Study and Career Pathways Courses | TAFE NSW (2024)

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Career Preparation and Advancement Certificate IAccess to Work and Training Certificate IPreparation for Work and Training Certificate IICareer Preparation Certificate IIICareer Advancement English for Further Study TAFE StatementEnglish for Non-Residents Statement of AttainmentBasic Spelling Statement of AttainmentPreparation for OET (Reading and Writing) Statement of AttainmentPreparation for the IELTS Test Statement of AttainmentReading, Writing and Pronunciation Skills Statement of AttainmentSpelling and Grammar Statement of AttainmentPreparation for OET (Listening and Speaking) Certificate IIIAdvanced English for Further Study Certificate IIIPathways to Further Study Certificate IIIEnglish for Further Study Certificate IVEnglish for Academic Purposes Enterprise and Career Skills HSC and Tertiary Preparation TAFE StatementEssential Mathematics for Higher Education TAFE StatementHSC Studies Statement of AttainmentDefence Preparation Maths Statement of AttainmentDefence Preparation Science Statement of AttainmentDefence Preparation English Certificate IVTertiary Preparation Vocational Pathways TAFE StatementEducation and Employment Pathways TAFE StatementVocational Language Program Statement of AttainmentReading for Adults Certificate IAccess to Vocational Pathways Certificate ISkills for Vocational Pathways CourseCourse in Skills for Further Learning and Engagement Work, Study and Vocational Skills TAFE StatementFoundation Reading and Writing for Adults – 3 modules TAFE StatementFoundation Reading and Writing for Adults – 2 modules TAFE StatementFoundation Reading and Writing for Adults – 1 module Statement of AttainmentFoundation Skills Support Statement of AttainmentFoundation Skills Support Statement of AttainmentPersonal Budgets and Planning for Financial Growth Statement of AttainmentWriting and Computing for Work Statement of AttainmentDigital Literacy - Intermediate Statement of AttainmentIntroduction to Digital Skills Statement of AttainmentProfessional Writing Statement of AttainmentFoundation Skills Support Statement of AttainmentFurther Digital Skills Statement of AttainmentFoundation Skills Support Statement of AttainmentUnderstanding Digital Devices Statement of AttainmentPrepare for Computing Pathways Statement of AttainmentReading and Writing Statement of AttainmentAdvanced Oral Workplace Communication 1 Statement of AttainmentInformation, Technology and Digital Workplace Skills Statement of AttainmentBeginner Computer Skills Certificate IGeneral Education for Adults (Introductory) Certificate IISkills for Work and Vocational Pathways Certificate IIFurther Study Skills

Gain confidence in yourself as you develop strong study skills, move into further study or get ready to join the workforce. Whether you are aiming to complete a degree or a trade qualification, we'll make sure you have the tools and support you need to succeed both inside and outside of the classroom.

Career Preparation and Advancement

Sharpen your skills in the classroom, communicate effectively and plan for your future study and career goals. Get one-on-one support from great teachers as you gain confidence in your abilities. more...

  • Certificate IAccess to Work and Training


    Gain foundational skills and learn in a supportive environment designed to meet your needs. Build on your professional abilities and personal confidence as you prepare to begin the career and study pathway of your choice.

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  • Certificate IPreparation for Work and Training


    Build your foundational reading, writing and maths skills, learning in a supportive environment designed to meet your needs. Grow confidence in your talents so that you can begin the study pathway of your choice. Build skills you need in the workplace and set yourself up for a successful future.

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  • Certificate IICareer Preparation


    Be inspired to reach your career dreams as you learn fundamental study and workplace skills. Gain confidence in yourself and your abilities, and prepare to find a career path to set you up for professional success.

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  • Certificate IIICareer Advancement


    Develop your confidence in the classroom or workplace and learn skills needed to thrive in further study or progress your career. Move forward with support from TAFE NSW's expert staff and flexible learning environment.

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English for Further Study

Learn to thrive in an academic environment as you research and write advanced English texts, explore critical thinking strategies and improve your written and verbal skills. more...

  • TAFE StatementEnglish for Non-Residents


    Further develop your English language skills in speaking, listening, reading and writing using everyday real world contexts. Understand Australian culture and systems and learn about available resources that can support your settlement in Australia.

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  • Statement of AttainmentBasic Spelling


    Gain confidence in your writing and speaking by learning spelling rules and strategies. Build skills to support you in your daily life, to pursue further study and in the workplace.

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  • Statement of AttainmentPreparation for OET (Reading and Writing)


    Gain English communication skills and test strategies to sit the Occupational English Test (OET) with confidence. Improve your English reading and writing skills and learn in contexts specific to your healthcare profession.

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  • Statement of AttainmentPreparation for the IELTS Test


    Prepare to sit the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) with help from highly experienced teachers. Get support to develop your English language skills and take practice tests to build your confidence.

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  • Statement of AttainmentReading, Writing and Pronunciation Skills


    Improve your core English language skills needed to communicate clearly and effectively in study or work. Learn native speaker pronunciation tips and tricks specific to Australian English and to the areas of your life in which you need to communicate.

