The Entire Toy Story Transcript: Part 11 (FINAL PART) | Fandom (2025)

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The Entire Toy Story Transcript: Part 11 (FINAL PART)

27 The Chase

  • [With the rocket still taped to Buzz, the two toys sprint to the fence. Woody peeks out to see Andy's van's engine roaring, starting up]

  • Woody: Quick!

  • [Woody easily slips through the slats in the fence, but Buzz's rocket got him stuck. Woody climb to the rear bumper of the van then realizes Buzz's movement is silent. He looks back to discover that Buzz is stuck to the fence]

  • Buzz Lightyear: Just go! I'll catch up!

  • [Woody looks between Buzz and the van then made a decision. He jumped down and ran back to Buzz. The van begins pulling out of the driveway. Woody tugs on a loosened slat and breaks Buzz free of the fence. The two toys ran out to the street but the van is already driving away down the street]

  • [Then they heard a rumble and they look back to see the moving truck rolling towards them]

  • Sheriff Woody, and Buzz Lightyear: Aaaah!

  • [They duck down to avoid been hit by the truck as it rolls over them. After it passes, they start to chase it]

  • Buzz Lightyear: Come on!

  • [Scud is lying on the front porch when he perks up, seeing Woody, and Buzz running down the street after the moving truck. He growls, wanting to get back at them for duping him. Buzz runs faster than Woody and leap for a strap which is dangling from the back of the truck and grabs it to climb up to the bumper. Woody struggles to reach the strap but it keeps being out of reach]

  • Buzz Lightyear: You can do it, Woody!

  • [Woody jumps and grabs the strap]

  • Woody: Whew, I made it! (laughs)

  • Buzz Lightyear: (gasps)

  • [Woody look back to see Scud running towards them]

  • Woody: Aaaaaah!

  • [Scud bite on Woody's foot]

  • Woody: (kicking Scud with his other foot) Get away, you stupid dog! Down! Down! Aah! Aah!

  • [Scud began to drag Woody down to the end of the strap]

  • Buzz Lightyear: Hold on, Woody!

  • Woody: I can't do it! Take care of Andy for me!

  • Buzz Lightyear: No!

  • [Buzz jumps off of the truck and onto Scud's snout. He pull Scud's eyelids and snap them hard. Scud yelps in pain, letting go of Woody. He bucks wildly with Buzz still on him]

  • Woody: Buzz!

  • [Still hanging onto the strap, Woody scrambles up onto the bumper. He unlocks the back door of the truck and strains to get it open. Just then, the moving truck and the family van stop at the traffic lights. Woody slams into the door, making it slide up, carrying him with it. Hanging from the door, Woody scans the inside of the truck until he saw a box marked ANDY'S TOYS. Scud flings Buzz off his face. Buzz tumbles under a parked car. Scud runs to the car but can't get to Buzz due to the car too big for him to fit under. Woody open the box and inside is Slinky, Rex, Mr. Potato Head and Hamm]

  • Toys: What?

  • Rex: Are we there already? Woody!

  • Slinky: Woody?! How'd you--

  • Hamm: How did you--

  • [Woody push the box to the side and begin rummaging through the next box. Slinky, Potato Head, Rex and the other toys poke their heads out]

  • Hamm: What's going on? What's he taking?

  • Woody: Ah-hah! There you are!!

  • [The toys watch in confusion as Woody took out RC and his remote control out of the box]

  • Mr. Potato Head: Hey! What's he doing?

  • [Woody runs to the back of the truck and kicks RC out onto the street, making the toys scream in horror]

  • Rex: He's at it again!

  • [Woody turn on the remote and send RC to the parked car, pasting Scud on the way. RC's motor whirrs happily at Buzz being OK and Buzz smiles at him]

  • Woody: (laughs)

  • [The traffic light turned green, allowing the moving truck and Andy's family van to drive on]

  • Mr. Potato Head: Get him!

  • [The toys pour out of their boxes and charge towards Woody]

  • [Woody look back, gasps and quickly turn the wheel on the remote, making RC zoom with Buzz on board him towards the truck with Scud in hot pursuit. Woody steers the remote while trying to fend off the angry toys]

  • Woody: Ah-h!! Ah-h! No, no!

