy. I cut up 12 shocks of corn. No Fox and no cows. Miss Cox teaches in Miles old house. Frid. 14. ) 70. Windy. Still S.W. Hazy and cloudy. B’s mouth is sore again. F to sck with le dine. I cut up 9 shocks at 10. A light drizzly, WS rain. La cuit un poulet. PM. ) 80 or 90. Windy clear. I shocked up all the 2 rows and cut 3 more. Jim W’s pigs here in field. F home sick. I looked for Fox & cows. Failed. A very hard shower of ½ h. at 9 or 10. Dr poisoned Caerar sou chien to death today. [Page 91] September 15 1890. Sat 15. ) 60. Clear; fog. We had a fine shower. Browns say Tom Jefferson the Kaw killed a white man (Price Peril) out on plains. Also that Cummins lost over $100 and searches Mrs Paul Vilux & premises for it. Its good for him. No Briggs cow. Still Pleasant. We tie wild cats separate. I cut up 14 shocks. Clear Still, warm &c. Kasson found and brought Fox home. PM. ). 85. I cut up 6 shocks and shocked 2 rows. B on Fox to my claim. All right. Mary Brown ici, Elle faire de un visit. Dr hunting. Droop Failed. I on Fox beyond Blanchards. Found Droop and cows. Kasson helped me drive them up. Mrs C. Augell and Frank High here awhile. They brought my French grammar. Sund 16. Clear Still ) 48. I with gun to claim. All right. I saw Capt. Alley. Told him of ox. Cooler. N. I cut up 5 shocks. Got 2 nice melons. Old Mrs. Augell here F with her to meeting. My jaws ache. PM. ) 75. La to EN, cool, clear. F home and to E. I read Ladys book &c. John Young and others came and got poor old Droop. La has turned Briggs and calf out to run. [XXX] calf takes her (Briggs Calf’s) place and sucks Lady. [XX] autre melon. J ai peur du frost. We had a small potato. Aurora Borealis again last night. F brought E’s Ladys Book. La got cows late. We to bed early. Dr here. Routed me out. McKnown the croup or sore throat. I on Fox to river ford to get Dr Burges. I couldn’t cross. Too dark. Je entendu un violon at Pichongs. I to Dr. He not well. Is lying down. I to McN. He is better. Can talk some. Milue & wife and Bowker there. I put Fox in a yard. Milue went home. I stayed till day light. Clear, Still, Very cold. FROST. Mond 17. Clear, sharp air. I to Dr. He very much relieved to hear of McN’s being better. I saw some white frost on a scantling. I home. I in bed. Slept 1 ½ H. ) 37. S Clear. [Page 92] September 18. 1860.

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I cut up 8 or 9 shocks. B to claim. All right. A Topeka man shot himself accidentally ce matin near Geo Youngs. Is dead. PM. Clear, S breezy. ) 80. Warm. Mud Sucker here a few minutes. She’s going home with Bollote. F to sch. B at home. Face sore. La to McN. on Fox. He better. I cut up 11 shocks. Caverock, Bollote and other French at Drs. Warm. A sprinkle. Leonard came and got La and Dr. Un Indian neuf a Bellsmore’s Ferocity got loose. Killed a chicken, and I got up and knocked it stiff. DEATH OF Ferocity. (Good!) Tuesd 18. ) 60. Ferocity dead as a door nail; good. I cut up 4 shocks before breakfast. S. La home. F to sch. B at home. His face sore. Kasson making a shed for cattle. SW, W, NW & then N, windy, cold. I cut up 14 more shocks, 18 in all. A good ½ days work. ) 60. Cloudy. PM. Cloudy, cool. I cut up 14 shocks. I took 3 melons and 2 pumpkins to E. Dr wants to go to Naples; He is acquainted with Col. Forbes. A sprinkle, cold and raw. (Col. Forbes was with John Brown in 1858! July 12 1908) Wed 19. ) 39. No frost. Cloudy, W. I found 4 [XXXX] in field. Kasson came and shot at them. Missed. B at home. F at sch. I shocked 4 rows and cut up 6 more. Betais a mon field. All right. Kasson came and shot at them. Missed. B at home, F at sch. I shocked 4 rows and cut up 6 more. Betaris a mon field. All right. Kasson drawing brush to cover shed. A letter from mon pere last night. He thought Frank had answered my last letter of Apr. or May. PM: Cloudy. ) 64. I cut up 14 shocks. F got a Post. Kasson drawing and cutting grass. Leon here. A shower from N. Dr came. Took Leon away. Tallow (ox) blind in one eye. F got cows. Cool, cleared. Thurs 20. ) 36. Quite a frost on fences. Nothing hurt yet. NW Clear, cold. Kasson got scythe and is mowing grass. I shocked up 3 ½ rows. Wood H. here to hire wagon at 50 cts per day to go to Leavenworth. Be gone 3 days. Failed. [Page 93] September 21 1860. PM. NW. ) 70 about. I cut and shocked 5 shocks at lower end field. All done. I then cut up 7 shocks of sugar cane. All cut but 1. Clear. La has some nobles here viz: The dowager Mrs Brown and her daughter Princess of Borum. The duch*ess of augell (l’age dauie). The Lady of Field Marshal Jeems Wallace and her hopefuls; and lastly the Countess of Milne. I kept scarce. They left at Sundown. Dr and I horses to Rochester schoolhouse. A meeting to get information about crops &c. I home. Clear, Still, very sharp. ) 37. Will have frost sure. B to claim all safe. Sac’s camped in Majors woods. Frid 21. ) 47. Clear. SW Warm. No frost. McN nearly well. I cut up the other shock and shocked all up. Kasson got team to take Drs buggy to Bellmores and get his hay in. I on [XXXX]. W. Clear. PM. ) 88. The piece I translated for Dr is in the States Record. I out rather late. Mowed and put up 12 or 13 co*cks in all. Home. [shorthand] Le foid du fautieul broken Dr brought me 2 papers with first of Mysteres du peuple. Warm.

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Sat 22. ) 58. Warm, Still, clear. I over to claim before dejune. All right. Davison has a new top to his house. I mowed and put up 8 or 10 co*cks. Kasson drawing rails. He wounded a hog other day of Thompsons. PM. Still. ) 88. Hot. F at Augells stopping tout le jour. Kasson et ruci got in my hay. Not a load. I topped out my Stacks. K shot a hog in head ce. PM. Mais il ne le tue pas. F home. Augell has been home about 1 week. He takes photographs. (so do I, today, July 13 1908.) Sund 23. ) 65. SW windy, Smoky, warm. I to Dr’s. E. me donne un piece du blouf que Bellmore gave them, et quatre pommres. I home. At 11 Jack McDonough and God = [Page 94] September 24 1860. Send here with team, Neal is behind. They hunted buffalo &c. PM. SW. Very windy. ) 96. Jack, the “dead loads” of fun & news. Warm. (They were with John Erwin on Chapman’s Creek.) Mond. 24. Clear, Still, warm. Jack helped me grind scythe. I helped him put a keg together. PM. Warm. ) 80 or 90. We to my claim, Allright. Home. Dr’s all here. A lot of drunken Indians shaving around. GROWLER GONE! Tuesd. 25. Clear ) 40. Up very early. N pleasant. The boys started for home. I gave Growler to Jack to take to Mary Simons. Il nous left. 12 lbs du farine. Je lui douire un sack du maise. F & B to sch. La and I some pain in head. I read some of French story to La. Younkers home with Post. PM. NS, Clear, breezy. I with scythe to Bls. He showed me a place to get grass I mowed and raked. Home. Kasson got a lot of walnuts. I read stories at night, and we heard 8 cannon shots at Topeka. B to sch. Miss Cook’s School. Wed 26. ) 55. NE. Clear, cool. I out. Mowed and put in window. F to Sch. B at home. PM. Clear, E, warm. I mowed and raked hay. SE. Miss Cox has given up teaching in the old Miles house. Quelgu’un broke and destroyed the things. [shorthand] Pas du fun a present. Thurs. 27. ) 58. Clear, still. B to claim duvant le dejune. All right. I mowed and raked all the grass I could fine. Home. I greased the wagon. Kasson got Drs buggy at Bellmore; Its not painted yet. PM. ED Rose and A. Henry here to go for walnuts. Dr came with John. I hitched up. Henry a chill. He left. B, Dr, Rose and I to Pappans woods. Got 10 bu, or more. I took Roses to his house. He took about ¼. I to Dr. He wouldn’t [Page 95] September 28. 1860.

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take more than about 1 or 2 bu. I brought the rest home. “A great quantity.” Out late. E. clear. I kept John. Frid. 28. Clear, Still. Kasson came. We got up all the hay 1 ½ loads. Part of last one course slippery stuff, fell off twice & we left it. E. Windy. Thunder & clouds. A few drops of rain. Cold, raw. I made another little stack. PM. La, F, B and I to Bellmores land. Got about 5 bu. walnuts, and the rest of the hay. I have a cold. B wants a scotching. I read French to La at night. Cloudy. La scalded herself hier. [shorthand]. Sat 29. Clooudy. I have le mal a l’etomac and weak. SE. ) 59. Kasson got team and Ogees hay rack and drew corn fodder. I shelled 3 or 4 Bu. corn. La helped. F at E. I put rest of corn in [gurns]. PM. SE. Clouds. I to Dr; got team. Took corn to mill. I helped Kasson draw 2 loads of fodder. A [XXX] hot in the field. Mrs. Pucket attacked Miss Cox with a club, hier. Funny. Bob Steward better. He had an apoplectic fit last Wed. [Item:] Pete was at Dr Thurs, scolding about his killing hogs &c. Kasson gave him the [lie]. Fun. I to mill got grist. Began to rain from S. I read Frency at night to La. I have le mal au gorge. Sund 30. ) 65. Warm. Hard rain in night. Showery. S. Warm. I read &c. I wrote to S. Sent pictures of cutting up corn. And La discouraged and I encouraging her &c. PM. Rainy, a little S, warm. I read Le Mysteres du [shorthand. Finished both papers. I read Mrs Brown’s Magazine. I don’t feel well. (And I don’t feel well today, July 14 1908, 4 pm, Rainy) [Page 96] OCTOBER. 1ST 1860 Samuel J. Readers Private Journal & Day Book Indianola Shawnee Co. Kansas Territory U.S.A. Monday 1, Hard rain in night. Cloudy and a very heavy fog. Still, warm. ) 62. Estes & Pott steers here; I suppose Cesller (Kistlers) turned them out. I on Fox to claim. All right. Clear, Warm. I fixed bail for water bucket &c. B & F to sch. Miss B dit a F. that Bare Jambe (Waliuss) (Capt. John Wanless, is K. Calvary.) has a splendid education; Bowker told me that fellows of his (Wanless.) caliber seem to hang around such places as Mrs DeLoup. PM. ) 80 or 90. Warm. S, clear. Kasson and I drew 2 loads of fodder. He shot 2 times at hogs in field with my revolver & missed. I fired un fois et blesse’ ici, in shoulder. Pete was at K. hier, et lui dit: “Le docteur keeps men around him killing buffaloes and hogs for other people & writing to son pere [&] Lamb will die, at Davisons, of an abcess on leg. K plays bones with Rose’s fiddle. ) 80 warm S. I to Clintons with Kasson. I bought 5 red and 10 blue stamps, 24 cents. Dr cant sell oxen. Uber Pappan wont go to mines this fall. I saw Ben. Boydson drunk. Vol Brown home last Frid from the Peak. I home. Read “Mysteres du people” to La et F. On dit que Jambes Bare eu le malade. [shorthand] No cows. Tax sale at Topeka. Tuesd. 2. ) 58. Up early. Foggy. & Cleared. I helped K draw 2 loads of fodder. All is in. K shot un cochou in the neck. B. et F to sch. I sent my letter off. E wrote to son pere. ) 85. PM I with

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (62)

team to town site. Got a load of black wood. I to Majors town part. Cut 7 forked posts, and got some grapes. Home. Martha Brown and F for cows. I read French story at night. Browns Pilgrims Progress here. Pictures. Wed 3. Fog, warm. SE. B & F to sch. B got Dr’s spade. [Page 97] October 4 1860. Kasson here to grind tools. I ground my scythe a little; He has to go home in 2 weeks. His father the consumption. I set up 8 posts for a shed S of stable and crib. Hot Still. ) 86. PM. We hear that Kistlers have driven Las steers off again. La on Fox to see about it. They took three to river, ce matin. I fixed up straight fence in cow yard and partly covered shed. I soled 1 moccasin. I read French story. Finished 3d paper. B and I to creek and bathed about dark. All 3 of our cats went with us. Thurs. 4. ) 56. Clear. Still. Some fog at river & E. I on Fox with scythe to claim. Mowed and raked hay and mowed N of [palings]. Hogs have been in. I home. Don’t feel well. B & F to sch. PM. Rather warm. ) about 80. I to claim. Mowed. co*cked all up. I burnt some trash near straight fence. Home with all my tools by Wallaces ford. Miss Cox will have Mrs. Pucket before the grand jury for beating her. I don’t feel right. Dr at Silver Lake. New Day Book [XXX]. Frid 5. ) 60. Clear, SE, Pleasant. John Riley to marry Moneka La Frombois. B and I to Bl’s land. Raked up a large quantity of spoiled hay that Angell left and mowed a little more. I found the piece of the rack. I home. Put rails &c. on shed. Got 2/3 fixed. Jim W’s pigs in our field. I chased them off, & shot at one! (Now look out! July 15 1908.) PM. ) over 80. Cloudy. Warm. B and I got in the load. I collected ce matin. Bl home from river with 1000 lbs. He was plundered of a carpet bag and $6.25. Kasson helped me unload. B and I to my field by DeWolfs ford. No hogs. I loaded on hay. Not ½ load. Home. Stacked in on middle of shed. I took John home & French paper. Got another and read it all to La at night. Warm. ) 75, after sunset. [Page 98] October 6, 1860. (Drouth.) Sat 6. Some clouds; Warm. E. ) 64. I put all the walnuts in loft 7+ bu. We have 12 bu. in all. (The Battle of Cowpens.) La was going to Cohee’s but I wanted her to m’aide first. Elle got ready et se mit a aller. B laughed and I. (Col Tarleton) made a furious charge up Old Morgan, (B.) The latter got position en’eclulou and calmly awaited the attack with that notorious coolness and determination, with which he is endowed with. On, on came the ferocious phalaux, making the very earth quake and the welkin ring with the clamoe of anticipation victory. But alas sudden and direful was the repulse, and the royal Col. retreated to the little bedroom in disasterous rout. L. (Gen Marion) was not in the engagement, but scouted around the outskirts – E. (Gen Washington) received a full and authentic account of the Battle and hereby declares that Morgan deserves great, credit for the part he took therein.” B took Dr. 3 melons. PM. Clear.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (63)

Warm. S wind. ) 89. F to Cohee on Fox. Henrietta Button borrowed F’s parasol to go to T=a with a lot of gentry ce matin. B and I to claim. S warm. Looked at field. All right; got grapes. Home. B got Post. F home, sans soupe. C’est bon. Elle dit que il ya un beaucoup du walnuts pres de Cohee’s. Les vaches ne venu point. Read paper at night. Sund. 7. ) 68. Clear, warm. S. Nous levons a la boune heure. E and Jeumes here. Dr over river. I read &c. Miss H. Button & Miss E. Davison with LeRoy D. here on horse back with F’s parasol. McN came also. I put horses up (too fresh, I was,) but they started off. Warm. PM. W. & NW. I read, sat around &c. Clinton has given up his big house, that was to be. (He built it next Spring. July 15 1908.) I found a dead skunk at La’s crib. McN. not well. Clinton Hotel postponed. [Page 99] October 8 1860. Mond. 8. ) 49. N Clear, cool. I to claim. Husked and piled 9 ½ bu. of corn (3 bu). No hogs. Home. Dr to Lake. PM. ) 72. Young ones to sch. (La was at Coxes to buy a dog ce matin.) She with me to woods. I cut down small trees with grapes, for her. I burned grass SE of field nicely. I husked 2 bu. Home, Cool. I to town. Heard Rose play on a guitar; and then he and Cassen (Kasson?) on fiddle and bones. I got Post. Home at 9. Read story. “Regina” ended, New Tale, “Violet” Tuesd 9. Clear. Still. ) 40. Pott & Estes Steers home again. Young ones to sch. The school bill for last month, $1.50. La paid $1.; the rest to be paid en eoufs (in eggs?) I to field. Husked 3 1/3 bu. N.W. PM. Pleasant, warm. I husked 3 2/3 bu. Home. Mrs. Augell here with a lot of papers & got some of ours. SHOW. Wed 10. Up very early, before light. W. Clear. Kasson drew rock. I to field. Husked 2 2/3 bu. Got grapes. Home. B tok an emetic in AM. PM. NW. Clear. ) 82. Augell here. Gave me a ticket to show. I to field. Husked 1 1/3 bu. All done. I home. N cool. F. B and I to show at Mrs B’s. Saw the tricks of Augell & “Signor Salforetta” (F High.) and Kasson play the nigg*r & bones. Home. Bl. broke down and got harness &c. To bed late. Cold No wind – I could see through the performances of Frank. Thuirs 11. ) 35. N Clear, cold. A Dutchman making Drs chimney. I husked corn in little [XXX] and put it in a barrel. La to Coxs. Bought a dog 2 mo. old; Mon argent 50 cts. I got John. Got ½ of my corn from my field. Put it in gums. PM N cold, windy. I got rest of corn. Put it in crib. Kasson to Grants for lime. ) 54. Thompson will sue Jewel [Page 100] October 12. 1860.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (64)

for Larceny (Grand hog larceny). I pulled little bed room away. Our pup is nice. I read stories at night. ICE. BED ROOM. Frid 12. ) 21. Not much frost but plenty of ice. Clear. Still. I fixed walnuts so the worms cant fall on us down stairs. I tore my boot. I put a patch on it. B & F to sch. La not well. PM. ) 54., cold windy. I got trash torn away and foundation of bed room laid 6 (ft) * 8 (in) by 16 = 8 in. The pup growls at and snaps pigs. I want to name him Arch. La mad about it. I have taken a cold. F. says Browns believe en poudres du amour phittres; pense Augell un wizard and Kasson a wooden image when he pretended to be dead, at show. I found a foolish novel today: “Rachel Kell.” La is in et head and ears. Still & cool. I played tenor & F. Sang treble, together. Sat. 13. ) 23. Cold, N. Clear. Smokey. La wants bed room wider, but I couldn’t do it. I did but little at it today. Got it up 3 rounds. PM. Cool. ) 57. Clear. La B & I to woods. Got grapes. We found a skunk in smoke house. No kill him. I played flute at [shorthand]. Sund 14. ) 18! Very frosty, still &c. I on Fox got cows and saw deux loups. My feet most frozen. I tried to draw La, &c. PM ) 63. S Clear, warmer. F. to Dr. Bollote there. I read papers. E sent La whiskey and gum camphor. Mond. 15. ) 33. Clear, still, warm. F played avec B et moi’. I at house. Got considerable of it up. Warm, S, pleasant. PM. ) 75. Dr. brought John. I hitched up, got some scantling for him and then some sand at McN. & Old Elliott drawing some for Miles; All the M’s young ones out with him; They say John Youngs fence was on fire this PM. I to store. Heard Rose play &c. Got Post. Home. Shot a skunk off the fence. [Drawing of Samuel shooting a skunk off the fence] [Page 101] Octobere 16 1860. Tuesd 16. ) 41. Smokey, still W. Chilly. I worked at room. La not well. PM. ) 79. I got body of bed room done and 2 rafters up. Drs chimney done. N. La for cows. When the sun was ½ H. high, B and I with hoe horse pail and a saddle blanket to my claim. Began at NE corner; burnt grass along N side nearly to NW corner. It went out for want of wind. Red Elliott (Wm) came to see what I was at. We home at 9. N, Clear, Smokey. Je me suis bien aise. Wed 17. ) 32. N Clear. I shelled a sack of corn. Kasson started with Dr in buggy for Cross Cr. but old Bollote shoved him out and he had to stay. F to E. No sch. Miss B at Payment. PM. ) about 80 N, pleasant. B and I to Dr. La came also. The Chimney smokes some. E not well. We got 4 bows for wagon. I shot twice at pigs in Dr’s corn yard, with Dr’s rifle. I shaved out bows. Pleasant. ((Ce matin La was combing fleas out of chien into wash pan of water; I clumped along and upset it, et elle seized the pan to throw rest of water on me. Mais elle struck it contra la porte, and then parlent. “Vous schlerat, there you’ve upset all me fleas”)) Still.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (65)

Thurs 18. ) 21. Clear. Still & warm. I to E. Got ropes and lariat &c. K. gave to Payment with Ogee. Caught le veau taresu et le [shorthand] seul. I Marked lui et les antreseu ear ganche. PM. ) 69. Warm. La to Hunters and to E. I mended Fox collar and fixed staples for wagon bows. F with E tonight. I read Mysteres du Peuple to La au soir. N, Still. F at E. Frid 19. ) 22. Clear, still, sharp. Wolves howling around. Bet-moi [shorthand] deux little [shorthand]B to sh. F at E. Not well. I mended harness and a moccasin/ Bl brought our [Page 102] October 20 1860. wagon cover home. PM. Youngones to sch. ) 60 or 70. McK. here. Got wagon to draw lime. I chinked up house. B can play on bones some. I did but little. Mrs. C. Augell here. F & she to town & back here. Augell came for her. They wont let him show at Payment. Mille. Martha Bn dit a F. que Me, [shorthand] tout qui porte cullotte Even un [shorthand] de deux aus. Still. I can write better now. Oct 13, 1863. Sat 20. ) 25. Clear. Still. Pleasant. I to Dr. He will not start for a week. Il paye K=n. I got another French paper. Home. I on Fox. Took my corn to Hardings mill. Saw Plummer. PM. NE Warm. I made rafters for bed room. Got in the pumpkins for hogs. E Milne here awhile. La cut my hair. I saw a fire on my hills. I over there with B. We tried to burn W of my field but it didn’t burn much. Davison came. I helped John Marple beat fire out on my 3d hill where I broke for an orchard. Button & Elliott set fire out, the rascals. We home. Heard a wild cat. Fire broke out again. I on Fox to Buttons timber. The fire running in it. He and E threshing it out. I home at moon set at 9:00 more. [shorthand] Sund 21. Clear. ) 29. Pleasant. F for cows. Got them. Bl. here. I helped him unload his gun. Lady cow jumped in field. I made a picture for Jack. F at E. ) 70. PM. Still, warm, pleasant. I read &c. Dr here with le garcon, Leon. Mond 22. ) 30. I put yoke on Lady. Quand we were a table ce matin. Quand we were a table ce matin. Kasson venu. Je etais debout en cassient le pain, maise dansuie coup du lait. F faisient du ruuse et B. gabbling. I got Dr horse. Drew us one and the Dr an= other load of wood from town site, De Wolf here hunting a cow. Kasson will leave. I bid him goodbye. B & F to sch. PM. K started with Augell [Page 103] October 23, 1860. and Frank. (Have never seen him since. He’s now in Eskridge Kans. July 16, 1908.) Dr to Lake. DeWolf saw Hi House near St. Joe. He keeps a grocery and is Justice of the Peace, et un heritier

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (66)

due dix huict mors. I to H mill. Got meal. I to town. Got a box of matches mon argent. La thinks I got the $50 of her that Mrs. Bellmore paid her. I don’t know. ) 75. Still and warm. I examined Ledger and find I do owe La that $50. Lacking $5 for a bedstead that was taken out. I read French to La. She’s $45. Richer! Tuesd 23. Up before day light. I with Fox to shop. Got him shod on forefeet. 55cts. A wagon strap and standard iron welded 20 cts. All for La, et je paye le fourgeron en maise. I to store. Bought a pair of shoes of Puckett for self. $1.65. Lui paye avec mon argent. Saw Jack Fiero. Bob Steward not dead yet. I home. B & F not to sch. A skunk in E’s cellar le soir passé. Old man Steward here got 1 1/3 bu. corn of me making 1 2/3 bu in all. Clear, warm. ) 79. Still. Valentine, Val Brown, ne sais pas comuie je draw les tableaus daus Charlotte Temple. I saw McNown with a Mr. Geo. Scoffield. Wants me to call for a letter at Leavenworth. PM. Clear, N, warm. I put strap on wagon bed and began a standard. I to Dr. Got saw. Dr home. He wont start next Mond. Be to office. Got a letter from S. No news in it. Also a Post. [shorthand] [some French]. Wed 24. Very smoky. F not well. La cuit du Biscuit car dejune. N, Pleasant. I had to cut heel stiffening out of mon soulier droit hier. It was too short. They are good shoes to come from Old Pucket. I I finished standard and made a new swingle= tree &c. B & F to sch, no more. B knows his multiplication very well in 2, 3, 10, & 11 tables. Beouf car [Page 104] EXTRA

The following articles are lent. Viz: The crow bar at Plummers. The little harrow with 9 teeth at Leonards. The matlock at McNowns. Divers tools &c. le docteur. I’ai deux chains du Boeuf chex McN, et Le dul. Card Trick. Leonard one doit 1 bu buckwheat. Paid. Mutus. McNown 20 bu maise a moi. Paid. Nomen. P. Tuederling 25 bu maise a moi. Dedit, O T Augell environ vingt bu due maise. Cocis x ((Sold too soon, Oct 15, 1911.)) [Drawing of a church.] [Page 105] dine. PM. ) 71. Smoky, warm. I fixed bows and put cover on wagon. I dug 1 peck of potatoes. All in, I gathered popcorn. ½ bu. Mrs D Augell here. Elle bien aise qui Augell has going, parcque il est lazy (Wifely ?). B cracking the bones. Dr & Leon here awhile. Thurs. 25. Some clouds, smoky, warm. I cleared smoke house and put plows away. I fastened rafters on bedroom. Ferdinand Wendel here hunting Pucketts horses. B has begun to read in US

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (67)

history. F cyphers in division of fractions. PM. Clear, Very windy, SW. ) 82. Warm. I fixed rafters some. Did but little. I got out Rachel Tell and Lunatico, 2 atrocious dry novels which B and I burnt to the music of flute & bones. La, et F. colere. Mitch LaFrombois came. Took Dr off; His brother is worse. F with E to stay all night. La, B & I there also with the cat and flute. We talked, sang &c. A fine moon ‘O. Frid 26. ) 64. After midnight there was thunder, and a sprinkle, and just before day we had a skunk engagement viz: La awakened me with a squall, and I heard a hen “skraik” in chicken house. There was no moon, and many clouds, but I valiantly rushed forth gun in hand. In a few minutes I was reinforced by La with the lantern. She searched the building and found the corpse of a pullet. Our rage augmented, and we franticly rushed about in search of the bloody ruffian. At last as she was looking for the axe to decapitate the pullet, I caught a glimpse of a dark object between the logs, which I know by in stink to be our enemy. Holding the lantern in my left hand, I poised the gun with my right and fired! La spr- [Page 106] October 27, 1860 ang to my assistance, and we dragged the offender out by the tail and finished what little life he had left. Our only loss being my hand and coat cuff scented a little. We now retired from the field indulging ourselves in many self important feelings and expressions. But our glory had not reached its climax. About sun rise La sounded another alarm, and declared she saw another skunk which ran under some rails at the hog pen. My gun being discharged I took my revolver and placing B so he could guard the pile I threw off several rails. With a shrill yell he announced the fact that a tail was visible. In an instant after, La & B were in battle array club in hand, ready for the coming conflict. With a coolness & audacity, not to be expected from one of my years, I placed the pistol under the pile and fired, inflicting a wound upon our foe near the spine. It took but a moment to throw the rails aside, and placing a club firmly on his tail, his head was cloven by many blows from his enraged and triumphant victors. S. Breezy, warm. I don’t feel well exactly ???? I nailed a few boards on roof. Dr home. B there. Got beouf &c. PM. Warm, cloudy, S windy. I made a ferule for my flute out of a piece of buck horn. I found at Dr last night. Rainy, warm. Did but little. Quite a shower at sunset. A soir R cyphered and B studied 4th table. I mended lantern this PM &c. Sat 27. ) 44. SW, raw wind, Misty. F for cows & got’em.. I nailed on some roof and nailed up S gable end. La and I shelled a sack of corn ce matin and took it to Ogee mill. PM. SW, cold, raw. I chinked up and underpinned S end of bedroom. Mrs. Augell here. Got ½ bu corn & left uir demi piaster. F & she to town. I to mill. Got meal. [Page 107] October 28 1860. Its coarse. F. Wendell borrowed saddle to go to Milnes. Puckett youngone dying. F cyphered at night, and I played flute and read French story. After I was in bed, we heard Lion barking in

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (68)

kitchen. I went out and found a tremendious be skunk under red chest. I shot it in side with shotgun and finished it with a rail. An awful “fugo”. B said he saw the wad flying from gun. He’s cunning as a fox. Sund 28. ) 34. Clear, still. Ce matin grand. [shorthand and French]. The house “stinks upon earth”. F and I sang several new tunes. I skinned the skunk for Bollote. B put the head near Topeka Road. I don’t feel well; Have a bad cold in my head. PM. ) 72. S. Warm, clear. F Wendell came with a gray pony which we hitched up with Fox. F. with him to Pucketts funeral of child; It died last evening. I could not go [shorthand]. B. and I to Bl. No one at home. We back. All of Drs here; He will not start for a week. Hunter brought team & F home late. I read F. to La. [shorthand]. Mond 29. ) 50, S Windy, Clear. I feel better. I at bed room. I roofed. I put on 3 thicknesses, shave the boards. PM. ) 73. Very windy. S. Dr. passed to LaFrombois. His windlass and bucket in well. I over to his house. I went in well, fastened rope to crank, and drew it out. I home; roofed. B to my claim. No hogs or cows. He took Mrs. A’s corn home. F to E’s. I to Fairchilds store. Sgt. Rose there. He gave me $50/100 County scrip for serving as juror at Morgans trial. I to Office. No paper. We keep cows up. Tuesd. 30. ) 62. Cloudy. S. windy. La, B & I [Page 108] October 31 1860. drove Kaw & Briggs cows in Drs field. La out to hunt Lady. I nailed on roof. S. Warm, then W, and NW windy & cold. ) 50. La home at noon. No cow. I over to my claim, and to Davisons. A fire NW of him. I burnt some grass W of my field, but the grass is too short. Cold N windy & cloudy. I home at 2 or 3 PM. Mrs. Gremar at Dr’s. F home. I sided up N end of bedroom. Mrs. A here awhile. B and I to office awhile at night. No paper. Fleshman and his hired girl a trial to day about her wages. She gained it. We home. B with bones, I with the flute, played Coquette, Dan Tucker, Yankee Doodle, and Penn. Waltz very well. Wed. 31. ) 32. Cloudy. W still. I to Drs. Got his rifle. Mr & Mrs Gremar there sponging. I home. Killed my pig, and dressed it. Weighs about 75 lbs. Cold N. PM. ) 50. I roofed a little; It goes slow. B gets lessons in Picketts expositor, and reads in US history. He took E a hind quarter and got 1 qt. of salt. I salted pig. E got cows at Dr. field. Dr to Lake. F there. I read French to La. B B Damewood, Samuel J. Reader. (I am now at August 19, 1863, and time is passing very fast away. I will soon be old; but then I will have plenty of company on the road. The best thing is: I am not afraid of death.( [All of this was also written in shorthand]) (I am now at July 18 1908. The above sentiment is as good now, as it was Aug. 19, 1863, or more so. I am now arrived at old age, and it is “nice”. I am here re-inking this old Journal with

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (69)

“Carter’s” best “Writing Fluid”. I can read and write without glasses, course or fine print, by day light or by common lamp light. ((July 18, 1908.)) [Page 109] November, 1860. Samuel James Reader’s Private Journal. Indianola Shawnee County K.T. Thurs. 1. ) 32. Cloudy. NW Cold. I drove cows to Dr. field. E. poisoned a skunk last night – I home. Roofed. Got ½ done. Very cold & N. Windy. PM. ) 45. Cloudy, cold, raw, windy. I began on lower course of other half of roof with 2 thicknesses only. [shorthand] pres le hen house. [shorthand] [French] It began to sprinkle. I took Dr gun home. Frank La Frambois is dead at last. Jambes – nu (Wanless.) etais la ce matin. Mrs. Jim W sick. I got cows. Briggs ran off. We let her go. Fran home with NY Tribune, with “Spirit” rapping made easy in it. The rain is part snow, now, ) 37. N. Cold. Frid. 2. ) 32. Cloudy, Snow, Thawed away, Showery, NW cold. B ou les chato. I covered a little of bed room &c. PM. ) 39. Cloudy, showery. Dr. got Fox to go to Lake. I roofed. Have ¾ done. F cyphered and then to town. Got Post. I got Kaw cow. Leonard cut wood for Dr. We read stories at night. Dr. here with Fox late. Sat 3. ) 33. Clear, W. pleasant. I made hog pen larger and tight so I can keep pigs up. They are ruining the corn fodder. ). 50. PM. NW, Pleasant. I took Kit and Fox. Drew a small load of wood from Town Site. Saw Miles. He wants to rent my field next year. Home. Turned horses out. La just from Jim W. [shorthand]. I read F Story. I to Rose store. Got caps 10 [cents]. To Bed early. [Page 110] November 4 1860. Sund. 4. ) 30. Some clouds, Cleared. [shorthand] Majors has sold out to his bean frère, Payu; Qulgrie affaire des cogines I believe. Rose ure dit le soir passe’, que a skunk got away his hens. Sa femme moved the box et il tue le skunk avee a club. Fleshman wants to sue his hired girl for board. I wrote a letter to Leo & Jack with 2 pictures. N.W. PM. Still Clear. I shot a hawk. Dr. got Fox to go to Lake Milton. S.E.. Rose both papooses le soir passé. I played &c. ) 52. I played flute. La et F at Dr awhile. Clear. Mond 5. ) 35. Clouds from NW and their a NW wind. Raw, disagreeable day. A few drops of snow. Cleared. I at room; covered the rest of lower [course]. Pigs got out. I shut them up again. PM. ) 47. Clear, NW, cold. 2 cracks in 2d joint of flute. I covered 2 course, Boards are scarce. F cyphered. I also. 2 hard sums in Corn, proportion by Analysis & fractions et ma propra tete. Norris and Willy Mc N-s here with bows. Mrs. Augell here. She got Post. F sang treble and I played tenor and sometimes alto of Hendon & other pieces. Clear, N.W.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (70)

Tuesd. 6. ) 17. Clear, still SE, Sharp. ELECTION DAY. I under pinned N. end of room and plastered it. I chinked some. Dr to Lake. BL here at 11 ½. We to Pucketts. The board gone to dinner. We to office. A letter to F from [Ewns]. Jack Curtis treated the crowd. I saw Bowker. He don’t want this township to go back to Jackson. I home. PM. ) 40 or 50. SW. I to town. Voted Rep. ticket. I put Davison on as Assessor. I home. Finished roof. F cyphered. I to town at dark. Puckett gives 75 cts. per bu. corn. I saw Fleshman about lime. The votes counted Cate 72, Bowker 52, Davison 1 &c. [Page 111] November 7, 1860. Wed 7. ) 33. Cloudy, still, chilly. I tinkered at room. It began to rain. I in smokehouse. Worked at a panel door. F began to study her Philosophy. PM. I worked at door. I got up cows. B a sore foot. I heard F-s philosophy lesson. We played and sang. Rainy. I let Fox out. Thurs 8. ) 36. Cloudy, N, raw. I took cow off. Dr to Lake. I in smokehouse. Worked at door. La headache. I some too. It snowed a little. PM. ) 40. Cloudy, N. I finished door. I fixed a door to crib. I got cow. F to town. Got paper. Mrs. A here. It cleared off at sunset. I have a headache. F read story. A stray dog here. Frid 9. ) 23. Clear, Still, A heavy frost. I will not take the Post longer than this year, for I would have a donne deux piasters. I will take an Agricultural paper, or some such. I cut some wood. I got Kit and Fox. I to my woods. Got a good load of wood. Bollote at Dr avec sa femme. PM. ) 52. Warm, S. I on town site got another load of wood. Turned horses out. A horse race S of our house between Ogee and a Topeka man, with a little bay, and a boy de dis ans, ou moins to ride. Geo Young rode Ogees gray, and was beaten. “Jambs bare” la. Il est petit. F. couldn’t find cow. I read F. to La at night. Sat 10. ) 35. A frost. Clear S. I got cow. I can at present transpose un piece du musique de un key a un autre. I took cow to field. Stopped at Dr’s and left paper. Saw Mrs et Old Bollote. Dr goes tomorrow. I home. Cut fire wood. ) 65. Warm S. PM. I to Dr. E sick and colere environ Fan Bollote, and others. GOOD NEWS!!! [Page 112] November. 11 1860. Old Abe Lincoln is elected sure I home with E’s Ladys Book for Dec. F to Mrs Jim W. Mrs Augell here. I fixed wagon bows and put on 2 covers. They tried to get another race with same horses, of hier, but Ogee’s wouldn’t go. Dr and Bollote got up oxen in our yard. F and I sang and played. Lamb almost dead. He is mortified. I have a sentence La says I have “run in the ground.” It is: “Samuel once said of me: The fellow will grow till he is 25; but Maria said: “Pshaw! Why no house would hold him. Oh no! said Samuel, he wont grow taller much, but he will widen, and get heavier.”

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (71)

Sund 11. Clear, pleasant. Dr. is at Crosser. He back at 8 or 9. I fixed breeching on Dr. Harness. F got cow. ) 32. I chained oxen behind wagon. B and I started at 8 or 9. Dr came on in Bollotes wagon. Two LaFrombois boys with 1 yoke of poor oxen. Warm, clear, NW. We to Muddy. Nooned at 2 PM. The oxen hold back. We on to Osawkee. Travelled till after dark. Camped in woods with a fine fire. Bollote chattering. Dr slept with him. B & I in our wagon. (Joe Watkins and Nareiss Vieux, halfbreeds with the other oxen. July 19, 1908.) Mond 12. Clear, frosty. I cold in bed. We started at day light. Came on 5 miles and ate dejue! Dr and Bollote on for city. The rest of us on ½ m. beyond Winchester. S.E. Clear, Warm. The oxen eat but little. PM. We on to Stranger bridge at sunset. Camped. Oxen are tired. No grass. I told Joe about mon experiances du geurre at Hickory Point etc. Warm. The other fellow looks like Bill Babbitt. (Narciss Vieux.) Tuesd 13. SE, breezy warm. Almost sans foin. We started at daylight. Broad is a little lame. Got on 6 miles [Page 113] November 14, 1860. to 8 m. house; took breakfast. Clear, breezy. We on within 2 m. of L City, on hillside. I bought 25 cts, lbs due foin Mon argent.Oxen very tired & don’t eat. S windy. Light clouds. Very warm. Nooned. We on to a feed stable. Found Dr. We drove in yard with teams and oxen. B. Dr & I to Office. No letter for Scoffield. We saw a company of finely uniformed soldiers (Privates avec epaulettes & a splendid brass band.) B to wagon. I to a Bookstore. Got a flute book for self. Mon argent. 25 cts. (I gave 50 at first but next day I returned and showed them the publishers price and made my gents disgorge a quarter!) Clouds. B and I in wagon to sleep. The butchers looked at oxen. No price agreed upon. Dr good at a bargain. Bollote me dit:”Vous Say, oui trop”! Wed 14. Cloudy. A hard rain. Very muddy. Slacked at 8 or 9. We got oxen weighed. 3540 lbs. 25 cts per lb, but Dr got $75 for them from butchers. Gave me $40. I got B a geography and mental calcul, $1.50. We to Fairchilds. Got other things. Then to McMeekius, Got 5 sacks of flour for La $6.40 3 sacks of table salt 50 cts. Dr got a sack of salt 200 lbs dried apples &c. I got La $1. Sugar. We to a Jews store I got a coat $6. Vest $2. La money. We have 10 or 15 hundred weight. I to stable. Settled bill 40 cts. Got 10 of hay. I fed horses. I bought haimstraps 25 cts. Cloudy. PM. N, warm. Very muddy. I got 20 cts cracker in AM. LaFrambois cant sell their oxen for more than $55. They put off with them. I gave Dr 5. making $35. Now that I have of him. At 3 we started. Got out 3 miles to a French grocery. I turned horses out on short grass. B and I slept in wagon. Dr in [Page 114] November 15th. 1860.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (72)

grocery with Bollote and Tacier and Bergon, who have overtaken us. Je parle francais avec Bollote Viz: “Voulez vous parti de boune heure “demain” &c. I a cold in head. Cloudy. Thurs 15th, Cloudy. A shower before day. Dismal Chilly. We started at sun rise. Roads very muddy. Dr wants to live at Muddy. We 4 teams to Stranger at 10 ½ Nooned. Some clouds. I a pain and cold in my head. PM At noon started came to Hickory Point. (My old battle-ground in 1856. July 20 1908.) Camped in a vacant house. The roads good for 8 miles. I a sore throat. Bergieus horse sick with colic. B – n met savon [shorthand] du cheval. Il me dit que le cheval etais malade, le menre et guand le cheval passé le, Mel B etais surprised. S. Cloudy. B fell in water & had to put on my old pants. We slept in house. Nice grass. Frid 16. ) 48. Cloudy. Rain last night. Bollote’s horses wondered off. I found them. Bergoui’s horse well. We started. Roads bad again. E. On to Grasshopper. I forded (20 cts off) Cloudy. PM. Dr Bollote and I started on alone. Roads good again. At Dr. at sunset. E fache environ Bollotes. I left wagon La. I home. Bill Thompson was here for flute other day. The French fight &c. I wrote. Have a bad cold. Lamb died last Sat or Sund. I played, talked &c. Sat. 17. ) 44. Cloudy. I to Dr. Took out 100 lbs salt. La owes for it 80 cts. Dr wont take pay. I shot a stray pig with shotgun. Lawless. Bollote and Fan, a quarrel. She don’t want to leave. I home. Shelled sack of corn. La to town. Paid Miss B. $1.00. Got 12 yds factory & other things. $1.50. 75 cts of factory for me. La’s money. I took corn to Hardings [Page 115] November 18, 1860. mill. Home again. Cloudy. NW cold. Mrs A. here. PM. I to Dr. Hitched up; brought our things over. A letter from Kasson. He with Augell yet. Dr. gave B an ape. I unloaded. Milne he hunting Bollote, today. I to Miles to see about lime. Old woman’s had a drunk. I on to Kemps. Got 5 bu. lime of Bill. 70 cts. Bill un barb epais. I home after sunset. F. at Mrs A’s. I read paper. Cold Clouds &c. Sund. 18. Clear. NW. Cold. Mou habit neuf is trop loose in sleeves. F not home yet. La to E. She home. Des biscuit car dine’. PM. Cleared W. I turned Fox out. I to E. She showed me how to beat time. I got cow. My cold very bad. F home with Mrs A. I put stocking on my throat. Au lit de boune heure. Mond 19. ) 36. Clouds. W. Up later than usual. I looked at accounts. La paid me $5.25 viz: 50 cts for what I paid for dog, $2.20 I paid out of my own money at river for B’s books &c. $2.50, the amount of a due bill of July 26 1860. I now owe her 5 cts. over paid and $8.00 for clothing at L city. I chinked the room. PM. Clear N cold. I finished chinking. F. got a lesson in geography. I beat time very well in some tunes but its hard.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (73)

Tuesd. 20. ) 20. Clear, N. Sharp. My cold better. I got spade at Dr. Bl cutting wood there. I fixed hen house up and plastered it with clay. N. Cold. ) 35. Clouded up. PM. Mc.N. got wagon to draw Dr fire wood. I got barrel out of crib and [Page 116] November 21, 1860. got my gallows fixed up. I on Fox to H mill; got our grist and a sack for E.G. Rose. B took it to his house. Martha Brown la Elle wanted moi a lui teach le francais, mais La coutra bides. Majors property is to be sold at Sheriff’s sale; His sale to Paine set aside “Gods! Woods!” got to drinking like a fish with Val. Bn. last night, & “Gods!” got “delirious tremors.” Dr got him on his feet again. F gets good lessons in phy. & geor. B poor ones. Planted trees. Wed 21 Clear, still ) 22. Up early; I hooped a barrel and fixed things up for hog killing. S. warm. PM. ) 40 or 50. I took 200 walnuts to claim. Planted them in Paul field; 8 rows and a few in my field. Hog in. I home. [XXX] pig in our field. I peppered it, et le tue par accident. Bill Thompson has been taken up for murder. Good! I got strychnine. I poisoned le cochon & dragged it all round prairie, and left it below stable. 3 wolves then followed me. Clear, S pleasant. Clair de lune. Thurs 22. ) 35. Some ice. Cloudy. I got Kit & Fox. B and I to McN-s hill. Got a little sand, but its too dirty. I got ½ load of wood. Home. I lost the axe I bought of an Indian for 15 cts. Couldn’t find it. Old Mrs A here. I to mouth of Soldier Cr. Got a few bu sand. S. Few drops of sheet. Changed. NW. Misty, Snow, and high cold wind. I home ) was 39, but is down to 33. Mrs A. age ici Le duri at 2 in. PM. I to bushes, Got 7 or 8 hoop poles and the cow. Home. Mrs. A gone. ) 27. Cloudy cold. Frid. 23. ) 11. Clear. W. Windy; awful cold. My ink frozen. I fixed things in trunk. I kept in doors. [Page 117] November 24 1860. Dr. here. I home with him. Helped him move his stove in large S room, and the cupboard. I home. NW cold. Clear. PM. ) 24. I shaved 2 or 3 hoops but its too cold. We kept cow in yard. Real winter weather. Sat. 24. ) 6. Awful sharp. S, Still, clean. I at a barrel. B at E all day. PM. I mixed some mortar. Plastered holes in cabin. ) 30’s. Clear, freezing. F to E’s. Got N.Y. Tribune. The Cotton States will secede! Let them go I say. ( Now look here; Was it that a pretty reasonable thing for me to Say? I had “nigg*r-on-the-brain.” July 22 1908.)

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (74)

Sund 25. ) 11. Clear, still. I at Dr’s. Mrs John Marple there. I got my flute book. I home. Saw the 3 wolves alive yet. I played flute &c. PM. F to E. We cracked nuts. I read F. story. Mrs A to office. I played violin on 3 strings & B on bones. Clouded S, warm, misty. Our Pete sow killed a hen today. Mond 26. ) 43. Still, cloudy, misty. Changed N. Got colder. I sawed part of door way into bed room out, and put window in other place. ) fell to 33. Very cold. PM. Cleared. N. warmer. ) 38. I mixed mortar. Pointed up N outside end of bed room, and part of W. La got a cow. McMeekin [shorthand] to office. Mail not in. I in at Thompsons Grocery in Jacks office. A fellow gambling with fancy cards. I home. Pas du lumiere. Full moon. Tuesd 27. [Shorthand] I up very early. ) 16. Clear, still, I started fires under kettles & took cow to field. Dr here. Got his harness. I shot sow. (Big white Fronky sow.) We dressed her nicely. Rather clear. PM. ) 45. S. I copied notes of [Page 118] November 28 1860. Perez, Albro, and Edmonton. I nailed cleats at N end of b. room and fixed the window easing and put window in. F to P.O. No paper. Mrs A. here. I put 5 hoops on a keg. Monta, &c. I to PO. No mail. I home. Mrs A left. Clear. Still. Wed 28. ) 23. Clear, Still. I cut hog up. Wolves howling last night. I made a little mortar, plastered. I salted hog. Mr A to PO. Nothing. PM. SW, Clear, warm ) 57.. I slaked lime in a box. I made a large mess of mortar, and finished outside of bed room. I got cow. F. a sore throat. B on Fox to my field. Both barrs down and hogs in. Kits foot is sound. She and Fox live on prairie. B and I took poisoned meat to Collomb’s garden. La made a lamp of scraps. I read the French story, of a story, called “Le Clochette d’Araire.” Warm. Thurs 29. ) 31. Not much ice. Up early. Still, clear &c, I to my field with axe and gun. I went all around and put of N barrs, and posted a notice on them. “Notice. Those persons who have been in the habit of throwing open this field, are hereby requested to desist from such operations in the future, or they may suffer the consequences. Samuel J. Reader.” All the rest of fence, right. No cattle have been in. I to office. No paper. I home. I plastered inside of E cabin. Dr here. Got his harness. PM. W. Warm. ) 62. I plastered cabin and inside of NW bedroom. La to E. Geo Young & wife there. She got another F. paper. Un autre lampe. I read f. story to La. I turned Pete sow out. Left pigs in pen. [Page 119] November 30 1860.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (75)

Frid 30. ) 34. No ice. We all “vou leetal taire. Day before yesterday and ce matin. La et moi, indigestion. Clear. N.W., pleasant. I fixed things. Dr. here. Ground his knife; and helped me carry gallows over chez lui. I took rifle; shot the Moolys 8 mo. steer. We dressed and hung it. I home. Mixed lime. Mrs. Mully Grubs Marple & her sister Louisa Young here. I to Dr’s at dinner. B also. PM. I helped Dr. cut up beef. Il me donne un hind quarter. I home. ) about 50. I plastered S end of outside bedroom. The “quality” left. I plastered some inside. The sow up. I put her in pen. I played flute, au soir. NW News! Item 1: Majors wanted Mille. Bouton mais il manqué. Il ne vaut pas un sou. Item 2: Rose will take up a singing school bientot. Item 3: Button going to Peak in Spring &c. My cold in my head about sell, but my back is lame a little. [Drawing titled: “Death of Becket” by Samuel Reader in 1861] [Page 120] December 1860. Samuel J Reader’s Private Journal. Indianola Shawnee Co. Kansas Territory. Sat. 1. ) 20. Clear, NW. Frosty. I made 2 bu mortar. I at inside of bed room and finished. Old sow stays around. Dr here for harness. PM. ) 42. Eliza and Davie Milne here with 2 black chickens for us. I plastered at gable ends between rafters and roof, and put rest of mortar on chimney N outside 4 ft. high. I to Clintons. Nothing for us nor Augells. I to Rod Rose. Got fools cap 10 c. His brother thinks of taking up a singing sch; he says. I home. Mrs. A. here till moon rose 8 o’clock. I played Rosa Lee from notes alone, very well. She said it was right. I played quick tunes, and B. on bones. Sund 2. ) 28. Clouds N.E. Old Timothy Downie begob, went by to river with a wagon & 2 yoke of oxen. I saw a lot of U.S. dragoons on Cal. road; at about sunrise going to Ft. Scott. F. etudre. I salted beef and gathered all boards and sticks in yard and piled them. It snowed a few drops. I practicing Fair Roselie, and Rosa Lee. E & enfants came. Dr. over river. PM. Cloudy. N raw cold. I played parle, &c. E home. I began a letter to S. Cold, I played on flute and fiddle. F tried to play violin. To bed late. Mond 3. ) 30. Cloudy, N, windy, cold. Catalon cutting wood at Dr. I sawed out rest of wall for a door, and got the frames. Dr here for an article in Topeka paper. A man got 1/3 bu corn of me 35 [cts] PM Cloudy, cold. ) 32 ½. I straighten’d logs by door frames. [Page 121] December 4 1860. Cold, cloudy. I played flute. Heard the children’s lessons.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (76)

Tuesd 4. ) 20. Cloudy. NW. Snowed till ground was white. I took our team; drew 2 good loads of wood from Town Site, and drew logs and rails from door yard to stable, and a load of fodder. Mrs. A here. She got a paper for me. The last weeks paper of Nov, 24, lost. Late dinner. PM. I hung door. F. read Ledgers. Mrs A. left. ) 32. Cleared, cool &c. F sick headache. La & I up late. Wed 5. ) 23. Clouds. S.W. I played, Fiddlers quick march. It is like Buffalo gals. My new door looks nice. I clinked up W wall of cabin. I mixed up 2 mortar. La washed. PM. ) 47. I used up all of the mortar. Got wall nearly done. La to E. They have a girl to live with them. A chatter box of 8 or 10. Youngones study. B’s nose and mouth sore. I read Ledgers at night. I cracked wallnuts, warm. Thurs 6. ) 25. La headache. Dr here. Gave me $10. for corn. Clear W. I think I will take the Day Book. The Post is too dear and fills the mind with trash. I made 2 bu mortar. I finished W wall and began at chimney. B to my field. Hogs in. F out to hunt ponies. Mrs Jim W. here, & Mrs. A for a while. Wood H lives at Sardeau’s house. I to Dr. their well bucket in well. I went down and got it. I saw leur fille etranger. I got Dr’s ladder. Home. A late dinner at 2 PM. F home. No ponies. I made chimney 6 in. higher. Bl got our wagon ce matin to draw hay. ) 50. E. Clear. La not well. Pucket has the quick consumption and is travelling for health. (Humbug.) Mrs A. here late; had been to office to put a letter in. [Page 122] December 7, 1860 (Corn $1.25 cts per bu.) Frid 7. 33. But very little ice. E. Some clouds. I mixed ½ bu. mortar (Half sand half lime.) Too rich in lime and finished chimney and made it 6 in higher. It wont smoke now I believe. F to Dr. Got Leon here. Bl & Hardin brought wagon home. Very pleasant. SE. ) 55, Clear. La don’t want me to get une femme fraucaise. PM. N. Clear. I on Fox to my field. Nothing in, but a paling off where hogs to in. I met Leroy & Lizzy Davison. My premises look well. I to red Rose. Got a pair of 11 boots. $4.00. I got rid of a $5. Note. Before my purchase I to Clintons, put my letter to S. in; then to Puckets. Got 1 bottle of Spauldings glue 25 cts and looked at stogies, but they were too small. I home. I got in 6 tubs full of corn. All of us shelled it in evening. Over 3 bu. I played flute. Sat 8. ) 26. Very foggy. Up late. I hitched up; took Drs ladder and lime box home, and my corn to Hardings. He takes 1/5 for toll or 15 cts per bu. Pucket got corn at Platt City, Mo. for 30 cts, and sells it here for $1.25. Hunter rode part way with me. He has 35 scholars. I to town woods. Got a load of black wood. I home. Bl has our half bu. B there for it. I got another load of wood. Cloudy, still, chilly. PM. ) 36. Cloudy. La to E. B and I put 15 bu. corn in wagon. I hitched up; took it to Dr. Put in boxes in his stable. I to mill; got my meal. Saw Val. Brown. I home late. Cloudy; very dark. I played tunes, I had never heard, in Carmina Sacra, and F told them. I read “Le mysteris du people,” to La.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (77)

Sund. 9. ) 32 or more. Rainy last night. I played flute, cracked nuts &c. Rainy E. ) 37. I forgot to state that yesterday in PM, La and F. killed [Page 123] December 10 1860. a skunk that was in le barrel du viande. La killed it with a club, and got her clothes scented. PM ) 39. S & W. Cloudy. I opened my glue and glued my fiddle and backs to my 2 flute books. Dr here awhile. N cooler. I examined history of England at night. Mond 10. ) 30. Cloudy. NW cold. The chimney don’t smoke, Good! I planted about 50 walnuts in field on N. end. ) 29. Colder. La washing. I drove cow to field. I at Dr. I got Leons toy and Dr. opera glass. I home; glued them and some books. I fixed the hearth. Cleared. NW, cold. PM. ) 32. I fixed buckwheat and things in smoke house. I gathered all the pieces of boards, and began to floor bedroom. A & I was unjointing my flute, I broke my new ferrule. I have to “Come to earth again,” and use the old one with a brass wire twisted around it. FLAG POLE CUT DOWN. Tuesd 11. ) 15. Clear, S, Sharp, pleasant. I to my field. Nailed up hog hole, and drove a sow out. I in town just as Rollo Fulton cut the liberty pole down. I got 10 cts of envelopes (24 brown) of Hig. (Cy. Higginbotham) I to office. No papers. I saw Bowker and Leonard. I home. La has gone on Fox to hunt ponies. Leon is here. SW clear, cool. I at bed room floor. PM. Dr got Leon. La home. No ponies. I [XXXX]. I glued veneering on spyglass and books. I heard F’s lessons, cracked nuts, et parle. Wed 12. ) 18. Clear. Still, pleasant. The cow about dry. (Kawcow.) La turned her out. F & B on horses to look for ponies. I got ½ of bedroom floored. I pulled up the floor of little bedroom. (10 boards black walnut, 8 in. by 7+ ft.) [Page 124] December 13 1860. I pulled up puncheons before hearth, threw out a lot of dirt, & I found a dead skunk under floor. I fixed sleepers, sawed boards &c. PM. Warm, very pleasant, clear. ) 43. Youngones home. B found a little axe, almost new. The ponies are near, Geo. Youngs. F got Dr’s mare. Bollote is in town looking for a house. I began reading History of England aloud, au soir. Thurs 13. ) 19. Clouds, N, cold. F on Dr Pony, I on Fox avec les grands botts, et deux pair due las. We went near Geo Youngs found Belle and her two colts. Old Ogee horse and a colt. We drove them all home & put ours in yard. We like to have frozen to death. I took pony to Dr., his opera glass and the toy; also my flute books. E gave me a piece of paste board to make backs for her book. I home. PM. ) 25. N.E. Clear, cold. I finished floor in cabin, and the other half in bedroom. I fed horses stalks, and cut down part of middle hay stack, for first time. I to office. No

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (78)

paper. I to Higginbottom. He is getting up a club for Day Book. I will subscribe, Post no more. I home. Cold. I tooted clarinet. New moon. Frid 14. ) 10. Rather clear, E, cold. We kept pony up. I tried to drive stray ponies away. Failed. La to E got milk. I cut posts for kitchen.PM. ) 28. Warmer. I dug post holes in kitchen. La white washed bedroom and her apple trees. F to E’s. I to P.O. No paper. I to Higg. got 6 glass 25 [cts] mon argent, et lui paye car le “Livre du Jour de N.Y.” He didn’t like the note of Frontier Bank Ill. I to Puckett’s store. Rose fiddling there. I home. F. home. Dr was singing Marseillais &c. He plays the flageolet. Sat 15. ) 16. SE, Clear Up, rather late Bollote will [Page 125] December 16. 1860. move in the Hummer house in a few weeks. Dr. named the youngones last night for good. The “Sarpint” Jimoleon Samuel, and the other, Joanna Catherine. Our tax will be 13 mills per dollar, & at Topeka, 19 ms. Dr here. Got spade. I set posts &c. PM. ) above 32. A to Augells. I worked at Kitchen. F & Mrs. A here, with a singing book. They to office. Got a Post and read it to us all. Mrs. A left. A debate & ball at Bellmores. Sund 16. ) 30. Cloudy, chilly, S. I read &c. I drew F’s portrait. PM. ) 33. Jane Jones & Leon here. I painted F’s portrait. All to E but B. and F. I tried to draw myself in glass. It looks like snow. Mond. 17. SE. Cloudy, foggy. ) 33. I worked at Kitchen. I am throwing out about 4 ft. of S end and old chimney. PM. Cloudy. I worked away. B to town; got 25 [cts] nails, 3 lbs. of Rose, mon argent; contra La. (La washed ce matin. Bl et Cailloiz here early le matin and got our wagon cover to go to river.) Warm E. I read F. story at night. The end of The Brassbell, or Chariot of Death !!! Tuesd 18. ) 36. Very foggy, misty and rainy. Still, I at kitchen. Sided up & fixed a trap hole near stove. Youngones studying. Rainy. PM. ) 41. Still rainy. I hung door, B. to town; got paper and a notice that I get but 2 more numbers. We let ponies out. Wed. 19. ) 32 1/2. NW, Clouds. No ponies. I tore away several feet of S end of little bedroom &c. Jane here with some milk. PM. Cloudy N. ) 34. [Page 126] December 20 1860. I fixed in little bedroom window. Sided and plastered foundation and stove pipe hole in roof, with clay. Pas du lumiere au soir; I played Greenville on fiddle, pretty well. I played with her on flute and clarinet.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (79)

Thurs 20. ) 22. Cloudy. Rather still NW. Cold, frosty. I sawed ends off of rafters, and fixed roof and rest of little bedroom; which is now thrown open with the provision room. PM. ) 32. E. B on Fox to my claim. All right. I finished kitchen and pulled old chimney down. Mrs A. here. F and she to office. I put the glass in upper sash of kitchen window. F played fiddle, I flute. Cracked nuts. Frid 21. ) 7 1/2. It snowed last night, some. Cold North wind. Cloudy, very cold. Nous avons les bons feux. I made and put on a nice wooden latch to bedroom door. PM. I fixed and put glass in pantry window. Eliza and Rosa Milne here a few minutes. Rose had his singing sch. at Rochester last night. I to Higg. Got no tallow there. Lew Ogee there telling about Indian hunters &c. I to Rod Rose. He has a little tallow. I home. Cracked nuts. Clear, still. Sat 22. ) 7. Cloudy E. It began to snow. A cat & ape excitement, viz: Ure des les chats scratch F & las lit F & B. un confat environ le. I to R Rose, got 5 1/4 lbs. of tallow 65 cts, mon argent. Je vois et parle avec Jambes nu. Snowing hard. I to my field. Crossed on Ice. All right. I got elders. I got tallow. Asked Rod about singing sch &c. I to Puckets. Dr there and McNeekin. I home. Made B a fife with 8 holes I fixed shelves [Page 127] December 23, 1860. in pantry, and put old cupboard in. PM. ) 13. Slacked. N, cold cloudy. I made a support to book shelf and fixed little bedroom door to our S. cabin doorway. It don’t fit well. Bl. here. Got 1/2 bu. measure. I to Drs. Got Tribune. Une chandle. I read political news. (Supposed there would be no war, Only a fool compromise.) Sunday 23. ) 8 below 0. Clear, still. Je Fait [shorthand]. La doigt chat [shorthand] La to E all day on a visit. I tried to make Leon a Flageolet. Failed. I put 3 turns of a wire around flute ferule. I glued orange border on E singing book. PM. ) 26. S, clear. F to E. I tinkered around. La home. News Item 1: Old Mrs. Plyly sent a letter to Buchanan for aid. He sent her $100. Rose wants Dr & [shorthand] to Singing Sch. We ate nuts. I read F. story: “Siomard et Faustine.” F. sick headache. Hazy. Hull at Peak making $50 per mo. Mond 24. ) 21. Snow last night. SE, Cloudy. It began to snow hard till afternoon. I to E. Got milk and flute book, and took her Carmina home. Kansas to be admitted today. (No go) I home. Fixed fiddle. PM. I on Fox. Wof Augell’s; found all of our cattle but 1 of my steers; also 3 of Drs. I drove them home and put them in yard. Rest of Dr’s cattle and my steer up. Cloudy, S. ) 32. Warm. I fed everything well. I read History of England aloud &c. [shorthand] $1.00. Christmas 1860. TAX DAY. Tues 25. ) 29. I to Dr, then to Buttons[ford]. Its open. Sharp, clear. NW. Feet nearly frozen. Still Dr came on Fifune. We drove our cattle in my field, except

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (80)

[Page 128] December 26, 1860. the oldest Lady heifer who was so bad about driving last year. We to Clintons. No tax man, nor paper. I home. La F. & B. got ready and went to E. I fixed things and went also. I played flute. E & F sang. La dine a deux heurs in PM. I bought Drs $1.50 County Scrip. I to Clintons, Jake Smith tax collector just about leaving. Button there. I got $3.50 scrip of him for $3. My tax $9.93. I paid $5.50 in scrip. I had to get $1. Of Pete, that I lacked. Bouton ure le lent au priemiere. Las tax $10.40. She had $10. And got 40 [cents] of me. Pete owes me $5.25. He said; “Py Kelly, Dr. not pay me and I have no money.” I to E. La & B home with me. F. staid. Dr. is at Sardeu’s. ) 15. The highest. NE; It was at 0 before dark. Still & cold. (Old Jake Smith is still living, about helpless, at home. July 24 1908.) Wed 25. ) 9. Cloudy. I have a bad cold in head. I have old Briggs up in yard. She came last night. E. Cloudy. I drove Briggs over. Put her in field. I cut ice and let fence down. Most of cattle drank. I found Blackey heifer SE of my field. I let her in. 21 in all now. I home. My cold worse I did nothing all day. ) 24. Highest, E. cloudy. Thurs 27. ) 30. Cloudy, SE windy. My cold bad yet. La sick headache. I on Fox to field. Cut ice. I to office. No paper. I home. My head aches a little. Sun shines a little. Mrs. A. here. B to town. Got une letter pour elle de soir mari. Je fast cord ons des souliers and faced my knit mittens. Clouded a little Rain. ) 36. SE. I feel bad. I fed things. Je joue au violon et flute. F et Mrs. A. sang. Au soir F. took Mrs. A home on Fox et un peu du [shorthand]. La better. Raining, warm. Je joui violon tres bien. I bathed mes pieds en l’eau, chaud. [Page 129] December 28 1860. Friday 28. ) 23. [shorthand], NW, Cloudy. I am better. Snow almost gone. De l’eau daus kitchen. Getting colder. ) 20. I got in corn. We shelled 2 full sacks. PM. ) 24. NW Clear, cold. I to Dr. to get John. He has run off. Dr has eaten nothing for 2 days. I to field. A stray red cow in. I drove her out. Our cattle wont drink. I put up fence at cr. bank. I to Clintons. Got a Post and a long letter from S. F. read story. [shorthand]. Sat 29. ) 9. Clear, NW, sharp cold and slippery. Our horses gone. I found them. Dr. brought John. I hitched up, took our corn and 1 sk for Dr to H. mill. Awful slippery. I home. Took John home. Mrs. A. here, She to town to get things. I mended rocking chair. Mrs. A took TEA, as La calls it viz:”Pain du maise; biurre rancide viande et une peu du cochon the’. ) 24. The highest. I to field. Lady cow outside. I let her in and watered all but the fools Blackey and Gremar cow. I home late. I read History of E..d. Late to bed. Sund 30. )2 below 0. Up rather late. Clear, still. [shorthand]. S, pleasant. I played fiddle very well. I to Bla. He not home. Bellmore there. I home. PM F. to E. I drew B. )30. F home. F. paper, I read story.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (81)

Mond 31. ) 16. Clear, S. pleasant. I mended 2 chairs and a floorboard. I fixed a board for a mantle shelf. Dr. here. Jane has gone to Harding. E sent her off. Bl. home. Drs red cows heifer had une veau le soir passé, et il est moit. I harnessed [Page 130] December 31, A.D. 1860. Fox. We to my field. We dragged calf over creek, but heifer wouldn’t follow. I home. PM ) 43. Clear. Very warm. I got John. Hitched up. I to H mill. Got grists. (How we did eat meal, those days.) B. and I to creek near my field. I got a load of wood. Home. I read History of E. to Edward!!! Nelly Gray. (Music arranged and written by S.J.R. after hearing the piece sung by Mrs. Bollote & F.E. Cole. February 10 1861) (( “And I got it nearly [XXXX]! Oct. 15, 1911.)) [Drawing showing music to Nelly Gray, arranged by Samuel J. Reader.] ((Pretty good for me to make? Oct. 15, 1911. Yes, better Blow Your Own HORN! YES)) [Drawing of Mozart.] [Old Ferry at Calhoun. K.T. 1855] [Page 131] January. 1 1861. (The war clouds were looming up, but still we did not heed.) NEW YEAR Samuel J. Reader’s Private Journal Indianola Shawnee Co. K.T. Tuesday 1. ) 23. Clear. S, pleasant. Kit not well. I wrote notices to put in my woods viz: “Notice! I hereby positively forbid all persons from getting firewood or timber of any description from the wood land within the boundaries of the S.E. gr. of Sec 11,T.11.R.15.E. Samuel J Reader, Jan. 1 1861.” B and I to Dr. He gone to field. We there. No Dr. I in town found him with my last Post and a letter from my father. Rose wants me to go to town tonight to play. Dr, B, and I to field. Couldn’t drive cow. We home. E & enfants ici. I read &c. Belle here. ) 47. Clear, still; muddy. Dr. along. We had our dinner at 2 or 3 P.M. [shorthand] &c. Dr. and I to

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (82)

field. Tried to drive his cow, but failed. I home, fed &c. After dark I with flute to Higg. Store. He said he had seen some of my pictures in a book. Rose came with fiddle. I played tenor, Rose the air, and Higg sang base. I home at 10. S. warm. Wed 2. ) 19. N. Cloudy, cold. I to my woods, cut up fire wood. Dr. came. We drove most all the cattle to our house. Shut up red heifer, Gremar & old Briggs. We drove rest back. I home. Mrs A. here. Her dog is sick. La washed. Le dine a 2 heures du après midi. [Page 132] January 3d. 1860 (no more forever) 1861. PM. Dr. came, we tried to milk. Red failed. We to his house. Got his 6 mo. calf. I held Red by horn and nose. The calf sucked. Mc.N. here for Dr. N. cloudy, freezing all day. I with flute to Higg. Rose came. We played from his book. We played “Hob knob” very well & nigg*r songs. Higg and a fellow waltzed, un can can. I home at 9. Cloudy; cold. Thurs. 3. ) 11. N. Dr came. We put a rope on Reds horns and let calf suck. I helped him drive his cows home. (Briggs & Gremar.) Leon begins to say: “Ow do oo do.” I home. A news-paper from mon pere. I read &c. PM. ) 20. Cloudy N cold. I fastened up stable. Got feed. At night – I to School house. Jim Fleshman, young ones and Ladies there. Rose came late. We practiced on what he called the Key of C, but I had to play D## to it. He copied Boylston. I played tenor. Awful cold. I home. Cloudy, frosty. Frid 4. ) 2. Clear, SW Pleasant. A stray gray cat here. We think it is our old Mauly. I to my woods. Posted my 2 notices on trees and cut fire wood, &c. Watered cattle. Pleasant. Home. PM. Clear. S. ) 28. I fixed dog house & things in yard. B to E. Got f. paper and E singing book. I read the story at night – and played violin. S. Sat 5. ) 17. S, Hazy, warm. La le mal au le tete. I put a rope on Reds horns and let calf suck. All the South will secede, perhaps. I say let them go. (now look out. That borders on TREASON, Better not have written it! [shorthand]. Dr. brought John for me. I hitched up. [Page 133] January 6, 1861. B. and I to my woods. Got a load of wood and cut creek open. Saw Charley Vieux. He said Belle mare fell on ice, hier, and is almost killed. I took John home. Dr with him to Lake. It began to cloud up from S. I on Fox near Pott. line. Found Belle & her colts all well enough. (Mendacious Charley.) Roads very slippery. Fox but 1 shoe. I home. PM. Cloudy. S, damp air. ) 34. Mrs. A. here. She has a letter with money from her friends. (Not from her worthless husband, be sure.) We all had a choir. I played tenor of Ain and Ripley. Mr. A left. Misty. I read Tribune. Sund 6. ) 46. Rather cloudy. A hard thaw. Very muddy. I played, F sang. My flute is not correct. Some of the chords do not sound in unison. (I knew not. Equal Temperament.) I read &c. F

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (83)

wrote to Emily. I to S. and made 2 pictures; 1 of La reading newspaper, and other of Rose & moi playing. Dr here awhile. S. ) 56!! Muddy, Clear. SW & NW. Cooler. I read history of E; Copler. Mond. 7. ) 18. Clouds. N. Dr here with milk. La washed in smoke house. I fastened cat holes in pantry. Cut wood &c. I let all the hogs out – 1 sow, 6 pigs. SW. Clear, warm. ) 34. Dr. and Leon in buggy for bick (?). B with them. PM. B and I to woods. I watered cattle and put up a notice in my wood nook opposite Pauls field. I found a saddle. I hunted [robbers] for cane mill. Failed. I took saddle to Rod Rose Store; left it. I home. At night I read history of E. to Henry IV & V. Tuesd. 8. ) 14. Cloudy all day. N. I to Dr; got his wheelbarrow. I began wheeling chimney stones [Page 134] January 9, 1861. to smoke house. PM. ) 24. Cloudy, NE. I to field. Cut ice. Home. Finished drawing stones away. Mrs. A. here. She got some meal. (Pauvre. Femme.) A Ball at Bellmores last Sund. Night. I played tenor, F. sang treble. Wed 9. ) 16. Some clouds. NW. I have a slight cold. Notre old sac du farine, out. (Wonderful economy! Aug 4 1908.) It has lasted since last Summer. Old Bollote is at Blondels. I don’t get up now days till after day light. I took wheelbarrow home. Dr. gone to town early. [shorthand] parcque E did not [shorthand] Me Bollote chez lui. I to town woods. Cut 2 rollers for cane mill. Got chain and bolts at Dr. I home. Un [shorthand]. ) 38. PM. My cold is worse. I tinkered around. McK. here for me. I with him near Downies. His load of hay upset. He pitched, I loaded. We to our house after dark. He left oxen and wagon here &c. Clear. Thurs 10. ) 18. Clear, pleasant, still. Me. Here early. Took his hay away. La colere because l’ecuire’ n’est pas net. I with Kit, Fox and B to E; got my gallows. Dr. at [shorthand] Il est fauche que Bollote et Loron a fight environ l’argent du sa femme! Smith fixing Drs chimney. We to town site. I forgot my axe; Got one of Miles. I got the 2 rollers and some wood in wagon. Home. Roads in timber, slippery. PM. Clear, S. ) 36. I back; got another load of wood. I got a few stalks up. Most of the cattle here from my field. F. headache. Cloudy, warm. I got ready; went to Singing Sch. A great many there. I played the air of Laban, and Mount Vernon. Hig sang bass. He home with Martha Brown. Cloudy, W, chilly. [Page 135] January 11, AD 1861. Frid 11. ) 30. Clear W. My throat sore. F reading. I to Dr. Fan Bollote & Lorongs boy, Charley Laurent, there. I got shovel. I went to cleaning stable; NW. Clear. PM. ) 37. F to Angells. I cleaned at stable. Warm. I read F story at night. Clear. X $5. McNown Paid.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (84)

Sat 12. ) 30. Clear, SW. Pleasant. The cattle are all here. La talking because B ne dourie pas du maise to old Kit &c. I at stable. Bl, Lorons bareheaded boy and Eugene Caye passed by to Dr. PM. ) 51. Clear. SW. Very warm. Mrs Milne here to get us to subscribe for an Agricultural paper. Lew Harris has separated from his wife, and wants to steal l enfant! I finished stable. Mrs. N. left. Je lave, and took barrow home. E. laughing about the combats francais! She gave me $5.. Wisconsin paper, which McNown had left for me to pay for the 20 bu. of corn he got of me last Spring. All square. I home. Dr. tried to drive Mooly home, but John being loose kept driving her back. New moon! MY TREASON, PUT’ ON RECORD. LET IT FADE? ((NO! INK IT UP [shorthand], 1908.)) Sund 13. ) 32. SE. Rainy from midnight. Damp, raw wind. I feel un beaucoup (better). [shorthand] guand (I have) de l’argent dans le pouche! I fed cattle. I wrote to my father. (He was loyal to the core, and hated an Abolitionist.) Here is an extract from it copied: TREASON!!!! Francis Reader Esqui. There appears to be a great excitement in the South in consequence of the election of “Old Honest Abe Lincoln” as president of the US. I hope the N will make no more compromises or in present position; for there appears to be a daily increasing opposition feeling against Slavery in the N and concessions to the S would not only be disgraceful to us but would not cure the matter at issue; as it would be sure to come up again at some future time and with perhaps more disastrous results to both parties. I must say for myself, that secession on the past of the S is to viewed by me with much pleasure; perhaps you will call these “treasonable feelings,” but it is impossible for me to look But it ended all right, July 7 1897. (This is a hard record against my loyalty, but I am all right now, Aug 7, 63.) [Page 136] January 14th 1861. with indifference on the monstrous and abominable system of human slavery in the S; and to consider that those men who uphold and try to perpetuate this enslavement of a weak and unfortunate people, are fellow citizens. I should look upon it as very little better were we confederated with Pirates & Robbers, But I have said enough about this matter especially as I rather think you will not agree with me in all my political ideas. (Treason! Treason!! Aug. 4 1908.) Rainy, cloudy. La cuit des biscuits du farine neuf. La to Dr. I played new pieces on flute. Cloudy. ) 37. Damp. La home. Un heap des [shorthand] voison est fauche, mais el dit [shorthand] jeune. I want une [shorthand] mais La ne me ecoute pas. F read a story in Mrs. Milnes book, at night. Warm. Rainy. FIRST SHOT.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (85)

Mond 14. ) 34. NE. Cloudy, misty. La washed. I to Dr. Showed my letter to E. All the South will secede! Good! Montgomery is ready to pounce on Arkansas, when we split. Old Buchanan has turned, and is sending troops to the Southern sea coast. The S. Carolinians have fired on Uncle Sam. I to town put my letter in. I to Hig. He has sent for only 6 books. I saw DeWolf &c. I home. Cloudy, warm, muddy. ) 38. Bl & Catalon are working at Dr’s. PM. Cloudy, warm. I made B a wheelbarrow; He cleans stable every day. Dr. here for his Mooly cow. She will [shorthand] bientol. I helped him drive her home. He told me the news. I read history of E…d all night. Cloudy, cooler. Tuesday 15. ) 26. Quite a snow. The ground under is muddy. N. It began to snow hard all day. I fed things. Did but little. PM. ) 28. Snow. N. I made and axe handle for self and a small one for B. I greased mes deux pair des bottes. Our young calves and two old cows up. I fed them. Snow is very deep. [Page 137] January 16 1861. Wed. 16. ) 24. Cloudy. N, not very cold. Deep drifts. Hot house snowed under. I fed things. I to Dr. He has my first Day Book; A new story. Virginia Glenclaire. Alabama & Florida have seceded; Better yet! I to bushes. Got a stick for a broom, and 2 hoop-poles. I home. PM Cloudy. ) 30. Warm, N. I made a hoop and put it on well bucket. Eugene caye, Bl. and Bollote at Dr’s. I read Day Book (A vile proslavery sheet.) and au soir je lis le story, et le histoire d’Augleterre to the end of Henry VIII (Fat rascal). Thurs 17. ) 15. Rather clear. N, cool. Pott & Estes up. I with Drs rifle to hunt Briggs. I saw Eugene Caye. I to Augells. The old lady in stock yard club in hand to keep hogs & cattle out. They have had an awful time. Nrs. C.A. to Hardins. He and Joe Bellmore came. We built a fence around the stock. Downie tolling his hogs around. It began to snow hard from the NE. I could see none of our cattle. I home. PM. I got in over 3 bu. of corn. We shelled it. Hard E snow & wind. ) 22. Drs Molley un veau le soir passé, et il se mourut du froid. Bad luck for him. No singing tonight. Frid 18. ) 18. SW. Clear, drifting wind. Changed NW. Colder. An awful time. Our dog and Finger are both sick. I to Mrs. A. Cut a lot of wood. I hunted cattle. Found only Tete Rouge, and couldn’t drive her. I home almost tired to death from the hard walking. PM. Clear. ) about 25. I to Dr. His Grenar cow in neali le soir passé, and frozen to death also. Bollotes [Page 138] January 19 1861. Wagon, and cheraux la. Leon Cross. I got f. paper. Home.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (86)

Sat 19. ) 9 below. Still, clear, frosty. Kit is sick. Briggs, Tete Rouge, Tibby, and Drs Briggs heifer up. I fed them. I to Drs., got John. Hitched up; took our corn and Dr. 3 bu. to Hardings. He don’t grind till Tuesd. I paid him 50 cts for Drs. Corn. The roads very heavy. We got a few sticks off Freds claim. (Reform School land now, Aug. 6 1908.) Home. B La & I with team to town. I to office. Nothing there. B and I to my woods. Got a light load of wood. The horses puff and blow. I to Petes. La there. We home. She got calico for herself and F. $2.00 mon argent, and neckerchiefs for me, 25 cts. She changed both my Wisconsin notes & got change in silver, $2.75. I took John home. 2 PM, clear, warm, still, ) 26. I fixed dogs gum up. All our cattle but Blackey, here. I put them in yard and gave them 2 ropes full of stalks. Kit is poor. Sund 20. Up late. ) 19 below 0. Still, very frosty. I fed stock. Cut wood. I cut roller out of bobsled and put-in fills. [Drawing of bobsled] Eugene C. here. Got Bollotes auger. At 11 A.M. I put Fox in sleigh. F and I to Augells. I drew up 3 jags of wood on sled, and cut lot. [A good Samaritan?] Hard work for Fox. We on home. Saw Bl. and Bollote making a sled. Fan B. came out. Her little brother, tete nu, (Bare head) est la, yet. McN here. I signed a petition for him about Jessner scrape. I drew up corn fodder on sled. Ate dinner when sun was 1 h. high. Cattle up. F read Mrs Milnes book. I cracked nuts. Mond 21. ) 17 below 0. Clear, still, W. Up rather late. Our 3 ponies and Petes black horses here. All [Page 139] January 22, 1861. of our stock up now, but Blackey. I to town. Saw Pete. Told him of his mare. I got a Day Book and 2 papers for Dr. I there with them. Got dog milk. I home. Pete couldn’t get his horses. I fed ours. I read papers, &c. PM. Clear, N. ) 15. Sharp cold. La to E. I got up a great log of stalks. ) 2. Awful cold. I read story. It’s a fine one. ) 10. At bedtime. Good & Clouding. Tuesd 22. ) 20. E. Cloudy. Feels like more snow. F read. Our sick animals are better. I to Dr. Got his John. I hitched up; went to my woods; got 3 small loads of wood. A few drips of snow. Roads bad. PM. Warm ) 37. Thawing, cloudy. It began to snow very large flakes. I in our field. Got up 2 wagon loads of fodder, 6 or 7 shocks. I took John home. Snow very wet. Our ponies here yet. After dark it rained a little. F. read Tribune. Wed 23. ) 10. N, cold, Fine snow. I fed cattle outside of yard. They eat an enormous quantity of fodder. It slacked and cleared off. N. cold. ) 16. PM. I began a “split” broom. Very cold. ) 0 (zero) at bedtime. Thurs 24. ) 14 below 0. SW. Clear, cold. Les enfauts sout colere. Belle & colts here yet. I can read a piece of music with flute very well, viz: “New York galls, Raccoon track, Get along home my yallar gals,”&c. Awful sharp W breeze. I hitched Fox in sleigh. I took F to Dr. I to H. mill. I to house. Saw Madame, Jane, and others. Corn is not ground. I scooted home. PM. ) 15. Very sharp air. I to Mrs. A.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (87)

[Page 140] January 25 1861. 25 years. Leonard came. We drew up 3 or 4 sleighs of wood and cut a little. I home. Clear, SW. Moonlight &c. MY 25th Birth Day anniversary. 25. ((I am now over three = fourths of a century old. Oct 15., 1911.)) J’arBingt=cinq aru aujourd hue. Friday, January 25, 1861. Clear. S. ) 7 below. The ponies and cattle are all gone. La [shorthand] I’ll not grow anymore now, “James, Samuel says; ot La me dit.” You must not eat half as much as formerly. I to E, got dog milk. Dr. to Lake in buggy. PM. ) 30. I to Wood H’s well. Our heifer not in it. I got a rope full of fodder. E’s cows out. I helped fix them. F there. At sunset along came Augell and a other fellow in a sleigh. The old spotted horse looks fine. I to Dr. at night with E book. Dr. home. Our old Manly in their cellar. F. and I brought him home. Sat 26. ) 0. [shorthand] Clear, W. Manly is a bad cat about the house. (Plunders.) No ponies or cattle. I want an 8 keyed flute and one that will accord when playing another part with other instruments. (No flute is diatonic. Aug. 7, 1908) La washed in cabin. I cut up 7 shocks of corn from frozen ground. Pas du meat. La cuit du biscuit. PM. ) 29. Clear. W. Thawing some. I hitched Fox in sled. I drew up my corn fodder. Bollote and wife to Dr. and then to their home at Hummer’s. I to mill. It just started. I to Dr. Got Day Book, News!!! Territory no longer. THE STATE OF KANSAS. I home; Read Story at night. Full noon. Sund 27. ) 8 below. Clear, still. Gateaux du [Page 141] January 28, 1861. buckwheat. No cattle yet. [Drawing of a USA Flag and a Kansas Flag.] F read at tout, Squash and beans. I read &c. PM. ) 29. Thawing. W. I to Dr’s with Day Book. Bollote there. I home with du lait, et f. paper. I read story, Siomara et Faustine, ended. Mond. 28. ) 27. S. Cloudy. Kansas not entirely admitted yet, but is safe. (KANSAS WILL BE FREE!) I with rifle to town. 4 or 5 of our cattle at Browns. I to my field. No cattle there. I to DeWolf’s. Tom Wallace there avec moustache (wasn’t it black?) rouge. Blackey was there and at Downies, I there, but she wasn’t there. I to town. Met Geo. Packard. He wants Dr and me to go with him to his town, Salina. Miss Young came along. I also met Mrs. Stamsford (A beautiful

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grass widow.) with eyes like [XXXX] Braves. I tried to drive some of our cattle home, but failed. I saw Jainbes-nu with his red hair curled in corkscrew fashion. I home. PM. I let hogs out. Old Kaw, Young Briggs, Kaw steer, and Tibby, with ponies, came home. I put them up. [This morning I with sleigh to Hardings; got our grist and Dr.’s]. ) 42. Thawing very fast. Tuesd. 29. ) 10. Clear, still. I’m S. Caroling et want La (Buchanan) [shorthand] the North (B. and F.) not wink in his presence. Yay! Yay! Little State [XXXX] [shorthand]. I cut up 8 corn shocks. PM. ) 33. N. Clear. I ground axe. B and I to town site where I used to swim. I cut a road and some wood. I at E. Dr. with Bollote over river. B’s [shorthand] angry [shorthand]. I home. La to E. I played a tune. Jenny Lind’s polka. F heard Charlotte Vieux play it. [Shorthand] par [shorthand]Briggs cow and my other steer up. I read Seward’s dough faced speech. Crafty. [Page 142] January 30 1861. Wed. 30. ) 5 below zero. I let hogs out. I tinkered around. At 11 I hitched Kit & Fox in wagon. I to swimming hole. Got a light load of wood. PM. ) 10. N. Dreadful cold. I got up 2 more loads. Dr. [shorthand] again. F. there. Got milk and a letter from Em. (James). Mary Stearns married to somebody. (Jim Campbell). I read history of E = d in Elizabeths reign. Clouded slowing from the south. ) 2. Cold. Thurs 31. ) 7. [shorthand] Cloudy, still, S. F. headache. Nous avons quatre chats; a present. I with rifle to DeWolfs, and around my field. To town. Got E fiddle string. A nice clarified one, 15 [cents] of Pucket. He is better. Bob Steward’s mind is gone. He is no better. Wm. Marple started for river day before yesterday got to Osawkee, and died of cholera morbus, yesterday. I home. PM Cloudy. ) 26. S. Warm. F not well yet. I heard in town that Kansas has been admitted, sure, and I now hear cannon at Topeka! I on Fox to Clintons. Found old Lady (cow) and one of the heifers. I drove them home. ) 25 or 30. Dragoons camped near DeWolfs. B. on Fox. Saw all cattle near town. They all came up but Estes, my steer, and 2 small calves. I fed them. I read history of E’d &c. End of January 1861. [Page 143] February 1 1861. Samuel James Reader’s Private Journal. Indianola Shawnee Co. State of Kansas. February 1, 1861. Friday 1. ) 26. A shower last night. Cloudy. SW, raw wind. All the cattle home but Estes and he is in sight. I tuned my fiddle as high as flute. B sawed on it and I played the perfect chords in key D, A, & E. I shaved a snow birds head off with rifle, for Finger (cat). I glued a black border and outsides of my flute book on the back. I made for both books. Thawing. ) 35. SW Cloudy. PM. I

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put Fox in sleigh. Drew up 3 loads of stalks. Shot at a prairie hen. I to E’s. Got F. paper and Day Book. I home. It snowed hard for a few minutes. Cold. N wind. La down with headache. Cleared off. Belle here a while. Sat 2. Observation day. ) 10. Fair & clear. N. windy. La well. I worked at broom. Very cold. Light clouds and a few drops of snow. PM. ) 20. Windy. I hitched up horses. I to near woods. Got a light load of wood. I to E’s. De Wolf there with a large load. I got an extra Post, the Dr. got in town. He is to Lake. I home. A prairie chicken near stable. I shot it. I read “Wonder of Kingswood Chase,” (Lurid trash.) at night. Clear. Sund 3. ) 17 below 0. After sunrise. Up very late. Clear, still. I glued rest of my book covers. I read Day Book, &c. (Pro-slavery as sin.) PM. ) 23. Clear S. B to Dr. Got Tribune. A find speech in it of Wendell Philips against Seward. (Seward was tricky, but his head was long. Sep. 10 1908.) Cracked nuts. Fan Bollote at E’s and to Bl’s. [Page 144] February 4 1861. Mond. 4. ) 3. Up early. Still, clear, pleasant. I made a large quail trap of clapboards, and set it in field. Warm PM. ) 33. N. Clear, then clouded. I shot a bird for Finger. La washed. F to E’s. I worked at rollers. Eugene went by in traneau. Belle here. B found a prairie hen in trap. I cut head off. F home. Old Briggs (cow) un veau l’autre jour and his Black heifer un le nuit passé. Fan Bollote there. I read history of E’d. End of Elizabeths reign, and beginning of James I. Tuesd 5. ) 17. Still, foggy, cloudy. La headache. I cut a crease around cracked end of my flute, and run hardened pewter around it. A good job. I got 2 quails in trap. Dr brought me a N.Y. Tribune from mon frère; also a letter from mon pere. He is a Union man. Hates Abolitionist and Fire eaters. I tinkered at wheels of sugar mill. Augell here. Got papers and The Scottish Chiefs, for his Scotch partner (Frank McKenna). Thawing very hard. ) 36. W. Rather cloudy. PM. I am not very well. La some headache. Finger caught a mouse today; She is poor as a skeleton. I worked at rollers. I got a prairie hen in trap. My flute looks nice. I keyed fiddle up higher than it has been for a long time. 1 degree lower than flute. It was not as high as flute the other day. I played a lot of tunes. It sounds better than I have heard it before. Wed 6. ) 27. W. Clear, warm. Estes & Kaw were in at corn fodder by smoke house, last night. I have shut old Lady up for good. I have fed away the last of middle stack of hay. I have 2 more and a lot on shed. B to town. Got 10 [cents] of pepper [shorthand] argent. I hewed rollers, &c. PM. B out for Briggs. Failed. La afraid she un veau. I don’t feel well. My head heavy. I bathed in [Page 145] February 7, 1861.

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bed room. I caught a prairie hen in trap. I read history of E..d haut. The end of James I, and part of Charles I. Warm. Thurs 7. ) 8. Clear, cold, No windy. ) fell to 5. I to Dr. From there I hunted Briggs by Hardings, Jewels, and Bellmores. Failed. I can walk on top of snow drifts. I home. N.E., awful cold. ) to 3. Windy. I to town. Hunted Briggs and our sow & 4 pigs, around town site. I saw Rose. He told me to be on hand at Singing Sch. tomorrow night. I saw Dr. He gave me a new Day Book. I home. PM. ) 3, not so windy. I 1/4 m. beyond Blanchards site. Found Briggs by an accident. I followed her to her calf une hoffle. I carried it awhile. Let it suck, and then drove them home & put them in Stable. La milked 1/2 bucket of milk. Calfs ears and feet beginning to freeze; By Dr’s advice we brought it in house, and put it on hay; rolled it in blankets. ) 5. But little wind. We read f. Story of Christ, & the Day Book. Frid 8. ) 1 below zero. Clear, still S.E. Calf much better. I took it out in stable. Rest of our cattle home. [shorthand] . My left leg lame. Very pleasant. Dr. brought Leon. Me, Bollote here also. I put calf in stable. Its ears beginning to harden again with frost. I took it in cow yard in Sun. Sharp S air but moderating. I made a calf house S of crib. PM. I fixed my flute. Fan. Bollote sang Nelly Gray, Red White and Blue, &c. I made roof to calf house. Quite warm. ) 42. Thawing fast. We put Lady cow in Stable. About dark I hitched Fox in Dr’s sleigh. F. & I to Singing Sch., via Hardings. No one there but Bowker and a boy. Rose, Higg. & McDonald & McNowns children came. We sang awhile. I played tenor. Home 9 1/2. B. got two prairie hens in trap [shorthand]. [Page 146] February 9, 1861. Sat. 9. ) 39. Clear. S, windy. The kitchen full of water. I bailed it out. Lady no veau. Very slushy. I feel sore and weak. ((B to town yesterday, and found and drove sow & 4 pigs home.)) I kept Lady in stable. I played flute. Looked at, and moved trap. Tinkered around. PM. ) 51. Very hard thaw. I hitched Fox in sled. Drew up 4 loads of fodder, put it N of house. I played at night. Cattle all up. Age nuts. Began to rain. HOME FLOOD Sund 10. ) 43. Kitchen brimful of water. Cloudy, foggy. Still; Light rain. The calf is strong and lively. I can play the tenor on the bass clef now. Puckets “Sunfish” taureaulou here. La cuit des biscuit daus le cabaine. I waded around and fed things. F and I tried to write notes of Nelly Gray. We ate nuts &c. Cloudy. PM. ) 57. SW. Some rain. Bollote back. We bailed water out of kitchen. NW. Colder. The water has fallen. ) 35. I read Butlers history, a moi. La a novel. Mond 11. ) 35. W. Cloudy. Some ice. I stoned Puckets tareau off. The prairie bare. Snow only along fences &c. I to Dr. He is sick. E. a sore tooth or jaw. I to swimming hole. Creek more than 1/2 full, and rising fast. I cut some wood. I to Dr. Got Tribune. Bl. there. He got 1 sk. Meal a la aid. Rose to marry Frank Clamour and Joe Pappan’s youngest daughter today. I home. Read Tribune. PM. ) 42. Cleared off. W. I with our team to creek got 1 load of wood. I then with B. to

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my woods. Got 1 load. The creek rising yet. Its 6 feet from my field. I put Lady in yard. Clear, cool. Tuesd 12. ) 25. S. Still, clear. Frank Cailloiz here. Got one of my ox chains. I fixed gate. The calf gallops [Page 147] February 13, 1861. And plays. (La gave it to me, afterwards.) Mrs. Jim W. here to get a rooster. Full of news. Mrs. Button making a match for Mrs. Staniford and Rambeau. I to creek. It has fallen 1 foot. I to Dr. He is not well, nor E-. I home. Mrs. J.W. left. [shorthand] apportionment [shorthand]. La washed. PM. Some cloudy. ) 53. Muddy. La to E’s. I tinkered around. Got a prairie hen from trap. Looks like rain. We heard three heavy cannon shots at Topeka, a drum, and cheers, after dark. Warm. F. read history of E.d. I ate nuts. Wed 13. ) 39. Cloudy, Warm. F and I to Dr. He & E. better. Bl. & Eugene came. Eugene lost his new mare from colic. I home; Rainey. I did but little. Dr’s Black heifer and Old Briggs and their calves out running for bottom. I put them in yard. N.W. Rain and snow. ) 36. PM. Very muddy. I shelled corn for hominy. Stormy. I read. Played and F. home. Augell was to show tonight, but we don’t go. Thurs 14. ) 28. Ground partly white with snow. N. Windy, cold, cloudy. I feel sore. Notre maison est passablement, comfortable except la cuisine. Dr here. Got Fox to go to Geo. Young. I worked at split broom. PM. NW. Windy. ) 34. Thaws. Cleared. Mauly dans lit. B and I tried and condemned him to death demain. La at Dr. I there helping drive Drs calves home. I a letter from Jack McDonough, and a Day Book. F read story. La has not drunk tea since 1 week. Frid 15. ) 28. Clouded up NW windy, cold. F to E. The children are very sick with sore throats. I got in corn and shelled some. PM. Sleet and snow now and then. ) 34. Cold. NW. I saw Augell. He will show tonight & singing is put off till Sat. I to Dr’s. I upstairs. Bored stove holes through [Page 148] February 16, 1861. floor and roof. Very unhandy work. I put Dr’s Naval Military Coat on, and had hard work to get it off again! I home late, put Lady in stable. Fed &c. At night La to Dr. and F,B & I shelled the corn. 2 sks. Full. N.W, windy. Clouds. La put on more corn for hominy (ce matin). (Sept. 13, 1908, 11 A.M. I am reinking this writing. Crippled, but happy?) ((Fought at battle of Hickery Point K. just 52 years ago.)) Sat 16. ) 24. NW, windy, cool. Some clouds. The hominy est bon, mais il me fais mal [shorthand] avant hier. I made a saw of a case knife. I to Dr. but lath away. Children better. La there yet. Dr. a la ville to see Fairchild. I got Dr’s buggy. Took them 3 sks. Of corn in ear, and

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our two, to mill; No grind. Rough roads. I home. Fixed around. After I had helped Dr move stove, &c. PM. ) 32. NW, windy, cloudy. Few drops of snow. I near creek. Cut down a scraggy oak. Home, played music &c. La at Dr. yet. Sund. 17. ) 15. Clear; still a ruffian cold N.W. wind came up. F. lire. La home. I to Dr’s, cut his wood pile up. Leon is worse; He is in danger. I home at 2 PM. NcNown, Norris and Mary here. Apres dine. La to Dr. Mc, also after a while. F & Mary sang. I played flute &c. La home with a headache. F. to Dr’s. I fed &c. The soles of mes botts neuf, worn through. I to bed early. N.W. Mond 18. ) 20. Hazy, Still. La better; B to Dr. duvant le dejurre. He home again. Good news! Leon better!! I hitched Fox & Kit in wagon. I to Bollotes. Mrs Bollote me donue le chanson Nelly Gray for F by J. A. Wanless (bare-leg.) Bollote showed me where to get wood. I took a load to Dr. It’s black (from woods fires.) Leon worse. I put John in Kits place. Got another load. Leon much worse. I on John to Geo. Youngs. Got a syringe. Took it to Dr. A hard ride. Leon easier. B & I home. Clouds, hazy. W, warm. ) 45. Finger caught a mouse. B got La 25 [cents] tea, Mon argent. B & I got dinner. [Page 149] Leon, gravement-malade. February the 19, AD 1861. PM. F. home sick with headache. Warm, S Clear. I to Dr’s. Mended his saddle, and did up his chores. Home. I ate nuts, Noon light, warm, still. At 8 La came for me. I to Dr’s. Leon is weaker. But little hopes for him. I slept on carpets near fire. A GIRL HUNT. Tuesd 19. Clear, still. The children worse if anything. I fed Drs things, then home and fed ours. ) 30. Clear. Je raccomode le soulier de F. She to Dr’s. I there too. The boy alive & no worse. Dr. got me to go to Marples with John & buggy to get a girl. They cant spare one. I to Mrs. Pucket. Her girl has parte c matin, and is at Roses, she thinks, I there; Asked Mrs. R. if she could inform me where I could get somebody to help Dr’s. She said she thought I could get Mrs. Stanford. I to Mrs. DeWolfs. Saw Wood and la enfante Elle marche depuis quelque jours. W. lent me a book “Sam Slick” in search of a wife. “Mrs DeLoup, me dit: It’s just the book for you!” I brought Mrs. Stanford to Dr’s. The children are better. I home. PM. ) 50. Clear, W. La home. I pulled up corn fodder. I to Dr. Fed things. Leon spoke to me: “How do oo do?” I home. Read F. story about Christ &c. Au lit de bonue heure. Wed 20. Clear. Still, warm. I feel sore. I gave Bls. Colt the hint, avec pierres. I to Drs. but his woodpile up. I hitched up. Got us a load of wood. Mrs. Augell age here. PM. WNW, Clear, warm. ) about 45 or 50. I drew the Dr a load of stalks 10 shocks, and us 2 small loads. All our folks at home, at night. “Woods” got ivre lautre jour, prit un fusil et dit que il would tue, guelgu un, Mais Jeems took it away. Alors, il prit un couteau au Gouchiex, et sa fenne slipped it away also. I fed cattle well. I read Sam Slick. It’s not much, as a book.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (93)

Thurs 21. ) 29. Hazy. Dr to Geo Young’s. Bollote here. I [Page 150] February 22, 1861. helped him grind his axe & tools. Young Lew. Pappan marries his second wife today. I hitched our horses up. I drew us a load of greenwood and Dr. one. I got B a flagpole. F at E. PM. ) 62! Warmest day. I wrote notes of Nelly Gray in key of F. B and I to Pappan woods. Got load of blackwood. I to Dr. Les enfants meillieur. I gave E. the tune of Nelly Gray. I got a little sweet oil of Dr. Madame Stanford est passablement belle. I home. Unhitched Belle, and colt up. Warm. The ground drying up. F home with Day Book. Jeff. Davis prst. of South. I a cold. Frid 22. ) 49. S. windy. Some clouds. I got a rope on Kits colt and tied it up. While Belle was drinking I got a strap on her. Led and bridled and rode her around prairie. An awful high S. wind. Top of my stack flying. ) 70. I cut some stars out for B’s flag. Three years ago, we had a “kick up”, &c. (“The Dr’s Wedding O!”) (See Feb. 22, 1858.) PM. SW. high wind. I made a head stall halter for colt, and put it on her and tamed her some. Je lave tout mon corps. ) 72. Very warm. I to Rod Rose Store. Saw Autell & Sq. Rose with their heads together trying to get a Drug Store. No singing till Wed. I home. F read Sam Slick. N lightening. Suddenly the wind changed from S to a N blast, with black clouds. Sat 23. Still, clear. ) 25. B mad, and got scratched par mire. F to Milnes on Fox. I hung meat up, 5 pieces. Very cold. No wind. PM ) 32. I sent $1.00 by Dr to Topeka for a music book. Failed. Cold. I pulled up a row of shocks. (Frozen in the ground.) Old Lady a veau tarean. Near sunset I carried it in house. Freezing cold. F home with a Ladys Book. Sund 24. ) 11. Clear. S.E. We took calf out. It sucked. It is a very large one. Dr. here. Ground his axe. [Page 151] February the 25. AD 1861. Clear, warmer. ) 36. The colt tamer. La has 12 head of cattle now and 4 horses. I, 2 steers, 2 colts, 1 pig. La. 5 pigs, 1 cochon, 35 hens. PM. I read Sam Slick. Clear. La headache. Dr to a feast at Bollotes today. F at E’s. Mrs. Staniford says Jambs (John A Wanless) has nearly starved to death with his laziness. He is at Davisons. Been 2 jours sans vivres. They want to send him to Mo. Mond 25. ) 39. Cloudy. S, windy. Both calves suck Lady. La saves Brigg’s milk. Bl here. Got the wagon to draw rock. I saw Downie. He says our Cass is above his house. La at E. I tinkered around. PM. Clear. ) over 50. Warm. S. Val. Brown here ce matin to rent my field. I worked at broom. I to E’s. Got kettle. Lion la je lie un pau au le queue, and started him off. La says she wants to fill his waist out with milk. [Drawing of Lion the dog]

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (94)

Tuesd 26. ) 29. Some frost. Clear, but clouded. S. Still. [shorthand] Au fait. La headache some. I hitched up horses. B and I to H. Mill. Took Thumb, and dropped her. I got meal. I got in some wood at Pappans, also a flag pole 22 1/2 ft. long. Home. La washing in smoke house. I drew up 3 loads of fodder and stacked it in orchard. PM. Clear. S, warm. ) 50. A paper to La from F. Reader, pere. I took Dr a load of fodder. I unhitched. Old Steward lives in Sardeau house. I put B’s pole up. We raised flag to try it. I finished Sam Slick (in search of a wife.) It’s a flat end washy. Clouds, Warm. Wed 27. ) 48. Cloudy, warm. B & F le con tough and savage. (La calcut?) F & La to Augells. I worked at sugar mill. PM. ) 72. S Clear, warm. I worked at roller. It’s a difficult job. La, Mrs. A, and F home. We all to Singing school in wagon but [Page 152] February 28, 1861. La, who went to E’s. I looked over with Bowker. Played treble of zion, Franklin, Billow, Herbet, Oaks, &c. Started before moon rise. I took Mrs A home in wagon. Miss Button the Pneumonia. To bed late. Still, warm & pleasant. Me porte les botts fine [shorthand]. All our cattle up. Thurs. 28. S. Clouds. Belle home. F. on Fox. Took Sam Slick book to DeW’s and found and drove home Cass. I to town. Got Day Book. I saw Rod R. He said an owner came for that saddle a day or two after I found it. I saw Augell. I home. PM. Clear very warm. ) 74. I feel feverish. I trimmed roller some. I lay on bed and took a nap. No fire at night. The frogs are croaking all around. Real Spring weather. ______________________________________________________________________________ “Spikes,” description. Kits colt of 1860. A very dark bay with black tail and mane. Slender legs and lively disposition; No spots. Mare. ((She turned out to be a wild, vicious, and very dangerous beast. Oct. 15, 1922.)) “Steady.” Bella’s colt of 1860. Dark brownish bay. The 2 hind feet and right fore foot white above pastern. The left fore foot white below the joint. He has a white star as large as a half dollar on fore head and a diamond shaped spot on the end of the nose. Horse. Black mane & tail. Belle. A bay mare with black mane & tail. A very small white spot on left side of point of the nose. Right fore foot white below joint. Hind right foot white just above hoof. Cass. A bay more; black mane and tail. A star in forehead. Both hind feet white. Left one above joint. Belle’s colt 1861. Bay mare. Tail & mane black. White hind feet. Star in forehead. Left forefoot white around the hoof.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (95)

[Page 153] MARCH 1, 1861 ((“And me fawther’s coat of arms are rusting on the old castle walls of Ireland.” Sayings of Hon. Dick Murphy 1856.)) Indianola Shawnee Co. State of Kansas. Samuel J. Reader’s Private Journal &c. Frid 1. ) 62. Clouds. S. Doors all open & fires out. La tue le grand cog rouge, parcque il se batter avec le cog blanc. I to Dr. Got wheelbarrow. He gave me f. paper. F. on Fox to hunt Belle. Failed. I cleaned and arranged smoke house. I found a hens nest in a keg. 5 eggs. The first we have had. I cleared off boards, stones &c. from yard. (Like Kasson did at Dr’s.) PM. ) 73. Clear. SW. I cleared off yard. F. not well. I feel feverish. Pas du lenuiere an soir. Wood H wants me demain a lui acde. Sat 2. ) 58. Some clouds, S, windy. Des biscuit. [shorthand]. I to Wood’s premises. Jeems & Downie came. We put the old Murphy cabin up 5 or 6 rounds. I home for dinner. PM. )77. Very warm, S. windy. I to Woods. We finished house. Mrs. DeWolf has thrown Kates part of the field out. I home. F. to Button’s, and back. Henrietta is quite sick. I dragged Augells dog away & to E’s Elle bas in mouth, about business &c. I got other f. paper. The Crusifiction La Fache. [shorthand] Elle dit si le tries to [shorthand] a la France. E [shorthand]. But then says she:”Will have the house ici filled with [shorthand]. Wind changed. N. Colder. Cloudy. La says my complection is yellow and bad. I am bilious. Sund. 3. ) 35. N. Cloudy, cleared. I put up flag pole, and run flag up at half mast, union down, as a mark of distress that we are still under Democratic rule. [shorthand] ((Now we are under thievish Republican rule, Sep. 15, 1908.)) La to E’s. I began reading St. Matthew. I to Bl’s. He a lame back; His well is 20 ft. deep. Eugene showed me his Magic book. [Page 154] “HURRAW! HURROAR!! OLD ABE!!!” March 4, AD 1861. Je mange le dine la. Bl dit que old Bony had but 1 man to 20 at Waterloo; et Eugene dit, mais 1 pour 40! I thought Blondel and Caye had a little more sense! PM. N. Clear, pleasant. Bl & femuie a Bollotes. Caye mu dit que Hardin (The great Gen. Hardy, Sep 15 08.) vole ses gants, et est jaloux de Leonard &c. Ure dame piofered le portrait de E.C. et le montra a Me Bl. &c. “I don’t believe I like dat!” I home with Magic book. La home. Je mange dine unautre fois. PM. I read. Dr. has a great many patients. Il puffy. I played tricks with cards. I played fiddle. “Gen.” Hardy stole Cayes gloves. V.19 08. (Caye.) “I believe you steal my mitten!”

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“THE EPOCH OF FREEDOM,” Abraham Lincoln’s Administration. Monday the 4th of March. ) 28. Cloudy N, cold. A few drops of snow. Bl. 40 years old today. We put flag up. I cleaned part of stable. It snowed quite hard but thawed. Val. Brown here. He will work my field, and give me 1/2 . I to furnish seed and 1/2 acre gratis, &c. PM. I worte Agreement papers. I to Dr. He is in bed sick. I got wrench. Took share off the plow. Cloudy. ) 32. Gloomy looking day. Je coupe mon moustache avec scissors. Tuesd 5. ) 20. Still & frosty. Very pleasant. La the headache. Eugene Cayl & Froneoy here for water. Bl. laid up with lame back. I at roller with plane & crank. Finished it. La better. Dr. beurre. PM SSW. Clear. ) 50. B and I with hoe to my field. I burnt a strip. W. of E. warm fence. I to Wend. Burnt a strip outside. I couldn’t burn S. side; Wind was wrong. We home. Dr was here. We can get 5 bu. seed wheat at Topeka. Pay when we can. At night I tried to make a flying machine. Failed! (A Mr. Wright is trying now, and goes flies. Sept 15, 1908.) We heard a “ya!”, and in came Thumb, safe and sound. We fed her. F. read in Jody’s book. Au lit, late. [Page 155] Clinton Hotel frame raised other day. March 6 1861. Wed 6. ) 30. Clear. SE Still. La to [shorthand]. I hitched up team. Drew up 5 loads of fodder. All is up but 3 shocks. Clinton raised his big frame, 60 ft square, the other day. SW. NW, & NE. Not much wind. ) 60. Clear. PM. Dr. and I to T=a ferry to get wheat. None there. I got a load of wood & came home. I played Johnny Baker for first time. It’s a nice tune. A fire beyond my hills. Some clouds. NE by E. I read stories. F et La dormi daus [shorthand]. Thurs. 7. Clear. E. Smokey like Indian Summer. Pleasant. Notres vaches sont gras. I fixed the things around. I to Dr’s. Got anger. E gave me Lincoln’s Inaugural Speech. He is for preserving the Union. I wrote a letter to my Father. PM. ) 70. Clear. W. Leon here. B. took my letter and one directed to Jas. Cole & Wm. Austen, which Clinton gave us by mistake, to office. He home with Day Book. No fight at S.C., yet. I bored holes in ends of long roller. Sun. 1 hr. high, Wind got N.W. B and I to S of my field. Fired grass close to paling & board fence. It burnt well. De Wolf came out. He told of his war exploits. He got 12 men to go to Neosho to hang the fellows who drove him off from there, but Jim Lane called him back. “Gods Woods!” Was at Lecompton, when Jim Lane came to take the place; He said the big gun seemed to point at him all the time! “Gods!!” As we were almost home, a hard N wind with clouds came up, and drove a fire over the W of my large hill. I on Fox there. Pounded fire out, and came home late. ( Ed De Wolf’s War talk of 1856.” Frid. 8. Clear W. ) 38. Our hogs run out. La has taken to her tea cups again. Relapsed. I read Day Book story. It’s a good one. I took both plow shares to Stewards shop. I in town. Val. Brown not there. I saw Higg shooting with a bow at

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (97)

[Page 156] March 9, 1861. a mark, with Jack Trero. Henrietta out of danger. She will be 17. Ans, deumain. Eli Miles is building on Milnes Damewood claim. I home. I am learning Liverpool Hornpipe. PM. ) 60. N.W., windy. I got big roller swing on iron pivots. I hewed it. A dash of large sleet; Colder. De Wolf got Lincoln’s speech, here. F. read stories by fire light. Henrietta Buttons birth day. 17 years old. Sat 9. ) 26. Clear, cool. N, windy. I fixed splint broom. I cleaned at stable. PM. ) 45. Raw N. wind. La to E’s. I finished stable and found a hen’s nest. La has set B’s black Milne hen. Eugene Caye here. Got Thaddeus of Warsaw. Je parle francais avec lui, and played La Marseillaise. I to E’s. Got spade. Dr plenty of business. Bl. laid up with rheumatism. Sund 10. ) 19. Clear. N. I let cold out. It sucks Kit. I played flute, read, cracked nuts &c. PM. E. Warmer. A paper from F. Reader. Dr, E, et enfants riding out. At Bollotes and here. Dr says his ancestors came from Spain, and he thinks his name is an Arab one. I tried to sing alto of Hendou at night. Mond 11. ) 28. Clear, Smokey. E. Dr’s Briggs heifer came up hier sa tail off 1 1/2 ft. and has been in mud. La got 8 eggs hier. B to town with 3 doz. Got une balar 25 c. Savon 25 c. I saw old Steward. The plow shares are done, but he don’t want to let the corn he owes (75 [cents]) go towards paying for it! (The old scamp.) I to Browns. L’age dame ne me corinaise pas. Va. signed the papers. I to store. Rose took me aside and asked if we had provisions enough. Je lin dit: “Oui.” I got a card when they have Hallelugahs at L. City. I to Jem. Stewards shop. Told him what the old man said. At last he told me to take plows on the maise. 40 [cents]. I home. La washing [Page 157] March 12, 1861. S J Reader in smoke house. S.W, windy, smoky. I hewed a post for mill [shorthand]. PM. Clear, windy. ) 79. Warmest day yet. I tied colt up. I hewed at roller. A tremendous fire where Blanchards house stood. I to Dr. No danger. SW, very windy. I read f. story at night. First of the Franks. Pas du feu. Tuesd 12. ) 53. Cloudy W. I to Bl. He in bed. Cant sit up. I home. Planed roller, &c. PM. I set out 3 locust trees before house. I took 2 to Dr. and set them out. Mrs. Jim W. and Angeline Stanifore there. E writing to S. Dr. over river for garden seeds, and to sell John. They want to go to Ill, in May. I home. Mange nuts &c. N. Cool.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (98)

Wed 13. ) 29. Clear, cool, still. I am reading life of Dr. Franklin. Too cold to work out of doors. Je raccomodr deux souliers car F, un de La. Deux souliers et deux boot car moi. PM. Clear, N, cold. I made B a pair des botts of old ones. I caught Cass with lassoe, and got head stall halter on her. La to E’s. At evening I to Singing School. Not many there. Rose lent me a book. I played. I got Day Book & Tribune. Home late. Rose dit que Mrs. Clinton accused sa feure of stealing her sheets! Thurs 14. ) 16. Clear, cold. I planed at roller. &c. PM. S. Clear. ) 50 or 60. I planed roller. Wood H wants to sell his lumber and go to farming. I to E, Got f paper. F & B hunted Belle. Failed. Eugene Caye here at night, pretty drunk. Frid 15. Some clouds. S. ) 40. Raw wind. I read f story. I fixed plows. Planed roller, &c. I have a slight cold. PM. F to E’s with her letter and B’s portrait for Johnny James. I got in some corn. Hewed, planed &c. roller, Its tedious work. Augell here. I sent $1.25 with him to Atchison. [Page 158] March 16, 1861. for a Music book. He said Jack Fiero and One Pinkney had a fight ce matin about a gambling scrape. N. cool, very cloudy. Dr ne pause pas que [shorthand] great since Dimanche passé, when Bollote lui doune [shorthand]. Cool. Sat 16. ) 37. Clear. N, cool. I shelled 1 sk of corn. I hitched up and took it to mill & got a load of wood near Bollotes. Saw Ferdinand Wendel. I home. Augell started for Atchison, ce matin. I got up the 2 shocks of fodder out of field. What was near the house is nearly gone. PM. ) 50. Clear N, raw, cool. I plowed a little strip near house. B took 3 1/3 doz eggs to town. Got du the, cotton &c 50c. La, B et moi in Dus field. Got gooseberry bushes. Home. I helped set them out, 30 or more. I, W. of field plowed 3 furrows to keep fires off. I turned out. Dr’s dog here. I fastened an old time pail to his tail, and he went off like a shot. Dr. has plenty of patients. N. Cloudy. Sund 17. ) 20. N, cold, clear. I fed last of fodder, and turned 2 cows & hogs in field. Dr here. E. sick with sore mouth. Fran. there. I read Franklin. PM. ) 41. Clear, N. cold. I played flute. Mary & Eus. Brown, Josephine Rose, and Jim Brown’s boy here; (Tom Brown now of “State Journal,” Topeka, Ks, Sep 17, 1908.”) He asked me to play: “Hogs Eye,” on the flute. McNown here awhile. All left. My head pains, I to Dr. E. better. F stays. Au lita la bource heure. C.B. Leonard will not marry Joe Pappan’s daughter, “Odeel.” B. dormi avec La. Mond 18. ) 8 Clear, rather still. [shorthand]. I fed cattle hay. Sharp & frosty. I to town site other side of creek, near E’s timber. I cut logs for posts; fixed a crossing and come home. Tied a pail to Frank’s tail. B. to E’s. She is better. Jamb’s nu, ((BARELEG, afterwards Captain Wanless. Co. A 15th Kans. Cavalry. 1911.)) there for Dr. to go to Davisons. Ilest fat. [Page 159]

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March 19, 1861. S. Hazy, cold. PM. B and I to woods. Cut logs, and made a fine maul. I at E’s. She better. Mrs. Stamp nearly dead and Mrs. Cohee sick. Cloudy, S. Lion sucked several eggs today. La tied him up. Kits colt is tamer. Ate nuts at night. Tuesd 19. ) 30. Some clouds. N, windy, cold. All of Dr’s and our cattle here ce matin, but Barcus. 27 of them. I fed them hay. Ft. Sumpter will have to be abandoned by Maj Anderson, for want of provisions. A steamboat came to Topeka other day. I made gluts and went to woods. Split 15 posts and 22 rails, (Where are you, old railsplitting Abe?) all walnut. PM. ) 42. Cloudy, N, cold. I put blue over shirt next [XXX] F at E’s yet. Her face is much swelled. A man plowing in Drs. Field. B. and I to woods. I split 1 cut of a sawlog in posts. 16, and got the other in two after several hours hard mauling. I home. Two Topeka men here to buy my steers for $40. cash. I asked $50. No trade. Wed 20. ) 19. Still, clear, frosty. La not well. I can get seed wheat at Rose’s soon. I hitched up. To woods. Drew up 1 load of rails to N line, and 2 of posts to cow yard. Biscuit et molasses. PM. N Windy, cold. ) 36 to 40. I drew up a mill post and some wood. Turned out. I washed et me rase, except a patch at chin. No Augell yet. I to meeting house at dark; No one there. I built a fire and played Rosy light & Hail Columbia. Marple et deux femmes came; then more and at last Rose. I played with Bowker. Le flute sounded bien. I spoke to Rose about wheat. I home late. Moon light, Clear, still & cold. B to Rose Store with 4 doz eggs. Got 50c of calico. Thurs. 21. ) 24. S Clear. I to office. Got Day Book and 2 papers for Dr. Clinton’s house nearly sided up. I looked for Sqr Rose to sign his petition for Post Office. I to Dr’s. [Page 160] March 22 1861. (Mutterings of WAR.) Bollote tied his horses together a few days ago, and cant find them. I read story, and some of the pro-slavery ranting. [Drawing of a Southern flag “Made from written description in “The N.Y. Day Book.”] I mended horse collars. La washing. S, windy. PM. I don’t feel well. La to D’s. Got du [shorthand] vieux habits: [shorthand] I notched 3 posts. La got Tribune. Je joue a la flute. S, windy ) 60. Frid 22. Clouds; then clear. ) 54. An awful hard S wind. No Augell yet. J’ai peur il ne me trouve pas une livre du musique. I on Fox to Hardings. Got meal. Home. Abominable windy. I don’t feel very well. I read paper, &c. PM. S, windy, clear, very warm. ) 80. I hitched to plough & struck out a land 10 yds wide from near house, next E fence to lower end of field. I nearly finished it Kits foot don’t do very well. Wind changes NW Colder. B to town with 5 1/2 doz eggs. Got calico 5 1/2 yds. F. at Stewards awhile. Sat 23. Up late. (Pres le leve du soliel.) W.N.W. Cold, clear. ) 18. I saw Caye. Bl. est meillieur; Il promenade a pied a son maison neuf. I got John. Plowed with him and Fox. Augell came along returned my $1.25. No books in Atchison or St. Joe. Dr. gave me a letter from my

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (100)

brother. NW, windy, cold. PM. ) 48. Clear. I finished another land at 3 or 4. I took John home. La at E’s. [shorthand] un peu. We home. I read F. story at night. NW Cold. I began to play “duch*ess of Kents gallopade.” FIRE AT E’s. Sund 24. ) 25. Still, clear. Me me lave &c. A hard wind from S. Fan & Bollote son mari chez Bl. I began a long letter to mon frère. At 11, E. here on a run; A fire in their fence by well. I ran over and the rest came after. We got it out at last. The stable was in danger. Abominable windy. [Page 161] (Copy of a letter to my brother F.S. Reader) [shorthand 1909.] March 25 1861. We home. PM. ) 70. I wrote letter. I a slight cold. Je Joue an flute le soir. Mond 25. ) 48. Still, warm, cloudy. Up early. Frank S. Reader. Extract of letter a mon frère – You ask me how I like Lincolns Inaugural Address. On many points I think it is a very good one. There appears to be honesty in all he says: The views he takes of the decisions of the Supreme Court should be obvious to every one. But I think he is to sanguine in thinking the Seceded States can be brought back by holding the forts collecting the revenue and acts of a like nature; They have left the Union, and openly declared their independence and formed a “Southern Confederacy and it seems very improbable to we that they can be won back by occupying a few military posts and fortifications along the seacoast. It would tend to exasperate but not subdue them; and actual coercion (which the President has wisely repudiated) would undoubtedly be successful in overcoming them, but disastrous in the end and wholly inadvisable. We have triumphed and ought to show ourselves generous victors.” Anglo-saxon blood courses in their veins the same as our own and although they foster in their midst the most atrocious system the sun shines upon within the pale of civilization, we ought to remember that many of them have been taught from their infancy to look upon it as an institution. By no means unjust or wicked. Therefore it is my humble opinion that they should be allowed to govern themselves as they see proper, thus exploding the idea they have, that they are so valuable to the North that we wish to keep them in the Union against their wishes for our own benefit and also cast from ourselves the odium of being confederated with States advocating and practicing human slavery. I know that the great majority of the Northern people are for saving the Union, but I should be in favor of principle and right before self interest or fear of dissolution. The two great sections N & S are as unfit to live under the same government as Europeans and the Arabs of the desert to be governed by the same laws. As far as I can learn a man who is in favor of abolishing slavery is in danger of maltreatment and even death in the South; and the

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (101)

press that index of intellectual progress and liberty is as jealously guarded as it is in despotic France while their publications and demagogues have the privilege of placing their arguments and opinions before the people of the North. Such I cannot call a Free government. You ask my opinion as to making an honorable Compromise with the slave states to bring them back in the Union, I will say that I am empathically against any compromise whatever for no honorable one is possible while the South is in its present attitude. The N. has given way too much to them already for instance the Fugitive Slave law to which no man of genuine humanity would comply when brought to the test unless his mind should be biased in favor of the “Peculiar institution” or the fear of the law should out weigh his conscience. You have asked me to give my opinion on these questions and I have candidly done so. I am well aware that such sentiments are not popular either N. or S., but nevertheless they are my honest convictions, although I may be in error. X [Page 162] March 26 1861 I took my letter to E, hers to D not ready. I put mine in office and got a paper from my brother. I to store saw Rose, he has 1 sk. of 2 1/2 bu. Seed wheat for me. Button there, he wants his 2 sacks now. I sent $1.25 and card by him to Leavenworth for a book; He starts tomorrow. A cold N wind. I home. Got Fox went to store got my seed wheat. Ferocity’s bottlenose in town. La found a very small pig in the hen house. I got a bottle of ink of Mrs Pucket – 10c. PM. ) 50. N cold. I put wheat in brine and skimmed bad wheat, oats, &c. off. La to Dr. One of our pigs missing. I mended hen house roof and measured the plowed land; Over 1 1/2 A. F read a story. [shorthand]. ((A first rate sketch of Jack Fiero, above. Oct. 15, 1911.)) Tuesd 26. Cloudy, NW, Cold, Sleet last night. Thumb died last night. Bl. is better. He can walk. I sowed the wheat 1 1/2 to the A. I put Fox to double shovel plow; got most of it plowed in quite a hard NW snow. The ground white. ) 30. PM. Cleared. I finished ground. Let hens out &c. I took f. paper and Leons dress F made to E. She gave me their letter to D. to put in office. Dr is at Topeka to be appointed Dr. of Pott. Nation. I home. Don’t feel well. Played new tunes at night, &c. [Drawing of Ike Edwards hung. “A GOOD JOKE ON IKE!” His Brother Remarked.] Wed 27. ) 18. Clear. SW Still frosty. The little pig died. I to woods split 37 posts. I at E. Dr. don’t know yet whether he can get to be nation Dr. or not. Drunken Ike Edwards stabbed Old Geo. Mayos son in Topeka other day, and the mob of Indians hung him last night. Bollote has not got his horses yet. B. found old Kaw Indian near today below Blondels. Mrs. Milne & Mrs Cy. Kistler sick. Leon here. Dr came and got him. The hens are [Page 163] March. 28, 1861.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (102)

scratching up the wheat. I notched some of the cow yard fence. Old Mrs. Cailloiz and Mrs Bl. here chattering [French]. SE. Clouded up; looks like rain. I to office; put E. letter to S in. No papers. I home. F began to read life of John Smith, in Mrs Milues book. Thurs 28. Clear S windy a little. I pasting B’s boot soles with wire, & F soulier. La the headache. I notched rest of posts. PM. ) 84. Warmest day. I made La a hen coop. The black hen hatching. I lay up some of the logs on W. of Shed. F has finished Decimals. E here a few minutes. I to office; got Day Book. F read the story. Je maize nuts. Frid 29. ) 36. Thunder, wind and a little rain. N, cool, Slacked, Cloudy. B to Dr got Tribune. Me Bollote ure gonker, [shorthand]. I read a fine story in Tribune called the Magnolia; un slaver. I made a mop for E. Tinkered around. PM. ) 45. Cold N wind. I shelled corn, 2 sacks. I to E, got our sacks. E gave me un [ham] for La. F laughed about having les petit* Walnuts(?) F read Capt. Smiths life. All lit tard. Sat 30. ) 25. Still, frosty clouded up. I shelled another sack of corn. B. got horses. PM. ) 47. Cleared. I hitched up. B and I took corn to H. mill. Je vois Jane au Moulin [shorthand] avec elle Ils sont sale. Les mains de Jane Jones. I to town site; brought 1 1/2 loads of long post to house and 1 load of short to W line near Woods house. F. finished life of Capt Smith. Sund 31. It began to rain last night. Thunder &c. Cloudy, showery. E.S.E. ) 40. I read f story. B to E’s. [Page 164] March Last; 1861. Fau. Bollote very sick. The fellow (Etienne Bollote says, “Sacre tres pit et cing cent diables.” Wants to go to St. Domingo. La cooking [shorthand] &c. I read politics. (Easter Sunday!) PM. ) 47. Cloudy, SE & NW. Collection of clouds. E, misty &c. I heard Youngones lessons. B is balked within 3 leaves of the end of his mental arithmetic. He is to begin at first of book tomorrow. (Sat, Sept 19, 1908 at 9 am. Good ink!) [Sketch of Fannie E. Cole. (Ma Cousine.) 1862.] [Sketch of 2 Union Soldiers, “Down with the flag of Slavery.] [Sketch of Venus De Milo. June 21, 1912.] [Page 165] April First, 1861. Samuel J. Reader’s Private Journal. Indianola Shawnee Co. State of Kansas. Samuel J. Reader

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Mond 1. ) 40. Cloudy. Je leve a la boune heure. I have begun to feed little stock. Dr. here; left Leon, and then off. I to Dr. got space. E et enfout ici. I dug post holes and set a pair of barr posts inside of N. one in cow yard, 7 or 8 yds. N. Clear, pleasant. PM. Clear. ) 60. (This morn. I made a muzzle full of spikes and put it on colt. When Kit came home I let it out and had great fun. Kit kicked and squealed. ([XXX] poor FUN when Kit lost her eye by the spikes. 1911.) Our hogs are over ridge.La & B to Bl. &c. after Meui, but they came home another way. Mrs Jim Wallace et enfant and Mrs. Kate Hindman et enfant ici, Dr. came also. I made four rail fence. I learned part of gamut on clarinet. 1 $28.00. (Cant play it, yet. Sept. 19, 1908.) Tuesd 2. ) 35. Clear, Still, cool. I to mill, got the grist and some wood at Bollotes. Home. I took about 12 bus corn to Dr., put it in smoke house. PM. Clouds S.E. ) 62. I plowed a garden. Hoverden (Mr. Irishman.) a [XX] butcher here; will give me $47.1/2 for my steers. I got Mooley one up. He roped him. I helped him get steer to ferry. ((He was cheeky and hardly thanked me! 1911.)) Home late. Election today. Rose’s Button for Justice. To bed late.

1 $1.00 for book x 25. Wed 3. Heavy rain last night. Cloudy. SE. I have lost a $1. Gold piece out of my pocket book somewhere. Let it go. ((“Who ever saw a gold dollar?” was asked lately. 1911.)) Desperate kitten in stable. Over hauled whole house for the collar, will give 25c reward. I to Higg. Saw Button. He has got me a book, and ((Oct. 17, 1911, 8:22 p.m. 3d bitch.)) [Page 166] April 4th 1861. ((LOST MY GOLD DOLLAR. FOUND; OR NOT LOST IT ALL!)) left it at Office. $1.00, Uk ne doit 25 c, Rose in store. He said he had 14 maj over Button! I looked at several detectors. My notes on Canada $5. And Vermont $5 are good as gold. The Ill. $5 and Ind. $5 10 & 6 discount but will pass. The Atchison note $3. 75c discount, is doubtful. [Rod] R has not seen my $1., but has lost one himself. I to Clintons; got singing book; Home. I played tunes. Misty. PM. S.E. Cloudy. A fine soaking rain. I played some. La & I found le piaster viz: I gave it to Mrs. Pucket for ink the other day. Good ink too. I am all right. My head pious, La’s also. F now studies Grammar Arithmetic Geography and Philosophy. B. mental Arithmetic and Geography. Fine growing weather. Rainy &c. I copied Sweet Home, & Come Away; for E. Thurs 4. ) 55. Rain in night. Cloudy. SE. I got Tibby in the stable. Clearing. I took milk to Dr. He don’t like Rose for Justice? He thinks I got a good price for steers. I made fence and bars, at stock yard. La to see Mrs Bollote et enfant. Windy. PM. Clear, Windy. ((Repitition?)) I made fence by Kistler . Bought yoke. Home. He thinks he will buy Las steers & pay in breaking. B to Dr. Got Day Book; F paper &c. F read at night. Clouds E. [shorthand] $1.00 on 1 75. X 25c [shorthand]

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (104)

Frid 5. ) 44. Clear S. I worked at fence. La to Ross’. Passed Ill $5 note (wild cat.) Got 8 yds muslin for shirts for me. Deux yds car $1.00. Elle got un pioster en argent, lautre note of Wis. Tibby uneasy shut up. PM. I worked at fence. Dr. here. His dog Frank ran off Tues night and is mad he supposes. I worked at fence. My back lame, some. Played at night. W cooler. Sat 6. ) 42. NW. Cloudy, Chilly. I finished stock yard with 4 pair bars. B, with 3 doz eggs to Puckets; Got 5 papers, (( Oct. 17, 1911. 11:54. p.m. 3d hitch.)) [Page 167] Garden seeds, 25c, Soda 5c. PM. ) 64. N. I don’t feel very well. Cy Kistler here. He will only break 20 A. for oxen. La not agreed. ((Good for her. Cy over reached himself. 1911.)) I turned Tibby out. Bollote told Cy: “[shorthand] young girl!” E et enfants ici. She sang. I played flute. Dr. here. We hunt Belle demain. We read Tribune au soir. ((Oct 18, 1911, 11a.m., 3d hitch.))