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  • Statement of AttainmentSpelling and Grammar


    Gain confidence in your writing and speaking by learning spelling rules and grammar. Build skills to support you in your daily life, to pursue further study and in the workplace.

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  • Statement of AttainmentPreparation for OET (Listening and Speaking)


    Gain English communication skills and test strategies to sit the Occupational English Test (OET) with confidence. Improve your English listening and speaking skills and learn in contexts specific to your healthcare profession.

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  • Certificate IIIAdvanced English for Further Study


    Achieve your dreams of completing higher education and gain the practical skills you need to succeed in study and work environments. Graduate with advanced reading, writing and speaking skills, and move on to further studies or better job opportunities.

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  • Certificate IIIPathways to Further Study


    Gain the knowledge and experience to take the next step towards your future. Boost your study and workplace skills as you reach your goals in this Year 11 equivalent course.

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  • Certificate IIIEnglish for Further Study


    Strengthen your English skills and gain confidence by taking a bold step towards your dream career. Develop high-level skills such as report writing and oral presentations. With a teacher's guidance, learn to succeed in an academic environment.

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  • Certificate IVEnglish for Academic Purposes


    Advance your English comprehension and gain the essential skills to succeed at university. Learn how to think critically, use technology for e-learning and work in a team. Achieve your goal of completing a higher education qualification.

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Enterprise and Career Skills

Help people explore their potential and overcome difficulties as you facilitate their transformation into confident learners with targeted individual support. more...

  • There are no courses currently being offered.

HSC and Tertiary Preparation

Do you need Year 10 or Year 12 equivalent qualifications, entry into the Australian Defence Force, or an ATAR? From short courses that give you foundation skills right up to preparation for degree-level study, TAFE NSW will prepare you for your future. more...

  • TAFE StatementEssential Mathematics for Higher Education


    Bridge the gap from standard to advanced level in your mathematic ability. Gain the necessary 2 unit advanced requirement to study your chosen degree or to gain employment. Learn virtually from anywhere in the state in a supportive, tertiary environment.

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  • TAFE StatementHSC Studies


    Whatever your age or situation, TAFE NSW has created a safe and supportive space to complete your year 12 HSC. Prepare for a TAFE NSW degree, future study or the workforce. Collaborate with a diverse range of people and study on your terms.

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  • Statement of AttainmentDefence Preparation Maths


    Boost your Math skills and get ready for the Australian Defence Force (ADF) Recruiting process. Develop Math skills that are directly related to working with the ADF and will be useful to your future career, further studies or vocational training.

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  • Statement of AttainmentDefence Preparation Science


    Increase your chances of getting into the Australian Defence Force (ADF). Improve your knowledge of science and gain skills you can apply in situations that are directly relevant to working with the ADF and that will be useful to your future career. 

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  • Statement of AttainmentDefence Preparation English


    Prepare to join the Australian Defence Force (ADF) and learn foundational English skills that are directly relevant to working with the ADF. Improve your reading and writing skills that will set you up for success in your future studies or career.

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  • Certificate IVTertiary Preparation


    This is a university preparation course also called TPC that gives you a tertiary entrance score and access to university without the HSC. Study academic writing, maths, science, statistics, humanities and English at a local college or online.

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Vocational Pathways

Start setting goals for your future as you develop foundational reading, writing and maths skills. Gain confidence in yourself and be prepared for further study and career pathways. more...

  • TAFE StatementEducation and Employment Pathways


    This course is designed to provide disengaged students with an introduction to vocational training and employment pathway options.

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  • TAFE StatementVocational Language Program


    Gain the foundational skills to bring your small business idea to life. This course is ideal for people with English as an additional language. You'll learn to improve your literacy skills, as well as how to successfully run your own business.

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  • Statement of AttainmentReading for Adults


    Build your digital skills and gain more confidence in reading and responding to workplace texts. Gain foundational skills you can use for further study and in your workplace, or for your own personal development.

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  • Certificate IAccess to Vocational Pathways


    Take the first step towards further study or employment. Improve your reading, writing and maths skills in a supportive environment. Learn skills you can use at work such as using a computer, filling in forms and communicating with team mates.

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  • Certificate ISkills for Vocational Pathways


    Gain the confidence to reach your goals. Build your reading, writing and maths skills and learn how to communicate with others in this foundation course. You will be provided with a nurturing and supportive environment to succeed in the workforce or further studies.

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  • CourseCourse in Skills for Further Learning and Engagement


    Build your confidence and get a taste of TAFE and vocational study in this short and exciting course. You'll benefit from kind and helpful teachers while building skills in reading, communication and technology.

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Work, Study and Vocational Skills

Increase your confidence and be supported to set study and career goals. Improve your English and maths skills, and learn to use computers and technology. Discover a path towards your future job. more...

  • TAFE StatementFoundation Reading and Writing for Adults – 3 modules


    It’s never too late to improve how you learn, read, write, speak or use digital technology. Our teachers will personalise your learning plan, so the course works for you. Discover the confidence to succeed and build the life you’ve always dreamed of.