  • [Scud continues chasing Buzz and RC down the street, nearly close to chomp on him. In the truck, Rocky lifts Woody and spin him around in circles]

  • Woody: No, no, no! Wait!

  • (as Rocky spins him)

  • Woody: Whoa-Whoa-Whoa...!

  • [RC suddenly starts going around in circles because of the remote going around in Woody's hand]

  • Buzz Lightyear: (spinning) Whoa-Whoa-Whoa...!

  • [Rocky throws Woody to the floor, making RC going straight again with Scud still chasing him and Buzz clinging to him. Hamm leaps off a pile of boxes and onto Woody]

  • Hamm: Pig pile!!

  • [The impact makes RC jump into the air and back onto the road. Buzz lands on RC, facing backwards. The traffic lights turn red and the wall of cross traffic move from both directions. Buzz looks back to see the lines of traffic in front of him]

  • Buzz Lightyear: Aaaah!

  • [He and RC drive straight into the lines of traffic with Scud blindly following them. Scud saw a car slamming on it's brakes on his side and went wide-eyed, realizing his mistake and skids to stop. The car swerves to avoid Scud and crashes into another car. Buzz and RC zipped through before the other cars collide with each other. Soon there is a multi-car pile up that encircles Scud, trapping him. He runs back and forth, trying to find a way out while people in their cars honk their horns at each other and shouting at each other]

  • Woman: Get out of that car!

  • Man: Move it!

  • [Buzz look up to see the crash and let out a sigh of relief, both for getting away from Scud and avoid getting hit by the cars. Back on the truck, Rocky holding Woody (still holding the remote) above his head and walk towards the open door]

  • Woody: No! Wait! You Don’t Understand! Buzz is out there! We've gotta help him!!

  • [He swung his arm and the remote around, accidentally knocks Mr. Potato Head's hat, eyes, mouth, nose and left ear off his body and onto the floor]

  • Mr. Potato Head: Toss him overboard!

  • Woody: No, no, no, wait! Ah!

  • [The toys throw Woody out into the road. The toys cheered as the truck rolled away]

  • Rex: Hooray!

  • Mr. Potato Head: So long Woody!

  • [Woody sighs in relief as he looks back and sees a blue car coming towards him. He ducks down to avoid getting hit as the car passes over him. Shaken, Woody gets up when Buzz and RC come racing up behind them]

  • Buzz Lightyear: Oh! Woody!

  • [RC sweeps up Woody and keeps driving. Woody found themselves sitting in front of Buzz while still holding the remote]

  • Woody: Oh! Well, thanks for the ride.

  • Buzz Lightyear: (pointing ahead) Look out!!

  • [They see that they're about to slam into the rear tire of the car in front of them. Woody screams and quickly turns the wheel on the remote to make a hard left, missing the tire. RC swerves under the car]

  • Woody: Now let's catch up to that truck!

  • [He flick the switch from ON to TURBO and RC speeds up towards the moving truck.

  • [The toys are busy congratulating one another when Lenny glances out of the back and spots Woody, and Buzz]

  • Lenny: Guys! Guys! Woody riding RC! And Buzz is with them!

  • Toys: What?!

  • [The toys rush to the edge of the open truck. Bo lifts Lenny up to look through him]

  • Bo Peep: It is Buzz! Woody was telling the truth!

  • [The toys including Mr. Potato Head gasp in shock and horrified at what they have done]

  • Slinky: What have we done?!

  • Rex: Great. Now I have guilt.

  • Woody: We're almost there!

  • [RC is gaining on the moving truck]

  • Bo Peep: Rocky, the ramp!

  • [Rocky rush over to a lever on the side of the back. The sign above it reads "RAMP: UP/DOWN." Rocky push down the lever and the ramp starts to lower down. Woody, and Buzz look up to see the ramp about to come down on top of them]

  • Buzz Lightyear: Look out!

  • [RC sped back just before the ramp slams down into the road. Sparks flew from the metal, scraping the road]

  • Slinky: (to other toys) Quick! Hold on to my tail!