1 $19.50x Sund. ) 44. Quite a rain last night. NE. Cloudy. [shorthand]. B at Dr. Their dog back safe and well. Dr, B, and I horseback above Geo. Young’s; Found and drove home, Belle & colt and Fifine’s colt. Very cold, raw N.W. wind. The butcher here. I hunted Tibby. Failed. F. out and found him on river. She dismounted and went in to Augells. I mounted her horse and drove Tibby home. He tried to run away. We caught him. The butcher paid me $19.50 $4. in paper, and left. Cloudy, a few drops of rain. I to singing; sans dirse. Not many there. I was late. The Miss Cox girls got Billy Dutchman (“Flat-nose.”) who lives at Clintons to go with them to get a letter to put in office. ((E.D. Rose told Lida co*cks, “Here is the Postmaster.” Billy had to go home with them, & Rose & others laughed long & hard on our way home.”)) I home. My head pains. Thomas Clintons maison neuf belongs to a man in L City [XXX] $22.25 specie’. Hard cash.

1 $2.50 Hat x Mond 8. ) 38. N. windy, cloudy, cold. I glued the veneering on spy glass and the back on my fiddle. Misty and showery. I to Puckets; got 3 lbs of nails, to fix my fence 25c. I to Higg. Got 25c of gun powder. Had to pay d’argerat. I to Rods. Rose gave me peas beans and beets. I to Pucket; got un chapeau fine noir le prix $2.50 ia moi $2 (Price 2.50, I pd only $2); Passed the Kansas note. Brought 50c specie home. Cold, N. windy. B playing with powder I gave him. Look out! ) 45. Cloudy, Sprinkley. PM. I riveted two brass plates on big ferule on end of my clarinet, and glued a piece of wood on where it was broken. McNown here. He will break 25 A. for them (The oxen.) [Page 168] April 9 AD 1861 (Fountain pen ink? Samuel J. Reader.) Tuesd 9. ) 40. Cloudy. N. Misty. McN here, got plow to plow Drs. Garden. He said Ray of Legislature wants Button at Topeka today to see about having a road by our claims. I on Fox to

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (105)

Buttons. He agreed to go and got me to go too. I home. Fixed up. Chapean neuf, Chousses noir &c &c. Button came; we to Topeka. Entendu un gong. Saw Bowker. He is not opposed to our having a road. We to the Clerks Office (Hiram McArthur?) He says for a county road, we must get a petition up &c. I did not get my watch fixed. I to book store. No clarinet instructors there. Started. Feuage 20c, got 80c change for a note. Joe Micdough lost his had in river. Button paid me 25c he owed for my book. Stopped at Bollotes. Je parle un beaucoup de francais. Bl. there. Button un sais pas que je parle’ frencais. De me dit “Nous will make a steady age wounded.” (old man.) We to Dr. McM said it was a State road we were to have and said Button ought to be there to canvass or send a petition over. I home. Mrs Augell ici. Clouded. Still. ) 57. McN. brought the plow home. Cy Kistler here. He glad (Yes, indeed!!!) La has made so good a trade. Il preudre du the avec nous. He looked at Davisons letter in the Record. I played Mrs. A & F. sung. A vol of pictorial magazines ici. Wed 10. NE. Cloudy. La and I made garden. I sowed a large quantity of peas. McN. left for us; also Onions, lettuce, beets, &c. B got a letter from my brother. He does not oppose Secession now. PM. NE. Cloudy. I made a little more fence. La to E’s. Pete, F. and Dr. good friends now. [shorthand].

1 $5.50. Thurs. 11. Light rain last night, Cloudy, misty, NE x &c. I to office. Got Day Book. To Rose. Got a dress coat, Brown $5.50x I have $4 Wisconsin money that has gone up,(Compound Wild Cat banks.) I suppose. Ferocity (John Fiero.) in town; mauge’ a la hotel. He drawing rails. I home. La colere about lost money, and coat. Sprinkley. PM. N. ) 54. Cloudy. I made a milking pen, and ((Oct. 18, 1911, 5:10, p.m.)) Third hitch.)) [Page 169] April 12, 1861x more fence, Dans chamber [shorthand]. Frid 12. Cloudy, N. windy. La to Puckets; Got 25c muslin for my shirt. Changed Kentucky note 75. D’argent in change. I found the tunes, “Blue eyed Mary” Life let us cherish” and “Lovely Rose” in my Hallelujah. N, misty. La saw Petes enfant neuf. Jai $25.15, silver and gold. $10. good notes and $4. Doubtful. Young ones are studying. I made fence. Old Mrs. Augell here, PM. N. cold cloudy. I put up a lot of fence. Showery. F. read at night. ((Oct. 18, 1911. 5.20. p.m. 3d.)) X 50c. Sat 13. White frost. Clear. W. ) 32. B to E with milk &c. Dr. said WAR has begun or will soon begin. I to woods over creek. Made 16 posts. N.W. Clear, pleasant. Plum trees will soon be in blossom. Home. La 25c argent de Steward 25c (tea) for 4 doz eggs. PM. B.F.E. et enfants with me to woods for greens. I cut and split 16 post and 2 rotten ones. N.W.. Clear, cool.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (106)

[shorthand]. La headache. I bathed in bedroom. My fiddle is done. Milne un enfant neuf, mort ul stais ivre l aure jour a la ville, et dit: Je ne ai pas houte a dire, (Milne was drunk the other day in town, and said: “I am not ashamed to say that I am a little drunk!”) Frank High has run off in debt to Hull, the store, Rose, and the tailor Old Mr. McDonald. ((He’s a bad egg! Sep 19, 1908)) ((He is now in Los Angeles Cal. Oct 18, 1911.)) [Drawing of egg called “FRANK HIGH’S FLIGHT!] Sund 14. ) 40. Some clouds, E. I read; played on flute & fiddle. Clouded up. Dr. et famielle in buggy visiting Geo. Young and others. PM. ) 54. Cloudy E. I to Meeting house. No one there. Jim Fleshman came. I played several tunes & Jim liked the one called, “Get along home my Yaller Gals.” He soon enlisted in the Rebel army. Rose came. Played Shawmut with him. No singing today. Button sang and prayed. Scoffield exhorted, prayed and gave out the hymns. A raw boned, dark man preached for the benefit of sinners. I at Dr. left my book. Joset asked E, “si fe otais married doja.” (Mrs. Joset asked E if I were married yet.) F to read a story at night. I turned Belle & colt out. NE, ((Oct. 18, 1911, 7:50 p.m. Third hitch.)) [Page 170] April 15 A.D. 1861.x Mond 15. ) 35. Clear, N, cool. I mended gate, crib door, and fixed things up. La to Dr’s home with a letter from S. to E. He has “A right for selling washing machines and wants us to sell them in Kansas. We can get the right for 10 A of land, &c. I to Rod Rose with Daily Record, with a list of broken banks, we looked at detector. My notes of Sparta and Jefferson Wis. are good. I left the paper with Rod Hunter and Red Bryant are arguing for and against the Bible. I saw Squire Rose. He will have seed potatoes after a while. I home. PM, N. Clear, cool. B. and I to woods. I cut a large log. Split ½ in 7 posts. Home. Bl. here. Augell and Eugene just home. Bollote helping Dr. make garden. Kit and Fox up. I read a story till late. ((Oct. 19, 1911. 12:33 am 3r hitch.)) Tuesd 16. ) 39. N Clouds. Cleared. I drew up 2 loads of posts x PM. Clear. Still, warm. ) 64. I saw Jerome Giddings in town, ce matin. They all live at Waubunsa (Wabaunsee) except Capt. ((He (Jerome) wanted 150000 rebels killed. 1911.)) I near Boloules garden. Got a load of wood, and old palings ca bimiereau soir. I to town woods. Got more posts. F.& B. with me for fish. I put horses up. I fixed up blown down fence, and notched some fence posts. Mrs Ajeune ici. X B and F. from Drs. They say Anderson has been captured and that Davis is moving with an army on Washington. F finished her long story. I took a little quinine today x Experiment. Wed 17. ) 44. Clear. S. warm &c. I plowed for early corn. Dr brought a letter from E to F. Warm. PM. S, warm. ) 82. I finished plowing. Turned Kit out and furrowed ground out with Fox. W & N cooler. I to office. Sent a Daily paper to F. S. Reader. No Day Book. F x E read a story. I feel weak x Thurs 18. ) 50. N. Some clouds; a little rain last night.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (107)

((Oct. 19, 1911. 11:44, am.)) 3 hitch.)) [Page 171] April 19 AD 1861 x La the headache. Ft. Sumpter has surrendered. I greased wagon. Dr. took it and Fox to draw palings. I planted early red corn. N. PM. ) 60. La better. Bollote brought horses home. I feel dizzy. ((Was it because we had lost Ft Sumpter!)) (B got Day Book in A.M.) I finished the planting of corn, water and muskmelons. F. sick at night. Frid 19. Ice. ) 30. Clear, Still. [La.] has seceded; The S. and Army of 100,000. The N. raising volunteers &c. Bollote hunting his horses. Jewell dit “I can get un teuroin within une mille to Mr. Augell put in jail. Dr. got Fox and wagon. [W.E.] Brown and Wanless here; got 1 bu. seed corn. We talked politics. B to store. E doz eggs: fine comb, soda & thread 30. B & I worked at fence some. PM. ) 70. Clear. S.& I made fence. Dr. with team, back. I turned Fox out. F read a story at night. Clear. Je joie un violon. Sat. 20. Clear, S, warm. ) 50. The plum trees are in bloom. I worked at fence. PM. ) [88] Hot. I finished cow yard. I to town. Saw Rose. He don’t know whether we will sing tomorrow or not. ((Well, I don’t know!)) I got hoop poles. Home. La at E’s. Dr. E &c. to Bollotes. Pas du feu au soir. Sund 21. Clear. S, rain last night. Windy. I wrote to Frank viz; Indianola Kansas April 21, 1861. Dear brother. I received your letter about one week ago and would have answered it sooner but my business for the last few weeks has been of so pressing a nature that it became necessary for me to defer writing until the present. We are all in good health and we have but little sickness in the neighborhood. Times are very hard and scarcely any money in circulation. The farmers have commenced their spring work, and everything favors an abundant yield in consequence of several very fine showers a few weeks ago. Spring wheat looks remarkably well as far as I have seen but if it proves a failure this year, I shall be tempted to give up experimenting upon it, as I have twice failed in Kansas and on the last trial lost the seed. For the last few days the news from the South have been of the most exciting character. It seems that Civil War with its attended miseries will be upon us in a short time. As I said before, I am not sorry to see the secession of the Slave states and should not like ((Oct, 16, 1911 “Third hitch” 10:45, p.m.)) [Page 172] April the 22, 1861. to see them brought back either by persuasion or force ((with Slavery of course, 1911.)). At the same time this uprising of a powerful military force of the North may have the salutary effect of keeping the rampart Fire [eaters] from making a raid upon the Federal Capital, or some similar aggression upon the border Three States. Three Companies have been raised at Topeka the other day and although the President has not called upon us for troops, the Gov. has offered 1000 men.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (108)

Have you or do you intend to volunteer? What is your opinion justice or [XXXX] of the Administration? Please answer these queries in your next letter. I believe I have nothing more of importance to write. My love to my Father my Sisters and yourself Your affectionate brother Samuel J. Reader. La shaved my hair close to my head. (This is my horrible aspect, shorn!) [A drawing of Samuel J. Reader with his shorn hair.] PM. ) 88! SW. Very windy. I to meeting house with book and flute. Rose not there. Bowker organized a Sunday school. Mr. Ed Plummer Superintendent. I saw Miss Bowker. Elle n’ est pas laide. We had Singing given out for next Sund. 4 PM. I with Leonard to office. We to our house. McN there. I oiled my revolver (Ready for War?) Warm pleasant x [shorthand] Mond 22. Cloudy, S, warm. ) 68. I hooped the vinegar keg well bucket, put the horse pail up, which was knocked to pieces hier, and a keg for E. B. to town with 4 doz eggs. Got 2 qts. of molasses, 50c. Kate Hindman here looking for Mrs. Jim, who came after a while from Dr’s where she had a felon lanced. Old Kit came up with one of her eyes (right) almost out. I took muzzle off the colt. ((SPIKES. I called the colt afterwards. 1911.)) F. hunted herfers. Failed. PM. Clear. ) 90. I to town, got La 1 qt. whiskey 25. Sou argent. Put my letter to F L Reader in office, and bought 15c of stamps. Saw E.D. Rose, Charley Jumbo, Paine and Jim Fleshman playing euchre. (Soon in the Rebel Army.) Rose said he would have 1/2 bu. potatoes for me. N.W. Cooler. I home. My little toes have corns. Sore as sin. F. to Peters. His young enfant pres de mort. (Child nearly dead.) I fixed up gate and stable door. La on Fox; got up young cattle. N.W. A cloud and thunder. SE. Petes enfant dead. F. there &c. Thesd 23. ) 55. N.W. Cool, A few drops of rain . Cleared. F. home. Rod R. le beau de Martha Brown. Higg, a prendre Me. Pucket quand ((Oct.17.1911. 1:45. p.m.)) [Page 173] April 24, 1861 x L’age homuic se monrut. I got John; plowed with him and Fox. La to funeral, (Greens.) John right foot seems lame. P.M. ) 64. N. Cool, windy. La made her vinegar. B and I to my field. I righted up fence, nailed on loose palings and boards &c. Val. B. plowing. Jambes & John Wanless was planting something. Val. A Sharpes rifle, He is afraid of the war coming here. He est peiu du geurre ice. Home, &c. ((Oct. 17. 1911. 2 p.m.)) Wed. 24. ) 35. Clear, cool, Still. Ferocity (Jack Fiero.) has vend uses maubles a L. Ogee [shorthand] parte. I plowed. John got his eye hurt with a corn stalk; He is not lame. PM. ) about 70. My head pains. I mended wheelbarrow and front gate. I plowed. Thurs. 25. ) 55. Clouds, S.W., windy. La heart a cannon fired at Topeka last night. I am reading in Geo II in England. I plowed all day. John does well. ) over 80. Very hard. S. Wind. B. got

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (109)

Day Book with and of “Virginia Gleucaire.” &c. Bl brought us a sack of wheat for corn, and got us 1/2 bu. potatoes 1/2 of seed corn, de [shorthand] B with Bl. DROUTH SUFFERERS AID. Frid 26. ) 60. Cloudy & Rather windy. I got in corn to shell. I plowed. PM. ) 70 or 80. S. I plowed. N cooler. E. clouds. F. La & B shelled 3 sacks of corn x Le dernier fois. ((Etais le soir pase Oct 17, 1911?)) Sat 27. ) 44, Some clouds, Still. I read F. story; Death of Victoria and defeat of gaul x I hitched up took our corn and 2 sacks for Dr. to H. mill. Je vois Madame Jas. Harding, au Moulin. B & I then to woods; Got up 4 posts and wood. Got another load, 8 posts and wood. Saw Nell Steward avec ses pieds nu; Also Puckets niece. I drew a load of rails from cow yard to bottom of field. PM. B to town with 4 doz eggs; got coffee, and tape. Steward gave 25c for 2 doz. W, warm. ) 71. Clear. I copied 5 tunes in my flute book in a few minutes. ((And I have the old Flute book yet. 1911.)) Dr. here; got team to draw ((Oct. 17. 1911. 7:28 p.m.)) [Page 174] April 28 x A.D. 1861 x rails and wood. A fight at Ft. Pickens. 30 Sucessionists killed x. I notched some posts. I to mill. Got grist. Saw Jane Jones Home. B took John home. I turned Fox out. F. at Augells. Got a song book and Harpers book. Mou nez et mes yeux rouge. ((Oct. 17, 1911.7:33 p.m.)) Sund 28. ) 42. Clear. Still, then S. windy. I read &c. I copied several more tunes. Bathed, dressed &c. SW. A hard wind. Warm. PM. ) 80. Not so windy. I wrote to S. Unimportant , &c. La to E’s. The kittens look fine. Mc N. & wife here. I to Singing. No one there. I sat awhile and came home. I wore “glazies” shoes. (They hurt my toes. O, vanity! Sept 19, 1908.) Bollote has got $50. from Dumais (His French friend.) Mc’s left. N.W. une lumiere; played. Clouding. Mond. 29. ) 52. Cloudy, still. Augell says Belle has a cold. I marked out the land with Fox. I took halter off colt. It sucks. Kit blind. Blackey in yard. “Une hoffle”. PM. Clear. N.W. La to E’s awhile. I planted corn. Some of the first came up. F. read in book at night. N.W. Clouds &c. Tuesd. 30. Clear, Still. ) 30. Ice as thick as thin window glass. I’ve bitter taste en bouche to us matin depius long temps. I planted corn. Feel tired. I am reading extract of Bonaparte’s life in Harpers Mag. F. hunted for Belle & young colt. Failed. PM. N. Cool. Leon here. Dr. and B. with team drawing palings, I planted a large piece of corn, & melons. N. cool. B. home. He saw Owen, et il dit a Dr. “We want to take the aid provisions taken de Rose and given to somebody else. Reader for instance.” “Oup.!” Dit le Dr, he is so singlular et bashful il ue le preudre pas. Mrs. Augell here. N. breezy. ) 60. Cool. Leonard sent home our little harrow & cheese hoop, hier, by Frank (Scotch) McKenna. ((Oct. 16, 1911, 9:22 p.m. Second hitch)) ((Oct. 17, 1911. 7:40 p.m. Third hitch.))

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (110)

[Page 175] May the 1st. 1861. (Dread War!) Samuel J Readers Private Journal & Day book. Indianola Shawnee Co. State of Kansas U.S.A. Wednesday 1. ) 35. E. Clear cool. Dr. here to feed his little cow in our yard. Old Abe has blockaded all the Southern ports. Eugene Caye here for maul & wedger. I to woods to show them to him. I snagged the side of left foot. I home. Planted corn. E. La making Ape (Bub) a coat, de [shorthand]. PM. I finished the corn. I fastened up holes in crib. Dr, E & Enfants ici. Dr. took my letter to S, to office, &c. ((Oct. 15, 1911. 11:55 p.m. [XXX] 2 d.)) Thurs 2. E. Pleasant. I to woods. Chopped logs for posts. My foot sore. Drs man plowing. Home. B got Day Book & Tribune & a letter and paper for Augells. La not well. [shorthand]. Dr. sharpening palings. PM Clear, S, windy. ) 82. Warm. I read news. B took things to Mrs Augell. Cing piasters eu lelottre. My head dizzy &c. Val Brown here. I helped him sort out 1 bu. of seed corn. I notched a few posts. Dr. here, looking at his cow. He told me of his war exploits . He was chief of 5 or 600 men in ‘48. Was defeated and had to fly to Italy. Mrs A. here awhile. We will have war, I think? ((Getting thru my hair, at last, 1908.)) Frid 3. A fine shower last night. Clear S. I notched some posts. A slight rain. I read. PM. V. Brown got my corn & small plow. Warm. I mended a saddle and a head stall halter. E et enfants ici. I finished the posts. Dr. here. Two regiments called for from Kansas. We finished our last pan full of walnuts. Sat 4. ) 42. Cloudy. E. Raw, cool. I finished the history of England. I to woods; Split 14 posts and 7 short 4 ft ones. Home. PM. S. Cloudy. Augell here. Left seeds for us; Il et Rose auaraille. F. sang, I played at night. ((Oct. 15, 1911. 11:59 1/2 p.m. [XXX])) [Page 176] May 5th AD 1861 x Sund 5. A fine shower last night. Va, is blockaded & Md. has submitted to U.S. Drs cow un wean, at last. I read &c. Showery. I played Kentucky reel. A fine piece. PM. W. Cool. Paulet tar dine. I read &c. Dr. took his cow away. Thickened milk cai soupe. Woods getting green. Mond 6. ) 47. Clear. W. I think we had rain last night. I to woods. Split 2 green logs 21 posts and made a trough &c. Home. PM. W. McN. here hunting cattle, and Pete, who said he got rid of serving in the Bavarian army because he had lost a cartridge biting tooth. I plowed a piece of ground S. of wheat for potatoes. La & I planted them, some beans and cucumbers. La on Fox

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (111)

for cows. I made 5 garden beds. We have to pull Blackey in the stall with a rope. La shut her steers up. B. [XXX] at night. Tuesd 7. ) 42. Clear. Still. La up first very early. I to woods. Made 25 posts. Home. PM. ) 74. Clear. NW. B and I to woods. Saw L Ogee & Ben Paine fishing on the log we had to cross. We got over. B got a lot of mustand for greens. I made 4 posts and a lot of post supports. Pete hunting his hogs. Home tired. Caye plowing. I played. [Drawing of a flute.] Wed 8. Cloudy. Still. ) 50. La don’t feel well. I planted a lot of garden. Knocked down the corn stubbs in wheat. Leon here with Dr’s military hat on. I to lower end of field, notched 8 leaning posts. E, warm. Bollote here; got our wagon to move. I staked Fox out for first time. P.M. Wood Hindman got Fox to furrow 1/2 h.. He says ((Capt. Wanless)) bare leg is lazy. F. et F. to McN. Thin pigeon here. I played Copenhagen Waltz; Its fine. Rather clear. La better. I to woods. Made 13 posts. Chopped part way into a log 3 ½ ft. for palings &c. Home. E was here with La. B & F home late. I feel tired. (But I don’t seem to worry about the war? Sept. 19, 1908.) ((Oct. 16, 1911. 10:25. p.m.)) [Page 177] May the 9th 1861. Thurs 9. ) 40. Clear. Still. Mondiet, ou quelque chose n’est pas right. I to Bl. Took Caye book home. He plowing. Bl lent me his crosscut saw. He is lame yet. I home. Filed Saw. Fixed up things. PM. S. ) 75. Cloudy. B.F. and I to woods. They got mustard, and tried to fish. I sawed awhile. Thunder. I home. A heavy N.W. rain, and some wind. F. scared. I played flute, read &c. B to office; got Day Book. N cool. ((Oct. 16, 1911, 10:33 a.m.)) Frid. 10. Clear, cool. N.W.. B got F paper. Dr told him that H. C. Arkansas, & Tenn. Have gone out of the union. I to woods; sawed off the big log and split it partly up. Mrs. Clinton et une autre feusue came to know where the greens were. Home, cold, N. PM. Bollote brought wagon home. F. to Hindmans. La to E’s. B & I to woods. I finished splitting. I sawed off another log for short piles. N.E. Home. Augell here. Dr. came with a letter for me from FSR (my brother) with a Union envelope. A. and I to Owens at an Informal meeting to check the Proslavery men in town from taking the lead here. We home. A rain. Du lit tard. Sat. 11. ) 50. Cloudy. Plenty of rain E. Martha [shorthand] Neeley’s eggs! Dr. here. Took Fox to hunt John. B to store. 5 doz eggs got a hat 40c, du the, 10 I got spade at E’s. I dug 18 post holes along sided. E. Fence. Dr. could not catch John; [shorthand]. PM. Cloudy, N.E., cool. ) 62. The Tribune is for conquest and confiscation. I dug 32 post holes. F. took Mrs. A’s books home. A rain came up after dark x Sund. 12. ) 55. Rain all night. Ground cover with water. ((Copy of a letter to brother Frank.)) S.E. Cloudy and rainey. Je scrit une letter a Frank viz: In [XXXX] &c. My Dear brother Frank. Day before yesterday I received a long and pleasing letter from you enclosed in a beautiful Union envelope Your letters found us all well, &c… But little war excitement exists in

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (112)

our little town. Indianola was laid out as a town site under Proslavery auspices and as a natural consequence the maj. of its inhabitants are Slaveryites and avowed secefionests. This clan (some ((Oct. 16, 1911. 11. a.m.)) [Page 178] BIG WAR TALK. May 13 1861. of whom were active in cooperating with the Border Ruffian element of Mo. in the K war, have been trying to get up an Independent Volunteer Co., and it has by some means leaked out that their intention is to organize if possible enough for a company, draw their arms from the state, and when Mo. secedes, which they confidently expect, they will be prepared to give them aid and comfort. In consequence of this disclosure a number of us, of the Republicans had a private meeting last Frid night in which it was decided to watch these fellows and if they make any demonstration, to take necessary measures to crush out the design. Bad as war is it is still better than subjection by the hands of the S rebels. When the Cotton States seceded, and a prospect of the rest of the slave states following I felt the same relief that a person would in separating from another infected with an infectious disease; and for my part would have been willing to have let them alone in their iniquity believing that slavery would eventually die out of itself in the onward march of civilization but it now appears that they want to inaugurate the irresponsible conflict in their own way by taking or destroying the National Capital and then carrying their arms north and subduing all before them. Let the issue then be squarely stated that all must be free or all slave states and let the fortunes of war decide. I was much interested in reading the comments on the 4 pages of the NY Tribune of last week; I begin to hope that slavery, the cause of our present troubles will receive a lasting and final overthrow. But I should not be in favor of confiscating the rightful property of the Secessionists in case they would be overcome. Many of them must necessarily be misguided and many more obliged to aid the traitors for fear of personal violence. Let the punishment then fall on the heads of the ambitious demagogues and office seekers who started the movement. Jim Lane has returned to Kansas. He was at [XX] the other day. They say he has orders from Headquarters to retake the forts seized by the Secessionists Indians, and also forts in Ar. He will find all the men necessary for the purpose in this State which well be several thousand. As Ar. has seceded he will probably meet with considerable resistance in that State. You want me to answer the questions I propounded to you in my last, Here is my answer. “I think as you do that Lincoln has taken the right way and the only way he can take consistent with the position in which he is placed to settle the difficulty, and all those hot headed men at the N who wish to hurry things along without reason, deserve the censure of all true citizens. I have not volunteered yet because we cannot get men enough in this neighborhood who are willing to volunteer to make a full company of 90 men. And [To] is so far that it is not possible for me to join a Co. there. I must close for want of space. Write soon &c. My love to all, Samuel J. Reader. Cloudy. I wrote, &c. Still. PM. Cloudy, W. cooler. I found a tune called Quickstep 5; Its what I heard at 4 of July [XX] (It’s the tune Grandpa played on my fife 1848.) I can learn a tune quick

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (113)

now. I painted a picture of Indianola. McN. here. I signed a petition for him. We put the steers in yard. Somebody has shot Drs. dog in hip. N. cooler. Mond. 13. ) 42. Cloudy, cool. La [shorthand] because [shorthand]. I to town. Put in my letter to F.S. Reader and one of Bollotes avant dejuire. McN. here. He got Drs yoke and my 2 chains and cutter; Yoked steers easy. He left x 4 dead rabbits in post holes. I dug 28 holes. N. Clouds, cool. ((Oct. 16, 1911. 4.17. p.m.)) [Page 179] May 14, A.D. 1861 x PM. Clearing, cool, N. I caught Fox and John. I drew my [bolts] from woods x 2 loads. B with me. Got greens. Saw Mrs. Clinton. I drew 3 loads of posts, woods, trough, &c. Cool. ((Oct. 16, 1911. 4.25. p.m.)) FROST Tuesd. 14. ) 35. Some white frost. Still, Clear. Fox around creek. I poultice my sore foot last night and ce matin I took a large piece of splinter out, that has been in since May 1st. I plowed a large piece. Nell Steward here awhile to hear me play flute; Dine’ etais a la table, et La me crie’: “Les cheuvaux se batter dans l’ecuire!” Je cori vite, mais il etais tout humbug. PM. ) 72. Clear, S, pleasant. I plowed. La to town to buy cloth with my Wis. notes, but they wont go. F. to Stewards till night. The old woman told Pucket that the old man “came home last night as high as a cats back,” and is now as tight as a brick.” Thickened milk. F. read. Wed 15. Clouds N.W. Cool. I plowed. Cool, pleasant. Owen has sued Carpenter and attached his mules; Constable Pucket has them at end of field. Augell & Feracity (Jack Fiero) other day forged a requisition for jurors in the case of Carpenter and Jewell. Pucket got them all summoned, when Dr. saw him, and told him he had to trial with Jewell. F at E’s. Dr at La. as delegate to elect Conway for Congress. He saw E’s prof. Fish there. PM. ) 68. I plowed, Cool &c. x Thurs. 16. ) 38. Fog at creek, cool. Still clear. I plowed 18 r. Dr. here & Leon. He brought Day Book and another paper from F.S.R. His dog better. Jim Brown “(Stag)” shot him he thinks. P.M. ) 74. All to woods; got gooseberries. I plowed. Pleasant. Slavery will go down, I think!!! La sold 2 doz eggs to a man for 25c d’argent. Frid 14. ) 47. Clear. Still. Je donue a mange a les chevanx 60 ears du maise par jour. I plowed. McN here; got the steers. They had run away. They work well. I cut down a row of dead peach ((Oct. 16, 1911. 8.20. p.m.)) [Page 180] May 18, 1861 x

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trees. U.S. has taken charge of St Jo. Railroad and troops are coming to aid us &c. FUN, bye and bye. La not well. PM. I finished plowing. Took John home. Louisa Young and Nell Steward here. I replanted some corn. Read a splendid speech of Jerrit Smith. I must volunteer when the slavery Crusade begins. Dr. here in evening. Clouds. S x ((Oct. 16, 1911. 8 1/2. p.m.)) ((And after the CRUSADE had actually begun, I struck a blow in 1864. 1911.)) Sat 18. ) 62. S. Clouds. Up early. Kit pretty fat. I took hind shovel from my plow furrowed out for corn. PM. Clouds. I copied a Canadian F. tune and words in flute book. Old Mrs A here. Neely and wife came and took her off with them. I finished furrowing. Sprinkley. S. Cloudy. La, F, & B. have begun to eat mushrooms. I planted a lot of sugar cane. Kansas troops to go to Texas. Sund 19. Moderate rain all night nearly. ) 60. Still cloudy. Dr brought Leon here. E and enfant ici bien tot. P.M. Dr. to Flackers and Bollotes. I read F. story. [XXX] Vagris. No Cooler x Mond 20. ) 42. N, cold, cloudy, misting a little. [shorthand] Val Brown brought the little plow home. He has finished planting. I planted corn. Cloudy, N, very cold. PM. I planted corn. B to town with 5 doz eggs. Got sugar &c. He saw Rod Rose playing on a fife noir. He put in office a Day Book I have sent to Frank Reader. Bl. Bollote Eugene &c here. I gave Bl. 5 bu. corn for his wheat. A great many cut [XXXX]. F. read. Tuesd 21. Cloudy cool. ) 48. I planted, Worked hard, La washed. PM. ) 60. PM. E. Still, cool, &c. I planted. La out and saw all the ponies. Dr’s two cows calves. 250,000 Northern men in army, ready to begin. Cool. Au lit bientot. John A. Wanless, here to water pony. L’ean a le pony de Brown. He was “fine as a fiddle”. ((Oct. 16, 1911. 9:10. p.m.)) [Page 181] May 22, 1861x Wed 22. ) 49. S.E. Clear. I planted corn and beans. ) 72. PM. S. Clouded. I began to study Bullious grammar again. I’ll master [shorthand] (it as I did music.) l’ote passé. I planted popcorn, beans &c. together in the hills. Dr here with his red cow and calf to milk her. La at E’s. Dr to go to Topeka demain. He is an officer of some kind. (A delegate?) SW. I burnt ends of 35 posts. I found a ripe strawberry back of stable. Warm. Clear. S windy. ((Oct. 16, 1911. 9.20. p.m.)) Thurs 23. ) 62. Cloudy. S. I studied Bullion. Dr. took his red cow away; He says Abe has seized all the Telegraphic manuscripts for the past year or two, and will find who have aided the traitors. I got John, I hitched up; drew 3 loads of posts, and 1 of wood and 4 ft. sticks for hog pen posts. S. Cloudy, Very warm. David & Eliza milane ici. PM. ) 88. Hot. I played flute. I to woods, drew up a lot of stakes for leaning fence. I drew all posts from house to places. Took

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John home. Day Book ranting. Secessionists Strong &c. Leon here. D. & E. Milne left. I washed in bedroom. [shorthand] au pout. (I saw & spoke to Miss S. Wendel.) Frid 24. Clear. S. Warm. ) 69. I making a movable hog run. F ironing. Dr. & Bollote making his fence around garden. La took my good notes and went to store of Rod got calico $1. and gloves 20c. hose 15c present a La. Changed [Wis] note $5 brought $3.65 in Specie. All Wis. money worth 85c. Le boune norwelle. Hot. PM. ) 94. La & B to E’s. I finished my hog pen frame. S.W. hot. Clear. I to Bl. took his passé partout home. And got his condre. Belle Cass and young colt up. I played flute on porch. Dr heard us playing and singing le doir passé. Sat. 25. ) 72. S. Some clouds. Warm. N.Y. Tribune full of fine news. I “rove” out 50 or more broad palings. I took Bl froe home. I looked for calf that got off (Blackey’s) B. found it. ((Oct. 16, 1911. 9:25. p.m.)) [Page 182] May 26, 1861. Dr. & B. have post of 3 sides of garden set; about 100. I home. Read news. Hot. ) 90’s. PM. Clear, warm. I nailed up all of hog pen. We put hogs in; they eat and tear at weeds. B & I to cr. Swam. I got a leech. Took it to Dr. He looked at it. E. was scared. News: Hier, un combat a Alexandria, A Col of N. ((Ellsworth.)) [XXXX] shot while pulling down Secession flag. Mr. A. here awhile. Jane Jones here a short time. ((I think she was staying at E’s?)) Sund 26. ) 60. A wind and sprinkle in night. I read f. paper. I put 3 wheels on hog pen so as to move it easier. I looked at corn, Much of it is destroyed b cut worms. B. & Dr. got greens and g=berries. Bollote at Dr. P.M. ) 83. Awful windy W. Cooler. I studied Bullion. F. heard my lessons as far as pronouns. Mr & Mrs. Bollote ici, ge parle francois avec Me. They to Bl. I began a picture dains ce-livre-ci Beckets death; Un bon oue. To bed early. Scoffield here, after I was in bed. Wants me to furrow out his land Tuesd. In Wallace field. N. cool clear. Mond 17. ) 50. Clear, cool; up early. I notched 40 or 50 posts along E fence; Worked hard. Young ones got greens. Dr. B. and another man putting rails on posts. Wm Elliot (Rouge), here awhile talking with La; He told of the laziness of the [shorthand] (Wallaces and De Wolf), Rogueries de Rev. Bouton &c. N. Cool, pleasant. No news, nor fight. Dr dit a B.: “Lun et l autre prie a Dieu pour les aide, but I think [shorthand] (He will get tired, and say to them:) Alle audiable”. PM. ) 82. N. Clear. I replanted corn. 9/10ths gone in places by cut worms! Did not finish. F. headache. I don’t give the hog much corn. Tuesd 28. ) 52. Clear. Still; Up rather late. I with Fox to Wallaces field; furrowed out about 1 or 2 [X]. E. Still. W. Cloud and sprinkling. I home. B and I replanted corn. Showery. PM Cloudy, sprinkly. B and I replanted all field by 3 o clock. ((Oct. 19, 1911. 1:40. p.m. 2nd hitch.)) [Page 183]

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May 29th, 1861 x We to bushes; got up bushes and stuck pease La is Well. B and I moved hog pen in road. Heaps of weeds. Thickened milk x ((Oct. 19, 1911. 1.44 p.m.)) Wed 29. ) 57. Rain last night. S.E. Cloudy. I to Wallace field, furrowed all at 8 ft; Worked hard. Home x P.M. F to Augells. La & B. for g:berries. I notched 21 posts. All home. “Gods!! Woods!!!” [shorthand] de Kate une temps. (Separated from Kate one time.) Cloudy. Thurs 30. ) 57. Cloudy, E. I moved posts &c. from line so Mc.N. can break a strip. B helped me run the W. line. A lot of men planting Scoffields corn. Several men nailing on palings for Dr. A long letter from Frank. He is a clerk and assistant Postmaster. La scalding ants, &c &c. We all shelled corn. B. to town; Got Day Book. Light rain. Val Brown here. Got 7 bu. more corn to replant what worms have destroyed. Jim Thompson beat his wife and tried to kill her with a hatchet. Leon in pants. Drs. fence about done. Frid 31. Cloudy, cool. Some mist. La to river. Got sand to scour with F. to E’s. E taking au emetic. A big wagon master here hunting an invalid’s pony. I set 33 posts. PM. ) 80. Clear. I got Dr’s buggy. Took 3 sks. Corn to H. mill. He (James M. Hading), wants the Seceshars hung &c., but is not an abolitionist. Owen came. Told me to come to Sch. house, demain, le doir, to organize a company du volunteers. I to Dr.’s. He gone to see Mrs Uber Pappan. She enfant l’autre jour. I took E. et les enfants, by Herater’s house; got a few strawberries. She feels better. Jewell & wife planting corn. We met Herater and a lot of men in a wagon. He told me of the meeting demain. I home. B. 5 doz des oeufs a Rod; Coffee 50c Rose (ED) gave min a paper ((Oct. 20, 1911. 11.40 a.m. Second hitch.)) [Page 184] May 31, 1861. for Samuel (VERBATIM ET LITERALM. NOTE FROM E.D.ROSE.) viz: “Mr Reader. Sir there will be a Meeting at the Rochester S. House on Saturday at Early Candle light for the purpose of organizing a Military Company – pleas tell Dr. & all attend. E.D. Rose.” Belle, Cass and colt up. S.E. I played flute. Jewell here for a cow. ((Oct. 20, 1911. 1.1/2 p.m. 2d H.)) [Drawing of Corporal Frank McKenna. 2d Kans,V.1.] [Drawing of THE HOUSE WE NOW LIVE IN. (During and after the Civil War.) (Porch made July 18 1860.)] [Page 185] June 1. AD 1861 x

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (117)

S J Reader’s Private Journal & Day book. Indianola Kansas. U.S. De Amerique [shorthand] x Sat 1. Cloudy. S. ) 70. I studying le grammaire Eng. I set 29 posts. PM. Warm. S.W. Some clouds. Ferocity (Jack Fiucor) passed by. B. and I to creek, Swam. Home Bl. & wife here. I took Dr’s buggy. Got our grist. Saw Wood, Hindman. He neutral. ((But he enlisted in 8th Kans. Reg’ & was killed at battle of Chickamauga.)) Dr. took Fox to go to Flachers. He very sick. John came up. I caught and saddled and rode him to town. Saw Rose Rambeau, Agee, V. Brown, Bryan & others. To sch. house. Bowker prst. x 14 men enlisted. Heruter, Hiller and I a com. to draft bylaws. Home late. Tete Rough un tareau [shorthand] first x ((Oct 20, 1911. 17:20 p.m.)) Sund. 2. ) 61. Clear still. I wrote to Frank. Dr. and all of us & Elliot Matthews in wagon near Frowkeys. Got 1 or 2 qts. of strawberries. Stopped at Be’s Je vois le eufant de Bollote. We home. Ape funny Elliot here car dine. PM. I wrote viz: D. Bro: I received your letter of May 21 on the 29th of the same month; and having a few leisure moments for the first time since its arrival have embraced them in order to answer our favor. We are all in tolerable health with perhaps a slight exception in the case of Sister E. who has not felt perfectly well for the last few days. In my last I gave you a flattering account of our prospects for a crop, but within a few days past the farming community have experienced much annoyance from the cut worms. In some parts of the field I planted more than 3/4 of the corn crop has been destroyed. Of course replanting can be practiced to a certain extent but should these little pests continue then depredations 1 or 2 weeks longer we shall be in a very bad situation as regards farming. The weather has been wet and cool for the last few weeks. I have not seen the [XXX] higher than 87 (degrees) this year, (in the shade). It stood at 111 (degrees) one day last summer which you may well believe was rather warm x Our local news is not important. Only 1 reg. of K troops has been accepted by the President. Many rumors are afloat in regard to the supposed movements of Gen JH Lane, but nothing is definitely known about his future operations so far. A train loaded with arms and provisions was overhauled at T. the other day. The arms were detained but the provisions were allowed to depart in peace. Some say the arms were being sent to the Indians in the S. part of K’s and others that they were destined to the western hordes of savages. The arms are in good hands now, at any rate. Last evening I attended a meeting for the purpose of getting up a Volunteer Company. It being the second time only that we have met for such a purpose. Fourteen gave in their names and we expect as many more will join at our next meeting. I was appointed one of a committee to form our By Laws. The Secessionists of this place keep remarkably quiet. One of their members got spirituously excited the other day and threatened to kill his wife with a hatchet, and as no Crittenden Compromiser was present to adjust their difficulty; secession was a natural consequence, but I am happy ((Oct 21, 1911. 10 to 10 a.m. 2d.)) [Page 186]

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June 3. 1861. (Getting more loyal.) to say a reconstruction of the Union has subsequently taken place and they can now carry on their domestic institutions in their own way. Perhaps this practical part of secession in their case was not to pleasant as the theoretical. The latest news informs us that the President has called for 100,000 more men. Our Gov. cannot be blamed now for lack of energy at least. I am pleased to see you so enthusiastically attached to the Union and in this feeling I now heartily concur with you because I think the people of the North have their eyes opened at last and will not vent their just indignation so much upon the heads of our misdirected fellow citizens of the S. as upon their hateful system of Slavery. That and that alone I want to see destroyed root and branch!! I am also glad to hear that you are not troubled with traitors in your neighborhood. I should be happy if I could make a similar assertion of our neighbors here. It appears that you intend to make a real soldier of yourself, and perhaps win glory on some bloody field, in sustaining the Stars & Stripes. Before this letter reaches its destination it may be that you have left Home and friends and marched out to battle against the foes of our Gov. under this last requisition for troops. I feel proud of my native State in the highest deg. For her patriotism and energy in the present crisis. I will be frank with you and say that I was almost as much surprised at the part taken by the Democrats N. in this struggle, as the slaveryites were themselves. I believe that if we came to blows with the S. the maj. Of them would side with their party Brethren or at the most stand neutral or give up everything in a base unmanly compromise. You made a just remark when you said you neither wanted to see partyism so strong again. I am called a Rep. Here but at our local election I have several times voted for Dem’s when I thought they were more competent or honest but I think I would consider long time before voting for an avowed proslavery man. Our troubles here in 56 &57 have implanted in my mind a most unchristian-like hatred towards our Border Ruffian invaders [orders] and [XXXX]. Well it appears you have chosen a mercantile calling. It is without doubt a money making business if carried on properly. For my part an agricultural life has the greatest charms for me; more especially in so fine a farming country as Ks possessing soil so rich and easy of tillage. Sister E. has not yet written to you partly on account of ill health, and in consequence, of having most her time employed in domestic affairs; her family being as you are aware tolerably large, so you must not think you are forgotten by her because of her silence. She will at the first favorable opportunity write you that long expected letter. She sends her love to you, her Father and sisters. Dr. B says he would like to go in the U.S. navy as Surgeon. (That having been his business on board a F. man-of-war.) if he had no family, as he always felt better every way on the sea, than on land. He is a true Rep. In every sense of the word and shows a praiseworthy intention of supporting the God of his adopted Country but I hardly think he will go out of the State as some apprehension is felt about the Indians on our borders. I will close for the present by sending my Love to all. Your affectionate brother S.J. Reader. 1 $2.25 lost. 45c. Mond 3. A little shower. Still. I copied letter. I set several posts. I to town, put letter in. I to Rose. Bought fine shoes $1.50. Blue cotton 6 yds. 75, I gave a $3 Wis note, lost 45 in discount got 80c. [XXX] to Sqr. R. Hunter and Hiller came. We got up a Constitution and By-laws. I home at 1 P.M. Ruff plays. ((Oct 22, 1911. 7. p.m.)) 2d hitch.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (119)

((Was a prisoner 47 ys ago.)) [Page 187] June 4 1861. Warm. Clouds; thunder. ) 78. Still. I don’t feel well. I did but little. I am peur que mes souliers sout trop. Mrs. Steward and “Crow,” Miss Pucket niece passed with strawberries. Mrs. Augell here awhile. Fellows shouting and drilling at night. (A charivare) Miss Nelly Stewart, 17 ys. old. Tuesd 4. ) 55. Up late, after sun rise &c. I a sore throat, am not well. Foggy. Still. Clear. A wedding last night of a stage driver. I took Fox; plowed corn. The hens are scratching it up. Kit is lame in her other hind leg. Thunder clouds &c. PM. ) 80. Warm. I plowed. A heavy shower came up. I replanted a little. Dr. sent us a lot of goose berries. ) $1.40. Wed 5. Cloudy, damp, warm. I don’t feel well. I to Dr. Got hoe &c. Sen. Douglass dead. Mo. seceded, 4000 arms taken in Kan. A paper from Frank. I got cabbage plants at Augells, and a pair of shoes of Pucket $1.40. Gave a Canada $5 note. Got change in specie $3.60. I now have $32.55. Hard Cash and note $1. I replanted corn. ) 78. Some clouds. S, pleasant. PM. ) 82. La & F. for straw’s. failed. B to town with boys. I replanted corn. Dr. brought Day Book. A lot of Secession surprised in Va & killed. (And where was that? Sept. 20, 1908.) Thurs 6. Quite warm, clear. I replanted corn 6 r. Fox has run off. PM. V. Brown here. Got 1/2 bu. seed corn. Il ure dit que Wood Homize dermier $150. [shorthand] (He told me that viz. W.H. Stole $150 at the Peak. Val would not let them hang him. He was sent home after being castigated. Val. now fears a reprisal of some kind.) Quite a heavy little shower. I replanted the corn. A New N.T. from Frank. On envelope: “Huzza for the stars and stripes. “Death to damned traitors.” Frank Reader’s sentiments. A mort a [shorthand] Frid 7. ) 60. Clouded up. Mon nez rough et mal; et guand je nu regarde en le amiroir je vois ana mini ((Oct 23, 1911. 11. a.m. 2d.)) [Page 188] June 8, 1861. Packard’s poisoned. sture au bout de nez! I planted a lot of beans & corn in the sugarcane ground. Dr. here. Got Day Book. Packards were all poisoned with salt petred meat yesterday. Dr. doctored ‘em. B and I for Fox. We got a lot of very large strawberries in our hats. We got Fox. Home. I finished replanting everything. S, warm. Our premises look out of order. Kit limps. PM. I got John. I hitched up in wagon. We all near Augells for strawberries; almost a failure. Home. Another Penn. Paper from Frank. I have a slight cold.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (120)

Sat 8. Clear, warm. Up early. Wis. money is worth but 30 cts pm the dollar. “WILD CAT BANK.” I HAVE ONE, Dr. has $3. “Long o’hone”, trois [shorthand]. A great combat des tareaux…He com. in-chief with his trap [shorthand] and clubs. I ploughed in the corn. W Breezy, warm. ) 80 or 90. I studied in Bullion &c. Augell & Eugene Caye here a cheval. I mounted Fox we to Sch. House, rather late. The constitution & by-laws amended. A vote taken for 1st Sergeant. Samuel Reader elected by 18 votes. Twenty two names on the roll. We home. Our calves all out today, but are now up. Rose keeps the office now. ((Post Office? 1911.)) I got all the votes today but my own. [shorthand]. ORDERLY SERGEANT READER.

1 25[Cts.] Sund. 9. ) 70. Clear, warm. I to Dr. got f. paper. I home. Read. Clement Clamour & Julia Bellmore here. Age Mrs. Augell went home. I sent for a drill book. (25cts. The Infantry Tactics.) ) 88. S. wind. Clouds. I drew the portraits for Julie and Clementine. PM. F & girls to first SS in Indianola. Julie a dix ans et Clem, ouze. Eugene Caye here. I played flute when girls came home and they danced. Eugene took them home on his horse, astride. N. ) over 90. S. clear, pleasant. F. don’t like ((Oct 23, 1911. 11 to 11 a.m. 2d.)) [Page 189] June 10, 1861. the looks of “Crow” the niece de Pucket. I played flute on high key at night. Very warm. I painting le diable avec S. flag. [Drawing of a devil holding a Southern Flag.] Mond 10. ) 70. Je leve de bourne heure. Clair S. Tete-rough don’t like to be milked. We have to pen her. An ox in our field. Scoffields I think. Nell Steward here, got 1 doz eggs for 10c. V.N. Brown here; Clinton’s oxen were in my field twice. I replanted corn on piece I ploughed first. 3 or 4 planting. I finished. Je n’a pas l’appetite depuis le Sawde. I play Waltzes. N. England, Mahala, Napoletan &c. Belle up and caught. P.M. I on Belle to Dr. He rode her awhile. Staked her out. I took John and Fox; drew rails to my claim. Fixed fence. Val & Bonurn plowing. Home. (Sent my letter for drill book) I drew a load of rails on S side of La field. S.W. Clouds. Tuesd 11. A heavy shower last night. Clouds. N. cool. I plowed corn. Cleared. ) 78. Cool. PM Dr. brought peas to us of Petes raising. I sometimes think I am not [shorthand] &c. mais I’ll carry it through see if I [shorthand]. PM. I to town. Voted for Conway for Congress. I bought a tooth brush of Higg for 25c. I to Roses office. He gave me a drill book that Hunter left for me. I played on fife. Bowker, Hunter, Jenner, Hiller and I drilled under old man Hunter. I home. [shorthand] I rode Belle awhile. E here. I studied drill book &c. Drilled B &c. [Drawing of 1st SERGEANT S. J. READER “LEARNING THE ROPES.”]

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (121)

Wed. 12. ) 58. Some fog and clouds. Still. Mon ne zest rouge again. I to North line, notched 13 posts. Val B. got my double shovel plow. I read f. story; Don’t feel very well. PM. Clear. We put Fox and Belle in the harness, hitched to wagon and drove around ((Oct 23, 1911. 11 to 12 a.m. 2d.)) [Page 190] Organization of “The Fremont Guards.” ((“Tries men’s souls! And also his soles as I found it to be 47 yrs. ago, this minute. Oct. 23, 1911. 11:12 a.m.)) June 13, 1861. by Jewels. I drew 10 or 12 rails. I unhitched; the flies so bad. I went in well. Took a board out, and 3 dead & 3 live frogs and toads. B lighted well with looking glass. I mended Dr’s. wheelbarrow. Cleared stones from yard. I played [shorthand]. (Dr got [XXX] up. Caye has left Bl. and gone to Bellmores.) Thurs 13. ) 65. Cloudy. S. Warm. Oxen in field again. I hitched Belle & Fox up. Drew 2 small loads of rails. I to P.O. Got Day Book. Saw Bowker. I swam. Home. B. et F. joue Sa Scratched cat. S. Clear; some wind. PM. Clear, warm. I put boards in pantry window, wheeled trash in corn field, cleaned up the yard. [shorthand], I know I can drill &c. tout courne il faut. Augell stopped a few minutes. No news. The telegraph wires cut in Mo. by order of the Gov. J.=. Nell Steward here with cabbage plants. Pleasant. It was Clintons oxen which got in field. Frid 14. ) 65. Clear. S, breezy. I charred ends of all the posts &c. PM. I to Dr. Helped him move stove; Got his spade. I set 10 posts and dug holes and set 8 more. F. the colic. Thunder; a sprinkle. I bathed in creek. Warm. THE FREMONT GUARDS. 0 50c. Sat. 15. ) 56. Clear, still, cool. I dug holes and set 12 posts. Lack but 1 to be at bottom of field. 98 now set. F. to town; got B. shoes $1.25, 50c mon argent. Awful hot. I sweat a great deal. Still, clear. B and I bathed. Je nettoye sues dents tous les jours. PM. Clear. ) 97. Hot. NW. Still. Thunder. I read Tribune. Augell came along with flag. I on Fox. We to Rockester Sch house. I formed Company. Morgan drilled us. I called roll. Caye & Rambeau absent. We raised the pole. ((I called: “Fall in!!” and I could hardly read the roll call. My knees fairly ached. I saw Bill Kemp looking at me in astonishment. “Rough old time!”)) A lot of ladies out. We Elected officers: Captain, Mr. Rose, 1 Lt. Morgan, 2d Augell, 3rd Hunter, Ensign L. Bryan, 2d Sgts John Hiller, 3d Sgt: 4 Sgt: [Drawing of the soldiers]

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (122)

((Oct 23, 1911. 11:22 a.m. 2d.)) [Page 191] June 16 1861 x 1st cpl C. Kistler, 2 cpl. John McVutts, cpl V.N. Brown, 4 cpl Sam Bouern. Home late. Augell [shorthand]. Dr & E here. N.E., pleasant x Sund 16. Clear. F on Fox to S.S. B and I hunted berries. Failed. Mrs. A came. I read Tribune. (I’m depressed about lack of confidence.) Bas en bouche. Mrs. Fiederling here awhile. PM. Warm. ) 85. E. F. home. Dr B and I on horses (Belle one) to river. Swam. Home. Nel Steward here also. E et eufants. I played flute. Rest sang. McDonald will have a Singing sch. at 9 AM, next Sunday. BUTTON.S TRIAL. Mond 17. Cloudy; a little rain. Nell Steward got 1 doz eggs paid 10c. I plowed out corn at bottom of field with Fox till 10 when Pucket summand me for a juror. I to town. Vois toute le moude. (Sent a Record to Frank S. Reader.)Augell, Bouem, Jim Brown, Jenner, Rock, and I on jury; Trial between Button def. & E.D. Rose, Gen Kestler & WM Owen [XXX]. A little lawyer, Clariday, cut Button up sadly about embezzling and provisions. Button lost; Has $25.80 and costs to pay. Dr. Jenner wanted me to be Road Overseer, but I refused. [shorthand] Middough up for trying to kill one Jim White. (They were fighting over a half breed squaw. Jack Curtis was witness. He had to Stage Fright. No sir!!) I home at 2 PM. I plowed till Sun set. Old sow 6 petit* cochous. Kansas boys have taken Independence, Augell says; He wants us to have a squad drill in town pretty often x Tuesd 18. ) 70. A sprinkle. E. Some clouds. I plowed corn. B with 4 doz eggs; got soap 40c. PM. I plowed at S. end of field. Lots of weeds. ) 92. S. Warm. Dr. here. Got gun. Augell and wife were at Neelys today. Warm. (The Nation is warming up, too!) ((Oct 23, 1911. 11:40 a.m. 2d.)) [Page 192] June 19 1861. Wed 19. ) 72. Clear, warm. One of the young pigs dead. I plowed out corn. PM. ) 92. S, warm, clear. I plowed corn till near sundown, there B & I to creek & bathed. I to P.O. A letter from Frank. He had a 3 days camp life. Belle broke loose and ran off; her last year’s colt with her (Le mseu.) Dr wants all our folks to go to Ill. and he & I to stay and fight. Je dormi Sans [shorthand]. Thurs 20. Clear. S, warm. ) 74. Up early, I plowed out corn. PM. Enoch Stevens here a few minutes. La to Drs. I plowed as far as garden. ) 98. Hottest day. SW. Clear. La making real cheese. She home. Pete thinks ((Sam Reader would have made the best Captain, he says Thank

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (123)

you, Pete for your good opinion. Sep 22. 1908)) “Gods! Kates” had to fly for her life the other day. Wood’s dander up. To bed early. Frid 21. Clear, still. ) 65. I plowed out corn. Got done one way and began to cross. PM. Clear. Hot, rather still. ) 96. I plowed till 3 or 4, when a NW cloud came up, but not much rain. No Day Book yet. (Suppressed!) Sat 22. A shower last night. Cloudy. [shorthand] (Mon nez rouge comme sang!). I to town. Got of Pucket, paper 10c, [shorthand] (Rot-gut whisky, 1 pint, 25cts.). I to office. Dr there. Gov. Jackson of Mo, defeated at Boonesville by U.S. I got Day Book and a [XXXX] paper (with U.S. flag) from Frank, with the following on it: ”Sam, shoot down the first man who attempts to haul down this emblem of our Liberty. Your brother F.S. Reader.” I home. La has gone to river to hunt grapes. Cloudy, misty &c. PM. Cloudy, pleasant. I have a colic I got ready. [shorthand] Prit deux ou trois drams de l’lau de vil. Nasty as wild sage tea. I on Fox to sch. house. Not many there. 4 recruits, viz: “Wm Wendel, E.D. Rose, A. Pliley, T. Marple.” I formed the ((Oct 23, 1911. 11:47 a.m. & 47 years ago I was racing as prisoner of war.)) [Page 193] June 23, 1861. DRILL!!! “STAGE FRIGHT.” “DUTCH COURAGE.” Company, called the Roll, &c., toute corime il faut. Owen, Bowker & several others absent. Capt. Rose led the file and did not understand much about it. Morgan drilled us. Also Will Wendel drilled us for a while. Thunder, clouds, but no rain. I home. Played flute on high key. Feel all right. Sund 23. ) 65. Rain last night. I feel a little sick. F. on Fox. B. on Tifine to S.S. Dr here with rifle. We shot at a mark. He beat me. La got a large mess of pease in garden. I wrote to Frank viz: Mon cher frure Frank; Your letter of June 11 was duly received on the 19th, containing the joyful tidings of your excellent health & prospect of a bountiful crop. We are also in good health and I have not heard of a solitary case of Chills & Fever yet. I dread it more than I do the traitors to our Gov. Our crops of all kinds look fine. Spring Wheat has headed out and promises an abundant yield if the weather continues dry so the rust will not attack it. Corn now looks well & is safe from the worms. Some of it however will have to grow fast to get out of reach of the early frosts. I have some that is more than 3 ft high and some again that is not 3 inches high. But few persons have orchards here, and those who have set out trees cannot tell yet whether this is a good fruit growing country or not. My uncle Cole planted a peach orchard and set out 50 or 60 apple trees four years ago & the peach trees were all killed by the frost close to the ground. The apple trees look thrifty but have not blossomed yet. It is probable that this soil on the river bottom is too rich and low. About 1/2 of my claim is highland & all persons who have experience in such matters say it is well adapted for fruit trees. I have broken about 1 A. on one of the hills which is about 50 feet in height & intend to set out an orchard as soon as possible. Wild cherries and grapes will be in abundance but the plums have about all “gave up”. Our weather has been quite warm & dry for the last few days but we have no fears of another drouth

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (124)

this year as the ground is thoroughly soaked with our Spring rains. Times are hard and dull here as well as elsewhere but I do not think our mercantile men complain of the scarcity of money as much as they did last season. The other day our Gov. called upon all patriotic citizens to organize and report themselves as there is great reason to believe that I. Will be invaded by the Cherokees & Osages. Our most important news has been the taking of Independence Mo by US troops and the defeat of Gov Jackson and his traitorous crew at Boonesville, but of course you will get all such news quicker & more reliable than by me. You gave a very interesting a/c of your experience in camp life &c. I also received one of your local newspapers with a full a/c of the proceedings and upon the wrapper a device of our National flag with rather an unhealthy suggestion in regard to the traitor who should dare to tear it down. Well, we have plenty of fellows here who would not scruple to do it if they had a chance, but they are not so rampant as they were a few weeks ago and several of them have skulked into Mo. and joined the Secessionests there who call themselves the “State Troops”. Our Company has been named “The Fremont Guards”. We have a company drill every Sat. PM and intend to have squad drills every evening except Sat & Sundays. I was elected Orderly Sergeant of the Company as it was supposed I had some understanding about military matters, having seen some little service in the “K.war”, but my knowledge of such business is but limited. At ((Oct 23, 1911. 5:18 p.m. 2d.)) [Page 194] June 24, 1861. Our first meeting 14 gave in their names and the number has steadily increased at every Subsequent meeting. I have 34 names now on the muster roll, & I know of several persons who intend to join. I think we may safely calculate upon having 50 members within 2 weeks. I believe I have no more to write. My love to all. Samuel J. Reader. PS. What views does our Father take on the present state of affairs? I should be very happy to know his opinion from himself if it would not be asking too much. SJR END. PM ) 82, S Some clouds, warm. A skunk or snake around. E et enfants ici. Dr. to river, sad parcque E= cant go to Sardeau’s to [shorthand] Read Played &c. B. home. Then Fan & Mlle Sophie Wendel on Fox. They to meeting in town. F. home. Mr. Early preached. E. home. Leon angry, &c. “Attack,” je torjours V)—Ft.TUTE1. Played flute &c x Mond 24 ) 68. Heavy fog. S. Only 3 of the little pigs are alive. Pott steer here. McN. & boys came and got him. Jonathan staid all day with B. Cloudy. I plowed corn out. PM Clear S ) 92. Nell Steward here; F & she to Dr.’s. La & E. to stores. Roses & Petes & put my letter in. I plowed about 1/4 days work. Nell here, for Soupe. La home. Bought nothing. She got my “Soldiers guide,” at office. They saw Mary Solunbarker, “(Crow.)” &c. I played flute F sang, Nell home. (Sans escort.) ((Mrs. O.T. Angell said: “I guess she is after Samuel!”)) About dark McN. came and said Jonathan was lost. I on Fox. Helped hunt till 9 or 10, when he was found asleep near the house. Moonlight. I home. (No doubt Jonathan was peur de son pere, at reste cache dehors. Dans trois ans, [shorthand].

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (125)

Tuesd 25. ) 72. Clear S.E. I plowed corn. Its clear in the middle, but foul near fences. PM ) 95. Jais somruiee. Ate walnuts B got at Dr.s. A light shower came up. I read Tribune. I to Dr. got a large auger. Ramao there. Dr. est triste. I went through the manuel drill of arms with shot gun. B read commands, I loaded & fired. [“Load in nine times – Load!” – Drawing of a soldier firing.] Wed 26. Wed 26. ) 58. All the calves in with cows. La has made 3 little cheeses, 8 in. diameter 3 in. thick. Bad taste in [shorthand] mon bouche, [shorthand] et le nez rouge [shorthand] couime sang. Je ine suis fache. B to Dr’s with kettle. I plowed corn. N.E., Cool. ((Oct. 23. 1911 . 5:40 p.m. 2d)) [Page 195] June 27th. AD 1861. Cloudy in S. Plenty of weeds around house. La to Dr. The Southerners at Ft Scott, and the wild Indians near Ft Riley. Old Matthews has lots of wheat ripe. PM. E. Clouds. ) 76. Cool. La took 3 yds of my blue cotton for B’s pants 37 ½ [X] PM. I read f. story. I plowed out corn. Thurs. 27. ) 70. Cloudy from the N. L makes all her cows go in pen. Jeisel deux [shorthand] avant hier. I plowed. Got done the long way. Mrs. Pucket here. News: Mrs. Solunbarker is a crazy woman. (La thinks she is Puckets Femme le 1st.) S, then N. I sweat hard. (Easy?) Dr here. Jim Lane to have 5 reg. from Kansas for 3 years; 3 are in the field now. (Fizzled!!) PM. ) 84. I plowed across at bottom of field. Ferocity (Jack Feciro.) came et parle avec moi awhile. Thunder, clouds &c. I turned out. I to P.O. No Day Book nor news. Miss Crow (La said she looked like one.) at Roses toujours. Roses fife is ruined. The Capt. Has bought a drill book at Topeka. 50 Cts. [shorthand] Frid 28. ) 67. Rain almost all night. Still my nose red yet. Un faucou a tue deux on atrois des notres poulets. I [shorthand] got f. paper, Tribune &c. Alexander Fairchild was there last evening. His mind disordered. [shorthand]. Cloudy, sprinkley. P.M. Slacked. La on Fox to Augells. I mended hog pen, wheel. I cut a few weeds down, &c. I feel weak and not well. La home. Au lit early. Sat 29. ) 68. Hard rain last night and still raining. [shorthand] (La has a hard time milking in the muddy cow yard. Rain yet, cool. A doubtful spring.) I shelled 1 sk. corn in crib. My little pig almost dead, (Name Red) I put it in the stable. [shorthand] parquet [shorthand] Bl 1 bu. [shorthand] Cool, Rainy. P.M. Slight rain, Cleared at last. I on Fox to P.O. (B got saleratus 10 [cts].) Saw ((Oct. 23.1911. 5:47.p.m. 2d.)) [Page 196] June 30th. AD. 1861.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (126)

Capt. We started for sch.h. but met Kistlers and came back. A letter to F. from Emma Hyde. No Day Book. Dr. not well. I home. Cloudy again. Sund 30. Cloudy. ) 61. Muddy, disagreeable &c. Bl here. Got 1/3 bu. corn. La to E. & home. Cattle in Dr field. I drove them out. Dr. sick. Clouds. N.E. Plenty of weeds. I wrote to S: viz: IRS James & all the friends: The last letter from you was written to [Lide] and, in it you said you had sent a letter to me some time before but which has never come to hand. This letter of yours I answered but for fear it has never reached its destination. I will repeat the most important parts: In regard to buying a right to sell washing machine we do not think it would pay here at this time &c. We are all in pretty good health here and crops of all kinds look fine. Plenty of rain has fallen this season. The people are not over excited here about the war. Our K. news I need not attempt to give you as you can get it quicker through the telegraph. Our danger of an attack from the Indians & traitors of Mo & Ark is considered probable by many but I have concluded that I can stay here as long as any other Abol’t. A short time ago the Union loving people of the neighborhood organized a Mo.Com. called “The Fremont Guards.” I was elected Orderly Sergeant, the same office I held in the “Frying Pan Guards” in 56; that Free State Company which was fierce in peace, and gentle in war. At our next meeting we will select our uniforms. I have over 30 names on the Muster roll and our number increases at every meeting. The company has nary breast plates yet. Please write on receipt of this and give all the news &c. I can think of nothing more. My love & respect to all S.J.R. PM. B & F to SS in town. Leonard here a long time, He is not for war. Lady cow not up, &c. Leonard left. Pleasant. The last of June Frank S. Reader Samuel Frank S Reader: Care Capt. L.E. Smith, Company. [A drawing of: View of Dr. Campdoras’s house from our cabin. View looking to the North East at 7 P.M. June 21st] [Page 197] July 1 AD, 1861. Indianola Shawnee Co Kansas [UL of NA] Samuel J. Readers Journal. Samuel J. Readers Day book. Mond 1. Clear, Still, pleasant. I hoed weeds out of small corn near house. Bl got rest of his corn, 1 bu. Ground wet. La on river for grapes. I feel very weak. PM ) 74. NE, cool. I hoed rest of small corn and melons. I reading “Virginia [Glencaire].” La from Dr. Il triste. [shorthand]. Cool. Pas de soupe. A broad tailed comet, N.W. Tuesd 2. Clear. Still, cool. ) 54. Up early. Feel sore. Heavy dew. My stomach out of order. I hoed weeds in S of field. Broke hoe handle. Bollote here. Got 2 doz eggs 20[cts]. My legs are lame and sore. I am weak. (Kind of a physical wreck, eh?) Des biscuit. Clear, cool, pleasant. P.M. I

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (127)

plowed corn, N & S in middles E. here awhile. Les francaise! Cool. (For my part I’m perfectly carried away with the French people, and their musical language.) Wed 3. Cool, clear. E. Up rather late; when sun was almost up. I’ai le mal a la tete. La sold 20 [cts] eggs to Pucketts hired boy. I finished middles long way and began at short ones. Dine du farine et [shorthand]. PM. I feel better. I plowed. ) over 80. F. to Browns. B & I bathed. I to town. No papers. A pole raised at P.O. [shorthand] Mrs Boneur here. Wants F. to go to Bryans ball &c. The comet, an awful tail. [A small drawing of Comet’s tail.] Thursday 4. Fourth of July. A.D. 1861. Clear S. ) 63. Cannon shots at Topeka. I plowed till 10. E et enfants ici. [shorthand] haste. S.W. breezy, pleasant. [shorthand]. P.M. I to P.O. Got Dr’s Tribune. I’m at Puckets; A lot of Carpenters men drunk. One said: [shorthand] (“This is the first time I’ve been drunk in Kansas, and I tell you it feels good!”) I read &c. Thunder, W. Clouds. I ate nuts, I found up stairs. Friday 5. Thunder, cloudy. S.E. I plowed out corn near house. P.M. ) 89. La to E. Dr. triste encore. Scoffield here awhile. I cut [Page 198] July 6. Anno Domino 1861. out middles below ridge. My corn not very weedy. V. Brown came out there. He had a fine time at Ball. Caught cold &c. His corn growing fast. [shorthand] (I to bed a little after sunset. I’ll starve my illness away!) Sat 6. ) 72. Clear. Je leve de bourne heure. [shorthand] I took corn to H mill, I finished plowing out middles. B & I to woods and creek. Swam. PM. Clear. S. rather windy. ) 90. I to E.D. Rose. We to sch. house. [shorthand] (I told Morgan & Wendel about my war exploits in 1856.) Bowker called meeting to order. Rose swore the Company in, and gave me the list. I formed the Company according to height & called the roll. [shorthand] (I was a little nervous calling officers but did very well towards last.) Capt. Rose drilled us a while, then Morgan took us. We wheeled &c. Jack Thompson with Jims wife came in a buggy. Mcnu*tt, a little taller than I. I by mill. Got meal. [shorthand] (I eat moderately, now.) Sund 7. Quite a rain last night. ) 70. Cleared off. Wood ici Sans souliers. Un des notres petit* cochons neuf, tue par un loup, nous pensons. Mon nez plus rouge et mal un peu. I read. Dr. brought [shorthand] here. I got f. paper, Read story. B & F to S.S. at Rochester. “Sarpint” mad. E took him away. PM I read. B & F. home; then to Ind S.S. Leonard there also. Dr here, content. Bill Thompson declared “Not guilty of murder.” Dr. to write a deed for Etien Pappan. Mond 8. ) 74. Clear. S. I saw a wolf close to house in big corn. I fired at him with shotgun. Johnny McNown here hunting the steers; Il mange le dejune avec nous, but soon quit, when I said to La “Cant eat a cowclaw!” et La repondit: “No wonder, cowclaw too rough.” (One of Grandpa’s stories of a guinea negro eating turtles which he called “cow claws,” at a stingy masters house, but when bought by a good master, he said on being presented with a turtle: “No

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (128)

eat cowclaw now, plenty of “chum-chum” in de house.) Thacher has got all the posts set around Dr’s pasture.Tuching a tall half breed Pappan boy and another fellow ((Oct. 23.1911. 7:13. p.m. 2d.)) [Page 199] July 9. 1861. are plowing Dr’s corn. I to creek, Swam. [shorthand] I got sticks for hoe handles. The wheat looks fine and plump. I put a handle in hoe. Un autre [shorthand]. I hoed corn. E & W at this end. Dr. here with Day Book. PM. Clear. S. windy, I hoed. [shorthand]. I cut up 4 sheaves of wheat with knife. [shorthand] I worked hard today. Tuesd 9. ) 73. Up early. Still, clear. Comet smaller and in the Great Bear. I feel sore. Our wheat almost ripe. I hoed in big corn. N & S next wheat. La to McNowns. We picked all the pease 1/2 a [XXX] A cucumber or 2. My hips lame. ) 90. No wind. I sweat a great deal. PM. N. cool. I made a gate and hung it near stable, in cow yard. La home, &c. Flacher and fellow have finished Drs pasture fence. I to Wallace field. Saw Jeems. He is using the cradle [shorthand]. I played flute, high, at night. Still. Comets train smaller. NcNOWN BOYS BREAKING PRAIRIE. Wed 10. Clear. ) 64. Still. McN. here. He got Fox and John to bring breaking plow. B and I staked off N.&W. lines; Heavy dew. Hot. La got 35 [cts] of me to get coffee, du sucre &c. W. 10 1/2 [XXX] Willey & Johnny McN. came with 4 yoke of oxen. Dr here. Wants John to go to Lake. NcN. came with team, plow and trundle bed. We struck a furrow around whole piece and a cross furrow at E end. N.E. ) 83. PM. I feel fine. Ce matin, Woodard & wife here, going to [Billmore] for a cradle. I helped Mc. & boys strike out 2 lands. Nc. Home. I hoed weeds up &c. My back lame. The boys put oxen in yard. Willy home. Norris and Jack staid. Slept on their trundle bed. To bed late. Je mange un beaucoup de soupe. (La was a splendid manager. Sept 24, 1908.) Thursd 11. Up at day light. Foggy, clear, still. Willy came. The boys out breaking. I got ready to shell corn. Leonard passing, stopped and agreed to cut our wheat as pay for buckwheat. We went ((Oct. 23.1911. 7:20. p.m. 2d.)) [Page 200] July 12 1861. at it. I cant keep up binding. The wheat shrunken some. Old Mrs. A here with cucumbers. PM. ) 89. Still. W. We cut all wheat down at 2 or 3. Leonard to Dr’s field. I bound, and shocked some. I felt sick at night. I swam in creek. I played fiddle and flute at night. “While Rome, (our Nation,) is burning.” Augell helping Neely. Day Book came.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (129)

Frid. 12. Clear. Up early. Some clouds. I bound and shocked all the wheat 45 sks. Warm, still. ) 85. Pott & Estes have run off to river. La got grapes. P.M. I in crib. Shelled 2 sks of corn. I put up a sk. full of Bl. wheat. I helped boys strike out a land. I to Dr’s. He seeing Higg, who is sick at Davisons. The Pro Slavery people have seized the Railroad at Hannibal &c. Called Roll, well. DRILL IN INDIANOLA. Sat 13. ) 59. Clear, cool. Norris on Fox. Found steers. Je mange trop, jai peur. Pas du rosee. Kit lame yet in sound hind leg. NcN. here awhile. I got John. Hitched up. Took corn & wheat to H mill. I saw Mrs. H. She said H would grind wheat. Leonard cutting Charry’s wheat in Dr. field. I home. I plowed a strip next corn in wheat ground. I lamed my shoulder. La rubbed skin off, and then put camphor on it. PM. A light shower. I drilled the boys. Leonard here. I to town. Lent my tactic book to Morgan. I formed Company at P.O. and called the roll fine. We drilled awhile and then broke ranks to see a driver and Clinton fight. FIGHT. ROLLO FULTON MAD & FOR CLINTON. The fellow got his head cut, and left. I saw and made myself known to long. Si Hunter of war ’56. I formed company. Only 14 fell in. We drilled awhile, and broke ranks. Rose swore in a few members. He lent me 2 violin books. [shorthand]. ( Home late.) Sund 14. ) 70. Cloudy. Some rain last night. Back very lame. I played tunes in Rose’s books with flute and practiced on fiddle. Nell Steward here. Creitz (Capt. [Wruz]) and his Holton squad baited ((Oct 23. 1911. 7 ½ pm 2.)) [Page 201] July 15 1861 at Dr’s. Augell & Bl saw the flag and came here. La to Dr. Nell left. I tuned fiddle. Augell sawed on it. Dr here with [XX] paper. Bl & A. left, Dr also. La came. PM. Misty yet. [Funny] story of: (The bashful) jenne houne”or” [shorthand] (Call a man? Or “Kill a Man.”) B. and I on Fox, got choke cherries. I have a miserable lame back. F. at S.S. Cloudy, thunder &c. Mond 15. ) 60. A hard rain last night. Cloudy, foggy. My back no better. Mc.N. brought us a lot of beets. I got John. I with team to mill, (A fine grist). I got a little wood. Roads muddy. Boys are breaking (in fine style.) I took John home. Dr gone to Cailloiz avec Bollote. I sat round. Read Tribune. P.M. ) 86. N. Cool. La & F. to Wood’s. Saw Mrs. DeWolf there. I opened shocks, hens eating them. I played fiddle. All the boys stay at night now. Mon nez rouge [shorthand] I measured myself last week. Am 6 ft. 2 in. (in stockings and that nearly) barefoot. F at E. all night. B. playful. Tues 16. Clear, still, cool. F. home with Leon. I sowed and plowed in 1/4 A buckwheat. F got a mess of string beans at E.’s. I found several roasting ears in field. (I cleaned and furnished spyglass.) PM. Clear, still, warm. I mended pistol holster, and polished revolver. I to P.O. Got Dr daily. I at Jim Steward at Puckets. Got 1 lead pencil 5[cts.] Saw Mrs. P.la. I home, played fiddle, au soir. F at E, E Will dormi avec moi.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (130)

Wed 17. Clear, still, Heavy dew. I took hoe and clevis to S.’s shop. Got them mended &c. 25 [cts] that he owed me; all square. I saw Rose. He has sent a statement of attempted slave kidnapping, here by Fiero, Clinton &c., to State Record. Home. PM. My back better. I to D’s. A light shower. ) 74. I believe Saleratus ruining my stomach. (La & B got grapes, A.M.) Slacked. McNown Drove the boys to work. Willey parcque il ne apporti pas son habit. I hoed 2 short rows of corn, melons, &c. (“Ye blamed little skunk; ye blamed little jack-ass, ye!) ((Oct 23. 1911. 7:40 pm 2 dc.)) [Page 202] FRANK HAS ENLISTED.! July 18 AD 1861.x I to town. Got Dr paper and a letter from Frank. He is in Va. at Camp Carlisle. Has enlisted for the war, Pere, gave his consent. Dr home I am [shorthand] Thurs 18. ) 67. Clouds, still. B [shorthand]. I to Dr. Got iron wedges. I home. Feel better. McN. here awhile. He got our pitch fork and found my 3 bladed $1.25 knife I lost 2 years ago, near crib door. Its very much rusted (Ruined.) S. cloudy, warm. ) 76. B playful, inquisitive &c. La laughed him good. I wrote to Frank viz: J.K. Date, DB It was with the greatest pleasure & I must add with considerable surprise that I received from you yesterday a letter dated in a Military Camp informing me that you have enlisted for the war. If this war lasts as long as the Pelapounisian war of ancient Greece you will certainly have a chance to learn your trade well. I think you have acted entirely right and I expect to follow your example if a similar opportunity offers itself to me for our cause is certainly just & although war in the abstract is manifestly a great Civil and presents many horrible & revolting features, it is our last resort to preserve our National existence. A great many members of the F.G.’s would not be willing to leave their families and property to the tender mercies of the Secessionists and enter into the service of US so there is not much probability of our Company reaping laurels on the battle field unless our State be invaded of which there is some apprehension. I am sorry to say that two of our men have with drawn from the Company when we came to take the oath; we are glad they have shown their true colors so soon. For several weeks past we have had the Stars & Stripes floating over our little town and one of our most rabid Secessionists hoisted a small Union flag for a few days. These fellows have been drawing in their horns lately. Still they use treasonable language that would not be tolerated in many other places. Without a doubt they will act as spies when Ben McCulloch or some other traitor Chief makes an attack in Kansas. It is a significant fact that the 4 groggeries which Indianola can boast of every one is kept by a “Dercesher” Internperance is the special vice of this neighborhood and it was fortunate for me that I belonged to the Temperance Society before I came to this wild & lawless region as it has kept me perfectly free from this baneful habit so far (Crops &c.) The news from Mo. has been very exciting for the last few days, but as you are doubtless posted as soon as us we it will be useless for me to write anything in regard to it. I have nothing more of interest to write to you. Receive my best love & respects and the wish that you may acquit yourself honorably in the new position in which you are placed and ;ass safely through the many dangers and hardships of a soldiers life. Your affectionate brother

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (131)

Samuel J. Reader. P.S. In your next will you please inform me how the “National Infantry” has enlisted as Va. Volunteers, also what length of time you expect to remain in your present Camp. What your daily duties are; your pay per mo. and all particulars that you think may be interesting to us civilians. FJ.R. Camp Carlisle. PM. ) 72. I to creek. Swam, [shorthand]. I to Dr . Got my letter (F.J.R. Camp Carlisle). I to our wheat field. Unbound a number of shocks, Its mouldy. I to Bl. Got his froe. I to town. Put letter in. Got Day Book of Higgs. Saw Vol.B. He hoeing corn. I home. Read paper &c. ((Oct 24. 1911. 9: am 2 dc.)) [Page 203] July 19 1861. S.J.R. P.J. Frid 19. A very heavy rain last night – Clear. I split 60 slats on palings. Very Hot sun. PM ) 90. Hot. I split 40 more palings. I to E’s. Got Tribune. John Marple very sick. [shorthand]. I read. Mrs. A. here awhile. [shorthand]. (Nell Steward at gate.) Dr here. Brought a letter from Frank, written 3 days before the other one; He says his (our) father says he must not go to the war. +40 Sat 20. ) 68. A whole raft of horses in the field tearing up the wheat. Some clouds, still. I bound up and shocked the torn down wheat. La to river; got grapes. I mowed down a few weeds &c. PM A rain came up from the West. Norris made B. a small yoke for the calves. I studied Grammar (Clarks.) The rain is long and moderate. We have too much already. My head aches a little – he peux a ecire plus frane. Finger (cat) is a great thief. Rain. F. heard my 1st lesson Clark Grammar. Sund 21. Heavy rain last night. Raining yet. N.E. , Cool. Dr. here with paper. I on Fox to creek & field. It is high. I talked with Mrs. Brown awhile, and found Vol at Grocery. Saw Dr Wolf, pieds=un a la pout. Home. McN. here, He is not well. PM ) 68. N.E. Misty cloudy (of course). I to Dr. He has a [XXX] pistol balls for buffalo hunt. I read a piece written by E.D. Rose in State Record about Pucket & Rollo Fulton hunting a “Contraband” in reserve. Slacked & sun shown out awhile. E. gave me cucumbers and 2 turnips. [shorthand] Mc left. My back some lame again. Downie has to draw his corn to L. City and sell it there for 50 cts (The old miser: x age) le vieux avare! [shorthand] au lit early. Comet small. Cleared off. ((Oct 24. 1911. 9:10 am.)) Mond 22. Clear, still, cool. ) 58. Creak roars. [shorthand] McNown brought his pony here. The creek is not so very high. ((Oct 24. 1911. 9:10 am)) [Page 204] July 23d. 1861

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (132)

Still and warm. We will have plenty of cucumbers in a few days. I at the fence near house. I put up 5 panels. B is not well. I opened shocks, and bound up what was unbound; It has begun to grow. Warm. Still. PM. Clouding up. I put up 13 barrels. Saw Augell. They are fighting in Va. [XXX] (Bull run.). Late soupe. CUT AN ARTERY! Tuesd 23. Clear, cool. B. well. I to fence. Put up 6 or 8 panels. McN. here. S. My axe glanced and cut off the sinew and artery above right big toe. Dr came and plastered it up (And he didn’t charge $50 for it? Sept 25, 08) It bled a great deal. I felt weak, sick & dizzy. PM. Clear. Warm. I began a letter to my Father. Vol Brown here for a scythe. F to town. Got a letter from Frank dated 2d. It has been to Indianapolis and has a miniature of Frank in his uniform. His (our) father wont let him to the war. B quite feverish at night. Dr. came &c. Awful bad news: McDowalls division has been routed and cut to pieces at Bulls run. Wed 24. Clear. S. wind, pleasant. My foot healing nicely. (I keep my foot on a chair, high as my head.) I read papers. B. better, &c. PM. S. Pleasant, clear. McN here with beets. Johnny headache and went home. I played flute. Mrs Hindman came here. [shorthand] Il parle avec lui. Dr came. Il me dit: [shorthand] language? Je joue au le flute. F et Mrs H. sang. Tom Wallace stopped a few minutes. Kate thinks Frank looks just like me. News: Our defeat at Bulls run, not so bad. Loss 2 or 3000 (only). A charey boy after the “Dr Frenchman (at night). ((Copy of letter to my father about Frank enlisting.)) Thurs 25. Clear. S. warm. My back a little lame. Willey is sick. F. the headache. B. better. La not well. Norris went home. Dr. came. SW, windy, warm. I finished my letter to (pere.) F.R. In. Sh. Co. Kan. July 24 AD 1851 Dear Father. Last week I received a letter from my Brother written from C. Carlile & dated the 11th July informing me that he is enlisted with his Company as Va. V. during the war. I received this intelligent with some surprise & I must confess with a great deal of pleasure and pride at the bold stand he has taken in this hour of our Country’s peril. This letter I answered almost immediately & the next day received another letter from F dated on the 8 but was probably delayed on account of disturbances in Mo. This last one was written just before he started on the “War Trail” & from it I learned that you was strongly opposed to this enlisting & he as strongly ((Oct 24. 1911. 9:20 am 2 dc.)) Intercession for the “Bold Soldier Boy.” [Page 205] July 25 1861. bent on doing his duty to his Country. We greatly deplored the seeming necessity of acting in opposition to your will, but appeared to think his honor would be compromised and a disgrace thrown upon his relations should he remain at home while his Comrades would in all probability be covering themselves with glory in the fold. For myself I know that such a situation would be

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (133)

unendurable to me and second only to Imprisonment & we being brothers it is likely our feelings are similar on this subject. Far be it from me to uphold or excuse disobedience to paternal authority for the aged and experienced have the unquestionable right & ability to guide and direct those who are under age; nevertheless in such cases as this a great deal ought to be overlooked and excused. Perhaps I am a little prejudiced in this view for I must admit that during our troubles in Kan. My Aunt always tried to dissuade me from taking any part in them. She felt as much interested in seeing Kan come in as a free State as myself, but did not wish to have me incur any of the danger in making it so. I felt differently and although it gave me pain to see her & my sisters uneasiness, I could not refrain from thrice shouldering my rifle to aid in keeping the blight of Slavery from our Territory. Had he wished to enlist into the Regular service I would myself have used every argument in my power to dissuade him from such a step, as many demoralizing influences would be thrown around him if I may judge from what I have seen of the Regular in this part of the Country, but there is a vast difference between them and patriotic Volunteers of the N. especially when they are composed of friends and neighbors from the same vicinity & commanded by a man like Capt. L.E. Smith whom F represents as a model of Temperance & morality. Such being the case personal danger is the only thing that ought to give us any uneasiness and in this all we can do is to trust in Providence & hope for the best. War is a terrible way of settling out difficulties, but from the action Congress has taken in regard to Slaves owned by traitors, the other day, I believe this war will finally be a blessing to Humanity & universal progress. I envy F his place in our patriotic Army and ardently wish I could stand shoulder to shoulder with him in his Company in showing the aristocratic plantation Nabobs that the N can not be trifled with. Night before last we heard that McDowells force was entirely routed by the Secessionists. We hear however from last nights mail that it is not so bad as was represented at first stated the best is bad enough. We are all in tolerable health only. Aunt E & bothof her Children were attacked with the headache last night but not seriously. For my part I am not in a condition to fight or fly should the enemy come upon us, as I have cut my foot with an axe the other day while making fence & I will be confined to the house for several days. Our weather is pleasant with plenty of rain. Corn looks fine vegetables are flourishing. The inhabitants here are not much excited about the war; We are used to Civil War, you know. The secshers in Ind. are getting a little scared. One of the most rabid traitors of the [XX] was declaring his [Union] sentiments to the Dr last night & he expressed himself as being very sorry for the slaughter of the Northern men at Bulls Run last Sund. These mushroom patriots have taken this step to avoid being taken care of by the Fa. Boys as spies and dangerous subjects generally. While writing this letter I have received another from F dated July 2 and containing a miniature of himself in uniform. My brother in law and several others have seen it think I resemble the [XX] strongly while my [XXX] sister think otherwise. I look upon it as a great treasure at this time. This letter bears the post mark of Indianapolis Ind which accounts for its delay. I would write again to F. immediately but hardly know where to direct. If you write to him soon please mention the receipt of these two last letters. I have no more. Please write soon. I send my love to my sisters relatives & yourself. Your affectionate son Samuel J Reader. I do not feel very well. B is the healthiest now. Pas de dine. PM. S. Clear, warm. Dr & Leon here. Leonard is drawing his wheat to dr’s field. I read &c. Owen here to see if I had a copy of our By-laws. Better news from Va. The boys did not break today. They are sick. [Page 206]

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (134)

July. 26 x 1861 x Frid 26. Still, sultry. N. clouds. We are all better. I fixed up wagon rack. B got John, Augell came; we drew 2 loads of wheat to Drs field. I loaded, A. stacked. I can walk on sides of my sore foot now. Mary McNown here with pony. The boys are breaking with 3 yoke. McN. is using the other. Saw Rose & J. Hiller. They to La. To get advice about catching Jim Fleshman and Jim [Kuydendoll] as traitors. A great deal of the wheat is wet. We left 1 load here & et mai unbound it. PM. ) 80 or 90. We have green corn now, plenty. I hurt my foot a little. La mending sack. I sat around. B. et family came here x A et Dr. came. No news. Cleared off. Sat 27. Clear warm. S. I fixed up revolver. My foot the same. ) 78. About 10 I bound up all the wheat in field. Augell came. I put his horse in team; we drew the load to Dr field. Bound up the wheat there and made another little stack; PM ) 96. Mrs. Bl here awhile. Je parle le francais avec lui. A & I on horses to P.O.E.D.R. et sa femme looked through spyglass; he has a pet raccoon. We with flag to Sch h. Raised it; Looked at Ta. With glass. Erwin says he has a very powerful celestial telescope. Meeting came to order. We must arm ourselves, &c. Preacher & a lot of ladies came. I formed The Co. Called the roll. A.G. Plaley joined. Old man Hunter and a Dutchman Schmidt drilled us. I had to turn out & ride. Hunter, J.Hiller & I are to make another Constitution & By-laws. B. sold eggs 7 doz. Suere et un coupe de fer blanc. Home. No news. Mrs. A here. My foot better. State Record In State Record viz, Fremont Guards is the name of an Independent Co. lately organized by our neighbors on the other side of the Kaw, in Soldier Township. The Co. numbers 35 men; under the following officers: Milton Rose, Captain, Wm Morgan 1 Lient, O.T. Augell 2nd Lient, Jas Hunter 3d Lient., S.J. Reeder Ond. Sergit, L.V. Bryan Eusign, The Co is organized and ready for duty as soon as they secure arms.” Clear, very warm, Mosquitoes. [shorthand]. Sund 28. Clear, warm. Still ) 75. ) 75. [shorthand] My foot is ((Oct 24. 1911. 2:10 p.m. 2 d.)) [Page 207] July 29 1861. a little painful. Plenty of Succamtash. (Had some today. Sept 26 1908. 2 p.m.) B got John. We all to Augells. The 2 Mrs. A’s with us to island. Plenty of grapes. O.T. came. We partly filled 2 sacks. A light shower came up; we home, Boiled corn. PM. F & F to S.S. in town. Leonard & the 2 little girls there too. I read Day Book. Eugene Caye here. Then came Mrs. BL & Bllt. came afterwards. They all looked at Franks miniature, et dit “Ilest joli.” All left but Eugene. I arranged lock of shot gun. Cleaned it &c. for service. Dr, Leon, B, F, McN., Leonard, & pelit, et Clementine here. E. et Dade also. Warm. All left.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (135)

Mond 29. ) 70. Clear. “I don’t feel well at stomach &c. I out. Made 11 panel of fence. S. warm. Miss S. Wendel ici a cheval. Tetais a Dr. E. not well. PM ) 93. Mou pied a la chau pourie. Very warm. Je parle avec Mille. & Elle dit que Jim Fleshman atais le beau de Mrs Harding Dr here. Says mon pred is getting better. Miss W. Started home. I read f. story [shorthand] x Did nothing. Tuesd 30. Clear, warm. S. Foot better. I got John. Plowed in wheat stubble. Mrs. Pucket here hunting geese. The assessor came. Took all my quarter &c (full 160 acres.) Une boune dine. La making jelly. P.M. Warm, windy. ) 94. I plowed a strip N of field and finished the turnip ground. I took John home. Got watermelons. Greenish &c. (Not the end of July yet; See next page.) Wednesd. 31. Clear, warm. &c. (Now look up!) ((Oct 24. 1911. 2:12 p.m. 2 dc.)) [Page 208] (July 31, 1861.) August 1 AD 1861. Samuel J. Reader’s Private Journal Indianola Shawnee County Kansas. July 31, 1861 A sad mistake. Wednesday 31. Clear, warm. I sowed the turnips and brushed them in. Mrs. Bellmore & enfants ici a la visite. Cay took team to draw hap. I sent S. Record with names of our Co. a mon Pere. I to town. Saw Jack Thompson, &c. Hunter, Hiller and I at [Sqr.] Rd. Made a new Constitution & By-laws. An old fife there. [shorthand] x Le bou dine. PM. Je joue au le flute. I to Dr. Helped Eugene draw 1 load of Hungarian hay. I home. I put up 3 panels of fence. I don’t feel right. Clear, warm. August 1st AD 1861. AUGUST. 1, 1861. Thurs 1. Clear, warm, still. Un beaucoup des mooches. [shorthand]. I out very early at fence. Didn’t eat breakfast till 9. I put up 10 panels. B & I swam in creek. I change my shirts several times a day. Leonard & Caye drawing in Drs. wheat. PM ) 95. Clear, S. I put up 12 panels. Dr brought Day Book and a letter from S. He tells me not to enlist &c. Mrs Pucket & Steward here at night for cow. I played flute. Warm. “MUD – SILLS” Frid 2. ) 75. Clear. Warm. Lam dos. Je ecrite avec la plume d’or, La will fatten & sell Lady. Pott & Estes here. I at fence. Put up 10 panels very hot, still &c ) 101. PM. Clear, hot. I read Day

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (136)

Book. A camp in town. I there. E.E. Rose playing fife and Jim T. drumming. John Parsons came to me. He is 1st Lieut. We talked of old campaigns &c. Whipples Lieut’s name was Gus (or Gustin.) I’m at Jims and played fife very well. He the drum. I in at Rods. Got pair of fine shoes 11 $1.50. I to Sqr. Got papers 10 [cents]. Parsons formed the “Mud-Wills & drilled them. I fell in. Fine music. Broke ranks. The Co. ((Oct 24. 1911. 2:22 p.m. 2 d.)) [Page 209] August 3d 1861. Sang Star Spangled banner, Dixie & “Red white & blue”. I home after dark. Sat 3. Clear, still & hot. B to Thompsons with 3 doz eggs. Got 1 qt whiskey 25 [cents]. I to creek Swam. I to our stacks. They are dry enough. I got hoop-poles. Home. Hooped a keg partly. Awful warm, still. [shorthand] PM. I on Fox with shot gun to town. We all to Sch. house. Je lise le gazette francaise. The “Mud-sills came, all but Parsons. Thompson on Fox. Got their drum. I formed F. Guards to shouldered arms, rifle mode; ordered arms; [shorthand] “attention company!” I called the roll. Capt. Harvey (afterwards Got. of Kans.) addressed us, and asked for volunteers. Hunter wants to go. A Scotch English & Irish drill master took us in hand and drilled us finely. SJR fifer, Jim T. drummer. At 5 I called the roll and gave the list of absentees to corporal Kistler. Dismissed parade. I at P.O. No news. Mrs. Rose strong Union. I home. At evening, Wood. He came. I got him to play fiddle. I played flute, &c. B sold a mellon to an Indian for 10 [cents]. Sunday 4. Clear, warm. ) 75. Up early. I wrote to S. James: Friends and Relatives; I received a letter from Uncle S stated July 25 the other day & now hasten to answer it. We are all in the enjoyment of our usual health. Times are very hard of course but we will not starve this year certain. Our corn crop looks splendid and almost all vegetables the same. Wheat has been an average crop. I raised 1 1/2 acres of Spring wheat but have not yet threshed it. Aunt La feels much better when she sees wheat stacks. The weather has been rainy for sometime past but is now dry and hot. It was over 100 [degrees] yesterday in the shade. Ind. Has improved some. A hotel 60 x 40 was put up last Spring by a Proslavery Secessionists, and a new [Drug] Store and PO by a Republican. The news of McDowells defeat was received here (telegraphed via L, two days after (23d.) The battle causing much despondency to the Union men, and great joy to “Seceshers” x It has certainly been a great check to our army but we must hope that it will turn out for the best in putting our officers more on their guard in the future & who knows that it will not cause Slavery to be abolished by proclamation. I believe the N people are drifting slowly but surely to that point I feel proud that a senator of Kansas first presented a Bill* to that effect but even if it fails I believe that with the total defeat of the Rebels will be the final destruction of Slavery. I do not wish to see the rightful property of the S. confiscated for many of them, doubtless have been forced into the vortex of Deception by circum- *I fore-saw the “Emancipation Proclamation of 1863.” ((Oct 24. 1911. 3:22 p.m. 2 d.)) [Page 210]

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (137)

Description of Jim Lane. 1856. August 5th A.D. 1861. stances over which they had no control, &c by the misrepresentations of their Leaders. All I want is the entire destruction of human Slavery. My sentiments are almost exactly expressed in a letter from G. [Smith] to the N.Y.T. of July 20. Aunt Lida says she wants to live to see the day when not a Slave exists in our Union. I must here detail an account of the course taken by my half-brother Frank in regard to the war. Last Spring we began a correspondence which we have continued until the present time; before open hostilities had begun he was like his father, in favor of Compromising with the trators and trying to coax them back, but after the fall of Ft. Sumpter he joined a N. Co. which was raised in his neighborhood called the N.J. in which he was elected Color-bearer. They acted as a Home Guard. (Government not requiring their services at that time from Penn.) until about the middle of June when the acting Gov. of Va. (Gov. P.) requested this Co to enlist as Va. [X] at C. Carlisle near Wheeling, or was at last accounts. I do not know yet whether he took part in the battle of Bulls Run or not. He sent me his miniature taken when in uniform. The Dr & most people who have seen it, think he strongly resembles me. Well I have not gone to the war yet, and likely will not soon A Co. from Ogden, called the “Mud-sills” camped here yesterday on their way to be mustered into service. I am well acquainted with the 1st Lieut. John (Parsons) we having served in the same Co. in the K-war, 1856 x He urged me strongly to go with them. We have our Co. drill every Sat. P.M. and are making progress and getting acquainted with our several duties. We arm ourselves for the time being. Some fears exist in regard to the Indians on our frontier but I hope they are groundless. I send you the Drs Topeka paper of yesterday with an account of this matter and on interesting description of Jim Lane which is to the life. When I served under him at H Point his uniform was a coarse white felt hat a mixed blue & gray overshirt much the worse for wear with an ordinary pair of boots & pants; His arms consisted of a six in. Colts revolver and a butcher knife hanging from his belt. He has what A.E. calls a “pack-saddle nose sharp and thin and eyes which he keeps so nearly closed that it is almost impossible to tell the color of them. When I came home from that raid I drew a picture of him from memory which was destroyed a short time ago. No more &c. S J Reader. P.S. Aunt L. wants you in your next to inform her about the situation occupation, health &c of brother Joseph & family. Where Minerva’s husband is and all particulars that you think would be of interest to her. Please write soon! And we the war news of LH who have enlisted from your town &c. S J Reader. (([XX] Jim Lanes Packsaddle nose.)) B & I to creek. Swam. Fox also. I home. Dr. here. PM ) 98. F & B to S.S. in town. [None.] Hot. I wrote &c. I have glued my fiddle up again, and washed bow. Warm. *I think now Lanes hat was black. Don’t Know. Nov. 18, 07. No, I think now it was grey, and whipples hair was black. Jan. 3 1909. Mond 5. Clear. I slept on floor; up very early. Still & warm. I put up 3 parcels duvant le dejund. Plenty of mosquitoes. B took my letter & paper to office & 5 cts to get blue stamps ((Oct 24. 1911. 9:41 p.m. 2 d.))

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (138)

[Page 211] August 6 AD 1861. and 4 1/2 doz eggs; 45 [cents] of sugar. I put up 13 panels of fence. PM. ) 99. Clear. S.E. Leonard & Augell here. I put up 10 panels. Not a dry stitch on my shirt. No news. Je dormi sur la plancher. Pas de soupe. I am tired. Tuesd 6. ) 71. Clear. Still & hot. The Pro-Slavery buffalo hunters have been driven home by wild Indians. Pucket says Ferocity (Jack F.) helped to try to kidnap the negroes at Silver Lake. Somebody (Stewards) ? has wounded V.N. Brown’s horse with a rifle. John Marple died yesterday [shorthand] (calculyus). I put up 5 panels. All done on E side. La on Fox. Got crab-apples near Hardings. I at Dr. Got a fill of watermelons. Brought several home. John Hiller & Hunter will join a cavalry Co. at Topeka. Caye mowing weeds at Dr’s house. Hot. ) 97. Clear; not much wind. PM. Hot. ) 99. Clear. I puttered around. Soled my Pott. moccasins. E here awhile. Dr also. No news. Pas de soupe [shorthand]. I wish we had more rain. Wed 7. ) 70. A few W. clouds, still. Duvant le dejuere. I out at fence on N. end; gathered up posts, bored 1 hole &c. B to Bl. Got his spade. I dug holes & set 10 posts. PM. Warm, clear. I fixed my moccasin. Thunder. I put up 7 panels & 1 pair of bars at end of field. ) 96. Au lit de bonne heure. Dr here with Day Book & after dark John Hiller & Jim T. here towarn me of a horse thief coming this way. Pas de soupe. Thurs. 8. ) 72. Up early. Thunder. W. clouds, sprinkley. I out resowed 1/2 of the turnip ground. I to Dr. Got a dose of Tartar emetic. I home. Took it & vomited a great deal. N.W. wind but not much rain. Higg got a Sesesh enveloped letter other day. Rose (the P. Master) didn’t want to let it go. I lay round. Bl. here with $20. from aid Co. Je mange beancoup. PM. ) 87. Clouds, pleasant. Dr. brought 12 or 15 green apples. I sewed a red border on my ((Oct 24. 1911. 11:11 p.m. 2 d.)) [Page 212] August 9th. 1861. Holster flap. NcN & boys have begun breaking again. He, B, & I horseback to island; Each of us got nearly our sacks full of grapes. Fox got loose, but I found him again [shorthand]. A letter from Frank. He is at Beverly Va. Is bass drummer &c. F a letter from Em. James. Frid 9. Clear, Some thunder. I feel no better from the emetic. (Of course not?) McN ici. I split a few palings with axe. I feel weak. I took E. some grapes. I got a ripe watermelon in field. Sprinkly. I began a letter to Frank. P.M. Cool. I set 2 posts and put up 3 panels. Charry here. Says Ogee will thresh tomorrow. (Bl & wife here in A.M. Left us a muskmelon and tomatoes.) I don’t feel well. A small shower. I feel quite sick; Colic, dizzyish, sick stomach &c. (Let medicine alone, after this) Pas de soupe.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (139)

Sat 10. Cloudy. I was sick all night & sick yet. (DRILL) Pas de dejune. McN. helping break. I read in NY Tribune. I am weak but better. P.M. McKnown for grapes. I got ready with rifle – on Fox to town. A kite flying there. We to Sch. h. Came to order; Every member to pay $1. To pay for the powder. Je Paye 50 [cents] $5 collected New By-laws read & adopted. We drilled. Called roll twice. Gave 1st Corp. list of absentees. I don’t feel right. Home. La the chills this PM. Cherokees fighting in Kans. Sund 11. Cloudy. Rain last night. All feel wrong. McNown & Norris here. Dr. here. La another chill. I got f paper. B and I swam in creek. PM. I feel pretty well. N. cool, pleasant. ) 82. Thunder. Some clouds. I wrote to Frank ((He’s at Beverly, Va.)): Dear Brother: Yours of July 29 was duly recd & gave me much pleasure in informing me of your excellent health & prosperity in your new calling. Its arrival also removed some little uneasiness I had begun to feel for fear you had been killed or maimed at some of the recent engagements in your present vicinity. The Union forces of W. Va. certainly did do a splendid thing when they chased the vile traitors from that part of the State. Will not the Slave holding aristocrats begin to learn after a while that there is some little fight in men who labor for a living; that if slow to get angry they will be terrible in battle when once ((Oct 24. 1911. 11:24 p.m. 2 d.)) [Page 213] Copy of epistlatory “War-talk.” Why I cant enlist now – August 10, 1861 aroused? For my part I have never had any misgivings on the score of N courage. When these Pro-Slavery traitors make their boaster, they ought to remember how their B – Ruffian hordes were received by the quiet peace loving citizens of Kan., when they tried to plant the curse of slavery in this Territory by foul means, when they could not succeed by fair. Still it will not do to despise the S. soldiery or we will fall into the same error they did before McClellan opened their eyes. You say you wish I could serve with you in your Co in this war. Well, that is a wish I have often expressed myself & so wrote to our F’r a short time ago. I know that my pleasure would fully [agree] yours to have the privilege in giving those Fire eaters their just [deserts], but circ*mstances will oblige us to forgo it for the present at least for should I leave home my Aunt & her children would be left almost without protection from hostile Indians or white Marauders with which Kan. is well supplied. Our farms would also very likely go to destruction for want of proper attention. It would seem that I ought to have a stronger incentive than even you to enlist in this war, for while you are only striving to uphold the Union, I should besides that believe that Slavery would finally be destroyed in case we succeeded. Frank, in your next will you give me your opinion of the right to hold human beings in Slavery whether you think Negroes are better off under the guidance of the superior power and intelligence of the white man, or are they capable of taking care of themselves. Just before I came to Kan. and when I was about your age, there was no class of men I despised or hated more than I did the Abol. I believe them to be a set of hypocritical meddlers and mischief makers keeping the nation in an uproar causing hatred between the 2 sections and defeating the object they pretended to have in view by exasperating the Slave holders and consequently causing them to bind more closely the chains of Slavery.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (140)

These ideas were instilled into my mind by my Uncle Cole who was a strong anti-abolitionist although opposed to the future extension of this institution. But after I came to Kan. I examined this subject as much as possible on both sides of the question (The NY Day Book pro & the NY Tribune [XXXX] and have came to the conclusion that it is based on a stupendous wrong to the African race which cannot be excused by any sophistry on Earth nor by that worn out text from the Bible “Cursed be Canaan” &c. which is so familiar to religious Southerners, and which I once believed to be a “knock down argument in favor of Negro Slavery. I am not now ashamed nor afraid to be considered a “Red hot fanatical Abolitionist.” If it would not be too much trouble just give me your views when you write again. The day after I rec’d your letter from Camp Carlisle and after I had answered it another from you written at home bearing date July 8 came to hand, and a day or 2 after still another dated July 2nd and bearing the post mark of Indianapolis Inc. where it had probably been taken. In the last I found a miniature of yourself which I greatly prize. The Dr and many others think we strongly resemble each other. I suppose it will not do for me to give you my opinion of your appearance on you might consider me a flatterer. I will only add that 2 Fr. Ladies who were visiting my Aunt were examining the picture & I overheard the remarks: “Je est bean, Il est tres joli”&c Your uniform looks fine but I do not like the hat. It seems to use that it does not protect the face enough. When you write again please inform me who is the Col of the 2nd Reg. & if you have been in action, a description of your first feelings &c. when under fire; oftener I think a good one, the only draw back with me is I have so little to write that is of interest to you & with even a good subject I make but a poor out of it. Letter writing is not my forte as you can very well see and I am often afraid some of my letters will put you to sleep. I am delighted to hear that our Father is reconciled to your being in the Army. When I received your sudden letter from C. Carlisle I must say it was one of the proudest moments of my life to think I had a brother so fearless, and devoted to the cause of our Country, as to ((Oct 25. 1911. 11:24 p.m. 2 d.)) ((Patriotism by proxy, was it not? Mch. 3, 1909.)) [Page 214] August 12 A.D. 1861. leave home and kindred, to risk his life in the uncertain chances of war, for its preservation. I must close for want of space. My best love & wishes to you [shorthand] Affectionately yours, Samuel J. Reader. To Frank S. Reader Dr’s all here & Leonard. A dismal time. F. milked. Cooler. l 5 [cents]. Mond 12. ) 65. N.W. Cloudy, some mist. Cool. La taking quinine. McNown & boys came to break. I feel very weak. I made a rod pole. (16 1/2 feet.) B and I measured ground, partly; About 20 A. Dr here. I read, “Lay by,” &c. (I got 3 ripe watermelons in our patch.) PM. ) 70 or 80. Cloudy, cool, N. I on Fox over to my field put up stakes to plow strips around the grass on S. side higher than the fence. Corn looks large but weedy. I to Button’s, Saw “Mother,” & the

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (141)

Rev. A.R.B. He is willing to fix up the ford. Has plenty of peaches. I at P.O. Got thick ink (No good.) and a Daily Dem. (St Louis.) Home, McN. and I measured ground, More than 20 A has been broken already. Quit late. F. milked. (washed dishes) [shorthand]. La in bed. Gloomy time. Cloudy, N. Tuesd. 13. ) 54. Heavy fog, Cold. (made a fire in fireplace.) La the same. I am stronger. I dug 13 holes (Hoo-doo holes, & day. Sept. 30, 1908) and set posts in them. Worked steady. I got a melon. We have plenty now. S.E. Cool, clear, pleasant. B helps F do the housework. ) 80. Finger cat is an awful bad thief. I feel much better. PM. Clear. ) about 80. E. La worse. Has Bilious fever. I feel better. I put up 9 panels of fence. Finished early. E. et enfants ici. F. milked. Dr. here late. No news. Moonlight. I slept in bedroom. AN ORIENTAL TROPICAL RAIN – BATH! Wednes. 14. ) 60 or so. Clear, still. La better. Things don’t look so gloomy as yesterday. I put up 5 panels. Mended well crank. Ate melons. P.M. Wood [shorthand] Brown; avec les yeux verde a ronge. Rather warm. We put a yoke of cattle to wagon. Took plow and 5 of us to my field. (4 of us alive today. Sept. 30, 1908.) A heavy shower came up 3 of us ote notres chemises. (disrobed to keep our clothes dry.) Slacked. B & Willy home on Fox. All home muddy. To bed late. Cool. (I got chilled.) (Drawing Named: RAINING PITCHFORKS. Oct. 22, 1911.) [Page 215] August 15, 1861. Thurs. 15. Clouds. Dr here with Day Book & Conservative of last night. Lyon killed in Mo. and US retreating, they say. The boys breaking. I cut weeds around house, and gympsons out of field, and a lot near N. end of field. I got several watermelons. We have plenty now. I wish time would pause awhile, mais non. [shorthand]. La no fever, but feels weak, lame back, bad, &c. Clear, still, warm, 90’s. PM. ) 92. Clear. B. and I swam. I cleaned yard a little, E. Dr & all here. Lyon killed, &c. I not very well. McN here breaking. I wrote out a Bill of Sale of Oxen to Norris. La signed it. F & I witnessed it. Mc for soupe Il douni La ure de le meaness of Milne &c. [shorthand] I must get rid of Finger cat. Frid 16. Foggy, clear, still. Hier at dinner I said I had seen a “big yellow bone” run out of the corn. (Norris sat amazed, and ejacul*ted: “A bone?!) The boys all laughed. I out at fence. Dug and set 5 posts, all I have made. Warm, still. They have finished breaking. Hurra! PM. ) 89. Clear, hazy. McN & boys left. La better. She walks around and talks &c, which looks well. I wheeled filth, cobs &c from yard. B & I up river. Got 1/2 sack of sour grapes for vinegar; (We bathed in river.) Very large weeds. Home. Drs all here. Lane wants a Home Guard. Dr. found a kite near my field and gave it to B. I got a melon. I don’t feel well. John Hiller & R. Fulton a fight. F. knocked down. (HILLER & FULTON FIGHT.) l 50. [cents]

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (142)

Sat. 17. Clear, cool. ) 60. [shorthand]. I feel well. La better. I put up 5 panels. All done for want of posts. I put up 5 panels. All done for want of posts. I made new hinges and a fine latch for front gate. PM. McN. boys here. 3 of them. Boys flew the kite. String rotten & short. Dr & Bl. here. I on Fox to P.O. with shot gun. I got a bucket of water for Mrs. Rose. I saw Miss Crow. Elle est larde. ((That is polite I must say. Oct. 1, 1908.)) Capt. and I with flag to Sch h. Je paye mon autre 1/2 $. We drilled. Dismissed. Home. Dr’s here. Dr & I fired 5 shots out of my revolver. Je dormi sur plancher. [shorthand]. Clear, still. McN got 2 bu of corn for meal. Dr bought B a kite string. *Bone is my name for a tom cat & Solembarker. ((Oct 25. 1911. 11:33 p.m. 2 d.)) [Page 216] Aug 18 1861. Sund 18. Up very early. Clear, still. La up. Is better. I ate melons. I to Dr. Got papers. Pete F. and J. Hiller here ce matin. I got my revolver to keep old Rollo Fulton off &c. I had it cleaned up. I played waltzes on flute. PM. Coolish. NE. Pleasant. B and I flew B’s kite. (Wicked, Sabbath – breaking wretches!) Ogee helped fix it. Wm McN. here with plums for La, Rob. Ogee also. We sent kite up very high. I pounded up grapes. Mond 19. Cloudy. La milked and washed dishes. I strained grape juice and put it in vinegar keg. NE. Cool & nice weather. I sent a Day Book to Frank with ter tufal holding the C.S. flag painted on a paper and posted on inside. I to town woods near. Dr field. Cut down a walnut tree, and chopped off 2 cuts for posts. Lots of weeds. I home. McN. took bedstead plow and things to Milnes to break. P.M. Mrs Fiederling here awhile. I flew B’s kite. I on Fox with wedges to woods. Split tough old logs. Made 21 [XX] 2 posts. I sweat a great deal. I tore home through weeds. La better. Tuesd. 20. Heavy fog. Still. I bored 13 holes. A dozen men on the bottom making hay. Lew Bryan here for a drink. ((And I remember he had on a pair of fine leather shoes altogether too small for him, with big toes beyond soles. Oct 25 1911.)) Rob Ogee here with his kite, flying it. ) 83. S.E. Clear, Pleasant. F. washing. La ironing. PM. Warm. I to Dr. Got John. I hitched up; drew up my 23 posts. 2 small loads. I crossed at ford. B. and I swam. I got melons at Drs. I bored 6 holes. Augell passed. 60,000 Seceshers near Kansas. B took 5 doz eggs. Got matches, comb & tea. Wed 21. ) 72. Cloudy, Still, No dew. My back some lame. I notched all the posts 22 after boring the last 3 holes before dejune. Still & hot. Cleared off. ) 94. Leon is sick. La weak. [shorthand]. A great many men have gone to Topeka to hear trial of Hiller & Fulton. Hot. PM. Clouds. I out. Set 9 posts. A shower and N wind came up. B got melons and some butter for ((Oct 25. 1911. p.m. 2 d. Escaped from Confederates 47 yr.)) [Page 217]

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (143)

Aug 22. 1861. La at Dr’s & French paper, Record &c. I read them. Cool. Cloudy. Je mange trop de [shorthand] mush. Thurs 22 ) 59. Clear, cool, still. I out. Set all the posts. I had to quit work on account of a lameness in small of back & hips. I to Dr’s. Got melons. Both children are sick. I read the papers. N. cool. Cabbage, et de beouf frais car dine. PM. La & F to E’s. I read. We flew kite. String broke. My back is very lame this nice weather. I wrote to my father. Extracts: I also learned another gratifying bit of information in that you was proud to think you had a son in the Patriotic Army ready to fight for the preservation of our Country but my place is considerably lessened when I revert to myself and reflect upon what must be your opinion of me remaining snugly at home in this hour of deadly peril * x I wish to see the poor slaves delivered from their unjust bondage, but the idea of confiscating all other kind of properly belonging to the Rebels. I do not favor &c, &c. (Francis Reader Esq.) La & F. home. Rollo Fulton fined $5. & costs, at Topeka today, (no yesterday) for fighting with Hiller. He plead guilty &c. B took my letter to P.O. and got one from Miss Emma B Hyde. Je mange trop des trash &c. ce soir, Moonlight. Frid 23. (Double hoo-doo!) ) 45. Clear, still & cool of course. About out of meal. I shelled 2 sks of corn in upper crib loft. Pleasant. Warm. My back some better. Dr’s some better. A Conservative with accounts of the valor of the Kan. 1st. Reg. at battle of Davis Wilson’s creek. ) 80. PM. B and I shelled 1 sk more. I hitched Kit & Fox up. We took corn to H. mill. Home. I made a rake handle. Clear, pleasant. Sat 24. ) 50. Clear. Warmer. S breeze. B and I to creek. Bathed, water too cold. I home. Read &c. Got melons at Dr. Bowker married to Miss Foss. Advertised in Record. Col. Mitchell, (Not dead) Robert’s son, & a fellow (Ira Marely.) who worked for Cummins in winter, and Dudley (son of the old gunsmith) killed at Springfield. P.M. I to sch. h. We drilled. Miss co*cks and Eliza Milne inspected us. I got 1 sk meal at mill. Home. Back better. Thunder. W. cloud. Sprinkle at dark. ((Oct 25. 1911. 4:11 p.m. 2 d.)) [Page 218] Aug 25 AD 1861. Sund 25. ) 60. Cloudy, warm, still. But little rain. I read papers. My back very lame yet. I to Dr’s. He saw Gov. Robinson and thinks he can get in Lanes Brigade as a Surgeon. I home with melons. [shorthand] Biscuit du farine. P.M. Cloudy. I read &c. Mrs. & Mr. E.D. Rose at Dr’s. B. took 1 of the pigs to Dr, but it got away. I feed hogs old corn. Mond 26. Clear. I to town. Got of Rose 15 sheets paper, he called a quire, 25 cts. 5 fancy envelopes, 5 [cents]. I returned one of his violin books. I home. I put hoop on tub. Ground scythe. La washed. P.M. ) 88. Clear, still, hot. B and I to my field, via De Wolf. A good ford.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (144)

Cattle have been in my field. I mowed 2 & 3 swathes on W. end of my field. Grass is high as my shoulders at lower side. I mowed almost 1 swath inside of breaking. I sweat a great deal. B got me more water at De Wolf’s. Home late. My back better. Throat sore. B hoarse. I heard flute echo from woods. Tues 27. Clear, some fog. Throat sore, and cold in head. My hips a little lame. [shorthand] cormme l hiver passé. I to town. A lot of us to Jumbo ford, near old bridge. Worked a few minutes & sat down. Jack Fiero lazy as sin. Jim Thompson is Overseer. Davison & Button came with teams. B (Button) me dit: “You must build une maison sur notre claim, I want neighbors.” “Oui!”me dit Davison, et get a woman sinou nous vous [shorthand]” Bollote came. I got a letter from Martha & Ellen Reader. Fine. I wet with sweat. P.M. ) 88. Clear, warm, still. My hips lame yet. I to ford. Worked till 5. Charley Kaw in swimming. Rob Ogee hid his clothes. Charley mad. ((S. Vol. Brown [XXX]. H swore. Button [XXXXX] him. 1911.)) [shorthand] Hunter has gone to L City to enlist. Dr got his pig again, but it escaped. ((Oct 25. 1911. 4:17 p.m. 2 d.)) ((How tired I was just now 47 yrs. ago!)) [Page 219] Aug 28 1861. Wed 28. Clear. ) 60. Some fog. Still. My head has a bad cold in it. B to town with 7 doz eggs. Got broom, soap, 55 c. I to ford, worked till noon. Jim let us off as 2 days work. A wounded man from Springfield in town last night. Shot in head & leg. I saw him home. Still, clouding. Bl. here. Had a chill. PM ) 88. I ground scythe. My head heavy. I to Dr’s. Got musk melons. Ate them with milk. Clouds, Sprinkle. I wrote to Frank. Viz: According to agreement, I again take my pen to address a few lines to you and would have done so sooner had I possessed anything of interest to write. Your last letter was dated the 29 July & I answered it Aug 8. The other day I received a very pleasant letter from my sister Martha & Ellen. I intend to answer their kind letters immediately and try to keep up a regular correspondence between us if agreeable to them of which I feel no doubt. We are all tolerably well. I have suffered from a cold for a few days. My Aunt had an attack of the bilrous fever a [mo.] or so ago but has soon recovered. It is believed that we will have an unhealthy Fall as there is such a rank growth of vegetation. The weather however is so dry that we may escape. Everything is quiet about the Cherokees and some of the wild Indians as formerly. The F G’s meet and drill regularly but have no arms except shot guns, rifles and arms of such description. We have not increased much in numbers since I wrote to you last. 2 other members have requested me to strike their names of the roll. We do not expect to go out of the State and of course we will not see any of the fun unless Jackson or McCulloch should take a notion to invade us. Then expect to hear of the exploits of the F.G. although I cannot now predict in what we will be most distinguished, fighting or retreating. But remember this: If you hear of Sam Reader taking to his heels during action, disown him at once, ((Which he will be sure to do. F.C.)) break off all correspondence, never let it be known that you have a brother. The fear of personal danger is by no means a myth to me, for well I remember the ticklish sensations I experienced when I first heard the hum of bullets from even a distant enemy but in this war the sacred cause in which we are enlisted ought to be enough to nerve the feeblest arms. The thought that success on our part will almost

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (145)

certainly liberate several millions of [XXXX] and down trodden people should give our Abolition friends a [courage] not inferior to any known on Earth. Last evening I saw a wounded man on his way home from Mo. He was wounded in the head & leg at the great Battle of Springfield. A man who lived in Ind. last Winter and a young Frenchman, a friend of my B= in law, were killed at the same battle Col. Mitchels name is the only one on the list that is known by me. He is badly wounded. I knew him when he was Capt of the Co F T Guards in ’56. He was generally liked by his men but was quick tempered and I once saw him have a serious quarrel with Capt Sam Walker for arresting 2 of his men who had taken two horses of W’s men without permission for the sake of taking a ride. Had it not been for the interference of Capt. Whipple (A.D. Stevens, hung at [XXX] , blood might have been spilt in their empty quarrel. A few days ago I sent you a copy of the N.Y. Day Book with a picture suitable for its frontis piece, as I thought. I have read the despicable sheet for several years without receiving any harm or being converted to Slavery & I hear that this evening I have received my last one. I am not so great a friend to the editor as to cry much but at the same time, I do not favor suppressing such papers. Argument is the thing necessary in such cases. No more. ((Oct 25. 1911. 7:23 p.m. 2 d.)) [Page 220] Aug 29 1861. Thurs 29. ) 54. Heavy fog. Still, clear. I wrote P.S. to letter. Fanny has given (inserted) us a fine compliment on the opposite page, perhaps with more truth than poetry. Write soon. O read Day Book. It is my last. B took my letter to P.O. I put up 1 panel of fence. Bl came. We put Fox & Cayes mare in wagon. We drew 1 load for him. He got so weak he had to quit. P.M. Still, hot. Bl got Leonard. We drew 4 loads. I home after sunset. Bad News. V. Brown was here. Said a drove of cattle were in my field last night. Destroyed 50 bu’s. corn. I staked Fox out. I feel well. Dr to Ta. To enlist. Frid 30. Clear, still. ) about 60. Pleasant. I on Fox with ax & scythe. I fixed up fence where cattle and hogs got in. I mowed some. Saw Martha Brown. Otoes, (Indians) in town. Home. Got water & musk melons at Dr. Nell Steward here. Says her father has drank so hard, he has burnt himself out. Warm, Clear. S. ) 90. PM I played flute. I on Fox to Bl. Eugenes mare has run away. I home. Nell left. I ate melon. I put up 3 panel of fence. B. coup deus des mes doigts avec un couteau (case.) F read. [shorthand] Sat 31. Clear. Pleasant. ) 62. I a good appetite. Feel well. B. and I on foot to my field with gun. Met Button. He had just let out 8 head of his cattle that were shut in hier. I mowed on S. side of field, and burnt some on W. I to creek. Peppered a hog. Home. PM. Clear. ) 93. S. windy. A very thick smoky haze came up. I on Fox to P.O. A letter (long) from Frank. I looked at illustrated papers. Bill Thompson just in from Lawrence. We to sch. h. We drilled, Loaded (in 9 times) & fired. I had 2 cartridges. 9 absent. We expelled. H Davison for non attendance and disloyalty. ((He enlisted in the 8th Ks & deserted. Was a physician at Paola, Mo & died Summer of 1911.)) Home. Ate melons. Played fiddle. Read Tribune at night. Wood Hindman & wife have separated for good. (He enlisted in the 8th Kans. Killed at Chickamaugo Sept 20 1863.) La cut my hair. Not close.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (146)

((Oct 25. 1911. 7:33 p.m. 2 d.)) [Page 221] September 1, 1861. Indianola Shawnee Co Kansas US of N. America Samuel J. Readers Private Journal. Sund. 1. ) 70. S, windy, warm, clear. I on Fox to my field. All right. Home. Read Tribune. Ate melons. PM. Clear. I read f. paper. I to Dr’s. All to our house. McN. brought pitchfork home. ) 98. Hot. Windy. Smoky awhile. Mond 2. ) 75. Clear, S, then N.E. Bl got Fox to draw hay with Augell. B & I to my field with gun. No hogs or cattle. I mowed on S. side of field and at S.E. fence. My scythe came loose. We home. DeWolf has begun to cut Drs hay. PM ) 94. Hot. I painted a picture of Dr in uniform. I put up 3 panels. Split out 13 panel &c. N. Clear. [shorthand] La complaining at [shorthand] parcque I do [shorthand]. Thunder. S, clouds. Tuesd. 3. Quite a shower last night. My throat some sore. Savage read. La triste. A mist. S. I began to write to Mat: [XX] Had a very pleasant letter from you on the 27 day of last mo. which is the 1st I have rec’d from P. Kan since F. left you for the war. I again wrote to our father the 22’d of Aug (just a few days before you wrote the [19] came to hand as I had begun to feel uneasy at his [silence]. If it would not too much interfere with him and his pressing business, I should very much like him to give me his views in regard to this war. I should read them with great interest for not with stand regard to this war we disagree in many things politically. I have remarked that he has predicted this state of things several years ago and blaming the Abol. As much if not more than the Fire eaters for their prejudice and hatred towards each other. I have a proposition to make to you and Ellen. It is that you correspond with me regularly which I have no doubt you will agree to as the pleasure it will afford me you can well conceive. Although we *have been so far nearly as much strangers to each other as possibly can be still I am determined to not let the barrier of several hundred miles always keep in arrived to not let the barrier of several hundred miles always keep us so when this war is over (“WHEN THIS CRUEL WAR IS OVER!”) F has promised me that he will pay me a visit and I will probably return with him and see you all. I was sorry to hear of your suffering from the tooth ache it must be extremely painful from what I have heard about it. When I was about 11 years old a violent cold settled on several of my double teeth and I then thought I had a considerable time of it but I suppose it was nothing at all in comparison to the regular toothache. You ask me how my foot gets along. Well it did not trouble me much. The ax cut off the tendon of my big toe and a small artery, but by keeping the wound together with sticking plaster, and remaining perfectly quiet for 3 or 4 days I was able to go at my usual business in less than a week. The weather has been pretty dry for a long time. Our corn crop will be heavy. Vegetables are doing well. Hay will be plenty and cheap. I never saw the grass look better. I suppose you are

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (147)

aware that our meadows are all out on the prairies, and are generally free to all. The grass on the high ground grows ((Oct 26. 1911. 12:33 p.m. 2 d.)) [Page 222] September 4 1861. about ½ ft in height and in low swamps nearly as high as six feet! This latter is very useful in keeping such stock as run out and take care of themselves during the Winter because we never have snows heavy enough to completely bury it. I have no doubt it sounds strange to hear of horses and cattle “wintering” themselves but such is the fact. Last winter was hard on them on account of the shortness of the grass. One day I saw several Indian ponies scraping the snow away with their fore feet in order to get the grass underneath. I do not tell this as “a fish story.” Another staple production of K in this vicinity this year is weeds. This pest seems to spring spontaneously from the ground in places that have been from it heretofore. It is almost impossible to go through the woods now on account of a rough leafed weed which grows 10 or 15 feet in height and as thick as a wheatfield, (almost) [and] is also to a great extent shut out from view by weeds of various kinds. The most prominent among them is the wild sunflower, giving the town at this time a rather golden appearance. Next to them ranks a field dark green weed with a thorny bur which I believe is called gympson, and the rank & file is made up of co*ckleburs hazel bushes and sand burs. Perhaps these weeds are gathering around to hide the secession inhabitants from view. This may give you an idea how a “1 horse town” in the far West, looks. (To be continued. Perhaps; a word I spelled wrong until Tommy Brown corrected me, after “The word”.) I put up 9 panels. Warm. PM. ) 80. I put up 6 panels & finished two panels beyond field, and put up 1, leaning panel. My back some lame. Mon nez (rouge). Cleared up. Wed 4. ) 68. Cloudy, warm. F read yet. B and I to my field. I found hogs around. Je donne deux coups et tue un je pense. I mowed around S.E. fence. Home. PM. Clear, warm. I to Dr. Got melons. Home. Mary Brown here. F. & she helped me grind scythe &c. A Dutchman of Hessen with 2 mules staid in grass. He told his war exploits &c. (I think now he was a horse or mule thief. Oct. 2, 1908. He had been a German soldier, and said our men would “be last” on account of a lack of discipline.) Thurs 5. Foggy, cloudy. The man took breakfast; A little shower. A clap of thunder, sounded like 3 cannon shots. He left for Lawrence. (Jacob Steinbach.) A stray hog here. I wounded it. I on Fox to H mill. Got our 2 sacks meal. I left 1 at Dr’s. I home. My [X] colt came up. I wrote his description, and of other horses. PM. Clear, pleasant. N. I got John. I took 18 La rails to my field. Put them on fence; Hogs have been in but no cattle. I found grapes near De Wolfs. I drew up chips &c from N. fence. A slight shower. I took John home. Got apples. Home. Cloudy. Wrote letter viz: Eliza calls her little girl Joanna Catherine. She wishes to write to you and F also, but has not done so yet as so much of her time is taken up in her household duties and in taking care of her children ((Oct 26. 1911. 1:40 p.m. 2 d.))