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  • TAFE StatementFoundation Reading and Writing for Adults – 2 modules


    This course prepares you for work, study and social situations. Our teachers will create personalised plans to improve how you read, write and communicate. You’ll also develop basic skills in digital technology and maths, to help with everyday life.

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  • TAFE StatementFoundation Reading and Writing for Adults – 1 module


    An overview for this course is currently not available.

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  • Statement of AttainmentFoundation Skills Support


    Be supported as you develop key workplace, learning and life skills. From reading and writing to communication, technology and numeracy, you will choose two units and develop the confidence to pursue further studies or work in your chosen career.

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  • Statement of AttainmentFoundation Skills Support


    Be supported by TAFE NSW as you develop key workplace and learning skills. From reading and writing to technology and numeracy skills, this course will help you gain confidence in your abilities to move forward in your studies and pursue your chosen career.

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  • Statement of AttainmentPersonal Budgets and Planning for Financial Growth


    Gain the skills and knowledge to manage your personal finances, develop financial goals and plan a budget. Learn how to use spreadsheets to track your income and spending, while build your confidence and critical thinking skills.

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  • Statement of AttainmentWriting and Computing for Work


    Boost your writing and computer skills with this targeted short course. Learn to write for work and use word processing programs. Whether you want to enter the workforce or improve in your current role, this course can help you reach your goals.

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  • Statement of AttainmentDigital Literacy - Intermediate


    Gain confidence to use your personal devices with pizzazz. Use the internet to do work tasks like sending emails or having video calls. Complete daily tasks like filling out online forms, using Google Maps and developing your English language skills.

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  • Statement of AttainmentIntroduction to Digital Skills


    Learn essential digital skills for work and home. In this short course, you'll gain practical knowledge of how to use computers and/or smartphones and tablets. Boost your confidence in a supportive environment.

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  • Statement of AttainmentProfessional Writing


    Improve your written communication and build confidence to pursue your career or learning goals. Gain skills to write text for education or work - from reports to emails. If you're preparing for further study or a more senior role, this course could be for you.

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  • Statement of AttainmentFoundation Skills Support


    Be supported by TAFE NSW as you develop key workplace and learning skills. From reading and writing to technology and numeracy skills, you will gain confidence in your abilities to move forward in your studies and pursue your chosen career

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  • Statement of AttainmentFurther Digital Skills


    Build your confidence and learn day-to-day digital skills that are required in the workplace. You’ll also improve your writing skills and learn how to review and edit written documents for spelling and grammar.

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  • Statement of AttainmentFoundation Skills Support


    Be supported by TAFE NSW as you develop key workplace and learning skills. From reading and writing to technology and numeracy skills, this course will help you gain confidence in your abilities to move forward in your studies and pursue your chosen career.

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  • Statement of AttainmentUnderstanding Digital Devices


    This short course makes it easy for you to catch up. Gain confidence by understanding digital devices that you need for everyday life, such as the computers, laptops, tablets and smartphones. Learn about emerging tech, e-learning and digital media basics.

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  • Statement of AttainmentPrepare for Computing Pathways


    Build your confidence and gain basic computer skills as you learn how to write and send emails, create spreadsheets, use Microsoft applications and communicate online. Learn and grow in a supportive environment and set yourself up for success.

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  • Statement of AttainmentReading and Writing


    This course will help you improve your reading, writing and oral communication skills through project-based learning. You'll practise reading and writing to help you prepare for further study in English in a supportive, small class.

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  • Statement of AttainmentAdvanced Oral Workplace Communication 1


    Improve your verbal communication skills in the Australian workplace. If you’re from a culturally and linguistically diverse background, this course can help you confidently communicate in the workplace, when finding a job or before your next course.

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  • Statement of AttainmentInformation, Technology and Digital Workplace Skills


    Navigate the internet and use digital communications and emerging technology with ease. Gain fundamental digital literacy skills that will contribute to your personal development, aid you in pursuing further study or enhance your work performance.

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  • Statement of AttainmentBeginner Computer Skills


    Build your confidence with computers and other technology in a helpful and welcoming environment. Gain essential computer skills that will be useful for your study or career goals.

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  • Certificate IGeneral Education for Adults (Introductory)


    Discover a path towards a future job with the help of supportive teachers. They'll guide you to improve your basic maths and general education skills. After completing this certificate, you will be able to access further study, employment or to participate in the community.

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  • Certificate IISkills for Work and Vocational Pathways


    Uncover your potential and build your confidence for further study or the workforce. You will improve your literacy and numeracy skills, communicate effectively in the workplace, and develop study and employment goals in a supportive and nurturing environment.

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  • Certificate IIFurther Study Skills


    Gain skills that can set you up for greater success in trade apprenticeships, vocational training and the Australian Defence Force. Boost your abilities across reading, writing, digital literacy, science, technology, engineering and maths.

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Study and Career Pathways Courses | TAFE NSW (2024)
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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Author information

Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.