  • [Mr. Potato Head and Rex grab on to Slinky's tail, allowing Slinky's front end to jump off the truck and onto the ramp. Slinky lean forward with his paw stretch out to Woody. Woody hands the remote to Buzz and leans forward to grab Slinky's paw. They grab hold of each other]

  • Mr. Potato Head: Attaboy, Slink!

  • [Then all of a sudden, RC starts to slow down, pulling Slinky's front end off the ramp]

  • Slinky: Woody!!

  • [His slinky middle began to stretch and the other toys look worried]

  • Slinky: Woody, speed up!

  • Woody: (to Buzz) Speed up!

  • Buzz Lightyear: The batteries! They're running out!

  • [RC's headlight eyes sag as he slows down even more. As Slinky continues to stretching, RC began to weave side-to-side like a water skier]

  • Slinky: Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!

  • [Inside the family van as the song Hakuna Matata from The Lion King plays, Molly look at the sideview mirror and saw RC with Woody, Buzz in it before they back out of view. Molly squeals with delight by the sight of what she saw. With Slinky's mid-section stretched to the limit, he began to lose his grip on Woody]

  • Slinky: I can't hold on much longer!

  • Woody: Slink! Hang on!

  • [Slinky's paws slips out of Woody's hands, sending his front shooting back into the truck and knocking over the toys]

  • Slinky: Aaaaaaah! Ouch!

  • [RC slows down and sputters to a stop. Woody and Buzz watch in vain as the family van and moving truck disappear down the street. A cuckoo bird's chirps]

28 Rocket Power

  • Woody: (disappointed) Great!

  • [Buzz drops the remote in disappointment as he looks back at the rocket, which is still attached to his back which gives him an idea!]

  • Buzz Lightyear: Woody! The rocket!

  • Woody: The match!

  • [He pull out the match from his holster that Sid had put there earlier]

  • Woody: Yes! Thank you, Sid!

  • [Woody runs around behind Buzz, strikes the match against RC's back tire and is about to light the fuse when a car whizzes over them, blowing out the match. Woody looks stunned at this, clenched the match in his hands and falls prostrate to the ground]

  • Woody: No! No, no, no! No! Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no! No...

  • [Unable to watch a cowboy cry, Buzz bows his head, causing his helmet to block the sun from Woody. As Buzz's shadow moves over him, Woody stops sobbing and suddenly saw a white dot on his hand which is the same dot generated from Sid's magnifying glass. Seeing that Buzz's helmet aims the sunlight on his hand, Woody got an idea. He leaps up, grab Buzz's helmet and aligns it so the sunlight touches the fuse]

  • Buzz Lightyear: Woody?! What are you doing?

  • Woody: Hold still, Buzz!

  • [The fuse lights]

  • Woody: Ha-ha!

  • Buzz Lightyear: You did it! Next stop: Andy!

  • [Then Woody stops smiling, remembering something]

  • Woody: Wait a minute... I just lit a rocket. Rockets explode!

  • [The rocket fires, making RC go super fast, passing car after car. Woody's face starts wagging by the speed as the moving truck appears ahead of them. The toys gather around Slinky who has his spring splayed out in his middle]

  • Slinky: I shoulda held on longer.

  • [Lenny look out of the back and saw Woody, Buzz, and RC zooming up to them]

  • Lenny: Look! Look! It's Woody and Buzz! Comin' up fast!

  • Rex: Woody!

  • [The rocket is so strong that it began to lift Woody and Buzz into the air. Woody manages to hold on to RC but not for long as he forces to lose his grip, sending RC towards the moving van]

  • Rex: Take cover!

  • [The toys ran out of the way. Only Mr. Potato Head remains standing as RC smash into him, sending his parts flying. The rocket carries Woody, and Buzz higher and higher]

  • Woody: Aaah! This is the part where we blow up!

  • Buzz Lightyear: Not today!

  • [He presses the red button which open his wings which breaks through the tape that holds him to the rocket. The toys separate from the rocket just before it explodes. The toys plummet towards the ground]

  • Woody: (covering his eyes) Aaah!

  • [Just then Buzz banks under some power lines. Woody takes a peek saw that they're really flying]

  • Woody: Hey, Buzz!! You're flying!!

  • Buzz Lightyear: This isn't flying. This is falling -- with style!