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (148)

[Page 223] September 6, 1861. who are the greatest mischiefs in the Township. You wished us to send you our likenesses. Well as our daguerreotypist is out of materials necessary for taking pictures, I took it upon myself to sketch the profile of the Dr. while he was talking to my Aunt last Sund, and finished it from memory in his Naval uniform which he wore while serving as surgeon in the F. Navy. It is quite correct excepting the color of the coat which is a shade or two darker. The face will I think give you a tolerable idea how D Camp’s looks only remember I never flatter when I attempt to draw a persons likeness. To aid a little I will jot down a few items concerning his personal appearance. He is about 5 ft. 10 in. height and inclined to corpulency; Weighs about 180 or 185 lbs. A large head with a heavy covering of black hair and a luxuriant beard of the same color. He has black or very dark brown eyes, piercing but with a mirthful expression ordinarily. His hands and feet are small, for a man of his size. Well I have done my best you [XXX] on this subject with pen & pencil but still have my doubts whether you would know your brother in law should you meet him an ordinary stranger. It is getting dark. Must close Write soon S.J.R [shorthand]. Frid 6. Clear, cool. ) 50. I mowed S. of our house. Jack Curtis had struck out a piece near house. Augell drawing his hay with Bl. ) 83. W. Clouds. W. I mowed and then raked and put up 9 co*cks. B. to my field. All right. F. at Augells. Dr. here at night. Bad news: Jim Lane retreating at Ft. Scott. Barclay Copice was killed on R.R. other day. Widow Pappan married to Smith. Her other beau Cy Grant going to the war. (He went and died thereof?) Wood H. has left the “diggins.” Cy Kistler un enfant. I played parts on fiddle. F. sang. La puts her cows in Dr’s pasture tomorrow. Sat 7. ) 54. Some clouds. I mowed awhile. B to field. All right. He met Vol. B. I raked. B. I raked. PM ) 70. E, cool, Clouds. I co*cked hay. Have about 40. I shouldered shot gun. Went to P.O. Rose, Bill Thompson and I to sch. h. Rose got 10 names for the “Home Guard. (8th Regt.) Two Roses, Bill Kemp, W. Wendel, Mcnu*tt & 2 Stamps &c. I refused to join. Too much work to do, &c. I formed Co. Bill played fife. We marched into Indianola. Fired 2 volleys. F. at Petes; qui dit “Py colly! Sam the only one who [shorthand]. Miss co*cks & Milne were coming here today. I called roll and gave list to Corp. Mcnu*tt. Dr wants to be with Army. Button gave us a speech about this “H Guard” &c. Owen angry and left. ( (And barefoot Wilkinson left also. He left his gun on the ground. “I wont hurt it,” Button said!”)) Vol. says Button told him he had lost several hogs. Je les tue je pense. Angell here for news at night. Clouds. ((Oct 26. 1911. 2:10 p.m. 2 d.)) WAR’S ALARMS!!! [Page 224] September 8 1861.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (149)

Sund. 8. ) 58. Some clouds, thunder, &c. B to field. All right. I put up rest of hay 10 co*cks. 50 in all. McN. here awhile. I wrote to Les, of nus jambs louge, F. Guards &c. F. on Fox to S.S. at Rochester. Vol Brown here at the tail of the wind. Said 2000 Mo’s burning Atchison. Wants us all at 2 o’clock. I was afraid my field was on fire or something. PM> I fixed up. F home. Augell & I to town a cheval. He joined H.G. We to Sch. h. 30 or 40 there. John Hiller prest himself and Vol. B. to Osawkee to gain intelligence. Jim Thompson and Jack Fiero came. I can get a rifle of Jim. We to town. I at Jims. Got his rifle, “Played a C. flute. I to P.O. Got my revolver moulds of Mrs. Rose. Saw Mrs. Button and Henrietta and Mrs. Brown & family. (Rev.) Early invited me to come and hear his temperance lecture ce soir. Clinton asked me what I was agoing to do with rifle. I said to tickle Secessionists. I home. To Dr. Cleaned gun. Mrs. A & Julie here. F.B. & I to town. Heard the lecture against License Laws. Saw Mrs Jim Brown. Ne pas belle. La at E’s. Clear, pleasant. A humbug je pense. Mond 9. ) 54. Clear. I to P.O. Put my letter in to Leo. I to Mrs. Brown. Vol not home. I borrowed their scythe. I home. Ground it. Bl came late. We mowed. Caye has joined the Home G. Mrs. A. here. Went to Sch. H. to hunt up O.T. Augell and back car dine. PM. Cool, pleasant. Augell came. Vol & Hiller back. The Mo’s in great force. Are just over river at Atchison. Bl & Augell went and drew in his hay. I raked and co*cked 35 or 40. Old co*cks came and warned me to meet at Sch H. I on Fox to Dr’s. He just home from Topeka. The cannon and some men have left for Mo. river. I hitched up in buggy. Dr and I to Sch H. Many there. Capt. Rose called to order, et dit. I nominate Samuel Reader couime Chairman. “Je dit:” I object to the nomination,” &c. ((Oct 26. 1911. 2:22 p.m. 2 d.)) [Page 225] SECRET MEETING. Sept 10 1861. I nominated J. Hiller; others, Capt. Rose & c. Rose said “Mr. Reader is the most suitable person car [shorthand]. “He must do his duty. “Je fais un motion que nous appoint trois hounus fort pour niettre lui a la chaise.” Duelgu un appointed Dr. C. et I went to the chair. I said:”I do not object of the meeting.” [shorthand] &c. J Hiller came up and stated that the object is to press the arms of Seceshers.” Others said wait till the Gov.’s proclamation. I appointed W. Wendel, Wm Kemp, Bickell and Augell to clear out the boys, and, stand guard. Augell excused. Marple volunteered. Agreed to post pone till le soir demain. Took names &c. Dr and I home. Some Eastern mail came via Holton. Tuesd 10. Rainy, warm. I to Dr. Got melons. Home, Read. Fixed stack yard. P.M. ) 75. Warm, cloudy. B and I shelled 1 sk of corn. Vol Brown and Bouem came. Got grass and ground an ax. A heavy shower; then moderate. I to P.O. Saw Hiller from Ta. No Proclamation of Gov. I looked at Illustrated papers. A Tribune and Conservative for Dr . Better news. Slacked. I home. Drs hay out yet. So is DeWolfs & Jim W.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (150)

Wed 11. Clear, still, muddy, a little. [shorthand] calves out & sucked cows. La fache. Mon ruffian dos lame again. I mowed. Brown and Bouem got grass. I feed hogs early corn, pulled off. I to town with Leonard and Augell. No go tomorrow. I at Thompsons. Billiard room. Saw Hiller. My pistol is at Chubbs. Bill T. played a C flute (or piecalo) finely. Ball to night. I home. Norris here for oxen. Jeff Davis dead. Je enten du Scoffield pare haut. Is he a hypocrite. He is an Opium eater. Thurs 12. Clear. I put yoke on Lady. Bl and I mowed till 10. I raked. He co*cked. Augell got rollers. PM Some clouds. S. We raked and co*cked, &c. My back better. I took a sk. corn to mill, and got wagon covers at stacks, at 1 PM. ((Oct 26. 1911. 3: p.m. 2 d.)) [Page 226] Battle of Hickory Point 5 Years ago. September 13th 1861. Frid 13. ) 68. Warm, cloudy. I righted up co*cks. A steady rain came up. I read Tribune. I to Dr. Got melons. Kansas safe. Scoffields vauche passé dessous le cloiture, et mange le maise, Le soir passé. Dr lvi voir avec un grand pumpkin and over took him et dit: “Vous prendz mes pumpkins.” S lui repondit. “I did not get it daus votre champs.” &c Fun. My hips and back not so well. Rainy. PM ) 79. Slacked, warm. S. I wrote to Frank. Une bouue. Co copy. (Extract. FRANK: ) His Satanic Majesty ought to be the patron of Ind. I was going to say but will wait until I know whether he can stand their strychnived liquors or not. The most prominent features of our town now, are weeds, whiskey and traitors – Read opinion of Slavery with much interest = differ on some minor points but agree on the main question &c. &c. ((Now he is a radical Rep. and I am a liberal. Mch. 3 1909. 4 3/4 p.m.)) B. to town. P.O. not open. He got a shot & coffee with 4 ½ eggs. About 40 cts. La and I cleared yard and let pigs in with sow. They fight. Indians here with moccasins. No trade. I to Clinton House. He open P.O. Put my letter in. No news. Vois et parle a Mille Corbeau (Miss. Solembarker) ((Looked like a crow I thought. 1911.)) Home. Clear. Sat 14. Warm. S breezy. My right hip and loins are very lame again. Nous avous quatre chats maintenant. I looked at hay. It is not very wet. I made stack bottom. I mended door. Je me lave tout le corps. Je eussi rase mon [shorthand] (under lip & by ears.) Scoffield here awhile. PM. ) 90. I on Fox to Peters. He gone to Geo. Youngs. Town looks bare. I to Sch. h. Saw a crowd at the Judd house. I there. Our boys of H.G’s (Home Guards) there. M. Rose is 1st Lieut. E.D. Rose 2nd Sergeant. Hiller 4th & Bryan 5th &c. The Co. has 50; and no Topeka boys in it. They started in 2 wagons. Rose me dit que Augil [shorthand] (forged) une order sur lui car $5 at [shorthand] (Tin Shop.) Six of us at Sch. house. Sat a long time. F Wendel drilled us awhile. Erwin and I to Ind. I in at Billiard room Fairchild in town. I got ink of Bucket 10 [cents] (And its good. Oct 4 1908.) at P.O. Looked at Dr. paper no news. I got my Flute book. Came home. Miss co*cks and Eliza Milne were here awhile. I played flute. Don’t feel right.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (151)

((Oct 26. 1911. 2:11 p.m. 2 d.)) LAST OF FREMONT GUARDS! [Page 227] September 15 1861. Sund 15. ) 65. N. Cloudy, misty a little. Pleasant. My back lame yet. B got f. paper. I read. Ate melons &c. PM. Cloudy, W. Misty. I to Dr. He gone. McN there. Fan Bollete to stay at Bl’s. I got 2 melons and came home. An Indian and Squaw here. La gave a chicken for 1 pr. Moccasins & another for scissors, deux saucers et 5 [cents]. B donne une melon car 1 qt grapes. Cloudy misty. La & I to E’s to get cows. Mond 16. ) 62. Cloudy and partly clear. Back lame, ou sivon le dos, les reins. I to Bl. Got Eugene’s mare. I put her and Fox in wagon; drew a few rails to S. fence. Bl. from Ind’a Bl & I to Bellmore’s; got his wagon and rack. We drew 2 loads; 1 not off. I pitched and stacked. W. clear, pleasant. PM. ) 75 or 80. I loaded Bl pitched. My back better. We unloaded. Drew 3 more. I in yard. De Wolf began to draw Dr’. hay. Bl left mare. B says Dr. lui dit que le Washington is taken by C.S.S.A. I played flute & fiddle (While “Rome burns!”). ((BATTLE OF THE SCYTHE 12,09)) Tuesd. 17. ) 60. Clear. Up early. Harding wont grind any more, et nous n’ avons pas un beaucoup de meal. Bl. came. We unloaded and drew 3 more loads. 1 in yard. PM. ) 80. S. windy. I topped out stack. Nell Steward here for old horse. (She had a rope & La said “Sam must look out!”) I left load in field of damaged hay for top. I with Bl; He home. I got Augells sythe. He at Ta. I home. Mowed a little. I to Dr’s. Got melons. De Wolf et son gendre drawing hay. Leon was here. I home; ground sythe. Mon nez [shorthand] (rouge) et mes yeux. (My nose & eyes are RED. Not [XXX]!) Wed 18. ) 70. S clear, breezy, warm. My back (small of) not well yet. J’ai peur [shorthand] farble pen. I near stable; mowed grass. PM. Warm, S, windy, clear. ((Oct 26. 1911. 3:12 p.m. 2 d.)) [Page 228] September 19. 1861. ) 90. B & F are at Milnes. A Half breed here awhile. I played flute. Dr & Leon here. (Ce matin Jim T. here to collect Town tax of me. $1.60. La $1.80. I didn’t pay. One Jas. Young has my 9 acres of town site.) I out. Raked hay, and mowed more. Pete here. Saw hogs in our field &c. F. heard flute other end of Dr. field. ROAD WORK Thurs. 19. I co*cked hay before breakfast. B found hogs in our field. We to Ogee. He will take care of his. To Jim T. He will let me work out my tax. Elliott (Rouge) and I at ford. Drew

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (152)

gravel. We got plow at Majors. Davison helped. PM. I to town. Jim T. drunk abed. (A pretty kind of Road Overseer!) Bill T. playing a fiddle worth $75. I saw Geo. Young, Town Co. will never meet again. At 3 Red Elliott and I drew 2 loads of stone from Half Day to ford. Home. B and I topped up stack, and La helped co*ck the hay. She raked this PM eve by moonlight. F read a book she got of Mrs. Milne. Thunder W. clouds. Frid 20. ) 60. Quite a shower last night. Cloudy, cleared. I to Dr; got his spade. I to town. Left Thompsons rifle at Rods. I to Majors house. Talked with “Red” Bryan about guns. Elliott and I drew 3 loads of dirt, and filled a hold for our job. N. Cool. Clouds. (They marched me on, this wet and dry, to tunes more loud than charming, while lugging knapsack box, and gun were harder work than farming. (Old School song of LaHarpe Ill.) Sat 21. Clear, Heavy dew. ) 44. Cold. I mowed till 10. La & B out; got crabapples, and walnuts. Dr here; Skirmishes in Mo. Johnson (Col.) killed. I put hay in winrow. La shelled a sack of corn. PM. I got ready; took corn to mill. I to sch. h. Lieut Rose came with soldiers cap & jacket. He is recruiting &c. He drilled us a little in 4 ranks. We meet in 2 weeks. Got 1 sk meal. Home. Cool, N. ((Oct 26. 1911. 3:15 p.m. 2 d.)) [Page 229] September 22. 1861. Sund 22. ) 43. Clear. Leve de boune heure. I to Bl. He took Fox. Hunted his mare; failed. La caught old Kit. Both my colts with her. I leveled stack. At 11 Bl. came. We drew and unloaded 1 load. PM. Clear. S.W. Nice day. We drew and unloaded 3 loads. I topped stack. Haying done. Soupe Bl. home. Blackey in field; A hard time to get her out. Pete here. Osceola Mo. burned by Lane. Mond. 23. ) 45. Clear. Fog. I to Dr; got his auger and ladder. After I mended fence around stack & cow yard. Dr tristle. I home. B to claim. All right. I topped and raked stack. Put weight poles on; hangers &c. Mrs. Augell. I swim. Ici [shorthand] Elle se manqué, [shorthand] O.T. &c. Warm, clear, still. I feel tinglay. I took a dose of quinine. PM. Desperate, deux [shorthand] neuf. S.W. I at work. Set a post and hung cow yard gate near stable. I put Kit and Fox to Belmores wagon. B and I took it home. He and Augell putting cogs in the sugar machine. It dont work right. I got our wagon. Put a little wood in it and home. E. et enfants ici. I to P.O. Got a letter from Frank. No news. I got 1 box matches 10 cts. I got Drs papers, Met him; Home with him. E read letter. Home. Bill Thompson here till late. I played fiddle. He flute. Jim Bryan, (Red) whipped Clinton other night. Bill Thompson is funny. Tuesd. 24. ) 50 or 60. Still, clear. W. Clouds. I out; made 3 panels of leaning fence. Set stakes &c. PM. ) 85. S. I made and put in a good ax helve. I on Fox to Majors. Saw threshers. They will come to Dr’s. A shower came up. I in town. Bill T. calls La his half-aunt. (She’s not flattered.) Bad news: 4000 Federals prisoners at Lexington Mo. Rainy. Home. F is sick. She was at Stewards.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (153)

((Oct 26. 1911. 3:22 p.m. 2 d.)) [Page 230] Septem. 25 1861. Wed. Rain all night. N. Cool. Slacked. I made B an axe handle and a ramrod. Read f. paper. Fache contra [shorthand]. Elliott here for me to help him thresh this PM. I went. I pitched. N, cool, clear. I at Dr at night. E. triste. Thurs 26. ) 41. Clear, cold. La caught Kit. B and I to woods. Got hoop poles & hazel nuts. I hooped a barrel. I hitched up; took in our 3 barrels, To E.’s got 3 boxes and 2 barrels. Took them to stacks. Dr away. [shorthand] F. helping E. home. PM ) 60. I in wagon to E’s. Sawed off table legs. Fan Bollote rode up and asked for letters, and went to Bls. I to woods; got two formed posts &c. Home. Turned out. Bl. here. I feel sore &c. Have caught a cold. Clear. N.W. windy and cold. Clear, N.W. windy, cold. La got 4 yds of calico for 2 chickens and moccasins for 2 melons. ((Barter with the Aborigamies.)) I have a cold creeping on me. ((So its trying to catch me this time? [XX] 13 09.)) PM. I arranged things. Machine came and was unloaded. I cut E. some wood, 3 men at Dr. Got ready. I home. Read at night. F. at E’s Dr’s John here. THRESHING. I acted as Drs factor & paymaster. X 95 [cents] Frid 27. ) 37. Some frost on boards. Clear, N. Cool. Augell here early. I hitched up. To field. H. Davison came in Elliotts place. I pitched. We thrashed Dr’s stack 52 bu. and Bellmores 43 ½ Mine, almost; 16 bu. N. cold. Bl. helped. Nous mangons a la Dr’s PM. Clear. We finished Sharri’s stack 52 ½ bu. E. gave me money. I paid for Dr. $4.15 for La mou argeant $1.30. They started for Ta. I took part of Dr’s wheat home, and ours. Two men here; Got corn 35 [cents]. So La owes me 95 [cents]. N. Cold, clear. F read. ICE Sat 28. Clear. Heavy frost. ) 31. Ice like thin glass. My back and hips lame. I feel tired and sore. I hitched up; drew all drs wheat in his kitchen. He did nothing [shorthand] with it. ((Oct 26. 1911. 4:33 p.m. 2 d.)) [Page 231] Sept. 29. 1861. [Bl] est triste; not well. &c. I took his place to fix things, all right. [shorthand] I gave E. her change &c. Helped move stove. Bl & wife [XXX] to gather up scattered wheat and incidentally any news. B. & I home. A man McArthur I guess was here at 10. Presented a note of $60 with 10 ys interest signed by Joseph S. Cole. He found his mistake and left. La was

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (154)

scared. We of course thought all his miserable debts paid at last & so it is. All of us along river for nuts. But few. We near Hardings. Got more & bitter nuts. Meal not ground. Home late. I took John home about dark. W. clouds. Dr not home. He was to a meeting to appoint (elect?) Delegates to choose Co. officers this P.M. F read stories. Cloudy, Sprinkle. Dr. [G.] elected Delegate. Sund 29. Cloudy, Moderate rain. ) 50. My right hip and back very sore. I read f story. B and I got over a sk. nuts in Dr’s field. He will go to war. Was here in AM ; and was elected Delegate over Bowker and Davison. Misty. I home. Dismal weather. F read useless tales. ((The Dr. has turned to Politics & to War!! Fame & Glory.)) I 55 [cents] Mond 30. Ne rien, nothing, mix, pas des choses. SE. Cloudy. ) 50. B and I on Fox to Bellmores pasture where the little imposter, Joe, told us we would find plenty of nuts; but failed. Home. I read; Am lame. PM. E. & W. Cloudy. We got nuts at creek. B. to town with 7 doz eggs. Tea, needles, &c. The flag in town all in strips and tatters. F. read State Record at night. Old Abe has justified Fremonts course! (It is now 4:12 p.m., March 13, 1909 and I think I will not reink, or retrace any more in this Vol. (5.) I hope this writing will be legible March 13. A.D. 2001. I will then, no doubt, be quite a curiosity? ____________________________________________________________________________ (( Now see here, I went ahead & reinked nearly of this Vol. No 5. [XXX] I reinked Vols: No’s 6, No 7, No 8, No 9, No 10, No 11, No 12 & part of No 13 & now I am going over this Vol. again, [this] ((Oct. 26, 1911. 5. p.m. [ed.])) [Page 232] October 1st AD 1861.x Samuel J Reader Private Journal & Day Book. Indianola Shawnee Co. Kansas U.S.A. Tuesd. 1. S windy. W. clouds. ) 60. Hip lame. Rainey most all day lightly. I made a fine picture of John Brown for Miss A.E. Milne. PM. I read mon livre [shorthand]. Played flute. Back & hip quite lame. Mrs. A to town in a shower for O.T., Old lady Sick. F. read. Un beaucoup de [shorthand]. Wed 2. ) 55. Some clouds. N. Up late. I set a post in cow yard. La to see “Want to know.” ((“WANTANOSE.” as La says.)) She a cancer in stomach. B and I for paw paws. Failed. Found bitter nuts and a few hazels and hickory nuts. Home. PM. N.E. Clouded up. ) 70. B and I to my claim. We burnt mowed grass on all sides of field. Too wet. Green grass burnt on N. side. Home. Throat sore, &c. F read.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (155)

Thurs 3. ) 58. E. Some thunder. Clear. Throat sore. Mon nez rouge. (My nose is red and turns to the right side, a little!” [Awful!]”) [shorthand] un peu Je suis [shorthand] x I to E end of E. field. Mowed around fence. Got 1/2 sk hazelnuts. Home. I sat around. Dr has a new buggy box, by Owen. PM. ) 87. S, windy. Warm. My cold is bad in head. I mended and arranged door latch and lock, so as to keep “Whelp” out at night. Dr. here from Ta. as Delegate. Says I can go to mill there. F read fool stories. I feel bad. La digging “tater’s”. ((And did I let my poor old Aunt dig potatoes like that? Oct 1911.)) Frid 4. Cloudy, thunder, S., warm. ) 58. I feel better. Rainy. I got things ready. Mended harness. Fan Bollote and youngone at E’s gathering beans. P.M. N.W. Misty. Dr here. I got an order on ferryman. I got John. Loaded up and started for Ta. 6 sacks of wheat for us 7 for Dr. Misty, dismal &c. Crossed river. Unloaded at mill. ((Oct 26. 1911. 5:15 p.m. 2 d.)) [Page 233] October. 5 x 1861 x AT MILL IN TOPEKA I up in town, Saw the boys of 2 and Reg. just in on furlough. I slept in saw mill. A row of Laurients at night. 1 soldier slightly stabbed. N, cloudy, Sprinkley. I weigh 170 lbs. Dr. 462 lbs wheat. La 390. x Sat 5. Cold. Cleared. N. I up in town. Got grist at 10. 4 1/2 sks. of flour for all. I started over river on Dr a/c. Saw Corp. Frank Mc. Kenney (And I remember Middaugh asked him. “You’ve got so your not afraid of bullets”) and John Raker in uniform. Told me war news &c. I home at 12 x La has finished potatoes. PM. Clear, N. cool. I on Fox; In town. Saw Sergt Rose, “Well I don’t know,” in uniform, after recruits. We all, Union, & disunion, to sch. h. Bowke called house to order. Morgan took chair. Dr. Jack [Thalor] Owen & others spoke Fremont Guards are broken up and we all joined another Co. 32 names. Rose wanted me to accept his place of Justice of the peace. I refused. (Good! Oct 5 1908.) I with Button to town. I saw Sam Hughs; He gave me my pistol belt, and awful rusty. Home. F read &c. I to bed early. X 25 lbs. flour. Sund 6. ) 38. Clear. Some frost. [shorthand] of farine neuf Noir. I to H. mill. Got meal. B to field. All right. Joe Bellmore here. Got 25 lbs flour. I cleaned pistol. I broke the hammer of it. PM. I read &c. F. at Augells.La at E’s & home. Animals fat. Je dit a La: [shorthand] depuis quatre arrs; et a present [shorthand] (I WILL GO TO THE WAR. A big joke.) Bl here at evening. My leg &c, pains. Mond 7. Still. Clear. I tried to cut buckwheat. Too lame. I to E’s. Dr. and Bowker gone to Lane’s. B-e. I home; read &c. PM. Clear. N.W. Pleasant. F. at Stewards. I to town. Old Jock View drunk; thought I was his son in law (Geo. Young.) then he wanted to whip me. Geo.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (156)

Young and Higg. moving the store for fear of Jay Hawkers. Pucket told me the Thompsons were to blame. Mrs. Clinton told me that there were no ((Oct 26. 1911. 5:33 p.m. 2 d.)) [Page 234] October 8 1861. Secessionists in town! I home. A hog in field. (Let him die the death!) F home. Clinton stealing my wood. ((And afterwards got to robbing the Mail the rascal.)) F at E’s. I 25 [cents] Tuesd 8. Clear. ) 48. I am better. I to town. Put in a paper for Frank. I to my woods near town. Clinton has not been there. I in at Billeys. Saw Hughes. I got pegs and sole leather 25 [cents]. Home. E. & Yonkers ici [shorthand]. P.M. Smokey. S, windy, warm. I half soled my big boots, and heeled them finely. McN. here. All left. Augell brought Dr’s papers here. F at E’s. La & I read. (Ce matin B to Jim W. Told them of their sow. Mrs. Jim quizzed him. Said sow was lame &c. That Button found 2 dead hogs in my field.) (Vol. Brown’s work?) Bully for Val, I say. Wed 9. ) 55. S, windy. Sprinkle. Clouds. My 2 colts up. We put my big one in Dr pasture. Moved his trough and made a spout. Home. PM. S.W. Cloudy. B and I with team near Gopher home. Got load of wood. Kit pulls well. Home. Little Tom Wallace here. Wants me not to kill his sow, for a few days. I got up nearly a load of corn. Cloudy. N.W. B got Dr paper. Jim Lane calls Gov. Robinson a traitor. ((And old Mrs. Gov. Robinson now calls Jim Lane all kinds of mean things, so [XXXX] says just now, this 26th of Oct. 1911 at 6:50 p.m. here as I write.)) A CAUCUS. Thurs 10. Rainy all night. N., cold, Raw. Bollote is sick at Ft. L’h. I shelled a sk, of new corn. PM. ) 60. N, wind, cold. I mowed buckwheat. Clear. Augell brought paper I got Drs pony. We to Marples (Old Wesley). Gregg took chair. (NATHAN) We got a ticket up viz: Capt. Bowker. 1st Sergt. Reader, &c. O.T. Augell [shorthand] wanted to be 1st Lieut, mais manqué tout. They wanted me for Justice of Peace. I refused. B. Kistler was put in (after I had nominated A.R. Button &c no second to it. Poor Ard!!) Frosty. Half moon. Still, Clear. Home late. ((“I REFUSED CIVIL OFFICE. IT WAS BEST. FEAR OF STAGE FRIGHT, STRONGEST OBJECTION TO IT. 1911.)) Frid 11. ) 28. Clear, Still. Ruffian ‘matics yet. Frost, ice x ((Oct 26. 1911. 11:40 p.m. 2d hitch.)) [Page 235] October 12, 1861 x

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (157)

I pulled up crib floor, and put it higher. Dr. home and here. Got no place. Saw “Contrabands” &c. W. Clear, warm. PM. B and I hunted Fox, failed. I at Scoffields (in Wood H’s house). Saw old woman, Mrs Jim come. Je lui aide [shorthand] a pail of water.She for a political compromise. I make comic pictures in “Epic of Starry Heavens.” I scorched my back & hips for [XXXX] [XXXX]. ((Oct 27. 1911. 12:50 a.m. 2d hitch.)) A “CUT & DRIED” MILITARY ELECTION. ((FIZZELED.)) Sat 12. ) 40. Clear. Still x La out on Kit to hunt Lady cow; failed, but found Fox. I threshed out some buckwheat. Was going to shoot old She=kit for a wolf. Dr. here. PM. W, warm. I in Bl wagon with corn to H. mill. We to sch. house. Not many Pro S men there. Elected officers all together. Vis: Capt. Bowker x 1st Lieut & Gregg 2nd Geo Young. I voted for him and dident like to slight Morgan. 3rd T. Hiller x Ensign J. Bryan x 1st Sgt. S.J. Reader (Jack Firo ran against me. I won.) Jack Firo a Sergeant. Bill T. Last Corp. I to P.O. A letter from Frank. Bill T. was [XXX] about our having our officers picked out Augell in town and fache aussi. The Millerites end of the world today x ((Ferd. Wendel wanted to be Capt. or Lieut. & was so mad & disappointed he enlisted in the 8th .)) Sund 13. Pleasant. I to Augell, He to mill. I to Bellmore. Saw Frank McKenna; Gave me an account of war. He lent me his 4 keyed ebony draw flute. I home. Pappan killed Dr’s Mooly cow. Gave him (Dr.) 1 hind qr. And $15. PM. I wrote to Frank. Bl. here. We ground his scythe. Tried to burn off grass. Bill T. here at night. We played flutes. I feel better in back. I 40 [cents] Mond. 14. ) 40. Clear. Morris McN got wagon. I finished letter to Frank. A good one of 4 pages. Main points. / An [XX] of prairie fires wind &c. 2nd : about our new Company. “Your humble servant was elected Ard. Segt: probably on a/c of his six feet two”. About the 2nd reg Jim Lane on plundering “The cause is too holy either considered as a war in support of our Union or as a war for the emancipation of the African race in our midst to allow & base desire for plunder to occupy the soldiers thoughts.” My opinion of the war. Think slavery ought to be put an end to, Uphold Fremont’s acts &c, &c. ((Jim Lane & Chaplain Fisher preached decorum to the Kansas Soldiers, but it often went in at one ear & out the other.)) ((Oct 27. 1911. 11:00 a.m. 2d.)) [Page 236] Oct 15 1861. X Sam. Reader x ((HE WAS SIX FOOT TWO, WITHOUT HIS SHOES!X)) B TO CLAIM. I PUT UP 3 PANELS OF LEANING FENCE. Clem Davison came to get me to fire over creek, but wind wrong. S.W. B. home. All right. B and I burnt off grass E. of fields. Old woman Steward threw fire over road; Beat it out. PM. Very warm. I read papers. Clear smoky. We burnt grass S. of field. I threshed some buckwheat. Hurts my hips. I to P.O. Got 10 stamps 30 [cents]. Put Franks letter in. I got mustard of Rod. I heard Miss Solembarker play

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (158)

on her seraphine. Bill F. said it was out of time and tune. He played accordion. No papers. I started for home. Bill called me back; wants to serenade. I home. Got flutes. To T. saloon. Sergt E.D. Rose tuned fiddle. We played finely. Some of the men sung. Bill says my flute is the best. We serenaded Abbot, Gabby, Pucket, Ogee, Thompson, Cummins, Brown, Mrs. Brown, Solem Barkers, and Clinton, Rork, and Jack T. with us. They were treated at most of the places. We to Dr’s. He came out and added “I’m sorry I have nothing to drink to offer you.” Rose sant Red White & Blue. Played “Hail Columbia and Jordan. Dr. with us to our house. We played Old folks at home, Midnight hour, and Jordan. All left. I to bed at 12 or after. Tuesd 15. ) 59. Cloudy, Still. I out to thresh buckwheat but it began to rain moderately. I took some of the walnuts up stairs. I got in corn to shell. My old flute is easier to fill and sounds softer than the new one. &c. PM. We shelled some corn. I to Dr’s. He got a letter for me from Mat & Ella. They think Dr’s picture fine. Ellen claims it. Nell Stewart here at night for horse, barefoot. I played flutes. She liked music last night. E. said Dr. was angry when we first went there; Thought we were drunkards. Rainy. Wed 16. I had red peppers on back. Am better. ) 55. Warm. Cloudy, misty. I shelled corn, Played, Read &c. B found Browns (Jim) old sow and pigs in field. I told his boy, Tom, of it. Nell Steward here. PM. Cloudy, Misty. F. at Augell’s. ((Oct 27. 1911. 4:10 p.m. 2.)) [Page 237] Oct. 17. 1861. I did but little. I played fiddle and flute at night. Heard a drum. Thurs. 17. ) 50. Rain all night. N.W. Cool, raw. A fine rain about all day. I copied music. I did nothing much x PM. N.W., Misty. B. got f. paper. I drawing a John Brown for Sisters &c. Made comic pictures at night. Cloudy. N, cold x Frid 18. Cloudy, Still, warmer. My “matics” better. I got horses up. [shorthand] La [shorthand] about fire. B and I with team. Took corn to H. mill. No grind. We got load of wood near Hummer. I got load of corn. Bill T. here. Got flute & wants me at a Ball tonight and play too. PM. ) 60 or so. Clear, pleasant. I got in and shelled some corn. Nell Stewart here. La hunted cows. [shorthand] Je me porte mis habits. I to saloon. “Well” playing and drinking. The Ball a fizzle. Bill had (some trouble. Came in the saloon, all in a sweat.) Rose and I played; then Bill came and we tore away at the music. He beats me playing. I home late. Foggy. Full moon. Sat 19. ) 40. Clear. N. Very pleasant. I got Tribune and Daily at Dr. I shelled corn. I read paper, N, coldish. I finished crib floor. PM. N, NE. Clear. I on Fox to Sch. H. About 15 there. Nothing done. Ferdinand W mad because he got no office. Morgan there all right. (( Yes, Bill Morgan was too much of a man to show vexation. 1911.)) I to my field. Tried to burn; failed. No wind. Bonem digging potatoes. I to P.O. A fight at Harpers Ferry. Vol. Brown came up with gun &c. Saw a big pumpkin at Agee. 100 lbs. Home. I sent Frank flute and book home by Augell. He has left Company. I begin to play [XXX] Homepipe well.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (159)

Sund 20. Frost. Clear, still. The locust leaves are falling off, and not a breath of wind. My back and hips not well yet. Tom Jefferson here with a Braves badge. ((Hatchet)) He lost his pony last night and will give $2.00 reward &c, Me & Norris ((Oct 27. 1911. 4:44 p.m. 2d.)) [Page 238] Oct 21, x 1861. X here hunting steers. He saw pony back of field. La got it. [XXX] officious and amusing. S.E. Clear. Warm. Smokey. We cant find Pott steer. I wrote to Mat viz: DS. Martha: I rec a very welcome letter from you and Ella on the 15 of this mo. containing the tidings of your good health and general prosperity. I few days previous I rec. a letter from Frank which I answered immediately as it was the 2 one I had rec. since writing by him. I truly feel proud of him in his present position; and regret I cannot with him lend a helping hand to aid our Gov in putting down this wicked rebellion several weeks ago 14 or 15 of our neighbors mostly members of our Independent Co. enlisted in the Home Guards; but I did not go with them although strongly urged to do so. It certainly looked bad to see some of them men of families leaving for the war while a great strapping fellow like me stayed at home x But maybe I will yet have a chance to show myself as patriotic as my brother especially if our State should be invaded when every good citizen will be invited to turn out and drive the invaders back. I solace myself with the thought that if I cannot help our cause as a soldier I certainly can as a farmer. So for the present at least I will have to be one of the producing [chaps]. The reason I have not enlisted yet is that I have my business in such a situation that should I leave everything would be liable to go to destruction and my Aunt would also be left without any one to see after her affairs except the Dr. and he is of but little account in the farming line x These are my principal reasons which I hope you will accept and not think I am kept from the field through cowardice, if I am naturally adapted for running not with standing. We are all in tolerable health excepting the Drs children. They both had the chills a few days ago and have not got rid of them yet. Little Leon was the worst. He is my favorite and seems to think, a considerable of his “unk Sam!” as he calls me. He has now arrived at the period when children are the most interesting and prattles continually. His father is teaching him The French language at which he is quite a proficient already and often salutes me in Fr. I tried to draw his likeness a short time ago but he was like the darkeys pig that ran about so he could’ent be counted In short he would not be still a moment; therefore I will have to defer drawing his portrait until he gets old enough to comprehend what I want or else screw his head in a carpenter vise. Of course he would be still then but his phiz would not present a very pleasing appearance, for he possesses a temper that would do honor to his Frankish ancestors of the older time. In personal appearance he strongly resembles his father; a regular Dr. C. in miniature minus beard and moustaches. X Dade as they call the little girl is prettier featured than Leon and promises to be a fine girl. But I believe I will drop the subject for the present and if I have tired you with it you must remember that it is natural for old bachelors to dote upon their nephews and nieces x Our Indianola folks of the Secesh stripe are quiet now partly owing perhaps to a serenade at which I assisted a few evenings ago. As music is said to soothe the most savage mind. The way

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (160)

it happened I was in town the other evening to post my last letter to Frank in the P.O. where I found Sergt. Rose of the H.G.d returned on a recruiting tour and another young man who is a fine flutist. Mr. Rose got his fiddle and the other man his flute. I returned home (half a mile) and got my flute also on which I can perform a little and we visited every (house [XXXX] excepted) with the exception of a crabbed Dutchman and a bachelor shoemaker whom we concluded could do without our melody. At the houses of noted Seceshionists we played Y.D.H.C. and other patriotic tunes as Unionish suck airs as Old Folks at Home, Jordan [XX]. The worst feature of our evenings entertainment was that at several of the houses we were invited in and liquor denominated Tangle foot Chain lightening. Bust head &c were set before us the consequence was that friends Rose and Thompson were complaining of headache the next day; on account of liberal portions imbibed in the evening of the poisonous stuff*

• As we did Oct. 22, 1864. ((Oct 27. 1911. 11:57 p.m. 2d.)) [Page 239] DR CAMPPORA’S SERMANS Oct 21 1861. Which one of them said was composed of strychnine and cayenne pepper. As I belong to the Temperance Society and rigidly uphold and practice total abstinence I of course suffered no ill effects. In our rounds we went to the Drs house who lives several hundred yards E of our house and commenced playing under his window. He got up about half awake and as there was the first serenading in this part of the country he concluded we were rowdies come to disturb him. He opened the door and asked if we were drunken people before he perceived his srror. Our violinist then sang the Red W. & Blue. I am happy to hear of your opinion of our B=in=laws picture. I will send you my daguerreotype as soon as I can get one. I tried to draw myself before a looking glass and succeeded in producing a hideous looking picture which homely as I am I repudiated. JOHN BROWN. I will send you a likeness of one of the noblest and most self-sacrificing [XXX] of this or any other age where we view him from his own standpoint. I saw and conversed with the old man during our troubles in 1856. And feel prouder of the event than I would of the [XXXXX] of the greatest potentate in the world. He passed life in a humble sphere but of gesture be done his generous nature his name will shine while those of the men who sat in judgment over him I will sink to oblivion. I expect you will all call this extravigant language. Now girls this picture is for the that will prize it highest in plain terms the strongest man Abolitionist. & Sisters write often as nothing is more welcome to me than your kind letters. My next letter I will write to Ella and so on alternately. I have no more space your affectionate brother. Samuel Reader. PM Warm. I wrote. Dr. & family out riding to Fronkey’s. Fan Bollote and Eliza Milne here. I gave her her John Brown (picture). (Miss. M.) I finished a fine one for my Sisters. I burnt around stock yard. S.E. Dr. here. I copied letter at night. I $1.10

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (161)

Mond. 21. ) 45. Belle up. Clear. No frost. I made a picture of our serenade at Dr. in F. letter to Em. I took letter to P.O. Put them in. Got 10 Union envelopes 10 [cents]. Saw Bill T. He will not buy Franks flute, the imposter. ((He said, “McKenna wants a small fortune for it. 1911.)) I got 6 yds. hickory at Rods. $1.00 Saw Pucket throwing goods out of Stewarts upper window. A fire at Davisons. Home. Sent B. over there. No danger. S.W. by S. I finished threshing buckwheat. Less than 2 bu. (No pay, no raise it.) PM. Less wind. B and I on Fox for claim. Wind changed suddenly N.N.W. and blew like “bloody sin”. We galloped to far corner (NW) of field. [Fire] just there. I tried to beat it out. It jumped breaking and went into N fence near middle, to barrs. B to Davisons for help, and then to Bonenis, and got a bucket. I worked awful hard, pulling down fence, till if got water. Henry Davison helped me. About 30 panel down. Sprinkle cold. Home. Sore. Looked at my pictures at night. Raw ran off. ((It such torrer as old Davidson said of a prairie fire. 1911 & he set it out!)) ((3 years from now I was in camp on Big Blue. Mo. Night before the Battle. 1911.)) ((Oct. 28. 1911. 10. a.m.)) [Page 240] Oct. 22. 1861. X Tuesd 22. Clear. Ice. N.W., cool. La out. Got Kaw cow. I took Kit and Fox x B and I to my field with 20 rail & 2 stakes. No cattle there. I feel sore in legs. I at work. Put up all fence better than before. Lost about 20 rails or more. Got done at 2 PM. Am very tired and hungry. I put in a small load of broken rails. Home by De Wolfs. N. Very cold. ) 45. Dine. We took sk. of corn to Ogee. He ground it. I got a jag of wood. Saw John Hiller and M. Stamp. Ferdinand will enlist. Home. Read Butler’s history aloud at night. l 43 [cents]. Wed 23. ) 30. Clear. N.W. I am sore all over. La hunting Kaw again. Found hoe. I to Dr. Got his spade. U Pappan drawing his corn. I dug a hole and put potatoes in, 2 or 3 bu. F. hunted Lady cow. Failed. Saw Home Guard boys going off in Bouenis wagon with recruits, viz: Henry Davison, F. Merdel, Jim Stewart (!) and another x Bid good bye to Corp. Frank McK. He cant make a bargain with Bill F. with flute. PM. N. Clear. Pleasant. ) 61. Tom Jefferson got his pony; wouldn’t pay anything and said his pony had been starved! Joe Jim with him. La fache. I made a crib bottom in cow yard, N. of crib. Several rounds high. Fires all‘round. I to Rods. Got 1 yd. more hickory 18 [cents]. Saw Mrs.& Henrietta Button. A lot of the 2nd Reg. in town. I got my pistol. Its mended. Paid Ogee 25 [cents]. I owe B. 10. L Ogee lost 100 rds fence other day. I home. Tinkered around. Fired pistol. Bill T. got my flute. I read “Earl’s Daughter.” Thurs 24. ) 27. Hard frost. I am not so sore. La milks Kaw in Dr’s pasture now. Got papers. Abbott, Jack T’s partner is arrested as a thief ((& no doubt he was the “ARTICLE, 1911.)) Augell & [McKenny] went by for L. City. I got Kit. Hitched up. B and I to my field. Husked and brought over 4 ½ bu. corn. Creek muddy. I got my flute of Bill and B. a skull off Scoffields fence. ((He found the skull on the plains and it was burned in my house Apr. 1890.)) La hunting cow. Failed. PM. I at bottom of our field got in 1 ¾ loads of jerked off corn. S. windy. Leon

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (162)

here. I worked till late. We read Earls daughters &c. I put another mustard plaster on both hips x Frid 25. Clear, still. ) 40. S. I got Belle in yard and caught her. ((Oct. 28. 1911. 11:15. a.m. 2.)) [Page 241] Oct. 26. 1861. We hitched up. B and I got in a load (3/4) of corn. Put it in crib in stock-yard. Belle begins to go well x PM. Clear. S.W. Saw Bonun. The Home Guards (8th Reg K.V.) I going to Johnson Co. I got in 2 ¾ loads of corn. F at Augells. The ladies delighted environ Nell S. La at Scoffields heard that “Well” left his wife without resources and while on furlough was drinking “toujours”. La at Stewarts. Nell has run off with Frank McKinney in Augells wagon to L. city x I read Earls d-rs, I ate bitter nuts &c. Am lanicesh. N. Smoky. NO DRILL x Wont work together. Sat 26. Clear. Smoky. I drew up 2 small loads of corn. 5 rows E. & W. make a load. Warm, still. PM. Pleasant. B and I to Sch.h. Belle don’t draw well up hill. Only 5 or 6 of our boys out and 6 or 7 Indianola chaps. Did nothing. Got 2 sks. meal at H. mill. Saw Bickel. He is angry about new Co. Home. F finished reading “Earls daughters”. Good x Sund 27. ) 35. Frost. Still. I to Dr got Lyac Sawold Jornico and Bl. I got papers. Home. Read &c. S warm. B out. Saw Lady and calves. A fire beyond Downies. Dr & family off in buggy. PM. S. windy. A recruiting officer and Fuller jun. here for Dr. I read &c. ) 72. The man here waiting for Dr. till sunset, then left a note for him. I with La to Dr. watered ponies. Dr. came. They have been to Sardeaus. La [shorthand] about it. F is hoarse. Officer’s name is Clemonson, or near that. Mond 28. ) 50. S. Windy, clear. Trees getting bare. I on Fox to Bonenis, then towards Dr. Wolfs; met him. We will not work at ford till [tomorrow]. A lot of Regular going to [XXXX] from N. Mexico. I home, drew 2 pretty good loads of corn. B.drove. PM. S windy. I drove load 3 shoats in our field. I peppered them all. B and I burnt a strip W of field in slough. Near dark we to Dr. helped him burn S of his pasture. Gen Banks has gained a victory. Wind S then NW. windy & clouds. ((Oct. 28. 1911. 5:22. p.m. 2d.)) [Page 242] October 29 1861. X Tuesd 29. ) 40. N.W. cold raw, windy clear. I wear moccasins. I with spade to De Wolf ford; he and 2 boys at work. Bonem drew a load of stone. We graded bank on this side. Awful windy and cold. Saw Miss Nanny Wallace Home. Soup. PM. I to ford. Graded on other side DeW &

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (163)

Bonem drew each a load of rock. We pounded up the rock in creek &c. NNW. I to town. Home. I read stories in book, &c. ((Oct. 28, 1911. 7:38. p.m. 2d hitch)) Wed 30. ) 35. NW Clear, pleasant, cool. I with Kit and Fox to SW corner of my field. Put up a pair of barrs and burnt off grass N of field. I got ½ load of corn home. PM. I out got ¾ load corn in my field and burnt SE of field. I had revolver. Home. B and I with Fox to straw pile, brought up 2 bed ticks. A fine at BL today. N.W. Thurs 31. ( Hazy cool,) about 32. I found Fox at Bouem’s. B and I to field drew 1 good load. PM. We got another load. Am past where my shanty stood. All done E. of it – Bonem at work. N.E. Clouds, cold. A train of 26 wagons camped by Drs. I played fiddle. F and I sang. My rheumatism almost well. I take cyac 3 times par jour x ((Oct. 29, 1911. 9:44. a.m. 2d hitch)) [Drawing of two men playing fiddle and singing. RIDDLING OVER “BURNING ROME.” Or our National War. “Better be merry than sad, anyhow.] [Drawing of human skeleton.] [Page 243] November 1 1861 S.J. Readers private Journal and Day Book. Indianola, Shawnee Co. State of Kansas. Frid 1. ) 27. W Clear. Still. Pain in my right leg and hip. B and I to claim. Got up a very large load of corn. PM. N. Still, clear. Warm. We got another load, and then some in piles. Bonem at work. Home. My hands are sore. F read about mad dogs in Tribune x Sat 2. ) 22. Frost. Hazy. Still. W. [shorthand], Il casse la corde. We to field. Picked up the heaped corn; almost a load, and got another at 1 pm. S.E. then N.E. I got another load. Turned Kit out. Cloudy. I got ready to go to Military meeting but it sprinkled. I read papers. NO DRILL ON ACCOUNT OF A LITTLE SPRINKLE!! ((We were “FEATHER-BED SOLDIERS! 1911.)) Sund 3. ) 28. Ice clear. Still. I unloaded wagon, &c. Je porte mon chemise neuf (Hickory). I played flute. B has an elder fife. I read f. story &c. PM. Bl. here. Mrs. Button & Brown (Martha) here on horses. (I DID NOT HELP THEM OFF!) mais parh avec Bl. chez le Dr. and put top on his stack. Leon was sick le doir passé. I home. A book here, Bill L. left. “Got Godfrey”. I read it at night. Pleasant. Henrietta will come again. PUCKETT LOOTED.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (164)

Mond 4. Still, pleasant. Kit up. Les beaux squash. Its me fait. I out rather early to field; got a load of corn. B with me. I nailed up bands on crib. P.M. N.W. Clear, warm. Jay Hawkers robbed Puckett last on crib. P.M. N.W. Clear warm Jay Hawkers robbed Puckett last night at 10. Some say they were Negroes. B staid at home. I got a load of corn; and near middle of field I read “Gaut-Gurley” at night x Tuesd 5. Clear. S still up at day light. Ate at sun rise (“The Early Bird” gets the “Early worm”, “vile” or no.) We to field. Got a load of corn. N.W. again, but warm. PM. ) 50. I to Clinton House. Voted Drs ticket for Topeka and Charley Kaw Lecomte. Saw Gregg. His son is home. I to field; got a big load of corn. E et enfauts ici. Fambullet going to Bl. selling apples. Mrs. A. & Julie B. here and to P.O. Got $20 x I played fiddle and sang; also ((I was a funny kind of a VOCALIST. 1911.)) Mrs. A. and F. x They left. I read. Saw Gurley ((Oct. 29, 1911. 12:11. p.m. 2.)) [Page 244] November: 6 1861. X Wed 6. ) 40. Clear. W. Kaw cow broke out of Drs pasture. I there and mended fence. I take no more Cyac. La and then F. hunting. Kaw Failed. Cow up herself. I got ready killed a shoat with shot gun, and dressed it. I covered potato hole. PM. I to field; got a load of corn. Jim W. sow in field. Mrs. A and Julie here. Je parle le francais avec Julie. Ellene me repondit pas. ((In short: I ate too much Hoggy=meat, as Indians call it. 1911.)) I oi mange trop de viande. F finished “Gant Gurley. Thurs 7. ) 35. Hazy. N. Still. Locust trees bare. But little pain in hips. I to field got load of corn. P.M. Still ) 75. Very warm. I to field; got load of corn. E was visiting at Mrs. Brown’s, hier. Mrs Rose will leave with her father soon; as mad at “Elish.” ((No wonder, when he dissipates so. 1911.)) Mrs. Solembarker shook her fist under her nose and damned the Jayhawkers for robbing Henry Pucketts store. Mrs. A and Julie here. No air stirring. I am playing every tune in the Flute book x Frid 8. N.E. Cooler. ) 38. Clear. Hazy. Up at daylight. My right hip is not well. (La cleaned yard and B. daubed (plastered or painted) hen house, hier.) I out. Got up a small load by 10. La & B pulling corn by S fence. I back. Got a large load. No Bonem. Saw De Wolf. He says Marple has a rheumatism cure. Home at 1 PM. I out; Got another load. In late. Clouded. N.E., cool. E & enfants and Dr. Here. Gen Fremont is removed. Bad. ((It was good. We think now. 1911.)) Mrs A. & Julie here. F read paper. Jim W sow in. B there told him and got some stuff in a bottle from Scoffield for me. (Wine of Colchicurn? NO GOOD for me.) l 15[cents] l 10. Sat. 9. ) 29. Clear, Still. Mrs Solembarker and Pucket & wife a fight in town the other day viz: Mrs Pucket ordered P…up or out when Mrs. S. pitched into her and gave it to her right and left. They called each other everything. L’ une que eia en des [shorthand] x :L ‘ autre que course sur

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (165)

un batieu a vapieur. How (Miss Mary S.) looked out and told Mrs. P she was une pellote x Everybody flocked to the door. Battle ground at P—‘s Store. I to field, got a good load. S. Jim W’s sow in. B told him again x La said “Ha-a-a! It’s the last warning.” She mad that I don’t kill her. PM. B. and I got another load. Burnt grass near my N. fence. S.E. Clear. Home. B and I burnt grass N. of La plowed ground. Mrs. A ici. E got thread 10c and a thimble 5c. I paid B 10c. Clear, pleasant. Jim has his sow shut up. Fire burnt well. ((Oct. 29, 1911. 3:37. p.m.)) [Page 245] Novem 10 1861 x Sund 10. Clear. I read Tribune. Played flute &c. Still x P.M. N. Saw Higg. and Miss Button, Ferocity & Martha Brown out riding. Mc. N. here. I built up La’s crib &c. The sore nosed Indians that was here last night came in and looked at comico in “Epic of Starry Heavens” ((that I sketched & he laughed thereat; Has a sense of HUMOR? For an Indian.) et il rit. He is a brotherinlaw of Mrs. Bellmore. Mc left F. read. I read papers. Clear, still. I remember years ago (on Chapinoue Creek,) I was lost in snow storm (Oct 7, 1908.) RAGGEDY SAM. Mond 11. Clear. ) 26. W. I am all in rags. I fixed up my crib. Bl. told me that the Home Guard had a fight 20 ms. from Lawrence. That Jim Stewart and another taken prisoner and Tom Stamps leg broken! (All humbug.) I put Fox & Belle in wagon & drew in 2 loads of La’s corn that she had pulled. P.M. [shorthand] got in 1 small load. All done. B and I near Giddings House site and got 2 loads of black charred wood. Mrs. A. here. A. to river for apples S.E. Tues. 12. Very smoky. S. ) 45. Scoffields medicine is Chicolchicum. B. and I to my field with Kit and Fox. We burnt grass inside of the field. S.E. I got a load of corn. Home. P.M. Very warm. ) 80. S.W. Windy. We got another load. Met Kate Hindman and [XXX] Wallace. Port Royal and Beaufort City taken by Navel Expedition. We studied Grammar. x 50c 10c. Wed. 13. ) 40. N. Windy. Up late, about sun-rise. B. and I to field. Got a load soon. Bomen out. P.M. E. Clouded, Hazy. I got another load. B to town; got 5 doz eggs worth of tea 50c and soda 10c and took Bill F’s book home. Augell is back. I got a grammar lesson in verb F. and B. in Arithmetic, Geography, Grammar, and Philosophy. I played Alto on fiddle, and sang. (“O, how sweet!) Cloudy warm. Thurs 14. Clear, still. Up and breakfasted long before day light. B. and I to claim. We set grass a fire to warm by. We got a load up at our usual breakfast hour. Mrs. De Wolf wants to put 2 calves ((Oct.29, 1911. 4:33. p.m. 2.))

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (166)

[Page 246] November 15. 1861. X in my field. We got another load. Bonem at work. PM. F. with us over creek to Davisons. We got small load. Got another 1/3 load and Fan in late. I got a grammar lesson &c. (Useful happy days.) Frid 15. (“A DAY OF DAYS!”) Up very early. Clear. Still, cool. Kittens dorne avec inoi & spin! Started. We to field and had to run on and down my large hill. Got to work before sunrise. (I have little animal heat in my carcass.) Took in 2 large loads. All Done!!! Home. P.M. E. still, warm. I was unloading when Elliott Mathews came & said Leon was very sick. I on Fox. To Carpenters and galloped all the way, as fast. Started Dr. home full [XXX]. I there. E. had Dr. Gabbey. Leon better. Fits. Rambullet & wife there. I unload all my corn. Crib nearly full. We to bed early. La at Dr’s till late. Sat 16. ) 35. Cloudy, S.E. Cool. I took Chicochieum! (MY SECOND RUN.) I hitched up Belle and Fox. Took beef gallows to Dr’s and 2 sks. corn for us and 1 for Augell, to H. mill. Met Frank McKinney returning; Is disgusted with the war. Very cold, raw, S.E. wind, and sprinkley. I put horses up. Dr. here to sharpen knife. Red Elliott here hunting a steer. Downie shooting breachy cattle. B. to Stewarts. Got his (Stewarts) rifle. We to Dr.’s. I shot his red 18 mo. steer. We skinned it. Bickel, his sick wife, and Mrs. Harding came. Bickel helped me disembowel and hang up beef, while Dr. treated his wife. Drizzley. We took beef in kitchen. PM. Leon not well yet. I home with a hind qt. Bonem for some. I sent him to Dr. I fed things &c. F. read N.Y. T-e. I feel sore. Showery. Sund. 17. Cloudy, warm, S, hazy. ) 40. Up about day light. The little yellow “mice” (2 kittens) play nicely. I take Checolehicum ((Wine of Checolehicum. 1911.)). I read f. paper, and others. P.M. Warm. Mrs. Bollote and Elisa Milne here awhile avec deux chiennes et deux dogs. Bl. moved to his new log house Thursday last. So smoky we cant see any woods S, E, or W. and hardly the town. Mrs. Sardeau was at Dr’s. F. read L sketched chat for us all. Une varcime affrwx comme Springfield. X ((Oct.30, 1911. 9:48. a.m. 2.)) [Page 247] Novem. 18. 1861. X Mond. 18. S.E. More smoke than yesterday. I made another crib W. of La’s other. I hitched up Belle and Fox; drew in the load of corn La pulled. Cant see sun for smoke. PM. B. and I got a large load of La corn. I got a g – r lesson x 12 drops checolehicum x Tuesd 19. Heavy thunder. Some rain, and S.W. windy. We up very early. Ate dejune and went to bed again, awhile! Nasty, Cleared. I took another kink in my back. Can hardly breathe.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (167)

Traitors Mason & Slidel prisoners. (We nearly caught a Tarter from John Bull.) I doctored my back, with pepper, rubbing, &c. I did nothing. Read. Awful S.W. wind. Clear ) 60. P.M. B. on Fox to H mill. They will grind demain. I copied music &c. Feel bad. I got B. to tramp on my mon ruffian back dos; quent La nous ditons: “Finisez sinon il vous donne le kidney worm, et ilvous tueria!” The wind is abominable. To bed early. W. Dusty and smoky. Bathed my feet. [Drawing of B. “RHEUMATIC UMBAGO, TRAMPLING CURE” on Samuel’s back.] Wed 20. Ice. ) 32. Not smoky. Clear as a bell. W. Up late at nearly sunrise. Feel lively. My back better. I got in a load of corn for hogs. PM. I got another load. La helped. We (B & I) to H. mill. Got our 2 sks. meal. Bellmore got Augells and claimed it. Creek high. Bridge bad. A drunk Indian in the road & scared horses. I got half load hickory wood near bridge. Home. B. and I to Dr’s; Helped him burn around his stack. Still, pleasant. F. was at Augells. A cow in our field. Thurs. 21. Clear. S.E. by S. Clear, windy some. Corn most all broken down. Old Lady broke into crib last night. I looked at Davis’ great Harmonia. What splendid views of death. (Especially of, and so forth!) &c. My back pains some. La, B, and I got in a large load of corn. PM. S.S.W. Very windy. A fire back of Bl. Warm. We out late; got another load, 6 rows. E & W. I to P.O. No letter. Dr. G. asked me if I had been away from home. I to Thompsons. Talked with Jack. Bill home with me; Got Brothers Vengence of B. Played flute &c. and told of the Solembarker fight. Hughs made Pucket recant. N.W. ((Oct 30, 1911. 11:37. a.m. 2.)) [Page 248] November 22 1861. Frid 22. W.N.W. Clear, cold. Up late. ) 30. B. and I got a load of corn. P.M. We got another load. Windy. N.W. La got Tribune &c. at Dr’s. F. read. [shorthand]. I take no more drops. Sat. 23. ) 28. N.W. windy, very cold, &c. I kept in doors. Mended Lady’s yoke. Dr. here awhile. I read papers. Some headache. Bon chose, hier. PM. Very disagreeable. I did nothing [shorthand]. We put Ladys yoke on. A fire N.E. over creek. B and I to Dr. Hodanger. Got paper. No news. Dr and I talked about Normans &c. Jack Fiero has sold his claim to a soldier for $300. Button wants to buy my claim. Cold. JACK FIERO sold out. Sund 24/ ) 22. N.W. Cold. Clouded up. Dr. got ax. I read f. story. ) 32. McNown here to get me to help dig a grave for a child that died in town of croup last night, belonging to a refugee from Linn Co. He lost another at Topeka, and like to have been drowned in creek other day. McN & I ate dinner and went to grave yard at 1 PM. Flaeshar helped us dig it. Marples are digging one for Geo. Kistlers child. Bowker came and talked awhile. (He digged not – No sir, not he. Oct 7 1908. 5 ¼ p.m.) The two burials took place after sun set. Nell Stewart there in confab with Lorisa Young. Home late. Pas des chandle. Cold. N, still, clear. Cold and dark. l 10 x 20

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (168)

Mond 25. ) 16. Clear, sharp, still. Lady in field. A kink in side and back. Not much “maties” now. I take Kyae. I dressed and went to Topeka. Saw Jake Smith. He don’t want to buy scrip. I to Sec. Of State, Mr. Wier. (A miserable thief and scoundrel. Handsome too! [XXX] at [last]!”) He took the Warrant to sell at 3 per cent [commission] ((The miserable thief stole half or more of it. Was “penned” at last. Good!! 1911.)) I got Smith to rectify La’s tax receipt. I to Jas. H. Young’s 2 miles off. He did not pay tax on my land. I knew his sons (Harvey & Nelson).I crossed ferry 20c. I got drawing paper 10c. John Raker there. Mrs. Stewart came with Dave Milne to complain of Bill F. kicking and beating her, and giving her a hot tea-party. [X] Jayhawkers captured at Ta. today. Home. F read. I am well. S.E. Warm. ((Oct. 30. 1911. 3 ½ p.m.2.)) [Page 249] Novem 26 1861 Tuesd 26. ) 28. Cloudy. E. La, B, and I got in 2 loads of corn. Still cloudy. PM. ) 60 or so. We got in 1 load. My Steady Colt up. Saw Bill & Jack. T. going to Ta. A few drops of rain. A sudden hard N.N.W. wind which brought down a big fire near McNown. F. read. I ate nuts. Cleared. Wed 27. ) 16. Clear, Still. S, sharp ) 33. We got in 2 loads of corn. La put Kaw in field. ) 38. Very cold. Wind variable. PM. Clouds. We got in 2 more loads. Have past the garden. f. read. I ate nuts. F. raging tooth. Thurs 28. ) 37. S. Still. Warm F.’s dent raged. Blackey and other cattle in field. B. shot her with beans. My oldest colt out at large with Drs. ponies. B cut my hair behind ears. We drew in 2 large loads of corn & instead of 6 rows per load. PM. N. ) 45. Clouds. Got another load. Colder ) 32. N. Windy. B and I got a load of black wood near G’s house ((The Giddings house?)) F. began reading Butlers history aloud. Frid 29. ) 18. N. Cloudy. Cold. Up awful late, ((And got no early worm.)) after sun rise. Our horses all here but Cass. F. over her reading. L, B and I in field. Pulled corn and threw it in heaps. Awful cold. F read, La tired, I quit work. Read of England &c. Late dinner at 2 PM. La & B pulled. I altered stack tops. Lady and Cracker, breaking into field. Still. B got Tribune. F read &c. I turned Belle out. Sat 30. ) 32. Clear. S. Pleasant. Warmer. I take kyac. La pulled corn. I drew in what was on ground, 3 large loads. We stoned cows. S. Windy. P.M. We pulled and got in a large load with Kit. I turned her out. I mended Ladys yoke. Clouded. F read History. N.W. Colder. I feel well. ((Oct. 30. 1911. 4:44 p.m.2.)) [Drawing called “Stoning breachy cattle.] [Page 250]

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (169)

December 1, 1861. S J Readers private Journal, Indianola. Shawnee Co. Kansas. Winter. Sund. 1. ) 16. N. Cold. Some sleet in night. Clear windy. Ink frozen. F & I read. Cold. N. ) 20. I wrote to Frank. Extracts: About writing Health Weather &c. Our local news is unimportant. Kansas is not one of the Battle fields yet although many families are leaving S [K] on account of the lawless condition of things in that section. Last Sund I assisted at the funeral of the child of one of the refugees & he informed me that bands of Mo. miscreauto were almost continually making [unroads] into K. in his neighborhood plundering the defenseless inhabitants and in many instances shooting the Union men down like dogs. He said these ruffians were incited to these deeds to retaliate the plundering of Seceshers by some of the K-guerrilla parties who were stoling “on their own hook”. Such trials and dangers are very disheartening to settlers in that locality. Here we feel comparatively safe in this respect for this Winter at least. Their driving off and murdering of innocent inhabitants is certainly one of the most dreadful concomitants of war. From the T daily papers we learn that Weston only 10 un. from that city is in the hands of the Traitors; and that several officers have been arrested by them. Nothing has pleased me more of late than Sec. Camerous endorsem*nt of Col. co*ckranes speech which you of course, have read long ere this. Still I would have seen better pleased had this policy been inaugurated last Spring or better still had Slavery been abolished by U. Sam as soon as showed a determined disposition to resist his authority. Still it is not for me to criticize, I suppose. I declare Frank I have nothing to write to you that I think will interest you. Were I in Camp as you are I might make my letters less barren. Write soon. &c &c Sc Samuel J. Reader. PM. N. Clouded from N. again. I drew, read, &c. Played at night. Mond. 2. ) 9. A snow 3 or 4 in deep. N.E. Still. Cloudy. I put on botts et ote mes moccasins. I am glad I am not a soldier a present. I on Fox to my field. It full of De Wolf’s cattle. Board fence broken down. I to his house for nails. Failed. Home. B. on Kit. We drove Lady and calf in field. I nailed up fence. Coming home Fox fell broadside with me. Broke girth. Home, 1 P.M. ) 20. N. Clear. Cool. I did but little. I read at night. Tuesd 3. ) 16. S.E. Clear. Warmer. Up about sunrise. I hitched up. B. and I to my woods; got a load of dry wood on. We over creek on ice. Turned Lady & calf out to water. They ran home. No cattle in. We home. Billy Prusset gave me [3] waxends. B. bought thread 5 c. Son argent. I got up a load of buckwheat straw. P.M. Close. ) 46. Thawing. S. Dec. 1.62. [shorthand] ((Oct.31.1911. 11:40. a.m. 2.)) [Page 251] December 4, 1861. B and I got a load of straw at Dr. Our cattle and his in his field. Put yoke on Lady. Read at night. Warm. New moon.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (170)

((Oct.31.1911. 11:44. a.m. 2.)) Wed 4. ) 33. Clear. A. Half the snow gone. B and I out; got in a load of corn. La helped us get in another. P.M. ) 58. We got a very large load of corn. I got up a load of stakes to build crip. Ate nuts at night. F & La [shorthand] because I would not listen to Miss Stimmins tale. I brayed comme [shorthand] and scared La out. Willey T. was fined $10 for beating Mrs. Stewart. Then arrested her for burglary; Failed to appear against her, and she has not sued him for perjury. A fine “tea party.” FINISHED LA’S CORN!!! Thurs 5. ) 49. Cloudy. S.E. No snow. La, B and I out; got in 2 large loads of corn. P.M. ) 66. Began to get cold. W, then N.W. We got in 1 ½ loads. All done!!! Clouded up cold. E. et enfants ici. Fran Bollete here awhile. She has quarreled with Milnes and left for Bl. My shoulders lame. Dr. has collected about $80. and is going to Ill. with E. Las tax is over $13.! Mine is more. I suppose I have only $23 cash. Cloudy. Cool. I read &c. at night. Frid. 6. ) 31. Foggy. Cloudy. Still. I husked corn for meal. B to my field. We shelled corn. Field all right. Misty. N.W. I planted holes with clay. Dr here. We can buy Scrip for 40 & 60 cents of [Brainard] [Ta.] Rainy. Ate nuts. PM. B & I to Dr. Helped him set up box stove in N. room. Home. Heavy rain in evening. I let hogs out. I read Aabes message. Still. l 10c Sat. 7. ) 36. Warm. Still. Cloudy, misty, muddy. Bl. took our 2 sks corn to mill. He pretty “maad” det Fannie at his house”. I mended S. gate. Found my porte mournia in wood pile; Lost Tuesd I suppose. B. hunted hogs; Failed. I sewed up cut in my boot and put heel on other with screws. P.M. I to town. Saw Lew Bryan. He wants my pistol. I got caps 10c. Bill got flute. Home late. Hogs up. ((Whiskey man borrow my pistol & flute.)) ((Nov.1.1911. 1:15. p.m. 2.)) [Page 252] Dec. 8 1861. Sund 8. ) 30. Clear, then cloudy and foggy. E, B and I to Dr; got paper &c. Norris and Johnny McK here awhile. Ate nuts. Read. PM. Cleared. S.E. Warm. Mrs. Fiedering & youngs here, quilgne heures. I put backs on Leons Natural history. Mrs. F., La & to Dr. till dark. (In PM L bryan and Lieut. Rose here in a wagon. Lew. Wanted my revolver. I refused. I have lent it enough. ((Good for me!)) ((It was my big Dragoons patent. John Erwin had it banged up in 1857, and John Hiller got it to fight Roles Fulton 1861, lost the belt & got it rusted up badly. Send no more! 1911.)) Mond 9. ) 32. Heavy fog. Still my hip and knee do not trouble me but my shoulders and back are some lame. I mended gate fence &c.; also paling hog pen. B. helping. E. wash. P.M. Very warm. ) 67. I hitched up. B and I got a load of straw. Put it on La’s crib; and some hay. S.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (171)

Clear. F. headache. I to T. saloon. Cummins drunk from Topeka where he was a witness for Pucket against Jayhawkers, Fullers boys ((Regular thieves. Afterwards, hung. 1911.)) &c. Bill and I played flute. He said that Elish Rose is sick of the war; He expected to be a Lieut. or captain. Vol. Brown is 1st corp. I played “Twilight dews”, when Jack Thompson came and said it was his favorite. He told me of his extraordinary sister, Jenny. The greatest singer he ever heard. She is married to a Jew merchant. His other sisters are = well: “they don’t know their riches.” I saw Dagg. of his daughter. Home late. Sans flute. Clear. La lune? Tuesd 10. ) 44. Cloudy. Cleared. N. windy, getting cold. I rearranged hog house. B and I out S.E.; got a load of wood. PM. [shorthand] ) 41. Clear, hard N. wind. I got another load of wood and replastered around fireplace. Ate nuts. F read paper. Wed. ) 20. Clear. No wind. Up at day break. Frank McK went by early singing. My back lame. I out put up 3 panels leaning fence. Dr & E to Rods; got douze piasters of goods. Warm S. PM. B and I burnt S of house. We put up stakes on N. Line and two panels of fence. I to Dr. to burn grass. He not at home. ((Nov.1.1911. 6:44. p.m. 2.)) [Page 253] Decem. 12 1861. Thurs 12. Clear S. ) 25. Hogs come in field. B and I to Dr’s. We burnt grass around Bollotes stack, and E of the field SSW. Grass frosty and just right and safe for burning. I got Dr’s rifle. B and I to bushes; Got 3 poles for wagon bows. P.M. Warm. I mended Dr’s rifle lock with a wire. B. to town; got my flute, and himself a bottle of ink 10c. I shaved bows. Je trone cing on six cochons a la crib Je prendre lo carablue et tue un de les miscreants; Enlene le pean & [shorthand. La sewing for E. I played flute. F. read fool stories. Frid 13. )34. Rather clear. Still. Ground frozen. Meat from E’s yellow rat (cat) that they drove away came here. B took it to woods. Burnett drawing Fan B’s corn from Milnes to Bl’s. I greased wagon and boots. A mess of Nobles came viz: Eliza Milne & Eliza co*cks. I to E’s’ got paper. La borrowed her teapot. I in house; read mais je parle un pen. Late dinner. P.M. ) 52. I played flute. Miss C. & F. sang. They started after la corche du soliel. Still, warm, clear. I to town. No letter. I to saloon. I punched billards alone; First time. I to [Rod] [R]. I will send for N.Y.T. Saw Sam Hughs. He not well. [shorthand] ((Squaws in town.)) Home. X $6.70 TAXES. $5.96 l Ferrage 20. X $2.90 Payment refused by Dr. Sat 14. ) 25. Clear. Still. Middle of back lame. Le porte nus habits fine. I to Dr. He on John. I on foot to Topeka. I bought scrip viz. State; of Wilmarth my old Sergeant, for 65 cts. (He did not know me at first.) He said I looked old. I got Co. for 35c and Dr. furnished Township script. $5 and $5.35 in cash. Our tax altogether is $38.24. Paid it with $20.10. La owes me $6.70. I owe Dr. $2.90. Lots of contrabands. I met Button and Henrietta in a buggy on ferry. B said “I suppose you do not know Henrietta?” I home late in PM. I hitched &c. To H. mill. Not

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (172)

ground. I to Ogee with 1 sk; got it ground. Saw Jim Stewart in uniform; has been in a battle. F. a letter from [XXX]. ((Nov.2.1911. 9:1/2. a.m. 2.)) [Page 254] Decem. 16, 1861. Billy Young (of La Harpe, Ill.) dead. I set fire S. of house. Almost still. N. B. and I fired S of Dr field. It burnt nice. I to Jewells. Saw Mrs. J. Home. Clear. Sund 15. Clear. Warm. Still. I settled accounts. &c. I saw Dr. I wrote a Power of Attorney with the Dr. then to town. Rolle Fulton took the acknowledgement. Clinton & Fiero witnesses. Fee 25c. Dr paid. Home. PM. Warm. Still. N. I put on bows and cover. Got corn, &c. Worked hard. Burnt grass before Dr’s. He wont take his pay $2.90. (Like J.H. UcN, now. Oct 8, 1908.) TRIP TO ILL. Mond 16. ) 25. Clear. Still. La headache. Dr. brought his 3 cows here. Augell here. He wants a magic lantern, and me to paint his pictures. Got ready; started, Sun 1 h. On 4 m. other side of Mt. Florence Nooned. Children are good. Leon wants to go to Ill. to see apples on trees. PM. No wind at all hardly. W.W., at our backs. We forded at Grasshopper Falls. On 10 m. more (mostly after sunset.) to a farmers. Dr. Lide & Youngs in the house. I slept in wagon in yard. Two other men there. One told of the meanness of Rev. Burr. X $1.25x Tuesd 17. Clear, warm. More S.W. by W. wind. (A perilous time of year to be on the road. Oct 8 1908 3:30 p.m.) We on 2 m. to Pardee; Took the wrong road. Several m. out of the road. We got 1 m. from Atchison. Nooned. Dr. & E headache. PM. We on the river landing. Dr. wont buy des habits (and quit smoking a pipe. He laughs.) E fache. The ferry boat is fast on a bar. They crossed in a skiff into Mo. I got salt 50 lbs. $1.25!!! mon argent. Could not find a Clarinet book I took Wagon cover and front bow out. I travelled on till 9 or 10 at night to within 4 m. of Grasshopper F. I camped on Walnut Cr. Made a fine fire &c.; And a good bed. (So well I remember this night; 47 ys ago, almost.) Full moon. Clear. Still. S.W. [Two drawings: one of camping and the other of being on a skiff.] Wed 18. Clear. Still. Frosty. S. I came on to Muddy. Nooned and mange un beaucoup des vivres. Pleasant. P.M. Warmer. I on to Carpenters. Saw Geo., [shorthand] to get Drs. lumber. Not he, but ((I remember this trip nearly fifty years ago. Nov. 1911.)) ((Nov. 2, 1911. 11:11. a.m. 2d. Last night I slept cold on feather bed!!))

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (173)

((Drawing of a Blear eye. This is supposed to represent the eye of deponent. Nov 2. 1911.)) [Page 255] Dec. 19. 1861. his brother who came up. ((It was the first time I ever saw the “great” Geo. Carpenter. He went in the army as a Quartermaster & drank himself to death, Dr. Ashmore said. 1911.)) The lumber is at Osawkee. They have no hands now. I on home, Sun. 1 ½ h. Miss Davison and Clem here. De Wolf was drunk in town and beaten by Soldiers the other night. Had to stay at P.O. all night. A letter from S. to me dated Aug 25. and 1 to La Dec 8. News: Harv Marley Ricker, John Young, Two Sperries & others, in the army. Payson Maynard and Add Leavitt were wounded at Belmont. I played flute. Drs. cat “Mild thing” here. I am glad I am home. l. $2.25 Thurs. 19. ) 40. A few clouds. Still. S. Plenty of milk. B and I to Dr. house. Arranged things La to Rods. Got 3 yds cloth for me 75 per yd. $2.25. N. wind, clouding, colder. PM. The dogs are unruly. I stone them. F. to Augells. Rest of us to Dr’s. I closed cellar &c. I oiled flute, scoured and oiled pistol. Mended Dr’s umbrella. Played. X 50c. Frid 20. ) 18. N. Cloudy. Cold. I am glad my trip is over and that I am not a Soldier for 3 years. 3 mo’s would suit me. (during warm weather.) N.E. Windy, cold. I did nothing of consequence. I read f story aloud. “La La” fur du “Crane denfant.” Ou “Fin du monde.” Cloudy. (B sold 4 doz eggs while I was gone – Got 50c.) Cabbage &c. P.M. ) 15. Cold. I to Dr’s. Read in a f phrenology. I to Office; got Dr’s papers. I to saloon. Saw McMeekin; He will buy our cow. I to Peter. F. got paper. Hardly anyone has paid taxes here. Town tax is all right. Home. Read &c. ((When McMeekin reached this land, We rushed to him for cash in hand.” A distinct B and I made up for the occurrence. 1911.)) Sat 21. ) 14. NE. Cloudy. Up very early at 3 or 4. Apres le leve du soliel, il fait de la neige legere. I did but little. PM. ) 15 highest. E.S.E. Cloudy, some snow. I wrote to Ella. Extracts: About not receiving word from them. Ask if Browns picture has offended &c. Uneasy about Frank. Heard of a battle in which his Reg. participated? Health & crops good. Dr’s to Ill. Lane our Maj Gen. Write soon &c. S.J Reader I to PO. Got Dr’s paper. Saw McMeekin Il etais ure. (He was drunk.) Home. Ate nuts. Heard news &c. Some more snow. ((When McMeekin reached our shore, He promised to come. But we saw him no more!!” 1911.)) ((Nov 2. 1911, 1:42. p.m. 2.)) [Page 256] December 22 1861.

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Sund 22. ) 10. Clear. A 3 in. snow on the ground. Still. W. G. set his trap last night and caught 2 mice. My back is lame some. I took cyac. I finished my letter to Ella. Bl. here for F saddle for Fannie but Miss Cox has it yet. Clear. Pleasant. No McMeekin. McNown here then Mrs Bollote and Bl, McM has left for home the humbug! Talked awhile. All left. S.W. Cold. ) 20. A little snow. Late dinner. PM. N.W. Some clouds, windy, cold, cleared. B and I to Dr’s. Made a fire. Sat reading Frency medical books till 7 or 8. Home. Cold. (O my! If I were camped out, now?) l 62 ½ X 50c Mond 23. ) 20. Clear. Still. I read [shorthand] daus fs. Very frosty. W. I to Dr; fed hens; then to woods; got 3 hoop poles. B to store with 5 doz eggs. 62 ½c. Got soda, and soap in the place of tea as La told him. La fache parle a B dorme un coup a la chat enteve Edouard! About [shorthand]. Mejios cysidged half a dollar from me for laughing at a stray pig that stays here. PM. ) 30. Thawing. I Hooped 2 barrels. A man here for scholars during our late dinner. B took my letter to Ella and F’s to Em. Hyde to P.O.and got Daily. Cold. ) 15. At bed time. Some clouds. Tuesd 24. ) 20. Clear. Still. E. I hitched Fox & Kit in wagon. B and I to H mill. No grist yet. We got a load of wood near Jewells. Kit pulls as much better than Fox as he does better than John. S. Thawing. I got another load of wood. PM. ) 45. S.W. I got some straw and hoggallows at Dr. and then a small load of wood. W. then N.NW. Snow nearly gone. Cooler. Marple was here to buy script. Rosa Milne brought F. saddle home. We eat many nuts. Played, read &c. Wednesday 25. Christmas. 1861. Clear, N, still. ) 21. Pleasant. B. sugar & grapes in his stocking. I boiled water &c. At 10 or 11 I shot the old sow. Scalded her. S.E. Warm, pleasant. PM. ) 46. A Mrs Rowe came for the stray [hogs] Whelp and Wooly caught it. Raised and dressed Sow. Beam of crib broken (I up there.) ((Nov. 2. 1911. 2:37. p.m. 2.)) [Page 257] December 26. 1861. I salted meat. Bl here from Fronkeys quite ivre (quite drunk.) Wanted F and I to go to his house this afternoon. B. got paper. We to Dr. Struck a light and played flute. I brought over 4 or 5 surgical and other medical books in French. I read “Des plaies d armed a feu.” (Gun shot wounds.) Cracked nuts. Snow gone. Warm. S.W. Clear. Thurs. 26. ) 16. Hard. N.W. wind. Hazy, very cold. La some headache. I shelled a sack of corn took it to H and got other sk. Very cold wind. La trying out lard; making sausage &c. Clear. I read f. book of Gunshot wounds. P.M. Clear. N.W. Not so windy. [shorthand] (I shot the Dr’s dog, Frank. A fine shot. Forehead.) I burnt a little prairie. S.W. of house. Read f. till 7. Then

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B and I to Dr’s. Played flute fired revolver, and read Dr’s books. Still clear, frosty. We to bed in Drs N. room. Frid 27. Up after sunrise. Clear, frosty, still &c. Home. ) 10. I dragged Frank into grass; and threw rails out of grass on plowed ground. B and I crossed ice to my field. 4 of DeWolfs calves I think in. Turned them out. ((Of course the rascal put them in. 1911.)) On hills near Buttons; then through my woods. All right. Home at 11. I have rubbed skin off of 4 toe right foot, with hard boot. Put on Mocc’s. Made a fife. Holes too big. PM. S. Some wind. Rather warm. Thaws but little (F to Wendals ce matin.) I out to N.W. corner of breaking. Put up 9 panels of leaning fence; nicely [shorthand]. Premiere. Home late. Fred F. home. Pas du nouvelle. I read Journal of Nov. 1856. X 40c. Sat 28. ) 30. S. Windy. Clear. Toe sore. B with popgun. I out. Put up 12 panels of fence. Left a space of 2 panels at road. Saw Mrs. Bollote pass. Raw, S, windy. P.M. Toe sore. I out put up 8 panels and left 2 spaces of 2 panels each. Warmer. Hazy. Mrs. Bollote stopped and talked avec moi. Bollote to come. Worked late. B. got paper and krout. F. got tea 25c & thread .15 at store out of 50 La got of me last Mond. ((Nov. 8. 1911. 10:18. a.m. 2.)) [Page 258] December 29 A.D. 1861. Sund 29. ) 25. Clear. N.W. Cool. I read, washed, Nettoye mres dents. Rose rough edges of my beard. Non nez rathu (rouge) [shorthand]. I took half bu. F and I to Bls. He in field. I helped him fill his wagon. We in house. Talked &c. Mrs. Bl. gave F. a pair of white silk gloves. We ate dinner. PM. Clear. I took out my flute. Mrs. Bollote, F and I sang and played Nelly Gray, Red White and Blue, La Marseillaise &c. I got spade. We home. N. Cool,clear. B. has to cut wood. F. and I tried to write notes of Red white & Blue; Hard work. Mond 30. ) 22. A thin cloud. Up early. Still. E. Horses gone. B run on all fours like the ape that he is, to Dr’s. I to fence; dug several holes and put up 11 panels and left 1 space. Scoffield thinks my fence don’t lean enough. B. to my claim; All right. Home. Still. S. hazy, warm. ) 48. PM. I have only 20 panels more of the blown down fence. Not many rails stolen. 10 or 12 perhaps. I out; Set 5 support posts and put up 7 panels, and 1 space of 2 pl. F to Augells. B came out, said Bill T. (the homicide) came with Jo Watkins and got my flute; the rascal. (And I had an awful time getting flute back again.) He said he is to be married on New Years. Home. F. 2 of Augells Tribunes. Read at night. B and I slept at Dr’s. Tuesd 31. Up and over late. ) over 40. S. Rather clear, warm, &c. My back and hips lamish. I took kiac. I out put up 8 panels and 1 ½ spaces (3 panels). Dug & set several post supports. F & B came out with a letter from Frank and another from Mat & Ella. Frank was not in Cheat Mt. Battle. Ella claims John Brown picture. Pere shows it around, &c. Finished all the fence that was blown down. 68 panels in all. Only 190 yds to close N side. Very warm. SW. Clear. ) 64.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (176)

Like spring. No appetite. PM. I took Fox and John drew 3 loads of rails to fill up vacant places on leaning fence. Some clouds. My colt [shorthand] steady and Fox fought. First the old fool “Foiny” (Fox Nickname.) kicked at Steady and he “replied the “salt” and got his foot fast in bridle. Next Fox nearly pushes him into the well. Next Steady kicked at bars and broke 3. La made doughnuts. Paper. Gen Price retreating. Nuts. ((Nov. 3. 1911. 7:10. p.m. 2.)) [Page 259] JAN. 1 1862. Samuel J Readers private Journal and Day Book. Indianola Shawnee Co. Kansas Loyal part of U.S.A. January 1st AD 1861 New Year. A SOIREE. l 75c Wednesday 1. ) 20. Rather clear. N. cold. B got daus son bas doughnuts, and a likeness of his face when he was a ruffian skundrillia ape in the wilds of nigg*rawger [XXXX] [XX]. I read papers. I mended bars, and went into well. Got water bucket out which broke loose last night. The bottom out too. Eliza Milne here at gate. Invited F, I, and flute to a Candy pulling at M=s. I to Thompsons for flute. Its at Lake. Bill to be married today, to a squaw. I to Rods. Got a pair of chamois gloves 75c. John Ogee shooting off anvils. Very cold. N.E. ) 24 highest. PM. I read. I don’t feel very well. Quite cloudy with some breaks. La has nearly finished my pants. [shorthand]. I got ready; brought buggy &c. over from Dr’s. Porte mes habits rouge et velvu. Pants noir. No papers. Got ready. Started nearly dark with John. Travelled fast; got to Mrs. Milnes about dark. Cloudy. I hitched to fence. In house. Miss co*ck shook hands & introduced me to Miss’ Stamp, Marple & Beck with Je Parle avec Mille. C. environ Terperance &c. Bowker Plummer Jaff co*ke John Bradshaw & other small fry with Sophia Wendell Cole’s and others came. I had to watch John from breaking loose. I talked with Bowker. Miss C. wanted him to begin a play. Had a squale hunt. “Snap them in” &c. Bowker boys coniwe uve chirea et basie tout que rit. Mrs Vilne me voir, et dit Comsicent? Mr. R. ici Nous devoins avoir une oragan! Pulled and snatched candy. Played button je le donne Mille Stamp. Je recueille les pawns. Mlle Stamp sold them dessuole tete de M. Bowker. He ordered some to make biscuit Striped Jerusalem. Measure tape, Walk with Plummer, et ure a asseoir gwe mes genous. Mille’s Milue et McDonald venu. Odd fellows. I [shorthand] &c. Je marche a Quebec avec Mille Wendel, et marriage faux elle par Bowker. Played weevily wheat, a sort of dance. Mille co*ck’s ((Nov. 3. 1911. 10:45.p.m. 2.)) [Page 260] January 2, 1862.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (177)

me preudre pour partner. Joue encore “Snap emiu.” [shorthand] . et gulguons le premiete [shorthand]. F headache. Broke up after 12. Very dark. ) 22. I lit lantern & led horse part way. NE. Still. Cloudy. Home soon &c. Not so cold. [shorthand]. Thurs 2. ) 20. Cloudy. NE. Misty. Great times. I read &c. B and I to Dr’s. Bob Pucket came. I dug a hole in Dr. cellar to cache papier legal. Bob car dine. PM. E. Cloudy, samp. I tightened key of pistol with a piece of copper hoop. Bob and I to town at night. No papers or letters. I to Saloon. Flute not there yet. I talked of ghosts, music, literature &c. Jim said Bill has married the ugliest pockmarked squaw in the nation. Miss Charlotte LaFon.f. Dark & misty. Home. Pas du lumiere. Frid. 3. ) 30. Cloudy. Ground a little [shorthand]. N. I wear mes pantalon neuf. Rod Rose is 28 yrs. Dave Milne is 13 & is smaller than B. Jack T. says Elisha Rose [shorthand]. [shorthand] I made bottom for well bucket. Fine job. Cold. Cloudy. [shorthand] PM. Thaw. I to the Drs. and M.B. Fronkier came and paid me $10. in U.S. notes on Dr’s account. I gave him a receipt, duvant le dine [shorthand]. We have no light. We talked of Milne party etc. Mon nez ne si rouge. ) 30. [shorthand]. Sat. 4. ) 24. N.E. Up late. [shorthand]. I put up another book shelf and arranged the books. La got E washtub & board. She & F washing like mad. I tinkered around, then to fence; mailed up loose rails on 15 pls. Late dinner. PM. Cloudy. Some mist, and snow. I to town & saloon. I left N.Y. Day Books with Virginia Gleucaure for Jack T. He’s at a ball. Dr. Gabbey read. No flute! Clinton says McMeekin will buy Las cattle. Snowing. Home. I read aloud. French story aloud. Ate nuts. Sund 5. )) 22. Snow nearly 1 ft. deep. NW. Cloudy, Snowing. Up late. I felt [shorthand]. I wrote to Frank: Rec. &c. Gave an interesting a/c of battle on Alleghany Mts. Gen. Price retreating. Delighted that Jim Lane is to command Kan troops. The men all have confidence in him and he knows how to carry on the war amongst our B-R neighbors of Mo.* and in him the Contrabands find a true friend and liberator. Health good. Dr’s to Ill. Well we presume Eliza you know like myself is not very punctual in writing some times. A snow &c. I am no friend of cold weather. It uses me up completely and I have been frost-bitten slightly several times. Some think it is because I do not *((Yes, Jim Lane was a good (or as bad,) as “our Border=ruffian neighbors of Mo.” when he got over there with fire & sword.)) ((Nov. 4. 1911. 3p.m.2.)) [Page 261] January 6, 1862. (Bill Thompsons marriage to Miss Charlotte La Fon.) Warm my blood up with alcohol; but of the opinion that the remedy is worse than the inconvenience. Hot weather makes but little [XXXX] on me and should I ever leave this place it will be to make another move towards the sunny south. Our little town is as great as you please &c &c. One of the number W.E.T. married a Half breed squaw on N. [XXX] and the

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (178)

whole town nearly, has been on a bust ever since. He is a brother of the proprietor of our billiard saloon; was in the P.S. army in 56 – 57. Murdered a man at Lecompton; Was convicted and pardoned out by Gov. Robinson. He struts about as impudent as Lucifer, with the back of his head 3 in. in rear of his heels. No more. Signed Sam Reader. Clear then clouded. NW. windy at 12. Augell from Ball. Mon globe oculaire mon nez n’est pas si rouge comme autrefois et est sans turbuncles (carbuncles.) Read &c. Biscuit. P.M. ) 25. NW. Cloudy, cold. Toe sore in big boot. I read plaies l’armos a feu Fer &c. F read more stories. Mond 6. ) 6 below 0! Still. W. Very sharp. Some pain in right hip. Nons avons six chots et deux chiems. B. and I to Dr. field, drove up Dr’s old Briggs cow and our Briggs. Put them up. Bl. brought our meal from H. mill. PM. ) 28. Clear. Still. Sun is warm. I husked a lot of corn for meal. Most of cattle up. E. clouded. I to P.O.; put my letter in. No letter from Dr. I to Saloon. Jack forgot to bring my flute from Silver Lake. Home. We shelled more than 2 sks of corn. Je dorrin sans chevise. Tuesd. 7. ) 11. Cleared. Still. All of cattle up. Dr’s 15. Ours 13 head. I put them up and fed them hay. Je colle mon aviolon en cing laux je ecosse du maise. La et F me aide. S.E. Plus chaud. PM. ) 37. Quelques nuages. Nous finisons ecosser le maise; Environ sept bu. Dr vent. B. a la villate pas dis lettres pui flute. Notre vache Briggs un veau dans l’ecurie après le couche du soliel. F. et B. commence a etudier aujourdhui. Obscur le vois. Wed. 8. ) 36. Cloudy. A hard thaw. S. La headache. I feel (rheumatism) some. Took Quyac. I hitched up Fox & Kit; took corn to H. mill. Saw Mrs. H. She says son frère est sain &c. I saw Plummer. We got a load of wood near Jewels; Then another near Dr’s field. Thawing very fast. ) 39. Highest. Clouds cleared off. W & NW. PM. We to my woods; got ((Nov.4.1911.9:18.p.m.2.)) [Page 262] January 9 AD 1862. a load of nice rotten wood. (One knock of the ax and its all in stove sticks and lasts as long again as soured wood. (La disputes this, calls it Sophistry.) Grapes in woods. Most of cattle up. Briggs went off this morning and has not come back. Colder, freezing. N.W. I to Saloon; heard the learned Jack, Augell & others talk. I to P.O. Mrs. Gabbey gave me a letter from La Harpe. Pete says there are cattle in my field. Saw Bonem. Home. Letter from Dr. E wrote before but no come. I at work. Wrote a letter of 4 close pages to Dr. about business news, my picture of him, ladies and topped off in French. F. wrote to E. about (Bill Thompsons marriage, etc.) Willeys noces et environ moi chez Milnes. I wrote ½ page to her in French about spirits & Je veux a voir un lutin &c. To bed very late. Half moon. Still, clear, pleasant. ) 11. Thurs 9. ) 12. Rather still. NE. Misty, cloudy. No Briggs. I took letter to PO just in time. Hunted Briggs; failed; drove rest of drs cattle (5) and Bonem heifer up in yard. La for cow. Failed. I to Bonems, then to field. All right. No cattle have been in. I at Bonem’s again. Mrs

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (179)

Brown me dit que Jambes – nu has enlisted in U.S. service. Home. F. drove strays off to Drs. field. Briggs came home. La relieved. B and I drove 19 of Drs & Las cattle and 1 of Bonems to town. Bonem came with 3 more of his cows. We got all across cr. easily and into field 23 of them. B. says Jack T. will many Burnetts fille of Pottawatomie Nation. E there. S. Home. ) 25. Cloudy, misty, still. I am glad. PM. My fiddle sounds better. A hole in side of left boot. I put handle in fork – defoin. S. Misty, foggy. I to Dr’s; Got another book [shorthand]. Home. Read. (INK FROZEN.) Frid 10. ) 2. N. Windy. Rather cloudy, awful cold. Ink frozen. I read f book [shorthand] &c. till 10. La fache parcque je don’t want to sow wheat. Dressed. I to Topeka on ice. Saw Jake Smith. Land was sold for tax last week. Hamilton bought Drs town part. I saw him; He bought for a man in L City. Hines, I suppose saw Hovendere. He will buy Lady next week. Told me of his adventures in way; at Springfield. Saw another butcher. He wont buy live cattle. Saw ((THIEF)) Wier. He has sold La’s scrip; good. No money yet. I to ((tricky Jake)) Smith. He rectified mistake of La’s land in Range. NW. Cold, windy. Clear. ((Nov.5.1911.11.a.m.2.)) [Page 263] January 11. 1862 Home against wind, late. (My beard was white with frost.) Mon barb blanc avec gelee. ) 10. Ate dinner or supper. I to P.O.; no papers. I to my field. Let cattle out to water, 4 strays in. In at Saloon Jack will get my flute Sunday. Home. Read f book. Awful cold. ) 1, at bed time. ((Nov.5.1911.1.p.m.2.)) l $1.00 Sat. 11. S. Clear. ) 10. Warmer. Up after sunrise. Our dogs nip cattles noses. B. and I to my field, 5 or 6 of Buttons cattle in. Dogs led them off. I put up all of fence. B & J skated and got grapes. Home. I read. Mr. Burnett here. I gave him $1 for N.Y. Tribune. PM. Late dinner. S. Clear, thawing. ) 39. I to fence; nailed up a lot of loose rails. I to PO; got f. paper. I to saloon. Saw Young Jack Vieux and a great crowd of drunken fellows here to attend Masonic Lodge. Jack T. told me about his belonging to Sons of Temperance and then getting on a bender. I home on Augells sled. Read f. story. S. then N. windy. Sund. 12. ) 5. Cloudy. N windy, cold. Ink frozen. (Not hurt much. Oct 9. 1908.) F. A awful cold [shorthand]. I to my field. Couldn’t water cattle. I dogged strays off. Home. Awful cold. I read f book of [shorthand]. PM. ) 10. N. windy, cloudy, some sleet. I read; got wood cut &c. Briggs is sick. I to bed early. F read part of Edith Trevor a fool story. Cold. Mond 13. ) 8 below zero. NE. Stiller, but cold, cloudy. (I made a fife) I read, mended my mittens. PM. ) 5. N. Still. Cloudy, cold. B. and I to my field. Cattle had got out and drank. No Strays. I left fence open. We to Saloon. Waited a long time for stage. Jim T. wants me to get Cecele Vieux &c. We home. I finished Edith Trevor, a bloody vautrien story, by firelight.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (180)

Tuesd. 14. Legislature meets today. ) 2 below zero. Clear but clouded. My eyes ne sont assin blurred comme hier. Bl. here to see if I had my grist. Norris McN. here for laudanum. All left. A hard S.E. snow storm. ) 10. I patched my left boot and greased them &c. Snowing hard. Not cold. I began to write to Ella & Martha Burnett here some time. He ((Nov. 5. 1911. 5. P.m. 2.)) [Page 264] Corn – 10 cts. pr. [XX]. Pork – 2 ½ pr. lb. Beef: 3 cts. January 15 1862. wants to get Drs stove. PM. Almost night ) 10. SE Slacked. I fed and went to PO. I to the Saloon. [shorthand]. Wed 15/ ) 6. N.W. Some clouds. (Cold, some pain in the hip.) We put old Briggs in stable. She une veau la. Cold. N. Clear. I wrote more to [Nat]. viz: Reception of letters. Health of all Drs &c. Weather. Prices. Corn 10 Pork 2 ½ Beef 3 cts. No fears of famine. No news in Kan. Legislature met. It seemed to me that good luck had all come at once for with it came one from F. which I of course opened first to see if he had been in the late battle. I was much delighted to hear of his good health & spirits. He is certainly a great writer for one so young from the number of letters he has written to you since being a soldier, besides his correspondence to myself, and doubtless many others I should very much like to see some of his newspaper communications. I am certain from the letters he has written to me that he is fully competent as a War Correspondent. We cannot doubt that he will attain celebrity as he comes to mature years should refuel so disposed. You say you want my “Shadow” in uniform as a Christmas gift. I faithfully promise to send it just as soon as I can get an opportunity to have it taken; not in uniform however as our Co. has not procured uniforms yet and perhaps will not for some time, if ever. We have not met to drill for some time on a/c of the cool weather and the tranquil appearance of the State. If I could draw a likeness of myself which be in any wise accurate, I would do it with pleasure but I believe it would be in vain. I have made and sent to our relatives of LaHarpe so many pictures of myself in caricature especially during the Kansas War, that I can hardly represent myself in any other than a ludicrous character and one of that description you might not think in very good taste. Besides, I [XXX] to be a little more careful in the future how I send such sketches to my friends, as I have placed myself in an unpleasant predicament by it already. It was in this manner: After the Dr and Eliza were married I sketched a comic tableau of the wedding. I represented them on the floor looking as if their last day had come while I stood near in the shape of the section of a rainbow shedding tears of regret. My Uncle & Aunt were made in about equally ridiculous attitudes. Now this picture I sent to my U. Samuel to give him an idea of the appearance of the marriage as I said, without the faintest supposition that the Dr. would ever see it. But in this I was mistaken for it was preserved and in his letter the Dr congratulated me on my success in drawing &c. informing me that my cousin Miss America James, recognizes him at first sight from the resemblance he bore to his likeness in the wedding scene. I know there is too much mirth in his character for him to be offended, but still I feel

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (181)

quite cheap when I think of this picture being exhibited to him. It would indeed be a pleasure to meet you all soon and if it is not possible now I do not intend that our separation shall be eternal. Ella speaks of your instrumental music. May I ask what instrument you are learning to play upon. I am very fond of music instrumental in particular and sometimes by to make some myself in my own poor way upon the flute, but without much success. I purchased my instrument just before we came to Kan. and commenced tooting upon it but contrary to the advice of sister E. refused to learn the notes thinking it too much trouble. She understands music thoroughly and tried to get me to take lessons from her but the first lesson appeared too formidable to me that I gave it up. I continued in blissful ignorance until about or more than a year ago when finding I was making no progress of any account I took up the “Carmina Sacra” and by [XXX] of hard studying on Sundays (not being a member of Church,) and odd times, I mastered what I had supposed so difficult in a short time. There is one tune that I have never came across: “The Star Spangled Banner”. If you have the air, will not one of you as a great favor to me, copy the music and send it to me? You write also that you are in a class of vocalists. Well that is something I know as little of as I do of Latin & Greek. I never sing and do not suppose I could go through Ellas compliments about John B’s picture and may I not say gratified to hear her expressions of noble, am martyred, in connection with his name. I will try and send specimens of my “daubing” as often as I can execute anything, that will be worthy of notice. “Artist” you cannot properly call me for I have never received instruction in drawing or painting from master or book in my life, and draw pictures (generally comic) for amusem*nt. No more space. SJR. ((Nov.5. 1911. 10:40. p.m. 2..)) [Page 265] January 16. 1862. PM. 11. N. very cold. Fed &c. early. I to my field; drove cattle to water. Feet cold. I in Saloon to warm (Not inwardly!). I to P.O. Got f paper and a Medical [XXXX]. Put Mats letter in. Home. Big toe of right foot frost bitten. We brought the Briggs calf in house. I read news in French paper. Toe sore. To bed with all the cats tout les chats. Thurs. 16. ) 6 below zero. N.E. Still, cold. Read story about the ruffian Plonernels castle, dungeons, carcaus, grilles, Maige=Vilian, Seys &c. I sat round calf look well. B and I to Drs. to get another book. [shorthand]. Got a squash & cabbage head from cellar. Home, PM. ) 5 or 6. E.N.E. Cloudy, looks like snow. I read. Bl. here in wagon. I with him to H. mill. We got our meal. He 2 & I 5 sks. Home fast. Wood nearly out. I read by fire light. La (castigates the cats.) ((Nov. 6.1911.9:37.a.m.2d.)) Frid 17. ) 5 below zero. Clear. N.W. Still. I feel “matticky” some (red nose) and one thimble hole on it. Les yeax ne sout pas assui cleared. I got ready, started to Topeka on Fox. Rode over river on ice. Saw Wier. He will have money (the miserable liar), Mond. I saw Irish butchers; they say they will come next week. I to Recorders office; left Johnsons deed to Cole with Recorder. Plenty of Big Bugs in town. Saw some darkies. I home at 1 P.M. After dinner I with Fox and Kit to swimming hole, got a load of wood. I to P.O. Got E’s letter written 25 Dec. and one from Frank. Lavinia Ricker has married E. Claycomb and Louisa Garew ((Garrigur. 1911.)), Dick Comstock. I do not feel well. S. Cloudy. Sleeting.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (182)

X 45 cts. l 30 cts. Sat 18. ) 15. Cloudy, still, N. Jai fiui le livre francais driex. I began to write to S. I made a new shaft for grind stone. E. Misty and foggy. B to town with 3 doz eggs. Tea & slate pencils. 45 cts. My head aches some. PM. I finished letter to S. Made a picture of an Indian [XX] Spirit medium, and myself in 2 scenes; First to Em. I backed letter to her. I wrote 3 pages to S about La Harpe soldiers their wounds &c. My views of the conduct of the civil war. Don’t like old Abe’s giving emancipation the cold shoulder. I am the same as any other radical dyed in the wool abolitionist. We are all well “what they [XX] of us” and there are enough of us too this cold weather. Sent word to Dr & E, all safe &c. About Burnett getting stove. Tax on land &c. Signed “Uncle Sam to Uncle Sam.” ((Nov.6.1911. 11:33.a.m. 2d.)) [Page 266] January 19. 1862. I to PO got 10 stamps 30c. of Mrs. Gabbey. I to Saloon. Heard news of Ball &c. from Dr. Ashmore, Jack T. Cummins &c. Jack forgot my flute. ((Nov.6.1911. 1.p.m. 2.)) A DYED=IN=THE=WOOL ABOLITIONIST. ((Confession of 1911.)) Sund 19. ) 17. N.W. Cloudy, Still [shorthand]. I to field on Fox. All right. B & F at Dr’s. ) 21. PM cloudy. Wrote to Frank. D.B. Day before yesterday I received a letter from you dated Jan 3 in which you said you had not received any word from me since you wrote last. I wrote to you the first part of this mo. In answer to yours of Dec. and I suppose it has reached you before this. We are all enjoying excellent health. The Dr & family are all right at last accounts. The little boy had an attack of the croup but soon got over it. We do not expect them home before Spring. I sent in your complaint as well as our Sisters to E. for not writing to you, yesterday. Our weather has been cold and disagreeable for some weeks. A snow of six in. is still lying on the ground. Prices for farm produce are low awhile Cotton and woolen goods are high. Salt sells for 5 c. pr lb. You ask how my military pulse beats. Well I hope its pulsations are still true to the Union but its throbs would rise to fever heat were we also fighting against this unholy system of Slavery which our enemies are so carefully fostering even as the expense of disloyalty and a formidable war waged against them. I am no politician and know nothing in regard to the intricate windings of diplomacy as you well know, and therefore ought not to set up my judgment in this matter, still it seems to me that the most ordinary common sense would dictate the overthrow of Slavery. What are your views in this matter? What lamentable folly some of our Gens. Show in discountenancing fugitive slaves. Jim Lane knew what come to pursue in Mo. in respect to slaves and our troops were more feared by the enemy than his Brigade. Even you Va. boys from your last letters are beginning to find out the [XXXX] of the despised “Contrabands”. I learned last night that Sec. Caveron has been relieved from his position in the Cabinet. I am as sorry to hear of his removal as I was to about Fremonts, for I had formed a high opinion of their ability and views for prosecuting the war. You gave some amusing anecdotes

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (183)

about the runaway darkies. I thank Fortune that as soon as one sets foot in Kan. soil he is a free man. What unspeakable joy must be awakened in these poor creatures minds when they for the first time realize that they are free; when they know that they will no longer have to toil from “sun to sun,” under the drivers lash and no longer dread the (to them) dreadful thought of being sold down south unless they tamely submit to their fate. I was in Ta. the other day and saw quite a number of negroes employed by the citizens. They looked intelligent and happy. I believe they have 15 or 20 there but none have come over on this side of the river yet that is, in this Township. Excuse my dwelling on this subject so long. Remember, I know no better than to think Negroes better off free than slaves and am a confirmed dyed in the wool abolitionist. I am happy to hear that U. Sam provides you all with such good fare. Some of my acquaintances of the Kan. 2d. tell me that last summer while in Mo. they were often on half rations and sometimes had nothing but fresh meat. They gallantly fought at the Battle of Springfield without any other uniform than a blue blouse and many were not well supplied with canteens and suffered dreadfully for want of water. You asked me how I spent the holidays. Well I am afraid I did not observe them very properly. First, Christmas was so fine a day for work that I broke that day entirely. N.Y.’s day I find by looking at my Journal, was cold and I kept indoors mostly; although invited to be present at the wedding of Wm. T. one of our rankest Pro-Slaveites to be married to a half breed Pott. squaw 10 ms. from here. More than half the town was there. I was in town when the crowd started. Almost everyone had a bottle or two of Redeye on board and several good swags under their belts to keep the cold off. In the evening I took my cousin F. to a kind of social party, ostensibly a “Candy Pulling”, but on arriving found it to be more of a play party than anything else. We could not complain of girls for they outnumbered ((Nov.7,1911. 2:10.p.m. 2.)) [Page 267] January 20 1862. the gents more than two to one. Our host being a strictly religious man nothing like dancing was attempted and it made no difference with me for I never shook the fantastic toe more than 10 or 15 times in my life and as old age is creeping on me like the galloping consumption after a fast young lady that I probably never will shake it again. Our Master of Ceremonies was Mr. Bowker or rather Capt. B of our Independent Co. You see we civilians have everything our own way now but when the “Bowlsoger boys” come home our day will be over; then will “the greater glory dim the loss” and we will all sink into insignificance. Our local news has not been important for a long time. The State Legis. Met a few days ago at Ta. but I believe are doing nothing important. Day before yesterday the S. Court decided that Chas R. our old Dem. Half traitor Gov. can remain in office another year, and thus leave Mr Crawford who received a heavy vote last fall, out in the cold. I answered Mats last letter a week or so ago. Can it be possible that Ella is becoming an abolitionist? Her letter seems to show it. In your next please tell me if you are camped out in tents yet or are you in barracks? I will close. S.J.R.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (184)

Cloudy all day, but not very cold. I copied letter at night and played fiddle. F. read in Mrs. M’s book ((Nov.7.1911.3.p.m. 2.)) Mond 20. ) 20. W. Cloudy. My back feels a very little “Maticky.” I got ready; ground knives &c. I took Drs. little rifle and shot old Lady cow down in yard. La, B, and I skinned and dressed her. Drew fore qtrs. To house on sled by hand. Warm, Cloudy. W. ) 35. Thawing. PM. Dogs tearing at beef. We cut it up. La got a large tub (E’s) and several pans full of tallow. B took my letter to P.O. and hunted for McN. Boys to send beef to them. Augell brought us 2 tribunes. La gave him beef. After dark we salted beef. McN here awhile. He would not take a piece of meat for some time. 50 lbs. (“No, no! Mrs. Cole, I’d rather not!” He said at first. 1911.) F read papers. To bed late. Tuesd 21. ) 27. Cloudy, still, warm &c. Glad that Lady is dead. I took Fox and John; drew 3 loads of wood mostly from near Giddings house. La trying out tallow; Will have one tub full. Elliott was here. Wood H. home on furlough. PM. Thawing. Still. S. Cloudy. I made a candle. [shorthand.] B. and I with team to town. Saw Willey. Has forgotten flute again. (How many more lies will you tell Mr. Reader?) Will send it by stage tomorrow and other [shorthand]. I played fiddle quite well. F. working holes in pieces of muslin. Warm. ((But I cant play worth a cent on the fiddle even now on this Nov. 7. 1911.10:19.p.m.)) [Page 268] Jan. 22. 1862. $15 x $1. X $. Wednesday 22. ) 30. Warm. Still cloudy. I got ready. To Ta’ on Fox. I to Wier. He only paid me $15 now. (Lucky I got anything from the mean thief.) I saw Hovenden Mc gives 3 cts for hides. I to Recorder; gave him $1 out of $5 Treasury note (U.S. DEMAND NOTE.) for recording Johnson deed. Very warm, thawing fast. I looked for Photographer; failed (none in Topeka.) Saw John Drinkwater. I got a set of fiddle strings 40 cts. and 3 song books with music 40 cts and I kept 20 cts more of change; All La’s money. $1.00. I started at noon, got home. I took beef to Bls. No one at home. I put it in at window with a note in French to Mrs. Bl. Home. PM. Thawing; very cloudy. S.W. Still. I strung fiddle. Looked at music books. I to Dr’s; looked at books &c. Brought over 2. I to P.O. Got the paper. I to saloon. Flute not sent as I knew from the (liars former conduct). Home. (Rob Pucket was here today and gave B. a reals top; a brass Christ, and an India rubber ball, for a fife. I played new tunes on fiddle. N. Cooler. Thurs. 23. ) 21. Heavy fog, cloudy. S. Not cold. Quite a snow for 10 minutes. (I dreamed of getting flute! Broken &c.) Lying rascally Thompson. La washing. B. and I to Drs to look at sleigh. Its rotten. We to bushes N of his house; but a road to a fine tree top. We found “a quantity” of large grapes nearly as good as raisins; Brought a lot home. I copied music. PM. Thawing fast. I mended fence; Put hide on crib &c. S.E. Cleared off about 10 AM. I to P.O. Got Martin F. Conway’s speech for J.N. Cole. I to field; then to Saloon. (NO FLUTE.) I home. Sang, played and read.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (185)

FLUTE TRIP. Frid. 24. Up before day light. ) over 32. But little ice. I got Drs buffalo robe, harness &c. Breakfast just after sunrise. I put fox to bobsled; Started for the Lake. N.W. Clear and warm, but got cold and cloudy with a few drops of snow. Lively wind. Cold feet. I went fast. Enquired at several houses and at last found Willey in a little log hut, helping an ugly pockmarked squaw (his wife I think) wash clothes. He didn’t introduce me however. Showed me his land, Spring & fish pond. Love in a cottage sure as sin. I off half a mile, to “Aunty’s” as he called her; Got my flute; all right!! I started. N. ((Nov.8.1911.33.A.M.2.)) [Page 269] X 7.65 I AM 26 YEARS OLD. January 25 1862. Not so cloudy, windy, thawing. My feet cold. I to Bl. Got our pan. They are making sausage car Downie. I home at 1 PM. Doughnuts is at Kemps. I washed tobacco fumes out of flute and played some. The sides of my feet frozen sore and blue. Cut wood. An Irish pedlar here to buy hides and sell goods at swindling prices. F. home. Jenny McDonald dead. Wolves [shorthand] delighted to see F. At night I played flute, and F sang. Dixie and Aunie Lawrie splendid. ) was 42 today. Not much snow. Saturday January 25. A.D. 1862. I am 26 years old!! I am getting old very fast. People will soon inquire for me viz: “Is the old man at home?” (I am older now, Oct. 11 1908.) Clear, still. ) 15, Pleasant. I have a bad cold in my nose and head. I played &c. La to store. Got B a light hat. $1.15. Two [XXXX] for La & F. Calico 20 cts yd. 16 yds. $3.20. Broom 30 cts. Two yds of cloth for B. $1.50. La shoes $1.50. La at Browns and Petes awhile. Home. I read speeches of Jenit Smith and Wendel Phillips in Tribune. S. Warm, clear. ) 39. I ate nuts. I feel stupid. P.M. I sat round. Topped the stack up. Roads bare. I to P.O. A letter from Dr. Cant get more than 10 or 15 dolls per acre. All well. Weather cold. ) 18 below 0. I played F. sang &c. I read f. book. La fache parcqui je lui dit que S gave good [advice] &c. I tried to soft [XXXX] ole Lady till bed time but she wouldn’t believe me. Sund 26. ) 29. Cloudy. Little snow. F. B. and I up very early. My cold no better. I read Pouriture d Hopital &c. Ate nuts. E. Cloudy warm, thawing. ) 36. I in Drs. cellar got cabbage, and a squash. All right there. PM. Cloudy. I read f. story of crusade &c. Played flute and fiddle. I don’t feel well. I cough. I wrote over 2 pages to Dr at night &c. Mond. 27. ) 35. Cloudy. E. Misty, thawing. My cold better. F. said we had rain and thunder last night. The wire edge of my music is beginning to wear off. Misty. B and I to Dr’s.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (186)

[shorthand] Home. B and I to Dr’s field. Saw all horses. To field; all cattle there but one. Got elders. Home. Made a fife. N. Cold, freezing. ((Nov. 8.1911.1:48.p.m.2)) [Page 270] January 28 1862. Windy. Cloudy. Wood H. started for Camp ce matin. PM. ) 29. I finished my letter to Dr. F. wrote to E. Kit and Fox up. I to P.O. Put letter in. To Rods. He gave me a daily paper. I at saloon. Heard Jack & Jim tell of war exploits in 56 & 57 under Titus (the border ruffian commander.) Jack was an officer. Jim and Shannon’s son buried the Dutchman who was shot at Titus house. I home. Thunder and lightening, with sleet. Cold. N. Windy. I read &c. ((Nov.8.1911.2:10.p.m.2d.)) Tuesd. 28. ) 10. N. Sleeted all night & at it still. My cold better. I take equaic. I read Bright’s Dr. book, but wood &c. Too cold to do anything. PM. All of ours and Drs horses up but Cass. I fed them. N. Cloudy, but cleared a little at night. Cold. I drew a picture of myself. Wed 29. ) below zero. Cleared. N. Sharp. La colic last night. F. fell over oven door. Small of my back some lame again. I take quaiacum, but no colehicure. I made S. cabin door so it can be shut from outside; then I made a higher sill for S. kitchen; cut 6 in. from door and hung it right. Clear. N. ) 14. PM. I skated on the mow; Its so hard. I to Saloon. Saw Jim and Jack Fiero, all dressed up. He hired a boy for $2 per week to attend to his horses. While he goes to Payment. I to P.O. Got a letter to F. from E. Hyde and a f. paper. I got 10 envelopes but had no change small enough to pay. Home. Read f. paper &c. Thurs 30. ) 16. N.E. A snow like cotton fell last night, 6 in. deep. Still. Cleared off some. I dreamed of being in a battle &c. I to Dr’s.; got cabbages out of Drs cellar. I got rags for overshoes. (B’s trowser legs.) A regular Tinker way viz: B en des hallious pour faire moccasins to ape me. F. et lui se jone environ les ciscaux. B dechire l’ ourage de F. La se rit a B. F. lui bathe, played &c. La headache. PM. ) 24. Still. We saw a man measure Drs. door. B and I to woods by Drs door. B and I to woods by Drs pasture. I chopped on a fallen tree. We got a few grapes. I made a maul. I home. Mr & Mrs Blondel, Madame Bollote et Mademoiselle Bollote here in wagon. I finished work. Mrs Be said Eliza Milne had told her about my pictures in long Journal (The “Long Journal,” is a more wonderful book, now. Oct. 11. 1908. ((Nov.9.1911.9:25.a.m.2d.)) [Page 271] January. 31. 1862. and one of Bollote. Bl & Stefanie Be. looked at the pictures. Le soupe. Je n’fut pas faim, ni Bl. I played flute. McBe sang. F’s throat too sore. I drew profile of Bl. in flute book. The noses too long. They started 1 heure après dark. ) 20 below. Still. Some clouds. Henry Davison, Two Stamps. Grant and others up on a furlough. Bollote will come soon.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (187)

l $2.40 X 5 cts Paid Feb. 6. 02. Frid. 31. ) 20. S. Windy, cloudy. My back better. I dreamed that Frank S.R. wrote to me that he was wounded and one of his comrades. Added in same letter that he had died of wound. B. and I to woods, cut wood awhile. Home early. F is at town. I hitched Kit & Fox. We drew up 1 load of wood. PM. ) 29. W. then N. Cloudy. Few drops of snow. We got up 2 more loads. I sick at stomach from mange du sausage. F. home. Got of Rob 9 yds Du lauie $2.25, Cambie 15. She at Browns. They sang John Browns song. F has it in her book called “Say Brothers.” &c. I am very glad to have the air. I borrowed 5 [cents] of B. To PO, paid Mrs. Gabbey. Got 2 Tribunes of 18 & 25 inst. I to Saloon. Jim told me about [Tish] Roses’ big head, &c. I home. Feel better. I read. F. has a sore throat yet. Cleared a little. N. New moon. ((Nov.9.1911.11.a.m.)) [Page 272] February 1st A.D. 1862 In War Times. Secesh hole of Indianola Yankee County of Shawnee, And State that was once. Bleeding Kansas. U.S.A. Uncle Sam J Reader’s private Journal and Day Book. Saturday 1. ) 5 below zero. W. Still clear Sharp. I copied John Browns song Lilly Dale. B. and I to my field, opened all the 3 barrs. No cattle there. Home. I read &c. Sharp air. N. Clear. ) 21. Thaws in the sun. PM. I put a patch on out side of right boot. I to P.O. Paid my N.Y.T. postage 30 [cents]. Mrs G. owes me 5 [cents]. Indians coming in and getting drunk. Jim T told me that. [shorthand] “Is no gentleman,” (Eugene) Howe on Augills sled. Read letter. P of Attorney is to good. Coming back in 1 mo. ((A long stay 1911.)) Played John Brown song. ((Nov.9.1911.11:27.a.m.2d.)) Sund 2. Clouded up. S.E. I wrote a deed of my Ill. land to E. and part of a letter to Dr. Misty, chilly. “Cheap will be all kinds of grain.” And but one winter in this year. I read &c. PM. S.E. Fine snow. I wrote a new Power of Attorney. ) 17. Belle & John up. l $4.25 l 5 [cents] Mond 3. ) 18. W.N.W. Cleared N. cold. I to Saloon. Looked at statutes. Jack told me to get a Notary Public to take acknowledgement of Power of Attorney. I got Rod R. & John Young to witness for me. Plenty of green backed Treasury (U.S.) notes in town. ((Wildcats no more! 1911.)) I home. On Fox to Topeka. Frank McKinney overtook me. I to R. Giles Notary Public. He said my Power of A. was in form, but that I must have the Secy. Of State to certify instead of County Clerk. Giles took acknowledgement, Sealed it & fee 50 c. I to Wier, he certified under the Secretary of States seal, that Giles is a N. Public Fee: $1. Las money will be ready soon. (It never was.) I to Jake Smith’s office; asked him if the fraction of sell in Soldier Township had been bid in County. He said it had and transferred receipt to me $4.11 but for cash only took $2.75. Hurrah!!! I asked Davison about the land ce matin. Home fast light as a feather. PM. I

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (188)

finished letter to Dr. I put it in P.O. Mrs G. gave me 5 c. I saw Bowker, Band. I to Drs till bed time. Clear. Still. Cold. ((Nov. 9.1911.1p.m.2d.)) [Page 273] BASHFUL BUMPKIN’S EXPERIENCE. X 42.15 February 4, 1862. Tuesd 4. ) 3. Clear, but clouded. Still. I feel well. I to Fleashers. Not at home. I to Dr Jenners to inquire for F’s’ failed. Saw Molly in door. I to town. Saw old skinflint (Fairchild) settling accounts with Rod. Hig is busy in there. I [see] Davison. Our cattle not at his field. Henry left for camp today. I in DeWolf’s field. Saw all the horses, except Cass. No cattle. Home. La got of Hig. Course muslin 25 c per yd. $2. And 15 cts candle wick. S. Some mist. Raw. PM. ) 29. Not done dinner when Mrs. C. Augell came in. Then je vois mg Md’es et ille. Bouton arrate dans un traneau, par la porte. Je les alle. [greased] Bottom me dit “Eh bien Samwell, cornsic vous ne vieu pas a nous voir j’ Henrietta appoite ici pour vous voir” &c. Toute le mou de entre moi [XXX]. Mr B. porte a Topeka. Je coupe le bois &c. ji fut pene a entre le maison quelquetemps, mais La me dit Go in et agi coume personne. I went in Parle avec Mde. B. squelettes, cranes, et autre sujets gai. Environ la guerre, et de me batir un domicile sur les collines. Puis, La parte de la music et je had to get mon flute, et joue tres bien. T mille B. et Mrs Chate un pen. H.B. est tres blonde, et assez belle. Les grands yeux, cheveux fonee &c. Bouton venu de F-a, Lane is there B’s tooted on flute and got me to play, puis il me dit. You must venu, chez moi a voir H et [XXXX] pondit j ai honte Mrs B. dit vous doit etre honte. B’n rit a eclais tre pouidit: “J’ai houte!” Mille. B fache et dot a spm ere. “Il nefaut pas pour luivence a me voir, to hear le culeimer. Ie ue sais pas a repondre; Regarde egare et confus a tour all mois. Its partient après doupetard. A sin day. B. to P.O. [XXXX] plaster on. I to Dr. B. Got castor oil. Home. Gave F a dose if the oil. Bob Pucket here; got his mittens. Rob Ogee with him. B hid awhile. Nan Pucket here ((Nov.9.1911.4.p.m.”2d hitch”)) [Page 274] February. 6 1862. awhile. All left. PM. F. better after a while. A fine S rain. ) 40. I to Dr’s. Read &c. Brought Le medicine pittoresque home. F. better yet. I fed &c to bed early. X 5 c Thurs 6. B. and I slept in bed room, avec les chats. [shorthand] N. clear, cold. ) 8. Windy, F well. I took a kink in back. I scorched and rubbed it. I paid B. the 5 c I got of him last Frid. Ground covered with Ice. Clear. I rubbed peppers on back. Read “Medecin pittoreque.” N.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (189)

Cold. ) 21. Clear. [shorthand] Back lame. Very slippery. Belle up. F. dit que guard M Bouton rit, l’autre jour, Madame lui jete un coup I’oul droit=sur lui; puis elle detourne la tete, et sans detume les yeux. PM. Clear. I read &c. I to Saloon. Dr Hahmore very drunk. Had a fight with Huggins. Stage in late. I got Tribune f paper and a letter to F from Miss co*cks at Mission. Home. Read &c. Back lame. F. a cough yet. Frid 7. ) 6. N, Cloudy, cold. [shorthand]. Sore and lame just under ribs. I put on pepper. B to Buttons. Got smart weeds. N. A heavy snow began to fall. I read &c. PM. Snowing. I read f. story of Pilgrams in Holy Land. Fox, Kit, Spikes, and John up. Very slippery. I read, played &c. Sat 8. ) 8. Partly cleared. Up after sunrise. B. and I slept in bedroom. My back no better. F. better. I take gayac. N.W. I read &c. Not so slippery. PM. Clear. ) about 30. My back quite lame. I to Dr N room; made a big fire and washed moi mesre avec savon et l’eau. [Shorthand]. I home. B to office. Got a letter to F from Em. Payson Maynard is home wounded in arm and ribs. Add Leavitt shot in head, and shoulder &c. B and I to Drs till 7 or 8, reading &c. Home. La eating walnuts de Dr. &c. Clear, cold. Sund 9. ) 6 below zero. Clear. Still & pleasant. I feel better. I read I drew and painted a likeness of Fan. PM. ) 35. S.W. Clear, Raw wind. I to Bls. ((Nov.9.1911.9.p.m.2.)) Eggs 20 cts pr doz. Sugar 23 cts pr lb. [Page 275] February. 10. 1862. Julie Bellmore there. Bl came in. I drew his picture, or portrait; also the Bls and Mrs Bollotes; Not very well. I forgot to take my paints. In the [XXX] all who want to be discharged from Home Guards can be by forfeiting the bounty $100. I home. La reading old Posts. Warm, &c. I feel better. Mond 10. ) 20. W. Clear. Pleasant. I take plenty of quciacum. B for town with 4 doz eggs; Fell with them and broke over 1 doz. He took 3 ½ doz to Rods (No Higgs now,) store; got 20 cts per doz. Sugar 3 lbs 70 cts. I to bushes. Got an ax handle stick. La got candle rods. W. warm thawing. I copied “Boatman dance”. Painted part of a portrait of Fan, B’s. Clouded up ) 40. [shorthand]. Car dine. PM. My back nearly well. B put turpentine in an egg and we made “Wooley” eat it. He and “Whelp” got on pigs in field. I ran and drove them off. B shipped “Skunk” Whelp ran off but I got him and tanned him at hay stack. I made an ax handle. I to P.O. Got Drs medical pamphlet, and a letter from him for fear I had not received his last. I to Saloon. Jack says the Home Guards will not be discharged &c. ((He was right then. 1911.)) Home. Read &c. Warm. Tuesd. 11. ) 32. Clear. W,B, and I back in our old bed again. Back some worse. I wrote to B.T. Burnett viz: Mr. B Dear Sir. As you requested I wrote to the Dr. in regard to that stove you

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (190)

wished to hire of him a day or two after I saw you last. I received a letter from him last night and it appears he forgot to answer my inquiry perhaps on account of the pressing nature of his [business] but as he informs me that he will be home in 2 weeks there every probability suppose he would not let the stove go at this time at least. Very respectfully yours &c. S.J. Reader. B and I to Drs. Got cabbages, and squashes. I covered the vault, I dug in cellar, and banked the holes of cellar up. I examined Dr Green book. B. home. I home. Old Mrs. Brown and little Damewood girl. PM. ) 44. SW. Thaw fast. I played John Brown. ((GOOD LIKENESS OF THE “OLD CRITTER.” 1911.)) [Drawing of Old Mrs. Brown, 1909.] Wed 12. ) 29. Clear mostly. Still. Considerable water in kitchen. I have taken more cold. Opened drains; bailed water out of kitchen. I to fence; nailed up a few rails but its too wet and slushy. I ((Nov.10.1911.8:40.a.m.2.)) [Drawing of bailing out the water in the kitchen.] [Page 276] February 13. 1862. home. Bl. to mill. I got out corn to shell. Milne and Jack T. here. Mr. M. got our saddle to go to Topeka. Very warm. ) 47. Rather still, Clear, N.E. PM. I shelled a sack of corn. F. to Bellmores. Child better. She saw Frank McK. I to Higgs for tacks; failed. I to Pucketts there to Saloon, where I saw Milne. Jack Rolls, Jim and others. Milue was at Topeka trying to get a divorce. Jack Fiero came in drunk; took me out one side, and whispered that he was only pretending to be “tight” to get rid of some fellows, and told me not to report, &c. He threw a glass at Dr. Gabby (who was out doors.) (Desperado Marsh, Suggested shooting me.) Thurs. 13. Cloudy. N. windy. Water running yet. ) over 20. Getting colder. A little snow. I on Fox. Took sack of corn to H. mill. In house. Saw Mrs. H. & Geo. Kistler. Talked about Home Guards &c. I to Fleashars. He don’t know whether Carpenter has the lumber or not. I to town. In at Higgs and heard that Jack Fiero lost $140.00 gambling last night. Higgs and I talked about Richard, Cour de lion &c. I to my woods. All right. Home. ) 14. Very cold. N windy. Cloudy. A drunken fellow named Marsh here to warm. Says Jim Fleshman is a Capt. in 2nd No traitor army. PM. I read &c. McKnown here. Cleared. Drunken Marsh in Drs yard trying to get in house. (Fleshman says he is “a dangerous man.” He muttered about shooting me at Dr’s.) I got him on his pony and led him to Saloon. T said I ought to have let him frozen to death. I in at Dr. Ashmore’s. Talked about Ill, Ky &c. I to P.O. Nothing. Home. McN. getting “second sight” environ. Mle. Bouton, Milne cant get a divorce &c. Clear.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (191)

Frid 14. ) 2. Clear, Still. S.E. but raw and cold. B and I to DeWolfs’ field. All of our horses and 8 of Dr’s cattle there. We in woods opposite my field. I in a tree but could not see any of our cattle as I know. We home. Bl. here. Got some meal. He found a mowing machine sickle. PM. ) 24. S.W. Cold. B and I skated on ice on old Lady’s head &c. I to saloon. Jack and Jim were anxious in their inquiries about that Marsh. Fleshman said he is a thief. (and will shoot, but has a “nice brother” Now he was a Secesh emissary from friends in Mo. but was drunken & unsafe & might blab to me? 1911.) Thompsons say they don’t know him. No Eastern mail. Home. Full moon. ((Jack Fiero thought I ran a big risk in making Marsh leave the Dr’s house.)) ((Nov.10.1911.10:10.a.m.2.)) [Page 277] February. 15. 1862. Sat 15. ) 15. Clear. Still. I have some cold and a little lame. Take no Gayac for awhile. [shorthand] tous les matins B and I to my woods in nook No 4 near Paul Vieux field. After skating awhile on ice before door on cows head. I nailed up notices and cut wood. Davison came down opposite us and got B. to go to P.O. and get a letter for him from Henry. I threw it over creek in a split stick. Saw Button on hills. W, windy warm. Home. Old Mrs A. here. La making [20q] dipped candles. PM. ) 40 Clear. I out wood &c. Bl. to mill. No grist. I to P.O. Got Tribune. I read at night &c. Muddy. Clear. ((Nov.10.1911.10:40.a.m.2.)) [Drawing named “CHILDISH, INNOCENT PLAY. 1912.))] Sund 16. ) 25. S. windy, clear. I feel well. B and I on ice between house and stable with cows head. I read the paper. F & B to Drs. Our Government wont touch Slavery and will be ruined, sure. Clear, windy. ) 40. 10 AM. PM. I painted Fan Bollote dress. F and I to Bls, Mrs. Bollote thinks her picture is fine. It looks like her. I drew and painted the face of Bls portrait. It’s a fine and natural picture. I rectified Mrs. Bls portrait, and drew the youngone’s. S.W. windy, watery and muddy. Ate late supper. F and I home. La reading Uncle Tom. I played flute. Mond 17. ) 10. Clear, but clouded. N.W. windy, very cold. I read a religious novel called “The Ringleaders”. I am beginning to be a good portrait painter. I wrote a notice. Put it on a board. I hitched up Kit, Fox. B. and I in wagon to No 4 woods. Awful cold, and slippery. I put on a small load of wood; nailed up notice, and came home. S.W. windy. ) 14. I turned out. PM. Cold as ever. I finished Bls picture nicely. I to saloon. No mail. I saw Willy. He is a fiddler. Was engaged only one week to sa femane. Jack T told me that one of Cap. Alley’s girls had his ring a long time [shorthand]. Home. To bed early avec tonts les chats. Cleared off some and still. Tuesd 18. ) 2. Clear, but clouded. Up early. Back and hip trouble a little. B and I to Drs. Got deux cabbages et un squash. Home. I re= ((Nov.10.1911.1:25.p.m.2.)) [Page 278]

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (192)

February. 19 1862. touched my portraits of Bl. and painted Mrs Bl’s and drafted my claim. A very heavy snow began to fall from N.E. by N. PM. I read &c. Cut wood. I to PO; Ran most of the way there. Got f paper and a letter from Frank. He don’t want emancipation to be inaugurated &c. Only the maintenance of U.S. (FRANK S. READER PRO-SLAVERY.! Oct. 15. 1908) I read f. story of Crusades. ((Nov.10.1911.5 ½.p.m.2.)) Wed 19. ) 11. Cloudy. N. Little snow falling. I reading grammar and studying it. I wrote to Frank. Cold. Cloudy. PM. ) 20. Some snow. N. Cloudy but cleared at night. All horses up but Steady and Cass, Cold and dismal and but little wood. Extracts of Franks letter Viz: Health & Weather Snow lying on ground = “Not following up” [XXX] business as closely &c. = Temperature – I suppose your present elevation has the effect of keeping your Reg. cool which you know is a very desirable quality in a soldier. You soldier must suffer many hardships this cold weather especially while standing guard at night – but I believe you informed me in one of your letters that your men exempt from this duty. In your next I wish you would inform me about the general health of the army in your vicinity. I have lately heard that there is much sickness among the soldiers on the Potomac but it may be that your mountainous situation has a salutary effect in warding off disease. I am happy to hear that you will probably be your Majors Secy. It is said that the pen is mightier than the sword and I know that you can wield the former with success and ease, if I may be permitted to judge from what I have seen and the number of letters your sisters say you have written to them since you have been in Camp. To use it would be almost a Herculean task that is if I were obliged to think up subjects enough to make my letters interesting. Everything is quiet in our little town. No new visits from the Jayhawkers. In fact I believe Jayhawkers as it is called and which is identical with pressing in 56 & 57 has been discouraged and punished until it hardly dares show its head. I always condemned such proceedings on the U. side although many of our deluded neighbors thought it a pious institution. The men engaged in it must have been devoted in principle. If I were to go into the war it would be to fight and not to learn to be a thief and the only property I should think of touching would be the lawful booty taken in the enemy’s camp and perhaps if a chance should occur [XXXXX] off certain biped property from the owners which (“oh the depravity of the human heart!”) I should consider a very praiseworthy action. I am sure no twinges of conscience would trouble me nor do I think my sleep would be disturbed by the goblin specter of some plantation lord with the Bible under one arm and the Constitution of the U.S. under the other. Our Kan news is not important. Jim Lane and the people of our state are disappointed that old Jim has not the command of an expedition which is to start Southward as soon as Spring opens. We must all of necessity however submit to the powers that beat Washington. I was pleased with your plain and candid statement on the subject of emancipation, but sorry to think that you for a moment should think me of a disposition to be offended at it. Plain speaking when not carried to excess for the love of contradiction we all know is a desirable characteristic and I flatter myself that I appreciate it in common with others. Our views regard to this matter are in variance more than I supposed. I see you view our present struggle in the same light and destination to the traitors who dare to pull the glorious fabric down. Now these are very fine sentiments. Our Country is the most democratic and free than any other in the civilized world, and I am proud and happy to

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (193)

think I am an Am. citizen and should be miserable if I thought our Rep. form of Gov. should be destroyed were we to the foiled in our attempt to subdue the S. without freeing the slaves. But this I do not believe would happen. We of the N. are certainly men enough to know how to get along without being guided and governed by the vile and despotic Southerners and if it is the policy of the Gov. to shoot and stab them back into the U. and still let them ((Nov.11.1911.2:44.p.m.2.)) Eggs.10 cts. ((How lucky it was that Sam Reeder did not manage the Civil War in 1862. “The pear was not ripe and Abolitionists had to wait a spell.” 1911.)) [Page 279] February 20. 1862. foster and extend their abominable institution my sympathies, for the success of the war and would it not expose us to perpetual wars and commotion hereafter and would not the separation they are so anxious for, be preferable to such a state of things? I suppose at the beginning of the war that every effort would be made to weaken the Rebels by encouraging their slaves to desert or still better to come out open and above board and emancipate them, thereby gaining the sympathies of Europe instead of their [XXXX] as we have nearly done already; and showing our own people that a settled policy had been inaugurated. As you say, hundreds or thousands of soldiers (of the Border Slave states we presume,) would desert preferring Slavery for the Un. but could not their places be supplied by the free negroes of the N and the runaways of the S? These are my sentiments. I see Frank that your “heart is in the right place” that is, you wish to see Slavery destroyed but not by an act of the general Govt. and think the subject ought not to be agitated too much for fear of damaging our cause and that Slavery will be destroyed or abolished in some manner not explained. It is very possible that you are right and I am wrong but it seems to be that agitation will do no harm in this crisis. Now is the time to strike while the Slavery are ripe for destruction. I have here plainly stated my ideas as you did yours so you can now know exactly how I stand, but I want you to understand if I am an abolitionist I am not an amalgamationist, but want the blacks colonized by themselves,which will be better for them and for us. I have perhaps looked on the dark side of the picture, and may be arguably disappointed when the storm of war bursts forth in the Spring to see the Northerners banners with “Emancipation”, inscribed alongside of our glorious motto: “Union”. I should like to say more about this matter but space will not permit and perhaps your patience will be sufficiently tried with this. It is not necessary for me to request you to write soon, as you are always punctual. Your very affectionate brother, Samuel J. Reader. F read and I copied letter fast. I played on fiddle well. X 20 cts. Thurs. 20. ) 2 below 0. Rather clear, still. [shorthand]. Looks wintry. I watered horses. Fleaher here to get hens of La or Dr. Failed. He to Bls. B. to Higg, with 3 doz eggs, but 1 doz

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (194)

were broken and refused. 20 cts Tea. I put my letter in. B and I to my woods No 2 and surveyed it by stepping it &c. Hazy. S. PM. I studied Bullion. [XXX] in verbs. Horses up. B. to P.O. Ne rien. La reading Uncle Tom. To bed early. Frid 21. ) 12. Some Clouds. Still. [shorthand]. B and I to wood by Drs and cut wood. My back trying to “kink”. S.W. Some wind. Home. P.M. Thawing fast. ) 44. Snow all gone. Ice and water yet. I am through verbs and have learned Rules 1, 2, 3, & 9. (All useless.) I shelled corn 1 sk. Clear. I to P.O. on Fox; got Tribune and F paper. We read at night. I can read French nearly as well as English. (Do say?) ((Nov.12.1911. 11.a.m. 2d.)) [Page 280] February 22. 1862. Dr’s & E’s 4th Wedding Anniversary & incidentally Geo. Washington’s Birthday. [Drawing of a man shooting a dog. Ready: Aim = F.F.F. “Take that PJ Kolly!” AN EXPENSIVE SHOT, ON A WORTHLESS CUR!] Sat 22. ) 35. Cloudy and misty. Got on a [shorthand] couverature rouge. ( I have got on a piece of red blanket from my neck to hips.) I hitched up John and Fox. I got up 2 loads when I cut it, hier. Bl. to mill. No grist. He took our sack there. I to my woods No. 4 and got a load. Jim F. wants La’s kettle. Home, fed. Muddy. Cloudy. W. ) 41. PM. I got 2 more loads from No 4. Plenty of people in town. Pete told me that Clinton has sued him for shooting his $90. Dog. Trial Mond. I saw Mrs. Pucket and a Half breed squaw. ((Quite a sight, no doubt!!1911.)) No letters. I studied; Youngones study some too. I can play “Liverpool hornpipe well on fiddle. Ate Dr’s nuts. ((Nov.12.1911. 11:24.a.m.2.)) Sund 23. ) 28. Clear, Some fog. Still. Very pleasant. Dogs eat eggs. Clouded up. N. Breezy. Getting colder. I have got through Verbs and now see many mistakes that I have made in 1st person subjunctive &c. I got the looking glass down and drew myself on front of this book. PM. ) 34. N. Cloudy. Plenty of wood. I painted on picture but got left eye too high; a common error in my front view pictures. I studied through adv. Prep. Conj. & interj! [shorthand] I played at night. Mond 24. ) 14. Clear, still. The “Creech cheeker” or yellow cheeked kitten is a fine little fellow. “Nibby you”, is to cross. “Shkit”, is good. (Cat a logue &c.) I hitched up Fox and John B. and I to H. mill. Got 1 sk for Bl. Ours not ground. I brought 1 sk. corn home. Quite slippery but thawing fast. I took Bls. Meal home, and I got what he owed us as we are out. I gave Mrs. Bl her picture. They delighted. Mrs. Bollotte told me that Fleashar knew her portrait. I asked Bl for [shorthand] mais il ne lai pas meiutenant. Good. “Oh! The French happiness is ore, [shorthand] “. Bl. gave me a sk. of corn to take to Ogee. B and I in town with team; Saw Pete. Clinton wont have me for a juror. I to woods. No 4; got a load of wood. I put on a very heavy

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (195)

log. Plenty of men in town. I home. Put the 2 sks. corn and iron kettle in wagon. I took corn to Ogee’s mill. Packed it across bridge; and left the kettle at Mrs. F. Home. La washed. PM. B. and I to town. The trial had commenced in Clintons bar [Drawing called “DOG TRIAL.”] ((Nov. 12. 1911. 2 1/2 p.m. 2.)) [Page 281] February 25 1862. Petes dog trial. (First whack!) PETES ADVICE: “PY KOLLY SAM, KEEP OUT OF THE LAW.” (Later on.) room. John Martin his counsel. Wm. E. Bowker was Petes. [XXX] Brown & Cummins Old Rock, Angell, co*ck, and a man named Hinkston, jurors. Heard the evidence. Button’s was enough to kill a horse with laughing. He was very sharp and ready in his replies. Old Fulton J.P. ordered him off the floor. Lawyers spouted. Jury gave a verdict after dark of Costs on Clinton, the plaintiff, Good! Augell and I home. I got down a few hazel nuts. Walnuts all gone. Jai le mal a la tete. ) 40. Muddy. ((Nov.12.1911.3.p.m.2.)) Tuesd. 25. ) S Clear. ) 33. Pleasant. I to N. fence. Nailed up all the loose rails. Getting muddy. La at Hig. Got coat lining 40 braid 5, buttons 10 c. PM. ) 54. I hitched up; drew 3 loads of rails to N fence. I to Ogee mill. Got grist. Passed bridge free. Saw Button; He was delighted about Clinton losing &c. I thought I had lost my axe and went back to mill; found it in field. Home. B got f paper. I read it &c. [shorthand]. Wed 26. ) 35. Clear. N.W. I feel weak; Have the Spring fever. I tried to dig holes to set posts; failed. I opened drains and made a maul. I read in f. paper about taking of Ft. Donalson and 15000 traitors Uncle Sam is at work. PM. ) 45. N.E. Cooler Muddy. B and I to creek. I cut down a small oak tree and split 30 post supports and cut top into firewood. F. hunted Cass. Failed. Some clouds. [shorthand] Mush. Clinton dog case appealed. (Both parties were heavy lossers.) Thurs. 27. ) 25. Clear, cool, still. I have a bad cold in head. A stray black cat broke a pane of glass out of kitchen window. I on Fox to H. mill. No grist. I to Carpenters. Geo. milking. Saw Charles. He has not got the lumber yet. He began to talk about the Divine Creator making negroes skins thinner than whites, so they can stand the heat &c. I to Kemps; He has no good line. I crossed half day. To Buttons. He husking corn. Saw mere (Mrs.) B. Told me about his (Button’s) finesse at Petes trial. Clinton has appealed. Old Fleshman is his security. I to my field. Found 13 of our cattle; the other 6 are at home. All right. I ((Nov.12.1911. 7.p.m.2.))