  • Woody: Ha-ha! To infinity, and beyond!

  • [They soar towards the moving truck but then they flew over it, much to Woody's confusion]

  • Woody: Uh, Buzz, we missed the truck!

  • Buzz Lightyear: We're not aiming for the truck!

  • [Woody look to see that they're gaining on the family van. They fly over to the sun roof and then drop into the car. Before anyone notices, Woody and Buzz land in a open box in the back seat, next to Andy hide behind the seat. Andy look over to see a limp Woody and Buzz inside the box]

  • Andy: Hey! Wow!

  • Andy's Mom: What? What is it?

  • Andy: (picking up the toys) Woody! Buzz!

  • Andy's Mom: Oh, great, you found them. Where were they?

  • Andy: Here, in the car!

  • Andy's Mom: See? Now, what did I tell you? Right where you left them.

  • [Andy hug his favorite toys happily. Woody and Buzz give each other a knowing wink before they resume freezement.]

29 Christmas In Andy's New House

  • [Months later, it's Christmas in Andy's new house. In the living room, Andy, his mom and Molly are around the Christmas tree, opening presents]

  • Andy: Which one can I open first?

  • Andy's Mom: Let's let Molly open one.

  • [In the Christmas tree, Sarge is using his binoculars to spy on them. His soldiers turn on the baby monitor to which they're holding in the branches. The other monitor plays on Andy's night stand]

  • Sarge: (over the monitor) Frankincense, this is Myrrh. Come in, Frankincense.

  • [Buzz now with his helmet permanently opened, is sitting on the edge of Andy's bed while Hamm rests on the nightstand. They listen to the monitor]

  • Hamm: (to the room) Hey, heads up everybody! It's showtime.

  • [The toys, and Woody are mingling together like a typical office Christmas party]

  • Rex: Oh! It's time!

  • [The toys stop dancing and hurried over to the monitor. Woody is about to follow when Bo grabs him with her crook]

  • Woody: Whoooooah! Oh! Bo! (rubbing his neck) There's gotta be a less painful way to get my attention.

  • Bo Peep: Merry Christmas, Sheriff.

  • [Bo points her crook upwards to her sheep with mistletoe in their mouths]

  • Woody: Say, isn't that mistletoe?

  • Bo Peep: Mm-hmmmmm.

  • [Bo drops her crook, dips Woody and kisses him]

  • [The toys are congregated below the monitor this time with excitement instead of fear this time]

  • Rex: (to Slinky) Maybe Andy'll get another dinosaur, like a leaf-eater. That way, I could play the, uh, dominant predator. Ha ha ha!

  • [Slinky laughs with him]

  • Buzz Lightyear: Quiet, everyone, quiet!

  • Sarge: (over monitor) Molly's first present is... Mrs. Potato Head. Repeat. A Mrs. Potato Head.

  • [Mr. Potato Head looks overjoyed]

  • Hamm: Way to go, Idaho!

  • Mr. Potato Head: Gee, I better shave.

  • [He takes off his moustache piece and flick it away. Woody climbs onto the bed and join Buzz, his face covered in lipstick from Bo kissing him]

  • Sarge: (over monitor) Come in, Frankincense. Andy is now opening his first present it’s a-- (Static)

  • [Buzz bangs the side of the monitor]

  • Woody: Buzz. Buzz Lightyear. You are not worried, are you?

  • Sarge: (over monitor) I can't quite make out -- (Static)

  • Buzz Lightyear: (defensively) Me? No, no, no, no... Mm-mmm. Are you?

  • Woody: (laughing) Now, Buzz, what could Andy possibly get that is worse than you?

  • Andy: Oh, what is it? What is it?

  • [Buster is heard barking]

  • Andy: Wow, a puppy!

  • [Woody and Buzz look at each other in surprise for a sec then share a worried smile.]

  • [The end.]

The Entire Toy Story Transcript: Part 11 (FINAL PART) | Fandom (2025)
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Author: Rob Wisoky

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Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

Address: 5789 Michel Vista, West Domenic, OR 80464-9452

Phone: +97313824072371

Job: Education Orchestrator

Hobby: Lockpicking, Crocheting, Baton twirling, Video gaming, Jogging, Whittling, Model building

Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.