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (196)

[Page 282] February 28, AD 1862. Eggs. 6 ctn. Around to P.O. Nothing. Home. Mrs. Bollote et enfant ici. PM. ) 52. B and I to Dr’s. I stopped hog holes. I on the roof and fastened the tin on stove pipe. Home. I played some. Mr & Mrs. Bl. here. I gave him his picture. He thinks it is “beau”. My head aches and my nose stopped. Throat sore &c. Apres le soupe je joue a la flute et violon. Mrs. Bollote sang. Bl brought Dr’s saddle, home. I gave him the wedges and his meal. They started some time after dark. I don’t feel well. X 25c Friday 28. ) 27. Some clouds, Still. I don’t feel any better. I did no thing today but read the Tribune which B got this morning; He took down 4 doz eggs; got soda 10, Starch. 15 Eggs are 6 cts. Bl. here. Got La to go and see Fan B’s child. It has a fit. PM. ) 48. E. Hazy. F. to Bls. I read. All home. B. to P.O. Ne rien. No Dr. yet. I to bed early, my cold bad. Last of Winter of 62. ((Nov.12.1911. 7:44.p.m. 2d hitch.)) A beautiful song in “Les Miserables:” (Just published in the French paper.) “Renfoncez daus vos eulottes Le bout de’chemis qiu vous pend Qu’ on dis’ pas qu’les patriots Ont arbore’ l’ drapeau blanc!” [Drawing of a man and a woman singing the above song in “Les Miserables.”] [Drawing named “FIDDLING OVER BURNING ROME.(U.S. Civil War.)] [Page 283] MARCH. 1. 1862. Samuel J. Reader’s private Journal and Day Book. Indianola Soldier Township Shawnee Co. State of Kansas. March 1st A.D. 1862. Sat 1. ) 33. [shorthand] Bad cold yet. Clouded up. Raw. E wind, then N.E. and N. I did nothing but read &c. [shorthand]. I in garret; tied up my Posts (Newspapers); Arranged Tribunes on file and got nuts. I sewed up 2 rips in left boot. PM. Colder. ) 32. N. windy and misty; freezing a little. I to P.O. Ne rien. I at saloon. Saw Jack T. and Augell playing Billiards.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (197)

Talked about big guns &c. A. invited me to come tomorrow night with music &c. I home. F and I played euchre. Puis F.B. ct moi joue poker car popcorn. F. Swept stakes. [shorthand] Cloudy. N windy, Cold. ((Nov.12.1911. 11 ½ p.m.2)) Sund 2. ) 15. N. Windy and snowing hard & drifting. My cold better. I studied grammar; Am in parsing Il est dur. Can hardly keep warm in the house! [shorthand]. Je enteidu un baut. Sawage et squaking play. PM. ) 22. N.W. Cold, cloudy, windy, and drifting. Read grammaire &c. Fed; No go to Augells. I played. Pas du chandle. [shorthand] Mond 3. ) 6. N.W., windy, clear, very cold. I studied. B and I to Drs. Got cabbages. I fastened N.E. upper window sash. I looked at books. Got “Le saint Scapulaire.” Home. PM. N.W. windy, cold. My cold better. I cut wood. Je’etudie. Cold. [shorthand]. ) 25 but thaws some. I to saloon. Jack conversed with me about Ill. To P.O. Ne rien. Home. B.T. et moi joue poker for popcorn. I gained. [Drawing named: Dr’s back from Ill.] Tuesd. 4. ) 20. W.N.W. Clear, breezy, cold. My cold not so bad. La the headache. I have finished the half and more of Stack [shorthand]. Some pain in right hip. I played tunes in Rose book. At 9 Dr’s all came in a carriage. The man left. Leon nearly died at Ill. several days ago. The land not sold ((& it was a lucky thing for us too! 1911.)) I un grand combat a lange ((Nov.13.1911. 9:33.a.m.2.)) [Page 284] March 5. A.D. 1862. avec Dr et E. Il ne paye pas son billet. [shorthand] trop. Dr borrowed $60. On land to come home. La will not get her money. Kate is impudent, &c. Sid Tuttle stingier than ever. ((The Dr. called him Sidney Turtle but said he looked more like a bloated toad! The Dr. disliked toads exceedingly! 1911.)) I gave Dr. the $10. I got of Fronkey. PM. Thawing. N.W. Cold, raw, windy, clouds, and a little snow. Drs all home. I took John home. Jade has the measles, they think. Dr. got a paper for me from Mat et Ella, with the music of Star Spangled Banner, inside. Home, fed, &c. Played for nuts. Talked &c. ((Nov.13.1911. 10:20.a.m.2.)) Wed 5. ) 20. N.W. windy, some clouds & snow. I packed E’s trunk over. Dade the measles sure, B and I home. I scuffed Wooley dog for not me aide a mettre les vanches kors le cour {shorthand] &c. Il Barked. [shorthand] ruffian. I shelled corn all day. F. at E’s, till night. All day a hard N.W. wind with dashes of snow, which soon melted. ) 26 highest. We all shelled at night. Kaw ugly et parrasiuex. Got 3 sacks chokefull. Cold &c. [shorthand] Thurs 6. ) 17. Clouds. W.N.W. Cool, but stiller. My hip (right) pains some. I shelled another sk. of corn. Studied and told F. to study grammar. Examined her on it &c. In last letter to Frank I used “If I am” instead of “If I be,” and Oh instead of Oor Oh! La to E. awhile. S. a very mauvais turkey, F to Dr. Dr. to Muddy. PM. I tinkered around. [shorthand] Je raccoon le vieux

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (198)

syringe. I to Dr’s; Helped him move bed stead. “Varmint” spat in frying pan. B. to P.O. Got Tribune. F. read. It has music of John Brown’s song. Frid 7. ) 17. Clear. Still. I a bad taste in mouth. Took gayac. I to N. fence; put up 6 panels, and all the loose rails. House. S.E. windy, warm, getting muddy. ) about 40. Dr. has got old Mrs. Packard to help her. PM. I to fence, put up 3 pl. Stopped. Too muddy. I read, talked &c. Our dog has disappeared. We think Clinton has poisoned him. B. to town; Got a letter from Ella & Mat. Augell for wagon. Failed. ((That’s good!)) F. & I parsed at night, and La gave a family history of all the property. ((S. was no kind of a manager financially.)) ((Nov.13.1911.1:40.p.m.2.)) [Page 285] FREE BRIDGE TO NEIGHBORS WOODEN TRUSS BRIDGE. March 8 1862. Sat 8. ) 16. SE. Smokey. Pain in right hip & knee, some. I took 4 sks. corn to Ogee mill, and got a load of wood on town site. Bridge free to neighbors. I took fence supports to place and got another load of wood. B to E, flour. Leon the measles. Whelp came home!!! ((Clinton was innocent.)) Marple age here for me to sign a petition to keep a road off his N. line. Very windy. S, smoky cloudy &c. Dr. took Skunk (dog) home. B there to play with young ones. P.M. ) 54. S warm. I to mill. Grinding my grist. I to Mc.N. woods. Got a load of wood and then got meal. Jack T. came to wagon and told me of Milous difficulty, with Mrs. M. Divorce &c. I to Mrs. T. Got kettle. Bl. got one wagon. We to Dr. I left 1 sk meal there. I in with vieux chapeau on. Saw Mrs. Packard and Bowker, He wants me to run for office of Town Supervisor, or for Justice of the Peace. Je ne sais pas. Bl. got 11 eggs to set. I cut wood; mended fence. B. on stilts. La at Drs. I played parsed &cc. Cloudy, hazy. Hazy. I at Drs. (The thermometer at Dr’s.) DECLINED OFFICE = SEEKING. Et La fache contra moi. Sund. 9. N.W. breezy. Cloudy. No. ). A hard rain last night. [shorthand] I played, read &c. F. at Dr’s. Pete here. I played him a Dutch tune. “Was ist der Vaterland. ((Peter knew the tune as soon as I played it. It is common in Germany.)) F. here. Leon sicker. I on Fox to Hummer house, then to Bellmores. Dr. home ahead of me. I home. PM. Clearer but flying clouds. La to Dr. I began to write to Ells. F. home. La staid. Gloomy day. Mond. 10. Clear. Ice. Still, pleasant. I took Gayac. Leve ovec le soliel. La home. I measured up our wheat. I to Dr’s. Bernice La Sert there. Varmint broke thermometer. ) at figure 98 I measured up 7 sks. wheat for Dr. Watered John &c Enfants meleiur. Saw Mr. & Mrs. Milne going to town. We home. My “Steady” & “Belle” home. (Bl. got our wagon ce matin, after I had greased it, and fastened hub boxes. He & Mrs Bollosts to Milne’s and got her plunder. She to go to Olathe in 10 ((Nov.13.1911. 4:44.p.m.2.))

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (199)

[Page 286] Eggs. 10 cts. March. 11. 1862 days. I put bows on wagon &c. PM. I cut wood. Got John. S.W. to N.W. and got stiller. Clear, pleasant. Ate hazelnuts in soir. B took 5 ½ doz eggs got sugar 50[cts]. Tuesd 11. Up early. [shorthand]. I got ready. Put in our wheat, 4 sks and 7 for Dr. I found Leslies Illustrated paper at Drs. gate. I on within 5 ms. of Grasshopper Falls. Nooned. Roads are worse. Clear S.W. Pleasant, thaw. I to Fall’s mill. They wont grind till Frid. I left grist, and started for home. Got off of road in time on Pony cr. Enquired and got righted. I on to Rock Cr. Camped. I in wagon to sleep. Still, cool. ((Nov.13.1911:10:33.p.m.2.)) X 15c Wed 12. Got so cold in night I had to make a fire. Started at day light. S.E., Cool. I home at 10. Dr’s enfants better. F. got thread at a bargain 15 [cts]. Hazy. I am glad I came home. We have lost a naval battle at N.C. PM. Warm. S.W. I out; Put up 8 panels of fence. I have the Spring Fever. I put new axe handle in axe. B tried to go to claim. Failed. Creek high. I am glad. (Of what? Oct. 16,’08.) Thurs 13. N.E. Cloudy. B. and I got poles in bushes. La and I hung up the meat. I took some to E’s. Bernice has left. Got lonesome &c. I put in new hammer handle, almost. PM. Few drops of rain. N. I wrote in Las name to S. She Angry. Dr. here. La to E’s Eliza and Rosa Milne here. I doffed rags and old hat. I came in; drew sketch of Rosa & Eliza. Lune et lautre est belle (Possibly so.) I played Dixie, John Brown, &c. They left. Dr. brought Tribune. B. got John. Lightening. Frid 14. N. Cloudy, drizzly, cold, freezing. I took John home and Tribune, I wrote to Ella: viz: D.S. Ella. “Old Bachelor” was highly delighted on receiving yours of Feb 8 and Mats of 27th on the 7th instant; but implore you to be merciful to me by not sending your petition to our Legislature as it will if it should be granted place me in a predicament. Do not suppose that I think writing to you school girls, an irksome task for it is the reverse; but were I to write 2 letters to your one I am afraid I should not hear from you often ((Nov.14.1911.9:33.a.m.2d.)) [Page 287] March 00, 1862. enough and my letters would neither punctual nor interesting. The other horn of the dilemma you wish to create I see is marriage. Well it is truly formable indeed and I will certainly have to cry for quarter if I am to be driven to this extreme not because I am an enemy to this institution

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (200)

but because young Ladies are as scarce here as K. timber or to use a more forcible expression “hens teeth.” I hope you do not wish me to get an Indian lady! They are plenty enough a few miles West but since how I do not get fascinated by these noble daughters of the forest (or prairie rather) perhaps you have formed a very high opinion of this race. If you have I pray you to suspend your judgment until you have seen as much of them as I have. Quite a number of white men of this neighborhood have married Pott. Halfbreed girls but there is no danger of my initiating them in this particular. Many of these Indian girls are quite good looking but their education is generally very deficient, with the exception of a few who have attended the C Mission 20 ms from here and although they are gradually adopting the manners of the Whites, still their mode of living customs and dress differ considerable from them. Well I have plead my cause to the best of my ability, and now throw myself on your generosity. If this will not suffice I will have to resort to the pencil and send you a representation of my doleful countenance in this awful fix and see if it will not melt your obdurate heart. The Dr & family started from La Harpe. Leon was taken with a fit and his life was despaired of for several days but by using efficient remedies he recovered. They way that [XXX] are very hard in Ill as well as in K. The friends were generally well there, last winter but US’s children were taking the measles as they left. I received a letter from F. on the 18 of Feb and answered it the next day. I suppose by this time he is moving S-ward as we heard a rumor the other day that Manassas has been evacuated by the Rebels. By all means send me Franks next communications to the newspapers. If our political sentiments be a little different it does not it does not lesson my pleasure in reading his views politically considered. You ask me how I like our new Secy of War. Well at first I felt angry when I heard of the removal of Cameron because I thought it was owing to his abolition sentiments but when the full particulars came I felt satisfied Mr. Stanton is a very suitable man for the position. There can be no doubt of that and I am now very glad that the change in the War Department was made. In my last Tribune I saw Gen. Fremont’s defense. How I wish him now in command of our victorious troops in Tenn. Slaves would no longer be driven from camp or delivered over to the tender mercies of their masters. You want to know how I spent the 22 of Feb. Well not in a suitable manner I fear. By looking at my journal I find that I drew wood all day. Yes Ella as you say we can hold ourselves in readings to celebrate victories almost every day. The war for us is going on in fine style. We heard last night that Gen. Price has been defeated in Ark by the U. troops. Their loss 1000. Ours 600. No details yet. The most we have to fear is the fever during the Summer months in the S. States, to my mind I think it would be a capital idea for you to learn to beg surveyor and then, come to K. and sectionize our unsurveyed land. You could then have your claim of the best claims. We hear that the Pott. Indian 2 ms. W of us intend to sell these reserve of 30 ms. Square to U.S. It is not yet surveyed and I think this will be a fine chance for you to begin with. Treaty showing that the gentler sex are capable of taking care of themselves. I am emphatically in favor of “Women’s Rights” for the present as it is the best policy for an old bachelor like me to follow. I have had the words and air of John Brown song for several months and would send it, but I saw it in the N.Y.T. a week ago and suppose you have got it from that source. It is to the air of “Say [XXXX] for the “Star S. Banner,” which I duly reced. She also gave me a very interesting extract from Franks letter. If there be any other tunes you wish to see, name them for it may be I have them. We have 7 books about the house containing the notes of many well known songs and I have copied all the tunes that suit my fancy in my flute book. I have a violin and an instructor for that instrument and I now and then try to saw off a tune. I can do the best with the L Hornpipe and The Campbells are coming but I make slow progress. No more &c.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (201)

((Nov.14.1911.5:47.p.m.)) [Page 288] March 15 1862. X 45 cts. Cold and raw. (I tease La by saying: “My mind is distracted between wealth and a first attachment [shorthand]. La making bread. P.M. I feel well. F. copied Las letter to S.B. and I to town. He with 6 doz eggs; got 45 cts cash of a fellow. I to P.O. Saw Mrs. Harding there. Nothing. I to saloon (as usual!). Saw Jim T. only. He says the boys of town want me for Constable! &c. Home. I played. F. and I studied grammar. Cloudy, N. cold. I keep cats from meat with boards. Sat 15. Cloudy N. cold. I was sick in the night. Trees covered with ice. I to fence & next field. Put up 10 panels, ½ with palings. All rails used up. Dr. to Lake in buggy. Thawing, cloudy. NE. Home. The cats are very thievish. “Mild thing”, of Dr here. F. at Dr. I feel well. PM. (custard pie). B. and I on Fox and kit over creek at De Wolfs. Its high. Found no cows. Home, Cloudy. N Chilly &c. F. home. Dr. got $40 in cash and trade today. Sund 16. Cloudy. N. No ice. I read grammar. F. saw Darkies at Clintons. La don’t want me to get Miss Wealth; Thinks I can manage her. She and I to Drs. He gone. La got a cabbage. Talked of S. &c. Home. I copied music. B and I burnt grass at angle of roads S. of here. PM. Still. F,B, and I to Augells awhile. Mrs. Bellmore and Mrs. Prudent there. A to River. Home. Pleasant. I to Drs. with B; got 4 broken chairs and John. Saw Miss Beckwith. Home. Pleasant. MY INVOLUNTARY PRESENT TO MISS EMILY CARPENTER OF 3 FELINES. Mond 17. Up at day break. Ate breakfast. Still, N.W. I started for mill, sun 1 hr. I took chairs of Dr. to Fleashers, and “Old Long-nibby you,” “Yellow boy” and E’s “Mild-thing”, in my trunk to Carpenters, where I dumped them. (The cats found friends and home, in Carpenters barn, built by Gen. W.T. Sherman.) Very pleasant. Read &c. I to Grasshopper Falls Mill, at 2 PM. Plenty of men there. Saw 2 Negroes of Jackson Co. Mo. The Irish had tried to kill them for lowering wages. (They try it yet. Oct. 16, 1908.) Hazy. N; wore wind. I got my grist ground after dark. I had 4 bu wheat. Got 1 ½ sks. flour, 2 of bran, and ¼ of shorts. Dr. had 10 bu. Got 3 ½ sks. flour, nearly ½ sk shorts, and 3 of bran. A good turnout. Clouding up. [shorthand]. That attachment this, wealth. ((Nov.15.1911.10:50.a.m.)) [Page 289] Eggs. 8 cts. March. 18. 1862.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (202)

(I weigh 177 lbs, and never more. Now 123 lbs. 1911.) Mill stopped. A lot of us made a fire in a stove up stairs. I slept there and was very cold. I weigh 177 pounds. ((Nov.15.1911.11.a.m.2d.)) X 40c. Tuesd 18. Cloudy. I got in my load and starts at daylight. Headaches some. Got 2 miles when it began to sprinkle. N.W. by W. Windy. Je fache. Quite showery till I got near Rock Cr. Slacked. I met Jane Jones going to sch. Roads a little slippery. I on this side of Fullers. Fred. Home at 2 PM. Horrors! Some slink has poisoned our whelp. He lies near well. I unloaded. Took E’s grist home. Dade not well. Dr. to Mission. Ate dinner. Biscuit et molasses. B got it with 5 doz eggs. 40 cts. I drew 2 loads of rails &c. Kept John. Clouded. E. Began to rain at night. Glad I am home. (Think of the poor soldiers!) Louisa Young and Mrs. Pucket were here, hier, to get scholars, and Bowker to Bls to see Fan. About Milnes trial &c. The Home Guards have had a fight. I wrote &c. Began to rain. E. Wed 19. E. Cloudy and drizzly. Still. La fache parcque [shorthand]. I set a post. Dragged Whelp off. I mended a rip in boot. I read Tribune. (Two Indians & 2 squaws here. Kaws begging.) PM. Drizzly rain. W.N.W. la grammaire Dr. home and to Bls, when Miss Beckwith came; Said Leon is sick. B on John to Bls, and Dr. ran home on the horse. La & E there. I made B a cornstalk cutter. Cooler. N.W. F home with a letter from Frank. A long one. I to P.O.; Ne rien. I to the Saloon. Jack said: “Lay” instead of “Lie”. 1st ungrammatical word I ever head him use. (and know of it.) Saw Jack Fiero. He told me that he has quit drinking liquor and wants taxed $10 per gall. (And no doubt poor Jack meant it.) Dark and rainy. Home. La at Dr. Home Guards had a fight. Lieut Rose missing. He was a real saint; When his wife went down to camp she found Mrs Rose no. 2. I ate supper viz: Le pain de maise, ford, at du vain be froid. F. writes slowly. Thurs 20. N.W. windy and snowing, but not freezing much. La home and to bed. Children better. Ground whitish. La up. Dr. ((Nov.15.1911.1:10.p.m.)) [Page 290] March 21st 1862. here for collar. He going to Topeka to see Laurients girl. N. slightly snowing. I wrote to Frank, a full letter. B to Drs. He wants me to be Town Trustee. Letter viz: DBF, Your long and interesting letter of March 5 was rec’d with much pleasure on the 19 inst. We are all well excepting the Dr’s children. They are just recovering from the measles which they brought from Ill. My cousins, Fanny & Eugene have probably been infected but the disease has not yet shown itself. The Dr. & family returned from Ill on the 4th of March. They say times are as hard there as here. The weather has been tolerably pleasant for some time but it is snowing today but not freezing. I was pleased to hear of the excellent health of your Reg. Disease is said to be more destructive to an army than the sword and your precautious in keeping

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (203)

your quarters clean cannot be too highly commended. When I returned from Nebraska the time I went there with the Topeka boys I did not present a very fine appearance. I had started without any change of clothes and although I had washed or tried to wash my shirt in the [Nemaha], still I was about as dirty and tired looking as you could possibly imagine a person to be when I reached home. We having travelled by force marches 75 or 80 ms under the hot Aug sun, often suffering dreadfully from thirst and sometimes from hunger. I never exactly knew what hunger was till our day when our baggage wagon got lost from us and we had to fast for 24 h after a hard days march. I declare I was so ravenous I could have eaten anything. I had seen one of our men a few days before eating a piece of raw fat pork which appeared very disgusting to me at the time but now I would have been very glad to have followed his example had I only possessed the meat. Once we marched 10 or 12 ms. without water we having but 3 or 4 canteens in our Co. At last we came to a hog wallow full of muddy water covered with a green scum and as warm as dish water & I suppose about as palatable. I drank more than a pint of this stuff. During the 2 weeks I was out on this jaunt I did not sleep under cover of any kind and had only a small blanket to roll myself in. My short experience is I suppose often the daily life of many of the soldiers now in the field. I see you are some pretty sharp expressions against “hold [England]”. Why F. what will our father say were he to hear you? speak so hard of his native land? When I was 5 to 10 ys old my Grandfather used to tell me a great deal about the sneaking Tories and rascally “Redcoats” and from this I formed a very unfavorable opinion of the whole English nation and it was a matter of surprise to me why we should still call our language “English” a name which sounded hateful to my ears. But I have since come to the conclusion that they like the Father of Lies, have been painted blacker than they really are. The rulers are wary of these very mean and roguish no doubt especially in oppressing the weak and it must be that our S. slave holders have infuriated this disposition from them. Still they have many “good streaks” about them. All the E people with whom I have been acquainted appear to be good honest men only a little too strongly tinctured with pride and (here I condemn myself) obstinacy. In short, the E, taking all things into consideration are a fine upright people, far ahead of the other European nations in their form of Gov. but vastly inferior to us in this particular. I read with interest your further remarks about emancipation but Like you I do not wish to begin an argument in regard to it because I might come out at the little end of the horn were I to commence a “paper war” with you. I heartily endorse nearly all that you have added in your last letter. When I wrote my last letter to you I felt quite despondent about the Slavery question, but now it appears as if a cloud has been lifted from my mind; a presentiment as it were that all will come out right in the end. If I be wrong in my peculiar views remember that the best of us are sometimes in error. You inquire of me if there be any Gov. land here. This land upon which we live was called the “Delaware Trust Lands” and was sole in 1857 by U.S. to the highest bidder; the “squatter” having the privilege of taking one gr. of Sec. At the appraised value provided he should prove himself to be a bona fide resident of the same. I was valued in this T. from $1.50 to $2.00 per acre. The nonresident land were put up and sold to the highest bidder, mostly speculators. For the last year or 2 the price of land was fallen in a remarkable degree and men who have asked $20 per acre formerly would now sell for $10. A man 3 ms N of town sold a farm of 250 with perhaps 80 acres of timber and quite a field, of say 50 or 60 acres for $1200 a few weeks ago. He was in debt and had ((Nov.16.1911.7.p.m.2d.)) [Page 291]

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (204)

March 21. 1862. to sell. My brotherinlaw told me today that a gr. is offered for sale a few ms. NE for $300 but it is all prairie. Do not think you will find any difficulty in getting prairie. I believe 9/10th of the land here is of that description. As I received your letter last night and it is storming today I have not had a chance to make inquiries. The Pott Indians are to send agents to Washington next Mond and it is said the Ind. will sell all of their Reserve of 30 ms square, reserving from 160 to 80 a. for [the] Ind. This Reserve is 2 ms W of Ind. and is fine land. I think you might find a good tract there should they sell to the RR.Co. if they have not done so already. I am not posted in regard to land as I have enough and do not wish to buy more. In my next I will be better informed depending upon it for nothing would give me more pleasure than to see you a Kansas Citizen. Have you a land warrant or do you expect to get one from the Gov.? Everything that I can do for you in this matter I will do with the greatest pleasure. Well I cant go on as my letter is full. Your very affectionate brother. Samuel J. Reader. Snow all gone. N. W., windy, cold, cloudy. Wheat pan cakes. PM. La to E’s. F. don’t feel well. The present & imperfect of subjunctive (not clear to me). I fed &c. F. not well. I to P.O. Nothing. To Saloon (of course!) Jack read in the Odyssey to me. Higg always playing billiards. Home. B. home. La staid. I slept on the lounge near fire. F. avec B. She bad headache. Snowing hard. N, windy. Frid 21. Cloudy. N. W. Windy. La home. Miss Beckwith lived at Thompsons and when they would fight “the other” everyone would eat alone, except Jack who ate with each of the others. Bill laughed at him once, and Jack broke his little finger (Bill’s) with a 2 lb. weight. Enfants de Dr. le meme, jai une goute bitter en la bouche. Je uenz a prendre les medicine du Jayns. (O, what folly! Oct 16. 1908.) I made some shoe makers wax 1/3 tallow 2/3 rosin. F. at Dr. Cleared off. Je suttoye La cut my hair. PM. F. home. Clear. N. Snow all gone. Raw. I mended moccasins. Bl here; He has had a fight with Fannie Bollote. He says, she wants “his” old Bollote.” I split palings, and put up 3 panels of fence by locust trees. I spaded. N. Dr. here for me to go to his house. I there. Rocked the cradle (as nurse for Leon) and read new F. story till 1 A.M. Dr. came from Wallaces. “Gods Woods!!!” Deux petit* vauchos. Cold, freezing. N.W. Home. Got Conservation. Sat 22. Clear. Up late. Cold. N.W. I on Fox, B on Kit. We to my field. Saw Davison. Told us that our cattle are in his field. “We [XXXX]. Found only 12. Ought to be 13. Spikes*, chased them. We shut her in my field. We got cattle over at Buttons ford. Its [XXX] Spikes came. I in town. I saw Miss L. Young & Miss Stamp. Save Buttons *Kits colt of mine. ((Nov.17,1911.10:50.a.m.2.)) [Page 292] March 21. 1862. [INSERT]

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (205)

to sell. My brotherinlaw told me today that a gr. is offered for sale a few ms. NE for $300 but it is all prairie. Do not think you will find any difficulty in getting prairie. I believe 9/10th of the land here is of that description. As I received your letter last night and it is storming today I have not had a chance to make inquiries. The Pott Indians are to send agents to Washington next Mond and it is said the Ind. will sell all of their Reserve of 30 ms square, reserving from 160 to 80 a. for [the] Ind. This Reserve is 2 ms W of Ind. and is fine land. I think you might find a good tract there should they sell to the RR.Co. if they have not done so already. I am not posted in regard to land as I have enough and do not wish to buy more. In my next I will be better informed depending upon it for nothing would give me more pleasure than to see you a Kansas Citizen. Have you a land warrant or do you expect to get one from the Gov.? Everything that I can do for you in this matter I will do with the greatest pleasure. Well I cant go on as my letter is full. Your very affectionate brother. Samuel J. Reader. Snow all gone. N. W., windy, cold, cloudy. Wheat pan cakes. PM. La to E’s. F. don’t feel well. The present & imperfect of subjunctive (not clear to me). I fed &c. F. not well. I to P.O. Nothing. To Saloon (of course!) Jack read in the Odyssey to me. Higg always playing billiards. Home. B. home. La staid. I slept on the lounge near fire. F. avec B. She bad headache. Snowing hard. N, windy. [This page is a copy of the previous page except there is an INSERT of the TOWNSHIP TRUSTEE Ticket. I voted & found it Aug 29 1870 with the package of old tickets. ((A RELIC.))] ((It cost nothing for the ticket, some may have spent a little treating the voters. “Nov 16,1911.)) [Page 293] March 23. 1862. Said one of our cattle has been mired or killed. Old Briggs. A year old. [shorthand]. Pete told me of Convention at Sch. house. I to P.O. Got Tribune, full of news, maps, floating batteries, &c. Dr. G told me he would give me $1. for a load of wood. Home. PM. Cold, raw, N. windy, Clear. I hitched up B & I over bridge on town. Got a nice load of wood. Took it to Gabby’s. Saw Bowker. Convention failed. He wants me for Justice of P. Told of Maine snows. ((Poor man, he got to looting the Public Treasury of $7000. Found out, sickened & died long ago. 1911.)) I got us a load of fire and smoke wood. Home. I plowed a strip for a drain before stable. La at E’s and home. Children better. Got krout. F colic there [shorthand]. La up with her all night. I got opium at Drs for her. Cold. ((Nov.17.1911.11:22.a.m.)) Sunday 23. Cold, frosty, N, windy, Clear. Up early. B. got Dr. here by sunrise with pill bags & gun. She better. I got St Louis [XXX] of Dr. and read it. B to E’s. F in bed. La sleeping in chair with the paper in hand. Flying clouds. Je etudie Bullion a Regle Six. P.M. Clear. N. I with flute to E’s; played a little. B sick and home. I talked with E. Dr to Rock Cr. Home.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (206)

Ogees horse pestering. Dr. here after were in bed. B and I slept near fire on trundle bed. F. better. TOWN ELECTION. Mond 24. Cloudy. S. Still. Back lame un pere. F up better. B a bad cold, but no measles yet. Bl. here awhile. Fan B. “gone to (“His (her?)” Bollote. I to N. fence; put up 2 panels when Bl. came on his toe; Election day. I to Drs to tell him. I to town in habit velvou. Jim T. called me, and showed me their ticket, with my name as Township Trustee; Dr Gabbey J.P. &c. Rollo Fulton, Geo. Carpenter voted first. “Wooly” dog, in town. I tied him up and took him home at noon. PM. Received 72 votes (in all). Bob Stewart one. Counted out votes. I had 69 votes for Town Trustee. Gabbey and Austin Pliley tied with 36. Jim Brown and TOWNSHIP TRUSTEE. First. ((Nov.17.1911.5:15.p.m.2.)) [Page 294] March 25. 1862. Eggs 5 cts pr. doz! Cy. Kistler tied with 32. Lieut Fulton of 2nd Reg., K.V. elected 37, for Constables. Jim T. elected Road Overseer of 1st Dist. 26, Abe Marple. No opposition except 1 for John Stamp, for 2 and Dist. Wan. Morgan. R.O. for 3d Dist. 10. I wrote out our certificates and our claim for fees. Closed after dark. Jim T. wanted me to trial liquor but I refused on principle (Good for me.) I to Saloon, furnished cigars for Clinton, Jack T., Jim W. 2 (Brown & Clemmens) &c. Cummins advised me to never touch liquor or a card. Jack Fiero, Louis Ogee, and others gambling. Old men Hunter & Nealey tight and confidential on a bench; Both were (Mexican War & 1812) soldiers. I home. Dr. here. F. & B. better. I ate supper. I could hardly get home with my honors! Tuesd 25. ) 30. S.E. Still. Some clouds. ) Thermometer here at 30. That is about 33. I a little head ache. Dr. here; advised me to not try remedies for rheumatics except gayac and for bad taste in mouth, take physic. I stoned off a stubborn little bull which was in at the crib. Warm. I to fence; put up 9 panels. Used up all the rails. Spring fever and headache. I slept a few minutes. B. to town; sold 6 doz eggs for 30 cts. I put a wire hoop on well bucket and put up 3 panels of straight fence NE of house. F. McKenna talked with me for some time. S. A fire near Jewells. Wind W then N. I set fire towards Scoffields, and burnt 2 patches near Dr’s house. He here in French cap, to see if there was any danger. Wind came up strong from the N fires & the “kited”. Cooler. I played fiddle and flute. N windy. Wed 26. ) 37. N. Clouding up. I took 8 table spoons full of castor oil. Cold and raw. Clinton and his nigg*r drawing posts. I hitched up; drew 5 load of rails along N and W line of fence and 1 load of big ones to S. line. Mrs. A. here. Elle laughed ((Nov. 18.1911.9:10.a.m.2.))

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (207)

[Page 295] ((Hon. Wm. E. Bowker had the Chills. Sept.13.1856. & couldn’t go with us to the battle of Hickory Point. 1911.)) March 27th 1862. environ le rant de Bouton. She thinks the likeness of myself which I drew, correct. ((In front of this book!)). PM. ) 50. I am weak. Played flute. I drew 5 loads of dirt from drain, and “dumped” it in the front yard. Not so cool. N. Clear. Mrs. A left. I to P.O. Got Tribune. I at Saloon. Rollo Fulton told me that election ties are decided by lot. I paid him for “segars”, 25 cts. Jack lent me the Kan. Statutes & gave me an impression of his seal. Home. I read Tribune, [XXX]. ((Nov18.1911.9:44.a.m.)) Thurs 27. ) 35. Cloudy, Still. Up early. Some taste in mouth yet of a billous nature. Youngones better or well. I to fence. Put up 10 panels. Warm. S. PM. Read Tribune. I finished N. line of leaning fence after putting up 3 pl; excepting 1 pl. and 2 spaces of pl. each. I to N.W. corner put up 3 pl more. I feel weak. I home early. Mrs A here awhile. I examined Statutes. Warm. Frid 28. Still, hazy, still and warm. I feel feverish. Up after sunrise. ) 48. B. and I to woods by Puckets. I cut down a green walnut & into 3 ft. lengths. Am very weak. S,SW, windy. A fire on Bottom. We to Dr’s; Helped him back fire. Then home and fired around stable. Warm. ) over 80. Smoky. I on Fox to town. Saw Bowker. He would have gone to Hickory Point, Sep 13, 1856, with Lane, but having a chill. I to Dr Jenner’s. He is at Fullers. Fleshman showed me the Statutes, and Mrs. J. told me part of the duties of T.T. I at brown. Saw Vol. in fine health; Weighs 180. Saw Lew Bryan. Heard news &c. I to my woods; No fires. Home. I played flute &c. l 75. l 75 [cts] Sat 29. ) over 50. Smoky. Prairie all black. Still. S.W. I wrote out bond, and took it to Dr’s. He signed as security. Downie and 2 Contrabands there. Dr. wants one to work his field. I to Saloon. Dr. Gabbey me donne une billet de $1. Je lui dunande, “M’est trop”! Je repondit. “Don’t domie moi du change.” Jack T. changed it, et je donne. ((Nov.18.1911.10:37.a.m.2.)) [Page 296] March. 30. 1862. a Dr. 25 [cts]. Louis Vieux learning to play billiards. Peter went on my bond as security. I home. S.W. windy, warm. Another big fire started E. of Jewel’s. I threw dirt from drain. F. & B hunted horses. Cas has lost her colt. P.M. Very warm. W, windy. Je lave tout mon corps. I on Fox to ferry. Crossed 5 [cts] because I had to wade a pond. I to County Clerks office. Saw

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (208)

[shorthand] Clerk not in. I to Secretary of States office. The Clerk told me that Wier is a rogue and has been away two months. I hunted up Bennet, his agent, but he wont settle. The money is lost perhaps. I could get no State Record. Vol. Brown & Scoffield in town. I in at Treasurers (County) office but Smith [shorthand] not in. I found the Clerk (Hiram) McArthur at last to filed my bond, but can not qualify yet. I got of Wilmarth Stamp 30 [cts] Envelopes 10, foolscap 25 [cts]. Ferrage 5 [cts]. I home. N.W. Clear. Cooler. La “down at the mouth” ((About that [XXX] thief, Mr. Wier. 1911.)) (In Topeka I to Laurents store to inquire the price of nails for Peter. I saw Mrs. L and Mr. Roberts.) ((Old Laurent gave me an apple. The Dr. was surprised at such liberality & laughed.1911.)) M. L. me donne un pordune. He said Wier is a rascal.) I on Fox to town. Our troops failed at Island No 10. I to sch. house. Bowker a petition to remove election precinct there. I would not sign it. ((Good for me again.1911.)) The powder to be divided by Owen and Hiller. Blue [XXXX] wanted to grab a lot on account of the flag, which is not his. He not there. I talked with Erwin about gasses &c. Home late. Sund 30. Some frost. Clear. N. I feel well. I took Fox to Dr’s. I home. La to Dr’s. Bl. here to change eggs. I read Tribune and drew a front view of myself. N. PM. I drew another front view of myself but not a good one. F on Fox with Mary Brown to Bellmore’s. La home. I play quick tunes better than formerly. A hog got at La’s crib. I played fiddle. Cool. Mond 31. Last day of March. See next page. ((Nov.18.1911.4:25.p.m.2.)) [Page 297] ((MARCH 31.a.d.1862.)) ((A blunder.)) Mond 31. Cloudy, N.E. March 31 and not April 1 (Error.) B and I to town. He took 5 doz eggs to Higg. and got matches 10 [cts] soda 10 [cts], and 1 lb. 6 nails 10 [cts]. I put my odd no. of Tribune in P.O. and took Jack T’s Statutes home. Saw “mon beufiere”. Jack F. I to my woods. Closed gap near Bonems, and found a crossing log. Sleeting a little from S. E.B. and I home. A long steady rain began to fall. I read, played &c. PM. Rainy. I drew and painted a good likeness of myself for Mat. [shorthand] to bed early. F read “Rug Raffles.” April 1 A.D. 1862. Samuel J Reader’s private Journal & Day book Soldier Township Shawnee County Kansas. U.S.A. Tuesd. 1. Cloudy, S, chilly/ [shorthand] Up early. Clouds. I to Bls. Got his cross saw, and wrote Eugene Cayes address. B and I to wood of swimming hold. Sawed off 2 or 3 cuts. I split and pointed 41 sticks for supporting “Shanghai fence”. B found a lariat 25 ft long. A little sprinkle. Home. PM. Vol. Brown and Bonem here for some time. They say my picture looks natural. Bonem rented Las field; Good. They left. B and I to woods. I split up some 30 or 40 fence supports; Cut smoke wood &c. Home. F from Kemp’s with a lot of herbs in a sack. La washing bed clothes. Cloudy. S. B. at Drs. E. don’t like [shorthand] parcque elle ne mange pas a la table, mois un beaucoup autrefois &c. Cloudy. Dr. here at midnight and got La.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (209)

Wed 2. Quite a heavy rain last night. Cool. N. Breezy. Muddy. McN. here hunting oxen. I tinkered around palings &c. Dr. here. A new Yonker; a serpent! (Frank R., Campdoras. Oct. 20, 1908.) F. there. La home. Set out her things. McN’s got their oxen here. Wally knew by picture. His “hoofs” all right. I opened potato hole 1/3 frozen. We looked at the meat. Both hams flyblown. Je les pendre daissle chimimie. ((Nov.19.1911.5:18.p.m.2.)) [Page 298] April 3, 1862. x PM. N.W., pleasant. B. to hunt Dr’ cow. I to woods; cut down quite a large walnut tree, and cut up part of it. [shorthand] Warm pleasant. [shorthand]. B. found cow, but not calf. La & F. at Dr’s. I fed &c. B. and I parched corn. Clear. F. home, then La. I played flute. Cincin. Hornpipe, well. Clear. ((Nov.20.1911.9:24.a.m.)) Thurs 3. Clear. S. Still, pleasant. ) 40. Drs. Stump tail heifer and calf here. B. and I drove them to Dr. Je porte mes moccasin parcque mes botts me fait mal au pied. Grass starting on prairie. I with team to woods. Drew up 3 loads of stakes supports, trough pieces, crotches, and smoke wood, &c. I took 1 load of rails to W fence, and drove some posts; then 2 more to S. line. A hard [drying] S. wind. La at Dr’s/ ) 75. Clear, warm. I feel well, only tired. “White Creechin”, caught a mouse twice, hier. P.M. Warm, windy. I drew 5 or 6 loads of rails, and stakes. La home. Leon not sell. All the “varmonts howl thro’ other at times. Think they will name little one, “Frank Reader”. I copied part of “Kelsons Reel” and Douglas’ favorite, and call it “Reader’s favorite.” Mrs. W. to P.O., then with F. to Dr. then here. I played. A moon. Clear, W. Warm. Frid 4. ) 42. N.W. Raw, cool. Cloudy. I cleaned and oiled my flute. B. and I to wods; Sawed off and burst open 5 cuts 2 ½ ft. long. Home. Cloudy, N.W. Un bean dine. [shorthand]. PM. Cleared. I to wood. Split up and pointed all of the stakes; over 100. Home. B. playing avecle vieux xyrenge. La et F. chez le Dr. F home. [XXX] dn [shorthand] mais un pen du last. N. Windy. B to P.O. Got Tribune and took it to Drs. (and a letter to Dr from Perron. La Harpe Ill.) La home. F. divided her pamme. Be eurage et se [XXX] X 50. Sat 5. Some frost. Clear, still. Back pains some. Horses going off. I [tolled] them in stable. Je etudie Bullion a Rule. Dr. here left 8 [XXXX]. Bl. here for wagon; failed. Horses got out again. La & B got them up. I hitched ((Nov.20.1911.10.p.m.2d.)) [Page 299] April 6th 1862.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (210)

up. To town woods; got Gabbey a load of black wood, and one partly green hickory for ourselves. I drew 70 stakes along S. fence. B. to store with 8 doz eggs; got 2 yds of blue cotton 50 [cts]. Rod Rose is in store. He in late for dinner. I played. PM. La is at Drs. I drew rest of stakes, 33, and 15 supports. La home. I to Ogee mill. I drew Drs. lumber 3 loads, to his house. Gabbey & Cy Kistler are officers. Still. S.W.N.&E. Clear. Turned out. Je lave. Mrs. A. here. OT home. Frank Reader Campdorias weighs 9 lbs. I will wash my shirt only once a month when I keep Bachelor’s Hall. We have the Tribune. Mrs. A. ure dit: “Vous avez peur de voir Henrietta.” I read paper. I in bed early. 3 hogs at crib. “Skunk” and Mrs. A’s whiffed “lugged” them by the ears. SAM’S WALTZ. Sund. 6. S.E. Clear, but clouded. No horses, but plenty of cattle. Dr. here. I read paper. F. to Drs. I copied parts of waltzes, and call it “Sam’s Waltz” Hazy, breezy. Beckwiths at Drs. I feel contented and heurensem*nt. I measured myself accurately. I am 6 ft 7 ½ in. in my stockings, and nearly 6 – 2 ½ in shoes. ((Measured early morn. I am 6.2 barefoot, almost and in my cowhide boots I stand (or stood) 6 feet 3 ½ inches. 1911.)) News items: Ezekiel Marple & widow Cohee; Old Stamp & widow “Mullygrubs” and Rev. Early, and Liz Stamp, to be married soon. Little Tom Wallace here awhile. PM. I put more color on face of my likeness. Etudie Bullion. F. home. Popcorn. Thunder and a little rain. Cloudy. Mond 7. Some clouds. S.E. windy. Cattle in at crib. ((Good gracious! “Fix” it!! Yes. 1911.)) I walloped “Crack heifer”. La washed. I began at S.W corner of breaking and mauled all of my stakes into the ground. Got within 50 yds of our cornfield. Very windy. S.W. Hazy. [shorthand]. B & F. on Kit and Fox above Downies, and got Belle and colt. I shut them up. P.M. Clear W. I to woods; Split and sharpened 25 stakes, and 19 supports. Charly Kaw came to see, and said D.H. Wier is to be at Bellmores today. Blue ventre offered to let him cheat the Indians for $1000. Charly knocked Jim T. down with a rock, 2 weeks ago, and is now afraid to go to town (to get drunk, Poor Charly!) Home early. ((Nov.21.1911.2:40.p.m.)) [Page 300] April 8th 1862. Mrs. DeWolf & Mrs. Jim W. here. Thought my pictures are all right. I to P.O. Dr. Gabbey administered the oath to me; mais il ue paye pas pour le bois. I got medical magazine for Dr. I saw Corp. John Hiller. “Don’t like Tish Rose!” Jack Fiero calls Rolle F “Bogus.” I to Drs, with book, and got French paper. Saw the youngone &c. Home. N.W. Cloudy, and getting cold. Running after a steer I fell down and sprained my right thumb. Francois making garden at Dr’s. I read F story late. l 20 [cts]

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (211)

Tuesd 8. ) 34. Cloudy, N. windy, and cold. My thumb is very sore. I can hardly cut wood. Bad. I got ready and to Bellmores on Fox. Wier was not there, hier. I to ferry. Saw Jack Curtis, and Clinton. I crossed slough on Pappan’s wagon. I filed my oath. I hunted Wier a long time; Found him. As I thought, he had no money, but plenty of lying excuses. Will pay perhaps Thurs. night. I looked for (his pal) Jake Smith; Not at home. I to State Record office. Bought last weeks paper 5 [cts.] [shorthand] not in it. I in canoe over pond. Ferry 15 [cts.] My fraction is advertised for sale for taxes as [XXX] Young’s and as part of townsite. I am alarmed about it. PM. Cold, raw. N. wind. Cloudy. I took [XXX] out of chimney. I at work mending Kits collar, harness &c. I to P.O., nothing. I to Saloon. Saw Jack. He told me about his speeches on a beer barrel; cats, &c. Home. B. got tout De Dr’s walnuts. Nous les meauge. X 50. Wed 9. ) 35. Cloudy. N. Raw, cold. Cattle in at crib. ((Shiftless Sam!!!)) Thumb better. Dr. and Francois (the Belgian) got Fox and plow. Bl here awhile; Got his saw. He has had twin calves. I to N.W. corner put up 7 panels, leaning fence. B. came out. Also Jim W’s 3 boys. Cool. PM. I out; put up 11 panels. Saw Scoffields pig. Mrs A here. B & F from [XXX] with Eliza Milne from Puckets. B sold 8 doz eggs; got soap 50. Eliza M. says Mc.N. whips sa femmise yet; Was going a donne a tout les ((Nov. 21.1911.5:40.p.m.2.)) [Page 301] April 10, 1862. coups de revolver, et tout las family, s’eafuit. Hig is called “by Pucket.” Rod Rose is going with Angell showing (and be cheated). I’ll bet. La cut off tails of my big sleeved coat and patched it up nicely. ((Nov.21.1911. 6:41.p.m.2d.)) Thurs. 10. Some frost. S.E. cold, raw, clear. A late Spring. Jim F. nis enfant neuf. I to fence; put up all the rails, 9 panels. I am almost in slough. Home. La scalded house, walls &c. P.M. E. windy. I feel sore and tired. Clouding up. I to S fence. Put up 14 panels of shanghai fence. B with me “aping”. I got dirt in my eye and had to come home, and got it out with a knitting needle. [shorthand]. I to P.O.; got Tribune, and a scarcely legible note from D.H. Wier; He is at Lawrence. Dr. C. & Sgt. Gabbey busy talking. I read & ate nuts. Frid 11. ) 42. Rather Cloudy, raw. E. Feels like rain. I hitched up and drew my stakes &c.from woods to places. It began to rain slowly and steadily. I read Tribune. Ate calnuts &c. PM. I mended collar, and harness. E. Rain. Raw, cool. I fed &c. (A la dine je casse La’s tea pitcher, and scalded single white cheek cat.) Sat. 12. Rain last night. W. cool cloudy. Some mist. I read F. papers. I cant work well. I did nothing much. PM. La to Dr;s with his umbrellas and f. papers. ) 45. W. cold, raw misty. I mended rest of harness collars &c. Bl. here full of whisky. His cow and twin calves dead. ((And I suppose Blondel was merely “drowning his sorrow in Whisky! 1911.)) Island No. 10

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (212)

taken with 6000 Hurrah!!! Cranes between us & Drs. I fed &c. La home with St. Louis [Dem] of Drs, full of news. I shot at wild geese on prairie. Cloudy. Bad weather. F. read St Louis paper at night. Sund 13. Jack frost. Clear. S.W. Pleasant. Feel well [shorthand]. I read. P.M. I retouched my picture. ((Nov.22.1911. 10:17.a.m.2.)) [Page 302] Clintons new billiard table. April 14, 1862 I mended B’s kite. No fly. Dr. here. Rebels defeated near Corinth ((Shiloh.)). Jack F. here at dark. Jims new yonker 4 days old, dead. He got Iliad and left. Moonlight. F and I to Thompsons. Mary Brown and a hired girl that I saw when I got my flute of Willy. Jack and I to Clinton’s. Saw them play on new billiard table. Dr. G showed me some tricks. Jack Fiero said: “Don’t inveigle Reader.” Some rain. After 12 we to T’s about negroes, ((Jack said it would not be safe to have them free. 1911.)) Dark ages &c. Early breakfast. We don’t feel sleepy much. Home before sunrise. X 25 cts. Mond 14 Some clouds. W. My ink about out. ((And its good ink. Sep.1.08.)) I out and drove a few stakes, and put up little fence. I am too sleepy. Helped B. fly his kite. I to bed. PM. F. to Thompsons. I slept awhile. Jack F. came. I had “White Cheek,” in bed. Jack said: “Vous ne marie jainais.” I up; Hitched up team. To F’s. Saw Lieut. Fulton in uniform. Bonem with team, and Jack Fiero & Clinton in a buggy. All to graveyard: Buried child. Jack Fiero told me he did not believe in joining church to try to save his soul. Home. Plenty of soldiers in town of 8 Reg. La sold Rowbacker boy 4 doz 25 cts. I plowed a garden. S.E. windy. Saw a fire over creek, near DeWolfs. I a little frightened. Popped corn. I played and won 8 games [shorthand] of poker with F. and 5 or 6 in 7 with B. I ate the stakes. To bed early. Thunder few clouds. A WET RECEPTION. Tuesd 15. S Cloudy, warm. Up long after sunrise. I out put up about 30 panels of worn fence. Miss Wender and Beck with No 2. here. B in getting my pants dropped them in the kettle of rain water. I put them on, any how. S.W. Warm and windy. P.M. Clouds. I played flute. F & girls sang, and then went to Drs. I put up fences as far as rails went. 5 or 6 panels. Girls left. Hester here. I at E. Dr. came from Topeka. [Page 303] April 16, 1862.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (213)

Rebels defeated again and Beauregard taken. ((A REAL YANKEE LIE.1911.)) I started. Dr. said to me: Vous venu ici so les filles would not catch you dans un alliance de [shorthand]. Home. ((YOU COME OVER HERE SO THE GIRLS IN AN ALLIANCE OF MATRIMONY.)) Home. I played flute. Hester would not sing. Wind changed. E. then N. Clouding up. Les madamoriselles dit lune contra l’antre “Vous avez benu a noir Mr. Sam.” To bed early. Thunder.((Nov.22.1911.9:24p.m.2.)) Wed. 16. Heavy rain in night. Cloudy N. Cold. La not well. B. and I to woods. Got a stick of hickory. I at Drs. Home. Saw Frank McKenna; He goes out teaming tomorrow, and will leave his flute with me. I at work making a rake. P.M. Tommy Wallace here for La to go to Dr’s. Leon not well. I finished rake. Its strong. I mended paling fence, and got about 1 bu of old lime near gate. I cleaned up part of yard &c. I got head stall on Belle. Fan wrote to Em. Hyde. Je fired a shot out of a clef key through a cap box. La home. Ester has left. Drs F there. Thurs 17. At day light it began to cloud up and thunder. I fed. A hailstorm, and rain. Hail as big as hickory nuts. B and I fired off keys. N.E. Cold. Old “P=kid, U-kid She-kid” kittens, 2 of them, yellow. I mended my boots. P.M. I mended moccasins and got in corn and we all shelled. Judge Allen here. Misty. Soupe je avec lui a la maison de Sardeau. Saw 4 men there. We home. Talked &c. N.W. Cold. Misty. I played 2 tunes on flute. Frid 18. ) 35. Clear. N. Cold. Up early. I have a cold in head. (Dr here hier, in PM. Said Gabby wanted me to get wood for him) Mr. Allen left. I husked and shelled. Saw Frank McKenna going off. He left flute at Augells for me. I saw Augell. He is not well &c. La to Drs. I mended rocking chair. I to town. Signed ((Nov.23.1911.8:53.a.m.2d.)) [Page 304] April 19. 1862. my deed to La. Higg and John Ogee witnessed it. I at Clintons some time. Saw Miss Alley. Elle est joli mais Charle Bonjour me dit “Pas beaucoup.” Je parle francais avec lui. I got a bottle of ink of Higg 10 cts. Home. Cold. N. Clouds. La has the Tribune. Sat. 19. N. Cold. Clouds. No horses. I have a bad cold. Rolla Fulton and Jim T here. [shorthand] and ours. I drove Jims over ridge. I to Drs. Miss M. Marple came there. I home and then with bridle and spyglass to near Charly Rod’s hill, and at Dr. Ashmores. I found horses near Pott. Line. I got Fox and came home. La has the headache. B. not well. PM. I took 1 sk. corn on Fox to H. mill. No grind now. I to Owens; got my powder 2 lbs. I saw Miss & Mr Bowker. I stopped at H’s. Fox scared and broke his bridle. I saw Mrs. H. on bridge. She says I will not grind today. Home. I put powder in bottles. Its damaged some. F home with du lait, (sour). I read Congressnews at night. Sund 20. Cloudy. N. Cold. A late Spring; The woods are bare and the prairie hardly green. I read F. paper’s story “Le Vivian”. F. to Drs. B and I cannonaded avec les clefs diaus les forte du bois et bars du savon. La made us quit. I retouched my picture. Cold. N. Some clouds. McN.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (214)

here. Desperates other kitten died. Easter Sunday. P.M. Nc N. [shorthand]. To home. I tinkered around. F home and then to Augells. I sat round awhile and then I went to A’s also. Mr A. is not well. He showed us his calcium light apparatus &c. John Ogee came. He said electricity cured him of rheumatism. A gave me Franks flute. It is badly cracked and very dry. Home late. I drove our Briggs home. McN gone. He wants wagon Tuesd. Dep’y Marshal Dewey at Dr’s to get him for a witness. I played flute. F read M.Deun. To bed early. N. Cold. McN. said my likeness looks natural. ((Nov.23.1911.9.a.m.)) [Page 305] April 21 1862. Mond 21. White frost. Cool, clear W. I hitched up team. K & F and drew 3 or 4 loads of stakes from E. fence to S. Soldiers passing from To. One got 1 doz eggs of La for 10 cts. Four or five stopped here. 2 were corporals. One was wounded in chin at Springfield. A lot of Dutch came but left. We saw the main body of the Kan. 1st Reg. pass by Drs; about 500. Dr. & Leon here awhile. 4 soldiers took dinner. $1. On Deleware. I drew 5 or 6 loads of rails &c and plowed a small piece. [shorthand] Mrs Jim here for eggs. Failed. I played flutes. Mrs. A. here after sunset. Left. I tried to paint on glass. Clear, warm. F. to store; got La a dress $1.20, of Higg. N. all day. l 50 Tuesd 22. ) 40. Clear, Still. NE. Clouds at N. Mc.N came and got wagon and took our 2 sks. corn. My back getting lame. I at fence. Put up a lot of worn fence. Part of the Wis. 12 Reg. passed. Mrs. A. here. Dr with Leon to Bls. And here. PM. Warmer. S. & E. Mrs. A & F to Jim W’s/ Old Kit got down against stable door. La and I had to help her up. I put up all the fence. I had rails for 90 panels and sharpened the stakes. My back quite lame. I to PO, got f. paper. Gabbey took acknowledgement of my deed to La. Made it even with load of wood 50 cts. I saw (the Dutch) John Smith of Jennisons Reg. drunk. Hunter was wounded in leg &c. I took Dr’s paper to his house. They have got an excellent girl named ((Bell)) Raglin. ((No it was not her sister Josephine. 1911.)) Home. Mrs. A & F home late. Berenice Clammor and Odel Pappan had a fight over Jack Curtis. Both wanted to be his second wife. To bed late. My Ruffian lame back hurts. N.E. Clear. X 35 cts. Wed 23. E. Clear but clouding. Small of back lame yet. I took gayac (gum guiacum). I put more flannel on back. I sharpened stakes and measured rails on E. fence. La has planted potatoes and made garden. PM. N.E. by E. I feel weak. Cloudy. My back better. [shorthand]. ((Nov.23.1911. 9:22.a.m.)) [Page 306] Eggs 12 cts.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (215)

April 24 1862. Cloudy. Another Reg. of soldiers coming from Topeka. Dr & Leon left 12 or 15 [XXXX]. I to town. Bl and Dr came. I saw quarter master. He wanted no corn. A guard stationed at groceries. This is the 13th Wis. Reg. with Belgian rifles. I heard the Band play “Mocking Bird,” out of the wilderness, and a polka.” 3 fifers and 3 drummers played White co*ckade at Stewarts. Dr. got Tribune. I home. Belle got away. I played. La sold 3 doz eggs to Clintons 35 cts. My back better. N windy. Thurs. 24. Cloudy. The troops started playing Dixie. Norris [XXX] brought wagon home. N. cold. I to old W. worn fence, pulled down a lot. B found a duck that a soldier dropped. PM. Cleared. I with K & F; drew 8 loads of rails, stakes &c. to S & W fence. My N leaning fence don’t look strong nor high enough. La at Drs. A letter from Perron of La Harpe. S. has taken off logs and corn. Dr here with a long letter from Frank Date Monterey. Clear. NE. Cool. I to bed early. Frid 25. ) 30. Frost. Clear, still. I put up 36 panels of worn fence. Still. Clear. W. La to see “Want to Know.” ((Old Mrs. Augell.)) [shorthand]. Spikes not with Kit. I tried to find scale on clarinet. La had 40 or 50 little chickens. PM. Very warm. W. Still. I put up 12 panels of leaning fence. Got water at Scoffields. La from Augells. I wrote part of a letter to Frank. F read Mo. Dem. Clear, pleasant. Sat. 26. Up early. Rather clear. I finished letter to Frank: D Bro [XXX] 1862. After a long silence. I rec’d on the 24th a welcome letter from you dated Monterey, Apr 8 giving me a pleasing a/c of your journey, Rebel fortifications &c. It must have an inspiriting effect upon you soldiers to make another step towards the enemy and of course towards the termination of the war for it is now very obvious to my mind that the Pro S. traitors will be “cleaned out” in a very short time judging from our recent victories. I suppose you are under command of Gen. Fremont now? I have been and will still continue looking with great interest for all and any news from your Department ((Nov.23.1911.1:10.p.m.2.)) [Page 307] ((Bragging up Kansas farm lands.)) April 27, 1862. As you are the only relative I have in the army so far as I know. We are all well. Your little nephew Frank Reader [XXXX], also. Our Spring has been very backward and no farming yet. 3 Reg’s have passed through Indianola for F. Riley a few days ago, making quite a stir in our quiet little town. Our [XXXX] friends were all strong Union men. Now about that land business. I heard day before yesterday that the Treaty has been made whereby the Pott. Indians turn over most of their lands to the R.R.Co. The Indians are not allowed to sell that reserved to themselves within a certain number of years. (5 I believe). I suppose an order to give the

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (216)

R.R.Co. a chance to sell theirs without competition, as Indians when in the need of money will sell for almost any price. I have not yet heard what the Co. will sell for per acre, but it cannot be priced high; as land is very cheap throughout Kan. The Dr. says that a patient of his informed him the other day that land on the Wakarusia ( a stream) 7 ms SE of Lawrence, good land some of it half timber can be bought for $2.50 per acre if paid down in cash. A Mr. Allen was here a few days ago and said that there is plenty of very good land on the Cottonwood Creek. (about 100 ms SW of here, but it is mostly prairie. This land is surveyed and open to preemption or private entry at $1.25 per acre. I once took a claim on this stream and I considered this locality a fine one as I had ever seen in Kan. Land can now be bought at extremely low prices here in Kan provided the owner be paid “cash up, and no grumblings.” So come along as soon as you can, and see how you like our State. (I am sure you will), and buy. I will close. You must excuse this brief letter as I have never had more work before me than now, as the man who worked my field last year is now in the Army. I am present enlarging my aunt’s field. I have not yet heard from my sisters since I wrote to Ella on the 14 of March. Two things I am afraid will make you dissatisfied with our State, viz: Chills and fever and the scarcity of young ladies. No more. Your Brother. Samuel Reader. Our Briggs cow just up from river. I took team. Drew 7 loads of rails to S & W. PM. S. Warm, windy. My right ear sore. I drew 4 loads of rails, changed posts and drew 2 loads of trash from near front yard. (I bathed in bedroom) F. at Drs. to get meal. I had to go for her. Plum trees coming out in blossom. Miss Raglin looks like the Romains. Looked at my & Franks pictures. Sund 27. E.N.E. I read papers &c. Dr came. B, Dr & I on horses above Geo Youngs; got all of our horses except Cass and Belles colt. Put Belle in yard. Rest in Drs pasture. I mended fence. Home. PM. N. cool. I read f. paper. Dr. here awhile. He wants to be Surgeon in an Indian Reg. &c. B et moi tir’e descoups des keys. Un coup a travers un bar du savon. Fun. N. Cool. F. on Fox, got Briggs. Sprinkle. F. read a tale: Dante. Mrs. Milne un enfant neuf ((Nov.23.1911.3:23.p.m.2.)) [Page 308] MISS GREGG. PENN. April 28 1862. Mond 28. ) 45. Some rain last night. N. Cool. Cleared off. I putting up worn fence. B & La on horses for Kaw cow. I put camphor and pepper on back [shorthand]. F washing alone. My ears jaws and skin of head sore. I put up36 panels [shorthand]. N. Cool. I am better in jaws. De Wolf plowing [shorthand]. La and B home. Couldn’t drive Kaw. PM. I to fence put up 9 panels of leaning fence. I am nearly through slough. A fence is clear to SW corner. I to Drs. Watered ponies. I to town. Saw Jim T. about [shorthand]. I to P.O. Got a letter from Ella. She has a pretty cousin (car moi. Miss Gregg.) In A.M. Puckets old cow got into our manger. I had hard work to get her out. Clear. N. cool. Tuesd 29. Clear. N. still up early. My ears ache; jaws also. I put off to Downies to see about his pony. Home. All of ours broke out of drs pasture and came here. I put them in our yard. Dr &

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (217)

B out and drove our cattle up. I put up 9 panels of fence. PM. La in favor of Penn. Heiress. I feel tired. I put up 9 more panel of fence and had care of Scoffields house while Mrs S. came to our house. I to town. Saw old Nealy. Saw Pucket. I have not got the pony he offed $2 reward for. Home. McN. brought our meal home from Grasshopper mill. La has got his little pig in a pen of her own making. Mrs. Harding is un autre [shorthand]. I feel better in ear &c. Hogs in at our crib. McN’s brother killed at Pittsburg (Shiloh). F. sang air. I played alto & tenor. X 25 130 Wed. 30. Cloudy. Sprinkly. Still. I to town. Pucket promised to come in a few minutes. B and I horseback. Drove ponies as far as Downies, but no farther. No Pucket, no Downie. I got le pas-partout of Mrs. Bl. Home. I husked corn. Roast hen. Early dinner. PM. Mrs. Bonem here. I put up 3 panels in spaces of N fence, and 6 near Scoffields house. Only a handful of ((Nov.23.1911-3 1/2p.m.)) [Page 309] April Last 1862. nails left. Home. Soupe. Me. Me. Vive Bonem est plus belle que ses socurs. I spliced a chair leg. La sold 2 doz eggs to a man for 25 cts. Mrs. Jim W. here for eggs. Failed. She told me that Henrietta is engaged to Rod Rose ((No. It was to Cy. Higgenbotham. 1911.)) Drefful! I played flute. A halfbreed here with La. They had my colt up in Charlie’s yard today. Quality all left. Dead loads of news viz: Un beaucoup des, Mrs & Miss Button, Mrs Pucket & Stewart &c. have joined the Masonic Lodge. Red R. est strapped et il alle a voir Mlle. Miles Cummins lui paye en tabac. Bigg, alle chez la chamber au est de Mrs. Pucket, pour lui dire. “Christmas gift.” Mais elle n’ etait pas la. Son mare etait dans le, bit et il drt: a Bigg: That’s your game is it?” Quand Me. Fleur alle a la camp. Hilton fut ivre et abused sa femme, mais il tourua sa veuve dans les mains de V. Brum Jusgue me. Fleue partil. “Well!” a une femme a la champ. I to Thompson. Got 1 pt. of good whiskey. 30 cts. Jim first gave me 15 cts rot gut. New Orleans taken. Home. [shorthand].

• Rot gut whisky is 15 cts. per pint. Spikes. A bright bay mare of June 1860. Heavy made. No white marks. Heavy black mane and tail and feet; and legs blackish above the knees. Nose darkish brown. ((Nov.23.1911.3:40.p.m.2.)) [Page 310] Eggs 10 cts per doz. May 1. 1862 S.J. Reader’s private Journal and Day Book. Indianola Shawnee Co. Kansas U.S.A.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (218)

Thurs 1. Clear. Up very early. Still, pleasant N. B. got Tifine. We started before sun was 1 h. high. I saw Downie. He promised to go to Charley’s. I on there. Charley told me to drive ponies up. I put whiskey [shorthand] corner. B and I up towards Lake. Got the drove of ponies in Charley’s yard. Je donne l’eau de vie a lui. [shorthand] Helped a Halfbreed catch a gray pony. C. lassoed steady, wanted to put off till Sund. Tom Ogell helped catch them [shorthand]. B and I drove ponies home. We put Steady [shorthand] Belle and her colt, which is lame, in yard. We shelled corn. Je suis bien aise. I can tell you. PM. I to creek but down a tree stubb and sawed off 6 stake cuts and split a few. B swam and fished. My headaches. Home. I made a new well crank. La burnt Whelp’s body so her [XXX] cant get poisoned. I to P.O. He rien. Some of the 6th Reg. K.V. avec A-l B.’n. wanted me to stay all night with him. I went with him in the house and he gave me Roses old clarinet to mend. Saw “Henrietta” mais je etait peur de lui parle ((Faint Heart Never Won Fair Lady? Hardly ever!)) I soon started. Home late. New moon &c. X 30 Frid. 2. A very little white frost. Up early. Still clear. My arms and shoulders sore and lame. (B to Soldiers, sold 3 doz. eggs 30 cts.) I to woods. Split and pointed 49 stakes and cut 4 12 ft poles for fence. Home. I made a splendid hoe handle of oak, “as good as Samuel could have done it.” PM. N. Clear, warm I put Belle and Fox to wagon. B & I took 2 sks corn to H. Mill. Belle works well. I drew my stakes &c. from woods at 2 loads and 3 or 4 loads of rails to W end. Button another Fire on Majors land. NE. Still. Mrs A.&F. to P.O. Got N.Y. ((Nov.23.1911.4:12.p.m.)) [Page 311] May 3. 1862. Tribune. F read at night. I have a bad cold and feel sore. Some clouds. Plum trees in full bloom. No danger of fires in woods now, I think. Prairies are green now. My colt doing well. Sat 3. Clouds but cleared NE. Fire in Majors timber yet. I drew with Belle & Fox 4 or 5 loads of rails and 2 of stakes. PM. My back lame. I drew several loads of broken rails from E. fence to wood pile and 1 load of stakes to W line. I put Belle & Fox on plow for first time and plowed 9 short rounds in orchard. She goes well but is not strong. Bl. here. Got eggs. Scoffield brought our 2 sks meal home. The dead loads of meal [XXX] sacs. I turned out Corp. Mcnu*tt and Ferdinand Wendel stopped with me awhile. Here going to Bls,B& I fired old grass where E fence stood. We planted 2 ears sweet corn. Sprinkle. Clouds. Sund 4. Little rain last night. Colt enfle encore mais il est vif. Mon dos est mal. Je prit le gayac. I fed &c. I cleaned Buttons clarinet. E. Breezy. Dr brought Leon & Dade. I began to write to Nat. E es F.R.b. came. Pleasant. I played. E & F. sang. Dr came from Froukiers at 1. Un grand dine. PM. Sultry. Cloudy. E. Dr thinks my picture looks well. Letter: Dear Sister Martha. Ellas very interesting letter of Apr. 9 & 18 came to hand a few days ago and I improve the present opportunity to write one to you. We are all tolerably well. My cousins did not take the measles. Aunt E has had a few (as she thinks) light chills. The Dr & family are all

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (219)

well but Leon is not very strong. He is quite a subject to the fever and ague. The Dr. is very rush now in his professional duties being seldom allowed to remain at home for a whole day at a time. Perhaps it will sound strange when I tell you that Frank Reader has just come in as I am writing. This is a puzzle for you to find out by the time I write to you again. Our Spring has been very backward. No planting done yet. I am as busy now that I can hardly “turn around”, as farming help is so scarce. So many having gone to the war. Our latest good news is that N.O. has been taken by U.S. but nothing has pleased me more, than Old Abe’s Emancipation Message and the abolition of Slavery Dist. Of Columbia. I have not yet got my daguerreotype for you. A Conneticut Yankee has been taking pictures for a while in town, but they are very inferior indeed I send you a likeness of myself taken from the looking glass. The position in which I sat drew rather a dark shade on the hair and eyes but not enough to hurt it any. It is not well executed; the color is not smooth enough on the face on account of my not having the proper kind of brushes. Still it is ((Nov.23.1911.11:59 99/100.p.m.)) [Page 312] May 5th 1862. said to look like me in feature. In painting, I have to learn everything from actual experiment which is a very slow way causing me many mistakes and much trouble. I must try and get a book of instruction on painting in water colors and good painting and drawing materials as I delight in nothing more than making pictures. While I was living in Wellsburg Va. Father gave me a slate and on this I made my first attempt at drawing. In La Harpe I had a perfect passion for picture making and rec’d many reprimands at sch. when the teacher would just find my slate covered with them instead of figures. I have always desired to take lessons in drawing and painting but never had an opportunity. This picture I send you is quite correct in outline and expression and the persons to whom I have shown it do not fail to recognize it; By the way you must not be surprised if I have made this likeness better looking than the original. I send you a lock of my hair so you can see the true color. I will also give you a few items of my personal appearance. I stand six feet 2 & 1/2 in. or a trifle over in common shoes. Am rather slender for my height but not in the least corpulent. As is usual with persons taking much outdoor exercise and performing outdoor labor my face is somewhat bronzed by the sun and my movements are perhaps more energetic than graceful. I weigh at present 177 lbs so I am about the average height and weight of the men composing the Queen of E’s Life Guard. I will try and send you more specimens of my drawing, also my miniature if I can have a good one taken. I was much pleased to learn in Ella’s last letter that F was studying Latin and short hand when he last wrote. It certainly argues a great thirst for knowledge to see him amidst the bustle and excitement of Camp life and pursue his usual studies. I am afraid the same cannot be said of any who left this neighborhood for the Camp. It appears from what I have learned from some of the boys who came up on furlough that they all have had a jolly time generally many of them, Lieut. Rose, first Capt. of F.G. especially spending all or nearly all of their pay. Whisky drinking and gambling were two of the prominent vices. If the short hand F is studying is Lougleys Phon. Perhaps we can after awhile correspond in it. I took lessons in it in ’55 but am now rusty. F. tells me he intends to buy land in K. and I need not tell you the pleasure it gives me for he will never consent to farm the hills of Penn after seeing out rich and fertile valleys. You know Horace Greely said

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (220)

K. farmers could get rich, if they would keep out of debt, and not hunt office. My conscience is clear on the first and although not an office seeker still I was guilty of filing my bond and taking the oath of office as F.T. for S. Town, a few weeks ago. Perhaps our Father will laugh at me but I am not without excuse, as I gave a reluctant consent to be a candidate only after I learned that it would not much interfere with my business. I rec’d 69 of the 72 votes cast the Dem’s making no opposition. I read a letter from Frank on the 24 of Apr. and answered it on the 25. Tell Ella that the Pott. Treaty has been ratified and the lands are to be surveyed this Summer perhaps. What a pleasure to see her coming over the prairie with compass & chain. But she says that cannot be. My gizzard/heart I meant to have said is “as full as a tick” with gratitude for her [XXXX]. May I never have a harsher judge. I will close. Affect’ yours. S.J.R. Strictly private and confidential to Ella. Dr S. Inform letter you gave me a description of a young lady a Miss M.E., which has greatly interested me. Like the shy crusty old bachelor that I am I have never been shuck by the shafts of that mythical little “shaver” carrying a bow and arrow and going around trying to shoot somebody. Therefore your letter has made much impression on my mind. You ask how I like the description. I cant say I have any preference for any colored eyes or hair but believe when I think of it that I do prefer black eyes and hair. Please use your influence in my favor and I shall be forever grateful. Will you not send your Cousin’s name in full! I must of necessity close for want of room. Your Brother SJ Reader. ((Grenez garder-vous, bachelor celebat inconsidere! [shorthand]!)) (Beginning of the Miss Gregg episode.) ((Nov 24.1911.11:11.p.m.2.)) [Page 313] May 5 1862. I played flute a little and wrote. Drs left. I spoke to Rod Rose. He don’t know when they will start showing (with magic lantern.) Sprinkle Mon dos est meilleur. I copied letter at night. Mond 5. Clear, Still, warm. N.E. Mon poulain enfle & [shorthand] I am “Un paquet des hallions. We turned my colt and B’s out on prairie. I at Scoffields; drove all the stakes 49 and put it up 2 rails high. N. Clear. B and I drove my colt in yard again; Il est-eufle un beaucoup mais is not stupid. I feel heavy. Woods getting green. PM. Clear. NNE. Not much wind. I saw a heavy smoke beyond Bonems. B and I there. I waded creek waist deep and B. on my back. About 1 acre in my timber No. 3. on fire from where an Indian had camped, (The noble rascal.) In about 2 hours, with hard work we got flames out. Then I carried water and put fire out of old logs. But little wind N.E. I paced distance across bend of br. 150 yds. We swam; water cold. A train in town. Saw Bonem. He has begun to plow. B lost one of his mittens. Home. Pete F. here with his mare. Bl & Clinton almost a fight about Bonjour’s pony. My colt stupid. I fastened up gaps in fence and put him in field. We burnt a strip across old W fence. Boys burning the Gumb’s field. F at Browns; Put my letter in. I played at night. Tuesd 6. Clear, cool, still Sturdy or Steady is better, I think. Dr. here. I gave him Tax list. He to T’s. B got his wheelbarrow and spade. I nailed up last gap in N. fence, and staked and ridered at W. fence. Put colt in field, PM. I feel tired, but well. Warm. E. I finished staking and

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (221)

ridering. I set 5 posts to hold leaning fence down. Colt more lively. Dr home. I there. He thinks he will go as Surgeon, and wants me for Lieut. I played flute. [shorthand] ((Nov.24.1911.2:27.p.m.)) [Page 314] Corn. 25 cts pr bu. Eggs. 10 cts pr doz. ((Saw old Judge Arch. Williams & introduced to Probate Judge Winams. Fierce war time.)) l 10 cts X $3.05 X $5. May 7, 1862. Wed 7. Clouds. Warm. I put Belle in field. Charly Vieux drove a pony here. I helped him catch it. He says John Young has put Pucket in a bad fix as witness against him for selling whisky to Indians. (Voila! I doive l’ean de vie a ce-Indian – ci. Aug 10 1908.) I got ready; went to Ta, a pied. Had to wade slough. I to Jake Smiths. Will sell Soldier T (delinquent tax) at 2 P.M. I to McArthurs office. He cant give me a list until I furnish him with one. Cowee there, all fight. I in at Judge Williams (“Old Archy”) office. He was a resident near La Harpe. Talked with me some time Judge Winams came in. I was favored avec un introduction. He was acquainted with Mrs (Nancy) Coulson. Weir is at St. Joe. I to Ritchey Block. Found Augell, Thompsons, Johnny & others. I sat ‘round. PM. I to Smiths. Mr Hines bid my land in with Town Site. I bid in S.W. Sec 20.T.11.R 16 for La $3.06 and I got last years certificate assigned to her $4.40. Hines (the slippery rascal) took my receipt and turned the amount $4.11 over to pay La’s. She owes Dr $5. Hines will sell my fraction to me when he can. I home. Ferrage 10 cts. Clear, sultry. I feel tired and bad. Mary Brown here. S.E. I feel well enough about the bother of land. “Let it slide.” I drove my colt in yard Il est enfle un beaucoup le [shorthand]. I to Drs. He came and looked at him. Thinks there is no danger. Mary left. Gabbey going in to Nation as Dr. Clinton wants PO. Dr. C not agreed. I examined horse book at night. X 10 c 30 c $2. l $6.25. Thurs 8. Some clouds, still, warm. Up early. Colt badly off yet. [shorthand] Dreadfully mais [shorthand]. I out to W fence. Set rest of posts and pinned them to learning posts. S. I feel tired. Sprinkle S.E. Clouds warm. ( Bl got Fox to plow.) PM. Leonard stopped here for a long time, telling his adventures &c. Rambo a perdu sou religion. Vol. B. goes avec rowdies. Mart. Stamp est only 1/2 [human]. His ears [shorthand] &c. Dr. here from Ta Ritchey has gone. A wagon master came here and engaged 25 bu. of corn. 25 cts and ((Nov.24.1911.2:40.p.m.2.)) [Page 315] May 9. 1862.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (222)

gets hay of Dr. Leonard left. B to Bl. Got Fox. La on prairie. Got Kit. I put on rack. Dr Drs. We 3 put on about 800 of his poor hay. I took it to Camp hear Hardings. Saw Corp Mcnu*tt & Nan. Wallace and (his sister (Mcnu*tts) Mrs Harding riding along. I home. Took a load of corn from my crib to camp. Had 8 brls. 5 ½ bu of ears. Put it on ground. I home. Took other load 7 brls. Put it in a wagon. B sold 2 ½ doz eggs 30 cts and Bl paid him 10 cts today for 1 doz. Home at dark. Moon: [drawing of moon.) Wagon master here paid me $8.25 and left. (What else could he do. Aug 11 1908.) Mrs A & Julie Bellmore here. I played flute. They left. (In spite of the music!) Mr. A. gone to L. City. I feel bien. Pleasant. ((Yes “I had money in pocket. 1911.)) Frid 9. Clear, warm. N.E. Still. Up early. My colt is better. [shorthand] enfle. La headache. B took Fox to Bl then we to Drs. Put top on his stack again. Peter came along. Dr gave him a letter to send to Rose (E.D.) requesting him to resign and try to let Mrs. Brown have it as Clinton has taken the P.O. and Dr. is not pleased. ((Way Clinton robbed the P.O. afterwards. 1911.)) I home. Drove a few stakes I had left and put-up 5 or 6 panels of shanghai fence. Mended back gate &c. F. to Augells. Early dinner. PM. I feel stupid. S. windy, warm. La & B to see pups. I counted spare rails, 250. Je porte mes pantalon blue [shorthand]. La & B home. I fixed my ax handle, greased wagon and bored an extra hole in double trees. Shelled some seed corn. Mended harness &c. B to P.O. Clinton would not give him my Tribune. F home. Augell alle a L. City avec Mrs. Pucket. My colt better. Most of our cattle up. To bed early. I put straw on top of feather bed. Very warm day. S. Sat 10. Some clouds. I don’t feel well. I hitched up Belle and Fox; drew 6 loads of rails out S. of smoke house ((Nov.25.1911. 8 1/2 a.m.2.)) [Page 316] May 11. 1862. for hog pen. Elliott Matthews here. B got N.Y.T. Looks like rain. PM. Little shower, thunder &c. I plowed in garden and a strip in new field, in which La planted water & muskmelons, cucumbers &c. I drew 4 or 5 loads of stakes. Elliot left late. I shot a black swan (Bouems) with popcorn. Hardly scared him. My left shin lame like it was 1 & 2 ys ago. Colt better. Cloudy. I am tired. To bed early. Sund 11. Clear, still, warm. Up early. I had the colic for some time. I read &c. Dr here. McClellan has whipped Rebels at Williamsport. Dr going as Surgeon, sure. I put Fox in buggy. La b & I to Graveyard. Tires coming off. Home. Hot, clear. My shin quite lame and tender. I read F paper. A new story Les Miserables in the original French. PM. Clear, very warm ) 80 in house. I mended my holster for Dr. Drs all came. Dr to bottom. McN. and Benny here. He thinks I had better put my corn in this field and wheat in my own. I played flute. McN. left. I played alto. E. sang tenor. F sang air. I put “Markery” & sur mon ankle. I carried Dade home. My colt about well. Pas sufle au lit debounce hiure. X 35; 5 cts

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (223)

Mond 12. Clear, warm. Billieus goute daus bouche. Spike rest plus grand et gras que Steady. Je rove le soir, que I was about a demaude le consent de Henrietta mais peuse que E etaut pas couvernu. (Hier, je dit a E. Voulez vous keep me si je alle chez vous?” Elle repondit, our (Sam) Eh bien, Hen et moi will go. (E. viverment.) “Now je ne convenuj alcela”. I hitched Kit & Fox. Struck out lands E & W in La’s breaking. It plows up in lumps. I drew the broken rails &c from W fence to wood pile. Bonem plowing. He killed a big snake. Martha Brown gave le mitten a Leonard. ((Her story I guess. 1911.)) Very warm, clear. Looks drouthy. ((Nov 25.1911.8:40.a.m.)) [Page 317] May 13. 1862. PM. More pleasant. S.W. breezy, clear. I put Belle in team. Plowed 14 or 15 long rounds (2/3 of an A) and planted it by plowing seed under. B helped. A Co. of Artillery camped at DeWolfs. Dr. seeing sick men in it. Miss Alley got 3 doz. eggs of La 35. “Heaps of news.” Charley Jumbo une femine saus marriage [shorthand] enfant [shorthand]. John Rily is living with poor Enoch Stephens wife, he married last Winter. 2 men camped near house. Got milk 5 cts. Frank McKenna passed today to Bellmores. I turned Steady out today. Fullmoon. La at Drs awhile. l 25 X 25 Tuesd 13. Clear. Up very early. I on Fox to Drs at sunrise. He gave me a letter for Col. John Ritchie and an order to cross ferry. I to Co., R’s. He don’t like the Dr. to go to Ft. Riley &c. He looks like Jack T. et sa femme couine Mrs Pucket. Very warm. I back. Saw Leonard. Sans Berinice pieds – nu. I at Dr. He has gone to Ft.R. with Co. I home. Hot. I shelled corn &c. Bouem wants to leave old ground and take new. PM. More pleasant, breezy. S. La to town. I plowed partly in new and then at S. end of old ground plowing seed under. B. and I to cr. Swam. Water cold. La home. Got me a chip hat 25 cts mon argent and 25 tea son argent. She was at Mrs. B’s. [shorthand] Cummins et Red R [shorthand] Cummins got lui. Petes un enfant neuf aujourdhui. Thunder. Wed 14. Clear, Still and warm. I divided La’s and my money out. I took plow share off and pounded it sharp, nicely, and fastened a loose bolt. I plowed by house; Corn and potatoes. S. Clear, warm. La washed. PM. I plowed. Clouds, thunder. F to PO. Got f. paper &c. Homestead Bill has passed. My ankle well. Clear. ((Nov.25. 1911.8:48.a.m.2.)) ASSESSMENT. [Page 318] May 15 A.D. 1862

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (224)

Thurs. 15. Clear. Pleasant. Up early. I plowed in old ground. Bouem in new by N. fence. I finished potatoes S. PM I plowed in new ground. I shot at a wild goose that stays in field. Kate Hindman is living in her little house. Thunder, clouds, Owen here. I turned out. Mr O. taxed La $80 over land, and me nothing. He left. A hard shower from W. [shorthand] Dr a letter from Kasson. He was at Shiloh, but was sick. Was of Wis. 18 Reg. Slacked. I to Petes. Saw Corp. Wendel. He is all right. I got Tribune. Saw Thompson &c. A lot of the Kan. 2 and in town. Rainy. I home. Read, &c X 15. Frid. 16. Cloudy, sprinkly. NW Cool. I on Belle to town. Saw old Nealy. [shorthand] Home. I hitched up, plowed in new ground. Belle not strong. Mrs. A here. O.T. Augell in Nation taking pictures. Ground not soaked. PM. Sultry. B & I to creek and washed. It has been high. Home. Clouds and thunder. I shelled corn. Mrs A & F to Drs. I put horses in field. Mrs Bouam planting new piece. A shower and then a steady rain. Briggs cow and calf out and away. W. Rainy. I read Tribune. I made B a gunboat at night. Rowbacker got over 2 doz eggs. Paid 15 cts Owes 14 yet. To bed late. Mr. Puckat [shorthand]. Sat 17. Rain all night. NE. Cool, damp &c. I have lost Bullion. I want it. Misty made [shorthand] a large gunboat. Bet moi [shorthand] tried to lay hog pen but too much rain. F & Mrs A. came. PM. La out for cows, on Fox. I to bridge. Creek not up much. I saw Dr. Jeuner Il etait ivre un peu. Il dit “By Heaven I will leave this hellish place for no one will pay me.” Nealey and people about the ears over a road. I ((Nov.25.1911.1:25.p.m.)) [Page 319] May 18 A.D. 1862. administered the oath to Overseer Marple at Clintons. [shorthand] A lot of drunken officers singing “John Brown” modified. I got Drs St L. Dem. Saw Butler. He is in trouble about taking the aid provisions. Augell and I home. He showed us his pictures. He & Mrs A left. La has got Briggs and Drs little black cow and young calf. At night E came to get F to stay with her. Miss Raglin having gone home. Cloudy. Sund. 18. Clear. W, cool. I feel well. I read Dem. B. et moi bombarded daus tub aved cless et gunboats. A frog saw the fun. Je metre les chevaux dans champs. PM. Cool, F. Fire all day. La to Mrs. Hindmants at their old house. B & I tire contra le savon avec slow match (spunk.). Blow out vents of 2 [shorthand]. La home and to Es awhile. B and I to their pasture. Nailed up fence. E don’t want Dr. to go to war. ((But it was a fine thing!1911.)) Cool, Still, clear. To bed before dark. Mond. 19. Clear, cool. W. Still. Helped La milk. Drs little black cow. Je nettoye les dents. Mon barb est epais dessous minton mais malsain sur la levre superiesure. I on Fox to Dr Jenners. Got his account book. Statutes of 61/62 and other papers of the Township which I gave a receipt for. Saw Mrs. J. et enfant. I to town. Saw Pete. He has to go to Ta about dog scrape. Part of

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (225)

the 2 and Reb in town singing for a draw. Air, John Brown’s song. Home. Cold. Cloudy, still. I hitched up. Plowed 5 or 6 r. and burnt some weeds. N.E. A steady rain came on. Still I made out a list for Co. Clerk. Wrote oath for Jim T. &c. Rainy, Slacked. I to Thompson’s. Jim took papers ((Nov.26.1911.3:16.p.m.)) [Page 320] May 20. 1862 [Drawing named “SWEARING IN.”] for Co. Clerk. Augell came in & wants me to paint some of his pictures. Jim T. took and subscribed to oath. [shorthand]. ((I was in his saloon & O.T. Augell was there. I read the oath to him, and was so flustered I could hardly speak. “Compound my fool skin!” I to P.O. U.S. officers playing billiards. I got a letter from Em. Hyde to F. John Majors a Capt. in Rebel army. Home; fed &c. Left horses in field. Dr. halloed as he passed by from Ft. Riley. Home. My shin sore and lame. Cold. Tuesd 20. Rainy, cold, still. Bonem said there was frost, matin de hier. I to Drs. He got $32 for Ft R. trip and collected $40+ in Nation. He will start in a few days to LeRoy; H saw Lieut. Hoyt. Looks like a boy. Is a Socialist &c. I to town. Saw DeWolf in at Higgs. He will lend me a nigg*r hoe &c. Dr. came in. Told crowd que jesuis un medicine Que je lit un densi des ses livre &c. Along steady rain. Saw Augell in at Pucketts making slide frames. I home at 12. Rainy. PM. Rainy, raw, cool. I tinkered around [shorthand] while [shorthand]: 52: [shorthand]. Slacked. I to Indianola. Got Drs paper. All the troops to come back from Riley except Kan.2 oud. Clinton told me that Button was cleared of the charge of embezzling. Good! I to Drs. He getting ready to leave for army. Home. I played alto, tenor &c. F sang. To bed after dark. X 40. Wed. 21. Clear, cool, still. I at work making big hog pen over 30 hds square. W & S of house. B to DeWolfs. Got nigg*r hoe. (F. washed. B sold 4 doz eggs. Got coffee 40 chg. Eliza Milne got eggs.) PM. Clear, warmer. I finished hog pen and let hogs in. Pete here. Ester Beckwith lives with him. He don’t like her. His dog trial next week. Mrs. DeWolf told Gabbey that “Davison is not suitable for Justice of the ((Nov 25.1911.3:33.2.)) [Page 321] May 22 1862. Peace, but there is Samuel Reader a fine young man who would do better!” I dug out a trough. Leon here alone. F took him home. I to PO. Ne rien. Straggling soldiers and officers there et une femme [shorthand] daris hack. Joe Middough came in as “fine as a fiddle.” (“He had gloves on & punching billiard ball. Clinton took hold of his hand & said: ”My God! How fine!”) Joe soon got married. Home. Dr. here. Will go to war.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (226)

Thurs 22. Clear, cool, heavy dew. Most of our locust trees are coming out in blossom. La had 60 little chickens but hogs have eaten. 1/3 Eliza Milne changed eggs here yesterday. I hitched up. Plowed out land in new ground and a piece for squashes &c. Dr here. Got carpet sack and left for war. B to E. Got carpet sack and left for war. B to E. Got f. paper. PM. La to McN’s. Cavalry passing through town. (Remarkable, While I was reading f. paper E came over here, en peur et dit, que while she and Josephine Raglin were sitting still, Leons rocking chair commenced rocking as hard as it could for about a minute and no one, nor nothing near it. (I went back with E. Shoe was over. Aug 14 1908.) I am not frightened, for I think E is a medium! [Drawing of “Ghostly Rocking Chair, May 25. 1862.] I furrowed out squash ground and plowed and planted in old ground. Thunder. N. Cool. La home. B to P.O. Got NYT and took Dem. To E. Louisa Young there. I played flute on porch. Still, cool. Looks like rain. F. with E. Frid 23. Clear. No rain. Still, chilly. Augell here. Told me he would give me $1.25 to paint his pictures on glass, today. I to E. Louisa Young & F. there. Miss Y. est plus belle que autre fois chairs not capering. I to town. Found Augell. We to Pucketts. I helped A. color his ambrotypes with oil paints. Jennisons Reg and 2 Batteries passed for Ft. L. I home. PM. F got Tribune and started for Milnes. Lots of bumble bees in locust trees. One stung me. ((Nov.25.1911.4.p.m.)) [Page 322] May 24. 1862. Mr. Glassco*ck (licked) Bonem l’autre jour. Clear. N.E. I plowed in old ground. Worked hard. La at E. F home with History of Indian Wars. Jeff Cohee (is Eliza Milne’s beau.) A large soldier of Wis. 12 came here to stay all night. Sans Argent. Norris McN. here to shoot goose. Failed. X 40 Sat 24. Clear. Up very early. Pleasant [shorthand]. Plenty to read. Soldier took breakfast. He is anti-abolition and had an argument with La. He had a Belgian rifle. Said he was “strapped” and left. (I think he was on a big spree in Topeka & spent all his money.) I plowed in corn by house. Wild goose in field. Morris R. came. Paid La her 15 cts and got 2 doz more eggs, 25 cts. Bonem not at work. PM S. Clear, warm. I read Dem. F to E. I plowed in corn. Turned out Sun 2 h. high. I washed & Turned horses in field. B to town to buy for E. La cleaning garden. My left shin sore no more; but right knee tendons are. Still. Nice, warm weather. I to P.O. Nothing. I to Pucketts. Saw Mrs. A. making gas’s. I helped P. stretch canvas. A number of Ladies came. Jim T. paid. I to Peter F’s. F & B, also Jane Cohee and Elliot M. with me to P’s. I took them in free. Augell showed the pictures. Some of the paint does not show. They looked blurred from where I sat. To Petes. A drunken soldier in his shop. Home late. La with E.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (227)

SKETCHED INDIANOLA. Sund. 25. Clear. S.E. F got breakfast &c. I on horse to draw Indianola. McN. brought a sack of buckwheat. A sprinkle. F on Fox to S.S. La home. McN left. I cast 2 lead cannons. B with E. PM. I to E.B & I to creek. Swam. Water cold. F home late. Was at Beckwith’s. Pleasant. Mond. 26. Clear, still, cool. Kit up. I plowed and ((Nov 25.1911.4:10.p.m.)) [Page 323] SKETCHED INDIANOLA. Drawing in Original Diary. Front [Page 324] SKETCHED INDIANOLA. Drawing in Original Diary. Back [Page 325] May 27 1862. planted. A running to and fro. F washed. W. PM. Warm. S, still. I plowed. Bonem et femine at work. Clouds. Tuesd. 27. Hard wind and shower last night. Up late sun 1/2 h. Mrs. Pete’s brother’s foot is 1 ft. long. Le mien est 11 in Non nez rouge. [shorthand]. Cornine l’an passé. I plowed. Bonem, Pete & Rock, planting in field. I plowed and planted. I go pieds – nu (bare foot.) All of E’s here awhile. Leon with Drs French military hat. Bonem finished. I turned horses in field. I played flute & fiddle. Roxy Davison and Nan & Bob Pucket here awhile at night. N. Clear. La to Higg. Got cloth for B 75. Son argent. [shorthand]. Wed 28. I up in night to put horses up. Cloudy. N. I feel tired. Wood H discharged from army (mistake) [shorthand] grand. E. Looks like rain. I tinkered around. F & B found strawberries. I planted pop corn. B to E’s. I out SE. Found a patch of berries. Got a can full, et le ventre aussi. Home, tired. PM. Cleared off. La & B for berries. Failed. I plowed. A hawk caught a chicken. Rob Ogee tried to shoot it. B gave him his fife for a bugle for his hat and found an eagle. He got f. paper. Kit une poulaine dares champs, with a face like herself. To bed early. Pete & Flacher at work at E new kitchen. Petes boy and Leon a fight. Thurs 29. Rather clear. Up early. Mauvais gout dans bouche. I plowed. Augell told me that Gen Banks has been whipped. PM I plowed. Heard somebody whistle. Looked and saw the Dr. coming home. F & B hunting gooseberries. Dr here. Has his place. $121. per mo. Maybe I can get a place as clerk. Dr. brought N.Y.T. F. read. Thunder, clouds &c. I ate nuts. Home. (8th Ks. Home) Guards for Tenn. ((Nov.25.1911.4:15.p.m.))

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (228)

[Page 326] May 30. 1862 X 10 Frid 30. Clear, pleasant. [shorthand]. I plowed and finished at 11. Put horses in field. B and I to cr. Swam. PM. I read. T. B to town. Cant sell eggs. Got shot, 10 cts. F B & I near Jewells. Got a great many strawberries and as many as we could eat. SW, W & NW. Cooler. Clouds. Home. Mrs. A brought E’s Lady’s books home. A came and they home. They will start next Tuesday. 8th Kan Reg to go to Washington. Bonem and crowd are on the way to Olathe, and of course will not find them. Cooler. X 50. Sat 31. Cloudy. Damp. N.W. Cool. Stray fighting horses. Broke front gate down. B to town, got sugar 50 cts. I mended pans, pails, keys &c. Rainy, very light mist &c. I put a new rivet in B’s knife. [shorthand]. PM. Cloudy, cool. B and I cleaning stable. La hunting cows. Brought old Kit up with a rupture on side. I mended front gate in AM. Josephine Raglin & F. got greens. Miss R. knew my picture and others. Miss Alley and little girls hunting berries near house. [shorthand]. I to PO. Got a letter to E from Dr. Saw Mrs. Nealey and Geo. Carpenter. Saw Mrs. Harding. I home with Augell. He says Corinth is evacuated and Wood H. is to go on with Reg. I played flute and fiddle. Rob Ogee here. La at Drs. Got Dem. Vesta’s star 2 white hind feet. Right one highest. Left fore foot, some white on inside. Toms star on left side of nose. ((Nov. 25.1911.4:25.P.M.)) [Page 327] June 1st, 1862. Samuel J. Reader’s Private Journal Indianola Shawnee County Kansas. X 55 Sund 1. N. Cool, raw, misty. A fire in the front room. I read Dem. B et moi [shorthand] (fired) (pieces) (cannon). Leon here. PM. Cloudy, raw, N. Sprinkly. I played fiddle nicely at Drs. I there. Saw Leonard. Dr goes tomorrow. I home. Bl. et sa femme chez Dr. et ici. Kit badly off. A train beyond stable. Men bought of La 5 1/2 doz eggs 55 cents. One of them played finely on my fiddle. (But I cant fiddle yet. Aug. 15, 1908.) Cool. X 10 Dr. C. OFF TO THE WAR.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (229)

Mond 2. Clear, Leve de boune heure. Fox out and away but came back. I at work making a hen house S of smokehouse. Did but little at it. Rob Ogee & B shooting [shorthand]. Dr started for war. Abe Marple here to see me about Township business, bridge &c. Mrs. A here. I staked Belle out. I to Higg. Got 10 cts of nails for La. B. money. Ben paine in town. Jack T. helping l’ home avec le ventre si blue, arrange pictures. They have some nicely painted ones now. Home. N. Clear. Pleasant. Bother business, hurting. Wier Town business &c. I played fiddle. PM. Mrs A & F to town. I feel bas dans bouce. Et moi to A’s for berries. But few there. Home. I at hen house. Mrs A. & T. home. La called me in to have me [shorthand]. (McVicar Co. Supinit.) here to see me if we want a Sch dist. here. He gave me a paper to collect names and left Mrs. A. party. ((AS PETER McVICAR APPEARED TO ME IN THE YARD. HE SAID WE’D BETTER GOIN TO LOOK AT MY MAPS OF TOWNSHIP. I THOUGHT HE WAS A RECRUITING OFFICER!)) (She told Rev. [XXX] “My husband is going out with a Lecture!) I looked at Statutes. Cool. N. Clear. [Drawing of PETER McVICAR, Sch. Supt.] Tuesd. 3. Clouds, still, cool. Pup yelps un beauicoup. F. and B. for berries. B came back fache – I put up all the ((Nov.25.1911.7:40.p.m.)) [Page 328] June 4th A.D. 1862. logs of hen house. Pete here to get me to draw lumber PM. F home on Fox. I hitched up. B and I to Petes; got 200 ft lumber there. Flacshar helped. Took it to Drs. Pete to Ta. T. Miss Ragland, B & I with team near Downeys. Got berries. Not plenty. Belle goes finely. Saw Mrs. DeWolf. She in favor of sch dist. We for home. Saw Bl. et sa femine. Je parle le francais avec les geus. I played flute for Miss R. I to P.O. Got a letter to Dr. from LaHarpe. Clinton signed for Sch. Dist. also Jim T., Jim Brown, Mrs Brown, Mrs Dainewood, Mrs Rose (Millory) E. and Miss Ragland. Nothing much in Drs letter. Home. Clear. Wed 4. Cloudy E. Je ne pas peur. [shorthand] bien. I on Fox to Bowkers. Got an idea about bridge. I to Dr. Jeuners. Borrowed 2 statute books. Saw the young one & Molly. Talked about Town business. I at Pucketts. P. & Mrs Stewart signed. O.T. Augell neither way. Saw Button. He signed for. Jack T. & Hite against it. I to Bonem. He not at home. I to Davisons Mrs. D. for. I saw Mrs DeWolf. She for it. Their bay mare stolen. Saw Jeems, Elliot and Rock. All for it. I brought my yoke home. I looked at laws. I tinkered around. (Plowed out potatoes & beans.) Saw Pete, No trial, No Wier. I wrote to Peter McVicar: Dear Sir Enclosed I send you a list of the names of persons in favor of having a Sch. dist. organized and also of those opposed to the design as you requested me nearly every family in your proposed district and they have all with a few exceptions expressed their willingness to give their hearty support to the movement. Even a number of those who have no children wish to co-operate in advancing Public Instruction. A number of ladies [XXXX] to the vote in District meetings put their names down in favor of the Dist. I have marked their names with a cross. You can send your notices to me

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (230)

and I will see that they are pooled; and if there be anything else in which I can assist on I shall do it with pleasure. Respty Yours SJR. Mary Brown here. B took 4 doz eggs to Darlings train sold them 40 cts. F & Mrs A. at Drs. La choked full of ((Nov.25.1911.7:50.p.m.)) Eggs 10 cts. [Page 329] June 5 S.D. 1862. news environ les Beauns. La age fenine est nouine Walter (Une veuvie Grass.) Vine et the man of Bones, pas marie jusque un an, living together. Il etait jalous de jambo – nu &c. La Me. Walter fait un cent piasters a la camp et achete son mason. F. & Mrs A back. Talked of old Wilson (( who was shot at Ballinss. In the year 1859.)) till Mrs. A. was afraid of seeing him. ((That is his ghost.)) F & I went with her beyond Cal. road. Shook les mainus, et dit au revoir. Au lit tar. Thurs 5. Cloudy. Some rain in night. McN. here for oxen. Got them. I on Belle to Mrs Hindmans. She for sch. Je vois les jumeaux. I to A’s Scoffield signed. I at Bellmores. He signed also two Scharreis. I to Joe Pappan. I put his name down. (He says he has no learning but “I got de judgment.”) 29 in all for Dist. A Pro Slavery relation there in favor of South. Son fils coupe. Leonard out of Mrs. Bellmores field. I got a fine fill. Home. La sold 2 doz eggs to drivers. 25 cts. PM. NE. Clear, still warm. I helped hoe potatoes. Garland Cummins and Leonora Alley out, main en main, for straws. I looked at corn. Leon and Dade here. I husked corn. E here. F. at a quilting at Bonems. I to P.O. Ne rien. Mrs. Clinton told me about various matters. I gave letter to Mc Vicar, to Peter. B and I bathed in creek. Water cold. B took 4 1/2 doz eggs of E.s to train. Got 45 cts which E gave to him. Rod saw “Henrietta.” I played flute. Frid 6. Clear, cool, heavy dew. Tete Rouge une veau. I to replant new ground but it will do. I put rafters on hen house. &c. La cleaned up the house. Miss S. Wendel here. I didn’t know her. She left. Leon here, “a pesterin.” ((Nov.26.1911.11:20.a.m.2.)) [Page 330] June 7 AD 1862. PM I nailed up gable ends and hung door. F at E. B got NYT & Dem. I keep Belle staked out. Fox stays around Smoky. Sat 7.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (231)

Foggy, cool, still, clear. Up after sun rise! F. must read no more in evening. I put roof on hen house, with poles and rocks. Sophie Wendel here for Eggs. Failed. La. & Dade ran off here with pup. E. came for them. Our trees getting full of locusts. P.M. Very warm and still. F. and Josy R. for gooseberries. La hunted up Drs old red cow. I pulled down old hen house and cleared trash off the yard. Old Mrs. A. here. B. entertained her as old fashioned as Jerome Bobbett would have done. La home with cow. We tried to milk her but failed. She is too cross. I to P.O. Ne rien. Je vois Clinton. No dog suit yet. I talked with Jack Thompson. Got advice about bridge &c. Cox a trial with Rambo. I home. We caught and put chickens in new house. E. at Dr’s. I on top of house. Played flute high. Scoffield for cow. Clear, still. To bed early. No supper now. Sund 8. Clear. Still. I read N.Y.T.F. home she and B to S.S. All of E’s here. [shorthand]. I painted some F and B home. Henrietta chez Wendel’s, hier. La Savage [shorthand]. PM. Clear, warm. S.E. Drs old red cow un vein. La got her milked out. Je donne [shorthand] in crib. Rob & Nan Pucket here [shorthand]. I played little. I on Fox. Got a fill of straws. Home. Kate H. was here. Squire Rose and Lew Bryan have deserted. (mistake.) F. at Dr. Au lit, before dark. Mond 9. Clear. Cool, fog. Up late. McN hunting oxen. We are glad we are not soldiers. (“Heavily falls the rain! Wild are the breezes to night, Brave boys are they.”) ((Nov.26.1911.11:38.a.m.)) [Page 331] June 10, 1862. Where hen house stood, F with B. Belle broke loose and ran off. PM. Warm S. Clear. La hunted Cass. Failed. I made shanghai fence near smoke house and cleaned up yard of stones, boards &c. La burnt trash. I to P.O. Ne rien. A lot playing, “10 up or bust”. Saw Pete. No trial yet. Home. Cool. Pas du soupe, maintenant. X $1. Tuesd 10. Clear, very cool. [shorthand]. La milks 4 cows now. I made a nice hot house. 8 ft. Sq. covered with split logs &c. covered with split logs &c. I under pinned hen house. PM. Clear, warm. S. La & B. hunting gooseberries. I put up fallen fence and ate a lot of strawberries in field. Pete hunting his colt. My corn don’t look well. ((And why don’t you work it. 1911.)) I husked corn. La & B home. But few berries. B. got E $1 of sugar, and in AM. got La 50 of soap and 50 cts sugar. F. washed. I to P.O. Nothing. Higg gives 10 cts for hides. Saw Old Man co*ck “tighter than a brick.” He gained his suit. (He was a soldier in the British Army. Was in the Calvary then Infantry.) Home. Wed 11, Clear. S. Still. Pup bites feet. The yard looks much nicer. I husked and shelled corn. F. got berries back of stable. Leon here [shorthand] et jete les cebs. Door casse bai, PM. B. dormi. La, F, and F. and I shelled 4 sks. Mrs Hindman here awhile. Warm. S, breezy. Pretty weather for me. I to P.O. f. paper and a letter to E. from Dr. I gave it to E. No news in it. Home. F. ate le soupe.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (232)

MY ALTITUDE. Thurs 12. Clear. Still, warm. Je dormi saus chemise. Je sui strew bien. I measured myself early. I am 6 ft. 2 in. barefoot, and 6 ft. 2 3/4 in. in shoes. Pretty long. A W. cloud. I husked and shelled. La helped. La. Dade and Nan P. here. All left. B to McN. got our grubbing hoe. P.M. Warm. ((Nov.26.1911.11:44.a.m.)) [Page 332] June 13. 1862. Windyish, clear. S. Rob Puckett here awhile, and Jasper Rambo got wheelbarrow. Miss Leonora Alley came and sat where we shelled a long time (& I was barefoot, but B. brought my shoes to the crib). Je etait pred un mais B me apporte nes souliers a la crib. Elle est assez belle (Burnett like a Mexican.) I asked her about Capt. A. &c. She to Bellmous. We finished shelling, Have 8 sks. 12 bu. I to E. Got 2 f papers. I to P.O. Box. Got Dem. Saw Davison and Geo Carpenter. Also Button. Peter no trial yet. Home. Met Miss A. avec un autre robe. b. took paper to E. I played flute. l 80 cts X $3.15 Frid 13. Clear, warm. S. Right shoulder some lame. Je porte ures beaux [shorthand] habits. B trouve son Parrett gun [XXX] near gate. We to river near Augells. Swan. I waded la riviere, with Wooly. Tramped through a lot of bushes and grass. I to Topeka. I got 30 cts red stamps for E. and 10 blue for myself. I looked at Quaker bonnets, drilling &c. at Gordon’s. I at Jake Smiths. Got La’s certificate. Bought $2.25 C. order for $1.50. Paid rest $1.15 in cash. I got tacks 5 cts for self. Smith cant settle with Township now. Wier will not come to Ta. ((Jake [XXXX] to one [thief] at first!”)) I at State Record Office. Saw Wilmarth. Bought a paper 5 cts. I at Hamiltons. Looked at his goods. I at Gordons. Got 2 Quaker bonnets for $1. And 3 yds drilling 50 cts for self. Very hard S. wind. Dusty. I crossed ferry 10 cts. Jack Curtis wants H. bridge mended. I got deleau chez Joe Pappan. Javois quelques squaws. I ate a few berries. Home 12 1/2 PM. Clear, hot, windy. S. I settled our accounts. (I forgot to say I was in at Judge Winaus office to see when Co. Com. meet. I sold him Drs scrip of S.T. $4.50 at 75 cts $3.35 for E. I looked at law in regard to bridges &c.) I have now $10.30. La has $2.20. B. has $1.90. ((Big Treasury.1911.)) ((Nov.26.1911.11:55.a.m.)) [BACK COVER OF LOG.] [Page 333] June 14th A.D. 1862.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (233)

F to E. I sent her the stamps and 1 blue one. I owe also $3.05 of her scrip money, deduction the stamps which I paid for. La spent $3.15. Kit can walk better. Her swelling broke, and ran yesterday. I to Drs. Got 2 boards for grave. Saw Ben Fronkey, and Geo. Cant help me. [shorthand] I home. Shaved and cut J.M.C. on board. Mrs Bonem here awhile. B. is on plowing. B and I on Fox to grave yard. Set up boards, and filled up grave. Met Miss Wendel. I at P.O. Nothing. I took Thompsons papers out. Jim gave me a Smoky Hill paper. Home. We got up 4 of Drs taureaus. Warm, pleasant. Bryant Rouge, ici today. La thinks him not handsome. X 20 Sat 14. Clear. Warmest morning yet. Still. S. Got 2 more taureaus de Dr in yard. Je trouve un collar du dame hier, pres de Topeka. We caught a red fellow, but could not manage him. B. for Pete. He not at home. Bet moi [shorthand] Il casse la fence. Je manqué son ear droit, avec un slit. [shorthand] quatre pour Dr. et un de La’s Sussi manqué une heifer car La et une de le Dr. Hard work. Warm. S. breezy. F. at town. Got 1 yd lawn 20 cts. PM. Clear. Hot. I put the following on State Record for Ella. Viz: [shorthand] affectionately S.J.Reader. Dr. Briggs calf we thought was lost at Davisons last winter has [shorthand] je lui marque. F to Jim W. La cut my hair close behind. Mes dents etais jaune. Je les nettoye, bien blanc Je casse une petit piece de mes deux dents superieure, sur un clef. La out to hunt l’autre tauream. Failed. I gathered up all the stones and put them in pile. I got boards to mend wagon bed. B and I to creek. Swam. Cummins has a fish basket there. I to P.O. dans habit blanc. Got ((Nov.26.1911.11:59.a.m.)) [Page 334] June 15. 1862. Drs Medical Journal, and a letter from him. I put paper to Ella in P.O. I to Thompsons. Gave Jack his paper. I saw Willey. He is crazy to get Franks flute to mend ((Yes & to steal it too)). Rollo F. told him he might steal his trade (if he wanted to) if he would not steal his tools. R.F. told me that John W. Robinson Sec’y of State has been found guilty in Impeachment case and kicked out of office. (& Wier was his Secretary of scoundrels.)) Good!!! Home. La and I drove 2 of Drs calves home. We went in. Dr’s letter says, he may be home soon. F came from ‘Jim W’s’. She saw the great [shorthand] (Masonic book) about Hian Abiff, and such foolery. Home. F staid. X 75 cts Sund 15. Clear. S. Windy, warm. I read papers T to S.S.B. at E’s. Peas car dine. (I painted an Indianola view.) PM. Hot. I ate a lot of ripe mulberries from our trees. La at Drs. I made a nice walnut mouth piece for Buttons clarinet. F. home with a S.S. music book. Fan Bollote has lost her horse and she was left in L. City. The Home Guards almost mutinied about going South. Our boys will shoot their Capt. (Greelish?) I to E. She is afraid to let me have colored. Talked of [shorthand]. Home. B. et moi tire coups de clefs [shorthand] on carriages. A train near Drs.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (234)

B took and sold to them 4 doz eggs 40 cts. Je lui aide to take a lot more and they took 3 ½ more. 35 cts. Warm. To bed late after dark. Je ote mon chemise. Mond. 16. Clear. S windy. Warm. I feel well. Calves do well. Sign [shorthand]. Showery. I helped clean stable &c. PM. Sprinkly. I mended up wagon bed nicely. B et moi coupe deux ticks avec clefs. I to P.O. Nothing. DOG SCRAPE ENDED. Tuesd 17. Clear. Still, cooler. I feel weak. Pete here for La to go to see his wife. He lost suit on dog case. (“Py Kolly Sam! Let me tell you: NEVER go into de law. Py Kolly, you keep out!”1908.) ((“Yes indeed, and I have done so. “Lucky Sam!” 1911.)) ((Nov.26.1911.12:10.p.m.)) [Page 335] June 17. 1862. Judgment of $23. (HOO-DOO) Cost $100. (Pete is cute, however. B got Fox in town. I began and plowed corn (High time I should think.) from S. side. It looks well. B. cleaning stable. La to Petes. Willey and Bonny here. Bill played flute and fiddle. La home. Men left. P.M. Thunder, hot. Coupe ticks. La sick. I plowed awhile. A heavy shower with hail bigger than hens eggs. 7 in. and 6 in. in circum. (Fact. Aug 18, 1908.) Slacked. I read f. story. Mr. Gregg came to get scrip for laying out road. I refused. He some angry. Threatened to sue (either the Township or myself, personally) &c. Left. I to town. Saw Jack T. He says to bring him laws of /60. Home. B tried to sell eggs to Battery men near Jewells. Failed. HAD TO CONSULT THE LAW, IN ALL ITS TERRORS!! Wed 18. Clear, cool. Up early. I on Fox to Bowkers before breakfast. He was in bed. Looked at law. I must issue scrip if it be the Townships business. I saw Harding. He grinds next week. Home. Ate dejune. I to town. Saw Jack. He told me to hold on and not issue scrip yet or I might get into trouble. No Gregg. I saw Button & Matthews. They say I can not be liable in Paying Gregg. Saw Burnett. He saw Gregg last night, and he was very angry at me. Said he would not call on me again. (He wants to sue.) I home. I mended lock of stand drawer, and put flutes, clarinets, and Township accounts. Old Mrs. Augell here. P.M. N. Clear, cool. Mrs A & F. to Pucketts. Clintons &c. I plowed corn (Good!). Got through orchard. I to town. Jack not at home yet. Saw Jim Bryant Rouge, and Charley Kaw who got beer parcque son [shorthand]. Soldiers in town. Home. F. saw Ashmore’s stopped birds &c. Got f. paper. Kansas troops to come back to fight Gen. Rains. F saw Button. [shorthand]. ((Nov.26.1911.12:40.p.m.)) Eggs. 10 cts per. Doz. [Page 336]

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (235)

June 19th A.D. 1862. Thurs. 19. Clear, cool, still. I bought lumber of Pete yesterday for what he owes me. 600 ft. I on Fox to Bl for his wagon. It is at Downies. I there. Got it. F,B, E, and all her yonkers got in. I took them by Buttons pond to Davisons. His peach trees are full. I home. “Want to know,” here. Red cow broke in to field at N. side. I mended it. I took 2 sks corn for La and 2 for Dr. to H. mill. Trouve urs fer de chaval. My head is dizzy and pains. Mrs A gone. Blue [shorthand] Caroline et sa mere. P.M. I tinkered around. Looked at law &c. I must pay Gregg. I hitched up. To Davisons. Got the crowd in and came home by DeWolf ford. I took Bl. wagon home. Looked at his field. A train near Drs. B sold 4 doz eggs 40 cts. Tribune. Frid 20. Clear, cool. Head dizzy. My corn is small. (Work it!) Our pup is full of lice. La caught a lot yesterday. Cool. I plowed corn. ((Good! & keep at it. 1911.)) B got notices at Higg, P.O., bridge, &c. PM. I to town. Put up notices at Higg, P.O. bridge, &c. E.B. took one to DeWolfs. Saw Jim Kuykendoll. Higg is not so tall as I. I to Stewarts. Got sch. room. Saw Miss Young. Home. Wrote to Gregg: Dear Sir, I have examined into the matter concerning. your demand on the Township for serving as Viewer and find that I can issue your pay without rendering myself liable for so doing: J. C. Thompson upon whom I called to examine the law informed me that it is my privilege but not my absolute duty to contest the matter. Mr. Kuykendall & Mr. Bowker say it is their opinion I run no risk in paying you since the road has been approved by the Co. Board even if you were not legal viewers. I have therefor written out your scrip which you can either receive by calling for it or by signing and sending me the enclosed receipt. I am sorry I did not inform myself in regard to this matter business before as it had put us both to some unnecessary trouble. I remain very respectfully yours. Samuel J. Reader. I to P.O. Have to put 1 ct stamp on letter. Gen. Pope & 40,000 men taken. Home. Old Lady’s 2 year, une “hoffle” calf. ((Nov. 26.1911.12:50.p.m.)) [Page 337] X 40 June 21st 1862. Sat. 21. Clouds, warm, still. Helped La milk heifer. My head dizzy. I plowed corn, melons, beans, and potatoes, B got a letter from Dr. He is at Humbolt. Wont get pay till Sept. PM. F studying. La on Fox to look for cattle horses &c. I made a new chime and put hoops on well bucket, and put an iron hoop on tub. B and I in Drs field. Got as many ripe nice mulberries as we could eat. We swam. Home. A train on prairie. B took out and sold 4 doz. eggs 40 cts. Hard work. I to town. Put E’s letter in but not Greggs, as he don’t get his letters here. Saw Dr. Gabbey. He asked me who had his justice’s books, &c. Saw Geo. Young. A heavy smoke from over river. S. Windy. Clear. Leonard to be married today to Miss Marple. Sund 22. Sprinkle. S.W. Warm, pleasant. I helped La milk Dr’s old Red. Had to throw her. Le & Dade here. Pigs in our crib. F to S.S. avec l’argent. B. and I near Bellmores, both a fill of mulberries and swam in river. Home with a few berries. E. et enfants ici. S.W., hazy, warm. I am tired. PM. Warm.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (236)

I read law. Made a reed for Buttons clarinet. McN came. Then F Leonard and (bride) wife at meeting. F went with E’s home. Mc.N wanted to see if he is not included in Dist 41. His rye ripe. He wants me to help him harvest. Button had a horse die the other day; also Elliot (Wm. K.) rouge. I trimmed my beard. I helped La with her cows. To bed late. Lightening. (F. gave 25 cts to S.S.) Mond 23. Wind and sprinkle last night. Cloudy. Still. My stomach out of order. I mended cow yard fence and gate. Still, warm. Ed DeWolf here to get a ((Nov.26. 1911. 2.p.m.)) [Page 338] June 24th 1862. piece of sod ground for potatoes. B and I on Fox and hunted in Pott. nation for Belle. Failed. Home, tired and weak. Mulberries don’t agree with me. Rob Pucket here with a splendid fife from Jim Kuykendoll. Nealey came by in a wagon and stopped to enquire about the road. I gave him letter to Gregg. He was satisfied. PM. Warm. Sultry. I mended one leg of my overalls. Nealey back. Wanted me to order Morgan to work new road. I declined. Invited me pressingly to go and stay all night with him, so I may see the road, &c. I plowed middles in old ground and about 1/2 of new ground, once in a row. Ed & Jeems planting potatoes. B. to P.O. and to see if he could trade tomahawk for fife. Failed. [shorthand]. F. at Drs. till late. I ate some beef and bread. La making cheese. Tuesd. 24. Few clouds. Still, warm. I feel well. A lot of pigs in crib. I to McN’s rather late. ((“And why was I not plowing out my suffering corn? I must have been [XXXX].”)) We to field. McN. cradled awhile, and then I took hold E.S.O. We cut rye. It is 5 or 6 ft. high. Hard work. PM. Clear. S. I cradled 2/3 ds. I drank 6 or 7 pts of water. Warm. I tired and sick at stomach. McN. gave me pepper and water. Ate supper. Home. La has Belle. B. a soldier cap box from Rob Pucket. I am very much used up. Ed DeW. Gave L a fish. Wed. 25. Clear. S.W., warm. I feel some sore and blistered. Staked horses out. I to McN’s on Fox. I cradled mostly. I stand it pretty well. F. and B. came and got gooseberries. PM. Warm. S.W. Clear. We cut till 4 o’clock then helped Mary and Norris shock. A W. shower. I got some wet. Slacked. I to P.O. got f. paper and Tribune.((Nov.26.1911.2:10.p.m.)) [Page 339] June 26, 1862. (Lee now jumping on McClellan.) Saw Button. He invited me to call and see his daguerreo room as I am an Artist. I to Cr., Swam. I took f. paper to E. Home. Feet sore. Rainy. I age beef &c. Read paper. Thurs. 26. Hard rain last night. Showery. S. warm. I feel quite sore. I read N.Y.T. I arranged things. Pete and age’ Nealey here and caught a black colt in yard. A pony broke Belle loose and I had hard work to catch her again. I hitched up and plowed 1/2 A. by S. fence for buckwheat.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (237)

S. Warm. Clear. PM. Je doune’ un souflet a drat et [shorthand]. Very hot. I to Dr field. Ate a fill of mulberries and brought some for rest in a can. Le & Dade here. I sowed buckwheat. Hitched up and plowed 1/2 A. more. Very hot. I plowed out drain. Worked late. I cut grass for Belle. Vrainent. [shorthand] euvirou le. F. reading a fool novel. The Lamp Lighten. (Battle of Gaines Mill, Va. today.) Frid. 27. B and I slept on Floor. Up late, after sunrise. Clear. I sowed rest of buckwheat. Hitched up. We to DeWolfs. Got harrow and dragged in b. wheat. Took drag home. Hot. S. Clear. PM. Hot as sin. I read [shorthand]. Josy Ragland here. Mary Brown got E’s saddle at noon. I took Fox; finished new corn ground and crossed a little old. B. & I to Cr. Swam. B. on a log. Swims some. Water warm. Mary B here with saddle. I played flute. Miss R. prst soupe. M.B. invited F et mor a alle chez elle et joue et chante’ invited F et mor a alle chez elle et joue et chante. Very hot. No wind. Clear. B. and I on floor. I bathed. [Shorthand] Sat 28. Up very early. Clear, fog, warm, still. Pete has sold his house to Geo. Young for $300. Lave’ [shorthand]. Lire le livie M.O. Mon nez tres rouge. Staked Belle out. I on ((Nov.26.1911.5 ½ p.m.)) [Page 340] June 29th 1862. Fox to McN. He grinding scythe. Nearly killed himself working hier in p.m. We to field. I cradled mostly and finished the rye. Good Norris and Mary bound. Cooled ourselves in brook. Hot. PM. Hot. S.W. Still N.W. Clouds. All hands set up shocks. Thunder and sprinkle. We began to cut. Fall wheat. It goes much better. N.E. Cooler. Soupe tard. Not much tired. I to P.O. Nothing. Saw Erwin and Geo Kistler. Home. A letter from Dr. has 25 sick Indians and no medicine. Says I ought to be glad I am not in service. B found a purse and 5 cts. (B. took E. $1, and got a $3. Note. We owe her $2 to be returned soon.) Sund 29. Clear. N.W. Cool, pleasant. Je met [shorthand]. I read &c. Le & Dade here. Only car dejune’. B and I to creek. Got a few mulberries. Stopped at E’s. Read Dr’s letter. Home. B. off with Leroy Davison. I shot a hawk down on the wing and Bl. brought us our 2 sks. meal and to E the 2 I marked for her. PM. N. Clear. Warm. PM. La reading Dem. I painted some at Indianola picture. I read. F at E. I ate supper, according to McN’s plan. Mond 30. NE. Cool. W. clouds and rainbow. Began to rain. I am glad. Our pups name is “Dixie.” La began to wash. I mended stable door &c. Charly Vienis’ oldest boy here. Said LaFrombois have our Cass mare riding her and intend to sell her soon. La fizzing. B. got Fox. F. home with Miss Alley. I showed her Indianola picture. She knew it. (I said: Its that one horse town.) Ate pie. La on Fox. I on Belle. Started for Lake at 10. A shower. We stopped at John Youngs 1/2 h. I saw Arkonge and Miss Augeline Vieux, avec figure grand comme un panier mais blanc. We started again. Cloudy. WE Showery. We at lake; Hunted awhile and found Cass in a ((Nov.26.1911.5:44.p.m.))

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (238)

[Page 341] June 30th 1862. drove. Got them after much trouble and help from the boys in Crompeau’s yard. I haltered her. She is gentle. We to La Frombois. I think I saw Monica. Old man came. I showed him the mare. He apologized for the boys having rode her & didn’t claim her. We started for home. I led Cass. Small shower. Stopped at old Charly’s to pay boy 50 cts, he charged, but he off fishing. Home. Ate dinner or supper late. I rode Cass. Fed &c. B from P.O. Nothing. Cant get fife only for 15 cts. Miss Alley took dinner with F. She lives at Topeka now. Has cut Martha Brown out of her beau. Tim Downie here for me to go to Sch. meeting. I to Thompsons Saloon with Statute. Downie, Jim T. and I to Stewarts Sch. room. I nominated Jim T. chairman and we adjourned to Saloon. Showery. No Superintendent. Came to order. Davison elected Director Cyrus Higg, Clerk, and Brown Treasurer. A tax of 1/4 of 1 per cent voted for teachers wages. Davison is Justice of Peace. Age femure Clinton dit a NcN. l’autre Dimanche, “Vous parle’ environ les rum holes, mais l’ete passe’ avec un bible sous le bras vous [shorthand] avec la pauvre age femme co*cks. ((And Red Elliott heard her and married her afterwards. 1911.)) Cloudy. Home at dark. (The Clerk Higgs, made no report, and the whole thing went by default, as planned. Aug. 21.1903.) Full description of Study. July 2d, 1862. Darkish bay horse over two yrs old. 4 white feet. Right fore one above [XXX] and left one below. Hind ones above joint, white. A star on forehead and a diamond shaped spot on part of nose. Dark mane and tail. Roman nose. ((Nov.26.1911.6.p.m.)) [Page 342] July 1st 1862. Samuel J. Reader’s private Journal and Day Book. Indianola Shawnee Co. State of Kansas. X 50. X 50. Tuesday 1st. Cloudy. N.E. Cool. Some rain in night. Feel some sore. Took gayac. Porte [shorthand] &c. I to Drs. Mended calf pasture. Hogs in crib. Geo. Young and Payne caught a colt in yard. Bl got his crossent saw. I took Cass and put her in pasture. B. took 8 doz. eggs to Higg. Got sugar 40 cts. Soda 10. Rob. Puckett asks 20 cts for fife now. B gave a 12 1/5 ct. Shin plaster, for lead & 2 marbles. Cloudy, cool. Bl gave La. 60 cabbage plants for E. La for them. B. to Jim W. to tell them of pigs. I plowed my corn across near garden. P.M. I to McN. Ground scythe. He cradled mostly. I bound. N. Still, Cool. Home late. John Vieux here. La gave him 50 cts. Belle with Cass. (Poor Johnnie at Malvern Hill. Badly whacked.) Wed. 2. Clear, fog. Still. Up late after sun rise. Jeems pigs here all night. I to McN. He in field. We harvested. A reaper at Hillers. PM. Clear. But little wind. We worked away. I

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (239)

swam in creek. Home. All at Dr. Leon sick. I there. Dr. Ashmore there. I home to bed late. Am tired. Thurs.3. S. Cloudy. I am some sore and tired. I rested and read. I to Drs. Mowed grass and weeds in the yard. Leon running around. I ate dinner there and all of us. Dr. A. came for a minute. I can handle Cass. Le stupid. I to town. Got Dr A. Said Le. has Congestive fever. B keeps him awake. I home. Plowed corn. W. Windy and dusty. I quit before night. I read Dem. B. got at office f. paper, Dem. N.Y.T. and a letter from ((Nov.27.1911.1:52.p.m.)) ((Higgenbotham in Indianola store yet! 1911)) [Page 343] July 4th 1862. Matt with a fine picture of our father. He was very sick. My picture a success. Frank at battles of Harrisburg and Cross Keys. La to Dr’s. Moonlight. Cannon shots. Frid. 4th of July. Cannonading at To. Clear. Still. I on Fox to McN. They out at work. Bound mostly. Breezy. S. P.M. Cut away. Wheat heavier. Clear S. I do not sweat much. I home. Got sick. Cholera Morbus. La home all day. Le better. Charly V. got his pony that I staked out ce matin. Bill T. was here to hear me play flute, today. F at Drs now. X 10. l 15 c. Sat 5. Clear. S. Feel weak and tired. ((Stay at home, do. Aug 23.1908.)) I on Fox to McN. He out. I bound mostly. Got nearly done. I am very weak. PM. Hotter. I to Cr. Swam. Home. La paid Bl 10 c for lime. Fan Bollote in Tenn. She angry with Caye for making Bollote drunk. (Not hard to do.) I ate mulberries on our trees. I to P.O. Got letter from Dr. and “Nous partons ce matin” on envelope. I to Higg; got Steel pens. 5 c. Saw Button. I to his room. Looked at things. Says “Hank” draws, &c. I got 10 c alum of Ogee. A small lump. I to Thompsons. Bad news: McClellan driven 30 ms. from Richmond and Curtis surrounded. 200,000 more men called for. I to E. She read letter. Dr not well. Enemy 20 ms. from him &c. I got some calomel. Le better. No wind. Awful hot. Home. Tired. F. home awhile. No air stirring. I read. I played flute on high notes at night. F at Dr’s. Sund 6. Clear. S. Still, warm. I took a dose of calomel for first time. I read. La to Dr. B et moi tire cless. Rob P. and Nan here. I feel [shorthand] from calomel. ((Nov.27.1911.1:55.p.m.)) [Page 344] July 7. 1862 La home. McN here awhile. Still and hot. S. PM I read and wrote to Ella viz: Dr S.E.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (240)

Last week Matties welcome letter came to hand containing many items of interest but with the melancholy intelligence of our Father’s severe illness a short time ago. His picture was safely rec’d and is highly prized. My aunt thinks it looks more natural than the one you sent some years ago. We are all tolerably well only I have not felt entirely well for some time. Leon had something like a Congestive chill last week but is not out of danger. Eliza was frightened some as the Dr is now in the U.S. Army. She called in a Dr. living in Ind. who set Leon all right in a day or two. Aunt E and my cousins are well. Dade the little girl is lively. My nephew F.R.C. has excellent health. He was 3 mo old the 2nd of this mo. About the middle of May Col R of the 2nd Reg. of Indian H.G. offered my brother in law a situation as Surgeon in the Reg. which the Dr accepted. The regiment is to more Southward immediately. They were at Humboldt Kan. when the Dr wrote last. He don’t like Camp life very well. Got homesick in a few days &c. But is mostly disturbed for fear Leon may be taken sick. Our weather is now dry and hot. Corn is suffering from the drouth. Wheat is splendid and has been fit to cut for the last two weeks. I have cradled more grain this year than I have since I left Illinois. The 8 Reg. K.V.I. is now in Tenn. The boys from this section did not like the idea of leaving the State, as they enlisted, as they supposed as H.G’s. Martha informed me that Frank has seen a battle, but I have not yet received a letter from him. His last was dated Apr 8th and I was getting very uneasy at his long silence. I supposed from newspaper reports that he had participated in the battle of Cross Keys as I saw Gen. Milroys command mentioned. It must have been a terrific battle from what I hear. I am very anxious to get a detailed account of the engagement from Frank; and if he has sent any communications to the papers in regard to it; please forward the paper on to me. I sincerely hope this dreadful war may be brought to a speedy termination, but I fear we are not half through yet. We hears of McClellan’s defeat the other day. I inquired to the news of lawyer T. (who is a traitor at heart,) as from his gay and cheerful countenance. I suppose something was up. He looked around and seeing who I was drew on a long face and replied that the news was “most disastrous for us”. We also hear that Gen Curtis is surrounded and in danger of capture and that the President has called for 200,000 more men. If this last be true I suppose drafting will be resorted to in some localities. I think it would be a famous idea for Uncle Sam to draft 15 or 20 of our Secesh friends here. I was much pleased to hear they nearly finished, which I intend to send you in my next letter. I shall not tell you what it is but leave you the pleasure of the surprise when you receive it. (To be continued.) I read &c. Played flute. F. at E’s. Mond 7. Clear, warm. McN. got oxen and our fork. I with wheelbarrow to Bl. Got La’s lime home. It is white and nice. I feel weak. La whitewashed inside of house. I in well. Fished out ((Nov.27.1911.11:59 ½.p.m.2.)) [Page 345] July 8. 1862. Well bucket and 2 toads & 1 frog. I mended bucket. I white washed N.E. & S. outsides of house. F. home. Upstairs cleaned out. Hot. S. PM. B to town. Button there. I got Belle; hitched up (in or to) wagon. Took E.F. Young’s, Miss Ragland and B. to Ogee drug store,

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (241)

upstairs. Button there. I to Higg. Saw Geo. Young. Got strap. Home. Took Bl’s tub and brush home, and got our tub. I took our hide to store. Payne weighed it. 26 lbs. $2.60. I to “Button’s Studio,” Cant take Leon. (Nor rest, well.) Home. E got me $2 in notes to lay out for her. B. rode Belle to pasture. Mrs. Brown here. Vol. B. sick ((and died in the army, afterwards.” Elle me invited to alle chez lui, et joue an la flute. La opposed ((And mighty level headed she was. Thank her?)) Soupe tard. X $1.05 Tuesd. 8. Some clouds. La up at daylight. I don’t feel strong and well yet. [shorthand] La and B. hunting Dr’s tareau. Failed. I whitewashed S gable end of house. I to Dr’s. Mended pasture fence, and turned strays out. Belle and Cass tame. F and Josey to Buttons gallery. I plowed corn awhile. Greens. [shorthand]. Clouds, sultry. S, breezy. PM. I read N.Y.T Sleepy. F. home with 3 paus out of 1 hide. She got her dagg. of Button & Ogee for E. Elle paye. Josey got hers. I wrote to Ella more: The locusts were very numerous some time ago but have now disappeared. A few weeks ago we had some of the largest hail I ever saw. I picked up one that upon comparison was one larger than a hens egg. I had before that supposed the stories of such large hail stones exaggeration to say the least. A great many farms are not cultivated in this section for want of working men; mine among the rest. I am farming part of my Aunts land as it is more convenient to me than my own. The Dr. has only about 1/3 of his improved land, cropped. So you can see we are feeling the effects of the war already. It would be a great blessing if more darkies would understand their rights, and come to our aid. Give my compliments to Miss Gregg. I have no more to write. Your brother S.J.R. ((WAR, LOCUSTS & HAIL!!!)) I plowed more corn. Half done. W. Clouds. I quit. Warm. F at home. Slight rain. ((Nov.28.1911.12:22.a.m.2.)) [Page 346] July 9th. 1862. Wed 9. Some rain in night. Small of back lame some. E. Cooler. I finished reading NYT. Bet moi [shorthand] Drs little red calf. Cleared some. I plowed 6 rows corn. ((Good! Go on!! 1911.)) Hot. PM. Thunder and showers passing around. I took Fox and big plow, and plowed up piece of ground in S.W. corner of field and sowed and raked in turnips. Cloudy, warm. I to E; plowed and sowed her a small patch. Pete & Bl. putting on roof there. Petes dog scrapes costs: $175 ((But we got out of paying the unjust thing.)) I to town. Got NYT and f. paper. Saw Dr. Jenner. Spoke about Nealy road &c. Home. F read. Cloudy. Thurs. 10. Cloudy. Some rain in night. Misty and fine rain. I read, &c. PM. Cleared. I hitched up wagon. I to Petes. We got doors &c. Took them to Drs. B rode Belle to pasture. F. to Leonards. I took Fox plowed a large piece of corn ground. B to P.O. Got Dem. And a long torn open letter from Frank. I read it till late. Clear.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (242)

X $3.05. l 20 cts. Frid. Clear, foggy, cool. Je portes mes habits. [shorthand]. I to E; Got orders. I on foot to Topeka. Saw Jake Smith. He cant settle with Township yet. I got E. 3 oz. of iron preparation. I to Co. Clerk. He gave me Tax Roll for S.T. Says Co. Comm. Court has adjourned. That I must issue scrip to Viewers, &c. Can leave H. bridge closed. I at Gordon’s. Looked at muslin. Too dear. Saw Mrs. Green telling how nigg*rs stole her pigs and hens. I to Laurients. Got for Dr. 3 sash 2 1/2 doz glass 4 1/4 lbs putty. I crossed river. Ferrage 20 cts. Hot. S.E. windy. I home. My arms tired out. (Yes I should think so. Aug 23.08.) Miss M. Brown here. Dinner nearly over. PM. Pleasant. Clear. I wrote out Dist. ((Nov.28.1911.2 a.m.)) [Page 347] July 12. 1862. (Nails 5 cts. pr. lb. Eggs. 10 cts.) Tax Lists 1/2 days work for S.T. I played flute. Miss B. no sing. I mowed weeds near garden. I on Fox around field. Nailed up fence. Bonem plowing. I to E’s. Watered horses. Her roof done. I home; then to town. Subpoenaed (as he said,) as juror for Mond 10. A.M. by Sheriff Hale. Davison talked to me about schools. &c. I gave Jim T. his List. Mrs Clinton showed me her Mexican puppy. F bought of Mrs Pucket 1 pair of shoes $1.50. Calico of Higg. for rest of [shorthand] $1.55. Sat 12. Clear, pleasant. Still. [shorthand]. I read Dem. I took Fox plowed a large piece of ground. Bonem at it. PM. S. Warm. I read Dem. B took 4 doz eggs to Jim T. Got 20 cts. Got 2 lb. nails of Higg for 15 cts. Paid Billy 20 cts for mending F shoes. I finished corn. B, Fox and I all in creek and swam. We got a lot of chokecherries. Not ripe. I mended well bucket. I to PO. Got Drs Cin. Magazine. Conrad Hedrich, Clinton’s Billiard man was in 2nd Regt. Wooly killed a rabbit. Home. [shorthand]. Spikes mare home. I ate un grand ou beaucoup du soupe. Sund 13. Clear. Still. (Yes indeed!) Up early. I read. I drew at Township map. Looked at accounts. F. to SS. Rev. Early etais ici hier et dit. I have learned that [shorthand] don’t approve of the wild ways of Indianola folks. He was trying to get up a S.S. in town &c. McN. here for awhile. N. Clouds. S.W. windy. Thunder. F. home. A rain came up. P.M. Showery. I wrote to Frank: D. Br. Your long expected and interesting letter date June came to hand on the 10 inst. giving us as you may well imagine a pleasure we have not experienced for a long time. It seems you have at last seen and experienced one of those most wonderful and terrific scenes which mortal man is allowed to witness on this Earth. It is a thing which notwithstanding its being accompanied by destruction, has a strange fascination over our minds and if we cannot see for ourselves every item from those who have is received with the greatest avidity. We were startled to hear of your very narrow escape from that mischievous shell. They must be the most fearful instruments of warfare. One of my ((Nov.28.1911.9:48.a.m.))

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (243)

[Page 348] July 00 1862 (Battle of Cross Keys.) brotherinlaws books entitled “Plares d’armes a feu” which I read last Winter states that only one ball in from 200 to 500 kills or wounds a man. If this be so, the air must seem alive with harmless bullets. How many rounds did you shoot at Secesh? I suppose not enough to have but one of the traitors “Hors du combat.” according to this theory. Did the Band to which you are attached to into action with their musical instruments, or with muskets? My private opinion is that the music in them carbridge boxes would be the most useful on a battle field like Cross Keys. How did you and the men generally like Gen. Fremont? I always considered him a very good Gen. and first rate on the Negro question. The retrograde movement of McClellan’s army imparted a very cheerful expression to the faces of many of our Indian friends. The Dr is Surgeon in Col Ritches Reg. of Indian Home Guards. They are now, I suppose, in the Ind. Terr. The Dr don’t like Camp life as well as he expected, but as he facetiously expresses himself “Feels his patriotism excited in the palms of his hands”, on account of the liberal pay. He was home a few weeks ago on a furlough. He said he was home sick the first day after he reached Camp which is rather singular, when we consider that he was in the 5th Naval service for a number of years. We are all pretty well. Weather too dry and corn suffers some. Wheat very good. Everything is quiet here now. I am engaged in the peaceful vocation of farming, as usual. A great deal of land is lying idle this season. My field over the cr most of the Drs & part of my Aunts with the rest. I should like very much to see some of the Va. scenery which you mentioned in your letter. The face of the country where we live (on the river bottom) has nothing picturesque about it. The land is level bordered on nearly all sides of scanty timber. It resembles Ill. too much to suit me. But off the bottom and along the numerous water courses. As the Homestead Bill has passed you need not lay out a dollar for land excepting the trifle required for surveys &c and I suppose when you get your discharge you will pay Kan. a visit as you promised. Vacant lands are at present in out of the way places, but this of course will not always remain so. The Dr. writes that there is splendid land on the Southern border of this State; in the Shawnee Reserve, also this nation have come in as citizens and the land can be sold. The Dr with the mercurial temperament of a true Frenchman thinks we ought to try and all sell out here, and move to the newly found Paradise. My Aunt who sometimes “builds castles in the air” is somewhat taken by the idea but my judgment is against. The most of us are too old to begin life anew on the frontier. Well Frank I will say no more about land now. We will have plenty of time to discuss the matter here after. I think we can understand each others phonetic. I studied from a book called the “American Manual of Phonography”, by Longley, and I presume it about the same as Pittmans. Now I propose that we write each other a few lines in each letter in short hand for the purpose of improving ourselves in this art. I would suggest that we write but a little at first as I know that I am “rusty” having hardly looked in my book since the Winter of 55 & 56 at which time I took lessons. My Journal has been frequently interspersed with phonetic characters and this I suppose has kept me from forgetting it altogether. I used to know most of the word signs, but can hardly command the quarter of them now. If I send you any word or words which you cannot understand copy it or them and send them back for explanation. Or if I send you any in which you detect errors point them out to me. I shall also criticize and search for errors in your phonographic communications; and in this manner I think we can progress considerably. Do you agree to this? When you write again, if you shall have been in

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (244)

((Nov.28.1911.4:33.p.m.2.)) [Page 349] July 14th 1862. Another battle please detail to us all the minutiae or better still send a communication to the newspaper and your sisters will send it on to me. No more. Yours affectionately Samuel J. Reader. [shorthand] (As I write today a heavy rain is falling, considering the dry time we have had. The boys who went from here & joined the Army, are now in Tenn. They are quite angry at Uncle Sam for sending them there as they called ourselves “Home Guards”. They say they’ll shoot their Caption for saying they wanted to go South. Please excuse errors. Your brother Samuel J. Reeder. P.S. Your last letter not too much rain. Du soupe maintenanct tous les jours was broken open on the route. S.J.R. Lame cematin le meme. Aug.24.1908.) Mond 14. Clear. Cool, still. Lame a dos un pen B chez E. le nuit passe’. La travaille sa jardin duvent le dejune. Everything est frais cematin. [shorthand] quelques mois [shorthand] I nailed slats on windless &c. La on Fox; found and drove up Belle, Cass and whole drove. I took Belles headstall off. I to E; got my letter. I ate dinner at 10 1/2. I to town put Franks letter in. I for Sch. house, met Pete and C. Carpenter C.C. buying cows. I to Sch.H. Bowker, Kistler Esq, Hiller and others there. Spoke about bridges &c. Sheriff Hale and lawyer Gilchrist came. Mrs. Hughs and Owen sworn and examined. Mr. F. and Hughs plead for some time. Jury of 5 viz: Bowker, Hiller, Ragland, Flaeshar and SJR. Our verdict that all the property belongs to Mrs. Hughs. (And it was no doubt a swindle.) Mr. G. is Wiers agent and says for me to bring my [XX] to him. Saw Rev. Early. I to Dr Jenner. Looked at law &c. I to Mrs. Browns. Got a Conservative. Martha showed me her birds (& asked me when I would come with F to their house.) ((Never” La would say. 1911.)) I saw Jim T. He works roads now. I home. C & G. Carpenter were here to buy La’s Cows. Thought she was ma mere. Old Mrs A here. Miss (I at first thought Mrs.) Nealey to P.O. and then stopped in here a minute. Elle est belle. I played flute. F at Dr’s. E. Warm. Tuesd 15. Some clouds. S. 2 hogs out &c. Fences down. I to E’s. Mended her calf pasture fence, and ((Nov.28.1911.5:10.p.m.)) [Page 350] July 16. 1862. fixed up her coffee mill. I got chokecherries. B nailed up palings and started with Rob. P. for horses. Home. I took down old rotten well curb. A Mr. O who was at battle of H. Point with Jim Lane when I was is here hunting horses B & Bob home. No horses. P.M. La out on Fox. I framed and put up a very strong well curb. Bob left La home. No horses. I to P.O. Sent a letter to DW Walder viz: Enclosed I send one dollar ($1.00) for the Weekly Conservative for four months [XXX]. E. M. Carnpdores Indianola Shawnee Co. Kansas. N, cooler. Saw Jim T. Home. Au lit de bonne heure.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (245)

X $45. X $2. X $28 [shorthand] Wed 16. Clouds. Still. I looked at law. I to E. Got spade and paid her the 50 cts change. I got at Ta. I took 1 sk corn to Ogee mill on Fox. B with me. I at ford. Worked with Kemp, Pete, Billy, Charley Kaw, Elliot & others. Cloudy, sprinkle. P.M. Cloudy, warm. S. I worked on road. Quit at 5. Got a f. paper. Heavy thunder. Ogee ground corn. I put it in Bridge house. Home. La got cattle up. Geo, Henry, Wm, Charley and 3 nephew Carpenters here. Looked at cattle. A shower. All in house. Talked about reading French, war &c. Slacked. They will give $45 for our Briggs cows, calf, steer, Blacky, her yearling heifer and the 2 year old beef. Geo. gave La a $50 U.S. note. I gave in change $2. La $1. And $2 of E’s money. I on Fox. Helped them drive caggle as far as Owens. Geo. tres poli (is very polite.) Home late. Took yoke off Estes ox. Bien aise, that cattle are sold. Soupe et au lit. (But how cheap? Aug 25. 1908.) X 10 cts. Thurs 14. Some rain in night. Cloudy. Still. I don’t feel right. Carpenter boys told B. that “Nibberou” Yellow Cat and “Little Mild” went there last Winter. (when I carried them off.) A train near Drs. B. sold 1 doz eggs only, to them 10 cts. I to ford. Worked on the road. Charley Le Compt funny. B. came and got ((Nov.29.1911.6:55.p.m.)) [Page 351] July 18th 1862. the meal. J’ai un peu lame a la dos. Humbug news that 2 [XX] K.V. and [XX] taken prisoners by Gen Rains. I got a paper of sugar for E. It had a letter init from Dr. sent by Laurient. Dr. to be here today or Sat. P.M. I to Higg. Got 3 quires of writing paper for Township and gave him $1. Township Order No 50. I at ford. Worked. Found snakes eggs. (Scared Jim T.) Olinhaus there. Il dit que Henrieta a des visites de Mr. Higg. Les Samdi’s Button lui encourage &c. I am o-u-t! I to P.O. Got N.Y.T. Showed Jack T. that we get $2 instead of $1.59 per day. I rode home with Rolla F. and Jim T. Leon here. I read. S. Pleasant. (Mere existence was a pleasure, then Aug.25.08.) (LEONARD’S PARTY, “A MISGOBBLE’S” on Kans river S of our house. Frid 18. Clear. E., pleasant. I on road. Worked. I in creek. Swam. Home. PM. Clear. W. pleasant. I to saloon. Willy there with little black flute. He plays splendidly. (He says: ”after a drink of whisky.”) I worked on ford with Rock. Not hard. Old wiggy Smith has $200 reward out for him for murder. I to P.O. Got a letter of L. City from Dr. I spoke in French to Josy Bellmore: “Qulle home atil “ &c. I took letter to E. Dr wants her to go to L. City. Ritchie is cross &c. Today Rosa Milne brought a note from Miss co*cks asking F. & me to go to a dance at Leonards tonight. B. for Drs buggy there. Got it. La. To see Mrs Want-a-nose. (Mrs Augell) Before dark F., Mr Cohee, cousin of Jaff Cohee, David Milne, Geo Wendel, Albert Pliley, Cy Kistler also. The fiddlers came to gate but left in a miff, as no Half breed was there. I played

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (246)

flute and the rest danced. Cy. K. called off mostly. I played bien. Tunes: “Campbells are coming, Quick step No. 5, Dan Tucker. A rain. Home at about 12. ((Nov.28.1911.7:10.p.m.)) [Page 352] July 19. 1862 Sat. 19. Cloudy. S.E. Up late of course. B at Drs. [shorthand]. I greased the wagon and put on bows. B hunting Belle. Failed. I got poles at bushes and chokecherries. Ils fait mes dents noir. I mowed about 100 lbs grass. Hot. Still. [shorthand] P.M. Clear. Thunder, warm. I am sleepy. I mended harness [shorthand]. I to P.O. Got E’s first L. City Conservative. No Dem nor letter. Saw Dr. Gabbey. I to E, then home. B. and I to creek. Swam with Fox and ate cherries. Late supper [shorthand]. Mush and milk. Dr’s furlough. Sund 20. Clear, still. I up rather late, at sunrise. B found a small cowbell. Norris, McN, here and got his oxen. B found a white handkerchief. I played black flute. F & B. on Fox to S.S. I read &c. PM. Clear, still and hot. F, Miss co*cks and Rosa Milne here and then to town to S.S. there. La saw a horse “hung up” at Drs. I with glass saw it was John. I over. Dr. there tanned and weather beaten. He has been examined and will be commissioned soon. Intends to stay as long as he can get pay. He found a silver watch &c. B & I home. F, Miss C & Rosa back. I played and others sang. Dr. here. (He laughed at me.) Got pistol. Coupe’ Miss C. parte un pen de Fransais. B. to P.O. Got Dem. “Nobles” left. Mrs Clinton whipped Mrs. Harding. Tore her collar and told old Hag. Jalous, &c. l 15 cts X $7 X $9 O $2. Mond 21. E here in night, and got La. Leon was some sick. After midnight a heavy shower came up. SE. Cloudy. [shorthand] dans bouche. Norris McNown here with ox bow. His mare threw and hurt him on bridge. I to P.O. Clinton said to me: “I want more rain for grass and Mrs C replied:” You shall put no hay up here, but may at Hardings; you must leave. ((Mr. Clinton remarked: “I guess somebody must be sick.”)) You must leave &c. I paid C. 15 cts postage for E paper. [shorthand]. ((Nov.28.1911.7:23.p.m.)) [Page 353] July 22 1862. (My a/c.) Saw Bowker. He don’t like Ritchie. I on road. Worked. Talked about Mrs. H & P Mr. Clinton. Home. PM. Clear. I arranged wagon things. La to Dr. Paid him off $5 he lent on Bollote land and $2 to E for Carpenter. (See 16 inst). La got $9 of me. Raked up hay. I to P.O. McClellan has Gen. Halleck over him. ((Two humbugs.)) Dr. here awhile.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (247)

Tuesd 22. Clouding from the West. Got plunder in. Dr, B, and I started about sunrise, by town, in wagon for River (Mo.) A fine light rain for awhile. I found a pair of ladies gloves. N. windy, cold. Nooned past Hickory Point (my old Battle ground.) P.M. Cleared. We crossed Stranger bridge at dark, and camped 1 or 2 ms beyond. Dr. slept under wagon. [shorthand]. INDIAN BRIGADE. Wed 23. Started at daylight. I don’t feel very well. Clear, cool. John tired. B slept [shorthand]. ((“Maybe no change in 20 yrs.”)) Ate dejune as we travelled. We through L. City on 5 or 6 ms. S. to Camp. Dr. met Col. R. He was good natured. I turned horses out. P.M. Clear. I strolled around. Saw Frank Cailoiz of 6th Reg. Indians were drilled by Lieut. Dan Boutwell through an interpreter. Their accouterments distributed. A small painted Cherokee guarded them. Another called their names from his roll, in Cherokee language and writing. [shorthand]. I asked Lieut. Hunter about Capt. Mitchell of Topeka. He is in the Rebel army in Ky. Clear. l $8.25 X 17.05 E. 15.30. Thurs 24. Clouding up. Dr tied Wooly up (& gave me 6.20 for E’s things.) B. and I to Leavenworth City. Lost B’s axe, and found ice. I on to Fairchilds store. He not in. I in another. Bought store. He not in. I in another. Bought a gray coat $4. Black hat at $1.25. I got pair of heavy boots $3. $3.25 mon argent, Rest La’s. Got for La at Gordons, viz: ((Nov.29.1911.10:35.a.m.)) [Page 354] July 25 1862. Soap. 2.35. 50 lbs salt 1.00. 8 1/2 lbs. sugar 1.00. For E. $6.80 cts. including 7 apples 30 cts for Leon. Dr. and dog came to Fed’s. We got for La, Print $3.00. Bleached muslin 1.20. Brown m. 7.80. Quaker 50 cts. E. got 8.50. Few drops of rain. Cloudy. Dr. to Ft.L. Started at 10. Got to Valley Home. Met une femme [shorthand] avec un Quaker which reminded me that I had not taken goods from Fairchilds. I turned out. I on Fox back and got things. PM. Cleared. S. We on near Scotts farm at dark. Camped. X All square of 21 & 24th inst. Frid 25. Clouded from W. Thunder. We on to Muddy. B. drove mostly. John used up. Our bread, chicken, &c are so mouldy, we can hardly eat them. My stomach is not right. PM. Cleared. N.W. Pleasant. Funny (Andy) Carpenter over took us. Talked of Dr, &c. Said: [shorthand] ((“THEY’VE HAD A HELL.)) of a fuss at Hardings” I stopped there at Hardings. He will grind Sat. Told me his wife has left. (I said nothing.) I told him that his land has been assessed wrong. We looked at receipts and Patent and found the error. H. swore at Davison. Plummer there. I on home middle of P.M. Unloaded. A kink in back. Had late dinner. (No mould on it. Good.) Wooly lame. Well bucket in well. Hogs at cribs and leaning fence has been down at N.W. corner. ((All gone to wreck & ruin.)) I cast up a/cs. I have brought home for La $24.00; for E. 4.70; for SJR 4.00. All right. La hunting Kaw. I around fence. Nailed up

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (248)

leaning fence. I to P.O. Clinton & wife friends. I think I got E’s Conservative and a NYT. We have had one. A mistake in Post M. I to E. Gave her, her money. Leon not well. Home. Nez [shorthand]. La don’t like my coat. Dos lame &c. Clear. ((Nose very red, not now. Nov.1911.)) Sat 26. Clouded. Foggy. Still. Took 3 sks corn to ((Nov.29.1911.10:46.a.m.)) [Page 355] (Photo) [Page 356] (Back of Photo) 1.E.D. Rose 2. James Hunter 3.Val Brown. 4.Henry Davidson. 5.Lew Bryan. 6.Richard Russell. 7.Wm Wendel. 8.Cy Grant. Co. E. 8th Kans. V.I. U.S.A. Sam’l. J. Reader. North Topeka. Kansas AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHER. [Page 357] 8th Kansas Boys picture. July 27 1862.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (249)

H. Mill. Looked at bridge. I put buggy under E’s. shed B and I for Cr. Saw Clinton. Said a package is at P.O. I there. Got a large fine picture of a Squad of Indianola boys sent by Rose. They sent $1. For postage &c. I got Statute of Jim T. I to creek. We swam. B. had a raft. We ate chokecherries. I took E’s Dem to her and showed picture. Home. Nan Pucket here. (Little red headed girl; afterwards married a darkey. Aug 27.1908.) PM. Clear, warm. I to town. Worked on road at ford, with Bouem & Button. Finished our job soon. I to P.O. Paid Clinton 2 cts more, postage on picture. Saw Bowker. Township must repair bridge. Saw Louis Tombly for first time. Got Conservative. Jim Lane to come to Kan. and raise 2 negro regiments. Mrs. Gabbey almost dead. I got a box of Ayers pills of John Ogee, but could not make change. Home. Hogs at crib. I peppered une Sow [shorthand] Sauve le viande et domie deux jambs a E. I took 2 pills. Made me vomit. B. found a long rope, and picket pin, 42 ft. long. Sund 27. Cloudy. Thunder. Peppered une Cochon. Did no good. Mon riez tres rouge. I read papers &c. Bl. here with Caye’s picture. (No great sight!) B to Wallaces to tell about his hogs. W. Warm. Clear. PM. I read &c. Pucket & Rod Rose back. Strapped (by Augell) Mrs Fiederling & Brown here. I wrote to Rose &c. viz: ED Rose & others Highly honored and respected Friends: It was with a pleasure that I think you can well imagine that I rec’d the much prized picture of yourselves the other day which vividly brought to mind our military exploits on the hills at the R. sch house, also mingled with regret that so wide a distance separates us preventing for the present at least the friendly intercourse which as we supported of the Union, was so pleasant to us all. After you boys left us it seemed that you had taken about all the military spirit with you. The F.G’s have not met to drill since. But had a meeting last Spring to divide the Co. powder &c. We are consequently without any military organization and our Pro S. friends have failed to cooperate with us in this matter as I supposed they would, when they could not secure all the highest offices. The chances of my enlisting are small, as I have 2 families to look after now. Dr. C. being in the army. He is Surgeon in the 2nd Indian Reg. Col. R. of Topeka. He don’t like his situation very well. Our local news is not important. Mr. Raswell Rose and Mr. Pucket returned yesterday from Iowa. I believe they have dissolved partnership with Mr. O.F. Augell with whom they were engaged in showing “War pictures”. Rev A.R. Button has been taking [XXXX] for the last month or two; but money ((Nov.29.1911.3:14.p.m.2.)) [Page 358] July 28 1862 is too scarce to make it pay very well. Squire, our old friend Kasson wrote to the Dr. not long ago informing him that he [XX] belonged to the 18th Wis. Reg. He was near Pittsburg Landing at the time of the terrible battle but was too sick to take part in it. If his Reg. is in your neighborhood you have doubtless seen him. The flag which you left flying in town was taken down sometime in the Fall and this Summer the pole was chopped down by somebody, so we are without an emblem to show our loyalty this year. Our Fourth of July passed without any particular celebration excepting a drunken row or knockdown of some kind in the evening. I heard that somebody tried to choke Fleshman and Jim T. but do not know whether it is true or not. Indianola looks just as it did when you left with the exception of [XXX] T’s new Billiard saloon on the corner opposite Puckett’s store. Dr. A. is installed in the Drug Store, and has about

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (250)

all the practice. Mr. Davison was appointed J.P. by the Gov. to fill the vacancy caused by Dr. G’s. leaving town. James K. on promise of good behavior has come back to Kan. A man named Long and some others at Topeka threatened to hang Jim on the Fourth and handled him pretty roughly. There is a rumor that he will take the P.O. at Indianola. How will that suit you Jayhawkers? Mr. Clinton has not been complained of yet as a P.M. I suppose that you have heard that your comrade Leonard has been married to Miss M. Marple. I think this is about all the news that can be of any interest to you (from this quarter). Our weather has been rather too dry this season. Crops are generally good. Continued. Mrs. B. & F-g looked at miniatures &c. Gave La a full a/c. of the Harding battle. A bloody time. Hogs troubling all the time. Pas du soupe. I took 2 pillules. Mouth sore. Mond 28. Clouds. Hogs here again. I mended cow yard fence. I to E. Put on well rope. I got cherries for La and withes. I in well. Got bucket and a lot of toads out. PM. Warm, pleasant. Clouds. I fixed fence. La hunting Kaw’s calf. Thunder. I wrote to Rose viz: The Indianola Jayhawkers as I call your picture has been examined by a number of persons already, and but very few have failed to recognize their acquaintances in it, at first sight, especially Messrs.’: Bryan, Rose, and Hunter: I perceive that you are now armed with Mime rifles, Your sabre bayonets certainly present a formidable aspect, and look as if they would be exceedingly unhealthy for Secesh. As you say, I hope I may someday have the pleasure of seeing you all and hearing your adventures (in camp and field) which if the war continues we may reasonably supposed will be interspersed with a/c’s of many a bloody engagement and should any of my friends who have sent me their pictures perish from the influence of climate or on the field of battle, it will be a mournful consolation for me to know that I still retain their images. I do not know how I can adequately return thanks for the unexpected pleasure you have given me. I must say however that I consider myself under heavy obligations to you all. If it would not be asking too much I should like very much for some of my friends to correspond with me; occasionally at least. I must close wishing you success and safety against the blind and wicked enemies of our Gov and health to understand the southern climate. Truly your friend. Respects to all. Samuel J. Reader. P.S. Please give the enclosed note to Mr. Eugene Caye’. S.J.R. ((Nov.30.1911.9:59.a.m.)) [Page 359] July 29 1862. Que Vive! Indianola Kan. 27 quillet L’an 1862 Eugene Caye mon ami; il y est loug temps que j’ai vous evir mais ne peuse pas que j ai vous oublie parceque je n’ai pas scrit a vous autre fois. Hier je vis votre miniature c’est bean et il vous resemble juste. Vous ressembler un soldat bien fero ce maintenant. Quelque fois j ai houte grand je pense que je me suis pas avec votie regiment mais le faute ne’est pas le mienl Le Docteur est shiruigien dans le 2 eme. Reg. du Indians pres de Ft. Scott Kansas. Votre ncl et sa dame sout en bonne santé. Fout le monde sout pessiblement biem. Le temps est trop sec. Excuse’ mon nauvais Francais Ecrivez a moi quelque temps si il vous

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (251)

plait. Je finnai a present. Compren vous ma letter? Au reivoir. Votre ami, Samuel Reeder. On other letter. P.S. Please give the enclosed note to Mr. Caye. S.J.R. La and B home without calf, but with a lot of grapes. Hogs up and driven off. A shower. I to P.O. Put my letter in; Got one from Dr. Hedrick told me he was wounded at Springfield. (He showed me scar on his leg below the knee.) Clinton told me that a stage driver shot Elick Nado’s brother last night. I saw Rod Rose. I ran to E’s through a light rain. Dr. quarreling with Col. John Ritchie. Medical Dept. want him for 1st Surgeon. Mrs. Leonard at E’s. Home. Ate grapes. Took 3 pills. Rainy. X 45 X 15 [shorthand]. Tuesd 29. Cloudy. Je dormi sans [shorthand] Pillules, agi fort. Jim W’s hogs here in might. B up very early. Spikes & Steady here for salt. I on John. Drove Wallaces hogs home and helped Mrs. W. put them up. They have destroyed about all our melons. Saw Mr & Mrs Nealey. I home. I started for Topeka on foot. Was overtaken and rode with Willy Acan P. Ozell and Jim Bryan. Willy sang Bryan argued on Athersin. I saw Gilchist; gave him Wiers a/c to collect. I saw Bowker. I to Clerks office. Commissioners there and Jake Smith. The Cl’k thinks they will allow about 4 mills. I must repair bridge &c. I got 30 cts postage stamps for E & 20 cts for me. La’s money. I crossed river. 5 cts La’s a/c. Saw Jack Curtis. Rainy. I ((Nov 30.1911.1:36.p.m.2.Thankgiving.)) [Page 360] July 30th 1862. Read paper. Green corn. P.M. La to E. I tinkered around. Mended cow pen. Helped milk Lady heifer. I to PO. Nothing. I paid Ogee 25 for pills. La argent. I got La a box of matches of Rod. F got thread 25 cts. I saw Fulton, McN. & others. I to E. Gave her the stamps. Ne paye La. And quinine, Dr sent by ure. Miss Cox & E. Milne to have a surprise party at Cohees soon. My mouth sore. Wed 30. Cloudy. NE. Hogs back. B shot at them. He running bullets. Je tue un avec le marteau. Got team. La and I to Island in Kaw river. We got nearly 4 sks. grapes. Bl. et sa femmine avec nous. Warm. I have 2 sore feet from poison and a nail. Home at 2 or 3. P.M. Got dinner. Assez des seufs. I to H. mill. Got our 3 sks. Meal. Home. Turned out. I swam in creek. I to P.O. Got f. paper. In it death of Geo. Dupuis le vivier. ((A foolish French story.)) I to E. B. there. F. at Browns. Old woman et North. (quarreled) Se batter. I helped La milk Mrs. Augell to P.O. Thurs. 31. Foggy, still, cloudy. Je tire trois coups de fusil contra cochons. Tue un. I mended rifle lock. But little grass. Bob Ogee here a long time. I to Jack T’s. Got a five gallon keg price $1. I to P.O. Got Tribune. Saw Mexican dog, sans cheveus. Clinton home. Home. La. & I in wagon to Island. I nearly swamed in wuick sand in river. I got legs wet. Picked. Ate our lunch. E. Cleared, warm. PM. We picked. Got about 4 sks full. Home at 2 or 3. Bet moi to cr. Swam and got on a raft &c. Late dinner. B to P.O. Got E’s L.C. Big hogs in Bonem’s corn.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (252)

F found a large butcher. Jane Jones at Drs. ce matin. Ed. DeWolf wounded Ell. Wallace in forehead, the other day. ((when he was drunk! 1911.)) ((Nov. 30, 1911. 1:44 p.m.2.)) [Page 361] AUGUST, 1ST 1862. Samuel J Reader’s Private Journal and Daybook. Indianola Shawnee County, Kansas, U.S.A. [Drawing of JACK THOMPSON A PRISONER FOR BEING A REBEL.] Friday 1. Clear. Up very early. My foot quite sore. [shorthand] Beaucoup. I to Thompsons. Got a 10 gall. Keg. Its $1.25. I got N.Y.T. Home. La arranging and trying to squeeze juice. I very weak. (Am weaker today. Aug. 31, 1908.) I read paper. B. to E., F. here. Tommy Wallace here for 2 pigs, Ils sout mort! (Goody.) PM. N.E., clear, pleasant. I took coffee, and feel better. We W. of house under trees. Pounded grapes in bucket and squeezed them out in a piece of coffee sack. Nice work but hard. Filled the 10 gall. keg, and got about 3 gall. more out of our 6 sacks of grapes. F. to Dr’s. B. home with 2 gall. jug of E’s. (Six heavy cannon passed for Ft. Union today.) Saw Jack Thompson with a guard of cavalry going to Topeka. I took 5 gall keg to Jim T. He said Jack was arrested for trying to raise a Rebel Co. here &c. I to P.O. Got Dem. Had a talk with Dr. J. about war &c. Home. Clear. Pleasant. [shorthand] le mois prochain [shorthand] Well bucket to staves. Broken up. Sat 2. Cloudy, thunder. S.E. “P kid, U kid, Yo kid, she kid” trois (quatre 5 petit* chats dans notre lit, le nuit passé. Je tue un cochon avec carabine. I am not well yet. Have colic &c. B to E., F. here. I strained juice and filled E’s 2 gall. jug. Puckett trying to catch a gray pony. Rob. Ogee here. A very heavy shower. Slacked. I took jug to E. I got [shorthand] . I near Blanchard site; Got a lot of fine plums. Got wet in shower. Home. La making jelly. I read about making wine. P.M. I read papers. I mended well bucket. I to P.O. Got L.C. Saw Geo Carpenter. Wants La et moi a alle’ chez lin. Old Nealey ivre. Parle environ chemin neuf. Home. Joue au la flute. ((Nov.30.1911.2:10 p.m.)) [Page 362] August 3rd 1862. Sund 3. A dark cloudy and wind from the North. Mon pied about well. Cool, cloudy. Je rase tout mon barb, [shorthand. ((I shaved off all my beard & I look odd. My moustache don’t grow much anyway.)) I to E’s, field. No plums. I to Gopher place. Got a quantity. F to S.S. & back with a paper &c. Sch. house moved. Fox and John run out. Poulet car dine’. PM. Warm, I read &c. I to E.B. and I to Cr. He got in when Clinton, Charly Kaw, Rock, 2 divers and young Geo. Carpenter came and most of them swam. ((Young Geo. C. & old Rock did not.)) I got a pole, et se bargne. Home. Mrs. Nealey asked me about a book: “Ida May”. Nealy was at Augells. F. to Dr’s. B found un autre picket and rope at N.W. corner of field.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (253)

Mond 4. Rather clear. S.E. Jeem’s hogs ici. Je peppered un shoate. Jeems lui meme venu et chasse – ses pigs off. A hint a lui. Our whelp broke a pane of glass out to jump in the house. B. on Ogee horse. Found a “hoffle” calf for Dr. I marked it and La milked cow. I mowed weeds for hogs. I to melon patch. Hogs been there. (Shoot ‘em!) La washed. W, warm. I got a mess of roasting ears. B around field. I ate plums. PM. I mended collar, well bucket, corn crib loft, and heated and straightened clevis, and took off plow share. La to store. Got water pail 25. No pay for want of change. She to E’s. Je fait le mush. N.W. Very cool. I hung a board before window. Tuesd 5. Up at day light by whelp’s barking in the house. I cuffed him. Jeems pigs here in undiminished numbers. B tried a spear them with a knife fastened to the end of a pole. I feel well. Je fait le pam avec (I made bread with) meal, water & salt. No drugs nor clobber et mooches in it ((But B. said: ”If Sam’s Bread was free of Globber milk salaratus & flies, he had sow bugs in his bread.”)) Jane Jones at Clintons. N. Cool, clear. Jeems after his pigs again. (He’d better!) La and I on Topeka road. Got over 1/2 bu. of plums. Saw the Marples. They say Jack T. was at ((Nov.30.1911.2:22.p.m.2.)) [Page 363] August 6th AD 1862. the head of an organization of Secesh. here. Thunder. We started. I to a tree and got some soft plums, and found a black handled double bladed Jack knife. Home. A shower. I read 2 f. papers of “Les Miserables”. A splendid story. I read and translated it to La. I played flute. PM. Slacked raining, after a while. I got up Fox & John. N.E. Cool. I hammering out plow share, when Mr. Morgan came. He took the oath, and I gave him the “List”. He knew all the boys of the “Kansas Jayhawkers picture” but Davison. We looked at law &c. He told me a “deadly secret,” about the Secesh. Co. here, viz: [shorthand] ((Unintelligible to me now. 1911.)) He left. B for grapes on town island. Failed. He got L.C. I fixed plow. E. Cool. I ate cucumbers. We have plenty. Wed. 6th. Clear. S, pleasant. Je fait le pain Pigs ici. I hitched up. La and I near island. Got 2 sks. grapes and some plums near Bl’s old house, where Mrs. Prudong lives. Home. Left axe in woods. P.M. S, windy, warm. B & I in wagon to river. Got axe and bathed. I got up some sand. Home. Mrs Brown at E’s. Pigs here, and I found Downie’s Sow eating melons. (Shoot!) B speared un [shorthand]. Got f. paper. I read at night. Old man Steward died of flux this P.M. ((Not whisky! Sept 1. 1908. Nell said once and He’s burned out with rotgut whisky!)) Thurs. 7. Clear. W. Windy. Pigs here. B [shorthand] un autre. (Good!) I in field &c. Melons gone up. (A shame to lose all our nice melons.) Almost roasting ears. Warm. F. here. Got La, Leon is sick. I pounded up 1 sk. of grapes. I drank more than 1 pint of the must. ((Dangerous!)) I got 2 pots of green corn. B. and I got dinner. P.M. Windy. S. Clear. I with Fox & John to E’s. Plowed a patch for turnips. Leon some better. I put horses out. A bay horse of Puckett’s in

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (254)

field. I mended fence and went around field. B to P.O. Got NYT and a letter from Dr., at Humboldt. ((Nov.30.1911.2:33.p.m.)) [Page 364] August 8th AD 1862. He is afraid he will not get his commission, &c. Jeems saw B near P.O. and asked him if he had shot anymore of his pigs &c. (Yes indeed!) Puckett here for his horse. Said horse wont jump anything! Of course he wont! La home and back to E’s. B lance deus autres cochous grand, che Dr’s crib. I read at night. Hot. Fine moon. Frid 8. Clear, breezy. S. La home. Leon better. B & I got plums. We pressed out the juice. Over 1 gall. We racked off our keg. The wine is strong. Lost 1/5 in settlings. I to E. Borrowed her wine, and put it in our keg. I fumigated keg with sulphur. P.M. B and I on Fox to river. Got nearly 1 sk of grapes. A slight rain. We in river. Je nage’ sur mon dos the first time. We home. Cleared. S.W. windy. La and I pressed juice out of grapes for E. 1 1/2 gall. I drank must. B to P.O. Got E’s papers. Je joue a la flute sur le maison Bonem horse here fighting Kit, she being very lame. I hit Spikes on the nose by mistake. Warm. I ate plums. X $1.75 X 55 [shorthand] Sat9. Clear. Still. Jim T’s sow and pigs at crib. B lance deux. [shorthand] Je dormi sur la plaucher [shorthand]. I put [shorthand] I put teeth in little harrow. We have 14 iron ones. La to town. Got at Higg: Sugar $1. Tea 50 cts, and paid for pail 25 cts. Changed $20 note and got $2.25 change. Very hot and still. I to Drs with Fox and harrow. I sowed and harrowed in turnips. Home. La making plum preserves. PM. B to town with 7 doz eggs. Got 50 cts, coffee and a paper of pins 5 cts. La to E’s. I fixed rifle lock. B fired 3 shots in a piece of paper at 23 yds. 1, 1 3/4 and 2 inches from centre. La home. Hot. I to S fence. Put up a pair of bars. B to P.O. Got letter from Dr. He is at ((Nov.30.1911.2:38.p.m.)) [Page 365] August 10. 1862. DON’T LIKE GOOD OLD ABE? Humboldt and is to go South.F a letter from Mrs. C. Augell. A L.C. Old Abe has forbidden the enlistment of Negroes, the old doughface. (Tut. Tut! Sammy! Sept 11.1908.) I read paper. Plengy of green corn. Got our first, and I suppose our only ripe watermelon. (Confounded hogs!) Sund 10. Hogs at house in night. (Shoot them! O Shoot them!!) Clear, warm. Lock of rifle broken again. I read papers. I on Topeka road. Got a lot of plums in a sack. A wagon load of negroes there. Home. F to S.S. S.W. Windy, Clear, warm. I ate plums. Read. PM. F home. Miss Carpenter was at S.S. She & Miss co*ck [shorthand] et moi a alle’ che C’s le Jeudi

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (255)

prochain avec la flute pour jone avec le melodeon. Have a Sing &c. What a faire. Leonard here. Looked at Jayhawkers &c. F wrote to Mrs Augell & Hyde. [shorthand] parceque je ue lui donne [shorthand] &c. B and I to creek after sunset and had a swim. Water warm. Full moon. X $1. Mond 11. Thunder. N.W. Pleasant. Up before day chasing hogs. (I must have had the patience of a Saint! Sept. 2, 1908. Willy McNown here with fork. He said that a lot of hogs were in field, yet B. and Willy to McN’s. Brought Robert & gun, Johnny & dog but the hogs had “vamoosed”. I took a piece of brass, drilled 2 holes in it, and mended lock of Dr’s gun, well. I got Fox. I saw Button. They will draft in Kansas &c. I got corn for dinner &c. Boys flying kite. Tout mange ici. P.M. Boys left. I with Fox & John in field near slough. I plowed for wheat. Ground not hard. N.E. Clear, warm. Saw DeWolf; He wants to trade for Cass. I to P.O. Put in 3 letters and a paper. L.C. from me to Mat. I to Jim T’s. Paid him $1. Owe him 25 cts yet. His hogs run out. I to Bouem’s. Told him of hogs. Home. Clouds. Ate plums. ((Nov.30.1911.2:40.p.m.)) [Page 366] August 12 1862. Tues 12. A shower last night. Cloudy [shorthand]. Looks like rain. I to Es. Mended pasture fence. I on Topeka road. Got 1/2 sk. plums. Sprinkle. PM. I plowed 13 rounds. Flies bad. Eliza Milne here for F. & moi a alle chez Cohees, le soir. Clear. Je porte mon habit neuf. (Un secret terrible.) B tue un grand cochon. I on Fox. F. on John. We to Cohees. A party there. Je joue a la flute noir, des bonnies tunes. Quite a dance. Mlle. co*cks wants F et moi a alle chez Carpenter, dewain. Nous partons. Home about 2 A.M. Clair de lune. Rebels have Independence No. Wed. 13. Some clouds, still. La don’t want us a alle chez Carpenters. I itch all over with poison. I on Fox to Carpenters. Saw Wm. Henry & Geo. They will buy Drs cattle. I home. Ate plums. PM. Clear, S, hot. B and I swam in cr. Home. I mended crib. Got sheets to cover horses. I don’t feel well. No go to C – r’s. B & I with Fox. Traine “carkage” off. Thurs 14. Clouds, cool. N.W. Puckett & Stewart horses in field last night. I turned them out. B. around fence. Found Browns horse in. I plowed. Brown and Cummins got their horse. Bonem in field chasing hogs. Bet anoi [shorthand] tete de cochon. (I found knife which I plowed out. P.M. Cool. N. Clear. Put sand in kitchen. B. and I with team. Got 2 loads of stakes from Dr’s field to La’s N. fence. Pucketts horse in again. Martha Brown & Vine Bonem ici a regarde Jayhawkers. Ate plums. B. to P.O. Got Dem LC and a letter from Frank. He is a strong abolitionist now. B. got post auger of Mrs. Stewart. Frid 15. Clear, cool, N. I racked off wine. E a full jug. A gall. and we over a pint. I out to N. leaning fence. Set stakes. Bonem came. We caught Pucketts ((Nov.30.1911.2:50.p.m.))

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (256)

[Page 367] August 16th 1862 horse ((that never jumps!)) B put him in stable. Cool. PM. N.E. I hitched up. Took E’s & F to Kate Hindman’s, and took a load of stakes from here along fence. Met Rock, Jeems, & Ed. DeWolf. I got 2 more loads of stakes at E’s field, and took her wine home. B got plums in field. E. & F home. They were at Jeems. Mrs. W. said their shoat died yesterday from a shot. Le mien. Brown’s mauvais turkeys &c. La cleaned yard. Miss Cox and Mrs Hiller, tout en noir, ici pour F. et moi a alle chez Charpentier’s ce soir. La les dit :Il est trop tard.” They left. I will loose le heiress (Eliza Milne). I itch terribly from poison. B got N.Y.T. Cool. (La said she “headed Miss co*ck off “nicely!) ((Ten thousand thanks to La! Nov.1911.)) Sat 16. Clear, cool, some fog. I get the dejune, maintenant. B. to town with a letter from E. to Hon. Stanton Sec’y of War. I read “Les Miserables” in original French. Poor Jean Valjeau has to flee over hedges and ditches again, from old Jarert. DeWolf here. He offered La $70 for Cass, on credit. (How are you Credit?) B & I on horses along river for cattle. Got up 4 at 12 M. La out with us and got up 5 more. Could not find Tareau. DeW. brought 3 cattle here. PM. Bl. here for fork. He has his deed. E. Hazy. Clouds. DeW. Left. Old Mrs. A here. I to P.O. B was there. Saw Fiero and Andy Carpenter. He home with me. Looked at cattle. Wont take old Briggs. Will give $45. for the others. (8) He wanted to know why I did not go chez lui l’autre soir &c. He left late. A letter from Ellen. All well &c. One from S. to La. “Has laid the hull case before her” &c. Pucketts horse kept up. Sund 17. Rainy. E. Jeems after his pigs. B and I got plums. More rain. We all took dinner at E’s. I played flute. Cloudy. Pleasant. PM. Home. Mes yeux don’t ((Nov. 30.1911.2:50.p.m.)) [Page 368] August 18 1862. A horrible bugbear to our President. Mr. Lincoln don’t want us! [Drawing of a Black Soldier.]. rouge. I wrote to Frank viz: D.B. I recd letter of Aug 3d day before yesterday with great pleasure on learning from its contents of your good health and spirits; and you may well suppose my pleasure was not diminished when I read your opinion of the Slave question. I heartily endorse all of your sentiments on this subject, we are forced into this measure. Old Abe seems opposed to this policy and it don’t make me feel very friendly towards him. Now Jim Lane came home a few weeks ago with the understanding that he could arm the Negroes and has already enlisted quite a number of them; but we hear that the Pres’t will not allow it. I cannot understand why Negro volunteers are refused while Whites are to be drafted. I consider myself a philanthropist in regard to African Slaves, still I do not carry this so far as to wish to see men of my own Race dragged from home and business which urgently requires their presence, why these same Slaves ought & are willing to fight for their freedom. I wish to see this the last resort as it is considered, adopted immediately. I shall say no more or you will consider me a confirmed fault hinder. You must take care or you will be an ultra abolitionist before you are

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (257)

aware of it! I must acknowledge Frank that an abolitionist Dem. to my mind will do more damage to the Rebels than one of the “dyed in the wool fanatics” because of the greater influence they will have over the minds of the conservative masses at the North. For example: your arguments on this subject would have three or four times the weight on our Father’s mind, than mine would, as he doubtless considers me infatuate with a dangerous and senseless chimera as regards Slavery. You must write me what effect your soundings on the “nigg*r” question will have on him. We are all well as usual. I was poisoned while gathering grapes on the Kaw River a week or two ago but it is more annoying than dangerous. Eliza got a letter from the Dr. last week. He was at Humboldt Kan. but they were under marching orders for the Indian Ter. He is still somewhat dissatisfied with his situation partly on a/c of ill health caused by drinking bad water & the fear that Leon might take one of his severe attacks to which he is subject, and the strange and violent actions of Col. Ritchie whom he sometimes considers little less than insane. Our corn crop will be light on a/c of the drought. Weather dry but pleasant. But little excitement and but little volunteering. Out Secesh friends will likely feel the draft and squirm under it. I cannot make out one word in your phonetic viz: :”Gen. Pope has no regard to citizens” &c. You placed the word sign in on the line: it should be above. I have nothing more of interest to write at present. Your very affectionate brother. Samuel J. Reader. [shorthand] (The Rebels took Independence City Mo. last week and the guerillas in Mo. are getting very bold. Kans is in some danger of invasion. Maybe I shall be drafted yet? My aunt & sister are much afraid of it, as it would leave them in a bad fix. I got a letter from Ella yesterday. We have plenty of wild fruit now. Adieu. S.J.R.) Cloudy. I do not feel very well. Eaten too many plums! I to bottom of field. Saw Bonem & Billy Prusseit. Martha Brown married to Cook today. Clouds. Mond 18. Cloudy. E. No hogs nor horses in field. My neck poisoned, “Drained.” La washed. I arranged stakes at N. fence. ((Nov.30.1911.7:47.p.m.)) [Page 369] August 19th 1862. Home at 10. Very weak. Bl. & wife ground scythe. I tinkered around. PM. I shaved. N.E. Cool. I don’t feel well. I read. A fine N. rain but of no a/c. Rob Puckett here; Wants to give fife & a knife for a brass padlock. B. to town with him, but fife lost. He put my letter in and got L.C. I hammered out plow share. Cleared. La & I with cats to E’s. Got L.C. A draft soon. We met Cook & wife. I read paper. Clear, still. Pas de soupe. (It was for our health, but I doubt if it was any good. Sept 3.1908.) (no supper) Tuesd 19. Foggy. Still. One of our hogs out awhile. I put plow share on. I feel very weak. I slept awhile. PM. I feel no better. We got 2 water & 2 musk melons. I ate too much. Clear. E. Old Mrs. Brown here awhile. B to P.O. Got L.C. Rob Ogee to get fife for him. Augell and wife back to be drafted. I to bed early.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (258)

Wed 20. Clear, still. Up late [shorthand]. McN. for oxen. B. hunted Fox. Failed. I did but little. La got plums. I put some out to dry with stones out. PM. E. Hazy, warm. B and I to cr. Swam. We got a lot of red plums. Home. A S.W. rain. I played flute &c. I drank some sweetened wine out of bottle. It is wine. B. to P.O. Got f. paper. I read some. Thurs 21. Some cloudy. Up late. I am better. I hitched up. B. and I to Matthews. They threshing. He will give wheat on Dr’s a/c. Got plums. Home. (I saw Plummer about crow bar.) PM. Clear & pleasant. NW. F to Augells. I plowed 9 r. B. got N.Y.T. Dem, and a letter from Wm Wendel. No fife yet. F. home. Augell & wife not home. A train near Drs. They got of La milk & eggs. 70 cts. One owes her 25 cts. No get it. Bl. here. An apple man camped here. I have chaff in left eye. Up late. I feel quite well. B the colic. ((Nov.30.1911.7:55.p.m.2.)) [Page 370] Aug 22. 1862. X 5 X 10 Frid 22. Fog. Up before day to drive oxen out of field. I feel well. B. not well yet. A man got milk 5. I with team to Bl. We drew him 3 loads course hay. N.E. Cool. PM. Clear. E, pleasant, still. Drew 3 loads. All done. I saw widow Prudong. Ate melon. Home. Mary Brown here to look at picture. B. peppered a hog today. He got the fife (and 10cts for La) of Rob Ogee for padlock. Good trade. Sat. 23. Thunder Eye sore yet. Willy NcN. got little pitch fork. B hunted game. Failed. Brass piece of rifle lock broken again. E. Pleasant. My plums dry finely. I out at N fence. Set all the stakes there. Hard work. Chaff out of eye. La got over 1/2 sk plums near Dr’s for vinegar. B colic again. I put more plums to dry. P.M. I with team. Drew a lot of old rails and put them on N. fence. Drew load of our stakes. Only lack 4. I to Hole with team. Bathed. John Bryan, Kopp and Bickell came. I cut 13 poles 13 ft. I took them to N. fence and put them on. 3 Balls (Bls. [shorthand]) in field. B sick. COMRAD HURD enlisted. ((I saw him at Post Nov 24. 5th Kans. Calvary. 1911)) Sund. 24. Clear. Still. B well. I read &c. F. to S.S. B to E. I got ripe melons. Played fife. S. breezy. Clear. Warm. PM. F. home. I wrote to Wm. Wendel viz: [XX] Wendel D.S. I rec’d your interesting letter of Aug. 1 last week with great pleasure and hasten at the first opportunity to answer it. Crops &c. But little military spirit seems infused into the people in this locality. B.D. Burnett and Mr. Hurd of Silver Lake are the only ones who have volunteered so far as I can learn. They say drafting will be resorted to in Kan. If that should be the case it will make some of our semi-secessionists to squirm. Mr. Higg. got the situation of asst. P.M. probably to escape the draft but they say it will not save him. I will bet half the men here will claim to be exempt. I saw our friend Jack T. escorted over the prairie between two dragoons with drawn revolvers about 3 weeks ago. He was arrested by U. Sam but was released in about a week. We had some exciting news from Mo. a few days ago but, it appears the Union men are getting the upper hand

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (259)

again. If I should be drafted of which there is some chance, I shall try to be placed in your Co. as a recruit providing your Co. is not full. The worst of it is you are or must be so well disciplined by this time that I should make a very awkward appearance in the ranks at first. How ((Dec.1.1911.11.a.m.2.)) [Page 371] August 25. 1862. do your boys feel on the “nigg*r question?” I am for freeing and arming every Slave capable of bearing arms, so you see I am not exactly with the Administration on this subject! I wish to see this policy adopted immediately ((not too fast Sammy. 1911.)) I am an abolitionist as you well know still I do not carry my sympathy for the Negro so far as to rather see Whites slaughtered in support of the Union while the Blacks are exempted from such danger, through a blind and foolish prejudice. I say let the traitors be hurt and if a negro insurrection should have that effect encourage the darkies to ride. ((WRONG! YES, VERY WRONG & INHUMAN. 1911.)) I am glad to hear that you have the benefit of the traitors hogs and fruit at least. I have nothing more of interest to write. Write frequently to me and give me all the details of your proceedings. Give my Best Wishes to all my friends and acquaintances in your Co. and accept a large portion for yourself. (The Jayhawkers”) still excites much curiosity among the people here and are easily recognized by nearly all. S.J.R. Warm, breezy. Henrietta at S.S. I read F. story about Waterloo. Bl. here at night to tell us that “Horse Stealer be around!” and nigg*rs hunt them. Bl. told of “Kanacks.” ((He was in war with these Islanders while he was a Marine (French Navy).)) Mond 25. Up early. [shorthand] on. Clear. Une ligere mal a la reins. B.au fond du champs, avec first. Tire Sur un cochon a la ventre. I hitched up. B. and I to town site near old Miles site. I cut and pat on N. fence 22 poles. Warm. S.W. Clear. I made B. a fife Scale key of D. PM. Warm. We in E. field. I cut 6 or 7 poles, and got 25 rails if E. Las a/c. B got a lot of plums ¼ sk. I told E not to buy Raglands corn as cattle are in it. B & I near hold. We bathed. I cut 13 poles and put them along fence. I only want 5 more. Home. B to P.O. Got a letter from Caye. Je paye postage, 3 cts. The best plan to take stones out of plums is to strike the edge of plum with a hammer. Bob Ogees plan. I played fife on high key. X 30 Tuesd 26. Clear. Still. I feel well. [shorthand]. B put Wendel letter in last night and E’s ce matin. I to N fence. I staked and ridered all but 5 panels. Un cochon mort dans champs. Bowker came. Got me to sign for a Convention. Ragland came. Spoke about cattle in Dr’s field, bridge &c. I got coffee pot full of plums. Home. ((Dec.1.1911.11:49.a.m.)) [Page 372] Aug 27 1862.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (260)

We put out a lot more plums to dry. (I found a good double comb, hier.) PM. McNown here. Warm, clear. I got ready on Fox. McN and I near Ragland’s. Met Mr. R. NcN began on him for threatening to shoot his cattle. At last R’s temper got up. He raised up in wagon, and swore by the Almighty God he would shoot McN’s cattle if they came in field again. I on to Curtis’. He will subscribe nothing for bridge. I forded river. I got Amount due Soldier Township from Co. Clerk and settled with Co. Treasurer for two years. Got $31. cash. Saw Gilchrist. No Wier. I to house of (Probate) Judge Winaus. Il me introdure a sa fille. Elle me prit la main. Judge bought E’s scruo, 9 dolls for $6.75. Talked of Ill., Lane &c. Mat Wineus near La Harpe his second cousin. I in town. Looked around. Saw Gregg. Il est pas fache contra moi. About dark I to Church. Got a good place. Jim Lane came and spoke about War, Slavery, &c. He speaks slowly and uses rough expressions. He looks like Nance. (Old Giles). I forded river and came home, not so late. Warm. N. I got 30 stamps of E’s money. She owes La so I owe it to La. See July 29/62. Wed 27. Clear. Still. I hitched up B & I to Matthews. Got 20 Bu. wheat $15 for E. on Dr’s a/c. B found a looking glass. We got over ½ bu. plums near NcN’s field. Home. Lieut Fulton summoned me for a juror. I unloaded wheat. P.M. I took Jayhawkers picture and went to Sch.h. Trial of Kansas or Dr. Harm put off till Sat. I showed picture. Bowker to run for Leg-e. I saw Harding. I home. La drying plums and corn. Je joue fife sur maison. Jasper Rambo came. Said one of our colts sick at DeWolf’s. B & I there but could not find it. Thurs 28. Hazy. Still, pleasant. I with team to Bls. We drew 2 loads. I am to have every 4th one for drawing. PM. Clear. We drew 2 more big loads. 1/2 fell off. ((Dec.1.1911.11:55.a.m.)) [Page 373] August 29th 1862. I had melons. I home. B with me to McNowns. We got 2 pigs 2 mo. old. Old Willy came home with us. I got 5 poles too. B. to P.O. Got Dem, L.C. and a letter from Dr. I took it over. He fights avec Ritchie. (Bowker said Ritchie was impossible to get along with, in peace.) Frid 29. Clear. Up early. I am poisoned worse. B can find no hogs in field now. A ‘karkage” lies near corner. I looked at grass in field. It is quite good. Fence N. is good also. I don’t feel well. Feverish &c. I slept. Leon & Dade here. F. got corn. La drove up ponies. Vesta, the distemper, bad. I took well bucket to pieces. W.K. Elliot here. Looked at Rose’s picture. Talked of Wallaces, war, &c. He left. Bl. here just before with scythe. The picture I drew of him & wife, received in France. Diriner. PM. Mrs. Age, Augell here. Bl & I ground our scythes. Thunder. N. clouds. E wind. He left. I put 4 iron hoops on well bucket; It is as good as new. I mended rifle lock, again tood. B got tea for Mrs. A. She left. B. got N.Y.T. and a paper from pence with Franks correspondence to it. He is “mit Segel.” Cloudy. HAM & HUGES trials.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (261)

X 25 X 40 - 25c to Hughs from E. l 1/2 day. T.T. Sat 30. Rain lightly all night. B with rifle; Pas des cochous. Je porte mes botts neuf. I wrote out 5 notices for bridge sale. I to town. Put one at P.O. & one at bridge. Rainy. I paid Jim T. 25 cts of keg a/c. I to Sch. house. Many there. Ragland, Fleasher, Hiller, Enoch Marple, Jordan of Topeka and SJR. Jurors. Trial of State vs. Dr Ham came off. Cleared Ham. Tried Hughs. Found guilty. Fined $2.50. I gave a notice to Plyley. Put one at Sch. house, and one at Hardings mill. Showery. Home wet at 2 P.M. A heavy rain. E. Pleasant. Showers. I wrote to Mat &c. La got 2/3 sk. grapes today. B sold 5 doz eggs. Got paper 10, Soda and 10 cash of E. for matches. ((Dec.1.1911.12:10.p.m.)) [Page 374] August 31, 1862. Poor bragging, Gen. John Pope! Sund. 31. Cloudy. S. Jane Jones had to leave town and old Rocks. Letter to Mat: D.S. Mat. I rec’d Ellas welcome letter of Aug. 9 over 1 week ago and I certainly owe you an apology for not answering you “Sch. girls” sooner. One reason is that the spare moments usually devoted to letter writing have been lately employed by me in arraying our Township business with the Co. Treas, Road Overseer &c. Another is that I have been very busy as a farmer lately and a fine shower of rain today has induced me to write at last or I might have delayed longer. We are all in good health. The weather has been very dry and today we have had our first good rain. Corn is very light, potatoes the same. Grass almost as short as it was in /60. I recd a letter from Frank and answered it on the 17 inst. I also got the “Pittsburg Post” last night containing a letter from “A member of the 2nd Va. Reg” which I concluded is from Frank judging from the style. This letter I have read and reread with the greatest interest. I am happy to hear that he enjoys himself so well in the army and still happier to hear of the exemplary life he leads. Surrounded as he must be by the many demoralizing influences of Camp life. Still I feel uneasy at hearing of every movement of Gen Pope’s Army. I read the other day that Gen Sigel has had an encounter with the Rebels. The Dr is in the Indian Terr’y. He is still very much dissatisfied with camp life such as he leads. In his last letter he says he is in daily dread of his reg. getting into a fight, as he has not yet got any surgical instruments and not a great deal of medicine. He says if he were in the Navy he would be satisfied. Not many recruits from this locality, only one from this Township (Soldier) under the last call. We are all looking for the draft. If I should be drafted I intend to try and take it as best I can although I shall lose by it peculiarly. . My Aunt & Sister dread it immensely, as I am now their only protector. This does not speak well for their patriotism but such is the fact. I hardly stand on the same ground with the Administration yet, (on the negro question) but I believe all will come out right soon. I heard Jim Lane speak at Topeka last Tuesday evening. He expressed my views exactly. He said: We have a great many men who sympathize so strongly with the negroes that they wish to keep them in a Band box away from the war while white men are to be killed by thousands &c. Hurrah for Lane! If he is an abolitionist! I send you the pictures I promised, and as your expectations are raised with the idea of getting the pictures of Eliza and the children. I know you will be much disapproved when you will receive instead the drawing of our little one horse “Whisky town.” I commenced this picture long ago for fear the weed army might occupy our devoted town again this Summer

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (262)

but I have been agreeably disappointed for either relying on the expectations of making a combined attack next hear or thinking us sufficiently punished Gen Gympson and Cooks but have not marshaled their hosts. This view of Indianola I took from the top of my Aunts house situated half a mile in a SE’ly direction. Her field joins to the southern boundary line of the town site. Soldier Cr. runs a few hundred yds N of the buildings and is in the midst of the brush and timber. In the back ground beyond the Cr. the land is fluffy. My gr. S., lies just a little North of the Western and of the picture. The location of the town was very unfortunate in the first place. Instead of laying it out on the prairie the Mo. proprietors laid it out mostly in the timber and bushes. I think Indianola will never be a city. Allow me now to introduce you to the inhabitants and you will have a very good idea what Indianola’s. I shall begin at the W’ern end: The log house with two doors was the first house built in the town. It is inhabited by Sam Bouem & wife a Union man to me, Pro Slavery to the Secesh. sympathizers and a very strong temperance man when out of cash. The two story building this side is a grocery kept by [XXXX] Brown & Cummins. The former with a family. Both Secesh at heart. We will pass the next edifice (a stable,) to the house with windows on both sides of the door. The widow Brown (No relation to the other B.) and family, genuine Unionists live here. She had 2 sons in the Federal Army. The dark ((Dec.1.1911.3:47.p.m.2.)) [Page 375] August Last. 1862. complexioned house with one door is a blacksmith shop. The nest object is a corn crib. The large building with the end this way is our principal dry goods store kept by the secesh C.W. Higginbotham deputy or Asst P.M. to escape the draft. The building this side another blacksmith shop but the man who belonged to it “went up” a short time ago from hard drinking. He frequently had “snakes in his boots.” The next house is vacant. It was a drinking saloon last winter. The next with a window over the door was formerly owned by Dr. C. It was a drinking & gambling saloon last year but is now shut up. The house with one door and one window is occupied by Jim T. and family. Strong Secesh. The building beyond showing a door and window is Mr. Pucketts store and whisky den. He has been often fined for selling the “critter ”without license and is Secesh. The dirty colored house is an ice house which comes next. The house with the closed end this way is the aforesaid Jim T’s billiard saloon and of course men cant play without liquor in the same room. His brother, Lawyer Jack was arrested for trying to raise a Rebel Co. here but is now at large. The next building is the pride of the I-ites. It is our hotel, P.O. favorite billiard saloon; and the best drinkables in town are kept here. Wm. Clinton is proprietor. He is a R.I. secessionist. Is 27 yrs old and has a wife who can swear like a pirate; age about 60. The house is about 60 ft square, I shaped. The next 2 concerns are stables. The white 2 story house is a drug store kept by Dr. A, a secesh and hard drinker. The flag and pole were there last Summer but are both gone. We had an extraordinary large calico flag which soon tore to pieces. The next house is occupied by Mr. Ogee, a moderate U man 1/4 Indian. Next Ogee’s stable. Three or 4 other houses are not visible on a/c of the brush. Don’t you want to live in Indianola?? Our affectionate brother Samuel J. Reader. P.S. Two Union Germans, Messrs Pruisset & Fiederling live in town but their houses are hidden from view in this direction. SJR.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (263)

F. to S.S. on fox. B. to E. I out, got a lot of plums ¼ sk. I met Jane Jones. She to Drs. F. home. Hughs was taken to prison for refusing to pay costs $30. His girl sick. P.M. Warm. A light shower. Got cooler. N. windy. I finished my Indianola picture. No drafting in Kansas. Bl was here today for me to cut grass at Downies. La and I looked at grass in our field. It is good. B’s mouth was sore. E “toughed” it out. S. Pleasant. Bl wants to manage for me. ((He is an odd sort of a flighty Frenchman. Oui! Oui!! )) (I pounded some of La’s grapes, and pressed out 6 1/2 pints of very sweet must. ce matin. We also squeezed out plum juice for vinegar.) ((Dec.1.1911.4:10.p.m.)) [Page 376] September. 1st 1862. Samuel J. Reader’s Private Journal and Day Book. Indianola, Shawnee County State of Kansas. Mond. 1. Clear. Heavy dew. B. to P.O. with rifle; Mailed Mats and Dr’s letters from E. et moi. Pas du cochous. Jane at Kate Hindman’s. 57. Un mois jusque Octobre. I in our field. Began to mow. B. to Bls. Got fork, and told him it is too far to go near Downies to mow. Bl sent a melon. B came with rifle. Il trouve un grand cochon pres de champs, et [shorthand]. I up at 11. Miss Mary Eliza Milne here. Je joue au la flute &c. PM. Very warm. I drew and painted Eliza Milne tres bien. (I mowed till sunset.) B to P.O. Got a letter from Berrons (La Harpe, Ill.) Wm. Morgan here and made his returns. His fighting brother Cam. Has enlisted. (I took trois pollutes.) Tuesd. 2. Clear. Still. Up very early. I out. Mowed till nearly noon. Am very tired. Reins un peu mal. Still. N ish. P.M. La & I in field. She raked. I forked and co*cked 38 good co*cks. Done, sun 1 h. high. I near hole. Got the coffee pot and hat full of ripe red freestone plums. Home. F. got f. paper L.C. and letter from France. Wed. 3. Clear. S. Breezy. Je fais le dejune loujours de pain et green maise. La. F. and B. for plums. I in field. Mowed and co*cked 10 co*cks. Home. La got nearly a sack of splendid free plums. S, windy. PM. I helped fix plums for drying. I out, mowed and put up till sunset. I got a letter from McArthur about Road Returns. Jane Jones lives with Billy Puessit, shoemaker. Thurs 4. Sprinkle last night. Dos un peu lame. I out. Righted up co*cks, but wind “fall them down, again.” ((Blew them down.)) Home. Some rain. Bl. was here to get me to marry a couple at his house Sund. &c. P.M. I laid stack bottons. Cleared. S. Windy. ((Dec.1.1911.7:16.p.m.)) [Page 377] September 5. 1862.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (264)

I out, cut 2 co*cks. B. got N.Y.T. Dem & L.C. Pope defeated, instead of having a victory at Bulls Run. I read. [shorthand]. ((Gen. John Pope alive. Mch. 3.1899 Alive. Sept 6. 1908.)) X 40— Frid 5. Thunder. Cloudy. I have gayac in the mortar Je prit un pen. Began to rain, lightly. Cleared. I out. Cut and co*cked a little hay. Saw Bl. PM. S. Clear, warm. I read. Old Mrs. Brown here. (La sold 4 doz eggs to Morris Robacker 40 cts argent. A terrible hullabaloo in town. She & 6 other women cleared Billy and Jane Jones out last night, when every man there took Jane’s part. Old Mrs. Augell came. ((Why I want to know!!)) I out. Cut 2 co*cks. Cloudy, thunder. As I came out of field, I met Mrs. Bonem and Fiederling, under arrest, with Constable Fulton. (He said he disliked the doing of it, as they passed me.) B. and I to town. Could not get ready for trial. A very heavy rain, confound the luck. Jim T. wants me to go Security for his wifes appearance tomorrow. (No sir ee!) Davison wanted me for a juror, but Jack T. told him I was sick, “for” said Jack to me, “I knew you to be un home modiste, and such a trial would not suit your ears.” &c. Slacked. Home late. Mrs. A. home on Fox. Up late. Fun, alive. Sat 6. Cloudy. Misty. B “tipped” un grand cochon. Pas mort. I wrote out another Notice. I to town. Posted it on store. I got a letter for E. I there. La also there. A note to me from Dr. Says I can be exempt: [shorthand] I home. I made a corn cutter handle. Old man Marple here. Gave in his returns. PM. Cloudy. W. B. and I to town. Four lawyers engaged. A change of venue granted by Davison. I saw Barnard! Got in last night. Jane in court. Jim Kurkendall in favor of the women. Jack T. against them. Je buve’ de l’eau et touché vierres avec lui, et Rolla. They said they wished they had my “failing,” I got LC. No news. Home late. Cleared off. ((Dec.1.1911.7.1/2.p.m.)) [Page 378] September 7. 1862. Sund 7. Clear. Got foggy. I wrote a notice for a Rep. meeting for Delegates &c. B. avec fusil dans champs. Tue un “loup” petit, guand il enteudu un voix: “What’s going on there,” et il vu Jeems. B s’enfuit chez lui. I read. B around field. Saw Jeems. He says he will sue, or take the Lex talionis. Is to come and see La. F here. She on John to S.S. B to E. I feel chilly and gapey. La also. I out got a few plums. F home. Miss Carpenter out with Mrs Hiller, and sang. P.M. I read. All of E’s. here. Jeems stopped. Hunting pigs. Didn’t rant. (He’d better not!) Mary Brown here one hour with an accordion. F. played on it, I on flute key of F, Mary & E. sang. All left. F. took “Lamplighter” home to Jeems’. N. Clear, cooler. Pete here at night. Talked of suit. He is to have another dog trial! La in bed. Full moon. Pete took Notice to town. Saw DeWolf. He has enlisted in 2nd K.V. Mond 8. Clear. La weak. I to Bls. We got La a load of his coarse grass. We then got one from our field. It is a little wet. Wind just right. NE. We use a pole to hold load on. PM. We drew 2 more loads from field. All done. La in bed. I fixed top of stack. It is about 30 ft. long and high as the stable. One load of old hay. Clinton and Mrs. Harding were at Holton. Mrs. C. there

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (265)

after, but failed to find them. F. here & milked. B a la champs et blesse’ un grand “Loupe”. Yelling in town. ((“O, MR. SAM, I NOT AFRAID, I GO TO DE WAR.”)) Tuesd 9. Clear, still. La sick. I up very early. B avec carabine a la champs. Ne rien. Wonder of wonders! Bl & Cailloiz here both going to the war. ((Both full as ticks. Yes, they were drunk as fools & Mrs. Blandey was awful mad at old Cailloiz.)) Bl. thinks I can do all his work &c. They left. I to E’s. Fixed yard. I hitched. B and I to the hay. Drew 2 small loads to E’s. F. here. We got other 2 small loads. 5 – 2 co*cks in all. Bl. owed me 1/3 load and one days work. S.E. Just right. B. got L.C. Jane in at the ((Dec.2.1911.9:33.a.m.)) ((Awhile before this time Blondel told Old Bellmore: “I want go to de war. My feet fairly burn, to get to go fight de Secesh!” “Well” said the wise old Bellmore, “Better you put your feet in a bucket of cold water & cool’um off.”)) [Drawing of Bellmore called “Cooling off the war fever.”] [Page 379] September 10 1862. Sardeau house. B. hit it with stone, et il entendu un jurement. “G-dd-n”. B. to E. F. here. La very weak. I feel well. (Sept. 6 1908 5 p.m.) X 25 c. Wed 10. Cloudy. S.E., Mist. Right arm lame yet. La up. Je reve que je jone’ a la flute aved Mlle. Carpenter et elle me dorme’ un 5 cts. Journica who married Mrs. Prudoug is to cut Bls. Stalks. I hitched up; went to Leonards. Got harrow. I bought a broom 25. I to field. Sowed wheat, and harrowed a little. A shower. S. F. washed. La better. B. at E’s. P.M. I copied Overseers Returns in book. Arranged a/c &c. I out. Sowed and harrowed. 2/3 done. One of our little pigs gone. I to P.O. Got NYT & medical paper for Dr. Clinton at meeting today. Elected Dem’s for Delegates. Jack T. read news to me. Rebels 8 ms. from Washington. Old Abe ought to be taken, and then he would emancipate! I home. Read till late. X 1.25 1 day for Township. [shorthand]. Thurs 11. Heavy rain last night, and rainy yet. Up late; at sunrise. I wrote Overseers Returns in book. I had to go to Jim T’s to get his. A large crowd going to Topeka. Higg wants me to help him arrange his School business. Cloudy. N, cold. I got letter from Dr. I to E’s with it. He is well & can get his pay. Likes the service. I home. I got ready; went to Topeka on Fox by ford, about noon. I to Clerks office. Made out my returns. Got and receipted a Statute book of 1860. I bought La stocking yarn $1.25. I got E. 20 cts. Syrup Rhubarb. La’s money. I saw blacksmith Boyd. He will iron Elliots scraper for $6. Cleared, N. Cool. Trial began at 2 or 3 between State of Kansas i.e. Jack T, “Chuffy” Hedrick, and Jane Jones, against Mrs. Fiederling, Olinkaus, Brown & Bouem. Jack in pleading pitched into the women, and Greer & Doughty gave him (Jack) and awful rubbing down. Jury gave a

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (266)

((Dec.2.1911.9:44.a.m.)) THE LADIE’S MOB FOUND GUILTY. [Page 380] September 12. 1862. (War Times) verdict of guilty, and $1.00 fine, about 10 o’clock. Fun(?), alive. Full moon. I quietly slipped out, mounted and scooted, so as not to be wanted as bonds man. Clear, still, cold. La better. F. here. B at E’s. I sowed and harrowed in all the wheat. Took harrow home. E. Clear, pleasant. I feel well. La. knitting. PM. Clear. E. La gave me the calf “Buggie”, which I saved winter before last. I to E. She paid me 20 cts for La of hier. Mrs. Bl. here with a letter for Eugene Caye. He sick &c. B. and I to bushes. Got a sack 2/3 full of fine plums. I ate too many. Cool. Fire in big room. Wrote to Caye: Rec’d letter &c. Several days ago your Uncle started for the war very suddenly I advised him to stay at home but he would go Dr. &c. We have had a regular uproar in Indianola last week among the women. Une fille de mauvais vie nomine Jane Jones etait une locataire avec Billy Prusset le co donnier et dix ou douze hounes &c. toujoyes Presque nuit et jour. The ladies of Ind. viz Mrs. B, B, O. F.S, a girl and Jim T’s wife went to Billy’s about a week ago to advise this Jane to go away and not bring disgrace on the people of the town; but she refused positively, whereupon the ladies seized her et dechireu tout ses vetements de son corps example sa chemise. A Dutchman named Hedrick took the girls part; and Dr. A. also took the field and swung his fists defiantly so near some of the ladies heads that they could feel the wind of his chivalrous paws. The girl was wrapped in a blanket and taken away till morning by some of her defendants. Jim T. during the fracas declared that Clinton kept a worse house than Billy was keeping which saying caused Dr. A. to fire his pistol at Jim but luckily did not hit him. Jack T. caused all these ladies to be arrested for an assault and taken before Sgt. D. Jack left Mrs. S & girl off and Mrs T. plead guilty. The rest of the parties took a change of venue and were tried at Topeka avant hier and were mostly unjustly. I think fined $1, and costs of 40 or $50. Ind. is still buzzing like a stoned hornets nest and I do not know how it will end. They say that will be no drafting in K. no more. Very Respy Yours SJR P.S. My best respects to Squire Rose Wm. (Winds) and all the rest of the boys from this place. SJR. (The Battle of Ind. From our special artist 1/2 m. from the field.) X 20 [shorthand]. Sat 13. Up late. I to P.O. Put Eugenes letter in. I home. Made a nice hog pen in hog yard and pounded out plums. Bonem wife & Mrs. Brown here awhile. They glad about trial. Leroy Davison here with a written invitation for us all to go to the wedding of Mr. Cyrus Higginbotham and Miss Button!!! next Mond. Folks all left. I stoned plums to dry. E. et ((Dec.2.1911.10.a.m.)) [Page 381]

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (267)

September. 14. 1862. enfauts ici Ed DeWolf and a man here to buy Cass on credit! I tinkered around. Do not feel well as I did ce matin. I took my Township book to Higg for him to draw off Tax list. I saw Barnard & Bowker. Mrs. Clinton told me Mrs. Harding was back other day and she (Mrs. Clinton), has driven her off again. I heard Jack T. and Jim Kuyk arguring about women’s riot &c. Home. F. got stuff, cloth 20 cts. La has over $7. in Silver. Sund 14. Clear, pleasant. Hunted hogs. Failed. La better. F. at E’s. Je rase, et porte mes habits beaux. F. and I in buggy to S.S. I saw Miss Carpenter; She is pretty, but I am afraid de. Pliey. ((Miss Lida co*ck read this aloud, and laughed there at & I was afraid she would see where I called her “Miss Gabby co*ck.” 1911.)) Rev. Early preached. Home P.M. I read & wrote to Dr. No copy. B. and I got 3 pigs pen from field. Mrs. Bl. here. I talked French to her very well. La not well. We all to E’s at night. (I was next morning after I brought her from St. Mary’s Mission.) X 70. 0 5.75 = 5.75! La. Mond 15. Clear, warm. Up early. B took E’s & my letters to Dr, to P.O. La don’t feel well. B loitered with Bob Ogee till after breakfast, and then saw and was chasing hogs. I would not let him go with me to Topeka for it. I hitched up and forded to Topeka. I got of Hamilton for La. white yarn 1/2 lb. 70. For me, 3 yds, cloth 2.25. Flannel 7 yds 3.50 La’s argent. For E. 5 yds flannel batting & yarn. I to Boyd & Hunter. Got scraper. I paid and took receipt $6.00 Township money. I to Laurient. Got E. some groceries. Saw Mrs. Sardeau. I home. Found a new clothes line. Still and hot. La delighted with line. F. here. P.M. Norris McN. here for me to help catch horse thieves. Cy Kistler came. I on John and took rifle. (I hit my face with the stirrup & blacked one of my eyes.) To town. A crowd of us started. Passed Button’s. I spoke to Mrs. B. and saw Henrietta. We on to Woodards. Lots of men out hunting, but no thieves. Home after dark. E.,F. & B from marriage of Higg and Miss Button. To bed late. ((Dec.2.1911.10:33.a.m.)) [Page 382] Sep. 16. 1862. Tuesd 16. Rainy. I wrote 3 hog advertisem*nts and went to town & posted them. Showery. Home. Je nettoye le carabine. B. le prit et blesse’ un “Coup.” I read. Cummins here, and accused B. of shooting his sow. Wants pay or he will sue! (What stupendous impudence!) I know nothing about it. (But I guess B. killed the [XXX] all right.) PM. Cloudy. I started with scythe after grinding it to my field. Geo. Carpenter overtook me. Wants me to attend a meeting tonight to doctor horsethieves. Cummins hunting sow with wagon. I to Davison’s. Made affidavit in regard to pigs. 35 cts. Got a lot of peaches. Saw Mr. & Mrs. Button. Mrs. Rose, Davison & wife to Infair at Geo. Young’s. I to field. Mowed little. Thunder. I home. La mad because I don’t take F. in rain to Young’s. A heavy rain came up. La will stand trial. (Well I should say so!) I read.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (268)

((BATTLE OF ANTIETAM. And I was safe at home, and “mowing”! 1909.)) Wednesday 17. Heavy fog. Only 2 pits in field. My left hip lame. [shorthand] I on Fox to P.O. Got L.C. Saw Cummins hunting hog. Said nothing about the dead one. Clinton wants to hunt up his. I to field. Mowed at W. end of fence. Nice plums, at ford. P.M. Clear. N.W., cool. Mrs. Hindman and Ed. DeWolf came and got her pigs. I charged nothing. (Of course not.) I with team to field. Plowed the strips N. of it and inside at E. end. Home. A pup followed me. I read f. papers. Cool. Thurs 18. Clear, still, cool. My hip and jambs some sore. I took gayac. I on Fox to field. Mowed out of fence corners. (I am mowing today. Sep 9.08.) PM. B. and I in wagon to claim. I finished mowing. B got a few plums. Home. N.Y.T. Mrs. Clinton here today. Frid 19. Clear. [shorthand]. La sick. F. here. McN. got meal. (He says our pig is at Peter’s.) Still. I shelled a sack of corn. (Ground scythe.) Fox in buggy. Took our keg of wine to Dr’s. cellar, and a big melon to E. I took corn ((Dec.2.1911.10:43.a.m.)) [Page 383] September 20 1862. To H. mill. He wants to repair bridge. Home. P.M. B and I to town in buggy to get our pig at Peters. B. to sell eggs. Failed, but kept me waiting while he played marbles with Tom Brown. Caught pig but Fox scared and came near running away. I drew pig home in buggy, by hand! Broke a dozen eggs or more. Clear, warm. S. [shorthand]. B at E’s. F here. La unwell. I read N.Y.T. Sat 20. Clear, pleasant. La better. I in field. Mowed. Nou hanche gauche mal, again. I got up a lot of melons, extracted juice & F boiled it down for vinegar. PM. S. Clear, warm. I read. I to my W field. Raked and co*cked hay. 15 co*cks. B and I to creek. Swam. Water cold. Got some plums. I to town. Got L.C. Saw Morgan and Bowker. Geo. Carpenter to run for Legislature. Carney nominated for Gov. Saw Mr. Hutchinson, “Old Wall-nut cheek.” He home with me. I paid him $3 in part for scraper. F was at Browns and brought “Phurny Phellow.” We read it. I played flute. La worse some. B at E’s. Sund 21. Clear. S, windy. Up very early. La in bed. Mon hanche n’est pas si mal, mais je suis fache contra le [shorthand]. A lot of pigs here in potato patch. I read papers. F to S.S. and back with her account book as Librarian. PM. La in bed. S. Windy, warm. Mrs. Bl here with a letter to Caye from France. I to E’s. I feel bas dans bouche. Henry & Andrew Carpenter here ce matin, hunting cattle. Bad time. Mond 22. I was awakened before day, by Marple & others, hunting horse thieves. I up and on John with shotgun to town. Saw B. Leon very sick. We towards Hardings. I ((Dec.2.1911.11.a.m.))

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (269)

[Page 384] September 23 1862. Saw John Bryan. They have captured John Roberts, wife & brother. All to Owen’s, after sunrise. I got meal of Harding, came home. La and Leon sick yet. Michael Hunt here awhile and then to Dr’s. His brother commands Ft. L. He left. I got my breakfast, and on Fox to Rochester. All in a hubbub. Copp and Barnard wanted to fight. (Copp said: ”I could whip you as quick as Hell could singe a feather.!”) To Sch. house. Morgan proposed me for chairman, but I refused. Bowker took it. Examined witnesses and heard Roberts plead, till after noon. We turned him over to the civil authorities. ((McNown objected to our listening to the horse thieves oration, all day long. 1911.)) All a big farce. I home. Got late dinner. Mrs. Jeems W. & then Mrs. DeWolf here. La talked too much and got worse. I to town. I slept at E’s upstairs. Tuesd 23. Up early. Leon feverish. Home. La worse. I to field. Mowed and put up 8 large co*cks. Still. N. P.M. I mowed and put up hay. Wooly and I killed 2 large skunks in field. He will make a good dog. N. cool. Lizzie Davison & Clem here at noon for F. to go with them to Carpenters. La not worse. Leon better. I helped Leonard catch a calf. I began to write bridge contract. Wed. 24. Clear. ) 35. Sharp and cool. I have Carpenters cow & steer in yard. Mon nauches mal encore. Henry & Wm. Carpenters tried to drive cattle home. Failed. La better. B and I drew in 2 loads hay; put it W. end of long stack. Late dinner. PM. Still, pleasant. N.W. Clear. Got in 1/2 load hay and about 30 water melons & a lot of squashes, cucumbers &c. B and I to creek. Got 1/4 sk. plums. Nearly all gone. B and I in bed room with White Cheek (kitten). Clear, Still. Thurs. 25. Clear. A little frost, and some yesterday. Still. Very pleasant. F. here. B. and I ground scythe. Wm. C-r here. ((Dec. 2.1911.1:23.p.m.)) [Page 385] September 26. 1862. Hurrah for old Abe Lincoln, after all. I made fire in cabin. Bad times. I in field. Mowed & put up 11 or 12 co*cks; Good hay. PM. F. washed. I mowed and put up 7 or 8 co*cks. I on Fox to town. Old Abe will free all the Slaves next January!!! I to sch. house. No one there. I in at Hughs awhile. Offered him pay, but he no charge. Home. (Dade) sore throat. F. there. B. here. Warm. Frid 26. Clear, still, S.E. Pleasant. Mon hauche mal encore. F. home. La better. I finished bridge Contract. I out. Mowed and put up about 9 large co*cks. (Mowing today and very tired. Sept.10. 1908.) PM. Warm. I to E’s. Mowed around stack yard. Home. B. and I ground scythe. I out late. Mowed around stack yard. Home. B. and I ground scythe. I out late. Mowed & put up 11 co*cks. F. at McN’s & Buttons. Brought peaches in a handkerchief. All of C-r’s here ce matin for cattle. Failed.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (270)

X $1. Sat 27. Clear. S, warm. La weak. F home. I put on rack &c. B. broke stock of Dr’s rifle some time ago, and hier le hind sight etait perdue, mais je le troure, out doors. I got a letter from Caye l’autre jour, et E. un de le Dr. Ritchie Col. arrested somebody and was arrested himself. Fun for Dr. I to Dr’s. Fixed stack bottom. B and I drew in 2 loads of hay. Too windy. S. PM. Clear. We drew other load. We burnt around E’s stacks and through S fence as far as Raglands corn ground. Home late. I to P.O. Got NYT, Dem, LC, F paper and a big letter from Dr. I saw Hedrick drunk. He made me drink a glass of water with him. I got of Payne 50c sugar & 50c tea. I to E’s. Dr well. Ritchie to be removed for “murdering and plundering.” Dr says I can get a situation as Lieutenant in Indian Reg. (Cant leave.) &c. Home. Soupe tard. La better. Sund. 28. Rain. N.E. Hanche mal en le matin. La better. I read N.Y.T. Thompsons pig out. I to saloon. Saw him about it. Cloudy. Home. I got green corn & beans. Mrs. Button here ((Dec.2.1911.1:28.p.m.)) [Page 386] September 29. 1862. for some time. Higg. engaged several years. Mrs. B apologized about Buttons joke, l’hiver passé. (See Feb 4 1862.) She to Scoffield’s. Late dinner. I to D. Fixed yard, and stove pipe on kitchen roof. Got papers. Home. Read. Cloudy. N, cool. F. here. Old Mrs. Brown here. Mond. 29. Cloudy. N.E. I am afraid Mrs. Olinhaus’s children will come on the Town, if she goes to jail with the other. I out. Mowed and put up 9 co*cks. P.M. La better. F. at E’s. Elliot, Mathews & Willy Fiederling with B. here. I out. Mowed and put up 7 co*cks. B. drove hogs from field. I to town. The women paid costs, and are home. Home. B. here for me to go to Dr. Ashmore. I found playing cards. I to Dr’s all night. Dr. A. came. Leon colic, fever &c. 10 cts. 1 day Tuesd 30. Foggy, cloudy and rainy. Leon better. Home. La better. B. found Browns sow in field, and she drove him out. I got dejuner. Rainy. I arranged my trunk; mended gun stock &c. Slacked. PM. I on Fox to town. Told Brown & Jim T. of their hogs. I got 10 cts ink of Higg. He wants me to help him about School business. I to E.s. Leon better. Pete bought her young “Red” cow and large calf for $20. She did well. I to bridge. Owen, Hiller, Harding, Bowker, Barnard and Pete there. Looked at bridge and made additions to the plan. Near dark sold the job to Owen, Hiller & Harding for $285. Scrip & $15. cash. Lost a stirrup. Home late. B colic. I read f. paper. La no worse. F. to Dr’s. Clouded up, warm. ((Dec.2.1911.1:33.p.m.)) [Page 387] October 1 1862.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (271)

Samuel J. Readers Private Journal & Day Book. Indianola Shawnee Co. Kansas. Loyal North. Wed. 1. Rain in night. Warm. B better & La. Mon hanche plus mal. Je borteuse un peu. Pigs here. I to town. Higg gave me Township book. I got at P.O. L.C., a letter from Frank and one to F. from Mrs. Augell in La Harpe, Ill. Dr. A. gave me 2 bottles of medicine for Leon. I to E’s. Frank was in days battle (2nd Bull Run and skirmishes) and is safe. Home. P.M. F. on Fox to Kemps. I got melons, and began to clear smoke house. 7 pigs here. I worked 1/4 of a day, and at last got them in pen! I wrote advertisem*nts. Bonem got corn. Mrs. Bonem & Brown here. Jeems W. took charge of Jane’s torn clothes. I to town with B-m. Je lui donne quatre melons. I put up 3 notices. I to P.O. Got f. paper and NYT. Saw and spoke to Mr. Hines (qui’est) as sleek as an eel. Home. F. got Charlotte Kemp. “Gule” wanted to come. McN’s baby dead. I read at night. Cleared off. Thurs. 2. Foggy. La better. I no go in army at present. Took Drs cow & calf home. One pig out. I got it in again. Mike Hunt here awhile. Josey Ragland here for quilt frames. I in field. Mowed a few swathes. B. fired 4 shots at mark, to warn “hog-men”. Rainy. We home. Got melons. PM. I mended gate and poling fence. Fixed smoke house door. Moved picket pig pen. Bowker here electioneering. I mended saddle. Pig out again. I on Fox to Sch. house. Made affidavit before Kestler about swine. I and others were sworn in; given the ((LION.)) word and sign &c. Elected officers viz: Morgan, Capt. Lieut. S. Reader Ser’gt Hiller Treasr. Erwin, Clerk, Stamp Ch-n. I on Committee. Home late. S, pleasant. Clear. ((Dec.2.1911.1:40.p.m.)) [Page 388] October 3. 1862. Frid 3. Clear. S. Windy. Up late Hanche plus mal et j’ai le mal au gorge. I read. I squeezed out melon juice. B and I caught pig. [shorthand] &c. A hog split ends of B’s fife. I arranged smoke house. PM. La not so well. Very windy. S. and warm. I have a bad cold. A letter from Dr. He was nearly taken prisoner. Ritchie at Topeka. Mrs. Bl. here for me to “back a letter” to Eugene. He the flux & a cold. I wrote on back of envelope: “Mon ami Eugene, J’recu votre letter de le 16 Septembre, l’autre jour et je le reponsrai bientot. SJ Reeder. I to E’s. Got 6 panes of glass of here. I offered to pay her what La owes her ($6.45) but she no change. B to town with Mrs. Bl’s letter and tea to return to Higg. Mon Hauche me pas si mal. F ironing. Looks like rain. B. home with other tea. I to bed early. Began to rain, N. F. read Dem. Sat 4. Clear. N.E. still. Still. La the same. Mon hauche tres mal. Can hardly walk. I knocked four of our Kittens on the head. My cold worse. (B out; Saw our horses at Charley Vieux’s.) Mrs Stewart here and applied for aid from Township. Charlotte R. got a cabbage. Dine tard. PM. Clear, N.E. I put John in buggy, took corn to H – mill and gun & self to Sch. h. 60 or 70 men there. Rep’s & Dem’s split. We appointed Delegates viz: Jack Curtis, Sam Reader, Ben Kistler, Bill Morgan. Geo Carpenter & Gregg retreated with monde de whisky. Lieut Fulton

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (272)

drilled us awhile. 7 or 8 of the Committee at Sch. till after dark on secret business. I home late. Hanche pas mal. Cold, bad. Sund 5. Cloudy, sprinkle. S.E. La better. Up and reading. I am better. Fox broke loose in night. Mrs. Bl. at two different times bought 20 cts stamps of me. F. on John to sch. house. No S.S. Home. Cloudy, warm. I wrote to Frank viz: DB your anxiously looked for letter came to hand the other day, relieving us all from much trouble of mind for fear you had been killed or taken prisoner during the terrible battles near Bulls Run; We seeing by the ((Dec.2 .1911.3:47.p.m.)) [Page 389] October 4 1862. papers that your Division and Brigade had taken a very active part in the engagements. Your peril is very great still, but as you have escaped so many dangers so far we can reasonably hope that your good luck will still attend you. We are in tolerable health only. My Aunt has been sick with the bilious fever for some weeks, but is now (XXXX). Leon had a rather severe attack of the chills and spasms ((FITS)) not long ago and still unwell. I don’t feel very well myself having taken a bad cold while attending a meeting late at night not long ago for the purpose of [XXXX] horse stealing. We hear from the Dr. about once a week. In his last letter he said he came very near being taken prisoner while on his way in an ambulance from Headquarters to his camp. Col R. is now at Topeka and will probably be Court Martialed for arresting Col. Judson of the K. 6th. The Dr. says he (R.) murdered 5 prisoners in cold blood in their Camp. Without any defense being allowed them, and it was afterwards found that one of them an old white headed man was a Unionist and has 2 sons in a K Reg. He also allowed his men or Indians to plunder indiscriminately. In one instance they robbed the blankets from a bed on which lay a sick woman. Our weather has been quite wet for some time which interferes with haying some what. The Secesh Dem, and quasi loyalists of this Township held a primary meeting yesterday with the Rep to send 4 Delegates to the Co. Convention Rep. After considerable bickering it was found we could not amalgamate. The Dem. will hold a meeting tomorrow. Indianola has had several disturbances lately. In one case 7 ladies of the town went to a little Dutch Shoemaker’s and drove a young woman of very questionable reputation from his premises. A number of the girls male sympathizers belonging to a certain and almost the only class in Indianola had these ladies arrested for assault and battery. They took a change of venue and were tried at Topeka and were unjustly I think fined $1. My hopes for the amendment of Ind. are less & less every day. I am afraid it will never rise from the sink of corruption in which it is now wallowing. I can think of nothing more to write. Your affectionate brother. Samuel J. Reader. P.S. How do you like Old Abes proclamation. I think it is a splendid thing & likely to shorten the war, as well as being a duty due to Humanity. I was stupid for not finding out that word “REGARD”. Excuse my short letter. Samuel J. Reader [shorthand].

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (273)

Julie Bellmore here. Cloudy. I dressed a chicken for La. Eliza Milne here but left soon. McN. here, then Charlotte Kemp. Late dinner. PM. McN. left. Je parte fransais avec Julie. Je joue au le flute &c. E. here for candles. S, pleasant. Fox up. [shorthand] Mond 6. Up early. Clear, S, windy. I put B’s new rope on Fox. La up sewing B’s pants. Hanche mal. Cold better. Josey & Belle Ragland and Mrs. Bl. here. Je parle le francais, bon a Mrs. F. with Miss R to Pucketts to get pictures. I mended little gate and pantry door. B. and I on Fox to creek. We got a lot of paw-paws and 4 hoop – poles. Home. PM. B. and I took Dr’s buggy and harness home. Home. Rob Puckett in Fuykendalls carriage. I to P.O. Got for E’s & me. 60 cts stamps. Clinton owes me ((Dec.3.1911.11.a.m.2.)) [Page 390] October. 7th 1862. Henry Davidson deserted. $1.40 for want of change. I have made me no a/c yet with E. &c. A great crowd of Pro-Slaveries in town. Jim T. wants me to take one of his pigs for pay. Home late. Pete here late. “Saw 6 men ride by to West. (They were Fullers & others, stealing horses. Oct 24.08.) Tuesd 7. Clear. S, windy, warm. La better. Geo Young, Payne and others here before day and got saddle to hunt horse thieves. 5 horses taken last night. I hooped a barrel finely. P.M. F. to Augells. I put 2 hoops on another barrel. Very windy and disagreeable. I to town. A rain came up. A crowd out after the six thieves towards Ft. Scott. Payne told me that the Dem Convention in town last night put me on a Committee of some kind. Saw Sgt. Kistler. I got LC and a letter from Wm. Wendel. Henry Davison has deserted at Bowling Green. Slacked. Home. Read &c. I found my revolver case. Rain. Wed. 8. Cloudy, rain all night. La up getting dejune. My cold better. Hip & thigh mal encore. N. Cloudy. Tue un poulet. I to town. Got of Puckett 45 cts. pepper. Got 50 cts of his shinplasters. Horse thieves most caught. Saw Davison. Sorry that Henry deserted. ((Would rather have heard of his death &c.)) I wrote to Wm. Wendel. PM. Cloudy. Some rain. Andy & Wm. Carpenter here to hunt cattle, then Geo. I wrote. B drove hogs from field with horse and in town. He went round field with gun and shot a sparrow hawk. Jeems was afraid he would shoot his hogs. (He had better be!) Pete here. NE. Still, cloudy. (I wrote to Will Wendel) viz: WW D. I recd yours of the 30 of Sep with great pleasure and was much interested with your c/c of your hard marching and operations against the Rebel Bragg. From you’re a/c and from what I have heard from others a soldier must lead a very hard life; and it must be much worse when the soldiers as in your case have to confidence in the com’g Gen’l officers, so as to find out the good ones. My brother is luckily well off in this particular. He belongs to the 2nd Va. Reg. in Milroys Brigade and Sigels Davison. Both these Generals are considered “tip top” especially the latter who is known in the 2nd Va. as “The Flying Dutchman.” My brother has been in * a number of hard battles. The last one at Bull Run where he was in 5 days fight. He said he didn’t expect to

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (274)

get out alive*. We were much surprised to hear that Henry Davison has deserted. I saw his father today. He said he would ((Dec.3.1911.2:22.2.)) *But Frank Reader is alive yet. 1911. [Page 391] October 000 A.D. 1862. Big fight in Indianola. (Reported.) rather Jenry had remained even if he had died ((He died last Summer in Mo. 1911.)) than to have had him desert. It is likely that Henry’s Seceoh relatives at Bowling Green persuaded him to leave the Union Army. We have not much news. Ed DeWolf, Blondel and Jim Bryan enlisted about one month ago. I thank you for your advice, and will think twice before I join the army, even if I were situated so I could join without damage to our business, not because I do not sympathize with the war, but for fear I might cause a panic when we should come to a fight; as you know that I am naturally adapted fir “retreating in good (dis) order.” On the evening of the 4th of Sept. last a most terrible battle was fought in Indianola. I was fortunately not in town at the time but I have heard from others who were there as well as from the official reports. So I think my account may be tolerably reliable and I shall try to give it so a military man like yourself can understand it. It appears that a fancy young lady, to use no harsher term, named Jane Jones established her headquarters in Billy Prinsseits shoemaker and deeming her intrenchments. Secure an knowing she had a force of Sympathizing friends within striking distance, she boldly bid defiance to all moral restraint and to the respectable ladies of Ind’a in particular. Mrs. B.B. T.O. and T. (Jim’s wife) after holding a council of war determined on a vigorous policy and forthwith set out for little Bill’s house. Billy can hardly be a true German, for he fled as their approach and took refuge in the Clinton house. The attacking force filed through the gate and by a skillful maneuver gained possession of the back door without the loss of a man (or woman rather). Having Jane in their power the ladies offered her terms to the effect that she should march out of town with her baggage and equipage on condition of never returning. A “Big” wholesouled Dutchman” named Hederick endowed with a truly Teutonic courage now came on the ground and Mane being thus reinforced refused the terms of capitulatioin. To fight or to retreat was now the only alternative and the former was resolved upon. The ladies seized Jane by the dress and in the scuffle she lost nearly off of her clothing some of them say by her dress catching on the bed post. She fought like a lion and throwing her arms around Hedricks neck defended herself mule fashion with her feet. The battle was raging at its greatest fury with Dr. Ashmore came charging amoug them with the greatest gallentry yet shown by any of the combattants. The happy coming of this son of Chivalry turned the tide of battle in Janes favor which was scarcely counter balanced by a reinforcement on the other side consisting of Mrs. Stewart and Miss DuPee a girl living with Mrs S’t Hedrick put a blanket around Jane and escorted her out of danger to the rear, as she was rather badly “Cut up”. The ladies now evacuated the contested field neither defeated nor as victors. It was a drawn fight. The following is a list of the casualties: Killed – Half the men in town morally and politically. Wounded Mrs F. severely in the arm from the blow of a bottle in the hands of Jane J. Hederick: Several contusions, not dangerous. Missing – the Prusseit; during the engagement. The next day off sever of these ladies were arrested by the “harpies of the law” and four of them were fined $1 and costs. I tell you well made. I glory in the lidies spunk. Our weather has been quite wet for some time past. Mouen is rather scarce. Puckett and Geo. Young have issued shinplasters. Cy.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (275)

Higg. and Miss Button were married Sept 15. E. Plummer and Miss Bowker were married the next Sunday after. We got a letter from Dr B yesterday. He is on the way to Carthage Mo. He says the Indians are [XXXX] . Col Ritchey is under arrest for some misdemeanor. Mr. Barnard & wife, and family came here about a month ago. There is some dispute among the people whether one of the men in the front rank of the “Jayhawkers” is or is not Richard Russel. Please send me a list of all of your names in your next XXXX To be continued. I wrote in French to Eugene Caye. La making my pants. Cloudy. N.E. Still. Mon nez mal. F reading. Pete here. He hunts &c. ((Dec.3,1911.4:20.p.m.)) [Page 392] October 9. 1862. Thurs 9. Cloudy, raw. La quite well. I copied letter to Eugene: Eugene, Mon ami Eugene, Eufiron le premiere de ce-mois-ei je recu une letter de vous date 16 et conime je suis ecrivout a Wm. Wendel aujourd hai je pense que je euwayer une billet et si bous ne sais pas avec botre reg, Mr. Wendel le garder pour vous jusque au le lemps guard vous reviendez de hopital. Je suis passablement bien mais je prit ur rheume au cervean et un petit mal a la hanche. Na tante vait molsde depuis un mois. Elle est ineilleur a present. Le garcon le plus agie de le Dodeur est malade un beancoup. Le Dr est encore avec son reg. Volre tarte est tout seul comine Bl est parle pour le geure daus le 11 Reg. Tairte est tout seue comine Bl est parte de la sien le mais passé a voud en Auglais, vous doumant un description de la combat des femmes denis Ind. If une tablian de le merne. Nous avous un beaucoup des voleurs des chevaux environ nois maintenant, Deux etais pendu a Manhattan l autre jour liu cheval de a Notthous etait prit un mois passé et ce seinaine sept on hurt chevoux for vole de John Youn et eutres homes. Votre jement est sauf – Que pursez vows de la proclamation de le Pruit sur le supet negre? Je pense que it est tors bon; le merlleur choseque il a fait dans sa vie. Il fait de la plne en abundance pour le demier mois. Je suie fache que vous ete molade toujous mais je soukait que guand vous recwez ma letter vous vat res bien Je us’ai pas encore Je ai’ pas encore d importe a ecrirs votre vtai ami. Samuel J. Reader. La quite well. Red Elliott here with saddle. I paid him 50 cts shinplaster for scraper. B. shot another hawk. I wrote Mrs. & Miss Wendel here. Geo. Wm. & Andy Carpenter here; got steer and heifer. B off with them. E. Cloudy. Sprinkle. Concluded of Wendels letter – A number of horse thieves took 7 or 8 horses from this neighborhood last Monday night – No more at present. Respy PS Please give the enclosed note to Mr. Caye if he has returned from the hospital. My best wishes to squire Rose and all the rest of my friends and acquaintances in your regiment. S.J. Reader. I played flute after a late dinner. I took Mrs. & Miss Wendel home in wagon. No meal. Teamsters stealing Hardings rails. B. to P.O. Got N.Y. & L.C. I read. Cloudy. N.E. Cool

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (276)

Frid 10. Clear. N windy, cold. Up late. I am poisoned again. B and I ground Scythe, axe and 2 pair scissors nicely. Mrs. Olinhaus here for Stewarts horse. I got things ready. Jack T. & Hedrick here to see pigs. Jack will give 2 for rest &c. P.M. N.N.E. Breezy, cool, clear. Hitched up. B. and I to my field. We burnt grass on W side and some on S. nicely. Dr. Ashmore hunting Geo. Young. They have caught a horse thief. We got load of burnt rails. Home. Cool. Old Kit down and can’t get up. (Old, like myself now. Oct 27, 08.) Fed & watered her. Read at night. ((Dec.4.1911.11.p.m.2.)) [Page 393] October 11. A.D. 1862. Quinine $4 pr. oz. Sat. 11. Clear. Heavy frost. Ice like window glass. Still Je porte uies pants neuf. Morris Roebacker here for his sow. I shot a prairie hen in locust tree. B red Old Kit. She is 200 yds. S. of stable. Mrs. Fiederling got up and screamed in street (SOMNAMBULISM.) in her sleep last evening. B. and I on Fox. Clinton came. Paid me the $1.40 cts he owed. I to ferry. Raglan there. He made F. with Fox cross and take me over slough. I to Clerks office. Looked at law. McArthur wants my support for Dist. Clerk. I bought for E. 1/2 ounce quinine $2. 5 yds. flannel $2.50. For self 10 cts gayac; No change, no pay. Bowker, Carpenter and others electioneering, “log rolling” &c. I looked on and enjoyed the fun. Lieut. Fulton button holed me for awhile and said: “You’re a good little fellow.” Geo. C. said: “He’s not so very little.” I gave Jack Curtis Subscription list. Billings showed me 2 crayon drawings. We all before Committee on credentials. Curtis, Kistler, Morgan and I got our seats. (Jack Curtis in his speech said: “They didn’t expect to see Wild Jack and the Half Breeds.” & he told Albert P. “ Some of the Half breeds are white as you and I & a damned whiter [XXXX]”) PM. Met in Convention. Bowker withdrew as a candidate and Sqr. Brockway was nominated. Carpenter no office. Kistler in as Co. Comm-r. I drew Gregg nicely. Adjourned. Charley Carpenter invited me to bring F and see his family. Spoke of my pas venu l’autre temps avec Mlle. Cox. No excuse now! I crossed slough behind Louis Pappan. Ferrage 20 cts. La argent. Home after sunset. La well. F at E’s. Charlotte Kemp gone. Elle vole’deux quarters et autre choses. I to P.O. Got Dem & L.C. To E’s. then home. B’s lip sore. He shot a big hawk! DEATH OF OLD KIT. Sund 12. Frost, Clear, still. Kit nearly dead. I to E’s. Settled with her in part for La, who owes her $1.50 yet and I owe La 5 cts. postage stamps. I mended E’s door latch. Home. F to S.S. and home. I painting Miss Milnes picture. PM. S.W. Clear, warm. I painted, read &c. Mon hanche meilleur. At 2 or 3 La to old Kit and found her dead. I read Tribune. I burnt grass at stable & hog pen, some. I read f. story at night “Les Miserables,” is a splendid story, (in the original French) ((Dec.4.1911.11:11 a.m.)) [Page 394] October 13. 1862. LEON TAKEN

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (277)

Mond 13. Clear. Up very early. Some frost. I in field, mowed and winrowed a lot of hay. Saw Dr A – e & John Ogee hunting. “Knights of the Golden Circle,” broken up at Rising Sun yesterday. Home; Got colt in stable. PM. B and I drew in one (the green) hay and put it on my small stack. B’s mouth sore. I to E-‘s; took all & F. to Pucketts. I on town site; got few grapes, nuts, wood and paw paws. I to P – s (Photo gallery). Leon & Dades pictures taken well. E. was tired but she looked like the witch of Endor. All home. Wind got N. and cold. Smoky [shorthand]. I read Dem. Cold. Arch. Williams [XXX] here drunk. He thought a his squall was “and Indian war cry.” [XXX] ((See next day.)) ((Leon sick. La at E all night.)) X 10 cts. O $4.70. Tuesd. 14. Cold Clouds. N. B. around field I topped out hay stacks and put weight poles on. Sprinkly. I in field; righted up the hay co*cks. Steady. Tom, and 4 other ponies in field. I drove them out. I to town. Got pictures of Puckett and paid him $1.50. I to Higg. Got E 15 cts starch and 15 cts envelopes and 10 cts for me. La argent. La owed E $1.50 and today E gave her $5. More so La now owes her $4.70. I have a 50 cts. postage stamp; first one. La has $9.20 in silver (Hoarding it). PM. I hitched up. B and I took rails around field where a colt broke in this AM and then in E’s woods and on river near ferry. Got a pail full of paw paws; and some grapes. Picked up little wood and home. Leon not well to night. La there. Arch. Williams here drunk tonight (said he belonged to Gen. Meaghu staff.) “A.W. met La coming home, and told her there were Secesh around, and that he would protect her.” Wed. 15. Clear, Still. B and I got the load of old hay in field and put it on E’s shed. PM. La sleepy. I drew in 8 or 10 turnips and got all the melons and gave to the hogs. B & I gathered 5 rows of Bonems sod corn; Got 1/6 wagon load. I to P.O. Got my N.Y.T., L.C. and Medical. Brown, Bonem & others home. Brown got his horses. Perry Fuller (He was afterwards hung.) had sold them. I saw Mrs Stewart ((Dec.4.1911.11:20.a.m.)) [Page 395] October 16. A.D. 1862. about business &c. Thief meeting next Sat. Clear. X $3 X 75 cts. Thurs 16. Clear, still, Up early. Jeems’ hogs get in his own field now. Good!!! (I killed 6 pups for her when I came home, our kitten.) She digging potatoes. Home. NW. Clear, warm. La at town. Got B shoes $1.50, and cloth for his pants $1.50. B took 7 doz eggs, got tea 65cts & candle wick 10 cts. PM. La & B to Smiths ferry. Got ponies as far as Bls, when she set dogs on them and drove them off. I dug a lot of potatoes. I to P.O. Got L.C. Saw Roberts. (Horse thief.) I to Stewarts. Davison there. He allowed Mrs S. should have $5. Per week &c. Home. La fache contra Mrs. Bl. and her fool dogs. ((I thought it awful funny. 1911.))

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (278)

Frid 17. Smoky, still, pleasant. Mary Miles at E’s hier car le carriage a alle a Holton to sue John Bryan for lui insulte grossment!! B. and I a cheval. We near C. Vieuxs; found our horses and drove them home. Put Belle, Cass & Vesta in yard. PM. La to E. B and I dug all the potatoes. Mon hanche me trouble. I to P.O. Ne rien. Saw Payne; He don’t want to buy a horse. S, clear. VIGILANCE COMMITTEE. Sat 18. Clear, pleasant. Up twice in night for a skunk. Failed. Kit smells bad. Bouem gathering his corn. I hooped and mended barrels. PM. W. Clear. We took potatoes in wagon to E’s and put them in cellar. E’s & F. at our house. B. and I to my field; fired all the N. side finely. Got pawpaws near Bouems. Home. I tinkered around. On Fox to P.O. at night. Got LC. I to Sch.h.; But few there. Matthews has lost wheat. We daus bois pres de pout (at Indianola Bridge;) et looked for Roberts. I in town, conurel un espoi et tronve. R. Stopped Cummins on his way to Mile’s with whiskey to please old woman. Camped till day light, and old G.P. Clark told funny stories, & Matthews rolled and laughed. ((Dec.5.1911.10:10.a.m.)) [Page 396] October 19. 1862. MOB LAW. Sund. 19. Clear, still. Cool. Notre crowd: Morgan, Clark, Bickelle, Geo. Kistler, Joe Kopp, Matthews, McNown, John Bryan, and Self separated. Home & big Indian got in house, and asleep last night. (Scared La awfully. She drove him out.) I read awhile and then went to bed, avec chats. Awake at noon. F. from meeting. Mrs. C. Carpenter there. P.M. I read. Drew F’s picture. I in town. Saw Thompsons & Dr’s. cap and coat as disguise. I on Fox with rifle to McN. We North of Hughe’s field; found 13 or 14 there. Held a Council. We to Old”Ham’zes”; Routed him. Roberts there. Sa femme wouldn’t let him come out to us for awhile. McN., (Geo. Kistler, Morgan, and others in and made him come out. Old Ham pushed (Geo. Kistler) and stormed; Will sue &c. Joe Kopp, I had to keep (him from shooting Old Ham) de lui donne ver coupde fusel. Morgan’s (knife in hand.) couteau a la main. La fille venu a moi (avec grand) peur. Wanted me to make them stop. We formally warned Roberts to leave in 10 days. He will go. Warned Hays. He refused to go at all, (Said: “I’ll die first. I’ve never been driven out before & Ill not be now. If there’s law in the land I’ll sue you all.” Talked around. All to D’s. Hams at Rambo house. Warned him. He took if cooly. Morgan killed a skunk, and McN one. Home. Sleepy. Clear, Still. Old Norberry Capt. Abe Marple weakened. Would not lynch. Mond 20. Clear, still. Pete here for mare. B to town for wheelbarrow, Failed. I cleaned smoke house. We began to make krout there. P.M. Clear, smoky, warm. S, Windy. Made krout. Bouem drew all La’s corn in; 2 loads. Vine G-m & Dents (tooth). Brown here. Told of Jean Bryan. [shorthand]. Je joue a la fife our le toit. Tuesd 21. Smoky, clear. N.W. warm. F a E’s toujours. We finished krout. Barrel more than 1/2 full. I made press boards for it. PM. N. Still, clear, warm. La & B a cheval for cows. Mrs Bl. & Julie Bellmore here. I talked French to them. I cleaned up yard nicely. I to E’s. Burnt

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (279)

some grass in garden. Home. La & B came with our cows and calves. Carpenters cow & calf and Cora & calf. Played flute. ((Dec 5.1911.9.p.m. Was at old Settlers 57th an.)) [Page 397] October 22. 1862. Wednesday 22. Smoky, Still. Got Cora’s calf tied up. I took some of La’s bitters. I hitched up. B & I over creek in my woods. Got load of wood & paw paws. Many too green. Home. I got 40 stakes at E’s field and put at my crib. Saw heiress Ecossias (Miss Eliza Milne.) et le famille, and Browns & Bonems. I retouched Eliza Milnes picture. E. Clear. PM. We to my woods this side of creek. Got load of wood and 4 rails. Plenty of paws. Mrs. Augell here. O.T. to be home soon. Kate Hindman etait ici. Told of the “Turpentine” War. (Jane Jones & others.) I built fence around my crib. I burnt at E’s garden. Thurs. 23. S.E. Clouds, smoky. Hanche – y. (Lame hip) Colt in field. B and I tethered in our half of Bouems Sod corn. 2/3 load. Put it in gurn. (I at E, fixed a crib.) PM. S.W. Clear. Smoky. B. & I got in about all my sod corn, 3/4 load. I gave it to La. We have 4 calves up now. Cant milk Cora or Briggs. I to P.O. Got N.Y.T. Saw Davison. Says I will do well if Mrs. Stewart keeps Robert for $5. Saw Jim Kuyke. Rheumatism in shoulder. Home, Read, S. Windy, warm. Fires W. Frid. 24. Cold, N, windy: Very Smoky. Je prit un peu de quinine to cure my poison. I to E. Fixed my crib and built part of a fence around stacks. Took E’s small bedstead downstairs. Home. N. windy, colder and colder. ) 30. Freezing. Scoffield here. He got $35 in a letter. B. et moi un bombardment avec pieces de pie, melon. PM. Hewed up 2 pieces for ax handles. Pigs in field. B. about a tirer gund [shorthand] Cummins came along. I to P.O. Got L.C., Dem. and R. Delquest. Home. Read Les Miserables aloud: “Deux malheurs meles font du Bonheur.” Awful cold. Sat 25. Up late. Ground white. ) 22. N. Clear; awful cold. I mended 4 chairs. Mrs Bl here afraid Caye’ is dead ((Dec.5.1911.11 p.m.2.)) [Page 398] October. 26. 1862. PM. Clear. N., not so cold. F here. B. to E. to dig potatoes. I there. We burnt grass in S. part of pasture. Hone. Mended cow yard gate. I to P.O. with rifle. Got L.C. Saw Norbury, Stamp &c. Home. Read &c. After B. and I had quit telling & clawing in bedroom, with cats, we heard hens squall. Up & found nothing. Squalling again. Up and saw a skunk back of smoke house under trash; Fired shot gun at it. Then rifle and it “went up the spout.” Gave 3 cheers. Clear, still, cold. “A MORT LES SKUNKS!” Sund 26. Clear. S., frosty. Je cherche des cochous daus champs manque’. F here. Leon 2 fits. La to F. to E’s. (I turned horses out.) Bet mor shot descless. [shorthand]. I to E’s. Leon better.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (280)

I got Dem. Home. PM. B. dug all e’s pounnes de terre 1 1/2 & F there. I made 2 horn ferrules & put them on Rose’s clarinet. Mrs. Bl. home. I played on clarinet finely. Geo & Wm Carpenter here to inquire about cow. Wants La et moi a alle chez lui. Je jone a la violin au soir 1st time for month. Mond 27. Clear. S. Warmer. I run a pewter ferule on B’s fife. I fixed fence around crib and put up open fence W of hog pen. La making me a flannel shirt. B picking locust seeds. PM. I made more fence 11 or 12 panels in all. La to Jeems a voir lenfant neuf. B. and I burnt grass around hog pen and fence. Clear, warm S. Saw a fire in Bls E fence. Got mittens. B & I there. I pulled down fence and stopped fire, and then we began to save fence. Mrs. Bl. about crazy and doing no good. About 150 rails burnt up. Bellmore, Leonard and Joe came. B. & I home at dusk. Je port le eagle figure and bugle a mon chapeau. La at home. Heard that the “spunk” ladies had sheep-shears & turpentine. Je joue. Fiddle. Clouds. Tuesd 28. Clear. W. Still. All cows gone but Kaw. I to [Page 399] October. 29. 1862. Bls. Leonard, Joe and then Bellmore came. We put up all the fence; Part shanghai [shorthand] cochon grand. Took dine. PM. N.W. Home. A big fire on my hills. B. & I over cr. Fire in my woods No 3. I beat out a long time. Saw Higg and Red Elliott. Matthews lost 2000 rails last night. Paw paws ruined. Home. I am tired. I read &c. E. here in night with a letter from Express office. La whipped cats out. 0 $4.10 0 .60. Wed 29. Clear. Smoky, warmish. I to town and got horses. I got a box of matches for La of Higg but pas paye’. No change. Home. Hitched up. B & I to Topeka. (Left E’s watch at Ortman’s) I got E. turpentine, 25 cts & oil 25 cts. and paid Giles 10 cts. and got the package $4.70 pirsters. La’s argent. La owes E. now $4.10. L. McArthur wants my &c. I to Clerks office. Got General Laws of Kansas, and Election books. I got a lot of things for E. at Larients, and paid him in part $5. For her. Mrs. L. made moi prendre un piece de pie. We to H. mill. Got meal. To E’s; then home. Harriet Marple and Sophie Wendel here. Then Eliza and Rosa Milne came. I plaed flute. PM. Played and sang. I drew another sketch of Eliza M=e. All left. B got f. paper. I read and translated “Les Miscrables” to La & B. S windy; Plenty of fires about. HARDING’S MILL BURNED. Thurs 30. Hanche et dos mal. Clear. S.W. B and I in woods at Bouems. A fire has been there. I secured it. We over in woods No. 3. Got load of wood. Home. Pitch fork lost off. We back; found it and got more wood. PM. S.W. very windy, warm. Willy Mc.N. here. Hardings mill burned down last night. Fire out in woods No. 2 again. B & I with team to Bonems. His stack nearly burnt. Hitched. B, Rob Ogee and I at my SE. corner. Fire is just scampering. We back fired to creek, and kept it out of my woods. B took team home and came back at dark with Fox.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (281)

((Dec.6.1911.3.p.m.)) ((MUST HAVE BEEN INCENDIARY FIRES. 1911.)) [Page 400] October 31st 1862. High S.S.W. wind. Packed water and put out old logs &c. I near woods No 4. Beat out fire. B. sleepy. He found a single bladed black knife. Hard work. About 11 or 12 we came home. Clear, windy. S.S.W. After we were in bed some time, La routed us to protect hens. At last we found a skunk in pantry. I shot it in head with Shot gun; then saw another I shot it with rifle and they “sent up two spouts.” An awful “fugo.” ((Two skunks sent to thin “long homes!”1911.)) Friday 31 X 10 cts. 31. Clear. S.W. Not so windy. Very warm. Smelly. Mon hauche et dos meilleur. B & I with team to woods. No. 2. Willy McN with us awhile. I looked after fires &c. B got a pail of grapes. I cut and brought home a hickory poles. PM. SW. by S., breezy. We got all my sod corn and 5 rows of Bonems in for hogs. Saw smoke in woods. I there on Fox. Put it out, but no danger. B. came, Mrs BL etait ici in PM avec un letter de Eugene’s Sisters photograph. Home, I read Dem. In bed early. S.S.E. wind. Samuel J. Reader. Indianola Kansas. U.S.A. [shorthand] (July 27,1863. As I write Mrs Blondel is here just from the Army & is telling about killing Bushwhackers in Mo. He has on a long tailed blue coat & a black hat, new pants of skyblue & very large shoes. He is speaking about Edward Deloria being killed. I have just written a letter for him to Fred Switze. He is talking of Ed. DeWolf. ((Dec. 6.1911.3:11.p.m.)) [Page 401] November 1 1862. Samuel J. Readers Private Journal & Daybook Indianola Shawnee Co. Kansas. GREAT POLITICAL SPEECHES! Sat. 1. Wind changed N. in night. Cool, cloudy. Windy. I let horses out. B. out to see fires. I to Dr’s. Banked up house & cellar. B. came with L.C. A letter from Dr. He is at Pea Ridge &c. A letter to me from Mat (Elle est 18 yrs old.) Frank was home. Thin of flesh &c. Mlle. Gregg me envoye les respects – B. and I burnt grass N. of stacks. Home. P.M. Cloudy, cold N.W. I put up several panels of open fence. Cleared. I to woods. All right. Home. After dark Mr. Giles here lost. B and I with him to Indianola. I inquired of him about relief of Poor &c. Norbury says Ham will not leave and Doc. & Roberts threaten to do damage to us. Joe Copp lost 1500 rails & Matthews the same. Jim T. told of his scrapes with Mrs Olinhaus &c. McArthur came; Wanted to treat me. After Masonic Lodge broke up (Clinton nominated me & I called)

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (282)

[shorthand] I was elected chairman. [shorthand] meeting to order et dit: “Le object de ce meetings is for the car le purpose de entendu les speeches politique de des messieurs present. McArthur being called upon spoke of retrenchment &c. Then Arch Williams jun, about “half sprung” gave us an odd kind of speech full of vulgarisms (as he called them). Finished. We home late. Sund 2. Clear, still, sharp, frosty. I wrote Notices of Robt. Stewart. Read law &c. (Brought krout dans cuesine hier.) Some car dine. PM. Clear, still, pleasant. I overhauled my box &c. I re arranged E. Milness dress in her picture. I to E’s. Josey & Belle Ragland there. B. came. Said Mr. C McDonough was at home. I over, talked news &c. Je joue a la flute et violin. Clear, pleasant. Charley Gilchrist is Capt. (Was a Brevet Brig Gen. of Colored troops, afterwards. (Nov.10.1908.5 p.m.) ((Dec.6.1911.3:33.p.m.)) [Page 402] November 3, 1862. Mond 3. Clear, cool. Up early. Sat around. McD. And I to E. till 2 PM. I mended her door locks &c. Willy McN got our fork & Bls. Warm. We home. B. and I set fire S. of stacks. A fire at Bls. B there. I drove Thompsons hogs out of field, in town. Plenty of Topeka men in town. I saw Bowker. A big fire at Bellmores. I found Mrs. Stewart at Bouems. I told her of the new law &c. She is angry. I home. No danger of fire. Set up till late. Tuesd. 4. Election day. Clear. S, warm. (Rosy Milne here for F to go to Carpenters.) I to town with McD. He started to Mission. I got a ballot box of Clinton. Kistler swore in Davison & me Judges and Payne and Morgan Clerks. I then swore Kistler in. I to Mrs. Stewart. Read the law to her. She refuses to put Bob on County. We took votes. I gave Kistler, Morgan, Fulton, Gregg and others their scrip. Home. PM. I wrote out a subscription list for Bob Stewart. Many signed. I for 3 loads of wood &c. P.W.W.I saw a smoke near my field. I over creek; Fell in & wet feet. A fire in DeWolf’s woods S.E. of field. I beat it out. ((I think was Jim Thompson set the fire in revenge for making Jim take care of his hogs.)) More fire near DeWolf’s woods. S.E. of field. I beat it out. More fire near DeWolf’s house on other side. I stopped at Jeem’s house. Mrs. Ashmore there. Home. Changed clothes. I to E’s with bucket hoe &c. Got B. to go on John to fire. I to Election. I voted for Giles by mistake. I made out scrip for services today. B. to fires 4 or 5 times. ((Incendiary I think.)) About dark Green and Lieut. Fulton got in a fight. Also Jim T. & “Jeems”, Wallace &c. We read tickets. 83 votes. After dark we heard an awful uproar. Jim T. slug shotted Green, and Ashmore & others wanted to tear T.’s saloon down. Jack T. was badly hurt. ((Cy Kistler hit him with a brick bar on the head.)) We left Jacks office and went to Higg’s store for safety. Finished late. Dr. A “brave as a lion”. Wind got N. Cold. Good for fire. I to Jim Brown’s. Jim T. in custody there. B there. He home. Then I home about 11. La just in from Dr’s. F. was at Carpenter’s. Cold. N. (Exciting day. [shorthand] ((Ashmore told me to not interfere in the fracas. 1911.)) ((Dec.7.1911.9:46.a.m.)) [Page 403]

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (283)

November 5. 1862. (I weigh 179 lbs.) l $20. Pistol sold. l 25 cts. Wed 5. N. Some clouds, cold, windy. I to PO. Got letter from Dr. Town quieter. Fox and John in field. I hitched up. I to E’s. She read letter. Dr. buys my revolver for $20. I took F. to Raglands. Told me of Miss Em. Carpenter &c. I to Topeka. Got E’s watch and bought her a lot of things. I made return to Co. Clerk. I got 5 cts. stamps. My money. I weigh 179 lbs. I bought some things for Pete Tig. I found a ruler. Saw McVicar. To E’s. She paid me $20 for revolver. Home. Two Miss Cohees here Je mange et joue. Lieut Fulton was here for me today. Ladies started. I to P.O. Got LC. Bowker gave me list for Bob St. A number signed. To Davisons office. I on jury. Fined Jim T. $5 & costs. Ragland his lawyer (said on election day you should naturally expect a half dozen fights.) Full moon. Home. Thurs. 6. Je dormi daus grand chamber maintenance. Still. S. Clear. B and I with team to my field. I raked grass &c. from my S.E. worn fence. WMW. Got E a load of wood. Home late. PM. We to field. W, windy, cold. Mended rake. Got Mrs. Stewart a load of wood. Full moon. Windy N. I got NYT. LC. E a letter & f paper. I read Les Miserables. Frid 7. Clear N.W. Cool. (Took letter to Drs. An old one.) We with team through town to field. N.E. We burnt strip of grass inside field . SE bars to creek and partly in brush S of field. Brought plow. Home sans bois Mrs. Fiederling et enfants ici. PM. B and I over. I plowed in and out of field. Got load of wood for La. Home. Still Cool. Cy Kistler tried today for cracking Jack T’s head but nonsuited him (Jack). I read played X $1.50. Sat 8. Clear cool, still. Up just at daylight. B’s fife sounds well. I to Dr’s. Set a few stakes. A S wind. B and I to field with hoe, rake &c. Burnt grass inside of field and through my S. paling fence. Used 7 pails of water. Fine burn. Home at 2 ((Dec.9.1911.9:54.p.m.)) [Page 404] November 9. 1862. PM. S. Clear, pleasant. I mended hoe. La to E’s. B & I picked locust seeds. La got $1.50 of me, car souliers. Elle a $10.35 d’argent et $1. Billets. B. a $2.83 d argent Jai $6.85/ d’argent. (I set fire from here to Drs S.E.) I to P.O.. Got letter from Caye. Dem. and L.C. I put fire N de champs. Pleasant. I read Dem. Sund 9. Clear S. pleasant. [shorthand]. Jai mais pen ou non de mal daus hanche. I played flute. B. and La a Cheval for Drs tareau. I wrote to Ella viz: DSE: I recd Marthas letter of Oct. 22 about a week ago containing the interesting a/c of Franks visit to G.-. Nothing pleases me more than to hear of his strict morality, more praise is due him in this particular than for his gallant

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (284)

bearing in battle.++ Well, etc. Weather + Crops + Dr. & I weigh more than I [XX] did before. I am glad you were pleased with the picture of Indianola. It kept as its “good name” last Tues. (E day); Two men getting broken heads in a drunken brawl. One a Mr. G from the “Emerald Isle” was slung shotted by our friend Jim Thompson. His head was badly cut. Lawyer Jack T. was struck with a big rock on the side of his head and nearly killed. Being the T Trustee it was my duty to act as Inspector of Election, and I consequently saw little of the “fan”. It was after dark while we were counting the votes that the fracas began. I never heard such yelling before, and as we (the Board) were in a sort of shanty, we concluded discretion was the better part of valor and retreated into the store with thick log walls so no stray bullets might “pollute the ballet box or worse still, some of our heads. The chivalrous Dr. A. threw off his coat and drew 2 revolvers, swearing he would shoot the 2 T’s, and was with difficulty prevented from doing something desperate. When [XXXX] fall out honest men may get justice. If Frank sends any more communications to the papers please send me a copy. No more Excuse hasty I short letter &c. PS I shall send a picture soon &c. 0 $4 X $2.50 X 25 cts. Mond. 10. S. breezy, Smoky clear. Hogs in field last night from town. One of our pigs staggers. I turned it out. I to Puckets. Changed La’s shoes. Got E 10 cts nails. La argent. La owes E $4. I saw Jim & Jack. I to E’s, finished pasture, and fixed stock yard fence. Cut wood &c. I to P.O. Put 3 letters in. E. gave me $10. I paid Dr A $7.50; so I owe E $2.50. Hazy. ((Dec.7,1911.11:25.a.m.)) [Page 405] November 11 1862. Tuesd 11. Some rain in night. SW then NW, windy and cloudy. Mon hanche un peu mal. A shower. B and I ground an axe I got of E in kitchen but it’s too soft. I to EE’s cut wood. PM. I hitched up. Fox has been cut on right hind let and is some lame. I got E a load of chunks, by S. fence. B & I in field. Got up 5 rows of my corn; mostly husked. Harding here to see about money for bridge. La at E’s. Clear. La killed 6 chickens (petit*.) and gave E. 3. I pounded out corn at night in barrel. B. got L.C. TOM WALLACE TRADE. (Nov.12.1908. 5:56. p.m.) Wed. 12. Clear. Still, sharp. Stewart’s hoppy horse here to plunder. I pounded out corn; tinkered around &c. PM. La and B. to E’s while she went to DeWolf’s. I gathered and threshed out 2/3 pail of beans. Got turnips in. Steady and horses up. Fox better. I got corn in from field. La & B home. E can buy Tom Wallaces land for $400; 1/2 trade, Good. (E. sold 90 acres of it for $8750. Nov.12, 08.) B got NYT. I shelled corn. Have 4 sks. S. warm. I read N.Y.T. Thurs. 13. Clear, frosty. NE by E. La mange pain de farine toujours depuis sa maladre dermer. J’ aime le pain maise. I got in corn (for meal). Lizzie Davison here. F. came. I threshed out all the beans in garden. PM. S, warm, pleasant. I arranged Township a/c. Lizzie & F. to E’s. I in

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (285)

field; threshed out all the beans. Have more than 1/2 bu. I to P.O. Got Dem, LC, R. del’Ouist, a letter from BL. & one from Dr to me. Home. Read Les Miseables. Frid 14. Clear. N. Cooler. B to Raglands a cuilleur le bictin de champ de 300 soldats; Failed. Cold. McN. got wagon. I shelled corn. Cut wood for E. PM. La & B for Cass on horses. I put 4 hoops on a barrel. I shaved out an ax handle. La & B home late. Found Cass. E here at night. Tom Wallace up. He don’t want stock, but $400 cash. I to Drs all night. Played &c. ((Dec.7.1911.11:33.a.m.)) [Page 406] November 15. 1862. E. paid T.J. Wallace $2.31 cts & 875/1000 of a ct. per acre. CHEAP LAND. (Cheap enough. Nov. 13. 1908.) Sat 15. Clouds. S.E. Raw, cool. I cut wood for E. Home. I hitched up. B and I to my woods No 3 or town site. Got E a load of wood. Tom Wallace there. Will take $375.00 for his land. Bowker made out deed. PM. SE. Clouds Hazy. B and I in wagon to Topeka. I at Recorders office. No mortgage there. I to Hamiltons. Bought a black dress coat noir $9.50. I at Jake Smiths office. Wallaces land sold for Taxes in 60 & 61. Saw Lewis C. Wilworth. Asked me if the scrip he got of Mrs. Stewart is good. Saw Laurient. Sa femme n’est pass gruff a moi. Crossed river. Found a large plank. Got little sand and a few logs of wood. Got E’s tongs mended. Home. I to P.O. Letter from Frank at Beverly Va. and one to E from Fairchild containing Drs a/c against Wis. Battery. Dr. Ashmore ivre, Is a war Dem. Hutchinson has finished scraper. I in at Peters. Home. Cloudy sprinkle. I weighed at Topeka 183 lbs. B 85 lbs. I shot a skunk with rifle in pantry ce matin. I to E’s. All right. O 50 cts. = $3.50. Sund 16. Rain nearly all night. N.E. Cloudy. Misty. I wrote to Recorder of Deeds (of Jackson Co.) viz: Dear Sir: Will you be so kind as to examine your books and see if a Mortgage is on the SE & Sec. C. T 11 R owned by T.J. Wallace and inform by the return mail whether there is or is not. This T. (Soldier) formerly belonged to Jackson Co. as you doubtless know and as Mr. W. has offered his land for sale I am very anxious to know if any Mortgage was recorded in your Office against this land while we were attached to your Co. Please answer immediately and oblige. S.J. Reader. I to Bls. Dairs vetements neuf. Showed Bls. Letter to Mrs. Bl. Home. Pigs in field. N. Cloudy, hazy. P.M. I wrote to Bl. Auri E Bl. Je recu votre letter avant hier avec geancoup de plaisir. Vous me donniz un racoute interressant de la ballaille de Maysville et des autres choses. Je suis bien aise que votre sauté est si bon. Je neu une letter de le Doctour le muno jour de le votre. Il en vous voir de ses arnis. Nous nonr portous tres bien Je suisplus gross que je etait guand vous etcs ici. Jai 183 livres de pesanteur maintenant Leon n’est pas si mal coume autre fois. Le temps est sec et un beaucoup des fere a les prairuis et dous le bois. J ai per der plus de vingt perches et beaucoup des pitrts arbret et il y est plus danger encore a moi. Chez notre Election le 4. Novenbre le plus part vote le ticket Rep. A le soir de Election les geus se battle dans Indianola. Jim.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (286)

((Dec.7.1911. 1:48.p.m.2.)) [Page 407] November 17. 1862. J. Thompson etait ivre et frappe un Irlandais nomure Michael Green a la tete avec un lourd piece de plomb avec un cordon attaché, sapple en Auglais un slung shot. Le tete de Green but coupe daus un maufere facheux. Puis quelqu un a Jack T. donne un mauvais coupe de grand pierre a la cote de tele. Dr. A. tire son pistolet pour aue Jim T. quelgne fois et il veux a faire tomber le salon de billiard. Je funerais a present S.J.R. Excuse mon manvais Franceis et court lettre. Mrs. Bl. here with a letter to Bl. I put it in mine. Cool. I put on back of Mrs Bl’s letter to Caye: Monsieur Caye; Jai recn votre letter de Nov 2 le semains passé J’ai vous ecirt quelguis lettres a votre reg. Je ecint a M Bl. aujourd hui en Francais. Votre ami. Sam’l J. Reader. I to Es. Cy. Kistler there for medicine. I enveloped letter to Recorder and enclosed stamp of 50 cts of La’s for E. She owes E. $3.50. B drove hogs to Clintons. Dr. A. told him to shoot them but Clinton, ((said: “Now don’t put that in the boys head!” Then said Cummins “He has never had it out of his head, I think!” “Shooting was the only remedy.” 1911.)) Cummins, & Davison and others against it. I to P.O., put 3 letters in. I had T. Saloon. Saw Dr. Jenner and others. Jei mes habits. [shorthand] I home; Drove 5 hogs out of field to town. No owners. (Of course not!) Read Old Buch.’s defense. Raw. N. Cloudy. Mond 17. Cloudy, misty N. Jim T & boy here for pigs in field. La & B a cheval for tareau. Hutchinson here. I paid him $4.00 for scraper. Mrs. Stewart here. Wants wood &c. She told me of her numerous engagement of war and other gossip. ((She told of the impudent Plemhaus girl & her sayings & Nan Pucket;s etc.” 1911.)) She left just as Mr. Early and Miss Scott came to see me about a school. I referred them to Mr Cy. Higg. They talked to about Indians &c, a long time. At last they left. I made hoop-poles (Did I make the Poles? Nov. 14. 1908.) and hooped barrel tightly. La & B home. No [shorthand]. PM. I to Dr’s. Fixed bar post & cut wood. I to P.O. Saw McNown, Says Tom Wallace offered land to Hughs for $320.00. I to E’s, then home. Feel grum about land. I to E’s all night. Dr A’ told me of hog poisons: Strychnine and Copia Cocinthicum. Tuesd. Heavy rain in night. [shorthand] N.E. Cool, raw, rainy. [shorthand] Home. Wrote for E viz: Mr T.J.R. Sir Upon further consideration I have concluded to not take your land at the price you offered it at to me. I have been informed that you priced it at $320.00 and offered it at that price a few weeks ago and I am very certain the Doctor would not be satisfied in my giving $55.00 more: I will give you $320 for it, all down in cash, the last of this week, upon ((Dec.7.1911.2:11.p.m.)) “TRICKY TOM. Never got rich at it. 1911.)) [Page 408] Nov. 19 1862.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (287)

Your delivering to me a Warrantee Deed and the Tax Receipts of the years A.S. 1858 1859 1860 & 1861. Respectfully Eliza N. Campdovas. ((I tried my best to save E. this $55. but was a might too tricky for us.)) I to E’s. She signed note. I with umbrella to P.O. Showed Clinton his worthless hogs. He will put them up. (He had better!) I to DeWolfs. Gave Tom W the note. I trouble, et Mrs. DeW. Assui. He has the Deed &c. (all signed & ready.) We on foot through rain to Hughs. Found him. ((At first he said $320 was the price. Tom denied & said it was $400. Then Hughs said it was just possible he misunderstood. 1911.)) He not certain that Tom W. offered land for $2. Per A. It may have been $3 as Tom said. Says land is worth $4. We on to Dr’s. E will take land as at first. Tom left. I home. Slacked. N.W. Cooler. PM. I shot one of our hogs. Skinned and dressed it. Some mist. Mrs. Milne here for me to go to Mission and get Miss Cox (Lidia co*ck) for a witness. I agreed. Tom W. at E. there. She paid him $300 down and I went security for her on a note of $75. E fache about trip. I to Pucketts; Got key of stable. I to P.O. Heavy rain. I waited till 7 or 8. Mail in a f paper. Slacked Home. Je met le tete du cochon a bout de un ferche a la NE corner of field! (Our own pigs head as a warning to rascally hog men.) Wed 19. N. Windy, cool, cloudy, sprinkle. Up in the night. Dark. About 3 I to Pucketts stable. Fed and harnessed. I to E. Persuaded her to give up going with me. Home. Ate dejune. B & I to Pucketts; Had to change harness. Cleared. At day light I started in P’s two horse carriage to Mission. Muddy roads. Arrived about 12. M. Found Miss co*ck chez M. Ben Bertrend. Je lui dit mon affair. Elle allerai avec moi a Indianola. Prit dine avec B. Ted chevanx a la hotel 50 cts. Mille co*ck et moi parti 2 1/2 P.M. A la pont de Cross creek paye 25 toll [shorthand] me demande si je (was going to get married!) At Lake after dark. Mule tired out. Parle avec Mille. co*ck environ les Indians &c. De [shorthand] les combats des femmes. Elle me veux a change mais je refuse. Got lost a little. Miss co*ck me reconti de les frères deglice, et peuse que I would faire un bon pretre. At home about 10. The mule a little lame. Still cool. No freeze, Soupe tard. [Page 409] November 20 A.D. 1862. Thurs. 20. I have a cold. Up after sun rise. Mules jambs an derriere hitchy. (Dep. Sheriff here Subpoenaed Miss co*ck.) ((Witness in a Divorce case Milne vs. Milne. I think it was. 1911.)) Home. Wliza Milne here. B. and I to wood at Bouems. Got E load of wood. The children here. E. & F. to Mrs Browns quilting. Home. Miss co*ck and Eliza Milne to Topeka. La premier (Miss co*ck) but more (read my journal.) [shorthand] de January 1st, 1862 & Sept. 14. 1862, et augers jours et recontes &c. (She said: “Here’s something about me, but its in French!) B and I finished Bouems share of sod corn. 1/10 load. We to E’s. S. field. Got her up a load of stakes. Leon & Dade here all P.M. E. here for them. Eliza Milne & Miss co*ck here for butin. ((Mlle. co*cks trouve un pail, hier.)) I read Les Miserables. Clear. N.W. pleasant. Frid 21. Clear, fog by river. W. My cold better. “Miss Louisa Young is the most intelligent young lady in this neighborhood. (So they say) I hitched up. B & I drew 1 load of corn. Put it in crib at E’s. PM. Clear. W. Warm. We got in 2 loads corn. F. headache. La there at E’s at night. B. et moi tire les clefs. Il alle a la Post. Got LC’s, Dem & Medical Journal. La home.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (288)

Sat 22. Clear, frosty. Up before day. We drew 2 loads of corn. PM. Clear, warm. N. Still. La at E’s. We drew 2 loads corn. I saw Andy Carpenter. He said: “You have not made us that visit yet. Bout You know you will be an old bachelor.” I replied: [shorthand]. (“No,” he said you are not. But you don’t take the right way to prevent it. etc &c. Funny.” Andy.) I to P.O. Got N.Y.T., Dem. Letter from Register of Deeds. All right. One from W. Wendel. Home. Read &c. Sund 23. Clear, frosty. Still. (I looked at our vinegar the other day and found it very good, I supposed it spoiled. Bet moi joue aux cartes.”sollitare” and “Bonapart.” I to ((Dec.8.1911.9:13.a.m.)) [Page 410] November 24. 1862. E’s. Cut wood. Home. Clear, warm. W, still. I wrote to Frank. Extracts: Health. Dr. Crops. Election & row. It was not a political fight but had its origin as usual in whisky &c. Bully for Ind.! How do you like the removal of Gen. McC. For my part I have nothing to say about it. I suppose the Pres’t. knows what is best and since his late Proc. of Emancipation. I have a very high opinion of his ability as a strategist, compared with McC. I am looking forward for the 1st of Jan’y with much interest as we shall then see how Emancip’n will work as a war measure. For my part I feel no great anxiety in its efficacy as I cannot believe the negroes will rejeact the boon of liberty for the sake of their beloved masters. P.S. [shorthand.] (I had a bad dream last night. I thought I was drafted in the army, and had a few hours to arrange my business in. I am a poor patriot when asleep.) No more. S.J. Reader. PM. La to E’s while she & F. went to Browns. I wrote to Dr: No copy. Told him of crops, Election, and fight. That the men ought to be in army “the women here have the spunk and courage of Spartacus, and I sometimes think they equal the Gauloise described by E. Sue in M. du P. Old man Stamp married Ez. Marple to go next. I am in the rear guard of the reserve, and am comparatively safe &c. Mc.N. here brought fork home, and got mattock. Thinks E’s new land cheap. Milue & wife to settle divorce. I to E’s. She put note in Drs. letter. I to P.O. Put it in. Home. Ted McN. left. New moon. Nouvelle chez Brown’s. [shorthand] Still, clear. Je joue au la fife. I read. Wm. Elliott, brought a letter to E. and one for Mrs Bl. from Laurients. B. took E’s from Dr. to E. and staid all night. Clear, still. O 25.00 l 10. X 10cts. Mond 24. Clear, frosty, still. Up just at day break. Belle came up. (Hier, E prete. La. $25.00. La. owes E. $3.50 also.) I owe her $2.50. See 10th inst.) We drew 2 loads of corn. We take 7 rows per load. La. to Bls. Gave Madame Bl. her letter. She here with it. I read it and wrote address. P.M. N.W. Clear. We drew 2 more loads. Cant catch Belle. Mrs. Peter to E’s for her

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (289)

to take cow back, and pay Pete money. Failed. B to P.O. Got E. 50 cts stamps and me 10 cts & Clinton owes 10 cts. Mon argent. Clouds, cold. I played flute. ((Dec. 8. 1911. 9:53.a.m.)) Corn. 20 cts pr. bu. Dr. Samuel Ashmore Squats on his RECORD. [Page 411] X 10 cts. X $2.50. November 25. 1862. Tuesd 25. N.W. Cloudy. Little sleet or snow. Belle in the field. Kaw in crib. Our pup “tailed” a line backed steer. I with team to No. 3 over cr. Got E a load of wood. I paid E. the $2.50. I got of her 10 inst. $2 in notes. 50 cts in stamps. I got a load wood for self. La washed. PM. Partly clear. Peter is moving. ((To the farm I think? 1911.)) I to No. 4. Got Mrs. Stewart a load of wood. B with me. We to No. 3. Got E large load of wood. I plowed out drain near woodpile. B to P.O. Got LC, French p. and got the 10 of Clinton in stamps. I read French story to La; about Converts &c. [XXX] 10 c [XXX] 5 c Glue 25 c Deed $1. Nails $1 Key 10 Change 25c 10 $2.05 Shovel 2.05 X 15c. Wed 26. Clear, still. Up before day. Hanche gauche un pen mal. I to E’s woods. Got her a load of wood. S, warm. Ate lunch. At 10 E, F, and I in wagon to Topeka. At Laurents. E got a lot of things. I got tacks 10 c L-nt owes 5 c yet to La. F. got things for La. I got her $1 nails. I to Recorders office. Filed E’s deed $1. La money. It wants a U.S. Stamp, some say. I got E. watch key. La’s argent 10 cts. Spauldings glue m.a. 25 cts. E got lot of things for self & La at Hamiltons $18.25. I paid the money which E gave me except 25, La a. I paid for E’s shovel 10 cts La argent. 10 cts owing yet. (La owes E. now $2.05. See 16th inst.) On over river. At Jewells fence missed. E’s a/c book with I thought $10. I to E’s. Unloaded. B and I near Louis Pappans in wagon. Found book rifled of all. I to Pappans. Saw boys. They say Payne picked up money &c. Home. I to Town. Saw Ashmore drunk with 3 revolvers shooting and swearing. (He made me promise to see him buried, after the Secesh killed him that night.) Saw Payne. He saw no money. I home – Dumpy, but its better than a loss of $20. La got of me 15 cts for wick & shot. Thurs. 27. Clear. Up before day. B. and I started at day light in wagon. Searched road. To Laurients. They will watch Pappan boys for money. Got E. white sugar. N.W. windy. B. found wagon hammer. I got in wood. Cochron mort poui ((Dec.8.1911.a.m.)) [Page 412] Nov. 28 1862.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (290)

chiens. To E’s. Only $6. Lost. Good. Clouded up. Windy. Jake Smiths list: State Co. Town. Road Poll Samuel J. Reader State 329. Co. 910. Town. 3.50. State 66. Road. Poll 50. Eliza Cole. State 414. Co. 1145. Town 4.40. State 83. Road Poll MA Campdoras. State 235. Co. 649. Town 250. State 47. Road. Poll. 50. T.J Wallace. State 376. Co. 1040. Town. 400. State 271. Road 160. Poll. 13.54. 37.44. 1440. 271. 172. 100. Ate breakfast and settled a/c’s. &c. Clouds breaking. I put up 5 sks wheat and branded them. E. Cole on both sides. Eliza Milne here and brought saddle home. I gave her the picture. Fan Bollote this side of L. City. Miss co*cks lamed herself falling, some way. La fait des chandels, 110. I wrote out scrip for self $3.50. I think $11 were lost. I to E’s and find only $6 lost. I cut wood for E. She not well. She gave me $35. for tax. N. windy. Clearing I ate [shorthand] (mush and milk). At 12 M. B & I started with wheat to Topeka. Jack Curtis, a darkey, and Dutchman crossed with us. I put wheat in mill 380 lbs. by my weigh. I changed some 8 mails for [XXX] at Laurents. I in town. Saw, Wilmarth. Then Owen at Stones, but he wont sell Co. scrip. I bought of Wilmarth: $13.54 State and $1.99 Poll in State scrip for $12.35. Paid it in $7.00 of La money and $5.35 of mine. I weighed 184 lbs. Thanksgiving day and scrip men hard to find. B and I saw Barnard. He gave me a letter from Dr. and licorice for Leon. He (B-d.) was in Ark. Teaming. Dr is well but uneasy about his money &c. We to E’s. before dark. Returned her $35. Home. Grand soupe. I to P.O. Got Dem. I read &c. La to Drs et 10 or 11. Leon sick. Frid 28. Clouds. S, still. Up early. La from Dr’s. Leon had 10 fits. Tried to catch young Briggs to yoke her. Failed. B. to Dr’s. I got in 1 load of corn. Gave it in E’s crib to pay for lost $6. P.M. I got ((Dec.8. 1911.10:10.s.m.)) [Page 413] November 29. 1862. E 2 more loads, 30 bu. in all. B helped last load. Leon better. I felt mal a le’estomach, de pain graisse’. B. to P.O. LC & MYT. Clear. N.W. X 15 cts Sat 29. Cloudy. 3d finger of right hand sore. Had it poultice last night. We drew 2 loads of corn. 32 short rows on S. end of corn. P.M. Clear. S. Unloaded last load. Barnard was at Dr’s to rent field. B. and I took 5 sks. corn to Ogee’s mill. I got a small load of wood in town. Got the grist. Home. I took wood and one sack meal to Dr’s. I to P.O. Got O.C. Payne asked about

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (291)

hogs head on pole &c. (Now what did I tell him? Nov 19. 08.) I got shoe thread of Higg, 15 cts. mon argent, car La. Saw John Majors. Home. Read. X $15 3 $4.55 E $29.55 in all. Sund 30. Cloudy. N, windy, cold. I have a slight cold. I wrote to Wm. L. Wendel: “D.F. I recd your welcome and interesting letter of the 10 inst several days ago and now take the first opportunity to answer it. Everybody is well around here, I believe. The weather has been dry and pleasant. Corn is light. Times are about as usual. At our election for State & Co officers this Township gave a Rep. Maj. for Gov. Congressman &c. M. Parrott got but one vote at this precinct and Dr Tafft who ran for State Sen got “nary” vote. Benj. Kistter was elected Co. Comm. over Albert Pliley. After dark on election day we had another pleasant little fight in town. The men took the lead this time, led on by a little too much of the ardent, of which they had been drinking freely. The list of casualties of this fight can be summed up as follows: Two broken heads, nobody missing; everybody present within hearing. The row first began in a scuffle between Lieut. Fulton and Mike Green. Then Jim T. struck Green a blow from a slingshot on his head and cut it badly. He then wanted to strike Wm. Morgan with it. About this time an unknown person supposed by T-n to be Cyrus K. struck Jack T on the side of his head with a big rock which laid him up in bed for several days. Dr A. drew 2 revolvers and wanted to kill Jim T. and pull down his billiard saloon. The noise was terrific for awhile. Dr A has good lungs and made noise enough for a dozen men. I read in the L.C. the other day that your reg. is called the “Grey-hounds” on a/c of your extensive marching. I did not wish to know if R. Russell was a Jayhawker but if he is on the picture sent to me and called by Sq. Rose “The Ind. Jayhawkers” A great many persons disagree as to who the man is kneeling in the front rank between you and Lewis Bryan. Most of people say it is D.R. but some say it is too full in the face for him and resembles J. Mcnu*tt. Please explain in your next. Lieut. Rooks of your Co was around here a few months ago. I have been told. Was he discharged from service? Dr. C. is now in Ark. His reg. has been in several fights. Mr. Stamp & Mrs. John Marple were married a short time ago. Ezekiel Marple is to go the same way soon. No more of importance. Truly Your friend. PS My best wishes to all the boys. S.J. Reader. I to E’s. Cut wood. (Sabbath breaker, look out!) All well there. I got La’s Topeka a/c of 26th inst. She paid out $14 at Hamilton’s and paid for it all and $1 over to E. At Laurents she got $3.50 of goods and owes E for it. ((Kind of happy days. Sung at home, writing to my soldier friends, far away in storm & sunburn & tedious camp life.)) ((Dec.8.1911.10:50.a.m.)) [Page 414] November Last. 1862. Making $2.50, deducting the $1. The old debt of $2.05 makes $4.55 in all, or $29.55 all together. (Funny kind of book-keeping? Nov.19.1908.) PM. Bet moi tire des clefs [shorthand]. Cold. N, windy. Clouds. La reading. I posted ape’s to Dec. 19. /60. B. popped corn. I glued fiddle and Franks flute, in P.M. Samuel J. Reader.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (292)

Dr. Ashmores prescription: “Copuca cocinthicam, pour les cochons savage.” [shorthand] (On Monday Nov. 16, 1908 I called on Comrade Samuel Ashmore and saw him for the last time. (He died Tues Jan. 19, 1909.) He was alone. I said, “Doc, do you remember the Section at Indianola Tuesday Nov. 4 1862 when Jim Thompson slingshotted Green and you wanted to pull down the “Shanty” as you called it, and Lieut. Fulton tried to capture you, but you backed off swinging your revolver in front of you, and crying out: ‘Don’t you come near me! Don’t you dare touch me. You, nor no other G-d-d man shall put his hand on me!’ and Fulton had to give it up – You remember, Doctor?” His black eyes flashed with the fires of 46 years ago, and he laughed aloud at the recalling of that episode. His early life was stormy, the latter quiet and peaceful. Wed. Jan. 20, 1909 I assisted with Blue Post 250.G.A.R. at his funeral, thus fulfilling a promise made Wednesday, Nov. 26. 1862, to him, after he had fired a pistol in my face to show me that it was loaded, as he cried: “You can bet $8 that it’s loaded!” (Requiescat in pace.) ((Dec.8.1911.11:11.a.m.)) [Page 415] December 1st. A.D. 1862. Samuel J. Reader’s very private & Confidential(?) Journal and Day book. Indianola Shawnee County Kansas. U.S.A. Monday 1. Fine times for the darkies, in one month (62) Clear. N. Rather still. Cold (63). Up late. Hauche un peu boiteux. We fed Cora to keep her from mischief (64) Read Dem. I burnt handle of new axe. Hitched up. I & I to P.O. Put WLW’s letter in. Billy Prusseit gave me Morgan’s Report of Road Dist No. 3. We to E town site over cr. Got load of wood for La. PM. N. Cold. Cloudy. La at E’s. I got a load of corn (12 rows,) To E’s. I gathered trash and rails from yard (E’s), Bowker there. E. paid him rest of Fairchilds a/c. Cummins had his leg badly broken this P.M. Home. Norris McN. got our wagon & 2 sks. I read Dem, et joue au le violon. Tuesd. 2. Cloudy. W. Still. Not so cold. La & F on Fox to Raglans. I mended yard gate and stable door and hung it. Put in an axe helve. PM. I am all alone. Warmer. S.W. Clear. McN. here in AM. Cant cross river. Goes to Oskaloosa with our wagon. I nailed up door way in stable loft. La home. Josey R. peuse que Mille. Carpenter est tres belle. Still, clear. I to Browns. Saw Cummins. He is better. Home. B. got L.C. I read it. I am afraid of U.S. Tax, yet to come. Wed 3. Clear. Still. N. Cool. I arranged hen house nests, roosts &c. P.M. La on Fox to hunt tareau. Clear. S, pleasant. I am still afraid of E’s not having a U.S. stamp on her deed. I

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (293)

tinkered around. I to E’s. Cut wood. I to P.O. Got R. del’O. La home. Found calf. I read Les Miserables. Thurs. 4. Up long before day. Still. Clear. Full moon. La a cheval. B. avec fusil et moi avec axe et couteau. Alle (( Dec.9.1911.10:25.a.m.2)) [Page 416] December 5. A.D. 1862. pres de Downies. I shot down E’s. 16 month tareau. La chez [XXX]. I skinned and dressed beef. Downie came for awhile. Old Abe Lincoln owes him $7.50. ((I think he said for a load of coal. [XXX] Time. 1911.)) I to Bls. to borrow sled. Mrs. Bollote & girl there. Home. Got team. Put it to sled. I to beef. B. watched. I blind folded horses. Loaded up. Home at 12 1/2 M. Left a fore qr. & hide; took rest to E’s. Home. PM. Clear. N. I to Drs. Put 2 hoops on barrel. Cut up hind qrs. and cut wood. B. & I to P.O. Got N.Y.T. I to Sch. h. 14 or 15 there. Saw Overseers. Cold. Saw Owen about scrip. Mettre les Carpenters hors de association. Gregg and Wm. K. Elliott in. Home at 10. Clear, cold. N. ((I think this was the time Elliot told me in a flat tame tone of voice: “I’ll shoot any man that says I’m not loyal!” Funny Red Elliott. 1911.)) Frid 5. Clear, hard freeze. Up later. Norris McN. brought wagon home and a sk flour. McN. here. He will help pull Mrs. Bls corn. I hunted John. Failed. I to Bls. Downie, Bellmore, McNown and Leonard pulled and heaped corn; McKenna, Joe Bellmore and I drew it in. 4 or 5 loads. P.M. Barnard came. Talked politics &c. I saw Andy Carpenter & son hunting cattle. We drew in all the corn 4 or 5 loads. Home. John came up. Mrs. Bollote on McN’s pony to Kistlers. I read NYT haut. B. un pen malade. CORN FINISHED. Sund 7. Clear, still, frosty. Time flies; Let it fly I say. (It flies faster now. Nov 20. 1908. 4 1/2 p.m.) Our dogs are good now. Dixie seizes cattle by the tail and Wooly by the throat & ears. E. et enfants ici. F. to see Mrs. Augell Parle, etc. I took up a bay mare with a saddle on, this morning. Rollo Fulton came and got it. P.M. E. looked at Journals, &c. ((Dec.9. 1911. 10:40.a.m.)) [Page 417] December 8. 1862. PM. Still, clear. S. I to Drs. Made a fire. Cut wood and cut up the beef. Home. I painted battle scene in old Journal, [shorthand]. 0 25/ X $1.75

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (294)

Mond 8. Clear. Still. Pleasant. Fan Bollote & Joe B. went by in wagon. I cast up a/c. from this book till June 8/61 last night; La and I are nearly even. $42.18 X $42.7+. B and I in wagon to town site. Got E a load of wood and drew rails and ridered her stack yard. Home. Mrs. Clinton got 2 doz eggs. Ne paye pas. La vende le peau de tarian a un Irlandois car $1.75. to E. Clear, warm pleasant. NW. PM. B and I in wagon by H. mill. Hiller Owen & others at work at bridge. Want me demain. I near Carpenters at Kistler’s ford. Drew 2 loads of stone to near Sch.h. and so worked out. T.J. Wallace’s Road Tax $1.60. Looked at Drs new land. It is very high and pretty. We on town site. Got load of black wood. Home. B. to P.O. Got Dem. and in it says: Deeds not invalid without stamp, prior to Jan 1/63. B. also got L. Inquirer directed to Jas. C. Kyle. I read. l $1.00 Tuesd 9. Clear. W. I still have a cold in my head. I to H. bridge. Plummer, Owen, Hiller, McN. B Kistler, John Stamp, Harding there. We carried poles &c. Mrs. Hiller, Owen & co*ck got dinner at Hardings house. P.M. W. Clear, warm. We put up 2 beuts under bridge. Soupe. I to E’s, then home. Mrs. Milne was here. Paid (to La) for me, $1 for expenses to Mission. B. to P.O. Got 2 LC-s and Frency paper. I read story. Warm. l $1.00 Wed. 10. Clear. S.W. Still. Hardly any frost. I not so sore as last evening. I have a bad cold. I to town site. Got E good load of wood. Home. Ate early dinner. La lost her specs last night. I am afraid Constable will be after me for juror. I to E’s. Got $25, jug &c. Started. Met Jack Vieux (age) ((Dec.9.1911.10:50.a.m.)) [Page 418] [Small drawing called: I DON STRIKE A TON, BUT I WEIGH 187 LBS. ((MY BEST.1911.)) Dec. 11. 1862. with a beaver skin. He took me for Higg. I to Topeka. Laurent has not found money. Got E. molasses. Wheat not ground. B. staid at mill. I in town hunting Co. Scrip; It is 75 cts. Co. Clerk says I can issue my scrip now for self. I weigh 187 lbs. at mill and not so much at Smiths. I at last got the Co. Scrip of Trustee Knowles for 70 cts. It was $26.20 but I got it for $26 tax. $1 mine; Rest E’s money. I got E’s deed. Smith says 2/5 of my State tax should have been paid in cash, but he let it go for now. I put our 5 sks. wheat in wagon and took it in E’s pasture, after sun set (for safety). Floating ice in river at night. Home. Mrs. Caroline Augell home. S.W. Windy. Clear. I $4. $7.50 of E [XXX] l $2.70 X 15 cts X $1. l $1.60 made of E. l $3.30 of La T.L.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (295)

Thurs. 11. S. windy, warm. Clouding. I looked at Law & see I should not have issued T. scrip to Judges & Clerks of Election. [shorthand] (Bothered about it.) La & B a cheval to hunt horses after we had shut up one big and 6 small hogs. One outside yet. I wrote notices and posted them in town. Thompsons killing hogs. Mrs. Clinton wanted to know if I had killed Jim T’s sow. He says he would be glad to see our fence on fire &c. I to E’s. Unloaded wheat; cut wood, banked up house &c. Ate dinner there. PM. Home. B came with Vesta & Drs colt. Put them in field. I to town. Saw A. Marple. He told me to sign Certificate for him. Home. I wrote out for self T. scrip $14.40 cts. I to E’s. Gave her a $5 gold piece for a greenback. Got T’s shoes. I on John to Topeka. I to Clks office. He says for last Election the Co will issue Co. scrip to T-p. All right. I to Hamiltons. Got F. Du lage 1/2 yd. 10 cts and 5 cts more on Due bill which he gave for shoes of $1.50. I to Jake Smiths. Paid our tax, all in scrip but $2.70 S. Int. Mon argent. Road certificate went in. I charge E $1. for it. 60 cts for her clear. Home I to P.O. Got Dem. L.C. & Medical. I left them at Dr’s. Home. Read. S, warm. B. got outside pig in. ((Dec.9.1911.11 a.m.)) [Page 419] December 12. 1862. Frid 12. Cloudy. W, windy, warm. Hogs safe. I hitched up. B and I to woods No. 3. I put a LC in P.O. to E D Rose. I took E. a load of wood. Began to sprinkle. I put on le habit vieus de. Dr. B. staid in woods and gathered a load of wood. I brought it home. Bonem came and took 7 of his hogs. He will draw Mrs. Stewart a load of wood for me. Roch helped him. (He said he was once nearly “frizz.”). Dixie caught the big sow and threw and held her. Puckett owned the one B. caught. He paid the 25 cts. It went to B. Light steady rain. S.W., warm. PM. Rain. I hunted up my a/c’s against Township &c. Slacked. I to E’s; cut wood &c. She but one greenback. Home. I examined T.T. a/c’s &c. TAX. X &c. All square on Tax. ll $1.00 50 cts Township Dr. / $2.50 Scrip. Sat. 13. Clear. W. Mon dos sous epauls, mal. I cast up a/c if tax. E paid $25 and owes me 13 cts. I charge 75 cts for Township scrip. La owed me $8.30, and paid me in silver. Our tax all amounts to $70.69 cts!!! Paid with $53.66. My tax was $17.04. Paid with $12.87.6. E Coles. $20.82. Paid with $25.13. 6. La & B a cheval to hunt horses. I mixed mortar. Plastered inside of smoke house. Jim T. came to settle with J.J. He claimed $16, but took $15 on my jete 50 cts de mon a/c of $3 for hogs. B & La came with all the horses, but Spikes and Tifine. Put them in field. Josey Ragland brought quilt frames home before La & B. started, and afterwards Eliza Milne came inquiring for F. Jim left. Late dinner at 2 PM. Cloudy. E. B & I plastered S. & W. of hen house. I to Dis. Cut wood. Eliza Milne wants F. & me to go chez Carpenters Wednesday night with Philey & herself to play, sing &c. I to Jim T. house. Audited and settled his accounts. Paid him $12.50 T. Scrip and got $2.50 of him Scrip for hogs. I to P.O. Got E letter from Perrons. L.C. I to E’s staid all night Fredericksburg. B found a bell de vache (A cow-Bell.) ((Dec.9.1911.11:11.11.a.m.)) [Page 420] December 14 1862. (Poor Burnside! Nov.29.1908.)

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (296)

Sund 14. Rain last night. Cloudy. I ate jejune avec. E. Home. I read S.L. book. La on Fox hunting Spikes. Failed. B. tire cless. N.W. Cold, raw, cloudy. Epauls et dos mal. P.M. I oiled and cleaned black flute, Painted &c. F. on Fox to Augells. She home late. Mrs. Puckett dit que Mc. A et H.P=# etais trop anis. Je jone au flute et violon, au soir. W. Clear. E’s 29th Birth-Day. Mond. 15. Some clouds. Frost. All our horses but Spikes and Tifine in field. Hanche mal un peu. E. is 29 years old today; Will soon be old. (She’s nearly 75 now, Nov. 29. 1908.) ((& she’s nearly 78 now. Dec.9.1911.)) I chinked up Smoke house and plastered. Jack and Jim T. brought kettle home ce matin. N.W. Cool. Clear. La washed. PM. Pleasant. B and I plastered and finished smoke house. Mr. W. Gregg here and got $4.50 for Chairmen &c. in scrip. Showed were bullets went through Nathan’s blouse (at the battle of Wilsons Creek.) Old Mrs. A. here with a letter for P.O. I to E’s. Took 2 letters to P.O. and got one in a fancy envelope from Frank. Dr. A gave it to me. Home. The letter all in (phonography). I studied it out. He wants me to write in it. It is a good idea but hard work. La reading Scottish Chiefs. I wrote to Frank: [shorthand translated by SJR.] (On the 15th inst I rec’d a letter from you which on opening I found to my surprise to be entirely phonetic. It took me aback, I suppose as much as the rebels were when Gen. Burnside shelled the corn fodder at Petersburg. I must say my pleasure equated my surprise in seeing the [XXXX] you have already made in your new study. Tuesd 16. Clear. A. pleasant. Carpenters cow in hog pen & field. [shorthand translated by SJR.] (I am very glad you interesting to write here after in phonography &c. Correct my phonography & I will do the same with yours. I keep a copy of my letters so when you find a word misspelled or wrong in my way [XXXX] copy it with the word before it & then point out the error. I am very well & am growing in flesh. I now weigh 187 lbs which is the most I ever weighed before. ((Or since. 1911.)) We have not heard from the Dr. for several weeks.) ((Dec.9.1911.3:37.p.m.)) [Page 421] December 17. A.D. 1862. Beginning Shorthand. [Shorthand translated by SJR.] (By last accounts his command has had a splendid battle. We are anxious to hear from him. Our weather delightful. Our town has been quiet for a few days. Horse stealing has also died out to some extent. I belong to a vigilance committee which looks after the last named gentry. We have already driven two bad characters from this part & expect to drive more of them off soon, or do worse. It is a shame your regt. is not better supported against the enemy. The Dr being with a large army cant complain of this. I see your love for the Union has made you as radical an abolitionist as I could ask. I am also looking with as much interest as you for the first of Jan, 1863. I do not coubt what the rest will be. Please explain the following words in your letter Etc. Etc. I must close for this is the hardest letter I ever tried to write. Your aff. Bro. Samuel James Reader.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (297)

La and B a cheval to hunt Spikes. Failed. Mrs. Bl. was here to hunt me. Failed. Je raccomode’ le soulier de La. I to E’s. Cut wood &c. Ate dinner there. PM. Home. Clear. W. La & B home. I hitched up. B. & I over cr. Got us 1 & E another load of wood. While unloading I fell backwards over hind wheel from wagon, with the small of my back over a log, and the end of another large log fell from the wagon on my breast, but I was not much hurt. (9 Lives like a cat!) B. to P.O. Got French paper. I read “Les Miserables” aloud in English to La. Old Valjean buried alive &c. I finished my Phonographic letter to Frank. Clear. E. PARTY AT CARPENTERS. Wed 17. Clear, frosty. S.E. Hanche gauche mal encore. La le mal a la tete un peu. I to town site. Got E a load of green wood. PM. I took La. to DeWolfs. Mrs. DeW. is very sick. I to No. 3. Got E. a load of wood. Home. Je mets mes habits neuf. I saddled horses. I to Dr’s. T and I for Carpenters. We met Mr. A.A. Pliley and Eliza Milne, en carrose, at H. mill. We to C-s. Acquainted avec Mlle. Et Me. Carpenter &c. Mille joue melodeon et je joue a la flute, passablement bien. ((Dec.9.1911.41/2 p.m.)) [Page 422] December 18. 1862. ((Fannie rode John & I rode old Fox. It was a dark night & Pliley and I had to watch our horses as they were tied to the fence. He is living here in N. Topeka now. Dec.9.1911.)) Soupe petite. Mlle. C. et moi joue’ ceuchre contra Mr. P. et F. Je joue au flute pour Me. C. At 2 or 3 A.M. we left. John had broken loose, et perdu les pads. Home. S.W. Clear, cool. MRS. BLONDEL MEDIUMISTIC. Thurs 18. Clear. S, pleasant. Hanche mal beaucoup car un temps assez long. La to visit Mrs A, Scoffield & Bl’s. I to Dr’s. I began to put a false back in the chimney; of stone and clay mortar. PM. Warm. S.W. Clear. Mr. Rogers brought E 2 hogs dressed. I finished back. Fill up stove pipe hold and laid hearth. Put fire in chimney. It does not smoke! I home. La home. Mrs. Bl. heard “Tap,tap”! “Oh! Bl, dead, all dead” &c. I played “Coming thru the rye,” in Miss C-‘s book. B. to P.O. & E’s, and then home out of breath with a letter from Dr. to E. One to me and one from Wm. T. Wendel. Dr. headed a cavalry charge. Took a prisoner; was knocked from his horse by a rebel, and received 2 charges of buckshot through his clothes. (His over-coat.) Badly hurt. I to E’s. Chimney works well. I played flute &c. Home. Frid 19. Clear, still, pleasant. My opinion of Miss Emily Augusta Carpenter. Elle est assez belle; les ueux brun et brille; Mois les choses plus encore interusxant a moi est le vif regard; les moeurs poli; les move ments actif comme une faon; et le dermier amais loin de le moins important, est le frank et belle could des mots, comme un doux plue de les cieux sur une harpe des mille cordow.*

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (298)

I to E’s helped her cut up the pork. I to cr. Got some hoop poles and grapes. I to cr. Got some hoop poles and grapes. Home. PM. I shaved hoops; Went to Dr’s and put 4 on a barrel. B and I on roof and put a frame on chimney to hold it up. I to P.O. Put letter in to “Laucet & Observer” office. Jack T. read paper. Our losses 13,000 men at Fredericksburg. Home. T. here for me. I to Dr’s all night. Leon not well. *This metaphor will not hold good; The wet strings would get out of tune. ((Dec.9.1911.7.p.m.2)) [Page 423] December 20. A.D. 1862. Sat. 20. Shortest day. Clouded from the W. Warm. S. Home. I got out a barrel to hoop &c. PM. B and I to cr. I got poles. He got grapes. I to E’s; Salted down her meat. Home. All to Dr’s. Leon more fits. I to P.O. Saw Dr. A. but he is to drunk to come. Wants to “Clean out the ranches, &c. I got L.C. I to E’s. All there all night. Cloudy, S.E, misty. B. peur de light on wall. Sund. 21. Leon better; Had 7 fits. Cloudy. W. All home. Barrel getting tight. I owe le T. [shorthand]. I wrote to Dr. B.C. Last week I recd your very welcome and interesting letter dated Nov 29 with great pleasure as we were getting uneasy at your long silence. We all had a good laugh at your a/c of your expedition under Jewell. I think as you do that we must depend a great deal on the negroes. Abolitionists are making very fast now among the Dem’s. My brother is now a very rabid one, and hopes for slave insurrection among the Rebels. Eliza also rec’d a letter from you which came with mine giving an a/c of your adventures at the battle of Cane Hill. We do not feel very well satisfied in knowing that you run such perilous risks in the Army, although it may be a good remedy for the chills. I have glittered myself that you would not be in the least danger but shall hereafter be uneasy lest “horses & excitement” will cause your name to appear on some of the frightful lists of casualties, which we too often see in the Army Reports. If I may be permitted I would suggest you get a horse like our old Fox & then we can have no fears of you in the cavalry charge. I do not think I can be very patriotic for I have not the least desire to enlist at present but may feel more like it after the 1 of Jan. The other day we heard of the disastrous defeat of Burnside at F—g. It may cause the Army to go into Winter quarters. We are all in first rate health but Leon had another periodical attack of his disease last night. Taxes. Weather &c. Our news not very important. Mr. Harding got a divorce at the last pursuit of another wife without devoting any time at all to mourning. Mr. Cummings was run over by a log wagon and had his leg broken a few weeks ago. Mrs. Bl. thinks son Mari is dead. She heard him rapping at her inside door the other night. Eliza however sees no more chairs rocking themselves or we might get up a spiritual meeting. In my last letter I wrote to you a few weeks date; Nov. 23. I informed you of the marriage of Old man Stamp to Mrs. John Marple but forgot to tell you that he also joins the M. Church which may cause [shorthand] his debts, like some other Christians. Your truly Samuel J Reader. I to Es, awhile. Home. Copied music from Miss Carpenters’ book. PM. I played &c. Rob Ogee here awhile. Misty, warm [shorthand] (doughnuts.)

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (299)

l 10 X 80 La me pay Dec. 25/62. Mond 22. Hazy. Cloudy, still, warm. Misty. Like Spring. I a cold. B and I with team to wood No 2 town. Got load of wood and grapes. I got 20 lbs. salt of Higg. for La. 80 cts mon argent, but she will me paye en l’argent. I got 10 shts. paper for self 10 cts. I got another load of wood on town, and E’s wheelbarrow, all wrecked and our ((Dec.10.1911.11:19.a.m.)) [Page 424] December 23, 1862. iron kettle & Thompsons. Home. P.M. La washed. Cloudy. SW warm. B & I to town. Got E. a load of wood. Bob Puckett wants B’s fife, car ne rien. I turned out. I arranged hog gallows. Le disposition de le dermir demoiselle est boune. La dit trop Romme, Mary J. Sloan. Joue carts avec F. ((Cant make the above out. I’ve heard that [XXX] Sloan was engaged to Uncle S. long ago & La broke off the match .Dec.10.1911.)) Tuesd 23. S. Warm. Misty, cloudy. I put kettles on logs & “fired up”. Je lire les Statute lois le soir passé [shorthand] (I will not shoot tue’) a encore des cochions. I killed and dressed 3 of our hogs. Some rain. DDW. Windy. Warm. PM. Cleared off. We killed the other hog. I put them in smoke house. B to P.O. Got a letter from Ferdinand Wendel, and the French p. L.C. at Drs. While mangons notre lunch Mr. ((Neal)) C. McDonough came in. Talked &c. BRIDGET L. DEAD. Wed 24. Clear, still. Hardly any frost. John Erwin married. Bridget Lenon dead, also Mrs. Gremar. (Hier Mrs. Bl. & Cailloiz ici et chez Dr’s. Jenie chez Me. Bl.) Mr. McD. To town. (Il etais soif comme an fish!) I cut up & salted down the meat. Late dinner. PM. Warm. Clear. S. over ( 60. Owen here. I gave him $15 for bridge. He wants scrip by Kistler to Bls. I finished pork. I cleared away trash &c. Nan Puckett here hunting “Pa & Ma”. I to bridge at H – s. It is keyed up nicely. I to Owens awhile. I can issue scrip. I to Sch.h. It is plastered in style. Bowker came. Spoke of having a Singing sch. Il ne likes Mademoiselle Carpenter’s singing. Il me dit: There est Mlle. Plummer [shorthand] (you should see). &c. A crowd came. Pliley also. We meet at Jenner’s, Frid. Bowker said Deweys boy wrote that the Dr. (Campdoras) at the battle of Cane Hill took off his hat and shouted: “Hurra boys! Let us clean them out!” and he rode in front of the charging column. Bowker and I got up a new sign. The clerk gave me a list, so I can detail a guard. SECRET MEETING. Had our Secret business that I must not write here. Home at 10 or 12. McDonough not here mais [shorthand] (in town but drunk as a Lord.”) ((Dec.10.1911.11:33.a.m.)) [Page 425]

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (300)

December 25 1862. Thurs. 25. Christmas – Rain, thunder and lightening last night. Cloudy. S, very warm. Mr. McD. came and got his plunder. He goes with the soldiers to River. Began to rain hard. I wrote over 30 pieces of scrip for Township and did other writing. La trying out lard. P.M. I to town. Got 24 sheets paper (writing) of Higg, 25c. Il a la rheumatism. Saw Button mad at (high) taxes and he is going to have the Hog Law repealed in this Township. Bad idea. (He wanted scrip from Higg.) I home; Moved pig pen &c. I to E’s; cut wood. S.W. Another short shower with heavy thunder. Je parle avec E. I to P.O. Ne rien. I home. I played card trick. (See Oct 24/60.) Cleared then clouded. Warm. DAVIDSON PARTY. Frid 26. Clear. W. warm. No frost. Bad on pork. I took Jim T’s kettle home, and got E. a load of wood. We got Mrs. Bl. a load of wood. PM. Warm. Put pigs in with sow. W. clear. Je me lave dans [shorthand] et se habille. I put John in Dr’s buggy. F & I nearly to Jenner’s; Met A.A.P. & Miss carpenter. We all to Mrs. Davisons about dark. Mr. D. just from Nation marrying folks. ((Em. Carpenter said her hands were cold and old Davison said: “Why that’s a sign that you’re in love!”)) Lizzy came. I played and rest sang; nicely. Mrs D au lit. I played Miss C. & D. waltzed. We played euchre. I cheated in dealing & C. in counting. Too dark to come home. Tout au lit. Warm. W, clear. Sat 27. Clear, Warm. We took breakfast as it (mighty poor fun, for one.) All left. I to Drs. I home. I took our beef out, and hung it up. PM. Hiller & McN. here for scrip. Geo, Wm, and Andy C = ‘s here. I told Geo. of his scrip and paid him; $4. They got all of their cattle. Owen here and got scrip. I to town. I got Dem. & N.Y.T. at dark. Saw Willy. Home. Read. Sund 28. Clear, warm. W. I want no more office. (Civil). [Page 426] December 29 1862. I hung up our ribs. I to E. Looked at her meat. I cut wood. Saw a load of “Nobility” stop at our house. I home. Found Mr. White 2 Miss Raglaus, and Mrs. Etienne Pappan, Mr. W. took Mrs P. to town; Then back here. La feels like a chill. I played flute. Mr. W. sang base and R & Miss R. treble. A fine time. Mrs. Brown & Emily here. P.M. Played and sang. La feverish. Mr. White will meet with us at Sch. h. Saturday night and try (A pretty try it was.) and lead us to sing. He took my book. All left. Warm. S, clear. I played fiddle at night. F to E’s. La better. I read some. ((Mr. White & Joe Middaugh quarreled over a half-breed girl, Joe threatened to kill White with a boat pole, and was sued for it in Indianola.)) X 90. X 10.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (301)

Mond 29. Clouds. N, windy, cool. La weak. B and I to woods No. 2. Got a lot of fine grapes, and E. a load of wood. I got a load for selves. PM. Cloudy. N.E. Cool. I got E. a load of greenwood. B. sold 9 doz eggs to Clinton and got 90 cts and 10 cts he owed on the 20 cts a/c l’argent. B to PO. A letter from Dr. B. & I to Drs. Letter read. Gen. Blunt has promised the Dr another horse &c. He has seen my French letter to Bl. I played flute. Rest sang pious tunes. We played “Old maid.” Snowing. Home. Tues 30. Clear. Clear. Ground white. Cold, still. La is better. I mended her shoes. Thos. Hiller here and got $3. Scrip. He will sustain Hog Law with shot gun. Left. La very unwell. N.W. P.M. F here. B and I to Es. Cut up a fine lot of wood. Home. I to town. Hutchinson against Hog Law. I saw Higgs. He will meet with us and sing. Saw Mc.N. & others at P.O. Got NYT. French paper and L.C. Home. Read NYT. To bed late. La better. Clear, cold. X 80 cts. l 50 cts. Wednes. 31. Clear. S. Hard frost. Snow half gone. ((Dec.10.1911.12.M)) [Page 427] December Last. A.D. 1862. ((Jim White was an egotistical fraud as Music Teacher!.1911.)) Albert A. Pliley Esqu. D.S. Will you be kind enough to come to the R. Sch. H. on Sat evening the 3 day of Jan 63 and see what we can do about getting up a singing sch? I saw Mr. W last Sund. and he has promised to be at the Sch. H. at the appointed time and will probably consent to lead us as he appears to have a very good understanding of vocal music? I have seen Mr. Higg and several other musical people and they all seem to take great interest in the movement. Please inform all in your neighborhood whom you think will come especially Charles and Geo. C. and families; and B.K.; and if you should see Dr J. or Mr. Bowker tell them also. We shall have splendid moonlight if the weather prove favorable and I hope we will have a good time generally. I shall try and be at the Sch. H. at an early hour and have a good fire made. Bring the Hallelujah or any other sacred music. Respectfully S.J.R. B. and I with team to town. I put Phleys letter in. I to Mrs Brown. She told all about her troubles avec Sam (Bouem?) &c. B. and I over bridge. Cut down 4 small trees and took them to E. B. fell and cut his mouth. PM. La better. We to town. I in P.O. Paid E’s postage. 80 cts out of my long kept Wis. note $1. We to No 2. Got load of black wood. Jim T. bought it of me for 50 cts. B. home. I to T. Site. Got another better load for self. Saw Tom Marple and others about singing. Home. Read. &c. S. Clear, warm. A/C’s in general. K’ai en l’argent $12.10 Dans papier $2.20. Laa I’argent $1.15 Billets $1.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (302)

B. l argent $3.15. Billets 30 cts. Peter Fiederling owes me $5.25 (Paid.) E. Fiederling owes me 80 cts. Paid en l’argent. [shorthand] Samuel J. Reader. [shorthand] Samuel J. Reader, Township Trustee. ((Dec.10.1911.1:33.p.m.)) [Page 428] THE YEAR OF 1863. JUBILEE ((Good wheat bread and a dollar a day is coming Yah!)) Jan. 1st. New Years Day Indianola Shawnee County Kansas U.S.A. Samuel J. Readers private Journal & Day Book. l 80 l $5.25 Thursday 1. S, windy. Cloudy, raw but warm. Vive l’emancipation! [shorthand]. Hurrah for Old Abe!!! I to T.S. (Town Site). Got E. a load of wood. She paid me 80 cts silver. I got us a load of wood. Peter F. paid me $5.25! Windy, S, Clouds. Mrs. Bl. here. I backed a letter for her. Fine time. [shorthand]. PM. I made an axe helve. I put Fox in buggy. F, I and flute to Mr. Raglaus at Curtis’. Mr & Mrs. and 2 Miss Williams there. Mr. R. lame back. A New Years supper. Jack Curtis [shorthand] (carved turkey). I read daily to Mr W. Talked of Ritchie, Gale &c. I played flute. The young ladies and Mr. White sang. All started at 10. S, windy. Cloudy but pleasant and warm. Home. Safe & sound. Frid 2. Rain last night. S, windy. Cleared off. Warm. I to Dr’s. Mended pasture fence, and little gate. I put a fence around cribs. Home. P.M. Bet Moi ‘tire [shorthand]. I burnt stubbs out of axes. Ground Drs and put a new handle in mine. I to Dr’s. Cut wood. To P.O. Clinton returned me my $1 Wis. note. Mrs DeWolf sick yet. Got Dem & LC. Home; Read. &c. Sat 3. Some clouds. Still, pleasant. La better. I to E’s. Got axe. She gave me $5 gold for paper. B. and I to H. bridge. Saw Owen. Told him of singing, sch. I met Elliza Milne. Told her also. I at Bowkers; Told him and Geo. Carpenter of singing. I to T.S. (Town Site). Got load of hickory wood. Got ready. E et moi to Sch. house in wagon. I stopped and got Mc.N’s. books. ((Dec.10.1911.2.p.m.)) [Page 429] January 4. 1863. Tom Marple at Sch.H. Made a fire. I played flute. Bowker & squad of ladies, and White and another squad came. No Philey nor Carpenters. Mr W. had us begin at 1st lesson and drilled us

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (303)

very well. I sang with Bowker. At recess I played and rest sang. Home at 9 or 10. Beautiful night. Sund 4. Clear. Still, warm. Up late. Je me suis bien. Mary Brown here. B. & I caught her pony. I wrote W L Wendel “D &c” I rec’d your interesting letter letter dated Dec 9./62 sometime ago and for want of anything interesting to write to you have delayed, till &c. I saw your brother and 2 sisters at Singing sch. last night, well of course but forgot to inquire of your father and mother as I didn’t then know I should write to you today. I suppose they are all well. No more battles in Ind. Dr A gets “tight” now and then and swears he will “Clean T’s shanty out;” bet $8 I will” &c. He carries 3 revolvers. US tax &c. Dr. C. is still in Ark. He is well. At the battle of Cane Hill he got excited and took part in a cavalry charge. He received two loads of buckshot through his coat and a Rebel struck him on the back of his head and knocked him off his horse, bruising him badly. He managed to crawl to a fence and escaped being run over but his horse was captured by the Secesh. Maybe he will not try to experiment again. Doctors you know should kill with physic and not with arms. Singing &c. Cunnings. Religion. Close. To Ferdinand Wedel. Dear F. Recd. How do you like old Abe’s proc. for freeing the slaves in Rebel states? For my part I am a dyed in the wool Ab. Of the most ultra kind and I consider it a grand step made in behalf of humanity as well as a good war measure. I want to see the day when not a Slave can be found in our Country. If there be such a thing as Divine retribution our nation is receiving its punishment for so long upholding the atrocious system of Human Slavery. These are my sentiments Ferdinand and you must not be offended if we happen to disagree on this subject. As I am a civilian perhaps I have no right to say the war ought to be carried on. From present appearance Mo. is bound to be a free State soon through gradual emancipation and if our armies can crush the Rebels the Cotton states will be made free through the workings of “sudden emancipation.” From last accounts I trust old Abe will keep his back bone straight. Weather &c. Yours truly. SJ Reader. PS Please give the enclosed note to your brother William “The FG” have gone up the spout. No military spirit nor flag exhibited since you left. Sam Reeder. PM McN. here. Leon ran off and came, also B, tire elef. I got a stray hog in pen. B. & I to Drs till late playing flute singing; playing “old maid” and dominoes. Full Moon. Mond 5. Cloudy, still, warm; But little ice. I hitched up. Mrs. Bl. here for me to help kill hogs. I unhitched. B. I & rifle there. Downie and man, Frank McKenna, Charley Kaw and boy came. I shot 2 hogs. We dressed them. N. Cooler. Tied cord to [shorthand] (hog) leg and drove him home. [shorthand] (Bon dine’.) ((Dec.10.1911.2:48.p.m.)) [Page 430] January 6. 1863. PM. Cool. Cloudy. Leon found over $5. E. had forgotten she had. Saw a camp smoke in bushes. We to it. Home. Big George (THORNTON SHOT Wooly & killed him. ((On Thornton, wagon – boss. 1911.)) ((It was on the road 200 yds from the house. S.E.)) The dog tried to kill him. B to P.O. I to Bls. Talked with Madame Bollote of Army &c. Downie & man

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (304)

came. We cut up hogs. I home at 9. Clinton wants me. Cleared off. N. Cool. ((The dog tried to catch Geo’s horse by the tail. Geo. said “Now dame you. I kill You.” and fired. The dog gave a few yelps & expired. It was the Drs. dog & he was [XXX] just right, altho we were quite mad about it. I followed Thornwall to town but it was too dark to be sure of him. I found him in the saloon with his big six shooter. I said nothing.)) Tues 6. N.W. Breezy. Up early. Some clouds. I to Bl’s. Salted down meat. Cold N. [shorthand]. Mme. Bollote gave me a note to son. I hitched up. I to E’s. Got her a/c money &c. I forded river. Horses covered with ice. I gave Laurient a/c bills &c. from E. I to Clerks office. Plenty there. Also Davision. I presented my bill against Co. Approved. Also Township a/c of $13. It was granted, also. John Pliley & Whitaker spoke to me about pay for Road &c. I to Hamiltons. Got E. pair of calf skin shoes $1.50. F.s, 25 cts my money; charge to La. In all $1.75 for shoes. I got E. drugs. $1.25, my money. I passed Wis. note got 2 almanacs. I to Adams office. Got 2 blanks to take agricultural statistics of this Township. Saw Gilchrist. He says we can get pay of Wier. I got a box at Express office for Mrs. Marple. I to Laurients. Got flour & groceries for E. At 2 1/2 P.M. I crossed river with Stamp aboard. Water came in wagon bed. Stamp opposed to repeal Hog Law. Home. I to P.O. Got LC, French, and a letter from Bl. I took A.l statistics from Hutchinson. A great Ball at Clintons. I heard Willy play flute, and left his. I played it. Read of story of Mysteries du peuple. Clear, cool. B sold 4 doz eggs in muslin 45 cts. Je etu le grammaire, Brown. Wed 7. S.E. Clear, cold. Up early. I with team to P.O. Paid Clinton 3 cts for Bls letter. I to T. Saloon. Willie hunted ((Dec.11.1911.10:44.a.m.)) [Page 431] January 8th 1863. RED PAINT. up my flute. Clinton came in drunk and shot into T’s door. I got E a load of wood. Willy leaves his little flute with me. PM. S.E. Cool, raw. I got 2 loads of wood for us on T.Site. Some clouds. I to P.O. Got letter from E.D. Rose. Home.B. & I to Drs. I played little flute finely. I got Drs. letter. Home at 9. COPY OF DC. C’s LETTER. Thurs. 8. Some clouds. Still. Frosty. Drs letter viz: I have had a kind of battle; not much of it; enough to have something to relate when people are tired with the eternal campaign du Var. A little by choice, and some by the will of my ci devant horse. I found myself leading a charge of Cavalry to try to take a battery. Just one of our soldiers ahead of me, and Secesh “mighty” thick around; so near that I took hold of the gun of one who was going to shoot me, and made him prisoner; when I was struck on the back of the head by another one and knocked off my horse. The road was narrow between the high bank of the creek and a fence, and a great many of Rebels coming; pushed by our soldiers. I succeeded to crawl under the horses & to get near the fence without any harm but some contusions, where I rested between two Secesh; one dead and another dying. I have lost my horse which ran with them. It was a regular stampede. Never I

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (305)

saw men so scared. Plenty fun, and no harm but to my clothes. I got two loads of buckshot in my coat. The fight took place on the road S. of Cane Hill. We followed the enemy for seven or eight miles; quite an exciting race. We lost about 7 or 8 men killed and perhaps 25 wounded. The enemy lost a little more. A good deal of ammunition used without effect. I came back to camp today. The fight took place day before yesterday, etc. etc. M.A. Campdores. I cleaned up yard and fixed crib over stable. Found 7 eggs. La fait du [shorthand] (doughnuts). I sent a [XXX] to Lew. Bryan. PM. Clear. Still. I took up our meat and resalted it. McN. was here at noon. He had been before Co. Comm. to see about his Road tax, but they will do nothing. He wants me to sue Thompson &c. I to P.O. Ne rien. Took statistics from several. Home. Played. Frid 9. S. Pleasant. Still. I drew E. 2 loads of wood. No Augells. PM. Clear. B & I to woods & got ourselves 1 load of wood and more than 1/2 sk. grapes. I to P.O. Got LC & Dem. Took Dr. Jenners & McNowns statistics. Mrs. Bollotte at P.O. Home. She and Mrs Bl. here awhile. “Jeems” (Wallace) has sold his land. Ed DeWolf killed. (Mistake.) Bowker Capt in 4th Indian Reg. I read Dem. (Dec. 8. 1908. Ed. DeWolf reported Killed.) ((Dec.11.1911. 10:50/a.m.)) [Page 432] January 10. 1863. Saturday 10. Clear. Hard freeze. Still Petite dos un peu mal [shorthand] Nez rouge. Harricots, I cai dejune. I drew E. 2 loads of wood from T.S. PM. I to town. Abe Marple prosecuted by Geo. Carpenter for shooting a mule. B.F. Kistler bad witness for C. ((Old Andy Carpenter, said to me: “I would not give $2.50 for Ben Kistler’s oath. He told us one thing & swears to another. 1911.)) I took statistics. Je bu de leau avec Geo. W.C. et il but beer. Abe cleared. I home. Hitched up and took E. to sch. h. Pliley et Mlle. Em. Carpenter La Capt. Bowker & Barnard also, White & ladies came. Je pense il veux du paye &c. We sang. At recess ladies sent Bowker to me for me to play flute. Je le fait, augies chante. Closed, I played John Brown. Mowers, &c Mlle. Carpenter (said to me:) me det: ((I want you to make two portraits of me; and you must make my nose turned right up, so! & she made a gesture with her hand, upward. Bowker laughed.)) Faiter vous deux portraits de moi. Home. Warm. Letter from Frank. Sund 11. Clear, warm, pleasant. Still. Like Spring. I read Franks Phonographic letter. I wrote. [shorthand] “All well as usual. Leon still has his periodical attacks of convulsions every month or so. Had letter from the Dr. at the battle of Cane Hill he & his horse got excited (he said) and took part in a cavalry charge made by our men on a rebel battery. He got in advance of our column & among the rebels, one of whom struck him on the back of the head & knocked him from his horse, bruising him severely. He rec’s two loads of buck shot thro his coat & lost his horse. I suppose he [XXX] himself again in some revolutionary campaign in France. Very warm. As I am writing the doors are open & I am in my shirt sleeves. [Shorthand] My book is called: “The American Manuel of Photography” by Langley & Bro’s Cincinnati Ohio. I wrote the word “confederates ((being shelled”,) as a pun. If Burnside shelled

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (306)

them I think the rascals of rebels got all the [XXX]! I have great hopes in the slaves giving Uncle Sam a helping hand. A negro Reg.t in Kansas has been mustered in. They say the Indians are splendid on a scout. In the 2’d Reg’t they are in good part Cherokees. ((Dec.11.1911. 1:33.p.m.)) [Page 433] January 12th 1863. “HORSE=FROG” CURE. ((“Knocks fits higher than a kite.” It is claimed.)) [shorthand] Their language is written in character of their own invention & I believe this is the only Indian so written. The Dr. is Assistant Surgeon. The cd. (John Ritchie.) is still under arrest for arresting his superior officer. I suppose you will be about as tired reading this as I am writing it, so I’ll close. etc. Joe Kopp & Pete here for cattle. Geo. Wender here. I took likst of land &c. Julie Bellmore here. I played flute & fiddle. All of E’s here in PM. Warm, pleasant. S. ) over 60. Doors open; fires nearly out. Julie to Mrs. Browns. I finished F’s portrait. I got more of Fox’s frogs for Leon. (It cured him.) All left. At night I wrote letter to Frank. To bed late. [shorthand]. l 25 X 25 = $1.50 Mond 12. Clear. Still, warm. Finished phonographic letter to Frank. B took it to P.O. La washing. I to E’s. Took up her meat and cut wood. P.M. Hazy. E. I to Pucketts. Saw Mrs. Milne; told her of her box of express goods here. Got list of their cattle &c. Miss Plummer teaches school, demain. I to Higg. Bought 50 cts letter paper 1/2 for E. Mon argent. Took Paynes things of agriculture. Geo Young there. Gold is 37 prem. I at Billy’s. Got a Junction paper. Saw Geo. Carpenters lady for first time. (A fine looking lady.) Home. Clouding up. S.E. Warm. Mrs Bl. here with letter for Bl. Fan Bollotte offended at me and at La for not giving Dr’s address. At night I wrote to Bl. in French: viz: M. Bl. Mon ami, Je recu votre letter de 20 Decembre quelquies temps passé. Tout les gens va thes bien excepte Mme. D.W. La santé de matante est bonne a present. Le temps est sec. Et tres chaud. Le etait plus de 60 hier. Te est comme le printemps. Pas de gelee dans le terre. J an le pouvoir a laboure les champs si je avondrai: Le prix de maise est 20 forine $4.50 &c. Pore 3 sous pour leguel je lis avec beaucoup de interet dt plaisir je suis fache que vous maison mais tant pis dans l Ermee. Nous avous recu une letter de le Dr. après le baterille de “Prairie Grove” Je souhait il a un autre cheval avec moins de courage que l autre. Le Dr est trop temegaire comme les plus part des francaise Mr. Clinton en un bal l’autre muit. Beacoup des homes se griser. Clinton etait. ((Dec.11.1911.3.p.m.)) [Page 434] January 13 1863. ((Post Master of Indianola on a jamboree.)) Clinton drunk and dangerous, shooting into Jim Thompson’s Saloon door. Tres ivre te matin el il tire un coup de pistolet dans la porte de le Salon de T. jen alle pas an bal moi menu parceque je ne dense pas.Nous avons entendous que Ed. DeWolf etait fait prisonier et

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (307)

tue par les Rebels. Est le nouvelle viar! Les nouvelles de la un beaucoup de les. Le 8. Reg Kan. Vol’s etais daus le bataille je peuse Lo Sq. Rose me ecrit avec sou reg. mais sa sauté est bonue. Mr. Bollotte n’est pas tres bien Madame B. est chez vous mais elle allrai chez soup ere demaiu Cacante et Bernice Le Sert ou un autre fille Indians. Je biverai avec beaucoup des respects a vous it a tous mes aunis dans larmee pres de vous je suis encore votre vigi ami. SJR E. Blet amis P.S. Vdre dami vous enoge 20 sous du stamps de Post Salue a vous. SJR A little sprinkle. Ate grapes. S, windy. Tuesd 13. Cloudy. S, windy, warm. I drew E a load of wood. I took E, Leon, Dode and La to Bellmores. I home. B & I cooked dinner. P.M. S.W. windy, warm. Je donne B. un coup de clef; et lechien assui. I to McN. for wheat. No 1/2 bu. I got E. load of wood. N.W. Cooler. I to Bellmores. Got folks home. Mme. Bl. ne aime pas Miss Fannie Bollote. E et La. delivered their minds to the former de lautre. I to Mc.N’s. He gave me 10 bu. wheat for helping him harvest. Good pay. He wants me to sue Jim T. Cold. N.W. I home. Read L.C. &c. Wed. 14. N.W. Cold, cloudy. I mended my mittens. PM. I arranged things to go to mill. Greased wagon &c. Wind died away. Warmer. Cleared off. La cooking for Trip. B to P.O. No horses till late. B. home. NYT and letter from Ella Gregg. HORRIBLE COLD TRIP. Thurs 15. Up about 3 1/2. Very still. Clear. I loaded in wheat. Here 5 sks. and 6 of E’s. I started for mill by new bridge. Mc.N. behind me. At Muddy it began to snow a little and blow hard from N.E., in my face, but I kept on. Met Button at Rock cr. Snowing and blowing from N.E. My nose, ears, hands and face nearly frozen. Beard hanging with ice. I walked behind wagon and the team went along without driving. I gave team few ears of corn. I to Grasshopper mill at 2 or ((Dec.12.1911.9:38.a.m.)) [Page 435] January 16th A.D. 1863. Mill trip Weigh 186 lbs. Next Best. 3PM. Unloaded and fed. I cut wood and sat ‘round stove. Ground out part of my wheat at 12. Stopped. I slept about 1 1/2 h. N.N.W. Cleared off. Cold as sin. An awful time. Windy. Horrible, cold. [Drawing named: Thinking of the poor soldiers.] Frid 16. Cloudy, N.W. Not so windy. I got all of my grist at 9 or 10. A good turnout. 6 good sks. flour, 1 short out of 11 sks wheat. I struck out for home. Abominably frosty and the wind changed S.W. right in my face again. “O, HOW MEAN!!!” ((Murmuring against Providence? 1911.)) I had to walk about all the time. Not McN. He camped out last night. I didn’t stop to

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (308)

feed. Clear, cold, but not much wind. I met Philey et malediotion! Je le vois entre asmaison de Charlie C. I at Indian Cr. at sun set and home after dark. Unloaded our flour &c. Ate supper. I to bed early. Cold S. Last night F. saw a “Jack-o-lantern” floating near our house. It came from our stable against the wind & disappeared past corner of the home. ((Spookey? May be so. 1911.)) It was 5 below zero ce matin. I am sore, et nez et bouche rouge stenfle. Sat 17. Clear. S. )18. Up late. Raw, cold. I am sore and used up. B and F saw 2 Jack o’ lanterns night before last. Wrote to Matilda: I rec’ed Ellas long and pleasing letter this week and now attempt to answer to D.S. Mat my Sch. girl Sisters. We are all well as usual. I got a phonographic letter from Frank last week dated Jan 1 which I answered immediately. I think he is making fine progress in his new study of shorthand; at any rate he is improving faster than I am, although Camp must be a poor place for study from what I hear. I hear that many of the boys from this place who have enlisted are learning and becoming adept in things not quite so creditable as short hand and Latin. A large number drink and gamble and some of them have become “light fingered”. It is my opinion that these views are not so prevalent in the Eastern army, but suppose they exist to some extent. “Old King Alcohol” depravity by one means or another and I think you should by all means be excluded from the army – etc. etc. Our weather has been delightful nearly all this winter. A few days ago some of our farmers were plowing. The ) being 60 or 70, but a few days ago we had a sudden change the ) running down to 5-0. I was caught out in this cold spell of weather and had my ears nose and lips slightly touched by the frost. I think I never suffered more from the cold than on those two days I was out. I had to face a N.E. snow storm driven by a very hard wind which carried the snow and sleet in a nearly horizontal direction. You can have no idea of the piercing nature of our Kansas winds in the winter, especially on the high prairie where no obstacle presents itself for miles. Today the weather has moderated and it may continue so for a long time. All quiet along Soldier creek. Our pugnacious friends of Indianola have not shed any blood for a long time. Half a dozen revolvers were however drawn at a Ball at the Clinton house two weeks ago, but resettled in no casualties. King Alcohol as usual was the instigator . I never go to any of the many Balls. Hops, Fandangoes or whatever you have a mind to take them in this neighborhood. I have no conservtious scruples against dancing but cannot “shake the fantastic toe” myself. I never tried to dance but a few times and am now too old to learn. I took my cousin Fannie to several surprise parties this Winter at which we sang. I of course through my flute played chess and amused ourselves as best we could. The young folks talk of making a descent in force upon the Doctor’s house some of these evenings. We have had Singing ((Dec.12.1911.4:44.p.m.)) [Page 436] January 18. 1863. school for several weeks. I for the first time try to sing base. I succeed indifferently well, my voice is not quite so harsh and cracked as I had supposed. We have not heard from the Dr. for 3 weeks. He is Assistant Surgeon of the 2nd Indian Reg’t Division of the Army of the Frontier. Gen. Blunt commanding. He likes the service very well now. He was rash enough to take part in a cavalry charge at Cane Hill. I will give you an extract from his letter in regard to this affair. (*See Jan. 8 ’63.). We hope the Dr. will take better care of himself in the future. Some of our

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (309)

neighbors who are in Blunts army wrote that the Dr. was wild with excitement at the battle. He took and spurred to the front of the attacking column. I sat round and read. PM. Frank McKenna here to look at Butons Clarinet. No trade. I hitched up. Took E’s flour home. F & I to sch h. Met Mrs C Augell. My mouth swelled. I made fire. I played Willey’s flute. It sounded splendidly in sch. house. White Bowker and a few others came. We recited and practiced. I played Hornpipes Waltzes & at Recess. White wants $1 pr night. (He has cheek enough.) I bid goodbye to Bowker. Home. Sund. 18. Cloudy. I Raw. Not so cold. Up late. [shorthand] (Pot pie.) B to Drs. Misty. To Frank: [shorthand]. Please send the enclosed note to brother Frank. I will allow you to read it as a return for the favor. Ella wishes to know whom F.R.C. resembles. He is not so much like his father as Leon in personal appearance. Just fancy a child just able to sit alone with intently black eyes dark hair and a good natural expression when satisfied and you have him. I never have anything to do with him as he so young. I am afraid I might drop him were I to take him up. Besides they all laugh at my awkward manner of holding a little one and that also deters me. It is rather late. I will close. Love & respects to all. Your Aff. Bro. S.J.R. PS. Will you be kind enough to present my compliments to Miss G. Be sure you do not fail, if you please, and you will greatly oblige your Br. PM. F here car dine. She to Drs. B. home. I wrote. W, rainy, warm. Willy here and got his flute. I copied letter and read Dem. Gold 46 1/4 [XXX]. Mond 19. N.E. Snow 6 in. deep. Cloudy. Snowing hard. Not freezing. [shorthand]. (I am glad I am not in the Army.) ((Lack of patriotism? Dec. 13.1908.)) I wrote to E.D. Rose. I to E’s. Cut wood. Began to clear up. Home. Letter to E.D. Rose: Squire R.D.F. As it is snowing today I improve the opportunity &c. Well excepting Mrs. De.W. Mrs Bollote is in the neighborhood. “All quiet along the Soldier &c. (See Mats letter) It appears that Kaw Charley got drunk and was abused by big Aleck Nadox, Lew Ogee, Cy. Higg, and some other took Charles part and came near having a big row. Otherwise the Ball is said to have been a splendid affair, about 30 couples present. The old Lady Clinton towards morning made the discovery that “Her Wm.” Was missing. She immediately commenced a vigilant search fearing (rightly, perhaps) his affections were being bestowed on some object other than herself. After exhausting all her strategy in vain, ((Dec.13.1911.1:13.p.m.)) [Page 437] January 20 A.D. 1863. She gave up the search and as she could not enjoy the Ball herself, she determined no one else should; so after turning off the lamps and sprinkling a little oil over the ladies dresses, she

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succeeded. I was not there, as I do not dance. Dr A & Jim T. are “as thick as 3 in a bed”. A few weeks ago the Doc. Threatened to shoot Jim and pull down the “shanty” every time he got tight. I don’t know how long the peace will last. Here is another item of news; our respected friend J.M.H (Harding) was married to Mrs. (widow) Wm. Marple 8 or 9 days ago. He got his divorce last Nov. The old man spent no time in mourning. Wm. & E.B. rec’d a Captains [XXX] from Washington a week or two ago without his knowledge to serve in 4th Indian Reg. & to start to L.C. yesterday. Weather &c. We have not heard from the Dr. C. (See Nats letter & Drs.) I remain as ever truly your friend. PS. One word about Henry D. His father told me not long ago that H. did not desert. That he stopped with his friends at B.G. and staid all night. That when he went to camp the next morning he was caught by Rebel scouts and has been paroled. He also said H. had written to his Co. several times but could get no answer. Did any of his letters reach your camp? It is the general opinion here that he deserted but D. denies it. I should like to hear from you often. SJR &c. Samuel. (CAPT. PLILEY. BRAVEST OF THE BRAVE. Dec. 13. 1908.) A.J. Pliley here. Got J. Plileys Scrip and receipted it. Talked of balloons &c. PM. I to town; put letters in P.O. I to Higgs. Got lead pencil for self 5 cts. and 48 envelopes for E. 25 cts. She now owes $1.75, medicine paper and envelopes. Higg [shorthand] grands pieds. [shorthand] (Saw my big feet & said: “Sam you have a big foot!” Higg wears No. 9.) [shorthand] Measles around. I to E’s. Got Fh. Paper. [shorthand] (Read, N. Cool, cloudy.) [shorthand] (I played with flute from Rose’s book.) Tuesd. 20. Cloudy. [shorthand] (I must learn phonography.) [shorthand] (I’ll use the word signs in my Journal, first.) ((I am sorry now I did so. Dec 13.1911.)) [shorthand] I began to study [shorthand] began graminaire Auglai’s again. I mended chairs. Mr. Scoffield here. (OPIUM EATER.) B to P.O. Got two letters but no medicine. (He has been drunk yesterday. Hier and said to La “If I were dead and in Heaven I’d be better off!”) He has no opium & wanted B, or me to go to Topeka for some. [shorthand] Said Clinton & Dr A. shot at Raker & Price last Sat. All left. Dine’ tard. PM. N.W. but not [shorthand] Scoffield dit. [shorthand] (Mrs Augel treats the old lady, Old”I want to know” like a dog!) Leonard here. All in town to repeal Hog law &c on La [shorthand.] I asked Andy if he was a musician? A.C. dit: “young [shorthand] . I to Higg [shorthand] I to Jim T’s. Jack Thompson showed me a card trick, & gave me a pack of cards. [shorthand.] Et me doune une pack. I got L.C., F’h paper. Home. Read. Cloudy. S.W. ((Dec.13.1911.2.p.m.)) [Page 438] January 21st 1863. Wed 21. Cloudy. S. Not cold. My nose and lips are peeling. I wrote Remonstrance against repeal of Hog Law & one for singing sch. B. to Dr’s & cut wood. PM. [shorthand] S.E. I husked corn. [shorthand]. I waited at P.O. a long time. No mail. I got Scoffields opium. [shorthand] Bet moi joue enchre. Age Mrs. Stewart sick.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (311)

Thurs. 22. [shorthand]. I to Scoffields; gave him his opium. He gave [shorthand]. Signed my remonstrance. I to Bellmores. All off surveying. Hardy there. He has quit drinking. Rainy [shorthand]. Got 48 envelopes 30 cts. E has paid me 2 $1 notes. I owe her 25 cts. Saw Geo. Young & dogs. Saw Green. Took his land, Stock &c. I splashed home. Saw surveying Leonard, Bellmore & F. McKenna Signed Remonstrance. La will lose 10 acres by wrong Survey. ((But she did not lose any. 1911.)) [shorthand]. I mended [shorthand]. Whitaker here and got his Scrip. B. to [shorthand]. La uneasy [shorthand]. La reading Uncle Tom’s cabin. Mist. Rainy. [shorthand]. La uneasy [shorthand]. I make hornpipes climb on the flute, as Tom Marple says. Frid 23. [shorthand]. Snow all gone. Not so muddy. [shorthand]. I to E’s. Took up her meat [shorthand]. I got at P.O. Dem & a letter from Ner to Dr. Postage due, and a Medical Journal that E thought the money was lost. I cut withs. To E’s & then home. [shorthand]. Mist [shorthand] 1 sk corn. PM. I hitched up. Took corn to mill. No grind. I to E’s. Got her meat here. Elliott here. Cleared off. F and I to Sch. h. before dark. I wrote scale on black board. Willy T. came with the Indianola girls. He played flute & Miss Wendels accordion. 5 of us fools signed $1 for Sch. and some for books. I gave my remons trance to B.F. Kistler and Owen. White opened Sch. late. At recess the ((Dec.13.1911.2.22.p.m.)) [Page 439] January 24. A.D. 1863. THE SACRELIGIOUS DANCE! [Drawing named “O HORROR OF HORRORS!!” young folks had a play. After closing I played and White Willy and Jeff Cohee &c danced. I borrowed a note book of Sophia Wendel. Somebody cut up Plileys saddle. Home at 10. [shorthand]. (I dreamed of fire in town, and at Paynes.) ((This dream was prophetic. 1911.)) Sat 24. Clear, frosty. Very pleasant. Still. La vie est heureux. I copied 3 tunes. B to town with 7 doz eggs. Got 60 cts cash of Jim T. I hung my meat. PM. E to Mrs DeWolfs. I finished hanging meat. Cleaned out smoke house, and made a smoke. I to town. Tim Downie will sign remonstrance. I saw Payne. He got up a petition for repeal of Hog Law and got 25 names. Will shoot Tim’s stock if he wont sign. I in at Thompsons. An officer of the 9th that was here at James Jones trial there & other soldiers. Jack got to speaking about H. bridge. Says I may be held responsible for it. Payne* has complained. Thinks I had better go to Topeka demain and take advice. I read Dem. Clear S, pleasant. ((I was in good health for me at this time, but after the Ben Payne worry I lost my appetite & La said I looked sallow & bad. Dec.1911.)) (I will remember day. Dec. 14.1908.) Sunday 25. My Birth Day; I am 27 years old. Clear, still. [shorthand]. (That fool bridge!) Some like 6 ys ago, in feeling. I to Thompson’s Just up. I heard that B. jone aux cartes daus T‘s. Home. To town again to get horses. I with team to t’s. Loaded in kegs. Jim, Jack & Eddy. To Drs. Got T. and left her at Raglands. We ferried to Topeka at noon. P.M. I got Es opera glasses 25 cts. mon argent. Am now even with E. I ate pickled tongue with Jim in Saloon. Jack cant find any lawyer (whose opinion he considered any better than his own.) I saw McArthur the

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (312)

lawyer. Loaded up “things”, and crossed river. Jim ivre. Got T. Saw old man Curtis. Jack got them to sign petition to repeal Hog Law. Clouded up. Left F. at home, and took T’s plunder to their house. I got LC. Perhaps Jack T’s bug bear is a humbug! (Sure it was!) Mange soupe. I read “Jack Adams”, a book that Frank McKenna left for me, and took my fiddle. ((*Ben Payne caused me lots of countless worry and trouble. He was always in opposition to me “from start to finish”.1911)) ((Dec.13.1911.8.p.m.)) [Page 440] January 26. 1863. Mond 26. Clouds, N. Breezy, coldish. [shorthand]. Let OFFICE go to grass, my mind has been made up a long time. I hitched up. To Owens. Gone off. Bowker at Topeka. Will stay 3 weeks. I to E’s woods. Got E load of [shorthand]. Morgan here. I took his List. He left. PM. N, cool, clear. I to No 2. Got load of wood & poles. Je parle francais avec DuFiene, et lum et l’autre comprede tout [shorthand]. I cut wood & played flute. Home. Read “Jack Adams.” [shorthand] Miss Bellmore invited F, E, et mor, a alle chez lui, next Wed night with the flute. Tuesd 27. Clear, frosty. Up early. N.W. wind. I believe Jacks tale must be humbug. I hung up our meat. B. helped. B & E here. Leon fits again. I there & cut wood. Ce Matin I wrote a statement of facts in regard to bridge. Cool. PM. La to E’s, I to town. Gave Jack T. my paper. Saw Erwin & John Bryan. Home. L Pappan paid E $20 hier. La home. Clear. At night La to E’s. I made out Statistical Report for Frank Adams. Wed 28. La home. Le. has had 17 fits in all. Clear. Warm. Still. To Es. Cut up a lot of wood. Home. Read. PM. Town. Got at PO. F.h. paper LC. and a magazine from Frank. I saw young Geo. Carpenter. They leave in the Spring for Mo. I at T’s. A lot there getting ready for Ball. [shorthand]. Greek characters. Home to E.s. About dark F and I in buggy with Fox to Bellmores. A large crowd there. Bill T. tried to play on my flute. No go. F. danced. I did not. At 1 F and I home. Wind changed. N.W. Clear, cooler. Moonlight. Thurs. 29. Clear W. Up late. B home. I studied [shorthand]. Very high wind. Cold. Read &c. I to mill. Got one sk meal. Made axhandle, cut wood, &c. B. to PO. Got letter from Dr. Not well. N.W. Not so cold. B got a Jews harp in [shorthand]. Frid 30. W. Still. Warm. The Dr’s whelp, and our “Snoop” run together. [shorthand]. I have a cold. Mon nez ne pas si rouge. PM. I gave E. 5 cts. I to town. Dem. To T Thompson window, lamp, etc broken yesterday. [shorthand]. Their window, lamp & glasses broken by Jack, while drunk. He to Topeka for a window. ((Dec.13.1911.3:20.p.m.)) [Page 441] January 31st 1863.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (313)

[shorthand]. I was introduced by Charley vienx to his brother. I’ve Spring fever. Its like Spring. I think I will have no fuss with the bridge. Drs. F, E & I in wagon to Pucketts. We got Miss Puckett. We to Sch. H. at dark. Not many out. Ben Kistler says the people are down on us for the dance last Frid. He says I’m in no danger about the bridge. He thinks the county will pay $200 and take the bridge. Vive la religion! Miss co*ck sent me a French paper by Eliza Milne. I sang bass very well. White made blunders. He said the treble was below the alto on some staff. [shorthand]. Miss Packard, E. F. and I were right. We started. Still clear. Fine moon light. ((We saved paying our dollars, anyway.)) Such a fool music teacher. [shorthand]. Mc’s, Miss P. and E & F, La and I home. To bed. Sat 31st [shorthand] Another ball at Bellmores last night. Mon ami Bl Je ecrit une letter a vous Jan 12. 62. Je me porte bien. La temps est sec et chavd comme le prin temps Mr. Bowker est Capitame de le 4 Indian Reg. Jl’est chez lin maintenant. Paty vous bien Votre ami. Jan. 31. 1863. Samuel J. Reader. [shorthand] Saw Jack T. He saw several lawyers at Topeka, and they say I have not rendered myself liable for repairing bridge. That’s fine.* To No. 2. [shorthand] (Got wood. Billy Pruesit found a bottle of whisky in our field & thinks its mine. Mrs. C. Augell here. [shorthand]. E’s here. [shorthand] PM. I played flute. Rest sang. Warm. At night I painted “DEVIL’S DREAM” IN FLUTE BOOK!) I feel well. [shorthand] May our banner come up again! I am a true American. [Drawing of “Devils Dream.”] *Ben Payne nicely foiled. I am in luck. He thought I could be made to pay for repairing it, out of my own pocket. The bridge takes traffic from Indianola! That’s where the shoe pinches. Yes! ((Dec.13.1911.3:43.p.m.)) [Page 442] February 1st 1863. CRUEL WAR TIME. Samuel J. Readers private Journal and Day Book. Indianola Shawnee Co. Kansas. Sund 1st. Clear, N. windy and cold. [shorthand] NO BRIDGE TO PAY FOR! I am free from Township fuss! Mond 2. [shorthand] At day light began snow. La likes my Devils dream picture. [shorthand]. PM. [shorthand]. Cut wood. To P.O. [shorthand] Saw Jack Thompson. He left my Statement with J. Bucklay. [shorthand] (The Dr. is with Doyle. A man he likes. [shorthand] Very cold and still. Tuesd 3. [shorthand] Temp. 2 below 0. [shorthand] Gold is worth premium. [shorthand] PM. S.E. Showed Wendels letter to Fran Bollotte & Eugene Caye’s to Miss Bl. & Mrs. Bollote wrote a note to son mari for me to send him. I talked a long time about the ball etc. [shorthand] I to

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (314)

town & was invited to a ball at Bellmores, as Pete & Odil Pappan were married hier. I saw Ben Payne & their hog petition has been sent to Topeka with over 50 names. ((But the scamps failed!)) [shorthand] Wed. 4. [shorthand] Snow hard from S.E. I begin to like phonography. I to town. Cant sell corn. Button, Jack Thompson & old Rock broke into the river yesterday with a wagon load of [XXX] & got wet to the waist. Rock tho’t he was poisoned. He drank salt water & put his finger down his throat etc. Mrs. Puckett laughed at him & told him to let his wife wash him etc. I gave out the notion of going to Topeka as it is snowing so hard & I might fall in the river like Button & Co. [shorthand] I mended La’s shoes. I played Devils dream finely. I studied. I [shorthand]. ((Dec.14.1911.9 1/2.a.m.)) [Page 443] February 5th. A.D. 1863. Thurs 5. ) 8. N.W. [shorthand] I got ready. I to E’s. wrote note to borrow $40 of Laurent & E. et moi signed it. I to Topeka on the ice. I got $40 of Mrs. Laurent. I to Record office gave statistics in [shorthand]. I to Clerks Office; got $3.30 scrip for self and $13 for Township. Saw Judge Winans and L. Wilmarth, Whitaker &c. I got $1 stamps 1/2 for E. with my Tefft note. Saw Mrs. Milne and Plummer and Son. I rode with Pete Man & bride & Ozell. S. W. Clear, thawing pleasant. La & B to Drs. [shorthand]. PM. I to E’s. gave her 47 cts stamps and 3 cts of last Frid. 50 cts, E owes me. I gave her the money. I to Thief meeting, after dark. 10 there. Stamp will pay E. Talked [shorthand] &c of hog law petition. It will not be noticed by Legislature. [shorthand]. Home late. Frid 6. [shorthand]. I took the boards off the E. & N. sides of Drs. house to get things dropped in by the children, etc. B & I to E’s. I let a lighted candle between the siding and plastering let down with a string to look for plunder & hooked up a few things. I cut wood. I to town & people there not friendly, so I think had [shorthand] The Hog petition has failed!! Sat 7. [shorthand] Abe Marple here. I settled his a/c with Township, and paid him $12 salary. [shorthand]. I hitched & took F. to Singing sch. Not many came. I saw the Scottish Heiress, Mary McNown & & Miss Wendell gave me 2 newspapers from Will. Miss Packard spoke of Whites blunder in music to me. I had to sing base alone. I saw Owen about the bridge. We to E’s & La & B there. We talked awhile. [shorthand]. Sund 8. N.E. [shorthand]. PM. I fished well bucket out of the well. B to E’s. F. here. She is writing for La to & it’s all nonsence I think. Mrs charley Laurent here for me to direct two letters to Caye. I played my flute. They left. La et elle ((La)) etait fache et faire tomber non paints. I got my ballot box. I don’t feel very well this gloomy weather. ((Dec.14.1911.1:34.p.m.)) [Page 444]

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (315)

February 9th A.D. 1863. Mond 9. [shorthand]. I to E’s cut Wood. I’ve a cold in my head. PM. B & I in wagon to the bridge. Hiller Harding and Owen there. ((I am now the last survivor. 1911.)) I examined and accepted the bridge. A keg of mails for Township in Hardings shop. Home. I began writing out Scrip for Contractors and continued till bedtime. (1/2 day for Town.) ((The Commissioners told me my claims for fee extremely low.)) Tuesd. 10. [shorthand]. N.E. [shorthand]. Got of Higg 1/2 gall. sorghum. [shorthand]. Bellmore was here and left [XXXX] Lectures for me. He says my fiddle sounds well now. PM. N.E. I read Yankee letters &c. I mended chair. Spikes & Steady up, and in yard. B. got [shorthand] and letter from F. Wendel. I read Les Miserables aloud & Lectures. Wed 11. Cloudy. North. Slippery. La head ache. Rainy. [shorthand]. Began to snow. [shorthand]. Got LC. and letter to S. [shorthand. Thurs 12. 2 inch snow. [shorthand]. (Let stock in the field. Ogees horse broke in.) [shorthand]. “The Devils dream” is a gallows old time [shorthand]. (But not so, gallows as “Fishers Hornpipe.” Lave on nettoye les dents. La et moi chez E. [shorthand]. Wrote to FRANK. [shorthand] (The Dr. is in Arkansas. He said he intended to stay in the army till the end of the war if possible as he says we are fighting for a Principle. But he says our battles in Ark. have been greatly exaggerated by our correspondents.) [shorthand]. ((Dec.14.1911.2:10.p.m.)) [Page 445] February 13. A.D. 1863. Corn 30 cts Wheat 90 cts. [shorthand] (The Legislature is doing little or nothing. Taxes are very high & the price of land is low. The premiums on gold is now truly alarming. It looks like financial ruin may overtake us.) [shorthand]. [shorthand] (Now I intend to pitch Rough shod into your letter. Let me see: I think) [shorthand] (Our whisky friends of Indianola are all noisy for peace by any and all means. Conway of Kansas does not represent the people here as our spokesman. He is the first Abolitionist that has asked for the recognition of the Southern Confederacy in Congress.) [shorthand]. Frid 13. (Double hoo-doo? Dec. 18. 1908.) Misty. I wrote to Frank in short hand. S, warm, windy. Thawing. Cattle all in field. B. to E.s [shorthand]. Post Script to FRANK. [shorthand]. Misty, S, windy. Raw. PM. I wrote. I to town. Saw Dr. Jenner. Wilmarth came in at T’s. He says I have been several times appointed Vice Pres’t of Agricultural Society &c. Clinton wants corn next Mond. Misty. Put in Franks letter. Got Dem. & 2 LC. [shorthand]. Muddy. ((Dec.14.1911.3:10.p.m.)) [Page 446]

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (316)

February 14, 1863. Eggs 8 cts. Corn 30 cts. Sat 14. Heavy rain and thunder. Snow gone. N.W. Windy. Muddy but freezing. B & I husked corn in my crib. It is slow work. N.W., windy, cool but thawing. Quite muddy now. [shorthand]. PM. I husked a little, I mended harness. I to town. Got medical. Saw R. Rose. They told Beckwith that Button wants him arrested for a Copperhead. Not many in town. Home. I not to singing. I read and played flute. [shorthand]. Clear. S. Sund 15. [shorthand]. B. hunted [shorthand]. I am [XXX] but troubled in mind. [shorthand]. (I to Drs. & played flute, got Surgical book. Cut wood. [shorthand]. Mond 16. [shorthand]. (Bet moi put on a load of corn & to Clintons Kuykendall is there bargaining for the horse. I unloaded 15 bu. corn. Misty.) [shorthand]. (I to town. Another Ball at La Frombois. I to E’s. Cut wood. Home. Ground the axes.) ((It never seemed to occur to us it would be better to have up 8 cut into stove wood, a dozen loads of wood at a time. We were “from hand to mouth” on the wood question. Dec. 14. 1911.)) Tuesd 17. [shorthand]. B to Jim T. with 4 1/2 doz. eggs. Got 35 cts cash. I at work making a chair out of walnut & old bottom I found. [shorthand]. B got my Day Book at P.O. today. It is called The NY. Caucasian and is only half its former size. La & B out W. and drove up horses. [shorthand]. Wed 18. [shorthand]. (I finished my chair. It is not all right. We had a grape pudding. B to E’s. PM. Bellmore looked at Cass & will buy her. ((Dec.14.1911.5:10.p.m.)) [Page 447] February 19. A.D. 1863. F & B here. Mr. Morgan came and made his Annual settlement. I paid him $14.80. $4 in Co. scrip, 1/2 day due me from Topeka. He looked at my pictures & knew Jack Thompson, Rollo Fulton, Old Rock & others. He laughed to Kill [shorthand]. [ Drawing of Miss DeLong “Lord how she shuffle!”] Thurs. 19. [shorthand]. Windy, Disagreeable. [shorthand]. (I like phonography now.) B to E’s. I began to husk corn for meal. A man came for 60 bu. corn at 28 cts pr. bu. [shorthand]. B. to town for some sugar & Clintons half bar. molasses and a letter from E.D. Rose. He says Henry D. did desert. B also got Caucasian & L.C. [shorthand]. (The two men came. We filled one wagon & other 1/2. At night [shorthand] & DeLong danced. [shorthand]. They looked at my pictures. Downie got scrip $6 of Hillers.) Frid 20. (We husked out rest of corn. Paid & left. 60 2/3 Bu. I gave B 20 cts for helping husk. Mitchell LaFrambois got 9 bu at 30 cts. in the husk.) [shorthand]. (Paid me $2.70 PM. I shelled for meal & wrote to The Conservative with $1 sent of my money.) “We do not wish it

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (317)

stopped on a/c of any disagreement with the opinions Your Journal advocate being unconditionally Union & Anti S= if we do live at the quasi Seseh town of Ind. The Pro S men here are furious about the destruction of The Inquirer and I have heard have Subscribed $45 to Indemnify the proprietors for their loss &c. etc.) [shorthand] (I to town. A man there to buy land. E owes for molasses. E now owes me $1.75.) [shorthand]. (D. Davidson says they singing Sat night.) (Thompson will sell out if Clinton will, also.) [shorthand]. Augell home. Sat. 21. [shorthand]. Rain & snow. [shorthand]. ((No news nor broken heads nor loose characters. Inquire. Jim K. buys Clinton. About Hog Law. Weather. About the Caucasion. Mrs. Bollotte wants news de son Mari &c. Cant write to Ferdinand as it would be dry as a pine chip. Like his Letter from Rose. Augell home. Dr. likes service. La fait doughnuts. PM. Snowing hard. [shorthand].Clinton paid me $4.50 for the corn. I paid him for my postage on Caucasian & rent for box 3 quarters 30 cts. for E. I paid him for monthly letter 40 cts my money. E owes me 15 cts. N.E.)) ((Dec.15.1911.9:24.a.m.)) [Page 448] February 22d 1863. Higg sold his land for $1500. Sund. 22 [shorthand]. (I gave finishing touches to the devils hoofs, in my picture. Eliza & Rosa Milue here. I to Drs & got F. PM. The most dismal and dreadful news for me!!!viz: P. goes to see mademoiselle Carpenter toujours. She asked her parents consent. They refused.) [shorthand] suicide. [shorthand] I’ll go to Singing next Sat. No Mr. White there for two weeks. Ladies left. [shorthand]. Mond 28. [shorthand]. Snowing very hard. [shorthand]. (I translated French!) PM. [shorthand]. La mending my old clothes. I to town & saw “Old Muddy nose Martin Navarre”, an Indian talked against U.S. to Button & Erwin! Augill has turned Pro-Slavery. Payne don’t like Dr. Campdores. Ben Payne’s secesh talk half disclosed. Says Jim Lane will be killed if he goes in the Pottawatomie Reserve. The Doctor says I can get a situation in the Indian Reg. as Hospital Steward or as a Lieutenant. Wants to know if I will accept. He is in Mo. [shorthand] (It would have been unwise to enlist, and nobody left at home to work. “Stay at home Sammy, don’t go!”) Tuesd 24. [shorthand]. I told E. to tell the Dr. I will go to the army as Lieut. or as Hospital Stewart. So she put a little note in the letter to him and I wrote on the envelope in French. Mon frère: Je allerai comme Lieutenant ou couine Steward d’ hospital. DeDans vous tronverai un petit billet avec la sutre letter. SJ Reader. [shorthand]. Wed 25. [shorthand]. ((Dec.15.1911.10:10.a.m.)) [Page 449] February. 26. A.D. 1863. Higg got $1200 for his claim.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (318)

Old man Hunter here and got the picture of the 8th Ks. boys, get picture back again! [shorthand]. He was in town all last night. Fight perhaps? ((Almost a certainty!)) [shorthand]. Wm. Owen got his scrip. Is loosing $10 of timber that Jack Curtis promised. [shorthand]. Thurs. 26. [shorthand]. Jeff Cohee & Harding boy here to see the picture of the 8th boys. Failed of course. Augill here. Says Vicksburg can never be taken. Hasn’t sold? He is down on negroes & being free. ((We think he was “dusted” for stealing while a cook on a gunboat.)) [shorthand]. Frid 27. [shorthand]. La got 2 streaks of good luck”1st Augell says Bellmore cant get 10 acres of her land. 2d: Our colt came up all right. [shorthand]. The pistol looks fine, but is of not much use. La’s reading Napolion. [shorthand]. Sat 28. [shorthand]. I gave B 10 cts for buying the pistol. I took E to Barnards & looked at the house. He asks $100 & will only give $50 for John. Capt Bowker in & wants me to run for T. Trustee. Miss Wendel came in to buy a saddle. It snowed hard. N.W. E & I started. We on her new claim. Its high & nice. Mrs. Bl. got 10 cts stamps. PM. La & B for cows. Bowker here a long time. Barnard will take Cass for $75. B & I tried to get horses. Failed. I cut wood at E’s. Eliza M. C. bought A.H. Barnards house, in Rochester. [Page 450] March. 1st 1863. Indianola Shawnee County State of Kansas. Samuel J. Reader’s private Journal and Day book. Sunday 1st. [shorthand]. Bowker thinks White is not fit for a music teacher, & don’t want Davidson for Justice of the Peace. [shorthand]. I to Downies. He’s better, I on to Bill T’s house. I saw La & B with the horses. Got Belle & Cass in the stable. F. on Fox to Mrs. DeWolf & Augells. PM. I to E. Cut wood. [shorthand]. Barnard here & will not take Cass. We to E’s. She will not take his house. [shorthand]. Mond 2. [shorthand]. Barnard and Owen at the Dr’s. Owen here. I endorsed scrip. E got my $20 note. [shorthand]. Tuesd. 3. [shorthand]. Wed. 4. [shorthand]. White has broken up singing school. Good! I to E’s, cut wood. Cattle in my crib. [shorthand]. B. & I took Mrs. Bls. hog home with a clothes line. [shorthand]. ((Dec.15.1911.3:33.p.m.)) [Page 451] March 5. A.D. 1863. Mrs. DeWolf died.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (319)

Thurs 5. [shorthand]. Jack Thompson & John Ogee with me to Topeka. I got E’s opera glass mended for nothing. [shorthand]. I got a box water paints 50 cts. Dress Hat 1.75 Fine boots $4.90. [shorthand]. E. Quinine 50 and shoes 85. I saw Jack Curtis. I told him I would not be Trustee anymore. Jack Thompson loaded in his whisky & beer & we home by the upper ferry before dark. I unloaded. Jack got Caucasian. Came home. My head aches. I like my purchases. [shorthand]. Mrs DeWolf died at 2 last night. Frid. 6. N. [shorthand]. Attention Electors!!! A meeting will be held at the Rochester Sch H. at 1 PM on Sat. the 7 day of March AD. 1863 for the purpose of nominating T. Officers for S.T. Sh. Co. Kans. [shorthand]. I to Paynes store. He wants me for J.R.(!) J.(E) Curtis Chairman. Ben Kistler wants me for Trustee. I refused. [shorthand]. I took La & F to DeWolf, went in. Funeral just started. I took F to grave yard. Very cold. [shorthand]. I read about diseases. La a novel. [shorthand]. Sat 7. [shorthand]. La heard that Kate Hindman is fighting about her mothers personal property already. [shorthand]. I feel weak as a cat in my legs. [shorthand]. I to E. Dr says I can be Lieutenant in the Indian regiment. ((Sure. Dec 22/1908.)) [shorthand]. Old Hite sued Red Elliott for working his horse to death. We cleared him. ((I was on the jury as usual.)) [shorthand]. Most all at the caucus. I’ll not go. [shorthand]. Sund 8. [shorthand]. Both hips lame. Feel sore all over. Bill Thompson here. Cant play much. ((Was up with a live corpse last night.” [shorthand]. He says I was nominated Trustee, & Button & Kistler for J.P. Owen & Hiller here. [shorthand]. Button said at Caucus: “Mr. Reader is a rising young man.” Etc. ((Dec.16.1911.10.a.m.)) [Page 452] March. 9 1863. [shorthand]. They left a Pot pie. Button came & took dinner. PM. He to Scoffields. All of Drs here. Another dinner & I ate too. Mr. White, Josey & Jeanine Williams here. Played flute. [shorthand]. All to Dr’s. Sang. [shorthand]. All left after 9. [shorthand]. Mond 9. S. [shorthand]. I to Drs. Cut wood. Bill T. here & got his flute. [shorthand]. PM. La cut my hair. B. & I took 10 doz. eggs to town. I in at Jack Thompsons Saloon. He & Dr. Ashmore want me for a “Squire”. I don’t want it. [shorthand]. Tuesd 10. [shorthand]. Leon & Dade here. [shorthand]. I will not be a Justice of the Peace on any account. [shorthand]. Wed 11. I to town site. Got load of wood for E. I took all Drs but Leon to Raglands. I got another load of wood for E & home. Got more wood for the Dr’s. [shorthand]. I to Raglands & bro’t our folks home. Belle says White told Miss. Blush of Topeka to “GO TO HELL” because she would not take his instruction in [XXXX]! [shorthand].

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (320)

Thurs. 12. [shorthand]. I to mill. No grist. Got wood for home. [shorthand]. PM. La to see Vive Bonim. [shorthand]. La found Briggs with a calf. My heifer, too. [shorthand]. ((Dec.16.1911.7.p.m.)) [Page 453] March 13. 1863. I weigh only 175 lbs. now. Frid 13. Double hoo-doo. [shorthand]. I took La, E & Frank to Milnes. I got green oak wood & meal at mill & took to Drs. then F. & two larger children here. [shorthand]. I to Milnes & bro’t folks home. E.A. Carpenter says she will not take P. B. got two doilies from Will Wendel. Dem. La. Sat 14. [shorthand]. La & B out & found my heifer & calf. [shorthand]. Abe Marple will take Miss Sophie Wendel. [shorthand]. Mrs. Jim Thompson left Jim this morn. In the stage. Finger cat at Milnes. [shorthand]. Sund 15. [shorthand]. E’s left Bonems & stopped & said that F. fell from her horse in the mud beyond Topeka, but not hurt. F. home after dark. [shorthand]. Bonum takes my field. [shorthand]. Mond 16. [shorthand]. Hedrick is to take Mrs. Thompson. I to my town site & cut locust tree. [shorthand]. I feel better when I work. [shorthand]. The wild ducks wing is well. [shorthand]. I to town. Davidson wants my vote. [shorthand]. Tuesd 17. [shorthand]. I to locust tree & split it after hard work. La & F. to Bellmores to quilt. B. & I got our dinner. We to Drs & plowed garden. [shorthand]. ((Dec.17.1911.11:45.a.m.)) [Page 454] March 18. 1863. B. likes to plow. [shorthand]. I to Bellmores & ate supper. Saw my fiddle. La & F home with me. Je porte mes botts neuf. [shorthand]. Gold is 58 3/8. [shorthand]. I sleep in hay. Wed 18. NE. [shorthand]. I to town with team & 9 ½ doz. eggs. 58 cts. Big crowd in town. They say Downie took $50 of a man who was gambling & put it back in his pocket. I to woods. Split 10 rails. Took wood to E. [shorthand]. ((I think Downie came to me in the woods where he ran when the crowd threatened him. Dec. 1911.)) Thurs. 19. [shorthand]. I have written my Journal all in phonograph since I wrote to you last. I like it very much, now. I can read & write it better everyday. B. & Bob here for dinner. PM. Bob left. [shorthand]. I can get a position as Lieutenant if I wish, he says. ((But he advised me to stay home.))

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (321)

Frid 20. [shorthand]. Some pain in my head. Last night old Davidson gave me 50 cts. for my juror’s fee in Hite trial. I said he wants my vote! ((Now was that BRIBERY seeing it was the only time I got my juror’s fee in his court? Looks like it. Yes, I voted for the old dunce.1911.)) PM. ((Dec. 17.1911.12:46.p.m.)) [Page 455] March 21 1863. I weigh 175 lbs. [shorthand]. I read Vallandighams Speech to La. Copperheadism. I don’t believe Sam can read half of his crooked marks. F.E.C. Sat 21. [shorthand]. F on Fox to Milnes. I made garden. I painted a picture of the devil with Secession flag & wrapped it around a Caucasian for Will Wendel, Jack Curtis fighting Button. [shorthand]. Button said he might as J.P. fine Jack for profanity, & Jack was awful mad. ((Some one said “take care! Button weighs 200 lbs.” “Well, I don’t care if he weighs 500 lbs. I’ll say what I think of him!” Jack was running for Constable & was elected & Button was not.)) Sund. 22. S.E. [shorthand]. La headache. Ate too many cakes? Some of the Copperheads say they will not be peaceably drafted, as they did not bring on the war, etc. [shorthand]. A Copperhead [XXXX] called The Enquirer was cleaned out in L. City one mo. ago. Free. Kansas would not permit treason in any shape to rear its head. [shorthand]. I am sorry father still clings to the Dem. party; but as in every thing else there is a possibility of our being wrong & he in the right. But I hope he does not endorse the sentiments of such men as Vallandigham! I think if you cant convert him, it would be useless for me to try as I suppose he looks upon me as a hot headed fanatic. Try your best Frank (etc., etc.) Tell Father if slavery receives its death blow in this war, I will most likely join the Dem. party. &c. [shorthand]. I shot pistol. F. on Fox to S.S. B at E’s. S. warm. Wrote to Frank, PM. Hot S. ) 85. Peter T. here. Old cat scratched mon nez le soir passé et il est rouge. [shorthand]. McN. here with pumpkin seeds. N. Cooler. [shorthand]. ELECTION DAY Mond 23. [shorthand]. I with the Ballet box & Statute to Clintons & opened the Election. The Judges: Myself, Davidson & Ragland. Clerks: Bill Morgan & Hy. Kennedy. ((Dec.17.1911.2:48.p.m.)) The Spring Election For T. Trustee: S.J. Reader = 45 John Philey = 31. For Justice of the peace: A. Davidson = 50 votes, G.P. Clark = 30 votes, Carpenter = 29 votes, A.R. Button = 20 votes. [Page 456] March 24. 1863.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (322)

[Shorthand]. Hi. Kennedy. I got ink 10 cts. John Philey is running against me for Township Trustee & Sen. Payne is working hard for him. I brought ballot box home at noon. E’s & Mrs. Bellinary here. PM. Back to Polls. Had 27 votes (see above). Jack Curtis & Bill Morgan elected Constables. I saw a fight between Etieun Pappan & a white man. I & Rolle Fulton interfered & big Louis Pappan threw his brother & held him down. He said to Lou: You may be stronger but I’m a better man than you. Tues. 24. [shorthand]. I wrote E D Rose [X] M.Sgt. I to town. A draft of 500,000 men. I must look out! I to my claim. I read paper at N.E. corner. [shorthand]. I fixed N & W fences. Home at 11. Windy. Mauwais esprit “Sam Reader is no account; Le tete bas tonjours.” Says Mrs. Bollott. I’ll go to the war with the Dr. I think. [shorthand]. I to the Drs & cut wood. [shorthand]. I hooked well bucket out of well. [shorthand]. I to town. Saw Kellog, a discharged soldier. [shorthand]. Rollo Fulton just out of bed. Trop du via. [shorthand]. Wed 25. [shorthand]. I to my town site. Cut 18 poles. [shorthand]. I wrote Statement to the Dr. [shorthand]. Mr. Cook was here. Says he don’t want my field. The husband of Martha Brown. Thurs 26. [shorthand]. I to Drs field & looked at fences. [shorthand]. I feel better at hard work. [shorthand]. Frid 27. [shorthand]. I wrote out my bond. [shorthand]. B & I took Drs buggy to the pond & soaked the wheels. I in the well for bucket. I to town & saw Jim (Red.) Bryan from the Army. All in uniform and is fat. Button cheated Puckett in a sow. [shorthand]. My eyes are a little glued up. [shorthand]. In the night the N. window blown open, and a match took fire in the corner. The moon was setting. Hard wind coming in the house like Sin waked me up. ((Dec.18.1911.10.a.m.)) [Page 457] March 28. A.D. 1863. Sat 28. [shorthand]. I wrote copy of my Township Report. I to E’s & cut wood. La scolded B. for “Turning her stomach.” She struck at him with the broom. He had shot gun in his hands & it hit the lock & shot the upper floor. BE CAREFUL. I took E. in the buggy to Froncaires. He has no money now. We to Mrs. Hank Smith. She’s no money. We to Mrs. Burnet, pd $3. Thief meeting. We to Louis Pappan & to Joe’s. Home. Gold is 53. I to the THIEF meeting. Stamp & Hiller signed my bond for T.T. Home at 11. [shorthand]. Sund 29. [shorthand]. F. on Fox to SS. Rob Ogee’s & all the Dr’s here for dinner. She said Em. Carpenter said for me to go there with the flute & learn a tune of her. Godley relations. [shorthand]. Mond 30. [shorthand]. Freezing. B & I to woods & took 16 poles to my claim. I plowed on S. side for the trees. Foolish scheme. ((Yes, I’ve trees enough.1911.)) Old blacks with Hutchinson

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (323)

& Walnut Creek may take my land to work. He gave me some tobacco seed. “THE BEST MARYLAND TURBACKER”, he called it. PM. [shorthand]. E don’t like Em Carpenter’s ways. Tuesd 31. [shorthand]. Old Hutch. said its “The best Maryland Turbacker”. I sowed the tobacco seed. [shorthand]. I to my field & set out trees. [shorthand]. PM. [shorthand]. Mrs. Blondel here. Mrs Bollote at Leonards! She says Madame Cole & Sam Reader are no account. A. Traine want corn. I to E’s & gave them 25 bu for $6.25. Corn not good. B sold 5 doz eggs for 30 cts. [shorthand]. Jack Thompson, Un Chevalier du Cercle d’or. A Knight of the golden Circle. [shorthand]. ((Dec.18.1911.3:25.p.m.)) [Page 458] April. 1 1863. I weigh 176 1/2 lbs. [shorthand]. Wednesday 1 1863. [shorthand]. I took La & F to Wendels. I like to have swamped horses in a mud hole there. I saw Charley Carpenter. He gave me a letter for F. We are to go there to night & sing. Hazy. My face & eyes smart. I to the Drs. Saw Mrs Spencer; told of the Dr at battle of Cane Hill & about his having a rooster in his haversack. I to Wendels & gave her letter. Home. Off to town with boys. I looked at Dr’s buggy. Too loose & F has headache. My nose bled. No go. [shorthand]. Thurs 2. [shorthand]. La very sick last night. Harding & wife want to part company. Philey buve’ beaucoup. So he trembles. I wrote to Ben Pitman. [shorthand]. B & I to my field & fixed fence by creek. B got 6 large gooseberry bushes. [shorthand]. Dr writes to E. that I must go & show myself to the Col. for Lieutenant. I will not go hunting office & I’ve done nothing to entitle me to a position. [shorthand]. B & I to river & pulled up a load of young Cottonwood trees. [shorthand]. Frid 3. [shorthand]. I feel well. La’s corn is all out. B & I with trees to my field. Plowed W side & set out 1125 trees. ((How foolish!1911.)) [shorthand]. I to Drs. Mr. & Miss Williams there. Invited F & me Wed night with flute. I played. Home. [shorthand]. Sat.4. [shorthand]. La home from Augells. A new daughter. [shorthand]. ((Dec.19.1911.9:30.a.m.)) [Page 459]

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (324)

April 5. A.D. 1863. Easter Sunday. Sund 5. [shorthand]. I drew & painted the devil with Secesh flag, chased by a U.S. soldier. Jim Brown here. [shorthand]. PM. [shorthand]. F to Augells. A cold in my head. I fear we’ll have a draft. [shorthand]. La home. I played flute. Mond 6. [shorthand]. I to my field & fixed fence. [shorthand]. I played flute. Wed. 8. S.E. [shorthand]. I chicken in the well. B. down & got it out. [shorthand]. La thinks its fine. [shorthand]. La on Fox to Augells. [shorthand]. Thurs. 9. [shorthand]. B & I took the Drs buggy wheels to the creek to soak‘em. B plowed by Griffins house. [shorthand]. I to town. Nobody wants my field. Smoky. PM. [shorthand]. ((Dec.19.1911.10.a.m.)) [Page 460] April 10. A.D. 1863. B. plowed. I burnt weeds etc. I plowed some. B. likes it. [shorthand]. I made a mistake in giving myself $7.10 instead of $5.10 for services as Trustee. I corrected it in book & then to town & corrected. [shorthand]. I paid Davison & Kennedy their scrip. Frid 10. [shorthand]. My eyes smart. B’s also. Nez pas rouge! [shorthand]. Plum trees bloom. [shorthand]. I never want to be a soldier. [shorthand]. Sat 11. N. I slept hard & sound. [shorthand]. PM. B & I took buggy wheels & put em on. [shorthand]. Sund 12. My right eye smarts. ((Are good now, 1911.)) [shorthand]. I put Fox to buggy and F & I to Sch. House early. Milne exhorted. I saw all the Phileys. A fellow preached. Said morality no use without religion. B. Kutter & Stamp voted in as preachers. What will the world come to. Ragland invited F & me to his house. [shorthand]. I have a little headache. B & E out buggy riding. Miss Carpenter came with Philey today, but no [XXXX]. [shorthand]. Mond 13. [shorthand]. La head aches & I had some too. Griffith will take my field for wheat. (He did not.) [shorthand]. Mrs. Puckett went by to Augells to look at the youngone. ((Dec.19.1911.4 1/2.p.m.)) [Page 461] April 14th A.D. 1863. Madame Clinton dit a Lib Neeley, que la engant neuf apperrunet a age Puckett. Mrs. Bollote went to town & back & did not speak to any of us folks. [shorthand]. La fait du doughnuts. I read Democrat to her. [shorthand].

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (325)

Tuesd 14. [shorthand]. Pere Cailloiz here I wrote order for them. B plowed six rounds. [shorthand]. Leon & Dade here. I shaved hoop poles. B plowed 5 rounds. I hooped vinegar keg. [shorthand]. B & I to Bls. I shot his rifle three times at mark. I took F. to Raglands. I saw Miss Curtis, Jack Curtis & John Raker made a lot of noise in the other room. Levi Williams here to see Belle Ragland. I played flute & others sang. Home at 12. Wed 15. [shorthand]. Rob Puckett hit B with a stone last night. La at Drs last night & gave the French people “fits” in general B. plowed [XXXX]. [shorthand]. Jack Thompson is Post Master pro. Tem. He said that he & A.R. Button intend to go out preaching the gospel and lecturing on temperance. Jack’s eyes are red, very red. E. & F. to Augells. Leon here. I had to tie his hands & then he left for home & tormented La who was there, with his mischief. Bl. to Louisville & got our saddle. Thursd 16. [shorthand]. Up late. Clear. B to feed horse but F. had done it. Mrs. Stewart at Drs to get one of E’s horses. Leon, Dade and I to Owens. Key of Barnards house lost. We to Wendels & B. got flower roots. PM. F. found blossoms on the apple tree. La delighted. The Drs dog was playing with a wolf near the wood pile. [shorthand]. A letter to me from Dr. Says I can go as Orderly Sergeant; but had better stay at home. ((BETTER. Yes!)) La told me of her brother Joe, as I lay on the bed. To bed rather late. I took Calomel. ((Making a FARMER of Eugene M. Cole. 1911.)) Frid 17. [shorthand]. I to Drs & cut wood. I wrote in my old phons book to Frank. FRANK. [shorthand]. ((Dec.20.1911.10m.to10.a.m.)) [Page 493] April 18 1863. [shorthand]. I don’t feel right. Trop du calomel. I heard lesson in geography about Germany. I to creek & washed off in it, there’s frost. [shorthand]. I plowed 2 rounds. My right eye is red, & B’s too. ELLA. Sat 18. [shorthand]. I wrote Ella. Told of Leon’s mischief. He was here & ran home. I feel lonesome. La & B at home with Belle. I am weak. B found a canteen. [shorthand]. E’s here. PM. B & I burned grass S of field & had to fight it hard. I got letter from F. Adams with cotton seed. He wrote on envelope in [XXXX] with a blunt “pen”: “DO YOU WRITE PHONOGRAPHY. MR. READER. If so I will be glad to hear from you in that style.” [shorthand]. Sund 19. [shorthand]. (I wrote to Dr. about Scoffield etc. Pete Fiediby est parti de son maison.) [shorthand.] (I to Drs. E. home. Elliza Milne has left home. Old Milne whipped her for

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (326)

knocking down a negro boy.) SEE SKETCH* [shorthand.] (A fire near Augells. John Bryan to go to Holton tomorrow on the Milne scrape. Eliza Milne & another lady went by to Bellmous & back.) Mond 20. [shorthand.] (Frank McKenna passed in his house [XXX]. He & Joe Bellmore have Consumption.) [shorthand.] *This little nigg*r got to stealing horses in 1865 and was shot and buried near Rochester School house. ((Dec. 20.1911.11.a.m.)) [Page 494] April 21. 1863. I weigh 176 1/2 lbs. La & B on Fox for cow. I feel well & I am glad I am not in the army & being homesick & tied down to camp life & discipline. [shorthand.] I helped La clean the stable!? ((Don’t that beat all? 1911.)) I mended harness. F & little ones here & in mischief. [shorthand.] Tuesd 21. Little frost. N.W. I dreamed that I was commissioned Lieutenant. Nell Stewart McKenna will be here soon. Her “little Corporal” died 6 months old. [shorthand.] I to my town site & got load of wood. [shorthand.] I plowed 3 rounds & B. six. I mended wheelbarrow & helped La clean stable. (Don’t that beat the [XXX]?) ((I hated cleaning stable & currying horses & Cole delighted in such work, & La likes it too, it seems.1911.)) [shorthand.] I put up the manger & rack so the horses are in fine style. I played flute at night. FROST Wednesday 22. [shorthand.] Bl. and Cailloiz here on their way to the army. I to Drs & cut wood. [shorthand.] I to P.O. Davison is Post M. [shorthand.] Bonem got little plow. Jim Bryan to get [XXX]. Wallace made pie plant pies & greens of the tops. Our vinegar very strong. Plum juice. [shorthand.] B. plowed 4 r’s & I cleaning stable yet. [shorthand.] Leon was in town today at Jim Thompsons. Jim bro’t him home for his mischief. [shorthand.] Thurs 23. Conversation with Jim Kunkendal about his bottle of whisky. La & B hunting cows. [shorthand.] PM. [shorthand.] I to town & got letters. I to the store & Jim Kunkendal was buying something in a bottle. He said to Mrs. Puckett “I am buying what Mr. Reader would not buy & now I am caught.” Was is it? Is it vinegar? I asked. “Yes” he replied. “It is vinegar”. Then added: I’d not told that lie if you’d not put me up to it.” Belle threw B & got loose. We got her in town. ((Dec.20.1911.1:36.p.m.)) “”Wet. Cant go out.)) ((Comrade Capt. McNary to be buried 2 1/2 p.m. 1911)) [Page 495]

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (327)

April. 24. 1863. Mrs. Jack Curtis died Mond 26 at 4 p.m. or a.m. Don’t know. [shorthand.] ((No, it was one of the worst things I ever did: Jan 5, 1909 4:15 p.m.)) Frid 24. [shorthand.] Rain in the night. [shorthand.] I plowed 12 rounds. B. to hunt cow & failed. [shorthand.] B plowed 5 rounds. I to town. Julie Bellmore & Fau. to Griffiths for Leon. Julie told that Leonards have a little girl. I found 50 cts in my trunk that I had forgotten. Custard pie. To bed early. Sat 25. Rain & heavy thunder in the night. Up at day light & shot a skunk in hen house. It killed 7 chickens & mortally wounded 3 & 2 more slightly. B. plowed 3 & I, 6 rounds. [shorthand.] PM. La & B on Fox for cow & got her. Hurrah!! [shorthand.] La & E to Leonards to see the young one. [shorthand.] Jack Curtis’s wife will die. ((The mother of the Hon. Charles Curtis United States Senator. Dec.1911.)) Sund 26. [shorthand.] I dreamed that E. lived in an old Castle with Vaults etc. [shorthand.] I’ve forgotten Jack Thompsons card trick. [shorthand.] McNown here. David & Eliza Milne are living at Puckett’s. The Divorce Case for next month. Mond 27. [shorthand.] MRS. JACK CURTIS DIED yesterday at 4 o’clock. [shorthand.] ((Dec.20.1911.2:38.p.m.)) [Page 496] April 28, 1863. I weigh 179 lbs. Tuesd 28. [Shorthand.] B’s ducks out. He got one egg. I took kink in my side. Plague my kinks. I sat by the fire. I can hardly walk. La & B planting cotton seed. I shelled corn. Le garcon impudent. [Shorthand.] I weigh 179 lbs. but have 3 lbs of extra duds. [Shorthand.] F & young ones here. My back is not so bad. I to Drs. & got 4 bu corn for the hogs. [Shorthand.] B. is herding ducks. Leon here in mischief. I tied his hands. La slapped him. ((L’ENFANT TERRIBLE.1911.)) Wed 29. [Shorthand.] S.W. I up late. B to Drs. & cut wood. I began to plant corn. La to Milne’s “hoose” with note about the Bollote land. B. tended garden & ducks. I shot pepper box at crows & I overshot. La home. There’s no title to the land & she wishes Milne will not come. Leon here in every kind of mischief. I had to tie his hands. B & I planting corn. He works well. Jim Brown began to make his board fences. ((“A man will actually make more by having a good solid fence at the first. He saves = etc. etc.)) Thurs. 30. [Shorthand.] I don’t think Davison is Post Master. Milne here and La assigned her certificate for his note $9.81. Milne says: “Poor Fan Bollote!” Mais La et E le contra dit. B & I husked & shelled corn. PM. [Shorthand.] Vine Bonem & widow Basel Damewood here. [Shorthand.] Charley Whitting was at Drs today. I there & cut wood. Lish Rose’s father in law has run off with another’s wife! Jim Thompson whips his wife. “Curious” The Kennedy’s are curious people. [Shorthand.] They were 4 gr. capsules with fluid contents.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (328)

((Dec.21.1911.11:11.a.m.)) [Page 497] May 1st. 1863. Samuel J Reader’s private Journal and day Book Indianola Shawnee County State of Kansas. La Harpe Ill. ladies Smashed saloons. Friday 1. [Shorthand.] I to town & saw men from Mo. who may take my farm. I saw Geo. Carpenter. He’ll go in the army. Letter from Miss Peyron. Ladies of La Harpe cleaned out whisky shops under Mrs. Bonum. McNown was here for Road receipt. He said Dave Milne & Rob Puckett were drunk last night, whooping through town. B & I planted. Lots of hogs in the field. [Shorthand.] Sat 2. [Shorthand.] I feel well. Back better. I don’t feel well in mind. B & I got done planting corn at noon. [Shorthand.] Mysteries du people [Shorthand.] Les Miserables What! Dull? [Shorthand.] My colt steady. [Shorthand.] I to the creek & swam, Water cold. [Shorthand.] La & I to her SW corner & stuck a stake. Brown takes some of her land. We to Mrs. Blondell & had some wine. En arriere. [Shorthand.] We to Dr’s. F from Buttons. They all refer to my Journal for marriages etc. Mrs. Higg is not well. [Shorthand.] Sund 3. SW. [Shorthand.] Well bucket in well. B got it. I drove 25 hogs from field. PM. [Shorthand.] Abe Marple is to marry Sofie Wendel this week. [Shorthand.] I painted picture of the La Harpe ladies in line of battle. [Shorthand.] Dr. Ashmore tried to shoot a man this evening. Missed him! Heavy rain. [Shorthand.] ((The man was a U.S. Detective sailing under false colors. Mch.9.1909.)) Mond 4. [Shorthand.] Ground is soaked. Up late. I planted & plowed under the old ground. [Shorthand.] Mrs. Milne went by. [Shorthand.] ((Dec.21.1911.7:46.p.m.)) [Page 498] May 5. A.D. 1863. PM. N. La to Augells. I plowed & planted. [Shorthand.] Tuesd 5. [Shorthand.] PM. I plowed and Jack Curtis came & summoned me as juror. I to town. Struck off. Home. [Shorthand.] To town. Jim Thompson fined $1.00 for beating [XXX] Prissiet. Billy’s trial. Hib Case attny. [Shorthand.] I ate six eggs. [Shorthand.] Wed 6. My nose & eyes are red. [Shorthand.] I plowed & planted. Flat nosed German Billy with cattle at bottom if field. Jule Bellmore afraid of him & came to me. La washing bed

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (329)

clothes. B ne fait rieu. [Shorthand.] Jule Leon & Dade here. Eliza Milne at the Dr’s. [Shorthand.] Charley Kaw Drunk. [Shorthand.] Thurs 7. Clear and still. FROST. No ice. I plowed along N. fence. Billy Flat nose there. Talked of hedge fences in Germany. [Shorthand.] PM. [Shorthand.] Johnny my John is up as fat as a seal. Eliza Milne said that Martha was in the creek fixing a pole a few days ago when she looked up & saw Mr. Reader cutting poles near by & she ran home out of breath. I did not see her at all. Folks to Kate Hindman’s. Mary McNown here. B. got F. from [Shorthand.] I plowed & planted. Frid 8. [Shorthand.] PM. Our war does not go on as it ought. ((Old Joe Hooker had been licked.)) I am alarmed about my country. I plowed & worked hard. My back is full of pimples. My blood is out of order & I’m tired. Our young apple trees are dead. [Shorthand.] ((Dec.21.1911.9:17.p.m.)) [Page 499] May. 9. 1863. I weigh 182 lbs. Sat 9. S. Up early. My hip pains. Took quinine. B. took ducks & drakes to town. [Shorthand.] PM. [Shorthand.] I saw old Caillote. He is discharged from 11th Reg. [Shorthand.] Old Joe Hooker is fighting on the Rappahannock. A new family called Vieux live in the drug store. F and Jule Bellmore here. Madame Bollote desire a fait combat a tante personnl. My eyes are red B’s eyes also. “DE DAM SORE EYE COUNTREE” as Paul Vieux said! Sunday 10. [Shorthand.] My corn is coming up finely. [Shorthand.] Mrs. here. Letters of Bl. & Cage pour pour seches. “No good Man Bollote, etc.” The priest at Topeka sent Downie & wife jusque au enfer pour seches. [Shorthand.] Milne has left home & lives with Fleshman. [Shorthand.] We drew off the wine. [Shorthand.] I drank lot of wine. Mond 11. [Shorthand.] I plowed E’s potatoes. Began to rain. I am writing I can never recall this moment. ((I don’t want to. Jan. 9.1909.)) [Shorthand.] How time flies. I to town. Jim Thompson says that Hooker hasn’t beat rebels. Well no! We have lost 10000 & Gen. Sickles killed etc. ((He is alive today. Dec 22.1911.)) [Shorthand.] Brown & Puckett are moving their goods for fear of Jay=hawkers, to Bellmore. PM. [Shorthand.] La feels like a chill. Nan Puckett here. Got 20 eggs 10 cts. She says Dave Milne is at Cohee’s & that old Milne “whaled” him. Hard rain. La in bed sick. B & I got supper. [Shorthand.] Tuesd. 12. [Shorthand.] B & I planted 4 rows locust seed north of the field. Cannon firing in Topeka! Richmond taken by our men! [Shorthand.] ((Dec.22.1911.10:11.a.m.2.)) [Page 500] May the 13th A.D. 1863. I weigh 177 lbs.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (330)

PM. [Shorthand.] I plowed in corn. I to town. I met Jerome Giddings. He is a soldier 9th Ks. as the Fighting Parson of 1856, is his Captain Stewart. He to our house. Andy Carpenter says Gen. Stonewall took Richmond with 30000 cavalry. Put up Jerome’s horse. Wed 13. Fog. La better. I do not feel right. B. looking at Jeromes carbine. His uncle LaFayette was at Wilsons creek, & had his teeth knocked out. Jerome left, and 10 days after was badly wounded in battle. He is 20. His sister Mary, married. Clinton gave me a daily. I read aloud to Bouem, Cade, Cummins & others. Richmand is NOT taken. Hooker a poor General. Bouem & I dug a grave. Jack Thompson was arrested in Topeka, but old Capt. Stewart had him let loose. [Shorthand.] Mrs. Puckett here for Nan. E here for B to cut wood. [Shorthand.] Thurs 14. [Shorthand.] B cut wood for E. Dade here. I plowed in garden. I am tired & weak. [Shorthand.] I plowed. B planted potatoes. Mrs Bill Thompson (half breed.) & Eddy here for eggs. La likes the squaw very well. F here at night. [Shorthand.] Old Mrs. Marple fell dead. Frid 15. [Shorthand.] La in bed yet. I got breakfast. [Shorthand.] PM. S.W. [Shorthand.] I saw Ben. Kistter. They have a Union League. He wants me to go. Old Mrs. Marple fell dead at 11 a.m. today. [Shorthand.] I got supper. Eliza Milne & Mrs. Puckett here for butter. Failed. Sat 16. Up late. Left hip & knee same. Could hardly walk. I want to leave this country if I am to be sick so much. My nose bled. La is weak. [Shorthand.] My legs better & La is better & thinks she will get well. I turned out. [Shorthand.] ((Dec.22.1911.11:33.a.m.)) [Page 501] May 17th 1863. Milne versus Milne or State Vers. Milne Assault & Battery. [Shorthand.] La all better. Constable Ragland summoned me as juror before Davison’s Court. B & I to town. He found ripe strawberries. Mrs. Milne has sued Milne for assault & battery. She showed us her arm, black & blue. Mrs. Bollote gave evidence in a loud voice & was cranky to the lawyers. Ragland laughed: “yoh haw!!” She turned on him & said straight “you may laugh if you wish, sir!” Old Ragland slid down to the floor in a corner. Awful funny. Cummins nominated me Foreman. The 6 Jurors: Bomnum, Rock, Cummins, Kemp, Kennedy, Reader. State Attny Hib Case. Judge Greer for Milne. Fined him $2.50. I was for $10 at first. [Shorthand.] Sund 17. [Shorthand.] F. came and got dinner. B. shot a red headed woodpecker with rifle. [Shorthand.] I with folks to Colombes pond & had all the berries we wanted. I bro’t a pint for La. After I was in bed Tushinga came, very drunk. I up & started him for home. I heard yelling in town. I went there & saw Hy. Kennedy. He had knocked Jim Thompson down. Then Jack T. & Dr. Ashmore to Jim’s house & got him out in the Saloon. I heard Mrs. Jim & Jack T. fighting out in the yard. She said: “You’ve no feeling for your brother!” He replied: “Did I not spend 2

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (331)

or 3 thousand dollars to save my brother Bill from the gallows? Don’t I work day & night to support Jims family.” She said he was a vile hearted man. He told her: “You’re a damned old, etc, etc &c.” He went back to Ashmore who was yelling & swearing at Jim. I fired my pistol & home. As I went Mrs. Jim said to Bills squaw: “If they kill Jim, I’ll have Jack strung up, damn him.” Mond 18. [Shorthand.] La was up & better. PM. [Shorthand.] We to Drs & plowed garden. I cut a great lot of wood. Court in Topeka & Mrs. Milne & Clinton went over to their cases. B. found Gremairis calf here & milked into Yellow Boys mouth. ((A cat.)) Tuesd 19. [Shorthand.] ((Dec.22.1911.2:33.p.m.)) [Page 502] May 20 Eighteen hundred & 63. Post Master Clinton ran away for robbing the mail. I weigh 173 lbs. La [Shorthand.] B at the Drs. I over & got him. Morris Rebacker says Pucket has attached Clintons billiard table. Clinton has run off & Jack Curtis & one Nickel. Ike, Bickle & Reese are after him for some crime. [Shorthand.] I to town. Saw White & Ragland hunting Jim Thompson to make him pay costs. Clintons name is Wm. A. Milligan & his wifes is: Mary Jones. He robbed Reese Bickells letter of $5 & has escaped. Squire Clark invited me to a UNION LEAGUE Meeting. [Shorthand.] MY MOTHER DIED. [Shorthand.] Wed 20. [Shorthand.] Hogs root up my corn. They are Jim Wallaces. I to town. Got a letter from Dr. He got Caucasian, with picture of Bl driving devil & rebel flag. He says it is the admiration of the camp, etc. [Shorthand.] La better. I feel well. [Shorthand.] I laid out for myself $2.15. I bought for B, hat 25. B paid it. I to Court room. Saw McNown. Milne will try to prove Mrs. M bad. Judge Elmore & Safford there. I over the river in a berry patch & ate my fill. [Shorthand.] 21 Thurs. [Shorthand.] La out milking. Our wheat out in head. It’s short. No whisky in town yesterday till night time. [Shorthand.] I hammered out the plow share. Jim Wallace driving hogs out of his own field. [Shorthand.] Frid 22. [Shorthand.] Pain in back & hip. ((Dec.23.1911.9:17.a.m.)) [Page 503] FIRST UNION LEAGUE, IRREGULAR. May.23. 1863.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (332)

Light rain. I put picture of La Harpe ladies in a State Record & sent it to Miss Payrou & wrote: “22 Mai ’63 Le famille du Decleau Cs est passablement bien excepe le garcon le plus age. Il etait malads hier. SJ Reader. Vive les Dames de La Harpe.” [Shorthand.] I saw Prasseit. Milnes trial will not be this Court term. [Shorthand.] Sat 23. Cool. ( 36. Hip lame. Ind. Ks. Le 22 Nai 63 Hou ami Eugene: Il yest longlemps que je vous ecrit et je vous demande to pardon pour me negligence. Je lus une letter de vous a votre tante lantel jour Elle se un bien M. Bl. est parte pour le geurce depuis plusiers sumiauior M Cailloz a son couge de lamise. Le doctor est chex son reg. encore dans le nation Cherakee ou dans l’antaus as Il nest pas tres bien. Le temps est unpere sec. Nous avous ure peu du plue aujoirdhai et un beaucoup du vent. J’ai ucu All of Indianola at Topeka. [Shorthand.] I plowed & planted 7 rounds. I worked hard & feel well. [Shorthand.] I’ll quit eating meat! B & I to the Pond & got berries. [Shorthand.] The pistol has been taken out of the wagon. B to Morris Rebacker & we fear he took it. B saw Mrs Clinton & Rob Ogee about it. I plowed. [Shorthand.] The pistol is gone & La is glad. I on Fox to Sch. House late. 27 there & one eyed Kuykendall. I was sworn in by Bob Kistler in his sing song voice. I got 12 votes for Vice Pres’t & G.P. Clark got 14. Is all BO.SH! ((And it turned out to be all bosh, too. 1.12.09.)) Kuykendall came to me & said: I think the world of you 2 men, but I had to vote for Clark [XXX]. Sund 24. [Shorthand.] Dr. Ashmore shot at U.S. Detective. [Shorthand.] una letter de Will Wendel avant hier. Il ano dit que deuire avec M. Leonard et sa femine. Elle est an est most et Mr. Marple (la age femine) bl mourit dans guelques minites de mal an Coeur, dix joues passé. Les gens de Ind. se bat beurcoup et avale un quantitie enormous de whisky. Environ trois senaines passé un delative de Gen Blunt veni a Ind et se pretender coumme un Chevalier du Cercle d’Or perise que l’Honme etait un vrai C. du C’dr et il auache son pistolet de L’homure s; enfuit et A=fait fen uoudeux fois mais il lui manqué il ne trowe pas que un Sesesh M. Butler. M. Clinton parti l autre jour On dit que il en vole; del’aigent de une lethe dans le poste. La femine de Jim T separe de lui et alle a L= car deux sunarines grand elle revliner chez lui. Le Comanche passé le famille de T. se battier comnie les diaables eurage Me. La femme de Jim se liver an combat avec address et courage et mettre Jack en fuite. Je appartimr a un Societe appellee le Union League (La ague) ((Dec. 23.1911.2.p.m.)) [Page 504] May 25. 1863. ((It was a good thing that I staid at home now. Had “GLORY”! enough next year. 1911.)) Union. Les Copperheads sont fort dans l’ Jim Kuykendall garde le office de poste et il est le depute martre des postes. Il s’ appelle’ homine Union. Je finerai, Eininez moi guand vous voudreis, en Anglain ou en Francais, Botre oni avec respects. Samuel J. Reader ((First rate French if I do say it. Dec. 1911.)) [Shorthand.] Jack Thompson, Mr. Cade & two Miss Wrights at the Dr’s for water. E looked at my [XXX] burned it. 12.09. B. to town. Mrs. Clinton

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (333)

pitched into him about pistol, said he was a “dammed liar.”etc. Red Elliott was there & shut one eye as usual. [Shorthand.] McNown & Milne a fight. Mond 25. [Shorthand.] Rob Ogee gee, McNown & Milne had a grand fight yesterday. Mc won. [Shorthand.] B & I to the creek & washed off. [Shorthand.] Leonard & Augell here. Told of the fight McNown was to blame in it. [Shorthand.] B home & Rob Ogee. They shot pease out of pistol pepper box. Tuesd 26. [Shorthand.] I beyond Bls for Fox. Found berries & got hat heaping full. La delighted. [Shorthand.] I plowed & planted. Worked hard. [Shorthand.] We’ve tied up our dog. Wed 27. [Shorthand.] We moved hot pen. Mrs Bl. to berry patch by Bls and got “A GOOD FEW.” [Shorthand.] B put his hawks eggs under a hen. ((Dec.23.1911.5.p.m.)) [Page 505] May. 28.1863. Thurs. [Shorthand.] Bouem bro’t kettle home. Says Jim Bryan & Nan are to go to Toms. Billy Shoemaker Prusuit has beaten Jim Thompson in Court & cost him $50. [Shorthand.] B & I planted locust trees. Leon here. He said: “I will take that “Tunnel” off. He went to the shovel plow with a hammer but La. stopped him [Shorthand.] Mrs. T. don’t like the Wright girls. The oldest one looks like Jane Jones. We to Es and B cut wood. Mrs Hindman & Nan Puckett there. [Shorthand.] Frid 29. [Shorthand.] I saw Miss Jenny Wright in P.O. flirting with Cade. I around our field & fixed low places. Vicksburg’s taken. ((NO.)) Saw Jim Kemp. He drove Johnny (?) out of our field last night. [Shorthand.] Sat 30. [Shorthand.] I to P.O. Cade gave me letter to Dr. he had opened by mistake. [Shorthand.] B & I to the river & had a swim. Water cold. [Shorthand.] Saw Augell. Vicksburg is taken. ((Not so doggone sure.1.12.09.)) [Shorthand.] I rode Belle to Sch. House. Not many out. I was on committee to draft by laws. [Shorthand.] ((Dec.24.1911.11:46.a.m.)) [Page 506] May 31. 1863. Mrs. Cohee, John Hiller & Pasley have lost 5 horses by straying away to Mo. [Shorthand.] Augell & Leonard sworn in. They want me to take the Post Office. I refused. Mrs. Milne lives in Mrs. Packard’s home. Leonard told me a great secret, not to be told to anyone: ((If you can read shorthand there it is!))

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (334)

Sund 31. [Shorthand.] Little ducks are hatching but no hawks eggs are hatching. [XXX] Marple said one man questioned my loyalty for taking the N.Y. Caucasian & F. to meeting E’s. [Shorthand.] Miss Lida Cook is up for a time. F & Miss Carpenter took dinner with her at Hillers. Em. wants me to give her something; a cat for instance, if nothing else! ((And I dropped three thievish cats at their barn, on my way to Grasshopper Mills but she don’t know of it, to this day. Dec.24.1911.)) She told F of her many beaux in New York. Pliley only comes on business, now. There’s a chance for me yet! I have in gold: $5.00 In silver: 12.40 In paper money: 5.85 In cash total: 23.25 I have in Township Scrip: 14.60 In Shawnee Co Scrip: 3.30 Postage Stamps: .78 I have in all: $41.93 B has $3.05 in silver and 55 cents in currency. Lady has $2.30, and 25 cents in currency. ((Dec.24.1911.8:34.p.m.)) [Page 507] June 1st 1863. Samuel J. Reader Private Journal and Day Indianola Shawnee County State of Kansas. Monday 1. [Shorthand.] Heavy thunder. B up and made a fire for the first time. Light rain. A man here & got two bu corn = 60 cts. [Shorthand.] There are only 5 little ducks. [Shorthand.] Miss C. thinks I can learn to play on the melodeon &c. La set out 200 cabbages. Feel well. (I am the same today. Jan.14.1909.) ((And also today Dec.25.1911.)) [Shorthand.] I feel finely. B. shot keys & used gun caps as shells. I looked at new JOURNAL & “openings” I found in it. [XXXX] Bob Boneur & Jim Thompson & Hy. Kennieda got our wagon to go to Topeka. Hy Kennieda was drunk & staying to kill somebody. He got a letter to F from Miss Carpenter. She wants us to go to their house tomorrow. &c. I shall but La says “NO!” I to bed early. ((Yes, better sleep on it!)) MY LONE TRIP. Tuesd 2. [Shorthand.] N.E. [Shorthand.] I must go away to night. I to the Dr’s & F. will not go. B & I plowed with Belle. She goes badly. Fan. Bollote passed but did not speak. [Shorthand.] La. home with berries. PM. [Shorthand.] I to Drs. but will not go to Carpenters. I to town. Dr Ashwell & a man to have a fight. Home. [Shorthand.] After sunset I mounted

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (335)

John & went to Carpenters alone. No others came. Miss C. played. Had a “flying supper”. I played quick times. I had a nice time. Home at 12. ((Grand je parti. Miss C. debont pais de moi dit.)) [Shorthand.] Je sowhaite que je etais. Wed. [Shorthand.] Up early. Glad I went. Plowed corn. [Shorthand.] La cut rye out of the wheat. I worked hard. [Shorthand.] Thurs 4. Thunder & rain. [Shorthand.] E & B & I got berries. I am weak. [Shorthand.] ((Dec.25.1911.11.55.p.m.)) [Page 508] June 5th 1863. S.J.Reader. PM. Jack Thompson here & got cabbage plants. La pulling rye out of wheat. B & I plowed corn. I stepped on a blowing [XXX]. First time in my life. Frank McKenna wants me to buy his flute. A new draft this month. [Shorthand.] I to town. A letter from Leo McDonough, on business. A ball at Kennida’s. [Shorthand.] Frid 5. [Shorthand.] Heavy dew. B & I plowed corn. Frank McKenna here & got his flute. We will begin to eat meat again. La said “Give the pistol for the flute.” No. [Shorthand.] There Eliza Milne got Drs buggy to take Miss co*ck home. She says, P. was holding an Indian youngone at the payment. [Shorthand.] I blow fife on high key. Sat 6. [Shorthand.] Eliza Milne 17 ys old. Jeueau boys wants to buy the pistol for 75 cts. Miss Carpenter will be 20 ys old 15th of this month. B & I at work early & worked hard. [Shorthand.] Mrs. Pucket has sued Milne for her pay. Mrs Kennida wants to kill Mrs. Jim Thompson with a broom stick; to rip her open, etc. Fun. Jack Curtis got me as a juror on Pickett & Milne case. Evidence long. Agreed to disagree. Bonem Kennida Jim Thompson & I for Milne & Cummins & Brown for Mrs. Puckett. I to Sch. House. 25 there. Abe Marple said a Philey objected to me as a rebel &c. Old Ragland got drunk & raved against the Government. So he drinks as F thought! Kuykendall read the Bylaws. Union Meeting with Jim Kuykendall, as a leader. It was a farce. Rain. Augell & I home. Sund 7. Heavy rain. [Shorthand.] Throat sore. Nose bled. [Shorthand.] I got a wheelbarrow full of weeds for hogs. [Shorthand.] ((Dec.26.1911.10:34.a.m.)) [Page 509] June 8th 1863. Mc. Tendered peace offering. ((The hand of the Jenner is his own!)) F did not see Miss Carpenter at Church. Old Stamp asked Ben Kistler what the first Commandment was & Ben did not know. McNown offered his hand to Doctor Jenner, but the Dr. would not say anything to

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (336)

him at all. ((Afraid of his other eye, some said.)) But the old woman got him! Leon here in mischief & will not go home. ((Lizzie Davidson to marry Red Elliott, but the old woman co*ck got him away from her. A horrible looking lady!)) Mond 8. [Shorthand.] Thunder, rain & hail. [Shorthand.] I made fire to warm by. [Shorthand.] Rainy. I lay down with “Yellow Boy (Cat)”. Singing & purring on my ear, and had a good sleep. I saw a wagon at Drs. B over & back. The Dr. is home with old Mr. Laurent. I went over & saw him at the table in uniform. Laurent & two children away. Dr. told his funny stories & about the lies of the Reporters etc. Leon is fussing & in mischief. Leon’s likes and dislikes. The frankness of childhood. (Dade.) THE OTHER DAY I ASKED LEON: If he liked Dade? “NO”. Do you like Aunt Eliza? “NO, SHE IS A SCOUNDREL.” Do you like Bub? “NO, HE IS MEAN.” “Do you like me?” “NO.” “Why not?” Maybe “BECAUSE I DON’T.” “Do you like your mother?” “YES.” He told La .” “I DON’T WANT PA BECAUSE HE’LL ONLY WHIP ME.” &C. Dr gave B 1000 pistol caps and a powder horn. He has “The Devils Life.” &c. (A book I suppose. Jan 16 1909 5:30 p.m.) Tuesd 9. [Shorthand.] Rain in the night. [Shorthand.] B & I put up fence. Wed 10. [Shorthand.] My stomach not right. What an old granny! [Shorthand.] I ate no dinner. I to town. A letter from Caye. He will die soon he thinks. Leon not well. Dec.26.1911.1:37.p.m.)) [Page 510] June 11. A.D. 1863. Dieting a refractory stomach. E paid me $10. We are square. She gave me $44 for La. She owes E 15 cts. All square now. My stomach don’t feel just right. (Of course not!) [Shorthand.] I feel weak & dizzy. ((Starving?)) [Shorthand.] No supper & nothing but water. [Shorthand.] I am weak. (No wonder!) Thurs 11. [Shorthand.] I think Staming is of no account. I am very very weak. A cold in my head yet. Sneeze etc. I plowed old ground. The Dr. here and got the saddle. He told me he tho’t I am not serious. [Shorthand.] B plowed & killed a large flat headed snake. [Shorthand.] B & I plowed. B cut wood at Dr’s. De dit que Madame B’s “Allei ou diable” La bien aise. [Shorthand.] We to bed early and I told “Mohigans” to B. Frid 12. [Shorthand.] B & I to creek & washed. Water cold. [Shorthand.] La better. The Dr says Gen Blunt would do credit to Indianola in some things. ((An Old “TOUGH.”)) Dr. Misses with preacher & likes them. E. told him I’d been to Carpenters & he laughed about it. [Shorthand.] La 35 = E owes La. 45 cts. and take off the 15 cts of Juere leaves 30. B plowed. I cut wood. [Shorthand.] Sat 13. [Shorthand.] Foggy. La well. I took quinine. ((Dec.26.1911.2:22.p.m.))

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (337)

[Page 511] June the 14th A.D. 1863. Anti-Horse Thief Meeting. [Shorthand.] I plowed corn with Fox. Tom Wallace & Ragland at the Dr’s. Leon here. He says his father don’t give him something to eat because he cries. I plowed corn with Fox. [Shorthand.] Early supper. Dr. paid Mrs. Bollote. I make the corn clean. B. doing but little. Nose red. [Shorthand.] I on John to Sch. House. A bloody Prayer meeting and Old Stamp & Ben Kistler praying like horses. Wm. Owen & Cy. Kistler were mad. We bolted in & meeting broke up. [Shorthand.] Milne was there. Ben. left before Sunday morning. Fox with me & back. He was loose. Milne was there. Gen. left before Sunday morning. My toe is sore as can be. Sund. 14. [Shorthand.] I feel well. Mrs. Milne is sick & cant speak. Eliza bro’t buggy home. Leon don’t like it because he is starved for fighting, etc. [Shorthand.] Stump tailed cow up with a calf. [Shorthand.] Dr. says Mr. Hitchco*ck can read my phonography right off but Dr. Crane not so well. [Shorthand.] La out & found Stump tailed cow with another calf. Heifer twins. [Shorthand.] Mond 15. [Shorthand.] Twin calves look nice. Nez rouge. My toe better. [Shorthand.] I plowed corn. [Shorthand.] Dick Young & man here to buy cattle. [Shorthand.] PM. O.T. Augell to town as a juror on Milne & Mrs. Puckett case. I went out to mark the calves but B had done it before me. Army of the Frontier is going to Vicksburg. I plowed. My head aches. [Shorthand.] I weighed 175; now 123! I to town. The trial going on. I heard the lawyers plead. I saw Etieme Pappan. He was drunk. We talked French. Jury gave to old Milne. Good. I home late. ((Dec.26.1911.3:17.p.m.)) [Page 512] June. 16th A.D. 1863. My left hip very lame. I can hardly walk. [Shorthand.] La scalded the house. I am wrong in mind. (“Le Malade Imaginare.”? Jan 17. 09) I feel sleepy. My hip don’t hurt much. ((Of course not. 1911.)) Hy. Kenneda is 28 ys old. Barnard here “FOUL & UNNATURAL.” He says Gen. Blunt, Lane & Jenison are all Hard Cases. [Shorthand.] Mrs. Blondel here. She got $50. of Blondel. “O, GOOD BLONDEL!!” She gave B. 25 cts TIP? Leon has fits again. La over there. I home very lame. To bed early. [Shorthand.] Wed 17. Gen. Hooker has been whipped & Penn. & Ohio in danger. Old Abe calls men in those 2 states. [Shorthand.] I rested & read the Bible. [Shorthand.] La cut my hair. I am pale. Nez u’est pasti rouge. First mosquito. PM. I read Matthew. [Shorthand.] Awful hot. Slept on floor. I made wagon bows. Dr’s here. Old Wendel here for me to help harvest wheat tomorrow. I cant go. ((No, I was foolish to slave in the hot harvest field when I was not strong.)) Thurs 18. [Shorthand.] I do not feel strong. [Shorthand.] B to McNown for a cradle. I looked at the wheat & tried to mow it. NW wind. [Shorthand.] B home with cradle. I cut wheat. It is

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (338)

to short. Smoky. I cut more than 43 [Shorthand.] of wheat & B raked & we bound 8 shocks. Worked late. I told B French stories etc. I am better. Frid 19. [Shorthand.] Up very early. I feel well. Not much lame. [Shorthand.] B & I out at work early. I cut & B bound. [Shorthand.] Pucket whipped little Paul Vieux & John Ogee out at Pucket with a knife. I am reading Mark. I raked & bound. Sprinkle. Clouds. Pleasant. Feel well. Mended rake. Mrs. Cohee here. Spoke of hogs & Milnes cow getting in her field. Says Mrs. Harding the new one is not pleased with the old man. He’s too advanced in age etc. Sprinkle. “They are making gossips,” as the Dr. used to say. I cut all the wheat. ((Dec.27.1911.11”39.a.m.)) [Page 513] June the 20. A.D. 1863. La says Mr. & Mrs. Milne lied to her about land of Mousiem Bollote. We nearly finished binding & shocking when a light rain came up. [Shorthand.] We home & ground cradle & B took it home & back late. La don’t like Milnes. I feel well. B. got 25 lbs. of flour of McN owns. Sat 20. I am reading Luke. My eyes are red & smart. [Shorthand.] B & I finished the wheat at 10. 42 shocks. I killed sick pig. I put on wagon bows. [Shorthand.] I to E. Put on Drs soldier coat. She told me Mrs. B-‘e said “I was a fool”. The doctor said she’s a fool herself. [Shorthand.] A letter from Will Wendel. Mrs. Pucket tried to catch & whip B about the fife. “She reached for him but he escaped.” [Shorthand.] Sund 21. B got up very early. Foggy. Dr’s furlough ended. No, he came back. Gen. [XXXX] Brigade where Frank serves is cut up. Leon broke my little ferule of my flute. We started sun one hour high. Left chairs at Hillers. We on to Hickory Point. Abe Marple gave me $2 to buy casting. I have headache. [Shorthand.] PM. We on near the 8 Mile House, & camped. The Dr is funny. Told of scaring a fellow about pirates when he was on board French Man of War, etc. We to bed late &c. Mc.N. gave me Spring wheat, instead of Winter wheat. June 28. 1868. Mond 22. I up early & fed Le Dr. se lave. [Shorthand.] NW. Started at sunrise & in the City at 8 o’clock. Horses in a yard. [Shorthand.] I got Marples things. [Shorthand.] We took dinner with an Italian. Dr. bought harness & put on horses, for La! I loaded up. Looks like rain. Dr. had his picture taken etc. I ate too much! We started. Camped past 8 m. house. Slept under wagon. I am afraid of rain. Dr. will get $400 soon of U.S. Gov. ((Dec.27.1911.2:11.p.m.)) [Page 514] June 23. 1863.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (339)

Tuesd 23. 1863. Little rain in the night. We feel sore. Started before sunrise. On past the Iowa House & ate big dinner. Drizzly rain. Started on. Dr. told of Victor Plontaire, a funny story, etc. Saw White at Mt. Pleasant. Rainy. Home at sunset. Unloaded. To bed early. Wed 24. E. [Shorthand.] I am some sore. Helped B put ornaments on his cap. It looks nice. [Shorthand.] I have $8.10 in paper now. Dr. to Topeka to see the Masons. Pistol shoots finely. Mou nez tres rouge. [Shorthand.] Mr. Kemp says Jim Wallace hogs were at our wheat & he drove em off. ((Good John = or may be George Kemp! Dec.1911.)) Thurs 25. Misty. Up late. [Shorthand.] (Drawing titled “THE JUG OF WINE.) Old “Wiggy” Smith ((One of Kate Wallaces old Beaux)) is to be hung soon. I drove hogs out of our field & told Puckett. The Rebels are in Penn. Conway of Ks. is for peace at any price. [Shorthand.] B. to Wallaces & told of their hogs. Jim gave Bub orders to not shoot his hogs. La on Fox to McNowns with a jug of wine. I drank a lot for my stomach’s sake. ((Now days we’d all land in jail & $100 fine! Dec.27.1911.)) I do not feel like doing anything. [Shorthand.] Dr. here. Leon has run off. B. found him in town. I plowed corn. [Shorthand.] Dr. saw Marples. They are mad at me it seems. What cheek!! Mad for my not taking their casting to them. Well “Let em rip”. It was a big bother to me too. Getting the thing. Tom Marple came & got it. A fight in town. To bed early. Frid 26. [Shorthand.] I dreamed that Mrs. Bollote drew a knife across my throat. My stomach is or feels better. Nell Stewart is at home. I plowed corn with Fox. Midley cow in our field. Our dog took her by the tail. I feel dizzy & weak. Hot. Rob Pucket here with B. Angel says the Rebels have left Penn. I plowed corn. [Shorthand.] Nell Stewart rode by on the old horse. [Shorthand.] ((Dec.27.1911.4:20.p.m.)) [Page 515] June. 27. 1863. [Shorthand.] Sat 27. I plowed corn with Fox. Rob Puckett here again. Old Cailloz was at the Dr’s going back to his Regiment. The Dr. showed him picture I made of Blondel with gun & Cailloz knew it. I’m tired & don’t feel right in mind, etc. Hot. I plowed. I to creek & swam. [Shorthand.] Tired and hungry. Feel well. I ate three eggs & piece of pieplant pie & bread. I cut limbs from locust & maple trees. The Dr is here. Jim Brown was here for me to sign for him to keep a Real nice, respectable DRAM SHOP. Jim Brown & Dram shop. I DID NOT. Sund. 28. Heavy wind & some rain last night. Up very late. Miss co*ck left for the East. [Shorthand.] Where is poor Em.? La says she don’t like her. [Shorthand.] Two wagon in camp by Browns fence & an awfully ragged girl came for water. “She told me she had been adopted by the people in the wagons.” I to Dr’s and ate. Nell Steward calls herself “widow” Stewart to [XXX] W. ((How are you, tetotaller?)) Belle & Josey Ragland at Drs & left. We had some wine. La & I came home. Light. I to P.O. Mrs Kuykendall gave me letter from Frank. She looks like Mrs A.R. Button. Franks Regiment is now mounted. He fell off his horse first day. [Shorthand.] I finished St. John. I am not a Christian. I cant believe miracles. [Shorthand.]

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (340)

((Dec.28.1911.9:55.a.m.)) [Page 516] June 30 1863 I to Drs. Dr. Jenner there. He wants to go in the army. I cleaned Drs well. [Shorthand.] Home. La came from Griffith’s. Mrs. Claudia Ogee Kemp is a daughter of Chief Zicoxie of the Delaware tribe. Indians lives above Chapmans Creek. La likes her. Rob Ogee gave B. six firecrackers. I shot one in the air from the pistol and it burst finally. Rain after dark & heavy wind. Played flute. Tuesd 30. [Shorthand.] Nez tres rouge. I plowed. [Shorthand.] PM. I feel well. A Mr. Brook here. He lost some clothes at Browns fence, Sund. [Shorthand.] The Dr. has sold Tom, colt for $35. to Pete Mann. I plowed corn. [Shorthand.] The Dr. here. I asked about his Cane Hill horse. Our old sow broke out for want of weeds that B. ought to feed her. The hogs begin to eat my green corn. Our dog leads them off all the time. [Shorthand.] ((Dec.28.1911.11:11.a.m.)) (Drawings of Kit’s last colt “Spindle.”) [Page 517] July 1st AD 1863. I weigh 173 lbs. Wednesday 1. Up late. Sow out. B is getting weeds for her “To Kill.” [Shorthand.] I plowed corn near the house. The Dr. at Topeka. Mary McNown here for their kettle. She is pretty. [Shorthand.] ((While I was plowing, our men were fighting at Gettysburg Penn. “It was harder work than FARMING!”)) Thursd 2. [Shorthand.] I plowed with Fox. Hot. The Dr. here from Topeka. They grind. La canned goose berries in a jug. [Shorthand.] I put our wheat in wagon & to the Topeka Mill & left grist with the negroes. [Shorthand.] I to Blacks office for Tax Roll. [Shorthand.] An intelligent negro, Mr. Wm. Brooks took care of my 434 lbs. wheat at Mill. Mr Billings told me that Gen Hooker resigned and we have Meade. Bonem, Rock & Kenneda are getting a liberty pole for Indianola. Home. The Dr. here. Rebels are shelling Harrisburg Penn. Great news expected in a few days. Dr. told of Laurent wanting Roberts to buy a box of sardines, so he could give Laurent 2 or 3 to see if he would like them! Frid 3. Up early. I plowed corn with Fox. Its quite clean. [Shorthand.] The Dr. to Geo. Youngs. [Shorthand.] Rob Pucket here. Dr. Ashmore & old Ragland took up the Belgian who lived at Billingers for deserting. I cut out & put on B’s chevrons for an Orderly Sergeant. They look nice. But La don’t like them. Still & hot. ((BUT IT WAS HOTTER AT GETTYSBURG, just now.1911.)) The Dr. from Topeka with his uniform. It is a nice one. E. gruffy & don’t like B’s coat. To bed late.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (341)

Saturday the 4th of July, 1863. Up very early. [Shorthand.] Clear but West cloud. La is better. B. shot a fire cracker. ((Wm. Brooks is still living here in N. Topeka, & lectures now & then. Lem’s brother. 1911.)) [Page 518] July 5th AD 1863. Yesterday B drove Jim Wallaces hogs (four) home to him. Said he would put them up. They were destroying our wheat. I hitched up the team. I to Drs. Je me porte mes pantalon neuf etc. The Dr put on his new uniform. E & F and Dade & Leon to Topeka. Saw lots of Soldier Township people. Grand procession. Union league & Lawrence Brass Band. We near river and heard speech by Rev. Barker. I saw Eliza Milne. She was the best looking lady there. I talked with Sophie Wendel & spoke to Miss Bollote. NO RAIN!!! [Shorthand.] I said: “Un pen d’eau si il vous plait to Mrs. Sardeau, where we all had a grand dinner.” At 3 we came to Dr’s. [Shorthand.] B. wounded a wolf of Henry Puckett. [Shorthand.] O fee; well. B shot his fire crackers. Kadi Pappan & Joseph Bellmore had to run away from Etienne Pappan. Dr & I in wagon to the Union League. Few out. Clark presided. Mr. Eman wants to learn shorthand. They all got to gabbing. [Shorthand.] Ashmores flag is on the Indianola “liberty pole”. ((Dr. Ashmore just died today, Jan.19. 1909.)) Up late. B drove hogs from the wheat. Sund 5. [Shorthand.] Up late. B drove hogs from the wheat. [Shorthand.] Yesterday, Jordan told me we must get up a Farmers Association etc. & put down the politicians. ((And we are trying to do that yet & all in vain. 1911.)) Rainy. We got in a load of wheat. Hogs are at it. More rain slacked. We got a load & all in. I made a pretty stack. Rebels retreating from Penn. F. & Young and I went to town. Dr. here. Our men are fighting at Gettysburg! B. home & Junean boy. Mrs. Kuykendall asked B. if he were a Lient. In the army & that he was very young. Rev. P. McVicar preached in Indianola. F came. Leon has cut his toe. B looks fine in his new coat & cap. S.E. Our dog is good. Mond 6. Rain in night. S.E. [Shorthand.] I plowed corn with Fox. B. to town & got ink 10 cts. He saw a Secesh flag in Clintons window. F. has to collect money for a SS Library. PM. [Shorthand.] I made cross gun for B. B & I plowed. Dr. cant cross river. Is up one foot. [Shorthand.] ((Dec.28.1911.7:12.p.m.)) [Page 519] July 7. A.D. 1863. Middaugh’s Ferry. Tuesd 7. Up very early. I feel well. [Shorthand.] To the Dr’s. He threw away a little bottle. I showed him. Its not oil. Little Ed. Thompson said his mother had such “LITTLE BOTTLES.” [Shorthand.] I took wine. We to Topeka. B. in uniform. Got Fox, Roll etc. We to the mill & the good negro gave me the grist. He said B’s uniform looked very nice. I saw Jack Curtis at Laurents. He put a Union flag up at Mrs. Clintons. She said she’d pull it down, etc. I bid goodbye to the Dr. He said, “I wish you keep in good health like when I came home before

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (342)

[XXXX]. Home. My head pains. [Shorthand.] B’s wild duck is dead. I got 4 sacks of flour &c. I took two sacks of flour. [Shorthand.] Wm. K. Elliott here about road matters. [Shorthand.] B tire un coup de pistolet contra un loup. [Shorthand.] I had a swim. [Shorthand.] Wed. 8. [Shorthand.] I plowed. I saw where B had slighted his work. I got him to plow it all over again. HOT. [Shorthand.] B. finished his corn. I wrote on Tax Rolls etc. Hot. Clear. [Shorthand.] Fan Bollote & Jack Thompson are very good friends now. ((She told me once: “I’d like to dance on his grave!” 1911.)) I plowed in the old ground. It wants work badly. I swam. The water is warm & scummy. To bed early with doors wide open. [Shorthand.] Thurs 9. [Shorthand.] Up early. [Shorthand.] Another of my flute ferules is broken. We to N. fence. B found a big sow ripping down the corn & drove her to town & Bonem owns her. VICKSBURGH IS TAKEN. Pucket says he will put up his hogs! [Shorthand.] Hot as sin. [Shorthand.] Our little ducks are shoveling all the time with their little bills in the mud. Our dog is good now. PM. [Shorthand.] I worked at B’s cross bow gun. [Shorthand.] ((Dec.29.1911.10:18.a.m.)) [Page 520] July 10th A.D. 1863 S.J.R. Jack Curtis put U.S. flag in Clinton Hotel window. Jim Wallace says one of his hogs is gone, & that he “Likes the old flag!” Mrs. Clinton left because Jack Curtis put a U.S. flag in her window. We’ve taken 40 or 50 thousand prisoners and Gen. Lee will be taken. Home. B hit a “wolf”. [Shorthand.] I think that Uncle Sam will gain now. ((AND HE DID. 1911.)) Frid 10. [Shorthand.] Up early. Feel well. [Shorthand.] I plowed up a land. Plow is rusty. Wm. Owens here & assessed. My land $6.84 – La’s $900. [Shorthand.] I was summoned as a juror. Bellmore to recover John Prices horse from Mike Green. Old dad Neeley & Jim Wallace drunk. Will sue said Neeley to Green to Jim who claimed he didn’t owe him anything. Yelled “DAMN HELL!!!” I saw Miss Kuykendall [Shorthand.] Not so fine as Em. C. Hazy Hot. Waited & trial began: Jurors” Enoch, Marple, Cade, Cummins, McKibbin & S.J.R. Through at dark & Jack Thompson and McArthur passed till after 10. I was elected Foreman & our verdict: “We find for the defendant.” (Green.) Home & to bed late. [Shorthand.] Law suit Bellmard vs. Mike Green. ((I got no fee, of course, as usual. 1911.)) Sat 11. Up late. Smoky. [Shorthand.] La & I pulled weeds from the cottonwood trees. Old Bellmore (or Bell said: “Wait till John Come home, then take care. Etc. Pappan said: “I’ve no learning but I’ve de judgment & I tell Bellmore better he pay Green at first.” Said old Bellmore: “John will take that horse if it cost him one thousand dollar. Wait till he come & you see!” They then on to town. [Shorthand.] I feel used up & slept. [Shorthand.] B & I cleaned up yard. It looks nice. ((Dec.29.1911.1:47.p.m.)) [Page 521]

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (343)

July 12. 1863. Davisons land in Mo. I put cover on B’s cross-gun & we shot it. Saw Scoffield. We’ve taken front Gen. Lee 30000 men and 400 cannons. ((O, WHAT YARNS! 1911.)) [Shorthand.] Sund 12. Smoky. [Shorthand.] I wrote to Leo McDonough. Made picture of Jack, & an Indian Squaw who was scratching her head. While Jack was on his knees with a blanket spread on the ground, & wrote, “See here Jack you’ve no time to lose?” I wrote Will Wendel. F & B. to S.School. [Shorthand.] Nat. Clark and Miss Kuykendall married last Sunday. Eliza Milne don’t like Em. Carpenter. Ben. K. looked at B’s uniform & told him to not go in the army. Gen. Lee is not taken yet. [Shorthand.] Davison told me of his new land in Missouri. [Shorthand.] B. was at SS in Indianola. Jack Thompson & Jane Wright are married. B. in uniform & Jim made military Salute. Old Finger cat at Milnes. Mond 13. Up late. Very sore throat. [Shorthand.] S.W. My ears & face pain me. [Shorthand.] A negro came for corn. We to Dr’s & sold 10 bushels & got $3. F. to town rec’d for in Indianola. HOT. Henderson Marple & little brother Enoch here with B. & were here for dinner. [Shorthand.] PM. [Shorthand.] E gave me $2 for the N. Y. Tribune. [Shorthand.] Boys left. (Good riddance.) Tuesd 14. [Shorthand.] I with John & plowed late corn. Old & Young Mrs. Augell here with baby & Augell came. Nell Stewart says she can prove her marriage to McKenny. Mrs. Nat Clark is only 14 next Fall. PM. Kenneda’s have left town. [Shorthand.] ((Dec.29.1911.2:45.p.m.)) [Page 522] July 15. A.D. 1863. I plowed & fished it early. I to Drs. All the NOBLE’S left. I got wine. Davison moved in nobles town. I ate bread & wine. No Elliot. [Shorthand.] I told stories to B at night. Wed 15. Cool. I feel well. [Shorthand.] Our cabbages look finely & the tomatoes. I sharpened hoe. [Shorthand.] Gen. Lee will escape I think. Mrs Clintons cow is in our field. Out dog took her tail & a tuft of hair. [Shorthand.] I to Drs & hoed hard. Thunder. [Shorthand.] I played flute. Thurs 16. [Shorthand.] B drove hogs to town. (What patience! 1911.) ((SHOOT, O SHOOT!! 1911.)) The Secesh of Indianola going to hold. A Knights of the Golden Circle last Sat. but Charley Whiting stopped it etc. He locked Thompsons doors two days. Mr. Rowe & Dr. Ashmore had a fight. I to Drs & hoed vines. I worked hard. I’m tired. [Shorthand.] I must study French grammar. We ate the last dried plums. [Shorthand.] I had bread & wine. F don’t like Em. [Shorthand.]

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (344)

Frid 17. Heavy rain in the night. I lay awake a long time in the night. Up late. More rain. Fire in big room. [Shorthand.] B is writing in his journal & is “aping” mine with it. He got French paper & I read story of Les Miserables & escaping from Jail. [Shorthand.] ((Dec. 29.1911.7.p.m.)) [Page 523] July 18, 1863. Detective Hook at Indianola. Dr. Ashmore mad at me because I would not “endorse,” him to Hook as a good Union man. I wrote my Report. Rainy. PM. [Shorthand.] La on Fox and got the red corn. Misty. I helped her milk in the mud. Hip lame. Played flute. Red Elliott here for his papers. I swore him in. 50 cts. A riot in N.Y. about draft. A fuss in Indianola & 17 soldiers there. B put on uniform & we there. A detective, Mr. Hook, came to me & made signals of the Union League. He asked if I knew of any Secesh about. I said: “NO” He asked if Dr. Ashmore is a true Union man &c and I said I did not know. That there had been suspicion about him some time ago, but seems loyal now etc. He said if he had proof enough he would clean out our town!” They have Big Mike as a deserter. Ashmore said to me: “ Reeder, you made me a false record and it hurt me like the devil.” I asked if it were true he had shouted for Jeff. Davis? He said “yes, but it was to play off on the Copperheads” etc. Said he’d bring the matter before the League. ((But he never did! 1911.)) Sat 18. Mrs. Clinton claims Kuykendall & Ashmore are “Secesh”. [Shorthand.] Misty. I to town. The soldiers left. Hook was drinking. [Shorthand.] By. Jewell came, with posse. Charley Whiting came to me & then to Thompsons a long time. ((Il buve trop. 1911.)) Misty. Dr. Ashmore came to me & said: “Reader, it is all right about that thing of yesterday” etc. Home. Lame hip. [Shorthand.] Geo. Kemp told him that a lot of cattle were in our field. I to the sch. House and gave Eurine a phono Reader. We took in new members. McNown. Then 3 Carpenters came. Charley said I was so tall I must have in gypsum country, etc. Also took in Pete Fieduling & the new Miles. ((Old Capt S.B. Miles!)) Also Juneau. Red Elliott was there, but not rec’d. Dr. Ashmore and McNown were very active and fiery. ((Nothing about Hook! NO SIR!. 1911.)) Ben. K. called “Political” = “Politeshall.” Andy Carpenter looked savage at him. Doc. did not bring up his matter of record with me? Broke up at midnight. Sund 19. Rain. Up early. B around the field. Nothing. Capt. S.B. MILES Died Apr. 29. 1911. 84 yrs. ((Dec.30.1911.11:33.a.m.)) [Page 524] July. 20.1863. My hip is better. [Shorthand.] Saw Mat. Clark & his bride & Eliza Milene. Heard old Davison read about the N.Y. draft riot. Home. [Shorthand.] Mrs. Bl. left a letter for me to send to Caye. Poor dinner. Ragland left his family because they didn’t want him to sell Liquor & he get a lot of it inside his own old thirsty skin, too. F. E & Josey Ragland to S. Sch. in Indianola. Hot.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (345)

[Shorthand.] I gave blue [XXX] to a “wolf.” ((No good.)) [Shorthand.] I ate bread & drank wine. Mond 20. Hot night. Up early. I shaved lower lip & under ears. [Shorthand.] Only 4 little ducks now & one died this morn. I to Dr’s. & hoed. They are all washing & at home. [Shorthand.] Feel well. [Shorthand.] I am dizzy, when I hold my head down for sometime. [Shorthand.] La on Fox to river for grapes. I to Drs & hoed. E’s fixing her new bonnet. La home with 1/2 sack of grapes. Cannon shots in Topeka. 12 thousand men taken by U.S. at Port Hudson. 2,222 men to be drafted in Kansas. NcN. here for me to help harvest. ((Don’t you go Sammy and work yourself sick again. It don’t pay. No indeed! 1911.)) Tuesd 21. [Shorthand.] Up late. [Shorthand.] I to the Drs. & about finished hoeing. To town. [Shorthand.] I saw old Ragland. He said the enrolling officer was at his house & took my name. We’ll have a draft sure. Mr. Erwin here & got manual & looked at my Journals. Mrs. Bouem & Mary Brown are “MAKING GOSSIP.” I in & talked with the ladies. I played a lot on the flute finely. Puckett gave B candy to drive his hogs out of our field. Nelly has gone to see Frank McKenna. [Shorthand.] I’ve a pain in my hip & ate too much supper. [Shorthand.] ((Dec.30.1911.5:11.p.m.)) [Page 525] July 22. 1863 B. & I cut weed out of our water melons. To bed late & told stories to B. [Shorthand.] Wed 22. Yesterday Geo. Young was here & asked me about the League. He said enrolling officer was in the Pottawatomie Nation, on Monday, taking names for draft we suppose. [Shorthand.] Josey Ragland came & F on Fox & with her to Pete’s. [Shorthand.] I put willow hinges on E’s gate & a latch. I made a bow for Bs cross gun. I studied my French book. Sixth lesson. I feel well. B. put on his uniform & on John & found old Downies oxen breaking in our field. [Shorthand.] B & I to bed sans chemise, de bonne heure. Thurs 23. Fog. B on Fox around the field. All right. Pete Mann got his colt. We made floor in the hog pen. I wrote French exercises. Hot. [Shorthand.] PM. La cut my hair. [Shorthand.] I to Dr’s. I made a splendid back gate with a latch. Worked late. Sprinkle. Home. Bread & wine. [Shorthand.] Frid 24. B. around the field. All [XXX]. ((The hog scamps were afraid of B. 1911.)) Sprinkle. Things grow now. I wrote 9th French exercise. I’ll be a French Scholar yet! Augell passed. Said Jim Wallace said that B shot at a pig during a [XXX] & missed it but he told me B. had killed it. [Shorthand.] B & I cleaned out our well. He took out mud & sticks. Rain. [Shorthand.] Mrs Blondel here. I spoke French to her very well. F. don’t like Em. [Shorthand.] B to E’s & cut wood. Lee is in a tight place on the Rappaharnock. They want a compromise. Jack Thompson lives at Topeka now. I saw John Kemp. Griffith & Geo will leave for the plains & cant be drafted. [Shorthand.] John Griffith and Geo. Kemp afraid of the draft. ((Dec.31.1911.3.p.m.))

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (346)

[Page 526] July 25. 1863. Sat. 25. [Shorthand.] Our water is good now. [Shorthand.] I to Drs with a letter from Peyon. Everything in Ill. is dry & crops poor. [Shorthand.] La & F on horses for grapes. B & I hoed potatoes. Rob. Puckett here with pistol which he shot off. I got dinner with stewed apple. La & F home at 1 PM. with lots of grapes. Bl. is home again one mo. furlough. Leon & Dade here. An eye doctor here & got (Dr. McLees.) [Shorthand.] or dug what he called: “YALLER DOCK.” [Shorthand.] La is at her grapes. B is getting his lesson in Geography. I finished 9th French lesson. John Young’s baby died. To town. I got letter from William Wendel. ((He was killed in less than 2 mo. 1911.)) Home. Pleasant. Vincar soupe. I on Fox to Sch H. Leonard & Augell say I must get married & get in the 2nd class for the DRAFT. They left. McNown & Owen & Tice came. We broke up. I think SINE DIE. I met Ben Kistler. He was drawing wood for Mrs. Hindman & asked about her. Mrs. Clinton gained her suit with Kaykendal. Jack T. swore Mrs C. was insane & that K had a secesh flag on his house. Home at 11. West cloud & N. wind. Sund 26. Rain last night. [Shorthand.] B around the field. W. Nothing in it. [Shorthand.] B. to S.S. in town in uniform. Bl. & his wife came. I wrote a letter for him to Fred J. Switz. [Shorthand.] I cut my hand day before yesterday & it is now Wed. I heal fast. ((So do I now. 1911.)) I played fife. Mond 27. [Shorthand.] I feel well. Gerome [XXXX] was wounded in three places in a battle lately. ((Jan 1.1912.10 1/2.)) [Page 527] July 28 1863. I weigh only 170. [Shorthand.] PM. W. A paper from Will. Wendel. I went over to my field. Fences down & cottonwood trees are [XXXX] Goody! [Shorthand.] I will have hard times with fire this Fall, I fear. Will Thompson says one in 41 to be drafted. [Shorthand.] We put pigs in the running pen. Fan. Bollote passed on a run in her cart & after noon Eliza Milne passed on a gallop to Leonards. [Shorthand.] I feel fine. [Shorthand.] Tuesd 28. Eugene M. Cole 12 ys. old. [Shorthand.] I do not feel right in body or mind. My French is harder. Mrs. Reamy’s second boy (Cyrus) here for me to measure Dr’s land for plowing. We to Wallace land & measured 56 1/2 rods by 35 rods. Home. Lame hip. [Shorthand.] I saw Lewis Wilmarth on the road. He asked: Are you surveying a Rail Road? No B. He’s 12 yrs old today. [Shorthand.] B at town. If I am drafted I’ll go without a word. Mrs. Geo. Kemp (Squaw) gave La some buffalo meat. [Shorthand.] Little rain. [Shorthand.]

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (347)

Wed 29. Rain last night. B around field & drove cattle towards river. [Shorthand.] Mon nez ne si pas rouge. I feel well. [Shorthand.] I in field some 15 hogs in. I told Puckett. Jim Thompson has a drum. I played fife for him. I saw Young Gregg. He wanted me to enlist in his Regt 2 KY. I think he is rather wild. Rob Ogee here for dinner. [Shorthand.] Rob. Puckett here. [Shorthand.] ((Jan. 1. 1912. 12 1/2 p.m.)) [Page 528] July 30th 1863. Sam. Reader. Thurs 30. [Shorthand.] I do not feel right. [Shorthand.] B drove cattle past Brown’s & as he was coming back he found a skunk. I out & shot it with shot gun. It was very large. [Shorthand.] 4 hogs in the field & lots of corn pulled down. I to Puckett & told him. He says he has most of his hogs up. ((He was a very mean scoundrel. 1912.)) Jim Wallace to be tried to-day. Home. [Shorthand.] B. F. & I got cherries at creek. McNown here. Says Dr. Ashmore has had Thompsons taken up for stealing. McN. told Mrs. Milne if he worked his youngones hard, he didn’t let ‘em run in the streets etc. He bro’t her $400 from the river. [Shorthand.] I found two large hogs in our field. Puckett came to us. Has most of his hogs up. Says Willy Thompson up for horse stealing. Jim Wallace was fined $1 for fighting Thompson. ((I was not a juror on that case. 1912.)) Frid 31. I fell well. Augell on Jim Beyaus horse. [Shorthand.] Dr. Ashmore says Augell leaked secrets of Union League. [Shorthand.] Windy. Hot. [Shorthand.] I’ve found out my mistake at Sardeau’s when I said: “Donnez moi un pen de ‘eau.” L on Fox & got a sack of grapes. B & I finished the rack. I worked late. [Shorthand.] ((Augell passed by with Red Jim Bryan’s pistol. ((Likely they belonged to a gang of thieves. Jan. 1.1912.)) French [Shorthand.] August 16.63. I have $18.75 in notes. August 16/63. I have in Silver $12.60 & $5 in gold. ((Jan. 1. 1912. 2 1/2. p.m.)) I am writing at the S.E. window of 316 Park St. North Topeka & I feel first rate. Its getting warmer & cloudy. Good bye. Happy New Year. [Page 529] August 1. 1863. Samuel J. Reader’s Private Journal & Day book. Indianola, Kansas. Sat 1. Up at day light & loaded on wheat at sun rise. B. pitched. We to Bellmores & at work right away. I stacked straw. Our wheat turned out 13 bu. ((HOODOO.)) Machine broke. B & I

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (348)

loaded on one straw. Hot. I have headache. Finished at 1 o clock. B & I home. ((And did the fool thing pays never!! Never!! as I told La time & again. It costs $3 per bu. at least.1911.)) [Shorthand.] We had our dinner. I ate a heap. I’ve headache. B & I swam. [Shorthand.] Frank Reader is at Hanco*ck Va. I on Fox to Sch. House. Not many there. Red Elliott’s name was bro’t up, but no action taken because Dr. Ashmore was not there. Abe Marple told me that the Indianola fellows took up a negro & hung him till he told who his master was & then W.K. Elliott took him to Mo. in his wagon. Don’t want him in the League. I paid Marple 65 cts for [XX] & swore him into office. (Road Overseer) The Caucasian was bro’t up & my name as being a reader of it. They thought it no sign of being a rebel &c. Chas. Carpenter said: “Come up and see us Mr. Reader.” Home. Sun 2. [Shorthand.] Found hogs at the corn. I home. Afraid I’ll have no corn. Must do something. ((Well I think it was high time. Jan.27.1908.)) [Shorthand.] I to town. Saw Dr. Ashmore. He was friendly. He told me his plans & of Elliott & Augell etc. Someone “leaked.” [Shorthand.] I to Puckett. He not at home. I saw Eliza Milne & she told me when [XXXX] preaching in town. Saw Bonem. He will have the Post office [Shorthand.] PM. La & B with Drs to meeging in town. I wrote the Dr: “Je domain un pere de caythgsidie a une truie cest deus semaines passé chez vous daus la pa tine. Le dose etail gros commie le premuscee jornture de la pouce mais il ne lui fast mal. Elle revint le lendemain et je lui dounai une forte dose du Blue mass mais elle revint encore bientot avec quelquis amis de cochon. Je me pense que il y est une drogue assez forte pour les tue. [Shorthand.] ((Oui! Tuez-les. Shoot; shoot! Patience no longer a virtue!1912.)) ((Jan.1.1912.3:34.p.m.)) [Page 530] August 3. 1863. Lieut Lowrie Recruiting Officer is persistent. Tom Hiller says he likes his tea (Whisky) too much. I weigh 166 lbs. Corn. 28 cts. B on Fox & in the field. No hogs. Blame the hogs & the owners ten fold mare. The mean, selfish scoundrels ought to be in jail, every one. Mond 3. Some rain. B found a hot in the field. [Shorthand.] I went in the field with the gun but found nothing. I to town & told Puckett of his hogs. Hook & his soldiers in town last night & one of them cuffed Jim T’s ears. Lowrie is in town recruiting. He gave me a real lecture for not going. Said the soldiers would never have anything to do with me if I wouldn’t go! That Ashmore & more have enlisted! ((over the left.)) Button was there & roared with laughter when Lowrie said that Dr. A was leaving & a family. Mrs. Geo. Kemp here. I talked with her. B found one hog in the field. [Shorthand.] ((John Kemp said to Button: A lady asked the squaw wife of Geo. Kemp to collect some Indian herbs for her. Kind of hoodoo charm?1912.)) Tuesd 4. [Shorthand.] B in the field with gun to shoot at [XXXX]. One hot in. I to town. George Young asked me about the draft. I to Mrs. Stewart. She don’t want help from the county. [Shorthand.] I to my field. Cattle are in & keep weeds down. My place looks fine. I’ll plow a strip inside the field & move my fence on it, safe from fires. Home. I feel first rate.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (349)

[Shorthand.] PM. Hot. B & I swam. Water warm. We dove, & practiced. [Shorthand.] A Miss Murphy is teaching Sch. in town. Wed 5. B drove cattle off. Fox’s nose hurt. McNown & his cousin here. I on John to Downies. Bl there helping shell corn. I can get 28 cts shelled. Hogs in his field. He wants help. I to town. Ragland will take my farm? [Shorthand.] PM. B threw corn up in the crib. I to Downies & husked & shelled corn. Hot. Hard. Rain & wind. Bl told his war stories. We got wet. Took supper. Grand. Home. I feel well. Rain. [Shorthand.] ((Jan.2.1912.12:40 a.m.!?.)) [Page 531] August 6, 1863. Samuel Reader. Jack Curtis married to Miss Funk. Corn 25 cts. Thurs 6. Rain. [Shorthand.] I in the crib & threw corn up to one side. Pucket came with team & got 51 tubs of corn at 25 cts. [Shorthand.] Jack Curtis is married to a white girl. [Shorthand.] I spoke French to Charley Juneau. I cut 10 walnut poles. Hot. I sweat awfully. We to Kate Hindmans for water. A letter from Wood Hindman. ((Was killed in a few weeks. Sept 20.1912.)) She don’t like war. Bl wants 10 bu. of corn. No hogs in. Frid 7. Rain all night. No hogs nor cattle in. I don’t feel right. [Shorthand.] B & I to Hillers. Got furniture & paid $15. He saw Lowrie (Lieut?) the Recruiter & he told Hiller about my not going as a soldier etc. The drunken lout. [Shorthand.] Andy Carpenter here to buy cattle. I feel wrong in mind. [Shorthand.] Charles Carpenter cant drive a team etc. Sat 8. Up very early. B. found hogs in field. ((And we turned the other cheek.)) We drove them out & B to Pucketts to tell. I think a pig slipped its wind from B’s “pill box.” I feel well. We mended fence. Brown passed. Will take care of his hogs. The river is high. [Shorthand.] PM. We to town. Recruiting officer there. ((Drinking!)) Charley Juneau with us to my claim. I tried to plow but could not on the inside, but on outside. A little rain. Hogs in the Wallace corn field. Home. I heard that Jim Wallace shot one of Davisons hogs. I saw Augell. He says there will be no draft. Thunder. No hogs in. [Shorthand.] “Je dormi sans chemise.” [Shorthand.] ((Jan.2.1912.4.p.m.)) [Page 532] August 9th 1863. I weigh 169 lbs. Sund 9. Heavy rain. Up early. Don’t feel well. I wrote to Wm. Wendel. Old Scoffield here & wants me to not say anything about his having money. [Shorthand.] Mond 10. More rain in the night. Very muddy. I to Bls. He wants 8 bu. corn. I to Downies. Sheller is gone. I saw Jim Wallace driving hogs out of his field. ((Goody!!1912.)) I to town. I met Capt. S.B. Miles of Mo. He wants to trade me some Mo land for mine! ((Well I guess not!)) Davison wants 8 bu. corn. [Shorthand.] I saw teacher Miss Murphy. Looks like Alleys daughter. I took Bl 8 bu. corn & he paid. [Shorthand.]

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (350)

Tues 11. Up early. I to my field & fixed fence etc [Shorthand.] B knocked four skunks. Two were big. I ate too many plums. Hot, Still & hazy. I saw Mart. Elliott & Pattys carrying weeds to keep the gnats off, as they would light on the weeds etc. I never knew it before. ((Good scheme.)) I to my field & put up 18 panels. I saw Miles. “He said a man in Mo. who moved his fences in, could not get credit”. I worked hard. Home. Billy Prussect told B. to shoot his sow if she came here. B found a skunk. A real one on the prairie & shot it thro the head. ((A good shot.)) Wed 12. Up early. B found Pucketts old horse in our field. Bad taste in mouth from eating plums. [Shorthand.] B took 6 doz eggs to Brown. Davison wants corn. I got 5 bu in the wagon. [Shorthand.] ((Jan.3.1912.10.a.m.)) [Page 533] August 13. 1863. Samuel Reader ((SAFE AT HOME.1912)) I took a kink in the small of my back. [Shorthand.] Very lame. We took Davison bu corn & he pd one dollar on it. Letter from Wm Wendel. Henry Davison has not come back to Reg’t. We got plums. Saw Mrs. Stewart & Miss Juneau. A big naked Kaw Indian with only a breech about on. F. was scared. We home. I am very lame. I dreamed that Mrs. Blondel was drunk at Carpenters. Thurs 13. I could hardly get up. Hips & back lame. [Shorthand.] B. home. He heard Puckett tell Davison he’d find out who shot his hogs & saw nigg*r drag one off shot in the neck. Mrs. Puckett is to whip Miss Murphy for turning Rob out of school etc. I in bed. A letter from Dr. says I might have got in as Lieut. 2 weeks ago. Can be Orderly Sergeant at any time. [Shorthand.] I walked with a stick. Put mustard plaster on back. Frid 14. Up early. Better. Can walk with a stick. I look well. [Shorthand.] The Dr says I must wait for the draft, & that he and Chaplain Jones will try & get me in a place with them. He’s been paid $400. I wrote to Mat: The Cherokee language etc. I told of Indianola, Hooks sayings etc. Give my respects to Miss Gregg. Letter No. 1. PM. La & B for plums. La home with sack of plums. [Shorthand.] B to town. He caught a pig. We put it in the [XXXX]. ((Jan.3.1912.11:21.a.m.)) [Page 534] August 15. 1863 Sat 15. La & B up very early. B saw a hog near the house. Two hogs came & we got them in the pen. [Shorthand.] B drove more hogs to Puckett. Ragland told B. to take them up or to kill them. I wrote notices. B took notices to town & put them up. Jack Fiero there. The Vrenx boy says Will Downie kills hogs with a fork. Augell here. No drafts. [Shorthand.] The well bucket down. La drying her plums. Leon & Dade here. E goes to Pucket for Franks picture. Very hot.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (351)

I shaved and found my fine comb, ah! I wrote a letter to Samuel Kosier, Co. Commissioner. We got up 2 more stray hogs. Puckett here & got his 5 hogs. I asked damages but he begged off & at last let him take them for $1.25. 25 cts for me. Rest to La. ((I showed the seven acres of corn damaged by his hogs. He promised?)) Sund 16. [Shorthand.] Stray hogs here at day light. Fox & [XXXX] hogs at Drs. Downie passed early for Topeka, Mass? [Shorthand.] Lizzie Davison on Fox to meeting at Drs. Charley Juneau Rob Puckett & a negro here. I ate plums. Hot. A good thing for me, I found out. ((& what is it?1912.)) [Shorthand.] PM. Young ones here. Eliza Milne jealous of Sch. marm & Cade. [Shorthand.] The young ones ate my hoecake corn bread & like it too!!! McN. was here in A.M. 2 hours. I feel fine in mind but not in body. Mond 17. Up early. [Shorthand.] B found no hogs. Our own hogs out. Rob Ogee here. I in field & looked at the destruction bu the miserable hogs. Hot. Mrs. Puckett tried to whip old Davison about sch. matters. Told him she had seen many children as white as his, sold on the block! Old man was angry. ((& no wonder.1912.)) We to Drs. Ate too many plums. Josey Ragland at Es . Thunder. Hot. I saw John Bryan. Erwin is our President. Red Elliott not let in! ((Jan.3.1912.3:14.p.m.)) [Page 535] Aug. 18. 1863 Tuesd 18. [Shorthand.] I am better. Last night B heard Jim Wallace say his fence is hog tight. So now we will have all of his hogs, also in our field. ((COLD LEAD our only hope. 1912.)) La to the Drs while E would go to Pucketts gallery. B & I in field but found no carcasses. Hogs have been near Griffiths. They MUST be attended to!! Hot. Blondel goes to the army tomorrow. I got dinner. I ate many plums. Are good as [XXXX] etc. Had first watermelon. Home. Very not. I don’t think B. has killed a single [XXX] in the field this year. E got a “Black” picture. I with the gun in the field but saw nothing. Depridation. I have to walk straight. ((In more ways than one.1912.”)) Wed 19. Up early. Bitter taste in my mouth eating plums. Mrs. Cohee has sued Milne for killing her hog. I expect he did right. We ground scythes & axe. Very hot. B. to town. The trial is in Davisons yard & 4 lawyers from Topeka. Squire Williams is tried for [Shorthand.] I to my field & plowed on safety strip inside N. fence. Helm broke. Rotten. Home. [Shorthand.] Thurs 20. Up very early. B around field & heard Wallace yelling at hogs. ((That was sweet music to us boys. See how he likes it! 1912.)) I made a plow helm. Miss Pholba Beckwith here & poor Abe. Marple has gotten the MITTON from Sophie Wendel, because he watched her so close on the 4th of July. Read French story. Ragland here for me as a juror. Case: Cohee vs: Milne. Hot. I to town. Saw Ben Kistler. He’s glad Ashmore is gone. Ways Pilays are coppery? Jack Curtis told me to come to town tomorrow night to a large meeting. JUROR”S: Button, Harding, Hiller, Elliott, Prussett & Reader. Mrs. Cohee swore her hog was illegally held by old Kline. He swore the hog broke in his pen etc. “Hawf coot.” etc. The nig. Henry Clay swore to a lie we think. Said Milne told him to tell Mrs. Cohee that he would shoot her hog. etc.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (352)

Lawyers Case & Deuthitt ((Jan.3.1912.5.p.m. & cold.)) [Page 536] THE QUANTRELL RAID. ((Translated from “THE INARTICULATE”, as Carlyle calls it.)) August 21. 1863. talked till sunset. I was put in as Foreman. We all agreed for Milne but Tom Hiller. At last he gave in. Button said if his hogs troubled anybody, he wanted them to be killed. I wrote our verdict: “We find for the defendant, there being no unlawful detention of property.” Case said verdict would not do but Mr. Douthitt said “its all right”. Home at 10. Frid 21. I up early. [Shorthand.] B around field. Nothing. Heard dogs & hogs near Wallaces field. Good! [Shorthand.] I am afraid my back will “kink”. [Shorthand.] I to town. Lots of Muddy Cr. people there. Awful news!! The City of LAWRENCE was burned today & 50 to 100 men killed. We met up stairs in the Clinton House & wee initiated in the NEW League. Golden Silvers wants to hang copperheads. Officers elected: Jack Curtis Pres. Bryan V.P. Reese Bickel sentinel, Sam. Reader Treas. Jack Curtis gave me 50 cts fee. He recd a letter from Capt. Horne. Wants us at Topeka tonight. Jack in bar room said: “GENTLEMEN, I WANT YOU TO FOLLER ME, & I’LL NOT BE AFRAID TO LEAD YOU, BUT IF ANY OF YOU BETRAY ME & I COME OUT ALIVE I WILL SHOOT HIM ((YOU)) AS SURE AS THERE IS A GOD!!!” I home and got my arms. Joe Kopp & Jack Curtis here. I to Drs with a lantern, I passed a wagon load of men & one said: “Is that a Jack o’ Lantern?” I replied: “It’s a Sam O’ Lantern”. I on John with shot gun to Curtis House. Over the river, at 3 got horses in stable & lay on the floor of the Chase House. Still & warm. Topeka men watching 3 miles off towards the East & Lawrence. Sat 22. Clear, Still, Warm. I to the river & washed. We got breakfast. Levi Williams not well. All Soldier Township men here. Quantrell’s men shot down L. men without any fighting. Babco*ck killed. We to river. There Ragland said the Topeka Copperheads should be taken care of. Ragland, Erwin, Bickell, Parley & I got witness to rendezvous, & spent time for nothing. Owen said its foolish. I am well equipped. I told Henry & young Carpenter & Erwin of Battle of Hickory Point – 1856. I have blanket on saddle & Drs haversack & canteen. Home at 10. Hot, Clear & still. Flies bad. I slept a little. N.E. breeze. (Reinked Jan.29. 1909. Invaluable record.) (([XXXX] Jan. 4.10:50.a.m.)) [Page 537] August 23, 1863. P.M. Hot. The Dr’s. I do not feel well. I ate plums. Poor Lawrence people! To bed early.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (353)

Sund 23. Clear. Breezy. Very pleasant. I feel finely. B. around the field. La killed a chicken. South wind. I to Dr’s. Miss Lizzie Davison there. I did not see her. E. thinks our new LEAGUE will amount to something. Pleasant weather, but hot & windy. I wrote to E.D. Rose, about Lawrence. PM. I slept a little. B. to Sunday School. Flies are bad. Got haze & west clouds. Hot. S.W. Windy. Got to N.W. and blew hard. I ate many plums. I to the Drs. Belle, Josey, & Tom Ragland there. Miss Mary Williams. She’s full of life. Tom told me Judge Greer was in Lawrence & they buried 120 bodies yesterday. All left. I home. [Shorthand.] A rain came up. Cool. N.W. & windy. ((There was another scare at Lawrence. 1912.)) Rain last night & N.W. Windy & very cool. Like Fall. B. in the field & saw hog tracks. I hitched up team when old man Ragland came here on a gallop & the rebels with war things are coming & are 8 miles E. of Topeka. I unhitched, put on my “WAR THINGS” & on John to town & back. Met Big Louis Pappan & family [XXXX] to town. Says Rebels are 7 ms. from Topeka. Home. Put our papers & money in box for B. to bury. La is washing. I to E’s & told news. Home at 10 & ate corn. B & I to Drs. with box. F is home from school. She is scared. I told, if I didn’t come back to burn my books. ((THESE JOURNALS!!! What an idea! 1912.)) & to give my land here to La. etc. Just then the Indianola crowd under Ragland came from town on a run, & I fell in with them. We got to Topeka in quick time & where we found the story all a HUMBUG. Ragland to blame for being so rash. Got our dinner in a baker’s shop. We out S of town and drilled. Maj. Fordman was in command. He said we must organize as Militia. To meet at our Sch. H. tonight. We had 2 Col’s of Calvary, 2 of Infantry & 7 battery. We home. I dug up our box of plunder. All delighted. I feel well. I on Fox to Sch. J. then to Indianola. I signed for Militia. Jack Curtis was our chairman. He drew a sword and went through some the theatricals. He wants to be Captain. He told what he saw at Lawrence on Saturday etc. A great many other made speeches. McNown was very loud. I spoke French to Etienne Papan. We all up stairs & tried a Mr. Cole for, disloyalty. Cleared him. Home late. COLD. Up late. Very cold & a little FROST. I feel sore. Still. ((Jan. 4. 1912.3.p.m.)) [Page 538] August 26. 1863. We hitched & to town. A shorthand letter from De Les Drinkwater. The town is quiet. I to my claim. We plowed inside N. fence. [Shorthand.] A cow chewed up my overshirt. Hard to plow & makes me mad, ugly English temper, said B. We overtook Mrs Leonard & Mrs. Bollote. Both spoke to us. I read story. I feel well. Like Fall. My right eye smarts. I can best Drink = water writing phonography. B & I to my field and plowed 5 rounds. Hard work. [Shorthand.] I to Drs. F. was at school. I cut wood. B. in field shooting. Killed a wolf of 200 lbs. I to town. A lot there. Dr. Jenner wants me for Captain, but I refused. We elected Tom Pasley informal ballot but after two more “rabs”, Curtis was elected by whisky treating that all of us could see. The new Miles was 1st Lieut. I was asked if I’d be 2nd Lieut. or Orderly Sergeant. I said 2nd Lt. & was elected over Puckett by a large majority. I thanked them and said that I could not treat liquor, being a member of Temperance Society, but I could treat with cigars. Plenty of smoke there arose. We adjourned till Sat. & out in the Street & gave 3 cheers for the Captain. He feels grand, evidently.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (354)

Wed. 26. Cool but no frost. I feel pretty well. I hear hogs at Griffins. [Shorthand.] B & I in wagon to town. I paid Cade for the cigars & 25 cts postage. Pleasant. We to my field & plowed. Got grapes. Augell here. He don’t like Jack Curtis for Capt. He will not join. PM. Downie bo’t 8 bu corn $2.00. A hog here & B out & killed one or two skunks, I think. I in field & tried to plow. Too weedy. La gave it up at last. ((For what, that costs 5 or 6 dollar a bu. in labor etc.)) B. took John to drag off a wolf. Thurs 27. Rain last night. B in the field. It is full of hogs & a rain came & he had to leave them. I shelled corn. B & I in Dry field & got plums. They are very sweet & ripe. A hog at the Drs. I feel weak, & sore. PM. [Shorthand.] B. took La & E to Buttons. I went in the field. No hogs. I to town. The company to be reorganized. [Shorthand.] Frid 28. Sprinkles last night. Clear. An old ox in the field. No hogs. John Kemp killed a skunk near our hog pen. Owen here last night to look at the Militia Law. I feel well. ((Jan.5.1912.9:20 a.m.)) [Page 539] August 29. 1863. [Shorthand.] I to my field & staked & ridered 20 panels of fence. I’m afraid I’ll be lame. Windy. Few drops of rain. No school. Miss Murphy sick, [Shorthand.] Scoffield here with axe & scythe to grind. I shelled corn. I to town. Jack Curtis told me he cant appoint the under or noncommissioned officers. That we are cavalry & will get our commissions soon. We in the League room. A dozen. We let in a lot. G.P. Clark & Wesley Gregg like to have been rejected. We left Joe Middaugh out for further consideration. I had to make the reports, etc. Sat. 29. Up late. Three hogs here. B out & fired three times. Fort Sumter is taken. [Shorthand.] I feel well. This will be a glad day. [Shorthand.] I to town. Men at [XXX] came in, and we formed in a hollow square & were sworn in by Squire Davison. Lieut. Slack came from Topeka & wants us officers to be at Topeka to night. Augell & I were the “TELLERS:” We elected Erwin Sec’t Kopp Ensign. Rod Rose 2d Sergt & Hy. Lemmeda 4th Sergt etc. Augell & I home. Eli Miles is 1st Corp. [Shorthand.] I with Curtis, Miles, Pucket & Jim Wallace to Topeka at dark. We saw Jacks wife. She said “BULLY” to him as we passed. We in a room & Jack introduced Miles & myself! I spoke to Lieut’s Spencer & Wilmarth. Elected WWH LAWRENCE, Col. Randlett Lieut. Col. Clarkson & Stark for Majors. Gilcrinst wanted Jack for Major. We came home. Jim Wallace is drunk. Still. Clear. Full moon. Cold. La & B killed a skunk at home. To bed at midnight. I am all right. Sund 30. Up late of course. I to town. Charleston taken. Old Ragland will send any man to “HELL” who calls him a Copperhead! Joe Kopp spent $1.75 for his TREAT. I to the Drs. as well as my HONORS would allow me. I ate plums. My right eye is red; I feel all right. [Shorthand.] PM. Windy. Hazy. Pleasant. ((Jan 5.1912. 10 ½ a.m.)) [Page 540]

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (355)

August 31st 1863. Puckett’s negro Harry said I had better kill the hogs. I played “Lily Dade”, so well that La thought it was somebody singing. La to Drs & heard that Lane has ordered out a Captain & 20 men to go to Mo & clean it out. 2 bushwackers were hung in Kans. Levi [XXX] at Raglands. Mond. 31. [Shorthand.] I to claim & mowed on both sides of my paling & board fence from fire danger. [Shorthand.] I to my claim & cut grass at W. fence & also, large weeds. [Shorthand.] Home. Hogs in field. B out but the gun lock no work. La had a paper a man left for me, as follows: PROMOTION! “Hd Qus. 1st Rgt. S.D. K.S. Mr. Lt. Sam. Reeder, You are hereby relieved from duty with your Company, & ordered to report at these Hd. Qts. for duty as Quarter Master of this Regiment. You will report Tuesday, 1st day of Sept. at 4.P.M. [XXXX] Lawrence, Col. Commanding. ((FACSIMILIE.)) Hurrah for Sam I fooled E so she tho’t that I was turned out of my company. F on Fox to Buttons. I got pail of plums. Home. Showed my paper to Augell. He “Hah” ed over it. To bed & asleep when Owen & Hiller came for the buggy. They say they will not muster under a “Copperhead” like Pucket. ((Pucket was elected 3d Lieut. I think. 1912.)) I to bed again but could not sleep for a long time. ((Too many honors clustering about me! 1912.)) Clear. Still. Warm. Moon light. ((Jan 5.1912. 11:33.a.m.)) [Page 541] September 1st. 1863. Indianola Shawnee Co. State of Kansas. Samuel J. Reader’s Private Journal & Daybook. Tuesday 1. [Shorthand.] Clear. Hazy. I feel well. I hung new scythe & we to our slough & cut 7 swathes. B to town & told Puckett about his hogs. Says he has most of them up. Got a proclamation of Jim Lane to go into Mo. &c. ((The plundering old scoundres.1912.)) Saw Lieut. Miles. Two privates & an Officer are to guard the river on this side every night. Josey Ragland says our Co. is to be at Topeka today. On John to river & crossed on foot. 10 cts. I to Co. blk. Got soup. I found Col. Lawrence. He showed me the arms. A man takes my place for the present. Plenty of arms & two cannons. I saw most of the officers. Lt. Lewis Wilmarth said he recommended me for Quartermaster. I got shoes of Judge Winens. No 11 - $2. Well made. I ordered 5 State Records $1.25. [Shorthand.] Feel well. I belong to the Staff. Wed 2. Up very early. My new shoes are very large. No hogs. I have an order for Jack Curtis or his Co. to report at Topeka Sat. & receive arms. I mowed 10 swathes. Raked. [Shorthand.] I wrote as follows: “Co. ATTENTION!! The members of the Cavalry Co. Soldier Township & vicinity, are ordered to report at Topeka on Sat. the 6th day of Sept. 1863 at 1 o’clock P.M. for drill & to receive arms, consisting of Sabers, carbines & the necessary accoutrements. Any person not a member can receive arms we provided he be sworm in prior to the distribution of

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (356)

said arms. Posted by request of W.W.H. – LAWRENCE Col. Com.’g 1st Reg.Ks. U.S.M.SD. Samuel Reader. Home. Pumpkin pie. PM. I mowed and B raked. Hogs in. Gun out of order. co*cks in hay. [Shorthand.] Thurs 3. About midnight Ord. S. Erwin here for me to go & help guard the ferry. Half moon. Billy Prusseit came. I on John with gun & flute. He said there was a “strong smell” near our field. ((Jan.6.1912.11.a.m.)) [Page 542] September 4. 1863. Prusseit & I to the Ferry. I played flute on the boat. No.2. Still. Pleasant. Cool. I slept on a coil of ropes. At daylight we came on home. I think it’ll rain. I put up the hay. [Shorthand.] I to Drs & mowed around stock yard & got plums. Very ripe. [Shorthand.] B in the field of Dr. “Wolves,” he wounded two he said. The Dr. sent to E. He’s well. [Shorthand.] B raked hay & I mowed hard. Breezy. S.E. F. says the children at school ask her: “What stinks so in our field & she saw Dave Milne & the negro looking at one carcass near the fence. La not at home. I don’t want to see Puckett very soon. La home. To bed early. Frid 4. Up early. I’ve not so much rheumatism but La, E. B. have it. [Shorthand.] La mended all my coats. I cut the heads off all the kittens but one. Reviewed French. I mowed. B shot a dog at home for killing chickens at the Dr’s. My left eye is red. PM. S.W. La to Scoffields. B & I ground scythe. S.W. I mowed large lot. [Shorthand.] Augell wants to break up our Company. After dark I to town. I saw Curtis & gave him his order. He had me put in as Q. Master, he says. Saw Gilchrist. Wier will never pay. He wants my vote. He with us in the League. We let Middaugh in. I vouched for Button. After meeting we talked of our Co. Will try to get Puckett out & Jack is in trouble about it. Sat 5. Thunder. Up late. I feel well. Getting clear. La cut my hair. I cut grass till 9. I drove a lot of hogs out – when I saw Davison. He says he will shoot hogs that break in his yard! Good for him. I on John to town. White there on furlough. I have my linen coat on. We to the Ferry & crossed. 4 loads. Augell with a petition asking Puckett to resign. “I’ll not resign for a set of “damned abolitionist” says Lieut. Puckett.” We nearly all signed. ((Jan.6.1912.4:11,p.m.)) [Page 543] September 6th 1863. [Shorthand.] We drew arms. I got only a saber as I am a Staff Officer. We forded & came home at sunset. Puckett will resign they say. I doubt it. See clipping in front of Journal, of State Record. We have over 50 armed men. To bed late. Feel well.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (357)

Sund. 6. [Shorthand.] B & I found a “skunk” in the meadow. B. shot it in the head & I shot 3 times at something else. Lost the ramrod. I drove hogs to town. ((How good I was! 1912.)) F. here & wants me to take E’s to meeting. I feel well. Sprinkle. Cleared. I mended guards of the gun. [Shorthand.] Stewart the negro here with an order from Curtis to be at Topeka tomorrow morn. ((Document previewed.1912.)) Mrs. Bl here. Fan. Bollote says that La is good, but that Mrs. Bl is the cause of all the fuss. [Shorthand.] B home with papers & letter from Will Wendel. ((His last letter to me. 1912.)) Mond 7. I do not feel well. I on John to Topeka. Forded the river & took off my boots. Found Col. Randilot. I’d be wanted to order provisions, but not yet. [Shorthand.] Home. Jule Bellmore & Clemintine here from school. I talked French with them. My face is very dirty. Hot & windy. PM. Leon is sick. B & La to the Drs. I alone. Not well. I to Drs. & B & I burnt grass. I cut around the stock yard. No stray pigs. I must take the lead back to Topeka that I bro’t home by mistake. Tuesd 8. Je dormi sans chemise. I feel better. B & I on John to my field. Found Fox. We set fire S of paling W of field. Nice day for burning. I am tired. [Shorthand.] To town. Saw Jack Curtis. He & Puckett have resigned. I’d rather Jack would stay. He is in the 15th KY. Home. Leon had ten fits. ((Jan 7.1912.11.a.m.)) [Page 544] September 9th 1863. PM. Clear. S.N. & every way. La is glad that Jack is out of our Company. B & I drew two loads of Hay. Its fine. Thundering. Clouds. [Shorthand.] Wed 9. Up very early in the field & shot at a (BRISTLED) “wolf”. He is making bullets. I sent State Record to Leo McDougle. We have no meal now. [Shorthand.] Leon is well & was here. E. came. She has rec’d notice from Giles that her money is ready. I scoured my sword & oiled it. ((It is the longest blade in our Co.)) B & I to my field & burned W side of my field. We on my hill & put on 2 of my house timbers. Home. Saw a Wolf going in our field. B. back with gun & killed it. ((GOOD.)) Old Puckett & Tom Ragland have gone in the 15th Regt. Thurs 10. [Shorthand.] B scouted. Found nothing. Took off wagon rack & put on bed. [Shorthand.] We to town. Saw Red Elliott. To the ford. B & I for rock. I drew two lds. of stone from little creek near McNowns. [Shorthand.] Button’s tax was $9.50 & he wanted to hang the County Board. Home. I feel well. Dust, wind. [Shorthand.] Joe Bellmore and Kadi Pappan have enlisted in the 15th Reg. Mr. Cade has gone to the plains. Frid 11. Sprinkle in the night. Up early. In the field & shot twice. Got nothing. I drew two lds. stone. Red Elliott said Jim Bryan has married Nan Wallace. PM. Jack Curtis has men for the 15th Reg. S.W. {M. Hot & windy. I feel well. I to Topeka & gave Laurent his lead. I got $350.00 of E’s money. Saw Slickey. We all to the church. Jennison is sick but Hoyt

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (358)

[Shorthand.] (Little Geo. Hoyt got up & gave the Copperheads fits. Said if they didn’t join the 15th, he & the Red Legs would hang them!!) ((Jan 7.1912. 3.p.m.)) [Page 545] September 12 1863. money. She owes me 5 cts. I paid Giles. I to the U. League. Clark on Committee. We left. Cummins out in the cold. Ogee & I voted against Rock & had to explain it, it takes 3 blackballs to exclude. I disliked doing it. (Owen told them that I heard Jim say that the N.Y. Tribune & also N.Y. Day Book were “lying sheets” & both equally bad. Owen had me to get up & say I heard him.) Wm. Owen, Geo. Kistler and S.J. Reader Blackballed Jim Kuykendall several times. Sat 13. N. Cool. Cloudy. I will leave the UNION LEAGUE I think. I made bows & put on the wagons. Leonard got Drs saddle. I to town at our election & put in S.B. Miles as Capt. G.P. Clark 1st & Tom Hiller 2nd Lieut. & Geo. Kistler 3rd Lieut. Clark treated us with peaches. We finished all non-com officers at 2. P.M. We drilled. I got Clarks carbine. Home. B. shot at a wolf. No hit. [Shorthand.] About dark I to the bottom of the field shot three POO-EE! WOLVES. A poo-eed too, in answer and kept on firing at the miserable bristled wolves.” GOOD! Good!! GOOD!!! Sund 13. Up early. [Shorthand.] I started at sunrise with $220 for E’s things. Clear, Pleasant. I to Penn House & nooned & past Scotts farm in PM. & camped. I feel well. Mond 14. Up one hour before day. Clear. I in City Leavenworth at 10. A.V. League man rode with me. I got 1/2 bu. apples. I saw Jim Hunter Sergt. I bo’t for E a melodeon & sewing machine for $150. & then other things. I had my picture taken 50 cts Tintype. I saw Geo. Carpenter. I got chairs for La $6.00. I started at 3 & at [XX] House after dark. He told me all the news. We slept on the ground. I played flute. Ate a “Flying” supper. Tuesd 15. Clear. Still. Started at daylight & to Osawkie. Windy & dusty. We on to Indian Cr. at dark & Hunter left me. I on to Drs. We unloaded. B delighted. I played on the melodeon. Cant fix sewer. Home at midnight. Clear. La says Puckett was at B about shooting his hogs & old Ragland said B. did right. E fed me on pumpkin pie. To bed late of course. ((Jan.8. 1912. 9:20.a.m.)) [Page 546] September 16, 1863 Wed 16. Up after sunrise. I feel used up. No hogs in. I to the Drs & took harmonium out of its box & put it in the N. room. It is walnut. [Shorthand.] I worked at Sewing machine but could do nothing, but at last got it to work. L & B here too. All home. Late dinner. PM. [Shorthand.] Rain, I’m glad I got in before it came. I to E’s & filled the bobbins from the directions etc.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (359)

Thurs 17. N. Up late. No hogs. ((“No, not one!”)) Hunter me dit que les P sout volenies. B took Bonems wagon cover home. [Shorthand.] I husked corn. Red Elliott here from Topeka all armed. He says our Co. was over there all night. They said Quantrell was in Kansas again. B home. Puckett told B not to shoot his old sow. We husked. Cant make machine go right. [Shorthand.] B helped me to husk & shell corn. Red Elliott here with tax list. He says McNown’s second oldest boy Johnny & Mary have gone off towards the river. That’s all right! Ashmore is in town and is in the 15th Reg. To bed late. Frid 18. Up early. Clear, cold, FROST. NO HOGS! A hot League meeting. Blackballing. I wrote to Wm. Weidel. I to Drs & shelled corn. B & I ate melon & to the brush and got plums & ripe hazelnuts. [Shorthand.] I took La & E to Buttons. The dog tried to bite us. I helped Button unload hay. E got 1/2 bu. peaches. 75 cts. Mrs. Barmister & Bartham there. I saw the Higg youngone. Its ugly. We on my hill & put on a timber home. I to town. Ashmore told me: “ Loyal men stay at home & Secesh go in the 15th.” We in the League & rejected Kuykendall & Geo. Young. Button put off. I got up & said I’d known him 7 years & had never heard his loyalty questioned. That he didn’t join our Co. as he had objection to the officers &c. Jack Curtis then talked away & we had a fine time at last. Home after midnight. [Shorthand.] Sat 19. Up late. I feel well. I mended fence. Mrs. Fiederling here. I armed. Got on Fox & to town. Abe Marple made Report. ((Jan.8.1912. 3:46.p.m.)) [Page 547] September 20. 1863. Battle of Chicamagna. Will Wendel Killed. My affray with Dr. Ashmore Jack Curtis got Bonem & John Bryan, Reese Bickel & Bill Reamy & others for his Co. Dr. Ashmore came to me & said: “Reader who was talking with you on the stairs with you last night? I told him “no one” He then got me to go with him in the Hotel & called out Mary Chapeau. Ragland stayed with me & said: “Your record is all right. The Dr. bro’t in Geo. Kistler, & the squaw then said she heard Geo. tell me that he did not want Ashmore in the League & that I said I like him, very well he is a good fellow.” Dr. A. then took out his revolver & struck Geo. with it & yelled at him. He denied, & I told Ashmore it was not so. I turned to the squaw and said she was mistaken. Easier said than done. “That is our boys wanted to take Ashmore up. He was drunk & dangerous & our Capt. Miles got us off to Topeka, so we would not get in a scrape. We had regimental drill & broke ranks. Jack Curtis gave me my Commission as 2d Lieut. We on Home. I told Ragland that Ashmore was wrong. I played. To bed late. [Shorthand.] Sund 20. Up early. Cool. B sick. Nell Stewart here today. I to town & took Ashmore to one side, & had a long talk with him. He said he would take all back, etc. I told him it was the first time I’d ever had a revolver drawn on me. He said he didn’t draw on me. I thought he had a grudge against me since Hook was in town. He says he does not feel hard about that, at all & IS

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (360)

MY FRIEND, etc. I told him I voted against Kukendall. I home. I took F & E to meeting. [Shorthand.] I finished my letter to William Wendel. ((He died today.”)) Mond. 21. [Shorthand.] B about well. I feel well. I mowed grass. Its hurt by the frost. [Shorthand.] B was in town. Puckett said his hogs got out, but only 2 or 3 would come to our field. We saw Jack Curtis & crowd going to Topeka. I mowed & B raked. We ground scythe. To bed at dark. Tuesd 22. Up very early. I out & mowed before sunrise. Up for breakfast. [Shorthand.] ((Jan. 8.1912.5.p.m.)) [Page 548] September 23. 1863. Flour $4 pr #. I ate two apples & two peaches. I feel weak. [Shorthand.] Belle R. & Levi W. to be married soon. Josey lives at Buttons. He is very cross. No hogs in. S.W. I mowed & B raked hay. Windy. Bl. & a man to see me. His Co. is at Topeka. Home. Feel well. PM. HOT. F here for us to cut wood. I there & cut some. [Shorthand.] I mowed & put hay in co*ck. I worked till dark, nearly. I set fire NE of house but it didn’t burn much. Wed 23. Up early. I in the field before breakfast & finished putting up co*cks. 52. Windy. Clear. [Shorthand.] Bl told that Caye has married an Irish widow! [Shorthand.] I have lots of hay for two days cutting. The stack is high. Nelly Bly very nicely. She can sew well on machine now. A cold in my head. Thurs 24. Up last night on a skunk alarm, but found none. My cold is no better. A drove of sheep passed by & Dr’s fool dog hurt two of them. He must be killed or tied up. B & I drew in all the hay 2 loads. I loaded up 2 sacks of wheat & 3 or corn. Letter from Dr. He wants to get out as John Ritchie is back. I must buy myself out if drafted, but I will never do it. [Shorthand.] I to the Topeka Mill. The river water came in wagon several inches. I left the wheat. Got black hat. $1.50. I saw McDoual, want my support for Rep. [Shorthand.] NE. To bed late. Frid 25. I scoured up my arms & put the eagle on my hat. E’s saddle at Leonards. [Shorthand.] I mowed & raked. Put up 12 coils. [Shorthand.] B & I worked late. ((Jan.9.1912.11:18.p.m.)) [Page 549] September 26 1863. On Picket duty on the Burlingame road. La was at Raglands, & Cooks with F. The boys from here had a Ball at old man Curtis house. Jacks new wife swore like a pirate & was very rough. They are a hard set altogether. Jack will be Captain. Jo Middaugh for sheriff. We had just met in League room when the cannon was heard at Topeka. I home. Got my arms & on John. I met boys near town. We to the ferry. The man would not cross us unless paid. We crossed ourselves & to Hd. Quarters. I volunteered to

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (361)

go as a private with the rest on picket duty. Geo. K. had command of us. Old Tom Kemp, Young Clark & I were put on the Burlingame road. Still, pleasant. Full moon. Kemp told of Eli Miles’ & Wickers boot tap & how he Kemp had “Aimed to kill John N. Majors” with a club etc. Sat 26. We in town. Had breakfast. Had orders to mount. Our Co. & others search a train for a wounded man shot at by our pickets. Found none. We at CHASE HOUSE. I saw Dolph Thomas & John Kemp sang: “I’d hardly got check enough” Dolph wanted me as Q.M. to furnish liquid refreshments. I refused. One of our boys said: “No use trying that on him!” I saw boys of the 10th Reg. One of them was shot at last night & it raised all this fuss. Home. My eyes sore & red. I to bed. PM. I feel very bad & sleepy. Old Gregg wants me to vote for Douthate. I refused. He said he would have to “Drop me” as delegate. I told him to do so as I didn’t want it. “But we want you for other things” said the old Hooknose. This was after we had drilled on prairie S. of Indianola. I had old Fox & I got on him & left the others to their glory. I set fire E of our field. Burned nicely. My throat sore. To bed early. ((Both Dolph Thomas & John Kemp are alive today, both older than myself. Jan.9.1912.)) Sund 27. Up late. [Shorthand.] B & I shot the carbine. It KICKS. I found it empty. [Shorthand.] I fixed B’s so he can take my gun to train. We to Hardings for crab apples. None. A few red haws & black haws. Home in bed. PM. Hot. SW. I ate nuts & wrote Dr. La gave him Jack Curtis’ speech. [Shorthand.] Mond 28. We got up & killed a big skunk last night. I wrote my Reports. Jim Thompson here & got some corn. ((Jan 9.1912.5.p.m.)) [Page 550] September 29th 1863. I weigh 169 lbs. [Shorthand.] I wrote to D. D. Hitchco*ck Assistant Surgeon 2d Indian. [Shorthand.] B & I with team to Topeka. We took Mrs. Bollote & Leonard over the river & I had a log in wagon to put their feet on. Got out at old Laurents. I at the mill & up town. Co. Clerk gave me Report. I saw C. W. Whiting. Geo. Kestler says I am one of the delegates with Hiller, Kuykendall & Pliley. Hunter has a kind of Commission for recruiting in the 7th Ks. [Shorthand.] We to the mill & got grist. Mrs B. & Mrs L. came and crossed again with us. I talked French to Mrs. Bollote. She is friendly. We took them home. B & I home at p.m. My stomach not right. B & I to my claim & got the last hewed timber on the hill, I some wood. B. has red chalk he found at Topeka. I set fire E of our field. Tuesd 29. I feel better. I wrote Frank. Cant find the red chalk. B & I drew in one load of hay & put on the stacks. We ground scythe. Baked beans. [Shorthand.] B & I in the field. I mowed. Saw Kate Hindman. She wants me to cut her some hay. I will if I can. We finished the meadow. La home with grapes & paw paw’s. I to Dr’s & cut wood. [Shorthand.] Wed 30. A little rain last night. [Shorthand.] B to McNowns with flour. ((Jan.9.1912.9:14.p.m.))

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (362)

[Page 551] September. 1863. I feel weak & sick. [Shorthand.] I got [XXX]. I ate only a piece of bread for dinner. I read French story. Jim Thompson here to get me to keep horses for him. B & I got sack of nuts. I cut wood at Drs. I am weak. [Shorthand.] To bed early. F goes to sch. to Miss Reese, now as Miss Murphy has left for the East. Jim T. told me that Whiting kicked old Ragland out of the Garvey House for being drunk. He has no house to move into now. See Oct 18, About money. Tax for 1863 State. School. Territory Co. Against Co. Town. SJR 3.42 68 1.02 5.47 41 1.37 E. Cole 4.90 98 1.47 7.84 59 1.96 M.A.C. 4.64 93 1.40 7.42 56 1.85 TJ Wallace 3.25 65 .98 5.20 39 1.30 Road Tax. Dist School.

1.60 2.17 Scrip 16.00 Nancy Stewart. Las in cash $13.82. Mine in cash $9.64 Drs. was cash $26.01 3/4. ((Jan. 9.1912.9:22.p.m.)) [Page 552] October. 1. 1863. Samuel J Reader’s private Journal & Daybook. Indianola Shawnee Co. Kansas Thursd. 1. Up early. Clear. Frost. N. [Shorthand.] Calf got out. I fixed up the cow yard fence. [Shorthand.] B & I to the brush & got sack full of nuts. Saw Frank McKenna & he will live here. I feel weak. We have no Med. Jack Curtis is only 1st Lieut. I am glad he did not get in Capt. ((Uncharitable!)) PM. I to my claim. We set fires inside the N. strip. Burned well. Also on W. side of field. Breezy. A good job. We on to E side of Drs field & burned off finely. All the Drs. out for hazelnuts. Home late. B back to look at fires. All right. To bed early tired & weak. [Shorthand.] Frid 2. Cool. No frost. Left shoulder lame. B’s face getting sore. We drew hay to the Drs. [Shorthand.] I feel sick at my stomach. [Shorthand.] La & B to the river for grapes. Windy.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (363)

Jack Curtis will be Capt. [Shorthand.] B back with grapes & the cow. Leon has the chills. [Shorthand.] B’s face sore. Misting. Sat 3. Rain last night. County Convention. NW. [Shorthand.] Scoffield here with paw paws. He got to hunt his ox. Failed. I to town. Hiller says we go to Topeka today. Frank McK. will go with Jack Curtis. I home. Hiller here & we to Topeka. The river is low. Charley Whiting sent us to “The Topeka House.” Bill Thompson is 3d Lieut. & John Winters Capt. Co. Allison Philey is Ord. Serg’t. Austin Philey married old Greggs daughter last week. We in Convention. Sleet & rain. Cold. I feel well. We nominated Gregg Trea. Chair & Whiting Sheriff. Apple treat. Lewis C. Wilmarth not running for Representation. I left with Hiller, Kistler & Owen. Last night Geo. Young was let in the League & Kuykendall got 8 black balls. B trained today. Fire in the big room. Cold. ((Jan.10.1912.2:37.p.m.)) [Page 553] October 4. 1863. Davison reading our list of killed at Chickamauga. ((See Oct.6.1863.)) Sund 4. [Shorthand.] Cold. NW. I on Fox to Hillers & got his spirit level & paid him $4.50 League Funds. I to town. Saw Ashmore & Rock. To E’s & leveled the harmowium. It jars yet. PM. [Shorthand.] B got nuts with us. Home late. Very cold. We go to Drs & played. Steady & Spikes up. Mond 5. Ice. Made fire in fire place. I feel well. Cool. Pleasant. John Bryans family are living with Raglands. [Shorthand.] We to my hills & got a ld of wood & 1 1/2 bu. walnuts. Cummings (Editor) is nom. Rep.’ve. PM. N.S.W. B & I to my woods & got walnuts. [Shorthand.] Plenty of pawpaws. Home late. To bed early. Tuesd 6. E.D. Rose’s letter to me, telling of Battle of Chickamauga, killed, etc. B & I got walnuts. [Shorthand.] Rock told me I had a letter in the office. I there. It from Rose. Davision read it. He says that Will Wendel, Wood Hindman & Tome Stamp are killed. Fred S. wounded & a prisoner & Jim Stewart badly wounded in the head. I to Dr’s. He cant get out of the army. Sprinkle. [Shorthand.] I to Pucketts & saw Mrs. Stewart about getting aid from the County. B & I to my claim & burned S.W. of field to save woods. ((Its not worth much now. Feb.6.1909.)) We set fire to the tall grass S of my field & it burned & crackled awful hard & ran like a race horse to the timber. Breezy N. Some clouds & cold. We got wood & home late. I to Dr’s & cut wood. E. played five tunes. I have a cold. Wed 7. [Shorthand.] Frost. Up early. [Shorthand.] B took 8 doz eggs & got coffee. I to Mrs. Stewart & had her sign her account. I read Jim’s letter. B & I took 4 sacks corn to Topeka Mill, $24. La to Cook’s. [Shorthand.] I found the chalk all right. I to the Co. Clks office & the bill was allowed. I was asked about being Q. Master by Case & others. [Shorthand.] ((Jan.10.1912.3:24.p.m.)) [Page 554]

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (364)

October 8. 1863. Ben. Kisther is angry at Gregg for “Playing off” on him. I got soup & $5.09 in cash for Soldier Township. I saw W.E. Bowker!! [Shorthand.] I with Reese Bickell & got 1 bu. of lime. Bill T. is not 3d Lieut. & that Young Pliley cant take care of his office as Orderly. I saw old Mrs. Clinton & she interviewed me on the street, & folks amused. [Shorthand.] At two PM we started with Mr. Bowker. Horses scare at everything. Home fast. Bowker at the Drs. & left a letter & his things here. [Shorthand.] B & I got dinner. La came home, from Kate Hindmans. Mrs Jim W. told La all about Nan. Jim Bryan says I am a fine scholer. ((How are you, scholar? Funny. 1912.)) We took E. some wood. Miss Keese is there. The Dr. wanted to get home. Thurs.8. Up early. I have a cold. We all to the Drs. B.E. & I with team on Wallace land & got a lot of walnuts & some red haws. We put nuts in the Drs smoke house & had our dinner there. PM. Got more nuts & wood. B & I set fire S. of our field & burnt well. [Shorthand.] E. here for some time. Sat 10. E. Raw. Up late. Feel well. [Shorthand.] B & I cleaned up our arms &c. [Shorthand.] We to Topeka. Got meal. I saw Bill Thompson. He is Brevet Lieut. he says. Jack can be Major of 15th. At 2 PM we formed in line & B on John with gun. I on Fox, could hardly hold Fox. [Shorthand.] ((Jan.11.1912.11:59 ¾ p.m.)) [Page 555] October 11 1863. They fired cannon with Shells. Broke ranks. I to mill & got meal. [Shorthand.] Mrs. Thompson wanted to go with us home. Elliott took her & I am glad. [Shorthand.] We drove fast & home at dark. Sund 11. S.E. [Drawing of Mrs. Jack Curtis and her saddle girth.] [Shorthand.] B to Kistlers for my picture. I to town & saw Mrs. Jack Curtis there. I to Drs & Kate Hindman there & left. Then Mrs. Jack Curtis rode up to the gate or door & wanted a girth. I out & looked at her saddle & fixed it. She is gay & laughing. Says she wants Indianola “burned down for having no girth.” Said: “I’d go barebacked but it would not look so fancy.” I helped her on & she left full tilt for Topeka. B. home. No picture. Geo. Wendel says Ferd is not dead yet. [Shorthand.] We got hazelnuts. Henderson & Marple with us. He says Ashmore shot at them as they were drilling the day he drew his pistol on Kistler & me. [Shorthand.] Bollote was slightly wounded at Chattanoga. Bill Thompson here for La’s saddle. ((He looked grand in his reguimentals, the entertaining homicide.1912.)) Mond 12. [Shorthand.] Up early. I have a pain in my back. ((& I have it now, the same, 1912.)) I dug potatoes. Mrs Hindman here for my letter from Rose. Mrs. Thompson got the saddle. B & I dug potatoes. He to Milnes for lines & collar again & failed. [Shorthand.]

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (365)

Tuesd 13. [Shorthand.] I feel very well. B & I dug potatoes. Sophie Wendel here to see a paper etc. Talked of J.B. Chapman & Whitfield etc. She don’t like the 15th Reg. The woods are of all colors. [Shorthand.] We finished potatoes & put in Drs cellar. I feel sleepy. ((Jan. 12.1912.11:55.a.m.)) [Page 556] October 14th 1863. Mme. Jack C. fache contra un home, et vent liu donner un coup de pied. Mrs. T. bro’t saddle back. Mrs. Curtis was at the Ball last night & got angry at a man & ejacul*ted: “Goddamn you, I’ll kick you.” [Shorthand.] We got wood from my hills. [Shorthand.] B & I ate a lot of pumpkin pie, shot off my pistol. We made a fine fire & wrote in our journals. Wed 14. Up very early to see if anything was at the [XXX]. B. sickish. Foggy. B. not well. I feel finely. My hands are dirty & chapped. The Rowdies go away today. We to town, saw Mrs. Curtis with soldiers. She bowed to me. B & I to my claim & burned S.E. of my field & got wood for E’s. & E poisoned a skunk. She can sew very well now on the machine. Smoky. Pleasant. PM. B & I to my Town woods & cut poles & got wood. Home. B & I N & NW of our field & burned off grass. Saw Kate, Elle Sourire a moi. The old Jumbo field on town site will not burn. [Shorthand.] We to Drs. I sold bu corn & pd. I found that my flute is a half step too high for the Harmonia. Thurs 15. Up early. Foggy. The man paid the 25 cts. on corn. W.E. Bowker asks my support for Co. Treasurer. F. & Miss Keese on Fox & John to hunt scholars. Leon had 8 to 10 fits last night. Mr. Bowker here & got my vote for him as Treas’r. I’ll go for him. ((He was so strictly HONEST, as I thought!1912.)) [Shorthand.] PM. La & B on the horses for colt hunt. I worked on the crib & feel lazy. I to the Drs in my rags where I saw & was introduced to Miss Keese. I to town. It is quiet. I saw Captain (Barelegs) John Wanless. He is all feathered off & “dressed to kill.” I home & read French paper. B & I to Drs. Miss Keese there. We talked. E played. [Shorthand.] Frid 16. [Shorthand.] Hazy. La not well. I am rather weak. B & La found a hood & swingle tree. Norris McN. got wagon. B. dug potatoes. Drs. I at the crib. I do not feel like work. [Shorthand.] I at the crib & calf pen, hard. I finished them. I to the League. Not too many there. Button got 4 blackballs. I cast one of them & showed it to the Pres’t so I can call another vote on him. Rev. A.R. Button blackballed by Union League. ((Jan.13.1912.10 ½.a.m.)) [Page 557] October. 17th 1863. [Drawing of CAPTAIN JAMBESE NV.] A HOT LEAGUE MEETING. We had much discussion about Button. I said a few words for him. Clark spoke about Tribune and of Kuykendall. Owen pitched in & got me to prove that K- said the Tribune was a lying

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (366)

sheet etc. Broke at 11. I saw John A. Wanless but did not try to speak to the resplendent being. [Shorthand.] Wind N. Cloudy. Home late. Sat. 17. [Shorthand.] Milne says Bowker has no good principle & ((I am afraid he was right!! Sad. 1912.)) Milne here. Pd. La $5. on the old Bollote certificate. [Shorthand.] B & I to Drs. We cut wood. Home late. Ate nuts for supper. [Shorthand.] Sund 18. NW. Not so windy. Pain in left hip. Steady horse up & gave him salt. McNown boys here & B with them to hunt John. ((& incidently to play.1912.)) Failed. Breezy. Letters from Dr & one from [XXXX] with $35. & E sent me $20. I now have in paper $25. Gold $5. Silver $12.05. La $3.55. B $2.10. I’ve .55 cts in silver missing. La have it I think. Wind went down, with hoe and bucket by Kate Hindmans, to my claim set fire by my field & secured it nicely. I left my knife on the fence. We beat out fire at dark & I to the Dr’s. Miss Peyron thanks me for my picture of the La Harpe ladies. The Dr. is homesick & thinks his Reg. will soon break up. B & I set fire South of Dr’s field the whole length. We home. I out to look at fire as wind came up from the South. I think it is safe & I home & to bed. Windy. S. Mond 19. Clear. Very windy & South. Up early. Fire is burning backfire yet. I put it all out. I feel well. [Shorthand.] PM. B & I in our first corn & got 3 loads in. ((Jan.13.1912.11:58.a.m.)) [Page 558] October. 20. 1863. Big fire north of Indianola. 1/3d corn blown off & on the ground. Hard wind. I set fire E. of our house. Burned fast. Wind died. Changed, windy. I to Dr’s & played flute. A big fire beyond town. McN. came & told the fire will be at my field. B on John & I on Fox and over by Button. Fire in Majors timber. We to my field & backfired at N.E. corner. Sparks set fire in two rails on the N. Line. We to town. People all out & scared. Fire is at the ford. Mrs. Kuykendall is awfully afraid the town will be burned up, & wants us to stay. We to McN. field, & to my field again. It is safe. We could see Buttons house standing. Very cold, wind. We to McN. field. It is safe. We home & to bed with the cats. Clear. Windy. Indianola not wiped out. Tuesd 20. [Shorthand.] F here for cows before we were up. [Shorthand.] B. to my claim to put out fire in a log. E & F & I to Topeka. River low. Left wheat at the mill. I saw Button. He lost 1/2 of his fence. He wants to get some of my rails to put up his fence. I’ll let him. [Shorthand.] I took Mrs. Stewart to the Co. Clerks Office & got her pay. She had me [XXX] it for her. Wed 21. N. Cold. [Shorthand.] I to Drs & cut wood. [Shorthand.] B & I got in two loads corn with side boards. ((Snapped the corn.)) Cold on hands. Worked late. Thurs 22. Looks like snow. N. & cold. I set fire S of the house. I feel well. ((ONE YEAR FROM TODAY I WAS A PRISONER OF WAR. & McKown was killed. Jan, 1912,)) ((Jan.13.1912.4:10.p.m.))

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (367)

[Page 559] October. 23. 1863. It began to snow. Cold. [Shorthand.] I to No. 3 & got wood & took to Drs & another from No. 2. Home. PM. I made hoops & put on barrel. N. Big fire in Leonards timber. He thinks old Downie did it. Geo. Wendel says Ferd will come home. [Shorthand.] La making B’s vest. Double hoo-doo. Feb.9.1909. Awful cold. 7 Degrees. ((Must be a mistake here. Only one degree above zero!1912.)) Frid 23. Up late. I drew wood. B & I in the field & got in large load corn. [Shorthand.] Not so cold. Drew in two lds. The snow not all gone. E played for me. I to the League. Not many there. I was marshal pro tem: Let in ”Good Billy Bowker.”)) Hunter says that Editor Cummings told him I said I would not support him because he drank whiskey. I do not think I said it. Home at 11. Sat 24. Up late. After sunrise. B & I drew 2 lds corn. Still clear. I to E’s. I cut wood. B came with the horses. Company Drill. We in town & drilled near our house. We to town & to Dr’s. He writes that he’ll be back next month. B & I set fire N. & E. of Dr’s. and burned it off. All at the Dr’s. Nice time. Clear. Full moon. Sund 25. Clear. Up early. I feel well. Our cow, Plum, is in the corn field. B & La for the colts on horseback. I set fire W. of the house in patches. Clouding up. Fixed crib. I made bread. S.SW. La & B home at 2 PM. Blondel here. Got home, hier. Wants me to help get in cow. Late dinner. [Shorthand.] F. was at Jim Wallace’s today & got a MASONIC book. I read some. I never joined them. Mrs. Jim thinks John Wanless is superb. He had Angeline Stamford with him. Jim Bryan is Lieut. in Robbs Battery. ((Lots of people thought he was operating with a gang of robbers in Mo. He was an avowed atheist. 1912.)) Mond 26. Up early. B & I took a barrel & put it in the creek. ((Jan.14.1912.10:22.a.m.)) [Page 560] October 27. 1863. “Many hands make light work!” Aiding the soldier at the front. We to Bls & helped him get in his corn. Red Elliott, Uber Pappan, John Kemp, & Downie there with teams & got in two loads apiece! PM. We shot Sharpes rifle. I made a good shot. I saw a spent ball flying, etc. B. to town for whiskey. Griffith came. We nearly finished. We worked hard & late. B. home. We ate supper. Jack Curtis’ wife & a soldiers wife had a great fight last night at Kuykendall’s & called each other “names” etc. Home after 8. We ate more supper. A fire near Jewel’s. A pain in my head. Clear. Still. Tuesd. 27. Up early. Clear. Feel well. Our white steer in the field. We put both dogs on his tail. [Shorthand.] The fire is still burning SE of the Drs. field. B & I got in two loads corn.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (368)

[Shorthand.] Trees about bare. PM. We to my field & burned all the grass in the field & some weeds. Also, S. of the field in the leaves. Wind down & fire went out. We got barrel at the creek. Home at dark. Leonard a fire etc. La thinks my flute sounds better than the Harmonium. Hazy. Wed 28. Sprinkle. Cattle up. B. on John with sabre & put dogs on the breaching white steers tail. [Shorthand.] I got our salt & pounder. We at work & made kraut. Cloudy. Warm. PM. B & I to Topeka. A man (Thomas) who works for Fulton over with us. I think he’s a Copperhead. I saw Ben Kistler. He don’t want to run for Co. Com. but will anyhow. [Shorthand.] Got our grist. I got Tax List. Not so high. [Shorthand.] Tried to sell Mrs. Stewarts script. Its 70 cts. I saw the Col. We for home. Rained. Thomas here to stay all night. I sent him to town. He looks like Kasson & says they call him a copperhead. ((He was barrelback & quite drunk. He had forded the river behind our wagon, going to Topeka & asked if he could safely recross, if he were “a little tight?” He pulled a bottle from his pocket & asked me to take a drink. I refused, & he told in Indianola that he would shoot me for it.1912.)) Thurs 29. Rain. Up late. N. Cold and Raw. We finished the Kraut, 1/2 barrel. Sleet & snow. To Dr’s. Cut wood oiled the machinery. [Shorthand.] I to P.O. & paid Mr. Kuykendall his League money 90 cts. I got NYT & French papers. I to Mrs. Stewart. She’ll take 75 cts for the scrip. Home. Slacked. ((Jan.14.1912.12:52.p.m.)) [Page 561] October 30th 1863. Late dinner. Snowing hard. Cattle came up and B & I on horses & drove them off several times with the sabre, but at last found it to be wiser to fix up the fences N of the hog pen; which we did, I finished about dark. ((What a shiftless creature I was in those days.1912.)) 1 inch snow & cold. Frid 30. Clear. Up late. [Shorthand.] Still. Cows in the stock yard. But the bad steer was not in the field. Fox’s right [XXX] leg is swelled & lame. [Shorthand.] I mended the gate & mixed lime. B. cut wood at Dr’s. Thaw. I plastered up holes in the house. I to our Union League. Mr. Golden Silvers there & only 10 of our men out. I was Marshal. I took McNown & Green in & voted in C.J. Augell. Silvers said we had a man to arrest. A certain Thomas Jackson, (alias Hanson.) The same fellow who crossed the river with me the other day. Said he would kill an abolitionist before he left Indianola. Morgan and a lot of us took him prisoner & up in League room. He stole two books from Wallace & Republican. I to his house & got Jim. Ground hard. Moon light. We tried him. Silvers gave me his pistol & McN & I took him down in the P.O. I let him go to bed, but McN. made him get up again. Owen & Wallace took the man & I started for home. I saw the morning star, which I tho’t was a “Jack o Lantern”. I followed it nearly the other side of Dr’s field. Home & to bed, cold. Sat.31. Up late. [Shorthand.] B & I to Topeka at 10 ½. I saw Geo. Young about Masonic Hall. Capts.’s Miles, Wallace & Ben Kistler took the prisoner to Topeka. B & I to the Ritchie Block.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (369)

I got Poll Books, Mr Bowker B. came. His chance as an Independent is good, but Mr. Owen tells about his living in Jackson Co. etc. Col. Lawrence says the prisoner is Thos. Hanson & he knows him well. He sent the fellow home. Jim Wallace said Hanson would not want to “BUSHWHACK” me now! The Adjutant Gen’s Clerk, Dolph Thomas called me in & said he would have my commission ready for me in a few days. I saw Defas Drinkwater, & talked shorthand etc. Home at 2 with Bowker. [Shorthand.] I to Drs. & cut wood. [Shorthand.] Home. To bed early. Bowker said when Gregg was nominated he was very imperious, but when he heard opposition he went around for votes with tears in his eyes, almost. I don’t want to run for office for my part. Never!!! ((& how glad I am that I kept out of politics and it ruined Bowker. Feb. 9.1909. All alone.)) ((Jan.14.1912.6.p.m.)) [Page 562] November 1, 1863. Samuel J Readers private Journal & Daybook (Very private indeed to those who do not read short-hand.) Indianola Shawnee Co. Kansas. Sunday 1. Up early. Clear. [Shorthand.] La & I with team to Dr’s. and got F & E & took them to the sch. House. Rev. Button preached Will Wendel’s funeral sermon, etc. ((He had volunteered to do it. 1912)) Austin Pliley & one armed wife there. Home. A steer in the field. B on John with the sabre & dogs & got him out. Read Free Masons book [Shorthand.] Mond 2. Clear. I saw Red eyed Bickell yesterday (Ike). We are about out of wood. NW. Cool. B & I to No. 2 but found no good wood but got ld. at No. 3. [Shorthand.] B & I got ld corn for hogs. I feel well. [Shorthand.] PM. We drew two large loads of corn and finished La’s part of the big piece. John Kemp said the cattle were in the field yesterday. Griffith has gone East. I read Masonic book to La till late. Tuesd 3. ELECTION DAY. [Shorthand.] I fixed my ticket. Rob & Crozier Justice. No Attorney. [XXXX] Rep. Whiting Sheriff Bowker Treas. No Register Deeds. No Assessor. McArthur, Co. Clk. Teft Coroner Whitaker [XXXX] Kistler Co. Com. & no one else for bridge. I to town & opened Polls. I swore Davison in & we got Morgan, Augell & Kuykendall Clks. Old Gregg took me out & thinks I should not vote against him. That he can do more for me than Bowker can etc. &c. I stood firm. He is down on me, I see. Austin Pliley took me out also. All in vain. Home to dinner. Walnuts in smokehouse. Clear. Warm. To town. Saw Lieut. Gregg & other big bugs. Chas. Carpenter said Emily got half way to see us when she met friends & had to go back. Cloudy & misting. ((Jan.15.1912.10:22.a.m.)) [Page 563] November 4. 1863.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (370)

Bowker left in Stage Coach. We counted votes. Gregg left when he saw there was no chance for him. Augell sick & I acted clerk in his place. I had sweet cider. Mrs. K. was mad & took the large lamp away! Done at 8. Bowker 34, Gregg 14. Home. Mist. Wed. 4. Rec’d Commission, Regimental Quarter Master. 2nd Rgt. K.S.M. Looks rainy. B & I to Topeka. Gilchrist took me in his office & Whiting came. I gave them our ticket. To blks office & made report. Bowker is elected & Kistler. Cummings elected. Bad. Mr. Thomas gave me my Commission as Q.M. [Shorthand.] I talked around town till noon. Got grist. We home. Rain came up. PM. S. La making my red shirt. I to Drs & cut wood. B & I along S fence & put it up where blown down. We to my middle hill & got wood. Home late. [Shorthand.] F & I to Puckett’s & took Miss Keese & Eliza Milne to Mr. Howards, B in the Drugstore. John Brown, Cummins, John Kemp & a whole lot of little [XXX] there. I played flute & Brown the fiddle. They danced & had plays. Miss K. took me in & I sat on a chair while Mrs Howard sang, “There was an old bachelor & he lived all alone – Etc.” Another play and more dancing. Broke up at 2 a.m. Home. Clear. Chilly. Thurs 5. Up after sunrise. NW. [Shorthand.] B & I in corn from the last planting. [Shorthand.] PM. I am not sleepy. Throat sore. Drew in 2 lds. corn. Miss Keen to Billmores. [Shorthand.] Frid 6. Up early. Bad cold in my head. Unloaded corn. Fixed crib. [Shorthand.] B & I got ld. corn. Finished. La’s share in the W. of the field. Then got Dr. ld. from my share next the W fence. I take pay when I get my crib made. SW. PM. We drew in 2 loads for La. I to the union League. Bowker there but not Gregg. We let Howard in. Home at 9. ((Jan.15.1912.3.p.m.)) [Page 564] November 7. 1863. Sat 7. La up first. Yesterday Bowker got his sword from La. [Shorthand.] B & I got two loads corm from my part. [Shorthand.] PM. N.W. Fixed crib. It is about full. A letter returned from Dead L.O. which I wrote to that fool Caye. We to woods 3 & got ld. [Shorthand.] The Dr. will be home this month. He is all right. Rob Puckett for E. as Mrs. P. is very sick. My cold is bad. Read Masonic book. A book exposing the Free Masons. [Shorthand.] Sund 8. Up late. Cold is better. Pleasant. [Shorthand.] B & I got ld. of corn. All my part for La & her crib is now full. I think it will storm. PM. N,NW. B & I to my claim & burned to the SE of my field. Too damp. We got wood for ourselves. Raw. [Shorthand.] B to Drs. I read Masons to La. [Shorthand.] Mond 9. Up early. [Shorthand.] B & I at work on my new crib. Jewell & Fletcher here to buy cattle. La & B on horses to hunt’em. I got my crib done as far as I had logs. E & young ones here. La & B home. No cattle. [Shorthand.] PM. Not cold. B & I got in a load corn. Gathered my first corn. B cut wood at the Drs. I finished Masonic book. The Royal Arch, etc. [Shorthand.] I will never give up my Phonography. ((I did give it up. Feb. 11.1909.))

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (371)

Tuesd 10. [Shorthand.] B & I drew in a load of my corn for hogs, La’s. That makes 7 she owes me. We got another load. PM. La to see Mrs. Puckett. B & I drew 2 lds for me & worked late. B & I to Drs & cut wood & heard them play. Letter Mat & Ella. Miss Gregg sends her compliments to me. Home. Wed. 11. Up early. My cold is better but B has one. [Shorthand.] We got in 2 loads corn for myself. Windy. Dusty or smoky. We got in 2 more lds & worked late. Scoffield here & B helped him grind his axe & got 10 cts. ((TIP?)) ((Jan.15.1912.5.p.m.)) [Page 565] November 12. 1863. F here for mustard. I there & cut a little (?) wood. Warm. E played some [Shorthand.] Thurs 12. Up early. My nose is sore. My cold better. [Shorthand.] I wrote to Mr Clowe that the harmonium is defective not accord 1 & 3 to tell us about taking off Keyboard etc. Sent prepaid envelope. I to Drs. E read letter. I cut wood. We to town. Davison paid me $1 for corn. We in the woods No. 2 of town & got large walnut poles for my crib. Tied a large one under the wagon. Home. [Shorthand.] We got in two loads of corn. I wrote “Masonery”. [Shorthand.] F. here & said Leon has the croup. [Shorthand.] Frid 13. Double Hoodoo again? This is an unlucky day. La up at daylight. Leon better. Warm. Clear. [Shorthand.] I to the Drs and cut a great lot of wood. [Shorthand.] Wind NW and a dull cloud came up. It will snow. B & I in the large piece & got my last corn there. We husked it. Finished early. Cold. [Shorthand.] I looked at law book. Sat 14. [Drawing of William Allee?] Capt. Alley [XXXX]. [Shorthand.] B shelling corn. I to 3 & got E. load of wood. I home at 11 & shot one of our pigs & dressed it. Geo. Kistler here with flour for E 97 lbs. Mrs. Damewood & Woodard at E’s. PM. B & I to No. 3 & got E more wood. We with arms to town but the drill is over. Capt. Allee was buried today. We got ld. wood & poles. [Shorthand.] Our cattle in Wallace field. B to Dr’s & cut wood. La’s tooth aches badly. Pleasant. I looked at my old Journal. Must paint Dr. fighting. [Shorthand.] Leon had diphtheria or something. I to Pucketts for Dr. Teft & then to the river, but could not cross for a Doctor. Leon not in danger. Home at one o’clock & to bed. Very cold. ((Jan.16.1912.10:14.a.m.)) [Page 566] AD November. 15. 1863. Sund. 15. I up with sun one hour high. La’s tooth better. B home. Leon is all right. Dr. Teft at the Drs [Shorthand.] La reading a novel. I feel well. [Shorthand.] B & I put up all the logs of the crib. Its now cattle proof. Pleasant. I put on my red shirt & to town. Paid postage. Plenty of [XXX] near town. I to Drs. Leon seems well enough. I felt sick from eating hash. I slept.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (372)

Shelled corn from my crib. [Shorthand.] B & I to Dr’s & set up a mark at 200 yds. & put carbine against a pillow & shot it so F. could hear the whiz of the ball. We shot the pistol & both hit the mark. [Shorthand.] Mond 16. Up early. We put the steers in the yard. [Shorthand.] B around the field. I on John to Topeka. I can ford. I’m on Jury. Gil Dudley took me to Col. Lawrence & said they wanted some Plantation Bitters & to order me to furnish the same for the Staff. ((Col. L. laughed & said it was nothing.)) I to the Court House. Grand Jury not called & I to P.O. & back, and Grand Jury was sworn in & I was left out in the cold. Jim Hickey then took me on the Petite Jury. We adjourned on account of the death of Judge Arch. Williams. Home at 12 1/2 PM. B cut wood at Drs. I to woods and got E a good load of wood & ourselves one. Home at dark. Cattle in Wallace’s field all the time. Pleasant. Gen. Lane to speak, at Topeka to night. Judge Williams dead. To bed early. Tuesd. 17. [Shorthand.] I shelled corn. B. around the field. I took 3 sacks corn to Topeka mill. River is muddy. I to the court H. or room. No cases for us. Thompson’s let off for selling whiskey on Election day last year. I had no dinner. I saw Ex-Gov. Shannon. Case of Garvey vs. Crowe came up and we sworn in. One witness testified. Dismissed at dark. To bed early. La sold her big steer for $40. & got $10. Down. B at school first time. Wed 18. Up at day light. I feel well. I put on my red shirt and took my arms & went to Topeka on John. I was in late. We on the case again. A juror’s horse was shot, by a fool boy, outside. PM. We gave against old Garvey. ((Shurnway’s horse shot by a boy.1909.)) ((Jan. 16. 1912. 4:33.p.m.)) [Page 567] November 19. 1863. I took John to the river & hitched him. I bo’t 4 apples, 5 cts. & ate corn bread bro’t with me. ((Plenty good! 1912.)) I back to Court. Not wanted. Gil Dudley told me that W.W.H. Lawrence has resigned. I got acquainted with Capt. Don Horne. They had a drill of two CO’s. Home at sunset. La at Dr’s. Leon fits. Kate Hindman was here. Wood H= was shot in the back of the head. Thurs 19. [Shorthand.] Rain last night. N. Cool. I put on rubber coat & to Topeka on Fox. Snow & rain. To Court room up stairs. Not wanted. I to Co. Treas’r. Jake Smith wants me to get some BITTER’S! That would be nice for a teetotaler to do. ((He said the Staff Officers were ailing!)) I bought 3 apples & had 2 cakes for dinner. PM. [Shorthand.] Judge Stafford dismissed us till tomorrow. Home. Clear. I feel well. I ate nuts. To bed early. A skunk in the hen house. Frid 20. The Dr. is to be home today. Up early. Pleasant. I on John to Topeka late. Nothing to do. I in Adj. Ben’s office. We’ll have a R.R. on this side of the river. I saw Fred Wendel with his right arm in a sling. He is on 20 days furlough. He is well spoken of by his Col.& Maj. Ben Payne here. The Major trial going on. Warm. Nothing. I came home. I cut wood at Dr’s. Josey

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (373)

R. there. Button is cross at home. ((Jolly outside, smiley?)) I to town. Clowe thinks dust is the trouble with instrument & tells how to clean it. We in League room. Took in John Kemp. Frank McN. elected but would not pay the fee. Niles told me that Masons are branded &c. ((I think I told him they were not! 1912.)) Sat 21. [Shorthand.] I on Fox to Topeka. My name was called & I was put on the Jury panel. We had a “Carriage” suit. A $200 “Rockaway”. After we were through as I thought I out side & ate my lunch. I to court & found Mr. Branson waiting for me in no good humor. We to Jury room, & we all agreed a verdict for plaintiff. ((Little Mr. Herr was the foreman.)) PM. Had another case for a few moments: Grand Jury was then discharged. [Shorthand.] Home after Sundown. To bed early. La at the Drs. ((Jan.17.1912. Misbehavior of myself as Juryman.)) [Page 568] Nov.22.1863. Sund. 22. [Shorthand.] La home early. B & I put the nuts in the loft. Had wash boilers full. We killed & dressed the white sow. Raw. I cut up the hog. Took E a quarter. I took out all the reeds in Harmonium & cleaned them. It does not help the sound much. Mrs. C. Augell & F. came. I cut wood & ate supper. I home late. B. sick in bed from eating fresh pork. I looked at my old Journals. ((& [XXX] what is this? 1912?)) I looked at my old Journals. ((This is old now. Feb.12.1909.)) REPETITION – 1912. Mond 23. [Shorthand.] B is well. I around the field. On John to Court long before the time. I sat in the room all the time. Got 1/2 bu apples of Mrs. Laurent. PM NE. [Shorthand.] We had no cases. John N. Majors lost his suit. I was called up as a witness about Lew. Bryan. ((I was scared. Judge Elmore told me to speak louder! 1909!)) Hickey gave me a subpoena for Mrs. Stewart & I on home early & to Mrs. S. and served papers. She told me Mrs. Milene has gone in his “hoose” with a pistol & taken possession. A suit tomorrow. Some snow. Home. [Shorthand.] Lewis C. Wilenarth has rheumatism. Tues 24. Dr. Teft vs. Wagner. Cold. Ground white. Our cattle in the field. Put dogs on old Briggs tail. I on John to Count early. I on case of Dr. Teft vs: Wagner. It was funny. [Shorthand.] Hickey gave me another subpoena for Mrs. Stewart. Milne has sworn his life in danger against his wife. Trial before Squire Williams. Home at dark & to Stewards & subpoenaed her. [Shorthand.] To bed early. My cold is bad. Wed 25. Up early. Frosty. I around the field. All right. My cold bad. Snow half gone. On Fox, and with Kuykendall to ferry. River full & running ice. Ferry 25 cts. To court. Had some case. Disagreed. I was for old Wagner & F.T. Baker for Tefft. I asked Judge Stafford if he would let me off & he said he would. We had nothing today. The Dr. came in court room & we out. Excused as juror. Dr. Campderas came and talked & he left for home. ((Jan.17.1912.10:38.a.m.)) [Page 569]

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (374)

November 26. 1863. Sergeant Wm. Babbitt Co. H. 2d Colorado Cavalry. Our fool dog is in town. F.P. Baker told me that his suit with Editor Cummings is not settled yet. That C—must admit he lied etc. ((Mr. C had published that B- had Jenners poisoned his first wife etc. 1912.)) Let off early & home & found Bill Babbitt of 2nd Colorado Calvalry. He & F & B & I to a party at Dr. Jenners. We with wagon. John Brown played fiddle & Bill danced with them. I talked with Mrs. Jenner. Ferd Wendel, Frank McKenna & wife & lots of others. Played button. I bro’t John Brown & Mrs. Lane to town. Bill home with me just as the Morning Star arose. To bed. Cool. Clear. Dance at Dr. Jacob Jenner’s. Thursd 26. Thanksgiving Day. Up early. S. Windy. Bill started away. I to woods No. 3 & got Dr. load of wood. My back is kinky. The Dr. told me about Gen. Blunt and his depravity. I got in some of my corn. I husked it. About 10 bu’s. Carpenter & Puckett here & caught their steer & broke down cow yard fence. I mended it and said nothing. Dr. here a long time. Col. Ritchie does not steal as some others do. [Shorthand.] Frid 27. A little snow. Very cold. I am glad I do not go to Court. Up late. Jenner cow in the field. She broke down the big gate. Dogs on her tail. B to sch. I put ear flaps on my old hat. Mrs. Leonard in here to warm. La told her of Bellmore stories etc. Very cold. Windy. I to woods 3 & got wood for ourselves. [Shorthand.] I to E’s woods and got Dr a load of wood. He told me that a battle has been fought near Chattanooga & we have whipped the rebels. I feel well. Big supper. Sat. 28. 3 below zero. Blondel & a man here. He’s going to his Reg. He says I look fat. Frosty. [Shorthand.] I cut wood but nothing else, as it is so cold. PM. I to town. Kuykendall lost his suit with the Negro lady of $14. [Shorthand.] The Dr. went to see Mrs. Puckett. She’s sick. I to the League but no one there & I came home. Cold. ((Jan.18.1912.9:50.a.m.)) [Page 570] November. 29. 1863. Ferdinand J. Wendel; Chez nous. Sund. 29. 8 below zero. Up early. La cut my hair. I feel & look well. I wrote to Mattie when in come Ferdinand Wendel & Sophie. I made up a big fire & Dade came. Late dinner. Cool. He looked at my commissions & pictures. He with me to town & in at Kuykendall’s and each got an apple. Home. All to Drs. [Shorthand.] F & E played. I home at dark and I found cattle & horses in the field by the gate. We got all out but cherry steer. I hitched & took F & Wendels to the Sch. House. Ferd says this Carpenter told him that I might have carried on the Singing School last winter if I had only thought so. Had quarterly meeting. Mr. Channel (?) preached & many prayed. “Seal mouth Bickell” back. F & I on home with cold hands, feet & ears. Clear. Mond 30. Clear. Still. Cold. Tramp cross river on the ice. I feel well. B. says his head aches. I drove the steer out. B to sch. I to No. 3 and got a fine lot of wood. I in field & husked. Pleasant. [Shorthand.] I out & husked till sundown. Pie for supper. I to the Drs. I have tied my flaps over my hat & he said Bollote would be jealous of my device. Wrote to Mattie & I wrote

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (375)

French in it about Miss Gregg, as follows: Peux revem cing minutes. Helar! Je ne suis gu’un bachelier miserable. Au revoir. Ecrjver-vous Franeais? I wrote Mat about the Dr. & Col. Martin told her if she found orthiographcal errors in my letter she might attribute them to the frozen ink, as my pen is good and cant be held responsible. I also told about our Rail Road; and the Indians becoming American citizens, to be allowed to get whisky, unvexed, etc. I always feel better in the Winter than I do in the Spring or Summer. I do not care about being any younger than I am at the present time. Nov.30.1863.S.J.R. I would not be younger! ((And now this, Jan.18.1912.3:10 p.m.)) [Page 571] December 1. 1863. I weigh 178. Lbs. Samuel J. Reader’s private Journal & Day book. Indianola Shawnee Co. Kansas. Tuesd 1. [Shorthand.] Pleasant. Up late. Dr. here & we to Wheelers Saw-mill at Curtis’s & got 660 feet of lumber. [Shorthand.] PM. I drew in a load of corn. Worked till dark. To bed early. [Shorthand.] Wed 2. [Shorthand.] Up very early. I feel well. I got a load of husked corn. [Shorthand.] Dr. got me to go to Davisons & get a dressed hot. My wolf skin ear flaps had was laughed at. LET THOSE LAUGH WHO WIN. I got load of corn. Leon came out and said his father would not let him have any dinner, a punishment! I read Topeka paper with a puff for Ferd Wendel. Augell is [XXXX] the Dr’s kitchen today. To bed Early. Deputy Sheriff Bronson. Thurs 3. Up early. Pleasant. [Shorthand.] My stomach has been all right a long time. I am pretty healthy & look fat. I husked a load of corn. Warm. I husked & Mr. Bronson came to me with subpoena on case of Arnold vs. Perkins to make statement that I spoke to no one of the case when I went out by mistake from jury room. I had on old wolf skin hat & all in rags. Henry Carpenter came to me about cattle. I in late. B. very sick & in bed. It will storm. Gloomy times. I to Drs. He told of Col. John Ritchie crazy capers. Home. My mind out of sorts. I don’t want to go to Topeka & have to get up and testify. ((I fear having STAGE FRIGHT. 1912.)) Frid 4. Still. Up early. Je me oti ruis habits beaux, et chapeau moir. On Fox. [Shorthand.] I crossed by ferry on boat. I saw Brauson. Court called and Brockway took me, & I made affidavit about going out of the room during time I was a juror etc. Sc. He had me claim my fee & 60 cts mileage. Fee $1. My fees for Jurors fee also [Shorthand.] Juror’s fees & mileage $14.10. ((And I got the $1.60 out of Whiting at last! 1912.)) [Page 572] December 5. 1963. Deacon Maynard’s offer.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (376)

I have had a nice time of it & was through by 10. Brockway drew Ex-Gov. Shannon & I made a few pictures. La got well bucket. And myself a bottle of ink. ((Poor stuff it is too.)) I crossed on ferry 10 cts. I met Fred Wendel & Marples. Home fast. [Shorthand.] PM. I weigh 178 & look fat and well. I husked a load of corn. McNown wants me to help raise a crib tomorrow. I cant. ((Of course not!)) I buried my ink from the frost. ((And much good it did it, surely. 1912.)) I feel well in body & mind. ((Its now Feb. 14.1909. 5:7 p.m. Sunday. Cold, snowing.)) Sat 5. Clear. Pleasant. Up very early. Harnessed & unloaded before breakfast. I husked at my corn. ((Good! & it was worth a lot of money in a year or more.)) B. to Bellmore’s & got my fiddle & a nice new bow. [Shorthand.] B. helped me husk. A letter from Payrous Deacon Maynard, wants to buy 40 acre of our land. Dr. & I think we’d better sell all for $30 per acre. [Shorthand.] B & I got in a very large load of corn. I worked late. I to Drs. He has a bad cough. Kistlers would not let him have my 8th soldiers picture today. ((Well, that was cheeky! 1912.)) I to town. The Free Masons are in full blast. Still clear & warm. Home. Cats all in. Sund 6. Hard work to get my 8th Kans. Boys picture back! ((The frame, 5 x 7 inches.)) Pleasant. Clear. Up rather late. No early. I around the field. All right. I feel well. I took Fox to Drs & F for Kistlers & I gave her a note to Mrs. Hunter & also E.D. Rose’s first letter to me, saying they sent the picture to me. I home & dug post holes at the crib. I glued up my fiddle & washed the bow. Its good. [Shorthand.] F. told me that Miss Louise Young has spread the news that I am engaged to Sofie Wendel &c. I home with the picture & we all looked at it again. Very warm. I ate a light supper. Glad the picture is home. ((Have it yet. As I write the picture is lying on this page. Feb. 14.1909.)) ((Jan. 18.1912.9:31.p.m.)) [Page 573] December 7. 1863. Mond. 7. Up early. Sprinkle last night & now raining. Warm. S. [Shorthand.] B. to school. I wrote Frank S. Reader. [Shorthand.] I to Drs. & he is better. Leon had six fits today. Home & played flute & fiddle. Still. Tuesd 8. Cloudy. I husked a large load of corn. ((Good for me. 1912.)) N.W. [Shorthand.] Geo. Kistler here to sell beef. I husked another large load of corn. ((That is large for me! 1912.)) In at dark. I played the fiddle & read Talemache francais. Wed 9. Nearly clear & warm. I will have lots of corn. ((The more the better. 1912.)) It is large & fine corn. I husked & old Downie came & helped me for awhile. Offset? Old Ragland in town. I suppose “throwing out his claw”. Kuykendall turned out. The Dr. was here. He will sell his cattle. Very warm. B. to help me today. I feel very well. Jack Thompson is in town [Shorthand.]. PM. S. Breezy. B & I got a large load of corn, with side boards on. I made 3 troughs today. Generally I make only two. Thurs 10. Good corn crop. EXCELLENT. B. Dr & I on horses to Wallaces field and drove five of his steers in our yard. Old Briggs calf is sick & another creature is dying in Wallaces field

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (377)

from eating corn stalks. Chilly. B & I got ld. corn. We are in the Bonem part, where the hogs were at work. Dr cant sell steers. $90 only offered $75. Chilly. Raw. B & I got a very large load of corn. I worked as long as I could see. Dave Milne to me & asked F. B & me to go to a party at their house. Cloudy. Frid. 11. Misty. B, Dr, & I to Wallace field. His calf is dead & fine two year old heifer is dying. We drove most of them home. Mr. Fletcher here & bought La’s steer for $15.00. We drove all our cattle to the mouth of Soldier Creek. ((Jan.19.1912.11.a.m.)) [Page 574] December 12. 1863. Thos. Kemp sued for whipping daughter, Mrs. Eula Large. I home. B helped Mr. Fletcher drive his cattle to the river. I to Wallace field. I shot our heifer and skinned Drs calf. Mr. Howard came & summoned me as a juror in town. I brot the skins home in the wheel barrow. Only 5 jurors. S.J.R., Hiller, Fletcher, Tom Marple & Tom Barrister. Old man Kemp is under arrest for assault on his daughter Mrs. Jim Large. Justice Brockway for Kemp & his case was the State attorney. We found defendant old Kemp not guilty. ((Tom Hiller said he almost kissed him for helping to clear him. 1912.)) Home. F. will not go to Mrs. Milnes’ party but B. & I went. Emily C was there. Brower could not get his fiddle high enough for my flute. I sat & talked with Tom Hiller & Emily. Eliza Milne asked me to dance. I could not. Hiller said: “Never refuse a lady”. B & I home at 2 at 2 a.m. Dance at Mrs. Milne’s. Sat. 12. S.E. Up rather late. I feel well. B & I husked corn. Two troughs. We husked & finished my part of the piece. 1/2 a load. PM. I cut wood and B unloaded corn. We got in “hog corn” in the husk. La owes me 9 loads. Barnard passed by & on to Leonards with his loud boisterous voice. Misty. I put on my rubber coat & went to town. We only had 15 members. We sent Rod Rose for a book at Davisons & he stopped with some woman below stairs and we waited for him two hours, and then broke up. I think we’ll go under. Home. Rainy. Poor turnout to the Union League. Sund 13. Ground is white. Windy. Cold. La drove me out of bed to make a fire. Awful times. F. a letter from Bill Babbitt. He is at Kansas City. Cant have F. Too wild. I let horses out. Dr. says Emily is a fine girl. [Shorthand.] I cut wood. I to the Dr’s. He told of his camp doings etc. I home. Played. Mond 14. Clear & very cold. 5 degrees at sunrise. I caught [XXXX]. ((Jan. 19. 1912.3:10.p.m.)) [Page 575] December 15. 1863.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (378)

[Shorthand.] B & I to Wallaces for the horses. None. No more cattle dying. I looked up wood. B got a few nuts. I did not cut much wood. I do not enjoy myself this awful cold weather. ((And I don’t enjoy it more at present this 19th day of Jan. 1912. 3:22 p.m.)) Tuesd 15. Clear. Hazy. Up early. Still. Eliza M. Campdoeas is 30 yrs old today. [Shorthand.] Our dog has been gone one week. He is dead? We shot & cleaned our hogs. Did not clean em very well. Very cold. Hazy. To Wallace field & got Fox & John. We cut up & salted the hogs. Frank McKenna was here. I got my fiddle. B cut wood. [Shorthand.] Wed 16. ((Out of wood and corn out in the field! Feb. 15. 1909. SHIFTLESS!! 1912.)) NE. I wish my corn was only in the crib. Out of wood. Shiftless. B. to sch. but the mistress not come. Snowing harder. B. got wood. 2 loads from E’s woods. Snowing so I can hardly see. Cold. Late dinner. Mrs. Jim Wallace is very sick. Dr was to see her. Pneumonia. I put straw in the hog house & let the 11 pigs in. Sat up late & ate nuts. Clim Davison here with buggy for me to go to a party at Mrs. Clintons. I would not go. Snowing hard. Cold. [Shorthand.] No party for me. Thurs 17. The air full of drifting snow. Clear, I think. Up late. Windy. Our cow is gone. Kaw cow & calf in the field. Drove em out. Snow is one & half feet in corn field but blown hard on prairie. I can hardly do anything. My back is lame. B. cuts wood. PM. La got her trindle bed in the big room. I read of Tilumashe going to hell etc. La to bed late. Windy, clear, cold. [Shorthand.] Frid 18. Rheumatism lurking in the system. I have pains in my left leg, knee, hip and back! ((Poor critter!)) ((Jan.20.1912.10:36.a.m.)) [Page 576] December 19. 1863. I wrote to old fat, anti-Morman Sam White of La Harpe Ill. about the price of our land, & he replied “Its only worth $10 per acre!” He apologized to me afterwards about it. We’ve large snow drifts around the house. [Shorthand.] The Dr’s about out of wood. He to Wallaces. E says they may have a parly soure evening. [Shorthand.] I wrote to Sam White about price of our land. Some of our cattle in the field. I to town. No League. Only Owen & Howard there. I signed for Howard to be P. Master. He’s keeping Hotel. Bannister will buy the store of Brown & Cummins. Saw man from Ogden. He says John Parsons died at Topeka two years ago. Home. Sat 19. Clear. La up first. 5 degrees below zero & still. S.E. The Dr. passed by. [Shorthand.] B & I to town. Got 64 lbs flour for Dr. of Brown & Kuykendall. Brown & Cummins counting out their money. We nearly got parting a drift. We to Dr’s. woods & got him some wood. I saw Fird. He’ll start for his Reg. tomorrow. Home. Got more wood for ourselves. [Shorthand.] Had late dinner near sundown. Our dog Dixey came home. Gone a week or more. [Shorthand.]

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (379)

Sund 20. Up early. Bad pain in my breast. Can hardly breathe or cough. Clear. I trimmed my beard, cleaned teeth etc. I to Drs. He is at Wallaces. [Shorthand.] F & E played. Dr. & Mrs. Cook came. I got Dean Swift & home & read. Vulgar. [Shorthand.] B & I to Drs with fiddle. F. would not play. I gave her picture of John Brown but she tho’t it too dirty. Home. [Shorthand.] I read “Witty Conversation” by Dean Swift. It is odd, to say the least. To bed after eating my pie. Mond 21. Up very early. Very still. Smoke goes N. & then S. My breast & hip lame yet, but better. I put overshoes over my old shoes. They are large enough now. B to school. La washed. Dr. to Wallaces. I there & drove his two year old steer to Dr’s house. I shot down the steer nicely. The Dr. says I would make a splendid sharp shooter. I killed him at noon. Clear. Still. Warmer. ((Jan.20.1912.11:11.p.m.)) [Page 577] December. 22. 1863. I weigh 184 lbs. Thawing fast. We dressed the beef. I’m better. Dinner at 2 P.M. La here on Fox. She was at Wallaces. F. is to go there to night. I helped Dr. cut up his beef. Home at dark. B home with horse from Wallaces & left F. there. Beef is fat. Large snow drifts in the fields & fences. Tuesd 22. Foggy. Clear. Still. Up early. ) 9. B to Wallaces & got F. About 15 cattle in our field at Griffiths. He is home & put the cattle out. B to school. I to Drs & got a hind quarter of beef. I bro’t it on my shoulder. Dr. said he would not carry it so for its weight in gold. I with 9 heavy poles & fixed up fence. But am still afraid of it. Thaw. Still. [Shorthand.] La was at Dr’s. Lizzie Davison told F about my not dancing at Milnes. I made a husking pin. [Shorthand.] Charles Carpenter here for four hours. I sat & talked with him to get in his good graces! La to Dr’s. I in the field & husked one bus. of corn. Pleasant. Still. Fence all right. Full moon. [Shorthand.] Wed 23. Up early. Warm. Pleasant. B to Griffiths. All right. I looked over my tax papers & wrote out $6.48 Town. Scrip for myself. ((As Trustee I was then, Auditor, Clerk & Treasury.)) Suddenly got hazy. The Dr., E. & I to Topeka, on the ice. We paid our taxes. La’s cost her in cash: $13.82. Drs $26.05 & mine $9.64. Bowker took the tax. Home at 2 P.M. I to Dr’s woods & got nice load. Raw. Cloudy. B is sick. Glad the taxes are paid. [Shorthand.] Fird Wendel is not to go back to his Reg. The Dr. can go in the 11th Negro Reg as 1st Surgeon if he wants. I feel well & am fat. I read: “Tale of a Tub.” B. not well. ((Jan.21.1912.9:44.a.m.)) [Page 578] December 24. 1863.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (380)

Thurs 24. Up late. Fog & mist. B along the fence. Its all right. [Shorthand.] I gave B 15 cts to buy sugar for tomorrow. He to school. I got ld. wood & a large log tied behind for a crib log. Got another ld. wood & log. Looks like rain. [Shorthand.] I saw a Soldier of the 9th Kaw. He knew Jerome Giddings & he is well of his wounds. I pulled nearly a load of corn & half of it is under the snow. We had plum pie, candy & apples. B got 25cts sugar. The left side of my left foot is sore from frost bites. To bed late. I wrote a “story of a fish pond,” for B. Frid 25. Christmas. Up late. Rainy. I looked at fences. We had fritters. The first in Kansas. I glued my old fiddle. Painted up an old picture of Eliza Milne. The Dr here & he thought it fine. He to Wallaces. [Shorthand.] B & I made sugar candy. About 1/3 of our sugar. It is good. Nous tire clefs. I took load of corn to the Drs & we put it in the stable. Lacked 2 [XXX] of being 10 bushels. Began to rain again. Went in the house. Fine. Christmas dinner. [Shorthand.] Home at dark. Ate candy. To bed late. Sat 26. Heavy fog. Muddy. I around the field. 2 of Griffith’s calves in. Dixy pulled the tail of one part off. I husked two bu. corn for myself out of La’s part. It was too cold. Mrs. Wallace is better. I to woods No. 2 and got poles, wood, etc. Saw Captain Miles. We will not drill. I got wood, maul stick, & dragged up a sled runner stick. I worked hard & late. The side of my foot sore. Muddy. I began French again. 26th lesson. I feel well. La wants to go where she can raise WHEAT. I want to stay here. ((Yes & to raise CORN. It is King. 1912.)) ((And stay we did. Lucky thing. Feb. 16. 1909.)) ((Jan.21.1912.11:25.a.m.)) [Page 579] December 27. 1863. Sund 27. Ground white. Not cold. N.W. [Shorthand.] Field all right. I’m afraid of cattle. Jack Curtis wants to kill several Rebels before he leaves for his Reg, he says. Snowing. Dr. going to Wallaces. I made a Billet-doux. Letter like Sid Tutler. PM. B around the field. I fed & cut woods. [Shorthand.] La is reading “Uncle Tom’s Cabin.” Snowing. Mond 28. Up late. W.N.W. ) 20. Snow, 2 inches. My throat sore & hip lame. B around field. Wm. Owed pd. $2.50 to me for the Union League. We meet Thursd. I played fiddle. B to sch. Clear again. [Shorthand.] B to sch. Clear again. I put logs on crib. Augell here and wants to get Scrip of me! ((The slippery rascal had better pay for the hay he got. I made a maul. One tub is gone up. La home. Mrs. W. better but the baby will die. B. took F there on Fox. I look fat et le nez ne pas si rouge. B home. No supper. [Shorthand.] I wrote the 30th French lesson, & to bed at 9 o’clock. Tuesd 29. Clear. Still. At zero. B with Fox to Wallaces. He to school. I split & hewed out sled runners. Pleasant. Thawing. ( 39. [Shorthand.] PM. I rolled up my feet in rags & put on my overshoes. Cut & husked a load of corn for myself out of La’s part. My feet kept warm & nice. Lieut. Milt. Rose is home on furlough. I am invited to a party at Howards, with my fiddle. I’ll not go I think. Morris Robacker here for my fiddle. I took it & flute to town. An old nigg*r said he could play. They got strings on my fiddle & got him at it & he couldn’t play! I then played 5

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (381)

or 6 sets & it sounded finely. Dr. Ashmore & Puckett there. “Suzie”, was a game played. Je ne baise Lizzie Davison & Frank McK, Dr. A., Miss Elliott & Mrs. Ashmore danced a jig to my flute playing. ((I well remember this night. I played Fishers homepipe and Devils dream on my flute, and Dr. S. Ashmore and his wife danced a jig. He got out of breath and said I played too fast for him. Feb. 16.1909.)) ((I had to play fast or I would get out of breath before the end of the strain. Feb.1912.)) Home at 12. Wed 30. Hazy. Cold. [Shorthand.] B. to school. Clem. Davison here with a note from Ben. Payne for my fiddle. Said he would take excellent care of it, etc. I let him have it ((& when I got it back, Jan. 5th the neck was broken & one Key & a string gone. Just like Ben. “No pay, worthless Ben!! 1912. ((Jan.21.1912.5:14.p.m.)) [Page 580] December 31st 1863. [Shorthand.] I tried to unload, but its too cold. I slept. Bellmore invited me to a Ball. High wind. Very cold. N. Windy. [Shorthand.] B. along the fence. He got a ticket for F. & me to a Ball at Clinton House. New Years night. The Dr. told of Bollote & himself going to a Mass Convention at Big Springs in 1854; Sept. Bollote tried to shoot a crow to eat but couldn’t. They will go to a ball at Bellmores if not too cold. [Shorthand.] Read a story in Topeka paper written by a Topeka physician. Thurs 31. Cold. 3 below zero. Up late. We can hardly stir out. B to sch. High cold wind & drifting snow. B back. No school. Colder. A darky here & got 2 doz eggs for 50 cts. Its 7 below zero, and a job for me to cut wood. Drifting. Darky back nearly frozen. Now 9 below zero. We fed etc. [Shorthand.] At dark it was 17 below zero! B & I to bed early. La late. Windy & awful cold. Clear all day. F. 17 below zero! I think there’ll not be much Ball at Bellmores. See Jan. 18. 64, about money. [Shorthand.] 1st 9 bu 54 lbs. 2+ [Shorthand.] [Shorthand.] 2nd 12 13 13.26 [Shorthand.] [Shorthand.] 3d 12 40 27 [Shorthand.] [Shorthand.] 4th 13 10 28 [Shorthand.] [Shorthand.] 5th 12 40 27 [Shorthand.] [Shorthand.] 6th 11 16 24 [Shorthand.] 7th 8 2/3

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (382)

((Jan. 21.1912. 8.p.m.)) 8th 9 = 9 2/3 9th 10 1/3 = 100 [Shorthand.] [Page 581] January 1 1864 Samuel J. Readers private Journal & Day Book. Indianola Shawnee Co. Kansas. Frid. 1. 22 BELOW ZERO. ( 4 highest. 22 below zero. Clear. Still. I was cold nearly all night, and La also. [Shorthand.] It is 2 above zero at noon. It is not a Merry New Year to us. The Dr. will go to Leavenworth by Stage Coach. [Shorthand.] Clear. Mon ne zest tres rouge. Pain in my leg. (left.) Sat 2. [Shorthand.] I unloaded corn. More than 300 soldiers passed to Topeka. I looked at the corn in the field. I got beams for the sled. I do not feel well in mind. [Shorthand.] 3 PM. B got John in the Wallace field. I cut wood. We saw a Reg. I think is the 2d Colorado pass by ((But I wrote that before.)) Dr paid La $35 for 100 bu. corn. She will not take that much. [Shorthand.] Sund 3. Cold. 2 below zero. NE. B around the field. I cut stalks & fed to the 4 cows we have shut up. Cloudy & raw. I feel well. [Shorthand.] Gen. Averill has had a raid in W. Virginia. Jim Wallace baby died last Thurs. [Shorthand.] I cut stalks for the cattle. My two are up. I feel well. [Shorthand.] Mond 4. Cloudy. 4 below zero. B around the field. Quite a snow. [Shorthand.] ((Jan.22.1912.3:27.p.m.)) [Page 582] January 5. 1864. ((Feb 17. 1909. Embryo Yankee “Carpet-bag” ideas.)) Awful weather. Augell here. He’s going to Louisiana with old Scoffield & Kuykendall to rent land of the Gov. to raise cotton. What a wild idea! 8 degrees the highest. [Shorthand.] Windy. Very cold. No supper. La etais fache about not raising wheat. To bed late. Very cold. Tuesd 5. Clear & cold & 16 below zero. B around field. All right. I feel well. I to the P.O. with my large eared hat on. I got a long short hand letter from Frank. He was home on a furlough during Gen. Averill’s Raid. Kuykendall told of a poor old man at Bryants. I saw Dr. Ashmore. Robacker bro’t my fiddle to me all a wreck. ((Blame that Ben Payne.)) I to Mrs Stewart & she signed bill herself. Frank McN taught her I suppose? Home. McN. & Dr. here. The Dr. sat & ate nuts a long time. I worked on sled. [Shorthand.] McNown says that Davison will not let anyone get wood on Town Site now.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (383)

Wednesday 6. Up at sunrise. Sharp! 20 below zero. [Shorthand.] I put the horses to the wagon & Dr. & I to Topeka. & he to Sardeau’s. I met Slickey. He don’t look well & he’s not so red faced. Says Allison now duty sergeant Philey. I to Co. Clerk. Put in my account etc. Got overshoes No 13. [Shorthand.] I could find no clothes large enough for me. ((Confound the big carcass!)) Augell gave me $15 to give to his wife. He’s going away. I saw Abe Marple. He saw Mary McNown at Atchison & Mc will go for her and John. She is at a Boarding House. Home at dark. I had to run on foot to keep from freezing. Mary & Johnny found. ((Jan.22.1912.5.p.m.)) [Page 583] January 7. 1863. [Shorthand.] I to Mrs. Stewart & told she must be at Topeka tomorrow to get her scrip. She says McKenna will not do much for her. I to P.O. Dr. Ashmore & Pete Mann there both very drunk. Pete asked me if I were a rebel & said: I’ll shoot you? I laughed & Dr. A. told him: “ That man is all right & I know it!” Pete went out & Dr. A. said to Howard & Bannister: That he would pick me out as a true Union man. For he knew I was slow and steady as a Union Man, & one that could be depended on etc. He showed us his wounds. I home late. Clear. Thurs 7. Up early. Clear. Sharp. Still. No wind at all & 25 below zero. I feel well but pain in my left thigh. [Shorthand.] I at work on sled. The Dr. here for flour with the money $15 of Milne. He here & paid all. He told us of his fights with his wife & about McN. & Mr. Wells. How Mac. came there with his axe & gun last Fall, and that Buck Fleishman drove him off & Mrs. Milne said she was not afraid of “man or devil” when she came in his “HOOSE” the last time. He left about Noon. ((Poor old man! But his story was very funny.1912.)) B. home. I’m taking a cold. ((Better LEGGO!)) Frid. 8. Up early. Cool. 8 below zero. I feel well. Red Elliott here. Augell had him for security to Griffith for $35. He thinks he’ll have to pay & that Augell is a rogue. ((And sure he was.)) I finished the sled. I to No 2 Town & got load of big logs & nearly stalled. B. got more wood. Sled runs better now. Home at sunset. My feet do not get so cold. Mrs. Howard would not let Mary Chapean, Ashmore stay because of Morganatic marriage, only to Dr. Ashmore. So says Barnmeister. [Shorthand.] Sat 9. Clear. Up early. 8 below zero again. I with sled. Got dry wood & then big logs at the oak tree, etc. Giddings cut down in 1856. Downe there for his cow. He says land is cheap in the Pott. Nation, now. [Shorthand.] ((Jan. 23.1912.12:12.p.m.)) [Page 584] January 10th 1863.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (384)

B & I got a large load of wood. B. got some stalks. F. bro’t milk. [Shorthand.] I wrote 40th French lesson in Allenday’s by Jewett. Sund 10. Up early. Pleasant but 5 below zero. B around field. All right. La is bent on having a stove. I played flute. Dr says the President will call out one million men for three months & crush the Rebellion in short order: ((But, did not do it! 1912.)) I fixed things. B tried to shoot a prairie chicken but failed. [Shorthand.] I to bed early. Mond 11. Very Still. I looked at Mirage of Downie’s house &c and out buildings seemed more than two stories high up & cattle there appeared ten or twelve feet high. I never saw such a sight before. It was just at sunrise. I feel well. [Shorthand.] I wrote to Frank. I did not copy all my letter. ((All lost anyway. Feb. 17.1909.)) B. & I to woods & put up notice to wood hookers. We got ld of wood. I got flour at Thompsons saloon for Dr. A new family there, and Ester Beckwith. To Drs. with flour and wood. La there & home with me on the sled. At 11 I husked corn till 1 PM. ) 36. S.W. [Shorthand.] I in field & got my load after sundown. [Shorthand.] La owes me only 8 lds. [Shorthand.] Tuesd 12. Up early. [Shorthand.] N.W. ) 15. B, around the field. I would now like to have my part of the Town Site. B & I got me a load of corn of La’s part. Up at 1 PM. Thawing fast. We got another load. Kaw cow a little calf. ) 39. Pleasant. Dr. Deming was poisoned, they say. [Shorthand.] La not well. I read. Told stories to B. We had wine & bread and nuts. Wed. 13. Cloudy. )14. Warm. Still [Shorthand.] B tried to shoot prairie hens. I mended old tub. ((Jan.23.1912.2:48.)) [Page 585] January. 14,..1864. F here & helped La wash clothes. B & I pulled a ld. of corn for the Dr. Warmest day yet. ) 42. We to Dr’s. Unloaded. Old Rock says some soldiers are after Bill Thompson. He deserted and that Jack T. will be hung if he come back here. ((Foolish, gassy, drunken Madison Rock! 1912.)) We got another load. Dr. here. Red Elliott attached Augells wagon, & got pay. [Shorthand.] Thurs 14. Cloudy. NW Breezy. ) 20. [Shorthand.] Tom Marple got the sled. He sat a long time. Philey has not been to see Em since he enlisted. McN. & Mrs. Milne had an awful “fight” yesterday, called her everything etc. Raw. B & I took corn to the Drs. Home. Mrs. Milne here and got me to sign as her bondsman, Owen & Hiller have signed. ((I was foolish to sign, too & worried a lot. 1912.)) She will take her property from Milne. Jim Kuykendall, she says, has a Secesh flag, & Bill T. is caught. B & I put fire in an old teakettle & hung it behind the wagon. Invention pure and simple! It keeps our hands warm. We got large load for Dr. We in the house. E. thinks it is not a good idea for me to be Mrs. Milnes Security. Home nearly dark. Still. Clear. Pleasant. I wrote 44 lesson of French. To bed late. ((Don’t go as security any more. Risky. Remember. 1912.))

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (385)

Frid 15. Up early. Pleasant. ) 8. [Shorthand.] My back is lame as sin. Clear & still. [Shorthand.] B & I got a load of corn & took to Drs. He is sick in bed with a stiff neck & E in bed too. I fixed a cut in Drs. Stable. PM. I saw a man on a grey horse, ride by. We husked some & pulled some & bro’t home. La got milk at Dr’s. He says I did wrong to go security for Mrs. Milne. We shelled bu corn at night. Still, Clear, Warm & pleasant. Sat. 16. Up early. Clouds. My mare & colt up. B & I got small load of corn & finished all that is above the snow. Thawing fast. ) 44. We to Drs. & unloaded. ((Jan. 23.1912.4:23.p.m.)) [Page 586] January. 17. 1864. Mrs. Bollote was sitting out in Leonards wagon while Leonard was in the house. Dr wants me to go to L. City with him Mond. B & I to the bottom of the field & husked 4 throughs. He quit before I did. I at dark. [Shorthand.] La will not get a stove now. So I’ll not go to the river. Sund 17. Up late. Got clear. [Shorthand.] La down in the mouth. I tried to mend my rubber shoes. B & I took 8 2/3 bu. corn to Drs. E bien aise que Mei B=e riste dehors dans voiture hier! [Shorthand.] B & I husked till 3 PM. Had dinner. La gloomy. I out and husked till after sundown. It is freezing but I can keep my hands warm at work. B & I took corn to the Drs. He is at Bellmores to get him to go to the river with wagon. If I’d known I’d gone myself. Home. La has over $5 missing. I looked over my Journal & she has $3.75 missing & I have I thought $4.50 more than I ought to have, so I gave it to her. To bed late. Mond. 18. Clear. Still. In the night I remembered that I had made a mistake in counting my Co. scrip twice, & La gave me back the $4.30. [Shorthand.] I have paper money $17.20. La has at home $33. And F. has $4.25, at the Drs. B. has $2.05. La also has $35 of corn money. Clouding up. B & I with axes, to Drs & cut some wood. Miss Reese there. F paid $2.25 & B’s $1.75 school bill. I told the Dr I would take him to the river. Its good for us both. [Shorthand.] B to Bellmores for wagon cover & failed. I put on wagon bows. Owen here & says Hiller, I & himself are summoned, as Milne objected to us as not good security. Must go to Topeka, but I’ll not, if I can help it. Blame it all!! E is mad about the Milne fuss. [Shorthand.] B & I put corn & hay in the wagon. La making cakes. I am afraid I will see Mrs. Milne. I to Dr’s. He is home & Pete Fiederling. Pete says I signed Mrs. Milne’s bond so I can get her after the divorce! Home. Before dark Mrs. Milne came for me & I ran away. But she can do without me. I feel well. [Shorthand.] ((Be careful about signing “Samuel J. Reader”, after this. 1912.)) ((Jan.24.1912.10.a.m.)) [Page 587] January 19. 1864. Camped out, in zero weather. Tuesd 19. Up very early. Cloudy, Still. Eliza Milne here with an order on a Firm of $22.15. I to Drs. after sunrise & we off by Indianola. Rough roads. Hiller sent for bed castors. We to

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (386)

Osawkee at 1 PM.. I left corn at Mill. We ate lunch & drove to Hickory Point, about dark, & on to Easton at 11 P.M. We camped out. [Shorthand.] N.W. Clear & Still & frosty. Some thaw today. Dr. and I went to bed together, in the wagon. Good ventilation. Wed 20. A heavy freeze. I slept pretty well. Off early. Awful rough roads & had to go slow. We to Ft. Leavenworth & Dr. found no pay. But Frank Le Sert; & Geo. Thornell paid him $35 today. I to Sutters & got B. Chevrons 60 cts & U.S. buttons 60 cts. Clear. Still. W. Thaw. We to L. City & at a hotel. I got “Officers [XXXX] [Shorthand.] We to bed at 9. Clear. Pleasant. Still. Nearly all these purchases were taken from us by my destitute Confederate Brothers. Thurs. 21. Up early. Clear. Got horses shod and paid $2.00 by Dr. [Shorthand.] I got Soldiers $4.50 trowsers. I in music store & told about the harmonium not in tune. I tried others there & they all seemed out of tune, too. ((Of course the trouble was in “Equal Terperament” of the pitch. Feb. 18.1909.)) We left at 2 PM. and came on to the Scott farm & staid all night. ((Old Mr. Tuttle of Topeka was there. He told Army experiences ((Was a Sutter I think now. Jan.1912.)) Frid 22. Clear. Warm. Pleasant. We on to Osawkee. We ate lunch. [Shorthand.] I’ve not the right music for E. It is not “Kingdom Coming” but “Jubilee.” Home at one hour after dark. Very muddy. E is not well. Augell is back. La likes the things I got. [Shorthand.] Sat 23. Very warm. Muddy. I feel well. The river will back up now. [Shorthand.] B & I husked corn till noon. [Shorthand.] Dr. to Wallaces. Silus Hunter writes him he cant get First 2d Surgeon in the 11th Negro Reg. I put rest of corn 3 1/3 bu. in my crib. [Shorthand.] ((Jan.24.1912.11.a.m.)) [Page 588] January 24. 1864. ((Finished husking the corn crop! O, WHAT JOY!! Jan. 24 1912.11:22.A.M.)) Sund 24. Still. Pleasant. Up at sunrise. [Shorthand.] B & I husked 10 bu. Dr. brought me a letter from Sam White. He says land is worth $10 per acre only, now. We will not sell at that. ((Hardly!)) We have 11 pigs running out. I feel well. B & I finished the corn. Got done after sundown. PM. Still clear. Muddy. Warm ) 50. Hiller here for Castors & Statute book. The Masons make a fuss that we’ve not paid them for Hall. He left. I ate nuts. Dr. gave B. 1/2 bu. apples. [Shorthand.] Mond 25. ) 58 highest, & ) 60. My Birthday. I am 28 years old. Clear. Warm. Pleasant. ) 28. Up early. Surveyors run a line 100 yards S. of our house, towards Downies house. It is a bad job. ((Not at all. No.)) [Shorthand.] La & B on horses for colt we call “SPINDLE.” I made corn bread. La & B home with Drs colt. We put it in the field. [Shorthand.] E. not well. Dr. has plenty of patients now. I home with Fefine & put in our field. I read Les Miserables to La at night & translated it from the French, as I read.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (387)

Tuesd 26. ) 28. Clear, warm, still & pleasant. Dr. Ashmore has deserted. We are nearly out of mail. La & B to hunt Spindle. [Shorthand.] I to town. No Kuykendall to pay $6.45 ½ for rent of Hall. Abe Marple told me that Ashmore has deserted. That is his loyalty. Charly Carpenter was trying one of the guns in the store & it went off & bullet into the wall. A ball in town last night. [Shorthand.] I to Drs & bro’t his horse & put in our field. Very warm. ) 61, clear. My gloves look better. La & B home. No colt. We shelled corn. A Half breed got two bu. of corn of me $1. Dr. & E. riding in buggy & bro’t his meat to smoke. Very pleasant. Pain in my left leg. ((Jan.24.1912.11:55.a.m.)) [Page 589] January 27th. 1864. Wed 27. Up early. [Shorthand.] A bad pain in my left hip, knee & leg. Very warm. Like April. B & I shelled corn for meal. [Shorthand.] I got my things in my trunk. We have my Steady, the Drs. colt & Barebones and B’s Vesta in the field. Thurs 28. Up one hour before day light. ) 48. Very warm. Clear. I started at sunrise with 10 sacks of corn for meal. At Indian Creek I overtook a lot of men on their way to be mustered in 11th La(?). They had an Indian deserter & I let him ride to Muddy Cr. as he was sick. He drove & I walked. I on to Grasshopper Falls at 2 or 3 P.M. unloaded. It got cloudy & fine rain fell. My corn was ground after dark. I slept in the mill & it rain all night. Lightening. Frid 29. At Grasshopper Mills. I slept well but was somewhat cold. Still & some clouds & fog. Chilly. I off at sunrise. Roads heavy. I got a drink of water at the “Curtis House.” Saw Golden Silver & the Militia drilling. He says he will be at our next League. At Carpenters I saw Em. out doors with her sleeves rolled up, hard at work. [Shorthand.] Home at 3 P.M. Cloudy & a mist. PM. We have 9 sacks of meal. I took one to the Dr. Geo. Kemp came & got him to go & see his squaw wife. E played some & gave me 1/2 sack flour. [Shorthand.] Brown has sent for the Dr. They have made the peace. I seem to have lost my rheumatism at the Mill! I wrote to Clowe for “Kingdom Coming.” To bed early. Sat 30. Clear & Pleasant. B & I to woods No. 2 on town Site & got pales for a crib. I paid Kuykendall $6.55 due from the Union League. He copied the receipt. [Shorthand.] B & I got poles & wood. I have nice timber land. ((Jan 25.1912.11:11.a.m. I am 76 ys old today.)) [Page 590] January 31st. 1864. Kate Hindman is back in Jims house. [Shorthand.] Dixey dog home after four days absence. I looked over my French lesson. 46th. I feel well.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (388)

Sund 31. Cloudy. Cool. I put on my military trousers. N.W. ) 26. It looks like snow & rained a little. [Shorthand.] This is the first Sunday I have not worked for two weeks. ((Wicked Wretch.1912.)) The Dr here. Mrs Powine is sick with pneumonia. He has plenty of patients now. Late dinner. ) 30 NW PM. B to the Drs and got wine & a Comic Almanac. La a pain in her chest. We let the cattle in the field today. The ground is white & it looks like Winter again. I painted a little on my old pictures, today. ((Jan.25.1912.11 1/2 a.m. I am now 76 ys old!)) Nails ((I used to be “As hard as NAILS.”1912.)) 4 penny 1 1/4 inches 353 per pound. 6 “ 2 “ 167 “ “ 8 “ 2 1/2 “ 101 “ “ 10 “ 2 3/4 “ 68 “ “ 12 “ 3 “ 54 “ “ 20 “ 3 1/2 “ 34 “ “ [Page 593] February 1st 1864. Samuel J. Readers Private Journal & Day book. Indianola Shawnee County Kansas U.S.A. Mond 1. Pleasant. Clear. Still. [Shorthand.] La paid me my part of the corn the Dr got, 47 bu. $16.45 the amount. He came. No mails for several days as the Mo. river is full of floating ice. He says we’d better go to the new gold mines. He gave La medicine for her cold. It is thawing fast. ) 46. B & I put the plates on my crib & pinned them down. I told him stories of the “Wilds of Nickeranger” etc. Thawing. At night I read & translated a French story to La. My hip is lame yet. Tuesd 2. Clear. Cool. NW. ) 30. Snow about gone. B & I with axes over creek to the Town site & cut a large log in two. Windy. Thawing. Saw Owen. He thinks the League should meet soon. I to Blondels & got cross-cut saw & free. I talked French to Mrs. Bl. I made a mistake, viz: [Shorthand.] & I meant: “ ju les reviendrail bienlot.”&c. B & I nearly sawed off one cut. Puckett’s negro in the Drs woods. I saw him at home and told him. I saw John Bryan at the P.O. He is a sergeant. John Kemp wants me to help draw Mrs. Hindman some wood. Home. I to Dr’s. He says Geo. Carpenter drinks very hard. ((He drank one pint whisky every day. 1912.)) [Shorthand.] Says I had a narrow escape from Miss Cook! He said he would rather go to the river with me, than with Bellmore because I would have to listen to his yarns, but with Uncle Sam, I can talk & he will have to listen! Chez moi, lt au lit. Wed 3. Clear. N. ) 28. [Shorthand.] B & I sawed off a cut & I split it, with hard work. Wrote 48 French lesson. [Shorthand.] Jim. Brown here and got some wine. His child is sick. Ate nuts. Clear. Still. ((Jan. 25.1912.2:22.p.m. I am just 76 ys. old.))

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (389)

[Page 594] February. 4th 1864. Wood-hauling Bee at Mrs. Kate Hindman’s. Thurs. 4. Clear. Windy. ) 30. Up early. My hip is lame. B & I hitched Fox & Belle and to Kate Hindmans & then to Wallaces woods near No. 2. Yes, Kemp there with oxen to “snake” logs. We went to chopping. John Kemp & Jim Wallace came without teams. Downie came with cattle at 11:30. I drew 4 loads by dinner time at 7 1/2 PM. Belle works well. Ate at Kates. PM. Button came & drew one load & I drew three. ((Button saw a red bud tree, & called out: “Here’s a tree & its DEAD AS A NIT”. B & I afterwards called red bud trees; “Nitwood.” )) Windy. Thawing. We quit at 3 P.M. We over the bridge & found Pucketts nigg*r & I had a talk with him. Home at sundown. Mrs. Clinton has sold out. [Shorthand.] Les Miserables fine story. I feel well. My shoulders are sore. La & B to bed early. I up late & read in the paper of 2000 women being burned alive in a church in Chili. It was most awful. Frid. 5. Cloudy, up early. Le vie pane vite et je ne souci pas. Tom Brown here & got a chicken for 15 cts. B & I to Town site woods & drew up bolts &c. in three loads. Home at 2 o’clock. [Shorthand.] I feel well. Downies mule in the field. ((Old crooked leg. 1912.)) The Dr has a lame back. Frank McKenna came for him as his wife has lung fever. B & I on T. Site & got a load of rotten wood. I to Drs & cut wood. Hines asks about $10 per acre for the Town site. I will never buy buy my part at that price. I don’t care. [Shorthand.] Sat 6. Clear. B. et moi dormi saus chemises. [Shorthand.] I to Dr. & cut wood. He has a large wood pile now. He is better. They say: men are to be drafted next March. B took off one of his stripes on his sleeve, so he is now a Corporal. I ate a light supper. Clear. Still. Warm. ((Jan.25.1912.4:18.p.m. 76 is very, very old.)) [Page 595] February. 7th. 1864. La the pneumonia. Sund 7. Clouds. Je dormi saus chemise le bon passé. Pleasant. N.W. ) 30. Las breast is not better. It is rheumatism I think. B around our field. Downie’s mule broke into Griffiths. He is married & has gone to the river to get his wife. Dr. here & says La. has light form of pneumonia. B. got some [XXX] bark for La. F. here to do the work. B has a gun that shoots far (?). La does nothing. She’s in bed & I read the Miserables to her. It’s fine now. Old Javert is not so bad. Warm like Spring. La looks pale. The McNown boys here looking for cattle. As their father is away from home, they staid till long after dark playing with B. ((Lucky the old savage didn’t pounce down on them. 1912.)) F. stays. We sat up till late. B was at Drs not long ago & Leon spied dirt in his ears and said: “Bub, why don’t (Leon’s humor) you wash your ears. I could plant beans in them, & then the pods would be hanging down!” Mond 8. Up very early. Clear. Still. SW ) 20. La is no better. Did not work hard. I made 70 boards. [Shorthand.] B shot at me with his cross-gun, with a feathered arrow. It whistled, and went quite far. E’s here. Owen at the gate & wants the Dr. & me to go to a spelling sch. tonight.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (390)

Prairie fires are around. The Dr. & I on foot to spelling Sch. Owen, Hiller & I spelled. I missed 2 or 3 words, but spelled O. & H. down, & a lot of others. Miss Kistler & I were Trappers? Her side beat us. Had recess. Irwin the teacher wants a League meeting Sat. The Dr. got me to come home. Rather cloudy. Spelling school. B & I in the trundle bed. Much too short for me. [Shorthand.] Tuesd 9. Clear. Up early. La better. [Shorthand.] I to town. Got La 50 sugar & 50 of tea. I got “Kingdom Coming”. Tom Laselle looked at it. Pucketts child dead. Very pleasant. I played Kingdom Coming on my flute. Steady swelled. I’m well. La in bed. Kemp is to move out as Griffith & wife have come. [Shorthand.] Dr to town to see Milligan about Brown’s child. He back and we to the river & to Topeka. Could not find Co. Clerk. We to Legislature. I found Blk. Saw many Big Bugs. [Shorthand.] ((Jan.26. 1912.1:33.p.m.)) [Page 596] February 10th . 1864. I saw Lewis Wilmarth & he took me to his office & gave me a book. I introduced Dr. to him. Dr. wants a license to practice. $10. Col. Randlet says I must be at Topeka Saturday to receive the arms of Capt. Hammer’s Co. Introduced to Capt. Hammer. One gun & one sword missing. The Dr. introduced me to Mr. Gale. Saw Slickey. He’s red. Henry Smith is a sergeant. His squaw wife died. [Shorthand.] We saw John Price with ladies going to Ball at Clintons House. A little moon left. [Shorthand.] La better. We heard 7 or 8 cannon shots & we supposed Carney is elected to Congress. B & I slept on the floor. Clear. Still. Warm. Wed 10. S. Pleasant. Up early. La the same. Le “Coon” in vino! I made clap boards. [Shorthand.] Old Mrs. Augell here. B. got Army Regulations of the Dr. for me. He here & would not let the old “Want –to-Know” woman talk to La & hurt her. “Coon”, here. He had bo’t a colt of John Vieux & tho’t it ours. I think he was drunk. Face very red etc. Is down on Tom Hiller. Mrs. Miles tells of Button paw paw hunting. Was at Holton & finds Milnes mortgage on his land not recorded & will have his own time to pay it in, etc. Left. I made 91 clapboards today. I looked at the “Blue Book”. [Shorthand.] Thurs. 11. Hazy. ) 38. N.W. La feels better. I boiled my ink. ((Yes it looks like it! Feb. 20. 1909.)) I “did a sum” in Ratio by hard thinking. Out of my own head! [Shorthand.] PM. La talks cheerful & is better. ) 38. Kaw cow can open the gate with her horns. [Shorthand.] I read French story. End of old Javert. B. angry because he could not eat nuts. Frid. 12. Up early. Clear. Frosty. [Shorthand.] ((Jan. 27. 1912. 2. p.m.)) [Page 597] February 13. 1864. John Price to marry Bernice Le Sert – Tues. Also Ben. Frankier & Agnes.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (391)

I cut rafters for the crib, & B. & I put them on. Eliza Milne here. [Shorthand.] Bannister belongs to a Union League in Ill’s but its not like ours. [Shorthand.] La the same. B, F & I played “Seven Up.” at night. Small of my back lame. [Shorthand.] Sat 13. Up early. My back still lame. La stays in bed. F to the Drs. and helped E. [Shorthand.] A letter from Frank Reader & in it a photo of himself. It looks nice. Et je me suis penr environ ern. Si il vem ici. PM. I on Fox to Topeka. Wind so high we could hardly get over. I got my scrip, $17.40 of Co. Clk. Found Col. Randlet & Capt Hammer with the Company arms. Carbines & sabers boxes & wrote a receipt viz: [Shorthand.] Owen & Hiller here and got me to go to town. About 15 of our League men there. We in the Hall & initiated young Pasley & Mrs. Cohees brother. Abe Marple told me that I will likely have to “PAY THE PIPER” for being Mrs. Milnes security. That Owen & Hiller have nothing not exempt! Talked with Capt. Miles of Masons. He’s one. Will turn arms over to me. Home 12. Sund 14. Up early. Clear. Pleasant. [Shorthand.] I put hogs up. One gone & 10 left. La no better. [Shorthand.] Julie Ballmore here. McNown here and B with him to hunt Spindle. Stray hog came home. ((Jan.27.1912.3:40.p.m.)) [Page 598] February 15 A.D. 1864. [Shorthand.] PM. McN. & B came & took dinner. Spindle at Countryman’s. E. here. Jule wanted me to take her home. I with Dr. over there. E played “Kingdom Coming”. Brown’s boy died today. Home. To bed early. No supper. No nuts. Mond 15. Up very early. Pleasant. I killed & dressed chicken for La. I feel well but back is lame. Two Mc.N. boys here. B with them and got the colts. A one horned bull jumped in the field & we dogged it off. [Shorthand.] E & I put on our dinner. I nailed over half a course of clap boards on the crib. Breezy, warm. Face is red. Red Elliott here. I put on my new straw hat. I wrote to Ella. I told of Railroad etc. Militia etc. [Shorthand.] Mena schine bish. The wind came up strong & I had to put on my other hat again. F home. Sardrays left. B. home. Could not find colts. I ate nuts Trop. [Shorthand.] Tuesd 16. [Shorthand.] La is no better. [Shorthand.] Dr. Duncan will take my field. [Shorthand.] F milked the new cow. I to town. Got La a fine comb. John Stamp thought I was an Irishman. I in my town woods & looked for rail timber. Crossed on ice. N breeze. Cutting. B is playful. La the same. I have a pain below my left knee. E thinks the Masonic book is true for the Dr. says. Jim Bryan is not a Mason at all. F reading French. I saw Augell. John Price & Bernice LeSert & Ben Frankin & Agnus Prue were married at noon today. I to town. I saw John Price. He has a pain in his side from hard drinking! A little Bull Whacker was very drunk and wanted to fight. Davison will give a supper. Puckett has a new Billiard table at Post Office. Home. I have a hard pain in the calf of my leg. Duncan may take my field, perhaps? ((Jan. 28.1912.11:41.a.m.))

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (392)

((DON’T THIS BEAT THUNDER? ROBUST, WILD AND WOOLY! Feb. 21.09.)) School Board of Dist. No. 42 elected, and had to treat the crowd to whisky. S.B. Miles Director, S. J. Reader Clk., J.H. Brown Treas. I had no money but next day paid my score. 20 cts to Bartender Cade. [Page 599] February 17th 1864. Wed. 18. Fine snow. Windy. Nous avons, tea chats tous plea ninita. Very cold. La no better. I did nothing much. [Shorthand.] PM. La is better. I cut wood. I to the Clinton House, and we had a School meeting. Davison Chairman & I secretary. We elected Miles, Director, Reader Clk. & Jim Brown Treasurer. I read the Minutes & we adjourned to the bar room and they took a TREAT on the school officers. That is a great start for our school. I had no money with me. ((I was trusted! 1912.)) I saw Jones the [XXX] Contractor, first. 20 cts.!!! A School Officer’s compulsory treat. Thurs 18. Up early. Pleasant. S.W. ) 3. La is better. I FEEL WELL. The Dr. here. Says we ought to have had fire here last night. I to Mrs. Blondell’s with her frae. Blondell wants her to raise dogs and sell them for $3 apiece. I got cross cut saw. Home. La’s pulse is 88. I put on the dinner. Kate Hindman here. Windy. Clear. B & I to town. I paid Cade 20 cts for the whiskey treat of us School Board. B & I over the creek & sawed off two cuts. Cold. Home at sundown. La better. [Shorthand.] Frid 19. Windy. Clear. Cool. ) 10. F had a fire all night. I’ve a sore throat. Spikes & her colt are here. B & I with auger to the woods & put a blast in a log & shot it. Not much good. I split it in 3 with hard work. Home. PM. La better. [Shorthand.] I back & split 30 rails. Home after sunset. The Dr. here. The R.R. to go on the old line. Late supper. I took wine. It was not intoxicating. Sat 20. Pleasant. I feel well. We have lots of smoke for meat. I watered Spikes. She is very poor. [Shorthand.] I drew the rails to my fence. Two loads. Bro’t wood & crossed at Buttons. I saw Surveyors in our (La’s) field by Griffiths running line for the Rail Road. It goes through my crib & the stable. Elliott Mathews bro’t a lamb for E. ((Jan.28.1912.5:20.p.m.)) [Page 600] February 21. A.D. 1864. At Indianola Ks. Lincoln Council No. 64. Union League of America. PM. S.E. ) 55. We put dogs on the bull’s tail and run him off. [Shorthand.] I got load of green hickory wood from over the bridge. Dr. & I on horseback to the Sch. H. Only 8 there. Did nothing. I gave Owen his phonographic book. Erwin talked of learning French. Wants me to put up notice for our next League meeting. Home. [Shorthand.]

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (393)

Sund 21. Up very early. Cloudy. I keep Spikes in the field. [Shorthand.] La is better but keeps in bed. We caught Downies old mule & B. took him home. [Shorthand.] Tom Hiller & Red Elliott here with Statute book. Mrs. H. is sick. Downie told him that Augell killed his horse. Wrote notice for League. The members of Lincoln Council No-64 ULA and requested to meet at the Rochester Sch. H. at early candle light on Sat 27 U-day of Feb. 64. [Shorthand.] B in bed avec sa mere. Says he is sick. To bed late. [Shorthand.] ((I have caught up at last. Feb. 21 (Sund.) 1909.)) Mond 22. Up early. Clear. Still. [Shorthand.] La is better. To take wine. F lamb is dead. That’s a good thing for us all. I to town & put up notice. Cade & Price looked at it. I got wood. I feel very well. [Shorthand.] McNown bro’t the hind leg of a parker to us, & told all about Mrs. Milne evil etc. I better. I feed Spikes. She is poor. F. is studying French. La better. Dr. & E. married 6 years. Geo. W. birthday, too. ((Jan.29.1912.10 ½ a.m.)) [601] February 23. A.D. 1864. Tuesd 23. Pleasant. Few clouds. ) 39. I on Town Site & got the Dr a nice ld of wood. The bridge is dangerous. I crossed at the ford & got more wood. I wear my straw hat. La sits up some now. [Shorthand.] I made rails. A load of Rail Road ties have been put below our stable. [Shorthand.] Wed 24. Up very early. I have a sore throat. Je downi sans chemise. We have plenty of fresh ham. La takes quinine. Trouble in swallowing for several days. I have had. ((& even now I have trouble the same. Jan.1912.)) I to Town site & found an oak log that McN. cut I suppose. I made 16 rails & took to my claim. The R.R. men are making ties on the on the island. Bursting logs with powder. Warm. Windy. ) 70. I made rails. [Shorthand.] I to No 2 & got a crib pole. There are 3 men at work in the Wallace woods making ties for Jones. I saw John Griffith. John Kemp owes him. Capt. Miles here to sign his acceptance of Director. [Shorthand.] My throat troubles yet. La is sitting up. F. at her French lesion. I put my sock on my neck for a sore throat. [Shorthand.] N. Pleasant. Trouble in swallowing. Thurs 25. A cold & sore throat. ) 24. [Shorthand.] Griffith looks young & good looking since he is married. I to Browns & put our acceptance as Sch. Officers in an envelope & sent to Griffith, Co. Sup’t. I to claim and split open a big log & made 11 rails & drew to fence. [Shorthand.] Peyron says we can get $16 per acre for our land. He is a good man. I feel better. I to No. 3 & made 13 rails & took to the fence. F. is letting out the hem in my Militia pants. Lot of mush. I played flute. I put stocking on my neck. Wm. S. Bowker’s wife has come here in Kansas. ((Jan.29.1912.2.p.m.)) [Page 602] February 26. A.D. 1864. Downies old crooked legged mule, “yis. He lapes the fince!”

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (394)

Frid 26. Pleasant. Clear. S. ) 30. Cold not so bad. Downies old mule back & jumped in the field. E.D. Rose to 1st Lieut. in a Tenn. Reg’t. I made rails & bro’t wood by Wallaces Ford. Beckwith in their woods making ties. I told him where the line is. They are cutting down the best of the timber. Made rails & bro’t wood home. [Shorthand.] Mrs. Puckett goes in the Clinton House today. Lightening. Sprinkles. Sat 27. Windy. N. B. up before me & made foie. I in bed late. I have a cold yet. La is better. [Shorthand.] I wrote League Treasurers Report. I to my claim & hoed away grass from my South fence. I looked at my timber. I have enough I think? ((Not so! Get more. 1912.)) Home with wood. La is better & is reading in bed. I feel very well. No difficulty in eating. I cut a little walnut tree for Bar posts. PM. I cut down a large walnut tree and came home. I on Fox at sundown with Statute book, sword & bible & to town. I in at the P. Office. I talked French with Etieme Pappan & “KAW CHARLEY”. I saw Capt. Curtis. Slickey would give $500.00 if his Regt. could be out, etc. They have a Masonic Meeting. I to Sch. H. 10 there. Erwin absent. I was the Vice P. Cy. Kestler Marshall, Dr and Tice initiated. Bad Stage fright when I read my part to them. John Kemp S.V.P. thin took them. I gave in my report. We home at 12. [Shorthand.] Sund 28. B up first. [Shorthand.] I put on military trousers. I to the P.O. for two hours. Cummins had slits cut in his boots & old Eby said: “He cut them to let the snakes out.” Cummins didn’t laugh. He had snakes once. [Shorthand.] To let the snakes out of Mr. Garland Cumming’s boots. ((Jan.29.1912.)) [Page 603] February 29 1864. Jones (Tieman.) said he knew a man who would strike his boots & say: “Get out of there you dogon things & would ask the Landlord why he kept snakes, lizards & toads in his house!” Home. We saw a great smoke near McN. [Shorthand.] F & I to Drs & I cut wood. E & L played. Leon is pulling at me. Home. McNown was here & got my little white coat to go with some soldiers to take up the men who set fire in his woods today. He tried my rubbers but it was too large.B & I to McN. & back. Fire is out. La sits up most of the time. I ate cold bread & milk. It made me sick. [Shorthand.] Mond 29. Up Late. Leap Year. McNown sues campers for fire. HE LOST. La in her chair. I feel well. I dreamed that I ought not to take une fille belle. Very pleasant. I to town. I saw Kuykendall & Jones looking at the damage in his woods. He took me to look also. I think I made the damage less than he wanted. 15 acres burnt over. I told him most of the little trees will grow again. He thinks not. He & the soldiers caught the men at Cross Creek. I to my walnut tree & took top to the Dr’s. I hoed leaves & grass from my S. line. Home at sundown. B says McN. & Sheriff here for me before sunset. I to the Drs. He’s at Kopps. Mrs. K. dying. ((Mrs. Kopp is now alive & Joe is dead. Feb.22.09.)) Joe wants her property put in his hands! I to town. Saw Hiller & Buck Fleshman. They are to go to Topeka as witnesses. I in the street &

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (395)

heard McN. talking with the Dr. I to the Drs & home. Edmonson was here & got 4 chickens for $1. No pay yet. B to town & saw the crowd start for Topeka. They have left me. I am glad. La is better all the time. I ate supper & to bed late. The end of Winter for the year 1863. ((Jan.30.1912,2:11.p.m.)) [Page 604] March 1st 1864. Samuel J. Readers private Journal & Daybook. Indianola Shawnee Co. Kansas. Tuesd. 1. Up late. S.W. ) 15. La up & is better. I am well. Mc.N. & Norris here. He will not want me as I did not pass his timber Sunday Morn. I am glad. I to the Town Site. Thos. Kemp is drawing ties & sells them for 5 cts a tie. ((Must be a mistake! 1912.)) I made rails & took to my fence & got wood. The Dr is at Topeka as a witness. La ate at the table for first time. B is with E. PM. [Shorthand.] I am fat & feel well. Better than one year ago. I made rails & a trough. I bro’t it & ld. wood home at sunset. The Dr. back. McNown lost his suit for want of proof. He’d a dozen witnesses. I ate mince pie & to bed early. Wed 2. Clear. Still. ) 18. [Shorthand.] I late to No. 3 and cut down a dead walnut & made rails. Worked hard. Warm. I took wood to the Dr’s. A fire S of his field. I home. Edmondson girl here & pd $1 for chickens & Roxy Davison got one & pd 15 cts. She ties one up to our cow yard. [Shorthand.] B cleaned yard. I made rails & stakes & drew to my field. La better all the time. I feel well. The Caucasian has come back or N.Y. Day Book. Thurs 3. Windy. S. ) 40. La up & dressed. I’ve more cold & cough. I to Town Site & made stakes. Took ld. wood to the Dr. E glad he lost his suit. Awful wind & dusty. I to town site & cut down walnut tree. Home with wood. To my field & cleared S. of No. 4 to keep fires off. PM. B & I out late. Home. Windy as ever. Elliott here & I settled with him. He only charged $6. for a years service. McNowns two small boys tried to run away the other day, but he caught them at Muddy & “dressed” them, the old savage. We to bed late. John Hiller & Jim Stewart on furlough. Mc’s 2 little boys ran to Muddy Creek. ((Jan.30.1912.5:23.p.m.)) [Page 605] March 4. 1864. Frid 4. Windy. N. Cold. ) 32. I wrote Abe Marples Township Business. I to town. Saw Bill Kemp & Martin Stamp. Diek Russell has not reenlisted so as to get a furlough. I got candles for the League. [Shorthand.] F & I to the Dr’s. E sewing on machine. F played. It sounds well. We home. To bed late. [Shorthand.]

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (396)

Sat 5. Still. S.E. but soon got as windy as ever. My back lame yet. I did nothing. [Shorthand.] La did some work. Windy. Clear. I did nothing. The Dr. here. He says we are to have a draft next week in Kansas. B got a dead toad in the well, while I threw sun light in with the looking glass. Abe Marple here and settled. His bill only $10. I did it up right. I am safe as surety as he says Mrs. Milne won her suit. [Shorthand.] F. on Fox to Ragland’s. He’s badly off with absess on his thigh. Blondell & Mrs. Galloiz here. He was drunk. He flourished my sword around, etc. I to town with books & candles. Capt. Miles told me they would hang me for taking the N.Y. Daybook. I turned to Squire Davison & said I wanted to swear my life in danger, & the old dunce took me aside to ask what it was all about?!! There was no Day Book for me. The Masons meet & I on to the Sch. House. A lot there. Buck Fleshman wanted to shoot John Stamp for throwing water on him. Howard tried to stab Banister over business matters. We initiated Bannister, Edmonson & Mitchell, 25 cts. I had 3 votes for Pres’t. & was elected V. Pres’t. over Owen, Clark & others. I refused the office but it made no difference. I am sorry & would rather be Treasurer where Owen was elected & I tried to get out of it. ((All was wrong.1912.)) Home late. Clear. Still. Cool. Sund 6. [Shorthand.] All well enough. Cool. ) 34. I’ve pain in my shoulder. I to town. [Shorthand.] I got a letter from Jim Thompson. He wants to know where Jack is, etc. I saw McNown. Old Eby talked to us about negroes being baboons &c. ((It tickled McNown. 1912.)) ((Jan.31.1912.9:39.a.m.)) [Page 606] March 7th A.D. 1864. Lot of re-enlisted Co.E.8th Ks. V.I. here on furlough. Dick Russell, John Hiller, Jim Stewart, Mart. Stamp. ((I think Dick reinlisted afterwards 1912.)) [Shorthand.] I read French story of Jean Dane & I read it to La at night. Plein de l’amour. [Shorthand.] B & I to bed early. I don’t feel gay! ((Better churk up!)) Mond 7. Hazy. Up as usual. La up & at work. ) 26. [Shorthand.] The river can nearly be forded. Some say the RR will not be along here this season. Sprinkle. I to town. I met John Hiller & Dick Russell. They want to see the picture sent me. [Shorthand.] I got ink. B had the dogs on hogs in the field. F is washing. La is reading old Sat. Eve. Posts. The Dr. here. He’ll not take the 15 cts I borrowed of him. [Shorthand.] I heard that Red Elliott has married old Mrs. co*ck. It cant be so! ((But it was too sadly true!! 1912.)) I to town site & made rails. I feel tired. Home early. Pleasant. B & I to Drs to burn his yard but he’s at Pappans. Mrs. Ashmore was here for him. We home. [Shorthand.] F. at her French. Hurra for old woman co*ck! ((Poor Red Elliott! How kind of horrible. 1912.)) Tuesd 8. [Shorthand.] I took up rails to my field. I tried to split an old log W. of my field but failed. Got wood & took hay to the Dr’s. [Shorthand.] F at E’s helping wash. La got dinner. I to T. Site & cut down a little walnut tree & made 4 rails & 3 stakes & took to my field. I took wood to the Dr. I took Mrs. co*ck or Mrs. Red Elliott over the creek. She looks gay as you please. F at her French. That is good for her. Thunder & lightening. Let it thunder.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (397)

Wed 9. Up very late. Heavy rain last night with hail. Kaw cow broke into the kitchen last night & was in the pantry eating bran &c. La up at her work. [Shorthand.] ((Cow in the pantry.)) ((Jan.31.1912. 10 1/2. a.m.)) [Page 607] March 10 A.D. 1864. I weigh 177 lbs. [Shorthand.] Yesterday Norris McNown bro’t my coat home. The Dr here. Elliott is really married to old woman co*ck. No draft till next month. [Shorthand.] La’s pulse is 90. Augell & Huston here grinding axes. I feel well. We ground our axes. [Shorthand.] Jewell here with Davison & Jewell had us appraise the ties that are around here. We put them at 25 cts apiece, Kuykendall & Geo. Young passed with whisky & let Jewell have some. Mr Lane here. We all in the house & signed the paper. Jewell says Tom Carney cant speak grammatically. Sprinkle. I to town. Ferd Wendel, Bill Kemp & Mart Stamp there. Ferd wants F & me to go to Carpenters &c. [Shorthand.] Home. Dark & cloudy. Thurs. 10. Misty. N. ) 34. [Shorthand.] I feel better when I have some study than when I do nothing about the house. Idleness would kill me. ((So it is now. Jan. 31.1912.)) I to town & posted Trustee’s Report. Capt. Miles will put the arms with Davison. Home. Snowing. [Shorthand.] La likes Annie Young. Dickson’s daughter. The ground is white. To bed late. Frid. 11. Up late. ) 20. Snow one inch deep. [Shorthand.] B’s shoes are about “gone up.” I on Fox to Topeka. His feet “ball” badly crossed with [XXX]. Elliott & Jones. I took my cloth to Mr. Christian Bowman, the Tailor. $3 for making vest & cutting out coat 50 cts. [Shorthand.] Saw Lieut. M. Rose. He looks well & his sandy beard is dyed black. He fears we cannot whip the Rebels very soon. My shoes pinch some. F. will make my coat. F. home. The Dr. is running all the time. Griffith took 10 acres of La’s land and paid $10. 177 pounds. ((Jan.31.1912.3.p.m.)) [Page 608] March 12th A.D. 1864. S.J. Reader. Sat 12. Up early. Breezy. Cloudy. [Shorthand.] Four more pigs. The Dr’s. dog shot in the fore leg. Our hogs broke out. [shorthand.] PM. La cut my hair. I with the 8th Kans boys picture to town & showed it to John Bryan & others. Young Geo. Carpenter & Morgan there. We to Sch. House. Got clear. Only 13 of us there. I gave Erwin the stamps. Ferd Wendel there. We go there tomorrow. We did nothing. Dr. Ashmore is Surgeon at Ft. L. He returned from desertion. I gave my picture to Hiller for Dick Russell to see it. I to town & in at P.O. Jones Bannister & others there quite drunk & talking “wise sayings.” I home at 11 & to bed. Elliott is not married. ((But he was, too sadly true.)) ((“Tis true is pity.”)) ((O, THE HORROR OF IT!)) Sund 13. Up late. Clear. I feel well. [Shorthand]. McNown back from his hunt. Mary ran for Wis. Someone wrote to them. ((Mrs. Milne perhaps? 1912)) McNown is “Hopping mad.”

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (398)

Bollote fought well at Chickamauga & Dick Russell slightly wounded. F & I in the wagon to Wendels. Ferd & Sophie with us to the Sch. House & heard Byron Stewart preach. The English there & Milton Rose. Back to Wendle’s. Cloudy. Breezy. We tried to sing. Col. Martin is 22 yrs. old. His sister is not pretty. Abe Marple will not go in the army except as Capt, etc. We home fast. We ate our supper. I read “Les Misables” aloud. Its too “lovesick?” [Shorthand]. Col. M’s sister is homely. Mond 14. N.W. Cold. ) 25. Snow in the woods and I cut down a walnut & made 7 rails & fire wood. I got an auger of Hiller & one at McNowns. [Shorthand]. B & I to the woods & blasted the large log & made 14 rails. Very cold. F was at town & got $1.75 pair of shoes for B. Mrs. Pucket shot at a man last night, who came to steal whisky. She let F. have The Ladies Book. It is not known if Elliott is married or not. Mrs. co*ck etais ivre last Summer & tried to drive a reaper team & fell off. Geo. Young drove reaper team alongside. ((Feb.1.1912.10.a.m.)) [Page 609] March 15th A.D. 1864. ((I ran half a mile full speed. Cant now. 1912.)) Tuesd 15. Cold. Windy. N. Snowing. ) 18. I feel well. I got John & the rest of the horses up and fed them. [XXXX] I took F to town & in the woods & drew 25 rails & 2 stakes to my field in two loads. Very cold. I bro’t ld. of wood from No 3. F site at one. PM. ) 32. [Shorthand]. A letter from Frank. He will be glad when he gets out of the Army. He got my pictures and thinks I look like all the rest of the Readers, & that I’ve changed a great deal. I split 15 nice rails & took to my W. line. [Shorthand]. Jim Brown here for chickens. I at the Sch. House & I ran afoot over half a mile, one sprint. I missed viz: cieateux, hyacinth & 3 or 4 other words. Miss Mitchell there & Ferd paying “devoirs”, at recess. I gave out words by [XXXX] of teacher Erwin. Broke up late. Pleasant. Rochester Spelling = school. Wed 16. [Shorthand]. I have not much cold now. I to T. site. Made 14 rails & took to my W. line & wood to the Dr. [Shorthand]. Old mother Eliz Miles here to get my field. I told her I’d let it go for $1 pr. A. cash down or 1/3 of the crop in field. “DIRT CHEAP!” ((Yes, but I was discouraged after the field had been idle two years.)) TETE.R. had a calf. Kemps wife has left him & he wants Elenora Alley. I to T. Site and tried to split big log & get wood. [Shorthand]. The Dr. here. He’ll get all his pay now. He bought a horse of old Bellmore: $50. A Temperance lecture at Sch. House, GOSS. Give ‘em Goss! [Shorthand]. Thurs 17. Up early. I to T. Site & split large log. Soldiers passed by playing their bugles. Made 12 large rails. Home with wood. [Shorthand]. ((Feb.1.1912.3:33.p.m.)) [Page 610] March 18th A.D. 1864. Dance at Mrs. Milne’s. ((Jim Evans still lives. Feb. 1912.))

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (399)

) 50 at my house. Carpenters will go to Mo. they say in a few days. Pleasant. I to T. site. I made 10 rails & took to my field. [Shorthand]. I brought a large log over on this side of the creek & then thought it not right & unloaded it. ((That was foolish!1912.)) Home. F & I in the wagon to Milnes. An awful crowd there. One can hardly stand. They have whisky outside. I over to a prayer meeting at Sch. H. Jim Evans, there & I shook hands. He spoke against dancing & Serg’t Allison, Pliley, John Hiller. I couldn’t stand it & left. When the Prayer meeting broke up I went back to the wicked dance. Lots of “Francaris de France” there. I spoke to Mrs. Bollote in French. I went upstairs and talked with Mrs. Milne. After a while Miss E. Carpenter came up; shook hands & talked with me for an hour about singing &c. They’ll go away in May. Mrs. Milne showed me the “Court of Death.” A nice engraving. Miss Cohee brought us something for us to eat. I went down. Mr. Cade was on his knees at the woodpile looking for his whisky, so Mrs. Hiller says. Eliza Milne asked me to dance, but I declined. ((At a Prayer meeting, and then at a wicked dance. Feb.2.1912.)) E. C. urged me to go & dance, Mais non! Said she heard I was to be married last fall. We got home at 2.AM. Windy. Clouds. Frid 18. Clear. N. Windy. Cool. Ice. I feel not right. F. goes to Carpenter’s. [Shorthand]. B & I to Town Site. I cut a walnut. Got rails out of it & took to my S.E. fence. We took 10 poles to Las West fence. Cold. Home early. F has the sleeves in my blouse, but the buttons are a little wrong. She from the Dr’s. He laughed at the story of my engagement to Sophie Wendel. “He might do worse!” he said to F. [Shorthand]. B is studying Phonography & takes an interest in it. Clear. Eugene studying short-hand. Sat 19. Cloudy. Still. My eyes smart. La took off my blouse buttons & I spaced them right. B & I to Town site. Cut Walnut and made 10 rails. B cut fire wood. Very cold. Clear. Breezy. My blouse does not fit very well. The Dr. here & says that 200000 more men are to be drafted after Apr. 15, 1864. Gen. Grant is Commander in Chief. B & I to town site near Eli Miles cabin. I cut a walnut & could not split the tough thing. I lost my work with the curley thing. ((Feb.2.1912.2:41.p.m. Ground Hog day. A little sunshine.)) [Page 611] March. 20.A.D. 1864. Old veteran of 1812 War, Hunter, buried. We took the Dr. a load of wood. Josey Ragland there. The old man Hunter died & was buried with the honors of war. ((Volley firing etc.)) I to Drs. He at the Masonic Lodge. La & E played. I’ll not go to the League tonight. Home. Cool. Clouds. They take good pictures at Topeka now. Sund. 20. Very cold. Up Early. NE. I to town. Bannister has the Post Office in his store. [Shorthand]. B. is at his shorthand. Cool. F & Josey here & away. B to town to hunt F’s thimble & found it. Griffith & his cousin here. He saw Red Elliott married & its too sadly true. [Shorthand]. Mond 21. Up early. Windy. Very cold. I to town & left my boots with little Dutch Billy Penseit to be mended. I to town site & cut a black oak & made of it 13 rails & took to my field. Tom Hiller is cutting wood in the Dr’s timber. I got ld. dry wood. Very cold. La has fixed up

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (400)

the skirts of my blouse. [Shorthand]. I to town site and made 13 rails. Tom Hiller came & says we can get timber on the “Smoot land.” Perry Fleshman to have a “Union Supper” tonight. I worked F. hard & late. I saw Ben. Payne & John Young after a horse that had thrown John. [Shorthand]. Tuesd 22. Ground is white. Snowing hard. Cold. ) 8. I feel well. My hands are cut up with splinters & are chapped. Em. Carpenter wants me by all means to take my flute there. I to Topeka. I got jeans for B $2.60. I saw Co. Clerk. I am the one to judge about the poor &c. and supply the wants of the deserving. I to the tailor, Mr. Christian Bowman & got my vest. Its to small & tight! I paid $3. I sent for a book: “Violet.” I put on my uniform. The vest will do well enough but is not as large as my black one. [Shorthand]. ((Feb.2 at Groundhog day. 1912.4:30.p.m.)) [Page 612] March 23d A.D. 1864. B. & I to the Smoot land: as “It is Secesh”. We cut down the two walnut trees & made 13 nice rails. I took them to the Button ford & I left them. I got my boots of Billy & pd 10 cts. Home. Old Eli Miles & wife here & rented. The Dr. here. I wrote out Articles of Agreement. I read it poorly. Stage fright. Miles pays $25 in May 10, or 7 acres of corn. ((He would have been worse than old Davison even? 1912.)) Of course the Miles outfit disappointed me. Feb.1909.)) And it was a good thing for me, the lazy crowd would have raised more weeds than corn. Wed 23, [Shorthand]. Frosty. Clear. I hope old Eli Miles will work my field right! Miss Elenora Ally & Geo. Kemp have run away to Leavenworth & left his Delaware Squaw wife Claudie. B. & I found “Red Eye Bickell” on the “Secesh” land making rails. I cut a little walnut & made 11 rails. I saw Etienne Pappan & he described our Vesta as a mare of his own & I didn’t know but La did. ((He was a regular horse thief & gloried in it. 1912.)) I took the rails home. B cut wood on Town site. Downies mule broke down our gate. PM. B & I made 12 rails & B took them home. He came & said the wagon reach broken. We back to the creek & I made a new one. We made & [XXX] home 15 rails. Clem Davison has the rheumatism. Josey Ragland invited F to Belle’s wedding tomorrow at 2. But slighted me. [Shorthand]. I worked hard today. I fixed my flute. Levi Williams & Belle Ragland married. ((& both alive today. Feb.3.1912.)) Thurs 24. Up early. [Shorthand]. My nose is sore, & my hands are cut up some. Hier I took F’s shoes to Billy & saw Dr. Ashmore there. He was dry & so was I! B & I to Secesh land & made 26 rails & hauled home. Abe Marple there. If he had the time he’d make 300. [Shorthand]. F is away to Raglands. I feel well but tired. PM. I mended wagon, etc. F home at 4. She was at the wedding & it went off nicely. Cloudy. I put on my uniform & F. & I in the wagon to Milne’s. Eliza gone on to Carpenters with Mrs. Hiller. We met Ferd & Sophie on horses, & all to Carpenters. Lots of people going to Prayer meeting. I hitched at the fence & went indoors. Mr. Albert Pliley came, but when he saw the crowd, he departed. The Revels of Rose-tinted Youth. “Do it, while you’re young!” ((Feb.3d.1912.3:44.p.m.))

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (401)

[Page 613] March 25. 1864. Mrs. Carpenter brought my flute, but it would not accord with melodeon. John & Tom Hiller & Russell came. Em. showed me her photos & burlesque picture of herself. Je me fait toute comme el fant. I played part of Mt. Vernon & F played. We had a flying supper. Rainy. Had a dance & Em played for them to dance. Thinks I could write parodies. Not in my line. At 2 or 3 we all home. Cloudy. No rain. Dick Russell & John Hiller danced for first time. Dick asked if I were in the army. I said: “I belong to that Bloody Third!” It was the famous 2d rg K.S.U. 1897. Frid 25. Up late. Warm. Nice time last night. B. found a ducks egg. I feel sleepy. I mended gates. [Shorthand]. PM. F. back to Drs to stay. [Shorthand]. I read Les Miserables to La. But we’ve lost one paper. Sat 26. B up first. I feel well, but have a pain in my head. [Shorthand]. B & I took my bar post &c. & by Button ford & took the 13 rails there to my field. B & I took down a lot of my NW fence & put up 17 panels. Not stakes enough. Capt. Miles rode by. He says saber now. Not “sabry”. I had on my straw hat. I am tired & home late. PM. I put on my uniform & arms & to town on Fox. 15 there & no drill. I saw Dr. Ashmore and we did not shake hands. He seems dry and I have no good opinion of him. Jack Curtis’s Co. is to go to Olathe. Miles, told Button I ought to be in the service as I would make a fine looking soldier in uniform. Home. The Dr here & talked to me. [Shorthand]. ((Capt. Miles told me that in Mo. if a farmer moved his fence in, as I was doing, nobody would give him trust or credit. Feb.26.1909. 2:15 p.m.)) ((Feb.5.1912.10:11.a.m.)) [Page 614] March 27. 1864. Lane & Carney controversy in our Union League meeting. Milne had 4 white and 9 black balls. I voted white. I on Fox to the Drs & we to Sch House. League meeting. I gave in my resignation as Vice Pres’t. [Shorthand]. John Bryan & Erwin were quarreling. ((I think he had rented Bryan’s farm.1912.)) Came to order. Someone has a Resolution about “Carney’s Fraud.” & it spoke well of Jim Lane. The Dr. got up gave Lane a very bad name. Then old G.P. Clark defended Lane. The Dr., John Kemp & I are to get up resolutions on Kans politicians. Home thru town with Mat Clark. He told of Doris gambling, & Bob Kuykendall being Rebels, etc. Home at 3. Sund 27. [Shorthand]. I cleaned my teeth & think a back one on the lower right jaw has a hole in it. My first trouble with teeth. B went to see Bob Ogee. [Shorthand]. I on the bed & slept two hours. [Shorthand]. I saw horses hitched at Dr’s. I went there & found Miss Carpenter and Sophie & Ferd. Wendel. A rain came up. I bro’t the horses here in our stable got wet doing it. I to the Dr’s. He is at Pucketts. We had supper. Em. pulls Ferd’s hair & flips around. Ferd and I sang bass of Mt. Vernon & F played it, quite well. Dr. in late. Em. played. It got clear. Ferd is

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (402)

sleepy. Em told my fortune. I’ll not have my wish for no draft in Kans. I’ll get money “from a dark looking man, etc.” Ferd upstairs with the Dr. at 12 and I on home. Rheumatism about gone. Mond 28. SPRING ELECTION. Up early. Very windy. Cold. [Shorthand]. La don’t like Em. Leon told her about “Bad cat!” She does not speak well of Cade & Stickery. Snowing. I to the Drs. with the Ballet box. Em. is lively. Snowing hard. They gave up going. I to town. Opened Polls at 10: Clark there. Owen & Fulton were clerks. Dr. Ashmore did not speak to me! I wrote notices of our Mass Meeting. Dr. Ashmore, “off-ish.” I home. Ferd. had the horses to start. Snow & rain. I back to town. We got in 30 votes. We in at Davisions & counted out. I have 27 votes. Cy Kistler not elected. I paid the scrip for services. Home. Crowd not gone yet. La is mad. Ferd here Freezing. [Shorthand]. NW. [Page 615] March 29. 1864. THE LONG VISIT. Ferd & I to the Dr’s. Cold. The Dr. will take my returns tomorrow. We played cards and Sophie & I cheated. Em. did not like it. She played “Hail Columbia” very well. N.W. windy. Snowing & freezing. Cold as sin. [Shorthand]. Disillusioned, may hap. I home at 9. Tuesd 29. Up late. ) 25. Windy, NW, and awful cold. Lots of snow. Je me pense qui je ue veux pas Mlle. C. Dr. says she plays like Kate James. I drew & painted a picture of Em. & it looks like her. She & Ferd. are playing cards. I home. Serg’t Heil came to Drs. & all left with him. I over there. E. likes the visit well enough & Em. too. Home at noon. Cold. PM. I made a good picture of Ferd. & painted it up. Snow is gone. [Shorthand]. Tom Brown was here for books. I do not feel all right. [Shorthand]. Wed 30. [Shorthand]. I’ll never have E.C. I to my field on foot. I must make more rails. I put up 24 panels fence. I am very tired. Home. Hy Keniada is dying. [Shorthand]. The says the Militia will be called out for six months. La on Fox to Wallaces. PM. [Shorthand]. I in Secsh land. Cut & partly split the log. E. says Em. speaks ill of Mr. Cade, & tried to flirt with the Dr. & Old Bannister kissed her, but Sophie refused him. Home. The Dr. don’t like her much, & says her voice sounds like a drunkards, while singing. I put on black clothes & blue vest & E.D. Rose, F & I horseback to Marples after dark. Still. E. and clear. Saw Serg’t Rose & sat by him & talked. He’s fat. Milton Rose there. I saw & spoke to Em. F. gave her pictures of herself & Ferd. She showed them around & likes them. They danced & Sophie Wendel asked me to dance. I declined, when Ferd. pulled me out on the floor. I went thru a lot of maneuvers & everybody laughed. I talked with Eliza Milne & Phoebe Beckwith & long talk with Em. Carpenter. She said that before she saw me she was afraid of me, & supposed I never went out because I thought there was no one for me to associate with. She bade me good bye, as I left at day light. ((Feb.6.1912.2:22.p.m.)) [Page 616]

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (403)

March 31. 1864. Thurs 31. It was daylight before F & I got home. Cloudy. Windy. N. Cold. A little Serg’t. Heil was at the party. Nice time. I paid 25 cts for the fiddler. I made a fire & to bed till Breakfast & then to bed again. I must go to no more Balls now for a long time. I slept till noon. It is snowing hard. [Shorthand]. Ferd. wants a picture of himself & of Emily. I have rheumatism. ((Danced too hard!)) I made pictures of Em & Ferd. Don’t look like them. [Shorthand]. La cut out B’s blouse. They say that Bill Thompson deserted twice, & was taken and shot. That’s good enough for he was a Rebel & thief. ((NOT TRUE. He served to the end & got a rousing pension. 1912.)) Hy. Kennada is better. Has “SNAKES.” The Militia to be called out 6 mo’s. I don’t care much. I’m quite lame. I like many things about Emily, but I think we would not suit each other. La et le Dr. needle aime pas. ((Feb. 27. 1909.10.a.m.)) ((Dec.18.1911.3 ½ .p.m.)) ((Feb.6.1912.3:13.p.m.)) ((Feb.6.1912. Wrote 1/4 page only.)) [Page 617] April 1st A.D. 1864 Samuel J. Reader’s private Journal Indianola Shawnee Co. Kansas. Frid. 1st . Up late. Misty. I looked at my old Journals, & worked at Ferds picture. [Shorthand]. NE Snow & mist. I made wedges. Ferd. here. He wants F & me to go to Dr. Jenners tonight as a Surprise Party. He thinks my sketch of him good, but don’t like the blue lines on the paper. He wants me to take Lizzie Davison with me. F. will not go. We got poles for hoops on Swill Keg. [Shorthand]. I don’t want to go to the Party, ((Don’t pay!1912.)) with the Dr. He goes to Owens tomorrow to a Soldiers dinner. E says Em. is too rude and thinks she’ll fight at home! F. said I danced as stiff as a pole. To bed late. Sat 2nd. Up early and feel well. [Shorthand]. I to Secesh land & split 23 oak rails. Worked hard. I knocked skin off my fingers. [Shorthand]. The Dr. here & got Fox for E. to ride to Owens dinner. PM. I put on blouse and to town. I shook hands with John Price. First time. Lieut. Rose said I’d get scolded for not going to the Jenner party! I to sch. House and W.W.H. Lawrence, J. Otis, Dan Horne, A. H. Case and lots of people came. They wanted me for Chairman but I refused. Emily thinks Ferd’s last picture is my best one. He told me I must be out tonight. The Dr, Clark, Owen, Duncan & I on Committee etc. Lawrence spoke. He is funny. Then Hib Case & Capt. Horn. Resolutions came up, & majority Report passed. Dr. & I on a Minority report. G.P. Clark came up, & majority Report passed. Dr. & I on a Minority report. G.P. Clark down on it & yelled very loud. E.D. Rose & I to Hillers to see the 8th [Shorthand]. ((Feb.8.1912.11:30.a.m.)) [Page 618] April 3. A.D. 1864.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (404)

Kans. Boys picture & then I on Home. I to town. They are dancing at Davisons. 55 in League. Banister, John Kemp to the Sch. House with me very fast. Only 13 there. No Hiller. Owen my surety for Trustee Bond. [Shorthand]. I back to town & in at Davisons a little while. Emily there but I did not see her to speak to her. She is wrong to come to so many parties, I think. Home. Rainy. To bed. “Like a terrapin shivering, he creeps under the Kivering!” B. has old Downies old crooked leg, breachy mule tied to the fence. Sund 3. Cloudy. Raw. Windy. [Shorthand]. A shower of rain came up. La cleaned up house. Maybe E.D. Rose will be here. [Shorthand]. I to see Drs. He signed my bond. Downie here for his miserable old mule. He paid me $5 for the Dr. [Shorthand]. Late dinner. I ate many nuts. I slept two hours. Rainy. N.W. To bed early. Mond 4. Up late. Cold. I feel very well. [Shorthand]. I have no pain in my head. Downie says Ben Payne to marry Annie Young. I found a Rat’s skin in the crib! Now look out. I to Smoots & cut wood & made 21 rails. Home. [Shorthand]. PM. B & I took my walnut rails to my claim. B & I, 23 large oak rails. Home. I to the Clinton house & gave Mrs. Stewart her bill against the Co. I got the Reporters Companion & opened it. Clem. Davison & Mr. Cade looked at it. Clem saw my picture of Ferd. Wendel that Ferd. was showing in Clinton H. [Shorthand]. B & I looked at the new book. To bed late. Tuesd 5. Up at sunrise. Frost. [Shorthand]. I put on Militia vest. I to Colambe pond & found Briggs. ((Feb.8.1912.5:45.p.m.)) [Page 619] April 6. 1864. Cow in the mire. I got the Dr.& B & the rifle. Said to not kill her. [Shorthand]. We got Bryan, Fleisher & an old man who lived with John Bryan as a pauper. With a yoke of cattle we drew her out but she cant stand. I on past to Topeka. Gave in my Report & bill at Clerks Office. They were passed. Two of the Co. Board new men. I got $13.50 salary. One commissioner said I must be a conscientious man to charge no more than that. $13.50. [Shorthand]. I talked with Wilmarth. F.R. Baker could not make out the Dr’s account. I got a quire [XXXX] for a Journal - 70 cts. The river is low enough to ford. I rode past old Briggs cow. She is down yet. I ate dinner & supper. We all to Briggs but could not get her up. Home. I read & translated French story aloud. B & I to bed late with “Meow” the cat. Et sans chemires Mon ne zest rough. Et je no buve pas! Wed 6. Windy. SE. [Shorthand]. B took feed to old Briggs. The Dr. gave her to him. We want to go to Carpenters & get some little trees. I to my W. fence & put up 15 panels & took out the rotten rails. Hazy. I crossed the creek at my field & home. La & B just came from the cow. She’s better. [Shorthand]. B & I to woods near Drs. field & made 10 stakes & 4 rails & a large heavy rail & took to my field. Saw Eli Miles outfit at the ford & Mary also. I have rails enough. I think. Home early. E and the Dr. here. A man is burning stakes in their field. B and I took feed to old Briggs. She’s not up yet and I think she never was up at all. Ate late supper. I read

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (405)

& translated French story to La. Old Jean Valgeon is about dead. I will never take a brat to raise! Au lit. Sans chemise et avec le chat. Thurs 7. “Meow” avec “mice” dans notre lit La eurage. We up at sunrise. I have pain in my head. Took water and bran. To Briggs. She is not up. B. did the work. Pleasant. ((Feb.9.1912.2:p.m.)) [Page 320] April 8th A.D. 1864. La & B off to hunt Spindle. Jim Brown is breaking prairie in his field. I to claim & staked & ridered the W fence. I feel dizzy some. Home at one PM. Windy. SW. I got dinner. I read in one of Es books about war etc. I do not feel well. La & B home. No colt. [Shorthand] B. & I to see Briggs. She is worse. She is lying on her side & cant eat. Home. I read “Schoolmaster: to La. He’s some like me! Frid 8. Up late. Gen. Fremont wants to be President. B with the gun to Briggs but did not kill her. We all with team to her. I shot her. Home. I on to Smoots & made 22 rails & bro’t them home. [Shorthand] Poor old cow, Briggs. Am glad I killed her. Up late. Windy. N. Cold. I think we will have more rain. Sat 9. [Shorthand] B & I put up fence that was down on the south side. I like phonography better than French even. PM. [Shorthand] MOSES, Puckett’s colored man was here for a horse. ((Poor Moses. He was killed in 6 months at the Blue! 1912.)) B & I found Lady cow & a nice calf. [Shorthand] Not so windy. Sund 10. Pleasant. I put on all my uniform, and B his. We around the field & looked at the meadow. Home. I read over some of the dim writing long [XXXX] ((I am doing the same thing here. Feb. 27. 1909)) ((& I here I am again working at my old dim Journals again. Feb. 1912.)) Dr’s folks all to Peters & to Joe Kopp’s. Jule Bellmore here. B & I burned off the meadow. [Shorthand] ((Feb.10.1912.10 1/2 p.m.)) [Page 621] April 11. 1864. I weigh 172 lbs. Pleasant. The Dr. here with the team & ate with us. [Shorthand] Mond 11. Up very early. Cloudy. Our cattle are poor, and Fox is not fat. [Shorthand] The Dr. & I to Topeka. We had to cross at the Ferry, Owen and Kistler over with us. Kistler say I must get a U.S. stamp & file my bond as Trustee. I told him the office is not worth it. Wm. Owen and Dr. were arguing about old Abe for a second term. I got a girth: 40 cts. Blue regulation flannel: $2.60. I saw Hy. Kenneda & Sugt. Major Neeley, and Charley Whiting. Owen with us to

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (406)

[XXXX] & got pieplant. I paid F.P. Baker $1 for the Dr. We then to Sardieu’s at two & etc. PM. [Shorthand] Home at sunset. Cold. Owen here & got his shrubs. I ate fritters. Tuesd 12. Up at sunrise. I have a cold in my head. Clear. Frosty. Dr. Duncan is to take up school, Monday. He is not fit. [Shorthand] I plowed garden. Then B took the plow. F. here with the Dr’s Butternut horse, & a letter to me from Jack Thompson. He is at Minneola & wants me to collect $7 from old man Tom Bannister. F. on Butternut to Wendels for shrubs. [Shorthand] PM. [Shorthand] B & I to the Drs & plowed his garden. I saw smoke at my field. I there & found Eli Miles & boys burning weeds. I to town & saw Tom Bannister. He says he paid the $7 to Augell. F. says Sophia told her, a plot was laid to get me out to dance at Davisons’ party; but I left too soon. [Shorthand] E will not go to Carpenters tomorrow. I wish she would go. I answered: J C Thompson Esq. Dear Sir This morning [Shorthand] ((Feb.10.1912.2.p.m.)) [Page 622] April 13. A.D. 1864. Rec’d your letter containing an Tom Bannister for $7. I saw him today & mentioned the matter & he informed me that he had paid the sum to O.T. Augell, who left for the plains last month, in Co. with Hardy & Huston. Enclosed I return your order, so you’ll not think I’ve been playing some of my “sharp practice” on you. Indianola remains in status quo as to buildings, but there has been a change in the inhabitants. Rock Puckett & Bonem have joined the Army. Bannister, Dooley & Eli Miles: family have moved into our city. Mrs. Puckett is running the Big Hotel, and Bannister keeps the Post Office & is the only one now selling goods. The only Bar is at the Hotel. I was interested to hear of your turning “Teetotaler”. I don’t think you will call me an egotist when I say I consider my total abstinence principles the best thing in my make up. But you are so given to joking that I hardly know whether you are serious or not. I hope the people of Kansas will give up for good, both Lane and Carney. S.J.R. [Shorthand] Au lit. Froid. Claire. Tranquette. Wed 13. Up at sunrise. Ice. [Shorthand] I copied my answer to Jack Thompson. B read it to me & I wrote. [Shorthand] I made garden. La planted Dill, peppergrass lettuce, onions etc. B & I planted potatoes. La killed a chicken. I do not feel well. [Shorthand] A big fire in the Dr’s pasture. I helped put it out of the fence. Home. La & B to hunt heifers. I to my claim and fixed fence. The side of my left foot is sore. Home late. I feel better. Clear. Still. [Shorthand] Thursd 14. Clear and cold. Ice. What a late Spring it is! I took B’s shoes to Billy to mend. I saw Cade & Cade [XX] was eternal. ((The Indians killed him soon after. 1912.)) I to my field & fixed the fence. [Shorthand] Cold and breezy. Awful weather. I feel well. I had my Phono. Magazine. Home. Clear. Cool [Shorthand] ((Feb.11.1912.12:43.p.m.)) “Good Bye Mr. Cade.” HIS RACE WITH DEATH. [Drawing of Indians chasing him.] [Page 623]

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (407)

April 15th 1864. Griffith may take more of Las land to work. I to my field & worked at the fence. John Miles & a Mrs. McFarland came to me hunting horses. John says “She’s a whole team!” Quite cool. My rails are too many and too heavy. Home. La & B failed finding heifers. [Shorthand] La sold 15 cts of eggs. Friday 15. Up at sunrise. Cold. Ice. [Shorthand] I hewed posts. B & I on horseback & drove our cattle to the river near Augell’s to get grass. Cold on my feet. [Shorthand] B & I drew three posts to my field. He’s barefoot. Cold. We bro’t load of rotten rails home. [Shorthand] PM. B with my boots on & we drew posts to my field. I got B’s shoes at Billy’s. The charge is 25 cts. Mended nicely. Home. B & La on horses for cattle. [Shorthand] Bowker at the Drs. with tickets for Joshua Knowles as Delegate to State Convention. He said to me: He was elected Trustee, & is looked upon [XXXXX]. Too much [XXXXX]. That is quite a compliment to me, sure enough. A little sprinkle. Chilly. He left in this buggy with another man. [Shorthand] The Dr. here & talked. He will not vote tomorrow, as he is not for Lincoln & 2d term. He has his uniform on. La & B back & cant find the heifers. I am tired. [Shorthand] Sat 16. Clear. Ice and frost. This is like March. Most of our cattle have come back. I have a sore throat. I have dreamed of Emily for several nights. I to my field & La and B are to hunt Spindle again. I finished the W. fence on low ground. The rails are too heavy. [Shorthand] Clear. Warmer. I through town & saw a lot there to vote. ((Feb.11.1912.4.p.m.)) [Page 624] April 17. A.D. 1864. Election of J. Knowles Delegate to Rep. Nat’l Convention. I on home & put on the dinner. Nobody here. [Shorthand] Clear and pleasant. I feel well. My new blue vest will do I think. ((So thought the Confederate Soldier, too. Feb. 1912.)) I ate late dinner. I with axe to Jim Thompson’s Saloon, and voted for Knowles. The Dr. will not vote at all. He & Hiller are the judges, & bannister & Miles, Clks. They took the “Nation’s” Pottawatomie in a hat. John Young asked: “Whats that had for,” ((He was a “Squaw man.” 1912.)) Letter from Frank. He is in Marylan & in the Adjutants office as a clerk, & is doing well. A [XXXX] looked at the letter & marveled thereat. Old Marg. Elliott was drunk & says he will “Wear out” Squire Davisions negro boy. But the darkey stood his ground. I to my field & worked at fence. Home with mattock. La & B home but found no Spindle colt. I to Dr’s. We to the school house. Not many there. I read some in my Phonographic Magazine to Mr. Erwin. We did nothing & came home at 10. Clear. Still. S.E. Sund 17. Up late. I have a very sore throat. Some rain. Got clear. Not cold. The Dr. here. John Miles told him they are going away & leaving my field. Will know in two weeks. Mrs. Blondell here & talked awhile. [Shorthand] PM. I could not eat much. I read to La the French story. Very affecting etc. [Shorthand] I hold my pen between my first & second fingers to write short hand. First time. [Shorthand] Dr. Duncan here to buy cattle. Told of his school days.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (408)

Owen here looking for ponies. Owen & Duncan left before dark. Our garden will not grow in this weather at all. La & B home. I cough. Mond 18. Frost & ice. I coughed much, last night. ((Was a real old Granny! Mch.1.09.)) NW. I wish old Eli Miles would leave, sure enough Will Downie told B. that our Colt Spindle is near Smith’s Ferry. La & B will go in hot haste. I to Eli Miles. The old lady says she thinks [Shorthand] ((Feb.12.1912.12:12.p.m.)) [Page 625] April 19. 1864 Rid of old mother Eli Miles, et.al. Escape and flight of tie-contractor Jones. they will go to Olathe & wants to wait a week, but Mary came out & said give it up right away. Mary is quite good looking for a Miles but the little girl is ugly. I got my Article of Agreement. Hurrah!!! I to Post Office. A great time in town last night. Jones offended Nell Stewart and she chased Jones thru the woods, yelling like a tigress, & with Franks bowie knife in her hand. She broke out a lot of glass in the hotel & said she would kill Jones & Bannister. She cut her hands on the glass & is now in bed. Jones came in very shaky & said to us: “Cards could have been played on my coat tails as I ran in the woods! Bannister said for me, to hold my field till Frid. & his friends may take it. I home. I got & ate my own dinner. PM. [Shorthand] I don’t feel well. I burned weeds and grass in our field. Mrs. Hindman wants the weeds burned around her house. E & F & youngones here. We ate nuts & talked of the fight last night. The Dr thinks Bannister a fool to carry a pistol to keep Nell from him. John Price & wife parted on account of this fuss. La & B home, no Spindle. Em dit que ses enfants se daueerain “Me too” respond. Ferd Cummins called me to the gate. A darkey at Bonems house, wants some of La’s land. ((Old Dennis Ray, killed at Big Blue Oct. 22. 64. 1912.)) Gold is at 90, and the draft ordered in Kansas right away. La’s corn is going down fast in feeding hogs etc. [Shorthand] Tuesd 19. Clear. Still. Ice, thick as window glass. My cold is no worse. The woods are bare. [Shorthand] La & B to hunt heifers. I think I saw old Mr. Tinker pass by. I to my field & set bar posts. [Shorthand] We finished our apples Sunday. I feel weak. I to Dr. He’s not well. We will have a draft yet. Home. La & B back. [Shorthand] We took stakes to my field. I bro’t home broken rails, etc. to the Dr. I to Tom Hillers and got Dr’s bedstead for him. B in uniform. ((Feb.12.1912.7:29.p.m.)) [Page 626] April 20th 1864. Planted first corn. Wed 20. Up very early. I feel better. Very pleasant. Griffith offered $20 for my field. [Shorthand] A darkey Dennis Ray & his boy here to get land. We to Griffith. He’ll take the rest Brownlow leaves. I gave the darkey the N. strip. Fine bargains. Windy. We plowed by N. fence. Plenty of weeds. B’s corporal uniform looks nice. [Shorthand] We began at the S. side of the old ground & plowed and planted. Covered with a hoe. Griffith burning grass. The darkies are cutting stalks like mad. B did the most of the plowing. The Dr. here. Jones is gone,

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (409)

maybe for good. The Dr. is down on Poor Abe. Lincoln. [Shorthand] B plowed & I helped plant. I drew the most of my clapboards to my crib & put on a good roof with weight poles. My corn is safe now. The darkey burning stalks. Griffith cut all of his. A fine day for me every way. I will not be a corn slave this year! B’s face sore. I cant smell for my cold. We to bed early. Thursd 21. Up early. Hazy. My cold not so bad. [Shorthand] B. plowing all alone. I with nails to my claim, and all in rags. I burned grass in my field & mended up paling fence. S.W. part of my field smoky. I home. Pot pie. La is here. She thinks Em. would not do for me. My cough is better. [Shorthand] The Dr. is at Topeka. F & E here to go to Augells. Frank McKenna is in town. [Shorthand] I to my field & fixed fence. I saw Griffith & he will not likely take my field. F & E back late. Frank Campdoius asked for “DOG”. That is for corn bread. Full moon. Late supper. To bed early. ((Feb.13.1912.2:47.p.m.)) Snowing. [Page 627] April 22. 1864. Frid 22. Up early, after I’d had Emilys song “The Angel Visitants” in my head for a long time. I feel well. [Shorthand] I to the Drs & got rake & spade. He was paid his U.S. money $539.05.cts yesterday. He is in a good humor. ((& no wonder.1912.)) B & I with a bucket of walnuts to my old Jumbo field at my E line on creek & planted 2/3 of them. We put up fence. [Shorthand] We home at noon. The Dr. at Topeka to see the politicians. E showed me the Drs Cavalry 1st Lieut. shoulder straps. ((He wanted me to take them. Wish I had! 1912.)) Frank McKenna here & got my glass to hunt ponies. He told all about Nells fight. And Ashmore does not drink anymore. Bill Thompson is not dead, but with his Regiment. Dave Milne is a high boy etc. PM. NE. B. plowed & I helped. Began to rain. I feel well. [Shorthand] Sat 23. Windy. Hardly any rain Cold. Plums in blossom. [Shorthand] I to town. Bannisters people have not come on yet. Frank McK. gave me my glass. His pony is in the creek. [Shorthand] N. Windy. Cold. Home. B plowing & planting slowly. I to Smoot woods for house logs but found none. Dr. wants E to take welt out of his military trousers. [Shorthand] I helped B plant corn. [Shorthand] An order from Col. Randlatt to Capt. Miles to make every man drill in the militia. Good! Militia service to be compulsory. Sund 24. Cold. Breezy. I am well, but not in good spirits. [Shorthand] B & I polished my sword & Drs. pistol. We shot at a mark with it. I hit 8 in. too high & B out foot too low. I took pepper box & hit near the center. [Shorthand] Pepper box pistol wins. ((Feb.14.1912.10:48.a.m.)) [Page 628] Samuel J. Reader Indianola April 25 A.D. 1864.

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (410)

Old Davison here at the gate and will take my field. He does not know if he will pay money or give 1/3d the crop. Tie Jones owed him $125 and has run away. Cold. N. I feel well. [Shorthand] The boy that lives with Griffith came here, Lewis Laformer. [Shorthand] E says lots of new people are in town. ((Old preacher Jones & family et al. 1912.)) I to town. Bannister is not pleased about my not waiting indefinitely for his friends, who would pay $20 cash etc. I saw squads of young ladies going to meeting at Browns. Over 20 people came. Saw Elliott & Tom Wallace. Home Late. The freckled faced boy left. I made most by renting to D. for a share, instead of $20 from the “Britishers.” Mond 25. Up early. Frost & ice. [Shorthand] I to town. They are fixing up Pucketts store for a Sch. room. I saw Davison. He says old Bannister is all “a GAS.” We to Summerman & he will take 5 acres & pay cash. Davison will take 10 acres & I get 1/3d in the field. I’ll take 5 acres next the creek. We all over & looked at the field. [Shorthand] Home. B is not working fast. I mended wagon bed. Leon & Dade here. I helped. I am glad now about my field. I look pale and thin. [Shorthand] PM. S & B plowed on foot hunting heifers. Jack Curtis & wife parted. B turned out early. He with gun to crack hogs at the bottom of our field. They ran away. The darkey says he’ll kill them. Our hogs broke out but we got them in again. Pleasant. I read to La “Les Miserables.” Capt. Jack Curtis, and his new wife, have parted. (The fat Funk girl.) Tuesd 26. Up early. Pleasant. [Shorthand] Griffith here, & I gave $5 as part pay on the rent on corn, etc. B to Griffiths for a hoe to cut stalks. I hitched up & we off late. Passed Osawkie & nooned. I have a little headache. PM. We to Scotts farm at dark. Prairie fires. Hazy. We on to Easton & slept under the wagon. [Shorthand] To the “River” at Leavenworth. [Shorthand] [Page 629] Apr. 27. 1864. At Leavenworth City. Wed 27. Up early. A few drops of rain. [Shorthand] We started early & it rained hard in our faces. Roads, slippery. [Shorthand] We got in the City. Sold the hide $4.90. I got the team in a yard & we to a hotel with lots of Dutch & Irish. Had dinner. Rainy. The Dr. at Fairchilds Store & bought things. I saw Nell McKenna. A lady showed me a No 9 New Era for $22 second hand. New one $35. A No 7 $30. The Dr & I looked at harness. Griffiths things not come yet. At night the Dr. up town. The Irish are shooting fire crackers. We to bed early in a room with a big crowd of Irish, who are talking like to many Tim Downies. They seem to be Hard cases. Thurs 28. Up early. Misty. I feel well. Awful weather. [Shorthand] To Claws Music store & spoke of discords etc. He tried a melodeon & organ & I showed him that 1 and 5. (Major 5th.) did not accord on the lower notes. He said he had never noticed it before. I got stove No. 7 for $30 & put it in. [Shorthand] Dr. got harness & paid. A large load. [Shorthand] We to Ft. L. Wagon bed forward too much. I unloaded & fixed it. The Dr. got his pay he thought $40 he would lose. It is in new kind of notes. We on to Easton. Bad roads. The horses stop to blow. Mrs. McKenna at the hotel, and is going to Indianola with Mr. Bradford. We to bed in a nice bed. I slept alone. A misty rain. I feel well enough. [Shorthand]

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY· 2013. 5. 3.· 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (411)

Frid 29. Up early. Misty. Very muddy, but the roads not so bad. [Shorthand] We ate apples. We nooned at Penn. House. PM. N. Cool. Raw. We on & it began to rain again. We on to Mr. Florence at old man Curtis’ house. Drunkin neighbor ate supper. Tall Capt. Smith at the Curtis Tavern, Mt. Florence, Ks. was his son-in-law dying of consumption. ((His son in the pen for murder. 1912.)) ((Feb.15.1912.1:40.p.m.)) [Page 630] April 30th A.D. 1864. Smith was a very tall man in Captains Uniform. He told Mrs Curtis to not let the drunken fellow “Blackguard” so much. Old man Curtis ate mush and milk only and it tickled the drunkard. We to bed soon. Sat 30. We off & home at 2:15 A.M. We took out the Drs load. Home. La don’t like stove & don’t like Bs shoes etc. The stove is small, the shoes coarse. [Shorthand] B. from the Drs with $10 of the new kind of money. B from and myself $1.90 for the hides and B $1. He has cut all the stacks. I cleaned my sword. [Shorthand] I saw Summerman & he cant plow my land. I to town. The Drill is over. Saw Capt. Miles. [Shorthand] I to Dr’s. La is there. They told her that the stove is large enough for her family. F played nicely. We looked at the [XXXX] & the Drs uniform. B broke the binding of his book. We all [XXXX] took the new stove in, and set it up. Leon cut Dade on the head with the hatchet. B. took them home. Brownell here & I gave him the $5 Griffith sent by me. La cooked bread & milk on the new stove. It does finely & La likes it now. Dr. & I rode to Sch. House. A dozen there. The Dr. talked politics & was down on Lincoln & his slow administration. Others for him. They want me to get the New Nation. I told Hiller of election Sat. for Militia. He don’t like Maj. Stark. [Shorthand] We home about 10 & I to bed. Still Clear. I slept cold all night long. Good bye! “Finney.” I have no rheumatism. My next Journal will be written in French if possible. I wish I had done so, as this awful shorthand has faded so it can hardly be read. Jan 24 1892. 8:30 P.M. ((Finished inking here Mch. 2, 1909 10 + a.m.)) ((Finished for good, translating etc. Feb. 15. 1912. 2:40.p.m.)) NOW GOOD-BYE!

(PDF) Vol. 5 – Samuel Reeder’s Diary DIARY · 2013. 5. 3. · 1810 age 38+ aus Son niare etais ni 22 Jan. L’an 1764. Ses Engants viz: [French Ends] Copied from the Long Journal 1859 - PDFSLIDE.NET (2024)


How long did Samuel Pepys keep his diary for? ›

The detailed private diary that Pepys kept from 1660 until 1669 was first published in the 19th century and is one of the most important primary sources for the English Restoration period.

How many kids did Samuel Pepys have? ›

He had no children and bequeathed his estate to his unmarried nephew John Jackson. Pepys was buried along with his wife in St Olave's Church, Hart Street in London.

Why is Samuel Pepys diary so important? ›

Samuel Pepys wrote his famous diary between 1660 and 1669. The diary is very interesting for historians as a source to find out about how people lived in the 17th century and about some major events in the past. In it he famously described the Great Fire of London and the coronation of Charles II.

Who is the most famous diarist in the world? ›

Review: The Curious World of Samuel Pepys and John Evelyn by Margaret Willes. Londoner Samuel Pepys (1633 – 1703) is the most famous proper diarist in the English language.

Why did Samuel Pepys go blind? ›

Fear of losing his eyesight prompted Pepys to stop writing the diary in 1669. He never actually went blind.

Why is Pepys pronounced peeps? ›

Peeps seems to follow the nsual practice, as Weems for Wemys, and, moreover, it is that adopted by the descendants of the diarist's sister Paulina, the family of Pepys Cookerell. Peeps is also the traditional pronunciation adopted at Cambridge.

Did Samuel Pepys have a kidney stone? ›

It appears he passed a kidney stone and it is likely that his subsequent bladder stone had originated in the kidney and grown in the bladder over the years. Following his stone attack in Cambridge, Pepys stated that he had lived under a 'constant succession of fits of the stone' until his operation 'delivered' him.

Why did Pepys stop writing his diary? ›

Fear of losing his eyesight prompted Pepys to stop writing the diary in 1669. He never actually went blind. In June 1660, Pepys was appointed clerk of the acts to the navy board, a key post in one of the most important of all government departments, the royal dockyards.

How many volumes of Samuel Pepys diary are there? ›

The Diary of Samuel Pepys [eleven volumes].

Who kept a diary of the Great Fire of London? ›

Samuel Pepys, a man who lived at the time, kept a diary that has been well preserved – you can read it in full here. He was a Clerk to the Royal Navy who observed the fire. He recommended to the King that buildings were pulled down – many thought it was the only way to stop the fire.

When did Samuel Pepys hide his money? ›

Monday 3rd September 1666 Dear Diary, The fire is getting bigger! I am very scared because it is getting closer to my house! Today, I hid all of my money in the cellar to keep it safe.

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Article information

Author: Neely Ledner

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Views: 5701

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Author information

Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

Phone: +2433516856029

Job: Central Legal Facilitator

Hobby: Backpacking, Jogging, Magic, Driving, Macrame, Embroidery, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.